Editorial-Neglected factors in municipal administration


Part of The Local Government Review

Editorial-Neglected factors in municipal administration
Rivera, Juan F.
Municipal government--Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This discusses the neglected factors encountered by the local government unit’s officials: 1) reasonable compensation and 2) recognition of barrio lieutenant’s activities. ]
The LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW Monthly Organ to Promote the Welfare and Prosperity of the Provinces, Cities and Municipalities and their Inhabitants. ----000-83 D. Tuazon Ave., Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City, Philippines. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::~::: PE.TRA 0. RIVERA JUAN F. RIVERA JOSE R. COLLANTE Busine;;s Manager Editor Associate GOVERNORS, MAYORS, TREASURERS, AUDITORS, FISCALS, DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS, DISTRICT ENGINEERS, DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICERS, AND AGRICULTURAL SUPERVISORS-Contribut.ing Staff =:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::"'''""'""'"""'"'"""'•m:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: EditorialNEGLECTED FACTORS IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Let us design local administration afresh and enrich municipal life so as to bring it more in accord with modern aspirations and developing social needs. Only in this way can the machinery of government be kept responsive to public opinion especia:1Jy in the rural communifies. One vital step in the process would be to grant reasonabl·e compensation to municipal councilors and their barrio lieutenants. Historically, these municipal officials occupy ·positions considered as honorary. But how far should civic spirit or historical tradition be permitted to ignore the demands of public efficiency and family or personal needs for earthly existence? Modern psychology points out that the true means of inducing others and of getting the best results from their efforts lies fundamentally in providing compensation which wou.l<l resu~t in a permanent undedying enthusiasm. Hence, historical tradition must yield to the expediency of securing a more enthusiastic consciousness of service, particularly on the part of municipal councilors and barrio lieutenants. Thus, for municipal councilors, we urge payment of gradu.ated per diem compensation in accordance with the class of their respective municipalities, say P5 for 1st class, if'4 for 2nd class, P3 for 3rd class and 1"2 for 4th and 5th class, instead of the present rate of P2 permissible irres1 pective of the class of municipalities. (Continued on next page) THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW is published monthly by Mrs. Petra 0. Rivera with Atty. Juan F. Rivera, Chief of the Provincial Division of the Department of the Interior, and Mr. Jose R. Collante, Provincial Treasurer of Sorsogon as Editor :ind Associate Editor, respectively. Entered as second cl3Ss mail rr.a'tter at the Manila Post Office on J anu-.ry 24, 1949. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:-Pl0.00 a year; P6.00 for six months; l'l.00 per copy. Foreign rates: Double. BUSINESS OFFICE :-Comer 50 Laon-Laan and 83 Tuazon Avenue, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City. PRINTED BY BUSTAMANTE PRESS, 514 P. Gomez, Quiapo, Manila Page 142 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW MESSAGE Social and economic progress is inseparably linked with municipal institutions. Local governments constitute the base upon which the foundations of democracy and of orderly civilized living are rooted. From them the nation draws strength, vigor and vitality. There is nothing with which the citizen comes into more intima.te contact, or brings him closer to the Administration than the local government. It touches the daily Zif e of the citizen in its ramified aspects, influences his thoughts and sentiments, builds his traditions, and develops in him his capabilities for sound and · responsible citizenship. De Tocqueville's dictum has become a classic: "A nation may establish a system of free government, hut without the spirit of municipal institutions it cannot have -the spirit of liberty." The improvement and invigoration of local government administration is a continuing task. A just and progressive execution of the laws and policies of the Republic in the interest of our people needs an equipment of vital, up-to-date information on the facts and problems of local government administration. ' The LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW should fill that need. It sh01•lrl rr,..f rr!'I a feeler and a registering medium to record the proarP..Q8 WP. arP. making in the task of directing local governmental work so that it may be responsive at all times to the will and the aims and the aspirations of our people. I wish to congratulate the editors of the LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW for initiating the publication of this worthy magazine. Febr1mry 26, 1949 Neglected Factors .. . --)o(- - PIO PEDROSA Secretary of Finance F'or barrio lieutenants, a recognition of their activities is· a tribute which the proper authorities would do well to pay in fuller measure. They are the most neglected factors in rur2.l .life administration. While they spearhead campaigns for peace and order, e~termination of locusts, pests and animal diseases, collection of taxes and food production, and do many errands, they get nothing tangible in return except free res• idence tax and the satisfaction of. serving; their people faithfully. On their behaff, we advocate that .municipal councils be vested with discretionary or permissive power to provide them with compensation which should be lower than that which may be authorized for the councilor of the barrio or barrios concerned, upon the recommendation of the Rural Council in such barrio or barrios, so that this rural unit of local administration may be revitalized.- JFR. MARCH, 1949 Page 143