Preventive regulations on various fire hazzards


Part of The Local Government Review

Preventive regulations on various fire hazzards
Fire prevention.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article is prepared by the Manila Fire Department. It contains preventive ways on various fire hazards such as: Storage of gasoline ; On smoking ; Matches ; Oily materials ; Oil burners ; Cooking and cleaning ; Electricity in the Home]
Preventive Regulations On Various Fire Hazards (Prepared by the Mcinila Fire Department) Storage of Gasoline (1) In all! cases, it is a safe rule to &ecure from the IF'ire Department a permit for the storage of. ga!Soline; (2) Smoking or ~arrying of matches or other smoking material shall be strictly prohibited in '\he premises of storage; (3) Keep away from all open flames such as stoves, heaters, torches and lighted lamps; (4) Take precautions against static electric sparks by providing proper grounding in transfer operations of gasaline; (5) El·ectric motor and other sparkemitting devices, when provided, should be of the type especially approved for such location and shalll be installed in accordance with regulations of th·e National IE'lectric Code; (6) Do not use steel or iron tools. which may .strike sparks; (7) Give proper ventilation to all p.Jaces where gasoline i·s stored; (8) Always provide sufficient foam chemical fire extinguishers· or a supply of sand for any emergency; (9) Quantity ·storage of. gasoline should hoe duly reported to the F'ire Department and a permit of approval secured before mruking any storage. On Smoking (1) Be sure to crush with your foot all embers of di·scarded cigarettes; (2) Never smoke in bed; (3) Never throw cigarette butts into 'Naste paper baskets, rubbish or in the 1•icinity of combustible materials. Cigarette butts should be thrown into me"'.:al ash trays, where available; (4) Take heed and obey strictly "NO SMOKING" signs whenever you see 'lhem. Such locations are around magazines, saw mHls, stables, garages, gasoline storage and other localities having unusual hazards; (5) Never smoke in manufacturing plants, except where buildings and contents are of non-combustible material. MARCH, 1949 Matches (1) Use safety matches which strike only on the box, or on specially prepared surfaces; (21 Avoid t h,e use of "Strike-AnY\Yhere" matches which may cause fire by friction in the pocket or by being stepped. on. Many tragedies have occurred to women who stepped on these matches. and ignited their gowns; (.3) Matches should be kept out of the hands of children and irresponsible persons; (4) ,They shall be kept in safe containers, and quantity storage should be confined to metal or metal-lined bins or boxes. (5) Never strike matches in the :proximity of, combustible materials; ( 6) A, good practice is to break every match struck between your fingers after you have used it and before throwing it away. Oily Matericds (1) Provide a sufficient number of standard waste cans and oily waste, should be placed in these cans during· the day and removed from the building at night without fail ; (2) Clean waste should be stored irr metal-lined bins. . If preferred, standard .cans may be hung . from posts, provided they are arranged to be readily removed and to maintain a 4-inch clearance to wood posts·; (3) When wais.te is past its usefulness, it should be burned; and care should be taken to keep it away from 3weeping or other refuse, owing to the extra hazard. Oil Burners (1) Be sLire that oil cookers do not leak and that they will not overturn; (2) Keep the burners clean and do not turn the flames too high; (3) Keep the oil can outside of the house, if possible; (4) Do not let floor beneath the can become oil soaked; (5) Make sure that the can does Page 181 RECOGNITION OF MERIT Republic of the Philippines . Department of. Education BUREAU OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS Manila March 11, 1949 The Editor The Local Government Review 83 D. Tuazon A:venue, Sta. Mesa Heights Quezon City Sir : Thank you very much for the January and 1 February, 1949 numbers of The Local Government Review. The materials in .this magazine will make good reading for those who are interested in the present tendencies in our locaq. governments, especially provincial and municipal affairs. Your magazine should help students of Philippine Government in the secondary schools and colleges, This Bureau i's therefore approving it for general ·reading in private secondary schools and colleges. I wish you success in your work of enlightening teachers and students in the working of our local governments·. not leak or drip; (6) Fill by daylight only any receptade in which oil fo> to be burned; (7) Never leave oil uncovered; (8) Never use oil or kerosene for starting or quickening fires. Cooking and Cleaning (1) Don't leave the stove while boiling is being done; (2) Don't pour water on burning fat; -i.1se earth, sand, flour, salt or a . J;1·etal cover ; (3) Never let a stove red hot; (4) .B:e careful not to use stove-po1ish on a hot stove; wait until it is . .cool; (5) Don't use any kind of stove-polish or other cleansing mixture un1'2ss you know what is in it; buy the safe kinds ; (6) Don't leave sweepings in a piece 0f paper; put them in a safety container; r•••••••••••••••..........,.. ....................... .._.. •• ~ • • t LUCKY GROCERY : t & COLD STORE : • • • Corner Rizal & Magallanes Streets : t P. 0. Box 22, Legaspi City • • • ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Page 182 Very respectfully, (Sgd.) MANU\E.L L. CARREON Director of Private Schodls (7) In handling oil or wax, use on!l·y small quantities at a time; wipe thor11ughly the surfaces you have rubbed with rags, and then burn the rags. Electricity in the Home (1) Use only materials that are of 1he approved type and suitabh~ for the job. (2) Keep your electrical equipment in good order. (3) Do not tamper with house wirings,- - appliances or other efoctrical equipment. A'1ways avail' of the ser·;ices of competent aicensed electricians in your wiring jobs. ( 4) LI\ void handling electrical cords and devices with wet hands . (5) Do not use eledrical equipment adjacent to water pipe or fitting connected to ground, or in damp places unl·ess special precautions have been bken. (6) Repiace frayed cords. guard lamps. ....................................................... ~ : : : NEW PARIS BAZAR l : General Merchants : • • : Legaspi City : ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW