Supervision and control of provincial and municipal budgets and plantillas


Part of The Local Government Review

Supervision and control of provincial and municipal budgets and plantillas
Local finance. Philippines.
Executive Order No. 167
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This contains the Executive Order No. 167 revising the instructions delimiting the respective responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Finance in the supervision and control of the personnel and finances of the provincial, city, and municipal governments]
Supervision And Control Of Provincial and Municipal Budgets And Plantillas EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 167 REVISING TH\<!:: INSTRUCTIONS DELIMITING THE RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SECRE'TARY OF THE INTERIOR AND THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE IN THE SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF THE PERSONNEL AND FINANCES OF THE PROVINCIAL, CITY, A.ND MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS. 1. The Department of the Interior is the agency of the National Government for the supervision and control of the provincial, city, and municipa~ governments in their admin~'S'trative functions. 2. The Department of Finance is the agency of the National Government for the supervision and control of the financial affairs of the pro , incial, city, and municipal governments. 3. In conformity with the foregoing, the budgets of the provincial govern'l!ents shall be submitted to the Department of iFinance, through the Department of the Interior, such budgets to contain the plantilla of personnel in such details as heretofore prescribed and clear and specific statements both of the estimated income and the proposed expenditures for the corre~pondi·ng fiscal year. In thu'S' submitting the budget, the provincial board should enclose a written opinion of the provincial treasurer as prescribed in section Two thousand one hundred s.e>en of the Administrative Code, together with a sta:tement of the district engineer containing his comments on the proposed expenditures for his office as well as for public works, and also similar written statement!'\ of the division superintendent of schools, the di.strict health officer, the provincial auditor, the provincial fiscal, and the provincial agricuHural supervisor regarding the different kinds of proposed expenditures for the MARCH, 1949 !lcti dties respectively under them. The budget with all the accompanying statements shaU be sen;t to the Dep- . artment of. the Interior, which should make its comment on the proposed expenditures. The Secretary of the Interior shall then send the budget with his comment and recommendation together with the corresponding opinion and sbtements of the chiefs of local offices to the Dapartment of Finance. The Department of Finance, in taking action on the budglet, • shall be guided by the comment and recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior. The same procedure shall be observed in the case of supplemen:tal budgets. 4. It shall be the duty of the Department of Finance to see to it that the proposed expenditures do not exceed the estimated income but rather leave a reasonable amount of surplus. Except in the case of the employees in the office of ; the provincial treasiirer, the Department of. 1 Finan.ce, in revising a provincial budget, ·shall gi.\·e weight to the views and recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior and except for the purpose of standardizing salaries, making an equitable distribution of funds for salary expenses among the different provincial offices, and insuring the financial solvency and stability of the province, the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior on the plantillas of per~onnel should be followed. 5. The b:..tdgets of the seven speciailly organized provinces of Agusan, Bukidnon, Cotabato, Davao, Lanao, Sulu, and Zamboanga, and the respective municipal districts therein still operating directly under the provincial boards, which in form and details shall be as prescribed in paragraph three hereof, shall be submitted to t he Com( Continued on page 169) Page 167 Supervision .. '. missioner for Mindanao and Sulu for action under the provisions of special laws (Chapters sixty-two, sixty-three, and sixty-four of the Revised Administrative Code) governing them. Copies of such budgets, acted upon by the Commissioner for Mindanao and Sulu, shall be submitted to the Department of Finance, through the Department of the Interior, for such revi~ion as may be necessary, in the same manner as prescribed in the next prie" ceding paragraph. 6. · In view of .the necessity of expediting action on provinciall budgets, all the officials concerned are hereby required to act speedily on matters re" lative thereto that correspond to them. Pending revision of their budgets, the provincial governments may proceed in the performance of their activities in accordance with the .provision of the budgets as suomitted by them. 7. With regard to other matters affecting the finances of city and municipal governments that :i;nay be brought up for action of the Department of ·Finance, the same procedure as above prescr}bed for the supervision and control of .the personnel and finances of provincial governments shall be followed. 8. The Department of the Interior, after securing the recommendation of the Department of F'inance, shaLI continue to act, in accordance with the provisions of Act NUJ11bered F'our thousand one hundred eighty-three, on !'etiremcnts of provincial and municipal officials. Matters regarding the granting of transportation alLlowances as provided in Executive Order Numbered One hundred twelve, rates of per diems including those of members of municipal councils for attending sessions of the latter, compensat.ion of members of the provincial board designated to perform ministerial duties, and other matters involving the expenditure of funds, which are not considered primarily financial in nature, shall be decided by the Head of DepMARCH, 1949 artment having administrative , control over the employee or activity .concerned, but the amount of the·expenditure h1 be incurred in each case shaJil, not exceed that which is previously authorized in the provincial, city, or municipal budgets, as the case may be. 9. In revising the budgets or 10•·ai governments and in passing over the expenditures made by such -entities, the Department of the Interior and the Department of !Finance shall be hruided by the principle that provided that the expenses contemplated are within their · financial capacity, the local governments should be given a large degree of freedom in determining for themselves the propriety and wisdom of the expenses that they make,. 10. In case there shoufid be an irreconcilable difference of opinion between the Secretary of Finance and the Secretary of the Interior, the matter shall be submitte<1 to the President for · final determination. 11. Administrative Order Numbered forty-eight, dated October fourth, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, is hereby revoked. Done at the City of Manila, this eighth day of October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and thirtYeight, and of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the third. (Sgd.) MANUEL L. QUEZON President of the · Philippines By the President: (Sgd.) JORGE B. VARGAS Secretary to the President OFFICE EQUIPMENT General Merchant-Importer Checkwriters Cash Registers Duplicators Typewriters Calculators Adding Machines Filing Cabinets Steel Safes Sales-Repair Service 676-678 Evangelista, Quiapo Page 169
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