Historical document


Part of The Local Government Review

Historical document
Department of the Pacific and Eighth Army Corps
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This contains the following instructions, issued by the commanding officer of troops on the railway line, for the establishment of order and temporary government in the towns adjacent to that line and within territory of United States occupation, have been approved by the Department Commander, and the same have been adopted as proper measures and regulations or the temporary control of all cities and towns which the United States have or may hereafter take possession of and hold in cases where civil administration is wanting. They will be put in force by the senior officer of troops present in so far as conditions permit-those officers exercising over the formation of such government and the proceedings under its immediate supervision.]
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE PACIFIC AND EIGHTH ARMY CORPS GENERAL ORDERS, No. 43 Manila, P. I., August 8, 1899. The following instructions, is,swed by the commanding officer of tro_ops on the railway line, for the estabhshment of order and temporary government in the towns adjacent to 'lhat line· and within ·\·erritory of United States oco:.ipation, have been a'pproved by the Department Commander, and the same have been adopled as proper measures and regulations ~or the temporary control of all cities and towns which the United States have or may hereafter take posse~8-ion of and hold in cases where civil administration is wanting. They will be put in force by the senior officer of troops present in so far as conditions permit-those officers exercising over the formation of such government and the proceedings under its immediate supervision. They are as fOlllows: 1. In each town there will be a Municipal Council, composed of a Pre'· ident and as many representatives _or headmen as there may be wards or barrios in the town, which shaH te charg2d with the maintenance of public order and the regulations of municipal affairs in particulars hereinafter named. lt will formulate rules to govern its sessions and order of business, connected therewith, and by majority vote (to be determined by the President in case of a tie) will, • 1hrough the adoption of " Jrdina.nces or decrees. to be executed by the President, administer the muni·· cipal government; but no ordinanC'2 or decree shall be enforced until it receives ihe approval of the Commanding Officer of the troops there stationed. 2. The Pres.ident shall be elected by a viva voce vote of residents of the town, approved bv the Commanding Officer, and, together with the headmen or representatives of the Council, $hall hold office for one year. He MARCH, 1949 shall be of native birth and parentage and a resident and property owner of the town. The headmen shall be elected by a vfrci voce vot·e of residents of their wards or barrios and shall reside· and own property therein. 3. The President shall be the executive of the Municipal Counci~ to exe- . cute its decrees issued for the following purposes, viz : To es'.·ablish a police force. To collect taxes and license fees, to act as treasurer ·of public funds and to make disbursement on warrants of the Council. To enforce regulations relating to traffic and the sale of spiribs, to establish and regulate markets, to inspect live stock and record transfers and brands of the same. To perform the duties formerly beJonging to the Lieutenant of paddy fields. To enforce sanitary measures. To establi-sh schools. To provide for lighting the town. 4. The senior headman, or one designated by the Council, shall be VicePresident of the same, assistant to the· President and shall be ex-officio Lieutenant of PO'lice. 5. The headman of a .ward is the delegate of the 'Pres,ident for that ·ward; shall take measures to maintain order and shall have power to r.ppoint two as• s.istants·. 6. The Council shaf..l have no jurisdiction in civil cases., but on the appli-· cation of parties in interest and their agreement in writing to accept the :iward of !he Council it shall hear and decide cases" involving property not to exceed in value $500. 7. In criminal matters the President, representing the Council, shall make the preliminary examination and, according to the result, ctischarge the prisoner or transfer him immediately (Continued on preceding page) Page 187