Our local officials


Part of The Local Government Review

Our local officials
Borja, Jacinto C.
Yia, Manuel
Marin, Nicasio F.
De Dios, Ramon
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article features short profile of various local officials: Jacinto C. Borja, Manuel Yia, Nicasio F. Marin, and Ramon De Dios]
"OUR LOCAL OFFICIALS" HON. JACINTO C. BQRJA Provincial Governor of Bohol -ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN PHILIPPINE CIVICS 1. obligations 2. citizenship 3. willingly 4. promptly 5. Constitution 6. patriotism 7. ·national anthem 8. Quarantine 9. smallpox 10. Red Cross 11. municipal police 12. Philippine Constabulary 13. fire department 14. justice 15. six 16. two hundred 17. poor 18. rich 19. homestead 20. dynamite 21. save 22. "Strike" 23. mail service 24. telegraph 25. telephone. MARCH, 1949 Personal Circ?qr?s_tances: -Bo_ :i;n. on October 31, 190?, in Tagbilaran, Bohol; married to Natividad Lopez; three children. ' Ed1tcCLtional Attainments: IA.A-Silliman University; Ll.B.-University of the Philippines; Ll.M.-University of Columbia, New York City; D.C.L.-University of Sto. Tomas. Profession: Lawyer (not in active practice) . Experiences mid Activities : l\fember of the undefea:ted U.P. debating team which toured the U.S. in 1930; Toured Europe and observed in the Universities of Oxford, Heidelberg, and Sor borne at !Paris; Taken in by President Quezon to serve in the Division of F'oreign Relations, Malacafian; Special Attache to the Resident-Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States; Admibted by the Supreme Court of the United States to practice law in that country;' Chief of the European Affairs Division, . J;)epartment of Foreign Affairs, upon its creation. Hobbies : Reading, raising fruit trees, and tennis·. Motto: Life is too short to be little. (Contimied on p~ge 159) NATURE AND POSSIBILITIES OF ECONOMY IN GOV1E:RNMENT There are three types . of economy !n government. The first consists in the curtailment of government expenditures to the lowest pos1 sible figure which seems feasible at a given time and under given circumstances. This is a negative type of economy, perhaps more properly called parsimony. The second type consists of wise and intelligent selection of the purposes of public outlays and of public as compared with alternative private outlays which may fuecome impossible if the government conscripts private funds through taxation. This is the balancing process * * *. Finally there is the type of. economy which consists of iretting the most output from the lea:sit imput.-Harold M. Groves on Financing Government, p. 51'9 [1939]. Page 153 Our local. .. General Authority . . . · de exigir el qu. e tomen una licencia en algun otro municipio o distrito municipal por el que estuvieren de paso para realizar sus negocios, a los buhoneros, tenderos o revendedores de baratijas, afinadores y reparadores' de pianos que no ejerzan su ocupaci6n en sus propios talleres o estab'lecimientos, as! como a los dueiios de circos, que hayan obtenido licencia a los tipos establec.idos por las ordenanzas de un municipio o distrito municipal. Art. 5. Se derogan las Leyes Numeros Tres mil cuatrocientos veintid6s, Tres mil setecientos. Tres mi.I setecienios noventa, Tres mil ochocientos treinra y .tres y Cuatro mil diecinueve. A rt. 6. E sta Ley entrara en vigor en cuanto sea aprobada. Aprobada, 16 de junio de 1939. 0 Note: The English t ext of th;, above Act is published on page 94, Vol. 1, No. 2 of this ma.aaZine. The rules and regulations governing the enforcement of this law will be published ·in the next issue, No. 4. MARCH, 1949 MtA.NUEL YIA Provincial Treasurer of Pampanga Personal Circuins.tances: 'Born in Biiian, Laguna, on June 17, 1884; married to Rosario Averilla of IPagsanjan, Laguna; and their children are Vicente, a doctor of medicine and Luz, a Ph.S. graduate. Educational attainment: Commerce and Busine.ss Administration. Profession : Accountant (not in active practice). Experience and Activities :-Clerk, Bureau of Constahulary; Bookkeeper, Provincial Treasury of Laguna; Assist&nt Provincial Treasu.rer of Cotabato; Provincial Treasurer of Cotabato, 'Bukidnon, Lanao, SuJu, and Al bay; Acting \Provincial Governor of Cotabato and Lanao. Hobbies : Cattle and poultry raising. Motto: Do one good thing every day. (Continued on page 184.) Page 159 Our Local ... N!GA:::l!O F. MARIN Provincial Aitditor of- Pampanga Personal Circumstances: Born in GaJump!t, L Bulacan, on April 5, 1893; married to iJ< ellciana Molina of the same town; and their children are Librn.da, A.A., M.D., (U.P.); Jose, A.A., Senior, College of Medicine, U.P.; Arturo, A.A.; 2nd Year, College of Law, U.'P.; Leticia, 2;nd Yr., Pharmacy, Manila Central University; and Nicasio, Jr., 1st Year., College of Engineering, M.I.T. Educat': :onal Attainment: Intermediate Graduate (Valedictorian); 2nd Yr., Bulacan High School ; Engllish and Bookkeeping, JCS; and Higher Accounting, ICS. - ' E:.;periences an'd Activities: Chief Clerk, Assessor',s Off.ice; Land Tax Clerk; Asst. Internal Revenue Clerk; Asst. Bookkeeper; Paymaster; municipal treasurer in Bulacan; chief clerk, Auditor's Office in Bulacan, Tar lac, Gavite and Rizal; bureau auditor, GAO; and Provincial Auditor of Romblon, Abta, 'Bataan, Sorsogon, Quezon, La Union and Pampanga, his present station; ,A,uditor of Hunter's Guerrilla Unit, 1944-4.5; and Member, Malolos Lodge No. 46 of F ree and ·Accepted Masons as Junior Deacon. Hobbies: PoU'ltry raising and! farming. Motto: 'Be the work great or small, do it well or-none at all. (Continued on page 199) -*How to Appeal . .. tion shall have no force or effect. (Seccion 2335, Administrative Code of 1917.) 8. In case of executive orders issued by the municipal presid·ents and disapproved by the provincial board under section 2233 of the Administrative Code of 1917, the same procedure outlined above shall be followed, except that the appeal shall be taken by the municipal president concerned, instead of by the municipal council. (Unnumbered Prov. Cir., Sept. 16, 1918.) lDept. of the Interior P---:e 184 --o - --- - - - - THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW ·Our Local ... Activities ... WHEREAS, said appointment had to go thru various stages of action before they are finally aipproved and released and sent back to the offices of origin ; and WHEREAS, the • PN!sent siystem of waiting to get incN!ases of salaries and wages until the promotional appointments are aipproved has been found to be long and sometimes it takes several months or a year until said appointments are approYed and in some cases promotional appointments are lost thereby making the anicious official or employee disappointed: Upon motion by Honorable Perfecto Faypon, Governor of Ilocos Sur, The Provincial Governors and City Mayors in convention, today RESOLVED, as it hereby resol·ves, to petition the Congress of • the Philippin•es, to pass a law authorizing immediate payment of salary increases once an appointment is issued, prov'ded there are appropriations and funds for the • purpose and provided further that copies of said appointmenrt.s ar? MARCH, 1949 RAMON. DE DIOS Mayor of Tayug, ·Pangasirw..n Personal Circumstances: Born in Asingan, Pangasinan, on June 3, 1891; married; son of a member of the early Cabeza de Barangay. Educational Attainments: 3rd Yr., Normal Course; A,ttended summer classes in Lingayen, Pangasinan, Manila, and Baguio. Experiences and Activities: Municipal Teacher, 1910-1931; Employed in Hda. Hnas. Nable Jose in 1931; Notary Public in Tayug; Leader of the Labor Union of the Tenants of Hda. "El iPorvenir", Tayug; E'1ected Vice-Mayor, 1940. furnished to the Department Heads concerned and the Commissioner of Civil Service. This shall also hole' true to newly created positions in the sense that it can l:;e immedia1tely filled 0nce said positions are created and approved and there are appropriations therefor. RESOLVED FURTHER, to forward this resolution thru the respective Secretaries to both Houses of. Congress, Manila, earnestly recommending favora bl'e consideration. Carried unanimously. No. 33 WHEREAS, Section 79-D of the Administrative Code provides among other things, the followin: g: "The Department Head, upon the recommendation of the Chief of thf Bureau or office concerned, shall' appoint all subordinate officers and employees whose appointment is not expressly vested by law in the (Governor GJneral) Presid'ent of the Philip:pines, and may remove or punish them except as specially provided otherwise, in accordance with the Civil Service Law." Page 199
153, 159, 184, 199