Lawyer's Directory.pdf


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Lawyer's ' ~,,,. ·"'"'-'"" t'"'.f:, ,_,,., ! j t ANTONIO. II.OMAN B. I 302 Snm11nillo llldl(. 'rd. 2-92-09 ANZUIU:S. Hi·. f'ABLU LllW}'•'I' Med ico-l.<:1111 1 E xtl<'rt Tel. 3.79.49 Rm. ~04 f-lur kc Bid!'-· E scolt" ;;Hnt;!. JI.le"" R\\·d .. corn-'t' Socicl(o, rei. 6-t.3-76 HANICO. JIERMINIO B. R-2(.ll Snmanillo l:Ud.: .. L"••I. 3.:13-64 CA !tDENAS . Ju.,,_ l' EHEZ 405 Avile& . Man i. ~ Td. ~-71-:16 L !JALUPAN .,,,--~ N"ll lo:Z R-314 Re11;inn , _ .., l!:•c<>lh. Tel. 3-27-57 FERNANDE~. JR .. •;STANl1'LAO A · ~o~ SHmanillo Hid., .. M;rn;i,, n!Al. Td. '1-!~-1:1 Gnll : ~~2~ rHANl'I St:O, AL!Jt:lcru J. R-201 lfa n•11nill" AT<li.: .. T~L :1-:l;l-64 FltAN GISCU. VH.: ~;N n; J R-~01 Shm,,nillt> l:ll<li; .• Tt·I. 3-33-64 t;UERH•;l{U. UERNARDINO R-311-C R..,IC;,,., llldg. Office T~I. :!-22-31 Lo<n l 4~ n~s . Tel. 6-n-L!i !lnvic ... · ofthc1•r~"""tdifficultyof ~t~off1cc•uf prncticini:- attoru~ys. th~ Jo.,rnal_ 11uLli~hc~ thi11 directory to acquai11t not only their cli~nls !mt :dso the J>uhlic of their addre~•. L11w)·ers may,..,.,.;] them,..,Lve~ of this •<: rvic<! UPon JH<Yment of 'I~ e><ch inuc of this publ ication.) MA'l'IAS, ANlJlcE;; ll-20! SHmanillo Hid)(., Tt•L 3-3~-M QUISUMlll Nt;, S Y(;IP , QUISUMmNt; IV SALAZAH LAW OH'ICES <"olh Flooo·. Tr1td.., and Cotnm..,rce llldg. 11J J uan Luna. M1tnil1< T<·l ~1•hone~ = 2-73-~ll & 2-93-26 SA N JUAN . AFIUCA. YNIGUES & H•:NEl,I GTO Suite 226 Hcginn llldw: .. 21ld t'l<>0r ~;scolt:I. /ll;rnila. Te!. 3-2~-60 :-!ANTOS. JOSE T. VE LOS. :-!ANTOS Gl!t l ACO 1". DE LOS l'nih:H t\11-206 P~dro Cruz 111<1" ~-~t ~:·;4n_~~li•ta. Manila S UH IANO-. MANUEL A. Q. ;';uri,tno Law Office~ :0:11ilP 40:1 S1tm~nillo Hldg. E,rolt>1, ~fonilrt /11 ,\ CAl'AGAL. PUNZAL,\N & YAllUT ·n;NZ A, t:LI SEO M. .Sui!o 218-120 Con•olid,.h•d ln\'estment Hldi< .. Mnniht T··L a-2;,.os Suit., No. 408. SHnrnnillu IJldlC. ~~~-01:1~ii:;~1r~~ " i tn
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