You excellency


Part of Code of ethics submitted to the president of the Philippines

You excellency
Code of Ethics Submitted to the President of the Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Hi!} Excellency, MANUEL L. QUEZON, President of the Philippines, Malacafian Palace, Manila. 'YOUR EXCELLENCY: . ' Manila, December 29, 1940 The Committee· w)l.ich you have informally commissioned to draw up a Code ·of Ethics submitted last year a. set of basic precepts which were incorporated in Executive' Order No. 217 issued on August 19, 1939*. The Committee feels that no substantial departure should be made from the basic principles enunciah;d. While the arrangement may perhaps be rendered more logical and the principles reclassified, expanded arid elaborated, the Committee believes that, considering the primary purpose for which .they are intended, it is neither necessary nor advisable to change or disturb the form adopted in the aforesaid Executive Order. Accordingly, the Committee limited its labors to the illustration of the precepts by means of historical instances ClJiled from Philippine source:il, and the exposition of 'the object lessons to be derived those examples. It is in this form that the Code is· now presented. Refei·ence to living men and women ~ avoided. In the .firm belief that the inculcation of principles enunciated in the Code of Ethics is of primary importance to the youth of the land, we recommend not only its teaching in our schools, but also the special preparation of teachers in this particular ·field. It is· clear that as important as the teaching of the Code is the preparation of the teachers for that purpose. The method of teaching should also be made objectively practical. The life of a nation depends upon . the moral and CIVIC virtues of its citizem;. Now, more than ever, when nations, great and small, are on the verge of ·collapse in the grip of relentless forces at work, do we realize this fundamental truth. It is imperative, therefore, that we renovate our educational policy in the direction indicated, giving emphasis to ethical and civic instruc- · tion, so that 011r citizenry may not be found wanting in the hour of need. I We are grieved to inform Your Excellency that death prevented the Honorable Teodoro M. Kalaw from taking part in the later and final deliberations of the Comn;iittee and signing this communication. Very respectfully, RAMON AV ANCE:NA, Chairmar{ MANUEL ROXAS, Member JORGE BOCOBO, Member NORBERTO ROMUALDEZ, Member JOSE P. LAUREL, Member • Published at page 4, Vol I, LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW PAGE 2 THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW SUPPLEMENT