Opinion no. 152 (On the question as to whether crude oils which be imported by Caltex Philippines), Inc., in accordance with the terms of the petroleum refining concession granted to it by the Government of the Philippines on June 20, 1953, under the Petroleum Act of 1949 (Rep. Act No. 387) may be imported free of customs duty under Article of the Petroleum Act)


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Opinion no. 152 (On the question as to whether crude oils which be imported by Caltex Philippines), Inc., in accordance with the terms of the petroleum refining concession granted to it by the Government of the Philippines on June 20, 1953, under the Petroleum Act of 1949 (Rep. Act No. 387) may be imported free of customs duty under Article of the Petroleum Act)
XIX (10) October 31, 1954
Petroleum export and import trade
Petroleum refineries
Petroleum Act of 1949
Republic Act 387
Petroleum industry
Philippines. Department of Justice
Caltex Philippines, Incorporated
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Secretary of Justice, Hon. Pedro A. Tuason said in connection with the imposition of customs duties on crude oils which will be imported by Caltex (Philippines), Incorporated, following the terms of the petroleum refining concession granted by the government. Imported crude oils will not be sold as such but will be refined in the petroleum refinery into gasoline, kerosene, diesel, and fuel oils. Therefore, imported crude oils by the Caltex (Philippines), Incorporated, and which will be used as materials in its petroleum refinery may enter free of customs duty within the first five (5) years following the grant of its concession.