Mandatory powers of municipal councils


Part of The Local Government Review

Mandatory powers of municipal councils
Municipal government--Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This refers to the Section 2242, Administrative Code]
Mandatory Powers Of Municipal Councils [Section 2242, Adrninfatrative Godel It shall be the dU'ty of the municipal council, conformably with , law: (a) To fix the salaries of aH municipal oFicers and employees except the treasurer and teachers in the public schools, and to provide for such expenditures as are necessary in the proper conduct of the lawful activities of, the various branches of the municipal government. (b) To provide a municipal building adequate for the municipal offices, and other buildings requfred for municipal uses, including schoolhouses .. (c) To provide for 'the levy and collect10n of municipal faxes and for the collection of all fees and charges cons,~ ituting lawful sources of municipal revenue or income. ( d) To establish , and maintain an efficient police department and an adequate municipal jail or prison. (e) To regulate the construction, care, and use of streets, sidewalks, cainals wharves and pier·s· in the municipa:Uty, and prevent and remove obstacles and encroachment on the same. (f) To construct and keep in repair bridges and viaducts, and regulate the use of the same. (g) To regulate the selling, giving away' or dispensing of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed, or fermented liquors at retail. (h) To declare and abate nuisance. (i) To resfrain riots, disturbances, and disorderly assemblages. (j) To • prohibit aind penalize intoxica:lion,- fighting, gambling, mendicancy, prostitution, the keeping of disorderly houses, and other species o~ disorderly conduct or disturbance of the peace. lk) To provide for the punishment ;.nd suppression of vagrancy and the puni·shment of any person found within the . town wi.thOut legitimate busiJ!ess or visible means of suppor.t. (I) To suppress and penainze cruelty to animals. , . (m) 'l'o prohibit the throwing or depositing of filth, garbage, or other offensive matter in any street,· aJi,ey, park, or public square; provide for the sui'table c.ollection , and disposition of such matter and for ·cleaning and keeping clean the streets, alleys, parks and other public places of the municipal~ ity. (n) To regulate the keeping and use of animals in so far as the same affect the public health and the health of domestic animals. ( o) To require any land or building which is in an insanitary condition to be cleansed at the expense of the owner or ·t~mant, and, upon failure to comply with such an order, have the work done and assess the expense upon the land or building. (p) To construct and keep in repair public drains, sewers and cesspools, and regulate the construction and use of private water-closets, privies, sewers, drains, and cesspools. (q) To establish or authorize the establishment of slaughterhouses and markets, and inspect and 'regu,late the use of the same. (r) To provide for and regu~·ate the ins.pection of meat, fruits, poultry, milk, fish, \egetables, and all o'ther 8 rticles of food. (s) To adopt such other measures, including internal quarantine regulations, as may from time to time be deemed desirable or necessary to prevent the introduction and spread of disease. · ALWAYS BE A CONSISTENT WINNER IN THE SWEEPSTAKES!! Buy your tickets from \ MARCELA MEER-MILLAR Lady Star and Lucky .Agent No, 2 Seller of FIRST - SECOND - THIRD and CHARITY prizes ' 329 P. Gomez, Manila Page 170 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW