National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. February, 1935 Report No. 1


Part of National Research Council of the Philippine Islands

National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. February, 1935 Report No. 1
Issue Date
February, 1935 Report No. 1
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
NATIONAL RESEARCl-I COUNCIL OF Tl-IE Pl-llLIPPINE ISLANDS Created on December 8, 19 33 by the Philippine Legislature under Act l\'o. 4120 and organized with the cooperation of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce on March 23, 1934 February, 1935 Report No. I - - Published by the NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Science Building, Herran St. Manila, P. I. i FOREWORD Section 9 of Act No. 4120 requires that "the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall submit regularly an annual report to the Philippine Legislature and to the GovernorGeneral, containing an accurate account of its work and activities during the corresponding year." Although the law creating the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands was approved on December 8, 1933, the Council started its organization on April 3, 1934, eleven days after the members were inducted into office by the Acting Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, on March 23. Therefore the first report of the Council now being published in this bulletin only covers activities of eleven months, from April 1934 to February, 1935. Attached to this report will be found a symposium of historical reviews on the status of the different branches of Philippine Science written by specialists in the different lines; biographical and bibliographical data on the life and works of members and associates of the National Research Council; a descriptive list of laboratories and some of the special equipment available for research work in the Philippines; and finally, a tentative program of activities adopted by the several divisions. There are also appended: List of charter members, Act 4120, address of President Manuel L. Quezon to the Members of the Second Philippine Science Convention, a memorial to GovernorGeneral Frank Murphy regarding the creation of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, Bills proposed by the Philippine Scientific Society, and Constitution and By-Laws of the Council. The Council started its first year in a humble way, but it is hoped that as the government and the business and industrial entities come to realize the importance of the work the Council has decided to undertake, greater support will be given, thus enabling the Council to carry out successfully its program of activities. The first endowment received by the Council for the purpose of stimulating research was the amount of three hundred iii and sixty pesos (P360.00) granted by Mr. Victoriano Elicaiio of the Consolidated Mines, Inc., for a fellowship awarded to a research student in the Department of Chemistry of the University of the Philippines. For 1935, the Legislature and the Governor-General have provided P20,000 for the general expenses of the Council, in Act No. 4190, passed by the Tenth Philippine Legislature at its last session. MANUEL L. ROXAS Chairman Aims of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands llllllllllll!lllMlllUlltlllllllltllll' The Philippine Government in creating the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands has recognized certain well defined cardinal principles. J. The great importance of a properly conducted scientific research work to the life of the nation. 2. The benefits derived from the "exchange and correlation of ideas" by a persistent and intensive study of different scientific fields. 3. The laying down of an organizational basis of attack on such problems. All these objectives are to be attained, as in the case of national research councils in other countries, through associated efforts, as follows: 1. Aid to research through organization. 2. Advancing specific pieces of research. 3. Advanced training of talented personnel. 4. Giving selected projects support for laboratory equipment and technical assistance in field work through special grants. 5. Maintaining and improving relations with scientists of different countries. The National Research Council shall endeavor to secure, through relationships at its command, supporting funds to carry out the purposes for which it has been created. Until such times as private entities have fully realized the great value to their own enterprises of accurately obtained technical information to be more advantageously secured through the work of the Council, to the point of making grants of money and equipment to the Council, the latter must depend for its support on the Government. It is for this reason that the Executive Board in a resolution has requested the Government to set aside 1'2,000,000 as a trust fund, the interest of which is to be used to support specific researches. v FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCILS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES * UNITED STATES From the Government and private foundations, during 1918 to 1932 P8,924,464.74 GREAT BRITAIN (Medical Research Council) From the Government, in 1929-1930 CANADA From the Government (annual appropriation) AUSTRALIA From Rockefeller Foundation, in 1932 PI.480,000.00 P240.000.00 Pl 35.476.46 * The data given were obtained from sources that are only available to the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. vi ltport of tht lltational Btseardt lountil of tht f hilippint Islands (For the period from March 23, 1934, to February 28, 1935) CONTENTS Foreword, MANUEL L. ROXAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Aims of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Funds received by the National Research Councils of different countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi PART I-BULLETIN 2 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Special reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Research on factors responsible for higher rice yields in temperate than in tropic lands, by E. B. COPELAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Report of the section of animal production . . . . . . . . . 36 Progress report of the soils and fertilizers section, by ROBERT L. PENDLETON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Research projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Financial statement of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands as of December 31, 1934 . . . . 69 Funds received by the National Research Councils of different countries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Recommendations 71 PART II-BULLETIN 3 Historical revie,vs of past research activities in the Philippines along scientific and technical lines . . . . . . . . . . 77 Historical review of movements to establish a research council for the Philippines, by p ATROCINIO v ALENZUELA vii 77 viii CONTENTS Brief observations on science in the Philippines in the preAmerican era, by EULOGIO B. RODRIGUEZ . . . . . . . . . . 84 Pioneers in Philippine science, by E. B. COPELAND . . . . . . 129 Promotion of science by the Philippine government, by VICTOR BUENCAMINO ............................ 134 Scientific research in our universities, by ARTURO GARCIA 139 Scientific and technical organizations in the Philippine Islands, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Our foreign scientific relations, by VIDAL A. TAN . . . . . . . . 192 Philippines in the world of science, by LEOPOLDO B. UICHANCO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Researches in physics, by TOMAS p. ABELLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Coastal surveys past and present, by E. H. P AGENHART . . . 220 Present status of the geological survey of the Philippine Archipelago, by JOSE M. FELICIANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 BULLETIN 4 Beginnings of medicine in the Philippines, by J.P. BANTUG 227 Development of the science of anatomy in the Philippines, by JUAN C. NANAGAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Development of experimental physiology in the Philippines, by ISA!JELO CONCEPCION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Development of bacteriology and immunology in the Philippines, by TEODULO TOPACIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Development of hygiene and preventive medicine (public health) in the Philippines, by HILARIO LARA . . . . . . . 265 Development of surgery in the Philippines, by CARMELO REYES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Gynecology in the Philippines, by H-ONORIA ACOSTA-SISON 300 Progress of ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology in the Philippine Islands, by ANTONIO s. FERNANDO . . . . . . 303 Biological products manufactured by the government, by MARCOS TUBANGUI .............................. 314 Development of pharmacology .in the Philippines, by DANIEL DE LA PAZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Progress of medicine in the Philippines with special reference to diagnosis, by ANTONIO G. SISON and AGERIco B. M. SISON ........................ ·. . . . . . . . . 326 Biologic products of private laboratories, by M. V. ARGUELLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 CONTENTS ix Early history of veterinary science in the Philippine Islands, by VICENTE F'ERRIOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Development of veterinary medicine in the PhHippines, by A. K. GoMEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 History of animal pests and diseases in the PhUippines, by TEloDULO TOPACIO ............................ 344 Historical development of dentistry through legislation, by DoMICIANO J. SANDOVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Some dental problems in the Philippines, by ELADIO R. ALDECOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Clinical dentistry in the Philippines, by GENARO FELIZARDO 356 BULLETIN 5 Chemistry in the pre-American regime, by M. V. DEL ROSARIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 General and physical chemistry in the Philippines, by AMANDO CLEMENTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Organic chemistry in the Philippines, by AUGUSTUS P. WEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Development of phytochemical research in the Philippines, by JOAQUIN MARANON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Review of the progress of agricultural chemistry in the Philippines, by F. T. ADRIANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 Biological chemistry in Philippine agriculture and Filipino nutrition, by F. 0. SANTOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Industries in the Philippines, by FRANCISCO D. REYES . . . . 401 Pharmaceutical research in the Philippines, by PATROCINIO VALENZUELA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 Plant physiology and ecology, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO. . . . . 414 Plant morphology in the Philippines, by JosE B. JULIANO 425 Resume of the contributions to the knowledge of Philippine marine invertebrata, by HILARIO A. ROXAS . . . . . . . . 428 Problems in Philippine fisheries including ichthyology and herpetology, by DEOGRACIAS v. VILLADOLID . . . . . . . . . 437 Development of mammalogy in the Philippines, by CANUTO G. MANUEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 447. Ornithology in the Philippines, by CANUTO G. MANUEL . . . 451 History of plant breeding in the Philippines, by JOSE M. CAPINPIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 x CONTENTS Historical resume of Philippine entomology, by LEOPOLDO B. UICHANOO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472 Philippine paleontology, by LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO . . . . . . 481 Archaeology in the Philippines, by RICARDO E. GALANG . . 483 Task of ethnography in the Philippines, by RICARDO E. GALANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Medical and veterinary parasitology in the Philippines: solved ·and unsolved problems, by MAROOS TUBANGUI 486 Philippine mycology and phytopathology, by NICANOR G. TEoDORO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 Development of nutrition work in the Philippines, by ISABELO CONCEPCION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 BULLETIN 6 Early history of Philippine agriculture, by JOSE S .. CAMUS 508 :N' eed for research in agricultural economics, by HILARION s. SILAYAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 Outstanding results of agrcnomic research in the Unh-ersity of the Philippines, by L. G. GONZALEZ . . . . . . . . . 523 Animal husbandry investigations in the Philippines, by VALENTE VILLEGAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Development of forestry in the Philippines, by FLORENCIO TAMESIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 Philippine horticulture, past and present, by L. G. GoNZALEZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 568 Brief survey of horticultural work in the Philippines, by F. G. GALANG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Plant pest and disease control in the Philippines, by GoNZALO MERINO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578 Soil surveys, classification and mapping in the Philippines, by ROBERT L. PENDLETON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590 Importance and development of soil chemistry and soil biology as related to agriculture in the Philippines, by MAROOS M. ALICANTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595 Status of farm mechanization in the Philippines, by A. L. TEODORO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 Ceramics in the Philippines and its possibilities, by S. DEL MUNDO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Tests and standards, by JOSE c. ESPINOSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 CONTENTS ':i PART III-BULLETIN 7 Biographical data and bibliography of the works of the members and associates of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611 PART IV-BULLETIN 8 Laboratories and some of the special equipment available for research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 :Illustrations, index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 Illustrations, Plates 1-26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913 Appendix A-Charter members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965 Appendix B-Address delivered by Honorable Manuel L. Quezon, President of the Philippine Senate, at the second Philippine Science Convention, Manila, February 17, 1933 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 971 Appendix C-Memorial to His Excellency Governor-General Frank Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 975 .Appendix D-An act creating a national research council in ithe Philippine Islands for the promotion of research work along scientific lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981 Appendix E-Constitution and by-laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 984 Appendix F-H: No. 876, Ninth Philippine Legislature, first session, introduced by Representative MANUEL v. GALLEGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 989 Appendix G-Explanatory note of H. No. 3276, Ninth Philippine Legislature, third session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 992 Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 Index of authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 lttport of tht ltational lttstarch tountil of tht fhilippint ~stands (For the period from March 23, 1934, to February 28, 1935) PART I ORGANIZATION One hundred and fourteen scientists (Appendix A) ad interim charter members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands appointed by His Excellency Governor-General Frank Murphy were inducted into office by the Acting Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, Honorable Jorge B. Vargas, on the morning of March 23, 1934, in the auditorium of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines. On the same morning the first business meeting was held and Drs. Manuel L. Roxas and Patrocinio Valenzuela were unanimously elected acting chairman and secretary respectively, of the Council. On April 3, 1934, the second meeting was held in the same auditorium to adopt the constitution and by-laws (Appendix E). This was mainly evolved from a draft prepared by the members of the Philippine Scientific Society. The Committee on Constitution and By-Laws was composed of Rev. Miguel Selga as chairman, Dr. Leopoldo A. Faustino, Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, Professor Hermenegildo B. Reyes and Dr. Hilario A. Roxas as members. At this second meeting of the Council the following members of the Executive Board were elected: EXECUTIVE BOARD Members-at-Large Dr. Manuel L. Roxas Dr. Bienvenido M. Gonzalez Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela Chairmen of Divisions Dr. Victor Buencamino, Chairman, Division of Government, F'oreign and Educational Relations. Rev. Miguel Selga, Cha:irman, Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences. 2 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Dir. Angel S. Arguelles, Chairman, Division of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Dir. Arthur F. Fischer, Cha;irman, Division of Agriculture and Forestry. Prof. HermenegilC:'O B. Reyes, Chairman, Division of Engineering and Indµstrial Research. Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing and Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco received an equal number of votes in the election of the Chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences. At the first meeting, however, of the Executive Board held on April 6, 1934, Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing was unanimously elected Chairman of the Division of Biological Sciences as a result of the procedure agreed upon by the Board in electing the chairman referred to. On April 13, 1934, the second meeting of the Executive Board was held for the purpose of electing the officers of the Council. The result follows: EXECUTIVE BOARD Members-at-Large Chairman, Dr. M2,'Imel L. Roxas, Under-Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce and Commissioner of Research, and President, Philippine Scientific Society, Science Building, Manila. Vice-Chairman, Dr. Bienvenido M. Gonzalez, Dean. College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Agricultural College, Laguna. Executive Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines, Secretary-Treasurer, Philippine Scien~ific Society, Science Builcing, Manila. Chairmen of Divisions I. Division of Government, Foreign and Educational Relations. Chairman, Dr. Victor Buenca;mino, Under Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce. II. Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Chmirman, Rev. Miguel Selga, Director, Weather Bureau. III. Division of Medical Sciences. Chairman, Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Professor of Medicine, University of the Philippines. IV. Division of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Chairman, Mr. Angel S. Argiielles, Director, Bureau of Science. V. Division of Biological Sciences. Chairman, Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Chief, National Museum, and Curator, Philippine Na,tional Herbarium, Bureau of Science. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 3 VI. Division of Agriculture and Forestry. Chairman, Mr. Arthur F. Fischer, Director, Bureau of Forestry. Vii. Division of Engineering and Industrial Research. Chairmmn, Prof. Hermenegildo B. Reyes, Chief, Division of Industrial Engineering, Bureau of Science, and Professorial Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, University of the Philippines. Ex-Officio Assistant Treasurer Mr. Victor Pagula:yan, Assistant Chief, Division of Accounts anC:.1 Property, Department of Agriculture and Commerce. With the cooperation offered by the Acting Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, Honorable Jorge B. Vargas, to the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands in his communication to the Executive Board on May 5, 1934, the services of Mr. Victor Pagulayan, Assistant Chief of the Division of Accounts and Property of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, as ex-officio assistant treasurer of the Council, have been engaged since the date of his appointment, May 18, 1934. After several organization meetings of the Executive Board, the different divisions and the various sections of the Council, the following complete organiza'tion of the Council was approved: I. DIVISION OF GOVERNMENT, FOREIGN AND EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS. Dr. Victor Buencamino, Chairman Dr. Vidal A. Tan, Secretary Executive Committee Dr. Victor Buencamino, Chairman Members Dr. Arturo Garcia Dr. LeonciQ Lopez-Rizal Dr. Vidal A. Tan A. Section of Educational Relations ..... Dr. Arturo Garcia, Chairmam Dr. Vidal A. Tan, Secretary Members Carreon, Dr. Manuel Ylanan, Dr. Regino R. Collaborators Cruz, Dr. Cornelio C. Paz, Dr. Daniel de la Fischer, Dir. Arthur F. Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Gonzalez, Dr. Bienvenido M. San Agustin, Dr. Gregorio Velarde, Dr. Herminio 4 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Associates Albert, Hon. Alejandro Kalaw, Hon. Teodoro Bernardo, Prof. Gabriel A. Perez, Mr. Cirilo B. Rodriguez, Dir. Eulogio B. B. Section of G<>vemment Relations ..... . Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, Chairman Members Garcia, Dr. Gumersindo McGregor, Mr. Richard Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Sison, Dr. Antonio G. Collaborators Camus, Dir. Jose S. Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Reyes, Dr. Carmelo Associates de las Singson Encarnacion, Hon. V. Alas, Hon. Antonio Fabella; Hon. Jose Fajardo, Dir. Jacobo Unson, Hon. Miguel Vargas, Hon. Jorge B. C. Section of Foreign Relations . . . . . Dr. Vidal A. Tan, Chairman Members Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Ylanan, Dr. Regino R. Collaborators Faustino, Dr. Leopoldo A. Fischer, Dir. Arthur F. Miranda, Mr. Luis G. Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Selga, Rev. Miguel Wade, Dr. Windsor Associates Aunario, Mr. Pedro Dunham, Major George C. Fabella, Dr. Jose Romulo, Hon. Carlos P. Valdes, General Basilio Williams, Dir. A. D. II. DIVISION OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Rev. Miguel Selga, Chairman Dr. Cornelio C. Cruz, Secretary Executive Cowmittee Rev. Miguel Selga, Chairman Dr. Tomas P. Abello, Dr. Vidal A. Tan Members Dean Edward R. Hyde Dr. Jose M. Feliciano A. Section of Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Tomas P. Abello, Chairman Member O'Bear, Dr. George B. Collaborator Clemente, Dr. Amando Associates Corcuera, Prof. Aurelio L. Rosario, Dr. Casimiro de! ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 5 B. Section of Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Vidal A. Tan, Ch.airmam Collaborator Reyes, Prof. Hermenegildo B. Associates Perez, Dr. Francisco Roa, Dr. Emeterio Virata, Dr. Enrique T. C. Section of Astronomy, Geodesy and Oceanography Dean E. R. Hyde, Chairman Mem1Jers Faustino, Dr. Leopoldo A. Selga, Rev. Miguel Associates Bach, Mr. John Depperman, Rev. Charles E.' D. Section of Geology ................ Dr. Jose M. Feliciano, Chairman Members Alvir, Dr. Antonio Elicaiio, Mr. Victoriano Faustino, Dr. Leopoldo A. E. Section of Meteorology ............ Rev. Miguel Selga, Chairman Dr. Cornelio C. Cruz, Secretary Collaborators Espino, Dr. Rafael B. Fajardo, Dr. Tranquilino Lara, Dr. Hilario Uichanco, Dr. Merino, Dr. Gonzalo Quisumbing, Mr. Emilio Roxas, Dr. Hilario A. Leopoldo B. Associate Depperman, Rev. Charles E. III. DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Chairma-n Dr. Teodulo Topacio, Secretary Executive CommiUee Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Chairman Dr. Arturo Garcia Dr. Angel K. Gomez Dr. Pedro Lantin Dr. Hilario Lara Members Dr. Liborio Gomez Dr. Fernaindo Calderon Dr. Manuel V. Arguelles Dr. Daniel de la Paz A. Section of Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Arturo Garcia, Chairman Dr. Juan C. Naiiagas, Secretary Member Sumulong, Dr. Manuel D. Collaborator Concepcion, Dr. Isabelo 6 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Bulatao, Dr. Emilio Celis, Dr. Jesus Cordero, Dr. Narciso Cuajunco, Dr. Fidel David, Dr. Tomas Associates Eleaza:r, Dr. Ramon Gonzaga, Dr. Arcadio Hobbs, Dr. K. L. Limson, Dr. Marciano Molina, Dr. RicarC:o Pascual, Dr. Wenceslao B. Section of Bacteriology and Immunology ..... Dr. Angel K. Gomez, Chairman Dr. Marcos Tubangui, Secretary Members Arguelles, Dr. Manuel V. Gomez, Dr. Liborio Leon, Dr. W alfrido de Lopez-Rizal, Dr. Leoncio Manalang, Dr. Cristobal Topacio, Dr. Teodulo Associates Banuelos, Dr. Trinidad Basaca, Dr. Mariano Coronel, Dr. Anacleto Gabriel, Dr. Proceso Garcia, Dr. Onofre Monserra,t, Dr. Carlos Navarro, Dr. Regino Panganiban, Dr. Crisanto Punsalan, Dr. Jose Roda, Dr. Alfredo Pio de C. Section of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Dr. Pedro Lantin, Chairman Dr. Agerico B. M. Sison, Secretary Members Africa, Dr. Candido M. Jesus, Dr. Pablo I. de Albert, Dr. Jose La,ra, Dr. Casimiro Domingo, Dr. Elias Manalang, Dr. Cristobal Garcia, Dr. Faustino Paz, Dr. Daniel de Ia Garcia, Dr. Gumersindo Schwartz, Major S. C. Guerrero, Dr. Luis Tubangui, Dr. Marcos Wade, Dr. Windsor H. Associates Abad, Dr. Moises Anzures, Dr. Pablo Angeles, Dr. Sixto de los Burke, Dr. William Chiyuto, Dr. Sulpicio Cunanan, Dr. V. Ejercito y Liza, Dr. Antonio Fajardo, Dir. Jacobo Fernandez, Dr. JOSe A. FernanC:'ez, Dr. Ricardo Gavino, Dr. Catalino Guevara, Dr. Romulo Gutierrez, Dr. Perpetuo Hilario, Dr. Jose S. Ignacio, Dr. Patricio Jesus, Dr. Zacarias de J oson, Dr. Toribio Leiva, Dr. Lamberto Macasaet, Dr. Ramon Nolasco, Dr. Jose 0. Pardo, Dr. Leopoldo Paulino, Dr. Peregrino ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 Policarpio-Pardo, Dr. C. Quisumbing, Dr. Manuel Associates Samson, Dr. Jose Tupas, Dr. Alberto Rodriguez, Dr. Jo~e N. Velasco, Dr. Felix Salinas, Dr. Jose Ma. Vera, Dr. Bonifacio de Vitug, Dr. Wenceslao D. Section of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Dr. Hilario La:ra, Chairman 7 Dr. Candido M. Africa, Secretary Members Gomez, Dr. Angel K. Guerrero, Dr. Luis Jesus, Dr. Pablo I. C:'e Lopez-Rizal, Dr. Leoncio Hernando, Dr. Eugenio Manalang, Dr. Cristobal Yeager, Naiiagas, Dr. Juan C. Rotea, Dr. Santiago Y. Roxas, Dr. Baldomero Schwartz, Major S. C. Sison, Dr. Agerico B. M. Topacio, Dr. Teodulo Dr. Clark H. Collaborators Hermano, Dr. Ariston Hyde, Dean Edward R. Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. Ylanan, Dr. Regino R. Associates Abad, Dr. Tirso Abriol, Dr. Rufino Acevedo, Dr. Ramon Acosta-Sison, Dr. Honoria Ave!Iana, Dr. Jose Basa Bantug, Dr. Jose P. Canizares, Dr. Miguel Dunham, Major George C. Elicaiio, Dr. Tranquilino Fabe!Ia, Dr. Jose Fajardo, Dir. Jacobo Ferriols, Dr. Vicente Francisco, Dr. Sixto A. Feliza,rdo, Dr. Genaro Gabriel, Dr. Proceso G~m, Dr. Tomas Guidote, Dr. Jose Maiiosa, Mr. Manuel Padua, Dr. Regino Trepp, Dr. Andreas Trinidad, Dr. Angel Vasquez-Colet, Dr. Ana E. Section of Pa<tholQgy .............. Dr. Liborio Gomez, Chairman Dr. Carmelo Reyes, Secretary Members Arguelles, Dr. Manuel V. Leon, Dr. Walfrido de Gomez, Dr. Angel K. Singian, Dr. Gregorio Topacio, Dr. Teodulo 8 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Associates Aldecoa, Dr. Eladio Arenas, Dr. Proceso R. Barrera, Dr. Benjamin Concepcion, Dr. Felix Ira David, Dr. Juan Farinas, Dr. Estefano Gallardo, Dr. Marcelino Gonzalez, Dr. Rodolfo Hilario, Dr. Jose S. Mendoza-Guazon, Dr. Maria P. Yuson, Dr. Monserrat, Dr. Carlos Navarro, Dr. Regino Nolasco, Dr. Jose 0. Robles, Dr. Manuel Rustia-Sison, Dr. F. Sandoval, Dr. Domiciano Santa Cruz, Dr. Juan L. Sapinoso, Dr. Pastor Sevilla, Dr. Nirolal:; Villa, Dr. Victorino G. Restituto F. Section of Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Fernando Calderon, Chairman Dr. Herminio Velarde, Secretary Members Afable, Dr. Valentin Eduque, Dr. Jose Garcia, Dr. Gumersindo Singian, Dr. Reyes, Dr. Carmelo Roxas, Dr. Baldomero San Agustin, Dr. Gregorio Gregorio Associates Abriol, Dr. Rufino Abuel, Dr. Jose Acosta-Sison, Dr. Honoria Aguilar, Dr. Eusebio Alberto, Dr. Severino Alcantara, Dr. Viv-encio Aldecoa, Dr. Eladio Alona, Dr. Gregorio Ayuya,o, Dr. Conrado Belmonte, Dr. Demetrio Cruz, Dr. Mariano Cuyugan, Dr. Gervasio Santos Darby, Dr. Hawthorne Eraiia, Dr. Gervasio Estrada, Dr. Januario Estra,da, Dr. Santiago Fernando, Dr. Antonio S. Francisco, Dr. Jose Franco, Dr. Cecilio Gemil, Dr. Miguela G. Section of Biologica;l Products Gonzales, Dr. Rodolfo Jacinto, Dr. Nicanor Ladao, Dr. Joaquin Lerma, Dr. Jose M. Llamas, Dr. Rosendo R. Mand.a!nas, Dr. Aniceto Moreta, Dr. Rafael Ma. de Ongsiako, Dr. Ramon G. Orosa, Dr. Sixto Reyes, Dr. Edmundo Rustia, Dr. Guillermo Sandoval, Dr. Domiciano Santos, Dr. Jose Sarinas, Dr. Faustino Sevilla, Dr. Victor Tambuatco, Dr. Domingo Ubaldo, Dr. Aristeo Valdez, Dr. Basilio Vasquez, Dr. Antonio Villalon, Dr. Augusto P. Dr. Manuel V. Arguelles, Cha.irman Dr. Marcos Tubangui, Secretary ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 Buencamino, Dr. Vietor Gomez, Dr. Angel K. Leon, Dr. Walfrido de Buiii, Dr. Benjamin Coronel, Dr. Anacleto B. Garcia, Dr. Onofre Members San Agustin, Dr. Gregorio Sumulong, Dr. Manuel D. Topacio, Dr. Teodulo Associates Panganiban, Dr. Crisanto Robles, Dr. MaJnuel Roda, Dr. Alfredo Pio de 9 H. Section of Pharmacology . . . . . . . . Dr. Daniel de la Paz, Chairman Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Sem-etary Concepcion, Dr. Isabelo Garcia, Dr. Faustino Guerrero, Dr. Leon Ma. Members Hermano, Dr. Ariston Rosario, Dr. Mariano V. del Santos, Dr. Jose K. Associate Guevara, Dr. Romulo IV. DIVISION OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Dir. Angel S. Argiielles, Chairman Dr. Amando Clemente, Secretary Executive Committee Dir. Angel S. Argiielles, Chairman Members Dr. Francisco 0. Santos Mr. Francisco D. Reyes Dr. Timoteo Dar Juan Dr. Amando Clemente Dr. Augustus P. West Dr. Joaquin Maraiion Dr. Marcos Alicante Dr. Dr. Mariano V. del Rosario Leon Ma. Guerrero A. Section of General and Physical Chemistry Abello, Dr. Tomas Aguilar, Mr. Rafael H. Argiielles, Dir. Angel S. Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Dr. Amando Clemente, Chairman Prof. Luis Gonzaga, Secretary Members Espinosa, Mr. Jose C. Feliciaino, Dr. Jose M. Mundo, Dr. Salvador del Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Associate Leon, Dr. Antonio I. de B. Section of Organic Chemistry ... Dr. Augustus P. West, Chairman Dr. Pilar P. Herrera, Secretary Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Feliciano, Mr. Ramon Members Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. Rosario, Dr. Mariano V. del 10 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Birosel, Dr. Dionisio M. C. Section of Phytochemistry Associates P!1;ras, Mr. Ernesto Dr. Joaquin Marafion, Chairman Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela, Secretary Members Guerrero, Dr. Leon Ma. Santos, Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. Jose K. Associates AgcaQili, Mr. Francisco Cruz, Mr. Aurelio 0. Yenko, Mr. Flaviano D. Section of Agricultural Chemistry .. Dr. Marcos Alicante, Chairman Members Adriano, Dr. Felipe T. Argiielles, Dir. Angel S. Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. Collaborators Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Chioco, Mr. Juain Galvez, Dr. Nicolas Locsin, Mr. Carlos Associates Mira.sol, Dr. Jose Oliveros, Mr. Sa:Ivador Quisumbing, Dr. Francisco E. Section· of Biological Chemistry .. Dr. Francisco 0. Santos, Chairman Dr. Antonio I. de Leon, Secretary Alicante, Dr. Marcos Cqncepcion, Dr. lsabelo . Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Members Hermano, Dr. Ariston Marafion, Dr. Joaquin Collaborators Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Associates Cordero, Dr. Narciso Ocampo, Mr. Mariano Orosa, Miss Maria Y. F .. Section of Industrial Chemistry .. Mr. Francisco D. Reyes, Chairman Mr. Jose C. Espinosa, Secretary Adriano, Dr. Felipe T. Aguilar, Mr. Rafael H. Arguelles, Dir. Angel S. Clemente, Dr. Aman~'O Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Feliciano, Dr. Jose M. Feliciano, Mr. Ramon .llfembers Gonzaga, Prof. Luis Hermano, Dr. Ariston Miranda:, Mr. Luis Mundo, Dr. Salvador del Reyes, Prof. Hermenegildo B. Va;Ienzuela, Dr. Patrocinio West, Dr. Augustus P. C ollaborat<>r Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 Associates Balce, Prof. Sofronio Gaza, Dr. Claro Gutierrez, Mr. Eusebio F. Henares, Mr. Hilarion, Dr. Vicente Sherman, Leon, Dr. Antonio I. de Locsin, Mr. Carlos Orosa, Miss Maria Y. Quisumbing, Dr. Francisco Y enko, Mr. Flavia:no M. Dr. Penoyer L. 11 G. Section of Chemical Defense ...... Dr. Timoteo Dar Juan, Chairman Members Abello, Dr. Tomas Miranda, Mr. Luis Aguila;r, Mr. Rafael Mundo, Dr. Salvador C:'el Clemente, Dr. Paz, Dr. Daniel de la Arguelles, Dir. Angel S. Reyes, Prof. Hermenegildo B. Gonzaga, Prof. Luis Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Rosario, Dr. Mariano V. de! Collaborators Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Gaza, Dr. Claro Associates Heritage, Major Arthur Yenko, Mr. Flaviano H. Section of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Dr. Mariano V. del Rosario, Chairman Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Secretary Members Hermano, Dr. Ariston Feliciano, Mr. Ramon Maraii.on, Dr. Joaquin Valenzuela, Dr. Patrocinio Associates Hocson, Dr. Felix Quesada, Dr. Eugenio Schulten, Dr. Rudolph I. Section of Pha:rmacopoeia . . . . Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Chalirman Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela, Secretary Members Garcia, Dr. Faustino Maraii.on, Dr. Joaquin Paz, Dr. Daniel de la Rosario, Dr. Mariano V. del Santos, Dr. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. Jose K. Associates Gabriel, Dr. Proceso Guerrero, Dr. Alfredo Hocson, Quesada, Dr. Eugenio Jimenez, Dr. Jose E. Dr. Felix V. DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Chairman Dr. Hilario A. Roxas, Secretary 12 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Executive Committee Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Chairman Members Dr. Rafael B. Espino Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco Dr. Deogracias V. Villadolid Dr. Marcos Tubangui Dr. Nemesio B. Mendiola Dr. Gerardo 0. Ocfemia Dr. Hilario A. Roxas Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero Dr. Isabelo Concepcion A. Section of Botany .... Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Acting Chairman Members Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Guerrero, Dr. Leon Ma. Reyes, Prof. Luis J. Associates Juliano, Dr. Jose B. Salvosa, Dr. Felipe Elmer, Mr. A. D. E. B. Section of Plant Physiology ..... Dr. Rafael B. Espino, Chairman Dr. Dionisio I. Aquino, Secretary Members Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Maraiion, Dr. Joaquin . Fajardo, Dr. Tranquilino Mendiola, Dr. Nemesio B. Torres, Dr. Juan P. Collaborators Aldaba, Dr. Vicente C. Pendleton, Dr. Robert L. Associates Juliano, Dr. Jose B. Peralta, Dr. Fernando de C. Section of Fishery ....... Dr. Deogracias V. Villadolid, Chairman Mr. Heraclio Montalban, Secretary Adams, Mr. Wallace Franco, Mr. Felix Manuel, Dr. Canuto Mane, Mr. Andres Members Roxas, Dr. Hilario A. Associates Umali, Mr. Martin, Mr. Claro Montilla, Mr. Jose Talavera, Mr. Florencio Agustin D. Section of Genetics Dr. Nemesio B. Mendiola, Acting Chairman Dr. Miguel Manresa, Acting Secretary Members Clemente, Dr. Leopoldo s. Paguirigan, Mr. Domingo Gonzalez, Dr. Bienvenido M. Santos, Dr. Jose K. Villegas, Dr. Valen~e Collaborator Aldaba, Dr. Vicente c. Associates Capinpin, Dr. Jose M. Unite, Mr. Juan ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 13 E. Section of Biological Survey .. Dr. Hilario A. Roxas, Chairman Dr. Deogracias Villadolid, Secret<vry Beyer, Prof. Otley Brown, Dr. William H. Carreon, Dr. Manuel Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Curran, Prof. Hugh M. Jesus, Dr. Pablo I. de Maraj'ion, Dr. Joaquin Members McGregor, Mr. Richard C. Merino, Dr. Gonzalo Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Mr. Emilio San Agustin, Dr. Gregorio Santos, Dr. Jose K. Uichanco, Dr. Leopoldo B. Collaborators Alicante, Dr. Marcos M. Arguelles, Dr. Manuel V. Dacanay, Prof. Placido Domingo, Dr. Elias Faustino, Dr. Leopoldo A. Gomez, Dr. Angel K. Lara, Dr. Hilario Sumulong, Dr. Manuel D. Wade, Dr. Windsor Associates Banks, Dr. Charles S. Feliciano, Dr. Amado T. Cendana, Dr. Silverio M. Galang, Mr. Ricardo Chapman, Dr. James W. Manuel, Dr. Canuto Clark, Mr. L. T. Maiiosa, Mr. Manuel Doman1:ay, Mr. Jose S. Nemenzo, Mr. Francisco Eleazar, Mr. Procopio Panlasigui, Dr. Isidoro Elmer, Mr. A. D. E. Santos, Dr. Felix V. Estampador, Mr. Eulogio Serrano, Mr. Felicisimo B. Tangco, Prof. Marcelo F. Section of Entomology ...... Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco, Chairman Dr. Leopoldo S. Clemente, Secretary Africa, Dr. Candido M. Manalang, Dr. Cristobal Banks, Dr. Charles S. Belosillo, Mr. Gervasio Cendana, Dr. Silverio M. Chapman, Dr. James W. Members Merino, Dr. Gonzalo Otanes, Mr. Faustino Q. Associates Goniales, Mr. Salustiano S. Laurel, Mr. Alberto Mesa, Mr. Alejandro de Urbino, Mr. Cornelio M. G. Section of Parasitology . . . . . . . . . Dr. Marcos Tubangui, Chairman Dr. Candido M. Africa, Secretary Gomez, Dr. Liborio Guerrero, Dr. Luis Leon, Dr. Walfrido de Members Manalang, Dr. Cristobal Roxas, Dr. Hilario A. Topacio, Dr. Teodulo 14 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Associates Basaca, Dr. Mariano Garcia, Dr. Onofre Gabriel, Dr. Proceso Jesus, Dr. Zacarias de Garcia, Dr. Eusebio Leiva, Dr. Lamberto Mendoza-Guazon, Dr. Maria Paz H. Section of Plant Pathology a:nd Mycology . . Dr. Gerardo 0. Ocfemia, Chairman Members Dr. Feliciano M. Clara, Secretary Africa, Dr~ Candido M. Fajardo, Dr. Tranquilino Teodoro, Dr. Nicanor G. Mendoza, Mr. Jose M. Mesa, Mr. Alejandro de Palo, Mr. Macario A. Associates Reyes, Mr. Gaudencio 1\1. Roldan, Mr. Emiliano F. Serrano, Mr. Felicisimo B. I. Section of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, Acting Chairman Brown, Dr. William H. Guerrero, Dr. Luis Hermano, Dr. Ariston Maraiion, Dr. Joaquin Members Naiiagas, Dr. Juan Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Reyes, Prof. Luis J. Santos, Dr. Jose K. Valenzuela, Dr. Patrocinio Collaborators Adriano, Dr. Felipe T. Santos, Dr. Alfredo C. Associates Guerrero, Dr. Alfredo Potenciano, Dr. Conrado Quisumbing, Dr. Manuel J. Section of Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, Chairman Members Hermano, Dr. Ariston Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. C ollaborat<>r Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Collado, Mr. Esteban Eubanas, Dr. Froilan Gerkin, Miss Edna Associates Orosa, Miss Maria Y. Santos, Dr. Felix V. Stewart, Miss Elvessa A. VI. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Dir. Arthur F. Fischer, Chairman Dir. Jose S. Camus, Secretary Executive Comndttee Dir. Arthur F. Fischer, Chairman ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 Members Mr. Hi!arion S. Silayan Prof. Placido Dacanay Dir. Jose S. Camus Dr. Vicente C. Aldaba Dean Bienvenido M. Gonzalez Dr. Gonzalo Merino Mr. Mariano Raymundo Dr. Robert L. Pendleton Dr. Marcos Alicante Members-at-large and Associates-at-large of the Dii,ision .llrlembers Cruz, Dr. Cornelio C. Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Associates Agati, Mr. Julian Aragon, Mr. Vicente Baltazar, Dr. Euklio P. Borja, Mr. Victorino Calinisan, Mr. Mielanio R. Calma, Dr. Valeriano C. Catambay, Prof. Alejandro Celino, Mr. Martin S. Cendana, Dr. Silverio Juliano, Dr. Jose B. Sarao, Manas y Cruz, Mr. Mariano Manresa, Dr. Miguel :\:larquez, Mr. Francisco D. Mondoiiedo, Dr. Mariano Palo, Mr. Macario Reyes, Mr. Gaudencio Roldan, Mr. Emili~o Sacay, Dr. Francisco M. Sajor, Prof. Valentin Salvosa, Dr. Felipe Mr. Felix B. A. Section of Agricultural Education and Extension 15 Mr. Hilarion S. Silayan, Chairman Members Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Dacanay, Prof. Placido Gonzalez, Dean Bienvenido l\L Vibar, Dr. Toribio Reyes, Prof. Luis L. Teodoro, Prof. Anastacio Associates Elayda, Prof. Inocencio Perez, Dr. Gilbert S. B. Section of Agronomy .............. Dir. Jose S. Camus, Chairman Aldaba, Dr. Vicente C. Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Espino, Dr. Rafael B. Fajardo, Dr. Tranquilino Members Mendiola, Dr. Nemesio B. Paguirigan, Mr. Domingo B. Raymundo, Mr. Mari~o B. Teodoro, Prof. Anastacio Associates Capinpin, Dr. Jose M. Gutierrez, Mr. Mlariano David, Dr. Pedro A. Luistro, Mr. Fernando D. Peralta, Dr. Fernando de C. Section of Animal Production . . . . . . Dean Bienvenido M. Gonzalez, r:hairman Dr. Franeisco M. Fronda, Secretary Member Villegas, Dr. Valente 16 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Collaborators Buencamino, Dr. Victor Manresa, Dr. Miguel Mondofiedo, Dr. Mariano D. Section of Economics Camus, Dir. Jose S. Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Dacanay, Prof. Placido Balmaceda, Dir. Cornelio Belmonte, Prof. Jose E. Benitez, Prof. Conrado Rotea, , Dr. Santiago Y. Associates Sanvictores, Mr. Jose G. Sarao, Mir. Felix B. Mr. Mariano Raymundo, Chairman Mr. Hilarion S. Silayan, Secretary Members Merino, Dr. Gonzalo Paguirigan, Mr. Domingo B. Vibar, Dr. Toribio Associates Gonzales, Mr. Leon M. Hester, Mr. Everett D. Mabbun, Dr. Pablo E. Section of Forestry . . . . . . . . . . . Prof. Placido Dacanay, Chairman Members Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Cuzner, Prof. Harold Curran, Prof. Hugh M. Reyes, Prof. Luis J. Tamesis, Dir. Florencio Franco, Mr. Felix Mabesa:, Mr. Calixto Associates Racelis, Mr. Antonio P. Sulit, Prof. Carlos F. Section of Horticulture . . . . . . . . . Dr. Vicente C. Aldaba:, Chairman Members Camus, Dir. Jose S. Dacanay, Prof. Placido Copeland, Dr. Edwin B. Fajarao, Dr. Tranquilino Cuzner, Prof. Harold Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Torres, Dr. Juan P. Associates Galang, Mr. Francisco G. Gonzales, Dr. Leon G. G. Section of Plant Pests and Diseases Control Fajardo, Dr. Tranquilino Ocfemia, Dr. Gerardo 0. Dr. Gonzalo Merino, Chairman Dr. Feliciano M. Clara, Secretary Members Otanes, Mr. Faustino Q. Uichanco, Dr. Leopoldo B. Associate Mesa, Prof. Alejandro de H. Section of Soils and Fertilizers .. Dr. Robert L. Pendleton, Chairman Members Alicante, Dr. Marcos M. Espino, Dr. Rafael B. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35. 17 Collaborat<rrs Arguelles, Dir. Angel S. Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Associates Aquino, Dr. Dionisio I. Mirasol, Dr. Jose I. Section of Sugar Technology . . . . . . . Dr. Marcos Alicante, Chairman Collaborators Espinosa, Mr. Jose C. Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. West, Dr. Augustus P. Alincastre, Mr. Cecilio Eissinger, Mr. George H. Chioco, Mr. Juan 0. Guanzon, Dr. Getulio Associates Henares, Mr. Hilarion G. Labayen, Dr. Segundo Locsin, Mr. Carlos Mirasol, Dr. Jose Walker, Dr. Herbert H. VII. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Prof. Hermenegildo B. Reyes, Chairman Dr. Salvador de! Mundo, Secretary Executive Committee Prof. Hermenegildo B. Reyes, Chairman Members Prof. Anastacio L. Teodoro Dr. Amando Clemente Dr. Timoteo Dar Juan, Mr. Emilio Quisumbing Dr. Salvador <!'el Mundo Mr. Jose C. Espinosa Dr. Santiago Y. Rotea Dr. Felipe T. Adria,no Dr. Vicente C. Aldaba, Mr. F'rancisco D. Reyes Dean Edward R. Hyde Dr. Leopoldo A. Faustino Members-at-large and Associates-at~large of the Division Members Arguelles, Dir. Angel S. Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. West, Dr. Augustus P. Collaborator Ta;n, Dr. Vidal A. Cruz, Mr. Aurelio 0. Hizon, Mr. Primo Associates Lucas, Dir. Pablo Paez, Mr. Jose Williams, Dir. A. D. A. Section of Hydro-Electric Power . . . . . Prof. H. B. Reyes, Chairman Members Elicafio, Mr. Victoriano Quisumbing, Mr. Emilio Collaborator Feliciatno, Dr. Jose M. 18 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Associates Baluyot, Hon. Sotero Felizardo, Mr. Manuel I. Rodriguez, Mr. Filemon C. Tiongson, Prof. Juan L. B. Section of Mechanical Electrical Appliances Associates Prof. H. B. Reyes, Chairman Angeles, Prof. Estanislao P. Martinez, Mr. Rufino Henares, Mr. Hilarion Morales, Mr. Eusebio R. Tangco, Mr. Arturo V. C. Section of Farm Machinery . . Prof. Anastacio L. Teodoro, Chairman Member Quisumbing, Mr. Emilio Collaborator Raymundo, Prof. Ma'riano B. Associates Catambay, Prof. A. B. Henares, Mr. Hilarion G<>rdon, Dr. Alexa:nder Maramba, Mr. Felix D. D. Section of Fuels and Lubricants .. Dr. Timoteo Dar Juan, Chairman Members Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Teodoro, Prof. Anastacio L. Associates Eaton, Prof. Leon S. Martinez, Mr. Rufino Unson, Mr. Florencio Y casiano, Mr. Francisco E. Section of Hydraulic Engineering . . . . . . . . Mr. Emilio Quisumbing, Chairman Member Aguilar, Mr. Ratfael Associates Buendia, Mr. Julian Martinez, Mr. Angel Rodriguez, Mr. Filemon C. F. Section of Ceramics and Other Silicate Industries Dr. Salvador del Mundo, Chairman Members Faustino, Dr. Leopoldo A. Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Associate Morales, Mr. Eusebio G. Section of Paper and Allied Products Members Mr, Jose C. Espinosa, Chairman Aguilar, Mr. Rafael H. Alda:ba, Dr. Vicente C. Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 Collaborator Reyes, Mr. Luis J. 19 H. Section of Animal Products ..... Dr. Santiago Y. Rotea, Chairman Members Adriano, Dr. Felipe T. Aguilar, Mr. Rafael H. Sumulong, Dr. Manuel D. Collaborators Montalban, Mr. Heraclio Roxas, Dr. Hilario A. Gana, Mr. Vicente Martin, Mr. Claro Associates Y enko, Mr. Flaviano Mondoiiedo, Dr. Ma;riano Orosa, Miss Maria; Y. Valenzuela, Mr. Abelardo I. Section of Coconut Products Dr. Amando T. Clemente, Chairman Members Aldaba, Dr. Vicente C. Gonzaga, Prof. Luis Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Associates Balce, Prof. Sofronio Oliveros, Mr. Salvador Ortig~, Prof. Crisostomo Quisumbing, Dr. Francisco A. J. Section of Plant Products ........ Dr. Felipe T. Adriano, Chairman Members Miranda, Mr. Luis G. Rot.ea, Dr. Santiago Y. Collaborators Raymundo, Mr. Mariano B. Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. Associates Balce, Prof. Sofronio Gonzales, Dr. Leon G. Gaza, Dr. Claro Oliveros, Mr. Salvador Orosa, Miss Maria Y. K. Section of Fibers and Textiles .... Dr. Vicente C. Aldaba, Chairman Member Espinosa, Mr. Jose C. Associates Bartolome, Mr. Vicente David, Dr. Pedrp A. L. Section of Tests and Standards Members Mr. Francisco D. Reyes, Chairma.n Aguilar, Mr. Rafael H. Dar Juan, Dr. Timoteo Espinosa, Mr. Jose C. Associate Ruiz, Mr. Mariano V. 20 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL M. Section of Sanitary Engineering . . Dean E. R. Hyde, Chairman Dr. Pablo I. de Jesus, Secretary Members Hernando, Dr. Eugenio Lara, Dr. Hilario Yeager, Dr. Clark H. Associates Dunham, Major George C. Maiiosa, Mr. Manuel N. Section of Mining and Metallurgical· Engineering Alvir, Dr. Antonio Dr. Leopoldo A. Faustino, Chairman Members Elicaiio, Mr. Victoriano Collaborator Feliciano, Dr. Jose M. Associates Abad, Mr. Leopoldo F'. Abadilla, Mr. Quirico SPECIAL SECTIONS Section of Sugar and Sugar By-Products (Under joint auspices of the Division of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Division of Agriculture and Forestry) Mr. George H. Eissinger, Chairma.n Dr. Marcos M. Alicante, Secret·ary Adriano, Dr. Felipe T. Aguilar, l\lr. Rafael Arguelles, Dir. Angel S. Cruz, Mr. Aurelio 0. Espinosa, Mr. Jose C. Gonzaga, Prof. Luis Guanzon, Dr. Getulio Members Leon, Dr. Antonio I. de Oliveros, Mr. Salvador Reyes, Mr. Francisco D. Roxas, Dr. Manuel L. Santos, Dr. Francisco 0. West, Dr. Augustus P. Yenko, Mr. Flaviano Section of Algal Investigation (Under the Division. of Biological Sciences) Dr. Joaquin Maraiion, Temporary Chairman, Dr. Hilario A. Roxas, Temporary Secretary Members Aguilar, Mr. Rafael Alicante, Dr. Marcos Quisumbing, Jesus, Dr. P. I. de Quisumbing, Dr. Eduardo Mr. Emilio Associates Clark, Mr. L. T. Mafiosa, Mr. Manuel ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 21 ACTIVITIES Meetings of the Council Two meetings of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands were held in the Auditorium of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines, during the period covered by this report-one in the morning of March 23, 1934, and the other in the morning of April 3, 1934. Matters considered in these two meetings are discussed under "Organization." MeeUngs of the Executive Board The Executive Board of the National Research Council of _the Philippine Islands held sixteen meetings, from April 6, 1934, to December 31, 1934. The meetings were held on the dates given below: First meeting .................... . Second meeting ................. . Third meeting ................... . Fourth meeting .................. . Fifth meeting .................... . Sixth meeting .................... . Seventh meeting ................. . Eighth meeting ................... . Ninth meeting ................... . Tenth meeting ................... . Eleventh meeting ................ . Twelfth meeting .................. . Thirteenth meeting .............. . Fourteenth meeting ............. . Fifteenth meeting ............... . Fifteenth meeting (continuation) .. . Sixteenth meeting ................ . April '6, 1934 April 13, 1934 April 20, 1934 April 27, 1934 May 4, 1934 May 18, 1934 June 8, 1934 June 22, 1934 July 6, 1934 July 13, 1934 August 10, 1934 August 17, 1934 September 7, 1934 October 5, 1934 October 26, 1934 November 9, 1934 December 16, 1934 The first five meetings of the Executive Board were held in the Conference Room of the School of Hygiene and Public Health. All the subsequent meetings after the sixth, took place in the office of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. The important matters considered at the different meetings of the Executive Board are embodied in the present report. 22 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Dh1isional and Sectional Meetings The different divisions and sections held several meetings. These meetings were mostly devoted to the organization of the divisions and to the consideration of research projects submitted by the different members of sections. Those finally acted upon are included in the list of research problems published elsewhere in this report. CONTACTS 'WITH ORGANIZATIONS ABROAD· Pacific Science Association Dr. Ernest A. Hodgson, Chairman of the Section of Seismology and Volcanology of the Fifth Pacific Science Congress, and Chairman of the Standing Committee on Seismology, has been in communication with the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands in connection with the work on seismological problems. Dr. W. C. Lowdermilk, Vice-Director of the Soil Erosion Service, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C., has communicated with the . Council in connection with the work of the Standing Committee on Land Classification and Utilization of the Pacific Science Association. In order to cooperate with the International Committee on the Oceanography of the Pacific, and upon the request of Dr. T. Wayland Vaughan, of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, La Jolla, California, the Executive Board at its meeting held on August 17, 1934, appointed the Chairman of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands as Chairman of the Committee for this country and Dr. Leopoldo Faustino as Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Coral and Coral Reefs, and Dr. Hilario A. Roxas as Chairman of the Sub-Committee of Physical and Chemical Oceanography, Marine Biology, Fisheries and Fisheries Technology. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands was represented by Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Chairman of the Division of Medical Sciences, at the Ninth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine held at Nanking, China, from October 3 to 8, 1934, through the cooperation of the University of the Philippines. At this Congress, Dr. Sison ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 23 was elected member of the Council of the Far Eastern Assodation of Tropical Medicine. Besides registedng the name of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, Dr. Sison also filed the foil owing two scientific papers that will be published in the Proceedings of the Congress: 1. Single Cell Transmission of Surra.~By Dr. Teodulo Topacio of the Bureau of Animal Industry 2. F'urther Study of the Unidentified Organism of Solis Isolated from Culion Leper Colony-By Dr. Rogelio Relova of the Department of Laboratories, Philippine General Hospital. A brief report on this attendance at the Congress by Dr. Sison is appended with the minutes of the fifteenth meeting of the Executive Board. National Research Councils Abroad The National. Research Council of the Philippine Islands, through its chairman, has been in correspondence during the period covered by this report with the National Research Council of the United States through Dr. Isaiah Bowman, Chairman of the Council, and the Research Information Service of that institution; with Dr. H. M. Tory, President of the National Research Council of Canada and President of the Fifth Pacific Science Congress; -with the National Research Council of Japan, through its Secretary, Dr. Y. Ishimaru. With all the national research councils referred to abroad and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Australia, the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands has established an exchange of publications. MEMORIAL TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Realizing the need of bringing to the attention of the members of the Constitutional Convention the importance of the inclusion of constitutional provisions establishing the National Research Council, the Executive Board at its sixth meeting held on May 18, 1934, considered the appointment of a committee to prepare. the draft of a memorial to the members of the Constitutional Convention, urging the inclusion of.provisions for scientific and research activities in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands. 24 of: NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The Committee appointed for this purpose was composed Dr. Carmelo Reyes, Chairman Dr. Leopol~o A. Faustino, Member Prof. Hermenegildo B. Reyes, Member The Office of the Council and the members of the Committee reviewed all the provisions of all known constitutions of the different nations of the world and considered those provisions bearing upon scientific and research activities. As a result of the work of this Committee, the Council published in July, 1934, the brochure, entitled "A Memorial to the Members of the Constitutional Convention," copies of which were delivered to the Chief Executive, the legislative leaders, each and every member of the Constitutional Convention, the Ir.embers of the Tenth Philippine Legislature, and other government officials. Proposed provisions supplementing those submitted in the memorial were also presented at different committee hearings of the Convention. In this connection, some members of the Executive Board as well as dther charter members of the Council appeared at the hearings of the Committee on Industry, Committee on National Defense, and Committee on Scientific Investigations of the Constitutional Convention, upon invitation of the respective chairmen of the committees. That the Council helped the convention in the study of the provisions that will affect scientific, research and industrial undertakings of the Philippine Commonwealth is well shown by the inclusion of Section 4 of Article XII on Civil Service (page 41) and Sections 8, 9, 10 and 13 of Article XIII on the General Provisions of the draft (page 43) of the Constitution now under consideration by the Constitutiona.l Assembly. The provisions referred to read as follows: ART. XII.-CIVIL SERVICE SEC. 4. No public officer shall be removed, suspended or transfPrred except for cause as provided by law. ART. XIII.-GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC, 8. It shall be the duty of the State through the organization of a National Research Council, or in other ways, to promote by legislation scientific research and invention. Arts and letters shall also be under the patronage of the State. The exclusive right to writings and discoveries shall be secured to authors and inventors for a limited period. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 25 SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the State to safeguard the social progress of its inhabitants, and to plan the national economy with the aid of a National Economic Council; it may establish and operate such industries and means of transportation and communication as may be consiC:.ered important to national welfare and defense and, when necessa'ry, upon payment of just compensation, may transfer to public ownership private enterprises suitable for nationalization. SEC. 10. Railroads, telegraphs and other means of communication shall be subject to oontrol and regulation of the State. SEC. 13. All agricultural, timber and mineral lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum and other mineral oils, game, fish or other aquatic products, and other natural resources of the Philippines, including the air and all forces of potential energy, belong to the Nation, and their disposition, exploitation, development, or utilization shall be limited to persons owing permanent allegiance to the sovereign authority thereof, or corporations, or associations, seventy-five per cent of the capital of which is owned by such persons, subject to any right, grant, lease, or concession existing in respect thereto on thi> date of the adoption of this Constitution: Provided, however, That in case a license, concession, or lease for the exploitation, development, or utilization of any of the natural resources be, granted, the same shall not exceed a perioC:. of fifty years, except in case of water rights for irrigation, or water supply, or fisheries, or industrial uses other than the development of water power, for which beneficial use shall be the measure and the limit of the grant. COOPERATION WITH THE DIFFERENT BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ORGANIZATIONS Cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and Commerce The appointment by His Excellency the Governor-General of the one hundred and fourteen charter members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands was made partly with the advice of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. The first financial aid, consisting of ten thousand pesos (Pl0,000), had come from it. In line with the cooperation offered by the Department, the services of Mr. Victor Pagulayan and the Division of Accounts and Property have been given so tha:t proper accounting of all disbursements and expenditures could be had without the necessity of additional personnel and 'so that purchases could be made on the most economical basis. A number of pieces of furniture of the Office of the Council have been obtained by transfer without cost through the cooperation of the Department. 26 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The Council helped the Department in the preparation of the sugar quota. Some queries sent to the Department have been referred to the Council foJ:'. the necessary information. Cooperation with the Bureau of Science Ever since the Council started to function, the Director and members of the staff of the Bureau of Science have generously cooperated with the Council. A small space .. was first provided for the present quarters (Room No. 213) which were formerly occupied by the National Museum. Within a short period, the exhibits of the Museum were removed and the entire big rooms were given for the use of the office of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. The limited resources of the Council have been greatly helped by the Bureau of Science by the furnishing of some equipment and furniture. The Scientific Library which is now again a division of the Bureau of Science has also cooperated in many ways with the office of the Council. To mention a few of them, reference can be made to the furnishing of scientific information gathered from various sources, compilation of bibliographies, lending of sets and series of publications often consulted by the office and members of the Council, etc. The Bureau of Science is the Government branch that has on its staff the second largest number of ~mbers of the Council. Cooperation with the University of the Philippines The University of the Philippines being the largest institution of the Government that can promote research activities because of the numerous research workers in its various scientific laboratories has constantly cooperated with the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands in several ways. The lia:rgest number of the charter and associate members of the Council are primarily connected with the University of the Philippines. When this highest institution of learning was being reorganized owing to the retrenchrn.en:t policy that it has adopted to safeguard its finances, the Executive Board of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands requested the President of the University and the members of the Board of Visitors and the Board of Regents that in the reorganization of the University of the Philippines every possible encouragement be given to all members of the faculty who are engaged ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 27 in scientific research. Replies to this resolution from the President of the University as well as from the members of the Board of Visitors and the Board of Regents were received, giving assurance that they would do their best to afford all the facilities and encouragement to faculty members engaged in research compatible with the present retrenchment policy of the state university. In line with the cooperation of the University of the Philippines, Dr. Antonio G. Sison, Chairman of the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, and Professor of Medicine of the University of the Philippines, was sent to Nanking as the official delegalte of the state university and the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands to the Ninth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine held during October 3 to 8, 1934, at the expense of the University of the Philippines. At the Congress referred to, Dr. Sison registered the name of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands as one of the participants. The Board of Regents a:t its meeting held on June 18, 1934, I granted the request of the Executive Board of the Council that in so far as it is consistent with their regular duties, and through proper arrangement with their respective immediate chiefs, all members of the Council who are employed in the University of the Philippines be allowed to use official time in attending meetings of the Council or doing research work in behalf of the Council. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands enjoys the cooperaJtion of the staff of the School of Hygiene and Public Health. All the meetings of the entire Council are held in the Auditorium of the latter. The first five meetings of the Executive Board were held in the Conference Room of the same building. Equipment, such as the mimeographing machine, was always placed at the disposal of the office of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands before the latter was able to purchase its own. SCIENTIFIC CONVENTIONS The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, like other similar organizations abroad, sponsors scientific conventions. As part of this work the Council is publishing the 28 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL proceedings of the Second Philippine Science Convention held in Manila under the auspices of the Philippine Scientific Society during Feburary 14-18, 1933. The Third Philippine Science Convention to be held from F~bruary 26 to March 2, 1935, is ~ponsored by the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands jointly with the Philippine Scientific Socieey-. If conditions permit, the Naitional Research Council of the Philippine Islands may consider serious1ly the extension of invitations to ir:ternational organizations, such as the Pan-Pacific Science Association or the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine and other similar organizations, to hold one of their congresses in Manila under the auspices of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. The general program of the Third Philippine Science Convention approved by the Executive Committee follows: Tuesday, FebruarzJ 26, to Saturday, March 2, 193.5 TUESDAY-February 26 Third Philippine Science Convention 8 :00 to 10 :00 a.. m. Registration 10:00 to 12:00 noon Opening Session Dr. Manuel L. Roxas, Presiding 1 :30 to 3 :30 p. m. General Meeting Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, Presiding 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Divisional Meetings Chairman of Division, Presiding National Research Council of the Philippine Islands 5 :30 p. m. Election of Nominees for chairmen of divisions of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands (Art. VI, Sec. 2, Constitution and ByLaws of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 WEDNESDAY-February 27 Third Philippine Science Convention 8 :00 ito 10 :00 a. m. General Meeting Dr. Leopoldo Uichanco, Presiding 10:00 to 12:00 noon Divisional Meetings Chairman of Division, Presiding THURSDAY-February 28 National Research Council of the Philippine Islands 8 :00 to 12 :00 a. m. 29 Annual Meeting of the National Research Council of the Philippine lsla:nds (Art. VII, Sec. 1, Constitution and By-Laws of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands) THURSDAY-February 28 Third Philippine Science Convention 1 :30 to 3 :30 p. m. General Meeting Dir. A. S. Arguelles, Presiding 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Divisional Meetings Chairman of Division, Presiding FRIDAY-March 1 (to be held in the College of Agriculture, Laguna) Third Philippine Science Convention 9 :00 to 12 :00 a. m. General Meeting Dean B. M. Gonzalez, Presiding SATURDAY-March 2 Third Philippine Science Convention 8 :00 to 10 :00 a. m. Dr. Manuel L. Roxas, Presiding 30 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Philippine Scientific Society 10 :00 to 12.00 a. rn. Business Meeting Dr. Manuel L. Roxas, Presiding National Research Council of the Philippine Islands 3.00 p. m. Election of officers of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands Third Philippine Science Convention 7:00 p. m. Banquet Dr. Victor Buencamino, Presiding Visit to Industrial Plants and Exhibits WEDNESDAY-February 27 1:30 p. m. Visit to an industrial plant. 3.00 p. rn. Visi't to the Second Agricultural and Commercial Exposition, Philippine Carnival. FRIDAY-March 1 From 1 :30 p. m. All laboratories in the College of Agriculture will ht> opened to delegaites and visitors. COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. EDUARDO QUISUMBING Dr. Amando Clemente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. Timoteo Dar Juan ....................... Member Dr. Bienvenido M. G<>nzalez .................. Member Dr. Hilario Lara ........................... Member Prof. Hermenegildo B. Reyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. Manuel L. Roxas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. Francisco 0. Santos ..................... Member Dr. Agerico B. M. Sison ..................... Member Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco ................... Member Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela ................... Member ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 CoMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS AT Las BANOS, LAGUNA Dean Bienvenido M. Gonzalez .............. Chairman Dr. E. B. Copeland ......................... Member Prof. Harold Cuzner ........................ Member Prof. Placido Dacanay ...................... ,'ltlember Dr. Francisco 0. Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco .................... Member FINANCE AND BANQUET MUSIC Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela .................. Chairman Dr. F'elipe T. Adriano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dir. Angel S. Arguelles ....................... Member Dr. Victor Buencamino ..................... . Dir. Jose S. Camus ......................... . Dr. Cornelio C. Cruz ....................... . Prof. P. Dacanay .......................... . Mr. Victoriano Elica,fto ..................... . Mr. Basilo Hernandez Member Member Member Member Member Member Dr. Antonio I. de Leon ....................... Member Mr. L. Miranda ......... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Miss Maria Y. Orosa ........................ Member Mr. Victor Pagulayan ....................... Member Dr. Eugenio Quesada ........................ Member Dir. Miguel Selga ........................... Member Dir. Florencio Tamesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Mr. Gregorio Velasquez ..................... Member Dr. Arturo Garcia RECEPTION, ENTERTAINMENT AND EXCURSION Victor Buencamino ............. Chairman Dr. Felipe T. Adriano ...................... Member Dr. Feliciano M. Clara ....................... Member Dr. Leopoldo A. Faustino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dir. Arthur F. Fischer ...................... Member Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing .................... ·Member Dr. Hilario A. Roxas ........................ Member Mr. Hilarion S. Silayan ..................... Member Prof. Valente Villegas ....................... Member REFRESHMENTS Miss Maria Y. Orosa ...................... Chairman Dr. Felipe T. Adriano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Prof. Alejandro de Mesa .................... Member Dr. Josefina Ramos ......................... Member Miss Feliciana Reyes ....................... Member Dr. Santiago Y. Rotea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. F'rancisco O. Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member 31 3~ NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PUBLICITY Dr. Amando Clemente . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chairman Dr. LeopolC:.o B. Uichanco ................... Member Dr. Patrocinio Valenzuela ................... Member RESOLUTIONS Dr. Arturo Garcia ........................ Chairman Dr. Victor Buencamino ..................... Member Mr. Victoriano Elicaiio ..................... Member Dr. Leopoldo Faustino ....................... Member Dr. Bienvenido M. Gonzalez .................. Member Dr. Carmelo Reyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Dr. Manuel L. Roxas ........................ Member Dr. Antonio G. Sison ........................ Member Dr. Leopoldo B. Uichanco .................... Member Elicano Fellowship At the second meeting of the Executive Board, the Secretary-Treasurer reported the receipt of the amount of 'P360.00 to be paid- in two semesters as a research endowment from Mr. Victoriano Elicafio of the Consolidated Mines to cover the stipend of P30.00 monthly for a period of one year for a research assistant who will work under Professor Luis Gonzaga of the Department of Chemistry of the University of the PhilipjJines 011 the "Quantitative Determination of Gold in Ores by Spec'troscopic Method." In this connection, Miss Pilar Da Silva, a graduate student majoring in chemistry, was appointed _Elicafio Fellow effective June 1, 1934, upon the recommendation of the authorities concerned of the University of the Philippines. In view of the fact that the term of the Elicafio Fellowship has not as yet expired, the following excerpts from the report of progress submitted by Prof. Luis Gonzaga is quoted: Miss Da Silva had to undergo considerable preliminary practice in the art of handling spectrographic equipment and in the art of photography because these are essential to the acquisition of technique in quantitative spectrography. The proper manipulation of instruments involving measurements to the order of one ten-millionth of a millimeter, require considerable preliminary practice, for the production of accurate and reliable results. This task in a: laboratory crowded with students and with meagre facilities must necessarily be long and tedious. In spite of handicaps, Miss Da Silva was able finally to handle the spectrograph with sufficient accuracy to make series photographs of different samples of previously assayed ores from the Balatoc Mines. These ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 33 photographs were made in juxtaposition and include spectra of the blank electrode and of pure gold chloride. Many series photographs of this type were made by her, each under different conditions of excitation, different electrodes and degrees of self inductance. The object was to study the different series of photographs to ascertain whether differences in gold content produce enough variation in the number or intensity of the gold lines under any set of conditions, to warrant their use in evaluating the gold content of unknown samples. The above method originally developed by the Gramont of France, has been used with considerable success by some of the biggest metallurgical labora,ltories of the world in the determination of small percentages of vanadium and other metals in steel and other alloy. Besides being the cheapest and simplest method, it is the only photographic method that can be tested exhaustively with the existing equipment of the Department of Chemistry. Unfortunately in none of the above series photographs taken could sufficient variation of gold lines be discerned to warrant the application of the method .to the materials in question. Miss Da Silva also tried the visual method of timing the rate of disappearance of some gold lines with the aid of the wavelength spectrometer. She used also Balatoc ores of known gold content, but the time of disappearance did not prove indicative of the gold content. A great G'eal of Miss Da Silva's time was also occupied ii;! compiling r,nd abstracting the literature on ·the subject. The majority of 1 the articles being in French and German, it is easy to see how tedious this task alone has been for her. There are at present several other methods of quantitative spectrography, more or less successfully used in some meta)lurgical laboratories. Some of these are of complicated nature, involving expensive equipmelnt and considerable experimental skill in their execution. They would there:;"9re not constitute a distinct improvement over the assay method even if they were applicable to gold determination. There is however one simple and inexpensive method devek>ped by Sheibe and Neuhausser which would be convenient to use in the mines, if found applicable to Philippine gold ores. This method makes use of a logarithmic sector before the spectrograph for varying the exposure along the length of the line, thus producing a wedge-like blackening whose length is proportional to the intensity of the line and hence to the metal content of the sample. The catalogue price of this instrument is only £21 or 1'210 (Adam Hilger, London) and it can also be used for quantitative estimation of small amounts of other metals in foodstuffs and other similar materials as shown by the most recent literature along this line. VISITING SCIENTISTS In order to promote cooperation in resea.rch abroad the National Research Council of th~ Philippine Islands is always ready to give help to research organizations abroad and to their 34 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL representatives sent to the Philippine Islands in ga.thering any desired information. During the year Dr. Heinz Krause of the University of Jena who was working for the Rockefeller Foundation was the guest of the Council for a period of about three weeks. During Dr. Krause's stay in Manila, office accommodations were given him by the Office of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands and the Division of Statistics of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. He worked most of the time in the office of the Council. He was accompanied by the Chairman of the Division of Government, Foreign, and Educational Relations and the Secretary of the Council to various government offices and other places of interest to him in order to help him obtain the desired information. This facility is offered by the Council to any visiting scientist in Manila. PUBLICATIONS During the period covered by this report, the Council has issued Bulletin No. 1, a reprint from the Philippine Journal of Agriculture, volume 5, No. 2, second quarter, 1934, which gives an account of the organization of the Council, and includes the address of His Excellency Governor-General Frank Murphy delivered · .. when the .members were inducted into office; the constitution and by-la,vs and the list of officers and a list of the charter members of the Council. The other publication issued by the Council during the period was a brochure, entitled "A Memorial to the Members of the Constitutional Convention," consisting of twelve pages. The Council is also publishing the abstracts of the proceedings of the Second Philippine Science Convention held during February 14 to 18, 1933. The most important publication issued by the Council during the period is the present report. RESEARCH INFORMATION SERVICE Several queries regarding research information have been received by the Council from tinie to time. These queries were duly replied to by furnishing the information desired. Information about research work and biographies of scientists, bibliographical sources, queries about certain industries, and requests for methods and procedures, composed the main bulk of information service rendered by the Council. In this work, the Council has always obtained the indispensable help of the staff of the Scientific Library Division of the Bureau of Science. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 35 In the questionnaire sent to every cha.rter member and associate member of the council, biographical data and other information relative to the training and experience and the extent of research work engaged in by the members were obtained. An inventory of special research equipment and apparatus of the research workers in the Philippines was made for the information of research workers who are handicapped by the lack of adequate facilities. Some of the foregoing data are embodied in this special report, together with _bibliographies of the scientific works and other contributions published by each charter and associate member. SPECIAL REPORTS The following special and progress reports have been submitted to the divisions of the Council concerned: SECTION OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY RESEARCH ON FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIGHER RICE YIELDS IN TEMPERATE THAN IN TROPIC LANDS By E. B. CoPELAND Rice yields heavier crops, as a general rule, in temperate zone lands 'than in the tropics. It seems improbable that any difference in cultural technique is responsible for the difference in yield. Factors responsible for the difference may be: 1. Length of day. 2. Genetic character of the rice, all temperate rices being perhaps a natural group distinct from all tropic rices. 3. Unknown, but of course knowable. The problem is of great and obvious interest in a purely scientific sense. Its practical importance is equally great but not equally obvious. Its practical importance lies in the fact that in experimentation and in practice alike we require standards by which to judge results; which is equally true whether the result aimed at is maximum yield or most profitable yield. In ail efforts to improve the field technique, we grope, until we know whether or not Spanish yields are possible of attainment in the tropics. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL To illustrate the handicap due to uncertainty of standards, we can compare the experience of Java and Japan (not the Philippines and the United States or Spain, in which prejudice might influence us). Javan experimentation with rice breeding has been regarded as the most skillful and most extensive in the world; in studies of rice nutrition also Java has very high rank, and the Government's machinery for the transilation of experimental findings to farm practice is very perfect in Java; and yet Japan is far ahead of Java in these respects of practice in which Javan study has seemed most perfect,-and it is in the almost mechanical field of irrigation that the Javan rice industry has profited most by governmental effort. We cannot appraise experiments with rice until we fix standards of judgment. And until we know why yields in Spain and Japan are higher than in Java and the Philippines, we do not know whether or not the northern yields represent for us the approach to perfection. The analysis of this problem and its solution will have value far beyond the field of rice. For instance, what proves true of rice will probably be applicable to maize and potato; also to short-lived crops of tropic or subtropic origin, which are likewise more productive now in temperate lands. As ·to long-lived crops, the forester's evidence is that the tropics outyield the temperate zones by a wide margin. REPORT OF THE SECTION OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION The Animal Production Section of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands has the honor to submit here·with a report containing its recommendations. The Animal Production Section views as the most immedi·ate task in its field the stimulation of local production of animals and animal products at present imported into the Islands. With every nation establishing tariff barriers against other nations, it would seem to be the safest move for the present to attempt to develop local animal industries to reduce importations. A casual perusal of the trade of the Philippine Islands "'ith the United States and foreign countries indicates the following as very conspicuous animal products at present imported from other countries. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 37 Animals and animal products imported from the United States and foreign countries Calendar Year Articles 1933 1932 Animals: pesos I pesos Cattle, other than carabaos ........ . 10,000 I 3,606 Other animals .................... . 31,163 I 22,676 Eggs, in natural form ............. . 831,114 I 1,538,319 Leather and manufactures of: I Shoes, leather soles ............... . 300,903 I 351,319 16,025 I 18,714 1,452,678 1,440,541 Sandals and slippers .............. . AIJ others ....................... . Meat and dairy products: I Meat products .................... . 2,636,654 I 2,925,234 Dairy products ................... . 4,985,813 I 5,203,020 The Animal Production Section recommends specific lines 0f action with a view to producing these materials locally as much as possible. 1. LIVE ANIMALS.-There is an apparent sufficiency of live animals in the Islands at present, as evidenced by the fact that in spite of curtailed importations the prevailing prices for animals and animal products have remained low. It is generally conceded, however, that the size and quality of Philippine animals leave much to be desired, and for this reason, efforts being made at present by government and private enterprises to improve them should be encouraged (a) by adequate government support of such projects, (b) by facilitating the transmission to the public of any results of such work, and ( c) by sale of breeding stock to the public at reasonable prices. It is acknowledged that there is a fundamental difficulty encountered in the establishment of animal industries in the Islands in that local breeds are of inferior quality while improved breeds from foreign countries do not readily adapt themselves to the Philippine environment. Constant effort should, therefore, be exerted towards the development of improved breeds specifically adapted to the country. No doubt, one of the biggest problems of the stockman in the Islands lies in the marketing of his animals. This is not only expensive but also difficult. Efforts should be made to 38 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL remedy this situation (a) by reduction of freight rates and slaughterhouse fees and (b) by the construction of abattoirs in centralized ports of embarkation and transportation of meat to centers of consumption in vessels equipped with cold storage facilities. 2. EGGs.-Notable progress has already been accomplished in the diminution of egg importations from an average of 'P2,199,336 in 1928-30 to an average of Pl,481,190 in 1931-33. While a great deal of this decrease may be attributed to the higher tariff on eggs, which has been in effect since 1932, which sustains a satisfactory price level, and to a certain extent tci the prevailing economic depression which has limited the purchasing power of the population, it cannot be doubted that the campaign for greater poultry production undertaken by the government has also had its effect. The increased production of eggs in the face of the general curtailment of production of most other agricultural products is an excellent demonstration of what protection can do for such industries as a're poioisible in the Islands but which at present remain in a more or less dormant or stationary condition on account of heavy competition from abroad. There is still room for stimulating further the production of eggs to offset entirely, if possible, 1 aU importations of this product, and the agencies which have operated to effect the results so far attained should be encouraged to continue further in their work. 3. MEAT PRODUCTS.-With an adequate supply of fresh meat products such as beef, pork, and poultry, and with the expected lower purchasing power of the population under the impending relationship with the United States, it would seem that the importation of meat products will be reduced automatically. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that a considerable proportion of these products are in the form of refrigerated meats which are largely consumed by the non-native population. Packing house products from 'the point of view of the Filipino masses are not necessitie.s but luxuries. Therefore, regardless of what animal products we may produce, there will always be a certain demand for foreign products from those who can afford to pay for them, in the same manner that there will always be ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 39 a demand for automobiles, silk goods, fancy toilet articles., perfumes, powders and the like. We should, nevertheless, attempt to gradually develop such industries although recognizing the limited market for such products, and the fact that progress will necesisarily be slow as the specific characteristics which give such products their particular appeal aire often closely guarded trade secrets. 4. DAIRY PRODUCTS.-In the interest of the welfare of our population, the consumption of dairy products should be stimulated. Small communities should be encouraged to raise milking animals. Select Native carabaos should be used to begin \vith and the government should sell Indian buffalo bulls to improve production by grading. This work should begin in communities close to large provincial centers. As the people gradually learn the problems of d.airy management, then there will be created a demand for a better grade of dairy animal. When this time comes, the Indian buffalo may be replaced with higher producing animals such as the Scindi, or any improved breed that may have been acclimated or developed by the government agencies. Inasmuch as it is generally claimed that love for animals is not natural among Filipinos, it may take some time to develop a dairy industry. For this reason, this program should be started in selected regions where people are already used to keeping animals, as in Batangas and in the !locos provinces. It may be expec'ted that in time a dairy industry will develop in such regions that will ultimately give rise to centralized establishments, as condenseries, creameries, and cheese factories. The organization of larger dairies should be encouraged in the larger provincial ca.pitals. It is believed that the greater risk assumed in the establishment of such enterprises will be fully justified by the better opportunities for gain. 5. LEATHER AND LEATHER PRODUCTS.-We wish to commend to the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research a serious study of the possibilities of leather manufacturing in the Philippines. While large quantities of leather are at present being produced in the Islands, Philippine-made leather is notoriously inferior to imported leather. If we lack the technical 40 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL knowledge to undertake this line of work, it is suggested that the Division consider recommending the specialized training of capable personnel with basic training in chemistry. Summarizing, the Animal Production Section recommends the following: 1 . Efforts being made by government and private enterprises to improve Philippine animals should be encouraged (a) by adequate government support of such projects, (b) by facilitating the transmissiions to the public of any results of such work, and ( c) by sale of breeding stock to the public at reasonable prices. 2. Efforts should be exerted towards the development of breeds of animals specifically adapted to the country. 3. The stockman should be helped in the marketing of his animals (a) by reduction of freight rates and / or (b) by the construction of abattoirs in centralized ports of embarkation and transportation of meat to centers of consumption in vessels equipped with cold storage facilities. 4. Poul'try production should be stimulated and the agencies concerned should be encouraged to continue further in their work. 5. The poultry industry should be protected by increasing the tariff on eggs and egg products. 6. Although packing house products have a rather limited market in the Islands, we should attempt to gradually develop packing industrfes. 7. Small communities should be encouraged to raise select Native carabaos for milking purposes, and the government should sell Iridian buffalo bulls to improve production by grading. 8. The organizatiori of large dairies should be encouraged in the larger provincial capitals. 9. The possibilities of leather manufacturing in the Philippines should be seriously s'tudied by the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research. If technical knowledge is lacking in this line of work, it is suggested that they consider recommending tl~e specialized training of capable personnel with basic training in chemistry. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 41 PROGRESS REPORT OF THE SOILS AND FERTILIZERS SECTION By ROB~T L. PENDLETON In accordance with the letter dated June 12, 1934, of the Chairman of the Division, the undersigned as chairman of the Section of Soils and Fertilizers, has had several meetings with the members, Dr. M. M. Alicante and Director A. S. Arguelles. The majority elec'ted the undersigned permanent chairman. It was further decided that Dr. D. I. Aquino, Dr. Nicolas Galvez, and Mr. F. D. Reyes should be accepted as Associates for this section. Encouragement of Research in Soils and Fertilizers This Section has given much consideration to the main lines of research that should be encouraged in the field of soils and fertilizers. The members of this Section feel very strongly that this important field has not been given at all adequate encouragement in the study of the fundamental problems of Philippine agriculture. It is felt that until better support is given to the study of soils and fertilizers, much of the agricultural improvement being attempted along other lines will be built upon a very uncertain and inadequate foundation. This at once suggests that increased funds should be available for the study of the soil and fertilizer problems that are most pressing, and 'the attention of the several administrative officers is directed to these matters. However, provided that the internal and cooperating arrangements can be adjusted satisfactorily, much can at once be done with only modest amounts of money with the staffs and the facili'ties now available in the several bureaus and in the College of Agriculture. The one inescapable added expense is that for travelling, as it is impossible to satisfactorily study the soil without much time being spent in the field. The mere laboratory study and "analysis" of "soil samples" is now known to be far from adequate for the serious study of the soil. Before considering some of the poSJSible cooperative arrangements by which the problems may be attacked, let us first state the more important soil and fertilizer problems which, if the Philippines is to compete with her neighbors in agricultural production, must be solved. 42 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL First: We need accurate knowledge of the nature and extent of the main kinds of soils of the Islands, that is to say, a soil survey is essential. We cannot intelligently study the soils with reference to their fertilizer needs or their crop responses, nor can we assist the Bureau of Forestry in its important and difficult land clas,sification work until we have knowledge of the kind that can only be obtained from a soil survey. This soil survey must, of course, be supplemented and supported by laboratory analysis of the more important chemical, physical, and biological characteristics or "constants" of at least the more important soil types. Second: We need to know the effects of the use of the principal plant nutrients as applied to the principal crops upon the more important soil types. Except for sugar cane fertilization responses (and this information has been obtained almost entirely at private expense and by private initiative), we are far behind most agricultural regions in our knowledge of the effects of the fertilizers upon the quantity and quality of our agricultural products. Suitable studies upon these lines will enable us to produce higher yields of better quality, and often at a lower cost per unit, of tobacco, rice, pineapples, bananas, abaca, coffee, cacao.... But even about sugar cane we as yet have learned only a small part of what we should know about the soils and their fertilization and management. Under suitable conditions of soil and culture significantly greater differences may be obtained with economically practicable applications of fertilizers. It is important, however, to lay out the experimental work in such a way as to obtain results in terms of quality and quantity of product, and not merely in terms of money values for the particular experimental season. Such results, particularly for the perennial crop, cannot be carried out on a high standard, and for many years continuously. In such experiments, the use of copra and other oil cakes and other fertilizing materials produced locally should be given adequate attention. Third: Soil management experiments relative to the use of green manures, cover crops, and soil amendments are necessary. Similar high standards of plot experimental procedure must be maintained throughout the work. Organic matter relationships in the soil, including the maintenance of organic ANNUAL RE·PORT, 1934-35 43 matter in the soil at desirable levels, and similar subjects would be covered by work under this head. A number of these studies might well be carried out in cooperation with certain other sections of this Division. Laboratory studies of the soils being experimented with, to assist in evaluating the effects, and interpreting them, would be carried out for these projects, as well as for those under the second head. Fourth: Because it is annually carrying away to the sea enormous quan'tities of fertile Philippine soils, soil erosion is a continual menace. For the main types of our hill and mountain soils, measurement of the amount of erosion, the factors that affect it, and methods of management need to be devised, in order that the soils may continue to be utilized economically and profitably, and at the same time their permanent productiveness not be impaired or ruined. Tests need to be devised so that in advance, before the forests are destroyed and the land given over to agriculturists, a hill or mountain soil may be txamined as to its erosiveness. This would prevent the clearing and planting of those soils more liable to erosion, whether or not to other criteria, the land would seem to be "agricultural." Fifth: A comprehensive study of the nitrogen economy of Philippine soils, from both the chemical and microbiological points of view, while not so imperative and not of such immediate economic importance as the four preceding lines of research, will facilitate a better general understanding of the soil fertility problems of our soils, and is closely connected with the questions of fertilization and soil management, with reforestation, and forestry practices in general. The Need of Detailed, Accurate Topographic Maps in the Phili'P'])ines While the importance of accurate, relative large scale contour maps for the study and development of a region can hardly be overestimated, so many lines of activity in these Islands manage to get along with imperfect and laboriously constructed maps of their own, that it is too little appreciated what Ein adequate topographic survey could accomplish in supplying this need. Not only soil survey but many other lines of development and conservation of the natural resources of the Islands 44 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL are greatly handicapped by inadequate base maps. The Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, in the Insular branch, of course, does publish many maps of the Islands, but this office does not have any field staff, and can merely compile ayailable data. The results, while better than nothing, are, for most purposes, distressingly inadequate. This Soils and Fertilizers Section wishes to emphasize the great importance of detailed topographic maps, and hopes that the Council will lend its support to the encouragement of the activities of the Map Board, created some years ago by Executive Order, but unable to accomplish much because of a complete lack of financial support. It must be confessed that here is a case where adequate cooperation seemed to have been provided for, but, because of the lack of any funds, the machinery refused to operate with any good result. Modest financial encouragement for this Board would enable it to make real progress in providing the Philippines with better maps. There is little doubt but that money put into good map making, even at the expense of appropriations for almost any one of the already established governmental -activities, would, ·in the long run; p.ay better dividends through the availability of good maps for so many lines of activity. For soil survey and s1imilar lines of field work the direct use of airplane photographs is of very great aid, particularly in the absence of other detailed maps. It is probable that if photographic materials were supplied the U. S. Army Air Service would be willing to renew its former offers of making aerial photographs of regions that the National Research Council or other Insular organizations desired to study. Such effective and relatively inexpensive types of cooperation should not be overlooked. Possible Cooperating A!f encies Of course, ultimately all of the agricultural population of the Philippines w:ill be benefited by the increased knowledge of the soil that will result from an adequate study of the soils of the Islands. With no increased funds in sight, the only possible way to increase and develop the soil research is to effect cooperative arrangements. There are two types of cooperation and cooperative agencies, first, those bureaus or other entities which ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 45 are directly interested in applying the results of the research, ~nd second, those organizations or offices which are serving r:1erely as agencies for effecting certain results. These groups might be listed as follows: 1. Using results directly. A. Official organizationsBureau of Plant Industry Bureau of Forestry Bureau of Public Works Fiber Board Tobacco Board College of Agricutture Bureau of Education B . Commercial organizations-Philippine Sugar Association Fertilizer importing and mixing firms 2. Organizations which in cooperative activity would serve as agencies for accomplishing resultsBureau of Science-Laboratory det.erminations Bureau of Public Works-Map drafting Bureau of Coast & Geodetic Survey-Map lithographing Division of Publications-Report publication. Bureau of Audits-Sympathetic understanding of the nature of cooperation and permitting Bureau expenditures for the several comp~ nent features and portions of the entire work. U.S. ArmyAir Service-Aerial photography and mapping. Engineers-Topographic mapping. Relation of Soil Research to Geology and Geography Particularly in connection with soil surveys, there is a general and indeed very old idea that the survey of soils and similar soil studies, should be closely correlated with, or should follow geological surveys. However, while most soils have been denved from geological formations, and some are still very closely related to the parent geological materials and while a good geological survey of a region is of very great interest and 46 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of distinct value in connection with the making cf a s.oil survey, it is by no means necessary for the soil survey to w:tit upcn or be directly correlated with the geological survey. Indeed. the experience of the writer in China, where he was in charge cf soil survey work, as a branch of the National Geological Survey, dettnonstrated clearly the handicap that aris2s from too clos2 association of a soil survey with geological work. It is particularly fortunate for us in the Philippines that the soil work does not have to be dependent upon or follow the geological work, for the geological work is necessarily limited for the most part to the mountainous regions of importance in mining or where economic mineral deposits are found or suspected, while the soil surveys must necessarily be carried out upon the lowland agricultural soils. It is therefore felt that while geological surveys and soil surveys are and should be supplementary, there is nothing to be gained at this stage by suggesting the cooperation of the geological sciences in the soil survey and the other lines of activity that naturally come the scope of the Section of Soils and Fertilizers. The National Research Council is for the purpose of encouraging cooperation between workers in related fields of activity, and it is an excellent policy, but effective cooperation should not include groups so large as to run the risk of becoming unwieldy and unnecessarily complicated. It is believed that th2 most effective results can be obtained by limiting the work cf the section to the field of soils as such, and as applied to agriculture and forestry. Limits beyond which Cooperation camwt Effectively be Carried Cooperative effort must be, in these years of leanness of financial support, the main means by which progress can be effected. A reasonable degree of cooperation between the various entities mentioned above will be a long step in advance in soil research. It is necessary, however, particularly in connection with soil survey work, to prevent certain misconceptions from arising. Soil survey is an art, and a rather specialized ~rt at that, and while it is desirable to develop an understanding of soil mapping methods and the utilization of the resulting soil maps and reports as generally as possible among the scienANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 47 tiiic personnel of the Government, it must not be supposed that it will be at all practicable to train any considerable number of members of the staffs of the several bureaus to make soil surveys. It is no more possible for one to satisfactorily m.ap soils without adequate training and €Xperience than it is to expect to make a good geological field man by giving some members of the staff of the College of Agriculture a short training course, nor to train foresters by having an as.sistant from the Bureau of Science, say, accompany a party of foresters for a few weeks. No one would suppose that a rice agronomist could rapidly be trained to do timber cruising; nor a veterinarian to do sugiar cane breeding! Effective accomplishment in soil survey work particularly will require certain members of the personnel to devote their whole time and attention to the work, so that there must be at least a few posts provided with salaries at modest rates for the soil surveyors who will be necessary. And there must .be traveiling expenses provided for, as a soil survey is necessarily a field procedure. For the necessary laboratory routine determinations, and there should be large numbers of them, in order to accumulate the very necessary mass of data for est1.blishing the values of the "soil constants", a few relatively low-paid assistants can be trained. This siection therefore urges the Division, after it has given due consideration to the suggested lines of study and cooperation, and has made any constructive criticism or suggestions, to approve in principle the proposed policy of cooperative soil research, particularly for the s•oil survey and soil erosion studies, that the plan may be developed and presented by the Division, or the Council, to the several entities concerned, for the necessary favorable action. Summary The Section on Soils and Fertilizers calls attention to five important lines of soil research, viz. soil survey; kinds and quantities of fertilizers for our soils and crops; green manuring, cover crops, and other soil management p~actices; control of soil erosion; and nitrogen economy of Philippine soils. While the administrative officers concerned have it now within their power to see that greater attention is paid to these vitally important questions facing our main industry, additional 48 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL means of solving these problems may be found in cooperative arrangements, and thus men and equipment may be used most effectively. The Section wishes to emphasize the great importance of giving more encouragement to the preparation of suitable topographic maps of the Philippines, for use as base maps for all lines of research upon forestry and agricultural subjects, and particularly for the soil survey. The Insular Map Board should have its powers implemented by a modest appropriation, as it is well fitted to serve as the coordinating agency in supervising the preparation of contour maps. For the carrying out of the soil survey a certain amount of money is necessary for a permanent field staff, and for the travelling expenses. It is not possible to successfully carry on survey work with superficial training of specialists already in the employ of the various Bureaus. The Soils and Fertilizers Section urges the active support of the Division of Agriculture and Forestry to obtain adequate attention for these important soil problems, and the necessary cooperation in order that results of value may be attained. RESEARCH PROJECTS The research projects submitted by the different divisions of the Council are enumerated in this section of the report. The list of problems therein given is partly a recapitulation and extension of the work which members of the different sections of the division have ~!ready been working on in a more or less discontinuous manner, depending on the availability of time, equipment, materials and supplies. While many of the research projects included are actually in progress, however, a great number of them have not yet been started but will be undertaken from time to time as the Council succeeds in obtaining the necessary funds for their promotion. II. DIVISION OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SECTION OF ASTRONOMY 1. Development of new methods for the more accurate transmission of time signals. 2. Study of varia:ble stars. 3. Study of the trembling and oscillations of the stars due to bad seeing, and the possible use of same to get direction of upper air currents. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 49 4. Spectroscopic study of telluric lines in the solar spectrum as an aid to information on upper air structure. 5. Determination of the value of gravity at selected points in the Islands. SECTION OF SEISMOLOGY 1. Accurate study of the seismicity of the different parts of the Islands. 2. Study of possible methods of prediction of earthquakes, e.g. through earth tilting, etc. 3. Study of building types adapted to the P. I. most suited to withstand quakes. 4. Source of microseisms. 5. The establishment of a first-class seismic observatory in a region of igneous rock. 6. Seismic folklore of the Islands. 7. Petrographic study of the rocks associated with each volcano of the Islands. 8. Systematic stuG.'y of the hot-springs of the Islands. 9. Precise levelling in seismic areas. 10. Geophysical prospecting. SECTION OF METEOROLOGY 1. Study of air streams in the P. I., their origin, their characteristics as to temperature, humidity, etc. 2. The relation between the air streams of the Far East and depressions, typhoons, etc. 3. The relation of the different types of clouds to air masses and ·weather forecasting. 4. The intimate nature of typhoons. 5. The possibility of long range forecasting of typhoons and the relation, if any, with solar activity. 6. The possibility of the mathemati.ool calculation of the paths of depressions and typhoons in the Far East along the lines set down by Patterssen of Norway. 7. The upper air in the P. I. (a:) Its direction of motion at various heights, temperature, humidity, etc. (b) The correlation of upper air in the P. I. with that of lndoChina, India, China, the Carolines, etc. 8. The upper air and its relation to aviation in the Far East. 9. Scientific study of the possibility of the improvement of meteorological instruments to suit the peculiar conditions of the tropics. 10. Ultra-violet radiation in the P. I. and its relation to hea;lth, etc. 11. The ozone content of the air in the P. I. and its variation, if any, near typhoons, etc. 50 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The influence of the various air masses of the P. I. and the topography of the country upon the distribution of the country's rainfall. Effect of climate upon man, man's activities, animals, plants, and micro-organisms. The correlation of the various weather elements such as temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, with the various seasons of the year. The correlation, if any, between the various weather elements and atmospherical electricity. Static and its relation to typhoon position. Meteorological folklore of the Philippines. Study of evaporation. Study of the droughts in the Philippines. Katathermometric observations. Study of floods in the Philippines. Action of precipitation in relation to erosion. Climatic classification of the P. I. Study of air conditioning in the Philippines. III. DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES SECTION OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1. Studies on the Ana.tomo-Physiological Standards of Filipinos: (a) Anatomical Standards1. On the internal secreting glands. 2. On fhe cranial indices. 3. On the brain and spinal cord. (b) Physiological StanC:.ards1. On blood gases. 2. On blood chemistry. 3 . On functional efficiency tests. 2. Studies on Comparative Anatomy: (a) Studies on the regeneration of peripheral nerves in horses. (b) Histological studies of the muscle fibers in different domestic animals. (c) StuC:.ies on the morphogenesis oi the compound stomach in ruminants. (d) Studies on the reticulo-endothelial system. (e) Study of peripheral nerves in beriberi and other types of polyneuritis. (f) Comparative study of the anatomy of the skin among Filipinos. 3. Studies in Experimental Physiology: (a) Preservation of semen of domestic animals for purposes of artificial insemination. (b) Studies on the normal and applied chemical physiology of the blood and other body fluids of domesticated animals. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 51 SECTION OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 1. Investigation on the newer strains of dysentery organism.s. 2. The length of immunity ·conferred by inoculation against dysentery. 3. Vaccination against tuberculosis. 4. The use of bacteriophage in disease. 5. Survey and classification of animal diseases transmissible to man and vice versa. 6. Type culture of collection. SECTION OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE 1. Studies on the anthelmintic properties of betel nut, papaya latex and other Philippine products. 2. Experiments on the purgative effects of coconut milk and coconut oil in combination with anthelmintics. 3. Studies on the treatment and control of surra. 4. StuC:'Y of the basilar artery in hypertension due to arteriosclerosis. 5. Study of the volatile oil and other constituents obtained from Premna odorata (Tag. alagao). 6. Effects of garlic (Allium sativum, Tag. bawang) on the blood pressure. 7. Neurological aspect of leprosy. 8. Incidence of paragonimiasis in tuberculosis. 9. Incidence of intestinal parasites in malignant tumors of the liver. 10. Study of gastric juice in normal individuals. 11. Blood sugar in beriberi and allergy. 12. Galactose tolerance test in diseases of the liver. SECTION OF HYGIENE AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE 1. Convenient and safe purification of water in country homes. 2. More practical, efficient and economical method of disposal of human wastes in rural districts. 3. Studies on the heat conserving power of different textiles used for clothing purposes in the Philippines. 4. The influence of the methods for the control of one disease upon the prevalance of others. 5. StuG.'Y of the known influences affecting the prevalence of certain diseases. 6. Factors affecting immunity and susceptibility in certain diseases. 7. Factors influencing duration of protective power of small-pox vaccination, typhoid fever inoculation, etc. 8. Influence of heredity upon susceptibility and resistance to infection and upon longevity. 9. The influence of physical disabilities upon school attendance and scholarship. 10. Relative predisposing influences of different diseases upon the development of tuberculosis. 11. Nation-wide survey to determine the geographical distribution of the molluska,n host of Schistosoma japonicum. 52 NATIONAL RESEARC~ COUNCIL 12. Studies on trachoma with special reference to its etiology and manner of transmission, etc. 13. Inquiries into the causes of food poisoning in the Philippines. 14. Eradication of rabies in the Philippines. 15. Incidence of rabies among stray dogs killed in the City Pound. 16. Further epidemiological study of the prevalence of typhoid fever and dysentery in Manila and other cities of the Philippines. 17. Preparation of a national vocabulary of terms used in hygiene and preventive medicine for general use of the masses in the Philippines. SECTION OF PATHOLOGY 1. Experimental work on cancer with special emphasis on the determination of the effect of radium and other substances that may inhibit or stimulate growth of cancer cells as observed in laboratory animals with the end in view of its application to the problem in human pathology. 2. Investigation regarding the pathology of tuberculosis among Filipinos. 3. Determination of tumors in domestic animals. 4. Research on pathology of insanity. 5 . Research on trypanosomiasis in animals. SECTION OF SURGERY. GYNECOLOGY. OBSTETRICS AND EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT 1. Surgery 1 . Bacteriology and minerology of urolithiasis. 2. Incidence of carcinoma in the gastro-intestinal apparatus in the Philippines. 3. Tumor transplantation. 4. Traumatic injuries of radial nerve. 5. Local antiseptic anaesthesia. 2. Gynecotow 1. Carcinoma of the uterus. 3 . Obstetrics 1. Pathology of toxemia of pregnancy. 2. Pathology of the formation and clinica! causes of normal and abnormal dilatation of the cervix and lower segment of the uterus. 4. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1. Incidence of maxillary suppuration of dental origin. 2. Statistics of blindness in the Philippine Islands. 5 . Veterinary 1. Transplantation of testicular tissue from young to old animals with a view of causing rejuvenation. 2 · Surgical treatment of bone diseases, such as spavin, splint, ringbone, etc. 3. Surgical treatment of periodic moonblindness and other diseases of the eye. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 53 4. Investigation on method of relieving the animals from stones and other concrements from the bile duct, gall bladder, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder and urethra. 5. Investigation on the relief of animals from enterolith, intussuception, volvulus. 6. Investigation on the diseases of hoof, such as corns, canker, quitter. 7. Investigation on different methods of aesophagostomy. 6. Dental 1. The relation of Filipino diet in the development of teeth of Filipino children. 2. Oral septic foci and their systemic effects. 3. Surgical treatment of pyorrhea. 4. Incidence of dental caries in different sections of the Philippines. 5. The effects of ultra-violet rays in the treatment of pyorrhea with Vincents. Infection (Ready to start). 6. The relation of impacted teeth to the systemic condition. 7. Application of Philippine medicinal plants in dental surgery. 8. Incidence of dental caries during pregnancy. 9. The effects of chemicals upon the teeth of laborers in industries, especially in chemical industries. SECTION OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS 1. Efficacy of bilivaccines and similar tablets (medical). 2. Perfection of a vaccine or serum against measles and varicella. 3. Detoxication of the present typhoid vaccine to remove the often severe reaction that follows inoculation (medical). 4. A vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease of cattle (veterinary). 5. Verification of the present standards used on biologic products. 6. To establish collection of bacterial types. 7. Purification and concentration of immune sera. IV. DIVISION OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES SECTION OF GENERAL AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 1. Further study on the preparation, activation and adsorptive power of charcoals made from agricultural waste products. 2. Physico-chemical studies of some Philippine starches. 3. Survey of Philippine clays anG! their suitability for ceramics. 4. Phase rule study of some Philippine minerals for possible utili· zation. 5. The best and most economical method to break the emulsion, and separate the oil, if possible, without the use of costly machinery. 6. Iodine in Philippine waters. 54 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SECTION OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1. The chemistry of economic plants such as tobacco, etc. 2. Studies on Philippine oils. 3. The improvement of the tanning and leather industry of the Islands. 4. To experiment on the possibiliti11s of utilizing old rubber trees that go to waste. 5. The use of low grade hemp and hemp waste for making cellulose. SECTION OF PHYTOCHEMISTRY 1. The influence of external and internal factors on the chemical composition of some medicinal and other economic plants. 2. Separation of natural flavors from Philippine fruits. 3. A survey of the plants containing alkaloids, glucosides, oils, and other therapeutically or economically important plant constituents. 4. Isolation and determination of the chemical nature and properties of the active constituents of the plant. 5. Iodine in Philippine aquatic plants. SECTION OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 1. Standardization of method or methods for determination of available phosphorus and potassium adapted under Philippine soil conditions. 2. To develop certain chemical methoc:i which will replace the present platinic chloride method for determination of potassium. 3. To develop certain chemical and biological methods which can be used as indexes of soil fertility. 4. To in.vestigate certain chemical tests that can be used in the field to determine the soil requirement for a maximum crop production. SECTION OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 1. Determination of inorganic constituents of food plants. 2. Metabolism Studies. a. Basal b. Nitrogen c. Carbohydrates-with special reference to beriberi d. Minerals-Calcium and phosphorus 3. Organic acids in fruits. 4. The hydrogen-ion concentration of fruit juices. 5. Nitrogen partition in foods. 6. Proteins in Philippine food materials. 7. The effect of the period of cooking on the chemical constituents of foodstuffs. 8. Urine and blood chemistry. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 55 SECTION OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY 1. Stabilization of alcohol-gasoline blend containing not over 20% of 95% alcohol. 2. Agricultural sources of alcohol. 3. Utilization of the by-products of coconut oil in the manufacture of plastic articles like Bakelite. 4. Investigation of other motor fuels. 5. Study of the possibility of manufacturing from local raw materials: a. Sodium hydroxide b. Sulfuric acid c. Hydrochloric acid SECTION OF CHEMICAL DEFENSE 1. Study of the possibilities of establishing metallurgical inC:'ustries in reference to copper, iron, chromium, manganese, etc. 2. Pyrolysis of oils. 3. The protection of the civll population against chemical and bacterial raids. a. Methods of alarm b. Places of refuge c. Individual protective measures d. Methods of eliminating or neutralizing poisonous gases. 4. The protection of city and municipal water supplies, survey and location of possible water sources to be made available in case of destruction or contamination of the existing city and municipal water supplies. 5. The encouragement of the manufacture and utilization in commercial quantity, during peace time, of materials which are essential for an effective chemical defense. 1. Coconut shell charcoal and its by-products. 2. The comparative study of the properties and suitabilities of other similar materials, produced locally, in commercial quantities as a substitute for coconut shell. i). The feasibility of manufacturing and storage of important chemicals and materials used in chemical defense. 7. Survey of Philippine materials suitable for the preparation of pure cellulose and its derivatives. SECTION OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY 1. Preparation of galenicals and chemicals from Philippine drugs or minerals. 2. Possible utilization of coconut and other nx~ oils in pharmaceutical preparations. 3 . Preparation of tikitiki in powder form. 56 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SECTION OF PHARMACOPOEIA 1. Continuation of the chemical investigation of the plants found in our flora which are reputed to possess medicinal and poisonous properties. 2. To obtain as many as possible formulas of household reme~ies for comparative study of their respective merits. 3. To select from among the different formulas of galenical and chemical preparations ·those which by their nature should not be included in our Pharmacopoeia. 4. To examine the recipes for medicinal preparations in accordance with- the foreign formularies used by our pharmacists during the past Spanish regime. SECTION OF PHARMACOLOGY l . Study of the Philippine medicinal and poisonous plants commencing with those that appear to have promise from the therapeutic, economic and commercial point of view. 2. To work out biochemic methods of assay useful in the Philippines. V. DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SECTION OF SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 1. Flora of the Philippines. 2. National Botanic Garden. 3. Flora of Mt. Makiling. SECTION OF FISHERY A. Systematic Work 1. Checklist of Philippine Fishes 2. Systematic studies of Philippine Fishee 3. Handbooks of food and game fishes 4. Systematic studies on aquatic animals B. Fish and Fisheries Bwlogy 1. Life history and development of fishes a. Embryology b. Development ( 1) Age and rate of growth (2) Sexual maturity (3) Spawning habits ( 4) Breeding habits (5) Feeding habits c. Migration during different states of development (1) Drift of the spawn (2) Lal"'Val migration (3) Migration during breeding, brooding and feeding periods d. Sex ratio (ll During breeding, brooding and feeding periods ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 2. Composition of catch. a. Statistics of catch per unit of effort or gear. b. Statistics as to percentage of young in the catch. c. Composition of catch of gear as to species. d. Composition of catch of gear as to size-groups. 3. Fishing Banks (MarinE:) 4. a. Survey of fishing banks in Philippine waters ( 1) As to nature of bottom (2) As to depths ( 3) As to currents (4) As to temperature ( 5) As to plankton distribution b. Survey of pelagic fishing areais Fresh-water fisheries a. Lakes b. Rivers c. Natural ponds 5. Water pollution c. Aquiculture 1. Cultivation of introduced aquatic animals 2. Improvement of Bafigos cultivation 3. Experiments of Banak pond-raising 4. Cultivation of economic crustaceans 5. Mollusk and brachiopod industry 6. Miscellaneous aquatic products 57 D. Preservation of fish and fishery products and their proper utilization 1. Improved methods of preservation by a. Freezing d. Fermentation b. Smoking e. Salting c. Drying f. Canning 2. Manufacture of fishery prOC:ucts a. Fish meals e. Leather b. Fish fertilizers f. Buttons c. Oils g. King lass d. Pearl essence h. By-products SECTION OF GENETICS 1. Improvement of Philippine crops, particularly those that are important cash and food crops. 2. Development of improved types of farm animals suited to the Philippines, such as milch carabaos, native cattle, dual-purpose Nellores and the Philamin breed of beef cattle. 3. Production on a large scale of horses suitable for use by the Philippine Army, extension to other parts of the Islands of the raising of the Berkjala breed of swine. 4. Further improvement of the breeds of chickens that have become adapted to the Philippines. 58 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SECTION OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY 1. Studies of plant succession in reforested areas. 2. Encyclopedia of Philippine useful plants. 3. Asthma or hay-fever producing plants in the Philippines. 4. Effect of climate on lenses. 5. Survey of wild useful plants in the Philippines. SECTION OF ENTOMOLOGY 1. To make the Philippine entomological literature on Philippine insects up-to-date. 2. To carry on extensive taxonomic work on Philippine ·insects. 3. To carry on faunistic work on insects. 4. To carry on an ecological survey on Philippine insects with the object of applying the results to the control measures. 5. To make survey of the food and feeding habits of insects with a view of utilizing these in the methods of control. 6. To make a study of the anatomy, embryology, histology and physiology of insects. SECTION OF PARASITOLOGY 1. Further observations on the local distribution of and institution of control measures against schistosomiasis japonica. 2. Investigations on human filariasis-geographical distribution, incidence, periodicity, mosquito vector. 3. Determination of the distribution of hookworm disease in the Philippines. 4. Determination of the molluscan intermediate host of the liver fluke of ruminants. 5. Investigation on sera of horses with special the biology of its causative agent. 6. Practical methods of control against the ascaris, stomach worms, kidney worms and nodular worms of livestock and coccidiosis of poultry. SECTION OF PLANT PATHOLOGY AND MYCOLOGY 1. Extensive survey of plant diseases affecting major, minor and miscellaneous crops. 2. Investigations on wood-destroying fungi. 3. Studies on fungicides and bactericides. 4. Studies on the poisonous and edible mushrooms of the Philippines. 5. Indexing of literature on plant pathology and mycology. SECTION OF NUTRITION 1. Food chemistry--determination of the nutritive value of foods (~inerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, etc.) 2 · Studies on metabolism in Filipine>s---<:'etermination or investigation of the calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen and the coefficients of digestibility of our common foodstuffs. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 59 3. Biological investigations of the nutritive values of foods by experimentation in animals. 4. Investigations into the new sources of foods not yet utilized at present for lack of definit.e information. 5. Family surveys to find out what is actually eat.en by the commO!ll people in different regions of the country, together with the study of the present status of food eaten by the people and the kind of food available in the different localities at different seasons of the year. This will include a research in infant nutrition in welfare institution and children's institutions or hospitals and puericulture centers. 6. Investigations of the dietary habits of the different groups of population, especially the laboring class, farmers, etc. 7. Research on the determination of the fat content of the milk sold or sterilized in the Health Stations of the Bureau of Health in Manila, which are daily sold to the public. 8. Research on the chemical analyses of the different constituents of the milk of Filipino mothers during different periods of lactation. 9. Chemical analyses of foods served in "fiambreras" prepared and sold by the different food contractors in the City f!f Manila. 10. The influence of nutrition on endocrine organs an<!' the influence of hormones on effective nutrition. 11. Nutrition as preventive measure against 12. The influence of nutrition on reproduction, longevity and learning capacity. 13. The manufacture of vitamins B, C and D. 14. Food in relation to dental caries. A plan for the investigation of a blue-green alga, ClathrocysUa aeruginosa Monfrey, tvith the view of eracUcating it.a periodic infesta,. tion of Laguna de Bay and Pasig River I. Biochemical study of the alga. a. Structure, growth and reproductfon. b. Ecological and physiological relation. c. Organic and inorganic composition. d. Source and distribution of the alga in Lagun&1 de Bay. e. Products of de~mposition II. Chemical and physical studies of the water in the Laguna de Bay anC:: Pasig River. a. Oxygen ·concentration. b. Alkalinity and acidity. c. Ph concentration. d. Organic matter. e. Turbidity. f. Salinity. III. Physiographic study of the Lake. 60 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL IV. Hydrology of the Lake. a. Rate of evaporation. b. Amount of river discharge. c. Suspended matter carriet1 by the rivers. Their nature and properties. d. Fluctuation of the water surface level. V. Relation of the growth of alga to other living organisms in the lake. a. The plankton vegetation of the lake. b. The effect of the living and decaying alga on other aquatic organisms found in the lake. VI. Suggested control measures. A. Emergency: 1. Destruction of the algae by suitable algicides. 2. Flooding the C:.ecaying algae and the fly larvae, stranded on the shores. 3. Destruction of decaying alga stranded along the shore line. B. Permanent: 1. Changing the composition of the water of the lake to make it inhibitory to algal growth. 2. Filling up of lowlands along the lake and reclaiming these lands for agricultural and other purposes. 3. Improvement of the Manila esteros to prevent stagnation of algae and all sorts of filth. 4. Proposed opening of an Outlet Channel from Laguna de Bay to Manila Bay. 5. Other means of biological control based on an extensive study of the properties and characteristics of the alga. VI. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE A,ND FORESTRY SECTION OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND EXTENSION 1. Research in agricultural extension and education. 2. Agricultural extension for out-of-school groups, both young and adult. SECTION OF AGRONOMY 1. Investigations on forage, cereals, sugar cane, tobacco and fiber. 2. Horticultural research on citrus, coffee, avocado, bananas, mango, papaya, rimas and root crops. 3. Agronomic studies on rubber and semi-temperate crops. SECTION OF ECONOMICS 1. Studies on agricultural economics. 2. Studies on forest economics. SECTION OF FORESTRY 1. Silviculture (Site Classification; Tree Association; F'orest Succession; Reproduction; Seeds; Nursery Practice; Forest Planting and Forest Reproduction). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 61 2. Forest Management (Forest Mensuration; Regulation). 3. Forest Protection (Injurious Forest Insects; Beneficial and Injurious Animals and Forests Insects). 4. Forest Utilization (Minor Wood Industries; Minor Forest Products; Studies of Wood; Durability of Wood; Mechanical Properties of Wood and Wood Preservation) . 5. Wood Technology (Wood Structure). 6. Grazing (Study of native and introduced forage plants). SECTION OF HORTICULTURE 1. The study of the ways of improving the mango industry. 2. The improvement of the citrus fruit particularly through fini:ing and selecting the most promising varieties adapted to different localities in the Philippine Islands. 3. The improvement of the lanzon particularly in connection with the cause or causes of the irregular fruiting and the isolation of sweet strain. 4. The study of the extent of Loran thus and other allied plant parasites as affecting the horticultural crops of the Philippine Islands. SECTION OF PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES CONTROL 1. Locust (a) Biometrical and climatological studies of the pest w~th reference to the development of the locust from one phase to another. (b) A study of the aestivation of eggs of locust. ( c) Further tests with sodium fluosilicate and cryolites as baits. (d) Study of micro-organism that might parasitize locusts especially the eggs . along with the other natural enemies. 2. Leaf Miner of Coconut (a) The possibilities of using sinamay instead of wire screen in connection with mass liberation of parasites. (b) Studies on the liberation of parasites, the effects of freezing the parasites in order to retard metabolism so that their liberation can be done at the right time for the next main brood and to synchronize with the larva of the incoming main brood. (c) Further investigations, of the biology and life histories of the i:'ifferent natural enemies. ( d) The use of cryolite dust as sprays against the leaf miner. (e) Further study of the biology of the leaf miner. 3. Mango Leaf Ho'f'P€rs and Other Important Pests (a) Studies of the control of the mango leaf hopper. (b) Investigation of the possihilitiel!I of new local materials for insecticides like derris of different species, etc. 62 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 4. Mango Scales, Mealy Bugs and Soft Shell Scales (a) S~udies on the adaptability of sprays both standard and sprays and dust. 5. Vertebrate Pests, ParUcularly Rats and Mice · (a) Introduction of the bulbs of red squill from the Mediterranean regions for poisoning rats and mice. (b) Adoption of the Hawaiian method of poisoning field rats and mice, and the study of the food preference of rats and mice to be used as baits. 6. Rice Pests Control me~sures against atafigia, rice stem borer, cut worms and army worms, and cotton pest (Philippine boll weevil). VII. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH SECTION OF HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER 1. Po~ibilities of hydro-electric power development in the Philippine Islands. (In conjunction with the investigation and study of proposed power sites by the Section of Hydraulic Engil).eering) _ SECTION OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 1. Development, design, and construction of various appliances for industries and other research investigations. SECTION OF FARM MACHINERY 1. Alaptabi!ity of the use of modern farm machinery to Philippine conditions. 2. Conditions of farm mechanization in the Philippines. SECTION OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS A. Present status of activity. 1. Service test and laboratory control of fuels. (a) Coal (local andn foreign). (b) Comparative service tests of coal and fuel oil in locomotives. (c) Fuel value of coconut shell and coconut shell charcoal. (d) Com,parative service tests of gasoline, alcohol and alcohol blends. 2. Service tests and laboratory control of various kinds of lubricants. B. Future program of activity. 1. Investigation into the proper working conditions of native fuels so that they may compare favorably with the imported ones. 2. The possibilities of some Philippine vegetable oils as lubricating materials. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 63 SECTION OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING Research Problems in Progress: 1. Irrigation water requirements of rice. 2. Design of sluiceways for Philippine rivers. 3. Determination of coefficients of percolation under dams. 4. Evaporation on water surfaces in the P. I. for storage purposes. 5. Prevention of floods and C:rainage of the city of Manila and neighboring towns. Research Problems to be undertaken: 1. Investigaticm anC:• study of proposed power sites. 2. Study of hydrographs of rivers for power development. 3. Study of hydrological data for power and irrigation, river control, etc. 4. Yield of ground water and its relation to forests and soils. 5. Chemical character of the water of rivers and other water sources. 6. Study of the hydrology of Laguna de Bay in relation to flood prevention and drainage of the city of Manila. SECTION OF CERAMICS AND OTHER SILICATE INDUSTRIES 1. Investigation of Philippine kaolins for chinaware. 2. Philippine feldspars and pegmatites for ceramic uses. 3. The manufacture of clay roofing material as a substitute for galvanized iron and nipa. 4. Baggase ash as a glass-making material. 5. Baguio and Siruma siliceous sinter for glass making. 6. An investigation of clays and earths for adsorptive capacity. 7. Sand from San Fernando, La Union, for cement and glass making. 8. The manufacture of enamels for metals from Philippine materials. SECTION OF PAPER AND ALLIED PRODUCTS Work in Progress: 1. Deterrninatian of the pulp raw material ration of local raw materials. 2. Determination of the relative amount of chemicals required. 3. Converting waste paper and cardboard into usable cardboards and wall boards, black boards. 4. Alkali-chlorine miniature plru1t. Future Program of Work: 1. Acquisition of a '1"200,000 semi-commercial mill. 2. Making different grades of paper in the mill. 3. Bleaching qualities of the raw material. 4. Manufacture of rayon pulp materials. SECTION OF ANIMAL PRODUCTS 1. General study on the preservation of meat products. 2. Experiments on the production of inedible animal by-products such as glue, guts, bone meal, meat crop, fertilizer, etc. 64 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Experiments on the improvement in the native process of curing and preservation .of fishes, like tinapa, toyo, bagoong, patis, etc. Study on the manufacture of fish meal in conjunction with fish canning. Study on the canning of natural, evaporated ·and sweetened conC.ensed milk. The study of the nutritive value of different native cheeses. Study on the improvement of native hides. Comparative study of hides of different animals both macroscopic and microscopic. The survey of the tanning properties of native plants. The study of chemical properties of native raw materials used in the preservation of animal products. SECTION OF COCONUT PRODUCTS 1 . Extraction of coconut oil from fresh coconuts. 2. Utilization of coconut oil. 3. Utilization of by-products from the coconut industry. 4. Activation of coconut charcoal. SECTION OF PLANT PRODUCTS 1. Studies on proteins of different Philippine food materials. 2. Studies on the mineral content of different kinds of commercial sugar and candies. 3. Further studies on quick freezing and refrigeration of Philippine fruits and other plant products. 4. Alcoholic fermentation. 5. Methods of preserving various fruits and vegetables and some of their by-products. 6. Chemical studies on tobacco: (a) Fire-holding capacity and burning quality of wrappers, cigars and cigarettes. (b) Chemical changes in tobacco. (1) During stages in sun and flue curing. (2) Subjected to different climatic, soil sharing, fertilizing, etc., treatments. ( c) Absorption and resiC.ual quantities of fumigants or sprays. ( d) Nutrient transfer in the tobacco plant. (e) Quantitative indices for tobacco quality. (f) Flavoring and blending of tobacco. 7 . Insecticides : (a) Chemical studies on rotenone as an insecticide. (1) Solvents, laboratory and commercial. (b) Studies on derris as a source of rotenone. (2) Age relationships with rotenone content. (3) Assay methods for rotenone content. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 ( 4) Roten one distribution in the root. ( 5) Storage qualities of derris roots. (c) Chemical studies of other insecticidal plants. ( d) Assay of promising Philippine medicinal plants. ~. Plant utilization work. (a) Methods of control in certain agricultural industries. 65 (b) Improvement of and new uses for present agricultural products. (1) Water-white, odorless coconut oil. (2) Flours from Philippine grains and flour blends. (3) Cottonization and softening of abaca fiber. ( 4) Investigations on coconut oil scaps. ( 5) Fermentation products, like wines, vinegars, pickles, sauerkraut, glycerine, lactic acid, butyl alcohol, etc. ( 6) Storage and preserving qualities of Philippine fruits, vegetables anC: root crops. 9. Studies on agricultural wastes. (a) Commercial products from agricultural wastes, like furfural from coconut husks, cellulose from copra meal, etc. (b) Destructive distillation of coconut shell. (c) Studies on some methods of waste di&posal. (d) Utilization of excess or culled farm proG'ucts. 10. Other agricultural chemistry work. (a) Chemistry of mango smudging. (b) Chemical tests in connection with other agricultural projects. SECTION. OF TESTS AND STANDARDS Work in progress : 1. Closely identified with the Division of Tests and Standards, Bureau of Science, performing tests on foods and drugs, construction materials, articles of commerce, such as textiles, shoes, paper, fuels, lubricating oils, galvanized iron, fertilizers, paints and so forth. - 2. The preparation of specifications adaptable to local conditions of the above-mentioneG.1 goods. Future program of work: 1. Research work on the methods of testing such materials as rubber, certain textiles, plastic materials, etc. 2. Preparation of specifications for certain classes of materials which are still unincluded in the government specifications. SECTION OF SANITARY ENGINEERING 1. Sewage disposal in unsewered areas. 2. Cross connections. 3. Pollution and contamination of Manila Bay. 4. Refuse disposal of Manila. 5. Housing conditions of the poor in Manila. 66 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 6. Study of septic tanks with emphasis on the design of a more modern septic tank. 7 . Connection of miC:den sheds to sewers. 8. Additional outfall sewer for the city of Manila. 9. -Improvement of water works in the provinces especially with regarC.• to their purification. (Other research problems were submitted to Section of Biological Survey). 10. Improvement of shallow wells. 11. Improvement of automatic paris green distributors for malaria control. 12. Zoning plan for the city of Manila. 13. Improvement of storm drains of the city of Manila. 14. Studies on more efficient and reliable method of detecting leaks in water pipes and sewers and their location in a distribution system. 15. Studies on earthquake-proof distributing system for water supply. 16. Studies on method of preventing the creation of negative pressure in a distributing system during emergency times as in case of fire. 17. Survey of towns with a view to possible institution of an adequate town-planning system. 18. Studies on a method of preventing or minimizing dust in streets. Aside from concreting, asphalting, watering and oiling what other convenient and less expensive methods can be adopted to remedy the dust problem? 19. Studies on method of solving the dust excreta problem in trains. FINANCES In accordance with Sec. 8 of Act No. 4120, creating the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, the Acting Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, Hon. Jorge B. VargM, authorized on May 5, 1934, the release of ten thousand pesos ('Pl0,000.00) under General Memorandum Order No. 54 for the necessary expenses of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. This amount, together with the three hundred sixty pesos (P360) received as the Elicafio grant, has been the only source of income of the Council. The total expenses incurred by the Council during the year are given in the financial statement and report submitted by the ex-officio assistant treasurer, Mr. Victor Pagulayan, herewith appended. As shown in the statement the Council has been very economical in its expenditures. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 67 On October 12, 1934, a request was made by the Executive Board to the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, Hon. Eulogio Rodriguez, for the release of the additional amount of ten thousand pesos (Pl0,000.00) in order to enable the Council to grant contributions for research, but owing to the retrenchment policy of the Department the amount referred to was not released. With the help of the legislative leaders, Representative Eulogio Rodriguez, and Acting Under-Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, Victor Buencamino, and the support given the Council by His Excellency Governor-General Frank Murphy, H. B. No. 1670 introduced by Representative Fernando Duran in the last session of the Tenth Philippine Legislature, appropriating the sum of twenty thousand pesos for the use of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands has been enacted into a law (Act No. 4190). This amount will help the Council to carry out some of the purposes for which it was established by Act No. 4120. On October 12, 1934, communications were forwarded by the Chairman of the Council to His Excellency the GovernorGeneral, the President and the Speaker of the House of Riepresentatives, informing them of the activities already undertaken by the Council and of the comprehensive projects of research that the different divisions of the Council have formulated. In this connection, the Chairman of the Council brought it to their attention that an undertaking such as the one contemplated by the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands would necessarily require funds to carry it out. For this reason the Chairman su]jm.itted the request of the Executive Board of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands that the amount of two million pesos (1"2,000,000) out of the amount of forty-seven million pesos (P47,000,000) that the Philippine Government will receive from the United States as a result of the gold devaluation, be given to the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands as a trust fund, in order to enaible the latter to use the accrued interest of the fund in carrying out its research program. Replies to the communication regarding the foregoing state that ~ sympathetic hearing will be given the matter. 68 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL At the sixteenth meeting of the Executive Board held on December 14, 1934, the Board resolved that the necessary steps be taken in order to obtain the funds needed by the Council to enable the latter to help the nation in its program of economic planning and development. It was resolved further that if the amount of two million pesos (P2,000,000.00) could not be obtained from the forty-seven million pesos (P47,000,000.00), efforts be exerted to obtain that amount from the coconut excise tax as permanent endowment of the Council. A perusal of the reports of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Research Council of the United States and the research councils of other nations shows that hundreds of thousands, and not infrequently millions of dollars, are received by those councils as endowlments for their resea:rch programs. In the United States, the National Research Council not only receives research grants in huge amounts from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Foundation, Engineering Foundation, and from a number of other research foundations, coII11mercial an'.d industriil11 firms, and numerous philanthropists ; but appropriations in great amounts are also made by different government agencies, such as the General Education Board, the President's fund, Commonwealth fund, and Cou,ncil of National Defense, to mention only a few. In the Philippines where wealthy research foundations are not in existence, the aid from the Government to carry out the purposes for which the N~tional Research Council of the Philippine Islands has been established, is indispensable. " FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1934. -- - - -1934 I Actual I Amounts I Total I Unexpended Nature of Account AppropriatiQn Expenses to Obligated to · Expenses to Bale.nee on as Adjusted Dec. 31. 1934 Dec. 31, 1934 Dec. 31, 1934 Dec. 31, 1934 I I I I 4,925.00 I 4,773. 79 36.67 I 4,810.46 I 114.54 -· - I 50.00 I 5.10 40.00 45.10 4.90 5.00 I - 5.00 5.00 - I 285.00 I 284.63 .37 I 285.00 - 800.00 666.99 130.00 796.99 3.01 I 3,097 .10 I 78.61 3,015.00 I 3,093.61 I 3.49 50.00 I 4.00 46.00 50.00 - -----·--4,287 .10 I 1,039.33 I 3,236.37 I 4,275. 70 I 11.40 I 489.98 =1 I I 745.00 I 250.00 739.98 5.02 I I I I 42.90 I - 42.90 I 42.90 - GRAND TOTAL ............. . 10,000.00 10,000.00 I 6.303.10 I 3,565.94 I 9,869.04 I 130.96 5. Fiduciary Fund: Elicaiio fund Manila, January 10, 1935 I ;========~========;:========*""'======= 360.00 I 210.00 Certified correct: ( Sgd.) P ATROCINIO VALENZUELA Secretary-Treasurer 210.00 150.00 (Sgd.) VICTOR PAGULAYAN Ex-Officio Assistant Treasurer > z z c:: > t"' ~ l.:j "O 0 ~ ,!-3 ...... 0.0 C.:> II>~ 01 a> 0.0 70 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FUNDS RECEIVED BY THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCILS OF DIFFERENT COUNTRIES * Donor President's Fund Commonwealth Fund Purpose 1-E_n_d_o_w_m_en_t ___ Y_e_a_:__r _ UNITED STATES 1 pesos II For general expenses . . . . . . 240,000. 00 j 1918-19 For general maintenance exI penses ................. . 24,000.00 I 1920 Carnegie Corpor- For general maintenance ex- i ation of New penses and research underYork takings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,669,732.10 Rockefeller Foundation Engineering Foundation General Education Board Council of National Defense International Education Board Other sources Parliament Government Rockefeller Foundation For fellowships, publications, and research undertakings 3,804,811.16 For general expenses and special investigations For fellowships and committee work .............. . For committee and research 18,072.18 139,914.66 information work . . . . . . . . 92,800. 00 For research work and fellowships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501,708.90 For miscellaneous purposes including fellowships, and special investigations . . . . 2,433,425. 7 4 GREAT BRITAIN (MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL) For general expenses . . . . . . 1,480,000. 00 CANADA For general maintenance 240,000.00 AUSTRALIA For research work and fellowships ............... . 135,476.46 I 1916-32 I I I 1916-32 I I 1916-18 I I 1925-32 Ill I I 1916-18 I 1926-31 I I I I 19w-32 I I 1929-30 !Annual ap1 propriation I I I rna2 * The data given were obtained from source!; that are only available to the Council. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 RECOMMENDATIONS DIVISION I Educational Sectwn 71 That the Educational S€ction should encourage members to prepare textbooks for the high schools but due precautions should be taken whenever the author or authors desire to have the publications of the books sponsored by the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. In this connection reference may be made to the activity that the Division of the National Research Council of the United States undertook from 1920 to 1922 when the sum of P3,000 was appropriated to initiate a revolving fund for the publication of mathematical books. According to the History of the National Research Council of the United States (Reprint and circular, series No. 106, 1933, page 14), the Division has published three such. books. DIVISION II Section of Geology That steps be taken so that 25 % of the revenues derived from the mining industry be set aside for the promotion of geologic and topographic surveys and investigations. That investigations in pure and applied physics be promoted and encouraged, especially in scientific institutions, like the Bureau of Science and the Departments of Physics in the various universities of the Philippines. DIVISION III That the morbidity and mortality statistics of tuberculosis, malaria and beriberi in the Philippine Islands, the three diseases topping the list of deaths in this country, be verified. It is believed that although these three diseases actually cause the greatest number of deaths, the figures, however, were exaggerated due to poor and unreliable diagnosis, particularly in the case of beriberi in infants. In this connection a recommendation is made that a committee of the Division of Medical Sciences be appointed to formulate: (a) In pamphlet form standard methods for the Philippine Islands to be followed in the examination of sputum for tuberculosis, blood in malaria, and feces in dysentery. 72 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (b) A syllabus containing certain questions to be answered by the municipal secretary in connection with every death brought to his attention in order to enable the nearest available physician to make a more accurate although delayed diagnosis. Section of Anatomy That the Executive Board of the National Research Council should give direct financial aid towards the accomplishment of researches, not only for materials and equipment, but also for services of technical assistants to relieve the research workers of a good part of the routine work, which is one of the greatest deterrents to research. To publish monographs which collect, correlate and review all the work done on the subjects not only by themSielves but by others as well. Section of Surgery That two physician-pensionados be sent by the Philippine Government abroad to Europe and America to study and specialize in radium application and Roentgen administration to carcinoma. Sectwn of Clinical and Expen'mental Medicine That the authorities concerned be reques!ted to place at the disposal of the members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands not less than ten beds in each one of the different government hospitals for purposes of research. DIVISION IV Section of Pharmacopoeia The Section recommends that a list be prepared of crude drugs official in the United States Ph::i.rmacopoeia and other pharmacopoeias and that ways and means of stimulating the local production of these drugs be studied with the cooperation of other sections of the Council; that a list of unofficial vegetable drugs locally obtained and of established the~apeutic value be compiled; that a list of galenical preparations widely used in the Philippines be submitted; that suggestions be made to all schools and colleges of pharmacy that the preparation of galenical products from indigenous drugs of established therapeutic value be ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 73 made a feature of laboratory study in their institutions, and that pharmacopoeia} monographs of drugs and galenical preparations of known therapeutical value be submitted and studied for adoption in the future Philippine Pharmacopeia. DIVISION V Section of Genetics Owing to the fact that an adequate number of men to do genetics work are lacking in the Philippines, it is recommended that. men be trained in genetics, both here and abroad. Biological Survey Section The section recommends strongly the establishment of gauging stations in Laguna de Bay at the following points on the lake: (a) Wawang Napindan; (b) Los Banos; (c) Santa Cri+Z; and (d) Binangonan. In conjunction with the proposed establishment of gauging stations in Laguna de Bay, the Section recommends the purchase of the necessary equipment and apparatus to consist of: Piche tube, evaporating floating tank, fluviometer thermometer, and anemometer. It was further recommended that studies be undertaken with the end in view of determining the amount of water discharged into the lake. The following rivers flowing into Laguna de Bay are recommended to be the seat of such studies: In the province of Laguna (Sorosoro, San Cristobal, Calo, Gating-gating, Calfmw;n, Masa'J)<Lng, Santa Cruz, Lumbang, and Mabitac); in the province of Rizal (Tanay, and Morong). Section of Medicinal Plants Owing to the fact that therapeutic possibilities of Philippine medicinal plants can only be ascertained through systematic inquiry along modern scientific lines with the aim of determining their varied properties, a recommendation is strongly made to the effect that the efforts of research workers engaged in the study of medicinal plants from different view points be effectively promoted and coordinated. DIVISION VI Section of Forestry The trend of forest research must be ''toward those fundamental problems ,which underlie all knowledge of forest growth 74 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL and of forest products and hence all forestry practice and timber utilization. Forest research must bring many sciences tv its aid, which cross and recross each other inextricably and which are exclusively subdivisions of biology, chemistry, physics, and economics." Research problems that should be given preference are : (a) those of immediate need for the proper management of the forests and (b) those that will develop the country economically and which will also give revenue to the government. In order that the work already started may be developed and fundamental forest research problems solved, a Forest Products Laboratory and Forest Experiment Stations should be established in various parts of the Islands. The establishment of these is essential, urgent and fundamental. DIVISION VII Hydraulic Engineering For the purpose of securing data at the earliest possible date on the flow of certain streams, i.t is recommended that the cooperation of the provincial governors concerned be requested in order that appropriation may be made from provincial funds for the preliminary survey of proposed po~r sites, and the establishment, operation, and maintenance of gauging stations, which are necessary in the development of electric power. Such power can be used to advantage not only to supply electric light to the people but also for the development of certain basic industries which will undoubtedly benefit both the people of the provinces concerned and the provincial governments by the revenues that may be derived from the power plants as well as from some of the industries that the availability of cheap electric power will make possible. Pursuant to the foregoing recommendations, the Chairman communicated with the provincial governors of Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Laguna, Tarlac, Samar, and the Director of the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes, in order to place at the disposal of the Bureau of Public Works the following necessary appropriations needed for the rivers indicated hereinbelow: 1. Labor River, Camarines Norte ........... . 2. Lagonoy River, Camarines Sur .......... . 3. Libmanan River, Camarines Sur .......... . P500.00 500.00 500.00 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 75 4. Caliraya River, Laguna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 5. Moriones River, Tar lac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00 6. Lokolokon waterfall, near the municipality of Gandia,ra, Samar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 7. Mataling waterfall near the main road of Dasalang and Malabang, province of Lanao . 500.00 It is believed that the installation, operation and maintenance of self-recording gauging stations in Rizal and Laguna will also help the Section of Hydraulic Engineering in the investigation and study that it is undertaking regarding the proposed project of opening a channel connecting Laguna de Bay with Manila Bay for the purpose of preventing inundations not only of the towns bordering the lake but also of the City of Manila and neighboring towns along the Pasig River of Rizal province. SUGGESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL AS TO GENERAL POLICIES. OTANES, FAUSTINO Q. To support a plan whereby research workers in the bureaus can spend a sort of sabbatical leave abroad in connection with their special lines of work. I\fENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANCO. To compile the research work being undertaken by members and to furnish each member of the Council with a copy of such compHation. CLARA, FELICIANO M. To find ways and means of obtaining or establishing funds which will aid and encourage Filipino scientists to spend their accrued leave abroad for further studies along their lines. TOPACIO, TEODULO. In view of the depressed financial condition of the country arrangements with the proper authorities should be made so that space and equiJ)ment may be made available to an investigator at any existing laboratories. This would economize the expense of acquiring facilities that necessarily have to be purchased. The Council should be an agency to advise and encourage research workers as much as humanly possible in procuring available facilities when they apply for help. PENDLETON, ROBERT L. It is believed that one of the most important functions of the Council is to place the inventory of scientific resources of these Islands before the scientists 76 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of the world, with the invitation to come here on sabbatical or other leave, and work with us, so that we may have the benefit of their research. A unified presentation of the scientific resources of the Islands by an authoritative body will do much to attract here men of ability. This is particularly important as our ability to employ specialists fails because of decreasing revenues. It is also believed that the secretariat of the Council could do much to exchange with similar organizations information about scientific progress and resources in nearby countries, with a view to placing at the disposal of our own members as well as before our visiting seientists, an adequate idea of the work in progress as well as published, of the Netherlands Indies, IndoChina, Formosa, South China, Federated Malay States, British India and Ceylon, Burma, etc. We are all working too much in isolation. Too much our technical men have been trained in the United States where the degrees have been awarded, and not in the adjacent tropical countries where the actual research and information of value to us is being obtained. Report of lht ltational ltstarch €oundl of tht 1hilippine Islands (For the period from March 23, 1934, to February 28, 1935) PART II HISTORICAL REVIEW OF PAST RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE PHILIPPINES ALONG SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL LINES A HISTORICAL REVIEW OF MOVEMENTS TO ESTABLISH A RESEARCH COUNCIL FOR THE PHILIPPINES By PATROCINIO VALENZUELA Executive Seaetary and Treasurer, Natio11nl Research Council of the Philippine Islands The realization of the need of a country for organized :tesearch work to promote industrial and agricultural development as well as the health of the people through the study of fundamental scientific principles was evident even during the Spanish time. A hi~torical review of movements to establish coordinated scientific research and investigation would prove uncloubtedly of great interest not only to members of the National Research Council but also to all those who should be concerned with this activity of the nation. REAL SOCIEDAD ECONOMICA DE LOS AMIGOS DEL PAIS* The Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country was a wciety founded by Governor Don Jose Basco y Vargas by virtue of a royal decree dated August 27, 1780. The Society was formally inaugurated on May 6. 1781, with Governor Basco presiding. Its first president was the quartermaster-general of the Islands, Ciriaco Gonzalez Carvajal. In 1817 it suspended its meetings but it resumed its functions in 1819. *Sometimes referred to as "Real Sociedad Econom,ica de Filipina," ''keal Sociedad Ecrmomica Filipina de Amigos del Pais." BLAIR and ROBERTSON. l!J07. The Philippine Islands v. 50, 1764-1800. The Arthur H. Clark Co., 51-52, Cleveland, Ohio. 77 78 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The promotion of the cultivation of indigo, cotton, cinnamon and pepper and the silk industry were among the activities the Society undertook. It was endowed with a permanent fund of nine hundred sixty pesos a year, the value of two tons which were assigned to it in the lading of the Acapulco galleon in order to help it carry out its ordinary expenses. According to its first regulations, it included sections of natural history, agriculture and rural economy, factories and manufactures, industries and popular education. Although the purposes and aims of this Socie:ty were not exactly identical with those of a national research council, yet s0me of the activities it undertook as related in a memoir published by the soch~ty in 1855 1 reveal several works it has in common with that of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. Such activities as the offering of a prize for the most successful experiments in dyes (1824), publication of memoirs on technical matters (coffee, 1827, clays, 1851, and others), the awarding of five hundred pesos to Father Blanco for the cost of printing and publishing the "Flora Filipina" which bears his name ( 1840), and other works for the improvement of agriculture and industry are undertakings similar to those fostered by research councils. Jagor in his "Reisen in den Philippinen" 2 mentioned the existence of the Society, although he believed that it did not quite succeed in its program of activities owing to the lack of public spirit. As regards the same society, Alexander S. Webb, former American Consul at Manila, said: "It is claimed on its behalf that it has accomplished a vast amount of good, but there is not that degree of energy and activity manifested in its work to be seen in similar organizations in some other countries." 3 The history of the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country speaks for itself and the comments of its critics, Jagor and Webb, who referred to the lack of public appreciation 'Noticia del Origen y Hechos Notables de la Real Sociedad Econ.on;.ica de Filipinas segun sus c.ctas y documentos oficiales escrita para la direcci6n general de ultramar a consecuencia de la Real orden de I de Ma710 de 1885. Imprenta del Boletin Oficial de Manila, aiio de 1855. z JAG-OR, F. 1873. Reisen in den Philippinen, Berlin, Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 307-308. 'Footnote in BLAIR and ROBERTSON, etc. v. 45 ( 1736). The Arthur H. Clark Co., 1906, p. 282. Comp. Report of Commissioner of Education, 1897-98, ~o. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 79 and to the energy and activity that were wanting in its work as its serious handicaps, are significant pointers to those of the present generation who are called upon to do their duty so that they may serve as warnings against the repetition of history without the correction of all its attending defect:0. CLUB INTERNACIONAL The "Club Internacional" was the precursor of the present "Club Filipino." It was an organization that purported, among other things, to contribute to the moral and material prosperity of the country. One of the aims 1 was to send promising Filipino students to Europe and America to pursue special professional studies. These apparently referred to those courses that were not offered then in 'the Philippines, as can be discerned from the fact that the fellows that were sent by the "Club Internacional" studied courses in engineering. It was also one of its objects to create chairs in the different branches of human knowledge. In connection with the former aim, the names of Engineers Santiago Artiaga, Juan Tecson, and Antonio Tayzon, may be mentioned as those who were recipients of the fellowship of the "Club Internacional". Artiaga and Tecson studied and completed courses ,in civil engineering in -the University of Michigan whereas Tayzon obtained his degree from the Univ0rsity of California. Miguel Lukban and Lorenzo Onrubia who were sent to the University of California and ithe University of Illinois respectively by the Club as its pensionados, were unable to continue their studies in engineering and were forced to return to the Philippines owing: to illness. The intention of creating chairs was not carried out. As for the policy of sending out pensionados or fellows which was adopted later by the Government and the University of the Philippines and which is one of the activities fostered by a national research council, credit may be given to the "Club Internacional" for having pioneered in that commendable work that has largely contributed to the promotion of research in the Philippines. 1 Club Internacional, Reglamento. Manila: lmprenta de El Liberal, 1900, 4. Estatuto y Reglamento del Club Internacional. Manila: Estab. Tipografico de M. Paterno y Ca. S. Sebastian, 162, 1902, p. 5. 80 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PHILIPPINE RESEARCH INSTITUTE The organization of the Philippine Research Institute in June, 1929 1 for the encouragEmlent of research in pure science in the Philippine Islands was one of the attempts made toward the establishment of a research council. The idea of the organizers of the Institute was to carry on research of benefit to the Philippine Islands and to make use of the favorable situation of the Philippine Archipelago as a center of tropical research. It was intended to be a private corporation but it was designed to work in a very close harmony with the Philippine Government as shown by the composition of its board of directors. A detailed research program with an estimated expenditure of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) covering medicine, medical zoology, physiological chemistry, archaeology and botany was laid out. Other problems were also indicated. The Philippine Research Institute has remained a me!"e plan. PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS TOWARD THE ENACTMENT OF A LAW CREATING THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS At the meeting of the Philippine Islands Medical Association on December 17, 1927, a resolution urging the creation of a Medical Research Council of the Philippine Islands was approved.2 The Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas at its meeting held on December 22, 1927, adopted a similar resolution. In pursuance of the resolutio~ adopted by the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, a special committee to study ways and means of carrying out the purposes of the resolution was appointed. This committee submitted its report published in the Revista Filipina de Medic1"na, y Farmacia, April, 1931 3 under the title of "Foreign Research Organization." The members of the committee approached informally some officials of the Philippine government but were informed that the organiza' Philippine Research Institute. Organization and Program, Manila; Philippine Islands, 1929. On October 9, 1929, the Philippine Research Imtitute unanimously adopted a statement of its organization, purpo3es and program. . 2 Jo11r. Philip. Is. Med. Assoc., v. 8: 38, 1928. 'Rev. Filip. Med. Fann., v. 22: 121, 1931. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 81 tion of a National Medical Research Council in the Philippine Islands was not then timely. In 1931, the activities towards the creation of a resea!'ch council were renewed in view of the existence of a favorable attitude among the legislators antl the national leaders towards promoting research. A growing interest in the establishment of a National Research Council of the Philippine Islands has been noticed since 1927, especially when the idea was emphasized that in the solution of our agricultural and other technical problems, research is indispensable. The Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, in continuing its efforts to realize the creation of a National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, issued an invitation to the different scientific and technical institutions, both within and outside of the Philippine Government, to send in their representatives in a meeting called for October 10, 1931, at the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas for the purpose of discussing House Bill Number 876 introduced by Honorable Manuel Gallego of the province of Nueva Ecija.1 Several representa:ives of the institutions invited attended the meeting. PRESIDENT MANUEL L. QUEZON AND 'THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPil'TE ISLANDS It was on February 17, 1933, when on the occasion of the Second Philippine Science Convention held under the auspices of the Philippine Scientific Society, President Manuel L. Quezon expressed in unequivocal terms his favorable endorsement of the creation of a National Research Council similar to the ones existing in the United States, Australia, Japan and other countries, as given in the following quotation from the address of the Senate President, delivered before the Convention of the Philippine Scientific Society on that date :2 In this connection, leaders of the Legislature are seriously considering the suggestion made by one of the Department Secretaries some years ago regarding the creation of a National Research Council similar to the ones they have in the United States, Australia, Japan and other countrieF. We feel that the time has come for the government to utilize to full advantage our scientific men and women, make them come out of their shell, so to speak, and advise us on matters pertaining to their respective fields. 1 Records of the Colegio Medic<r-Farmaceutico de Filipinas. 2 Appendix B to this report. 82 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL When the Council and past presidents of the Philippine Scientific Society unanimously approved the draft of the bill creating the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, a committee headed by Under-Secretary Manuel L. Roxas called on President Quezon to request his opinion on, and his support for, the approval of the bill. Some amendments we!"e introduced in the original bill upon the suggestion of President Quezon, who later expressed on more than one occasion his approval of the bill and his desire to help the Council in order to enable it to carry on its work with .success. GOVERNOR-GENERAL FRANK MURPHY AND ·THE COUNCIL For the purpose of enlisting the support of His Exellency, Governor-General Frank Murphy, which has been generously given, the Council of the Philippine Scientific Society submitted on September 12, 1933, the memorial which appears in Appendix C. Similar memorials were forwarded to legislative leaders and the Honorable, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce. ENACTMENT OF ACT NUMBERED 4120 After enlisting the support of President Quezon and Governor-General Murphy, former Represen~.tives Manuel Gallego from the Province of Nueva Ecija, and Leonardo'Farol from the Province of Batangas, introduced in the House of Representatives House Bill No. 3276, * incorporated in this report a.s Appendix G. Recognizing the importance of the creation of the National Research Council, Honorable Quintin Paredes, Speaker of the House of Representatives, gave encouraging support for its approval. The history of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands will be incomplete if mention is not made of the interest taken in it by former Secretary of Agriculture- and Commerce, Honorable Vicente Singson Encarnacion, UnderSecretary of Agriculture and Commerce Jorge B. Vargas, Mr. Wt:nceslao Trinidad, Manager,of the Pampanga Sugar Development Company, Representative Ramon Diokno of the Committee * This bill was prepared with the cooperation of members of the Council and past presidents of the Philippine Scientific Society who held several weekly meetings in order to help in perfecting the draft. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 83 on Rules of the Hou8e of Representatives, Representaitive Eulogio Rodriguez, Representative Mariano Alisangco of the first District of La Union, Chairman of the Committee on Library and Museum, and the Members of his committee, Representative Jose Ozamis who sponsored the bill on the floor of the House of Representatives, Senator Claro M. Recto, who spoke for it on the floor of the Senate the other member.s of the Ninth Philippine Legislature whose names are too many to be enumerated, and a number of Filipino scientists who worked for the cause of science and their country. BRIEF OBSERVATIONS ON SCIENCE IN THE PHILIPPINES IN THE PRE-AMERICAN ERA By EULOGIO B. RODRIGUEZ Assistant Director, National Library Associate Member, Section of Educational Relations "And step by step since time b2gan I see the steady gain of man." -WHI'ITIER. In order to have a general appraisal of science in the Philippines during the Pre-American era it is fundamentally essential to know the spirit of the time and the sense of value of the epoch. In that era spiritual matters were given more emphasis than things material. Hence the study of the Humanities, Philosophy and Theology had prominence over scientific studies. And as Dr. David P. Barrow;S aptly said, "The Filipino has been affected by these centuries of Spanish sovereignty far less on his material side than he has on his spiritual, and it is mainly in the deepening hnd elevating of his emotional and mental life and not in the bettering of his material condition that advance has been made." The study, however, with the investigations, and researche;; made on pure and applied sciences, which I shall later enumerate, was not entirely overlooked and there were no few pioneering studies. How much they helped the people and the country and how effective they were as well as the extent to, and thoroughness with which they were pursued is a point which is not easy to determine. I shall not attempt to go to that extent. Nor shall I attempt to treat the subject of Science in · its complete groups and classifications as was done in the Century of Progress Exhibition at Chicago where the basic sciences were grouped under seven headings, namely; mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and medicine. I shall deal only with some of the pure and applied sciences developed in those days of which we have knowledge and records. I would ask the reader, likewise, to bear in mind that these observations are from the pen of a mere layman and not of a scientist--of one merely a student of the history of ithe progress of the Philippines and of its people. 84 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 85 During the past regime original research and investigations were made on the elements and epidemics, including plant diseases, that fundamentally affect the country, in order to gain some dennite knowledge of their causes as well as their effects. And these elements and epidemics visit the country frequent!y enough to attract attention and destructively enough to arous-2 interest. The historical bases, forces, circumstances, or objectives that obliged the country or some of its citizens to pursue scientific investigations and research, give the necessary basic facts for my present observations. As illustrations I may .state that the study of metallurgy and the manufacture of gunpowder, crude or elementary as they might have been forced by the necessity of casting cannon and making gunpowder for the necessary fortification and protection of the country. Frequent destruction by earthquakes compelled the scientifically minded men to make a study of ~eismic causes, hence the study of seismography. Earthquakes had made disastrous visits to the Philippines. The most fatal of which we have a record occurred in 1601, 1610, 1645, 1658, 1675, 1699, 1796, 1824, 1852, and 1863. The first in Spanish times took place during the administration of Governor Francisco Tello de Guzman. Possibly the most destructive one was on November 30, 1645, better known as the Earthquake of San Andres, on account of its having occurred on the feast of this Patron of the city. Earthquake shocks followed one another at intervals of five days, which caused Manila to be depopulated, and there were over 600 victims. The rebuilt city ceased building lofty buildings and settled down to the simple safety construction that has only recently been changed by the use of concrete and structural steel. Then in 1863, an earthquake almost reduced Manila to a mountain of ruins with 400 people killed and 2,000 injured. One of the highest dignitaries of the Archdiocese, Reverend Father Pedro Peleaz, was a victim of this earthquake while he was attending Matins at the Cathedral on the eve of Corpus Christi. Again Manila was visited, in 1880, during the administration of Governor Fernando Primo de R!vera. Because of this calamity, together with that strong typhoon (1882) whose vortex passed over Manila and the epidemic of cholera (1882) that claimed many lives, Governor Primo de Rivera was regarded as the most unlucky Governor the Philippines had during the whole Spanish regime. 86 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The frequent eruptions of active volcanoes in the Philippines that were so calamitous to those who lived in their vicinity, forced a few men to make a scientific study of their causes. Our early record of volcanic eruptions during the Spanish regime took place in 1641, during the time of Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera, when three volcanoes were 'supposed to have burst forth, one in J olo, another in Sanguil, in the southern part of Mindanao, and a third in Aringay in the north of Luzon. A terrible eruption of Taal volcano took place in 1754 which resulted in a plague caused by the multitude of fishes, killed by the eruption, which floated upon Lake Taal. The beautiful Mayon Volcano of Albay erupted twice in 1765. Again it erupted terribly in 1814, then in 1853. The Macatur:m volcano in Mindanao erupted in 1855. In 1871 the volcanoes of Cawiguiu of Mayon erupted. The last eruption was of Taal volcano, in 1911. The existence of destructive cyclones, typhoons and storms in the Philippines and this part of the Orient gave rise to the scientific study of meteorology or weather forecasts. Destructive visits of these elements to the Philippines took place during the Spanish regime in 1599, 1611, 1658, 1711, 1742, 1768, 1782, 1797, 1821, 1831, 1843, 1855, and 1882. In 1865 the Jesuit Fathers founded the Manila Observatory for weather forecasts which was declared official in 1884. Typhoons or baguios were classified in the following forms: Cyclones formed in the Pacific, including cyclones of the Marianas Islands, of Japan, of Formosa, and of the Philippines, and cyclones formed in the China Sea, including Jolo Sea, and the interisland waters south of Luzon. The knowledge of forecasting the path of the cyclones i:> of tremendous importance for the protection of lives and property, especially to navigation, the study of which brought the well-merited fame to the Jesuits of being the best meteorologists in the Fart East. In the desire of the Government to make the' Philippine;; not only agriculturally self-sufficient but to produce on a grand scale for purposes of export, scientific investigations were made along agricultural lines. Scientific investigations on the cause and origin of cholera that wrought havoc in the Philippines at different periods of its history were made. But as to the results of these studies and investigations it must be admitted that they were not much ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 87 of a success, as the appearance of this epidemic in the Philippines was never checked and prevented up to the advent of the new regime. There were several factors that may be regarded as responsible for stimulating scientific study in those days. Among these factors were: first, the University of Sto. Tomas, the colleges of the Jesuits, the San Juan de Letran College and other colleges established before the coming of the Americans, giving courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology (in the UniYersity of Sto. Tomas and the College of San Jose, courses in medicine and pharmacy were given) ; second, hospitals, the Jesuit Observatory, and the Government, in opening laboratories and weather bureaus, agricultural schools, experiment stations, a health service, mining office, forestry office, and promulgating royal decrees giving prizes to those who made scientific discoveries; third, academies, societies or corporations such as the Real Sociedad Economica Filipina del Amigos del Pais, a semi-government instirtution, the Compania de Filipinas, and private factories such as the Ayala Destileria and similar entities that established chemical laboratories to advance their industry, where chemists such as Anacleto del Rosario and others were employed. The National and International Expositions in which tlie Philippines took part were, in a measure, manifestations of scientific achievements. The natural history museums of Sto. Tomas University and that of the Ateneo de Manila were an index of scientific persistent study of natural sciences. On the other hand there were several factors during that epoch that caused the slow development of scientific studies. First, the absence of well equipped laboratories or facilities, not in the modern sense, but even according to the standard of the times, especially the absence of the modern microscope which was only introduced here at about the end of the Spanish regime (in 1895 the first compound microscope was sold by Boie) ; second, the comparatively slow trade movements of those days, due to the difficulty in shipping and transportation especially when the Philippines were not open to world trade; third, the spirit of the times, when the study of speculative science was given preference over the study of pure and applied sciences. It was essentially a. spiritual era in which the development of material matters was subsidiary to that of the former. 88 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MEDICINAL BOTANY-PRE-EUROPEAN 1 Medicinal botany is possibly the oldest branch of science in the Philippines. It was practiced by the ancient Filipino priests and priestesses in pre-Spanish times. In medicinal matters the Filipinos were herbalists as distinguished from the Europeans who were practicing the use of minerals. The ancient Filipinos had a scientific knowledge of Philippine medicinal plants that could be used for curing specific sicknesses. As illustrations, we may mention that tafigan-tMigan was used principally to alleviate headaches by applying its leaves to the forehead, causing sweating and consequently bringing relief. The seeds of balocanag were ground into oil and rubbed into the scalp to kill vermin. The boiled root of pandakaki when given as a drink improved the stomach and eased pain caused by cold or indigestion. The leaves of taguypasin were of value in any chronic stomach disease due to inflamma;tion, overloading or cold. The boiled bark of bakao furnished a remedy which killed all kinds of intestinal parasites. The sibukao plant was used for absorbing coagulated blood and it was applied in cases where blows on the body had caused the extravasation of blood into the tissues. The ground root of cumalikib made into an infusion cleaned and cured ulcers or wounds. The pounded leaves of a climbing plant known as balabgon were used in the cure of wounds. The raisin of culasi cured stab wounds and itches. All kinds of spots on the skin were cured by means of roots c;f a tree known as salak. The leaves of the little tree called alaklak when crushed and applied to boils, quickly brought them to a head and then removed the content. There were plants used as antidotes. The manungal was boiled and given to anyone who had eaten poisonous substanc";S such as fish or herbs. The infusion of the bark of palagnigoci was both an antidote and a febrifuge. The bark of the root of the bagosabak tree was curative of the bite of any kind of poisonous animal or snake. The most popular medicinal pl'lnt possibly is igasud which the Spanish missionaries re-named the pepita of San Ignacio. It abounds in the mountain regions of the Visayas. The seed is highly esteemed in all parts of the world and is used if a person has eaten something poisonous, in which case a little piece is chewed and followed by a drink '_For historical sketch of Philippine Botany, see Merrill's Enumeration. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 89 of cold In this manner it cures many disturbances of the stomach and intestine. It is also used as an emetic. And held in the mouth, and sucked, it is effective for rheumatism. It also relieves indigestion. The ancient Filipinos possessed a good practical knowledge of the various plants and herbs their country produced. It i3 said they could change the natural form of the carabao's horns by the application of chemical materials without hurting the carabao. They used the bark of trees or seeds for dyeing. By the application of poisonous substances to the points of arrows they made them deadly. For pep, vim, and vigor takip-kohol was used. The crude principle of signaling was practiced by the an~ient Filipinos. The trunks of trees that were hollowed out either purposely or became so on account of old age, were struck at certain intervals to produce a so).md in accordance with a code of their own that could be understood in the neighborhood, and the sound was relayed and broadc~st to other places by the same method of consecutive repetition from hill to hill throughout the land. This latter ~ystem may very well be considered I the prototype of the modern signaling. The manufacture of gun-powder was practiced in the Philippines, and the making of cannon and metallurgy were known long before Spain ever came to the Philippines. In 1587, during the regime of Governor Santiago de Vera, an artillery foundry ' was reopened under Panday Pira, a Pampangan, who cast cannon "as large as those of Malaga" (Spain), before the Spaniards came. This was followed by the construction of the walls of :Manila, of Fort Santiago and the reorganization of the navy in the Philippines. The ancient Filipino was one who learned from direct and close observation of his surroundings. He learned from his actual contact with men and nature. Without the help of the watch, as no watch then existed, he could read the time by the position of the sun. Without the aid of the compass he was able to know his direction and guide his vessel in the high seas. Without the barometer, he was able, through weather signs, to predict the approach of storms. From this natural training his powers of observation were surprisingly developed and he acquired the habit of careful reflection and measured reasoning. Most of his learning may be considered scientific. These were experiences of our race that were trans90 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL mitted to us and of which we made great use on the advent of the new science. FLORA AND FAUNA The fauna and flora of the Philippines were studied by Fathers Blanco, Mercado, Llanos, Naves, Celestino Garcia, 0. S. A., Barranco, Cuartero, Jose Ma. Gonzalez Tufion, brother of Cardinal Zeferino Gonzalez, Martinez Vigil, Casto de Elera, 0. P., Blas de la Madre de Dios, Jose de Valencia, 0. F., in accordance with the scientific classification which then controlled in natural sciences, bringing these studies up to the technical perfection which they had in that epoch. Fathers Klein, (called here Clain) Blanco and Fernando de Santamaria applied themselves to the study of plants and their medicinal values. Through their study they saved innumerable Filipinos from death, restored others to health, freeing them from grievous infirmities, making a gloomy future disappear from many homes. It should be remembered in this connection that the "Flora de Filipinas" of Fr. Manuel Blanco (in four volumes) with illustrations in natural colors was printed in Manila in 18871880 and is worthy to be compared with the better works of the kind printed elsewhere in the world. It is undoubtedly a monumental piece of work on Philippine botany. One of the earliest and perhaps most valuable works was on medicinal botany by a Filipino mestizo of the Augustinian order, Fr. Ignacio de Mercado of Parafiaque, Rizal. This was the basis of Dr. Trinidad Pardo de Tavera's work entitled "Plantas l\IIedicinales de Filipinas" (1893) which was translated into English by a United States Army surgeon, Dr. Thomas, and printed for the use of the American army in the Philippines. The Jesuit botanist George Kamel, a German for whom the camelia was named, was the author of the description of tropic2.l plants sent from Manila to Europe about 1703. His work was published in London in the "Philosophical Transactions", in volumes 21 and 22. Other Philippine botanical works are: "Estudios Sobre Plantas de Filipinas" (1851) by Antonio Llanos; "Revision de Plantas vasculares Filipinas" ( 1886) by Sebastian Vidal y Soler; "Catalogo sistematico de toda la Fauna de Filipinas conocida hasta el presente, ya a la vez el de la colecci6n Zoologica del Museo del Colegio, Universidad de Manila" ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 91 por Castro de Elera, ( 1895) ; "Herbarium; Apuntes sobre plantas medicinales y Flora de Filipinas" (1895) by Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero. Other treatises on medicinal plants were written by Paul Klein, called here Pablo Clain, S. J ., entitled "Remedios Faciles Para Diferentes Enfermedades" (1857) ; Fr. Manuel Vilches "Manual del Medicillo Visayo" (1877). In about 1623 Fr. Blas de la Madre de Dios of the Franciscan Order, wrote "Flora de Filipinas" one of the earliest works that was written on this subject in the Philippines. He also wrote treatises on domestic medicine ( Trat<idos de medicina domestica). He came to Manila in 1585, and immediately mastered the native dialect. He founded the town of Morong, was parish priest of the town of Pila and in 1660 founded ihe town of Giling-giling and later transferred to Pililla, Meycauayan and Paete. He died September 7, 1686. Fr. Jose de Valencia, of the Franciscan Order, came to the Philippines in 1654. He was an excellent physician and dedicated hims.elf with the utmost charity to curing the sick, and wrote a "Flora de Filipinas" in which with minuteness he described the roots and herbs, their forms, the locations where they grew and their curative powers. He died in the Pila convent in 1669. The flora of the Philippines in general naturally is tropical. There are, however, some notable differences between the vegetation on the Pacific coasts and that of the China Sea coasts, as in the former region the rains are more copious, while in the latter there are magnificent virgin forests containing an abundance of orchids, palms, aroids, and the like. Don Sebastian Vidal y Soler grouped Philippine flora into two classes ; forest flora and agricultural flora. The first is divided as follows: (a) mangrove swamp; (b) vegetation along the seashore; ( c) vegetation in the lowlands of less than 200 meters altitude; ( d) vegetation of the zone between 200 and 1,000 meters of elevation; (e) vegetation of the mountain zone between 1,800 and 3,000 meters. The second class is made up of various cultivated plants of commercial or other uses. Vidal was one of the greatest botanists we have had in the Philippines. A study of his "Flora Foresta!" and his scientific monographs on this archipelago makes evident his greatness. Fr. Rodrigo de San Miguel of the Recollect Order wrote between 1610 and 1620 "Manual de medicina caseras 'J><LTa con92 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL suelo de los indios". He founded the towns of Bagak, Mariveles, Bataan; and Subic, Zambales in 1605. He died in 1626 at the age of forty-six. Philippine fauna was studied with the same deep interest as its flora during the Spanish regime. Nevertheless work along this line may be considered merely to have been fairly started. Zoologically speaking, it may be stated that the Philippine Islands are not uniform areas. For instance, numerous Bornean forms are present in the Islands of Balabac, Palawan and the Calamianes Islands, which are conspicuously absent throughout the remaining islands of the archipelago. In general it may likewise be said that this archipelago is characterized by a scarcity of mammals but has a rich bird fauna and a high class of species peculiar to the group of molusca. GEOLOGY Enrique Abella y Casariego and Jose Centeno, Spaniardsvery friendly to the Filipinos, made a profound geological study of the Philippines, of the structure of its mountains, its iron mines, irts mineral springs and its earthquakes and volcanoes. Warren D. Smith, an American, in his "Geology and Mineral Resources in the Philippine Islands", states: •, Of the workers who antedated the coming of the Americans to this land, many were merely passing travelers, and these contributed only fragmentary and cursory notes, but the following must be particularly mentioned: Richard von Drasche, a German geologist, who traveled extensively in Luzon in the decade 1870 to 1880. Karl Oebbeke, a German petrographer, who was never in the Archipelago, but who worked on von Drasche's collections. Karl Martin, a Dutch paleontologist of note and the authority on the paleontology of Java, who studied collections of Philippine fossils, but never visited the Islands. B. Koto, dean of Japanese geologists, who has never been here, f.JLtt whose discussion of Malaysian tectonics is suggestive and helpful. Jose Centeno, chief of the Spanish mining bureau from 1876 to 1886, contributed much to the geologic literature of the Islands. His chief work was on Taal Volcano. Enrique Abella y Casariego, the last chief of the Spanish mining bureau, 1889 to 1897, was by far the ablest of the earlier investigators. It is a great pleasure to pay this tribute to our late colleague of another nationality. I have only words of commendation for his untiring efforts in the solution of the geologic and mining problems of the Philippines. ANNUAL REPOR'T, 1934-35 93 It is of interest to quote herewith the tribute paid by Mr. Frank de Thoma to Don Jose Centeno y Garcia, engineer and general inspector of mines in the Philippines, in the translation made by the former of the latter's monograph entitled "A brief sketch of the Geology and Mineralogy of the Philippine Islands." This translation was made in 1906, and is still in manuscript form, 93 pages, preserved in the Scientific Library, Departmeut of Agriculture and Commerce. It states: Concise works on the geology and mineralogy of the Philippine Islands are few, if any. The material is scattered through a great number of monographs; the writings of Mr. Abella y Casariego; Caveda y Mendez de Vigo; Drasche, Wartenberg, Jagor and others. The best and most concise of all, covering the entire Archipelago, is the work of Don Jose Centeno y Garcia, published by Royal order in 1876. Although very nearly thirty years have passed since then, it is still the standard work on the subjects it treats of and for this reason the translation will, it is hoped, be of some service to persons interested in these studies and to the practical miner. Doctor Pardo de Tavera in his 'Biblioteca Filipina' (Washington, 1903) comments on it as follows: The essay contains a large number of highly interesting notices and data, many completely new, others little known and a great number of them due to observations made by the author in the Archipelago. Considering the lack of roads, the climatological conditions of the country and the almost impenetrable forests covering a large part of its area, an idea may be formed of the hardships which it was necessary to undergo for collecting the geological data contained in this work, and the zeal and the industry and assiduity required. MALACOLOGIST Gonzalez Hidalgo, famous malacologist, represents possibly the greatest and most notable contributor to the study of Conchology in the Philippines. Fr. Gregorio Sanz, Augustinian Recollect, in his "Embrologia Sagrada" gives us a work on this important subject, so beneficial to many families, at the height of the epoch of 1856. SEISMOLOGY Seismology and the study of typhoons have ever been the specialties of the famous Directors of the Jesuit Observatory in Manila. Zuniga, Fr. Ceferino Gonzalez, and Abella Casariego, 94 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL noted Spanish engineer, (Philippine born but retaining Spanish nationality after the Treaty of Paris) examined likewfae with great care the causes of the earth's trembling and the earthquakes which with frequency afflict the Archipelago and breed foar and cause death in many localities of these beautiful islands. In 1865 the Jesuit Fathers founded the Manila Observatory for weather forecasts and the institution was declared official in 1884. The departments of Magnetism and Astronomy were created many years later. As early as 1822 records were obtained at the Manila Observatory with crude seismographs showing the complicated movements of the earth in the famot!s earthquakes of Nueva Vizcaya and Pangasinan. In 1880, a weather forecast in the Orient was sent to Hongkong by cable. In 1886 a barometer, intended to forecast weather in the Philippines was invented by Father Faura. In 1890 at the request of the Minister of foreign affairs of the Japanese Empire, a mutual exchange of observations was esitablished between the Manila Observatory and the Central Observatory of Tokyo. GOLD DISCOVERY Fr. Jose Torres, in 1829-31, in his immortal expeditions to Benguet and Bontoc, was the first European who penetrated and traversed the Luzon mountain regions, making known to the world the gold deposits which were hidden there that today are bringing great returns to companies mining their metal. WATERWORKS Fr. Juan Peguero, Dominican, gave Manila potable water before the Carriedo water system, by means of a canal which he opened in the neighborhood of the San Juan del Monte Church, by means of a system of conduits of water, modeled upon the systems then used by the capital, Madrid, and London. SOME OF THE FAMOUS CONTRIBUTORS TO SCIENCE Of all the scientists of the nineteenth century among the Religious Orders, and there were not a few of them, the one that most appealed to the Filipinos was the illustrious bishop of Nueva Caceres, who was a friend and admirer of the notable Filipino educator and ec6nomist Father Pedro Peleaz, one time administrator of the Archdiocese of Manila, Sede Vacante. Francisco Gainza was active along many lines of science. StuANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 95 dent of geography, geology, ethnography, and a linguist, he supplied data of great value for the study of the customs and religions of the non-Christian tribes of Luzon. He was also practical in his ideas, developing the work of dyeing and making available for the lowlanders some of the more useful plants that the hill people were cultivating. For the rest, the interior of Luzon was made known by such explorers as the Dominican Father Pedro Jimenez, who wrote the first report on the inhabitants of Isabela, and also P. Juan Prieto, who described the Ifugaos, Calingas and Yrrayas from knowledge gained during long years as a missionary among them. The study of races, especially here in the Philippines where man presents himself with. all kinds of characteristics conceivable, from those of the N egrito to those of the Chinese and European mestizos, is, evidently, always of profound interest. Fathers Pedro Chirino, S. J., Juan J. Delgado, S. J., Francisco Combes, S. J., Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga, 0. A., Don Joaquin Rijal, Dr. Jose de Lacalle, Don W. E. Retana, Dr. T. Montanp, have wdtten books and treatises on the people of the Philippines One of these writers maintains that thre€ trunks or three race stocks have given origin to the inhabitants that people the Oceanic Islands-the Malayans, Melanesians and Polynesians. Another maintains that the Filipino people must be divided into two groups, conveniently known as "pagan-mestizo" tribes and "Christianized" peoples. Still others maintain that the native inhabitants of the Philippines should be divided into two branches-the Negrito and the Malay. Others further divide them into three groups: Malay race, Negrito or Aeta race and mixed tribes of Malayan-N egrito origin. Dr. Montano, after having made a thorough study of the subject during his trip to the different islands of the Orient, says: The peninsula of Malacca and the whole of the great Asiatic archipelago to the east of Flores, Ceram, Gilolo, or, if you please, the limit of the Papuan race, seems to be populated by three distinct races, namely, the Negrito, the Indonesian, and the Malay. At all events, this is the conclusion which I have reached from my observations of the human beings inhabiting this region to-day, and from my conclusions which have been gathered in all of the regions that I have traveled through. 96 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Fathers Alamo, Malumbres, Campa, Villaverde and Zubieta likewise made studies which were profitably used by the Bohemian Blumentritt, and the American Worcester. Fr. Francisco Roxano, another Dominican, was a pioneer in the Cagayan valley, teaching the people better methods of weaving and plowing after the European fashion, as well as of making hats, in which he was most expert. Fr. Francisco de Vega developed the agriculture in the valley and caused the setting out of fiber plants in order to develop the economic wealth of the country. Fr. Francisco de Borja introduced the mulberry tree and silk worms as well as indigo. Fr. Miguel Vazquez introduced in Nueva Vizcaya and the mountains of Cagayan the planting of potatoes and beans. These good fathers combined the practical and the scientific, in their moments of leisure writing the r€sults of their experiments. Fr. Rosa made a reputation in mathematics with his "Las integrales Eulerianas." It should also be mentioned that the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Philippines and the University of Sto. Tomas are doing research work in advanced mathematics most of which have been prin~ed in the "University of the Philippines Natural and Applied Science Bulletin" and the "Unitas" respectively. Lay Bro. Fr. Juan del Pilar was a bricklayer by profession, for which reason he had been sent to execute some masomy construction work in Spain as well as in the Philippines. In Manila be devoted himself with great tenacity to the study of mathematics and of architecture, wherein he excelled, and various imporant works within the church as well as in the public service of the government, were· entrusted to his direction. In 1765 the Governor and Captain General, who was also President of the Real Audiencia, appeared before the Provincial Head of the Recollects to request him to authorize Fray Juan del Pilar to take charge of the reparation of the big Fortin bridge, an authority which was granted by this prelate, as may be gathered from one of his communications (May, 1765) to the Superior Head of the Archipelago (P. Marin, in his work" "Ensayo de una sintesis etc.") It is interesting to note that Governor Pedro Manuel de Arandia enthusiastically encouraged the study of mathematics. From Fernando de Araya's dedication of his "Conclusiones ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 97 matematicas practicas, y especulativas defendidas en el principio del segundo ano" (1758), we gather that as a result of the progressive spirit shown by the king of Spain, Gc.vernor Manuel de Arandia introduced the study of mathematics in this country, a study that was bound to produce untold benefits for the Philippine Islands. Such was the enthusiastic appreciation it gave rise to that the author, Araya, could very eloquently say: From now on the commerce of the country will not have to resort to foreign lands for men who might ably guide and sail its trade galleons on the seas, nor for persons who would repair its forts, for cultured men who would know how to manage its artillery with i>ttelligence and precision in case of invasion, or who would improve and beautify its military and civil establishments, and finally, for men who would benefit her with thousands of important inventions and services which for the good of the community are afforded wherever this noble faculty descended from the gods is not unknown. CARTOGRAPHERS The two Spanish officers Francisco Diaz Romero and Antonio de Chandia are the joint authors of a Philippine map, published in 1727 which, in the op in on of Mr. John Bach, "is distinguished for its painstaking draftsmanship of intrinsic features boldly pictured, its new and extensive geographical data proclaimed by a noteworthy multiplication of names and its descriptive notes of a maritime and political nature which testify to an unusual advance in this respect." Complying with orders received from Madrid and with instructions issued by the Governor of the Philippine Islands, Rev. Pedro Murillo Velarde, S. J., prepared and published, in 1734, a map of the Philippine Islands, "That won widespread admiration and which for more than a century served as the basis for subsequent maps by European geographers." The chart may be rightly entitled hydrographic, (1) because it shows various sailing routes, as from Manila to New Spain via the San Bernardino Strait and via Cape Bojeador and from Manila to Spain in a south-westerly direction; (2) because it points ouit a number of anchorages and various outlying shoals with a remarkable completeness and accuracy in the names of coastal townc:;. Beautiful compass-roses symmetrically arranged in a large circle help to determine the direction or azimuth of the towns or places; the .Picture of the triumphant ship Victoria, the drawing of Saint Francis Xavier and of a crab in the act of bringing up 98 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL from the briny deep the holy cross that the Saint had dropped overboard, the variety of pictures of Spanish galleons, Chinese junks, and Moro vintas, give to the map an aspect of prosperous commerce and intelligent navigation. In the "Chronicas de la Apostolica Provincia de Swn Gregorio, por Juan Francisco de San Antonio", says Mr. Bac:h, "we find Velarde's own account of his preparation of this map, from which the following is quoted: And in the year 1733 an order came from Our Catholic Monarch that a map be made of these Islands, and the same having ~been entrusted to my care, it saw the light of publicity in the year '34. In it I put all the pueblos, points, inlets, ports, shoals, reefs, course'>, sailing directions, rivers, forts, and distances, as far as was possible in so difficult a matter and within the scale. And in a description of a few lines, and in the figures in the margin, as in Egyptian hieroglyphics, I relate the most memorable things therein contained, as extensively as can be done in such few words and figures, and if anyone deems this boasting, let him undertake the work himself and he will see that it is more difficult to handle the pen and do this work, than to stand by and criticize it. SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION The Malaspina expedition under the leadership of Captain Alejandro Malaspina, on a five year cruise of the world with the scientific purpose of collecting specimens of botany and zoology and studying the navigation, meteorology and hydrography of the various oceans is one of the outstanding scientific achievements of the pre-American regime. Dr. Ebner D. Merrill, former Director of the Bureau of Science, states that "the expedition was the most thoroughly equipped one of its kind up to that date" and that "it is doubtful if any similar expedition had previously been dispatched by any nation, with the same objects in view." In their scientific circumnavigation of the world, the corvettes Atrevida and Descubierta called at the Marianas and Philippines in the beginning of 1792. Astronomical, meteorological, magnetic, hydrographic and gravity observations were made in several places to fix the position of points and improve the hydrographic charts. This expedition lef.t Cadiz, Spain, on July 30, 1789. "The result of the Malaspina Exploration", states Mr. John Bach," was a general chart of the Archipelago, P.ublished by the "Direcci6n Hidrographia en Madrid, 1808 ," which constitutes the first nautical chart of the PhilipANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 99 pine Islands based on modern survey methods and equipment. This chart superseded that of Murillo Velarde." The Jesuits developed the cultivation of sugar and i_n 1786 there were exported 860 arobas of sugar from the lands that had been cultivated under their supervision before their suppression. In 1789 there were exported to India and China some forty or fifty thousand picos. MEDICAL SCIENCE IN STO. TOMAS UNIVERSITY There was a plan to introduce the teaching of medicine in 1682 and afterwards in 1785 in the University of Sto. Tomas, but it was not realized until 1872 after the efforts of Moret to secularize the teaching in the Islands. The ecclesiastical authorities transferred to the Dominicans for the establishment of classes of Medicine and Pharmacy the administration and income of the Colegio de San Jose, which had been founded by Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa and had been administered by the Society of Jesus up to the time of the expulsion of the Jesuits from the Archipelago. From the ti'Ille of the suppression of the Jesuits until the opening of the College of Medicine and Pharmacy, the College of San Jose was administered by secular priests. It was decided by the Holy See in 1911 that rt.he Colegio de San Jose. should be administered again by the Jesuits in compliance with the will of the founder, as a national seminary of the Philippines. The study of medicine was very ancient in the Islands, but its teaching was deficient in its late start. There were few laboratories and very little apparatus for the use of the students. Microscopes were not employed but instead drawings were used. Students gained practical experience by diagnosing the patients in their beds in the hospital wards in the presence of their professors. Operations were performed by professors in the view of students but they rarely gave importance to operations. The examination for the degree was as thorough and as difficult as in the branch of law and, like this, was composed of exercises, one in theory and the other in practice. But in about the last decade of the Spanish regime improvements in the study of medicine and pharmacy had been made. The Memoria del Profesorado de Medicina y Farmacia, 1889, prepared by the professors of medicine and pharmacy of this university explains that the faculty of medicine and pharmacy 100 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL founded in 1870 literally copied the plan of study of the different universities of the Spanish peninsula from which they have not swerved a bit a:nd whatever improvements were introduced in Spain had been immediately transmitted to thi.s institution. The plan of study and the laboratories palpably demonstrate the truth of this statement. Its rich library of medicine and pharmacy had been placed at the disposal of the public where one could find materials on various subjects, such as the Atlas of Bourgery in Anatorny, the elegant editions of Flora of the Philippines, the Clinica iconografica de las enfermedades of Olavide, and all scientific monographs published during the last years which have been placed on its shelves. In the year 1895 a college of sciences (Facidtad de Ciencias) was established in this university. The course was introduced from Madrid after the necessary modifications had been rnacle to meet local conditions, and was limited to the exact sciences or mathematics with some of their applications to special sciences .. It was gradually expanded until it became in 1907 its college of Civil Engineering. On April 7, 1875 when the "El Museo Ultrarnarino" was organized in Spain by the government with a collection of museum specimens corning from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, the professor of chemistry of this university, Don Ramon Botet, was designated by the Rector of this f arnous institution to be in charge of the vast collection. HOSPITALS, CENTER OF MEDICAL SCIENCE The hospitals in the _Philippines naturally had to become the center of medical science especially at the time when the College of Medicine was not yet established in this archipelago. The first general hospital in the Far East was founded in Manila in 1596 by the sisterhood of Sta. Misericordia or Holy Mercy and it is now known as the Hospital of San Juan de Dios. The earliest hospital, however, established in Manila was founded in 1575 by Governor Francisco de Sande for the Spanish soldiers. Among the others that were later founded are : Hospital of Naga, 1586; San Lazaro Hospital, 1587; the Hospital for the Natives and the Hospital for the Spaniards, 1588; Hospital of Los Bafios, Laguna, 1590; Hospital of Cavite or the Holy Ghost Hospital, 1591; Hospital of Antipolo, 1602; Hospital of Sangleys or Chinese, 1630; Hospital of San Gabriel, Binondo, 1724; ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 101 Hospital of Zamboanga, 17 42; Hospital of Cebu for lepers, 1850; Hospital of Nueva Caceres, 1872. To this the Hospicio de San Jose although primarily an asylum should be added because it served as a sort of psychopathic hospital. PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Pharmacy was taught along with medicine in the old College of San Jose. · It was likewise taught along with medicine in t,he University of Sto. Tomas in 1872. But it was a branch in which the Filipinos had made great advance even before the earning of the Spaniards for in this the native priests and priestesses were able and skilled. The mestizo priests of Paraiiaque, Rizal, Fr. Ignacio de Mercado, an Augustinian of the latter half of the 17th century, was the first to show interest in medicinal botany and his studies of medicinal plants are still useful and used. At that time the Filipinos were herbalists while the Europeans, in an age of alchemy, were using minerals. The chief development in instructions in pharmacy has come through the still-living, eminent scientist Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero, whose honorary degree from the University of the Philippines honored that Filipino institution. In chemistry, the foremost name is of Anacleto del Rosario who paid great attention to mineral springs, sulphur and other products characteristic of a volcanic land such as the Philippines. The Historical Research and Markers Committee created 11y the Governor-General in his Executive Order No. 451, dated October 23, 1933, ;made the following inscription on the oldest European drug Store established in this archipelago, in the City of Manila: BOTICA BOIE DR. LoRENZO NEGRAO SPANISH PHYSICIAN AND PHARMACIST ESTABLISHED IN M AN I LA I N 1830 A C 0 M M E R C I A L PHARMACY LATER KNOWN AS BOIE & SCHADENBERG AND CONTINUED INTO MODERN TIMES AS THE BOTICA BOIE PHILIPPINE-AMERICAN DRUG COMP ANY 1934 This is the forerunner of the many drug stores that are now found in all regions and towns of this archipelago. 102 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DENTISTRY One of the pioneer Filipinos in dentistry, long before the Americans came, was the patriot Dr. Bonifacio Arevalo of Quiapo, who seemed to have learned his profession mostly from the Americans from Hongkong who visited Manila. He succeeded so well that he became the private physician of Governor Blanco, who saved his life in 1896. He was also a sculptor. He was a patriot and before the first American Commission vindicated the cause of the Philippines in their tribulations and sufferings. "Dentistry",* to quote from Mr. Amado R. Dizon, "was, however, practiced in the Philippines in the same manner as in other pa:rits of the globe during the medieval ages. According to reliable sources and data I obtained from several authorities, the earliest practice in the science of dentistry began way back in the year 1870. In or about that year two French dentists found their way to Manila, where they immediately engaged in ithe profession of dentistry. Their work consisted mainly in making artificial dentures and extraction of wobbling teeth of badly broken down roots with crude pincers and trunkeys, the same instruments which have evolved into the forceps used nowadays in the practice. But the use of dental vulcanite for artificial denture which was discovered in 1851 was already known. "About the middle of 1840 Harris, Halden and others organized and conducted the first Dental College in Baltimore, Maryland. They started to invest in the line with a personality distinctly of their own and making it a liberal and organized profession. It was then generally practiced as a mere craft, the practitioner being very careful to keep his knowledge to himself, passing it only to such persons as suited his fancy or convenience. It was, therefore, very lucky that one of the two Frenchmen who practiced in Manila, by the name of Fertri, admitted Juan Arevalo, better known as Captain Chengcheng, who was a sculptor by profession and an artist of some renown. After a short period Captain Chengcheng acquitted himself in his new trade with satisfactory ability and eventually became the first Filipino dental practitioner. He then attracted a great deal of attention on account of a full set of upper and lower dentures which he carved out of ivory. "However, Captain Chengcheng passed his craft or the new trade on to his nephew, the late Bonifacio Arevalo and to his ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 103 daughier Catalina Arevalo, the first lady denitist, who is still in practice in the province of Pangasinan. The Arevalos practiced contemporaneously with three Spaniards, namely, Mr. and Mrs. Farines and Mr. Martinez. But during that time, the extraction of the teeth was so severe and radical that it made the patient see the whole constelliation of the stars in broad daylight. Aside from extraction, they constructed artificial dentures such as those for reparative or restorative dental operations, as gold crown, bridgework and filling of gold, cement and silver. These dental pioneers did not follow the famous Black's technique for cavity preparations or the Johnson method of making gold filling, but depended solely on their natural skill and artistic instinct. It is very remarkable however, that though handicapped by the lack or absence of modern knowledge, handy and refined instruments and electrical apparatus, the first dental practitioners in the Philippines, could have performed such marvelous, and incredible exhibits that could be favorably compared with modern achievements." The Bulletin of San Juan de Dios Hospital, May 1933, p. 152. VETE.RINARY SCIENCE Veterinary science has been but recently introduced in the Philippines. According to prevalent ideas, in comparison with humans, animals were not important and were not likely to receive much attention. There were, however, a few Spanish veterinarians who came to the Philippines to serve the Spanish army during the early days of the Spanish regime. They were the ones that introduced veterinary science here. DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE Governor-General Jose Basco y Vargas (1778-1787) showed a decided desire to develop agriculture on a large scale. He granted rewards to those who were conspicuous for their success in agriculture. He obtained seeds from other countries and caused more than 4,000 mulberry trees to be planted in Camarines Sur for feeding silkworms. He realized even then that science must lend its aid h.1 agricultural undertaking if agriculture is to succeed. In 1785 the "Compaiiia de Filipinas" obtained a monopoly of the trade between Spain and her colonies. Its pr"incipal object was to acquire control of the produce of the colony on a grand scale. Attempts were then made to develop the cultiva104 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tion of cotton, indigo, coffee, cacao, cinnamon, peppers, cloves, pigments and the mulbery tree for the growing of the silkworms, and other products of the soil. For various reasons this company failed. In 1781 the "Sociedad Econ6rnica de Amigos del Pais" was established. Dean Conrado Benitez in his "Philippine Progress Prior to 1898" says, "Basco's idea was to make the Philippines economically self-sufficing, and not dependent on Mexico. For this reason, he encouraged the development of agriculture by offering prizes to those who should excell in the cultivation of cotton, spices, sugar and silk; those who should open up the various kinds of mines; for those .who invented useful things, and those who excelled in the arts and sciences. Likewise, be issued circulars and pamphlets explaining the method of cultivating the different Philippine crops. In order to get the ccmmunity's cooperation in carrying out his economic plan, he induced the King to issue a decree establishing the Economic Society. In spite of serious opposition on the part of many, the society was auspiciously inaugurated in 1782. It seemed, however, as if Basco's ideas were too advanced for his time, for the society was feeble. A memoir published by the Society, and containing a list of its achievements, shows its activity to have consisted of discussions of economic subjects; the publication of pamphlets dealing with the cultivation of coffee, sugar, indigo, silk, gutta-percha, hemp, cacao, and other plants; with making cloths and dyes, inventing hemp-stripping machines, and contributing other useful things to agriculture; and the introduction of agricultural implements of various kinds from the United States. The Society lived for over a century, till 1890. Another means resorted to by Basco to free the Philippines from )ts dependence on Mexico was the establishment of the tobacco monopoly by the Government. This proved to be a good source of revenue, and, at the same time, ~as instrumental in bringing into cultivation large tracts of land. However, the evils attending it wer~ many; the abuses of the Government officials in enforcing the regulations, and in trying to make profits for themselves; the lack of incentive on the part of the producer to improve the quality of his tobacco; the existence of smuggling and bribery, and :the poverty of the farmer; all these were attributed to the tobacco monopoly." ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 105 Several royal decrees were issued and promulgated by the Spanish Governm~nt relative to the development of agriculture in the Philippines. On July 2, 1899, the School of Agriculture in Manila which was created by royal decree of November 29, 1887, was opened. Its objects were as follows: "The theoretical and practical education of skilled farmers, the education of overseers, the promotion of agricultural development in the Philippines by means of observation, experiment, and investigation." Modern farms were established in the town of La Carlota and in the town of San Pedro de Magalang, Pampanga. Agricultural stations were established in Albay, Isabela, Iloilo, Ilocos Sur, Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao and Sulu. Owing to various causes these agricultural stations, however, have not been a great success. In 1892, there was ordered the publication of a periodical entitled "Boletin oficial agricola de Filipinas" (1894) to contain a record of the work accomplished in these agricultural stations and establishments. This publication, together with the other publication entitled "Boletin de la Real Sociedad Economica Filipina de Amigos del Pais" (1882) contained many scientific treatises on Philippine agriculture which our present college-trained agriculturists should not fail to read. ELEMENTARY SCIENCE STUDIED The following colleges and secondary schools during the Spanish regime gave courses in elementary science, embracing the principles of physics, natural history (biology) and higher mathematics: University of Sto. Tomas, San Juan de Letran College, Ateneo Municipal de Manila, private colleges in Dagupan (San Alberto Magno), Vigan, under the Dominican friars; private colleges in Jaro and Nueva Caceres, under the Paulist; private colleges in Bacolod, under the Recollects. Chemistry was given in the University of Sto. Tomas and other scientific subjects like advanced physics, zoology and botany. There were forty-four private Latin colleges in the provinces and twenty-five in the City of Manila under secular priests. The following theological seminaries and other schools must likewise be added: Seminary of the Jesuit Fathers in Manila, San Vicente de Paul in Manila, Cebu, Nueva Caceres and Ja1·0; Seminary of the Augustinians in Vigan; Artillery School, Naval Academy, Nautical School, School of Commercial Accounting, and School of Practical Telegraphy. "The Filipinos, as students 106 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of science'', a famous Spanish author says, "have shown good ability as chemists and at least one was in a fair way to become distinguished as a botanist when his career was cut short by death." MUNICIPAL LABORATORY By a Government decree of September 13, 1887, which was subsequently published in the Gazette and in "La Opinion", a Municipal Laboratory was created under the supervision and vigilance of the government of the province of Manila and of the "lnspecci6n de la Direcci6n general" of the Civil Administration of these Islands. Article 12 of this decree provided that the staff or personnel of this office should consist of a Chief or Director of the Laboratory and two employees charged with the duty of helping the Director in his work or functions, and besides one was to serve as janitor and the other as messenger. In 1888, Anacleto del Rosario became, by competitive examination, Director of this Laboratory. In this Laboratory many analytical works were done by him such as the analysis of food, drugs, etc. This laboratory mainly dedicated its resources to chemical and bacteriological analysis in connection with the office of the health service. INTRODUCTION OF SMALLPOX VACCINATION Smallpox vaccination was introduced into the Philippines on April 15, 1805, by order of King Charles IV of Bourbon. In the Monthly Bulletin of the Philippine Health Service of April 1927, Dr. Jose P. Bantug states that the "Story of its introduction in the Philippines reads like an epic poem worthy of the proudest years of Spain when the scepter of Castille held sway over a vast colonial empire, where it was truly said the sun never set." Dr. Bantug further states: With wisdom and foresight and moved undoubtedly by the tales of suffering that the disease was causing in the American continent as well as in the far off Philippines, Charles IV (influenced by Amar and Balmis, royal household physicians) was led to secure for his subjects overseas the inestimable blessings of vaccination, while the rest of Europe was still wrangling about the merits of the new discovery. Under the leadership of Dr. Francisco Xavier de Balmis. an elaborate expedition was fitted out to introduce vaccination into the Colonies. Commanded by Frigate Lieutenant D. Pedro del Ba~­ co, the corvette Mwria Pita set sail from the port of La Coruna i'l Northern Spain, on November 30, 1803, in compliance with a Royal ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 107 Decree of September 1st of the same year. There were seven physicians on board besides the necessary number of nurses and attendants, under the direction of Balmis, and 27 children, with their mothers or nurses, two of whom were inoculated shortly before, anJ the rest at stated regular intervals, in the course of the navigation, the only means then known to preserve the virus in the freshest state possible and spread it everywhere. Each of these children, says Repiede, and others who were utilized for this purpose wer<> adopted by Charles IV as particular children of the fatherland, and the Government took charge of their maintenance and education until they were able to take care of themselves. On this errand of mercy, Balmis and his companions tarried ir. the Americas for nearly two years, arriving in Manila on board the frigate Magallanes on April 15, 1805, and had the glory of depositing in these Islands that inexhaustible source of health, prosperity, and increase of population. The Filipinos, not unmindful of the benefits received, erected a life-sized statue of Charles IV on the Plaza del Palacio, now Plaza McKinley, Manila, on which may be read the following inscriptions: To King Charles IV of Bourbon, out of gratitude for the beneficent gift of vaccination. The inhabitants of the Philippine Island;;. The Filipinos erected the statue in the year MDCCCXIV. The Ayuntamiento of Manila built this fountain in the year MDCCCLXXXVI. This statue was ordered made in Mexico by Governor-General Rafael Maria Aguilar, late in 1805, but it was decided to make the bronze cast here as the !"6,000 needed to cover the expenses could not be advanced by the City of Manila. It was, therefore, made in the Ordinance Department of Fort Santiago, under the technical direction of Colonel Ambrosio Casas of the Royal Prince Battalion, a native of Binondo. The statue was finished in 1808, two years after the work was commenced. The goldsmiths of Sta. Cruz and E'rmita gilded it at a cost of P3,000. It appears, however, that the statue was not formally dedicated until 1824. 'The following day, after the arrival of the expedition, the Commission commenced work. The first to be inoculated were the Gov· ernor-General's own children, in order to dispel any misconception that the people might entertain against this newly introduced measure. Within a few days a large number of children in the city and environs were vaccinated. As a direct offshoot of this royal gift, the Central Institute of Vaccination was created with headquarters in Manila, the specific duty of which was to preserve and propagate the virus. The virus was passed from arm to arm every nine days among susceptib!P children, later in young calves, and then preserved in a more or less natural state between two pieces of thick smooth glass, 1 inch square, sealed with paraffin or wax or kept in capillary tubes and in this way was transported to the provinces. 108 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The Central Institute of Vaccination was composed of: H. E. the Governor-General, as Chairman E. E. The Archbishop of Manila The Lord Mayor of the City The City Attorney The Provincial of the Augustinian Order The Provincial of the Franciscan Order The Provincial of the Dominican Order The Provincial of the Recollect Order The Chief Physician of the Institute The Assistant Chief Physician of the Institute, and The Physician Secretary. Dish·ict HP.alt!1 Officers (medicos titulnres) were entrusted with the general sanitation in the provinces, but there were vacunadorPs titulares in every provincial capital, numbering 122 in all at the end of 1897, with salaries ranging from 75 to 100 pesetas per month in the provinces of the third class and 150 pesetas in the first class, and as many private ones as desired to practice it, besides the vacunadorcillos, who were stationed one ii1 each municipality. The 27 children who made the heroic sacrifice on behalf of science were rewarded with a liberal education at the king's charge, a duty King Charles' decree laid upon his various governors. To convey the vaccine to the various islands of the archipelago, other children were used as had been those on the ship from Spain. At the end of 1897 there were 122 vaccinators scattered over the Philippines under the central vaccination office in Manila in charge of a first medical director, a second physician, a temporary one and three orderlies .. In speaking on the subject, Mr. Walter Robb, Chairman of the Committee on Historical Research and Markers Committee says: It will be recalled that at that time, medical science was very young. Rush Medical, at Philadelphia, founded by Franklin, was, unless memory is at fault, the only medical college in the United States. The Quaker Johns Hopkins, who at his death was to found the great school bearing his name, was yet a lad; his family, and other Quakers of the South who stood with them in the sehism that broke their ranks, were just manumitting their black slaves. 'The Ship of the Children strikes me as a capital yarn, doubly so because it is true. Without doubt they were orphans. Nurses, Sisters of Mercy, were aboard to care for them, and doctors, to keep up the inoculations. CHOLERA Scientific investigations were likewise made to determine the cause and origin of cholera, which decimated the population at different periods of its history. Possibly some of the oldest treatises on the subject were: Fernandez's (Gines) Colera ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 109 morbo (1821); Keraudren (P. F.) Memoria de la colera morbo de la Yndia y su metodo curativo (1831); Benoit (Carlos Luis) Observaciones sobre el colera morbo espasmodico (1832) ; Cart'illa Higienica y de dU3enfecci6n; con los precausiones que deben tomarse en' el caso de una invasii6n colerica," (Manila, Cofre y Comp. 1888). It can be said that the periodic appearance of this epidemic in the Philippines was never checked or prevented up to the advent of the new regime. The firs1 t occurrence of this epidemic of which we have a record, took place in 1820 when all authorities of Manila and the religious orders had to pray to heaven to combat the epidemic. It was the belief of some of the natives that the foreigners had poisoned the water that c&used this scourge. Consequently, the unruly mob , assassinated the French and English residents of Manila to the number of twenty-eight, attacking the Chinese afterwards. Upon investigation, it was discovered that several foreigners had collected biological specimens preserved in glasses with alcohol wlhich was considered to be the cause of cholera. The Filipino lawyer, D. Jose M. Jugo, investigated and reported on the massacre which was made the subject of complaint to Spain by Russia and other European powers. This epidemic reappeared in 1862 together with flood, cyclones, fire and locusts, during the regime of Governor Rafael Echague. In 1882 it again took possession of Manila and Zamboanga where the people were nearly exterminated. Ghastly are the descriptions given by those who are still living today and who witnessed the number of people that died every day. People died in such a number that they had to be carried by the carreton to the cemetery like banana trunks, one heaped above the other. LEPROSY The scientific treatment of leprosy during the Spanish regime was also taken care of. As to the origin of the disease in this country, Dr. Luis E. Guerrero explains: Leprosy is said to have been imported into the Philippines by the Japanese in 1633 but it is very probable that such importation must have occurred at a much earlier date if we take into account that these islands were already engaged in active co:inmercial relations with China and Japan even before the arrival of the Spaniards. ·The possibility of its introduction from Spain during the period of 110 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Spanish occupation must also be considered, for in those days leprosy in Spain and Europe was still in irs stage of greatest development. or at least only in its early decline. During the last years of the Spanish Government, Dr. Rog~!, a district health officer of the islands of Cebu and Bohol in 1892 and 1893, estimated the total number of lepers in all the Visayan Islands to be about 10,000. In 1902, four years after the beginning of American occupa~ion, the health authorities compiled a census of all lepers found all over the Islands and arrived at the conclusion that their total number did not exceed 10,000, and that perhaps the total of 30,000 claimed' by the Franciscan Fathers who from time immemoTial had charge of all the leprosaria in the Islands, was unfounded and far from the truth." (F. E. A. of Tropical Medicine transactions of the Fifth Biennial Congress held at Singapore, 1923, pp. 392-3.) In hios other treatise entitled "Topographical Distribution of Leprosy in the Philippines", Dr. Guerrero explains: Whatever the case, the fact remains that leprosy had existed in the Philippines long before the coming of the Spaniards. Legaspi arrived at Cebu in the year 1565 and he established and founded the City of Manila in 1570, which place was taken over by Martin de Goiti the year before. Eight years afterwards, OT in 1578, a Franciscan lay brother by the name of FT. Juan Clemente founded in the City of Manila the first Leper Hospital for the purpose of confining in an asylum the laTge number of lepers that usually came to the doors of the San Franciscan Church, seeking alms and relief for their ailments. This hospital was first known as the Hospital of Santa Ana, and was really established not only for lepers alone, but for general cases as well. Later, the name of this hospital was changed to Hospital for Natives to distinguish it from another recently opened Hospital for the Spaniards. In 1632, owing to the arrival of 130 Christian Japanese lepers deported to this country by the Emperor of Japan, supposedly for refusing to be renegade to their faith, and who were confined to the Hospital for Natives, this institution was named the Hospital de San Lazaro, which name it has retained to the present date. Leprosy in the Philippines, theTefore, cannot be said to have originated from these 150 Japanese lepers, as some historians like ,Foreman would have us believe; for those unfortunate victims immediately upon their arrival were assigned to the Hospital de San Lazaro, and Temained in it for the rest of theiT lives. In 1586, another leper hospital was established, this one in Nueva Caceres, 13 years after Juan de Salcedo first explored Camarineo;; Sur and founded the Villa de Santiago de Libon. DuTing the time of Goveroor de Sande, Captain Pedro Chavez founded the City o! Nueva Caceres, at present known as Naga. Historians teli" us that 'the idea of a hospital in Nueva Caceres antedated even the estabANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 111 lishment of the city. Even before the village of Naga was converted into an actual city and ecclesiastical diocese, the Franciscan missionary fathers, who had been responsible for the foundation of the native and Spanish Hospitals in Manila, had extended their Christian charity to that part of the country and est'ablished another similar hospital in Naga, which was then the residenee of many Spaniards and was a central town much visited by the natives of the surrounding provinces. (Transactions of the Sixth Congress, Tokyo, 1925, vol. II, pp. 660-663. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Tokyo, Waibunsha Printing Co., Kagomachi, Koishikawa-ku, 1926). Possibly one of the earliest historical data in connection with leprosy was that mentioned by Father Collin in his "Labor Evangelica en F-ilipinas" wherein he !mentioned a leprous infidel Who came to the town of Alang-Alang, Leyte in about 1601 in order to be baptized into the Christian faith. Father Collin states: It was a remarkable case, that, of the conversion of an old man, who hurriedly came one afternoon alone by sea. Although he hardly had hands as he was afflicted with leprosy, he was a'ble to row in a very small banca. Upon reaching our house between the towns of Alang-Alang and Dalac, Leyte, the first thing he asked was that for the love of God, he be baptized and be pitied because he was very old and sick. His legs were almost eaten up by the disease, also. He said that for a long time he had .desired to be a Christian because a Spaniard had told him that those who were -not Christians would go to hell, but much as he wanted to be converted, he wai1 unable to do so as he could not come before. The priest kept him for two days catechizing him and preparing him for conversion. After predisposing him for conversion according to his capacity, the priest baptized him; gave him alms and ordered the datos of the town to take good care of the poor old man. It was a singular source of consolation for a man so sick, without hands or feet, to have been able to come to town. Undoubtedly our Lord exceptionally helped him and his Guardian Angel guided his little banca that he might not get drowned or eaten by crocodiles. In 1852 Father Pablo Klein prescribed the following scientific treatment for those afflicted with leprosy as found in his "Remedios faciles para difer'entes enfermedades": "Lavarla con agua en que haya estado remoja'YUWse algun cuerpo muerto, como 1mcede hallarse algun di/unto en algun rio, o estero. Densele banos con abstersivos, como son: apalla, salag-salag, saloquiqui, casanghan, malongay, macabuhay, manungal, lactang, lamparahan balocas, barogtongon, pangaguason, capanatolot, corteza de molauin. Untura de azufre, salitre, 6 tartaro, con zumo de limon, en que la corteza de limon se haya remojado; 6 untura, de aceite de lagartijas; tabili, butique. Gaste cangilon de venado raspado, toma'YUW maiiana y tarde peso de un real." 112 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Possibly the earliest publication exclusively devoted to this subject of which we have a record in our Philippine bibliography in connection wirth leprosy in this Archipelago, is Pedro Robledo's La Lepra en Filipi,nas, a pamphlet published by the "Correspondencia Medica", Madrid, 1883. The author wrote this in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, on May 18, 1882. He describes one of his methods of treating leprosy in this wise: "Esta mujer, 50 aiios de edad, se someti6 al tratamiento curativo, qu~ us6 p<>r espacio de 17 meses. empezando p&r la "tintura de azuf re" y "Madar'', hasta que pude preparar la tintura del "indigo wientalis", de que ella misma me habw hacian uso ws igorrotes de los montes de Le'JXLnto (Luzon), para curar sus numerosas y a,squer&sa,s erupciones de la piel, y quienes por su mediaci6n me la prop&rcionar<m,. Esta planta parece del mism& genero y familia de la "indigo/era tint6rea," con la cual puede confundirse, si np se tiene en cuenta que es mas al ta, las f lores y la raiz es mas gruesa. Obtenida la tintura, empez6 a hacer USO de ella en Enero de 1880, con cuyo tratamiento, no solo con.sigui6 andar con mas soltura, sino que la afecci6n herpetica de los muslos, desa'fXLreci6 p&r completo, disminuyendo de una manera cons·Uierable las manchas y lo~ tubercul&s." Dr. Luis E. Guerrero, from whose two treatises on leprosy we have in this paper quoted' at length, says that in Albay there is a tree that produces oil similar to chaulmoogra which the Filipinos used even in pre-Spanish days for the cure and treatnienit of leprosy. INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Before the American occupation began in 1898 the Philippines participated in several International Expositions held in different countries of the world: In London in 1859, Philadelphia in 1876, Amsterdam in 1882, Madrid in 1887, 1889 in Paris, Manila in 1895 (Exposici6n Regionial). In these expositions many Pliilippine scientific specimens were exhibited. I consider it necessary to include a list of all those specimen::; herewith in order to give a comprehensive knowledge of the interest taken in science in this country in that era. It does not matter whether the exhibition of those scientific specimens kept us abreast of the latest advances in science or not. What is important is that a start was made and on this foundation it is possible to build safely a strong scientific structure. It is, however, unfortunate that we cannot find any list . of the scientific treatises, books and publications included in those exhibits. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 113 For the sake of brevity I shall merely confine myself to listing the scientific specimens exhibited at the Exposici6n Regional de Filipinas held in Manila in 1895, on the prEmlises of the old School, omitting those that have no relation to our subject. grupo: Orografia e hidrogra,fia.-Descripciones, planos 6 relieves de montes, cordilleras 6 regiones montaiwsas.-Id. de cucncas hidrograficas.-Aplicaciones de estos estudios.-Fuentes naturales, aguas potables.-Hidrografia maritima; planos y estudios.Estudios geograficos de regiones 6 provincias de estas Jslas.-Aguas minerales.-Descripciones y planos de los manantiales y regiones en que se en,cuentran.-Aruilisis de estas aguas, muestras de las mismas, aplicaciones terapeuticas, estadisticas de los resultac:Ws obtenides en los tratamientos, comercio de las aguas minerales, sus precios, cantidades vendidas.-Balnearios.-Planos, construcciones, organizaci6n, regimen y tarifas de los mismos.-Estadisticas de Cortcurrencia y de los resultados obtenidos. 2.o grupo: Geologia.-Descripcioncs memorias 6 monografias geologicas.-Planos, cortes, dibujos 6 relieves.-Muestrarios de rocas, minerales y f6siles que tengan por objeto ilustrar las memorias, pla,.. nos 6 cortes, 6 que convenientemente clasificados sirvan para dar idea de una regi6n del Archipelago.-Analisis qu.imicos y m.icroscopicos de rocas mi11,erales y fosiles.-Hidrografia interna: alumbramiento de aguas, pozos artesianos.-Vulcanologia; descripciones, planos relieves, dibujos y rocas de volcanes o regiones volcanicas.-Seismologia; estudios, estados, planos y curvas que se refieren a terremotos.-Aparatos de todas clases y metodos de estudios sistematicos. 3.o grupo: Am.ropologia, estudios etnograficos, craneologia.- - Lenguaje y escritura de los habitantes de esta.s Islas no civilizados,, ritos, costumbres.-Tatuages, armas, trages, habitaciomes, idolos, utensilios domesticos.-Artes e industrias. 4.o grit[JO: Mineria.-Descripciones dcl vacimiento y explotaci6n de canteras de todas clases.-Muestrarios de los productos brutos y elaborados.-Fabricaci6n de la cal-Cales hidratilicas 6. cementos.-Fabricaci6n de p6lvoras de regocijo.-Descripciones de cria.deros metalif eros, de su yacimiento y explotaci6n, proyectos, memorias planos, cortes y dibujos.-Mu.estrari-0s industriales de minerales de metalicos.-Analisis y ensayos docimasticos de minerales metalicos.Preparaci6n mecanica de las minas industriales.-Descripciones, proyectos, analisis, en,sayos y laboreo de criaderos de carbon.-Muestrarios de carbon.-Preparaci6n mecanica, o lavado de carbones.-Aprovechamiento de menudos.-Modelos o aparatos, maquinas y herramientas para el arranque, ventilaci6n, alumbrado, extracci6n y transportes interior y exterior de loM minerales metalicos y combustibles.M odelos o aparatos y maquinas para la preparaci6n mecanica o lavado cle minerales metalicos y combustibles.-Estadistica minera; estados, producci6n precios de costo y de transporte mercados, comercio, etc. 114 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL -ComparaciOn con los productoa extranjeros o de las colon,iaa proximas. 5.o grupo: Metalurgia.-Descripciones, memoriaa planos, cortet y dibujos de ws procedimientos de beneficio de los minerales.-Fundiciones y procedimientos aplwables a los minerales de cobre filipino. Id. de los de kierro.-Id. de los de azufre.-Analisis y ens<11Jjo11 docimasticos de minerales y productos nietalurgicos.-Muestrarios de m~­ nerales y productos metalurgwos.-Fundentes y combustibles empleados.-A nalisis y muestras.-Productos obtenidos, en bruto o manufacturados.-Refundici6n de materiales y alcaciones.-Aplicaciones.-Productos elaborados.-Modelos y hornos; aparatos y herramientas empleados.-Estadistica, producci6n, precios, exportaci6n e itmportacion de me tales en bruto y manuf acturados. 6.o grupo: Meteorologia.-Memorias y estudios meteorologicos.Cuadros y curvas relativas al mismo asunto.-lnstrumentos meteorologicos :-Observatorios; meteorologicos: st£ organizacion, trabajos y publicaciones.-Estuilios relativos a fen6menps magneticos.-Memorias o monografias relativas a fen,omenos especiales. SECCION 2a. grupo: Colecciones o ejemplares vivos, 6 conservados ptJr cualquier procedimiento, de animales utiles o perjudiciales.-Productos animales.-Pieles, cuernos, plumcl.8, nidos, dientes, nacar, perlas, etc. 6.o grupo: Flora forestal.-Herbarios, dibujos, memorias, articulos y documentos de cualquier clase relativos a la flora forestal. 7.o grupo: Aproveckamientos forestales.--Colecciones de maderas, gomas, resinas, carbones, accites, fecuias, plantas textiles y tint6reas: sus productos y aplicaciones. · 10. grupo: Plantas medicinales; sus propiedades, aplicaciones y principios actiVOS a que Se deben SUS efectos medicinales. SECCION 3a. Agricultiira grupo: Muestras de tierras propias para· los diferentes cultivos de estas lslas.-Estudios relativos al clima, proyectos, pianos y procedimientos de los desmontes, descuajes y; procedimientos, planos y memorias de saneamiento de terrenos y desecacit5n de pantanos y marismas. 7.o grupo: Productos de horticultura, arboricultura y jardineria. SECCION 4a. Industria fabril y tn<jnufacturera grupo: Planos, memorias, aparatos o modelos de aparatos para el refino de azucar.-FabricaciOn de alcokoles, esencias y aceites. -Fabricas ·de arroz o pilanderias.-Fabricas de jarcia.-Muestrarios valorados de' los productos de estas industrias, con expreswn de las cantidades que pueden ofrecerse al mercado. 2.o grupo: FabricaciOn de ladrillos ordinarios, comprimidos, refractarios, tejas, baldosas y atenores.-Tinajas, bangaa, macetas y otraa vasijas de barro ordinario o vid~.--Cemento comprimido. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 115 4.o grupo: Herreri,a y cerrajeria.-Productos valorados de estas industrias. 23 grupo: Fabricacion, de jab ones; primeras materias, artefactos, procediwientos, productos, f abones duros, blandos y de tocador. CONCLUSION Such were the beginnings of science in the Philippines during the Spanish regime. We cannot, without qualification, boast of a very remarkable record, because the course of its progress has met with many difficult obstacles although it has emerged not without important achievements--achievements that are more than sufficient as a contribution from such a very small country with ·such limited facilities as was the Philippines. Today, a F'ilipino heads the world-famous Philippine Bureau of Science, a number of Filipino scientists have earned recognition abroad by their distinguished contributions, and the future is bright because our people are becoming scientificresearch-minded, while our Government i.s lending active support to the people's demand for research facilities. The part of .science in the economic and industrial development of the country is recognized and our scientists are being given enthusiastic encouragement. In this connection I would suggest that considerations of climate as factors of efficiency in scientific investigations, study and inventions be not overlooked in our attempt to accelerate cur advancement on the scientific side. There seems to me some merit in the idea that our Government scientific laboratories should be located in those places where experiments could be performed with the least possible physical and mental strain and without the handicap of the warm climate such as prevails in Manila. We should bear in mind that one of the great handicaps of inventors and scientists in tropical countries is a warm climate, which is not conducive to continuous mental effort. As a matter of fact .scientists seek to escape it as much as possible in their laboratory work. In America and Europe ~s well as in Japan scientists generally work only during cool day and rest during the summer. They have long ago realized that climate is a great factor in scientific research which either serves as a handicap or a blessing. Hence we might say that climate is essentially civilization and civilization climate. APPENDIX A Historical sources consulted in the preparation of this m<mograph together with a short bibliography on Philippine scientific subjects. HISTORICAL SOURCES 1. ARELLANO y REMONOO, Manuel: Discurso leido en la Solemne Apertura del curs<> academico de 1923 a 1924, de la. Real y Pontifica universidad de Sto. To'TniUl de Manila. 1923. 2. ARTIGAS Y CuERVA, Manuel: Bibliografia Medico-Farmaceiitica de Fil.ipinas. Manil.a, 1925 3. BENITEZ, Conrado : The Philippine Past Industrial Development. Manila, 1925. 4. HumrA, Felix: Estado geografico, to'{>Ografico, estadistico, historico-religioso, de la Samta y Apostolica provincia de S. Gregorio Magno. Binondo, Manila, 1865. 5. MALUMBRES, Julian: Historia de Caga.yan. Manila, 1918. 6. RETANA, W. E.: Aparato Bibliografico de la Historia General de Filipinas. Madrid, 1906. 3 vols. 7. SMITH, Warren D.: Geology and Mineral Resources of the Philippine Islands. Manila, 1924. 8. BOLETIN de la provincia de San, Nicolas de Tolentino de Filipinas de la Orden de Agwrtinios Recolews. Ano XII-Diciembre cbe 1921, Num. 138. 9. BoLETIN de la Real Sociedad Eoonomica Filipina de Amigos del Pais. (Organo oficial de la misma). Manila, 1882. 10. BoLETIN oficial agricola de Filipiraas. Manila, 1894. 3 vols. 11. CIRCULAR Letter of Governor Taft and information and instructions for the preparation of the Philippine exhibit for the Lousiana Purchase Exposltion to be held at St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A., 1904. Manila:, 1902. 12. HEALTH, Hygiene, Police, and Public Order under Spanish Sovereignty. (In Report of the Philippine Commtlssion to the President. Washington, 1900. Vol. IV. p. 31.) 13. REVISTA Farmaceutica de Filipmas. ( Organo oficial del Colegio de Farmaceuticos de Manila.) Manila., 1893. (INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS) 14. FLOREZ HERNANDEZ, Antonio: Cronica de la Ex'[>Osicion de Fil.ipinas ... Estudio Critico-descriptivo. Madrid, 1887. 116 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 117 15. TAVIEL DE ANDRADE, Enrique: Hi8Wria de la Exposicion de las ls'ta.s Filipin<L8 en Madrid el aii.o. de 1887. Madrid, 1887. 16. EXPOSICION Colonial de Amsterdam Sub-comision de Filipinas. Manila, 1882. 17. EXPOSICION General de las lsl<L8 Filipi,nas en Madrid, 1886. 18. EXPOSICION General de las Islas Filipinas en Madrid, 1887, 19. EXPOSICION de Filipi,naB. ColecciOn de articulos publicados en El Globo. Madrid, 1887. 20. EXPOSICION General de las Islas Filipimas en Madrid 1887. Comision Ceri,tral de Manila. Memoria complementaria de las seccion 2.a del prog1"ama pobladores aborigines, razas existentes y sus variedades religion, usos y costumbres de los habitantes de Filipi.nas. Manila, 1887. 21. CATALOGO de la Exposicion General de l<L8 Islas Filipinas celebrada en Madrid inaugurada por S. M. la Reina Regente el 30 de Junio de 1887. Madrid, 1887. 2 vols. 22. EXPOSICION regional Filipina. Artes, Jndustria, Comercio. Manila, 1895. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHILIPPINE SCIENTIFIC SUBJECTS MEDICINE 1. BENOIT, Carlos Luis: Observaciones sobre el colera morbo-copasm-Odico 6 Mordechi de las lndias Orientales, recogidas en las Islas Filipinas y publicada con su metodo curativo. Madrid, 18t2. 2. BLANCO, Manuel: Ang makusay na paraan nang pag-gamot sa maysakit ayon sa aral ni Tissot. Manila, 1884. 3 . CLAIN, Pablo : Remedios faciles patra diferentes enferm,e,dades. Manila, 1857. 4. FERNANDEZ, Gines: Colera morbo observaciones generales sobre el conocimiento, y tratamiento de las enf ermedades dispuesto para la gcnte del Campo, y aquellos que carecen de medicos en las provinci<L8 y aldeas. Manila, 1821. 5. FRAGOSO, Juan: Discursos de las cosas aromaticas, arboles, y frutales, y de otras muchas medic:inas simples que se traen de £a lndi,a Oriental, y sirven al .uso de medicina. Madrid, 1872. 6. FRANCIA, Benito: Vindicaciones. Madrid, 1896. 7. GINARD y MAS, Rafael: Manual de medicina domestica precidido del arte de conservar la salud, y puesto al alcance de todas las clases de la sociedad. Manila, 1895. 8. GuA2JON, Potenciano, b. 1882-4. 1924. (Note: It is deemed wise to include Dr. Guazon's scientific treatises although written during the Arnerica:n regime or after 1898.) 118 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (1) Algunas comJUieraciones sobre el diverticu.lo de Meckel; rep<Jrt de dos casos. (Memorias y comunicaciones de la 1.a Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipi?mB, Manila, 1912. p. 280-.£85.) (2) A case of advanced pregnancy in the broad ligament. (Philippine Journal of Science, Manila, 19i7, v. 12: 3-37.) (3) Idem. Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, Manila, 1.917, v. 8: 21-22. ( 4) ContribuciOn al tratamiento radical de las hernias inguinales. (Memorias y commiicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipina.s, Manila, 1914, v. 2: 297307.) ( 5) Gastro-enterostomy in advanced cases of carcinoma of the stomach. (Journal of the Philippine medical association, 1924, v. 4: 455-499.) (6) Spanish translation: Ibid. v. 4: 478-481. (7) Observacioncs sobre el diagnostico y tratamiento del embara.zo extra-uterino. (Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, Manila, 1914, v. 4: 187-191,.) (8) Obseriiaciones sobre loa ca,gos de hernia inguinal tratados por el metodo del autor. (Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la 3.a Asamblea regional de midicos y farmaceuticos de FilipinM. Manila, 1917, 234-237.) (9) Idem. Revista Filipina de de medicina y farmacia, Manila, 1917, v. 8: 47-53. (10) Tratamiento quirurgico de las retro-desviaciones uteri?UU. (Actas, memorias y comunicaci<nuls de la 3.a Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de filipinas. Manila, 1911, 215-221.) (11) Idem. Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, Manila, 1917, v. 8: 37-46. !J. GUERRERO, Manuel: (b. 1877-d. 1919) (1) Accion de la leche de madres beribericas sobre el corazon de la rana. (VUie: Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia. Manila, diciembre 1911.) (2) Acci6n de la leche de mujeres beribericas sobre el corazon de la rana.. Su valor diagn6stico en el beriberi inf antil. ( Vide: Memorias y Comunicaciones de la Primera Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas. Manila, 1912, p. 388.) ( 3) A natomia. patologica del beriberi de los niiios de pecho. (Vide: Revista Filipina de Medicina, y Farmaoi4. Manila, Julio 1910, p. 1.) ( 4) El b.eriberi en los niiios de pecho ( observaciones anatomoclinicas). Manila, I. F. Imp. de Lorenzo Cribe, Cre~o No. 101, a la subUia del putm.te de San Seba.stinn, 1910. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 119 (5) El reflejo de Aschner en el beriberi especialmente en el beriberi infantil. ( Vide: Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia. Manila, Julio 1951, p, 417. (6) El suicidio de raza y su difusi,On en Filipinas (Vide: Feria de Novedades. Manila, Mayo 6, 1915, p. 63.) (7) La rnortalidad de los ninos de pecho filipinos en la ciudad de Manila. (Vide: Redsta de Medicina y Farmacia, Manila, Oof:libre de 1910, p. 196.) (8) Profilaxia del Colera Morbo Asiatico. Obra prerniada por el Colegio, en el concurso celebrado el dia 15 de Junio de 1902, con motivo del aniversario de su fundiicwn. Imp. de M. Paterno y Ca., Manila, [(A la cabeza) Colegio de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas.] (9) Tratamiento del beriberi infantil. (Vide: Acta&, memorias y comunicacionell de la 3.a Asamblea Regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas. Manila, 1917, p. 983.) 10. KER.ANDREN, P. F.: Memoria de la colera morbo de la India y su metodo curativo. Madrid, 1891, 11. LEFEVER, Esteban: Ensayo sobre el Elogia, teoria y cura general de la nueva medicina, conocida con el nombre de Medicina Fisiologica. Manila, 1842. 12. LUNA y NOVICIO, Antonio: Notas bacteriol6gicas y experimentales sobre la grippe. (En la Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas de 1894.) 13. PANGANIBAN y ENBERGA, Jose: (b. 1865-d. 1890) Memorias escritas en los ejercicios de oposici6n en la6 asignaturas de Patologia General T~rapeutica y Manila, 1887. 14. PARDO DE TAVERA, T. H.: (b. 1857-d. 1925) (1) Plantas medicinales de Filipinas. Madrid, 1892. (2) La medicina en la isla de Luzon. Pub. en la Revista "Dos Mundos" Madrid, 1884. (3) Contribucion de l'etude de la periarthrite du genon. Paris, 1896. (4) Arte de cuidar enfermos. Manila, 1895. 15. REGALADO y CoRCURRA, liiigo: Paraan sa pagaalaga sa maysaquit·, gawa ni Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera. Manila, 1895. 16. Roux, Fernando: Enfermedades de los paises calidos. Beri-beri fiebre fluvial. Manila, 1894. 17. RIZAL, Jose: (b. 1861-d. 1896) (1) Lecciones de Clinica Medica. Madrid, Oct. 4, 1883, May 29, 1884. (Students' note). (2) Apw,ntes Clinicos, Madrid, n.d. (Students' note) (3) Apuntes de Obstetricia. (Found in a copy book, n. d. Students' note}.. 120 ,NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 18. IWsARro, Anacleto del: Estudio microbiologico acerca del virus de la rabis, 8195. 19. SANCHEZ, MELLADO, Ramon: Manual de medicina y cirugia rural de Filipinas. Puesto de las clases sociales. Manila, 1889. 20. SANTAMARIA, Ferna.ndo: Manual de medicinas caseras para consuelo de los pobres Indios 671. las provincias y pueblos dmu/,e no hay medicos ni botica. Manila, 1815. 21. SANTAMARIA y BUSTAMANTE, Manuel: b. 1868-d. 1898) (1) Lecciones de Clinica Medica. Madrid, 1891. (2) Tratado Clinico Terapeutico de las lnfecciones Paludismo y Disenteria. Madrid, 1891. (3) Tratado de la Pn,eumonia Fibrinosa. Madrid, 1891. (4) El Ictiol. 1892. (5) Estudios sobre el C6lera Morbo Asiatico. 1892. (6) Diagnostico y Terapeutica de las Enfermedades Infecciosas. (7) De la Enfermedad de Parkinson o Partilisis Agitada, 1891. (8) Tratado de la .4nemia. Etrtudio especial de la perniciosa y Tropical. 1891. (9) Tratado de la Amiotrofias. 1891. (10) De la Tuberculosis Pulmonary su tratamiento por los ademas de creosota, fundado en observaciones Clinicas. Memoria presentada a la Real Academia de Medicina. (11) De las intermitencias cardiacas, independientes de toda lesion organica del centro circulatorio (Boletin de Medicina Naval) Junio, 1891. (12) De los accesos pseudo asmaticos en el cuerpo de los procesos renales. Su frecuencia y tratamiento por las inyecciones b"'!tbcutaneas de antipirina. (Idem.) Julio, 1891. (13) Contribuci6n al estudio de la esparteina. (Idem.) Septiembre, 1891. (14) De la corea beriberica (Idem.) Noviembre de 1891. (15) De la Mediastinitis aguda. (Idem.) Enero de 1892. (16) Estudio clinico de la hemicorea y de la atetosis. (Idem.) Marzo de 1892. ( 17) Tratamiento combinado de la fiebre tifoidea por los baiios templados y la antisepcia (Idem.) Abril de 1892. (18) De los pseudo aneurismas de la aortn abdominal. (Idem.) Junio de 1892. · (19) Sobre un caso de hemi-paraplegia y su valor semeiologico en el diagnostico de la esclerosis en placas diseminadas. 1891. (20) De la uremia, la congestion prostatica y las aguas minero medicinales. (Progreso osto, 1891.) (21) Jmportancia del conocimiento de las formas clinica.s anormales de la uremia para su diagnostico, prenostico y tratamiento. (Idem.) 86'ptiembre, 1891. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 (22) De la nefritis infecciosa. (Idem.) Septiembre, 1891. (23) De la af(f,8is historica. (Idem.) Septiembre, 1891. 121 (24) Del reumatismo cerebro espinal. (Gaceta Medica Catalana). (25) De la enfeccion tifoidea de /Or'lna. apiretica. (Revista de Medicina, Cirugia y Farmacia) Barcelona, Septiembre, 1891. (26) Una pagina mas para la historia de la naturaleza infecciosa de la conqueluche. (Progreso Medico Farmaceutico) Noviembre, 1891. (27) De la asistolia extra cardiaca en el curso de la hematomelia. (Idem.) Noviembre, 1891. (28) De la corea cardiaca. (Idem.) Diciembre de 1891. (29) Sobre un caso de octopia kepatica congen,ita. (Idem.) Enero, 1892. (30) De la angin,a de pecho como forma larvada del paludismo. (Idem.) Febrero de 1892. (31) De la gastritis esclerosica. (Idem.) 1892. (32) De la pleuresia diafragmatica y las adherencias /reno costo pulmonares. (Siglo Medico) Agosto, 1891. (33) De algunas formas clinicas an6malas de la tuberculosis meningea del adulto. (Idem.) Septiembre, 1891. (34) De la tension arterial en el tratamiento de las cardiopatias. (Idem.) Octubre, 1891. (35) ContribuciOn al estudio de la convalaria maialis y de la convalamarina. (Idem.) Octubre, 1891. (36) De la nefritis sin albuminuria. (Revista Clinica de hospitales) Septiembre de 1891. 37) De la uremia disneica y artralgica. (Idem.) Agosto, 1891. (38) Tratamiento de las complicaciones toracicas de la fiebre tifoidea. (Idem.) Diciembre, 1891. (39) De la pleurisia aguada con derrama en el curso de la bronqui.. tis catarral y su tratamiento por la pilocarpi,na. (Revista de Medicina y Cirugia Practicas) Septiembre, 1891. (40) Sobre un caso de embolia pulmonar de origin ateromatoso (Idem.) Noviembre, 1891. (41) De la neuralgia del higado. (Boletin de Medicina naval.) Agosto de 18!!2. ( 42) De las respiraciones anomals localizadas en los vertices pulmonales oomo signo de gran valor en el diagnostico de la tubercolosis pulmonar, comun incipiente. (El siglo Medico) Julio de 1892. (43) Contribucion al estudio de la coqueluche. (Idem de Idem). ( 44) El Bemzo-naftol Contribucion a su estudio como antiseptico intestinal. (Idem de Idem. El Siulo Medico 1891.). (45) La epilepsia y el Dr. Pasteur. (Revista Medica Social) ( 46) En/ ermedades de nuestros dias. (El Pais-dos numeros Marzo, 1892. (47) El microbio de la Grippe. (Idem.) 122 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (48) El Colera en Paris. (Idem.) ( 49) Mas sobre el ool,ero, en Francia. (Idem.) (60) El Colera y la salud publica (La Publ-icidad) (51) La inoculacion anticolerica y el concepto actual del colera. (Rev. Med. Social. 1893. Sobre la naturaleza infecciosa de la coqueluche. En cl "Prog-Med-Farmac." Nov. 1891) 22. VIGIL, Francisco de P.: Reglamento de vacuna. de las Islas Filipi7ULS. Anotado y adicionado con la legislacion del ramo y con formularios. Manila, 1898. 23. B<>LETIN de medicina de 1Uanila. Manila, 1886. Vol. 1. 24. CARTILLA higienica y de desenfeccion, con las precauciones que deben tomarse en el caso de una invasion colerica. Manila, 1888. 25. CARTILLA higienica. Acompaii.ada del conocimiento de las medicinas · caseras que se usan en Filipinas. Manila, 1893. 26. CARTILLA· Higienica. Barcelona, 1894. 27. CARTILLA Higienica del llustrisimo Sr. D. Benito Francia... y su refutacion por un medico Filipino. Pandacan, Manila, 1895. 28. CoNTRATA de rnedicamentos utensillos y efectos para los atenciones del Laboratorio quimico farmaceutico de esta Capital. Manila, 1875. ~- LA HOMIDPATIA en Filipinas Barcelona, 1894. PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY 1. GARRIDO, Joaquin: (b. 1859-d. 1925). (1) Dietetica: El Alimim,to de los convalecientes. (Cronicas de ciencias medicas de Filipinas. Manila, Junio, 1897.) (2) La especialidad farmaceutica como compll:mento de los lr._ boratorios quimicos-farmaceuticos. (Vide: Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmacrnticos de Filipinas. Manila, 1916.) 2. LUNA, Antonio: (1) Memoria sobre el analisis de las aguas terma(es de Sibul. 1894. (2) El Hematozoario del Paludismo. Manila, 1893. 3. RosARio, Anacleto del : (1) ContribuciOn al estudio de la esencia de! llang-llang publicada en la "Revista farmaceutica de Filipinas." 1893. (2) Incon.venientes del empleo del reactivo de Esback para la investigaciOn de la albumina en las orinas. En la "Revista farmaceutica de Filipinas.'' 1893. (3) Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minerales de F~ lipinas. En "La Corresp. Med. de Filipinas." 1893. (4) Apuntes para el estudio de un n,uevo entofito. Manila, 18117. (5) Resultados de los analisis micro-quimicos practicados en ma~e­ rioks recogidos en la provincia de Manila, por la comision nombrada para el estudio de la cpizootia. Manila, 1888. (6) Estudio sobre el carbonato de Guayacol, 1893. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 123 (7) Analisis acerca de las Zeches deBtinadas al consumo J)Ublfro en Manila. 1895. (8) Analisis de la orina en el beri-beri. "Cr6nica de Ciencia~ me<Ucas de Filipinas." 1895. (9) Analisia de las aguas ferrugi111J1as de la Isla de Negros. 1895. (10) Analisis de las aguas minero-rnedicinales de Filipinas. 189.'5. (11) Analisis de la leche de caraballa. En la "Cr6nica de Ciencfos medicas de Filipinas.'' 1895. (12) Los olores del Pasig. (Ensayos microqunnicos.) Manila, 1886. (13) El cal6rico y la electricidad. 1895. (14) Quimica aplicada. 1895. 4. ROSARIO, Anacleto del, Jose Centeno and Jose Vera Gomez: Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medieinales de la Isla de Luz6n. 1890. 5. ZAMORA, Manuel: (1) Preparados farmaceuticos usados como medicinas caceras en Filipinas. 1895. (2) Manual de Quim-ica Orgtinica y Farmaceutica, 1897. Traducido al ingles en 1921. (3) Estuclio farmacol6gico de la Acalipha lndica. 1887. ( 4) A nalisis de los compuestos nitrogenados del pa tis y SUS similares. 18!J6. (5) Antilisis de los distintos vinagres t11romaticos. 1897. 6. APLICACIONES terapeuticas del lctiol en las enfertl'l,$dades de los paises oalidos en "El Progreso medico-farmaceutico.'' 189t. 7. EL AzuL DE METIJ,ENO en el tratamiento del paludismo, publicado en "El Siglo medico." 1893. 8. ESTUDIO tertipeutico sobre lo. Fenacetina por el Dr. Sinforiano Garcia, bibliografia. 1893. 9. DE LA ESPARTEINA en W.S enfermedades del oorazon. 1893. 10. PROPIEDADES diaforeticas de la antipirina, su utilidad en el, tratami.ento de la pleuresia serosa. En la "Rev. de clin. terap. y farmac.'' 1893-94. 11. LAs SALES de cobre en la terapeutica de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Publicado en la misma "Rev. de clin. terap. y farmac." en 1894. 12. EL TRIBROMOFENATO de bismuto (Antiseptico intestinal). En la "Cr6nica medica de Valencia. 1893. LEPROSY AND VACCINATION 1. BANTUG, Jose. p History of smallpox and vaccination in the Philippines. (In Monthly BuUeti11; of the Philippine Health Service. Manila 1927, vol. III p. 192.) 124 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 2. CASTANm, Eduardo: La came de cerdo con l.epra. (VUle: La correspondencia Medica de Filipinas. Manila, Sept. 1894. 3. GUERRmO, Luis E.: (1) The present status of the anti-leprosy campaign in the Philippines. (Far Eastern association of t.ropical medicine: Transactions of the Fifth Biennial Congress held at Singapore, 1923. Edited by Dr. A. L. Hoops and Dr. J. W. Scharff. Landon, 1924, p, 392.) (2) Topographical distrihution of leprosy in the Philippines. (In Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine: Transactions of the Sixth Biennial Congress held at Tokyo, 1925. Tokyo, 1926. p, 653.) 4. RoBLEDO Y GoNZALEZ, Pedro: La lepra en Filipinas. Madrid, 1883. 5. ROGEL LIBRES, Manuel Lepra en Bisayas (2.o grupo de Islas Filipinas.) Manila, 1897. FAUNA ELERA, Casto de: (1) Sist~matico de toda la Fauna de Filipinas conocida hasta el presente y a la vez el de la coleccwn Zoologica del Museo del Colegio-Universidad de Manila. Manila, 1895. (2) Contribuci6n a la Fauna Filipina. Manila, 1915. GEOLOGY, MINES, AND EARTHQUAKES 1. ABELLA y CASARIEGO, Enrique: (1) Monografia geologica del volcan de Albay 6 el Mayon. Tokyo, 1883. (2) El Mayon 6 Volcan de Albr:.y. Madrid, 1885. (3) El Monte Maquiling. (Filipinas) y sus actuales emanaciones volcanicas. Madrid, 1885. ( 4) Emaruiciones volcanicas subordinadas al Malinao. (Filipi~) Madrid, 1885. (5) La Isla de Biliran, (Filipinas) y sus azufres. Madrid, 1885. (6) Terrem-0tos de Nueva Vizcaya en 1881. (Filipinas.) Informe acerca de eUos, segun dos de unos apuntes fisicos y geologicos tomados en el viaje de Manila a dicha provincia. Madrid, 1884. (7) Physical, geological, and minei-al description of the Island 'Jf Panay. Manila, Tipo-litografia de Chofre, 1890. 21lp. ( C. B. Perez.) (8) Terremotos, experimentados en la isla de Luzon durante lo., meses de Marzo y Abril de 1892, especialmente desasflros en Pangasinan, Union y Benguet. Manila, Tipo-litografia de Cho/re, 1898. 110p. (C. B. P.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 125 2. AGUILAR, J. N.: Mindanao, su hist<Yria y geografia. ni.strativo del ejercito, 1894. (C.B.P.) Madrid, Imp. del ouerpo adnl"i153p. Mineralogia, p. 74-77. 3. BECERRA y FERNANDEZ, Manuel: Apunte de las canteraa de Talim. Manila, 1896. 4. CENTENO y GARCIA, Jose: (1) Estudio geologico del volcan de Taal. Madrid, 1885. (2) Notici,a acerca de los manantiales termo-minerales de Bambang y de las Salinas del Monte Blanco en la provincia de Nueva Vizcaya. Madrid, 1885. (3) Memoria geologico-minera de las Islas Filipinas. Madrid, 1841. 5. CERERO, Rafael: Estudio sobre la resistencia y terremotos por el General de Brigada Comandante Gen~ml. Subinspector de Ingenieros del Archipelago filipino. Madrid, 1890. 6. CORTES y AGULLO, Manuel: Terremotos-sus efecros en las edificaciones y medios practicas para evitarlos en lo posible. Manila, 1881. 7. DIAZ ARENAS, Rafael: Memorias, historicas y estadisticas de Filipinas. Manila, Imp. del diario de Manila. 1850. Mines, no. 8 and 9. (C. B. P.) 8. DRASCHE, Ricardo: Datos para tm estudio geologico de la Isla de Luzon. Madrid, 1881. 9. FRE.NZEL, August: Mineralogisches aus dem ostindischen archipel. In mineralogisches mittheilungen gesamelt von Gustav eehermark, Wein, Holder, 1877, p. 297-308. Philippines, p. 302-304. (C. B. P.) 10. GIRONIERE, Paul de la: Aventures d' un gentihomme Breton aux iles Philippines, avec un apereu sur la geologic et la nature du sol de ces iles sur ses habitants; su le regne inineral, le regne vegetal l'industrie et la commerce de cet archipel. Paris du comptoir des imprimeursunis, 1855L 488p. (C. B. P.) 11. HAMM, M. A: Manila and the Philippines. London, F. Tennyson Neely, cl898. 218p. Mines and metals, p. 180-183 (C. B. P.) 12. JAOOR, Feodor: Travels in the Philippines. London, Chapman and Hall, 1875, 370p. Mining, p. 174-187. (C. B. P.) JAVIER DE MOYA y JIMENEZ, Francisco: Las islas Filipinas en 1882. Madrid, El correo, 1883. 362p. Mines, p. 135-140. (C. B. P.) 126 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 14. KARRER, Felix: Foraminiferos de las margas terciarias de la Isla de Luzon. Madrid, 1880. 15. LANNO, M. J.: Iles Philippines. Brux.elles, lmprimerie de Del.evingne et calle W aert, 1849. 179p. Mineralogie, p. 140-141. (C. B. P.) 16. MINERAL resources of the Philippine Islands. Scientific American (Suppl.) 1898, v. 46, no.1177, p.18877-18878. (C. B. P.) 17. MONTERO y VIDAL, Jose: El Arckipelago Filipino y las Islas Marianas, Carolinas y Palaos. Madrid. 1886. 511p. 18. NIE'ro AGUILAR, Jose: (1) Colonizacwn de Filipinas. Es·udios practicos acerca de la colonizaci6n con elementos penins'lllares. Madrid Establecimiento tipografico de Alfredo Alonso, 1893. 414 p. Geografia descriptiva geologico-minera de las Islas Filipinas, p. 345-409. (C. B. P.) . (2) Mindanao,1 su kistoria y geografia. Madrid, Jmprenta de/ cuerpo administrativo del tijercito, 1894. 152 P. Mineralogia, p. 74-7. (C. B. P.) 19. RICHTiroFEN, F.: Vorkommen der nummulitenformation in den Philippinen. 1862. 6 typewritten sheets. (In Zeitschrift der dentschen geologischen gesellschaft, 1862, v. 14, 357-60.) Mines, p. 3. (C. B. P.) 20 . SAINZ DE BARANDA, Isidro: Constituci6n geognostica de las Islas Filipinas. Madrid, 1841. 21. SALCEDO, Juan: Proyecto8 de dominaci6n y colonizaci6n de Minda.nao y Jolo. GC'rona, Imp. y en.cuadernaci-On de Manuel Llach, 1891. 182 p. Reino mineral, p. 24. (C. B.P.) 22. CAVADA y MENDEZ DE V100, Agustin de la: Historia geografica, · geologica, y estadistica de Filipinas. Manila, 1876. 2 vols. 23. REGLAS para la edificaci6n de los terremotos de los dias 18 y 20 de Julio. Manila, 1880 24.. Sociedad minero metalurgica cantabro-filipina de Mancayan. Comisi6n Informe que da a la Junta in.spectora de la Sociedad mintiro metalurgica cantabro-filipina ... Manila, Imp. de Ramirez y Giraudier, 1868. 25 typewritten sheets. (C. B. P.) BOTANY, MEDICINAL PLANTS, FORESTRY AND SPRINGS 1. BENITEZ, Fernando: (1) Botanica. El sistema y el metodo en las clas-ificaciones. (Revista de Filipinas. Tomo Ill. p. 17). Manila, 1877. (2) Un arbol nuevo en la Flora de estas Isla.~. El Calabura. (Revista de Filipin,as. Tomo II p. 29). Manila, 1877 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 127 (3) Plantas de uso medicinal 6 a/imenticias de los alrededores de Manila. (Vide: Re'L'iata de J?ilipina11 Tow> II. Manila, 1877 p.139, 157, 189). (4) El Xanthium spinosum es cl Amor-seco de Pilipinas. (Vide: Revista de Filipinas. Torno II. Manila, 1877 p. 84.) 2. BEYER, H. Otley. Ifugao economic plants. M. S. de 120 pp. m.ecanografiadas. Las plantas aqui discutidas han sido identificadas por el Dr. Elmer D. Merrill de la oficina de Ciencias y profesor de botanic-a en la Universidad de Filipinas. 3. BLANOO, Manuel (Fr.): Historia natural (Zoologia., Botanica y Mineralogia) 1890. Flora de Filipinas. Segun el sistema sexual de Linneo. Manila, 1837. 4. CASTRO, Agustin: termales rnlforosas de Aniuy. (Vi<le: La Ilustraci6n Filipina. Manila, 7 de Marza de 1894. p. 94.) 5. JORDANA, Ramon: Estudio forestal acerca de la India lnglesa, Java y Filipinas. Madrid, 1891. 6. LA GASCA, Mariano: Amenidades naturales de las Espanas o bien Disertaciones varias sobre las produccion,es naturales espontaneas, o connaturalizadas en los Dominicos Espaii.oles. Orihuela, 1811. 7. LAGUNA y VILLANUEVA, Maximo: (1) Apuntes sobre un nuevo roble (Q. Jordanae) de Flora de Fi-lipinas. Madrid, 1875. 1 (2) Montes y plantas por. . . Colecci6n de memorias, di.scursos y articulos hecha, con nnt'orizaci6n del autor, pJr el cuerpo de lngenie.ros de Montes. Madrid, 1891. 8. LLANOS, Antonio: Fragmentos de algunas plantas de Filipinas, no inclui<los en la Flora de las lslaIS de la 1.a n,i 2.a edici6n, dispuestaIS segun el sistema Li'TIJ1,eano. Manila, 1851. 9. MAFEI, Emilio P: Apuntes para el mejor conocimiento, clasificaci6n y valoracron de las princip<i,les especies arboles-forestales de Filipinas. Manila, 1895. 10. MARTINEZ VIGIL, Ramon: Curso de historia natural, fisiologia e higiene segun los principios de Santo Tomas de Aquino. Madrid, 1883. 11. MERCADO, Ignacio: Libro de m.edicin1-t de esta tierra y declaraciones de las virtudes de los arboles y plantas que estan e·tt estas Islas Filipinas, 1877. 12. NAVES, Andres: Descripci6n de la especie botanica prosopis vi<laliana de la Flora de Filipinas. Ilfa.nila, 1877. 13. RoLFE, R. A.: On the Flora of the Philippine Islands, and its probable derivation (Journal, vol. 21, pp. 283-316.) 128 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 14. RosARro, Anacleto del: (1) Estudi-0 de un nuevo ent6fito, 1896. (2) Ofidicos venenosos de Filipinas, 1896. 15. UGALDEZUELAUR, Santiago: Memoria descriptiva de la provincia de Manila. Madrid, 1880. 16. VIDAL y SOLER, Domingo: La Flora Filipina. Manila, 1877. 17. VIDAL y SoLER, Sebastian: (1) Catalogo metodico de las plantas leiiosas silvestres y cultivadas observadas en, la provincia de Manila. Madrid, 1880. (2) Reseiia de la Flora del Archipelago Filipino. Manila, 1883. (3) Sinopsis de fa.milias y generos de plantas lenosas de Filipinas. Manila, 1883. (4) Revisi6n de plantas vasculares Filipinas. il'lanila, 1880. 18. CATALOGO de las plantas del herbari-0 recolectado por el personal de ta .suprimida comisi6n de la Flora Forestal. Manila, 1892. 19. INSTITUTO geografico y estadistico de Espana Resena geografica y estadistica de Espana. Por la direcci6n general del lnstituto geografico y estadistico. Madrid, 1888. MATHEMATICS 1. ARAYA, Fernando de: Conclusiones nw.tematicas, practicas y especulativas defendidas en el principio del segundo ano. Manila, 1758. 2. ELEMENTOS de perspectiva. Por la Sociedad Economica de Filipinas. Manila, 1828. 3. GUARDIA, Emilio de la: Arit'TTl£tica con aplicaci6n a las artes y oficios. Manila, 1894. 4. IBANEZ y V AI.ERA, Joaquin: Teoria de Rectos y Plan,os de Geometria descriptiva redactada con arreglo al programa de ingreso para la escuela Naval flotante y recomendada por su reglamento de 10 de Juni-0 de 1877 en.el Par. 4.o Art. 5, T#. II. Manila, 1877. 5. JIMENEZ, Antonio: La cuadratura del Circulo. Resoluci-On del problema. Manila, 188!,. 6. LAMADRID, Fermin: Colecci-On de Tablas aritmeticas. Manila, 1896. 7. Mooo facil y Breve para saber las cinco reglas de cuentas, la regla de tres sin tiempo. La de tres con tiempo. La de tres bastarda. La de compaiiias. La de quebrados, y otras reglas curi-Osas y utiles. Manila, 1897. 8. TARIFA GENERAL del comercio de las Islas Filipinas en 1855. Manilc, 1856. 9. SITYAR, Manuel: Aritmetica y algebra. Manila, 1895. 10. VILLAMOR, Ignacio: (1) Aritmetica elemental. Manila, 1897. (2) Geometria descriptiva. Manila, 1897. PIONEERS IN PHILIPPINE SCIENCE By E. B. COPELAND Technical Adviser, Departrnent of Agriculture and Commerce Charter Member, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands Pioneers are persons. Other papers in this collection deal \Vith the beginnings of medicine, chemistry, natural history, etc. in cur Islands; bu.t my distinctive theme is men. I seem also to be limited in time to the American epoch, and bound by today's meaning of the term pioneer, which is reasonably restricted to the early part of this epoch. After some more years, every one of us active today will be shifted to the class of pioneers. Also, I am limited closely by the space allowed me. Minor participants in great events acquire historical interest. The name of the janitor of the Government Laboratory was more than once reported by the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War. My space limits me to the eminent few. Finally, on the principle that history belongs to those missed by its eraser, I must decline to assign a place to my colleagues still present here. It is enough to have to presume to locate in history niy friends gone from the field but still active elsewhere: Sherman, McGregor, Banks, Elmer, Beyer and Curran, to mention only six, were certainly worthy pioneers, but they are still too close to me for focus, let alone perspe~tive. First among the pioneers there must be placed three men who may be lost from the record of discoveries because their own scientific publications were of minor importance, but who exercised an influence on the development of science, greater than is often within the power of a scientist. Dean C. Worcester was the only American who brought to his service here any previous knowledge of local science and industry. As a member of the Philippine Commission and Secretary of the Interior, science and industry were his province. He selected the technical men to develop every field of science except medicine, where also his influence was very great, and regularly, out of a governmental revenue which was a small fraction of that which frightens us today by its meagerness, 129 130 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL he managed to get funds to support their work. The amount of this support would look pitifully little now; but it was remarkable as a proportion of the total revenue. No other factor is nearly so responsible for the development of science here as Worcester's steady pi;ovision of these funds. With all this credit to Worcester, it is only fair to remember that the Commission had another member, Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera, better informed in some, and interested in almost every field of human knowledge, whose interest supported Worcester's. WorceS1ter's though, was always the dependable force. There may not be one of us but remembers him most vividly for his verbal bludgeons, or who fails to remember thc..t it was his steady support which kept our work alive. Captain George P. Ahern, U. S. Army, had been military instructor in the Montana State College, where he had fortified his interest in forestry with some technical education. When the army found itself administering the Philippines, responsibility for forestry fell naturally upon Ahern, and it was left with him in the civil government. Forestry as a bureau is the oldest in our Government. Unless it be a book on Philippine trees, published in 1902, prepared with the help of men in the forest service under Spain, he never was personally active in research. He had, ho•vever, a remarkable ability to recognize and secure the men to advance science under his administration. The man who assmnbled the first full faculty of the Forest School has a secure place among the early pro:r:noters of science. Perfectly trained in America and in Europe, in both chemistry ,and medicine, bound by a curious law to carry on original investigations, Paul C. Freer was the third pioneer whose personal output of research here was inconsiderable. Nevertheless his place as leader in the establishment of science here is secure. Director of Science officially, he was personally the leader of scientists. His interests had no limits. His appreciation of good work in almost any field of science was of the real kind which depends not upon friendly enthusiasm but upon understanding of the soundness of the work. In spite of this strictly intellectual attitude his soundness earned him the enthusiastic backing of his staff. And if, with his support, they performed the investigations, his, personally, was the final service without which their work would have remained unknown. He brought it beANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 131 fore the world through the Philippine Journal of Science. His finest and fittest monument is not the building which makes so good a picture, but that journal. First place among the men active in actual research must belong to Richard P. Strong. He came to the Islands in the Army as an assistant surgeon, and in 1899 was appointed by the Secretary of War as chairman of a board for the invegtigation of tropical diseases in the Philippines. With the establishment of the Government Laboratories, he became director of the biological laboratory, where he surrounded himself with men like Napoleon's marshals. The brightest of the bright pages of the history of Philippine Science will be that of the conquest of disease. In this Strong was the leader of research with a more than worthy second and successor in W. E. Musgrave. A very distinguished administrator, Victor G. Heiser, gave direct effect in human life and health to the discoveries of the investigators. Dr. Strong resigned his positions in the bureau of science and in the university after Freer's death, and has continued his distinguished career as professor of tropcial medicine at Harvard, with service in various lands where disea:>e has most urgently demanded control. As a high official of the Rcckefeller Foundation, Heiser is an occasional visitor to the Islands. As must be done in other fields, so in medicine: the enumeration of all except the leaders, and the details as to the countless studies and publications are left to the historians of the specific sciences. In chemistry, after Sherman, who is now in the Islands, and Bliss, who did not stay long, Herbert S. Walker worked first on the coconut, and then specialized on sugar, in which field he has since become a recognized expert, here and in Hawaii. Luck contributed to care in selection when Freer secured as chemists Gilbert N. Lewis and Raymond F. Bacon. The former was here only about a year, the latter long enough to establish his reputation. Both grew through reputation to eminence. When the novel exigency of chemical warfare suddenly demanded America's best talent, Bacon was called as nead of the chemical service with the expeditionary forces, and Lewis as chief of the defense division. A. J. Cox succeeded Lewis here, in charge of inorganic chemistry, and remained in the serv132 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ice to succeed Freer as director of the bureau. Even preceding Cox in aittention to industrial chemistry was George F. Richmond, who left our service to apply in Indo-China his discoveries as to the use of our materials for the manufacture of paper. The Bureau of Mines was established in 1901, with Lieut. C. H. Burritt, U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, as director. He was succeeded in 1903 by H. D. Mccaskey, presently absorbed with his bureau by the Bureau of Science. He published •a. number of papers and reports and saw research in geology and the administration of the mining industry through one reorganization. Among his productive associates were A. J. Eveland and Maurice Goodman. The foremost figure in Philippine geology, however, is Warren D. Smith, who came to the division of mines in 1905, and was its chief from 1907 to 1914. Since that time, he has been head of the department of geology in the University of Oregon, returning once on leave for two more years in the Philippines. Although Otto Scheerer was in this field before him, the first of the official pioneers in ethnology was David P. Barrows, chief, 1901, of the Bureau of non-Christian tribes, later director of education, and eventually president of the University of California. His successor in charge of the ethnological survey, and the most productive pioneer in this field was Albert E. Jenks, now long chairman of the department of anthropology in the University of Minnesota. Merton L. Miller, N. M. Saleeby and Emerson Cristie also have honorable places in this roll. Otley Beyer is still active here. Beside being the official representative of all science, Mr. Worcester found time for some active participation in ethnology and in ornithology. Except for this, Richard C. McGregor has had the field of ornithology to himself. Chas. S. Banks was likewise the lone pioneer in his field, joined later by Willie Schultze. Stfll later many men became active in the various branches of zoology. Major Edgar A. Mearns, U.S. Army, covered the field of natural history in his explorations, but wrote chiefly on mammals. The first study of our snakes was by Dr. Thompson of the U. S. Navy, but the development of this field was by Laurence C. Griffin of the University of the Philippines. Alvin J. Seale pioneered in the field of ichthyology, beginning in 1907, and developed it through the establishment of ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 133 the Manila Aquarium. In later years, he established, and now superintends, the Steinhardt Aquarium, in San Francisco. The reputation of Philippine science depends hardly more upon achievement in medicine than in descriptive botany, the latter under the leadership of Elmer D. Merrill, and very largely his personal work. Merrill came to the Islands in 1901, with the foundation of the Bureau of Agriculture, served for a time in the Bureau of Forestry also and in 1903 transferred to the Government Laboratories. From 1918 to 1924 he was director of science. He is now director-in-chief of the New York Botanic Garden, the place of prime eminence in his field in America. His output of publication, both of descriptions of new plants and of laborious interpretations of basic but half-intelligible early works on Oriental botany, established his work as the secure and ample foundation of all such future work in this region. Beside A. D. E. Elmer, still active here, he had at times a very able collaborator in C. B. Robinson. Early botanists of other kinds were H. N. Whitford and F. W. Foxworthy. Both came early in 1904, the former as a botanical collector, the latter as a teacher. Both went finally to Forestry, and were founders of the school of forestry in the College of Agriculture. Whitford developed tropical forest ecology; was later professor of tropical forestry at Yale; and is now one of the authorities on rubber. Foxworthy specialized on the identification of the kinds of wood, and on their uses; and later became Forest Research Officer in the Federated Malay States,-the only man not a British subject in the British civil service. Space does not permit me to mention the many other real contributors to science, even of the earliest days, nor to carry the list farther in t\me, when the establishment of the University and the development of trained Filipinos introduced almost countless able men, who must receive appreciation in other papers of this compilation. There is, however, one class, fortunately short, who must not be passed over in silence, our martyrs to science. Murdered, in the performance of their duty in the field, were: H. M. ICKIS, of the Division of Mines, April 1, 1908. H. D. EVERETI', Forester, May 11, 1908. C. B. RoBINSON, Botanist, December, 5, 1913, in Amboyna. I. DIVISION OF GOVERNMENT, FOREIGN AND EDUCATIONAL RELATIONS PROMOTION OF SCIENCE BY THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT By VICTOR BUENCAMINO Actin.g Under-Secretary of Agric·ulture and Commerce Chairman, Division of Go1,ernment, Foreign and Educational Relations Scientific progress in the Philippines is one of the outstanding achievements of American occupation of the Islands-the product of American-Filipino cooperation. The work that has been accomplished constitutes a valuable contribution to science and is recognized as such by the scientific world. This progress and this recognition are ,due to the impulse that has been given by the Philippine government to scientific endeavor. No portrayal of scientific progress here would be complete if no mention were made of the labors of those pioneers who must be given credit for laying down the foundation of scientific work in the Philippines. To the medical men of the American army goes the honor of s.tarting such a foundation. As soon as Manila was occupied, the military government was impressed by the fact that the very unsatisfactory health and sanitary conditions of .the Islands could be successfully coped with only by the establishment of laboratories. So in 1899 a small building situated on the banks of the Pasig River was commandeered and the first laboratory of the Philippines was established with First Lieutenant R. P. Strong of the U. S. Army in charge. Research work was given impetus with the arrival about this time of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Commission for the study of Tropical Pathology, headed by Dr. Simon Flexner who later became the head of the Rockefeller Institute in New York. Shortly afterwards Drs. W. E. Musgrave and J. J. Curry were added to the staff of the laboratory. The Bureau of Health, which was a military body, started a municipal laboratory in the latter part of 1899, with W. J. Calver-t in charge. The two laboratories were closely associated in their work and studies, especially in connection with the first l·pidemic in the Philippines in 1909. 134 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 135 On September 1, 1900, the laboratory was moved to a more commodious building on Calle San Marcelino with the arrival of new equipment from ·the United States, and continued there until July, 1901. The first Army Board for the Study of Tropical Diseases was appointed at this time. With the return of Drs. Strong and Musgrave to the United States the laboratory was disbanded and the property removed to a small building in the hos.pital, where it remained without much use until 1902, when Dr. Musgrave returned and reopened the laboratory. Shortly thereafter, a second Army Board of Tropical Diseases was appointed. The institution became known as the Board of Health Laboratory or "l\'funicipal Laboratory" and served as the connecting link of continuous laboratory investigation during the period between the abandonment of the Army "Pathological Laboratory" under Dr. Strong as director and the creation of the Bureau of Government Laboratories with Dr. Freer as head. Actual scientific work by the Philippine government bega·n with the establishment of civil government in 1901. Upon the initiative of Dean C. Worcester, the Secretary of the Interior, famous not only for his civil work in the Philippines but even more so for his work along scientific lines, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was established and legalized by Act 157 of the Philippine Commission in 1901. The establishment of this Bureau was the beginning of a new research era in these Islands. Dr. Paul C. Freer, professor of Chemistry of the University of Michigan, was appointed its director on June 21, 1901, and arrived in Manila and assumed his duties on September 25, 1901. During his time he was accorded the position of dean of investigators and of his colleagues in the scientific field. Dr. R. P. Strong came back from America and became the director of the biological laboratory of the bureau and assumed his duties on January 1, 1902. The Philippine government fully realized the importance of the work that the Bureau was doing, especially during the years that the country was suffering from frightful epidemics of rinderpes.t, hog cholera, surra, and from amoebic dysentery, dengue, malaria, cholera, and small pox. One of the largest expenditures of the civil government during this initiation period was the appropriation of a large sum to house the ever-expand136 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ing scientific work that was being done. A modern building designed especially for the promotion of science was built at a cost of P600,000. It was constructed mainly for laboratory work with its own power, light vacuum, steam and gas plants. The building was occupied on September 25, 1904. Medical organizations were formed about this time to aid in promoting the health of the people and the sanitation of the country. They received sympathetic aid from the Philippine government. The Manila Medical Society was organized in 1901. The Philippine Islands Medical Association, which is a state branch cf the American Medical Association, was organized in 1903. The Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, which is an international association, was organized in Manila in March, 1908. In 1905 the Philippine Government was considering whether it would be more advisable to set aside funds for the establishment of a medical school in the Philippines or to use the money to send to America a number of young Filipinos to study the profession of medicine to the end that eventually they would return to their country well equipped for ·the field of practice. The Government decided that greater advantages would accrue from the establishment of a medical school where its laboratories, teachers and .hospitals would serve as an inspiration to others and as an impetus to the higher work of inve~tigation and to science in general. A law appropriating the necessary funds was enacted by the Philippine Commission in December, 1905. A building was constructed and opened its doors to i·ts first class in June, 1907. On the first of December, 1910, the Medical School was merged with the new government university and its title changed to College of Medicine and Surgery. This title was lately changed to College of Medicine. The establishment of the medical school suggested the plan of erecting a government hospital. By the bond issued for public improvements the insular government found itself with funds and the requis.ite appropriation of P780,000 was made in August, 1907. This was the beginning cf the Philippine General Hospital which every year since its organiz3tion has received generous support of the Philippine Government. From time to time additions have been made to the original buildings and now the Philippine General Hospital has no peer ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 137 in the Orient and is a monument to ·the ceaseless efforts of the Philippine Government to attend to the stricken as well as to promote seience in the Islands. The sending of pensionados fo the United States has been one of the most valuable acts of the Philippine government for the promotion of science in the Philippines. Inspired by the exallllple of Great Britain in creating the Rhodes seholarships which enabled Indian students to pursue studies in England and IJy the success achieved by Japan in sending government students to foreign countries, especially to the United States, the Philippine Commission, soon after i·t was inaugurated, passed Act No. 854 on August 26, 1903, pro'viding for education of Filipino students and appropriating the sum of P144,000 for such purpose. At first no scholastic requirement was made of candidates for pensionadm~, owing to the fact that at that early period, public education had not sufficiently advanced to require a certain degree of scholastic standing from them. A sort of examination was given throughout the Philippines under the supervision of division superintendents of schools, and from those ''"ho passed, the first one hundred pensionados were sent to the United States on November, 1903. Subsequently, candidates were required to have finished the second year of high school, r.nd later, high school graduation was required, and toward the end, before the pensionado system was abolished, only those that had had special training, especially in science, were seleoted to pursue ~pecial courses. The number of pensionados each year became less owing to the fact that, as the facilities for education and special training, such as the establishment of the College of Medicine and Surgery in 1910, became more and more available, the Pensionado Committee adopted the policy of sending only students who were to .specialize in certain branches of i;,tudies not available in the Philippines. The Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, now the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, became the most important beneficiary of the pensionado system because by the nature of its work, the Department has need of more technical and scientific men than any other branch of the government. The great majority of the pensionados who were sent to the United States to specialize in all branches of science are now with this De138 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL partment, especially in the Bureau of Science, and are now carrying on the work started by the American pioneer scientists, with credit to themselves. The latest act of the Philippine Government to promote science was the creation of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands for the promotion of research work along scientific lines. The most prominent scientists and technical men of the Philippines have been appointed by the GovernorGeneral as charter members. This body has recently been organized with Dr. Manuel L. Roxas, Under-Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce, as the head, with the title of Commissioner of Research. . The purposes of this council are clearly stated .in the body of the law creating i't, as follows: (1) In general, to stimulate research in the mathematical, physical, and biological sciences, and in the application of these ~ciences to engineering, agriculture, medicine, and other useful arts, with the object of increasing knowledge, starting studies of problems of the national defense, and of contributing in other ways to the public welfare. (2) To survey the larger possibilities of science, to formulab comprehemive projects of research, and to develop effective means of utilizing the scientific and technical resources of the country for dealing with these projects. (3) To promote cooperation in research, at home and abroad, in order to secure concentration of effort, minimize duplication, and stimulate progress; but in all cooperative undertakings to give encouragement to individual initiative as fundamentally important to the advancement of science. (4) To gather and collate scientific and technical information at home and abroad, in cooperation with governmental and other agencies and to render such information available to duly accredited persons. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN OUR UNIVERSITIES By ARTURO GARCIA Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Secflion of Ediicational Relatiom GENERAL CONDITIONS Scientific research in our universities is carried on under much less favorable conditions than in universities in Europe, America and Japan. Such essential requirements as liberal financial support (either from the University or from private grants), reS€arch foundations, faculties large enough to permit whole sections to devote their entire time to research and above all, the recognition and appreciation of research accomplishment, are facilities and advantages almost unknown in the Philippines. In fact, through the above encouragements, research work has now h€come a desirable career in those countries. In glaring contrast, research in our universities may be i::iid to have been undertaken only through individual initiative to satisfy a desire for self-improvement and to discharge a moral obligation to add to the general scientific knowledge of the world. During times, conditions were even more unfavorable, for in those days, the investigator had to publish his productions at his own expense and in some instances, he was even apt to be reminded to confine work to his teaching assignment, because research was regarded as a purely extra-curricular activity. With American occupation, however, conditions became somewhat improved, particularly in those bureaus of the government which, like the Bureau of Science, were specially devoted to scientific research. The American scientists in such places could at least look forward to being called to better positions at home as one of the few inducements to good work, but the outlook for research in our universities Was not much changed. The ambitious instructor found his time almost entirely taken up by heavy teaching loads; he was usually unable to secure the means for the supply and equipment required by his research and even if successful in producing a creditable piece of work, he would still find no adequate appreciation for his special attainment. 139 140 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES Among the various universities of our country, one could probably say with some degree of certainty, that the University of the Philippines is the only one of the institutions that can lay claim as affording some facilities for real scientific research. During the first years, when the enrollment was still small, the faculty of this University, which was mostly composed of fulltime men, could devote more time to research as there were enough assistants for the routine teaching. In addition, the University awarded fellowships abroad as a means of developing the younger men and toward the later years they created a small research fund (Pl0,000 yearly for the entire University) and some minor grants in the form of limited revolving funds. Another factor which, in our opinicn, has contributed much to encourage scientific research in our universities, is the improvement of our journal facilities. Through such publications as the Philippine Journal of Science, the Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association, the Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, the Philippine Agriculturist, the University of the Philippines Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, the Philippine Journal of Agriculture and the Philippine Journal of Aninia.l Industry, the investigators find the means of publishing their contributions and through the exchanges, they learn what is being done in their lines in other parts. of the world. As the years went by, the cause of research in the University became more and more handicapped by such adverse conditions as- (a) the increase in financial resources which has not kept pace with the growth in enrollment; (b) the consequent heavy teaching loads required and the unfavorable teacherstudent ratios; (c) the rapid and untimely loss of foreign senior professors before suitable successors could be developed; (d) the frequent transfers to other government bureaus or private organizations of native senior men shortly after their return from university fellowships; ( e) the rapid turn-over in the junior personnel; (f) the appointment of lecturers or parttime professors in unusually large numbers necessitated by reduced appropriations; (g) the inadequacy of research grants and (h) the apparent lack of appreciation of research accomplishments. With the present financial retrenchment policy, these disadvantages became still more pronounced. Both the university fellowships and the research grants have been virANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 141 tually discontinued and the faculties have been compressed to the minmmm and burdened with even heavier teaching assignments. If to this, we further add the need of increasing the enrollment to sustain the financial support of the institution, the inevitable result will be the reduction to an even smaller minimum of the possibilitie~. for scientific research in the University. Notwithstanding the above, however, the research output cf the University of the Philippines may be said to compare favorably with that of other universities having better facilities and more adequate means, thanks to the determination of some members of the faculty honestly to discharge a moral obligation to further scientific progess. As it is probable that other sections of the Reports of the National Research Council will give detailed accounts of the research activities of each department of the University, we ~hall confine ourselves to a general outline of the active participation of the University in scientific research as a tribute to those faculty members who have had the inclination and courage to help in the advancement of science in the Philippines. In medical sciences, we find that the College of Medicine of the University in collaboration with the Bureau of Science, has helped much in doing pioneering research on the causation, treatment, prevention and control of some of the more important tropical diseases, such as-amoebic dysentery, plague, beriberi, yaws, leprosy, malaria. dengue, tuberculosis, etc., about many of which little or nothing was known before. While many of the early findings were changed by later researches, the pioneer work accomplished here has served to arouse the general interest of investigators of neighboring countries in the Far East. The later researches of the medical faculty were made to cover the various branches of medicine, but more particularly the improved methods of treatment of diseases specially common in, or peculiar to the islands, such as typhoid, dysentery, yaws, leprosy, cholera, beriberi and the more important parasitic diseases of man ; the treatment of malignant growths by radiotherapy; the relations of nutrition to growth and deficiency diseases; the determination of physical norms of Filipinos, the pharmacological studies of native medicinal plants, etc., with results more or less encouraging. In Hygiene and Public Health, over 90 contributions on various epidemiological, parasitological, bacteriological, immu142 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL nological, vital statistical, and other problems of public health interest and importance, have been produced by the f::tculty of that School. In Pharmacy, the University has engaged in picneering researches on the chemical analysis of Philippine foods; th2 action of emetine on the treatment of amoeb:a::iE; the phytochemi.stry of some Philippine economic and medicinal plant8 and the assays of drugs and chemicals of interest in Philippine m:1teria medica and forensic chemistry. Besides, the researches on the chemical constitution of alkaloids of some Philippine piants are until now without parallel in the history of Philippine chemistry. In Agriculture, the University from its early years, was obliged to engage in research work on practically all phases of agricultural problems, as there was then no first hand information available for the teaching of Philippine Agriculture. In the words of the Dean of that Faculty-"to the end of the academic year 1933-1934, the College has published 948 Experiment Station Contributions, 397 General Contributions more or less related to agriculture, and published in addition und'.'r its auspices, 11 miscellaneous papers contributed by outsiders and translations of important articles of local interest". In Veterinary Science, there have been researches on parasites attacking domesticated animals, on anatomical topics aiming toward the improvement and preservation of animal resource, and research on immunology of prevailing infectious and contagious diseases, such as rinderpest, trypanosomes and avian pest. Likewise new animal diseases are being diEcovered from year to year and added to the list under investigation. Animal production and the packing industry have been considerably industrialized through the efforts of researchers. In Engineering, there are also important research contributions produced by the Faculty of that Collegiate unit. In Botany-about 200 contributions on diverse phases of botanical problems are to be accredited to the Department of Botany, thanks to their able and indefatigable men and the close relations which always existed between that Department and the Bureau of Science. · In Zoology, over 100 publications are accredited to the Department, covering classification and anatomy of Philippine mollusks, protozoa, snakes, crustacea, coelenterata, fishes and ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 143 parasitic animals, besides dudies on sex of fowls, frogs, etc. and on genetics and eugenics. In Physics, some contributicns on the radium contents of Philippine waters are published, to the credit of lhe Department. In Chemi~try, thanks to the collaboration with the Bureau of Science and the aid of a small yearly grant from the research fund, the Department has been able to turn out over 50 important contributiom on problems of physical and industrial chemistry, many of which premise to be of future utilitarian value. In Mathematicl"-the University is probably the only institution of ifa. kind in the Philippines that has made a goodly number of important contributions on various mathematical problems. The pioneering and important works in Ethnology and Anthropology, emphasizing the old customs, uses and education of the country in the pre-Spanish era, have received favorable attention from abroad. And, finally, in geology, we find that the Department in spite of its service functions to the Colleges cf Engineering, Education, Business Administration, Liberal Arts proper and the School of Pharmacy, has been able to start up a creditable geological museum and to turn out a goodly m:mber of important contributions in collaboration with the Division of Mines of the Bureau of Science. There is no question that research productivity of the University could have been improved if adequate facilities had been available, especially as regards time, equipment and financial support. However, with the depleted resources of the University at present, it is feared that the research curve will suffer a m:irked decline, recovery from which will depend mostly on the improvement of the finances of the institution; There i8 no question also that the best hopes of the people, as far as research is concerned, will be in those government organizations which are devoted entirely to research, for they are the only institutions that have the required time and the adequate means essential to research. Of course, if those private concerns which might engage in industrial development in the future, would be willing to come to the aid of the scientists in the Uni144 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL versity by substantial grants as was done by the Sugar Association when it established a Department of Research, the outlook might be more hopeful. We dare to say that in many instances the venture might result in a paying proposition as it has happened with the sugar people. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES As may be expected, scientific research in private universities that have no endowment and are dependent for their support on students' fees only, is out of the question. The reasons are obvious :-they have not the means of employing full-time faculties and they can not afford to equip proper laboratory and library facilities. Until the finances of such institutions are placed on a sounder basis, their possibilities of contributing to the advancement of scientific research, will be practically nil. The Univers.ity of Santo Tomas is probably an exception, because with her large faculties and her tradition, many of her instructors are also ready to devote some of their time to research pursuits. A number of noteworthy contributions in bacteriology and the clinical branches of medicine have been produced by members of their medical faculty and lately, some studies on etiology and treatment of cancer have been conducted by some of their men working in the Cancer Clinics of the Hospital de San Juan de Dios. CONCLUSIONS 1. That scientific research in our universities i.s carried on under less favorable conditions as compared with universities in Europe, America and Japan. 2. That research productivity in our universities even under the best of circumstances, will always be less than in other government organizations devoted specially to research. 3. Tlrnt scientific research in the University of the Phil~ ippines is adversely affected by-(a) insufficient financial support; (b) heavy teaching-load and unfavorable teacher-student ratio; ( c) the rapid transfers of qualified men to other government bureaus or private organizations shortly after their return from university fellowships; (d) the frequent turn-over of junior personnel; (e) the appointment of unusually large numbers of lecturers or part-time teachers and (f) the apparent lack of proper appreciation of research attainments. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 145 4. The research curve suffered a decline with the early departure of the foreign professors and in the period of development of native personnel recovery was noted with the return of the pensionados and their assignment to responsible positions. A second decline will be brought about by the late reduction of the faculties and the increase of teaching-loads. 5. The research output despite discouragements may, until now, be favorably compared with that of other universities with better facilities and more adequate means. 6. That the discontinuance of the· research fund, revolving funds and fellowships will be unfavorable to research. 7. That private universities, with the probable exception of the University of Santo Tomas, are unable to engagB in scientific research for lack of financial means. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That the University should participate actively in helping to solve important problems. of the country by research. 2. That more free time and better financial support should be given to those properly qualified to do research. 3. That collaboration with the Bureau of Science and other research organizations of the Government is desirable and should be maintained by the University. 4. That efforts should be made to secure some grants from outside capital for the continuance of research work in problems in which they are interested. 5. That more adequate appreciation should be given to research accomplishment. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS By LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL Of the Bureau of Health Chairman, Section of Government Relations PRELIMINARY REMARKS The organizations and institutions that have contributed to the progress and advancement of science in the Philippines would make a long list, hardly possible to enumerate, if among such organizations we were to include institutions that, indirectly, either financially or otherwise, have lent a hand in the development of science in the islands. This is indeed a very hard task. A thorough and exhaustive search in our libraries would be but a meager help to prepare even a fair resume of all of them and their achievements. An attempt, however, will be made, but we shall limit ourselves to those institutions, which by the nature of their functions and activities are directly responsible for the present progress of science, and, in general, sketch their contributions to the same. The Philippines have fortunately been gifted with a number of qualified scientific institutions, at present as well as in the past. Whether or not, however, their efforts have been successful in achievements, to the measure of the present progress of science in other parts of the world, is difficult to say. One fact is apparent, and this is, that the present status of science in the Philippines is far behind our needs and the requirements for the development of our resources. We shall not try to dive to the bottom of the whys and wherefores of it-it may be the lack of stimulus, the failing spirit of high idealism, the distance and relative isolation of our country from the active centers of investigation, or the ignoble positivism in which we are placed, or what not. It is clear, however, that there is a lack of intelligent coordination of our efforts and activities, possibly because our government having turned its interest and attention to many other pressing matters, has disregarded altogether this very important side of human endeavor and prevented us from attaining more positive results. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 147 Now that we are confronting the future, with all the responsibilities of an independent life before us, we feel the most dire need and desire of keeping up with the latest advances of science to cope with the situation. The National Research Council, as a first step in this forward plan of preparing our country for its future life, will undoubtedly do its part toward a wiser orientation of scientific investigations. But whatever important discoveries it may make, whatever valuable achievements it may accomplish, they will be mere academic attainments if the government's support, either financial or legislative, fails in carrying them into practical application. A more constructive plan frankly and entirely free from influences other than the interest of science and its advancement, directed to the rapid development of our resources, is wanting. The creation to the National Research Council is not all that is needed. Many of the scientific organizations to be mentioned in this article, during the Spanish government as well as during the present American sovereignty, belong to what we may call the group of merely educational and scientific institutions, some to the group affording materials for scientific investigations and studies, and a few <Ythers to the group organized exclusively for investigation and research. Some of those organized during the pre-American occupation are still existing and contributing with their activities up to the present time. INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS DURING THE SPANISH REGIME We shall begin with the educational institutions which, as such, have contributed to the foundation of scientific knowledge, studies, and investigations. University of Sto. Tomas.-The present University of Sto. Tomas was established in 1611 as the Colegio de Ntra. Sra. del Rosario but it was changed to "Colegio de Sto. Tomas" on August 15, 1619, with the corresponding permit of the sup€rior government and the approval of both the ecclesiastic and civil authorities of the islands. The colegio was supported by the Dominican corporation, with the Very Rev. Fr. Baltazar Fot as the first rector. By Royal Cedula of His Majesty, the King, Felipe IV, dated November 27, 1623, this colegio was given official recognition. Pope Inocencio X on November 20, 1645, 148 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL granted the colegio the title, rights, and privileges of a university, with the permit to establish the faculties of theology,. philosophy .and arts. His Holiness, the Pope, Clemente XII, extended these privileges and rights to the Faculties of Civil and Canon Law and other faculties that, with the available facilities, might in the future be established by the University. In 1680 and by Royal Cedula issued on May 17, His Majesty, the King, Carlos II, placed this university under his royal protection, and then, by another Royal Cedula of March 7, 1785, of King Carlos III, more than a century after its establishment, the University was given the title of "Royal University". The faculties of theology and philosophy had been established since the foundation of the colegio. In 1737 by Royal Decree of King Felipe V, the Faculties of Civil and Canonical Law were established. In 1871, the faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy were organized, although temporary in character, and in October, 1904, as a dependency of the Faculty of Medicine, the School of Dentistry was added. In 1907, the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture was created, with the right to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Architecture and Master of Science in Civil Engineering. The University has not only contributed to the teaching of the, sciences, especially medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and engineering but has also created a library with a good number of scientific works, a laboratory of physics and chemistry and a museum of natural history for the use of the faculty and the students. On the first graduates in medicine and pharmacy degrees were conferred in 1877, as follows: Physicians-Jose Lozada, Justo Panis, Felipe Zamora, Evaristo Batlle, Pedro Robledo, Nicanor Padilla, and Narciso S. Aguilar; Pharmacists-Fernando Benitez, Rosendo Garcia, Leon Ma. Guerrero, Aniceto Merenguel, Tomas Torres Perona, and Rafael Garcia Ageo. The faculties of medicine and pharmacy that have been open continuously since its establishment have furnished the majority of physicians and pharmacists of the country and the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, although of recent creation, produced many engineers now occupying high positions in the governm.ent. All these faculties are still in operation while the School of Dentistry has been closed since 1916. ANNUAL REPORT. 1934-35 149 Colegio d'e San Jose.-This was the first university establish€d in the Philippines. It was under the administration of the Society of Jesus. The establishment of the Real Colegio de San Jose was du~ to Father Diego Garcia, a Jesuit and visitor of the order in the Philippines. This colegio was inaugurated with official permit on August 25, 1601, although the creation of the Colegio was approved by Royal Decree of King Felipe II, June 8, 1585. The first "catedras de Moral y Latinidad" had, however, already been functioning since 1595, under the name of Colegio Maximo de San Ignacio. The first students were thirteen in number, among them a nephew of D. Francisco Tello and a son of Dr. Antonio de Morga. In the beginning it was supported by private donations until the year 1610 when the colegio receiv~d a legacy from the "Capitan Adelantado" of Mindanao, Don Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa. In 1723 (1822 ?) King Felipe V conferred on it the title of "Royal Colegio" by Royal Cedula of May 8, 1721, and since then it has been known as "Real Colegio de San Jose". Until 1768 it was under the direction and administration of the Jesuit fathers. After the expulsion of this order, the colegio was put under the administration of the Escuela Pias, but later the governor-general of the Philippines in his capacity as Vice Patrono Real was acknowledged as the only administrator and director in compliance with a royal order. By Royal Decree of October 20, 1875, issued upon the recommendation of the Consejo de Estado and the Philippine government, the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University of Sto. Tomas were ordered to be located and operated in this college, and the income of the colegio, after deducting all expenses for charity and welfare work, was to be expended for the maintenance and operation of these faculties. This colegio not only contributed to the maintenance and support of the faculties of medicine and pharmacy, but also created and established a library for both faculties, arranging for this purpose a suitable space in its own buildings. A portion of the land behind the building has also been apportioned and prepared for garden purposes, for the growth and cultivation of native as well as European medicinal plants. Escuela de Nautica.-The idea of establishing a nautical school in the Philippines was due to D. Jose Basco y Vargas who was governor-general of the Islands from 1778 to 1787. A 150 NATIONAL. RESEARCH COUNCIL school similar to what we have at present was created and organized by Royal Decree of January 1st, 1820. The school offered a four-year course in navigation, including the studies of cosmology, physics, hydrography, and meteorology. The establishment of this school, which was in operation until shortly before the American occupation, was made at the urgent request of the Board of Commerce. The school was supported by the so-called "Fondos de Averias". Escuela de Botanica y Agricultura.-By a decree of the Gobierno Superior of September 13, 1858, this school was established in Arroceros under the supervision and inspection of a board. In 1861 by another decree, the school was placed under the immediate supervision of the Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais. D. Sebastian Vidal y Soler was its first Director and D. Regino Garcia y Basa served as assistant. It is not the intention of this paper to give complete information about all educational institutions that have directly or indirectly contributed to the progress of science in the Philippines, but it. is believed worth while to mention other establishments of teaching, such as the Ateneo Municipal de Manila, San Juan de Letran, San Beda College and others that may be considered as centers of learning. Hospital de San Juan de Dios.-This hospital was founded in 1596 by La Hermandad de Misericordia (a fraternity founded by a clerigo Juan Fernandez de Leon in 1594). The institution was dedicated especially to the care and treatment of poor Spaniards, not in the employment of the government. In 1656 this hospital was given up to the Brothers of San Juan de Dios; then, by a decree of August 29, 1866, abolishing this order, the hospital was placed under the supervision of a "Junta Inspectora" appointed for the purpose. In 1863 this was destroyed by an earthquake but several years later it was reconstructed through private contributions and public donations. The hospital is completely supported by the Hacienda de Buenavista located in San Rafael and San Ildefonso, Bulacan, and several real properties in the city of Manila. As a section or branch of the Hospital de San Juan de Dios, the Hospital de Convalescencia in Bagumbayan in which convalescents were taken care of, was established in 1643. This hospital (San Juan de Dios) still subsists and is being used partly for the clinical instruction of medical students of the University of Sto. Tomas. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 151 Hospital de San J ose.-This hospital was established in 1641 by the Brothers of San Juan de Dios in Cavite, and supported by alms and monetary donations of private citizens. Its administration ·was undertaken by the San Juan de Dios Brothers and when this order was abolished, the hospital was placed under the supervision and administration of the Vice-Patrono Real. Later a "Junta Inspectora" was created to take charge of its administration. Apparently, this hospital was bigger than the San Juan de Dios Hospital, as Bowring, in his "Una visita a las Islas Filipinas", says that this hospital had a capacity of 250 beds for soldiers, poor, and delinquent persons, the San Juan de Dios Hospital having had a capacity of only 112 beds. San Lazaro Hospital.-This hospital was founded in 1578 by Brother Juan Clemente of the Saint Francisco Corporation. He dedicated his leisure time to giving medical attendance and treatment to poor people suffering from different illnesses, using the lower floor of the convent for such purposes. As the number of patients increased he asked for alms and contributions which he used for the construction of two ward tuildings of light material, one for male and another for female patients, in front of the convent. In 1583, the hospital was burned down and another building was constructed in the place now occupied by the present Hospital de San Juan de Dios, which was previously filled up and placed in a sanitary condition through the work of the patients. This was again destroyed by fire in 1603 and, after more efforts, another hospital of strong materials was constructed outside the Walled City. For fear of the depredations of the Chinese pirate, Cogsen (Kong Sin?), the hospital was demolished in 1662, and a bigger one was constructed of brick in the year 1678. During the English invasion in 1762, while the islands were under the ad interim government of the Archbishop of Manila, Don Manuel Antonio Rojo, this was utilized by the English as the base for their siege battery. Then, later, at the recommendation of Spanish engineers, the hospital was again destroyed in 1673, to be reconstructed in 1784 in the place which it at present occupies. The reconstruction work was terminated in 1784 ( ?) . By Real Cedula of June 24 of 1784 His Majesty the King made the concession of the house and hacienda de Mayhaligue for its support, under the direction of Fr. Juan de Mata. The building is now known as the Hospital de San Lazaro. The hospital, 152 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL which at the beginning was used for the treatment of poor patients, was later on utilized for lepers in 1631 when the 150 Christian lepers exiled from Japan were admitted to this institution. Other hospitals and asylums for the care and segregation of lepers were also founded and established in different parts of the archipelago, among them the Hospital de Lazarinos de Palencia, Hospital de Lazarinos de Cebu, and others of less importance and smaller capacity in the northern part of Luzon and in the Mohammedan provinces. The Hospital de Lazarinos de Palencia was founded in 1872 through the efforts of His Grace the Bishop Father Francisco Gainza in a place not Yery far from the province capital. The cost of constructing the building was covered partly by public charity and with the amount of 1'6,800 donated by the Franciscan corporation. In a similar way the Bishop of Cebu was able to establish a leper hospital known as the "Hospital de Lazarinos de Cebu" in 1850. The hospital de Lazarinos constructed in 1814 in Laoag, Ilocos Norte, was at the expense of Fr. Vicente Febras (Agustino). Likewise, we may mention here the existence of the Hospital de Aguas Santas in Los Banos, Laguna. This hospital was constructed in the year 1602 with light materials (nipa and bamboo) . For the construction and maintenance of this hospital, the towns of Bay and Pila respectively, donated the necessary parcels of land in Bay and Los Banos and the hacienda of Jalajala. To San Pedro Bautista, protomartyr of Japan, we CWP, the discovery of the thermal springs of Mount Makiling which he found while visiting Los Banos, Laguna. In view of this discovery, the lay brother Diedo de Sta. Maria was sent in 1593 to make the necessary chemical analysis of the waters. With the income of the hacienda and the donations of the devotees a big strong-material building was constructed, together with a convent and a church, which were administered by Franciscan fathers until the year 1640. This hospital was burned down in 1676, but was reconstructed in 1877 through public donations. The buildings still exist and after being used for a time they were abandoned. Rea'l Hospicio de San .Tose.-This institution was used as a welfare institution in 1810 in compliance with a Royal Decree ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 153 of December (September ?) 27, 1806, and supported by legacies of several persons. It was closed as a consequence of some political movements in America, and also because of lack of funds, but it was reopened in 182$. By Royal Decree of October 22, 1831, the Hospicio de San Jose was granted a subsidy of 1112 % of the taxes on rice exportation. This having been abolished by superior decree in 1849, the Hospicio was given an annuity of Pl,000 from the "Fondos de Comunidad",1 and by Royal Order of September 12, 1861, the amount of P15,000, under the condition that it be used as an asylum for the insane coming from the provinces. It was also used to house orphans. Established first in N agtahan, it was transferred in 1840 to the Island of Convalescencia .. Among the medical institutions that have contributed to scientific advancement we may also mention-the Hospital de S. Jose in Cebu, under the administration of the Cebu diocese; the Hospital de Marina de Cafiacao; the Hospital Civil ae Cavite; the Lazareto sucio de Mariveles under the control and supervision of the Junta de Sanidad y Beneficencia. Also worth mentioning is the Enfermeria de Naga established in 1583 by the religiosos of Albay and Camarines, in Camalig, and aboli:1hed in 1660 to be reestablished in Naga; the enfermeria de Sta. Cruz, Laguna, first established in the town of Majayjay, then transferred to Lumbang and later to Sta. Cruz, the capital of the province. There are also enfermerias of Cebu under the administration of the Bishop, etc. ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTLY CONCERNED WITH SCIENTIFIC STUDIES In this group, institutions and organizations, either official, semi-official, or private, which are not only executive in character but also have the function of making scientific studies and investigations, are included. It is not believed that the list is complete but efforts have been made to include if not all such institutions, at least the most important ones. ' The "Fondos de Comunidad" or "Cajas de Comunidad" was constituted by contributions of "medio real" (7.5 centavos) required from each native and Chinese inhabitant of the Philippines in accordance with the "Leyes C:e Indias" and the "Ordenanza de Intendentes". From thes'i! funds, the salaries and remunerations of school teachers, vaccinators, etc., were also paid. 154 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL lnspecci6n General de Beneficencia y Sanidad.-This was a permanent organization equivalent to our Department and Bureau of Health and Welfare. It had under its control and direct supervision; the Instituto Central de Vacunaci6n (Junta Central de Vacunas), the "casa central de vacuna", "direcciones de sanidad maritima de los puertos", "subdelegaciones de medicina y farmacia," "cuerpo de medicos titulares", "cuerpo de beneficencia municipal'', "cuerpo de vacunadores", "hospitales civiles", "lazaretos", "cuerpo de matronas titulares", and "balnearics". By decree of the gobierno general of June 5, 1880, and by recommendation of the "director general de administraci6n civil", it was decreed that the organic law of Health in force in Spain by decree of November 28, 185~, be provisionally enforced in the Philippines. This decree gives all provisions regarding the functions, duties and dependencies of the health office. A sort of advisory body, "junta consultiva", "Junta superior de Sanidad", was also in existence, previous to the above decree, composed of the Director General de Administraci6n Civil as president, one vice-president and six elective members, eight ex-officio (natos) members and one secretary. This "junta" was abolished by the Real Orden of November 5, 1834, althcugh it provided that the superior government might, at any time and whenever it was believed necessary, reorganize the same. Junta Centra.l de Vacunaci6n (later, lnstituto Central de Vacunaci6n) .-This organization, which had the duty of preserving, manufacturing, and propagating the vaccine virus and at the same time performing prophylactic inoculations through the "cuerpo de vacunadores'', was created by Royal Decree of December 20, 1806. This Board (junta) was composed of His Excellency, the Governor-General, as president, six members, two "facultativos de vacuna" and one "secretario facultativo". Cuerpo de Medicos Titulares was an organization under the supervision of the "Inspecci6n General de Beneficencia y Sanidad" having as its functions, among other things, to give medical attendance to sick employees and poor persons, to perform vaccinations against smallpox, to examine animals before slaughtering, etc. They were distributed in the different provinces or districts. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 155 Cuerpo de Matronas Titulares.-This was composed of the authorized midwives to assist during deliveries. There were "Matronas de Primera Clase~' for Manila and some provinces and "Matronas de Segunda and Tercera Clase" for the provinces. Lazarettos.-These institutions were established for maritime quarantine. The regulations for these Lazarettos were promulgated in the form of "Reglamento de Sanidad Maritima para las Islas Filipinas" by Royal Order of La Reina Regente of July 19, 1890. There were two kinds of lazarettos: "lazareto sucio" and "lazareto de observaci6n". One "lazareto sucio" was established in Mariveles, and four "lazaretos de observaci6n", one each in Cebu, Iloilo, Bani and Zamboanga. Balnearios.-Official spas were established in different parts of the islands taking advantage of the therapeutic properties of some springs and waters, that had previously been examined. There were many "balnearios" during rthe Spanish regime. The most important and most popular for their supposed curative virtues were those of San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan, known as Aguas Sulphidricas de San Rafael, Aguas de Sta. Matilde, and Aguas ferruginosas bicarbonatadas de S. Jose. There were also those of the provinces of Laguna known as Aguas Santas (alcalinas bicarbonatadas) in Los Banos, Aguas de Bombongan of the same quality in Pagsanhan, Laguna, and the Aguas de galas (sulphidricas) in Mabitak of the same province; those of Albay, such as that of Tiwi, or Aguas (sulphidratadas) de Jigabo and the Aguas (ferruginosas sulfatadas) de Tancalao, mineral waters that have been highly praised by F. Jagor in his "Viajes por Filipinas" and many other springs and mineral waters distributed in the Islands. · Direcciones de Sanidad Maritima de los puertos.-The functions and duties of these offices are enumerated in the same Regl<imento (previously mentioned) containing the regulations for lazarettos. There were four direcciones de sanidad maritima in the Philippines, one in the port of Manila, one in the port of Iloilo, one in Cebu and one other in Za~boanga. lnspecci6n General de Minais.-This office has among its functions not only the studies and regulations of mineral resources of the islands but also to make geologic and mineralogic investigations and to prepare special geologic maps of the 156 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Philippines. It was created by Royal Decree of March 9, 1837, but it was not organized until 1839 when D. Isidro Sainz de Baranda was appointed as its first Inspector-General. The first Regulations on Mines and their exploitation and development were published by Royal Order on January 29, 1846. These regulations were in force until August 6, 1868, whe~ the Royal Decree about .the "Regimen de la Mineria en Filipinas", issued on May 14, 1867, was published. The personnel of the office discovered and described many mineral veins in different regions of the Islands, the most important and valuable ones being these: of gold in Mambulao, Paracale and Labo, Camarines Norte, the gold lode in the Island of Panaon, Leyte (quartz) which has been exploi.ted with modern machinery; several lodes in the Mt. Province, in Misamis and Surigao, in Atimonan, Tayabas, in Gapan, Pefiaranda, Nueva Ecija, Cebu, Panay, etc.; of coal (lignites) in Cebu (1827) in Albay, in Batan, Samar, Negros, Mindoro, etc.; of iron in Angat and S. Miguel de Mayt."lfJllo, Bulacan, in Laguna, Morong (Rizal), in Camarines Norte (magnetic), etc. ; of copper many and abundant lodes were discovered in Lepanto, Mt. Province, in Camarines Norte, in Masbate, and in the island of Panay; of sulphur in La Laguna de Casihoy (Leyte) in the island of Biliran, etc.; of marble in Romblon, in Mariveles, Bataan, etc. Exploitation of many of these mineral lodes have been attempted, but they usually failed on account of .the difficulties encountered, not only for lack of adequate labor and means of communication (roads and transportation) but especially because of lack of capital. By Royal Decree of June 14, 1876, the technical personnel of the Inspecciones de Minas made valuable geologic studies of different regions of the archipelago. These studies were carefully prepared and later submitted to the "Coniision Central del Mapa Geol6gico de Espana" and published in "El Boletin Geol6gico" of the said commission." Servicio Meteorol6gico (Observatorio Meteorol6gico de Ma,.. nila).-The meteorological service during the Spanish time was under the direction of the Fathers of the &>ciety of Jesus. It was founded in 1865 after the strong typhoon that hit the Islands, causing much damage, many casualties and losses in ships. The institution was known as the "Observatorio del ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 157 Ateneo de· Manila". With the few instruments and the apparatus available for weather observations, this "observatorio" rendered such satisfactory service, especially in the prediction of typhoons, that many natives as well as foreigners and foreign institutions, volunteered to make donations for the purch~~se of f:ome instruments necessary for the <>Xpansion of the service. Likewise, the government of His. Majesty, being aware of the practical activity and need of its services, converted this ob~er­ vatory into an official institution by Royal Decree of April 28, 1884, and adopted for it the name of "Observatorio Meterol6gico de Manila". Several meteorological stations were established; one central in the city of Manila, and 12 others in the provinces (1886). This observatorio subsisted up to the present time and is what at present is known as the "Weather Bureau", one of the official bureaus of the present government. Comisi6n de la Flora rle Filipina.c;.-With the object of making studies and investigations necessary for the preparation of Philippine flora as well as of collecting data and materials for the same purpose, a committee of foresters ( ingenieros de niontes) was appointed in compliance with the Royal Decree of July 21, 1876, creating the "Comision de la Flora de Filipinas". The "Comision" had its own Regulations which, among other things, provided for the study and scientific description of the Philippine flora in general, ( forestal or otherwise) , the description of the new species found, the preparation of a general herbarium; the study of the different methods of plant cultivation and exploitation, and also, the preparation of a descriptive report of the archipelago from the geographic, orographic, geognostic, hidrographic, and agronomic view points, including the drawing of plans and the outlining of a general program for reforestation. A catalog of the species found and described was completed in 1879. An herbarium was founded and a report containing a synopsis of families and genera of several plants in the Philippines was submitted. The synopsis constitutes a volume of 400 pages with an atlas of 100 plates contalining the pictures of 1,900 different species drawn by Mr. Regino Garcia. 158 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The commission also published a catalog and a booklet describing the flora of the archipelago represented in a collection of plants exhibited at the International Exposition of Amsterdam in 1883. By Real Orden of May 24, 1880, the Commission was abolished and in its place the "Seccion de Botanica" was created having more or less similar functions and duties under the "Inspecci6n General de Montes". For the purpose of continuing the studies on Philippine fauna and by order of the corresponding authorities, the commission was also entrusted with the work of making the preliminary investigations and studies of the fauna of the islands in 1885. For this purpose, one of the assistant botanists of the commission was replaced by an assistant zoologist with the same administrative rank. Comisi6n Agron6mica de Filipinas.-Under the "Inspecci6n General de Montes", this commission was created by Royal Order of November 15, 1881. Its functions and duties were the following: the propagation and teaching of agronomy through model farming; the creation and preparation of agricultural and live stock statistics; the preparation and publication of monographs of plants and insects; and, creation and maintenance of an agronomic museum. This commission was declared an independent institution, separate from the "lnspecci6n General de Montes'', by Royal Decree of July 8, 1884. It continued its functions. Comisi6n Especial de Estudios Geol6gicos y Geograficos de Fi!ipinas.-This special commission was created for the purpose of giving greater impulse to the studies and investigations on geology which were being made at the time by the '·Jnspecci6n general de Minas". It was organized by Royal Decree of February 15, 1885. Aside from its duty of studying the geology of the islands, the commission was also entrusted with the duty of making geographic investigations. D. Enrique Abella y Casariego, D. Francisco Saez, and D. Enrique J' Almonte y Muriel constituted the first commission. Comisi6n de Estudios de las Aguas Minero M edicinalcs.By request of the "Director General de Administraci6n Civil'', the governor-general of the Philippines, D. Joaquin Jovellar y Soler, decreed on December 15, 1884, the creation of a scientiANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 159 fie commission to study and make the necessary chemical analysis of the mineral waters in the Island of Luzon. The Commission was appointed on January 24, 1885, and was organized on January 31, of the same year with the following members: D. Jose Centeno, mining engineer, as president, D. Jose de La-calle y Sanchez as member physician and D. Anacleto del Rosario y Sales as member pharmacist. D. Jose de Lacalle y Sanchez was later replaced by D. Jose de Vera y Gomez. By Royal Order of March 9, 1887, the commilssion was directed to extend its work to all the waters and springs of the archipelago. This commission published in two different tracts the results of the examinations and studies made of the mineral waters of Luzon and of the rest of the archipelago. Laboratorio Municipal de Manila.-This was not an institution of investigation and study but this laboratory is mentioned because of the kind of examinations done in it. It was created by decree of the general government dated September 13, 1887, under the inspection of the "Direcci6n General de Administraci6n Civil " and the control of the "Gobierno de Provincias". Its functions were to make examinations not only of food, water, and other substances from the standpoint of public health and legal medicine but also examinations of all specimens for clinical purposes. Laboratorio de Meclicina Legal.-Under the dependency of the judicial branch of the government, a laboratory of legal medicine was functioning during the Spanish regime with the object of performing all necessary examinations for legal purposes. The laboratory was under the direction of a physician assisted by a pharmacist-chemist. Rea1 Sociedad Econ6mica de Amigos del Pais.-Upon the recommendation of Hi~ Excellency, the Governor-General of the Philippines, D. Jose de Basco y Vargas, His Majesty, the King of Spain, issued a Real Cedula of August 27, 1780, creating a society known as the "Real Sociedad Econ6mica de Amigos del Pais" .. . This society _was inaugurated officially in 1781 with the purpose of studying the local conditions as regards commHce and industry and also to cooperate with its efforts and works for the advancement and progress of science in general. After seventeen years of existence, the society was dissolved by misunderstanding between some members and the indifference of 160 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL others. On November 17, 1819, however, the society was reorganized by order of the then governor-general of the islands, although on account of the chole:[a pandemic which hit the Philippines, the work of the ~ciety was paralyzed until 1860 when it was resumed. In spite of the difficulties encountered, the work of the society has been fruitful in practical results in that it has not only contributed to the issuing of the Flora Filipina of Fr. Blanco, to the development of some industrial machinery invented in the Philippines, the provision of the water service to the city, etc., but also has been able to establish a library of 3,500 volumes in arts, science, agriculture, etc., as well as a museum of natural history. Museo-Biblioteca.-ln 1887 a library-museum was created but it was not organized until 1891. The institution was divided into two sections: One for the library ·and the other for the museum composed of four subsections, anthropology and ethnography, natural history, fine arts, and Philippine industries, and another section of preparation of materials. PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS Apparently only a few private organizations that were more or less concerned with the progress of science were established in the Islands during the Spanish era; these were the Colegio Farmaceutico de Filipinas, and several scientific pharmaceutical and medical bulletins. ColegiQ Farmaceutico de Filipinas.-This is an organization founded by a group of pharmacists of Manila on January 3, 1892. The association published a journal known as the "Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas," for the protection of professional interests and as a means of scientific diffusion of investigations and studies made by local scientists. The first number of this Revista was published on January 3, 1893, D. Tomas Torres y Perona, one of the first graduates in the local Faculty of Pharmacy, having been its first Diroot.or, with Drs. Alejandro Albert, Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Gabriel Garcia y Ageo, Joaquin Garrido, Juan Caro y Mora, Leon Ma. Guerrero, Mariano Garcia del Rey, Mariano Oirola, Pedro Acebedo, Ramon Alvarez, Ramon Ampuero, Tomas Alcantara, Ulpiano Rodriguez, Vicente Rodriguez Lanuza and Vicente Gonzales as collaborators. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 161 La Correspondenc-ia Medica was another sc}entific journal published monthly and dedicated to clinical medicine and surgery. The first number was issued in October 1893 with Eduardo Castaner as editor. From the perusal of several numbers of this journal one may see the variety of local investigations performed ~s well as the local tendency in science. This journal was edited by its owr1er with the cooperation of a group of physicians. Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas.-This was another scientific Journal founded by a group of local physicians and pharmacists for the same purpose as the previously mentioned ones. Its editor was D. Alfonso Maseras who had the cooperation of the following collaborators; D. Antonio Trebles, Dr. Benito Valdes, Dr. Francisco Lopez Lubelza, D. Gumersindo del Valle, D. Gabriel Garcia Ageo, Dr. Jose de Vera y G6hez, D. Juan Caro y Mora, D. Joaquin Garrido, D. Leon Ma .. Gurrrero, Dr. Pedro Saura, D. Ramon Fina, D. Tomas Torres y Perona, D. Ulpiano Rodriguez, and Dr. Vicente Cavanna. The first number of this journal was issued on July 2, 1895. Articles on medicine, surgery and chemistry have been published in it. INSTITUTIONS DURING AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY Some of the institutions and organizations established during the Spanish time still exist, and are still rendering to science those services for which they were founded. These are the University of Sto. Tomas, the Ateneo de Manila, the San Juan de Letran College, the _San Lazaro Hospital, the Hospicio de San Jose, the Hospital de San Juan de Dios, the Servicio Meteorologico, etc. We will not, therefore, mention them again, but will limit ourselves to a brief account of the different organizations created under the American Flag in the Philippines. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS There were founded not only several other Universities such as .the University of the Philippines, the National University, the University of Centro Escolar, the Far Eastern University, Manila University, Philippine Women's University, but also other high educational establishments in the Philippines from the beginning of the American Occupaition to date. University of the Philippines.-The University of the Philippines is the state University ·supported by Insular appropria162 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tion. It was created by Act 1870 of June 18, 1908, for the purpose of providing higher and professional instruction. This original statutory law of the university was later amended by Acts No. 2024 of January 30, 1911, and No. 2483 of February, 5, 1915. Among others, the University has established the following colleges: The College of Medicine and Surgery, which was formerly the Philippine Medical School organized by virtue of Act No. 1415 of December 1, 1905, and opened to students on June 10, 1907. When the University was founded in 1908, the former Philippine Medical School became the College of Medicine and Surgery (December 8, 1910). Two different schools are under the College of Medicine and Surgery; the School of Pharmacy, which was a continuation of the former cours-e in pharmacy given since June 5, 1911 under the control of the College of Liberal Arts and placed under the control of this college by action of the Board of Regents on February 12, 1914; and the School of DentistriJ established as a department, in 1915, by authority of the same Board and later reorganized into a school with the same rank as that of the School of Pharmacy. Four-year courses were given, leading to the degrees of D.D.S. and D.D.M. After a series of misunderstandings, the Board of Regents decided fo close the School of Dentistry in 1931. The College of Liberal Arts was inaugurated on June 3, 1910. A department of chemistry in this college gives advanced courses. in chemistry leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chffi'Ilistry. Its curriculum, however, was changed lately so as to confer instead the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry. The College of Agriculture under the law creating the University, was the first college organized. It began its. classes on June 14, 1909 in a provisional building with. 56 students enrolled in the first year. The College has at present its own permanent buildings in Los Banos, Laguna. The College of Veterinary Science was opened to the students in June, 1910, at Pandacan. In 1912 the first veterinary clinic and hospital were operated on the grounds adjoining San Lazaro Hospital at Tayuman Street. The college confers the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. The College of Engineering was established on June 13, 1910. The first course given in this college was civil engineering, conANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 163 sisting of five years of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. With one more year of study the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering is conferred. On July 12, 1915, the Board of Regents authorized the adoption of courses in Mechanical, Electrical and Mining Engineering under the same regulations as that of the Civil Engineering course. The School of Forestry was created by Act of the Legislature No. 2578 on February 4, 1916. Since June 10, 1910, however, due to the urgent need of technically trained forest rangers, twenty forest pensionados were appointed and instruction was begun in June of the same year. This school was under the administration of the College of Agriculture. On February 15, 1917, by authority of the Board of Regents, a higher course in Forestry leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry was offered. The School of Hygiene and Public Health was established in this University in 1927, offering post-graduate courses, for physicians, leading to the degree of Certificate in Public Health. The School was created due to the pressing need of better trained health officers in the Philippines. National University.-This University was formerly known as the "Colegio Filipino" founded in April, 1901, just after the establishment of the civil government in the Philippines. Five years later, it changed its name to Colegio Mercantil. It was founded by 1\fariano Jhocson and incorporated in the same month of the same year by its founder and Messrs. Emmanuel Jhocson, Crispulo Jhocson, Apolonio de Guzman and Faustino Martin. Formerly intended for the teaching of hookkeeping, accounting and commerce, on October 26, 1916, however, the institution was reincorporated under the name of National Academy, expanding its courses of instruction by decision of the Board of Trustees adopted on August 1, 1916. One year before this reincorporation, the College of Law was organized and opened classes to students, and was given government recognition in 1921. Its College of Liberal Arts was established in 1917 and officially recognized on February 15, 1918, by the government. Then on account of the pressing need of again expanding the courses of instruction, the Board of Trustees reincorporated the institution on January 17, 1921, and approved on March 15 of the same year the name of Na164 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL rtional University. With this change of name, other colleges were established, as follows: the College of Education (July, 1921) ; the College of Commerce and Business Administration; the Conservatory of Music; the College of Pharmacy, which was established on July 8, 1922, and given government permit on March 19, 1924; and, lastly, the College of DentistriJ, which was organized and recognized by the Secretary of Public Instruction on November 20, 1924. In June, 1925, the College of Engineering was opened. Mechanical, mining and civil engineering courses are given, leading to the corresponding degrees. Centro Escolar University.-The origin of this university may be taken as that of the Centro Escolar de Senoritas which was founded in Manila in 1907. This institution was given official recognition on December 22, 1913. After several years of existence, on March 31, 1932, the Centro University was organized and subsequently incorporated on May 19 of the same year with Miss Librada Avelino (the founder of Centro Escolar de Senoritas) and nine other members as incorporators. The lJniversity offers among other courses of instruction, the following: Courses in pharmacy, in dentistry, law, and preparatory medicine. The College of Dentistry offers a four-year course in dentistry leading to the degree of Doctor in Dental Medicine which was duly given official recognition in June, 1932. The College of Phannacy offers a four-year course in pharmacy, and was also authorized by the Department of Public Instruction, in June, 1932, to confer the degree of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. This college also offers a one-year post-graduate course in pharmacy and a special post-graduate course leading to the degree of Analytical Chemist. As a separate department, the University gives also a four-year course in chemistry leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Besides the preparatory courses in medicine leading to the degree of Associate in Arts, the University alsQ established a College of Medicine. This college, however, could not continue and had to be closed. University of Manila.-Like the National University and the Centro Escolar University, this institution is another university established through private initiative and effort. It was formerly established under the name of "Instituto de Manila," for secondary instruction, by Dr. Apolinario E. de los ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 165 Santos, at the beginning of the American Occupation. Due to its rapid and continuous growth the College of Liberal Arts of the present university was opened during the school year of 1920-1921 by' resolution of the Board of Trustees. In May, 1921, the Instituto secured control of the National Law College which became the present College.of Law of the University. The institution, however, did not take the present name until October 5, 1921, when it was reorganized by resolution of the members of the corporation, and reincorporated on November 3, 1921, as "University of Manila". This University was given official recognition while still known as Instituto de Manila on March 9, 1916, and as different courses were offered subsequent permits were granted by the Department of Public Instruction. Fa.r Eastern University.-This is the most recently established university in the Philippines. It was also established by private initiative. It is the result of the amalgamation of two different colleges: the Far Eastern College of Liberal Arts, and the Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance. It was founded on October 27, 1933, and incorporated on November 3, 1933. The University has five colleges denominated as Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance, Institute of Law, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Institute of Education and Graduate Institute. Afable College of Medicine is a College of Medicine incorporated under the Philippine laws in June, 1932. It gives courses for the first two years in medicine for which official recognition was granted under Act 1459. Manila College of Pharmacy.-This Institution was organized on November 29, 1916, and incorporated on December 4 of the same year. The college gives courses in pharmacy for which official permit was granted on April 19, 1917. In 1929 a College of Dentistry was established which was likewise given official recognition in June of the same year. Philippine Dental College.-This college, established for the purpose of giving courses in dental medicine, was founded since 1913 upon the initiative of private individuals. On July 1, 1914, it obtained its papers of incorporation and was granted official permit under Act 1459 on March 25, 1916. College of Oral and Dental Surgery.-Recently established in 1933 after having been incorporated on March 29, 1933, this College was opened to students, offering courses in dental med166 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL icine under the laws of the Philippines.. Official recognition was granted this College by the Department of Public Instruction in June of 1933. Mapua Institute of Technology.-This institution was established about 10 years ago and incorporated on January 22, 1925. It offers courses in Architecture and Engineering leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Architecture and Engineering. Post-graduate courses are also offered. Official permit under Act No. 1459 was granted to it in June 1926, one year after its establishment. Adamson School of Industrial Chemistry.-This school has been established since August, 1932, and was incorporated on September 9, 1932. It gives courses in chemistry especially as applied to industry. Official permit was granted in 1934. Other schools giving courses in chemistry and recently established, such as the Paterno Institute of Applied Cheniistry, the Quisumbing School of Chemfr;try, and others, should also be mentioned. Nautical School.-This' is an official institution worth mentioning. It may be con~idered as the continuation of the old "Escuela de Nautica" of the Spanish regime. This school was created by Act No. 74 in 1901 under the Department of Public Instruction. On February 28, 1914, it was reorganized by Act No. 388 placing it under the control of the Bureau of Education. School of Agriculture.-Vnder the same category as the former, the School was created by the same Act No. 74 of January 21, 1901, under the Department of Public Instruction. This school was created in view of the necessity of training men sufficiently capacitated to handle our problems in agriculture. By Act No. 512 of November 10, 1902, the control of this school was transferred to the Bureau of Agriculture. HOSPITALS IN THE PHILIPPINES The hospitals in the Philippines constitute at present a vast organization extended throughout the whole archipelago. We have a good number of official as well a_s of private hospitals rendering service, not only as educational centers for the mass on modern medical treatment, but also as wards for clinical instruction utilized by several universities and colleges of medicine in Manila. In view of the number of existing hospitals, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 167 it is not believed necessary nor possible, within, the limitation of this sketch, to give even brief information on all and every one of them. A list of the existing hospitals at present is appended and will give an idea of the hospital activities in the Islands. However, it is thought advisable to mention a few of them which, on account of the capacity, location, organization and other circumstances, are considered of some imporfan:.:e. Philippine General Hospital.-This hospital which was completed in September, 1910, is an official organization supported by Insular funds. It was formerly known as the Philippine Ci'.1.:il Hospital created on October 1, 1901, by Act No. 247. ·When the Board of Health was reorganized by Act No. 1407, this hospital was, by a provision of the same Act, merged with this Bureau as a part of its activity. By Act No. 1989 approved on April 19, 1910, the hospital became the Philippine General Hospital, continuing, however, under the administrative control of the Bureau of Health, until February 3, 1916, when Act No. 2563 was approved declaring it an organization independent from this Bureau. All the clinical teachings of the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines are given in the wards of this hospital. Later on, the necessity was felt of constructing a hospital in the southern islands of the archipelago and subsequently funds were received and another hospital was erected in Cebu. This hospital known as Southern Islands Hospital, is also supported by the government and is under the administrative control of the Philippine General Hospital. By Act No. 4007 known as the Reorganization Act of December, 1932, the Southern Islands Hospital was transferred from the control of the Philippine General Hospital to that of the Bureau of Health. Both the Philippine General Hospital and the Southern Islands Hospital were transferred by this act from the Department of the Interior to the Department of Public Instruction. San Juan de Dios Hospital.-This hospital, founded during the Spanish regime, still exists at present. It affords all the clinical material for the instruction of the medical students of the "Facultad de Medicina" of the University of Sto. Tomas. (For further information, see Institutions under the Spanish regime.) St. Paul's Hospital was founded in 1905 by His Grace, the Archbishop of Manila, and supported by the income of the Archdiocese of the city. Before the creation of the Philippine 168 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL General Hospital, the wards of this institution (St. Paul's Hospital) were used as clinics for the students of the former Philippine Medical School (1907-1910). A School of Nursing has been operated by this hospital since 1908. It was given official permit June 3, 1921. This hospital was the first private hospital organized in the Philippines under the American regime. A branch of it exists in Iloilo, Iloilo. Santiago Hospital.-This hospital was founded in 1902 with 1he name of "Hospital Espanol de Santiago" in the city of Manila, but it is now known as Santiago Hospital with its own building located in San Pedro Makati, Rizal Province. It was founded by the Spanish community, formerly as an infe.ctious hospital for the hospitalization of Spaniards, who having to comply with the sanitary regulations of compulsory hospitalization, preferred to enter this hospital rather than the government San Lazaro Hospital. It is at pre~ent a general hospital, open for admission of patients of different nationalities and for requiring all sorts of diseases, except those requiring compulsory segregation in government institutions. Chinese General Hospita:l.-This hospital was founded by Mr. Carlos Palanca in 1891 during the Spanish regime. Several years later, on account of the then existing circumstances, it was closed and abandoned until the year 1917 when by the efforts of Dr. Tee Han Kee, supported by the Chinese community, a new hospital, now known as Chinese General Hospital, was founded. Althougli primarily founded for members of the Chinese community in Manila, admissions are permitted for members of other nationalities. It has a school of nursing which was inaugurated in 1921. St. Luke's Hospital.-This is another mission hospital and one of the first etablished in the city of Manila since the American occupation. It was founded in 1907 by the Episcopal Mission under the efforts of Dr. M. N. Saleeby and Miss Ellen Hicks. It is owne'd by the Episcopal Church. Some of the clinics of the Afable Medical College are given in this hospital which has also a School of Nursing opened in 1907, and granted official recognition on June 3, 1921. The hospital has its own buildings adjoining its church in Magdalena Street, Binondo, Manila. Mary Johnston's Hospital.-In 1908, Dr. Rebecca Parish founded a hospital in the district cf Tondo. The hospital is ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 169 classified as a mission hospital; it is owned and supported by the Women's Foreign Mission Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of U. S. A. Children and maternity cases are given preference in this hospital. Since its foundation, a School of Nursing which contributed to the promotion of the nursing profession in the Philippines has been established under the control of this hospital, with official recognition granted on June 8, 1921. ManJ Chiles Hospital.-This ho;;:pital was founded by Dr. W. N. Lemmon, in 1911. It is owned by the United Christian Missionary Society of America. It opened a school of nursing in 1912 which was continuously operated until March of 1934. The hospital is at present rented and has been run by Dr. Florendo (a private physician) since March 16, 1934. The school of nursing has accordingly been closed. Other hospitals.-Many other hospitals, government and private, are in operation, not only in the city but also in the provinces, by provision of Act No. 3114 as amended by Act No. 3168. All the hospitals founded by virtue of the above acts are placed under the control and supervision of the Bureau of Health. A list of government hospitals as well as those owned by private organizations or individuals, with their names, location, classification and bed capacity, is given as an appendix. A total of 156 hospitals, including leprosaria, leper treatment stations, and infirmaries, •are in operation in the islands. Out of this total, 52 are government hospital1s, 8 are official leprosaria and leper treatment stations, 2 infirmaries of the University of the Philippines, 33 semi-government hospitals, 7 army and navy hospitals, and 54 hospitals of private organizations or individuals. GOVERNMENT BUREAUS, OFFICES AND ORGANIZATIONS Aside from the government institutions of learning and welfare organizations mentioned which have more or less directly contributed to the promotion of science, there are government bureaus, offices, or organizations that on account of their executive functions are also directly concerned with scientific studies and investigations. They are the following: Weather Bureau.-This bureau is entrusted with functions similar to those of the old "Servicio Meteorol6gico" of the 170 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Spanish time, like forecasting weather, storm warning, observation of meteorological and astronomical phenomena, studies and investigations of same, etc. This office was created by Act 131 of the Philippine Commission approved on May 2?, 1901 and reorganized by the first reorganization Act No. 1407, enacted in October 26, 1905. A monthly bulletin of the observations and special reports on the chief meteorological phenomena and studies made on same are being pubU.shed by this bureau. Bureau of Science.-By Act No. 156 approved by the Civil Commission en J1.1ly 1, 1901, the Bureau of Government Laborato;<cs was created for the purpose of performing biological and chemical examinations as well as for the production of vaccines an sera. It was also entrusted with the duty of making scientific studies and investigations on the causes, pathology, and methods of diagnosing and combating diseases of men and domestic animals. These different chemical and biological laboratories were later consolidated into what is at present known as the Bureau of Science by virtue of Act No. 1407 which also provided for the merging of the old Bureau of Mines with the Bureau of Laboratories. The Bureau of Science publishes the results of the studies and investigations heing performed by the different investigators and issues monthly the Philippine Journal of Science. Bureau of Health.-By general order No. 15 issued on September 29, 1898, by the Headquarters of the Provost Marshall General a Board of Physicians was appointed to constitute the Board of Health for the city of Manila and suburbs. The following formed the first Board of Health: Major F. S. Bourns, Chief Surgeon U. S. Volunteers, Capt. C. L. Mullens, A.ssistant Surgeon, U. S. V., Dr. C. E. McQuisten, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, and Drs. T. H. Pardo de Tavera and Ariston Bautista Lim as honorary members. This order also specifies the functions and duties of the Board. On October 8, 1898, the Board published its first Rules and Regulations and on August 26, 1899, its personnel was changed by appointing Dr. Guy L. Edie as the first Commissioner of Public Health. During this period a bacteriological division was added to the then government laboratories and a Plague Hospital was established for the treatment and isolation of plague cases. The Board continued in existence until Act No. 157 was approved by the Civil Commission on July 1, 1901, and subsequently Dr. L. M. Maus ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 171 was appointed as Commissioner of Health. By Act No. 187 the Board of Health which was formerly for the city of Manila and suburbs became the Board of Health for the Philippine Islands. The urgent need of extending the activities of the Board to the different parts of the archipelago resulted in the enactment of Act No. 307, October 2, 1901, and Act No. 308 December 3, 1901, establishing respectively the Provincial Board of Health and the Municipal Board of Health. On November 1, 1905, the Board became the Bureau of Health by virtue of Act No. 1407 enacted on October 26, 1905, which also provides for the appointment of a director and the necessary organization of the Bureau. Later on, in July, 1915, this was reorganized under Act No. 2468 approved by the legislature on February 5, 1915, providing for the change of its name Philippine Health Service, and also for the creation of the Council of Hygiene, the health fund and the sanitary divisions. By the provisions of Act No. 4007, (1932) the name was again changed to Bureau of Health, although continuing under the same essential organization, except in some minor details, such as the fransfer of the Division of Maternal and Child Hygiene from the Bureau of Public Welfare and of the Southern Islands Hospital from the Philippine General Hospital to the administrative control of the Bureau of Health. Bureau of Mines.-At the beginning of the American occupation a bureau for the study of mining resources was organized; then, reorganized by Act No. 17 enacted on October 10, 1900, as amended by Acts No. 916 of October 1, 1903, and No. 1067 of February 26, 1904. When the Bureau of Science was created by consolidation of the government laboratories, the Bureau of Mines was merged and transferred all its personnel and activities as one division of the former by virtue of Act No. 1407 of 1905. The Bureau of Forestry entrusted with the duty of conserving and managing the public forests, of regulating their use and keeping them in a productive state, was created by Act No. 16 of October 10, 1900, and reorganized by Act No. 1407, approved in 1905. Bureau of Agriculture.-This Bureau was created by Act No. 261 enacted by the Civil Commission on October 8, 1901. Its functions are, among others, to conduct investigations and disseminate useful information as regards agricultural resources of the Phiuppine Islands, to study methods of cultiva172 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tion, the p1:acticability of introducing new and valuable agricultural products and domestic animals, and to establish farm stations in different parts of the islands. It continued with its former organization and activities until 1930 when by the provisions of Act No. 3639, approved by the Legislature on December 7, 1929, it changed its name to Bureau of Plant Industry and separated its animal division to become an independent bureau with the name of Bureau of Animal Industry. The Bureau publishes a journal, bulletins and reports on important investigations and studies. Bureau of Plant Industry created by Act No. 3639 and reorganized by Act No. 4007 (See Bureau of Agriculture.) Bureau of Animal lndustry.-This bureau was also created by Act No. 3639 and lately reorganized by Act No. 4007 (See Bureau of Agriculture). Bureau of Public Welfare.-This bureau was the outcome of the former Public Welfare Board created on February 5, 1915, by Act No. 2510 of the Legislature. This Board was later reorganized and its name changed into Public Welfare Commission, by the provisions of Act No. 2988 approved on February 24, 1921, with a commissioner as the head of the Office. In 1933, on account of the reorganization Act No. 4007, its name was again changed and it became the Bureau of Public Welfare, being transferred from the control of the Department of the Interior to the Department of Public Instruction. Buremu of Coast and Geodetic Survey.-The office of coast and geodetic survey established at the very beginning of the American government in the Philippines and administered under the direction of the Coast and Geodetic Survey of the U. S. Department of Commerce and Labor became what at present is known as the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey, by the provisions of Act No. 1407, reorganizing in 1905 all the office$ and bureaus of the Philippine Govermnent. The Bureau was under the Department of Commerce and Police. In 1933, however, it was transferred to the Department of Public Works and Communications. Among the government bureaus and offices already enumerated we shall also mention other official organizations created for purposes concerning some scientific studies or investigations, whether related or not to existing bureaus or offices. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 173 Committee on Infant Mortality.-This committee was created by Act No. 2116 enacted on February 1, 1912, for the purpose of studying the causes of the high infant mortality in the Philippines and to submit the recommendations necessary to remedy the condition. It was originally contituted by Dr. W. E. Musgrave, as chairman, and Drs. Proceso Gabriel and Luis Guerrero as members. On February 11, 1913, Act No. 2246 was approved extending the term of the committee with the same functions and activities and at the same time increasing the number of its members to five. Accordingly, Drs. Jose Albert and Joaquin Quintos were appointed as additional members. 'l'he committee worked for about two years and submitted an extensive report which was printed in 1914, although not many copies of it were distributed. Cornmittees on Typhoid Fever.-Three committees for the study of the prevalence, causes and control of typhoid fever in the Philippines, especially in the city of Manila, were appointed by administrative action of the Director of Health. All of them submitted their reports and many of their recommendations were carried out. The first committee was appointed in 1916 by special order No. 11 of November 24 of the same year, and was composed of Dr. Hugh de Valin, Dr. P. Gabriel and Dr. H. W. Wade. Due to the absence of Dr. de Valin, the committee was reorganized, appointing Dr. L. R. Thompson in place of the former and adding two additional members: Dr. J. H. Linson and Dr. Rufino Abriol. A report was submitted 2nd published in part in the Annual Report of the Philippine Health Service. The second committee was appointed by Administrative Order No. 4, paragraph 7, of April 7, 1922, and the third one was created by Special Order No. 7 of July 8, 1924, as amended by Special Order No. 8 of August 4, of the same year. Dr. L. Lopez-Rizal served as chairman of both committees with Dr. C. Leach, Major Roland, A. Davidson, Dr. Proceso Gabriel and Dr. M. V. Arguelles as members for the second committee and Drs. M. V. Arguelles, R. G. Padua, Francisco Gomez and Faustino Estrella as members, and Drs. G. R. Lary and Col J. F. Siler as advisers for the third committee. The committees submitted their reports in 1922 and 1925, respectively. 174 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Committee on Leprosy.-This is a committee known as the Advisory Committee for the Control of Leproi:y created by Executive Order No. 44 of January 4, 1927, composed of the Secretary of Public Instruction as member and chairman, six other members and one secretary. The composition of this committee was changed by Executive Orders No. 98 of January 17, 1928, No. 106 of May 21, 1928, No. 217 of November 5, 1929, No. 363 of March, 1932, No. 379 of July 1932, No. 382 of June, 1932, and No. 385 of August 19, 1932, amending the first one, No. 44. The purpose of the committee is to handle problems on leprosy and to advise as to the methods and procedures to be adopted from the administrative and technical view points. Committee on Malaria Control (advisory) .-This committee was created by Executive Order No. 39 of November 23, 1926, with the Secretary of Public Instruction as chairman, five members and one secretary. The original executive order was later amended by Executive Orders No. 63 of May 26, 1927, No. 169 of May 16, 1929, No. 247 of April 26, 1930, No. 304 of February 24, 1931, No. 318 of June 6, 1931, No. 362 of March 10, 1932, No. 383 of June 26, 1932, and No. 406 of February 23, 1933, changing the composition of its members. The committee is still functioning and entrusted with the work of advising on the plans and campaign for the control of malaria in the islands. Committees on Beriberi Investigation.-Two committees ·were appointed for the purpose of studying and investigating the causes and factors contributing to the prevalence of beriberi in the islands and to recommend means and measures to reduce its high incidence. The first committee was appointed upon the suggestion of the Far E:astern Association of Tropical Medicine, by Administrative Order, dated November 20, 1923, of the Secretary of Public Instruction. It was composed of the following members: Dr. F. Calderon, Dr. Jose Albert, Dr. Jose Fabella, Dr. F. 0. Santos, Major A. P. Hitchens, Mr. A. H. Wells (chemist), Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, Dr. P. Gutierrez, as members, and Dr. L. Lopez Rizal as chairman. The committee submitted its report on August 4, 1925. The second committee was approved by Administrative Order dated October 18, 1926, of the Honorable the Secretary of Public Instruction, and was composed of the following members: Dr. F. Calderon, Col. Ed. B. Vedder, Major A. P. Hitchens, Dr. Luis Guerrero, Dr. LiANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 175 borio Gomez, Dr. Jose Fabella, Mr. A.H. Wells, Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, Dr. J. Albert, and Dr. F. 0. Santos, as members, with Dr. L. Lopez Rizal as chairman. This committee submitted its report in September, 1928. Committee on Choler.a Vcccine.-For the purpose of studying the advisability of implanting and generalizing the use of anticholera vaccination in the Philippines, the Director of Health by Special Order No. 11, paragrapb 9, dated November 10, 1919, appointed a committee composed of Dr. J. P. Bantug as chairman, and Drs. 0. Schobl and Proceso Gabriel as members. After careful study and experimentation, the committee recommended the use 6f th'2 cholera vaccines in its report submitted! to the Director in 1920. The studies on cholera vaccination were furthered and some changes in the composition of the committee was made by Special Order No. 4, paragraph 16 of April 6, 1921. Committee on Mental Hygiene.-Due to the recommendation and suggestion of the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas after a discus-'ion on mental hygiene problems held in its building in 1932,' a committee on mental hygiene was appointed by His Excellency, the Governor-General, by Executive Order No. 400 issued December 31, 1932, for the purpose of studying the different factors and problems related to mental hygiene in the islands. After a year of study the committee submitted a preliminary report for the year 1933. The members of this committee are: Dr. Elias Domingo, chairman, Drs. T. Joson, J. Vergara, J. Fernandez, L. Pardo, M. Icasiano, Maria P. Mendoza, and Miss Edna A. Gerken. Conirnittee on Nutrition.-In view of the prevalence in the Philippines of many diseases the incidence of which is more or less directly influenced by the poor nutrition of the masses, a problem which aroused much discussion and interest on the part of the medical profession as well as of the laymen, His Excellency, the Governor-General of the Philippines, deemed it necessary to appoint a committee to study the situation as regards the nutrition of the different groups of the population. The committee was appointed by Executive Order No. 440 dated September 1, 1933, and is working as a coordinating agency for the different activities on nutrition of the various government and private offices and organizations. 176 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Many other committees or organizations similar to those which have been deseribed herein, having for their purpose the study of various aspects of science, were also created by executive orders, or by executive and departmental orders which we refrain from mentioning but which may, however, be found reco.rded in the different offices of the government. National Research Council of th'e Philippine lslands.-This organization was created for the purpose of promoting research in sciences, of coordinating all researches and investigations, of gathering scientific and technical information, etc. It was created by Act No. 4120 of the Legislature approved on December 8, 1933, but its final organization took place on March 23, 1934. It published its Bulletin No. 1 in July, 1934. PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS Private organizations have also contributed to a large extent to the promotion of science in the Philippines, not only since the beginning of 'the American occupation, but also, long before the Spanish government ceased. · A brie'f account of the most important private associations and organizations established since the American occupation is hereinbelow given. Colegio MCdico-Farmaceutico de Filipina.s.-Due to the pressing need of a solid association that, under the existing circumstances, might look after the welfare and interests of the medical and pharmaceutical professions, as well as to work for the promotion of science, the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico 'vas founded on June 8, 1899, by a group of leading native physicians and. pharmacists of the Philippines. This is the first native medical organization so far established in the islands, that has fought for the rights and privileges of pharmacists and physicians and has helped, with its scientific meetings and assemblies and its monthly publication, to foster the medical and pharmaceutical sciences in the Philippines. Manila Medical Society.-This society was organized on September 15, 1903, by the different elements of the medical community in the city of Manila. It also contributed by the works of its members to 1jhe progress of science in this part of the world through its scientific monthly meetings and its Bulletin. It may be said that the association originated what, is at present known as the Phili'[>Pine Islands Medical Association, organized as a Philippine medical association, affiliated with the ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 177 American Medical Association. It organized different branches or daughter societies in different provinces of the Islands more or less after the pattern of the mother American Association. It holds annual scientific meetings and publishes its monthly medical journal, which is the continuation of the former Bulletin of the Manila Medical Society. Gota de Leche (Protecci6n de la prirnera infancia) .-This organization was founded for the protection and care ·of infants in 1907 through the philanthropy of Mr. Dogherty, who donated the necess<J.ry amount for the building and the equipment. It was first established on San Pedro Street (now EvangeHsta) until it constructed its own building in Calle Lepanto. The Far Eastern Association of Tropfoal Medicine was organized in Manila on March 1, 1908. This association held its first scientific meeting in Manila in 1909 and eight other congresses in the following countries: Hongkong, China, 1912; Saigon, lndo-China, 1913; Dutch East Indies, 1921; Singapore, F. 1\1. S. 1923; Tokyo, Japan, 1925; Calcutta, British India, 1927; B:mgkok, Siam, 1930, and Nanking, China, 1934, attended by the delegates and members of the countries affiliated. The Philippine Islands Antituberculosis Society was organized in August, 1910, for the purpose of campaigning against the ravages of tuberculosis in the islands. It held the first National Tuberculosis Congress in the Philippines in 1926 sponsored by the government. This congress was held by authority of Act No. 3237 approved November 27, 1925. The Philippine Pharmaceutical Association was organized in 1920 for the purpo'e of promoting pharmaceutical science and of looking after professional interests. It publishes a monthly journal and organizes scientific conventions and exhibitions. The Philippine Scientific Society was organized in 1923 in 1\fanila, and has held annual meetings. By resolution of its members, however, the meetings, beginning next year, will be biennial. The first and Second Philippine Science Conventions were held in 1932 and 1933 respectively under its auspices. The Los Banos Biological Club was organized on N ovember 15, 1923, for the purpose of fostering investigations and studies in biology by the members of the university colleges 178 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL established in Los Banos, Laguna. It holds monthly scientific meetings except during summer. Society for the Advancement of Research.-This association was organized on September 11, 1928, but was not definitely :>.nd formally inaugurated until September 10, 1930. Philippine Society of Parasitologis's.-This society was founded on August 20, 1930, for the advancement of the studies and investigations on parasitology. It holds monthly and annual meetings. Journal Club of San Juan de Dios Hospital.-This club was organized among the members of the staff of San Juan de Dies Hospital in August, 1930. The purpose was to organize scientific meetings and to discuss the most important cases found in the clinics and wards of the hospital. International Leprosy Association.-This association was founded on January 23, 1931. It held a meeting in Manila in the same year, attended by many delegates from different countries. The association publishes a journal on Leprosy. Philippine Society of Stornatologists.-This organization was founded on April 30, 1931, composed of the practicing dentists in the city of Manila. It holds scientific meetings annually. Philippine Public Health Association.-The idea of establishing an association of this kind was due to the need of having all public health workers organized for the promotion of public health. Preliminary work of organization was done immediately after the return of Director Jacobo Fajardo of the Bureau of Health from his trip abroad, but the first meeting of the organization was held in July, 1932. The association, however, was not formally organized until October 7, 1932, when its constitution was approved. It holds annual meetings and since its organization two meetings have already been held. The Philippine League Against Cancer was established for the purpose of investigation of the problems of cancer and to study the causes and factors contributing to the incidence of this disease and also to formulate means and ways of controlling it. The organization of this league. was worked out for several months before it was finally and definitely organized in 1934. It was incorporated on August 2, 1934. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 179 Philippine VeterinariJ Medical Association is an association holding an annual convention for the promotion of veterinary medicine. It held its first convention in 1929. Philippine Society of Civil Engineers.-This society was formerly the Philippine Institute of Engineers and Architects, incorporated on February 25, 1920. When the latter was reO!'ganized and reincorporated on June 10, 1933, it took the n2me of Philippine Society of Civil Engineers. Philippine Engineering _4ssocia.tion.-This is a new association of engineers established just recently in Manila, for more or less the saime purpose as the preceding society. It publishes a bulletin under the name of Philippine Engineering News. As a supplement to this list of private associations we believe it is of some interest to add the following .scientific journ::ils, bulletins, etc., regularly issued, but giving preference to private ones. We are aware that the list is far from being complete. Seismological 'Bulletin of the Weather Bureau, 1900. Bulletin of the Philippine Islands Wea.ther Burea1t, Published in 1900. Meteorological Bulletin of the same Bureau, published in 1900. Philippine Journal of Science, published by the Bureau of Science in monthly numbers since 1906. Bulletin of the P. I. Bureau of Animal Industry, published since 1931 by this Bureau. Philippine Journal of Animal Industry, published by the Bureau of Animal Industry since 1934. Technical Bulletin of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Its first number was published in 1933. Gazette of the Bureau of Animal Indwstry began in 1931. Quarterly Bulletin of the Bureau of Public Works, since 1912. Water Supply Biuleti,,,;_Bureau of Public Works, 1923. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, published since October 1930 by the University of the Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist, Los Banos, published since 1911. 180 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Makiling Echo a quarterly publication of the Bureau of Forestry since 1921. Philippine Agricultural Review, published by the Bureau of Agriculture from 1908 to 1929-in 1930 this Review became the Philiwine Journal of Agriculture. Monthly Bulletin of the Bureau of He<ilth began its publication in July, 1931. Health Messenger-Monthly publication of the Bureau of Health. Began in 1931. Bulletin of the San Juan de Dios Ho-spital, published by the Hospital since 1927. Revista Filipina. de Medicina y Farma.cia, published monthly by the Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas since 1910. Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association, published by the Association in Manila since 1928. Bulletin of the Manila Medica~ Society, a publication of the l\Ianila Medical Society started in 1909. It is no longer published. Jo·urnal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association-A monthly publication. Its first number was issued in 1921. Construction-Monthly Journal of Engineering. in 1931. Began Modern Home-Quarterly supplement of Architecture of "Construction'', 1933. Philippine lsla.·.rids Dental Journal published monthly since 1931. Welfare Advocate, published by the Public Welfare Commissioner's Office since 1927. Medico-Dental Digest.-Publication began in 1931. International Journal of Leprosy, published by the International Leprosy Association, Manila, in 1933. Medical Gazette published in 1934. Philippine Journal of Public Health-1934. Published by the Philippine Public Health Association. Revi$ta Boie, published monthly since 1919. UnitM-lVIonthly publication of the University of Sto. Tomas (only during school course) since 1921. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 181 Bulletin of the P. I. Antituberculosis Society-a publication on tuberculosis started in January, 1915, but discontinued since the year 1926. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Acknowledgment is due to Dr. J.P. Bantug for his valuable help in not only furnishing the writer with references but also in obtaining information. Thanks are also due to Drs. J. Sian, F. Manaois, and F. Eubanas for their help in obtaining references as well as to Mr. Cirilo Perez and Basilio Hernandez of the Library of the Bureau of Science and Messrs. L. Montilla and M. Sta. Maria· of the National Library for their courtesy ih lending references. REFERENCES BOWRING, SIR JOHN, LL.D., F.R.S., Una visita a las Islas Filipinas, Jforiila, 1876, Imp. de Ramirez, y GiramJ:ier. BUZETA, Fr. MANUEL y Fr. FELIPE BRAVO, 1850. Diccionario Geograf+co, Estadisstico, HistOrico de las Islas Filipina,s, Madrid. Centro Escolar University-Centro Escolar de Senoritas, 27-th Annual Catalogue 1934-193:;. DELGADO, PADRE JUAN J. 1892. Historia. Sacro-profana, politica, y natural de las Islas del Poniente, Llamadas Filipinas-Tomo unico. Imprenta de El Eco de Filipinas de Juan, Atayde, Calle Dulumbayan, No. 4. Manila. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine-Transactions of the Fourth Congress 1921, Javasche Boeckhandel on Drukkerij, Rijswijk 2 Weltevreden, 1922. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine-Transactions of the Fifth Congress held at Singapore, 1923 John Ba:le Sons & Danielsson, Ltd., Oxford House, London, 1924. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine-Transactions of the Sixth Congress at Tokyo, 1925, Kyorinsha Medical Publishing Co., Hongo, Tokyo. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine-Transactions of the Seventh Congress in British India, 1927. Thacker's Press & Directories, Ltd. Mango Lane, 6, Calcutta, British India. GoNZALES FERNANDEZ, RAMON, 1875. Mannal del Viajero de FilipinasEstablecimiento tipografico de Sto. Tomas a cargo de D. Pedro Memije Manila. GoNZALES FERNANDEZ, RAMON, 1877. Anuario Fili']Yino para 1877. Establecimiento tipografico de Plana y Ca., Escolta 29, duplicado, Manila. 182 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL G<>NZALES LIQUETE, L.-Repertorio Historico, Biografico y biliogrrifico, Tom,Q I, Manila, 1930, Imprenta de Dia Filipino. Government Committee for the Investigation of Excessive Infant Mortality in the Philippine Islands. Report of the ..... January 31, 1914. Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1914. Guia 0/icial de Filipinas, 1886. Establecimiento Tipog, de Ramirez y giraudier 3 esquina Beaterio, Manila, 1885. Guia Oficial de Filipinas, 1891. Tipo-Litografia de Cho/re y Ca., Escolta 33, Manila. Guia Oficial de Filipinas, 1892. Tipo-Litngrafia de Cho/re y Ca., Escolta 33, Manila. Guia Oficial de Filipinas para 1894. Publicado por la Secretaria del Gobierno Gen,eral del Archipielago. Imprentn y Litografia de Ramirez y Ca., Manila. Guia Oficial de Filipinas para 1896. Publicado por la Secretaria del Gobierno General del Archipielago. Imprenta y Litografia de Cho/re y Ca., Escolta 33, Manila, 1895. Laws of the Civil Commission-Philippine Government. Laws of the Philippine Legislature. Medico-Dental Digest, a journal for physichms and dentists, Vol. III. No. 4. Monthly Bulletin of the Philippine Health Service, P. I., Vol. 1-XIV., Manila. MORGA, ANTONIO, 1890. Sucesos de las Isla.~ Filipinas, Anotada por RIZAL, Jos:E, Paris, 1890. Libreria de Garnier Hnos., 6 Rue de SaintsPien·e. Proceedings of the First National Congress on Tuberculosis, 1926, Philippine Islands Antituberculosis Society, Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1927. RODRIGUEZ BERRIZ, MIGUEL, Jefe Lctrado de la Administraci6n Central de Rentas, Propriedades y Aduanas. Diccionario de Administraci6n de Filipinas, Primera Edici6n, Toma VIII, Manila. Establecimiento Tipo-Litografico, de M. Perez, hijo, San Jacinto 30, Manila, 1887, 1889, 1890, 1891. The National University-Bulletin of Information, General Catalogue 1934-1935--Thirty-fourth issue. Unitas-Organ of the Faculty, University of Sto. Tomas, Vol. XIII, No. 3, September, 1934. University of the Philippines-Catalogue 1916-1917-Announcements 1917-1918-Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1917. VIDAL, JOSE MONTERO--Historia de Filipinas, Este Tip. de la Viuda e Rijos de Tello. Imprcsor de Camara de S. M. Madrid, 1894. APPENDIX LISTS OF HOSPITALS IN THE PHILIPPINES, THEIR NAMES, LOCATIONS, CLASSES AND BED CAP A CITIES * GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS (Under the Bureau of Health, Department of Public Instruction) Maintained either from Provincial Health Fund, Provincial General Fund, or Municipal General Fund Name of Hospital 1. Antipolo Emerg. Hospital** 2 . Eladia Memorial 3. Iloilo Emerg. Hospital* ......... . 4. Ilocos Norte Emer. Hospital ....... . 5. Leyte Provincial Hospital ....... . 6. Margosa:ubig Emerg. Hospital .. 7. Mati Emerg. Hospital .......... . 8. Naga Provincial Hospital ........ 9. Pikit Emerg. Hospita} . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Puerto Princci"a Hospital ........ 11. San Pablo Hospital Location Class Antipolo, Rizal ...... . General San Miguel, Bulacan .. " Mandurriao, Iloilo Laoag, I. Norte " Tacloban, Leyte " Margosatubig, Zamb ... " Mati, Davao ........ . .. Naga, Camarines Sur .. " Pikit, Cotabato ....... " Pto. Princesa, Pala wan " San Pablo, Laguna ... Hospitals Financed by Insula1· A;"d and Prorincial Fund 1. Bayombong Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bayombong, Nva. Viz. General 2. Bontoc Hospital . . Bontoc, Mt. Province .. 3. Bukidnon Public Hospital . . . . . . . . . Malaybalay, Bukidnon 4. Butuan Public Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . Butuan, Agusan . ·. , ... " Bed Capacity 6 12 24 12 20 12 6 22 8 26 20 16~ 20 35 14 42 * From the December record of the Division of Hospitals, Bureau of Health. ** In operation only when necessity arises. 18:1 184 Ni:..TIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS--Continued N wme of Hospital 5. Cervantes Hospital 6. Cotabato Emerg. Public Hospital ........ . 7. Cuyo Hospital ... . 8. Davao Public Hospital ........... . 9. Kiangan Hospital . 10. Lanao Public Hospital ........... . 11. Lubuagan Hospital 12. Rizal Memorial Hospital ........ . 13. Sulu Public Hospital ............. . 14. Zamboanga Genc>ral Hospital ........ . Location Cervantes, I. Sur ..... Cotabato, Cotabato .. . Cuyo, Palawan ...... . Davao, Davao ....... . Kiangan, lfugao ..... . Dansalan, Lanao .... . Lubuagan, Kalinga .. . Dapitan, Zamboanga .. Jolo, Sulu ........... . Zamboanga, Zamboanga Class General " " " .. " " Bed Capacity 8 40 20 40 15 50 8 30 80 448 under Act No .. '1114, as ame-nded by Act No. 3168 1. Albay Hospital Provincial 2. Antique Provincial lJaraga, Albay ...... . Hospital . . . . . . . . San Jose, Antique .. 3. Batangas Provincial Hospital . . . . . Batangas, Batangas 4. Bohol Provincial Hospital 5. Bulacan Hospital Provincial 6. Capiz Prov. Hospital ............. . 7. Ilocos Sur Provincial Hospital ..... 8. Laguna Prov. HosTa.gbilaran, Bohol Malolos, Bulacan Calivo, Capiz Vigan, I. Sur pital . . . . . . . . . . . Sta. Cruz, Laguna .... 9. Nueva Ecija Prov. Hospital . . . . . . . . . Cabanatuan, Nva. Ecija 10. Occ. Negros Prov. Hospital . . . . . . . . Bacolod, Occ. N egros .. 11. Or. Misamis Prov. Hospital . . . . . . . . Cagayan, Or. Misami:; 12. Pampanga Provincial Hospital . . . . . San Fernando, Pam. . . General " 10 30 " 8 " 30 30 8 " 55 .. 50 " 62 " 25 .. 50 ANNUAL REPQRT, 1934-35 GOVERNMENT Name of Hospital Location Class 13. Pangasinan Provincial Hospital . . . . . Dagupan, Pangasinan . General 14. Sorsogon Provincial Hospital . . . . . . . . . Sorsogon, Sorsogon .. " 15. Tarlac Prov. Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarlae, Tarlac ...... . " 16. Tayabas Prov. Hospital . . . . . . . • . • • • Lucena, Tayabas ..... . " Hospital.~ Financed by Insular Fund 1. Baguio Hospital . . Baguio, Benguet ..... 2. Insular psychopathic Hospital . . . . . Mandaluyong, Rizal ... 3. Maternity House and Children's Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . Gral. Solano ........ . 4. San Lazaro Hos pital . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sta . Cruz, Manila . ... 5. Southern Islands Hospital . . . .. . .. Cebu, Cebu .......... 6. Culion Leper Colony Hospital . . . . . . Cdicn, Palawan ...... General Insane Ma•ternity and Children Infectious General Leper SEMI-GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS' 1. Abuyog Maternity House . . . . . . . . . . Abuyog, Leyte ....... Maternity 2. Argao Maternity House . . . . . . . . . . Argao, Cebu ......... 3. Bacolod Maternity and Children's Hospital . . . . .. . . . . . . Bacolod, Occ. Neg. .... Maternity and Children 4. Balayan Maternity House . . . . . . . . . . . Balayan, Batangas ... Maternity 5. Barili Materriity House . . . . . . . . . . . Barili, Cebu ......... 6. Bato Maternity House Ba to, Leyte " . . . . . . . . . . .......... ' Dormitory beds. • Ineluding 406 dormitory beds for lepers. 185 Bed Capacitv 50 25 30 80 578 89 800 1 110 679' 110 500 2288 5 10 60 6 9 4 'Partly supported by insular funds and partly by private contrib,.itions. 186 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SEMI-GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS-Continued Name of Hospital Location Class Bed Capacity 7. Cadiz Maternity House . . . . . . . . . . Cadiz, Occ. Negros .... Maternity 8 8. Cantilan Maternity House Cantilan, Surigao " 8 .......... 9. Cebu Maternity House ......... - Cebu, Cebu .......... f;7 10. Escalante Maternity House Escalante, Occ. Negros " 4 11. Guihulngan Maternity House Guihulngan, Or. Negros 4 12. Hilongos Maternity House .......... Hilongos, Leyte " 6 . ..... 13. Isabela Maternity House ........... Isabela, Occ. Negros . . 27 14. Jimenez Maternity House .......... Jimenez, Occ. Mis a mis 14 15. Kabankalan Maternity House Kabankalan, Occ. Neg. " 17 ...... 16. Laoag Materuity House Laoag, Ilocos Norte " 12 .......... 17. Maas in Maternity House .......... Maas in, Leyte 6 18. Mambajao Maternity House ...... Mambajao, Or. Misa.nis " 10 19. Mas bate Maternity House .......... Masbate, ~fas bate 3 20. Opon Maternity House .......... Opon, Cebu . ......... 4 21. Ormoc Maternity Hol:se .......... Ormoc, Leyte " 4 . ....... 22. Pagsanja.n Maternity Hous.e ....... Pagsanjan, Laguna g 23. Pitogo Maternity House ........... Pitogo, Ta ya bas . ... 5 24. San Miguel Ma~:,rnity House ....... San Migu2l, Bulacan 2 25. Si lay Maternity House .......... Silay, Occ. Negros " 24 26. Sorsogon Maternity House .......... Sorsogon, Sorsogon . .. " 11 27. Surigao Mater:r.ity House .......... Surigao, Surigao . .... " 8 28. Tacloban Maternity House Tacloban, Leyte ...... 6 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 SEMI-GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS-Continued Name of Hospital Location Class 29. Tanauan Maternity House ....... ' .. Tanauan, Leyte . ..... Maternity 30. Tu bu ran Maternity House .......... Tuburan, Cebu . ...... 31. Unisan Maternity House Unisan, Tayabas " .......... . .... 32. Victorias Maternity House Victorias, Occ . Negros " . . . . . . . . . . 33. Municipal Hospital and Sanatorium .. Cavite, Cavite Tb. LEPROSARIA AND LEPER TREATMENT STATIONS 1. Bi col Treatment Station . . . . . . . . L~gaspi, Albay ....... Trt. Sta. 2. Culion Leper Colony Hospital* .... Culion, Pala wan . .... Leper 3. Eversley Childs Treatment Station Manda we, ~bu ...... Trt. Sta. 4. Mindanao Central Treatment Station Sta. Cruz, Zamb. ..... 5. San Lazaro Hospital * " Manila Leper ............ 6. Western Visayas Treatment Station Sta. Barbara, Iloilo Trt. S.ta. 7. Lanao Treatment Station Dansalan, Lanao " " ......... . .... 8. Sulu Treatment Station Jolo, Sulu " . . . . . . . . . ........... INSULAR GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS (Under f.he E111·eau of Public Welfare) 1 . W elfareville Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mandaluyong, Rizal ... General (Under the Department of Public Instruction) 1. Philippine General Hospital . . . . . . . . Taft Ave., Manila .... General 187 Bed Capacity 22 6 3 6 6 386 141 500 * 600 50 406 * 250 (**) 20 1967 100 651 * Alrrady included in "Hospitals Financed by Insular Fund." ** Not reported. 188 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL INSULAR HOSPITAL&--Continued Name of Hospital Location (Under the Department of Justice) 1 . Bilibid Prisons Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . Sta. Cruz, Manila .... 2. lwahig Penal Colony Hospital . . . . . Iwahig, Palawan ..... 3. San Ramon Penal Colony Hospital Zamboanga, Zamb. . .. Class General " " (Under the University of the Philippines) 1. U. P. Infirmary . . . Padre Faura, Manila .. General 2. U. P. Los Banos Infirmary Los Banos, Laguna ... FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HOSPITALS (Miliwry and Naval) 1. Camp John Hay Hospital ....... . Baguio, Benguet ..... . General 2. Camp Stotsenburg Hospital ....... . Angeles, Pampanga .. . 3. Canacao Hospital Cavite, Cavite ....... . " 4. Fort McKinley Hospital .......... . Pasig, Rizal ........ . 5. Fort Mills Hospital Corregidor, Cavite ... . 6. Petit Barracks Hospital ........... . Zamboanga, Zamboanga " 7. Sternberg General Hospital ....... . Arroceros, Manila .... " PRIVATE HOSPITALS (Mission Hospitals) 1. Bethany Hospital Tacloban, LeYte General 2. Davao Mission Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . Davao, Davao ....... . " 3. Dumaguete Mission Hospital . . . . . . . . Dumaguete, Or. Negros " 4. Emmanuel Mission Hospital . . . . . . . . Capiz, Capiz ........ . 5. Frank Dunn Mission Hospital . . . . Vigan, I. Sur- ....... . " Bed Capacity 300 82 22 414 20 20 40 50 72 150 220 150 26 250 918 34 40 50 70 35 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 PRIVATE HOSPITALS-Continued Nwme cf Hospital 6. Hospital Notre Dame de Lourdes 7. Manila Sanitarium and Hospital .... 8. Mary Chiles Hospital ............ . 9. Mary Johnston Hospital .......... . 10. Milwaukee Hospital 11. Misamis Hospital Mission 12. Presbyterian Mission Hospital .... 13. Sallie Long Read Hospital 14. St. Luke's Hospital ............ . 15. St. Mary, the Virgin Dispensary and Hospital ....... . 16. San Juan de Dios Hospital ....... . 17. St. Paul's Hospital 18. St. Paul's Hospital 19. Union Mission Hospital .......... . 20. United Brethern Hospital ....... . 21. Brent (Zamb.) Locatwn Baguio, Benguet ..... Malate, Manila ..... . Sampaloc, Manila .... Tondo, Manila Legaspi, Albay Cagayan, Or. Misamis . Tagbiliran, Bohol .... Laoag, I. Norte ...... . Binondo, Manila ..... Sagado, Mt. Prov. lntramuros, Manila Intramuros, Manila Iloilo, Iloilo ......... . Iloilo, Iloilo S. Fernando, La Union Missic,n Hospital . . Zamboanga, Zamboanga 1. Camilla Hospital 2. Chinese Sim peon General (Society Hospitals) Olangapo, Zambales Hospital . . . . . . . . Sta. ~uz, Manila .... 3. Chinese (Chong Hoa) Hospital . . . Cebu, Cebu ......... . 4. C 1 i n i c a MedicoQuirurgica de! Dr. Pio E. Valencia . . Cebu, Cebu ....... . 5. Davao Oriental Hospital, Inc. . . Davao, Davao ...... . Class General " " " " " " " " " " " " General " " " " 189 Bed Capacity 30 45 95 120 29 52 24 40 125 25 236 120 100 86 38 35 1429 25 150 20 17 ,30 190 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PRIVATE HOSPIT ALS--Continued Name of Hospital 6. Dagupan 7. Dr. Cruz' nity and Hospital Hospital MaterWomen's 8. Harrison Hospital and Maternity ... 9. Hospital de Calauan 10. Hospital Espanol de Santiago ..... 11. Hospital San DiPg-o 12. Hospital Sta. Teresita .......... . 13. Japanese General Hospital ....... . 14. Lerma Hospital .. 15. Manila Height Hospital ....... . 16. Pasig Hospital 17. Mercy Hospital 18. San Ramon Maternity and Children's Location Dagupan, Pangasinan Tvndo, Ma1iila .... Pasay, Rizal . . . . . . . . Calauan, Laguna ..... Makati, Rizal ....... . Tacloban, Leyt::; Legaspi, Albay ..... . Sampaloc, Manila .... San Fernando, La Union San Juan, Rizal ..... . Pasig, Rizal ...... . Pasay, Rizal ....... . Hospital . . . . . . . . S. Roque, Cavite ..... 19. St. Raphael's Hospital .......... . 20. St. Joseph's Hospital ............ . 21. St. Theresita's Hos· pita! .......... . 22. Santol Tuberculosis Sanatorium ... 23. The Sacred Heart Hospital .......• 24. Virgin Hospital Milagrosa 1. Binalbagan HospiLucena, T:iyabas ..... Quiapo, Manila ...... . Sampaloc, Manila Caloocan, Rizal Paco, Manila ........ . Naga, Cam. Sur ..... (Industrial Hospitals) tal . . . . . . . . . . . . . Binalbagan, Occ. Neg. 2. Calamba Sugar Es• tate Hospital . . . . . Canlubang, Laguna .. Clasi; tJed Ca pa city General 8 Maternity and Women 30 General " Maternity and 15 12 15 20 17 100 10 20 Children 11 General ,, " Tb. Maternity and Children General General ,, :23 75 65 225 16 20 !)88 4 24 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 PRIVATE HOSPITALS-Continued Name of Hospital 3. Del Ca1·men Hospital ......••••••• 4. Ilco fiofpital .... 5. Japanese (Minta!) Hospital ....... . 6. Kolambugan Ho~pital ............ . 7. Pathfinder HospiL 1 8. Plantation Hospital 9. Hospital de la Central Azucarera de Del Carmen, Pampanga .t' ~brica, Llcc. Negros .. Davao, Dav:::.o ....... . Kolamb~ gan, Lanao .. . San Jos~, Mindoro ... . Kabasalan, Zamb:ianga Tarlac . . . . . . . . . S. i\liguel, Tarlac ..... Class General " " " " " 191 Bed C.tpacity 37 50 100 12 10 50 26 313 OUR FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC RELATIONS By VIDAL A. TAN Of the University of the Philippines Secretary, Division of Government, Foreign and Educational Relations, and Chairman, Section of Foreign Relatwns I. GENERAL REMARKS Our foreign relations, in so far as the advancement of 8cience in the Philippines is concerned, have been rath{'r limited. In fact most of our contacts have been made only recently, during the last thirty years. The paucity of our connections with the outside world of science is traceable to two primary causes. The first is our relative immaturity iti scientific endeavors; and the second is our financial condition as a people which makes of our geographical isolation a serious handicap .. However, in spite of these obstacles, the progress of science in this country has not been altogether 'unheard of in other countries. Neither .have we been entirely isolated from nor unaware of the inspiring progress which science has made elsewhere for the enrichment of civilization and the enhancement of the happiness and comfort of mankind. It is true that we cannot boast of lavishly equipped scientific expeditions to the North Pole or to the jungles of Africa. It is true that we have net sent Filipino scientists to foreign centers of learning, there to pursue leisurely pure research work, ig110ring time and expense. But within our modest means we have tried our best not only not to lag behind, but also to forge ahead. II. SCIENTIFIC CONGRESSES Our government has been until lately quite liberal in allowing our scientists to attend various scientific conventions, thus preserving those personal contacts which are so vitalizing. In 1908, the Philippine Government sent two delegates to the Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis held in Washington, D. C., from September 28 to October 5. At this meeting Dr. Victor G. Heiser presented a paper entitled, "The Tuberculosis Problem in the Philippine Islands and the Elimination of 192 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 193 Intestinal Parasites as the First Solution"; and Dr. Fernando Calderon, his "Notes on Tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands." In the same year the Philippines went one step further by founding the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. The first meeting of the association was held in Manila, on March 5, 1910. Representatives oame from the Federated Malay States, the Netherlands East Indies, Japan, Hongkong, Ceylon, India, Java, and the Strait Settlements. The Second Biennial Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine was held in Hongkong, from January 20 to 27, 1912. At this meeting we were repre8€nted by Dr. Victor G. Heiser, Dr. Paul C. Freer and Dr. R. P. Strong. In 1931, the International Conference on Leprosy was held i11 Manila, from January 9 to 23, under the auspices of the Leonard Wood Memorial. The conference was attended by representatives from the League of Nations, the British Empire, the Governments of India, Formosa, Federated Malay States, Dutch Guiana, Japan, Hawaii, French Indo-China, Philippine Islands, and such other entities as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research in Sh~mghai and others. The other scientific congresses in which we have participated are listed below in their chronological order. As shown by the Proceedings of these congresses, a number of papers have been contributed by representatives from the Philippine Islands. 1912--Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry Washington, D. C., September 4 to 13. Philippine delegate:-DR. PAUL c. FREER. 1913-Third Biennial Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Saigon, French lndo-China, November 8 to 15. Philippine delegates :-DRS. VICTOR G. HEISER, E. L. WALKER, M. A. BARBER and C. S. BUTLER (U. S. Navy). 1914-Third International Congress on Tropical Agriculture. Imperial Institute, London, S. W., June 23 to 30. Philippine delegate:-MR. 0. W. BARRETT of the Bureau of Agriculture. 1920-a. General Engineering Congress. Batavia, Java, May 8 to 15. Philippine delegates:-Messrs. J. PAEZ, EMILIO QUISUMBING, LUIS FRANCISCO, 0. H. BEYER, Ex-auditor DEXTER, A. ToLEOO, Director T. GUINGONA, and TEODORO KALAW. 194 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL b. First Pan Pacific Scientific Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2 to 20. Official delegates for the Philippines:-DRs. W. J. FISCHER, LEJON MA .• GUERRERO, ELMER D. MERRILL, and FATHER MIGUEL SADERA MASO. 1921-Fourth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Weltevreden, Batavia (Dutch East Indies) August 6 to 13. Official delegate for the Philippines:- -DR. T. H. p ARDO DE TAVERA. DRS. s. v. DEL ROSARIO and L. LoPEZ RIZAL were the representatives of the Philippine Bureau of Health. 1923--a. Pan-Pacific Science Congress. Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, August 22 to September 3. Official Representatives for the Philippines :-MR. VICTORIANO ELICANO, DR. CRISTOBAL MA... ALANG, REV. MIGUEL SELGA, and DR. STAN'OON YOUNGBERG. b. Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Malaya, Singapore, September 3 to 17. Official delegates f<»" the Philippines:-Hon. E. A. GILMORE, Prof. F. Go. HAUGHWOT, DR. w. H. WADE, DR. L. LOPEZ RIZAL and DR. P. D. GUTIERREZ. 1925-Sixth Biennial Congress of t'he Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Tokyo, Japan, October 12 to 17. Official delegates for the Philippines-DRS. L. LoPEZ RIZAL, CRISTOBAL MANALANG, OTTO SCHOBL, and DR. AGERICO R. !\:I. SISON. 1926-a. Se'venth International Dental Congress. Philadelphia, U. S. A., in August. Delegate for the Philippines :-DR. ELADI-0 R. ALDECOA. b. Jnt;ernational Health Conference. Melbourne, Australia, in November. Delegate for the Philippines:-DR. EUSEBIO D. AGUILAR. c. International Botanical Congress. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Delegates for the Philippines:-Messrs. JuAN RODRIGUE'L, Jul.IAN AGATI, .ALExANDER GORDON, FELIPE T. ADRIANO, and DR. WILLIAM H. BROWN. d. Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress. Tokyo, Japan, October 30 to November 11. Official delegates for the Philippines :-DRS. ANTONIO ALVIR, WILLIAM H. BROWN, MR. VICTORIANO ELICANO, DRS. JosE M. FELICIANO, BIENVENIOO M. G<lNZALEZ, ALBERT W. HERRE, HILARIO LARA; REVS. ROQUE R. RoANO, and MIGUEL SELGA. DR. ALVIR was the representative of the Philippine Scientific Society. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 195 e. First National Congress on Tuberculosis. Manila, P. I. December 13 to 18. Delegates for. foreign countries :-DR. VICTOR c. v AU GHAN, delegate for the United States. Col. .E. H. BURNS, delegate for the National Tuberculosis· Association of the United States. Major General H. M. NEEB, delegate for the Dutch East Indies, and Col. PHYA DAMRONG, representative for the Siam Red Cross Society. 1927-Seventh Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine. Calcutta, British India, December 5 to 2.1. Official delegates for the Philippines :-DRS. JOSE FARELLA and 0T'J10 SCHOBL, and MAJOR A. PARKER HITCHENS; and the other members of the delegation were:--DRs. WALFRIDO DE LEON, GABRIEL INTENGAN, and CRISTOBAL MANAI,ANG. 1928-First Pan-Pacific Women's Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 9 to 19. Official delegates for the Philippines :-DRA. p AZ MENDOZAGUAZON and Mrs. SoFIA R. DE VEYRA. 1929-a. Third Triennial Conference of the lnternati-Onal Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Souerabaya, Java, June 7 to 19. Official delegates for the Philippines :-DRS. LIDPOLDO B. UICHANOO and MANUEL L. ROXAS. Private delegates for suga,r central Southern Luzon:-Messrs. F. GANA, J. HEMEDES, and JUAN 0. CHJOOO. b. Fourth Pacific Scie.nce Congress. Batavia and Bandoeng, Java, May 16 to 25. Official delegates for the Philippines :-DRS. WILLIAM H. BROWN, Ll'JOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO, ROBERT L. PENDLETON, REV. WILLIAM REPE'ITI, DR. L:OOPOLDO B. UICHANOO, Prof. ARTHUR F. FISCHER, and Messrs. JOSE s. CAMUS and PLACIDO DACANAY. c. JVorld's Engineering Congress. Tokyo, Japan. Delegates for the Philippines: Messrs. JOSE BAGTAS, ANTONIO TOLEDO, NICANOR OoRTEZ, T. MACABULOS, and TEOFILO REYES. d. In the same year, the Philippine Government was invited to send delegates to the Pan Pacific Surgical Con! erence held in Hon,olulu, Hawaii. 1930-Second Pan-Pacific Women's Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, August 9 to 23. Official delegate for the Philippines:-MRs. PETRA V. LIOOT. 1931-Internationril Conference on Leprosy. Ma:nila, P. I., January 9 to 23. Delegates for foreign countries :-DR. ET. BURNET for the League of Nations, DR. R. G. CocHRANE for British Empire, 196 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MAJ.-GENERAL J. D. GRAHAM for India, DR. G. GUSHUE-TAYLOR for Formosa, DR. V. G. HEISER for Rockefeller Foundation, DR. LEE S. HUIZENGA for Mission Hospital, Jukao, Ku, China, DR: A. N. KINGSBURY for Federated Malay States, CAPT. P. H. J. LAMPE for Dutch Guiana, DR. J. LOWE for India, DR. J. L. MAxwF..LL for Henry Lester Institute of Medical Research, Shanghai, DR. E. Mura for Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine, DR. E. E. NEFF for Mogokai Central Leper Hospital, Fiji, PROF. DR. B. NOCHT for the League of Nations, DR. M. OTA for Japan, DR. J. C. TULL for Singapore, DR. N. E. WAYSON for Hawaii, DRS. LE'ROY-DESBARRES and H. JOYEOUX for French Indo-China. 1932-Fifth Pacific Congress. Victoria, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 23 to June 4. Attending delegate from the Phi!ippines:-Rev. W. REPPETTI, S. J. The official delegates, Messrs. L. FAUSTINO and Father MIGUEL SELGA were unable to attend. 1934-The Ninth Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine Nanking, China, October 3 to 8. Philippine delegate :-DR. ANTONIO G. SIOON; DR. SISON was elected vice-president of the association for the Philippine Islands. III. MEMBERSHIP IN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATIONS Our connections with scientific organizations abroad have been established mainly through individual membership in such organizations of Filipino scientists now scattered in the different branches of the government, in some of the institutions of higher learning and in a few commercial houses. As exceptions to the above statement, however, the membership of the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, in the American Association of Medical Colleges, and that of the School of Pharmacy of the same university in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy should be mentioned. The following list gives most of the scientific societies wherein our scientists are holding membership. The Institute of Agriculture of Rome The American Society of Agricultural Er1J1ineers The American Society of Agronomy The American Association of Anatomists The Saciety Jf Aut-Onwtive Engineers The Society 10! American Bacteriologists Tke Botanical Society of America ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 The Indian Bobanical Society The American Breeder Associ,ation The American Chemical Society The Society of Chemical Industry of London Deutsche Chemische Gesellshaft The Boston Society of Cfoil Engineers The Conchological Society of Great Britain and frelan,d The Crop Protection Institute The American Society of Electrical Engineers The Entomological Society of America The American Society of Foresters The National Geographic Society The American Public Health Association The American Horticulturists Society The Connecticut Horticultural Society The American Society of /chthylogists and Herpeologists Deutsche Keramische Gesellshaf t International Association of Leprosy The American Mathematical Society The Mathematical Association of America The American Society of Mechanical Engineers The American Malacological Un.ion The American Medical Associ,ation The Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers The American Museum of Natural History Deutsche Gesellshaft fuer Naturforschcr und Arzte The Paleontological Society of America The American Society of Parasitologists The American Phyto-Pathological Society The American Pharmaceutical Association Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellshaft The American Physical Education Association The Onental Physical Education Association The American Poultry Association The World's Poultry Association The International Faculty of Sciences (London) The American A.~sociation for the Advamcement of Science The Pan-Pacific Science Club The Wisconsin Academy of Science The Sigma Xi The International Society of Soil Science The American Soil Survey Association The American Society of Tropical ilfedicin.e The German Associ,ation of T·ropical Medicine The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene The Far Eadtern Association of Tropical Medicine The American, Veterinary Medical Associ,ation The American Society of Zoologists 197 198 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL IV. EXCHANGE PROFESSORS AND OTHER CONTRACTED SCIENTISTS From time to time we have been fortunate in securing the services, though only for short periods, of eminent scientists from Europe and America. Most of them were engaged to give lectures in the University of the Philippines, some come as messengers of good will from friendly nations and one has just arrived as an exchange professor from the University of Michigan to give some lectures in botany in our state institution. Through these means, this center of learning has been able to have the following professors:In 1922, DR. WILLIAM s. CARTER, formerly Dean of Texa,s Medical School and until lately Associate Director in the Division of Medical Sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation. He came to the University of the Philippines at the expense of the Rockefeller Foundation to head the Department of Physiology of the College of Medcine. In 1927, DR. EARL BALDWIN McKINLEY, State Director, International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation, and formerly Direotor, School of Tropical Medicine at Porto Rico, served as a professor and lecturer on sanitary bacteriology in the School of Hygiene and Public Health. In the same year, Engineer J. J. MIELDAZES, special member of the field staff of the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation, lectured regularly on samitary engineering at the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines. He was relieved by Dr. MORIARTY of the same field staff of the International Division. In 1929, Professor R. GoLDSCHMIDT, Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Biology. He lectured on sex-determination in the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Agriculture, University of the Philippines. In 1932, Professor RICHARD WOETERECK, Research Professor of Zoology in the University of Leipzig and Director of Biological Laboratory of Seeon, Bavaria. He lectured in the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines. In 1934, Professor B. NOCHT, Emeritus Director of the Hamburg Institute of Tropical Medicine and formerly vice-president of the Health Section of the League of Nations. He came here to lecture in the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines. In 1934, DR. FRANCISCO L. URENA, Medico por Oposici6n de la Beneficencia Mun.icipal de Madrid lectured in the College of Medicine, Universi.ty of the Philippines. In 1935, Professor JULIO PALACIOS was sent by the Spanish Government on a good will tour to this country. He lectured in January in the University of the Philippines and in the University of Santo Tomas on modern scientific topics. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 199 In 1935, Professor H. H. BARTLETT, arrived in January as an exchange professor from the Univer.;;ity of Michigan to lecture on botany in the University of the Philippines. From 1929 to 1930 the School of Hygiene and Public Health of the University of the Philippines has been favored by the Rockefeller Foundation by sending to the Philippines ~s visiting professors to head each of the departments of parasitology and of sanitary bacteriology and immunology, respectively, such distinguished sci.entists as Dr. Robert W. Hegner, Professor and Head of the Department of Parasitology of the School of Hygiene and Public Health of Johns Hopkins University, who was succeeded by Dr. Justin M. Andrews, Associate Professor of Parasitology in the School of Hygiene and Public Health of the same university, and Dr. William B. Wherry, Professor and Head of the Department of Bacteriology and Hygiene in the University of Cincinnati who was succeeded by Dr. Wade W. Oliver, Professor of Bacteriology and Head of the Department of Bacteriology of the Long Island College Hospital. The expenses for salaries and travel of these visiting professors and their families were defrayed by the Rockefeller Foundation, in addition to 'P20,000 donated to the University of the Philippines for supplies and equipments of the School of Hygiene and Public Health. Later the Foundation donated $150,000.00 (P302,471.31 including exchange) for the construction of the new building of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, completing the symmetry of the buildings that composed the medical science group of the State University. We have also had the services as professorial lecturers of the following distinguished men of science, among others : DR. VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council of America, a,nd formerly Dean of the Medical School of the University of MicJtigan. Dr. PAUL F. RUSSEL, Member, International Health Division, Rockefeller Foundation. Dr. C. H. YEAGER, Member, International Health Division, Rockefeller Foundatum. This source of contact with the scientific world is not only instructive, but also inspiring. It creates lasting friendhips 200 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL between individuals and nations and serves as an added impetus to our scientific endeavors. V. FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIPS Through the courtesy and generosity of the Rockefeller Foundation, the University of Michigan, the National Research Council" of America, the International Education Board, and the Guggeinheim Foundation, many Filipino scientists and scholars have enjoyed the privilege of study abroad. In the list of our benefactors, the Rockefeller Foundation stands at the top in the number of beneficiaries. Through this foundation, Filipino doctors of medicine were able to take advanced work in medicine, especially along the lines of hygiene and sanitation. The same institution donated a two-hundred-thousand-peso building to house the School of Hygiene and Public Health of the University of the Philippines. The University of Michigan through its Barbour Scholarship has been giving liberal pensions to Filipino women. The recipients of this kind of scholarship are obliged to do their work in the University of Michigan. The Guggenheim Fellowship has so far been enjoyed by only one Filipino. Dr. Hilario A. Roxas, formerly 9f the Department of Zoology, University of the Philippines, now of the Bureau of Science enjoyed its privileges for a year. He studied in the Zoologisches Museum der Universitat in Berlin in 1932. In 1926, Dr. Eduardo Quisumbing, formerly of the University of the Philippines and now of the Bureau of Science, earned the distinction of being awarded a two-year fellowship by the National Research Council of America. Dr. Quisumbing is a botanist. Under this fellowship he pursued advanced work and research in the University of California. In the same year, Dr. N emesio B. Mendiola of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, received a fellowship in Agriculture from the International Education Board (with offices in New York City) which enabled him to go to Java. Recipients of Fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation 1. JOSE I. ABUEL . . . . . . . . . . . . Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925-26 2. NARCISO CORDERO . . • . . . . . . . Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925-27 3. FIDEL CUA.JUNOO . . . . . . . . . . Anatomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1925-27 4. CARL-OS MioNSERRAT . . . . . . . . Pathology and Bacteriology 1928-29 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 5. MARCIANO LIM SON ....... . Anatomy ............... . 6. p ABLO I. DE JESUS ....... . Sanitary Engineering ... . 7. W ALFRIDO DE LEON ....... . Pathology & Bacteriology . 8. EMILIO BULATAO ......... . Physiology ............. . 9. CANDIDO M. AFRICA Parasitology ............ . Barbour Scholars 1. MARIA LANZAR . . . . . . . . . . . Political Scienc.e ......... . 2. MARIA PASTRANA . . . . . . . . . . Botany ................. . ·3. ROSA JAVIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . English ................. . 4. PAULINA VERZOSA . . . . . . . . . . Botany ................. . 5. MARIA KALA w . . . . . . . . . . . . English ................ . 6. PURA SANTILLAN . . . . . . . . . . French ................. . 7. ADELAIDA BENDANA . . . . . . . . Chemistry .............. . 8. RoSARIQ REYES . . . . . . . . . . . Medicine ................ . VI. FOREIGN VISITATION 201 1928-30 1928-30 1922-24 1923-24 ll:l<SU-i:ll 1923-28 1927-32 1926-28 1929(6 mo.) 1932-33 1929 to date 1930 to date 1933 to date The first two Barbour scholars in the above list took their doctor's degree (Ph.D.) in the University of Michigan under this scholarship. Dr. Encarnacion Alzona received in 1933 a Barbour fellowship, which, although given by the same foundation, is different from the Barbour scholarship. Under this heading the writer wishes to include those scientists who came here to conduct certain inves.tigations for their gov@rnments. While it is true that to them the Philippines served only as a laboratory, nevertheless their presence in this country furnished a means of contact with other countries that indirectly might have helped us in our scientific development. The first of these dates as far back as 1797 when the well equipped Malaspina Expedition from Spain visited our shores for the purpose of collecting and making studies in navigation, meteorology and hydrography. This expedition is dealt with in greater detail in an article appearing in this report of Director Eulogio B. Rodriguez. In the same paper of the director appear six geologists who came here prior to the American regime. During the American administration, the Bureau of Science has extended the use of each laboratories and the results of its investigations to Japanese scientists. Under this arrangement the following Japanese army and navy officers have enjoyed the facilities of the Bureau of Science. 1. MAJ. T. FUJURO, l.J.A. 2. CAPT. KANICHIRA MORISHIMA, PH.D., 1924-25 Tropical diseases M.D., Med. Corps, 1.J.A. 3. LT. SURGEON Kono YASUYAMA, l.J.N. 1925-26 " " 202 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 4. LT. CoL. BUNSHIRO TANABE, Medical Corps, I.J.A. 1927-28 Tropical diseases 5. LT. SURGEON ISAO MIYAO, l.J.N. 1928-30 Serology & immunity 6. LT. COL. HAYAHI HIRANO, 1.J.A. 1930-32 Tropical diseases 7. LT. SURGEON SHIZUKA ARIMA, l.J.N. . 1932-34 " 8. MAJ. KOHEi SUGINO, Military Surgeon, l.J.A. 1934 to date " In 1929, upon the occasion of a solar eclipse, three scientific expeditions visited this country to make certain solar observations and to check up on Einstein's Theory of Relativity. These parties chose ·different places in the Philippines to make their observ?-tions. From information obtained from Dean Edward Hyde, it seems that the German party was not as fortunate as the English, because the sky at the place chosen by the former happened to be covered ·bY clouds at the time of the eclipse. The following list gives the pertinent facts about these expeditions. SOLAR ECLIPSE EXPEDITIONS MAY 9. 1929 The English Party (British Royal Astronomica.l Society) Members: DRS. L. R. \VATERFIELD, and LLOYD. They were accompanied by PROF. C. ORTIGAS, College of Engineering, University of the Philippines. Place of Observation: La Paz, Iloilo (on the grounds of the Iloilo Normal School) The German Party (Hamburg Observatory) Members: DR. BAADE and HERR SCHMIDT. They were accompanied by DEAN E. HYDE and PROF. MELCHOR of the College of Engineering, Uufrersity of the Philippines, and some men from the Philippine Weather Bureau were also with this party. Place of Observation: Sogod, Cebu. T1w Philippine Weather Bureau Party Members: FATHER MIGUEL SELGA and FATHER CHARLES DEPPERMANN, with some assistants. Place of Observation: On the grounds of Colegio de San Agustin, lloilo. The U. S. Naval Observat-Ory Party Place of Observation: Lapus-lapus, lloilo. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 203 In July, 1933, a Chinese delegation headed by Dr. Rui Feng, director of Forestry and Agriculture for Kwantung, came to study our methods of "management of agricultural and forest resources." 1 The party is composed of Colonel Lui Tingeng, General in Leungyung, Shul Swei-shing and W. K. Smith (technical adviser). The courtesy shown the various visiting scientists from other lands reveals the broad-minded policy of our government towards science in general. It is with pleasure and pride that we point to this liberal attitude, because science will advance faster and will contribute greater benefits to humanity if its silent workers can cooperate together and place their goal beyond mere geographical frontiers. REFERENCES A Report of the Fifth Congress of the Far Eastern. Association of Tropfoal Medicine, Malaya, Singapore, 1923. BLAIR, E. H., and J. A. RoBERTSON, editors and translators. 1903-1909. The Philippine Islands 1493-1898. Cleveland, Ohio: The Arthur H. Clark Company. 55 Vol. Far Eastern Association of Tr<>pical MedU;ine, Transactions of the Fourth Congress, 1921, Volumes I and II. First Pan-Pacific Conference, Proceedings, 1920, Parts I, II, and III. Fourth Pacific Science Congress, 1929, Volume I. Journµl of the Philippine Islands Mediccil A.ssociation, 1926, Volume VI. Pan-Pacific Union Bidletin, September 1928, No. 104; and the Mid-Pacific Magazine, 1928, Volume XXXVI. Pan-Pacific Union Bulletin, September, 1930, No. 127; and Mid-Pacific Magazine, 1930 Volume XL. Philippine Journal of Science, 1909, Volume IV. Philippine Journµl of Science, 1910, Volume V, B, and the Far Eastern Association of Tropi,cal Medicine, Program, 1910. Proceedings of the First Na-tional Congress on Tuberculosis. Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific Sm-ence Congress, Australia, 1923, Volumes I and II. Proceedings of the Third Pan-Pcu4ic Science Congress, Tokyo, 1926, Volume II; and the Souvenir of the Third Pan-Pacific Congress, ~kyo, Japan, 1926. Report of the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, Volumes XXVII, XXVIII and XXIX. Sugar News, Volume X. The Philippine Agriculturist, 1926, Volume XV. Third B-iennial Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tr<>pical Medicine, Saigon, 1913. 'The Manila Daily Bulletin, July 18, 1933. 204 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Tkirrd International Congress of Agriculture, Proceedings, 1914. Transacti011s of tke Second Bietnnial Congress, Hongkong, 1912 and the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Program, 1912, Second Biennial Congress. Transactions of 1Jke Seventh, Congress of tke Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, 1927, Volumes I and III; and the Report of the Seventh, Congress of the Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, 1927. Year Book of tke Philippime Islands, 1928-29. THE PHILIPPINES IN THE WORLD OF SCIENCE By LEOPOLDO B. UICHANCO Of the University of the Philip']>i,nes Chairman, Sectwn of Entom.ology A long period-over two hundred years---was to elapse from the implantation of Spanish sovereignty in the Archipelago by Legaspi in 1565 before the colonizers could direct their attention to activities leading to the economic and social development of the country; On August 27, 1780, Charles III of Spain, who was described by Peers (1929) as "far-seeing, patriotic, enlightened, the best ruler Spain had had for generations," issued a royal decree ordering the governor of the Philippines to convene all the learned and competent persons in the colony "in order to form an association of selected persons capable of producing useful ideas." (MONTERO y VIDAL, 1887). Curiously enough, this decree was substantially identical in some respects with Act No. 4120, which the Philippine Legislature was to promulgate one hundred and fifty-three years later. However, before the royal decree reached Governor Jose Basco y Vargas in Manila, he had, on his own initiative, unwittingly anticipated it by founding the Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais, which was organized on February 7, 1781, and formally inaugurated on May 6, 1781. Although the society declined rapidly after the departure of its energetic founder in 1787, it was able to accomplish a large number of its avowed obj-ects. "According to its first regulations, it contained the following sections: natural history, agriculture and rural economy, factories and manufactures, internal and foreign commerce, industries, and popular education. Stimulated by Basco, the society undertook with great ardor to promote the cultivation of indigo, cotton, cinnamon, and pepper, and the silk h:dustry * * * The society also recommended that efforts be made to attain perfection in weaving and dyeing * * * In 1821 it fou';ided, at its own cost, a professorship of agriculture and an academy of design, and established special instruction in dyeing. In 1824 it resolved to bestow rewards on the most successful farmers; and it introduced from China martins to fight the locusts that are desolating the fields." (BLAIR and RoBERTSON, vol. 50, p. 51-52). 205 206 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL We also learn (BLAIR and ROBERTSON, vol. 50, p. 61) that in July, 1789, an expedition, under the command of Captain Alejandro Malaspina, was sent out from Spain by the government. The purpose was to make scientific observations and draw plans and maps of the coasts of Spanish America and the Marianas and Philippine Islands, with new sailing routes. These two events stand out boldly in perspective as indicating early attempts at organized research in the Philippines during the Spanish regime, especially in view of adverse reports of contemporary visiting foreigners, like the French astronomer Le Gentil ( 1781), who deprecated the suspicious and even antagonistic attitude toward scientific workers at that time. Le Gentil's experience, however, is easily explained when one considers that as late as 1822 an Englishman writing anonymously in Calcutta (1828) observed that "with jealousy of foreigners exceeding even the bounds of credibility, she [the Philippines] invariably refused them admittance, whether for scientific or commercial purposes, or when from accident or influence this was obtained, the people following, and often exceeding the lessons of their rulers, by civil and religious persecutions, and contempt, contrived to make their existence almost a burden." A fair retrospective appraisal of accomplishments during the three and a half centuries of the Spanish regime, although difficult to make, can be taken up more equitably if the me::isure used is the relatively crude standard obtaining for that period, and not the more exacting precision balance of a modern, scientific age. Moreover, due allowance must be made for the conditions of those times as they affected creative activity. An atmosphere could hardly be conducive to higher intellectual pursuits where the administrative energies of the government were ·spent in subduing bandits, suppressing popular discontent, executing rebels, chasing Chinese and Moro pirates, massacring the Chinese in their Manila settlements, resisting · invasion by rival colonizers, the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the English, and in frequent disputes between the church and the state, between which stewardship of the country was shared in those days. "How is it strange then," queries Rizal (La indolencia de los Filipinos), "that discouragement may have been infused into the ;spirit of the inhabitants of the Philippines, when in the midst of so many calamities they did not know whether they would see sprout the seed they were planting, whether their ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 207 field was going to be their grave or their crop would go to feed their executioner." Added to this unfortunate combination of unto,vard circumstances was the all too common tendency among colonizers to regard their trust as a chance to nmass private wealth, through exploitation of the natives.. Partly owing to this cause, ,even the Philippine government for a long time was not self-supporting, so that it had to be helped along with an annual subsidy from the Mexican treasury (situado de Nueva Espm1a). We who have now been schooled under a different idea of government are apt to regard these shortcomings with impatient disapproval, without considering that the records of early colonization by other powers are marred with even uglier stains. Indeed, on the whole, the Philippines ha8 much to be thankfui for; as the price of an early conversion to Western civilization, she paid considerably less in suffering than mosl Spanish-American colonies. "It was fortunate for the Filipinos that their islands possessed no wealth in the shape of precious metals or valuable spices. [The secret of the Benguet gold fields was then jealously guarded by hostile Igorotes.] In the earlier days of maritime traffic there was little possibility of exporting the numerous agricultural productions of the colony * * * The extortions of conscienceless officials were by no means conspicuous by their absence. Cruelties, however, such as were practiced in the American mining districts, or in the manufactories of Quito, never occurred in the Philippines." (JAGOR, 18591861). - Le Gentil's observations just cited were writtt>n in connection with his trip to the Philippines, under commission by the· French government, to study the transit of the planet Venus. Both the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries were marked by a number of scientific expeditions, largely for botanical and zoological collecting, by European and, later, also by American explorers, the results of whose work materially augmented scientific knowledge about the Philippines and whose accounts of their travels constitute valuable records of conditions of the country in those times. These few explorers, in fact, served as practically the only points of contact of the Philippines with the rest of the civilized world, outside of Spain and Mexico, for these external influences were very carefully excluded. This long period of isolation was most effective in retarding cultural and material development. The work Flora de Filipinas, by 2G8 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Father Manuel Blanco, the first edition of which appeared in 1837, and its large four-volume revision by Fathers Andres Naves and Celestino Fernandez-Villar, which include the papers of Father Ignacio Mercado and Antonio Llanos (1877-1883) was a tangible evidence of the sterilizing influence of this policy. Merrill (1926 and earlier papers) pointed to the hopeless confusion resulting from Blanco's erection of numerous new species from old-established forms, assignment to the Philippines of nonPhilippine species, and other errors that could have been avoided or greatly minimized if the author had established connection with contemporary European botanists and herbaria. "In spite of all the work done in preparing the three editions of the 'Flora de Filipinas,'" adds Merrill (1903), "the result has been to retard, rather than advance, the time when we can hope to see published a complete, or nearly complete, flora of the Islands." "Il est de regretter," vehemently complains De Candolle," que ses reverends ecclesiastiques * * * ne se soient contentes d'ecrire des homelies." Fortunately, occasion for similar criticisms seems to have disappeared markedly in the closing years of Spanish rule, as evidenced by the imposing three volumes of Father Casto de Elera's "Catalogo sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas conocida hasta el presente" (18951896), which, despite inaccuracies that should be expected in a pioneering work of this kind, bore the stamp of greater authoritativeness, thanks to the help received by the author from the British Museum, as well as from individual French, German, I~alian, American, Spanish, and other zoologists. "It is impossible," writes Tavera (1905), "not to recognize the humanitarian impulses, truly Christian and equitable, which guid'ed the kings and the Spanish legislators in what they did for the Philippine Islands. It is also certain that the Spanish colonial legislation, influenced as it was by the opinions of persons so conservative and suspicious of all that was not Spanish and Catholic in its nature, shut the Philippine Islands from all cimtact with other civilization * * * But this result was not due to a system of politics created especially to suit a colony, but was more in the nature of a reproduction in the Philippine Islands of the same political system under which Spain was governed and known to other nations of Europe." This policy of self-sufficiency apparently was reflected even in reticence to take advantage of the benefits from scientific discoveries and ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 209 inventions originating from extra-Spanish sources. The first telegraph lines were not established in the Philippines (Luzon) until 1873, thirty-eight years after the American Samuel F. B. Morse gave the world his epoch-making invention. Spain was connected with the Philippines by cable in 1880, fourteen years after Cyrus W. Field established permanent telegraphic communication between Europe and America. Telephone lines were unknown in the Philippines prior to 1890, fully fifteen years after Alexander Graham Bell in Boston first startled the world by talking across the wire to his assistant in Cambridge. The steam locomotive was invented by the Englishman George Stephenson in 1825; not until 1891, sixty-six years later, was there any railroad service in the Philippines, when the ManilaDagupan line was opened to traffic, by an English company, which had spent five years begging the Spanish ~1uthorities to grant permission to commence work on the project and another eight years to get the right-of-way in shape. Thomas Alva Edison gave the world the first incandescent lamp in 1879; Manila was to remain content with its flickering wax candles, coconut oil torches and kerosene lamps for sixteen years longer, for an electric light system was not established there until 1895. The arrival at Manila in 1848 of the three Englishbuilt st€amships, "Magallanes," "Elcano," and "Reina de Castilla" was a historical event, because they were the first steamships ever to call at Manila, although steamships had been crtliSing the world's oceans for twenty-five years. But what perhaps was most characteristic of this tendency to live in blissful ignorance of the rest of the world was the fact that, although Elcano and the remainder of Magellan's surviving crew upon returning to Spain in 1522, after circumnavigating the globe for the first time, noted that the entry in the "Vittoria's" logbook was one day behind, nothing was done to adjust the Philippine calendar until after more than three cen1turies had elapsed. The anti-foreign sentiment came to a head whe'n cholera broke out for the first time in Manila in 1820. Insidious rumor was spread among the natives that the foreigners had poisoned the wells, the consequence being that an infuriated mob assassinated English and French residents of the city and after killing twenty-eight of them, attacked the Chinese. (Official handbook of the P. I., 1905). 210 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL It will, of course, be erroneous to dismiss the period covered by the Spanish rule as a colorless medley of negative virtues, where the people have, in the words of Jagor, "dreamed away their best days." To be sure, life at the time must have been rather dull. As J agor puts it, "the pompously celebrated religious festivals were the only events that sometimes chequered the wearisome monotony." However, these somewhat disheartening centuries were not entirely centuries of wasted opportunities. They have important redeeming features which were to have a profound influence on the history of the people. The introduction of a large number of cultivated plants, including tobacco, corn, cacao, coffee, sesamum, indigo, and many fruit trees, changed the aspect of Philippine agriculture in many parts of the country. "Nearly two hundred species [of the one thousand occurring in the vicinity of Manila] are manifestly of American origin and have been introduced into the Philippines since the Archipelago was discovered, and mostly between 1521 and 1815, the latter date being the year when the galleon service between Acapulco, Mexico, and Manila was discontinued." (MERRILL, 1926). Plant introduction, of course, had been going on even before the arrival of the Spaniards to such an extent that, as a result, "practically every species now cultivated in the Philippines for food or for commercial purposes, except abaca, Musa textilis Nee, has been introduced." (MERRILL, 1926). Unfortunately, like other good things, with these desirable plant immigrants there were unavoidably brought in acC'.ompanying evils in the form of weeds. "Many of the dominant weeds which are found in the Philippines practically wherever the soil is more or less disturbed by man, are plant5 of American origin." As to domestic animals, the Spaniards are credited with the introduction into this country of the horse, which, according to Morga (1609), was not present in the Archipelago before their tim~, and also the ox and the sheep. Public buildings, churches, conventos, highways, irrigation systems, many of them marvels of engineering skill, considering the limited facilities of the time, were built, usually under the direction of friars who were skilled engineers and architects.. The influence of these structural efforts soon became widespread in the improvement of construction of dwelling houses among the inhabitants. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 211 Doubtless, from a scientific standpoint, the crowning achievement of the Spanish regime was the establishment of the Manila Observatory. Originally founded by Father Federico Faura in 1865 as an observatory for the Ateneo de Manila, its value to the country soon become apparent. By royal decree of April 28, .1884, the observatory was made official. On the transfer of sovereignty to the United States, the official recognition was extended and the observatory was made the center of the large network of stations of the government's Weather Bureau. The achievements of this observatory might well be a source of pride in any country. In the days when weather forecasting was unknown in the Far East, the Manila Observatory W!as the first to announce the approach of a typhoon, predicting even its duration and probable course, on July 7, 1879. At the request of ma:!"iners and merchants, this announcement service was extended to Hongkong by cable, for the first time in 1880. A curious incident occurred in 1898, in the opening days of American occupation, which throws some light on the early foreign recognition of the benefits from the work of the observatory. The director of the British Meteorological Service in Hongkong, purely on his own responsibility, made representations to Washington requesting suspension of the "scandalous alarm caused by the alarming predictions of typhoons" sent out by the Manila Observatory and published in Hongkong newspapers. Strangely enough, the American Secretary of Agriculture heeded the plea and had the Secretary of War stop the cabling 0;f weather reports to Hongkong. The action immediately caused a stir. The Hongkong Chamber of Commerce in Hongkong, as well as Manila, newspapers entered a vigorous protest with Washington, while the Governor of Hongkong denied that he had anything to do with the move of the director of the Hongkong Observatory. The result was a resumption of the se1·vice and a complete vindication of the Manila Observatory. (Report of the Philippine Commission, 1901). The old Spanish mining, forestry, agronomical, and allied services served, at least indirectly, as the foundation of similar government entities in the Philippines under the American flag. It must be remembered that as early as 1806, a bureau of vaccination was created with Governor Aguilar himself as the head. Likewise, although not originating from a formally organized service, bureau, office, or department, some of the earlier Spanish 212 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL executives formulated advanced ideas for the time about conservation of natural resources, as witness, for instance, Antonio de Morga (1598), who in his report to the king recommended, among other measures, that Chinese ships be prohibited from loading with Philippine lumber, "for they fell the trees for this, and in a short time there will be lack of w9od here"; that Cliinese and Japanese traders be not allowed to traffic in deerskins, "as the animals are killed solely for their skins, and thus the supply of game will be exhausted"; and that the sa1ambao and fine-meshed nets "ought not be employed, and the size of the mesh should be regulated so that the supply of fish will not be exhausted, for already experience has demonstrated that they are not so abundant as formerly." In addition to that of the regular officials of the civil government, the extent of contribution to knowledge that the friars have made in the Philippines is incalculable. "History," observes Tavera (1905), "makes the friars responsible for the errors committed by the Spanish government in these islands, but it would appear that without the aid of the religious orders it would have been impossible for Spain to have fulfilled, even to the extent she has, her promise of civilizing the Filipinos and of helping them along the lines marked out by the European nations." More than the material benefits that the Philippines received from Spain was the long and thorough preparation of the ground on which the seeds of more vigorous forms of Western civilization were to sprout and take root. The process was greatly enhanced by three significant events. ( 1) The port of Manila was opened to foreign commerce in 1830, so that, despite restrictions ,that continued to be in force, the larger numbers of foreign merchants that established themselves in the country brought the Philippines in closer intimacy with the outside world. Moreover, the increased prosperity that ensued, which was further stimulated by the opening <>f the ports of Iloilo, Zamboanga, and Sual, in 1855, and that of Cebu in 1863, largely released the people's minds to expand over a wider cultural horizon .. (2) Like the old Tagalog saying that the mushroom does not grow alone, a further blessing was to come in the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, which, together with the cable connection established in 1880, brought the Philippines closer to Europe. (3) The school reform of 1863 by whicli the state established a system of primary educaANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 213 tion in the Archipelago liberalized learning and raised the standard to the extent of enabling many Filipinos to pursue advanced studies in European universities. It was in fact at this stage that we begin to find native Filipinos taking a hand in scientific work, as, for instance, the pioneer Filipino chemist, Don Anacleto del Rosario, the botanist Dr. Leon l\Ia. Guerrero, early investigators on beriberi, Drs. Manuel Guerrero and Jose Montes, and the leprologist Dr. Eliodoro Mercado. The momentum which was already gaining power toward the closing decades of the nineteenth century was to acquire an unprecedented impulse at the turn of the twentieth. As if presaging the changed tempo of a new order of things, the cablegram of Dewey's famous victory in Manila Bay reached the American people the day before it happened. And this was not the only instance where the relatively insignificant Philippines was to foreordain events for the mighty United States. Taft was first chief executive of the Philippines before he sailed away to become chief executive of the United States. Former secretary of State Stimson stepped into his exalted American position from his seat at Malacafiang. Not only in peace, but also in war; General Pershing graduated to the German front from his exploits against the Moros of Mindanao. The convenient metric system had been in common, every-day use in the Philippines for some thirty years, not only in limited scientific circles, but also in commercial transactions, before its partial adoption in the United States to replace the cumbersome English weights and measures was seriously considered. In the field of science, to name only a few-Simon Flexner, Victor G. HeiRer, Elmer D. Merrill, Richard P. Strong, Gilbert Newton Lewis, Raymond F. Bacon, Edward B. Vedder, A. S. Pearse, E. B. Copeland, H. T. Edwards, Sam F. Trelease, Otto A. Reinking, and S. F. Light-the Philippines derives no little satisfaction in having discovered men of genuine merit, whom she later on returned to their own people to occupy the positions of trust and distinction they so richly deserve. Jagor (1859-186f), ably seconded by Rizal (Filipinas dentro de cien anos), with keen insight, foretold the growth of American influence over the South Seas and concluded that "the captivating magic power which the great republic exercises over the Spanish colonies will not fail to make itself felt also in the Philippines. The Americans are evidently destined to bring to a full development 214 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the germs originated by the Spaniards." What neither author was able to foresee was the unexpected development in the subsequent drift of events where the Philippines, likewise, exerted a no mean influence over the great republic. Historians may disagree about the real motives behind the American occupation of the Philippines. But in one point there can only be unanimity of opinion. Hardly had the guns that established the sovereignty of the United States over the Archipelago cooled than efforts were directed to\vard improving the general conditions of the country. Drawing on all available scientific resources, infant mortality, especially from beriberi and smallpox, which had for centuries constituted such a serious drain on the population, was reduced considerably. Epidemics and other serious diseases of man and his domestic animals were checKed after painstaking study. Agriculture developed to a phenomenal degree, not only because of the advantageous trade relations that ensued for the Philippines, but also because improved methods were found, with the aid of scientific experiments, whereby production was increased and costs of farm operation were reduced. Modern sugar mills, embodying the latest equipments and using the methods found to be best by a resident corps of sugar technologists, were erected wherever there were extensive sugar-cane plantations. The exploitation of forestry, mineral, and other natural resources was placed on a rational basis. It is worthy. of note that all these important developments had mainly for their basis results of research activities conducted locally in the different bureaus and laboratories of the civil government, in the medical and veterinary departments of the United States Army, in the field staff of the Rockefeller Foundation, and among the technical personnel of the more enterprising private concerns. Although science is admittedly univer-· sal in its scope, there is a large mass of peculiarly local problems the solution for some of which could never have been so successfully attained if we had d~pended solely on charitable handouts from extra-Philippine sources. Of patently paramount importance is the opportunity given to a considerable body of Filipino researchers to assume responsible roles in the service of their country. In addition to improvement in health conditions, increased prosperity, and other material benefits that have served to raise the standard of living, a result of no less ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 215 consequence from the greater extension of science-consciousness in Filipino life is the change in mental attitude. The mysteries of the unknown, instead of begetting superstitious fear, merely stand, until solved, as an intriguing challenge to human curiosity. Four vital agencies have served as a powerful incentive to this general enlightenment; namely, (1) a thoroughly organized public-school system which extends its activities from primary bstruction in the remotest barrios ito advanced collegiate training in the University of the Philippines; (2) an up-to-date, unmuzzled press in English, in Spanish, and in several Philippine languages, many of these publications aggressive types of modern journalism, and no longer "feeble newspaJ>ers, for the items of intelligence, forwarded fortnightly from Hongkong, were sifted by priestly censors, who left little but the chronicles of Spanish and French courts to feed the barren columns of the local sheets," that so depressed Jagor ait the time of his visit; ( 3) improved means of communication; and ( 4) a strong but benevolent government that assures individual liberty and guarantees protection to life a~d property. Because of the tangible bounties reaped as a product of research, the idea all too frequently gains ground that the sole justification of scientific work is the expectation of immediate returns. Wh!ile certain types of research activity may well be pursued from a utilitarian viewpoint, a policy of restriction to this one end will not only unnecessarily inhibit a wellbalanced scientific development, but also destroy the prospects of possibly important practical results along totally unexpected lines. In 1831, for i!l.stance, Michael Faraday, in England, was spending days on end thrusting a horseshoe magnet into a coil of wire and determining the direction of the electric current thus generated. He was interested in physics for its own sake, in delving into the secrets of electricity. Swift doubtless had men of this queer sort in mind when he took occasion, in his Gulliver's Travels, to turn his sharp wit on the patient scientist who wasted ten precious years of his life trying to extract sunshine out of a cucumber. Faraday could never have planned ahead to condueit an experiment that was to usher a new era in man's civilized life. The dynamo, which was to transform otherwise wasted water power into useful electrical energy and on which in the Philippines alone millions of pesos have been invested, the street car, the automobile even to the latest in 216 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL "knee-action" and "streamline," the trucks and autobuses which have now become an important factor in transportation in this country, the aeroplane, the telephone, the household refrigerator -all these familiar electrical conveniences that we have come to regard as part and parcel of existence were lineal descendants of Faraday's odd pastime. Heinrich Hertz had not the slightest suspicion that when he juggled with metal plates, steel balls, metal rods, and wire loops that led to the discovery of the Hertzian waves in 1888, he was paving the way for radio communication. Mme. Curie was not looking for radiu:m, to relieve cancer sufferers, when she detected it while she and her husband were working on pitchblende in 1896. It would seem that the efficient pneumothorax treatment of tuberculosis, the wonderful feats of surgery, a thorough understanding of the physiology of body tissues and organs in health and in disease, on which is founded modern medicine, including the present craze about vitamins, would have been impossible jf William Harvey, early in the seventeenth century, had not painstakingly watched the movement of the heart in frogs and dogs, leading to his discovery of the circulation of the. blood. The valuable seedling cane variety 2878 POJ not only saved Java sugar planters from financial ruin from the ravages of the sereh disease but has so increased production as. to make that country the premier sugar producer of the world. Although the creation of this variety is credited, and rightly so, to the Proefstation Oost-Java in Pasoeroean, it might not have come into being had not a modest naturalist, J. W. Parris, of Barbados, become interested in grass and incidentally found in 1859 that seedlings could be made to grow from sugar-cane seeds. In 1904 Father William A. Stanton, a Jesuit scientist in the Manila Observatory, found relaxation from tending his weather instruments in collecting insects in the Observatory garden. Among the wasps h~ caught wa<> Scolia manilae, which AshmeM described as a new species. The good father had no suspicion that in less than fifteen years the wasp he had -discovered was to play the hero in the Hawaiian sugar-cane fields, where it halted the frightful destruction 0f white grubs. These few examples can, indeed, be multjplied many times; but they doubtless suffice as a warning. Even in these days of restricted funds, attempts at engaging the attention of local scientific workers exclusively in lines where quick 1lividends are in sight may in the end be the less profitable course. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 217 LITERATURE CITED BLAIR, EMMA HELEN, and JAMES ALEXANDER RoBERTSON, editors. f9031909. The Philippine Islands 1493-1898. Clevelanti, Ohio: The Arthur H. Clark Company. 55 vol. ENGLISHMAN, AN. 1828. Remarks on the Philippine Islands, and on their capital, Manila. 1819 to 1822. Calcutta: Print.ed at the Baptist Mission Press. (BLAIR and ROBERTSON 51: 73-181). GENTIL DE LA GALAISIERE, GUILLAUME JOSEPH HYACINTHE) JEAN BAPTISTE le. 1779-1781. Voyage dans Jes mers de l'lnde, fait par ordre du roi, a !'occasion du passage de Venus, sur le disque du soleil, le 6 juin, 1761 & le 3 du meme mois 1769. Paris: De l'imprimerie royale. 2 vol. JAGOR FEODOR. 1859-1860. Travels in the Philippines (translat.ed title). The former Philippines through foreign eyes, edited by Austin Craig, 1917, from the 1875 English translation. 1-356. fl."ew York: D. Appleton and Company. MERRILL, E: D. 1903. Botanical work in t:he Philippines. Bureau of Agriculture Bull. 4 ~ 53 p., 1 pl. MERRILL, E. D. 1926. A discussion and bibliography of flowering plants. In Enumeration of Philippine flowering plants 4: 7-239. MONTERO y VIDAL, Jost. Historia general de Filipinas desde el descubrimiento hasta nuestros dias. Vol. 1, 1887, xvi + 606 p. Vol. 2, 1894, 626 p. Vol. 3, 1895, 653 p. Mlldrid: lmprenta y fundicilSn de Manuel Tello. (Translated extracts in BLAIR and RoBERTSON). MORGA, ANTONIO DE. 1598. Report of conditions in the Philippines (translated title). BLAIR and RoBERTSON,' 10: 75-102. MORGA, ANTONIO DE. 1609. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas dedicados a Don Cristoval Gomez de Sandoval y Rojas, Duque de Cea. 172 p. Mexico: En casa de Geronymo Balli. (Translation in BLAIR and RoBERTSON 16: 25-209). Offi~ial handbook of the Philippines and catalogue of the Philippine exhibit. 1903. Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904. 449 p., illus. Manila: Bureau of Public Printing. PEERS, EDGAR ALLISON. 1929. Spain, a companion to Spanish travel. xiv + 302 p. col-front., plates. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. Philippine Commission, Report of the, to the President (1900). 1901, 4: 117-122. Washington. RIZAL, Jos:E. 1889-1890. Filipinas dentro de cien aiios .. Four articles in "La Solidaridad." English quotation from footnote p. 37 in Craig, Austin, and Conrado Benitez. 1916. Philippine progress prior to 1898. 136 .p., 12 maps. Manila: Philippine Education Company. RIZAL, Jos:E. La indolencia de los Filipinos. English translation by Charles Derbyshire, edit.ed by Austin Craig, Manila: 1913. TAVERA, 'T. H. PARoo DE. · l!\05. History [of the Philippines]. Census of the Philippine Islands for 1903, 1: 309-410. Washington. II. DIVISION OF PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES RESEARCHES IN PHYSICS By TOMAS P. ABELLO Of the Univcrsit·y of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Physics In progressive countries of the world physics is considered one of the most important sciences today. In the United States, for example, the Government, the different universities, and every big industrial concern, spend every year vast sums of money for researches in both theoretical and applied physics. Here, however, the Bureau of Science, the only Government bureau where one would expect some workers in the field, has not even a single position for a physicist. The work being done in the different universities consists chiefly in training high school teachers in physics and in preparing engineering and pre-medical students. The instructors are busily occupied with undergraduate instruction. Due to this fact and the lack of proper f;J.cilities they can not devote any of their time to productive work. It is not surprising, then, that there is not much which can be mentioned as the contribution of our country in the form of research t<'.> physics. There may, however, be cited some of the researches either undertaken here or undertaken by Filipinos while abroad. J. R. Wright and 0. F. Smith (1914-1918) studied the atmospheric ionization in Manila and the radioactivity of Philippine waters. C. del Rosario (1926-1932) has made some investigations on 'the velocity distribution of thermionic electrons, low pressure electric discharge, and soft X-rays. T. P. Abello (1928) has worked on the absorption of ultra-sonic waves by various gases. Elsewhere (1932) the writer has pointed out the important part that physics is bound to take in future researches in the Islands, with the hope of attracting the attention of some of our leaders to this science so that it may receive much-needed encouragement. With a more encouraging atmosphere and proper facilities, there is no reason why some investigation could not be carried out here. Another important task before us at present is to interest students in this science. To get students su.fficiently interested 218 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 219 in a science it is not enough to talk to them of its importance. They must be shown that there is some future in studying it. The creation of positions for physicists in a Government bureau, like the Bureau of Science,. would surely serve as an incentive to the students to study physics. Besides, a physicist, aside from the work he can do along his own line, he can also be of much help to investigators in other fields, for at present many physical devices and results of investigations in physics are finding beautiful applications in other sciences. REFERENCES ABELLO, T. P. 1928. Proc. Nut. Acad. Sci., v. 13: 699. ABELLO, T. P. 1928. Physical RevieU', v. 31: 1083. ABELW, T. P. 1932. Univ. Philip. Nat. Appl. Sci., v. 2: 197. ROSARIO, CASIMIRO DEL. 1926, 1932. Physical Review, v. 28: 768; Ibid. v. 41: 13u. ROSARIO, CASIMIRO DEL. 1927, 1928, 1932. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 243; Ibid. 103; Ibid. v. 211: 303; Ibid. v. 213: 549. WRIGHT J. R. AND 0. F. SMITH. 1914, 1917, 1918. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9A: 51; Ibid. v. 13A: 49. WRIGHT, J. R. AND 0. F. SMITH. 1915, 1916. Physical Review, v. 5: 459; Ibid. v. 7: 49. COASTAL SURVEYS PAST AND PRESENT By E. H. PAGENHART c·ommander, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Director of Coast Surveys It is an interesting coincidence that systematic surveys of the Philippine Islands coastline and of the United States coasts were undertaken at the same time, just one hundred years ago. It was in 1834 that the Spanish Hydrographic Commission was established in Manila. Still preserved in the archives of the Coast and Geodetic Survey in Washington is topographic sheet No. 1, delineating a section of the shore of Long Island, New York, bearing the date 1834. True, before this date there existed charts covering important harbors and capes, but in both countries the large stretches of intervening coast were unsurveyed. The Hydrogra.phic Commission never undertook triangulations as a means of control for its surveys but adopted the expedient of astronomic latitudes and longitudes which, regardless of the accuracy of these determinations, can never yield results comparable to geodetic determinations. The large deflections of the plumb line caused by unequal pull of land masses on one side and ocean depths on the other as found in these Islands, make astronomic observations of doubtful value except for the "purpose of determining basic position, when other means are impossible. The plans made in 1900 for a systematic topographic and hydrographic survey of the coasts of the Islands were founded on geodetic control progressively executed to embrace the entire Archipelago. At first detached surveys on astronomic data were a necessity but the objective was never lost. Even these surveys were based on triangulation and provided means for incorporation into an ultimate scheme. By 1927 the coordination of all areas into one connected net had been accomplished and the results published. There still remains a considerable stretch of coast line that has not been surveyed. However, the foundation for the main structure is in place. The most accurate 50-meter length in the Islands is indieated by fine lines in copper plugs set in the masonry sills of 220 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 221 two opposite windows of the Coast and Geodetic Survey Office in the Intendencia Building. It is the comparator to note the small changes in length that occur in invar tapes used in the survey. One may judge the accuracy. of the surveys by the fact that the distance between Aparri on the north and Tawi Tawi on the south as deteI1Inined by triangulation should not be in error by more than 20 meters. In the extensive land work that is preliminary to the hydrographic survey, the more rapid but less accurate operations are checked at appropriate intervals by more accurate means; consequently as the work progresses the errors do not accumulate. Thus sketching must be guided and held close to true delineation by instrumental means. The plane table is a standard in::;trument for controlled sketching but it in turn must be held in check by triangulation observations and these again coordinated by geodetic adjustment. Surveys which these methods have yielded are within the practical limits imposed, the best that could be produced. Aerial photography, a recent adjunct to surveying, produces certain refinements in delineation that cannot be attained by any method of sketching. Its application to such terrain as is found in the Philippines, however, is not yet practicable. Once the strip of land along the coast dotted with conspicuous signals has been mapped the primary purpose of all f1is work is undertaken. Sounding launches ply back and forth from shore to deep water on regular lines closely spaced taking and recording depths until the entire area is covered with soundings accurately plotted with reference to the shore signals. When too deep for hand lead, the ship takes up the w.ork and carries it on. Equipped with echo-sounding apparatus the ship travels at full speed taking four soundings a second. In deep water the time between soundings is lengthened to permit the echo to return before the next impulse is sent. Our reports of increased production as the result of this invention are probably comparable to those made by the Spanish engineers in 1847 when the first steam vessel was employed in Philippine surveys. Readings taken by the leadsman cannot be applied to the chart until they have been reduced to a comm.on plane that corrects for the height of the tide. Scattered along the entire 222 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL coast line of the Islands are permanent tidal benchmarks to indicate that near by was once a staff against which the local tidal phenomena had been accurately observed, recorded, and referenced to these marks. The vast amount of data thus obtained for the immediate needs of the hydrographic survey has been correlated. The time and height of the tide at any place in the Islands can be accurately predicted years in advance. These predictions cannot, of course, take into account any abnormal condition, such as the recent typhoon that passed close to Manila. The tide which should have been high in the harbor about 2 :00 A. M. continued to rise until 6 :00 A. M. due to the water forced into Manila Bay by the wind and low pressure. At the beginning of American occupation there were 125 navigational charts on hand some of which had been based on rather complete surveys but generally they had been made from sketches. The exposed eastern coast was entirely unsurveyed. British, French, and early American surveys in Palawan and the southern archipelago were included in the number. The geographical knowledge of the interior of the Islands was practically embraced in the Atlas of the Philippine Islands by Rev. Father Algue, S. J. printed in 1900. Although on a small s~ale it contained much excellent information. At the present time there are 150 navigational charts, 2 coast pilot volumes, 2 triangulation volumes, and 16 topographi~ maps. The navigational charts with a very few unimportant omissions coYer the Islands in four series on the scales 1 :1,600,000, 1 :800,000, 1 :400,000 and 1 :100,00. All important harbors, anchorages passes and intricate channels are on charts of much larger scale. The topographic maps are in two series and cover the islands on the scales of 1 :1,000,0000, (Map No. 100 in four parts) and 1 :200,000 excepting Mindanao which is conveniently shown on the scale of 1 :600,000. When the small stretch of coast in Northeastern Luzon, the \vest coast of Palawan, and the stretch from Balabac Strait to Sibutu along the southwestern boundary of the territorial waters have been charted the original survey of the Islands will have been completed. The years of labor to produce a chart. As such it cannot long remain true. The great forces of man and of nature are forever at work to make it obsolete. Only constant repair and correction can keep it up to date and safe. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 223 Closely associated with this work is the extremely important problem of geodetic control throughout the interior of the it there will be the constant failure of fit between adjoining lslands, on which practically nothing has been done. Without surveys and boundaries of all kinds. The difficulties of improvised adjustment are costly and prolific sources of strife. Still another, possibly of scientific interest alone: Close to eastern Mindanao is the greatest known depth of the ocean. Its hidden wonders should be explored and studied. 'The Philippine Deep dropped on our very door step by the Almighty should not be ignored. THE PRESENT STATUS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE PHILIPPINE ARCHIPELAGO By JOSE M. FELICIANO Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Geol<>.gy During the early part of the Spanish regime as well as in pre-Conquest ages, some of the precious metals, especially gold, were mined 1 but by crude and wasteful methods. No geologic study was made in connection with mining either because the science was altogether unknown or its value was not realized. Most of the scientific treatises of the period on the subject written by foreign travelers on their way to the Islands or who must have sojourned here. They deal chiefly with earthquakes, volcanoes, geography, or are merely accounts of their travels and of the manner of living of the inhabitants. Jagor describes the different geologic features and phenomena he found in southwestern Luzon. This was during the period of 1859-1860.2 This may be considered the first geologic reconnaissance in the Philippines. In the latter ·part of the Spanish regime geologic surveys were made. The works of Abella y Cassariego, Montano, and others of the Inspecci6n General de Minas, contributed much to our present geologic knowledge. This institution was abolished in 1886 and was made a section of the Direcci6n General de Adrhinistraci6n Civil de Filipinas. The works of de la Cavada, Von Drasche, and others, including those of the Jesuit Fathers, form an invaluable addition. All of the work of the Inspecci6n General de Minas, which was reestablished in the early days of American occupation, was turned over to the Mining Bureau. Finally in 1901, after many other changes 1 BLAIR, E. H., and J. A. RoBERTSON, editors and translators. 19031909. The Philippine Islands 1493-1898. Cleveland Ohio. The Arthur H. Clark Company. 55 Vol. • JAOOR, F. 1873. Reisen in den Philippinen, Berlin, Weidmannsche, Buchhandlung. CRAIG, AUSTIN. The Former Philippines Through Foreign Eyes. pp. 66-69. 224 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 225 had taken place, the functions of the Mining Bureau were transforred to the Division of Geology and Mines of the Bureau of Science. Since that time, most of the geologic reconnaissances and snrveys were made by Adams, Eveland, Fanning, Ferguson, Goodman, Ikis, Mccaskey, Smith, Dickerson and others, who contributed much to the scanty and scattered information on the subject then extant. With the policy of the Government to Filipinize all its dependencies, the staff of the Division of Geology and Mines, bec;i me entirely Filipino in or about 1921. These new men have contributed not much less than their American predecessors. The treatises of Faustino, Alvir, Elicaiio, Abarquez and Abadilla are among the outstanding ones. About this time, also, the Bureau of Public Works sought the advice of the Division of Geology and Mines in drilling artesian wells. So more surveys were made, also with the cooperation of the Department of Geology of the University of the Philippines. About a year and a half ago, in the early part of 1933, some of the bureaus of the Insular Government were reorganized and as a result the Division of Mineral Resources of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce was created by the fusion of the Division of Geology and Mines of the Bureau of Science, and the :Mineral Lands Administration Division of the Bureau of Lands. In May, 1934, this Division changed its name to Division of Mines without changing its functions, which are as follows: (a) Geologic survey (b) Mining technology ( c) Mineral lands administration Although geologic survey is given as one of its functions, with the gold fever here in the Philippines that has been prevalent since 1933, the work of this Division has been confined mainly to mining. As the fever is subsiding it is hoped that resnmption of the work will soon take place. There are geologic surveys and reconnaissancel'l being made by different mining companies, but their maps and reports are privately owned and are not accessible to the general public. If these could only be correlated and assembled together they would form, of course, a good nucleus for a complete and permanent geologic survey of the Philippines. 226 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The United States, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, and others have well established geologic surveys that may be taken as one of the factors for their progressive development. The importance of these surveys is not only in connection with the mining industry, but also in the drilling of ·artesian wells, building of roads and bridges, dams, irrigation and watersheds and other public works and even in forestry and agriculture which are the basic industries of this country. The need of more complete geologic surveys is very keenly felt, but this should be preceded by good topographic surveys or mapping which the Division of Mines inaugurated during the early part of 1934. It is therefore strongly recommended that .the Philippines establish her own geologic survey, especially at this time when we are about to embark upon a new era, the establishment of the Philippine COMMONWEALTH. III. DIVISION OF .MEDICAL SCIENCES THE BEGINNINGS OF MEDICINE IN THE PHILIPPINES By J. P. BANTUG Of the Bureau of Health and the Unversity of Sto. Tomas Associate Member, Section of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine The beginnings of medicine in the Philippines are shrouded in the mist of time. No great monuments have come down to us recording its early struggles and whatever scant manuscript materials were preserved after the first Spanish settlements were established were consigned to the flames between the closing years of the sixteenth century and the opening of the seventeenth by zealous ministers of the gospel when they began on a more ambitious scale their missionary endeavors for the propagation of the new faith. In thus destroying these remnants of a past civilization, the Friars believed they had erased the last vestige that linked the islanders to their pagan worship but they had also, unwittingly, destroyed the primitive literary sources of our subject. Chirino, indeed, writing in 1602, states that in cne town alone in what is now the province of Batangas, not less than 300 manuscripts written in the ancient Filipino alphabet were destroyed. It is, therefore, necessary to recur to the bulky tomes of the early chroniclers to abstract therefrom laboriously the early manifestations of the healing art in the Islands, to traditions among the curanderos, and to the almost unexplored material in the possession of native mystics who sincerely believe they hold in the hollow of their hands the gift of health and happiness for their fellowmen. Although no hard and fast line can be drawn, nevertheless, for a better comprehension of the subject, we shall divide it into three periods: (1) the mythical, (2) the superstitious, and ( 3) the epiric. THE MYTHICAL PERIOD In the mythology of the ancient Filipinos, we find that they believed in what the Tagalogs called Bathala, the upreme Being, Mey-kapal, the Creator, and known among the Visayas, as Laon, together with a host of lesser gods, each possessing its own attributes, besides numerous household deities called anitos 227 228 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL among the Tagalogs and among the Visayas, divata, which were believed to incarnate the spirits of their dead ancestors and as such were regarded primarily as protectors of the home. As the Supreme Being, Bathala, was the dispenser of good and evil in the universe, the minor deities played their subordinate roles, although in the case of Captan, he shared with Bathala the creative power, because it was he who planted the reed from which sprung the first man and the first woman who were to become the parents of the human race. Captan forged the thunder and visited men with disea8€s and death and could raise the dead to life. Withal he was not omniscient, and it appears that he disliked men because he never enjoyed the products of the earth. Together with Maguayen, he hurled the thunder and brought the dead to life. Among the Bagabos there was Daragao, a messenger of Mangdaraiigan who visited the rancherias to make men sick, and among the Tirurayes there were Bolbol and Saitan who also produced sickness and ate the entrails of the dead. Among the ancient Visaya there was a caste of witches known as Bugayan, \vho made men sick and the fields dry, and among the Tagalogs there was known an evil spirit called Sita'n, believed to be the devil of Mohammedaniinn; in Tayabas there were water nymphs known as Anayo who punished any stranger that invaded their realm unceremoniously, whereas in Zambales, Akasi was the great god who was invoked on occasions of importance and in sickness. M angalos which Delbeke classified as Tormentors, were the spirits who brought about infant diseases and who occasioned death by devouring their bowels. The Patianak, the transformation of an aborted fetus, was a god or .a devil feared by almost all of the Malay race. Sometimes it presented itself in the form of a new-born child, and at other times as a dog, a pig, or even a piece of log. It was usually met with in the open fields or lonely places and caused travelers to lose their wiay. Among the Subanos it was known as Pati-anay, and was believed 'to be a man, holding in his arms a beautiful child, and, if the child were let loose, it assumed the form of a worm, which should be shunned by a pregnant woman. Patianak is said to be derived from two words: pati, meaning dead, and anak meaning child, although Blurnentritt gives a Sanskrit origin to pati. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 229 The Tigbalmng, like the Pati.anak, might assume various forms, many times of gigantic proportions. Its usual form was that of a giant with extraordinarily long extremities. The head was covered with thick gross hairs of which three were prominent for their size and believed to possess mysterious powers. Among the Visayas the Tigbalang was known as Punglo. Such were a few of the more important deities that might be considered as enemies of mankind. On the other hand, there were others whose chief functions were to heal the sick and otherwise protect man in his daily struggle for life. Lakhanbakor or Lakanbakod was one of these. It was to the latter gods that sacrifices and offerings were made to appease their anger iand among them may be counted the different anitos, which, according to Loarca, each had a special task to perform. "Some were in charge of the plantation, others assisted the sailors, still others protected the warriors and others still were in charge of diseases. Such was the power possessed by them, that they were believed to dispose of the welfare, the riches, and the health of the people." Man in his pilgrimage on earth was careful not to offend these spirits and was ready on the other hand to do whatever lay in his power to obtain their favor. In the palace of the king as well as in the hut of the poor the anitos might be found who acted as intermediaries with the Supreme Being. Among the rich Tagalogs the anitos were placed in a bosong-basong, a costly jewel usually in the form of a golden casket. They came to earth, dealt with men and interceded for them in their necessities to Bathala. Therefore, when anyone in the household fell ill, it was the katalonan, as she was known among the ancient Tagalogs, ( bailan among the Mandayas, balian or balyan among the Bicols, babailan or babaylan among the Visayas, baglan among the Ilocanos) who was usually called upon to offer up the sacrifice instead of the Sonat, the Pontifex Maximus of the Tagalogs, as his position appeared to be mainly hieratical in character, whereas the katalonan had dual duty of a priestess-physician. The katalonan in invoking her gods, nagaanito, before a magdiwang, or the sick for whose welfare the rites were performed, was dressed in the regalia of her office. On her head was the bosong-bosong or gold crown only worn on solemn occasions. As to the manner of dressing, Legaspi says, "the priestess dresses in a very queer manner; 230 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL she wears a wig of golden hair, a diadem on the head, in her hand she holds a straw fan and a bamboo stick," while Loarca states "the priestesses dress very elegantly; they wear garlands in their heads and glitter with gold and jewels." According to Pigafetta more than one priestess sometimes performed the ceremony. In offering the sacrifice the spectators were invited to participate, and Colin, dedared that, for certain sacrifices, the priestess selected from among the spectators the prettiest and best dressed girl who was ordered to give the deathblow to the sacrificial animal. These ceremonies were performed in the presence of the sick person, as stated, with the members of the family present, who took part in the sacrifice by singing, drinking and eating. As to the different kinds of offerings, they were many and varied, the following being the more usual, a fat pig, a chicken, wines--the best t obe had-rice, meat, flsh, bananas, tortoise, very large oysters, and not infrequently, perfumes, gold and jewels. All these made up the ancient bofigoy (offerings) which were placed in porcelain plates and bowls and neatly arranged on a dambana or altar of the ancient Tagalogs. These sacrifices might also be performed in a simbahan or pinaghimisan (Tagalo), in an ulafigo (Visayo) or in a moog (Bicol). The ceremonies for the cure of the sick, known as sakom among the Bicoles as performed by the ko,talonan, consisted in sclemnly reciting, while she was possessed by the batog (or the act of being possessed by the devil), the manta la which were certain mysterious, cabalistic words manifested by tremors of the whole body, a trance-like state known as olak among the Tagalogs. In describing this psychological moment, Fay Cooper-Cole writes: "When about to call a spirit into her body, the medium katalonan sets herself in front of the spirit mat, and covering her face with her hands, she trembles violently, meawhile chanting or wailing songs in which she bids the spirits to come and possess her. From time to time she pauses, and holding a plate on the finger tips of her left hand, she strikes it with a string of sea-shells or a bit of lead, in order that the bell-like sound may attract the attention of the spirits. Suddenly a spirit takes possession of her body and then as a human the superior being talks with mortals." Then, through her, as Loarca records, "the devil foretells the future." "They (the katalonas) communicate many things which the devil seemed to have told them; and the people put ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 231 faith in this, but most of the things which they foretell cannot be verified." "Those who are in relation ·with the devil and pretend to be possessed by him, maintained to have the power to forecast the course of illness; they assert that the devil reveals to them whether the sick person will recover or not." "The priestesses or priests were those who offered the sacrifice to the spirit, and who during the sacrifice came in contact with the spirit of the anito. Through this contact, they were able to know what was to be done to pacify the Spirit." " ... y dicen que les hacen venir en una cafia hueca, y que alli habla a las sacerdotisas, que la mayor parte son mugeres las que hacen esta imbocaci6n y hablan con el demonio y el la respuesta da al publico y les pide y quiere el Demonio." "They invoke the devil who descends in a bamboo from whence he speaks to the rriestess who in turn communicates his desires and commands to the onlookers." Thus, the priestess, once possessed, foretold how the sickness would end. If the news was favorable they all feasted and made merry with excessive drinking as testified by the historian of the Legaspi expedition. On the contrary, if the priestess foretold death, she began by praising the excellent qualities of the sick, adding that the anitos had singled him out to be one of the selected few. and hence forward he was to be regarde<l as one of the anitos. If the sickness was to end in death, it was because, as believed by the ancient Visayas, the mark was reached as recorded by the god Sidapan on the gigantic tree which stood on Mt. Mayas on the Ishnd of Panay. As to the nature of diseases supposed to be inflicted by the offended deities, it was believed that each was produced by a special spirit which took possession of the sick by substituting for his, soul, and several were known according to their subjective or objective manifestations. Among the Visayas, sinda was the name given to any pain and alok to a dise1se caused by a witch; Pamaao, among the Tagalogs, was a disease supposed to be caused exclusively by the anitos. Tiao, among the Visayas, was one characterized by extreme melancholy and this disease was visited upon those who either disobeyed their parents or th_eir elders. Among the Zambales, there was the god Akasi who was invoked before undertaking any work of importance and in their sickness. 232 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL While there were evil spirits causing different diseases, there were also protective deities whose special function was either to heal the sick or protect the well. Lakhanbakor or Lakanbakod was one of these. The ancient Filipinos believed a great deal in signs and augurs. The song of a tigmamanukin (Jrena cynogastra, Meyer) portended evil, the presence of an owl in the neighborhood of the sick was a sign that death was near. A new house in which a snake had been seen was of evil omen and must not he occupied. THE SUPERSTITIOUS PERIOD Als special aids against evils of all kinds and to defend themselves against their enemies, there were among the Tagalogs those who possessed different forms of anting~arnting, also known as the aguimat among the Tirurayes, to which wonderful virtues were attributed. In Tayabas there were (and still are) men known as possessing galing or may-galing whose specialty was to subdue serpents which they could destroy at will, not unlike the ta,uak, men who were believed to have been born with a serpent, and who had the power to neutralize the poisons of the most dangerous snakes. This was the mannuma of the Ilocanos. Sohi was either a man or a woman who was born with the feet first and possessed the special power of removing any fish-bone that had been lodged in the throat. Among the most interesting of superstitions were the different love potions that were claimed to win the love of the most obdurate woman. Such, for instance, was the so-called lomay, (aribob6 of the Visayas, known as manibig among Negritos; golo and gayuma among the Tagalogs) prepared by a mongasalat or manyisalat in the form of mixtures and' elixirs of which Father Pavon gives us this interesting resume: Dicen que primeramente se empieza por obitener la nuez de un coco solitario y que de frente a donde sale el sol, pero antes de descolgar este coco tiene que esperarse en luna nueba .Y ver que el cielo no este nublado; una vez asegurado de esto se sube en el coco, antes del toque y rezo de las oraciorres, pues si Bega el toque de las oraciones hecharia a perder el valor del secreto, una vez asegurado de esto se descuelga el coco raspandolo cuidadosamente, luego se vuelve a reponer cuidando de que todo quepa hermeticamente en la nuez del mismo, se cierra luego muy bien con arcilla o lodo todas las suturas y se entierra en arena caliente. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 233 Hasta el Viernes Santo benidero que es cuando se vuelve a cavar, para recoger el aceyte que es lo que servira para este objeto. El mismo dia de Viernes Santo se prepara desde muy temprano para recoger las otras hiervas que forman el completo de la preparacLn y son los siguientes: Taiigis Taiigis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 parte. Tagulilong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 id. Tagulls~ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 id. Amigos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 id. Tuncos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 id. Las hiervas estas que ellos mencionan supon~se que muchas de ellas sean imaginarias, aunque ellos aseguran la existencia de cada uno de ellos, con sus grandes y presupuestas virtudes. Among the Visayas there was also the tagaoili, the special virtue of which was to hold the lover in perpetual bondage. The A;;;uang, on the other hand, known throughout the Archipelago, was a night witch which assumed the form of a dog a cat, or a bird, or any other animal, and was said to attack abandoned children and solitary travelers. With its tongue, _which was horribly long, black and flexible as silk, it extracted the fetus from pregnant women. To him were also attributed the pains during labor. The presence of the Asuang was anounced by 1 che song of the tik-tik, a night bird. The Mankokolam or Mangkokolam, on the other hand, was an ordinary person supposed to be possessed by the devil. He was usually a man, whereas the Manggagaway, was a woman. By means of a doll, a }r!anggagaway might produce in any one who had been the object of her displeasure, a definite organic lesion or some psycho-neurotic state. In this connection, Rizal, in his treatment of the Bewitched, had the following to say: Para lesionar un lrgano 6 una parte cualquiera del cuerpo, la MANGGAGAWAY i:magina a la persona que debe enfermar, saca su muiieca, despues clava aguja o alfileres en la parte de! cuerpo que quiere que enferme en la persona odiada ( otros usan clavitos como en un caso que se vi6 no hace mucho en el Juzgado de Paz de Masbate, Masbate). Como se ve, el procedimiento es el mismo que el de las brujas europeas de los siglos pasados. La persona continuara enferma mientras no se retire el alfiler, 6 la aguja de! cuerpo de la muiieca. No hay emplastos, no hay hierbas, no hay bebidas que la podran curar; solo la misma MANGGAGAWAY podra salvarla si la apaciguan, si la Pnferma le da satisfacci :n. o si la obligan. En un pueblo de Luzon llamado B. de la provincia de L. 234 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL se cuenta el caso de una mujer que riiio con una MANGGAGA WAY con motivo de un envoltorio conteniendo arroz y dos mangas. Al dia siguiente, la mujer enfermo y al instante echaron mano de la MANGGAGA WAY y quisieron obligarla a que curase a la enferma. Esta murio a la semana entre dolores atroces, y la MANGGAGA WAY que se salvo a duras penas de la ira de los parientes fue condenada por el gobernadorcillo a recibir cincuenta _azotes diarios. Mas, al segundo dia de su condena, la encontraron colgada de las rejas de la carcel mediant'e una cuerda que habia hecho con el forro de la saya. La infeliz, para morir habia tenido que encogerse mucho y doblar las piernas porque la reja tenia poca altura. "El diablo la ayud6 al suicidio," decian los devotos. Sin embargo de esta creencia general de que solo la MANGGAGA WAY puede deshacer lo que ella ha hecho, no faltan curanderos que pretenden poseer secretos, oraciones, conjuros, amuletos, formulas, etc., para deshacer el hechizo. Si lo dicen por seguir la corriente y ponen los remedios, adecuados, no hacen mal, mas si obran con conviccion, se exponen a muchos desengaiios. La otra forma de hechizo es la que varias veces ha ocupado la atencion de los tribunales de hoy en dia y ha excitado la indignacion de algunos medicos. Una mujer padece de fiebre, delira, tiene ataques histericos, o esta hipocondriaca; en algun tiempo antes tuvo un altercado, un disgusto, una rivalidad con una de las seiialadas por el dedo como MANGGAGA WAY, todos sospecharan el hechizo y el curandero sancionara la sospecha; la enfermedad esta conocida. "Ya se ve," dira una comadre; "manifesto miedo a esa. . . lo que es yo, cuando reiii con ella, la rete a que me hechizara, por eso no lo ha conseguido." Segun la creencia es infalible contra-hechizo el reto cara a cara. Declarado el hechizo y por que no se ve ninguna lesion corvoral (lo que excluye la sospecha de los alfilers), se explica la patogenia suponiendo que el espiritu de la misma MANGGAGA WAY se introduce dentro del cuerpo de la persona atormentada. La indicacion es hacerla salir por todos los medios posibles. Las buenas palabras no sirven; los exorcismos que tan en boga estaban en la Edad Media estan en la tin para MANGGAGA WAY y curanderos, asi es que, tienen que recurrir a lo mas primitivo, a lo que esta al alcance de todas las inteligencias: al bej uco, y sj es posible al rabo de raya. La MANGGAGA WAY es la que habla, la que siente, la que ve, etc., dentro de la enferma. Los bejucazos que es'a al parecer recibe en realidad los sufre la otra: la MANGGAGA WAY es la que grita, es la que se queja y la que, finalmente, no pudiendo mas resistir se escapa dejando a la paciente curada y tranquila y lo que es mas curioso, sin seiial ninguna de los bejucazos mientras que si se examinara el cuerpo de la MANGGAGA WAY se verian en el rasgaduras y cardenales. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 235 And in commenting on the treatment, he favored the opinion that the herbol.ario treatment by autosuggestdon was the most appropriate. As to the prognosis of any given disease, the Visayas practised the tali with an egg or stone in order to find out whether the sick would either die or recover. The tauas (alum) was also employed frequently as a means of foretelling the course of the disease, especially in children. If the prognosis was unfavorable, the takga, the day and hour in which death takes place, had to come inevitably. In case of death the corpse was given a bath and then rubbed with camphor oil, and among the well-to-do, inclosed in a wooden coffin which was usu3Uy hollowed out of a solid log. Buyo was also used as a preservative, aloes likewise, and the embalming material poured through the mouth, and Chirino says that this procedure was so efficient that after many years, corpses were found completely intact or preserved. THE EMPIRIC PERIOD In the pre-Spanish Philippines there were men who were skilled in the use of healing herbs, "eay tambien buenos medicos que curan con hierbas simples," to quote the language of Loarca. Modern investigators have amply corroborated their therapeutic properties. We have yet a long road to cover before we can exhaust the possibilities of our medicinal plants. Notwithstanding the amount of work that has already been accomplished along this line of research, we still need the cooperation of botanists for the identifioation and proper classification of the ~pecies, pharmacists and chemists for the isolation of the active constituents, pharmacologists for determining their specific actions, pharmacists for giving them appropriate forms or vehicles, and clinicians for the final test at the patient's bedside. In discussing this phase of the subject, I shall touch only the !ligh spots, discussing its relations to (a) Philippine galenicals, (b) opotherapy, (c) vaccine therapy and (d) minor surgery. Because of the great variety of species and their diverse therapeutic actions, Philippine medicinal plants attracted the attention of the early missionaries, who devoted much time and effort to a systematic study of them. In the absence of trained physicians, as curates of the souls, they could not very well negleeit the physical well-being of their parishioners. The first 236 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL to record his observations was the Franciscan Fr. Blas de la Madre de Dios. In 1669, Fr. Francisco Ignacio Alcina, S. J., after 33 years of missionary endeavors in the Visayas, left a manuscript entitled: Historia natural del sitio fertilidad y calidad de kLs islas e Indios de Bisayas, the second part of which is known to exist in the Library of the old Ateneo de Manila, if it was not lost during the great fire which destroyed the building in August, 1932. At about this time also, a Franciscan lay brother, Fr. Jose de Valencia, wrote his Flora fili']Jina: en la que con minuciosidad se decriben las raices y hierbas, sus figuras, sitios en donde se crian y sus virtudes medicinales. Then in 1704, the Jesuit lay brother, George Joseph Camel, published his H erbarium aliarumque stirpium in insula Luzone Philippinarum primaria nascentium, a Rdo. Fratre Georgio Joseph Gamello, S. J., observatarum et decriptarum Syllabus: ad Joanen Raium transmissus, as an Appendix to Vol. III of Juan Ray's Historia plantarum. In 1712, there was published a spedal tract on our medicinal plants by another Jesuit, Fr. Pablo Clain: Remedios fa~ ciles para diferentes enf ermedades. This work was finished in its manuscript form in 1708 and no doubt copies of it had passed from hand to hand before it was finally set to type as the first edition is dated four years later. The following important chapters may be cited : Seiiales para conocer si la enf ermedad es de calor o de frio, which deals with the caus·ative agents of disease. Rizal, in this connection, remarks "el aire, el cal or, el frio, el vapor de tierra y la indigestion, son las unicas causas patogenicas que se admiten en el pais." Then, in alphabetical order Br. Clain gives the treatments for different diseases, Remedios faciles para dif erentes enf ermedades en Filipinas, including those of surgical nature like dislocations, how a seton is opened with cautery or caustic, contusions and falls, wounds, fl'actures, hernia, animal bites and hemorrhage. Another chapter is Modo de Preparar Algunas Medicinas, in which specific directions are given for the preparation of: aguas destilddas, almendrada.~, o..yudas, aceites, paiios, baiios, bebidas, birretes, bocados, calillas, cataplasmas, colirios, cocimientos, dieta sudorifera, emplastos, fomentaciones, frontales, gargarismos, haplas, infusiones, jarabes, julepe.~, lamedores, lavatorios, limonadas, liquores, masticatorios, opiatas, orchatas, pildoras, pitrinas, polvos, P1lTANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 237 gas, zahumerios, extractos espirituosos, suero de la leche, triaca, 'unguento.c; varios, jaleas y zurrws, etc. and lastly an index containing especially the local names of plants and their parts, arranged alphabetically. "An interesting book," is the pithy comment of the foremost Filipino botanist, Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero. This book as stated in the Preface provides "a los empiricos de estas Islas de Arte para el manejo de las yervas, y plantas," a.nd when submitted to official censure, Don Joseph de l!} Torre, c''irujano mayor del Hospital Real de esta Ciudad, y de su Sef.,oria el Senor Conde de Lizarraga, Presidente, Gobernador, y Capitan General de estas Islas, on J·anuary 4, 1712, emitted· the following opinion : "respeto de que todo lo que trata dicho libro, es conforme a los tratados de los remedios ordinarios de la medicina, segun lo que han tratado varios autores acerca de dicha ciencia; en cuya conformidad doy la presente certificaci6n." Modern critics should take cognizance of this fact. In the middle of the eighteenth century, between 1751 and 1754, another brother religious, Fr. Juan Delgado, S. J., in his volume, Historia general Sacro-profana Politica y Natural rle las Islas del Poniente llamadas Filipinas, devoted lengthy chapters to the virtues of a number of medicinal trees, palms, plants, herbs, and vines. This book, however, was not published till 1892. As Dr. Guerrero writes of this excellent treatise. Book IV of this work is from every point of view intere8ting, not only on account of the abundant material contained in it, ·but also because of the minuteness and accuracy with which certain industrially or medicinally used plants are described. It is a succinct compilation of the economic botany of the Islands, in accordance with the knowledge of the time when the work was written. The early hP.rbolarios had an extensive knowledge of the therapeutic properties of many medicinal plants, and, besides those used for different diseases, they were acquainted with many poisons and their antidotes; their materia medica included also febrifuges, anthelmentics, styptics, sedatives, antiseptics, and those remedies applicable to swellings, furuncles, abscesses, ulcers, wounds, etc., so that Father Delgado had to admit: "Los naturales de estas islas tienen en esas plantas su botica siempre preparada por la mano generosa de la divina providencia para el alivio de sus achaques, siendo ellos mismos, con la experiencia que tienen, los medicos y cirujanos, * * *" 238 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL P. Fernando Santa Maria in 1768 edited his Medicina.c; Ca:seras para consuelo de lo.s pobres indios. The late Dr. Pardo de Tavera, in a paper read before the Coleg'io Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas on Medicinas Caseras y sus Peligros in 1923, was most unjust in his criticism of P. Santa Maria's work, although he was preceded in this respect by Fr. Manuel Blanco who, in Ang mahusay na paraan nang pag-gamot sa maiiga '.•naysaquit ayon sa aral ni Tissot, says: , Este ultimo (Fr. Sta. Maria's) a excepci6n de la breve y curiosa exposici6n que hace de las virtudes de las plantas de Filipinas, en lo perteneciente al modo de curar las enfermedades de na~a sirve, y aun en ciertos casos pueden ser muy perniciosas las curaciones empiricas que propone. We should not forget, however, that medicine until the laRt quarter of the nineteenth century was based largely on· empiricism-on experience-and as it.his same Fr. Blanco says: "contra la experiencia no hay respuesta." And let it be remembered that Fr. Sta. Maria describes in his little book 208 native plants and their medicinal properties : "la virtud falible de las yerbas" as he lrimself purts it, cautioning the reader: . . . para qualquiera enfermedad pongo varias Medicinas, pero has de saber, que no todas aprovechan igualmente a todos, porque unas actuan a unos, y no sirven para otros; esto nace de la varied ad de humores de que se compone el cuerpo humano, y de las edades de los enfermos, y asi si una no aprobechare, ap!ica otra, sin atarantarte, y veras marabillas, y obras como de milagros, * * * and offering the fruits of his labor, A la mejor Apoteca de las Medicinas, Maria Santis-inw del Rosario, says in the following wise: Recibid, pues, Clementisima Emperatriz bajo vuestra prot~c­ ci6n esta pequefia obra, para que asi sean mas eficaces las· medicinas, que en ella constan, y para alivio de los afligidos enfermos, que residen por estas Provincias de! Asia; en cuyas soledades, sabeis, Senora, que no tenemos otra Botica, que la verde campifia, y selbas, ni mas Medico, que la piedad de los Ministros de Doctrina que movidos de la charidad, ocurrimos confiados en Vos con estas bien experimentadas medicinas, al consuelo de los pobres enfermos, que ansiosamente nos Ilaman. And Dr. Faustino Garcia, in a recent article, says: The book by Sta. Maria published in Spanish and Tagalog contains interesting matter, and although m3.11y statements un the medicinal efficiency of many plants mentioned may not be accepted now, still there are somP that until the present time are up-to-date. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 239 In another part, Dr. Garcia writes, "scme valuable medicinal plants were included." And again, "Many of these references to the medicinal use made by the natives still stand the test of modern methods of experimentation, only that in some cases the statements are somewhat exaggerated." Naturally, in the light cf our present scientific knowledge, there are a number of practices recommended in the book that appear loathsome, if not barbaric, and yet, if the book is carefully read by an unbiased mind, there will be found many remedies which later proved to be of real therapeutic value. \Vhat would foreign scientists have said if the maggot treatm:mt of osteomyelitis had been evQlved by an humble herbolario? They would have raised their voices to heaven in solemn horror! And yet, that was a valuable heritage of the Great War. It was a common observation among the abandoned wounded in the battlefields that maggots had salutary effects on infected wounds, the most outstanding of which were the absence of foul odor and the formation of healthy granulation tissue. Many confirmatory reports have since been published, especially in American scientific journals. Let us humble ourselves and may we always remember Ben Maimon's prayer: Oh God! Grant me strength, time and opportunity always to correct what I have acquired, always to extend its domain; for knowledge is immense and the spirit of man can extend infinitely to enrich itself daily with new requirements. Today he can discover his errors of yesterday and tomorrow he may obtain a new light on what he thinks himself sure of today. There were other therapeutic procedures employed by the curandero, some of them appearing to be utterly devoid of any scientific basis. I beseech you not to be hasty in your judgment. Observe, study and ponder! We should remember R1zal's excellent advice in this connection: Por absurda que una practica parezca a la raz6n, si esta admitida por la multitud sin imposiciC.n forzosa, algun fundamento ha de reconocer. In 1879, the work of the F1ilipino Augustinian, Fr. Ignacio Mercado, on medicinal plants, was incorporated in Fr. Manuel Bianco's monumental edition of. his Flora de Filipinas, and in 1884, Fr. Felipe Bravo published Fr. Bianco's translation of Aviso al Pueblo, containing Ang Mahusay na Paraan nang pag240 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL rmmot sa mga Maysaquit ayon sa aral ni Tissot. In 1892 was published Dr. Pardo de Tavera's Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas, a work undertaken under royal patronage. The scientific classification of the plants was effected for the first time and discoveries of the active principles of a number of plants incorporated. Two hundred and foumeen species were studied and described, the medicinal properties of each species being assigned. This book was translated into English by Thomas in 1901, who made a number of additions and corrections. "Father Mercado," writes Dr. Guerrero, "is rather parsimonious in giving the morphological characteristics of the medicinal species described by him, but is, on the other hand, profuse, in the descriptions of their curative properties practically verified by himself." "El P. Ignacio de Mercado," in the words of Fr. Blanco, "habia explicado con grande aplauso las virtudes de muchas plantas de las islas, acompaifandolo todo con hermosos diseiios hechos de mano. Esta obra utilisima que formaba un tomo en cuarto, y se hallaba en la Enfermeria del Convento de S. Agustin de Manila, ha desaparecido segun ya lo havia pronosticado el P. Agustin Maria, otro celebre escritor del mismo Convento. &> conservan no obstante algunos fragmentos sueltos de la obra del P. Mercado, que hacen sentir la perdida del resto." His own work, besides its botanical value, was enriched with original observations on their medicinal properties. He says in his Preface: . . . he puesto bastante cuidado en averiguar los nombres que dan los Naturales a las plantas. Es esto mui importante, pues, ellos poseen secretos preciosas de sus virtudes, si bien algunos de ellos no estan mui fundados. As observed by Dr. Guerrero speaking of Fr. Blanco's work: He studied the curative properties of several of the plants included in his above mentioned Flora, rejecting with very good judgment the information regarding the same which is nothing but folklore, but was,, candidly accepted by his predecessors in the work. Commenting on Pardo de Tavera's work, Dr. Guerrero says, "the first work written with scientific criterion on the medicinal plants of this Archipelago." And further: In this work the indigenous species are mixed with exotic species the presence of which in this country has never been established, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 241 conscientiously prepared and worth being consulted in the absence of the Archipelago. Outside of this, it is a good compilation, conscientiously prepared and worth being consulted in the absence of a more perfect work. Under the present regime this work has been neglected. A Division for the Study of Medicinal Plants was establi&hed in the Bureau of Science under the able direction of the foremost Filipino botanist and one of the first six to graduate from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Sto. Tomas in 1877, Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero. His first publication in which he classifies and describes the properties of 17 4 medicfoal pl·ants, was incorporated in the Census Reports of 1918, and again revised and enlarged, was incorporated in Dr. Wm. H. Brown's publication, Minor Products of Philippine Forests in 1924, in three volumes. Since then, different Filipino research workers have investigated the active properties of several other plants, isolating their active constituents and establishing in several of them their definite therapeutic values. The first part of the work, the identification of Philippine plants with medicinal properties, has already in great measure been accomplished by Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero who, in his latest published treatise, already alluded to, lists 406 species. The isolaJtion of the active principles by the chemist is being undertaken simultaneously at different places under the auspices of different government entities. J. Marafion, A. C. Santos, J. K. Santos, P. Valenzuela, F. Garcia., R. Guevara, D. de la Paz are the most conspicuous among Filipinos who have studied the pharmacologrc actions of a number of our medicinal plants. Among the plants investigated are the following: Artabotrys sum•eolens Blume. Local names: susong-damulag (Tag.); babai-balagan (Vis.). Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Presl.) Merr. Local names: kalimatas, kalumatas, lanutan (Tag.); puropugui (Neg.); takulan (Ilok.). Archangelisia /lava (L.) Merr. Local names : abutra, abustra, lagtang, suma. Pycnarrhena manillensis Vidal. Local names: ambal (Tag.); halot, halikot (Vis.). Stephmnia japonica (Thumb.) Miers. Local names: kuren (Ba tan es Is.) ; maratungui (Bon toe). 242 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Mahonia philippinemis Takeda. Local name: kuning. Synonym; Baguio barberry. Argemone mexicana L. Local names: diluariu (Tag.); Kachumba, ka....-ubang-aso (Ilok.). Synonyms: Mexican or prickly poppy. Alstonia scholwris (L.) R. Br. Local names: dita (Tag.); alipauin dalipauen, lipauen (Ilok.). Alstonia macrophylla Wall. Local names: basikalang, dalakan (Ilok); .Vatikal.ang (Pang.) ; batino (Tag.); kuyau-kuyau, malatapai (Camarines); tangitang (Capiz). Strychnos Ignatii Berg. (Ignacia amara, I. philippinensis). Synonym: Saint Ignatius bean. Strychnos nuz voniica L. Cinchona ledgeriana Moens. Cinchona succiriubra Pavon. Cinchona hybrida. Datura f astuosa L. Local name: tialong-punay na itim. Datura alba Nees. Local name: talong punay. Lnnasia amara Blanco. Local names: apdong-kahoi, Lunas, pait, saltiki, santiki (Tag.); paitan (Ilok.). Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Local name: nami. Areca catechu L. Synonyms: buiiga, betel palm. Crinum asiaticum L. Local names: bakon, bakong (Tag.); salibangbang (Vis.). Eurycles amboinensis (L.) Lrndl. Local names: tambal, katungal (Tag.); abud, ,.,sol (Vis.). Abrus precatorius L. Local names: kasasaga, saga-saga. Synonyms: Prayer bean; jequirity seeds. Brythrina vuriegata var. orientalis L. (E. indica) Common name: dapdap. As to their therapeutic use, it is a matter of regret that so few of our modern practitioners avail themselves of their known prop~rties, like the alagao (Premna odorata, Bl.) and talong punay (Datum alba Nees) in asthma, the lomboy or du.hat (Eu[Jenia jambolana, Lin.) in diabetes, the tamballlisan in dysentery, etc. etc. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 243 Regarding opotherapy the following illustrative case will ~uffice: TreaiYment for appendicitis a. Method of preparing the medicament 1. Take the inner linings of three fresh gizzards of fowls. 2. Place in one tumblerful of water. 3 .. Reduce the liquid to half over a water-bath. b. Directi-Ons Take a tablespoonful each morning for three consecutive Fridays. It may be taken daily, if necessary. Many alleged wonderful cures have been reported. c. Comments: The basis of this treatment is the common belief that the gizzard of a fowl is a powerful digestant. It cures by absorbing the inflammatory products from the diseased appendix. If it has any direct action, is not this an opotherapic remedy pure and simple? I disclaim any personal experience on the subject and yet, might not this and similar practices have given rise to a new line of treatment, whose efficacy we now all recognize? Might not opotherapy spring from such a lowly beginning? Again, was not Dr. C. Birch, an American woman physician, led to her discovery, by similar deduction, of a specific ovarian hormone which prevents women born of hemophilic parents from developing the disease in the{nselves although they are actually able to transmit it to their offspring, and which when given to male sufferers makes their blood coagulate as in normal persons? As to vaccine therapy, we naturally trace it to variol.ation. Smallpox vaccine is the most potent agent for the prevention of the disease. No successful substitute has yet been invented. How was the discovery effected? Vaccine therapy now so universally accepted, and its principle applied with success in many other diseases, traces its origin to the simple process of variola tion. All the facts connected with the process were known. Inoculation with the pock virus had been practised in the East, including the Philippines, for centuries. It was, however, Lady l\'Jary Wortley Montague who introduced the practice to Europe from Constantinople in 1721. Her husband was on a diplomatic mission there and, upon their return to England, she advocated its use. She soon gained many adherents. It should be remembered that the devastation of this horrible scourge was so universal that it respected neither king nor peasant, claiming 244 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL its victims by the thousands, that Johnson was moved to apostrophize the evil: "Envious and foul disease, is not there an age a beauty that is free from thee?" In the obscurity of his country laboratory, a then unknown practitioner, Edward Jenner, was correlating in his own mind the facts so vividly brought to his attention: first, the inoculation with the pock virus and second, spontaneous cowpox and subsequent immunity from true smallpox. A short time before, a country milk-maid had confided to him that she had had the cowpox. Jenner pondered again and again over her positive statement: "Oh! I will not get the smallpox anymore as I already had the cowpox !" This was a momentous period in the history of mankind! Smallpox was to be robbed of its death sting! Correlating therefore all the known facts, Jenner conceived the idea of substituting the pock virus with cowpox and thus won for us, the first real fight against an infectious disease. That feat was accomplished in 1796. In spite of adverse criticism, especially on the part of continental physicians, this achievement was sigiialized by the English Parliament ·with repeated liberal grants so that the discoverer might pursue his investigations unmindful of the morrow. What a contrast to our attitude toward our own scientists! The discovery of· this obscure country physician gave rise to a long series of achievements in preventive as well ·as in curative medicine, branching out later into two distinct lines of spE>cialties: vaccine therapy and serum therapy. A few old practices in minor surgery have been reintroduced lately into modern scientific medicine, so a brief review of them might not be amiss at this juncture. Fuente, fonticulo or seton.-What is the modern fixation abscess but a revival of this old practice? Spanish physicians undoubtedly introduced it from the old world as the Arancel of October 1, 1842, the compensation for services in performing it provides that, Fuentes Por f una con caU.Stico y curacion . . . . . . . 2 p. Por f ormar una si la operaciOn se hiciese de noche 4 p. Dr. Eliodoro Mercado employed this measure as a synergist in the treatment of leprosy. Wet cupping accomplished by means of an apparatus made of carabao horn, called tanduk, is still much in use in certain ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 245 parts of Albay, the sight of which will at once recall to mind Bier's hyperemia outfit. Cautery with the coconut-shell point is a favorite procedure among native mediquillos. The story of early medicine in the Philippines is, in its essentials, that of the world over,-of the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, Hindus, Greeks, and Romans. Mythology and superstition influenced its beginnings and in its further progress, empiricism was the foundation stone of modern scient1fic medicine. REFERENCES BANTUG, JOSE P. 1927. History of Smallpox and Vaccination in the Philippines. Manila. BANTUG, JOSE P. 1934. The Scientific Bases of Some Curandero Practices. Manila. BANTUG, J. P., VALEmUELA, P., NAVARRO, J. S. 1932. La Medicina en Filipinas antes del Siglo XX. Manila. BLANOO, R. P. FR. MANUEL. 1916. Ang Mahusay na Paraan nang Paggamot sa Maiiga Maysaquit ayon sa aral ni Tissot. 2. • Edicion. Manila. BLANOO, FR. MANUEL. 1837. Flora de Filipinas. Manila. BERRIZ, MIGUEL RoDRIGUEZ. 1887-1888. Diccionario de la Administraci6n de Filipinas. 17 Vols. BROWN, WM. H. 1924. Minor Products of Philippine Forests. 3 Vols. CHIRINO, P. PEDRO. 1892. Relacion de las Islas Filipinas. 2.• Edicion. Manila. CLAIN, P. PABLO. 1857. Remedios Faciles para Diferentes Enfermedades. 2.' Edicion. Manila. COLIN, P. FRANCISOO. 1904. Labor Evangelica. Edicion Pastells. Barcelona. 3 Vols. CoLLAOO, JUAN ANTONIO. 1839. Las Antiguas Leyendas de la Islas cle Negros. Libro Segundo. Parte Tercera. MSS. CONCEPCION, P. FR. JUAN DE LA. 1788-1792. Historia General de Filipinas. Manila. 15 Vols. C'OOPER-CoLE, FAY. 1912. Ancient Chinese Pottery in the Philippines. Chicago. DELBEKE, DAME EDMUNDE. 1928. The Religion and Morals of Ancient Filipinos. Manila. DELGADO, P. J. JUAN. 1892. Historia General Sacro-Profana, Politica, Natural de las Islas del Poniente, llamadas Filipinas. Manila. GARCIA, FAUSTINO. 1934. Comments and Suggestions on the Study of Philippine Medicinal Plants. Rev. Filip. de Med. y Farm. v. 25: 123-127. 246 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GUERRERO, LEoN MA. 1921. Census of the Philippine Islands. Vol. III. Manila. GUERRERO, L:ooN, MA. 1921. Medicinal Uses of Philippine Plants. Minor Products of Philippine Forests, edited by WM. H. BROWN. Vol. III. Manila. LAWALL, CHARLES H. 1927. Four Thousand Years of Pharmacy. Second lmpressic)Il. Philadelphia and London, J. B. Lippincott Co. LIST of Philippine medicinal plants and their active constituents and pharmacological actions. MSS. LoARCA: Relacion, 1580, Munoz. Copy, 1782. Collated with the original in the Simancas Archives. MONTERO y VIDAL, JOSE. 1887-1895. Historia General de Filipinas. Madrid MORGA, ANTONIO. 1907. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. Mexico, 1609. BLAIR AND RoBERTSON Edition. Cleveland, Ohio. 2 Vols. PAVON, FR. J. M. 1838. Los Cuentos de los Indios de Esta Isla de Negros. RETANA, W. E. 1896. Archivo del Bibliofilo F'ilipino. Torno Seg-undo. Madrid. RIZAL, JOSE. La Curaci6n de los Hechizados. SANTA MARIA, R. P. FR. FERNANDO DE. 17•68. Manual de Medicinas Caseras para consuelo de los pobres Indios en las Provincias, y Pueblos donde no hay Medicos, ni Botica. Manila. TAVERA, T. H. PARDO DE. 1892. Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas. Madrid. TAVERA, T. H. PARDO DE. 1923. Medicinas Caseras y Sus Peligros. Manila. THOMAS. 1901. Translation of Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas by T. H. PARDO DE TAVERA. New York. VILLEGAS, ANASTACIA. 1930. Primitive Medicine in the Philippines. New York. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE OF ANATOMY IN THE PHILIPPINES By JUAN C. NA:NAGAS Of the University of the Philippines Secretary, Section of Anatomy and Physiology Although the subject of anatomy as a branch of medical study had been offered as a curricular requirement in the University of Santo Tomas since the latter part of the eighteenth century, the full establishment and rapid evolution of this imbject as a science in the Philippines has been effected only since the American Occupation. Its recognition and progress a3 a biological science is coincident with the establishment, in 1907, and growth of the Philippine Medical School, which la~er became the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. Prior to that time, anatomy was simply regarded as a purely didactic course for the medical apprentice, and was popularly known more for its unpleasantness and horrors, through sporadic demomtrations on dead bodies in an advanced state of decomposition, rather than for its basic importance to med1cme. The use of refrigeration or chemical preservation of cadavers for dissection purposes was not practised locally in those days. Since the foundation of the Philippine Medical School, anatomy as a basic science has been given its due importance and a fundamental standing in Philippine Medicine. This was naturally brought about by the adaption in the Government Medic·al School of a plan of medical instruction closely patterned after that of American medical colleges. Responsible for this move was Dr. Robert B. Bean, the first American professor called to the chair of anatomy. It was he who started the pioneering work of outfitting the first modernly equipped dissection rooms and laboratories for microscopic anatomy in the Islands and who introduced cadaver embalsamation for dissection purposes. The first research studies undertaken by Bean were mostly on anthropologic lines, describing and classifying the physical char:acteristics of different regional inhabitants found in Manila and surrounding provinces. Later he extended his work 247 248 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL on anthropometry, particularly on cephalometry and cephalography, to the other racial groups found in other parts of the Archipelago. Although the works of Bean were obtained from materials taken at random, and not covering systematically all the groups of people in the Philippines, yet they are regarded as standard contributions, as up to now they are the only comprehensive anthropometric works on the Philippine Islanders. Bean's successors in the Philippine Medical School Drs. Elbert Clark, R. Lhamon and R. W. Hammack, and Edward S. Ruth, during their successive incumbencies as heads of the Department of Anatomy, also contributed some anatomical investigations of varying interest and covering a wide range of different subjects on morphology, embryology and development, as well as on animal experimentation. One of the most important contributions of Clark was his experimental research with Vedder on polyneuritis gallinarum, made in connection with the study of etiology of beriberi, a disease which was engaging the attention of our medical men in his time. This work received general recognition abroad as a pioneer contribution on the causation and pathology of beriberi. The researches of Ruth were mainly centered on the subject of embryology, although he also did some investigations on morphology and animal experiments on melanophores. He was 'mainly instrumental in arousing inter~st in the science of embryology in the Philippines by. inviting the medical profession in general to help build up a collection of Filipino human embryos in the Department of Anatomy of the University. Some studies on monsters and structural anomalies were made from these, and a summary report of the collection was published by him just before he left the Islands. During the period of American incumbency of the professorial chairs in the Philippine Medical School, research work was pursued with far greater advantages both as to time, recognition and material facilities than it has been during the Filipino administration within the last twelve years. Besides havin~ the advantage of individual preparation for research, the American professors had all the ideal conditions essential to research work, such as small size of classes, relatively bigger teaching staff, and with most of the teaching and routine duties delegated to the Filipino assistants. Under this condit'on the native personnel did not have the opportunity of collaborating in research and this resulted in a vicious circle that placed ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 249 the senior positions beyond the reach of the Filipinos. As was to be expected, it caused frequent changes in the rank of the American professors by young American graduates, as it is a fact that no one of them ever intended to stay long in the Philippines, and that research accomplishments obtained in this University constituted a capital for better positions in the United States. Ruth was the last American to occupy the professorship of anatomy of the University of the Philippines. His immediate successor was Dr. Arturo Garcia, who several . years previously was his collaborator in the teaching duties. At that time the selection of permanent Filipino members of the anatomical staff was attended with considerable difficulty. The goal of most of the medical graduates was the clinics and active medical practice rather th~n laboratory and research positions in the University. This was one of the great handicaps faced by the Department during the time of Filipinization of the service. During the early years of Filipino administration, therefore, a turn-over of the junior personnel was continually tak~ ing place. This condition, aggravated by the increased enrollment at that period and the lack of the necessary training and guidance to do research on the part of the native assistants, as aforesaid all entailed not only heavy teaching work for the higher ranking permanent members of the department but also considerably retarded the pursuit of research in anatomy. Dr. Garcia, foreseeing these handicaps, endeavored from the start to interest the university authorities in sending university fellows abroad to specialize on this branch of science as the best solution in carrying out succes3fully the Filipinization of the 1service. Effectively, and after a careful selection from the long line of short-term assistants, and within the first ten years of his incumbency, he was able to send on fellowhips abroad the three first ranking members of the present staff of the Department of Anatomy, Drs. J. C. Nafiagas, Fidel Cuajunco, and Marciano Limson. He was responsible in effecting the more recent modernization of the dissection and microscopic laboratories, as well as the complete outfitting with equipments for instruction and research in the Department. His collaborators, Drs. N afiagas, Limson and Cuaj,unco, all possessing rich experience from the laboratories of America and Europe, have cooperated to carry into full accomplishment the constant desire 250 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of Dr, Garcia to raise the local anatomical laboratories up to the same level as those of the better class anatomical departments in the United States and to bring the names of Filipino anatomists to the attention of the principal anatomical organizations abroad. With the present nucleus of men who have had research experience abroad to form the permanent staff of the Department of Anatomy, research accomplishment appears to be fairly well assured. It is regrettable, however, that notwithstanding such favorll;ble preparation of the staff for scientific investigation, too many conditions have been and allowed to prevail in the University that tend to discourage rather than promote the accomplishment of research. These conditions have become worse this year. To mention some of them, we have; the insufficiency, and just recently, the virtual abolition of the standing appropriation for research; the required heavy teaching hours entailed by the reduction of personnel and the ever increasing enrollment; the absence of proper incentive and appreciation for research; the reduction of salaries and the adoption of strict rules making research a privilege rather than a duty to be performed by the professors. Under such unfavorable circumstances, it may be said with a fair degree of truth, that whatever research work has been accomplished in recent years has been really done through real love and genuine interest on the part of the staff rather than through any encouragements offered by the University. De.spite the existence of such regrettable handicaps, however, there were contributed from the Department of Anatomy a fairJy creditable number of research publications, which covered th·3 branches of morphology, development, anomalies and animal experimentation on the lines of neurology, osteology and embryology. More recently, studies have been started on the anatomy and developmental conditions of the internal secreting glands in Filipinos. The investigative works on neurology comprised experimental studies on the absorption of the cerebrospinal fluid, the artificial production of hydrocephalus, and the study of the motor cortex on macacus, contributed by Dr. N aiiagas; and studies on the innervation and development of the neuromascular spindles by Dr. Cuajunco. The studies on the cerebrospinal fluid have been referred to in standard American books on neurology. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 251 The studies on topographic anatomy and anomalies cover those on the position and size of the appendix in Filipinos by Dr. Garcia, and of ithe kidneys by Dr. Nafiagas; and the anomalies of the extremities and also of the kidneys in pigs, also by Dr. Garcia, and on the anomalies of the heart of still-born Filipino children. Other studies on morphology are those of the vertebral artery by Dr. Canizares, and on the musculus sternalis and ectrosyndaotyly by Dr. Yap. The studies made on development cover some preliminary reports by Dr. Nafiagas on the build, constitution, vital capacity and other physical measurements of Filipinos, particularly comprising the university student population. These reports have aroused wide interest and started lively discussions among medical men, physical educators and welfare workers in the Islands, especially as regards the factors causing poor nutrition and physique and their relations to problems of pulmonary tuberculosis i11 connection with the low vital capacity found for the Filipinos. The anatomical studies on the internal secreting glands of Filipinos comprise contributions of Dr. Molina on the parathyroids, and more recently by Dr. Nafiagas on the topography, size and development of the thymus in different ages, with special reference to the rate of growth and nutrition in Filipino children and adolescents. Research work in the field of human anatomy had been also undertaken in the Philippines by men connected with other science departments of the College of Medicine of the state university. Those of the Department of Physiology and of the School of Hygiene and Public Health should in particular be mentioned here. Of the former are included the studies on growth of Filipinos by Drs. Concepcion, Salcedo and Bulatao; and on the relation of the body weight to age and height by Drs. Cordero and Ocampo. From the School of Hygiene and Public Health contributions on the studies of the weights of visceral organs in children and adults were published by Drs. de Jesus, de Leon, A. Garcia, Anzures and Ramos. Dr. Cabigting of the Department of Laboratories of the Philippine General Hospital has also published a paper on the blood examination of normal Filipinos. The development of the science of anatomy of lower animals has been promoted by the establishment in recent year (1916), through the untiring efforts of Dr. M. D. Sumulong (1921) of 252 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL a modern plant in the Department of Veterinary Anatomy of the College of Veterinary Science, University of the Philippines. Most of the research work in this branch of anatomy was done after the return of Dr. Sumulong from a fellowship in America. His investigations cover varied subjects on osteology of farm animals; the anomalies of development of higher vertebrates; blood studies and topographic reports on the thyroids, and experimental work on castration. In conclusion, it is earnestly hoped that conditions in the future may be improved so that more encouragement and better facilities and particularly a more liberal allowance in time and money for the pursuit of scientific research may be offered by the University. I. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES BEAN, R. B. 1908. A theory of heredity to explain the types of the white race in North America. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 3A: 215. BEAN, R. B. 1908. The Benguet lgorots. A somatologic study of the live folk of Benguet and Lepanto Bontoc. Philippine Journal of Scien..,e, v. 3A:413. BEAN, R. B. 1909. Filipino ears---A classification of ear types. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4A:27. BEAN, R. B. 1909. Methods of studying the structure of the central nervous system. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4B:9. BEAN, R. B. 1909. Filipino types found in Malecon morgue. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4A:297. BEAN, R. B. 1909. Filipino types: Manila students. An attempt t-0 classify the littoral population of Luzon and adjacent islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4A:263. BEAN, R. B. 1909. A cephalograph: the description of an instrument for reproducing the outlines of the head and face. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4A:447. BEAN, R. B. 1909. Filipino types: racial anatomy in Taytay. A. The men. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4A :359. BEAN, R. B. 1910. Filipino types: racial anatomy in Taytay. B. The women. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5D :1. BEAN, R. B. 1910. Paleolithic man in the Philippine Islands. Hom-0 philippinensis. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5D :27. BEAN, R. B. 1910. Filipino ears II: Ears from Malecon morgue. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5D:7. BEAN, R. B. and R. S. PLANTA. 1911. The men of Cainta. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6D :7. BEAN, R. B. 1911. Filipino ears III: Negrito. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6D:l07. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 253 BEAN, R. B. 1913. Filipino ears IV: Ilongot and Mangyan. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 8D :357. BEAN, R. B. 1913. Types among the inland tribes of Luzon and Mindanao. Philippine Journal of Science, v. SD :455. CANIZARES, MIGUEL. 1919. Some abnormalities of the vertebral artery. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 15: 451. CARREON, MARCIANO. 1919. The absence of both hind legs below the femur in a full-term pig. Philippine Journal of Science, v.14:201. CLARKE, ELBERT. 1910. On the occurrence of an accessory naso-frontal duct of the frontal sinus. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5B :475. CLARKE, E. and E. B. VEDDER. 1912. A study of polyneuritis gallinarum. A fifth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7B :423. CUA.JUNOi>, FIDEL. 1927. Embryology of the neuromascular spindle. Contributions to embryology, No. 99. Contributions to Embryology, Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub., v. 19, No. 380:45. CUA.JUNCO, FIDEL. 1932. The pleurosegmental innervation of neuromascular spindles. Journal of C<nnparative Neurology, v. 54:205. GARCIA, ARTURO. 1916. Congenital absence of kidneys in 140-millimeter pig embryo. Philippine Journal of Science, v. llB :191. GARCIA, ARTURO. 1933. 'The departmental anatomy, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. System of Medical Education, Rockefeller Foundation; N. Y., U. S. A. GARCIA, ARTURiO and RICARDO D. MOLINA. 1920. Outline of laboratory exercises of histology. Imp. de Pedro de Guzman, Manila. LIMSON, MARCIANO. 1924. Metopism as found in Filipino skulls. American Joitrnal of Physical Anthropology, v. 7:317. LIM SON, MARCIANO. The growth of the external dimension of the abdomen in the human fetus as determined by graphic analysis and empirical formulae. Unpublished. LIMSON, MARCIANIO. Gross changes produced by a low-protein diet on the weights and growths of the body and organs of the young al'bino rat. Unpublished. MOLINA, RICARDO D. 1918. Preliminary report in the parathyroid glands of the Filipino babies. Actll8 y Comunicacione!I de la Cuarta Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4:325. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1918. Outline of laboratory exercises in neurology. Ti. Lit. Pedro de Guzman, Manila. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1918. Importancia de la embriologia en medicina. Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacict, v. 9 :488. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1921. Two cases of monoventricular heart with atresia and transportation of some of the roots of the great vessels. The Anat<nnical Record, v. 20, No. 3. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1921. Position and size of the kidneys among Filipinos. Philippine Journal of Science, v.18:695. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1921. Experimental studies on hydrocephalus. The John& Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, v. 32, No. 370:381. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1922. The science of anatomy and the anatomfoal laboratories of America. Office of the Philippine Educational Agent, Bureau of Insular Affairs, Wash., D-. C. Unpublished. 254 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NA:NAGAS, JUAN C. 1922. Anatomical studies of the motor cortex of Mricacus rhesus. The Journal of Comparative Neu;rology, v. 35:67 .. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1923. Outline of visit and observation followed in the medical schools and scientific institutions of Europe. (As re-. ported to the University of the Philippines, Feb. 1923). Office of the President, University of the Philippines and Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine. Unpublished. NA:NAGAS, JUAN C. 1923. Physical growth of children. Department of Anatomy. Unpublished. NANAGAS, JuAN C. 1923. Cooperation necessary between medical associations and the government in the Philippines on legislation pertaining to medical and public health matters. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 3:1. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1923. The functions of the corpus striatum and their relation to epidemic encephalitis. Paper read before the interns and residents of the Philippine General Hospital, Au,g. 2. NA:NAGAS, JUAN C. 1925. Hydrocephalus artificially produced and its research importance. Philippine Islands Medwal Association. Journal, v. 5:251. NA:NAGAS, JUAN C. 1927. Vital capacity and physical standards of students of the University of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 32:325. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1927. Vital capacity, build and constitution of Filipinos and the morbid relationship of these factors to pulmonary tuberculosis. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7:189. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1927. Some salient points on the condition of growth of the Filipinos. Paper read before the faculty of the University of the Philippines, at the Faculty Luncheon, July 9. NA:NAGAS, JUAN C. 1929. Contributions to the craniology of the Filipinos. I. A study of the cranial capacity. Philippine Journal r.f Science, v. 38:83. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1930. Contributions to the craniology of the Filipinos. I. On the cranial dimensions and indices. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 42:347. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1930. The physical potentiality of the Filipino race from the standpoint of body development. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 10 :407. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1930. On Davenport's indictments against the Filipino race. (Comments on paragraph 5. The Filipinos of Luzon of the chapter on the Mingling of Races as contributed by Charles B. Davenport in the recent book on Human Biology and Racial Welfare. Edited by EDMOND V. CowDRY and published by PAUL B. HOEBER, INC., N. Y.) The Philippines Herald, November 16, 1930. NANAGAS, JUAN C. 1933. Contributions to the study of the internal secreting glands in Filipinos; I. Topography and size of the thymus. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 51 :281. RUTH, E. S. 1916. On the development of twins and other polyembryos with special reference to four sets of duck twins. Philippine Jourw.Ll of Science, v. llB: 109. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 255 RUTH, E. S. and R. B. GIBSON. 1917. Disappearance of the pigment in the melanophore of Philippine house lizards. Philippine Journal cf Science, v.12B:l81. RUTH, E. S. 1918. A study of monstrm;ities and localized anomalies in human embryos in the Philippine Islands. Asnmblea Regional dt3 Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4 :203. RUTH, E. S. 1918. Reconstruction of two sets of duck twins, with special reference to the early embryonic development of the vascular system. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 13B :201. RUTH, E. S. 1918. A study of the calcium glands in the common Philippine house lizards. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 13B :311. RUTH, E. S. 1918. A study of one hundred thirty-five human embryos and foetuses collected in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal, of Science, v.13B:319. YAP, SABAS E. 1921. Musculus sternalis in Filipinos. Anatomical Record, v. 21:353. YAP, S. E. and E. V. PINEDA. 1922. Two interesting cases of ectrosyndactyly. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 20:1. II. CONTRIBUTIONS ON ANATOMY FROM THE DEPARTMENT LABORATORIES, PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL AND PHYSIOLOGY, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, AND THE SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH CABIGTING, P. L. 1930. Blood examination among normal Filipinos. Philippine Islands Medical Associatfon. Jcmrnal, v. 10, No. 319. CoNCEPCION, I., J. SALCEDO and E. BULATAO. 1933. Studies on growth of the Filipinos. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 3, No. 3. CoRDERO, N. 1930. Note on measurements of height and weight of lgorots. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.10:159. CoRDERO, N. and M. OCAMPO. 1931. A table of body weight in relation to age and height for Filipino men. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 1 :163. CORDERO, N. and E. BULATAO. 1933. A table of body weight in relation to age and standing weight for Filipino women. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bnlletin, v. 3:10. JESUS, P. I. DE and W. DE LEON. 1933. Studies on the weights of visceral organs in Filipinos. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52 :97. JESUS, P. I. DE, w. DE LEON and P. ANZURES. 1933. Normal weights of visceral organs in filipino children. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52:99. JESUS, P. I. DE, W. DE LEON and J. M. RAMOS. 1933. Normal weights c,f visceral organs in Filipinos in relation to length of body weight. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52:119. LEON, w. DE, A. GARCIA and P. I. DE JESUS. 1933. Normal weights of visceral organs in adult Filipinos. Philippine Journal of Science, v.52:111. 256 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL III. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY ANATOMY, COLLEGE OF VETERINARY SCIENCE DAVID, T. 1933. Preliminary study on the relation of leucocyte count to lactation in goat. Bureau of Animal lndu.sttry Gazette, v. 3 :270-276. DAVID, TOMAS T. Carabao shoeing. In Press. SAN AGUSTIN, GREGORIO. 1934. Maceration and bleaching of bones for anatomical specimens. The Philippine Journal of Animal Indui;try, v. 1: 99-102. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1922. The anatomy of a double pig. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 11 :3-10. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1923. A study of the growth of the hoofs of native horses. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 11 :235-241. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1923. A discription of a four-legged chick. The Philippine Agriculturist, v.12:303-306. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1925. Effects of castration in immature guinea pigs. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 27 :325-349. SUMULONG MANUEL D. 1925. Structural characteristics of double-yolked eggs and the relation of the membrane of twin embryos resulting from a double-yolked egg. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 28: 549-556. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1926. Effect of castration upon pulling power and endurance in guinea pigs. The Phili71pine .Tournal of Science, v. 29 :327-339. SUMULONG MANUEL D. 1926. Congenital absence of both hirid lE'gs in an adult pig. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 31 :147-159. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1926. Some observations on the characteristics features of the skeleton of the carabao. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v.19:311-326. SUMULONG MANUEL D. 1929. An explanation of the significance of vaccination in an outbreak of rinderpest. The Philippines Farm Journal, (October). SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1930. Congenital eye, nose, and skull defect in a horse. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 42:489-495. SUMULONG MANUEL D. 1930. II. A case of complete congenital absence of both hind limbs below the os coxa.e in a pig. Sarawak Museum Journal, v. 4:43-48. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1931. 'Thyroid gland of the carabao. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 44:313-323. SUMULONG, M;ANUEL D. 1931. The skeleton of the timarau. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 46:141-158. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1933. Is "Spina Bifida" hereditable defect ;n sheep. Bureau of Animal Industry Gazetti, v. 3:359-361. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1933. Dystokia in equine due to hydrocephalus. Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette, v. 3:278-279. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1934. Observations on the hones of native horses affected with oesteoporosis. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 53: 141-155. SUMULONG, MANUEL D. 1934. A dissection of the mouse deer. In Press. THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By ISABELO CONCEPCION Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Nutrition Physiology has long been considered the master key to medicine, and by virtue of the great utilitarian service it has rendered in promoting human welfare, it has attained a distinctive position in the category of the sciences. Nevertheless, in spite of the strong appeal that it offers to scientists in general and to medical men in particular, the progress of physiology in the Pl:ilippines has been very slow. Previous to the year 1908, experimental physiology was practically unknown in this country. Physiology was taught exclusively by lectures or recitations and in most schools it was given only as a minor part of anatomy. The development of experimental physiology in these Islands is very closely associated with the development of the Department of Physiology of the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. This department came into existence in 1908 at the time of the creation of the Philippine Medical School, the forerunner of the present College of Medicine. It started in a small wooden building on the Malecon Drive, the one now occupied by the Municipal Court. The man responsible for the dissemination of modern physiological knowledge in this country was Dr. Hans Aron, a German physiologist whose services were secured by Dr. Paul C. Freer, the first Dean of the Philippine Medical School to serve as professor of physiology in the Philippine Medical School. He was the first man to introduce here modern physiological apparatus for experimental purposes. We still preserve in our laboratory some of these early apparatuses that he brought over with him from Germany. While they may now be considered rather primitive they are certainly representative of the most up-to-date equipment of those days. During the incumbency of Professor Aron the Medical School became a part of the newly created University of the Philippines and was transferred from the Malecon to its present site. We can safely state that nearly all the important researches in experimental physiology in this country 257 258 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL originated from this laboratory, and the majority of the physiology professors and teachers who are now in the different schools and universities in the City of Manila received their early training in this Department. It is to be regretted that Professor Aron did not stay long enough in the Philippines to train Filipinos to succeed him in the work. When he left the University in 1910, he was succeeded first by Professor Shaklee, whose incumbency was short, and then by Professor R. B. Gibson, a Yale graduate whose services were contracted in 1912 to become the Head of the Department of Physiology <>f the College of Medicine. It was Professor Gibson who was able to train a number of Filipinos who later succeeded him in his work. It was also during the incumbency of Professor Gibson that the first experimental work in physiology was published by Filipinos (Gibson, and Concepcion, 1914) ; (Concepcion and Bulatao, 1916). While Professor Aron introduced here the first ~x­ perimental methods in the teaching of physiology, Professor Gibson may be said to have modernized it. He brought into the Philippines the well-known Harvard apparatuses to replace the rather cumbersome and more expensive German designs brought over by Professor Aron. Up to 1915, the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, was the only place where experimental physiology was being taught. In that year the College of Medicine of the University of Santo Tomas, apparently attracted by the marked progress in physiological teaching carried on by the State University, sent Dr. Jose Paredes, then an instructor in the Department of Physiology in that institution, to the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, to observe the work and familiarize himself with the technique of some of the experimental procedures in the Department of Physiology. Thereafter the Santo Tomas Department of Physiology started ordering physiological apparatus and in the following year they introduced some experimental courses in physiology in their new curriculum. When the era of Filipinization came, Professor Gibson, taking advantage of the Osmefia Retirement Act, resigned on September 12, 1919. In November of the same year, Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, the next man after Dr. Gibson, was sent to the United States as a government pensionado for further training in physiology and biochemistry and to prepare him for permanent headship of that Department. His arrival from the ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 259 United States in 1921 gave further impetus to the teaching of physiology and especially of biochemistry. He brought with him new apparatus and introduced some experimental procedures in biochemistry which had not been used heretofore. In 1923, Dr. Emilio Bulatao, from the same Department, was appointed as a fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation to take advanced courses in physiology in America and Europe. On his return, in 1924, he introduced improvements in the experimental course in physiology in the College of Medicine. Later on two other Department members of the staff, Dr. Narciso Cordero and Wenceslao Pascual were also sent to the United States to take advanced work in physiology. They both returned to the Philippines in 1928, after having accomplished creditable work abroad. Some of their contributions to experimental physiology may be gleaned from the appended partial list of researches (Bul&tao and Cannon, 1925; Cordero et al., 1925-1927; Davis et al., 1928). Tracing the work from the early period to the present time, one can readily see that very slow progress has been mad2. From the year 1909 to June, 1934, only about.15 physiological papers have been published by Filipinos in this country. This does not include those papers written and published abroad by Filipinos during their period of training. Analyzing the cames for this slow progress in experimental physiology in this country one may ascribe it principally to the absence of proper scientific atmosphere and the lack of proper understanding and appreciation on the part of the public and of the authorities as to the nature of the work of the scientist. This is the reason why scientific pursuits are not very popular in the Philippines and also explains why the returned scientist after working some time abroad and returning with great enthusiasm gradually becomes stale in his line of specialization. If, perchance, his work is recognized, he is removed from active work in his line to take up work of an administrative nature, with the result that he can no longer progress in his chosen line of work nor train a young scientist to succeed him in the future. For experimental laboratory work cannot be qone properly by delegation; an<l an understudy can learn its intricacies only by being a collaborator with the one who is actually doing laboratory work. In Japan the successful scientist is a very popular person and once he obtains recognition he is rewarded by the government 260 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL either with a title or some form of a pension. In the Philippines, a successful scientist is looked upon as necromancers used to be in the middle ages. In this country the public man is more popular than the scientist and this is the reason why the law profession is followed by so many of our young men. Have we ever considered the fate of scientists willing to forego the attractions of a public life and spend their time in the comparative obscurity of the laboratory? Will advantage be taken of their love of their work for its own sake, to liinit their compensation to a pittance barely sufficient to keep body and soul together, or will they be given enough to enable them to concentrate their energies on the problem at hand and not to the mere matter of making both ends meet? This is food for thought for our legislators, philanthropists, and leaders in and out of our government. To create, therefore, a proper scientific environment, should be the aim of those of us who still retain hopes of a better scientific future for the country. I am looking forward to the time when scientists in this country will be as popular as our public men and to the day when research work will finally be pursued with something like sustained effort, with love of science for its own sake as the main incentive. LITERATURE CITED BULATAO, E. and W. B. CANON. 1925. The Role of the Adrenal Medulla in Pseudaffective Hyperglycemia. Am. Jour. Ph11siol., v. 72:295. CoNCEPCION, I. and E. BuLATAO. 1916. Blood Pressure Picture of the Filipinos. Philip. Jour Sci., v. 11: 135. CoRDERO, N. 1926. On the Aveolar CO, Tension Following Vigorous Muscular Exercise. Am. Jour. Physiol., v. 77:91. CoRDERO, N. and A. J. CARLSON. 1927. Effects of Union of the Ce:itral End of the Phrenic Nerve with the Peripheral End of the Motor Nerve to the Sternohyoid Muscle. Am. Jour. Physiol., v. 82:580. DAVIS, H., M. PASCUAL, and L. H. RICE. 1928. The Effect of CO, on the Action Current of the Medullated Nerve. .1m. Jour. Physiol., v. 86:706. GIBSON, R. B. and I. CONCEPCION. 1914. The Lymphagogic Action of the Philippine Mango. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9B :503. DEVELOPMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By TEODULO TOPACIO Of the Bureau of Animal Industry Secretary of the Division of Medical Sciences The accounts of Fathers Buzeta and Bravo (1850) record the expedition of General Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, who brought to Manila, in 1571, military health officers. He founded the Board of Charity and Health (Junta de Beneficiencia y Sanidad) which handled the general hygiene and sanitation work in Manila~ Frcmi this period to about 1888 the diagnoses of epidemics and infectious diseases were largely clinical, as the Government had no organized laboratory. Asiatic cholera, for instance, was considered by Benoit (1832) as due to various disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract, such as alcoholism, extreme exposures to heat and cold, intestinal round worms ( ascariasis) and miasms of all sorts. Disease control by preventive inoculation began with smallpox vaccination. In 1805, due to a very heavy epidemic of smallpox in the Philippines, King Charles IV dispatched an expedition through Mexico in charge of Dr. Francisco Javier y Balmis carrying a cargo of smallpox vaccine. for the people of the Philippine Islands. Healthy mothers and children were on board the ship and through their arms the vaccine virus was passed to keep it from perishing during the trip. Upon its arrival in Manila the seed virus was collected and passed on to other healthy children and thus smallpox vaccination from arm to arm began. The Junta Central de Vacunaci6n was created to undertake the production and application of the vaccine. Dr . • Tcse Maria Birotteau (1838) in his introduction says in part: Esta expedici6n dirigida por el Dr. D. Francisco Javier de Balmis lleg6 a Manila el aiio de 1805 y tuvo la gloria de depositar en las Islas esta mina inagotable de salud, prosperidad y aumento de poblaci6n. A bronze statue of King Charles IV stands opposite the Ayuntamiento today which was erected by the Filipinos with 261 262 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the following inscription: "Al Rey D. Carlos de Borbon en gratitud al don benefico de la vacuna. Los habitantes de Filipinas". This was erected in 1824. The first government laboratory in the Philippines was the Laboratorio Municipal established in 1888 in Manila. Mr. Anacleto del Rosario ( Gotzens, 1888), who was a pharmacist by profession, was the first director. He made chemical examinations of foods, wines, beers, milk, mineral waters; and bacteriological examinations of cholera stools and other clinical materials supplied him by the Hospital de San Juan de Dios, and private clinics. He also examined and diagnosed pathological specimens, and made studies of amoeba organisms in cases of dysentery. He was unable to isolate pure cultures of cholera vibrio but saw the bacillus of Eberth (typhoid bacillus). This was really the beginning of bacteriological studi€s during the Spanish reg!me. In 1894 the Instituto Central Microbiologico y de Vacunaci6n was created at the Laboratorio Municipal with Dr. Salvador Rem6n (Retana, 1896) as director. Smallpox vaccine was prepared in this institute. In 1885 General Antonio Luna (Villamor, 1932) became director of the Laboratorio Municipal. He was a pharmacist and a good bacteriologist and probably the most capable of the directors so far. Early in 1896 General Luna was exiled to Spain and upon his return he took part in the Philippine revolution. In 1898 the American Army of Occupation found the Laboratorio Municipal without equipment as a result of the uprising of 1896. The laboratory was converted into the First Reserve Hospital, which later became the present Sternberg General Hospital. On January 16, 1900, the Secretary of War appointed tht> U. S. Army Medical Board, (Vedder, 1929) composed of First Lieutenants and Assistant Surgeons J. B. Clayton and Richard P. Strong and Joseph J. Curry. The Municipal Laboratory was again equipped and fitted out for active service. The Board met at once to formulate plans of investigation. Part of the instructions of the Surgeon General to the Board follows: Blood examinations and bacteriological research for the purpose of clinical diagnosis as well as to promote our knowledge of the infectious diseases prevailing in the Philippine Islands, etc. This Board contributed fundamental bacteriological studies on the etiology and immunology of such tropical diseases as dysenteries, malarial fevers, beriberi, intestinal parasites, cholera, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 263 bubonic plague and paratyphoid. It was the beginning of the development of modern bacteriology and immunology in the Philippines. In 1901 the Philippine Commission (1901-1902) created the Bureau of Government Laboratories. Dr. P. C. Freer, a chemist of internatioµal fame, was appointed first superintendent of this institution. Dr. R. P. Strong was made director Of the Biological Laboratory of the Bureau. Under his leadership the bacteriological and immunological studies in the Philippines became widely known. The work of Strong, Musgrave and Clegg, Ruediger, Woolley, Barber, Ohno, (1905-1909), to mention only a few, had opened up a new period in modern tropical bacteriology and immunology of the Philippines and from 1902 to date may be considered the most productive period in the development of bacteriology and immunology in this country. Since 1906 the institution has been renamed as the Bureau of Science. The high reputation of the institution for the study of tropical diseases may be judged from the fact that bacteriologists, immunologists, and sanitarians from other countries come to Manila for such studies each year. The well equipped laboratories and scientific library as well as the courtesies extended to visiting investigators have earned for this institution not only the interest and admiration of foreign scientists, but above all the distinction of having been considered as a high class scientific institution of the Far East. In the field of animal diseases, the recognition of rinderpest, anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, hemorrhagic septicemia, hog cholera, rabies, glanders, tuberculosis, surra, etc. fell to the lot of the same Board of Health that handled the investigations on human diseases. The veterinarians of the Bureau of Agriculture-now Bureau of Animal Industry-from 1901 to the present day have contributed to the bacteriological and immunological 13tudies of diseases of live stock. The greatest single contribution to veterinary science in this part of the world was the development of an efficient vaccine against rinderpest by Boynton (1928) which was improved upon by Keiser, Youngberg and Topacio (1928) which made possible the control of the disea11e at present and its eradication in the Islands in the near future. The progress within the last thirty years in the developm~mt of immunizing agents against the various infectious diseases so far studied has been nothing short of remarkable. 264 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Today the Bureau of Science manufactures vaccines against cholera, bacillary dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid, rabies, smallpox, and arrti-sera against dysentery and other infectious di!:-eases. Likewise, the Bureau of Animal Industry is now producing anti-rinderpest vaccine, hemorrhagic septicemia vaccine, fowl cholera vaccine, rabies vaccine and fowlpox vaccine to meet the needs for the control of these diseases. LITERATURE CITED BENOIT, CARWS LUIS. 1832. Observaciones sobre el Colera-Morbo-Espasmodico, etc. Presented as a thesis at the University of Paris and M ontpellier. BmoTTEAu, JOSE MARIA. 1838. Principios de vacunacion para el uso de los vacunadores en Filpinas. lmpreso de! orden del superior gobierno, Manila. BoYNTON, W. H. 1928. Rinderpest, with special reference to its control by new method of prophylactic treatment. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 36: 1-33, pl. 1-3. BUZETA, MANUEL AND FELIPE BRAVO. 1850. Diccionario geografico, estatadistico, historico de las Islas Filipinas, v. 2: 284. GoTZENS, GINES GEISS y ANACLETO DEL ROSARIO y SALES. 1888. Una Epizootia en Filipinas. Chofre y Ca. Manila. KELSER, R. A., s. YOUNGBERG AND T. TOPACl'O. 1928. An improved vaccine for immunization against rinderpest. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 36: 373393, fig. 1-4. RETANA, W. E. 1896. Instituto Central Microbiologico y de VacunacionAparato Bibiografico de la Historia General de Filipinas, v. 3, No. 3664. VEDDER, EDWARD B. 1929. A synopsis of the work of the Army Medical Research Boards in the Philippines. The Army Medical Bulletin. VILLAMOR, JUAN. 1932. General Antonio Luna y Novicio, vida, hechos y tragica muerte. Manila. 1901-1902. Reports of the Philippine Commission. 1905-1909. Annual Report of the Bureau of Government Laboratories for 1902-1904 (I-III) and Annual Reports of the Bureau of Science. DEVELOPMENT OF HYGIENE AND MEDICINE (PUBLIC HEALTH) PHILIPPINEiS By HILARIO LARA PREVENTIVE IN THE Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Hygiene and Preventive Medicine (sanitary science) is a branch of applied biology which seeks to prevent, reduce or eradicate disease by removing or altering the responsible etiological factors. According to a late writer on the subject "It aims to make growth more perfect, life more vigorous, decay less rapid, death more remote." This branch of knowledge has lately been. given a new name-"public health"-whose more comprehensive and modern scope is expressed in the following accepted definition : The science and the art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the -individual in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of a medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social machinery which will insure to every individual in the community a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health. The practice of hygiene and preventive medicine spells war-war against disease--and any account of it is not complete without mentioning the heroes of the different fights and the details of their exploits. But as the report required on the subject has to be most brief, details will necessarily have to be omitted. Only salient events tending to serve as milestones ·in the progress of public health in this country will be outlined under the several divisional headings which generally comprise, in their most modern sense, the various aspects of the community application of this branch of medical science. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES 1803-Edict passed regarding use of vaccine against smallpox. 1805--Expedition to introduce vaccination (arm to arm propagation of virus employed) arrived. 1806--Board of Vaccination established-later changed to Central Institute of Vaccination to take charge of the preservation and propagation of the virus against smallpox. 265 266 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1871-Edict of September 29 establishing the office of ship medical insp€Ctor. 1884--Lazareto de Mariveles established. 1885--(Edict) Ship inspections and maritime quarantine regulations in all Philippine ports adopted. 1901-Compulsory vaccination law for all enacted. 1902-Scientific method of control of cholera instituted, applying for the first time in this country John Snow's doctrine announced in 1819 regarding mode of communication of cholera, the organism of which Koch discovered only in 1883. 1904--Contaminated water and uncleaned green vegetables and fruits pointed out as important factors of transmission in amoebic dysentery; Stream breeding mosquito (Anopheles minimus) first demonstrated as local vector of malaria and the importance of streams as breeding places of insect transmitter here stressed; (later studies showed similar results) . 1905--Practical application with great success in Manila of the theory that plague in man comes from the plague-infected rat by means of the rat flea; Cholera vaccine first tried; commission to study amoebiasis appointed. 1906-Leper Colony at Culion opened for more effective and extensive segregation of lepers; Result of local study on vaccination against plague made known. 1907-Leper Law (Act No. 1711) passed, providing for compulsory apprehension, detention, isolation, and segregation of all leprous persons; survey of distribution of animal parasites of man in the Philippines undertaken. 1908--Search for disease germ carriers first instituted. 1909-Appropriation by government of P35,000 to commence anti-tuberculosis measures; First sanitary survey made of a Philippine rural community. 1910-0pening of Pasteur prophylactic treatment clinic against rabies. 1911-Distribution of typhoid fever in the Philippines first demonstrated. 1912--Antityphoid vaccination first instituted. 1913--Etiology of amoebic dysentery made more clear and utilization of the knowledge in the detection of carriers and mild cases of the disease proposed here; Dry vaccine against smallpox first tried with successful result (of great practical value in immunization of people in remote barrios where glycerinated lymph vaccine usually arrives ·already impotent. Dry vaccine used was two months old, whereas ordinary glycerinated lymph vaccine will not always remain potent for a greater period than one week at ordinary room temperature). 1916-Committee to study the cause of prevalence of typhoid fever in the city of Manila appointed. 1919-Schick test first used on large scale to determine susceptibility of Filipino children to diphtheria. 1921-Yaws studied from the public health standpoint and shown to be easily controllable (yaws clinic for administration of neosalvarsan opened). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 267 1922-More intensive field studies an!} campaign against hookworm in rural communities instituted. 1925-Epidemiological and bacteriological studies of cholera revealed for the first time sea-foods obtained from polluted sources as an important (primary) factor of transmission of the disease in Manih and neighboring towns; attention directed also for the first time to the important role of pollution of the fishing sector of Manila Bay and streams emptying into it in the spread of typhoid fever, dysentery and other gastro-intestinal communicable diseases in the metropolis and neighboring municipalities; Antidysentery vaccination first tried locally. 1924-1926--Mechanism of transmission (through bite of Aedes egypti mosquito) of dengue fever successfully studied. 1929-Passage of Act No. 3573 providing compulsory notification to health stations of reportable communicable diseases and making innoculation against dangerous communicable diseases compulsory. 1921-1934-More definite knowledge on malaria distribution, prophylaxis, treatment and control gained. (Malaria found wide-spread throughout the Philippine Archipelago; the disease primarily one of foothill regions, being found wherever there are streams containing the larvae of A. minimus var. fl,avirostris; littoral when flat, inland plains, and the mountains above 2000 ft. not malarious; spleen palpations furnish a useful index to the incidence of malaria in Philippine communities, there being positive correlation between degree of splenic enlargement and percentage .of positive blood smears.) 1933-Important role of sea-foods obtained from polluted sources in the spread of cholera further demonstrated; Mode of development of the human intestinal fluke, E'uparyphium Ilocamum (Garrison 1908), determined making possible the prevention of infestation in man; Rat-bite fever distribution studied and mode of transmission successfully demonstrated by experiment. SANITATION 1733-Carriedo's first bequest of 10,000 Spanish pesos to the City of Manila for the construction of a public water supply, followed by another 10,000 pesos in 1743. 1852-Filling of low lands and laying of subsurface sewers in Manila. 1857-1860-First public park established. 1876--First health survey (though not in modern sense) made (2 titled physicians composed the committee). 1878--Construction of Carriedo water-works, the first water-works in the Philippines, started, and in 882 inaugurated. 1899-First garbage crematory for Manila established; Rat control first instituted. 1901-First sanitary ordinance enforced (City of Manila.) 1903-Regular mosquito and rat control work instituted in Manila. 1904-First artesian well sunk; Pail conservancy system established in Manila; Antiquated and insanitary methods of collecting night soil were discarded and use of the sanitary odorless excavators required. 268 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1905---Use of chemical (copper sulphate) in water purification for Manila first tried; Law appropriating funds for construction of modern sewerage system for the City of Manil~ enacted, system inaugurated in 1909; Law regulating establishment and maintenance of burial grounds enacted; Prison sanitation assigned to Bureau of Health. 1906-Cemetery Law (Act No. 1458) regulating the establishment and maintenance of burial grounds and cemeteries and governing public funerals and the disposal of the dead in the provinces; Construction of sanitary sewer in Manila begun. 1907-Act No. 1666 passed, appropriating relief fund for purposes of constructing artesian wells, markets, slaughter-houses, etc. 1908--Act No. 1874--The Employer's Liability Law, making employers liable for injury or death of their employees due to negligence or defects in machinery; New water-works in Manila inaugurated; Most extensive general chemical disinfection tried as emergency measure against cholera. 1909-Creation of the Bureau of Labor wi~h duty among others "to inspect all shops, factories, railways, tramways, vessels, industrial and commercial establishments, and all other places or centers of labor, whether public or private, and to take proper steps to prevent exposure of the health or lives of laborers"; Intensive campaign on proper waste disposal instituted. 1910-Regulations for sanitation of cigar and cigarette factories issued. 1912-Manila water-supply .treated for first time with hypochlorite of lime (but not continuously), only in 1923 regular treatment (calcium hypochlorite solution) introduced (apparatus not however automatic). 1914-First "Clean-up Week" inaugurated. 1915---First sanitary commission organized to make comprehensive study of health conditions. 1925---Sewage of Manila purified by hypochlorite of lime as an emergency measure against cholera; General disinfection of fish in Manila by hypochlorite of lime and formalin solutions as an emergency measure against cholera; Construction of Novaliches dam started. 1926-First successful rapid sand filter to purify water of swimming pool constructed at the State University. 1928-Liquid chlorine first employed with automatic control for Manila water-supply; Act No. 3428--The Workmen's Compensation Law, prescribing the amount of compensation for physical disabilities due to accidents or occupational diseases (industrial hygiene and sanitation). 1930-Act No. 3813 passed which provided among other things for the construction of insular, provincial and municipal water-works, drainage and sewer systems. 1930-1934--More knowledge gained on problems connected with waste disposal. 1932-Free Emergency Medical Treatment Act (industrial hygiene and sanitation), regarding medical treatment of laborers passed. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 269 VITAL STATISTICS 1591-First census made although not used then for sanitary science purposes. 1882-Edict establishing Superior Board of Health made priests to act as local registrars. 1899-Superintendents of parochial cemeteries required to allow no burial without permits from Board of Health; Regulation passed in Manila requiring births, marriages and deaths to be registered at the Office of Board of Health; (First time modern vital statistics employed). 1903-First modern census enumeration. 1918-Last census taken to date. 1929-Law enacted making notification of reportable communicable diseases compulsory. 1930-Law enacted establishing civil registry. 1924-1934-Several studies based on local vital statistics made. First life table prepared (1927) .based on local data. HEALTH EDUCATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH TRAINING 1760-Rules on how. to prevent diseases posted on all churches. 1843-Cartillas de Higiene published. 1865-Practical Guides in Hygiene and Disinfection published. 1872-First medical school (University of Sto. Tomas) established; (first graduates turned out 1875 from whom first "medicos titulares" selected). 1879-By government decree school of midwifery established in University of Sto. Tomas. 1901-Act to regulate practice of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy passed. 1903-Beginning of informal training of health officers in hygiene and preventive medicine. 1905-Act passed December 1, by Philippine Commission establishing Philippine Medical School, opened in 1907, which later became the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines, with Hygiene and Preventive Medicine constituting one of the departments. 1909-Hygiene and physiology included in curriculum of all public elementary schools for first time; Nursing instruction at the old Philippine Normal School begun. 1913-Graduate courses in hygiene and tropical medicine offered in the College of Medicine and Surgery of the University of the Philippines (Graduate School of Tropical Medicine and Public Health closed 1919). 1921-Health mobile service for public health education inaugurated. 1922-Public health nursing course first offered. 1923-Sanitary inspectors regular training course first offered. 1924-Health education by radio started: 1925-Courses in hygiene and preventive medicine in State University reorganized; fourth year medical students required to conduct san270 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL itary survey of their communities and to file report to Department (descriptive type in 1926 and combined descriptive and appraisal type in 1931). 192~Legislature appropriated funds for establishment of a Graduate School of Hygiene and Public Health to provide specialized training for health officers. 1928---Regular courses in health education first offered in the University of the Philippines. 1929-Health Demonstration Units for research in public health and practical training of health workers estwblished by University of the Philippines. 1932-Building donated by the Rockefeller Foundation for the promotion of public health education and research completed and occupied. FOOD AND DRUG CONTROL AND NUTRITION 1714-Partial restriction on sale of wine introduced. 1810---First restriction put on opium importation. 190~Enactment of law restricting sale of opium. 1907-Pure food and drug law passed. 1908---Restriction on sale of cocaine passed. 1909-Results of first studies on the diet and nutrition of the Filipino people announced. 1910---Fundamental experimental studies on beriberi rationalized previous clinical knowledge on this disease; Beriberi recognized by scientific authorities meeting in Manila as associated with the continuous consumption of white (polished) rice. 1911-Eradication of beriberi from Philippine (native) Scouts by means of a simple change in dietary definitely demonstrated. 1913-1934-Composition, value and vitamin distribution of many Philippine foods systematically studied; at later part of this period intensive drive for better nutrition of the people instituted. PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES AND HOSPITALS 1574-Royal Order made possible establishment of first Ci·vil Hospital. 1578---Father Clemente's Hospital established in the convent-mostly for natives. 1585--A hospital was established which in 1632 became known as the San Lazaro. 159~A hospital was established by the Fraternity of· the Misericordia which in 1659 was taken over by the Fraternity of San Juan ue Dios. 1598---A Chinese Hospital was established. 1618---Hospitals built; one in Cavite for sick sailors, one in Los Banos, one in Cagayan and one in Cebu. 180~Royal Decree passed establishing Hospicio de San Jose. 1883-First laboratory established. 1900-Merging of old Spanish Laboratory and the old serum institute with a biological and chemical laboratory. 1901-Bureau of Government Laboratories established; Civil Hospital established. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 271 1904-Admission of insane at San Lazaro Hospital first made. 1910-Philippine General Hospital established, assumed function of old Civil Hospital. 1911-San Juan del Monte Tuberculosis Sanatorium established; later transferred and became Santol Sanatorium in 1918. 1912-Law enacted providing for confinement of insane in government hospital; Law creating funds to aid charity institutions passed. 1923-lnsular aid law passed to enable establishment of provincial ho3pitals. 1924-Free la-boratory diagnostic service instituted. 1930-lnsular Psychophatic Hospital opened at Mandaluyong. CHILD AND MATERNAL HYGIENE 1879-Midwifery service created in Manila. 1903-Campaign against infant mortality started. 1904-School medical inspection started. 1905---First free dental clinics established in different parts of Manila. 1906---First school physician appointed; Gota de Leche founded. 1907-Compulsory vaccination of school children provided for. 1910-Preliminary studies on infant mortality announced. 1912-Committee to study infant mortality created by Act No. 2116. (Work of Committee extended by virtue of Act No. 2246 passed in 1913). 1913-First school health clinic opened. 1914-Manufacture and free distribution of tiki-tiki. 1915---First "Health Bay Contest" held. 1921-First "Health Center" established. 1922-Act passed providing for health examination of all school children; Red Cross extended cooperation to the Government in school heal:h work. 1923-Act No. 3071-The Woman and Child Labor Law, regulating the employment of women and children, passed. 1930-First study made on how many infants a nurse can adequately render public health nursing service to under rural and urban conditions. 1932-First "Child Health Day" observed. 1933-First "Social Health Center" organized. PUBLIC HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION 1813-First Board of Health established. Abolished in 1834. 1851-Appointment of visitors to attend to sick indigents and give advice on health. 1870-Provincial and municipal boards of 'health created in organized communities. 1876---Royal Decree created office of "medicos titulares" (Health Officers) two in each province. 1877-Nurses employed for first time. 1882-By Royal Order of October 7, Superior Board of Health was established- (a consultative body on matters of public health and general sanitation) parish priests acting as presidents of local boards. 272 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1888-By Royal Decree of September 10, medical inspection of health and charity for the Philippines created. 1892--Royal edict of March 20 created "medicos forenses." 1898-Provincial Board of Health for Manila established by Military Order. 1899-Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas founded. 1901-Board of Health for the Philippine Islands created by an Act vf the Philippine Commission; this Board reorganized by Act of October 20, 1905 into the "Bureau of Health", veterinary service transferred to the Bureau of Agriculture and the Quarantine Service to United States Marine and Hospital Service. 1902-Manila Medical Society organized. 1903-Philippine Islands Medical Association organized (has a committee on public health). 1906--Law passed creating sanitary districts to facilitate health supervision of rural communities. 1910-Anti-Tuberculosis Society to cooperate with Government in tuberculosis work organized; First Congress of Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine held where matters of public health interest and importance were taken up. 1912-Act providing for creation of sanitary divisions and health fund to finance health work in provincial towns passed; "Primera Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos", held February 8, 1912. 1915-Bureau of Health becomes the Philippine Health Service and a Council of Hygiene is created; Law passed creating the Public Welfare Board to coordinate work of private organizations engaged in health and social welfare activities; Public health nursing service introduced. 1921-0ffice of Public Welfare Commisisoner created from the old Public Welfare Board; Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board extended cooperation to Philippine Government in the development of hygiene and public health. 1926--First Tuberculosis Congress held; First Health Officers' General Assembly held. 1930-Act 3743 passed creating Tuberculosis Commission. 1932-Philippine Public Health Association organized, conjoint meeting with Philippine Islands Medical Association held 1933. 1933-Reorganization Act passed consolidating all public health activities under a Commissioner of Health and Welfare. This outline of events gives but a panoramic view of the development of public health work in the Philippines. This had to be so, for to give a complete historical account of the evolution o{ this branch of science in this country is a task far beyond the limits of a brief report. The subject is· full of interest, however, and its comprehensive treatment remains the duty of future medical historians. Anent the practice of preventive medicine in the Islands prior to Spanish occupation, scattered pieces of evidence seem ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 273 to indicate that the value of isolation and variolation was then understood. There is, however, no definite information regarding the origin of the practice of this branch of knowledge here in prehistoric times. But if we accept the doctrine of "unity or solidarity of folk-ways," it may be assumed that the first inhabitants of this Archipelago must have employed some sort of prevention against sickness in the light of their understanding then of disease causation. We may further assume that the early Malay invaders of the Philippines and the Chinese traders of pre-Hispanic periods must have brought along with them and introduced here some of their favorite notions of disease prevention. And when Spain came to introduce to this country occidental civilization and culture she had withal had to make use of the type of hygiene and preventive medicine then understood and practiced in the Iberian peninsula, consisting mostly of empiric application by the government of very limited and inadequate method of disease prevention and amelioration. Why this was is not hard to comprehend if one considers the fact that hygiene and preventive medicine as a science is but a product of the 18th century. The establishment of American sovereignty marked the beginning of the new era of public health progress in this country. During the three decades since 1898 several incapacitating and fatal diseases were studied and scientific methods of preventing and controlling them instituted. But however great may have been the accomplishment of hygiene and preventive medicine in the past, the problems still remaining for solution are greater; for, according to an eminent sanitarian, "the hope of the future lies in the continued and increasing growth of scientific knowledge which can be applied to the relief of human suffering and the saving of human lives." BIBLIOGRAPHY -------. 1914. A Joint Commission of Representatives from the College of Medicine and Surgery, University of the Philippines; Bureau of Science; and Bureau of Health-Sanitary Survey of the San Jose Estate and adjacent properties on Mindoro Island, Philippine Islands, with special reference to the epidemiology of malaria. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9B:137-198. - - - - - - - . 1928. A Symposium-What Is Public Health. Am. Jour. of Public Health, v. 18, No. 8. 274 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ABARY, S. C. 1926. Communit~ work in tubereulosis prevention. Proc. First Nat.. Cong. Tuber., pp. 539-545. ABRIDL, RUFINO. 1922. Correlation of death rates from certain diseases with certain economic and housing factors in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 21 :305-319. AOOSTA-SISON, H. 1926. Mater.nal morality among Filipinos. PMl,ip.. pine Islands Association. J01irnal, v. 6 :321-330. - - - - - , and J. GALANG. 1931. Relation between the state of nutrition of the mother and the birth rate and rate of living children and weight at birth. Ibid., v. 11: 272-275. Act No. 3173 providing retirement of health officers after 20 years service and allowance of pension when injured or invalidated in line of duty. AFABLE, V. S. and J. CABREZA. 1926. Pulmonary tuberculosis amo~ Filipino ex-service men of the U. S. Army and Navy. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 191-213. AFRICA, C. M. 1927. Observations upon the experimental feeding of various species of mosquitoes on filariated blood. Preliminary re-port. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7:330335. --------. 1932. Studies on experimental creeping eruption in the Philippines. Philip. lour. Sci., v. 48:89-101. AGUILAR, E. D. 1929. Medical service in the Philippines. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9:426-436. 1930. Resume of public health progress in the Philippines during 1929. Ibid., v.10:190-202. ALBERT, JosE. 1915. The treatment of infantile beriberi with the extract of tiqui-tiqui. Philip. lour. Sci., v. lOB :81-85. ALEJANDRINO, P. 1923. Education among prostitutes. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Jowrnal, v. 3:18-22. ALVm, A. D. 1930. Potable artesian water in Rizal Province Luzon. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 41:75-83. ANDREWS, V. L., 1912. Infantile beriberi; Ibid., v. 7B :67-90. Annual Reports of: 'The Commissioner of Health (1903-1904). The Director of Health (1905-1922). ASHBURN, P. M. and C. F. CRAIG. 1907. Observations upon Filaria philippinensis and its development in the mosquito. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 2B:l-14. -----, E. B. VEDDER, and E. R. GENTRY. 1913. The relationship of variola and vaccinia. Ibid., v. SB: 17-28. ----. 1913. Some experiments on the inoculation of monkeys with smallpox. Ibid., v. SB :429-441. ARGUELLES, M. V. 1932. The medical practitioner and the anti-tuberculosis campaign. Philippine Islands Mcriical Association. Journal, v.12:122-125. ASUZANO, M. A. 1930. The appraisal system in the sanitary control and supervision of eating and food-handling establishments. Preliminary report. Ibid., v. 10: 11-12. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 275 ARON, H. 1909. Diet and nutrition of the Filipino people. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 4B:195-202. 1910. Phosphorus starvation with special reference to beriberi, I. Ibid., v. 5B:Sl-97. --------. 1911. Nutrition and growth: I. Ibid., v. 6B:l-52. -----,and F. HOCSON. 1910. Phosphorus starvation with special reference to ·beriberi, II. Ibid., v. 51': 9S-122. ----, . 1911. Rice as food: Investigation of the nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism on a diet consisting principally of rice and other vegetable foodstuffs. Ibid., v. 6B :361-3Sl. AYCAROO, M. MA. 1930. Practical solution of the pusale problem in Philippine rural communities. Phili1•pine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 10 :522-527. AYUYAO, C. D. 1926. Observations on tuberculosis of the larynx at the publi<' dispensary of the Philippine General Hospital, Manila. Proc. First Nat. C<>ng. Tuber. v. 335-339. BAKER, S. JOSEPHINE. 1925. Child Hytgiene. Harper and Brothers. BALTA.ZAR, ANDRES. 1926. El problema de la tuberculosis en Filipinas. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., pp. 109-124. BALUNSAT, R. 1926. Nursing tuberculosis patients in a sanatorium. Proc. First Nat. Cong. on Tuber., p. 576-578. BANTUG, J. P. 1921. Resume of sanitary progress in the Philippines. Philip. Health Service Bull., v. 1 :199-201: --------. 1932. Rizal as a pioneer in public-health work. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.12:337-33S. BANUELOS, 'T. P. 1929. Typhoid and dysentery survey for the last seme.;;ter of 192S. Ibm., v. 9:440-442. BARBER, M. A. 1912. X. Immunization of guinea pigs by vaccination with a virulent plague bacilli mixed with agar. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 7B :245-250. --------. 1912. XI. The infection of guinea pigs, monkeys, and rats with doses of plague bacilli, ranging from one bacillus upwards. Ibid., v. 7B :251-254. -----·, and 0. TEAGUE. 1912. Some experiments to determine the efficacy of various masks for protection against pneumonic plague. Ibid., v. 7B :255-270. --------.. 1912. The susceptibility of cockroaches to }>lague bacilli inoculated into the body cavity. Ibid., v. 7B: 521-524. 1913. An unusual disease prevailing in epidemic form at Buhi, Ambos Camarines, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. SB: 369-372. 1913. A bacteriological examination of certain artesian wells in Rizal, Cavite, and Bulacan provinces, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. SB :443-45S. ---------. 1914. Cockroaches and ants as carriers of the vibrios of Asiatic cholera. Ibid., v. 9B: 1-4. --------. 1914. Milk poisoning due to a type of Staphyloco~­ cus albus occurring in the udder of a healthy cow. Ibid., v. 9B: 515519. . 276 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL - - - - - , ALFONSO RAQUEL, ARISTON GUZMAN and ANTONIO p. ROSA. 1915. Malaria in the Philippine Islands. II. The distribution •)f the commoner anophelines and the distribution of malaria. Ibid., v. 10B:177-247. BASA, J. AvELLANA, et AL. 1926. The sanatorium treatment of tuberculosis with special reference to the Santol Tuberculosis Sanatorium. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 475-483. BELMONTE, D. 1929. Activities in maternity and child welfare work in the Province of Cebu. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9 :55-61. --------.. 1932. Preliminary studies by the office of the public welfare commissioner on the different brands of tikti-tiki extract. Ibid., v. 12 :273-281. BERGEY, D. H. 1921. Principles of. Hygiene. Seventh Edition. W. B. Saunders Company. BERNARDO, S. 1930. Effect of different doses of quinine sulphate on the decrease in malarial parasites in peripheral blood: preliminary report. PhiliP'Pine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.10:132137. BLAffi and RQBERTSON. 1907. The Philippine Islands. Volumes 1-52. The Arthur H. Clark Co., Clevelan_d, Ohio. BQYD, M. F. 1928. Preventive Medicine. Third Edition. W. B. Saunders Company. BRILLANTES, A. CONCHA. 1920. The disease-carrier problem in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour Sci., v. 17 :109-117. BRUNS, CoL. E. H. 1926. What can be expected of heliotheraphy in the tuberculosis of the Filipino? Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 519-526. CALDERON, F. 1908. Obstetrics in the Philippine· Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 3B :245-260. - - - - - , and V. G. HEISER. 1909. Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis (held at Washington, D. C., Sept. 21 to Oct. 12, 1908). Ibid., v. 4B :311-321. --------, 1914. Some data concerning the medical geography of the Philippines. Ibid., v. 9B: 199-218. --------, 1915. Tropical obstetrical problems. Ibid., v. lOB: 371-383. --------., 1929. Obstetrics and its relation to infantile mortality. Ibid., v.17:19-25. --------., 1926. Tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands (Presidential address). Proc. First Nat. Cong. on Tuber., p. 35-51. CALLENDER, G. R. and T. BITTERMAN. 1925. An epidemiological study in leprosy. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 27:9-19. CAMOMIOT, C. 1932. Some factors affecting attendance at the puericulture center clinics. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 12:573-57'7. --------, 1929. Infant mortality in eight municipalities in twelve years, from 1917-1928. Ibid, v. 9 :397-402. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 277 CASTILLO, J. 0. 1929. The practice of midwifery in Cebu province by unlicensed midwives and its relation with puericulture center work. lbi.d., v. 9:403-406. CHAMBERLAIN, WESTON P. 1911. The eradication of beriberi from the Philippine (native) scouts by means of a simple change in their dietary. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6B:133-14;6. - - - - - , HORACE D. BLOOMBERGH and EDWIN D. KILBOURNE. 1911. A study of the influence of rice diet and and of inanition on the production of multiple neuritis of fowls and the bearing thereof on the etiology of beriberi. lbi.d., v. 6B:177-210. ' and EDWARD B. VEDDER. 1911. A contribution to the etiology of beriberi. lbi.d., v. 6B :251-258. --------,and EDWARD B. VEDDER. 1911. A contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. 6B :251-258. --------, 1911. Typhoid fever in the Philippine Islands. lbi.d., v. 6B: 299-332. - - - - - , and E. B. VEDDER. 1911. The effect of ultra-violet rays on amoebae, and the use of these radiations in the sterilization of water. lbi.d., v. 6B :383-394. ----, and R. R. WILLIAMS. 1912. A third contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. 7B :39-52. CHIYUTO, SULPICIO and FELIX VELASCO. 1931. Observation of seven hundred fifty-eight quiescent, or arrested, cases of leprosy released from isolation. Philippine Islands Medical .4.ssociation. Journal, v.11:457-468. College of Medicine Catalogues and U. P. Bulletins, 1913-1933. CoNCEPCION, lsABELO. 1926. The effect of pulmonary tuberculosis :m vital capacity. Preliminary communication. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 305-309. , 1926. The problem of diet in pulmonary tuberculosis. Ibid., p. 501-508. --------, 1931. 'The economic aspect of nutrition of our masses. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 11: 80-93. --------, 1932. 'The greater significance of soy bean in the Filipino dietary. Ibid., v. 12 :97-106. CoRPUS, TEOFIW and EMILIO GUERRA. 1926. A preliminary study of the incidence of mortality from tuberculosis among the lepers in Culion. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 273-277. --------, 1931. The problem of the control of cholera carriers. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 11 :469-473. --------, 1931. The cholera campaiJPl and the experience gained therefrom. lbi.d., 477-481. CROWELL, B. c. and R. w. HAMMACK. 1913. Intestinal parasites encountered in five hundred autopsies, with reports of cases. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 8B:157-174. CRUZ, F. Z. 1932. Tuberculosis mortality in the Municipality of Sara, lloilo. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.12: 440-443. 278 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DANA, C. L. 1928. The peaks of medical history (an outline of the evolution of medicine, for the use of medical students and practitioners )-Second Edition. P. B. HOEBER, Inc. DoNATO, U. D. 1926. Modern health crusade in schools. Proc. First Nat. Cong. on Tuber., p. 553-555. DUDLEY, F. W. and E. R. WHITEMORE. 1910. Hydrophobia in the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5B :455-462. Du MEZ, A. G. 1913. The physical and chemical properties of the oleoresin of Aspidium with respect to the detection of adulterations. Ibid., v. 8B :523-538. DUNBAR, A. W. 1910. Antimalarial prophylactic measures and their results at the naval station, Olongapo, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 5B :285-290. EDWARDS, R. T. 1908. A biological study of the water supply of the Philippine Islands, with a description of a new pathogenic organism. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 3B: 121-130. E.JERCITO, A. 1929. Plasmochin and quinine in the prophylaxis and the prevention of malaria relapses. Philippine Islands Medical As.~n­ ciation. Journal, v. 9 :229-234. --------, 1929. Summarized report on malaria surveys and control in Mindanao and Sulu. Ibid., v. 9:277-283. ELICANo, T. 1926. The relation of public and semi-public child welfare activities to private physicians. Ibid., v. 6 :419-424. - - - - - , and NATIVIDAD Yum. 1926. The incidence of undernourished children among tuberculosis families. Proc. First Na~. Cong. Tu.ber., p. 311-316. EMBREY, HARTLEY. 1923. 'The antiscorbutic vitamine in some oriental fruits and vegetables. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 22 :77-82. --------, 1923. A feeding experiment on two hundred lepe1·s at Culion Leper Colony, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 22:365-386. ESTRADA, S. U. 1926. Tuberculosis in the Philippine prisons. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 263-271. FAJARDO, J. 1929. A survey of the progress of public-health work in the Philippines durmg the last four years. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9:87-95. FELDMAN, W. M. 1920. The principle of ante-natal child hygiene. Longmans, Green and Company. FERNANDEZ, RAMON J. 1926. Our duty in the tuberculosis campaign. Proc. First. Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 607-609. F'mNANDO, J. S. 1925. Tuberculosis problems in the Philippines. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 5:226-240. --------, 1927. Inoculation and hospitalization in the control of cholera epidemic. Ibid., v. 7:385-393. --------, 1926. Tuberculosis among agricultural laborers in Bulacan province. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 221-225. --------, 1926. Our present problems in the treatment of tuberculosis of the larynx. Ibid., p. 329-334. ----------, 1926. Conduct and management of tuberculosis sanatorium. Ibid., p. 485-490. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 279 1926. Remedial measures for the control of tuberculosis in the Philippines. Ibid., p. 583-590. Fox, C. 1913. The plague outbreak in lloilo. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. SB: 119-122. FRANCISOO, ANACLE'l'O D. and P. J. WEBSTER. 1930. Analysis and food value of some unusual Philippine fruits. Ibid., v. 43 :655-664. FRASER, H. and A. T. STANTON. 1910. The etiology of beriberi. Ibid. v. 5B :55-64. FREER, P. C. 1910. The tropical sunlight. Ibid., v. 5B :1-20. GABEL, CHAR.LES E. 1916. Bacteriological examinations of swimming pools in Manila. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. llB :63-85. GAMBOA, L. 1932. Is sanitation practiced on haciendas and in barrios? Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.12:565-567. --------, 1932. My experiences as a puericulture center physician. Ibid., v. 12 :624-626. GAN, TOMAS M. 1933. Evolution of public health in the Philippines. Philippine Islands Medical Association. .Journal, v. 13:81-88. Also unpublished manuscript on the period of American Sovereignty. GARCIA, ARTURO, 1931. Tuberculosis, the present-day problem in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 11 :44-73. GARCIA, 0., A. VAZQUEZ-CoLET and G. R. LACY. 1924. Bacteriological examination of stools of food handlers in Manila. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 24 :735-741. GARRISQN, F. H. 1923. Introduction to a course of lectures on the history of medicine. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 3 :6-11, 62-67. --------, 1929. An introduction to the history of medicine. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. W. D. SAUNDERS Co. GARRISON, P. E. 1908. The prevalence and distribution of the animal parasites of man in the Philippine Islands, with a consideration of their possible influence upon the public health. Philip. Jour. Sci.., v. 3B:191-209. GEIGER, J. C. 1930. The training of health officers. Am. Jour. of Public Health, v. 20 :1055-1064. GIBSON, R. B. 1913. The protective power of normal human milk against Polyneuritis gallinarum (beriberi). Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 8B :469474. Goco, E. 1929. Common diseases among infants and children in the puericulture centers of Manila. Philippine Islands Medical Association.. Journal. v. 9:385-396. G<>MEZ, LIBORIO, et AL. 1920. Diphtheria in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.17:37-46. --------, et AL. 1912. The Schick reaction in Filipinos. Ibid., v. 20: 323-330. , et AL. 1912. Early lesions and the development and incidence of leprosy in the children of lepers. Ibid., v. 21 :233-256. - - - - - , and R. NAVARRO. 1923. Diphtheria carriers and their significance in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 22:559-566. 280 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GRUENBERG, B. C. 1926. M-0dern science and people's health. W. W. NORTON and COMPANY, Inc. HAAN, J. DE. 1910. On the etiology of beriberi. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5B:65-71. HAUGHWOUT, FRANK G. 1918. Endemic malaria in the Philippine Islands as a military problem. Ibi.d., v. 13B :287-309. H!ElsER, V. G. 1908. Some considerations with regard to the cause of the frequent reappearance of cholera in the Philippine Islands, with statistics beginning with the outbreak in 1902 to January 1, 1908. 1911. Practical experiences with beriberi and unp-0lished rice in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 6B :229-233. 1912. Typhoid fever in the Philippine Islands from the sanitary standpoint. Ibid., v. 7B :115-118. 1913. The outbreak of plague in Manila during 1912. 'The insidious beginning, with a discussion of probable factors concerned in its introduction. Ibi.d., v. BB: 109-118. ---------,. 1914. Reappearance of plague in the Philippines after an absence of six years. Brief description of the outbreak, the methods used to combat it, and the probable factors in its introduction. Ibid., v. 9B :5-38. HERMANO, A. J. 1930. The vitamin contents of Philippine foods, I. Vitmins A and B in Basella rubra, Capsicum .frutescens, and Vigna sinensis. Ibi.d., v. 41 :387-402. 1933. The nutritive protein value of five varieties of rice. Ibid., v. 51 :567-573. ------, and G. SEPULVEDA, JR. 1934. The vitamin content of Philippine foods, Ill. (Vitamin B in various fruits and vegetables.) Ibid., v. 54:61-74. HERNANDO, EUGENIO. 1927. Life tables for the native resident population of the City of Manila for the year 1920. Ibi.d., v. 34:161-185. 1927. Progresos de la sanitacion en Filipinas y especialmente en la Ciudad de Manila desde tiempos remotos hasta nuestros dias. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7:455-573. HERRERA, A. S., 1926. Tuberculosis survey of the provinces of Bulacan and Sorsogon. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 227-240. HERZOG, M. 1906. Beriberi in the Japanese army during the late war: The kakke coccus of okata-kokUbo. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 1 :169-179. HITCHENS, A. PARKER. 1926. Factors of infection in tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 53-57. HOLT, R. L. and P. F. RUSSELL. 1931. Spleen survey of the eastern shore of Bataan province, Luzon. Philippine Jour. Sci., v. 45 :211-220. HOYT, R. E. 1908. Results of three hundred examinations of faeces with reference to the presence of amrebre. Ibi.d., v. 3B :417-420. Infant Mortality in the Philippine Islands. 1914. Report of the Government Committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. JACKSON, T. W. 1908. Sanitary condit'.or.s and needs in provicial. towns. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 3B :431-437. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 281 JARA, EUFEMIO. 1926. Mortandad por tuberculosis durante los diez ultimos afios en la provincia de Tayabas. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 245-252. JESUS, E. S. DE. 1926. Tuberculosis in rural country. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 253-254. JESUS, V. DE. 1924. Public health in the Philippines (a brief review of the past six years). Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 4:424-426. JOHNS'I'ON, JOHN A. 1919. Some bacteriologic phases of the choleracarrier problem. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 14: 459-464. KEE, TEE HAN. and PAZ SANTILLAN. 1926. A preliminary study on tuberculosis with reference to Chinese residents in· the Philippine Islands. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 215-219. KELSER, R A. 1926. The use of combination tuberculin tests in the control and eradication of bovine tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 399-401. KENWOOD, H. 1925. Public health: Some general considerations. British Med. Jour., v. 2:404-405. KIERULF, VICENTE. 1926. Investigation and report of prevalence of pulmonary rfruberculosis in Ley~e. Prroc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 241-243. KING, W. V. 1932; Three Philippine Anopheles of the funestus-minimus sub-group. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 48:485-524. LANTIN, P. 1926. Care of a tuberculous patient in the home. Proo. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 569-573. LARA, H. 1925. Unpublished report to Director of Health. --------, 1925. Pollution of the Manila Bay shore and its relation to the outbreaks of cholera in Manila, Malabon and Navotas. (With Drs. E.JERCITO and R. MACASAET.) Read before the joint annual meeting of the P. I. M. A., Manila Med. Soc. & Col. Med. Farm. de Filipinas. --------, 1926. Studies of the prevalence and control of typhoid fever in Manila. (With Dr. E. HERNANDO.) Read before the Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong., Tokyo, Japan; abstract published in the Proc. of the Cong., v. 2:-2520. -----, and E. HERNANDO. 1926. The epidemiology and prevention of Cholera Asiatica in the capital of the Philippines. Read before the Third Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong., Tokyo, Japan; abstract published in the Proc. of ~e Cong., v. 2 :2519. -----, and J. A. DouLL. 1925. Epidemiological importance of diphtheria carriers. Am. Jour. Hyg., v. 5:508-529. , 1926. Manila's dysentery and typhoid toll: A general consideration. Phili'P'J>i,ne Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 6:121-127. -----, and C. A. ORTIGAS. 1926. The community healthmeter. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 6:261-267. ------., and J. GUIDOTE. 1928. Birth statistics in the City of Manila. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 8:1-4. 282 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL , et AL. 1926. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis among industrial workers in Manila. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 153-159. ---------,, 1927. Interesting features of a rural outbreak cf cholera due to infected drinking water. Am. Jour. Hyg., v. 7:60!l613. LARA, H. and C. A. ORTIGAS. 1928. population of the Philippines. tion. Journal, v. 8:411-418. The rate of growth of the Christian Philippine Islands Medical Associa------, and P. I. DE JESUS 1930. The effect of fatigue and excitement upon formation of immune bodies. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 42 :497-506. ---------,, et AL. 1931. Flooding as a method of controlling extensive areas of fly-breeding. Am. Jour. Pub. Hyg., v. 21 :43-49. 1932. The epidemicity of measles in Manila, Philippine Islands, in relation to meteorological conditions. U. P. Nat. and App. Sci. Bull., v. 2 :43-60. LAYOO, P. 1925. Consolidation of health agencies in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Medical Assoc·iation. Journal, v. 5 :211-214. LEACH, CHARLES N., et AL. 1923. Hookworm disease: A clinical entity in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 23:105-122. LoPEZ-RIZAL, LEX>NCFO, et AL. 1926. A field experiment in the control of yaws. Ibid., v. 30 :431-443. ------, and P. JoVEN. 1925. Some experiments on the potency of different kinds of vaccine virus used in the Philippines. Philippine Isl,ands Medical Association Journal, v. 5:214-225. ------, and R. G. PADUA. 1926. A few notes on simple goiter ;n certain parts of the Philippines. Ibid., v. 6: 113-121. ---------, et AL. 1927. On the relation of agglutinins produced in the blood of vaccinated Filipino mothers and in the blood of their unvaccinated nursing infants. Ibid., v. 7 :7-12. ------, and R. G. PADUA. 1926. Brief report of filaria survey in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 6 :298-300. 1926. A brief study on s0me of the various phases of the tuberculosis question in the Philippines. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 91-108. ---, and PROCESO GABRIEL. 1926. Some factors in the causation of tuberculosis in the Philippines. Ibid., p. 125-139. --------, et AL. 1926. Incidence of tuberculosis in occupational groups in the City of Manila. Ibid., p. 147-151. LUNA-OROSA, S. 1925. Health inspection of school children. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.5:23-24. MACASAET, R. and A. PIO DE RODA. 1930. Effect of Citrus limonis OSBECK (imported American lemon), C. aurantifolia (CHRISTM.) Swingle (dayap), and C. mitis Blanco (calamansi) in water treatment. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 10: 223-232. MANALANG, C. 1926. Ankylostomiasis, III. Hookworm counts and classification among hospital patients. Ibid., v. 6:192-196. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 283 1926. Ankylostomiasis, IV. Chenopodium treatment. Ibid., v. 6: 226-228. --------, 1926. Ankylostomiasis, V. Thymol treatment. Ibid., v. 6:228-229. --------· -, 1925. Agglutinin formation following the use of Castellani's. glycero-vaccine. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 26:317-320. --------,. 1925. A hookworm campaign in Cebu. Ibid., v. 27 :483-493. --------, 1928. Notes on malaria transmission. Ibid., v. 37: 123-132. 1929. Malaria studies. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9 :437-439. 1931. Malaria transmission in the Philippines, III. Density and infective density of Anopheles funestus' GILES. Ibid., v. 46:47-59. 19:ll. Malaria tranmission in the Philippines, IV. Meteorological factors. Ibid., v. 46 :247-256. --------, 1931. Malaria transmission in the Philippines, V. On the maturation of the ova of Anopheles funestus GILES. Ibid., v. 46 : 363-369. --------, 1931. Malaria transmission fo the Philippines, VI. The dark-night fact.or. Ibid., v. 46:371-375. MANOND<>, G. S. 1926. Public health nursing in tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tubl'/1'., p. 547-551. MANoSA, MANUEL. 1926. Housing conditions in relations to tuberculosis in the Philippines. Ibid., p. 141-146. :1IcLAUGHLIN. A. J. 1909. The suppression of a cholera epidemic in Manila. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 4B:43-58. --------, 1909. The suppression of a cholera outbreak in the provinces of the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 4B :107-119. - - - - - , and V. L. ANDREWS. 1910. Studies on infant mortality. Ibid., v. 5B :149-162. - - - - - , and E. R. WHITMORE. 1910. Cholera and cholera-like vibrios encountered in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 5B :403-432. MIELDAZIS, J. J. 1930. Preferential breeding conditions of Anopheles in the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 41: 59-64. niUNS-ON, E. L. 1915. Cholera carriers in relation to cholera control. Ibid., v. lOB: 1-9. MUSGRAVE, w. E. and G. F. RICHMOND. 1927. Infant feedireg and its influence upon infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Ibid. v. 2B: 361-385. - - - - - , and A. G. Su;:oN. 1913. Acute malignant glanders in man. Ibid., v. SB :385-396. --------, 1913. Infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 8B:459-467. ~ANAGAS, J. C. 1926. Vital capacity, build, and constitution of FUipino11 and the morbid relationship of these factors to pulmonary tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 279-304. 284 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NEwMAN, SIR G. The rise of preventive medicine. NEWSHOLME, SIR ARTHUR. 1927. Evolution of Preventive medicine. The Wililams and Wilkins Co. ------, Vital statistics. 1924. D. Appleton Co. NOLASOO, J. 0.-Pulmonary tuberculosis in Filipino children under five years of a,ge. Incidence of primary localization. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., 1926, 361-371. OCHOA, E. F.-Observations on tuberculosis in rural districts. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., 1926, 255-261. Official Handbook of the Philippines, Volume 1, 1903. OLIVER, W. W.-Stalkers of pestilence (the story of man's ideas of infection). ORTIGAS, Dr. M.-Vademecum de beneficiencia y sanidad de Filiipnas. PADUA, REGINO G. 1923. On the incidence of splenic enlargements in a malarious district of the Philippines.. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 3: 1-6. 1925. Preliminary analytic study on the measure of the force of mortality during the last decade in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 5:4-16. ------, and L. LoPF:-L-RIZAL. 1926. Further studies on the index line in malarial splenomagally. Ibid., v. 6:77-83. ---------., 1932. A study of the incidence of illegitimate births among Filipinos. Ibid., v. 12:430-439. PANGANIBAN, C. S. and O'ITO SCHOBL. 1918. Preservation of cholera stool specimens for delayed bacteriologic examination. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.13B:275-280. I'ARK, WM. H. 1928. Public health and hygiene. Second Edition. PEREZ, ASUNCION A. 1926. Relief for the tuberculous in the . home by insular or private agencies. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 565567. PEREZ, J. R. 1929. Comparative value in infant feeding of condensed, fresh, canned natural, and whole powdered cow's milk. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9 :265-276. PHALEN, J. M. and H. J. NICHOLS. 1908. Notes on the distributions of Filaria nocturna in the Philippine Islands. Philip. J<>wr. Sci., v. 3B :305-310. 1909. The distribution of Filaria in the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 4B :127-140. 1910. An experiment with orange-red underwear. Ibid., v. 5B:525-546. Philippine Health Service Bulletins and Circulars, 1925-1933. PINEDA, E. V. 1926. The public-health value of the Kahn precipitation test with special reference to yaws. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, 1.6:183-187. QUEZON, MANUEL L. 1926. The Government Attitude on the Problem of Tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 601-605. Report of the : Commission on Instruction in Public Health, Minutes of the Third Session of the League of Nations Health Committee, Geneva, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 285 October 17, 1924. Philippine Commission, 1902-1903. War Department, 1899-1901. Revised list of hospitals in the Philippines, their names, locations, classes, and bed capacities. 1930. Philippine Islands .Medical Associatio·n. Journal, v.10:499-503. RIVERA SAYO, VICENTE. 1931. Vacunacion anticolerica usada como arma de supresion en la epidemia de colera de 1925 en la Hacienda Azucarera de Canlubang. Ibid., v. 11 :145-154. RoBERG, DA vrn N. 1915. The role played by the insects of the dipterous family Phoridae in relation to the spread of bacterial infections. II. Experiments on Aphiochaeta ferruginea Brunetti with the cholera vibrio. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. lOB :309-336. RooA, ALFREDO Pro DE. 1929. Possibilities of clenzal in the purification of water in country homes. Philippine Islands Medwal Association Journal, v. 9:1-4. ---------, 1930. Further studies in chlorine in the purification of water in country homes. Philippine Islands Medical Association. HODRIGUEZ, JOSE. 1931. Care and management of the children of lepers. Ibid., v .11 :484-486. ROGERS, L. 1908. The prevention of tropical abscess of the liver by the early diagnosis and treatment of the presuppurative stage of amoebic hepatitis. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 3B :285-292. ROSENAU, MILTON J. Preventive medicine and hygiene. F"ifth Edition. RoXAS, M. L. and E. G. CoLLAOO. 1932. A preliminary critical study of the Filipino diet I. Philippine Islands Med-ical Association. Journal, v. 2:171-184. RoxAs, B. et AL. 1926. The puerperal state and tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 317-327. RUSSELL, PAUL F. 1931. Preventive medicine in retrospect. Philirpine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v_ 11 :127-145; 177-198; 297318; and 345-360. --------, 1932 Preventive medicine. Ibid., v .12: 25-30. ---------., 1931. Avian malaria studies, I. Prophylactic plasmochin in inoculated avian malaria. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 46 :305-346. ---------, 1931. Daytime resting places of Anopheles mosquitoes in the Philippines: First Report. Ibid., v.46; 639-·650 ---------, 1931. Avian Malaria studies, III. 'The experimental epidemiology of avian malaria; introductory paper. Ibid., v. 46: 651-680. ---------, 1932. The control of AnopMles minimus mosquito larvae in the Philipines by straining and flushing. First report. Ibid., v. 47 :439-448. ------, and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. 1932. Some studies in the larvicidal effects of arsenicals other than Paris green against anopheles larvae.. Larvicide studies, Ill. Ibid., v. 49 :97-103. ---------, 1932. Avian malaria studies, IV. Haemoproteous and Plasmodium in birds of Luzon, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 48: 263-268. 286 NATIONAL RES:EARCH COUNCIL ---------, 1932. Avian malaria studies, V. Pla.miodium capistrani sp. nov., an avian malaria parasite in the Philippines. Ibid., 'V. 48 :·269-290. ------, and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. 1932. Charcoal as a diluent for Paris green in the destruction of anopheles larvae; larvicide studies. Ibid., v.48:291-298. ------, D. SANTIAGO. 1932. Anopheles minimus larvae from wells in Laguna province, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 4.9 :219-224. ------, and ANDRES M. NONO. 1932. Avian malaria studies, VII. Plasmochin as a prophylactic drug in sporozoite infections of avian malaria. Ibid., v. 49: 595-626. ---------, 1932. Avian malaria studies, VIII. The time in canaries; normal and in malaria. Ibid., v. 49: 627-650. -----, and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. 1932. The effect on Culex larvae of Paris green diluted with charcoal and notes on the feeding habits of Cule:z quinquefasciatus. Larvicide studies, V. Ibid., v. 49 :651678. ---------, 1934. Malaria and culicidae in the Philippine Islands: history and critieal bibliography, 1898 to 1933. Bu. of Print., Manila. ---------, 1934. Malaria and anopheles· reconnaissance in the Philippines, II. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 54 :43-60. SALAMANCA, So<x>RR<>. 1926. Prevalence of tuberculosis among nurses and its prevention. Proc. First 'tVat. Cong. Tuber., p. 177-184. SALVADOR, WENCESLAO. 1922. The food value of Philippine· bananas. Philip. J mir. Sci., v. 20: 363-366. SALVAT, ANTONIO N. 1925. Tratado de higiene. Vol. I & II. SANTOS, F. 0. 1930. Problems in Filipino nutrition. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, -.10 :121-129. ------, and S. SANTOS. 1926. The vitamin B content of some Philippine fruits and vegetables, II. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 30 :307-323. SCHOBL, OTTO. 1913. Bacteriological observations made during the outbreaks of plague in Manila in 1912. Ibid., v. SB :409-428. ------~--, 1914. The vitality of the cholera vibrio in Manila waters. Ibid., v.9B:479-481. 1915. Observations concering cholera carriers. Ibid., v.lOB:ll-17. ---------, 1916. The relation between the amount of cholera culture injected into the gall bladder and the state of cholera carriers in experimental animals. Ibid., v. llB: 153-155. ---------, 1916. The influence of bile upon the duration of the state of cholera carriers in experimental animals. Ibid., v. llB: 157-158. ---'-------, 1917. The influence of bile upon the distribution of cholera vibrios in the digestive system of experimental cholera carriers. Ibid., v .12B :23-24. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 287 -----, and C. S. PANGANIBAN. 1917. Experimental cholera carriers and immunity. Ibid., v .12B: 43-49. --------, 1917. A survey of certain chemicals with regard to their bactericidal action on cholera vibrios within the body of experimental carriers. Ibid., v .12B :215-231. --------, 1920. Note on the keeping qualities of~ dried and pulverized vaccine virus. Ibid., v.17:55-67. ------, and JOSE ANDAYA. 1925.. Cholera vaccination; its effectiveness as evidenced by the presence of antibodies in the blood of vaccinated persons. Ibid., v. 26 :311-316. -----,and JOSE RAMIREZ. 1925. The fallacy of the test for lactose fermenters as an indicator of faecal pollution of waters. Ibid, v. 27 :317-324. ------, H. HIRANO, and S. ARIMA. 1933. Study concerning rabite fever in Manila, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 51:1-67. SEELIG, M. G. 1931. l\:ledicine, a historical outline. The Williams and Wilkins Co., SF.I.LARDS, ANDREW W. 1923. Public Health aspects of yaws. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 22 :251-262. ------, and ERNEST W. GooDPASTURE. 1923. Sum:m&ry concerning the control of yaws. Ibid., v. 22:285-289. SHERMAN, HARTLEY EMBREY. 1929. Relative vitamin A content of four oriental foods. Ibid., v. 38:1-7. ---------, 1929. Relative content of water-soluble vitamin B in thirty oriental foods. Ibid., v. 38 :9-36. - - - - - - - - , 1929. Relative water-soluble vitamin C content of nine oriental fruits and vegetables. Ibid., v. 38 :37-46. ---------,. 1929. Certain proteins added to mung bean, or to white or red Sorghum vulgare, increase the fertility of mice. Ibid., v. 38:47-67. ------., and ·TSAN CHING WANG. 1929. Chemical analysis of thirty-seven oriental foods. Ibid., v. 38 :69-80. ----, , 1929. Calcium, iron and magnesium content of sixteen Chinese foods. Ibid., v. 38:81-82. SILER, J. F., MILTON W. HALL, and A. PARKER HITCHENS. 1926. Dengue: Its history, epidemiology, mechanism of transmission, etiology, clinical manifestations, immunity, and prevention. Ibid., v .. 29:1-304. SINGER, CHARLES. 1928. A short history of medicine. Oxford University Press. SISON, A. B. M. 1926. I Education in tuberculosis for medical students and for students nurses. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 533-638. SMILEY and GouLD. Community Hygiene. SMITH, LAWRENCE WELD. 1924. Epidemic encephalitis (Encephalitis lethargica). Report of an outbreak occurring in the Philippine Islands, with notes on the pathological findings. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 24:1-22. ST. JOHN, JOE H., et. AL. 1930. Transmission of the virus of dengue fever from mosquito to mosquito. Ibid., v. 41 :381-386. STIT'l', E. R. 1911. A study of the intestinal parasites found in Cavite province. Ibid., v. 6B :211-214. 288 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL STRONG, R. P. 1906. Vaccination against plague. Ibid., v .1 :181-190. -------, 1907. The investigations carried on by the biological laboratory in relation to the suppression of the recent cholera outbreak in Manila. Ibid., v. 2B :413-439. --------, et. AL. 1909. Medical survey of the town of Tavtay. Ibid., v. 4B :205-301. ------, and 0. TEAGUE. 1912. II. The method of transmission of the infection in pneumonic plague and manner of spread of the disease during the epidemic. Ibid., v. 7B :137-156. ----, 1912. IV. Portal of entry of infection and method of development of the lesions in pneumonic and primary septicaemic plague: Experimental pathology. Ibid., v. 7B: 173-180. ----,, 1912. VIII. Susceptibility of animals to pneumonic plague. Ibid., v. 7B :223-228. ----, , 1912. IX. Protective inoculation against pneumonic plague. Ibid., v. 7B :229-243. ------, and V. C. CROWELL. 1912. The etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. 7B :271-414. TAN, CESAREA. 1926. Nutrition classes for undernourished children. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 579-582. TAYLOR, EDWARD. 1925. Notes on the chlorination of the Manila water supply. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 27:297-316. ' TEAGUE, 0. and M. A. BARBER. 1912. III. Influence of atmospheric temperature upon the spread of pneumonic plague. Ibid., v. 7B: 157-172. --------, 1913. A further note upon the influence of atmospheric temperature upon the spread of pneumonic plague. Ibid., v. SB :241-252. 'TrNAWIN, M. 1926. School nursing and tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 557-560. TREPP, ANDREAS. 1932. Social problem of tuberculosis. Philippi,ne Islands Medical Association. Journal, v .12 :559-564. TUBANGUI, MARCOS A. 1932. The molluscan intermediate host in the Philippines of the oriental blood fluke schistosoma japonicum Katsurada. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 49:295-304. - - - - - , and A. M. P ASOO. 1933. The life history of the human intestinal fluke, Euparyphium ilocanum (Garrison 1908). Ibid., v. 51 :581-606. TUPAS, A., D. BELMONTE, and C. CABRERA. 1930. Preliminary report of .the nutrition clinic in the Sta. Ana Elementary School, Manila. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.10:333-346. --------·, 1932. University Health Service. Ibid., v.12:313327. UBALDO, A. R. and V. C. ALCANTARA. 1926. Tuberculosis of the larynx and in its prevention. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 341-346. VALDES, BASILIO. 1926. Tuberculosis among the Constabulary soldiers. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 185-190. VALENZUELA ABELARDO. 1928. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philip. J our. Sci., v. 36: 235-242. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 2S9 ------, and P. J. WESTER. 1930. Composition of some Philippine fruits, vegetables, and forage plants. Ibid., v. 41 :S5-102. V ALINO, P. 1932. Analysis of maternity and infant cases admitted in the Bacolod Maternity and Children's Hospital from January, 1924 to December, 1931. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal v .12: 567-572. VAZQUEZ-COLET, ANA. 1924. The viability of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in fruits and Philippine foods eaten raw. Philip. Jour. SCi., v. 24:35-39. ---------, 1925. Contr~bution to the question of dysentery carriers in the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 2S: 173-192. VEDDER, E. B. 1912. A fourth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. 7B :415-422. ------, and E. CLARK. 1912. A study of Polyneuritis gallinarum. A fifth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. 7B :423-462. ------, and R. R. WILLIAMS. 1913. Concerning the beriberipreventing substances or vitamine contained in rice polishings. A six contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Ibid., v. SB:175-195. ------, and R. T. FELICIANO. 192S. An investigation to determine a satisfactory standard for beriberi-preventing rices. Ibid., v. 35 :351-390. VELARDE, H. 1932. The modern trend of health administration. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.12:1-10. VEYRA, S. R. DE. 1926. The part of home economics in the campaign against tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 561-563. VILLAFRANCA, R. and M. C. !CASIANO. 1927. The objects and activities of the industrial hygiene section of the Philippine Health Service. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7 :37S-3S4. ----, 1926. Tuberculosis in dusty trades. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 1'61-176. VILLEGAS, A. 1923. Primitive medicine in the Philippines. Annals of Medical History, v. 5:229-241. WADE, H. W. Remarks on the comparison of leprosy and tuberculosis. Proc. First Nat. Cong. Tuber., p. 3S7-39S. w ALKER, ERNEST LINWOOD. 1911. A comparative study of the Amoebae in the Manila water supply, in the intestinal tract of healthy persons, and in amoebic dysentery. Philip. Joitr. Sci., v. 6B :259-277. ---------.,with the cooperation of A. W. SELLARDS. 1913. Experimental entamoebic dysentery. Ibid., v. SB :253-332. 1913. EJ.."J)erimental balantidiasis. Ibid., v. SB: 333-350. ---------., and M. A. BARBER. 1914. Malaria in the Philippine Islands, I: Experiments on the transmission of malaria with anopheles (Myzomyia) febrifer sp. nov., Anopheles (Pseudomysomyia) rossii, Anopheles (Myzorhynchus) barbitrostris, Anopheles (Myzorhynchus) sinensis, and Anopheles ( N yssorhynchus), maculatus. Ibid., v.9B:3Sl-439. WALKER, M. E. M. 1930. Pioneers of public health. McMillan Co. WASHBURN, W. S. 190S. Health conditions in the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 3B :269-2S4. 290 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WELCH, W. H. 1925. Public health in theory and practice--A historical review. Yale University Press. WEST, AUGUSTUS P. and PAUL F. RUSSELL. 1932. Paris green partially adsorbed on charcoal as a larvicide for anopheles mosquitoes; larvicide studies, II. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 48 :545-562. ----, 1932. Experiments with various toxic substances partially, adsorbed on charcoal as an anopheles larvicide. Larvicide. studies, IV. Ibid., v. 49 :211-218. WHITMORE, E. R. 1909. Tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 4B :453-460. WILLE7I'S, DAVID G. 1911. A statistical study of intestinal parasites in tobacco Haciendas of the Cagayan Valley, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 6B :77-92. ---------, 1913. General conditions affecting the public health and diseases prevalent in the Batanes Islands, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v .BB :49-57. -----, 1914. Intestinal parasitism, particularly entamoebi.asis, in patients of the Philippine General Hospital, Manila, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 9B :81-92. 1914. Intestinal helminthiasis in the Philippine Islands as indicated by examinations of prisoners upon admission to Bilibid Prison, Manila, Philippine Islands. Ibid., v. 9B :233-240. WILLIAMS, J. H. HARVEY. 1932. A century of public health in Britain. A. & C. Black Ltd. WINSWW, E. E. A. 1923. The evolution and significance of the modern public health campaign. Yale University Press. YEAGER, CLARK H. 1931. Bored-hole latrine equipment and construction. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 46:681-750. DEVELOPMENT OF SURGERY IN THE PHILIPPINES By CARMELO REYES Of the University of the Phili'P'/)'ine.~ Secretary, Section of Pathology OLD ERA While Science, true enough, knows neither frontier nor breed, which is genero-us, Science excuses no breed or frontier that fails to contribute to her progress, * * *, which is but fair. LIGHTENING THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN.-Presidential Address, P. I. M. A. 1926. As might be expected, the Philippines participated in the development of surgery in the world, if not as an active contributor, and always abreast of its progress, at least as more than a blind, unquestioning follower, in the effort of her men to modify certain phases of its practice and adapt it to local conditions. It being true, to a great extent, that hospitals and their facilities and the practices followed in them furnish an index to the development of surgery in a given community, it is but natural to imake repeated references to them in the course of this brief historical statement. Good surgical work is difficult to accomplish in the absence of proper equipment and surroundings, and this only a good hospital can offer. The first hospital in the Philippines after Spain came, of which there is notice, was founded late in the year 1575, and had a very short-lived existence. Its name did not come down to us. San Juan de Dios Hospital, by far the oldest general hospital in the country since, was founded, according to some, as early as March 22, 1565, and according to others, in 1596. Incidentally, the first local medical school under Spanish auspices was authorized in 1681, but was not definitely established until February 5, 1872. In the words of Don Jose de Arrieta: "It was the officials of the Government who would rise up against the idea, fearing insurgents who would graduate from the University." 291 292 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ANESTHESIA News of the benefits from the inde~ndent discoveries of inhalation of ether anesthesia March 30, 1842, and October 16, 1846, and of chloroform anesthesia about a year later, November 4, 1847, were not long in reaching the Philippines, but their routine administration was never and is not now entrusted to professional medical anesthetists,. much as this is to be desired. Before that time, of course, o~rations everywhere had to be ~rformed largely with patients writhing in pain and restrajned by force during the ordeal. During Spanish times, chloroform was the anesthetic of choice in the only hospital in the Islands where any considerable operative work after the manner of the day was being done. There was so much dread of its depressing effect, however, that complete anesthesia was hardly ever aimed at, and surgical shock was always laid at its door. Almost every conceivable form and method of annihilating pain during operation is resorted to at present, to suit the indications, namely, local, regional, splanchnic, spinal and ~acral anesthesia. But rectal and intravenous anesthesia have found no wide acceptance locally. ANTISEPSIS AND ASEPSIS The life-saving legacies of Pasteur and Lister-antisepsis and asepsis---which saw their crystallization and practical application in the later seventies, could not but shed their blessings on the Philippines also, and by the late eighties, or about a decade later, the principles of antisepsis were introduced into the Islands, first by the use of boiled water during o~rations and dressings, and of the alcohol flame in the sterilization of surgical instruments. Queerly enough, gauze, sponges and bandages were to remain unsterilized or undisinfected for some time yet, the facilities for that purpose being acquired later. The fallacy of such practice is apparent, but it can be excused on the ground that everything possible was being done. Previ01Js to that time, antisepsis and asepsis were completely unknown in the Islands, as elsewhere for that matter. The antiseptics of today were unheard of things. A local chronicler tells us that it was the usual thing in the operating room of those days to the man in charge of the surgical instruments-usually some important-looking ~rson-"disinfecting" the blood-stained or otherwise soiled instruments by wiping them with a ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 293 piece of rag ad hoc, or with the tail of his own apron, the cleanliness of which can be imagined, and nonchalantly placing them back on the operating table, in readiness for the surgeon's use. Later on a little forward step in disinfection was made by dipping the instruments in diverse antiseptic solutions; later on still they W€re subjected to the intense heat of the alcohol flame, until now we have come to the modern boiling apparatuses, and autoclaves, and sterilization against bacteria and spores is under rigorous scientific control. Dressings and tampons and drainage materials were made out of old blankets or rags. The sorting of the materials for the latter two was done with the patient's own combs, many of the former being inveterately long-queued Chinamen of prerepublican days, all of which materials thus prepared were used in dressing wounds, without any sterilization or disinfection or semblance of it. What a contrast between these questionable dressing sources, and the modern manufactured gauze from which dressings are now prepared, to say nothing of the rigid sterilization which they must go through before they are allowed to be used ! BIZARRE CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES After all, such flagrant departures from scund surgical principles as we conceive them today were not at all out of tune with some of the bizarre concepts and practices of the times. There prevailed then the "good, laudable pus" idea of the fathers, who hailed or actually provoked its appearance in a healing wound as a very favorable sign. In all of this the Philippines could not be an exception. Thus we read, not without astonishment, that free pus formation was often encouraged, for which purpose a formidable assortment of ointments of more or less :i.:roved pus-forming value was always on hand, ready to be dubbed on a healing wound. Of these, an ointment with yolk of eggs was a favorite, sure to reward the surgeon with abundant free pus. Just why healing by second intention seemed to be a desideratum among the old surgeons is a mystery to the writer, unless it were that between hospital gangrene, the nightmare of pre-Listerian surgeons, and free pus, the latter was the lesser evil. What modern surgeon would not now bitterly reproach himself if he failed to bring about the healing of a surgical wound by first intention, and with an almost invisible scar? 294 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL No less bizarre than these practices, which read as if out of some sorceress' tale, were some of the operating room rituals of those days. We are not told how things went locally, but Cullen tells us in 1916, that as recently as only fifty years ago ( 1866), in America: Some surgeons would think nothing of putting their hands into the wound and then, after handling the sheets or blankets around the patient, of placidly continuing the operation. What need of worry? They were totally ignorant of the possibility of contamination • * * I have heard another s'Urgeon specifically warn his students against the danger of contaminating the clean wound. He would then wash up ~arefully and, while admonishing his students, would walk around the amphitheater with his hands in his pockets. The next minute these hands went directly from his pockets into the wound. * * * I have seen another surgeon of excellent repute place the handle of his knife in his mouth for safe keeping, while he was busy tying ligatures. As to tlie operating room apparel, he tells us further that: Some operators would appear in full dress suits or full black coats. The sleeves of these coats have been ingeniously split up at the sides so that the' surgeon could readily hold them back until his arms were freed to the elbows. The operating table in those days held a motley assortment of paraphernalia. There were, in addition to the instruments themselves, the dressings, tampons, drains, bandages, and the indispensable assortment of ointments which formed part of the armamentarium in order to provoke pus and everything else that might be needed for the operation. Flies seemed to feel at home and were chased away only with an imprecation from the instrument man, but no more. The screen idea had not yet dawned upon the minds of surgeons or assistants. The quiet yet impressive atmosphere and spotless appearance of the modern operating rodm, its elaborate ritual, approaching a liturgy in some ways, with the surgeon and his assistants moving noiselessly about in their immaculately white gowns, caps, masks and impermeable gloves, whom one dares not touch or come too close to for the time being, the orderly separation of instruments, dressings and other paraphernalia, ar.d the solicitude with which the operating room is guarded, lest it be desecrated by some winged intruder or ungowned mortal, all with a view to establishing and maintaining the most strict asepsis, are too well known to require mention. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 295 IMPROVISED OPERATING ROOMS Conditions in hospitals in those days were generally such as to make their atmosphere a most uninviting one, and their reputation generally bad, so that only poor patients went to them, and reluctantly. Most well-to-do patients preferred to be cared for and operated upon in their private homes, some suitable nooks in them being improvised into miniature surgical amphitheaters. This was true here as elsewhere. The old dread of hospitals for which the hospital-shy Filipinos were sharply criticized in the early days, was not confined to them. OPERATING ROOM ILLUMINATION We have gone a long way from the old operating room lighting "system" with its vacillating, flickering wax candles, through more or less dependable petroleum lamps to the present incandescent electric light which floods the whole operating room with light, to say nothing of the wealth of powerful and shadowless reflectors which every modern, self-respecting operating room is equipped with. SCOPE OF OPERATIONS While many operations were performed even before the advent of antisepsis or a sepsis, or even of anesthesia, for tumors in the neck, mouth, throat (sic), breast and testis, amputations and resections, perinea} cystotomies or lithotrities, and a little later suprapubic lithotomies, hardly any laparotomy appears to have been attempted locally until the year 1885. So dire were the results of entering the peritoneal cavity in those preantiseptic days that the boldest stood in mortal dread of it and no one ventured to risk his reputation. For a long time the abdomen remained a forbidden land. In America a much similar condition prevailed a little before that same period. At present, there is liardly any part of ·the human body which is not laid open to the surgeon's inquiry, either for relief or for cure. FILIPINO OR REVOLUTIONARY ERA During this short and trying period, from 1896 to 1900, such surgical work as had to be performed was necessarily confined for the most part of the repair of war injuries, such as amputations, reductions of fractures and dislocations, care of gunshot and other wounds, most of which at emergency military hospitals, 'and under most difficult circumstan~s. 296 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL NEW ERA The year 1898 marked the beginning of the new era 0f medicine in the Philippines, largely influenced by American thought and methods. The opening of an American military hospital in Manila in 1899, now the Sternberg General Hospital, gave an opportunity to the older group of Filipino surgeons, who were really the pioneers, to have an insight into more modern surgical methods, practices, organization and equipment. Credit must go to this small group, perhaps not so much for their surgical skill, as for their inspiring and yeoman determination to qualify themselves, which they did splendidly, improvising animal operating rooms wherein to make themselves proficient, applying themselves diligently to the work and sparing no expense to equip themselves with the necessary armamentarium, which their then impecunious hospital could not offer them. They had the zeal and the searching inquisitiveness of the true scientist in them, and probably realized that thenceforth they were to cease to be passive spectators and become actors in the surgical drama. They were to come into their own as they never could before. The late Dr. Juan Miciano was one of them. These men and their predecessors, in common with surgeons elsewhere at the time, often had to operate at the private homes of patients, and personally attend to the hundred and one details attendant upon a major surgical operation. To us moderns who have been brought up in the comfort, safety and freedom from irksome personal attention to operating room details, such frequent extramural undertakings must appear as an ordeal, which far from reflecting on our surgical forebears, cannot but excite our admiration for their courage and patience. How many of us moderns would venture to perform a major operation in the best appointed private home today, unless it were absolutely necessary and as a l~st resort? Competent work is being done now by an able group of younger Filipino surgeons, most of whom have received their medical education in the two excellent local medical colleges, in the United States, and in European clinics as graduate students, and had their surgical training chiefly in the Philippine . General Hospital and in the old but splendidly remodeled San Juan de Dios Hospital, in Manila. Brilliant work was done by the late lamented P. C. Guazon, one of this younger group, and ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 297 first Filipino Professor of Surgery and Head of the Department of Surgery in the University of the Philippines. A tireless worker, he brought about his untimely death by his unsparing industry, dying at the early age of 42, like a loved one of the Gods. While these men lay no claim to any outstanding originality or contribution, either in the fundamentals or in the technique of surgery, yet in the fields they have had opportunity to cover so far, it is felt that, on the whole, their work need not suffer much by comparison with that of others. Work on the neck, including the thyroid; on the abdominal viscera, notably the stomach, intestines, colon and rectum, liver and gall-bladder; on the genito-urinary organs, notably the kidneys, ureters and prostate, on bones and joints, that is, for fractures, dislocations, ankylosis, deformities and the like, is being done right along. The field of local anesthesia, chiefly with novocaine, has been considerably extended, and its technique carried to a point that in appendectomies, herniotomies, thyroidectomies and a few other IJllajor procedures, the use of a general anesthetic has become exceptional. In certain fields, there is assuredly more operative work done locally under local anesthesia than was the writer's privilege to see in many European cl1nics on his second visit not so long ago. Blood transfusion has been so simplified that in proper. cases its use has become a lifesaving routine, and nothing but the question of cost prevents its wider employment. A local fiber, abaca (Musa textilis), has been introduced as a suitable suture substitute for horse hair and silkworm gut and metal clips. Needless to say, in their work, the latest contributions and most reliable tests from the laboratory, particularly pathology, bacteriology, and biochemistry, and the X-rays, are made use of, either for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, or for bringing poor surgical risks within safe operative margin. Perhaps in no other domain of surgery has the X-ray proved its positive diagnostic value more than in genito-urinary work. The invention of the cystoscope, the revelations of the X-ray in connection with opaque solutions which may now be introduced either ureterally, in itself a beautiful little procedure, or intravenously, and the discovery of the various efficient functional kidney tests, give the work a precision that is unsurpassed anywhere. 298 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The discovery of radium has, of course, given a new impetus and a new hope in the treatment of cancer, which is turning out to be as frequent in the Philippines as in other countries. Considerable immediate improvement and even apparent cures are of record. WHERE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT LIES Aside from work in connection with injuries, however, or for diagnostic purposes, there has been little opportunity as yet in surgery of the other ductless glands, and in cerebrospinal, cardiovascular and pulmonary surgery. Plastic, reconstructive, and industrial surgery, including systematic bone grafting, also need to be developed. The treatment of septic conditions still leaves much to be desired. There should be more facilities for building up good surgical museums, follow-up, medical photography and microphotography, and research work. A surgical guild and an exclusive publication would go a long way towards stimulating sustained original work on a high plane, and what is not less important by any means, the cultivation of the ideal of service and the preservation of those intangible qualities which make one's life work so much more worth doing. It is a far cry from those days of restraint "anesthesia" when the poor patient writhed hopelessly in pain during the excruciating ordeal, through the days of shaky chloroform narcosis to the present mastery of all forms and methods of noninhalation anesthesia; from the days of crude attempts at asepsis, or of no asepsis at all, to its present refinement, scientific precision and control ; from the days of flickering candle or petroleum lamp operating room illumination to the present flood of incandescent light and dazzling reflectors ; from the days when flies feit at home in the dingy operating room to the present scrupulously guarded and immaculately clean surgical amphitheater, where the presence of a stray fly is sure to bring a calling down for somebody; it is a far cry from those days of incongruous full dress suits or full black coats to the spotlessly white surgeon's garb of today, with 'its equally white cap and mask and rubber glove appurtenances; we have emerged from the days of "good, laudable pus" of the fathers to the present ideal of healing wounds by first intention ; and gone are the days when the abdominal and other cavities were terra incognita vel '[YT"OANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 299 hibita and too sacred for the knife, to the present day when, in the words of Deaver, uttered without levity, the abdomen and pelvis have become almost the "playground" of surgeons. The Filipinos have been beneficiaries of all these advances, whose detailed account would read like a saga. It would be a sad reflection on their capabilities and self-respect if, in the years to come, Filipino surgeons should fail to return something of the gift they have received and will continue to receive from medicine from across the seas, given to them without measure and without stint. Progress does not necessarily mean a supine willingness and an infinite capacity for absorbing others' ideas; a more positive and aggreEsive form of it is by having ideas of one's own and, in the commercialized language of the day, selling them to others. Borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. Light must come from within as well ; it bespeaks a pathetic intellectual penury and a dismal sense of defeatism always to expect it to creep in from without. The flow of the current must not be suffered always to be centripetal ; it must veer centrifugally once in a great while, for is it not true that it is better to give than receive? LITERATURE CITED ANSELMO, ARTEMIO S. 1934. The Medical and Pharmaceutical Service During the Philippine Revolution. Bull. San Juan de Dios Hosp., v. 8:21-24. CRILE, GEORGE, W. 1915. The Progress of Surgery During the Last Quarter of a Century. lnternat. Clim. 25, S., iv, 249-255. CRUZ, MARIANO R. 1933. A History of the College of Medicine of the University of Santo Tomas. Bull. San Juan de Dios Hosp., v.7: 141-143. CULLEN, THQMAS S. 1917. America's Place in the Surgery of the World. Surg. Gyn. Obst., v. 25: 376-390. DE LEON, EsTEBAN B. 1933. Hospitals in the Islands During the Spanish Regime. Bull. San Juan de Dios Hosp., v. 7: 377-380. DEAVER, Jo:aN B. 1926. The Romance of Surgery. Jour. Iowa Med. Sor.. v. 16: 357-361. REYES, CARMELO. 1927. Lightening the White Man's Burden. Presidential Address, P. I. M.A. 1926. Philip. Islands Med. Assoc., Journal, v. 7: 27-41. REYES, CARMELO. 1928. Medical Impressions from Abroad. Philip. Med. Assoc. Journal, v. 8: 98-116. V AI.DES, B. 1928. Episodios del Pasado Quirurgico del Hospital de San Juan de Dios de Manila. Bull. San Juan de Dios Hosp., v. 2: 61-70. GYNECOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By HONORIA ACOSTA-SISON Of the University of the Philippines Associate Member, Section of Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Ophthal»Wlogy and Otorhinolaryngology Gynecology is one of the youngest branches of medical science in the Philippines. It began only under the American administration and as a subdivision of surgery. Those who first practiced it, as for instance Drs. Singian, Miciano, Guazon, McDill, Gilman, and Lopez, were general surgeons. Others, like Drs. Perez, Zamora, B. Roxas and F. Calderon, were primarily obstetricians. A few well-known medical practitioners, among them Drs. Luna and Barcelona, practiced medical gynecology. The College of Medicine and Surgery had no separate chair of gynecology until 1922 when, on the motion of the then Regent Calderon, a department of gynecology was created by the Board of Regents, which appointed Dr. Calderon as its head. The personnel of the department consists of Drs. Calderon, Tolentino, and Acosta-Sison from the obstetrical staff and Drs. C. Reyes, A. Mandanas, and C. Franco from the surgical division. Of these, only Drs. Calderon and Tolentino give their full time to gynecology. The rest keep up their dual role as obstetrician and gynecologist or as surgeon and gynecologist. The gynecologic department gives medical students didactic lectures and clinical instruction in the dispensary, at the bedside and in the operating room. It conducts a daily clinic in the dispensary for diagnosis and medical treatments, and a weekly operative clinic for those needing surgical intervention. lb ward of 14 beds is too small to accommodate its increasing number of operative cases. On account of lack of space it has no beds for gynecologic patients who need medical treatment. Endometritis, perinea! repairs, and prolapsus uteri-all obstetrical complications, and adnexal inflammations due to gonococcus form a great bulk of the cases treated. These point the way of preventive gynecology. The early treatment of cancer from the viewpoint of its radical cure has a wide field of activity. But either the patients come too late or the diagnosis is not made in the incipient or early stage. 300 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 301 The use of the quartz lamp, radium, and X-Ray, the Wertheim technique of operable cases of uterine cancer, the interposition operation for procidentia uteri, the Alfieri method of righting a retroverted uterus, the Rubin and lipiodal test for determining the patency of the Fallopian tubes and the use of artificial impregnation are known to the modern Filipino gynecologist. The following is a list of gynecologic articles published by Filipinos: ACOSTA-SISON, HONORIA. 1921. Hymen atresia with report of one case. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Jounwl, v. 1: 112-114. ACOSTA-SISON, HONORIA. 1929. Coexisting cyst and pregnancy: a study of twenty-four cases. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal v. 9: 284-288. ACOSTA-SISON, HONORIA. 1930. A case of ovarian hemorrhage simulating ectopic pregnancy. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 10: 248-251. BAENS, ALFREDO. 1932. Report on one hundred seventy-four cases of ectopic gestation. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.12: 497-502. BALTAZAR, MARTIN. 1927. Chronic gonorrhea. Philippine Islands Medical AsBOciation. Journal, v. 7: 286-292. CABRERA, C. 1928. 'The incidence of gonorrhea in minor delinquents .Jf the Girls' Training School. Philippine Islands Medical Associa~ion. Jou,rnal, v. 8: 479-480. CALDERON, FERNANDO. 1925. Errors of diagnosis in gynecology. PhiUppine Islands Medical Association. Journpl, v. 5: 107-110. CALDERON, FERNANDO. 1925. Internal Alexander -0peration in uterine retroversion. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 5: 319-321. CALDERON, F. and C. FRANOO. 1930. Presidentia uteri and its surgic:il treatment. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.10: 149-152. CALDERON, FERNANDO. 1933. When and how should a woman be sterilized? Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 13: 65-68. ESQUIVEL, FACUNDO. 1933. Analysis of sixty-two cases of esfopic pregnancy among Filipinos. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journpl, v. 13: 154-158. FERNANDEZ, RICARDO. 1921. Radium in uterine conditions. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 1: 157-160. FRANCISCO, s. A., v. AsCALON and R. A. RAYMUNDO. 1932. Extrauterine pregnancy: lithpedion of fifteen years duration successfully 302 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL removed by surgical operation. Philippine Jsl,ands Medical AssocintWn. Journal, v.12: 113-121. FRANOO, CECILIO D. 1927. Urethrolithiasis. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7: 1-3. FRANOO, C. D. 1932. Spinelli's operation in chronic uterine inversion. Philippine Js"lands Medical Association. Journal, v. 12: 577-578. NOLASOO, JosE: 0. 1927. Chorionepithelioma without primary tumor in the uterus. Philippine ls"lands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7: 323-330. OROSA, SIXTO Y. 1930. A case of complete absence of vagina. Philippine JsT,ands Medical Association. Journal, v. 10: 521-522. REYES, CARMELO. 1924. An analysis of clinics-pathological findings in 1065 surgical and gynecological cases. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 4: 327-334. RUSTIA, GUILLERMO." 1932. Abdominal pregnancy at twenty months, with a report of a case. Philippine ls"lands Medical Association. Journ(I[, v.12: 74-76. ToLENTINO, MARIANO. 1927. A study of menstruation in young girls. Philippine Is/.o.nds Medical Association. Journal, v. 7: 372-378. THE PROGRESS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY AND OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS By ANTONIO S. FERNANDO Of the University of the Philippines Associate Member, Section of Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology There is to be observed at present among our medical men a more determined resolve and concerted effort to extend the boundaries of our knowledge in all branches of medical science. This intense yearning to advance should receive our heartiest welcome and our mos: enthusiastic encouragement and fullest support. At this time when plans are being carefully studied to promote the progress of medical science in our country, it is advisable to pause for a moment and ponder how far we have traveled, how much of the foundation we have already built solidly for the superstructure of the system of medical research which is being devised. In this brief paper an attempt is made to record in meager outline the progress in this country of two branches of medical 8cience: namely, Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology. In the Philippines, Ophthalmology as a separate branch of medicine, is comparatively new, and particularly so is its sister science Otorhinolaryngology. In tracing their growth it is meet tc· follow their progress during the following periods: The first period begins with the Spanish occupation and extends to 1876; the second comprises the period from 1876 to the beginning of American occupation in 1898; the third covers the years from then to 1909; and from that date to the present time is the fourth period. First Period.-The knowledge of the people regarding medicine during the early part of the Spanish occupation was very primitive. There were "herb doctors" or quacks, whose medical practices and beliefs revealed the influence of. contact which the natives had with other peoples, like the Chinese, the Borneans, and other Malayans, the Hind!fs, and the Japanese who used to trade with them even before the coming of the Spaniards. One of the great handicaps which our medical men have to contend with even at this time is the strong hold which 303 304 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the quacks have on the ignorant masses; particularly, in the remote municipalities and barrios. In the later part of this period, through the initiative and encouragement of the government and the church, Spanish doctors came here, and in their priactice of gt>neral medicine undoubtedly also treat;ed diseases affecting the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Second Period.-With the establishment in 1871 of the San Jose Medical College, (the Medical Department of the University of Santo Tomas) began an important era in the history of medicine in this country. In 1876 this college turned out its first group of graduates (Licenciados), and from that time on this univel'1Sity began trying to meet the need for doctors in the Islands, with its graduates, who as general practitioners made use, as far as possible, of their scanty knowledge of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology gained at that time. During the later part of this period Ophthalmology was making rapid progress in modern countries of Europe and in America. It was al8o at about this time that Rizal (Ubaldo, 1924), after obtaining his licenciate degree in 1884 at the Universidad Central de Madrid, decided to specialize in Ophthalmology because of his mother's failing vision, His training in this branch of medicine was obtaned under famous oculists of Eu· rope, like De Wecker of Paris, Fuchs of Vienna and others of Germany and other countries. In 1887 he returned to the Philippines and succes8.fully performed, in their house in Calamba, the cataract extraction from the left eye of his mother, probably the first cataract. extraction done in this country. News of his success rapidly spread throughout the Islands and neighboring countries. He was also known to have performed enucleation, strabismus correction, removal of pterygium, and undoubtedly he performed several other eye operations but authentic reports on these are not available. It is a matter for legiiimate pride in our profession that the greatest man our country has produced was a physician and the first Filipino Ophthalmologist. Soon after, Spanish oculists like Drs. Biada and M. G. Tornell (Ortigas, 1924), and probably a few others came here to practise this specialty, and they were later followed by Filipinos who had taken post-graduate courses in Europe, among them being Dr. Simeon Villa. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 305 Third Period.-ln the early years of American occupation the government established the Bureau of Health and the Quarantine Servfce which have been instrumental in minimizing the havoc of epidemics. Smallpox, which previously was responsible not only for many cases of death but also for permanent blindness, was soon suppressed. Rigid rules enforced by the Quarantine Service eliminated, to a great extent, the danger of introducing contagious diseases, particularly trachoma and diphtheria, from neighboring Oriental ports. Physicians connected with the Army and Navy, who had some training in the specialties, began to practise here, more actively soon after the establishment of their respective general hospitals at Fort Wm. McKinley and at Cafiacao. When the Government Civil Hospital was established, general surgeons or general practitioners took up also eye, ear, nose and throat work. Church and mission hospitals were also established in the later part of this period, and employed doctors some of whom had had some training in the treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat diseases. Dr. Severino B. Alberto (Ortigas, 1924), who graduated in 1903 from the University of Santo Tomas, went to Europe to take up post-graduate courses in Opthalmology. Upon his return to the Philippines he practised this specialty extensively. He was appointed professor of Ophthalmology in Santo Tomas University and attending oculist of the San Juan de Dios Hospital. He made several trips to Europe. At present he is the head of the Section of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology of Santo Tomas. Fourth Period.-This period has undoubtedly seen the greatest progress in the development of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology in this country. This was largely brought about by the establishment of the Philippine Medical School in 1907, in which, according to its organization, there wias provided a separate department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology; and by the foundation of the Philippine General Hospital, which opened its doors to the public in 1910, and also had a separate Department of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. The progress of these specialties may be traced under the following headings : 1 . Progress in instruction. 2 . Progress in practise. 3. Progress in scientific or clinical investigations. 306 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1. Progress in the lnstruction.-In May, 1911, Dr. Reinhart Rembe, a German, but a naturalized American, was appointed ia.ssociate professor and head of the Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology and Dr. Aristeo R. Ubaldo, a nephew of Rizal, as assistant. The course was then given in the fifth year, consisting mainly of lectures and practical demonstrations and was allotted 204 hours. In 1912 the rotation interneship service in the Philippine General Hospital requiring six months stay was started in the Hospital, one month of which was to be spent in the Department of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Dr. Rembe left the Islands in 1914 and Dr. Ubaldo took his place. He W!as made full professor July 1, 1920. In Hll 9-1920 a clinical clerkiShip was inaugurated in the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, and the students of the fifth year were then assigned in groups of two or more working for one month in the department during the mornings only. In 1923 a change in the curriculum of this College was made; the total hours alloted becoming 162. Instruction now begins in the second semester of the third year; in the fourth year the students are taught dispensary practise, given practical demonstrations and attend clinical conferences. In the fifth year they serve as internes in the hospital and are detailed for one month in the department where they receive practical instructions and are permitted to assist in minor operations. This total of 162 hours is more rthan the aver.age number of hours allotted in American Medical Schools, which according to Dr. W. D. Reid, constitute 110 hours (Ophthalmology, 52 and Otorhinolaryngology, 58). The curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santo Tomas has also been revised from time to time to comply with the requirements of the Government and to follow closely the trend of recent advances in the teaching of the specialties. In regard to the residentship in the Philippine General Hospital ~nd the San Juan de Dios Hospital, both of which are attached to their respective medical colleges, there also have been effected some changes: the term has been limited to 5 years in the former and 3 in the latter. The object is to give other graduates opportunities for hospital training preparatory to private practice or for assignment in provincial hospitals. 2. Progress in the practfoe of these specialties.-There is a group of specialists who have acquired their knowledge of the ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 307 art and science of Ophthalmology and of Otorhinolaryngology abroad, and although they have not engaged in the teaching of these subjects nor published the results of their investigations or experiences they have nevertheless contributed much to the progress in the practice of these branches of medicine here. To this group belong Drs. Victor Sevilla and Ramon Ongsiako. The wide practice and the high reputation attained by Sevilla attest his great ability as a specialist. Up to about fifteen years ago correction of refractive errors was almost exclusively in the hands of opticians but today more and more of those who practice Ophthalmology take up refraction work. ' 3. Progress in scientific or clinical investigations.-In describing the march of progress in scientific investigations, we may cite here references to articles that have been read or published in local or foreign medical journals during this period. Incidentally, the designation in 1922 of the writer as a correspondent for Manila in the American Journal of Ophthalmology (Fernando, 1922) has enabled him to request publication in that journal of articles written by local oculists. In 1913 Dr. Ubaldo (Ubaldo, 1913) advocated a modified technic cf the Kronlein operation in large retrobulbar tumors. In 1914 he first called attention to a certain form of amblyopia observed in parturient women (Ubardo, 1914). This symptom was also studied by Dr. Ayuyao, who in 1933, made a report of the corneal findings regarding these cases (Ayuyao, 1933). Trachoma has since the beginning of this period, attracted the attention of the local oculists. Dr. S. B. Alberto wrote in 1912 and 1914 on the treatment and prophylaxis of this disease. Major Theodore Lyster (1911) of the U. S. Army, who was detailed tb the Philippine General Hospital before Rembe came, called attention in 1911 to a comparatively frequent eye disease here-follicular conjunctivitis. Recently, the writer (1914) called attention to the frequency of mistaking follicular conjunc~ivitis for trachorna and rsubscribed to the theory of Dr. Harvey J. Howard that there seems to be an intimate relationship between the amount of pigment of the skin of the patient to the severity of this disease; the lighter the complexion the more severe the disease. In 1917, Dr. Velarde (1917) reported on two cases of conjunctivitis vernalis. 308 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Dr. Ubaldo visited famous clinics in Europe and the United States in 1921, and when he returned to the Philippines he introduced many new procedures, among which may be mentioned cataract extraction with the erisiphake (Barraquer's method). In 1923 he reported the results of his experience with this technic (Ubaldo, 1923). In 1922 a clinical survey of eye, ear, nose and throat cases in the free dispensary of the Philippine General Hospital was made with a view to determining the relative frequency of' the commoner diseases affecting these organs (Fernando, 1922, 1923). A study of the causes of blindness among Filipinos was also made and reported in that year (1923). Dr. Fernando in 1923, and Dr. Elpidio Dizon in 1930, understook studies of the eye, ear, nose and throat lesions in leprosy. Eye complications resulting from disease due to deficiencies of vitamins A and B have been carefully studied by local oculists as well as by others (Fernando, 1923, Gamboa, 1930). In 1920, Guerrero and Concepcion (1930) made experimental study on xerophthalmia in fowls fed on polished rice. A very important event in the history of Ophthalmology in this country and one that gave a new impetus to the study of this specialty wa.s the visit of Professor E. Fuchs of Vienna, the most eminent ophthalmologist in the world in his time. He was appointed visiting professor by the University of the Philippines and gave a series of most interesting lectures on the pathology of important diseases of the eye from January 8 to January 19, 1923. In December, 1921, Drs. Fernando and Nicolas (1922) first tried here milk injections in the treatment of acute inflammations of the eye and obtained satisfactory results. In 1922, Dr. Nicolas made a detailed report of three cases of tuberculosis of the conjunctiva. Progress in Rhino-Laryngology has also been notable. W. P. Chamberlain in 1910 and Drs. Gomez, Kapunan and Gavino in 1920, made studies on diphtheria in the Philippines. Dr. V. Sevilla reported in 1914 his experience in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the accessory sinuses of the nose. In 1924, Dr. Velarde reported on 5 cases of fibrorna of the nasopharynx. Dr. Nicolas in 1924 and Dr. Ayuyao in 1927, described the tertiary manifestations of yaws in the nose and throat. Fernando in 1924 made known his findings that hoarseANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 309 ness as a symptom of beriberi was due to paralysis of one or both vocal cords, more frequently the left, as he had observed by means of laryngoocopic examination. This paralysis or paresis was attributed to neuritis of the laryngeal nerves. Regarding the progress in the field of radium therapy, we may mention here that Fernandez (Ricardo) reported, in 1922, promising results in radium therapy in eye, ear, nose and throat work. Recently Drs. Singian and Gonzalez (1934) wrote a paper describing satisfactory results with their special technic in radium applications on several cases of malignant new growth of the nose, pharynx and larynx. Medical science has progressed so much in the last fifty years that it is impossible for one man to keep au courant with its progress in all its branches. As a natural reaction, and to be able to render more effective medical service, medical education and medical practice have encouraged specialization. In line witli this Dr. A. R. Ubaldo has happily initiated the policy of giving the older members of his staff ample opportunities to make original studies and undertake investigations in the particular subjects assigned to them to teach. In 1927-1928, Dr. V. C. Alcantara took a post-graduate course in Peroral Endoscopy in the clinics of Dr. Chevalier Jackson, and on his return, was assigned to do the eosophagoscopic and bronchoscopic work in the department. Foreign bodies in the eosophagus, especially coins, which formerly were removed with the coin catcher as reported by Dr. Velarde in 1917, .are now extracted by the Jackson technic. In December, l 932, Alcantara read a paper on his four years' experience in peroral endoscopy work, and in 1933, on cases of foreign bodies in the trachea ana bronchus which he successfully removed. At this juncture it is of interest to mention that upon his return here from his trip to Europe and America in 1921, Dr. Ubaldo started using suspension laryngoscopy, which gave him satisfactory results. With this method he succeeded in removing a papillomatous growth in the larynx of a child 3 years old complaining of hoarseness and difficulty in breathing. In another instance he used this apparatus in introducing a Jackson's tube into the eosophagus of an old woman with a suspected tumor of tliat organ. He removed a piece for diagnosis, and 310 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the pathologist's report confirmed the suspicion. He also introduced the bronchoscopic tube into the trachea for purposes of examination. On August 20, 1927, Dr. Ubaldo (Ubaldo and Ayuyao, 1928), assisted by members of his staff, extirpated the larynx of a woman 60 years old with a malignant new growth in the larynx. The patient completely recovered, and was taught to use the speaking apparatus. This was the first successful laryngectomy operation ever performed in the Islands. There has also been marked progress in Otology. Dr. Ramon Ongsiako reported in 1914 his experience in the treatment of otosclerosis. In 1918 Drs. Velarde and Farrales made a clinical study of 85 cases of mastoiditis. Dr. Ubaldo (Uha!rlo and Alcantara, 1927) performed a labyrinthectomy in 1927. In 1931, the writer (Fernando, 1934) read and published a paper in which he mentioned some of the recent advances in this specialty in other countries and called the attention of the general practitioners to the need of recognizing some of the important early symptoms of intracranial complications of ear suppuration. In 1929, the writer, assisted by Dr. Ayuyao, opened the lateral s.inus and ligated the jugular vein in a case of advanced infective sinus thrombophlebitis of otitic origin. But this intervention proved of _no avail, the patient soon died of septico-pyemia and meningitis. _On November, 1931, a case of subdural abscess of otitic origin was also operated on by the same surgeons (Fernando and Ayuyao, 1933) and the patient recovered. On July 30, 1934, they also performed ligation of the l'ight jugular vein in the case of a boy, 5 years of age, having suppurative mastoiditis and with complicating severe infective lateral sinus phlebitis. This patient, who was also given two blood transfusions, recovered. In conclusion it can be seen from the foregoing that the local specialists have done their utmost, in spite of paucity of experience and the limited resources at their command, to advance the frontiers of their knowledge in Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. But when we compare our accomplishments with those of similar workers in other advanced countries we have to admit that we have but started. The surface has been barely reconnoitered and a vast field remains yet to be thoroughly explored. It is considered imperative that the Government should ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 311 continue sending experienced and promising men to famous clinics abroad, not only to study recent advances but also to familiarize themselves with methods of research, so that when they come back, they can greatly help to initiate and formulate comprehensive and effective plans for the search for new knowledge and for the dissemination of this knowledge of these specialties to the other members of the medical profession for the welfare and benefit of our people. If the plan of the Philippine General Hospital to build a separate pavilion for Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat is materialized, this will be the logical place for the center of this future expansion. In conclusion the writer would say that errors of omission or commission may have crept in; certain work or investigations may not have been properly credited, etnphasized, or may have been entirely omitted from this article; and .that for this he seeks the reader's indulgence. He would ask that it be remembered that in a brief account like this, one cannot write all that one wants to say. LITERATURE CITED ALBERTO, S. B. 1912. Tracoma, su profilaxia. MemoriaB y Comunica~es de la Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 1: 267 . .ALBERTO, S. B. 1914. Resultado del tratamiento mixto del tracoma. Actas y Memorias Segunda Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 2: 312-314. ALcANTARA, VIVENCIO C. 1932. Four years of peroral endoscopy work in the Philippine General Hospital. (Read at the annual meeting of the P. I. Medical Association, Dec. 1932. AYUYAO, CoNRADO D. 1925. Tertiary manifestations of Yaws in the larynx. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.5:331. Read before M. Med. S. Aug. 3, 1925. AYUYAO, CoNRADO. D. 1927. Tertiary manifestations of yaws in the nose and throat in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7: 411. AYUYAO, CoNRADO D. 1933. Corneal lesion in beriberi. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.13: 158. CHAMBEKLAIN, W. P. 1910. Diphtheria in the Philippine Islands. Bull. Manila Medical Society, v. 2, No. 7: 172-178. DIZON, ELPIDIO Y. 1930. Eye, ear, riose and throat manifestations in leprosy. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v.10: 211. FERNANDEZ, RICARDO. 1922. Radium therapy in eye, ear, nose and throat work. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Jou.rnal, v. 2: 116-120. 312 NA'TIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FERNANDO, A. S. 1922. Correspondent for Manila. American Journal of Ophthabnol<>g11, v. 5: 511. FERNANDO, A. S. 1922. Clinical notes on ear, nose and throat. Cases in the dispensary of the Philippine General Hospital. Philippi:n{3 Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 2: 125-129. FERNANDO, A. S. 1922. Causes of blindness among Filipinos as observed in the Philippine General Hospital dispensary. A preliminary report. Arch. of Oph., v. 51: 374-378. FERNANDO, A. s. AND F. NIOOLAS. 1922. The effect of milk injections in ocular inflammations. Philippine Islands Medical Association. J ournal, v. 2: 1-7. FERNANDO, A. S. 1923. A brief clinical survey of cases in the free dispensary of the Philippine General Hospital. Arch. of Oph., v. 52: 170176. FERNANDO, A. S. 1923. Ocular manifestations in leprosy as observed in Culion, P. I. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 3: 230-236. FERNANDO, A. S. 1923. The eye in beriberi. Amer. Jour. of Oph., v. 6: 385-388. FERNANDO, A_ S. 1924. Laryngeal symptoms in beriberi. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 24: 41-43. FERNANDO, A. S. 1931. The ear and the general practitioner. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 11: 385~392. FERNANDO, A. s. AND c. D. AYUYAO. 1933. Subdural abs~ess of otitic origin_ Report of an operated case that recovered. Philippine. Islands Medical Association., v. 13: 73-76. FERNANDO, A. S. 1934. Some remarks on trachoma among Filipinos. Philippine Isalnds Medical Association. Journal, v. 14: 137-141. GAMBOA, LUIS. 1930. Deficiency in vitamin A and nyctalopia. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journp.l, v. 10 :325. GoMEZ, LIBORIO, A KAPUNAN AND c. GAVINO. 1920. Diphtheria in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 17: 37-46. GUERRERO, LUIS AND I. CONCEPCION. 1920. Xerophthalmia in fowls fed on polished rice and its clinical significance. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 1: 99103. LYSTER, THEODORE C. 1911. Follicular conjunctivitis. A common disease in the Philippines easily mistaken for trachoma. Read before Annual Meeting Philippine Islands Medical Association. NICOLAS, F. 1922. A report of three cases of tuberculosis of the conjunctiva. Arch. of Oph., v. 5: 379-383. NICOLAS, FELISA. 1924. Notes on the nose and throat manifestations of tertiary yaws. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 4: 140-142. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 313 ONGSIAKO, R. J. 1914. Tratamiento de la otosclerosis por la anakinesia del oido. Actas y Mem. Segunda Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 2: 326-330. Discussed by Dr. Sevilla. ORTIGAS y. CuERVA, MANUEL. 1924. Biibliografia medico-farmaceutica de Filipinas, v. 1. Imp. Manila 737 Calero, St. Cruz, Manila. SEVILLA, VICTOR. 1914. Frecuencia de las afecciones infiamatorias de los senos accessorios de la nariz en Filipinas. Actas y Memo. Segu.nda Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 2: 316-323. SINGIAN, G. AND R. P. GoNZALES. 1934. Radium therapy in the cancer section of the San Juan de Dios Hospital. Bull. S. J. de Dios Hospital, v. 8: 27-32. Read before the annual meeting of the Philippine Islands Medical Association. 1933. UBALDO, A. R. 1913. La Operacion de Kronlein en los Tumores lntraobitales. Revista F'ilipina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 4: 245. UBALDO, A. R. 1914. Ambliopias despues del embarazo. Actas Memorias Segunda Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 2: 308. UBALDO, A. R. 1923. lntracapsular cataract extraction after Barraquer's techn:ic. American J<>ur. of Oph., v. 6: 906-907; Abstract International Survey of Ophthalmology, v. 6, No. 6: 449-554. UBALDO, A. R. 1924. Biographic sketch of Jose Rizal y Mercado. A merican Jour. of Ophthalmology, v. 7 :560-561. UBALDO, A. R. AND V. C. ALCANTARA. 1927. A case of labyrinthectomy. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Jo1irnal, v. 7: 97. VELARDE, H. 1916. Foreign bodies in eye, ear; nose and throat and esophagus. Actas y Mem. Tercera Asamblea Regi011al de Medicos y Farmaceuticos, v. 3: 249. VELARnE, H. 1917. Two cases of conjunctivitis vernales in the Philippine General Hospital. Memorias y Tercera Asamblea Regional de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 3: 238. VELARDE, H. AND GREGORIO F ARRALES. 1918. Report of 85 cases of mastoid cases. Actas y Mem. Quarta Asam. Reg. de MedicOs y Farmaceu.. ticos, v. 4: 276. VELARDE, H. 1924. Fibroma of the naso-pharynx, with report of five cases. Philippine Islands Medical Association, Journal, v. 4: 312. BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY THE GOVERNMENT By MARCOS TUBANGUI Of the Bureau of Science Secretary, Section of Biological Products The preparation of sera and vaccines for the use of the Government health service in its campaigns against infectious diseases was, at the beginning of Filipino-American relations, entrusted to the Serum Laboratory, one of the principal divisions of the then Bureau of Government Laboratories which was created in 1901 by the Philippine Commission under Act No. 156. In 1905 the name of this Bureau was changed to the Bureau of Science, which explains why the latter is now engaged in the manufacture of biologioo.l products. The Serum Laboratory was formerly located on the grounds of the San Lazaro Hospital, but was transferred in 1906 to the grounds of the Bureau of Science. Due to lack of adequate space in Manila, especiially for the housing of large animals that are employed in the preparation of certain kinds of sera and vaccines, it was moved in 1921 to its present location in Alabang, Rizal. Compared with the modest laboratory of 1901, it is now a wellequipped institution that is capable of putting out large quantities of products sufficient even during times of emergency. When the Serum Laboratory was first established the prevailing diseases which took a heavy toll in human lives and caused heavy losses among work animals were smallpox and bubonic plague and rinderpest, respectively. For this reason the first biologics that were prepared on a large scale were smallpox vaccine, plague vaccine, antip1a.gue serum and antirinderpest serum. Mallein and tetanus antitoxin were also handled in small quantities and a few years later tuberculin, antidiphtheric and other immune sera, rabies vaccine, cholera, typhoid, dysentery and other bacterial vaccines and antivenom serum were added to the list. The manufacture of a number of these products has been di1scontinued, due either to a very limited demand or to the fact that equally reliable imported preparations are available at much cheaper prices. The kinds of sera and vaccines that are now being prepared are shown 314 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 315 in Table 1, in which the quantities given are those pertaining to the year 1933. As heretofore the large volume of these products is supplied to the various branches of the Government, but mostly to the Bureau of Health. After its more than thirty years of existence, it may now be asked if tlie Serum Laborafory has been fulfilling its mission fo the safeguarding of the public health. · This question is best answered by inquiring into the occurrence of those diseases which before and during the early days of American Occupation harassed the medical authorities and decimated the population. According to the most recent reports of the Bureau of Health, smallpox is now practically unknown in the Islands and the incidence of cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever has been very much reduced. Formerly the bite of a mad dog used to throw the people into a panic due to a helpless despondency over the dread of contracting hydrophobia. Now every person has the consolation of knowing that the Government has always on hand a supply of rabies vaccine, which, as a prophylactic agent against one of the moist dreadful of diseases, has proved its worth. To the attainment of these and other health improvements, the biological products manufactured by the Government have contributed not a little and for this reason the Vaccine and Serum Laboratory of the Bureau of Science deserves the confidence and continued support of the public. 'TABLE 1.-Biological products prepared by the Bureau of Science during the year 1933 Stra: Amount Antidysenteric serum ................. . 121,310 cc Normal horse serum .................. . 8,680 cc Anticholera serum .................... . 181 cc Antityphoid serum ................... . 93 cc Vaccines: Chol€ra 3,480,453 cc Dysentery (polyvalent, sensitized) ...... . 158,500 cc Typhoid ..................... · ... · ·. ·. 434,160 cc Cholera and dysentery ............... . 7,112,870 cc Cholera and typhoid ................. . 1,086,480 cc Cholera, typhoid and paratyphoid A .. . 1,172,850 cc Typhoid and paratyphoid A ........... . 219,750 cc Gonococcus ........................... . 744 cc Gonococcus (combined) ................ . 118 cc 316 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Staphylococcus aureus ................ . Staphylococcus aureus and albus ....... . Streptococcus ........................ . Streptococcus, Staphylococcus albus and aureus ........................... . Autogenous bacterial vaccines ......... . Rabies vaccine (human) .............. . Rabies vaccine (veterinary) ........... . Smallpox vaccine (dried) ............ . Smallpox vaccine (glycerinated) ....... . 465 cc 350 cc 298 cc 190 cc 838 (1-2 cc ampules) 292,695 cc 20,720 cc 1,318,550 units 1,864,981 doses DEVELOPMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By DANIEL DE LA PAZ Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Pharmacology Pharmacology is relatively new in the Philippines. It embraces an extensive field, overlapping with many other branches of science. It has been confused with pharmacy, botany, the chemistry of drugs, materia medica, therapeutics, and toxicology. As the term is clearly explained in standard modern textbooks of Pharmacology, it will not be defined here. Pharmacology was formerly learned by the medical student as a by-product of his instruction in the other branches of medicine. Its appearance as an independent wurse in the medical curriculum was rather recent and until 1907 it was taught in this country exclusively by lecture. Under the leadership of Paul C. Freer (1907) the Philippine Medical School, now the College of Medicine of the University of the Philippines, inaugurated a course in pharmacology, the principal novelty of which was the introduction of the teaching and learning of pharmacology by experimental methods, i.e., the student himself undertakes experimental work and participates actively in his own training. The chief aim was the substitution of actual observation, independent reasoning and a spirit of criticism for authoritative statement. This method is particularly useful in medicine, for the physician is never merely a technician and the problems which his profession place before him can rarely be settled by reference to authorities, but must be approached by methods essentially similar to those employed by the experimental investigator. He must therefore be trained as an independent observer and thinker. Hans Aron 1 and Alfred Ogle Shaklee (1910), in particular, were the first to conduct courses of this kind. This method of teaching was ably continued by their Filipino successors. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera (1901) published his well known book, The Philippine Medicinal Plants. Although many 1 According t.o Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, one of his pupils. 3li 318 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of the therapeutic claims are not supported with complete data, this book has served as an important reference for investigators of the native medicinal plants. The preface of the book reveals the difficulties under which the author had to work. He intended to begin the study of the chemical composition of the local medicinal plants, but due presumably to lack of facilities and trained personnel, he planned to carry out the work in the laboratories of Paris under the direction of the eminent men who had been his medical teachers. This was the status of Philippine pharmacology at the beginning of the present century. The work of R. F. Bacon (1906) on the physiologically active constituents of Philippine plants, and his joint work with H. T. Marshall (1906) on the toxic action of saponin, mark the beginning of experimental pharmacology in the Philippines. The former is a model of research work on the isolation of active principles of plants, while the latter is an example of investigation on the analysis of the effect of drugs. Bacon and Marshall thus set a standard by which the works of their contemporaries and later investigators in the Philippines will be judged. Leon M. Guerrero (1910), Manuel Zamora (1912), Conrado Potenciano (1912), H. C. Brill (Brill and Wells, 1917), A. H. Wells (1919), Patrocinio Valenzuela (1921 and 1926), Jose E. Jimenez (1929), Joaquin Marafion (1927) and 1929), and Alfredo C. Santos (1931) are among those who carried out Tavera's intention and continued Bacon's work. Their works have increased our knowledge of the chemical compositions of the Philippine medicinal plants. Alfredo C. Santos and his collaborators have extended the work on the isolation of the active principles of the native plants to the study of the chemical constitutions of alkaloids. The synthesis of nicotinic acid and its derivatives by R. R. Williams (1916) awakened the idea of making new drugs; the synthesis of new compounds for leprosy by G. A. Perkins (1925) followed; the studies on the relation of action to chemical constitution by Otto Schobl (1923) and Patrocinio Valenzuela (1925) (in press) are a natural consequence of this new idea. A. G. Du Mez (1913 and 1915) combined emetine with alkaloidal reagents with the view of lessening its irritant action in the stomach and enhancing its amebacidal action in the intestine; his work gave emetine ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 319 bismuth iodide to therapeutics; his study on the detection of adulterations of oleoresin of aspidium covers another aspect of pharmacology. Bacon and Marshall were followed by many workers undertaking different studies on the action of drugs; in less than three decades they have opened practically all lines of investigation in Philippine pharmacodynamics. E. B. Vedder (1911), investigated the action of emetine on ameba; R. P. Strong (1910), the effect of Arsphenamine on yaws; W. P. Chamberlain and E. B. Vedder (1912), continuing the brilliant work of the early beriberi investigators, established the efficacy of administering tiki-tiki extract directly to the little patient instead of the mother. The~.e are three outstanding contributions of Philippine Pharmacology to the world. Manuel S. Guerrero ( 1911) studied the action of beriberi milk on frog heart. He ~as the first to employ pharmacological methods in the elucidation of clinical phenomena in the Philippines. He excelled his local contemporaries in clinical medicine in resourcefulness. A. W. Sellard (1910) worked out the use of alkalies in Asiatic cholera; with A. J. Mc Laughlin (1910) he also studied the use of salt solution in the same disease. Alfred Ogle Shaklee (1917) continued here his study on the treatment of strychnine poisoning with chloroform which he began in America. His intention to study the influence of drugs on the effect of the heat of the tropical sun with the view of controlling this force of nature through pharmacology is a creative idea. Daniel de la Pa,z and Faustino Garcia's (1916) experimental study with reference to the use of emetics to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory passages is the beginning of the critical attitude in this country towards the therapeutic uses cf drugs; the former (1921) investigated the alleged anthelmintic property of Quisqualis indica, employing among other methods the use of dog stomach and intestine as living beaker and test tube. Roman Montenegro (1918) followed up the side-effects of emetine; F. A. Fidelino and P. A. Pangan (1927) investigated the mechanism of the absorption of drugs from intrahepatic administration; these are contributions by undergraduate students in the University of the Philippines. Faustino Garcia, Guevara and others (1918, 1921 and 1922) have been the principal contributors to the studies on the action of the Philippine medicinal plants; their studies on bioassay are 320 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL pioneer works in the Philippines and have brought out the urgent necessity of establishing our official standards. Valenzuela, Guevara and Salud Garcia (1930) applied the statistical method to the treatment of their experimental data; their idea shows the increasing critical attitude in Philippine pharmacology. Otto Schobl's (1917) experiment on the treatment of experimentally induced cholera-carriers is an ingenious work, showing a new approach of experimental therapeutics. His work on germicides (192_9) is classical; it points out the pitfalls one should avoid in transferring the results of laboratory experiments to the practice of medicine. Jose N. Rodriguez and Fidel C. Plantilla (1931) used histamine in the diagnosis of leprosy. Sellards and Lamberto Leiva (1923) re-investigated the treatment of experimental amebaiasis and continued their work at the bedside. Other contributions to the study of pharmacology at the clinics were made by Lara and others at Culion (Lara, 1923; Velasco et al., 1929; Delgado and Nicolas, 1926; Wade 1924 and 1925); F. G. Haughwout et al., (1920), Leach et al., (1923), Luis Guerrero et al. (1928), Agerico B. M. Sison and P. Ignacio (1926), Aniceto Mandanas (1926), Manuel Quisumbing (in press) and many others. Quisumbing, a private practitioner, carrying out his studies in the province, handicapped by lack of facilities and forced to support some of his patients as subjects. of his experiments, deserves special mention. The happy thought of parenteral administration of chaulmoogra oil in leprosy is apparently Eliodoro Mercado's (1915); he injected his well known formula intramuscularly in 1906. Using this method with Ethyl ester the Culion Investigators, under the leadership of H. W. Wade, have obtained, from their systematic, painstaking works, results that are ·outstanding contributions in experimental therapeutics. It is difficult to integrate in this short account the work on the botany of the Philippine medicinal plants and to express adequately the debt which Philippine pharmacology owes to the illustrious men mentioned by Tavera in the "Philippine Medicinal Plants." Leon M. Guerrero (1918), E. D. Merrill (1916), W. H. Brown (1921) and Jose K. Santos (1925, 1929) are worthy successors. Were they living to-day they would be happy to contemplate the brilliant works of these later men and would encourage them to go on. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 321 Experimental pharmacology has created the spirit of research. The works in pharmacology, old and new, and the claims of the marvelous cures of drugs, still prevalent in the Philippines, will be judged critically in the future; the wonderful tales about new drugs and fraudulent patent medicines related by the laymen and propagated by the uneducated physicians will lose their former charm ; prejudice, theory and emotional impression will no longer convince, but will be replaced by the systematic demand for complete data and critical interpretations. Destructive and critical pharmacology has dawned in the Philippines; our appalling numbers of alleged medicinal remedies, many of them having no more reason to exist than commercial interest, will be subjected to a rigorous sifting process on the principle of "Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good." When the work of desfruction is completed and constructive pharmacology reigns no one can estimate the benefits which this evolution in pharmacology will give to the people of the Philippines. The Philippine medicinal plants are a fertile field for pharmacological investigation. They constitute a vast national resource, tlie progressive unlocking of which is bound to lead to discovery of new remedies, industries and trade. The Philippine Government's experiment at Culion has shown the significance of systematic, coordinated experimental work and enables us to visualize what can be accomplished by an organization composed of ootanists, chemists, physiologists, pharmacologists, pathologists and clinicians such as Jose K. Santos, Valenzuela, Alfredo C. Santos, Emilio Bulatao, Guevara, Faustino Garcia, Jose 0. Nolasco, Liborio Gomez, Juan Z. Sta. Cruz, Benjamin R. Barrera, Casimiro B. Lara, Manuel Quisumbing, Wenceslao Vitug, Agerico B. M. Sison, Patricio Ignacio, Jose N. Rodriguez and the brilliant Antonio G. Sison. The combined genius of these men can make this country a leader among nations instead of tr.ailing in the rear. It is hoped that the beginning that has been made will be extended systematically and intensively to discover more and more of the unknown that lies beyond. LITERATURE CITED BACON, R. F. 1906. The physiologically active constituents of certain Philippine medicinal plants. Philippine Journal of Science, v .1: 1007. 322 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BACON, R. F. and H. T. MARSHALL. 1906. The toxic action of saponin. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 1: 1037. BRILL, H. C. and A. W. WELLS. 1917. The physiological active constituents of certain Philippine medicinal plants: II. Phili'ppine Jo·nrnal of Science, v.12A: 167. BROWN W. H. 1921. Official Philippine Medicinal plants. Minor Products of the Philippine Forests. v. 3: 61-75. CHAMBERLAIN, w. P. and E. B. VEDDER. 1912. The cure of infantile beriberi by the administration to the infants of an extract of rice polishings, and the bearing thereof on the etiology of beriberi. Manila Medical Society. Bulletin, v. 4: 26-29. DELGADO, S. B. and C. NIOOLAS. 1926. The alkaline treatment of "lepra reacti<>n." Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 6: 373380. Du MEZ, A. G. 1913. 'The physical and ch.emical prnperties of the oleoresin of aspidium Wlith respect to the detection of adulterations. Philippine Journal of Science, v. SB: 523. Du MEZ, A. G. 1915. Two compounds of emetine which may be of service in the treatment of entamoebiasis. Philippine Journal of Science, v. lOB: 73. FIDELINO, F. A. and P. A. PANGAN. 1927. lntrahepatic administration of drugs. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 32: 557-559. FREER, PAUL C. 1907. Catalogue, Philippine Medical School. GARCIA, FAUSTINO. 1918. On the application in the Philippine Islands of biologic standardization of digitalis and its allies. Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 9: 393-397. GARCIA, FAUSTINO. 1921. Biological assay and preservation of fluid extract of ergot. Philippine Pharmaceutical Association. First Proceedings, p. 129-134. GARCIA, FAUSTINO and R. GUEVARA. 1922. Pha.rmacodynamics of Datura alba. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 20: 599-609. GUERRERO, LEX>N MA. 1910. Discurso Leido en la Apertura de los Estudios de la Universidad Pontifica de Sto. Tomas de Manila. GUERRERO, LEON MA. 1918. Medicinal plants. Census of the Philippine Islands, v.3: 747. GUERRERO, L. E., A. B. M. SISON, A. MAKALINTAL, P. VILLASENoR, I. RoSAL and A. OCAMPO. 1934. Niyogniyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) as an anthelmintic. l'hilippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 4: 83. GUERRERO, MANUEL S. 1911. Acci6n de la leche de madres beribericas sobre el coraz6n de la rana. Revista Filipina de M edicina y Farmacia, v. 2: 691-700. HAUGHWOUT, F. G. and E. DoMINGO. 1920. Protozoologic and clinical studies on the treatment of protozoa! dysentery with benzyl benzoate. Philippine Journal of Science, v.16:633-646. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 323 JIMENE'l, JOSE E. 1929. The isolation of the active principle and the pharmacodynamics of Eurycles amboinensis (L) Lindi., Philippine Pharmaceutical Association. Journal, v. 1: 185-192. LARA, C. B. 1923. Observations on clinical aspects of leprosy treatment at Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 3: 241-247. LARA, C. B. 1928. Evaluation of the results of treatment of leprosy with the chaulmoogra derivative. Philippine Islands Medical Associatiini. Journal, v. 7: 263. LEACH, C. N. et AL. 1923. The treatment of hookworm infestation with carbon tetrachloride: A clinical and laboratory study. Philippin.3 Journal of Science, v. 23: 455. MANDANAS, ANICETO. 1926. Observations on the local treatment of burns with the use of dusting powders and exposure to air. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 6: 161-162. MARANoN, JOAQUIN. 1927. The bitter principle of makabuhay, Tinospora rumphii Boerlage. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 33: 357-361. MARANoN, JOAQUIN. 1928. Total alkaloids of Datura fastuosa L. and Datura alba Nees from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 37: 251-260. MARAJl!oN, JOAQUIN. 1929. An alkaloidal constituent of Artabotrys suaveolens Blume. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 38: 259-265. McLAUGHLIN, A. J. and A. W. SELLARDS. 1910. Effect of the concentration of solution in the treatment of collapse in Asiatic cholera. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5B: 391. MERCADO, ELIOIJORO. 1915. Leprosy in the Philippines and its treatment. Tip. Linotype del Colegio de Sto. Tomas. Manila. MERRILL, E. D. 1916. Investigation of the medicinal plants of the Philippines. Actas, Memorias y Comunicar.iones de la Tercera Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos c4 "'ilipinas, v. 3: 569-576. MONTENEGRO, ROMAN. 1918. Does the irritant action of emetine bydrcrchloride extend to the kidney? Philippine Journal of Scien{:e, v. 13B: 49. PARDO DE TAVmA, TRINIDAD H. 1901. The Philippine Medicinal Plants. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. pp. 269. PAZ, DA.'<IEL DE LA and FAUSTINO GARCIA. 1916. An experimental study on the use of apomorphine to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory passages. Philippine Journal of Scien,ce, v. llB: 51-61. PAZ, DANIEL DE LA. 1921. On the Anthelmintic property of Quisqualis indica. Trans. Far Eastern Assoc. Trop. Medicine. PERKINS, G. A. 1922. Manufacture of certain drugs for the treatment of leprosy. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 21: 1-14. PERKINS, G. A. 1925. A summary of recent developments in the chemistry of leprosy therapy. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 5: 369-374. 324 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL POTENCIANO, CoNRADO. 1912. Estudio comparativo de la quassina de la Q. amara y de la samaderina, de la S. lndica. Revista Fili'}Yina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 3: 495-510. See also Memorias de la Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas, (1914) II 645. QUISUMBING, MANUEL. Report preliminar sobre algunas plantas diureticas de! Pais. (In press). RoDRIGUEZ, Jos:E N. and FIDEL C. PLANTILLA. 1931. The histamine test as an aid in the diagnosis of early leprosy. Philiwine Journal of Science, v. 46: 123-127. SANros, A. C. 1931. Alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Pres!) Merrill. On phaeanthine. (First Communication). Revist:a Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 22: 243-253. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1925. A pharmacognostical study of Chenopodium ambrosioides Linnaeus from the Philippines. Philippine Journal 11f Science, v. 28: 529-547. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1929. Histological and microchemical studies on the bark and leaf of Artabotrys suaveolens Blume from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 38: 269-282. ScHOBL, 0Tro. 1917. A survey of certain chemicals with regard to their bactericidal action on cholera vibrios within the body of experimental cholera carriers. Philippin,e Journal of Scienee, v. 12B: 215. ScHOBL, 0Tro. 1923. Chemotherapeutic experiments with chaulmoogra and allied preparations, I. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 23: 533. ScHOBL, OTro. 1929. Laboratory testing of germicides and chemotherapeutic agents. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 40: 283-289. SELLARDS, A. W. 1910. Effect of the concentration of solution in the treatment of collapse in Asiatic cholera. Philippine Jourrwl of Science, v. 5B: 391. SELLARDS, A. W. and L. LEIVA. 1923. Investigations concerning the treatment of amoebic dysentery. Philippin,e Journal of Science, v. 22: 1. SHAKLEE, ALFRED OGLE. 1910. Catalogue, Philippine Medical School. SHAKLEE, ALFRED OGLE. 1917. Experimental acclimatization to the tropical sun. Philippine Journal of Science, v.12B: 1. SISON, A. B. M. anc:• P. IGNACIO. 1926. Sodium citrate as a hemostat\c. Philippi,ne Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 6: 11. STRONG, R. P. 1910. T·he specific cure of yaws with dioxydiamidoarsenobenzol. Philippin.e Journal of Science, v. 5B: 433. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO. 1921. Isolation of the active principles of Talampunay (Datura alba, Nees, Solanaceae) and its fluid extract. Philippi,ne Pharmn,ceutical Association. First Proceedings, p. 55-61. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO. 1925. The relation between pungency of a substance and its chemical constitution. (Unpublished). VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO. 1926. Philippine Ginger. American Pharmaceutical Association. Journal, v. 15: 625-61; 734-55. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 325 VALENZUELA, P., R. GUEVARA and SALUD GARCIA. 1930. Lansium dmnesticum Correa: I, A study of the chemistry of the rind and the pharmacodynamics of the resin obtained therefrom. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science. Bulletin, v. 1, No. 1: 71. VEDDER, E. B. 1911. A preliminary account of some experiments undertaken to test the efficacy of the Ipecac treatment of dysentery. Manila Medical Society. Bulletin, v. 3: 48-53. VELASCO, F. et AL. 1929. Treatment of the chief types of cutaneous lesions in leprosy by the plancha, or infiltration method. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 9: 327-335. WADE, H. W. 1924. Complaints of patients under anti-leprosy treatment, II. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 25: 693-710. WADE, H. W. 1925. Complaints of patients under anti-leprosy treatment, III. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 26: 21-45. WELLS, A. H. 1919. The physiological active constituents of certain Philippine medicinal plants. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 14: 1. W!LLIAMS, R. R. 1916. The chemistry of the vitamins. Philippine Journal of Science, v. llA: 49. ZAMORA, MANUEL. 1912. Estudio farmacologico de la Acalypka indica, L. Memorias y Comunicaciones de la Primera Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 540-549. PROGRESS OF MEDICINE IN THE PHILIPPINES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO DIAGNOSIS By ANTONIO G. SISON Of the University of the Philippines and the Philippine General Hospital Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences and By AGERICO B. M. SISON Of the University of the Philippines and the Philippine General Hospital Secretary, Section of Clinical Medicine The first medical school in the Philippines was opened in the lTniversity of Sto. Tomas in 1871. From that time the teaching \las practically theoretical, especially in the fundamental sciences like anatomy, physiology and bacteriology. These subjects were taught then mostly by means of conferences and lEctures in which the medical student jotted down his notes and studied them with the aid of his textbooks. In the teaching, however, of the different clinical subjects, the clinical material available in the San Juan de Dios Hospital, which was founded in 1596, was used to some extent; although it must be admitted that even in Europe and America, until the latter part of the nineteenth century the method of practical teaching in clinical subjects was not extensively developed. Lectures and conferences \Vere still the main part of medical teaching. It was only at the beginning cf the twentieth century that radical changes were made in the teaching of clinical subjects, progressively giving fewer lectures and more practical work to the students. In the Philippines what may be properly called scientific teaching of medicine was started only at the time of the American occupation, when the Philippine Medical School was established and opened on June 10, 1907, by the Philippine Government. Th1s was the first time that the fundamental medical subjects were taught in a practical way, with the use of laboratories, thus giving the medical student a chance to learn anatomy, physiology, bacteriology and pharmacodynamics by laboratory methods. The logical inference is that the earlier phy&icians in the Philippines who studied in the Medical School of the University of Sto. Tomas previous to American occupation ·were deficient, through no fault of their own, in the necessary knowledge and mastery of the fundamental subjects enabling 326 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 327 them to become expert clinicians. This is why the few Filipino physicians of that time who were trained abroad were the most prominent in the country. As clinic is purely the practical application of the fundamental knowledge acquired in anatomy, physiology and bacteriology, it is therefore easy to explain why very little clinical observation was recorded during the Spanish regime and why the pioneer Filipino physicians were not duly prepared to mas~er scientific clinical diagnosis. The establishment of the Government Medical School was really the beginning of the scientific teaching of clinical diagnosis. It was only when the medical student had received a thorough and practical knowledge of the fundamental subjects that he was in a position to study properly physical and clinical diagnosis by the use of the different methods-physical, biological and chemical-in the examination of the patients who were assigned to him for study. With this improvement in diagnostic methods the student was placed in a better position to make good his knowledge at the bedside and in the consultation room for the benefit of the patient. He did not have to depend much upon the old hit-and-miss procedure as was the practice when the teaching methods were mostly theoretical. This 1r..arked a new era in the history of medicine in the Philippines. Pioneering work in the most prevalent diseases was undertaken and more accurate methods of diagnosis were adopted. A distinct advance was made in the laboratory methods of diagnosis which had formerly been practically unknown or totally ignored for lack of facilities. Monographs, case reports, clinical studies were made of beriberi, malaria, smallpox, tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid, cholera and other diseases. The Bulletin of the Manil,a', Medical Society was started in 1909 and later became the Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association, the Revista Filipina de M edicina y Farmacia and the Philippine Journal of Science contributed a great deal towards the progress of scientific investigation in the different branches of medicine. It was through these different publications that some of the work done in the Philippines by Filipinos and foreigners in the line of medical sciences, became known abroad. Later on the Bulletin of the San Juan de Dws Hospital of Ma328 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL nila appeared in the field and it served first to stimulate the spirit of research among the students and members of the staff of the San Juan de Dios Hospital. It is safe to state without fear of successful contradiction that these publications have contributed the most valuable articles on some aspects of the cancer problem in the Philippines. Another phase of the contribution to the teaching of medicine in the Philippines by the establishment of the College of Medicine and Surgery was the stimulus furnished by the School to the University of Sto. Tomas. It gave rise to the introduction of important reforms of the methods of teaching of medicine in the said university by the establishment of laboratories where the fundamental subjects of medicine could be properly taught to the medical student, and at the same time practical teaching came more and more in vogue. The inauguration of the clinical pathological conferences in the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, in its early years, together with the facilities offered by the Philippine Ckneral Hospital and the opportunities of post-mortem examination, gave the clinicians a chance to improve their methods of study of the patients and at the same time, it furnished a chance to check up the reliability and accuracy of the ante-mortem diagnoses made by them; because the post-mortem examinations either confirmed their diagnoses or showed their mistakes. These clinical pathological conferences were so conducted that previous to the demonstration of the finding of the autopsy a thorough discussion was given of the clinical manifestations observed during life, with interpretations from different viewpoints, and then the full discussion of the pathological finding was taken up. The result of such studies based on the comparison of the clinical and pathological findings in a large series of cases, is of far-reaching importance in the study of diagnosis. The following editorial of California and Western Medicine, Volume XXIII, No. 1, January, 1925, will give the reader an idea of the progress that the Filipino physicians have made in the matter of diagnosis: CHECKING UP ON DIAGNOSES It is good for all of us to occasionally have a check-up on the reliability and accuracy of our diagnoses. This is best done by comparing clinical diagnoses with autopsy diagnoses in a large series of cases. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 329 The best, most complete and most significant study of this kind yet made is that recently reported in the Journal of the Philippine Islands' Medical Association. Conditions were particularly favorable for the study. The medical college, hospital research laborat.:>ries, and city morgue are all upon the same campus. They are all operated under one administrative authority. The records of the college and hospital are unusually complete, well co-ordinated, and the faculty of the school is ex-officio the staff of the hospital, both administered by a dean and director. A far-reaching weekly clinicopathological conference was instituted many years ago and has continued to function. Practically all patients who die in the large hospital go directly and promptly to the department of pathology and the complete sealed clinical record goes with the body. Autopsy is carefully done and tissues and cultures promptly worked up. The findings and such specimens as are significant are preserved until the next weekly meeting of the clinico-pathological conference. At the conference a brief clinical report is made, followed hy the report, with demonstration of specimens by the pathologist. The results are always interesting, often stimulating, and sometimes depressing. All physicians are invited to attend these conferences and many accept. All medical students, interns and house officers are required to attend, and many members of the faculty are always present. It was from material handled in this way for years that the Sisons were able to compile their report. Of the more than 10,000 complete clinical and post-mortem records available, the authors selected only the medical cases. As has long been the custom in that splendid service, each diagnosis is entered. The average patient having from two to ten clinical diagnoses just as they have several anatomical diagnoses. In Sison's medical cases, there were 2282 clinical diagnoses and 3046 anatomical diagnoses in the same bodies. THE FINDINGS In the series of 3260 diagnoses there were 526 ~rrors of commission; in the clinical diagnoses, 848 errors of omission; 1886 correct diagnoses. Divided somewhat by systems, the percentages of error were as follows: Errors of commission, 16 per cent; errors of omission, 25 per cent; correct diagnosis, 58 per cent. Further appreciation of the value of this work is made by including comparable figures from Cabot's report of the Massachusetts General Hospital cases some fourteen years ago along the same lines: Circulatory diseases ............... . Respiratory diseases ............... . Urinary system ................... . Massachusetts General Hospital Per cent 34 45 53.3 Philippine General Hospital Per cent 35 38 54 330 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Digestive system .................. . Nervous system ................... . Miscellaneous ..................... . 43.6 31 6.5 36 58 33 The striking differences in the findings in the two series under headings of "miscellaneous" and "nervous system" are explained in the article. The reasons are not of a kind that reflect unfavorably upon anyone's work. Clinical studies were also made on pneumonia, typhoid, and encephalitis, with the special aim of showing the different manifestations of these diseases in Filipinos. Most of these papers have been published in the Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association. There is no question that in the last twenty-five years the art and science of medicine in the Philippines have progressed with marvelous rapidity. Such modern diagnostic procedures as the clinical laboratory, biochemical, histo-pathological, X-ray examinations, and electrocardiography, which were entirely unknown in pre-American times are now commonplaces in the Islands; but the most significant contribution of the new era is the facilities that enable the carrying out of post-mortem exammination, for this is the only reliable way in which a clinical diagnosis can be fully checked. :BIOLOGIC PRODUCTS OF PRIVATE LABORATORIES By M. V. ARGt!ELLES Of the Laborcrtorio Arguelles Chairmax, Seetitm of Biologiesl Products The privaite manufacture of biologic products in the Philippines is of recent date, and is even now being pursued on a very limited scale. One of the reasons for this is that most of the vaccines and serums needed by the public health service are prepared by the Philippine government itself through the Bureau of Science. Non-governmental entities and private medical practitioners generally use imported biologic products. Also the Bureau of Science is selling to the public whatever surplus products it has. There is, therefore, very little op. portunity for private laboratories to undertake with any reasonable expectation of success the manufacture of biologic products on a commercial scale. Such laboratories have to put up the initial capital and shoulder running expenses and compete, first with the products of the Bureau of Science, which are distributed free, and second, with foreign products, which can be made at lower cost. However, since the present policy of the Philippine government is to encourage industrial development private laboratories will now have the opportunity to prepare products for sale without encountering competition from government entities. The phrases "Biologic Products" or "Biological Products" are applicable to viruses, serums, toxins, antitoxins, and analogous products for 11se on men and animals. Act No. 3073 of the Philippine Legislature, approved March 16, 1923, regulates the preparation for sale of biologic products for the prevention and cure of disease. It creates a board, the "Biologic Products Board" composed of the Secretary of Public Instruction as Chair. man, the Director of Health and the Director of Science as members, with authority to promulgate from time to time such rules and regulations as may in its judgment be necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act. Such regulations have been published in the Official Gazette on Oct. 27, 1925, XXIII, 129, page 2211 and revised and published in the Official Gazette on April 9, 1929, XXVII, No. 43. S!l 332 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL As far ias can be determined the first biologic product to be manufactured in the Philippine Islands was autogenous vaccine, which was made by the clinical laboratory of Dr. Proceso Gabriel about 1915. This laboratory was established in 1909. The late Dr. Lorenzo Ordones established his clinical laboratory in 1910; Dr. Jose S. Hilario, in 1918. These two and other laboratories also prepare autogenous vaccine. After the passage of Ac.t No. 3073 and the publication of the regulations, it became necessary for the existing laboratories to meet certain requirements, among which are the inspection of premises, equipment and technical personnel, and testing of products. In 1934, four local laboratorie& and eighteen foreign laboratories possessed licenses under this Act. The first local laboratory to undertake the preparation of biologic products on a commercial scale was the Laboratorio Arguelles, licensed in 1926. Act No. 3103, approved March 16, 1923, authorizes the Director of Agriculture (now Director of the Bureau of Animal Industry) subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources to promulgate regulations for the preparation, sale, traffic in, shipment, and importation of viruses, serums, toxins and analogous products issued for the treatment of domestic animals. The first laboratory established to manufacture veterinary biological products was the Buencamino Laboratories, Inc., which was licensed in 1927. Among its prepaiiations were anti-anthrax serum, anti-hog cholera serum, anti-tetanic serum, and aggressin for hemorrhagic septicemia. This laboratory ceased to operate in 1934. Neither medical nor veterinary laboratories have made much progress so far because of the heavy competition of the government. Furthermore, the public has been so accustomed to use imported products that local manufacturers are handicapped at the start. Private laboratories have played an important part in other countries, especially those which are industrially advanced. Some of them were founded by public subscription, others by the governments through direct subsidy. As their business progressed and they became self-supporting, the respective governments were very careful not to compete with them. During emergencies of war or public calamity these laboratories have ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 333 cooperated with the governments by furnishing large quantities of serums and vaccines needed by army, navy, or civil population, with a rapidity that could not possibly be equalled by government institutions. Some of the outstanding discoveries in biotherapy have been made in private laboratories, and these have been advertised to the public by the propaganda that can be properly done by private laboratories. Scientists working in university or government laboratories have received material aid and compensation from private laboratories which thus encourage their research. They have also indentified themselves with the promotion of public health. While they cannot be classified as other than industrial or commercial, their contributions to public health constitute intangible assets which can hardly be measured in material terms. EARLY HISTORY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS By VICENTE FERRIOLS Associate Member, Section of Hygiene and Prc1Jentive Medicine Of the Bureau of Animal Industry The early history of the veterinary profession in the Philippine Islands is discussed in this paper from the time this profession was first mentioned in Government records to the establishment of the College of Veterinary Science of the University of the Philippines. It appears in official records that a position for a veterinarian was for the first time provided for in the Philippines during the Spanish domination by the Royal Decree of May 31, 1828, upon the organization of a regiment of cavalry known as the dragons of Luzon. This one position was by a subsequent decree increased to two in 1843. The incumbents were known as mariscales. They were not college graduates but qualified before an examining board created about the year 1492 in Spain. The first veterinary college was opened in Spain in 1792 and by the Royal Decree of August 19, 1847, the veterinary course was revised and the practice of veterinary medicine prohibited to non-graduates. Those who were already practising the profession were given three years, up to 1850, within which to qualify. As a consequence of this reorganization of veterinary education in Spain, by the year 1854 veterinarians in the Army were no longer called mariscales but prof es ores de veterinaria or veterinarios. The employment of this class of professionals in the Spanish Army in the Philippines in the cavalry and mountain artillery continued until the end of the Spanish domination. In order to give an idea of the preparation of these early veterinarians here the subj~ts studied in the course as revised in 1847, are listed. First year. Anatomy-General, descriptive of all domestic animalsExterior. Second year. Physiology. Hygiene. Third year. Pathology, General and Special, Pharmacology, Prescription Writing, Therapeutics, Sanitary Police and Medical Clinics. 334 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 335 Fourth year. Pathological, Surge:·y, Operations, Veterinary Law, Commercial and legal. Art of forging and shoeing. Surgical clinics. Critical history of these subjects. Fifth year. Physics, Chemistry, such Natural History as may be applicable to veterinary science, Zootecnics and applied agriculture. The fifth-year course, which was given only in the veterinary school established in Madrid, was optional for those who aspired to the title of profesor de veterinaria de primera clase. Those that took the four-year course received the title of prof esor de 1.:eterinaria de segunda clase. The prof esores de primera clase were preferred in dealing with contagious diseases, sanitary police, examination of pastures, and in appointments to Government positions-civil and military. It is interesting to note that veterinarians in the Spanish Army had rank even during those early days, when we consider that in the U. S. Army, veterinarians were given rank only in 1916. Laboratory or practical exercises were provided for throughout the course and consisted of dissections, vivisections, clinics, forging, and shoeing. Besides their regular duties in the Army in the Philippines some of them were detailed to meat inspection in the matadero of the City of Manila. By the Royal Order of May 14, 1882, the salary of the veterinary inspector of the matadero of Manila was raised from twenty-five pesos to fifty pesos per month on account of the increase in the amount of work and closer personal supervision of the ante-mortem and post-mortem examination of slaughtered animals which became necessary because of the discovery of trichina in pork offered for sale in the market. The Royal Order mentions trichina but whether or not the case was really trichina or Cysticercus cellulosae, we have not been able, so far, to verify from any records. Up to the last day of the Spanish regime the meat inspection work in the Manila matadero was done by an Army veterinarian. Because of the lack of qualified veterinarians in the colonies overseas, Army veterinarians were allowed to engage in private practice (Royal Decree of October 13, 1885). The duties of the veterinary corps were to preserve the health of the animals in the service of the Army, cure their ailments, do meat inspection and serve as sanitary police where there were no private practitioners. Those assigned to equitation instruction looked after the training of cavalry mounts. 336 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In 1886, rinderpest was introduced into the Philippine Islands from China. The great loss of cattle and carabaos from it in that year and the subsequent ones, undoubtedly aroused such a country-wide concern that the Government deemed it necessary to take extraordinary measures. A commission was appointed to study the disease with a view to finding means of stopping its ravages. Here again we find Army veterinarians appointed members of the commission, the most prominent of whom appears to have been Don Gines Geis Gotzenz. We are indebted to him for the first account of the contagious animal diseases then prevailing in the Philippine Islands. This was the report of the veterinarian members of the commission. In his dedicatory remarks on this monograph, he gives us an inkling of the inadequate training of the members of the profession in Spain at that time in biological science, which is essential in dealing with contagious diseases. It ran as follows: El desamparo en que se encuentra la clase veterinaria espaiiola impide que a las ciencias biologicas aparte el respetable contingente de conocimientos conque sus analogos de Francia, Alemania, y otras naciones las ban enriquecido y es de esperar, que mientras una mano generosa no despierte sus dormidas energias, resulte deficiente y esteril el concurso que pueda prestar a la Economia rural, orgine de toda prosperidad y manantial inagotable de solida riqueza de los estados: uno de sus individuos, el ultimo solicita respectuoso su asentimiento para dedicarle su primera producci6n. When we consider that biological science as applied to veterinary medicine was then in its infancy, we can imagine the state of that science in Spain at that time. This being the case we could then expect no adequately trained men to meet the big problem that had just commenced in the Philippines, and which continuously drained our Government of its resources and handicapped agriculture for nearly thirty years before it could be put under complete control. The last number of the Guia Official de Filipinas, issued in 1898, contains a list of professionals practising in Manila and among these five veterinarians are listed, and that of 1890 gives the same list and the same veterinarians with the exception of one. Whether or not these were graduate veterinarians has not yet been determined. One of those so listed is Gines Geis, who may have been the Army veterinarian afore mentioned. Upon the creation of the veterinary examining board in 1913, none ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 337 of the names listed in this directory appeared in the records of the boara, nor in that of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. At the inauguration of the new regime a veterinary department was organized on April 22, 1899, in the Board of Health of the provisional government under the provost-marshall general. Its duties were to inspect all cattle arriving in Manila, do the meat inspection in the City of Matadero, attend :to the care and treatment of Government animals and the inspection of public and private stables as to their sanitary condition and the health of the animals. There were also veterinarians in the American Army with their cavalry and quartermaster. During this time there were one or two American veterinary practitioners in Manila. In July, 1903, the Philippine Commission authorized a veterinary division in the Board of Health for the purpose of investigating and suppressing diseases of carabaos, cattle, horses and other animals in the Archipelago, such as rinderpest, surra, glanders and other contagious diseases. This work was not actually started until another resolution was passed increasing the number of the personnel on January 27, 1904, to take effect April 1, 1904. During the latter part of 1902 the control of rinderpest by the prophylactic methods that were then being used in countries where rinderpest was prevalent was attempted. This consisted of using glycerinated bile and anti-rinderpest serum, s.imulta:µeously at first, and then both simultaneously and by the serum alone method, and lastly serum alone combined with quarantines. The period from 1902 to 1910 saw these methods 0f immunization being tried here under different modifications, and their true value in the control of rinderpest being ascertained where the aim was complete eradication. It was soon realized that these various methods were inadequate, and continued efforts led to the discovery of a more adequate biologic such as the one we now have, the rinderpest vaccine. The control and eradication of rinderpest was pursued energetically, and upon it all the efforts of the veterinary force of the Government were concentrated. Because of rinderpest the profession in this country has acquired an importance that it never before enjoyed here. On October 19, 1905 the Veterinary Division was transferred from the Bureau of Health to the Bureau of Agriculture, where for a time it was united with the Animal Industry Division. 338 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In order that the Philippine Government might adequately cope with the animal disease situation at that time it was found necessary to have men trained in, accordance with modern requirements, and to get these it was felt that local talent had to be developed, for outside help proved expensive and not always available. A school of veterinary science was therefore established in the University of the Philippines. It was authorized by an Act of the Philippine Legislature on June 18, 1908, and the first session was opened in June, 1910. It will be recalled that the first veterinary school in Europe was founded in France in 1761, precisely for the same reason that prompted the Philippine Government to establish the local veterinary college, namely: the control and possible eradication of rinderpest. LITERATURE CITED GoTZENS, GINES GEISS. 1888. Una Epizootia en Filipinas. Memoria Publicada de orden de la direccion de admi1Jistraci6n militar. Tipo-Litografia de Chofre y Compania. Escolta No. 33, Manila. Guia Official de Filipinas 1890. P. 433. Tipo-Litografia de Chofre y Compania, Escolta No. 33, Manila. Guia Official de las Islas Filipinas. 1898. P. 1144. Publicada por la Secretaria de! Gobierno, Manila. I MARTINEZ, MARCELO y ALCUBILLA. 1886. Diccionario de la Administracion Espanola Compi!aci6n de la Novisima Legislaci6n de Espana peninsular y ultramarina en todos !os Ramos de la Administraci6n publica. Cuarta Edici6n 'Torno I. Pp. 376-391. Administraci6n, arco de Santa Maria, 41 Triplicado, principal, Madrid. MONTANER y SIMON, Editores. 1879. Diccionario-Enciclopedico HispanoAmericano de Literatura, Ciencias y Artes, Torno XXXIII, Pp. 438-440. Calle de Aragon, Nos. 309 y 311. Barcelona. PALMER, D. B. and v. BUENCAMINO. 1913. The College of Veterinary Science, University of the Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 6: 368-370. IOODRIGUEZ, MIGUEL y BERRIS. 1888. Diccionario de la Administraci6n de Filipinas. Primera Edici6n Torno XV, Pp. 546-547. Imprenta Amigos de! Pais, Real No. 34, Manila. SALINAS, IGNACIO y ANGULO. 1879. Legislaci6n Militar aplicado al Ejereito de Filipinas. Recopi!ada y concordada de Orden de! Excm. Sr. Capitan General D. Domingo Morriones, Marquez de Oroquieta. Tratado I, Pp. 166, 379 y 475. 'Tratado IV, p. 237. Establecimiento Tipografico de Plana y Compania, Escolta, No. 29 Duplicado, Manila. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 339 The Haver-Glover Monthly Messenger, August, 1934. The Father of the Veterinary Profession. Author-Anonymous. Vol. IX. No. 6. P. 3. Published by Haver-Glover Laboratories 1817-19 Holmes Street, Kansas City, Mo. U.S. A. Yearly Report of the Philippine Commission to the Secretary of War from 1900 to 1905, Published by the Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. THE DEVELOPMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN THE PHILIPPINES By A. K. GOMEZ Of tke University of the PhiliP'flines Chairman, Section of Bacteriology and Immunology The development of Veterinary Medicine in the Philippines may be chronicled under three headings, namely; (1) Education, (2) Practise and (3) Research. I. EDUCATION Veterinary education in the Philippines began to receive the serious attention it deserves from our people twenty-five years ago. Due to the ravages of rinderpest and other epizootics among our animal population, it was keenly felt that the example of certain European nations of establishing veterinary schools with government aid should be followed here. The First Philippine Legislature displayed foresight when, in founding the University of the Philippines by Act No. 1870, passed June 8, 1908, it provided for the creation of a College of Veterinary Science. This College, however, was not organized and opened until June, 1910, in buildings and on grounds adjoining the Quarantine Station of the former Bureau of Agriculture, in Pandacan. In 1912 it was transferred to the San Lazaro Hospital grounds because of the abundant clinical material available for instruction in this section of the City, and housed in buildings fornnerly used by an immunizing station of the Bureau of Agriculture. In 1919 the College of Veterinary Science was moved to Los Banos, Laguna, and placed in close association with the College of Agriculture but in May, 1933, it was transferred back to Pandacan, its original location, and is now partly fused with the recently organized Bureau of Animal Industry. The curriculum of ,the College of Veterinary Science in 1910 consisted of a four year gradated course. The basic courses in histology, embryology, pathology, bacteriology, pharmacology and materia medica were then given in the College of Medicine, while chemistry and the cultural subjects were taken in the College of Liberal Arts. Th~ strictly veterinary subjects were 340 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 341 given in the College of Veterinary Science. After the first year this curriculum was changed to a five-year course and October 30, 1924, the Board of Regents of the University decided to shorten it to four years again. The faculty, which formerly consisted of American professors, are now all Filipinos, the majority of whom are alumni of the College who have taken graduate work in American universities. Thus, it will be seen veterinary education in these Islands has undergone a series of changes to suit varying prevailing conditions and policies. And it is to the credit of those who have been entrusted with the teaching in the College of Veterinary Science that, notwithstanding these sudden changes, there has not been a marked lowering of the standard of instruction, which is comparable with that of the best American or European institutions of its kind. It is hoped, too, that a definite and permanent plan is now being developed. II. PRACTISE In the field of practise, veterinarians in the Philippines may be grouped into ('a) those who are employed by the Government in the campaign against animal diseases, (b) those who are employed in sugar centrals, ranches, dairies, etc. and ( c) those who are engaged in the private practise of their profession. To the first group belongs the great bulk of our veterinarians. Before the creation of the College of Veterinary Science in 1910, American veterinarians were imported, as there were no Filipino graduates in veterinary medicine at that time. Since then, the graduates of this college, who now nu,trnber 170, have gradtually replaced the American veterinarians, who returned to their homeland at the expiration of their contract. Today the personnel of the Bureau of Animal Industry is completely Filipinized. The Filipino field veterinarian has done well in his fight against rinderpest and other epizootics, and he should be given credit for this. Under the second group only a small number are employed in sugar centrals, ranches and dairy farms, as there are but few of these concerns in the Philippines at the present time. The field of private practise in veterinary medicine is undeveloped. There are less than six practitioners in the City of 342 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Manila. The most prominent among these are Dr. Victor Buencamino, Dr. Sixto Carlos and Dr. Faustino F. Turla, each of whom has a well-equipped veterinary hospital, in which up-torlate and scientific methcds of treating animal ailments are practised. , Dr. Victor Buencamino was the first Filipino graduate veterinarian, having received his degree from Cornell University in 1911. After his graduation, he traveled through Europe, visiting the important veterinary institutions of Spain, France, Germany, Holland, and Italy. Upon his return to the Philippines he accepted an appointment as field veterinarian in the former Bureau of Agriculture. In 1912, he joined the faculty of the College of Veterinary Science where he taught surgery and clinical diagnostics. In 1916 he bought the veterinary practice of Dr. W. W. Richards, a retired Army veterinarian who successfully built up an extensive practice in the City. This hospital is located at 1026 Felix Huertas and is now almost exclusively under the charge of Dr. Aniano Estorres, an alumnus of the College of Veterinary Science. Dr. Sixto Carlos is another of our successful veterinary practitioners. He graduated from the San Francisco Veterinary College in 1916. On his return to the Philippines, he accepted employment in the Bureau of Agriculture for one year and later served as assistant in the Buencamino Veterinary Hospital for a period of almost eleven years. His establishment, which was opened in 1927, is located at 185 Marquez de Comillas. He maintains a well-equipped hospital for small animals. Dr. Faustino F. Turla is an alumnus of the Coliege of Veterinary Science. Upon his graduation in 1922, he served as assistant to Dr. E. S. D. Merchant, a former professor of medicine in the College of Veterinary Science who also built up a good practise with a hospital at the Rotonda, Manila, since 1919. In 1924, after receiving a degree and qualifying for the practise of dentistry, Dr. Merchant sold his veterinary hospital to Dr. Turla, who is still conducting it. III. RESEARCH Research in Veterinary Medicine in the Philippines began when the Government Laboratories, which later became the Bureau of Science, were established in 1908. Investigation into the production of immune serum against rinderpest was at once ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 343 started, because this disease was causing great havoc among our labor animals. The serum alone method was adopted in the early days of the campaign against rinderpest. This method, however, failed because it was soon found out that immuned serum did not confer a long period of immunity. Research work was also actively undertaken on such diseases as surra, strangles, glanders, foot-and-mouth disease, epizootic lymphangitis, anaplasmosis, hog cholera, etc., by a great number of research workers. Some of these early research workers were medical men, while the others were veterinarians employed in the former Bureau of Agriculture and in the U. S. Anny. At the present time, veterinary research is carried on in the Bureau of Animal Industry and the College of Veterinary Science. The most outstanding contribution of Veterinary Medicine in t~e field of research is the discovery of the rinderpest vaccine. By the extensive use of this vaccine, our 35 years of campaign against rinderpest is now being brought to a close and the final eradication of this epizootic from our shores is near at hand. This accomplishment goes far to insure the future rapid development of our industry and the realization of an extensive and varied program of animal improvement. The results of research work in Veterinary Medicine in the Philippines have been published in the Journal of Science, Philippine Agricultural Review, Philippine Agriculturist, Bureau of Animal Industry Gazette, and the Journal of Animal Industry. Some of them have been presented in meetings of scientific organizations,, such as the Philippine Scientific Society, Los Banos Biological Club, Society of Parasitology and the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association. HISTORY OF ANIMAL PESTS AND DISEASES IN THE PHILIPPINES By TEODULO TOPACIO Of the Bureau of Animal Industry Secretary, Division of Medical Sciences In a limited space it is impossible to present a complete list of animal pests and diseases prevalent in this country. Only those diseases which are important economically and in relation to public health have been assembled in this paper. They are being presented in the order in which they were first observed and described during the Spanish regime and the American occupation. An abridged synopsis of this kind would serve not only as general historical information on the subject, but also as a basis on which to gage the progress attained in the prevention and control of animal diseases and epizootics from year to year. RINDERPEST, HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA AND ANTHRAX In a popular publication entitled "La Epizootia, Cartilla para precaver a la ganaderia de algunas enfermedades comunes" Gotzens (1888) in his conclusion reminded the livestock owners that besides rinderpest there were other epizootics equally devastating, such as "Garotillo" or hemorrhagic septicemia and "Carbunco" or anthrax. His symptomatic descriptions of the last two diseases were typical of septicemia and anthrax and the preventive measures which he advocated to the live stock owners during an epidemic were convincingly indicative of these conditions. Gotzens (1888) was also the first to describe an epizootic of rinderpest in carabao which occurred in 1887. His report was published in 1888 entitled "Uno Epizootia en Filipinas'', in which he complained of not having enough materials on which to base his observations. Evidently the epizootic wave was fast waning at the time he made his report. His description of the symptoms, course, pathological anatomy, prognosis, etc., were remarkably accurate for rinderpest as we recognize it today. He ascribed the disease to forage poisoning, miasms, worms or a typhoid-like infection of some kind. The true causative agent, however, was found to be a filterable virus. For the past half year there has been no report of this dise:rne 344 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 345 in this country, thanks to quarantine measures and the application of rinderpest vaccine. Indications are that it will soon be eradicated, while anthrax and septicemia will probably remain because both are soil-born infections. Further outbreaks of septicemia were later reported by Wolley and Jobling (1903) and by Boynton (1901). PORK MEASLES (LEPRA 0 VIRUELA DEL CERDO) Pork measles or cysticercosis (lepra 6 viruela del cerdo) in the Philippines was first described by Dr. A. A. Maseras in 1894. His studies on the histo-pathology of the disease as found in Philippine pigs were complete. Even the structural description of the larva ( Cysticercus cellvlosae) was accurate. He also described the pathogenesis in man and the development of the larva into the adult tapeworm in the human intestines. Gotzens as member of the meat inspection commission prescribed regulations governing the condemnation of measly pork at the City abattoir. The consumption of infected meat was strictly forbidden. This disease is quite prevalent in hogs of certain provinces and its eradication depends on proper waste disposal. RABIES This dreadful disease of dogs was probably introduced into this country since the early Spanish expeditions and was knovm to army veterinarians. The first laboratory diagnosis, however, was conducted by Mr. Anacleto del Rosario only in 1894, as borne out by his biography written by Mas.eras. The s~udies of del Rosario would indicate that he was dealing with specimens from fresh cases in Manila. Destruction of stray dogs, muzzling and compulsory vaccination of all licensed dogs and several months quarantine of imported animals if put into practice would eradicate the disease in this country. Its communicability to man makes it an important public health problem. TETANUS No record is available of any description of actual cases in animals although it would seem logical to assume that being a soil-born infection it must have been recognized during the early Spanish regime. A series of articles by R. Moreno Rey appeared in the Boletin de Medicina de Manila in 1886 dealing 346 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL with a description of various forms and methods of treatment. The method of handling tetanus in m1n and animals is too well known to merit further discussion. SURRA In 1901 Smith and Kinyoun published the firs;t paper on trypanosomiasis in horses in the Islands but they were unable to identify the trypanosomes. In the same year an outbreak of a disease which killed 300 American horses in four months at the place of the Quarter Master in Manila offered an opportunity for Curry (1902) to study the disease. He found the same trypanosome previously described by Smith and Kinyoun and classified it as Trypanosoma evansi. The prevailing opinion at that time was that surra was brought to the Philippines by carabaos imported from Indo-China. Since there is no curative treatment, the identification of the intermediate host is the key to its control. In view of the economic importance of this disease to the Philippine horse industry there is pressing need for investigating this problem more extensively. FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE J obling identified and described an outbreak of this disease among cattle imported from China in 1901 for the manufacture of anti-rinderpest serum and smallpox vaccine. On account of its being transmissible to man the preparation of smallpox vaccine from infected calves had to be temporarily abandoned. Since then, it has become enzootic in the Islands. There i" crying need for research work on this disease, concerning its biology, control and eradication. HOG CHOLERA, L YMPHANGITIS AND GLANDERS In 1902, the City Veterinarian reported to the Biological Laboratory of the Government Laboratories certain skin diseases of horses which turned out to be epizootic lymphangitis (Pseudo-farcy) and glanders (farcy). Several cases of certain infection of pigs were also submitted to the laboratory for identification which were found to be hog cholera. Though probably known during the Spanish time, printed accounts of equine glanders are not available. Several fatal cases in men have been recorded at the Philippine General Hospital. Being transmissible to man glanders should be eradicated wherever found. Hog cholera is the most important plague of swine in the Philippines at present. Better methods of prevention and control are necessary if its eradication is contemplated. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 347 TUBERCULOSIS This disease was probably not recognized in domestic animals during the Spanish regime. It was only in 1907 when the first organized meat inspection service was established in Manila that lesions of tuberculosis were identified in cattle and hogs. Eleven strains of tuberculosis isolated from pig lesions by Topacio (1933) were apparently from human origin. Tuberculosis organisms were also isolated by him from lesions of na,.tive cattle at the City abattoir. The infection is negligible i~ native cattle. The heavy incidence in swine has become a public health problem and the solution lies in the proper dis1posal of human excreta. A VIAN DISEASES Fowl cholera and avian pest (Newcastle Disease) are the most important pests of chickens in this country. The first was reported by Gomez in 1925 and the latter was r_eported by Rodier (1928) and Farinas (1930) some years later. Avian pest is caused by a deadly virus which kills 98 to 100 per cent of the birds attacked. It is the most important problem of the poultry industry in the infected countries today. All over the world workers are engaged in trying to find an efficient and economic method of control. PARASITIC DISEASES External and internal animal parasites of various kinds are prevalent in this country. Among them, the nodular disease of ruminants, coccidiosis, ticks, kidney worms, liver flukes, are the most important. It is safe to say that parasitism contributes a large share in pests and diseases of our live stock. Each parasitic disease calls for a specific method of prevention and control. LITERATURE CITED BOYNTON, W. H. 1911. A note upon anthrax in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. of Science, v. 6B: 793. CURRY, JOSEPH J. 1902. Surra or nagana. American Medicine, v. 4: 95. FARINAS, E. C. 1930. Avian pest, a disease of birds hitherto unknown in the Philippine Islands, Philippine Journal of Agricultiire, v. 1 :311-364. GOMEZ, A. K. 1925. An outbreak of fowl cholera. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 14 :413-420. G<>TZENS, GINES GEISS. 1888. · La Epizootia ( Cartilla para precaver a 1a ganaderia de algunas enfermedades comunes). Tipo-Litografia y Ca. Collecci6n de Retana No. 2621. G<>TZENS, GINES GEISS. 1888. Una Epizootia en Filipinas. Tipo-Litografico de Chofre y Ca. pp. 1-34. Collecci6n de Retana, No. 1125. 348 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL G<>TZENS, GINES GEISS. 1894. La came del cerdo con lepra. La Correspondencia Medica de Filipinas, v. 2: 1. MASERAS, A. A. 1894. Estudio del Cisticerco (Ladreria). La Correspondencia Medica de Filipinas, v. 2:131. MASERAS, A. A. 1896. Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas, v. 2: 334; ---------,, 1901. Reports of the Philippine Commission. -~-------,, 1902. Report of the Biological Laboratory, Philippine Islands Bureau of Government Laboratories, Manila. REY, M. R. 1886. Del tetano traumatico en los climas calidos. Boletin de Ciencia Medica de Manila. RoDIER, E. A. 1928. Philippine fowl disease. Proceedings of the Society Experimental Biology and Medicine, v. 15: 781. SMITH, A. and KINYOUN, J. J. 1901. Parasitic diseases of horses. U. 8. Army Marine Hospital Service. ToPACIO, T. 1933. Tuberculosis of swine in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52: 349. WOLLEY, P. G. and JOBLING, J. W. 1903. Report of the Bureau of Government Laboratories. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF DENTISTRY THROUGH LEGISLATION By DOMICIANO J. SANDOVAL Chairman, Board of Dental Examiners Associate Member, Section of Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics and Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology Dentistry is one of the most important branches of merlicine, and during the past fifty years its development and progress has been really remarkable. Its field has been broadened. At first dentistry confined its activity only to the mere extraction of a tooth; later, its efforts were focused on a single tooth and individual cavity; then upon the whole denture; and still later, through wider vision, it was disclosed that defective teeth may affect the entire dental apparatus. At the present time, competent medical authorities have no hesitation in asserting that many diseases from which mankind suffers can be traced directly or indirectly to mouth infection. From the crucible iuto which were poured the labors of pioneer dentists, their hardships, their hopes and their countless hours of unselfish devotion to duty and the pursuit of the ideal, emerges another era in the progress of dental science: Dental Prophylaxis and Oral Hygiene. Unquestionably the enactment of dental legislation has contributed a great deal to the advancement of dentistry, because the dentistry laws enacted have encouraged the members of the profession to proceed with their difficult task of solving dental problems. Therefore adequate laws are essential to protect and promote the best that the profession has to offer. During the Spanish regime in the Philippines there were no laws regulating the practice of dentistry. The University of Santo Tomas, the highest institution of learning in the Philippines in those times, offered a two-year course for "Cirujano Ministrante." Little preliminary educatio;n was required for admission to this course; and the holder of this certificate was entitled to practice medicine in the remote towns where there were no licenciate physicians. Those "Cirujanos Ministrantes" who desired to become dentists, were given by the same Uni349 350 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL versity of Santo Tomas a four-month course in dental subjects, after which the certificate of "Cirujano Dentista" was issued to them. After the Spanish-American war a new era of dental cleYelopment took place in the Philippines. Den'.al practic2 was regulated, a Board of Dental Examiners was established, anri several dental laws were passed. Act No. 593-"Ley reglamentando el ejercicio de la Cirugia Dental en las Islas Filipinas", was the first dental law regulating the practice of dentistry in the Philippines, and was enacted by the Philippine Commission on January 10, 1903. ART. 5 of this Act. No. 593 says: Es elicito el ejercicio de la cirugia dental en cualquiera de sus ramos, en las Islas Filipinas, despues de sesenta dias de la primera reunion de la Junta Examinadora de Cirujanos Dentistas de las Islas Filipinas, posterior a la aprobacion de esta Ley, sin tener un certificado de registro de dicha Junta 6 sin haber presentado al secretario-tesorero de la misma,. con el objeto de obtener dicho certificado, ·una declaracion jurada manifestando la fecha y lugar en que ha ejercido la profeaion de dentista en las Islas Filipinas, con anterioridad a la aprobacion de esta ley: Entendiendose, Que a los dentistas que hayan sufrido examenes satisfactorios ante una junta nombrada por el Preboste Mariscal General de la ciudad de Manila, de acuerdo con la autorizacion dcl Governador Militar de las Islas Filipinas, fecha dos de Agosto de mil ochocientos noventa y nueve, se les entregara por la Junta Examinadora de Cirujanos Dentistas, sin mas examen, un certificado de registro, previo el pago del derecho correspondiente; Entendiendose, tambien, que nada •le lo contenido en esta Ley se aplicara a los cirujanos dentistas del ejercito de los Estados Unidos de servicio en las Islas Filipinas, ni de ningun modo afectara ni sera aplicable a los residentes en las Islas Filipinas que se dedicaban legalmente al ejercicio de la cirugia dental con anterioridad a la aprobacion de esta Ley; Y entendiendose, ademas, Que el que hubiere estudiado medicina P.n la Universidad de Santo Tomas de Manila durante un periodo que no baje de dos aiios y recibido el titulo de "Cirujano Ministrante" y haya estudiado cirugia dental durante los ultimos cuatro meses de curso en la citada universidad, puede ser registrado como no graduado en cirugia dental, despues de sufrir un examen satisfactorio ante la Junta y una vez Registrado, estara autorizado para ejercer la cirugia dental en pueblos remotos donde no haya disponible ningun dentista calificado en regla. En el certificado de registro constara el nombre de los pueblos en que cada no graduado en cirugia dental esta autorizado para ejercer. El secretario-tesorero cobrara cinco dollars como derechos, por cada certificado de registro como no graduado en cirugia dental cxpedido por la Junta. ANNUAL RE.PORT, 1934-35 351 In the year 1913 there v.-cre three dental laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature, as follows: Ley 2205--Aprobada por la Legislatura el 16 de enero de 1913 que concede a los dentistas derecho a recetar y administrar opio, cocacina, 6 cualquiera de sus derivados, a sus pac1entes. Ley 2227-Aprobada el 7 de febrero <le 1913 y que establece como impuesto de licencia anuai para los dentistas 1"'40.00. Ley 2276--Aprobada el 18 de abril de 1913 que declara aplicable las leyes sobre cirugia dental a las tribus no cristianas. Act No. 2381 was enacted by the Philippine Legislature on February 28, 1914. Article 9 provides: El articulo 9 de esta ley establece una pena de no menor de P300.00 ni mayor de Pl000.00 6 prisi6n durante un periodo de seis meses 6 con ambas penas, a los dentistas que prescriban opio a los pacientes que por su estado fisico no neces"itan de su uso. There was a bill passed by the Third Philippine Legislature known as "AN ACT PROVIDING NEW REGULATIONS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF DENTISTS AND THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES", which became a law on February 5, 1915. This law is known as Act No. 2462 and its section 6 provides: Hereafter the Board of Dental Examiners shall admit to examination for the practice of dentistry in the Philippine Islands only those persons who have a diploma of doctor of dental medicine or of doctor of dental surgery from an institution dulv accredited and legally constituted: Provided, however, That all students who at present are bona fide taking a course in dentistry in the University of Santo 'Tomas, Manila, and who will graduate as surgeon dentists from said institution in the academic courses terminating in March, nineteen hundred and fifteen, and in March, nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall be exempt from this requirement and may be admitted to examination provided they have the title of dental surgeon from said university and have all the other qualifications hereunder prescribed. Read section 7 of this law. On February 4, 1916, Act No. 2602, was enacted by the Third Philippine Legislature, amending Sections 1, 5 and 6 of Act No. 2462. It requires the candidates for examination to have the diploma of doctor of dental surgery or doctor of dental medicine granted by an institution duly accredited and legally constituted, in which the following branches are taught during three years in regular nine-'Inonth courses; anatomy, etc. . . 352 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS OF 1917 Act No. 2711. Approved March 10, 1917. The prerequisite qualifications for admission to examination to be given by the Board of Dental Examiners are just the same as required by the Act No. 2602. The important addition in the Revised Administrative Code is the definition of "duly accredited and legally constituted school, college or university." Read Section 798, Act No. 2711. AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION FIFTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN OF ACT NUMBERED TWENTYSEVEN HUNDRED AND ELEVEN, RELATIVE TO THE RECORD TO BE KEPT BY PHYSICIANS, PHARMACISTS, DENTISTS AND VETERINARIANS." Approved, February 21, 1921. Is hereby -amended to read as follows: Physicians, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, and secondclass pharmacists shall keep true and correct records of all prohibited drugs received and dispensed or transferred by them, in su~h form and manner as may be prescribed in the regulations of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The Revised Administrative Code, Chapter 40, Bureau of Internal Revenue which clearly prescribes the right to the use and possession of prohibited drugs says: Duly licensed physicians, dentists and veterinarians may, in the proper course of their professional practice only, prescribe and administer, or cause to be administered prohibited drugs as medicine or anesthetics and may receive and keep in their possession such drugs. Act No. 3538 was enacted by the Philippine Legislature on November 13, 1929. It is an amendment to Sec. 798 of the Administrative Code, which requires the candidate for admission to the Dental Board to have finished a four-year high school eourse as prescribed by the Department of Public Instruction or its equivalent, preparatory to the study of dentistry; and to have received a diploma of doctor of dental surgery or doctor of dental medicine from an institution duly accredited and legally constituted, in which four years of regular nine-month courses are required. The enactment of this law marked another step in the progress of dental education in our country. Acts Nos. 3680 and 3681, the two last dental laws enacted by the Philippine Legislature, are as follows: Ley 3680-Aprobada el 15 de Octubre de 1930, que solo permite al extranjero examinarse cuando en su pais tambien se permite al filipino ejercer la dentisteria. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 353 Ley 3681-Aprobada el 15 de Octubre de 1930, que exime a los cirujanos del Ejercito y la Armada de los Estados Unidos al registro mientras sirven como tales, a los dentistas extranjeros cuando fueran llamados en consulta. The foregoing facts portray the beneficient influence of legislations in the development of dentistry in the Philippine Islands. It is clearly manifested that dental legislation plays an important role in the advancement of dentistry in our country; but no matter how good such laws may be, if the members of the dental profession are indifferent as to their enforcement, they become useless. The enactment of a law is one thing and its enforcement quite another. We cannot expect salutary effects of a law, if the members of the dental profession fail to realize that one of our most sacred duties is to help our Government to enforce the law at any cost. SOME DENTAL PROBLEMS IN THE PHILIPPINES By ELADIO R. ALDECOA Dean, College of Oral and Dental Surgery Associate Member, Division of Medical Sciences Dentistry in the Philippines during the Spanish regime was not recognized ias a profession and so there was no organized dental college or school or any institution of learning where dentistry was taught as a science and art. However, after the coming of the Americans and after the implantation of a civil government, the University of Santo Tomas for the first time included the study of some dental subjects in the "Cirugia Ministrante" course and this formed the nucleus of organized· dental education in the Philippine Islands. Then the Philippine Dental College, the first dental college established in this country, was organized and incorporated in 1913, and was recognized and authorized to confer the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) by the Secretary of Public Instruction in 1916. Since then much improvement in the practise of dentistry has been noted in some quarters. This has been realized through the efforts of a few who contributed their skill and knowledge by teaching in dental colleges and by lectures and demonsroations in the scientific meetings of dental associations of the Philippine Islands. Among the dental problems in the Philippines that require painstaking study are those involving the construction of full and partial denture, the placing of gold crowns and bridges, and the treatment of pyorrhea. FULL AND PARTIAL DENTURE The usual method of full denture construction is the taking of the impression with modeling compound or plaster of paris. The results of studies on the problem revealed that the method can be improved by providing individual impression trays with "truplastic material." The practice of using partial denture with clasps was found pref errable. 3;;4 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 353 GOLD CROWN VS. PORCELAIN RESTORATION The placing of gold crowns in front is not infrequently practised. The filling with synthetic porcelain in case a cavity exists or a combination of this and gold inlay if the cavity involves the incisal angle were observed to be recommendable. PYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS Pyorrhea, which is characterized by the flow of pus around the teeth and the consequent loosening of the latter, often produces complications, such as rheumatism, headache, toxemia, pain in certain portions of the body, such as the back, etc. !>eaths are reported due to these complications. The treatment of this disease is essentially surgical. The removal of calcif ic deposit, simple as it may seem, is by nature a surgical proce<lure. It is estimated that 25 per cent of the failures are due to the inadequate removal of these foreign bodies; 25 per cent due to the failure to remove completely the infected gl"lanulated tissue on the wall of the pocket; 25 per cent due to the inability of the protective forces of nature to increase resistance so as to get rid of these foreign bodies; 25 per cent is due to inefficiency of the operator to recognize other causative factors, and give the corresponding treatment. As stated, the treatment is essentially surgical, and as such the patient as usual should undergo all the requirements for preoperative and postoperative surgical procedures, such as coagulation test, urinalysis, premedication and postmedication. Two methods are successfully used: gingivictomy and openview operation. The former is indicaited when the pocket is only one or two millimeters deep. If the pocket is deep and the destruction of the alveolar process is rather extensive it was found necessary to use the open-view operation, especially for the front iteeth. BLOODLESS SURGERY Another method of eradicating pyorrhea is by the use of drugs tha!t will have a selective and destructive effect upon the necrotic and infected tissue as well as the organism and purulent matter found in the pocket. Studies on the problem showed that a sulphonated derivative of hardwood distillation from which phenol has been removed is a useful therapeutic agent. CLINICAL DENTISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES By GENARO FELIZARDO Of the Philippine General Hospital Associate Member, Division of Medical Sciences Twenty years ago, many of us had very little idea of the importance of dental treatment to our health. But there were many true professional men practicing dentistry and there had developed in the minds of these men a recognition of certain primary requisites if progress was i!:o be made and these were: (1) acquisition of a greater and wider knowledge; (2) a means for the dissemination of propaganda as to the importance of dentistry; (3) prohibition of the unqualified from practice of dentistry. A dental law was enacted to protect the public as well as to guide and protect the profession. Several dental colleges were founded for the education of future dentists and from these specialized institutions of learning, there came dentists who were trained to meet the problems of the dental profession. The public in the meantime became more and more conscious of the importance of dentistry. Among the recent developments in the dentai science is the Theory of Focal Infection which has given the dentist an added burden of being responsible for the health conditions remote from the mouth so thrut whenever a dentist handles a patient, he seeks to improve the general health of this individual as well as to put his teeth in good shape. At present there are several institutions where dental clinics are established. Among these are the dental colleges, where the dlental students treat, make the necessary fillings and restorations under the close supervision of their respective faculty; the Bureau of Health, which maintains provincial dental clinics for the people of their respective provinces and dental clinics in provincial hospitals; the office of the Public Welfare Commissioner, where the dentists take care of adults and children in their correctional institutions and health centers ; the Community Health Center, where the dentist gives the necessary treabments, makes extractions and inserts fillings for the indigent; the Philippine Chapter of the American Red Cross, where they maintain one or more dental clinics for each province solely for the dental care of all the school children ; and the 366 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 357 Philippine General Hospital, where the dental clinic takes care of the ddspensary and hospital patients. The work in these dental clinics is all done by modern methods and apparatus is available for use by the operators. The clinical work performed by these different dental clinics is distinct in nature. The dental staff of the Philippine Chapter of the American Red Cross devote their time to preventive dentistry, that is, they give more attention to prophylactic treatment, to fillings of cavities, especially minute cavities, etc., while the temporary teeth that are not diseased are given much attention because of their influence on the future regularity and soundness of the permanent ones. The dental clinics maintained by the Bureau of Health andt the Office of the Public Welfare Commissioner are doing their utmost for their patients both from a reparative and from a preventive point of view. In the Philippine General Hospital, all that is humanly possible is done for the removal of foci of infection in the hospital and dispensary patients. Those cases involving severe pain are ref ~rred at once to the dentists in the extracting clinic so that immediate treatment is given for the relief of the pain. If extraction is not regarded as necessary, the patients are referred to the dentists assigned for treatments. In patients where the removal of foci of infection is required, a thorough examination is given and all the necessary treatments as well as surgical operations are performed. In the surgical section, there are numerous cases of necrosis, impactions of third molars, unerupted teeth, cysts, etc. In tbs hospital, there are several dental externes who are working in the different sections to acquire clinical ·ability. No restorations are made for the patients. The dental professionals in the Philippine Islands realize that the future progress of dentistry depends largely on activities in research. However, there are comparatively few dental research activities here, due mainly to the lack of funds, especially for .the establishment of a library where dental books, journals and other literature may be obtained for reference and where dentists, nurses, teachers and other public health workers may seek advice and assistance in developing talks and lectures pertaining to dentistry. There is a very wide field of dental and oral problems. We have an enormous amount of theoretical information, sdme of which appears to be of no practical value. But to make the results of scientific research useful to humanity, 358 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL there must be a very close correlation of theoretical information with clinical observations. Some of the problems in clinical dentistry which need a thorough study are: (1) The problem of nutrition. On proper nutrition depends the development of healthy teeth. This brings in vitamins A, C and D and many factors. ·Our research workers have found that vegetables, fruits, etc. produced here in the Philippines are good sources of all the different vitamins. But has there been any clinical study on the effect of each kind of these fruits or vegetables on the development of teeth of the Filipinos? (2) The study of local factors in the etiology and ·arrest of dental caries especially among school children. A re,_.ent dental survey for three public schools conducted by the writer ·and by the Department of Epidemiology and Stafa:i~ics of the School of Hygiene and . Public Health, University of the Philippines, revealed that out of the 3,814_ school children there are 3,303 with dental defects, mostly dental caries, or 86.6 % . This disease is very coonmon human disease and is rampant throughout the world. There has been a considerable amount of research work done in almost all the countries in the world in an effort to find a means of preventing it. Why can we not start studying the best means of preventing this disease? (3) The study of foca,l infection as a factor in systemic disease. This work will require time and a considerable number of experimental animals, etc. This is one of the most important problems which should be scientifically studiedi by us but which line cannot now take up because of lack of funds. LITERATURE CITED 1933. Annual Report of the Dental Department of the Philippine General Hospital. GAN, T. and G. FELIZARDO. A Dental Survey of 3,814 School Children in an Urban Community. [To be published in the first number of the Journal of the Philippine Public Health Association.] IV. DIVISION OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES CHEMISTRY IN THE PRE-AMERICAN REGIME By M. V. DEL ROSARIO Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry in the Philippines during the pre-American epoch had a very limited field of activities. The University of Sto. Tomas was the only scientific institution of learning then in existence where chemistry was taught. In the later years of the previous century however, two Government offices, the Municipal Laboratory in 1888 and the Medico-Legal Laboratory in 1894, were established. It may be stated that the sluggishness of the progress of science in the Philippines, chiefly of experimental science, was due: Firstly, to the general condition of the whole world wherein experimental science was just developing; secondly, to the preference given formerly to speculative science; and thirdly, to the enormous distance which separates this portion of Oceania from the rest of the world, mainly from the Occident. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1868, had certainly an enormous influence on the development of this country in every respect. Shortly after this event, the establishment of the Facnlties (Colleges) of Medicine and Pharmacy by the University of Sto. Tomas, in 1871, marked a step forward in the field of applied science. Even before this event, however, it is of interest to note that "La Real Sociedad Economica de Amigos del Pais" was created far back in 1780 with the aim of promoting and protecting sciences, arts, industry and commerce and whose "Junta Directiva" was officially composed of the Governor-General and other high officials. This Society began publishing in 1883 a ''Boletin" wherein the following articles appeared: "Introduccion al Esitudio de la Quimica", by Salvador Draper, on March 1st, 1884; "Teoria Fisico-racional de la vida organica y estructura especialmente de los vegetales", by Manuel Herrera, on May 1st, 1884. 359 360 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL There are some data which show that as early as 1830 there existed some drug stores in Manila and that certain remedies of native character were applied in the towns for the treatment of many ailments. In the Philippines and in most European countries most of the chemical work was performed by pharmacists. Rev. Felix de Huerta in his book, "Estado Geografico, Topografico, Estadistico, Historico Religioso de la Santa y Apostolica Provincia de S. Gregorio Magno", published in 1865, cited that in the preceding century ( 1787) a French chemist made the analysis of the water of one river, San Juan del Monte, and one Spring, Bombofigan in Pagsanhan, which was supposed to be medicinal. Also an analysis of the thermal spring at Los Banos, Laguna, was mentioned but wHhout date. On June 7, 1886, appeared the first professional monthly "Boletin de Medicina de Manila". Almosrt simultaneously a similar paper "Medicina y Farmacia" was published though only for a very short while. In the latter was published the article "Estudios acerca del Areca" by Tomas Torres y Perona who later on became Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. No copy of this publication is now available. Rev. Dr. Marcos Laynes of the University of Sto. Tomas in his inaugural address spoke on "Combinaci6n y compuesto quimico" (1886). This was a discussion of laws and facts which may be considered as one of the early dissertations read in the Philippines of physical chemistry. In 1888 Anacleto del Rosario became, by competitive examination, Director of the Municipal Laboratory, a newly cr~ated position, and this meant a marked advance in Chemistry in the Philippines. In this Laboratory many analytical works were done by him such as the analysis of foods, drugs, etc. On January 3, 1893, the "Revis ta Farmaceutica de Filipinas" was published by Messrs. Tomas Torres Perona, Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Ulpiano Rodriguez, Leon Ma. Guerrero and Joaquin Garrido. Worthy contributions were made by A. del Rosario such as his "Con:tribuci6n al estudio de Ilang-ilang", "Guano de Filipinas", "Inconvenientes del empleo del reactivo de Esbach", and several others. One of the most important among his works, because of its economic value, was the imANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 361 provement of the industrial preparation of alcohol and its pasteurization. This discovery, however, was never pat~mted. Anacleto del Rosario, who was later made professor of the University of Sto. Tomas, published his most remarkable work in the report of the "Comision cientifica para el estudio de las aguas de la Isla de Luzon", created by the Spanish Government in 1885 in two books "Manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzon" (1885) and "Estudio descriptivo de algunas Manantiales Minerales de Filipinas" (1890). The Spanish authorities at that time appreciated the value of the study of these natural sources, which required from five to eight years. Some works found in the "Cronic3. de Ciencias Medicar.'' (1895-1898) are: "Perfumes" by Hugo Salazar, a "Case of poisoning produced by potassium cyanide," and "Importance of the ptomaines in toxicology" both by Sr. Ulpiano Rodriguez. Joaquin Garrido also wrote •an article entitled "El alimento de los conyalescientes" and of A. del Rosario's (posthumous) "Analysis de la leche de caravalla, la orina en el beriberi," etc. Rev. Dr. Felix Oses, Professor of the University of Sto. Tomas in 1897, spoke at the opening exercises about his works on the "Metodo de Kjeldhal Modificado". It may be said that Oses was the first worker on the Kjeldhal method in the Philippines, and the result of his experiments was undoubtedly an improvement in i.ts many applica/tions to the different branches of chemistry. "Ptomainas del cadaver humano" published in "Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas" (1893) was a work of M. V. del Rosario. In January 1894 the "Laboratorio Medico-Legal" was created and Ulpiano Rodriguez was appointed chemist. Mention has been made of his work. In the same year Antonio Luna arrived and established a clinical laboratory where some original chemical works were done but not published; the majority of them were routinary. In the University of Sto. Tomas, the Faculty (College) of Science in its three branches, natural, chemical, and mathematical, was opened about 1894 or 1895; unfortuately the wave of modernism abolished it and owing to the outbreak of the revolu362 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tion the scientific activities were virtually paralyzed until the establishment of the Civil Government under the United States. LITERATURE CITED 1886. Boletin de Medicina de Manila. Imprenta de "El Comercio." HUERTA, REV. FELIX DE. 1865. Estado grafico, topografico, estadistico, historico-religioso de la santa y apostolica de S. Gregorio Magno. Binondo, Imprenta de M. Sanchez y Ca. LAYNES, REV. MARCOS. 1887-1888. Dii;curso inaugural 1886. lmprenta de Sto. Tomas. Gaceta de Manila. 1886. Revista de Medicina y Farmacia. Imprenta de "El Comercio." 1893. Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas. OSES, REV. FELIX. 1896. Discurso inaugural. Imprenta de Sto. Tomas. 1897-1898. Revista de Ciencias Medicas. ROSARIO y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1890. Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzon. Madrid Imprenta y Fundicion de Manuel Tello, Impresor de Camara de S. M. Don Evaristo. RosARIO y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1893. Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzon. Madrid Imprenta Chofre y Compaiiia. Escolta, Num. 33. SANCHEZ, JUAN P. 1928. Discurso leido en la apertura 1928. Imprenta de Sto. Tomas. Manila. GENERAL AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES By AMANDO CLEMENTE Of the University of the Philippines Secretary, Division of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Historical records show that by the Royal decree of January 28, 1867, the rule which required the teaching of elementary physics and chemistry in the secondary schools in the Islands was approved (Artigas, 1911). By virtue of the same decree the Royal College of Sto. Tomas was required to have a chemistry laboratory with the equipment and apparatus necessary for efficient instruction in chemistry. These steps marked the beginning of the development of general chemistry in the Philippines. The study of chemistry received further impetus when in 1871 the Univemity of Sto. Tomas offered among others the Pharmacy Curriculum (Artigas, 1911) in which general chemistry was a required subject. However, the first public recognition in the Islands of the practical application of chemistry was made on December 15, 1884, when Governor-General Joaquin Jovellar. created a committee to study the mineral waters of Luzon and appointed Anacleto del Rosario as chemist (Vinzons, 1932). In his capacity a:s chemist del Rosario made some micro-chemical studies of the odors emanating from the Pasig River and published his results in 1886. Realizing, perhaps, the importance of the work done by this committee, the government established in 1887 the Municipal Laboratory of Manila. Anacleto del Rosario was appointed director of this Laboratory on June 17, 1888, as the result of a competitive examination (Vinzons, 1932). The investigations undertaken by del Rosario are recorded in his "Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinale!'I de la Isla de Luzon" (1890); "El guano de Filipinas"; "Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales minerales de Filipinas" (1893); and "Analysis de las aguas ferriginOLSas de la Isla de Negros; Analysis de las aguas minero-medicinales de Filipinas" (1895). It may be mentioned in passing that Antonio Luna also won in 1895 by competitive examination an appointment as Professor 363 364 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of Chemistry in the Municipal Laboratory of Manila (Zaide, 1932). Here he was assigned to analyze the waters of Sibul Springs in Bulacan. Another important step towards the development of general chemistry in the Philippines was made in 1895 when a Royal decree authorized the University of Sto. Tomas to establish the Faculty of Physico-Chemical sciences. Unfortunately however, all prospects towards the advancement of scientific activities in the Islands were paralyzed during the Philippine Revolution which started in 1896. After the Revolution those in charge of implanting the American form of government in the country did not fail to recognize the importance of chemistry. Hence in the organization of the civil government in the Islands they saw to it that a chemical laboratory was maintained in conjunction with various lines of government scientific work. An idea of the first chemistry laboratory in the Philippines under the American regime may be obtained from the following excerpt from the First Annual Report of the Superintendent of Government Laboratories, Dr. Paul C. Freer: The present laboratory is a makeshift, allowing only of the simpler kind of chemical work, and the lack of apparatus has materially increased the time necessary to reach results; the ingenuity and patience of the working force has been taxed to accomplish at all what under other circumstances would have been done with facility and rapidity. The hope of a new and suitable building in the near future has, however, made it easier to undertake work, and the entire laboratory force has endeavored to do what it could with the materials on hand. In the same report Dr. Freer also recommended that the laboratory should have among its personnel a physical chemist, a chemist and investigator, an ·analytical chemist for mineral analysi-s and an analytical chemist, (1902-1903). According to the Second Annual Report (1903-1905) of the Superintendent of Laboratories: 'The chemical laboratory has been compelled to meet a continual call for work from other bureaus, many of the analyses being complex and taking a considerable amount of time. Its force has been limited chiefly because of the lack of room, and also for the reason that it has been difficult to obtain chemical workers from America. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 365 The range of work was varied. A number of analyses of suspected counterfeited silver coins for the custom-house and treasury were made; examinations for poisons, some of which were for chemico-legal purposes, and involved testimony in court, were undertaken, and investigations of stains, in cases of suspected murder, for the purpose of determining the presence or absence of blood have been asked in two instances. Analyses of mineral and other waters have been asked, and requests for reports on soils, coals, paints, alloys, etc., have been made. Unfortunately during the past year the limitation has been such that no one chemical worker has been able to devote his time to research work, and such investigations as have been accomplished have been undertaken at odd moments when for the time being no large pressure of analytical work was felt. · It is of interest to note that as early as 1903 the Superintendent of Government laboratories pointed out that the advantages to the government of the chemical laboratory woul.d consist in the systematic investigations of the resources of the archipelago, in the study of methods for improving manufacturing conditions then existing, and in demonstrating the value of products neglected at the time. Those were the ideals of a true scientist, of a chemist! With those ideals to guide him he spared no efforts in the organization of the Bureau of Science to provide the chemical labor,atories with all the equipment and library facilirties needed not only for conducting routine analytical work, but also for undertaking chemical research. Much of the progress of general and physical chemistry in the country has been contributed by the personnel of the Bureau of Science as may be seen from the appended list of articles which appeared in the Philippine Journal of Science since 1906. It must be kept in mind that the first members of the staff of the Department of Chemistry of the University of the Philippines were drafted from the personnel of the Bureau of Science. This fact explains why there has always been close cooperation between the two institutions as far as development of chemistry is concerned. However, progress in the Department of Chemisltry of the University of the Philippines was slow during the first decade after its establishment. There are two obvious reasons for this slowness: (a) lack of research facilities and laboratOry space; and (b) limited scope of the adtivities of the Department, for then the Department was giving only elementary chemical in366 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL structions to students of preparatory medicine, pharmacy and engineering. The establishment of the Chemistry curriculum in 1913 gave an incentive for some 1students to take the course. The enrollment of students in .this course compelled the Department of Chemistry to offer advanced courses such as physical chemistry and technical analysis and gr.adually to reinforce its Faculty with additional members until it finally reached its present size. It then became possible to offer the more advanced courses of undergraduate and graduate nature required in the present chemistry curriculum and in the course leading to the degree of Master of Science major in Chemistry. When in 1920 or thereabout, facilities for research work became available in both the Department of Chemistry in Manila and the Department of Agricultural Chemistry at Los Banos, studies which contributed to the progress of General and Physical chemistry were begun. The works done in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry are cited by (Santos, 1934) in his article "Agricultural Chemistry in the Service of the State". While the contributions of the Department of Chemistry of the University of the Philippines in Manila are listed below. I. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROGRESS OF GENERAL AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IN 'THE PHILIPPINES FROM THE DEPARMENT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES CLEMENTE, A. and A. G. SANTOS. 1930. The adsorptive power of Philippine wood charcoals. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 1 :21-40. CLEMENTE, A. and H. P. TSAI. 1931. 'The E. M. F. of coagulation of colloidal solutions. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 1: 319-332. CLEMENTE, A. and E. CABALFIN. 1933. The relation between dispersibility, viscosity and surface tension of some oils. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 3 :365. CLEMENTE, A. and M. VILLAOORTE. 1933. The coiloidal properties of coconut milk. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied . Science Bulletin, v. 3:7. HEISE, G. W. and A. CLEMENTE. 1916. The stripping and analysis of galvanized iron. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11 :135-146. HEISE, G. W. and A. CLEMENTE. 1916. Detening and Analysis of Tin Plate. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11: 191-199. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 367 HEISE, G. w. and A. CLEMENTE. Acid. Effect of chromium Science, v. 16 :439-446. 1921. Corrosion of iron in Sulfuric compounds. Philippi,ne Journal uf MEDINA, F. A. and A. CLEMENTE. 1934. Physical properties of some Philippine vegetable oils. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 4 :61. WEST, A. P. and LUIS GoNZAGA. 1923. Effect of composition on the complete hydrogenation of some Philippine oils with nickel catalyst. Philippine Journal Science, v. 23:277. II. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PROGRESS OF GENERAL AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES PUBLISHED IN THE PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE BAOON, R. F. 1906. The waters of the crater lakes of Taal Volcano, with a note on some phenomena of radioactivity. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 1 :433. BAOON, R. F. and P. C. FREER. 1907. The action of sodium on acetone. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 2:67. BAOON, R. F. 1907. Caralysis by means of uranium salts in the sunlight. Philippi,ne Journal of Science, v. 2:129. BAOON, R. F. 1910. A solution of oxalic acid and uranium salts as a chemical photometer. Philippi,ne Journal of Science. v. 5:281. BAOON, R. F. 1910. A preliminary study of the effects of tropical sunlight on the atmosphere, with some notes on radioactive phenomena in the Philippines. Philippi,ne Journal of Science, v. 5 :267. BEHRMAN, A. S. 1918. Two field methods for the determination of the total hardness of water. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 13 :21. BLACKWOOD, 0. H. 1915. A determination of the Diurnal variation of the radioactivity of the atmosphere at Manila by the active deposit method. Philippine Journal of Science, v.10:37. BRILL, HARVEY C. 1916. Diethylsuccinosuccinate: II. A study of the absorption spectra of some derivatives. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11 :59. CoLE, HOWARD IRVING.· 1923. Potassium Ferrocyanide as a reagent in the microscopic qualitative chemical analysis of the common alkaloids. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 23:97. Cox, A. J. 1907. The occurrence, composition, and radioactivity of the clays from Luzon, Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 2:413. Cox, A. J. 1909. Calorimetry, and the determination of the calorific value of Philippine and other coals from the results of proximate analysis. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 4:171. Cox, A. J. and T. DAR JUAN. 1915. Salt industry and resources of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 10 :375. FAN.NING, P. R. and F. 'T. EDDINGFIELD. 1912. The black sands of pancale. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7:213. FREER, P. C. 1910. The tropical sunlight. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5:1. 368 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GIBBS, H. D. 1912. The action of sunlight upon methyl alcohol. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7 :57. GIBBS, H. D. and D. S. PRATT. 1912. The absorption spectra of orthoand para-nitrophenol and para-nitroso-phenol. New evidence of the quinoid structure of these compounds in alkaline solution. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7:371. · GIBBS, H. D. and D. S. PRATI". 1913. The mutual influence of hydroxyl and carboxyl and some related groups in the ortho position. A. study of the absorption spectra of phenol, o-cresol, o-hydroxybenzyl · alcohol, salicylic acid, and its methyl ester, methyl ether of salicylic acid and its methyl ester, benzyl alcohol, benzyl chloride, and methyl benzoate. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 8 :33. GIBBS, H. D. and H. C. BRILL. 1915. Diethylussinosuccinate (ethyldioxydihydroteraphthalate) : A study of its constitution, some derivatives, and absorption spectra. Philippine Journal of Science, v.10:51. HEISE, GEORGE w. and AMANOO CLEMENTE. 1916. The stripping and the analysis of galvanized iron. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11:135. HEISE, GEORGE w. and R. H. AGUILAR. 1916. The chemical purification of swimming pools. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11 :105. HEISE, GEORGE w. and R. H. AGUILAR. 1916. The oxygen. consuming power of natural waters. Philippine Journal o.f Science, v. 11 :37. HEISE, GEORGE W. 1917. The interaction of chloride of lime with the normal constituents of natural waters and sewage. Philippine Journal of Science, v.12:17. HEISE, GEORGE W. 1917. The constancy in the radioactivity of certain Philippine waters. Philippine Journal o.f Science, v. 12:309. HEISE, GEORGE W. 1917. The radioactivity of the waters of the mountainous region of northern Luzon. Philippine Journal of Science, v.12:293. HEISE, GEORGE W. and A. S. BEHRMAN. 1918. Water analysis in the field. Philippine Journal of Science, v.13:1. HEISE, GEORGE w. and AMANOO CLEMENTE. 1920. Corrosion of iron in sulphuric acid. Effects of chromium compounds. Philippine Journal of Science, v.16:439. KING, ALBERT E. W. 1921. Physical properties of Philippine concrete and concrete aggregates. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 18:105. PERKINS, GRANVILLE A. 1921. The structure of chlorine dioxide and related compounds. Philippine Journal of Science, v.19:729. PERKINS, GRANVILLE A. 1921. The expression of the Octet theory of valence in structural formulas. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 19:1. PRATT, D. S. 1913. The absorption spectra of various phthalides and related compounds. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 8:399. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 369 PRATT, D. S. and H. D. GIBBS. 1913. 'The absorption spectra of phenoquinone, 2,5-dianilioquinone, 2,5-dianilinoquinoneanil, and 2,5-dianilinoquinonedianil (azophenine). Philippine Journal of Science, v. 8:51. PRATT, D. S. and H. D. GIBBS. 1913. The two phthalaloximes: A study of their absorption spectra and constitution. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 8 :165. PRATT, D. S. 1914. The absorption spectra of various phthalides and related compounds. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 9:105. REIBLING, w. c. and L. A. SALINGER. 1908. Portland cement testing. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 3: 137. REIDLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1910. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement, parts I and II. Philippine Journal cf Science, v. 5 :367. REIDLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1911. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement, parts III. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6:207. REIBLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1912. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement, parts IV and V. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7:135. ROSARIO, MARIANO v. DEL and JOAQUIN MARANON. 1919. The physicochemical evaluation of tikitiki extract. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 15 :221. THURLOW, L. W. 1916. Manufacture of lime in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 11 :129. VALENZUELA, P. and F. DANIELS. 1927. Thermal and photochemical decomposition of caryophyllene nitrosite. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 34:187-197. WEST, A. P. and A. J. Cox. 1914. Burning tests of Philippine Portland cement raw materials. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 9:79. WEST, A. P. and Luis GoNZAGA. 1923. Effect of composition on the complete hydrogenation of some Philippine oils with nickel catalyst. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 23 :277. WITT, J. C. 1916. The effects of sulphide on cement. PhiliP'Pine Journal of Science, v. 11 :273. WITT, J. C. and F. D. REYES. 1918. The solubility of Portland cement and its relation to theories of hydration., PhiliP'Pine Journal of Science, v.13:147. WlTT, J. C. 1918. Some generalizations on the influence of substances on cement and concrete. Philipp-ine Journal of Science, v.13:29. WITT, J. C. 1919. The effects of calcium sulphate on cement: Second paper. Philippine Jounial of Science, v.14:221. WITT, J. C. 1919. The analysis of Portland cement raw mixture. Philippine Journal of Science, v.15:107. WITT, J. C. 1922. Some generalizations on the influence of substances. PhiliP'Pine Journal of Science, v. 21 :365. 370 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WRIGHT, J. R. and 0. F. SMITH. 1914. A quantitative determination of the radium emanation in the atmosphere and its variation with altitude and meteorological conditions. Philippine Journal of Science, v.9:51. WRIGHT, J. R. and GEORGE W. HEISE. 1917. The radioactivity of Philippine waters. Philiwine J ournu.l of Science, v. 12: 145. WRIGHT, J. R., and G. W. HEISE. 1918. The radium content of water from the Ch~na Sea. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 13:49. LITERATURE CITED 1902-1903. Annual Report Bureau of Government Laboratories. 1903-1905. Annual Report Bureau of Government Laboratories. ARTIGAS y CUERVA, MANUEL. 1911. Reseiia Historia de la Real y Pontifice Universidad de Santo Tomas de Manila, p. 82 and 84. SANTOS, F. 0. 1934. Agricultural chemistry in the service of the state. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23:337. VIN7lONS, WENCESLAO. 1932. "Anacleto del Rosario y Sales." Philippine Pharmaceutical Association. Journal, v. 4:54. ZAIDE, GREGORIO. 1932. "Antonio Luna y Novicio, the Pharmacist." Philippine Pharmaceutical Association. Journal, v. 4:54. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES By AUGUSTUS P. WEST Of the Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of Organi,c Chemistry It has been estimated rthat the virgin forests of the Philippines cover about 40,000 square miles and there are more than 2,500 species of trees. Various kinds of oils are obtained from the seeds, leaves, or flowers of these trees. Certain of the vegetable oils serve as raw materials for the manufacture of foods while others are useful for making paints, soaps and other products. The essential (flower) oils are employed in making perfumes. A perusal of the numerous volumes of the Philippine J ournal of Science shows how Philippine industries have been helped by organic chemical research. Publications on sugar, copra, coconut, lumbang, and ilang-ilang oils, tanning materials, industrial alcohol and other products have given valuable information for these industries. Moreover, there have been published useful basic data on numerous industries not yet established. Organic chemical researches on the composition and characteristics of Philippine vegetable and essential oils have been in progress in the Bureau of Science for a number of years. Researches on Philippine lumbang oil (Aguilar, 1917-19, West et al, 1922-30) showed that oil has a composition quite similar to that of linseed oil and, like linseed oil, can be used for making paints and other products. These experimental results, which were published in the Philippine Journal of Science, led to the establishment of a Philippine paint industry. Paints of high quality are now manufactured in the Philippines from lumbang oil. Experiments have shown that Philippine peanut, kapok, (Cruz and West, 1931) and rice oils (Cruz, West and Aragon, 1932) have a composition quite similar to that of cottonseed oil. These oils are suitable commercially for the manufacture of edible products and soaps and for other purposes for which cottonseed oil may be employed. The resulits of these investigations show the possibility of developing the Philippine edible-oil industries. 371 372 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Formerly much of the copra produced in the Philippines was not a product of high quality. Investigations (Walker, 1906) on· the drying of copra showed that copra which contains only about four per cent of moisture has very good keeping properties and produces a coconut oil of excellent quality. The essential oils used in making perfumes and flavoring extracts are usually obtained by distilling the flowers, leaves, or other parts of plants. Ilang-ilang, champaca, lemongrass, vetiver, cinnamon, ginger and citrus oils have been investigated. (Bacon, Brooks, Gibbs, Agcaoili, Wells, Orosa, Tanduco, West, 1908-1933). Several of these oils a~e used in the perfume industry and others in the manufacture of nonalcoholic beverages. The results of this work should serve as a basis for Philippine essential oil industries. Resins and gums are products obtained from the exudations of trees. These products may exude spontaneously but are more often secured by making incisions in the bark or trunk of the tree. Manila copal, Manila elemi, and various dipterocarp resins have been investigated and their properties and characteristics determined. (West and Brown, 1920.) Some of these resins are useful for making varnishes and other products. Researches (Pratt, Marafion, Perez, Russel, Wes1 t, 19151932) on medicinal plants have been carried out and some interes•ting glucosides and alkaloids have been isolated. Good yields of quinine have been extracted from cinchona bark grown by the Bureau of Forestry in Bukidnon. Philippine quinine could probably be developed into a profitable export product. At present the mixed ethyl esters obtained from the acids of chaulmoogra oil are used in the treatment of leprosy. As this treatment is usually a rather slow process it is possible that some new chaulmoogra preparation may give quicker and better results. A number of new synthetic chaulmoogra preparations have been made. Such investigations suggest the utilization of Philippine plants for medicinal purposes and give basic data for the preparation of a Philippine pharmacopoeia. The tannin content (Bacon, Gana, Williams, Baens, Yenko, 1911-1934) of numerous Philippine tanbarks was determined recently. Tannin extracts were prepared from various species of tanbarks. Hides tanned with these extracts gave very good ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 373 leathers of different shades of color. These results will be helpful in improving the quality of Philippine leather and also in developing an export trade for Philippine tanning extracts. Investigations of by-products often lead to results of commercial importance. Rice bran (West and Cruz, 1933) is obtained as a by-product in the milling of rice. More than 111,000 tons of fine rice bran are produced annually in the Philippines. This by-product of the rice mills has been investigated rather thoroughly. Rice bran is the most nutritious part of the rice grain for it contains fats, proteins and vitamins. For a number of years the Bureau of Science has been making an extraot of rice bran (tikitiki extract) that contains vitamin B. This extract is widely used for curing or preventing beriberi. When rice bran is stored the rice oil in the bran becomes ranc:id and the bran acquires a disagreeable taste. Deterioration of the bran may be prevented by heating it sufficiently to remove the moisture and then storing it in moisture-proof containers which prevent access of insects. The Bureau of Science now prepares sterilized rice bran that is sold at the Bureau in moisture proof packages for two centavos each. Excellent bread, cakes and other bakery products may be made from this prepared rice bran. If this use of the bran as a food can be popularized among the poorer classes it will not be necessary for them to take extract of rice bran as a preventive or cure for beriberi. , In addition to the organic chemical researches to which we have referred rthere are many other kinds of Philippine raw materials that have been investigated in the Bureau of Sdence. The results of all of these researches have been published in the Philippine Journal of Science and the information is available to the public free of charge. The prosperity of a country depends, in general, upon the growth of indiustries. The Philippines are rich in natural resources but coonparatively few industries have been well established. In order to establish new Philippine industries two things are usually necessary : First--The acquisition of basic laboratory data to ascertain if the Philippine raw materials, or by-products, are suitable for commercial purposes. 374 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Second-The actual establishment of factories, properly financed, for the production of commercial products from Philippine materials. The second step is usually the most difficult to realize commercially because people seem reluctant to take up a new enterprise unless it is a line which has proven to be decidedly successful. Again, market prices and the cost of production are considerations that sometimes hinder the promotion of Philippine industries. For an undeveloped country like the Philippines organic chemical research should really be a very important function of the government because it aims to establish industries and give employment to the people. LITERATURE CITED AGUILAR, R. H. 1917. A comparison of linseed oil and lumbang oils as paint vehicles. Philip. Jour. Sci., A, v. 12:235. AGUILAR, R. H. 1919. The lumbang oil industry in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 14 :275. BACON, R. F. 19-08. Philippine terpenes and essential oils. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 3:65; A, v. 4:93; (1909) A, v. 5:265, (1910). BAOON, R. F. and V. Q. GANA. 1911. The Economic possibilities of the mangrove swamps of the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 6:45. BAENs, L., F. M. YENKO, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Tannin content of Philippine barks and woods. Philip. Jour. Sci. In Press. BROOKS, B. T. 1911. New Philippine essential oils. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 6:333. CRUZ, A. 0. and A. P. WEST. 1930. Analysis of Philippine lumbang oil. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 42 :251. CRUZ, A. 0. and A. P. WEST. 1931. Composition of Philippine peanut oil. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 46: 199. CRUZ, A. O. and A. P. WEST. 1931. Composition of Philippine kapokseed oil. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 46 :131. CRUZ, A. 0., A. P. WEST and N. B. MENDIOLA. 1932. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Bambas variety). Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 47:487. CRUZ, A. 0., A. P. WEST and V. B. ARAGON. 1932. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety). Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 48:5. GANA, V. Q. 1915. The leather industry of the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v.10:349. GIBBS, H. D. and F. AGCAOILI. 1912. Philippine citrus fruits: Their commercial possibilities and a chemical study of a few of the mo3t important varieties. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 7:403. MARANON, J. 1927. The bitter principle of Makabuhay, Tinospora rumphii boerlage. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 33 :357. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 375 MARA:NoN, J. 1932. The poisonous constituent of coriaria intermedia matsumura. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 47:359. MARA.NoN, J., A. PEREZ and P. F. RUSSEL. Philippine totaquina. Philip. Jour. Sci., In press. PR.A.Tr, D. S. 1915. Pa pain: Its commercial preparation and digestive properties. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 10 :1. TANCHIOO, S. S. and A. P. WEST. 1933. Colobot essential oil from citrus hystrix DC. var. torosa. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 52:263. WALKER, H. S. 1906. The keeping qualities and causes of rancidity i!1 coconut oiL Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 1 :140. WELLS, A. H., F. AGCAOILI and M. Y. OROSA. 1925. Philippine citrus 'fruits. Philip. Jour Sci., v. 28:453. WEST, A P. and W. H. BoowN. 1920. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and essential oils. Phil,ip. Bureau of Forestry Bull., v. 20. WEST, A. P. and ZolLA MONTES. 1922. The composition, solubility and oxidation of lumbang oil. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 20 :509. WEST, A. P. and F. L. SMITH. 1923. Commercial products from lumbang oil. Philip. Bureau of Forestry Bull., v. 24. WEST, A. P. and collaborators. Synthetic chaulmoogra preparations. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 31 :261 (1926) ; v. 33 :265 (1927); v. 35:405 (1928); v.38:293 (1929); v.38:445 (1929); v.40:485 (1929); v. 40:493 (1929); v.41:373 (1930); v. 43:409 (1930). WEST, A. P. and A. 0. CRUZ. 1933. Philippine rice-mill products with particular reference to the nutritive value and preservation of rice bran. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 52 :1. WILLIAMS, R. R. 1911. Philip. Jour. Sci., § A, v. 6:45. THE DEVELOPMENT OF PHYTOCHEMICAL RESEARCH IN THE PHILIPPINES By JOAQUIN MARA~ON Of the Bureau of Science, Section of Phytochemi8try From the time when Wohler in 1828 synthesized urea, thus showing that no "vital force" is necessary for the formation of organic compounds (Moore, 1918), the interpretation of the complex life processes in terms of the principles of physics and chemistry has been given considerable attention. Wohler's discovery together with the brilliant researches of Scheele on the isolation and purification of organic plant acids (, 1930), and the system of organic analysis perfected by von Liebig (Moore, 1918), have been greatly responsible for the birth of a new science known as the chemistry of plant life or phytochemistry. The historical development of the phytochemical investigation in the Philippines may be conveniently divided into two periods. The first period covers the Spanish regime in the Is1'1.nds, which lasted for more than three centuries. The second period represents the United States administration, commencing in 1898 and extending up to the present time. THE SPANISH PERIOD Of direct concern with the early phase of the phytochemical research in the Philippines is the account given by Father Ignacio de Mercado. In his work entitled "Libro d'e Medicinas de Esta Tierra" (Blanco, 1880) written before the close of the 17th century, he described a method followed by the Filipinos for the preparation of native wine from the ripe fruits of "guava" (Psidiwm guajaba). He also related the preparation of a thick oil, used for dying gray hair, from coconut shells by destructive distillation. On April 24, 1827, experimental results for extracting the coloring matter from certain species of Indigo/era (Blair and Robertson, 1907) were reported. In the following year, the analysis of the coloring matter was effected. 376 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 377 The ever-increasing demand for a government-owned scientific labomtory found its expression in the establishment of the "Laboratorio Municipal de la Giudad de Manila" in 1887. Its first director, Anacleto del Rosario, had contributed a great deal on the problems concerning the purification of the native alcohol "nipa" palm and on the development of the distillery industry in the Islands. Besides, he had also worked on the alkaloid of St. Ignatius beans from the Philippines, and on the castor oil from "Palma Christi." Other prominent phytochemical investigations he had undertaken are the studies on the essential oil of "Ilang-ilang" and on the biochemical aspect of the nauseating odor in the Pasig river, originating from the decaying blue green Algae (Vinzons, 1932). This last problem is of historical interest as the present recurring algal nuisance in Manila and its vicinity is due to the same organism studied by del Rosario as early as 1886. Of particular interest with regard to the biochemical aspects of the indigenous drugs is the work of Pardo de Tavera published in 1892 and entitled "Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas." This is an exposition of the therapeutic properties, methods of administration, chemical composition, and botanic~>.l description of Philippine medicinal plants. THE AMERICAN PERIOD As the technique of, and facilities for, research have developed and improved, many important chemical investigations on Philippine plants and their products have been undertaken during the present American administration. In this connection, the government Bureaus of Forestry, and Science, and the University of the Philippines have contributed their share for the advancement of phytochemical research in the Philippines. As a whole, the varied phytochemical activities in this period can be more or less resolved into the foil owing topics: (a) Medicinal and poisonous plants (b) Essential oils, gums, and resins (c) Food plants and animal feeds (d) Seeds yielding fixed oils ( e) Fibers and fibrous substances ( f) Tanbarks (g) Natural dyes 378 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The physiologically active constituents of a number of the local medicinal and poisonous plants have been isolated and their chemical properties studied. Some of these plants contain alkaloids, glucosides, volatile oils, and resins. Thus, "dita" (Alstonia scholaris), well known as a remedy for fevers and for chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, was found to contain the alkaloids, ditamine and echitamine. The saponin from the "gogo" bark (Entada scandens >" was isolated as early as 1906 (Bacon, 1906). A number of plants yielding essential oils, resins, and gums were reported (Brown,. 1920; Tanchico-Santiago and West, ] 933). Among these plants are the lemon grass (Andropogon citratus), "Moras" or vetiver (Andropogon zizanioides), "champaka" (Michelia champaca), "" ( Canangium odoratnm), cinnamon ( Cinnamornum mercadoi), ''Colobot" ( Otrus hystrix De. var. torosa) .· The chemical properties of almaciga or Manila copal, from Agathis alba, were studied. The resin is now exported in considerable quantities for the manufacture of high-grade varnish. Due to the economic importance of seed-yielding fixed oils, extensive chemical studies on such seeds as the coconut, lumbang, kalumpang, and tuba were made (Brown and West, 1920). The results of these studies are now being applied in the utilization of these oils in industry. Notable contributions have been made in the investigation of the Philippine food plants. Studies along this line include the proximate chemical cotmposi1tion, inorganic constituents and the vitamin contents of these plants. Of importance to the leather industry in the Islands are extensive ,analyses of available tanning materials (Brown, 1920). This is of particular interest as the species of mangrove trees which are used commercially for tanning materials are found in the Philippines in large number. The Philippines can, therefore, well afford to compete with other tropical countries in the exportation of mangrove tanbarks, and of the bark extracts known as cutch. The feasibility of using some Philippine forest products for paper making has been investigated and reported in a seric& of articles in the Philippine Journal of Science (Richmond, 19061910). Among the forest products examined which are found ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 379 to be promising material for paper pulp are a bamboo (Schizostachyum lumampao), "Kogon" (lmperata exaltata) and "talahib" (Saccharum spontaneum). In spite of the continually decreasing demand for natural dyes since the introduction of synthetic dyes in commerce, three Philippine plants were investigated with reference to their coloring matter. These are: "Dilau" ( Curcuma longa), "sibukan" ( Caesalpinia sappan), and the two species of indigo, (ln<iigofera tinctoria and /. suffruticosa (Brooks, 1910). Such a brief historical sketch as is here presented would be all too fragmentary were we to fail to pay a tribute to all the pioneers who have contributed their best in the furtherance of phytochemical research in the Islands and thus have led the way for others. LITERA'TURE CITED BAOON, R. F. 1906. The physiologically active constituents of certain Philippine medicinal plants. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 1 :1007-1036. BLAIR, E. H. and J. A. ROBERTSON. 1907. The Philippine Islands 14931898. The ARTHOR H. CLARK. Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Vol. 52, p. 316. BLANCO, M. 1880. Flora de Filipinas. v. 4:33. BROOKS, B. T. 1910. The natural dyes and coloring matters of the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5A:439-452. BROWN, W. H. 1920. Minor products of Philippine forests. In thrae volumes. Bu. of Printing, Manila. MOORE, F. J. 1918. History of Chemistry. First edition. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., pp. 127 and 122. RICHMOND, G. F. 1906. Philippine fibers and fibrous substances: Their suitability for paper making. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 1A:433-462. RICHMOND, G. F. 1906. Philippine fibers and fibrous substances. Their suitability for paper making. Part. II. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 1: 1075-1084. 1907. Philippine fibers and fibrous substances: Their suitability for paper making. Part III. (Conclusion). Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 2A:81-112. 1910. Philippine fibers and fibrous substances: Their suitability for paper making. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5A:233-255. RoSENTHALER, L. 1930. The chemical investigation of plants. Authorized translation of the third improved and enlarged German Edition. London, Bell and Sons, Ltd. viii, 197 p. illus. TANCHIOO-SANTIAOO, S. and A. P. WEST. 1933. Colobot essential oil from Citrux hystrix DC. var. torosa. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 52:263-267. VINSONS, WENCESLAO. 1932. "Anacleto del Rosario y Sales." Jour. Philip. Phar. Assoc., v. 4 :12-26. A REVIEW OF THE PROGRESS OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES By F. T. ADRIANO Technical Director, San Miguel Brewery Chairman, Section of Plant Products Agricultural chemistry has been defined by Browne as that branch of science which treats of the chemical composition and mutual chemical relations of soils, crops and farm animals, in so far as they concern the production of the means of human subsistence and welfare. From this definition it can be seen at once that the field is almost limitless. The opportunities which are open to the agricultural chemists in the development of Philippine agriculture and in the utilization of products and by-products are unlimited. In the Philippines, a notable achievement due to the science of agricultural chemistry is to be found in the present state of development of the sugar industry. The production of sugar cane varieties of high sucrose content, high yielding power and great adaptability to varying climatic conditions, by means of chemical selection, improved practices of fertilization and the replacement of old and obselete methods of manufacture with the more modern and up-to-date processes and efficient equipment, are in a large measure the results of agricultural chemical researches. Greater production of raw agricultural products both for local consumption and for export and the complete and most economic utilization of agricultural products and by-products is a fertile field for research for agricultural chemists here. It has been sufficiently demonstrated here and elsewhere that greater returns are obtained from the sale of finished products than from raw products alone. The heavy annual importations of manufactured goods and other agricultural products into the Philippines, can be replaced by local manufactures or through the cultivation of imported plant materials and turning them into locally required finished products. The introduction and propagation of new economic plants in places of the archipelago that are most suitable for t~rnse crops are temptingly great and for this reason agricul380 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 381 tural government institutions are already sponsoring the campaigns for the cultivation of various economic crops in the different parts of the Islands. FOOD INDUSTRIES The average annual importation of food and food products into the Philippines reaches nearly 'P48,000,000. As we have and can grow a large variety of food plants which can be utilized for the manufacture of products that can in part or wholly take the place of most imported materials, it is possible that by proper development we may in time be able to materially decrease the importation of many food commodities. Possibly later, we may be able to export some of them. Numerous kinds of imported products are manufactured from raw materials which have originated either here or from neighboring Oriental countries. If some of the needed materials are not yet grown here, the possibilities of cultivating and propagating them in many places of the archipelago most suitable for their culture are temptingly great. It is therefore necessary that proper methods of utilizing and manufacturing plant products be studied in order to convert them into various forms of finished products which can be kept or shipped to distant places like imported kinds, thus making them available at all times, salable at moderate prices, and easjly and readily transported to different places where they are not usually to be had. Many of our fruits and vegetables are highly seasonal so that prices fluctuate very greatly. At the beginning and towards the end of the seasons, prices are too high and oftentimes prohibitive, but during the height of the season in which there is usually a large excess production, they are obtainable cheap if not practically thrown away as waste. It is during this period when they can be economically converted into finished products that canning or other forms of comme·rcial utilization should be undertaken. It is surprising that such a rich agricultural country as the Philippines must import millions _of pesos of canned and other kinds of preserved fruits, especially canned pineapples, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables that can be grown and preserved right here. There is therefore need of showing the possibilities of utilizing our raw products profitably. 382 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Mention of utilization will naturally bring us to a discussion of the different methods of preservation now in commercial use in many countries. Man, since the earliest times, has sought ways of making available his needs for foods both in and out of season. He found, for instance, the value of drying and salting for preserving foods for a longer time than was otherwise possible. Later on, in 1765, an Italian priest named 8pallazani astounded his epoch by making the discovery of how to preserve foods by the application of heat. CANNING In 1795, after 14 years of experimentation, Nicholas Appert, a Frenchman; popularly known as the "Father of Canning" was awarded by the French Government a prize of 12,000 francs for his method of preserving food for army and navy stores. In 187 4, A. K. Shriver of Baltimore invented and patented the pressure cooker, which made it possible to increase the temperature in the sterilizing process. The tin can, being light and non-breakable, very early became the container for commercial canning. The first tin cans were made by soldering the bodies and ends. The modern or sanitary can was developed by Charles M. Ams in the early nineties. He also invented the sealing compound that is applied on the covers to give the hermetic seal. With the invention of modern machinery for hermetically sealing the covers to the body, the sanitary or open can came into general use. The present canning industry is now so well developed that where before a master workman could make only about 60 cans daily ana the pack of what was then considered a well equipped cannery aid not exceed 2,500 cans a day, now with the help of modern machinery, 300 cans a minute can be easily made and machines which can seal 120 cans a minute are used in large canneries. With the invention of other labor saving machinery the output was greatly increased and the cost of the products thereby reduced. The Philippines can grow an unlimited supply of raw materials for canning different fruits and vegetables. Pineapples and mangoes can be canned commercially. The Philippine Packing Corporation in Mindanao has up to recently been canning pineapples on a large scale. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 383 While home and farm canning is recommended to utilize local surplus raw materials, there is need of erecting large canning plants which can economically utilize some of our fruits like the mango, pineapple and others. If canned properly and in large quantities, mangoes should have good local and foreign markets. · In commercial canning plants the supply of very cheap tin containers is most important. Cheap tin containErs is a very important consideration and this applies to other industries which demand good and cheap containers such as glass, porcelains, paraffined papers, etc. An investigation into this problem is going to solve many problems of the food industries. Government laboratories have demonstrated the variety of fruits and vegetables which give promise of being utilized commercially for canning purposes. FRUIT TREATMENTS The yearly importation of California and other foreign oranges, lemons, and other citrus fruits, not to mention other varieties of fruits, is a considerable import item. It has been shown that most of these fruits or their appropriate substitutes can be grown satisfactorily in many places especially adapted to their culture. Besides these imported fruits, we have a large variety of our own which if subjected to the same treatments as the imported ones will be equally valuable. PICKLING Pickling is the preservation of food in brine er in vinegar either with or without bacterial fermentation. We have a large variety of fruits and vegetables suitable for pickling purposes. The possibility of commercially pickling many Philippine fruits and vegetables has already been shown. FERMENTATION In the preparation of fermented and unfermented beverages,. we have many kinds of fruits which can be used to produce nutritious, appetizing and specially flavored drinks. Fruits like the calamunding, duhat or lomboy, bignay, santol, pineapple, strawberry and different varieties of citrus fruits have been found to furnish excellent raw materials. Studies have been conducted on the preparation of fruit juices and fruit wines and these have turned out just as good as the imported kinds. 384 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL When properly prepared many Philippine fruit juices that can supply the necessary vitamins and minerals and other health promoting accessories can be sold cheaper than imported kinds. Basi, an alcoholic beverage from sugar cane juice, if scientifically prepared will be an important commercial product. There is need for improving the antiquated methods at present used if the industry is to be conducted on a sound commercial and competitive basis. The preparation of vinegars from waste and otherwise unsalable fruits and the improvement of present methods of making palm sap vinegars are timely and important studies. The preparation of nata, a mucilaginous fermentation product usually obtained from pineapples, when scientifically controlled, can be developed into an important industry which can very well take care of the surplus production of pineapples. The method of fermentation of soybeans for the production of toyo or soy sauce, which is consumed in large quantities, is not well known. The soy sauce of commerce is either an imported product or manufactured by certain Chine~ firms of the city. It is possible to develop industries for toyo :rnaking which will give products, if not better, at least comparable with the best in the market. The soy sauce prepared locally by Chinese is not usually of good or desirable quality. FREEZING AND REFRIGERATION Freezing and refrigeration storage takes care of about 80 per cent of the food supply of the United States which is in excess of P22,000,000,000, thus showing the importance of these two methods of preservation. Commercial refrigeration, using varying degrees of coldness, has been used for storing many kinds of food product:; for a long time, but. it has not given very satisfactory results for certain types of products. Many of these objectionable features of ordinary refrigeration storages were finally solved with the invention of quick freezing in 1930 by Mr. Clarence Birdseye of Boston who sold his patent to the Postum Company, now the General Foods Corporation, for 'P44,000,000. Taking advantage of this invention and the work of investigations on the subject of freezing, studies have satisfactorily d~onstrated the possibilities of preserving both the texture ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 385 and flavor of mangoes, pineapples and many other Philippine fruits by processes that if commercially undertaken will open up promising industries. If managed on a large scale, freezing preservation is bound to solve our fresh fruit and vegetable problems and the marketing of excess production. A large export business in Philippine perishable materials is bound to be developed by the use of the quick freezing method. FLOUR AND STARCH The Philippines up to a few years ago were importing nearly Pl0,000,000 worth of flour and starch yearly. Ttis value, on account of lower prices of recent years, dropped to more than P6,000,000 annually-still a big sum indeed. Rice forms a very important part of the diet of our race. The preparation of native and other rice recipes is not so widely practiced on account of the inconvenience and time required to prepare the wet rice flour (commonly called in the Tagalog region "galapong."). The results of investigation on rice flour and its possibilities is now public knowledge. · But there are other important problems connected with rice flour, one of which is to find other kinds of flour of Philippine origin that are high in the protein of wheat flour, which when added to rice flour will produce a product similar in nutritional and baking qualities to wheat flour. The annual importation of corn and cassava starch into the Philippines amounts to more than P600,000. Cassava, scientifically known as Manihot utilissima Pohl., is called by different names. In the Philippines, it is commonly known as "balangay" or "kamoteng kahoy" in the Visayas, "bangala," in Lanao, "pangina" or "bingala" in Bukidnon, "ka.mote Moro" in the Ilocos, "pangina-kahoy" or "kamoteng-kahoy" in Sulu, "balinhoy" or "kamoteng kahoy" in the Tagalog provinces, "kamunte-kayo" in Zamboanga, "malaboanga" in Palawan, "padpadi" in Mountain Province. In Malaya and in the Dutch East Indies, it is commonly known as tapioca, cassava, mandioca, and manioc. However, the term "tapioca" usually refers to different forms of cassava products. In Cuba it is known as "yuca", a name of Brazilian origin. 386 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL While cassava has been grown in the Philippines for a long time, the plant having been introduced by early Spanish colonists, its cultivation has not been as extensively carried on as in other tropical countries. Cassava starch is commonly known in the Philippines as "gao-gao" and is used for laundering purposes. It is also used in sizing yarns and cloths, in the preparation of the so-called British gums, dextrins, and pastes, and in the manufacture of confectioner's glucose, of which increasing quantities are being used here. Of the last item alone more than 100,000 pesos worth is imported annually. In the manufacture of food products, it is used in the preparation of custards, blanc mange, puddings, powder, macaroni, simolinas, and sauces, as a thickening agent in ice cream, and as fillers for various kinds of food products. It is also mixed with breakfast cereals. In the Philippines the cultivation of cassava as a raw material for the production of starch should prove a profitable enterprise. While cassava has been grown in the Philippines for a long time, so far there are no plantations sufficiently large to supply the raw materials for a starch factory. There is need for starting plantations by using the v~rieties which are best adapted to the localities and at the same time of high yielding power, if the production of starch is ever to compete with the foreign manufacture. Herein lies a great field for agricultural chemists to solve some of the problems in starch manufacture. While a number of starch factories have been started, for some reason or another, they have not yet given satisfactory results. Probably following the example of Cuba, which passed a law making it obligatory for bakery establishments to mix cassava flour with wheat flour to the extent of not less than 10 per cent but not more than 40 per cent in the preparation Gf bakery products, might encourage the early development of the cassava industry. Some similar Government protection or encouragement has been adopted in Brazil and it seems that a similar procedure would be desirable to follow here. INSECTICIDES The annual destruction caused by insect pests in the United States to farm crops alone is estimated at 2,000,000,000 dollars, F S. currency. In the Philippines, though no exact figures are ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 387 available, the value of agricultural products annually destroyed by insect pests undoubtedly also amounts to a very large sum. In fighting locusts and coconut leaf miners along the annual expenditures of the Philippine Government, not counting thoi>e of individual planters and centrals, for the last few years, have exceeded 150,-000 pesos a year. The fight to exterminate locust.3 and other major insect pests is one of the most serious agricultural problems in the Islands. The insecticides in general use at present are chemicals; such as arsenates, nicotine, sulphate, hydrocyanic acid, and others more or less toxic to both man and animals. The use of arsenicals and powdered soap has been developed by the Bureau of Plant Industry and has proved quite satisfactory in ifo campaign to exterminate locusts. These, however, have encountered opposition on account of the arsenicals used. There is need therefore, of insecticides that will give maximum toxicity to insects but at the same time are harmless to man and beast. Of the latter species, scientists have found certain plants such as pyrethrum flowers from Japan and Yugoslavia. The derris roots, the active constituent of which is known as rotenone, for the manufacture of insecticides is pregnant with commercial possibilities. Derris is the generic name of numerous leguminous climbing shrubs; some species are said to be trees. The plants are native to the tropics, and 12 of the 40 or more species are known in the Philippines, where these plants, which possess fish-and arrow poisoning properties, have various dialect names. Som~ of these names are "malasiag," "tibalan," "tibangalan," "tubli," "tuble," "tugli,~' "tugling pula" in Tagalog, "tubli" in Visayan and Bagobo, "upei" in Bontoc, "baot" in La Union, "lono" in Albay, "lagtang" in Samar, "tublitibauon" in Cebu, "baoet" in Zambales, and "toblelono" in Camarines Sur. In the East Indies, where it has been cultivated fot a long time, derris is also known as "tuba root." The average annual exportation of derris root from Malaya is more than 60,000 kilos. Although many species of derris are known, Derris ellipticci and Derris malaccensis seem to be the commereial species that are commonly grown in many tropical countries, particularly in the Federated Malay States and Borneo. 388 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The determination of derris species of high rotenone content has been the subject of investigations by government chemists. The results of these studies will decide the best species to propagate for commercial planting. At the present time the market demand for derris roots is very big and herein lies a big field for commercial undertaking. AGRICULTURAL ANALYSES As a prerequisite to nutrition studies, a handy reference on the composition of food materials has long been felt. Many physicians, particularly due to lack of local references, are using data of analyses of foreign materials obtained in the American and European laboratories. For the convenience of nutrition workers in the Philippines, therefore, a compilation of proximate analyses of Philippine food materials is necessary. Several analytical laboratories of the Government have cooperated in these analyses so that we now find rather voluminous compilations of this kind of work. In addition to food materials, agricultural analyses of feeds, soils, fertilizers and 'Illany other kinds of agricultural products have been performed. Consideration of chemical analyses has been very important not only in the analyses of food and feed values but in the manufacturing industries, where it has been of special service in controlling the different processes. SOILS AND FERTILIZERS The determination of soil fertility, or the detection of mineral 8oil deficiencies, has been the subject of numerous investigations since very early times. As a result of these researches, several methods .of determining soil fertility such as soil chemical analysis and the Neubauer and field plot tests, which are already well known, have been devised. A chemical soil analysis by using methods of extracting the mineral constituents of the soil that are far from duplicating the plant requirements, besides being laborious, and requiring a long time to perform, is expensive and is only valuable in determining excesses or deficiencies of certain mineral soil constituents. The prevalent notion among farmers that a soil analysis can determine the kind of crops that will grow best in a particula.r soil as well as the kind and amount of fertilizers to add is fallacious. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 389 The Neubauer test is also expensive and time-consuming and is therefore impractical for the analysis of many field samples. The soil plot test, which has been extensively used, is also not dependable, because results obtained thereby are not directly applicable to other fields. Besides, it requires a large tract of land and from 3 to 5 years to obtain useful information. There is therefore need of a method of determining soil fertility which will eliminate some if not all of the above mentioned objectiom. Using the result of the researches of Winogradsky and Ziemiecka of the Pasteur Institute of Paris as a basis, Sackett and his collaborators of the Color-ado Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado, have perfected a bacteriological method of determining mineral soil deficiency by what they called the "soil plaque test." The principle involved in this method is based on the findings of Winogradsky and Ziemiecka, that the mineral food requirements of azotobacter (a group of nitrogen fixing organisms found in soils) and of farm crops are identical. Soils therefore that are particularly lacking in certain mineral constituents, such as phosphates, potash and calcium, will not produce notable growths of azotobacter colonies, while the beneficial effect of the addition of these so-called limited mineral constituents to those same soils will be indicated by the accelerated growth of azotobacter colonies. They have found the soil plaque test to be a rapid and dependable method for determining phosphate and lime deficiencies and believe it may also prove equally valuable for potash. Besides giving a very rapid qualitative test requiring only 72 hours for the detection of some mineral soil deficiencies as against about a month in the case of soil chemical analysis and the Neubauer test, or from 3 to 5 years for the field plot test, they also found the method to be sufficiently quantitative to serve as a practical guide for determining the amount of fertilizers to apply. The amount of commercial fertilizers that has been used in the Philippines during the last few years has been considerable. It amply demonstrates the increasing realization of the value of conserving, or maintaining and restoring soil fertility. Not infrequently there are farmers who use too large amounts 390 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of fertilizers when this is not necessary while many should use commercial fertilizers to increase production but are unaware of this fact. If a simple, rapid and inexpensive method of determining mineral soil deficiencies can be given Philippine farmers, a more judicious application of, and an economical way of using commercial fertilizers can be effected. An extensive survey of the value of this soil plaque method is now being conducted on Philippine soils. LITERATURE CITED ADRIANO, F. T. 1925. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feedings stuffs. Philip. Agric., v. 14:57-91. ADRIANO, F. T. and E. TAVANLAR. 1927. 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A study of the chemical composition of four sugar cane varieties of the same age and grown under similar conditions. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 139-145. GALVES, N., R. MORENO and V. G. LAVA. 1928. Chemical studies on coconut products. Philip. Agric., v.17:163-168. GIBBS, H. D. and F. AGOOILI. 1912. Some Filipino foods. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 7 :383-400. GIBBS, H. D. AND F. AGOOILI. 1912. Philippine citrus fruits. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 7: 403-414. Goo.'.>, A. 1923. Insecticides for locust extermination. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 16: 49-54. GoNZALEZ, B. M. 1914. The changes occurring in the ripening coconut. Philip. Agric. and For,, v. 3: 31-32. GUANZON, G. 1927. The possibilities of cassava production in the Philippines. Philip. Agric., v. 16: 433-440. GUANWN, G. 1927 .. Industrial products from filter press cake. Sugar News, v. 8: 877-882. HERMANO, A. J. 1934. Food values. Philip. Bureau of Sci. Bull., No. 16: 39. LABAYEN, S. D. 1914. The chemical composition of Philippine sweet potatoes. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 3: 78-80. LAVA, V. G. 1928. Chemical studies on coconut products. Philip. Agric., v. 16: 461-469. LAVA, V. G. AND S. B. EToMA. 1929. · Comparative analysis of American and Philippine cigarettes. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 565-577. MIRASOL, JOSE J. 1915. Chemical changes during the ripening of sugar cane. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 4:101-108. · PANGANIBAN, E. H. 1915. A study of the nitrification in Philippine soils. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 4: 81-91. PANGANIBAN, E. H. 1923. Rate of decomposition of organic nitrogen in rice paddy soils. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 63-76. PANGANIBAN, E. H. 1925. Soil acidity tests. Sugar News, v. 6: 398400. PENDLETON, R. L. 1925. Nitrogenous fertilizer for sugar cane and the residual effects on the soil of sodium nitrate and ammonium sulphate. Sugar News, v. 6: 81-86. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 393 PENDLETON, R. L. AND V. G. LAVA. 1928. An interpretation of the results of fertilizer experiments carried out in N. W. Occidental Negros, Philippine Islands. SugO/r News, v. 9: 652-657. PEPA, MAXIMO E. 1927. A comparative study of the palatability of some common Philippine forages. Philip. Agric., v. 15: 547-555. QUISUMBING, F. A. 1914. The cultivated root producing aroids. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 3: 85-89. QUISUMBING, F. A. 1921. Philippine contribution on agricultural, biological and industrial chemistry. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 113-123. RoXAs, M. L. 1919. Sugar cane investigations at the College of Agriculture. Philip. Agric., v. 8: 179-190. RIOXAS, M. L. 1920. A comprehensive plan of investigation in sugar cane agronomy and chemistry. Philip. Agric., v. 9: 35-40. RoXAS, M. L. AND R. v. MAURO. 1921. Starch from cassava. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 73-74. RIOXAS, M. L. 1921. The Philippine sugar industry and the College of Agriculture. Sugar News, v. 2: 491-497. ROXAS, M. L. 1928. Increasing sugar yields per hectare by application of ammonium sulphate at Laguna-Batangas district. Sugar News, v. 9: 450-459. RoxAS, M. L. 1928. 1927-1928 fertilizer constituent test at the LagunaBatangas district. Sugar News, v. 9: 439-547. SANTOS, F. 0. AND F. T. ADRIANO. 1928. The chemical composition of Philippine food materials. Public Welfare Commission Circular, Bureau of Printing, Manila. SANTOS, F. 0. AND N. PIDLAOAN. 1931. The nutritive value of balut. Philip. Agric., v. 19: 659-664. SARAO, F. B. 1918. Value of Philippine composts. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 6: 128-134. SERRA.NO, C. B. 1923. Prussic acid in Phaseolus lunatus and other beans. Philip. Agric., v. 11: 163-176. SILAYAN, H. S. 1917. Culture and fertilization affecting the oil content of peanuts. Philip. Agric., v. 6: 84-127. SoLIVEN, F. 1929. The effect of tapping coconut palms for toddy on the production of copra and oil. Philip. Agric., v. 18: 225-231. v ALENZUELA, A. AND J. p. WESTER. 1930. Composition of some Philippine fruits, vegetables and forage plants. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 41: 85-102. WELLS, A. H., F. AGCAOILI AND R. FELICIANO. 1922. Philippine rice. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 20: 353-361. SALVADOR, W. 1922. 'The food value of Philippine bananas. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 20: 363-366. BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY IN PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURE AND FILIPINO NUTRITION By F. 0. SANTOS Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Biological Chemistry The development of biological chemistry in the Philippines is intimately linked with the progress of four institutions, namely, the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, the College of Medicine, U. P., the Bureau of Science and the Bureau of Agriculture, all organized about a quarter of a century ago. The most important works of these institutions in this branch of chemistry were published in the Philippine Agriculture and Forester, now The Philippine Agriculturist, The Philippine Journal of Science and the Journal of the Philippine Islands Medical Association. The biological chemist's earlier work centered on the chemical analysis of agricultural products such as foods and feeds. The data obtained and data from foreign laboratories which are of local application were compiled and published under the titles "The Proximate Chemical Analysis of Philippine Foods and Feeding Stuffs, I, II, III and IV," (Adriano, 1925, 1929; Adriano, Ramos and Ynalvez, 1932; Adriano and de Guzman, 1932). "The Chemical Composition of Philippine Food l\faterials," (Santos and Adriano, 1929) "Amount of Nutrients in Philippine Food Material" (Santos and Ascalon, 1931) and "Food Values,'' (Hermano, 1934). In these publications may be found the proximate proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water content of most of our foods, feeding stuffs and other agricultural products. One of the important problems in agriculture is the selec'tion of plant varieties rich in the specific foodstuffs desired. It has been shown that among the different varieties of sweet potatoes grown in the Philippines, Guinarosa 1070 and Leyte 1080 are the sweetest; while Tinogabong 1078 Sinamporado 1071, Leyte 1081 and Caigbao 10G8 are the highest in starch, (Sabayen, 1914). Of the bananas, the varieties Pitogo, Butuan, Lacatan, Tiparot and Saba were found to be high in calcium; 394 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 395 Pitogo, Saba, Lacatan, Latundan and Tiparot in phosphorous, (Martinez, 1932). Of the rices the varieties Cruz, Bulandi, Susongsong, Inasinag, Piling Babay and Lumbang were found to be high in minerals, (Santos, 1934). Nutrition studies in the Philippines indicate that the common dietary is deficient in calcium, (Roxas and Collado, 1922). Philippine cereals, tubers and bulbs were found to be poor in this nutrient. However, the following materials are high in it: Tinapa (smoked fish), tuyo (dried fish) clams, oysters, orange, mandarin, breadfruit, eggs, cheese, milk beans, endive, malungay leaves (Moringa oleifera, Lam.) and himbaba-o [Allacanthus luzonicus (Blanco) F.-Vill.] (.Adriano and Tavanlar, 1925). Cases of poisoning due to the eating of cassava are not infrequent in the Islands. Usually this is caused by the prussic acid in the cassava. Different varieties of cassava vary in their content of this poison. The varieties Aipin Valenca, Aipin Mangi, Mandioca Basiorao (new) Aipin Manteiga are low in this substance. However, the common Mandioca Basiarao is high, (Santos, 1934). Cases of poisoning of man and of cattle due to eating of patani are also frequent. It has been found that both the wild and semi-wild varieties of patani contain dangerous amounts of prussic acid. So if the wild and semi-wild varieties must be eaten these should be boiled thoroughly in vinegar and the liquid thrown away; then boiled with lime water, and subsequently washed thoroughly in boiling water, (Serrano, 1923). Analyses have shown that the yield of sugar per hectare from native cane varieties is not as high as from some foreign canes. Hence, farmers are replacing native canes with P.O.J. 2878 and H-109. The right time to harvest canes is determined by the use of biochemical methods. Close control of the chemical reactions during the process of clarification of the juice at the factory has resulted in greater sugar recovery. Copra meal, an important by-product in the coconut oil industry, is extensively used as food. It has been found that it is rich in the amino-acids necessary for maintenance and growth, (Santos, 1920). However, it is poor in anti-scorbutic vitamin, (Derecho, 1921), and when forming from 75 to 85 per cent of the ration produces detrimental effect, irrespective of whether the oil content is high or low, (Sulit, 1926). 396 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In the study of Filipino nutrition biological chemistry has contributed a great deal. That an average normal adult Filipino doing medium work needs 80 grams proteins, 40 grams fats, and 450 grams carbohydrates daily has been practically established, (Santos and Pidlaoan, 1933) . Many Filipinos believe that foreign food materials are better than those raised locally. Many also believe that balanced meals cannot be obtained without the use of imported food materials. Both these beliefs are, of course, unfounded. It has been found that native rice, corn, meat, fish, milk, oranges and other common food materials are as rich in nutrients as the imported ones, (Aron, 1910; Aron and Hocson, 1910; Kilbourne, 1910; Chamberlain, 1911; Chamberlain, Bloombergh and Kilbourne, 1911; Heiser, 1911; Chamberlain and Vedder, 1911; Chamberlain, Vedder and Williams, 1912; Strong and Crowell, 1912; Vedder, 1912; Vedder and Clark, 1912; Veclder and Williams, 1913; Gibson, 1913; Gibson and Concepcion, 1914. Therefore, there is no reason why the imported food articles should be preferred over those raised or produced locally. Kandule (Arius spp.) is an inexpensive fish and is abundant in many Philippine waters. Partly due to its eating habit, some people are prejudiced against it, although it is no worse than a pig in this respect. The flesh of kandule contains a good amount of the amino-acids arginine, histidine and ly<'ine, ,.,,-hich are important materials for the building of muscles, (Galvez and Santos, 1932) . Gallan or palauan [Cyrtosperma merkusii (Hassk.) Schott] is a tuberous plant that grows in swampy places and in soils that are constantly moist and useless for producing important agricultural crops. It can be grown easily as it needs no special care. A number of food preparations are made from gallan such as jam, bibingka (hot cake), minokmok (powdered boiled gallan, mixed with grated coconut and sugar), suman (finely grated gallan mixed with sugar and grated coconut-wrapped with banana leaves and boiled), palitao or bilobilo (boiled dumpling), and maduya (fritter). It is sometimes used in place of sweet potato tubers in a Spanish viand called 'JYUchero. In time of famine it may be used as a substitute for rice. The ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 397 young leaves and inflorescence may be eaten as vegetable and both are rich in growth promoting vitamin, (Ge&mundo, 1932). Latundan is the most popular banana in the Philippines. When compared with the other common varieties, it was found to be the easiest to aigest. There is a general belief that Saba banana when uncooked is hard to digest. Studies have shown that when Saba is fully ripe it is easier to digest when raw than when cooked, (Santos, et al., 1933). Seaweeds serve as a vegetable and are eaten in quantity, especially by people who live along the sea coast. They are a good source of the mineral, iodine. However when young animals (rats) were given plenty of seaweeds (70 per cent of the diet) growth was retarded, (Collado, 1926). A great deal of important work on deficiency diseases has also been done, including pioneering studies on the etiology and cure of 8eriberi, (Santos and Adriano, 1929 ; Hermano, 1934) . Since beriberi is prevalent in the country, it is natural that more interest should have been given by biological chemists in the Philippines to the anti-beriberi vitamin than to the others. Native fruits and vegetables have been found to contain plenty of vitamin B, but of those examined potato leaves and shoots appear to be the richest. Sprouted mongo or togi, the young leaves and flower of squash and libato (Basella rubra,. Linn.) are also good sources of this vitamin, (Santos, 1922, 1934; Acuiia, 1923; Santos and Santos, 1926; de Jesus, 1927; Santos and Colhdo, 1928; Hermano, 1930). Of the fruits, a.vocado is one of the richest in the anti-beriberi vitamin, (Santos, 1922). Since tomato is rich not only in anti-beriberi but also in the anti-scorbutic vitamin, the increased use of it is advised. When eaten at least one raw tomato should be consumed. The popular fruit, lanzones, is poor both in antiscorbutic, (Hermano and Sepulveda, 1934) and anti-beriberi vitamins, (Santos, 1934). Beriberi is usually associated with the too exclusive use of polished rice. During the process of polishing, the bran which contains the vitamin is removed. So the eating of unpolished rice is advocated. However, not all unpolished rice is preventive of beriberi. Unpolished Gariiigan Tapuc<>y rice is poor in 39S NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL anti-beriberi vitamin. In Mindoro many people who used to eat Garifigan Tapucoy contracted a disease called "lapnus," (Santos and Collado, 1932). The above very brief review shows that Biological Chemistry in .the Philippines was used more as a tool than as a science to be developed; and as such it has been most us~ful in the advancement both of Philippine agriculture and Filipino nutrition that has taken place during the last twenty five years. LITERATURE CITED ACUNA, E. M. 1923. The vitamin B content of some Philippine fruits and \regetables. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 12: 293-302. ADRIANO, F. T. 1925. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 14: 57-91. ADRIANO, F. T. 1929. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs, II. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. lS: 119-126. ADRIANO, F. T. AND E. J. TAVANLAR. 1925. The calcium oxide content Of some Philippine foods. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 14: 347-35S. ADRIANO, F. T. AND M. s. DE GUZMAN. 1932. The proximate chemical analysis of some Philippine food products, IV. Tke Philippine Agri· culturist, v. 20: 5S0·592. ADRIANO, F. T., H. T. RAMOS AND L. A. YNALVEZ. 1932. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs, III. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 530-534. ARON, H. 1910. Phosphorus starvation with special reference to beriberi, I. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5B: Sl-122. DERECHO, A. 1921. A biographical study of copra meal. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 10: 45-54. GALVEZ, N. AND F. 0 SANTOS. 1932. The amino-acid content of kandule (Arius spp.). University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 2: 1-6. GESMUNDO, A. 1932. ·The nutritive value of "gallan." Cyrtosperma merku.ssi (Hassk) Schott. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 106-126. GIBSON, R. G. 1913. The influence of compensated salt mixture on the development of polyneuritis gallinarum and beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. SB: 351-367. GIBSON, R. B. 1913. The protective power of normal human milk against polyneuritis gallinarum (beriberi). Philippine Journal of Science, v. SB: 469-491. GIBSON, R. B. AND I. CoNCEPCION. 1914. Nerve degeneration in fowls fed on unhusked rice (palay). Philippine Journal of Science, v. 9B: 119120. HEISER, V. G. 1911. Practical experiences with beriberi and unpolished rice in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6B: 229-233. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 399 HERMANO, A. J. 1930. The vitamin content of Philippine foods, I. Vita.min A and B in Basell,a rubra, Capsicum frutescens, and Vigna sinensis. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 41: 387-401. A.llloN, H. AND F. HocsoN. 1910. Phosphorus starvation with special reference to beriberi, II. Philippi:n,~ Journal of Science, v. 5B: 98-122. CoLLADO, E. G. 1926. Studies on the nutritive properties of seaweeds. Tke Philippine Agriculturist, v. 15: 129-148. CHAMBERLAIN, W. P. 1911. The eradication of beriberi from the Philippine (native) Scouts by means of a simple change in their dietary. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6B: 133-146. CHAMBERLAIN, w. P. AND E. B. VEDDER. 1911. A contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journ,al of Science, v. 6B: 251-258. CHAMBERLAIN, w. P. AND E. B. VEDDER. 1911. A second contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6B: 395-404. CHAMBERLAIN, W. P., D. H. BIOOMBERGH AND E. D. KII.JWURNE. 1911. A study of the influence of rice diet and of inanition on the production of multiple neurities of fowls and the bearing thereof on the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 6B: 177-209. CHAMBERLAIN, W. P., E. B. VEDDER AND R. R. WILLIAMS. 1912. A third contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7B: 39-54. HER.MANO, A. J. 1934. Food Values. Popular Bulletin, No. 16. Bureau of Science, p. 39. HER.MANO, A. J. AND G. SEPULVEDA, JR. 1934. The vitamin content of Philippine foods, II. Vitamin C in various fruits and vegetables. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 53: 379-390. HERMANO, A. J. AND G. SEPULVEDA, JR. 1934. The vitamin content of Philippine foods, III. Vitamin B in various fruits and vegetables. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 54: 61-71. JESUS, F. DE. 1927. The vitamin B content of some Philippine fruits and vegetables, III. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 15: 533-542. KILBOURNE. E. D. 1910. Food salts in relation to beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 5B: 127-135. LABAYEN, S. D. 1914. The chemical composition of Philippine sweet potatoes. The Philippine Agriculturist and Forester, v. 3: 79-80. MARTINEZ, J. R. 1932. Comparative mineral content of Philippine bananas: calcium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 547-550. ROXAS, M. L. AND ~. G. CoLLAOO. 1922. A preliminary critical study of the Filipino diet, I. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 2: 1-15. SANTOS, F. O. 1920. A biochemical study of copra meal. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 16: 181-189. SANTOS, F. 0. 1922. Some plant sources of vitamin B and C. The American Journal of Physiology, v. 59: 310-334. 400 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANTOS. F. 0. AND s. SANTOS. 1926. The vitamin B content of some Philippine fruits and vegetables, II. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 30: 307-323. SANTOS, F. 0. AND E. G. Col.LADO. 1928. The anti-beriberi vitamin content of sweet potato leaves and shoots. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 16: 513-520. SANTOS, F. 0. AND F. T. ADRIANO. 1929. The chemical composition of Philippine food materials. Bureau of Printing, Manila, p. 20. SANTOS, F. 0. AND S. S. AsCALON. 1981. Amount of nutrients in Phifippine food materials. Circular No. 20. College of Agriculture, University of the Philiippines, p. 8. SANTOS, F. O. AND E. G. CoLLADO. 1932. The nutritive value of Philippine cereals, II. Garifigan Tapucoy. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 632-636. SANT()S, F. 0., E. M. CAGUICLA, W. S. FIGUEROA, AND F. SEVILLANO. 1933. Digestibility with diastase in vitro of Philippine bananas. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 3: 305308. SANTOS, F. 0. AND N. A. PIDLAOAN. 1933. The food of the male inmates of Bilibid Prison. Philiwine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 13: 493-501. SANTOS, F. 0. 1934. Agriculturai Chemistry in the service of the State. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 337-349. SERRANO, C. B. 1923. Prussic acid in Phaseolus lunatus and other beans. Tke Philippine Agriculturist, v. 11: 163-175. STRONG, R. P. AND B. C. CROWELL. 1912. The etiology of beriberi. Phil~~ne Journal of Science, v. 7B: 271-414. SULIT, B. 1926. Studies on the toxicity of copra meal, I. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 14: 511-522. VEDDER, E. B. 1912. A1 fourth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine JoUrnal of Science, v. 7B: 415-422. VEDDER, E. B. AND E. CLARK. 1912. A study of polyneuritis gallinarum. A fifth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7B: 423-461. VEDDER, E. B. AND R. R. WILLIAMS. 1913. Concerning the beriberi preventing substances or vitamins contained in rice polishings. A sixth contribution to the etiology of beriberi. Philippine Journal of Science, v. BB: 175-195. INDUSTRIES IN THE PHILIPPINES By FRANCISCO D. REYES Of the Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of Industrial Chemistry During the Spanish regime there were several industries already established in the Philippines. The manufacture of muscovado or concrete sugar, cast iron, lime, salt, leather and pottery were already carried on. In the early days of the American regime, 1901, a Bureau of Government laboratories was established, which was la<ter changed in 1905 to "Bureau of Science". One of the main objects of the Bureau was to prOlrn.ote the utilization of the commercial and industrial resources of the country and for the collection and di·ssemination of scientific, technical and commercial information relating to them. Herbert S. Walker (1910) of the Bureau of Science, made an exhaustive investigation of the Sugar Industry in the Island of Negros during the years 1908 to 1909. The average cost of producing muscovado sugar in that island was given and compared with the cost of making centrifugal sugar. As a result of Walker's intimate knowledge of the local sugar industry he •advocated the establishment of modern sugar centrals to produce centrifugal sugar. From 1913 a considerable number of modern sugar centrals :were erected in the sugar districts of the Islands with the result that at the present time practically all of our raw sugar exports consist of centrifugal sugar. In 1913, V. Q. Gana (1915) of the Bureau of Science, made an investigation of the local process of leather manufacture. The result of his investigations with the suggested improvements were published in the Philippi,ne Journal of Science, Vol. X, Sec. A, No. 6 (1916). As a result of Mr. Gana's investigation odorless sole leather is now locally manufactured, but the improvement has not reached the state of producing leather of the same quality as that produced in America. Very little has been done in t.he utilization of skins for use as upper leather. This phase of the leather industry should receive more attention in the future. 401 402 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In 1914, Cox and Dar Juan (1915) of the Bureau of Science, made a comprehensive study of the various methods of salt-making as practiced in the Philippines. The method introduced by the Chinese, known locally as "iras inchic" appears to be a most economical process of making .salt from sea water by solar evaporation. Cox and Dar Juan determined the proper relation that should exist between the various parts of the salt plant. The lime manufacture in the Philippines previous to 1914, was made in intermitten kilns. In that year, a small continuous kiln of one ton capacity per day was constructed to supply a sugar central in Calatagan, Batangas. The kiln was constructed along the same lines as the experimental kiln constructed at the Bureau of Science by L. W. Thurlow (1916), modified as a result of the experience acquired in operating the experimental kiln at the Bureau. Since then, modern continuous kilns were introduced to supply the high quality of lime required by the sugar Industry. F. D. Reyes (1928) of the Bureau of Science, made a study of the relative efficiency of the various fuels available for lime burning. J. C. Witt (1918) made an investigation of the status of the brick and pottery industry in the Islands. Witt suggested burning the bricks at a higher temperature to increase their crushing strength. W. C. Reibling and F. D. Reyes (1912) made an investigation on the Chemical and Physical properties of cement. Exhaustive tests were also made on the suitability of cement raw materials from N aga, Cebu. As a result of this investigation the Philippine Government decided to establish a cement factory in that locality. LITERATURE CITED Cox, ALVIN J. and T. DAR JUAN. 1915. Salt Industry and resources of the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.10A:375-401. GANA, VICENTE Q. 1915. The leather industry of the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 10A:349-374. REIBLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1910. Physical and Chemical properties of Portland cement. Parts I and II. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5A:367-415. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 403 REIBLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1911. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement. Part ·III. The setting properties of Portland cement. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6A:207-250. REIBLING, W. C. and F. D. REYES. 1912. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement. Parts IV and V. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 7A:135-191. R.EYEs, F. D. 1928. 'The lime industry of the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 36:139-153. THURLOW, L. W. 1916. Manufacture of lime in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.11A:129-132. WALKER, HERBERT S. 1910. The sugar industry in the Island of Negros. Bu. of Sci. publication. Wrrr, J. C. 1918. Methods of burning pottery in the vicinity of Manila and their influence on the quality of the product. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.13A:59-63. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH IN THE PHILIPPINES By P ATROCINIO VALENZUELA Of the University of the Philippines Secretary, Sections of Pharmacopreia ond Phytochemistry A review of the world history of pharmacy and chemistry unveils the wealth of research works undertaken by pharmacists, ~any of which have been the bases of fundamental discoveries in science. Although the beginnings of pharmacy in the Philippines date much later than in those countries that enjoyed the blessings of earlier civilization, the history of Philippine pharmacy reveals that a number of pioneering researches in pharmacy contributed to the development and progress of science in the Philippines, both during the Spanish period and during the American era. RESEARCH WORKERS IN EARLY DRUG STORES IN THE PHILIPPINES Insofar as written Fecords are concerned, some of the foreign scientists, especially the German pharmacists who came to the Philippines to work in the first drug stores in Manila were among the first research workers in science in the Philippines whose studies led to the development of some of the Philippine industries. Friederick Steck, a German pharmacist who later became the owner of Botica Boie in 1835 and Botica de Sta. Cruz in 1865, was the first to work, in 1868, on the distillation of the oil of ilang-ilang (Canangium odoratum) on a commercial basis. He worked with his nephew Pablo Sartorius under whose name the ilang-ilang oil was marketed. The Sartorius ilang-ilang oil became commercially known throughout the world when it won the gold medal and highest awards at the expositions in Madrid jn 1887 and St. Louis in 1904.1 Undoubtedly, the establishment of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Sto. Tomas in 1871, offering a course comprising one preparatory year and a five-year curriculum of pharmacy leading to the degree of Licentiate in Pharmacy which ran parnllel with the requirements for graduation in medicine, 1 Centennial Memorial of Botica Boie Philippine American Drug Company, 1930, 104 p. Manila. 404 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 405 laid the foundation of Philippine pharmacy and chemistry and produced research workers such as Anacleto del Rosario, Leon i\la. Guerrero, Vfotoriano Luciano, Manuel Zamora, Mari1 ano V. del Rosario, Primo Hizon, and a number of others. Many of the scientific investigations of these pioneer Filipino pharmacists were made in the laboratories of drug stores. Victori1 ano Luciano y Simeona, one of the thirteen martyrs of Cavite who graduated from the University of Sto. Tomas on March 20, 1888, was among th~ first to experiment on the distillation of ilang-ilang and other volatile oils in the laboratory of his drug store. For his scientific works, Luciano was elected "miembro fundador con diploma de honor de la Academia Universal de Ciencias y Artes Industriales de Bruselas," in 1894. In experimental work, however, the contributions of Anacleto del Rosario y Sales were unequalled by any pharmacist or chemist of the Philippines in his time. PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY The first works in botany undertaken in the Philippines dealt largely with medicinal plants. A brief review of this subject is given by Merrill in his "Historical Sketch of Philippine Botany." 2 In the same volume there is a bibliography of Philippine botany with approximately 1,700 titles. This bibliography covers all available works from 1601 to 1925, and includes a large number of publications dealing with Philippine medicinal plants. Some works on medicinal plants remained unpublished. Elsewhere in this volume, Rodriguez and Bantug mention some of the known works in pharmaceutical botany. Of special iinterest in pharmacy is the work of Pardo de Tavera on "Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas" and Guerrero on "Medicinal uses of Philippine Plants" <and "Notas sobre Plantas Medicinales de Filipinas." PHARMACOGNOSY This branch of science was taught under the title of "materia farmaceutica vegetal y animal," in the Faculty of Pharmacy of ithe University of Sto. Tomas, when the latter was the only existing pharmaceutical institution. Dr. Leon Ma. Guerre•Merrill, E. D. 1926. Historical Sketch of Philippine Botany. In Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants, v. 4 :43-56. 406 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ro, who graduated from the tricentenarian university in 1877 as the first Filipino to receive the degree of Licentiate in Pharmacy, is the first Filipino research worker in pharmacognosy. He undertook at the request of the Court of first 'instance an investigation of over one thousand Chinese drugs of mineral, vegetable and animal origin imported into these Islands without any restriction many of them admittedly poisonous. Considering the facilities then at his command, one cannot but wonder at the manner in wh>ich he carried out his investigation "for even fossil mollusks of the first geological ages utilized in the Chinese materia medica have been classified." Unfortunately, for scientists the results of many of the early original scientific works of Dr. Guerrero have not been published, except those already cited, and numerous fragmentary contributions that were mostly printed anonymously in the Cronicas de Ciencias M edicas de Filipinas, the Revista Farmaceutica de Filipinas, the Actas, y Comunicaciones de la Asamblea Regional de Medicos y Farmaceuticos de Filipinas, the Re1:ista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia and the Journal of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association. During the American era, the original works of Santos (J. K.) on Chenopodium ambrosioides, Alstonia scholaris R. Brown, Datura alba Nees and D. fastuosa Linnaeus, Tinospora rumphii Boerlage andi T. reticulata Miers, Artabotrys suaveolens Blume, Philippine cinnamon enriched greatly the field of pharmacognostical investigations and constitute the outstanding contributions in Philippine pharmacognosy. PHARMACY The early practitioners of pharmacy in the Philippines during the first decades of the eighteenth century were the pioneers who investiwated the problems on compounding of prescriptions; but the Ji.terature of Philippine pharmacy is silent on this matter owing to the lack of published reports. Zamora studied various galenical preparations, such as extracts, ampules, aromatic vinegars, granular products, household remedies and others. The most important, however, of all his works was the manufacture of extract of tikitiki which he successfully developed on a commercial scale, a work that earned for him the welldeserved name of "savior of children," because this extract cured effectively the young patients suffering from the dreaded disANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 407 eases of beriberi., the intensive research on rice grains and bran, the preparation and preservation of tikitiki extract, and related subjects, undertaken mainly in the laboratories of the Bureau of Science by a host of investigators solved many perplexing problems that confronted those whose lives have been dedicated to the study of reducing infant mortality in the Philippines. It may not be amiss to mention at this juncture, that the value of the amazing results of the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biochemical investigations on tikitiki might have been overiooked, if they had not been enhanced by the work of Manuel L. Guerrero, Joaquin Quintos, Jose Albert and other Filipino 11hysicians whose keen observation and spirit of research while in the clinics or at the bed-side decidedly demonstrated the therapeutic effects of tikitiki extract. The early study on the manufacture of parenteral solutions of various kinds in the Philippines had been made by Hizon <ind Rodriguez and continued by Hizon (P.) and Hizon (R.). Studies on the widely used ampul preparations made by Feliciano (R.), Santos (A. C.), and Castro, are contributions in galenical pharmacy in the Philippines worth recording. The work of Du Mez on the compounds of emetine and his studies on galenical oleoresins were among the early experimental works in scien1tific pharmacy in the Philippines during the first two decades of the American era. Works on the preparation of oleoresins, resins, tinctures, fluidextracts, medicinal cigarettes from Philippine drugs, and other galenical products, were also contributed by Feliciano, Valenzuela and collaboriators and Faustino Garcia. One of the important branches of pharmaceutical knowledge is the subject of assaying, which is indispensable in the control of the therapeutic potency of pharmaceutical products. In this line, contributions were made by del Rosario, Marafion, Faustino Garcia, Gueval'la, Jimenez, Barcelon, Oliveros and others. The assay of extract of tikttiki as ia pharmaceutical problem which is badly needed owing to the existence in the Philippine market of several brands of extract of tikitiki is now approaching its solution. The work of Hemano on the biological asiSay of extract of tikitiki and the cytological studies 408 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of Jose K. Santos on rice, will undoubtedly be the basis of solution of this problem in Philippine pharmacy. Researches on phytochemistry and pharmacology will not be considered in detail in this writing, firstly, because the space is limited and secondly because the work on the two subjects have been reYiewed by Mara:iion and de la Paz. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY The aims' of "iatrochemistry" as propounded by Paracelsus, v1ho believed that ,the object of alchemy was not the conversion of the base metals into gold but the discovery of medicinal agents for the alleviation of suffering humanity, portray vividly the objects of pharmaceutical chemistry. It may deal with the preparation of inorganic and organic chemicals used in medicine, their properties, purity rubric, and methods of assay, or it may treat of the synthesis of medicinal agents or ,the isolation and purification of physiologically active constituents of plants or animals. However, all pharmaceutico-chemical investigations aim primarily to obtain the best chemical compounds for the treatment of human ailments. Research works along these lines were underfaken in the Philippines by Perkins and Cruz, who studied the compounds relaited to the constituents of the oil of chaulmoogra with the object of obtaining a derivative that may prove more valuable than the compounds already known and used. Similar studies were made by Herrera, Santiago and West and de Santos. As to the effonts in isolating and characterizing plant constituents, Bacon, Brill, Wells, Mara:iion, A. C. Santos, Uichanco (V. B.) and others are the investigators who made valuable additions to the knowledge of the cons:tituents of Philippine plants. The work of A. C. Santos on the isolation of &lkaloid and the study of their chemical constitution are the first of its kind ever accomplished in Philippine phytochemistry. The following are some of the works in Philippine pharmacy 1 and related subjects: ARON, HANS and FELIX HocsoN. 1911. Reis als Nahrun:gsmittel. Untersuchungenuber des Nund P20o-Stoffwechsel bei Ernahrung mit Reis and anderer hauptsachlich vegetabilischer Nahrung. Biochem. Ztschr., v. 32, pp. 189-206, May 8, 1911. Through Chemisches Zentralblatt, v. 83, 1911, p. 153. BAOON, R. F. 1906. The physiologically active constituents of certab Philippine medicinal plants. PhUippine :iournal of science, v. 1 :1007. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 409 BARCELON, TRINIDAD. 1932. Further study of Quisqualis indica Linnaeus. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4:419-447. BRILL, H. C. and A. G. WELLS. 1917. The Physiological active constituents of certain Philippine medicinal plants: II. Philippine journal of science, v.12A:167. CASTRO, E. R., A. C. SANTOS and P. VALENZUELA. 1932. Alkaloids of Mahonia philippinensis Takeda. University of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 401. FELICIANO, JOSE M. 1927. Mineral waters. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands for the years 1924 and 1925, p. 112-15. FELICIANO, JOSE M. 1931. "Makabuhay" Tinospora reticulata, Menispermaceae. Philippine pharmaceutical association, First proceedings, p. 60-71. FELICIANO, RAMON T. 1919. Extraccion y estudio quimico del jugo concreto extraido del tronco de la Acacia farnesiana, Wild. (Aroroma, Esp.-Fil.) Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 10: 464-71. GARCIA, F. and JOSE E. JIMENEZ. 1927. Standardization of digitalis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7 :41. GARCIA, F. and A. C. SANTOS. 1931. Chemical and pharmacological studies of plumieride. Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22:254-65. GARCIA, F., R. GUEVARA and JOSE E. JIMENEZ. 1927. Standardization of digitalis. Philippine Islands Medical Association. Journal, v. 7 :41. GARCIA, FAUSTINO~ 1918. On the application in the Philippine Islands ·Jf biologic standardization of digitalis and its allies. Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9 :393-97. GARCIA, FAUSTINO. 1921. Biological assay of and preservation of fluidextract of ergot. Philippine pharmaceutical association. First Proceedings, p. 129-134. GUERREIW, LEON MA. 1910. Discurso leido el dia 2 de Julio en la apertura anual de los estudios de la Universidad Pontifica de Sto. Tomas de Manila. GUERRERO, LEON MA. 1918. Medicinal plants of the Philippine Islands. Census of the Philippine Islands, v. 3:747-87. GUERRERO, LEON MlA. 1921. Medicinal uses cf Philippine plants. ( ln Brown's Minor products of the Philippine Forests, v. 3: 163-246) Philippine Islands Bureau of Forestry. Bulletin, No. 22. GUERRERO, LEON MA.. 1930. Drogas vegetales de Filipinas. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2, no. 5, p. 205-208; no. 6, p. 241-44; No. 7, p. 277-87. GUERRERO, LEON MA. 1903. Medicinal plants of the Philippines. Official Handbook of the Philippines. Pt. I: 359-403. GUERRERO, LEON MA. 1931. Notas sobre plantas medicinales. Translated into English by Josefina Ramos. Manila. Mimeo. 165 p. HERMANO, A. H. 1931. Two ideal sources of assimilable calcium for the prevention of tuberculosis. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3:221-223. 410 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL HERMANO, A. H. 1931. Tiki-tiki extract in the treatment of adult beriberi. San Juan de Dios Hospital Bulletin, v. 5:192-97. HERRERA, PILAR P. 1927. Anilides and toluides of chaulmoogric acid. (Capryl, Allyl, Phenyl, Ortho cresol, Meta cresol, Para cresol). Philippine journal of science, v. 31:161-68. HocsoN, FELIX. 1916. Estudio de los alimentos comunmente usados en las Islas Filipinas. Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 7 :487-99. JIMENE'L, JOSE E. 1928. A note on the oil o:!: Philippine chenopodium. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :59-62. JIMENEZ, JOSE E. 1929. The isolation of the active principles and the pharmacodynamics of Eurycles amboinensis (L.) Lindi. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :185-192. LUNA, ANTONIO y NOVICIO. 1894. Notas bacteriologicas y experimentales sobre la gripe. Ret•ista farmaceutica de Filipinas, v. 1, No. 11: p. 130-32. MAR.ANON, JOAQUIN. 1929. An alkaloidal constituent of Artabotrys suaveolens Blume. Philippine journal of science, v. 38:259-67. MARANON, JOAQUIN. 1927. The bitter principle of "makabuhay," Tinospora rumphii Boerlage. Philippine joun:al of science, v. 33 :357-61. MARANON, JOAQUIN. 1928. Total alkaloids of Datura fastuosa Linnaeus and Datura alba Nees from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 37 :251-60. OLIVEROS, L. and P. VALENZUELA. 1929. Papain and the dried juice of Garica papaya Linnaeus from Silang, Cavite. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :307-15. OLIVEROS, L. and A. C. SANTOS. 1934. The alkaloids of Eurycles amboinensis. University of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4 :41. PARDO DE TAVERA, T. H. 1892. Plantas medicinales de Filipinas. Translated into English by J. B. Thomas. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines. 1901. xvi, 269 p. PERKINS, G. A. and AURELIO 0. CRUZ. 1923. A comparative analytical study of various oils in the chaulmoogra group. Philippine journal of science, v. 23:543-69. PERKINS, A. G., AURELIO C. Cauz and M. C. REYES. 1927. Studies of chaulmoogra group oils, II-with special reference to refining and the isolation of hydnocarpic acid. Industr·ial and engineering chemistry, v. 19 :939-42. PERKINS, A. G. and A. 0. CRUZ. 1927. Syntheeis of compounds similar to chaulmoogric acid. I. American chemical sodety. Journal, v. 49: 517-22. PERKINS, A. G. and A. 0. CRUZ. 1927. Synthesis of compounds similar to chaulmoogric acid. II. di. Chaulmoogric acid. American chemical society. Journal, v. 49:1070-77. QUIBILAN, GUILLERMO Q. 1930. Poisoning with potassium cyanide. Report of a case with toxicological analysis. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2: 7-17. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 411 QUIBILAN, GUILLERMO Q. and FELICIANA REYES. 1931. Arsenic poisoning with toxicological analysis. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3:257-65. QumILAN, GUILLERMO Q. 1932. Forensic Analysis. I. A note on salicylic acid poisoning. Report of two cases. PhilipPine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4: 153-6. RAMOS, JOSEFINA. 1931. Botanical, chemical and pharmaceutical study of Luff a cylindrica (L.) Roemer. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :378-88. RAMOS, JOSEFINA, P. VALENZUELA and A. c. SANTOS. 1933. A crystalline toxic constituent of the wild form of Luffa cylindrica. (L.) Roemer. Abstract in National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. Bulletin, 9: 26. REYES, FELICIANA and A. c. SANTOS. 1931. On the isolation of Anpnaine from Anona squamosa Linnaeus. Philippine journal of science, v. 44 :409-410. RICHMOND, G. F. and MARIANO v. DEL ROSARIO. 1907. A commercial utilization of some Philippine oil-bearing seeds. Philippine journal of science, v. 2 :439-449. ROSARIO, ANACLETO DEL. 1890. Memoria descriptiva de los manantiales minero-medicinales de la Isla de Luzon, por Anacleto del Rosario y Sales, Jose Centeno y Garcia, y Jose Vera y Gomez. ROSARIO y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1893. Contribucion al estudio de la esencia del ilang-ilang. (Vide. El diario de Manila del 14 de Febrero de 1893). Revista farmaceutica d"- Filipinas, v. 1, no. 1, p. 4-5; no. 3, p. 33-34; no. 4, p. 45-48. ROSARIO y SALES, ANACLE'OO DEL, ENRIQUE ABELLA Y CASARRIEOO Y JOSE DE VERA y GoMEZ. 1895. Estudio descriptivo de algunos manantiales de Filipinas; precedido de un prologo escrito por el Excmo. Sr. D. Angel de Aviles. La corespondencia medica de Filipinas, v. 2:91-93, 109-10, 124-25, 143, 158, 173-74, 190-91. RoSARIO Y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1895. Analisis de las aguas feruginosas de la Isla de N egros. ROSARIO y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1895. Analisis de la orina en el beriberi. Cronico de cicncias medicas de Filipinas, v. 1: 112-15. ROSARIO y SALES, ANACLETO DEL. 1895. Analisis de las aguas minero-medicinales de Filipinas ( edicion oficial). RosARIO, MARIANO V. DEL. 1893. Ptomainas del cadaver humano. R·Jvista farmaceutica de Filipinas, v. 1, nos. 6-7, p. 83-88. ROSARIO, MARIANO V. DEL. 1910. On the determination of the aldehydes in distilled liquors. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 :29-32. ROSARIO, MARIANO v. DEL and J. MARANON. 1919. The physico-chemical valoration of tiki-tiki extract. Philippine journal of science, v. 15: 221-232. ROSARIO, MARIANO v. DEL and P. v ALENZUELA. 1922. Commercial acetylsalicylic acid. Philippine journal of scirnce, v. 20 :15-20. 412 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROSARIO, MARIANO v. DEL and s. GARCIA. 1928. Some adulterants of aspirin. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19 :188-92. Also in Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v.1:143-146. SANTIAGO, SIMEONA and A. P. WEST. 1927. Chaulmoogric amino benzoic acids and chaulmoogra anilides. Philippine journal of science, v. 33:265-69. SANTIAGO, SIMEONA and A. P. WEST. 1928. Chaulmoogryl derivatives of lactates and salicylates. Philippine journal of science, v. 35 :405-09. SANTILLAN, PURA and A. P. WEST. 1929. Chi;.ulmoogryl brom and chlor phenols. Philippine journal of science, v. 40 :493-97. SANTOS, ALFREDO C. 1930. Alkaloid from Ancna reticulata. Philippine journal of science, v. 43 :561. SANTOS, ALFREDO C. 1931. On the Alkaloids of Archangelisia /lava L. University of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1:153-61. SANTOS, ALFREDO C. 1931. Alkaloids of Phaeanthus cbracteolatus (Pres!) Merill. On Phaeanthine. Revista Filipina de medicina y f arm,JJ,cia, v. 22:243-53. SANTOS, ALFREDO C. 1931. Uber die Alkaloide von Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Presl) Merrill. II. Mitteil: Zur Kenntnis des Phaeanthins. Berichte der Deutschen chemisches gesellschaft, Jahr,g. 65 Meft, 3, Seite 472. SANTOS, ALFREDO c. and FELICIANA REYES. 1932. Ueber Artabotrys alkaloide, I. Mittell. University of the Philippines, Natural and appli~d science bulletin, v. 2:407. SANTOS, ALFREDO c. and PACIFICA ADKILEN. 1932. The alkaloids of Argemone mexicana. American chemical society. Journal, v. 54:2923. SANTOS, ALFREDO c. and GUILLERMO Q. QUIBILAN. 1933. Ambaline, a new alkaloid from Pychnarrhena manillensis Vidal. University of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3:353. SANTOS, ALFREDO c. and AUOORA SAMSON. 1934. The mercuriation of nipasol, A propyl ester of p-hydroxy benzoic acid. University of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4 :149-154. SANTOS, IRENE DE and A. P. WEST. 1929. Chaulmoogryl amino phenols and chaulmoogryl benzylamine. Philipp,ine journal of science, v. 39: 445. SANTOS, IRENE DE and A. P. WEST. 1929. Chaulmoogryl substituted phenols and chaulmoogryl hydroxy ethyl benzoate. Philippine journal of science, v. 38 :293-98. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1925. A pharmacognostical study of Chenopodium ambrosioides Linnaeus from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 28 : 529-4 7. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1926. Histological study of the bark of Alstonia sclwlaris R. Brown from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 31 :415-29. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1927. A pharmacognostical study of Datura alba Nees and Datura fastuosa Linnaeus from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 32:275-96. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 413 SANTOS, JOSE K. 1928. Stem and leaf structure of Tinospora rumphii Boerlage and Tinospora reticulata Miers. Philippine journal of science, v. 35 :187-208. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1929. Histological and microchemical studies of the bark and leaf of Artabotrys suaveolens Blume from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 38 :269-82. SANTOS, JOSE K. 1930. The leaf and bark structure of some Cinnamon trees with special reference to the Philippine species. PhiliPpine journal of science. v. 43 :305-365. UICHANCO, VIRGINIA and P. v ALENZUELA. 1933. Rotenone and other constituents of Philippine species of Derris. Abstract in National Rosearch Council of the Philippine Islands. Bulletin, 9 :26. UICHANCO, VIRGINIA B. 1933. A study of three species of Philippine derris. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3 :129-239. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO. 1921. Isolation of the active principles of Talampunay (Datura alba, Nees, Solanaceae) and its fluidextract. Proceedings of the First Philippine pharmaceutical convention, p. 56-64. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO. 1926. Philippine ginger. American pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 15 :652-61; 734-44. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO and EDWARD KREMERS. 1928. Phytochemical notes. Jamaica ginger. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19 :310-14. VALENZUELA, P., R. GUEVARA and s. GARCIA. 1929. Lansium domesticum Correa: I, a study of the chemistry of the rind and the pharmacodynamics of the resin obtained therefrom. Unfoersity of the Philippines, Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1:71-91. ZAMORA, MANUEL. 1921. Estudio comparativo de los distintos vinagres aromaticos de varias farmacopoeas y formularios reconocidos. Read in the scientific section of galenical preparations of the First Philippine pharmaceutical association convention, Feb. 2, 1921. ZAMORA, MANUEL. 1921. Estudios preliminare'5 sobre los compuestos nitrogenados del patis y sus similares. Read in the scientific meeting, section of applied chemistry of the Philippine pharmaceutical convention (inedito) Enero 31, 1931. V. DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY By RAFAEL B. ESPINO Of the University of the PhiliP'Pines Chairman, Section of Plant Physiology Plant Physiology which deals with the functions of tissues, plant organs, and the behavior of individual plants, "occupies a somewhat uncommon position among the natural sciences". It has "many of the characteristics of a young science, although it is not really such". In several agricultural institutions in the United States it is only quite recently that it has been considered as a separate science. But the study of plant physiology at the College of Agriculture at Los Banos has been taken Reriously ever since the establishment of that institution in 1909, the subject being considered as fundamental to agronomy. The subject of plant physiology had. been given little attention in the Philippines prior to American administration. If there had been any report on this phase of plant study it probably was in connection with the work of the Spanish Bureau of Forestry and only as casual observations, nothing based ')Il well planned and carefully conducted experimental studies. For, most of the botanical studies made during the Spanish regime were on the classification and nomenclature of Philippine plants. Perhaps a few of the studies were on wood technology and on the economic value of certain plants. In April of 1902, Dr. Elmer D. Merrill started the establishment of a herbarium for the Philippine Government under the American sovereignty. Four years later, in 1906, Dr. Edwin Bingham Copeland published the results of his extensive experimental studies, "On the water relation of the coconut palm" (Cocos nucifera). Records show that this was the first experimental study of plant physiology made in the Islands but it was soon followed by other similar physiological studies. It was also Doctor Copeland, the founder and the first Dean of the College of Agriculture at Los Banos, who included plant physiology in the curricula of that College. In this connection he wrote the following: ... having a free hand in planning its course of study, I provided that every student not only could but must take one full year of 414 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 415 plant physiology, and that students taking the course regularly must have this year of plant physiology before being admitted to the study of agriculture itself. It was thus an experiment and Doctor Copeland had several reasons for making it. Decidedly, the strongest reason, according to him, was the fact that "the raising of crops is essentially nothing 1nore or less than applied botany". He strongly believes and he is right that "the fir8t essential in any scientific agriculture is the understanding of the ways of the plants". Doctor Copeland's experiment proved a complete success. It withstood the test of time and has been copied by several agriculturaJ institutions outside of the Philippines. His students of the pioneer days of the College are today the principal contributors to our knowledge of plant physiology in the Philippines. For these reasons, to give credit where credit belongs, it can be said that Dvctor Copeland is the father of plant physiology in the Philippines. Plant physiology not only is extensive in scope but of great practical value to agriculture. It deals with the study of absorption and excretion, metabolism, growth and reproduction, movement and irritability and death of plants. Its largest and most important branch is plant nutrition with both the physical and chemical aspects. In the words of Professor Burton E. Livingston, some of the topics dealt with in plant physiology are the following: "water requirements; nutrition by inorganic materials; nutrition by organic materials; the exchange of energy between the organism and its surroundings; the chlorophyll function; respiration, with and without free oxygen; enzymes, activators, hormones, and the general phenomena oi catalysis; the control of growth and development, including reproduction; the physiology of movement and its control; and the physics and chemistry of protoplasm". The ultimate aim of plant physiology is to be able to interpret all the life processes occurring in plants in terms of the simple laws of physics and chemistry. However, because of the complexity of the protoplasm and what it can do, and the inadequacy of the present knowledge of physical and chemical laws, the ultimate goal of the efforts of plant physiologists has not yet been reached. Extensive experimental studies have been made in the Philippines on the physiology of plants, especially crop plants and others of economic value. Most of these studies have been car416 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ried out in the College of Agriculture at Los Banos; in the of Plant Industry (formerly Bureau of Agriculture); in the Bureau of Science, and possibly some in the Bureau of Forestry. These studies, for the most part, have been on salt and fertilizer requirements of plants; also on their water requirements. But, extensive as they have been, such studies only indicate the enormous extent of the things still unknown. There is no dearth of subjects awaiting study. But tht: right trail is blazed, and with ample financial support, it is hoped that it will only be a matter of time before ithe goal is attained,the practical application of the physiological findings to the development of agriculture and forestry in the Philippines. The branch of botany known as plant ecology has not been experimentally studied in the Philippines as extensively as Plant Physiology. As Ecology deals with plants as influenced by their environment it overlaps plant physiology. Ecology, however, has a scope purely its own. The study of groups of plants, as a society, formation, or association and the study of dominance, invasion of species and other such phases are typically ecological in nature. Plant ecology is applied particularly in connection with the care and management of lawns, natural pastures, and forests. Knowledge of plant ecology is, therefore, especially useful to landscape gardeners, ranchers, and rangers and foresters. Ecological studies made with forests or forest trees in the Philippines were due largely to the efforts of the Bureaus of Science and of Forestry. The very extensive studies of the vegetation of Philippine mountains and the relation between the environment and physical types at different altitudes made by Dr. William H. Brown, former Director of Science in the Philippines, are quite monumental. The vegetation on the Taal Volcano and in the thermal springs at Los Banos have also been studied. Weeds have been made the subject of careful ecological studies. Other similar studies could be mentioned but space does not permit their inclusion in this report. LITERATURE CITED BROWN, WM. H. 1919. Vegetation of Philippine mountains. Manila: Bureau of Printing. pp. 1-434. Pl. 1-31. CoPELAND, E. B. 1906. On the water relations of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera). Pkiliwine Journal of Science, v.1:12-17. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 417 C<>PELAND, E. B. 1914. Botany in Agricultural college. Science n. s., v. 40: 401-405. ESPINO, R. B. 1929. Department of Plant Physiology. The Philippine Agriculturi,st, v. 18: 359-365. ESPINO, R. B. 1934. A quarter century of research activity in the Department of Plant Physiology. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 403-415. LIVINGSTON, B. E 1917. A quarter-century of growth of plant physiology. Plant World, v. 20: 1-15. MERRILL, E. D. 1903. Botanical work in the Philippines. PhilipPine Bnreau of Agriculture Bulletin, v. 4: 1-53. LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND PLANT ECOLOGY ABESAMIS, A. P. 1922. Effect of time of planting on growth and yield of a lowland rice in Peiiaranda, Nueva Ecija and on the college farm. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 381-392. ABRAJANO, Q. F. 1923. Rice on cogon soil with and without treatment. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 181-190. ADRIANO, A. P. 1914. Handling and planting of seed cane. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 41-49. ALBANO, S. F. 1915. The effect of ft>rtilizers and stimulants upon growth and production of Corchoms capsulari,s. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 216-226. ALDABA, VICTOR C. 1919. Cultivation and tapping of Castilloa rubber in the Philippines. Philip. Agric., v. 7: 274-307. ALDABA, VICTOR C. 1921. 'The pollination of coconut. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 195-207. ANDAYA, I. 1927. The effect of leaf cutting upon the production of rice. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 16: 267. ANIOAY, D. 1934. Some preliminary studies on the propagation of caeao (Theobroma cacao L.) by stem cuttings and by graftage. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 22: 813. ASUNCION, S. 1914. The influence of fertilizer on the growth and production of sugar cane. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 69-72. BAOOMO, P. U. 1917. Observations on coconut seedlings. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 5: 303-310. BAGALSO, C. C. 1932. Top working old coffee trees which are poor yielders. Philip. Agric., v. 21: 491-504. BAKER, C. F. 1913. · A study of caprification of Ficus nota. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 8C: 63-84. Fig. 1-4. BAKER, c. F. 1914. Improvement of papaya. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 15. BALANGUE, c. R. 1916. Fertilization of rice. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 5: 144-158. BARTOLOME, V. C. 1914. The efficiency of leguminous plants in increasing the nitrogen content of the soil. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 9-14. 41S NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BAUTISTA, B. R. 191S. The production of grain and stalks by maize as affected by intercropping with legumes. Philip .. 1gric. & For., v. 7: 36-43. BAYLA, A. M. 191S. Hybridization of eggplants. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 7: 66-71. BRIONES, G. R. 1931. A study on the salt requirements of coco seedlings grown in pots. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 352-361. BROWN, WM. H. AND SAM F. TREALEASE. 191S. Alternate shrinkage and elongation of growing stems of Cestrum nocturnum. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. SC: 353-360. CALINGASAN, T. G. 191S. Shade for coffee in Laguna. Philip. Agric. & Fm-., v. 6: 213-229. CALMA, V. C. 1933. Studies on germination, degree of tillering and vigor of plants of top and cutback seed-pieces of P. 0. J. 2S78 sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). Philip. Agric., v. 21: 5S5-612. CALMA, V. C. 1933. The comparative merits of top and cut-back seedpieces of sugar cane, (Saccharum officinarum.) Sugar News, v. 14: i31-137. CATAMBAY, A. B. AND S. R. CAPCX>. 1932. Effects of the rate of seedling upon upland rice. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 650-65S. CEVALLOS, F. 0. 1911. The effect of shade on the environment of the abaca fiber and on the plant itself. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 1: 161-167. OoPELAND, E. B. 1911. Physiology of the coconut. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 1: 40-50. OoPELAND, E. B. 1912. Course in experimental plant physiology. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 2: 36-46. OoPELAND, E. B,. 1913. Daily growth movements of Lagerstroemia. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. SC: 2S7-2SS. OoPELAND, E. B. 1914. Caution in use of fertilizers. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 64-67. OoPELAND, E. B. 1914. Experiments on the coconut. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 120-126. OoPELAND, E. B. 1916. Growth phenomena of Dioscorea. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. llC: 227-242. CUEVAS, N. L. 1932. Influence of the depth of preparation of the soil on the growth and development of sugar cane plant var. Luzon white, with special reference to the yield of roots. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 606-616. DAWIS, V. M. 1934. Acclimatization of Irish potato. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 23: 3~7-31S. DEMING, H. G. 1915. How to prepare mixed fertilizers. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 210-217. Fig. 1-2. ESPINO, R. B. 1920. Some aspects of the salt requirements of young rice plants. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 16: 445-525. ESPINO, R. B. 1920. A preliminary study of the mineral nutrition of young cotton plants. Philip. Agric. v. S: 335-343. ESPINO, R. B. 1922. Mineral salt requirements of rice. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 313-319. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 419 ESPINO, R. B. 1923. On the germination of coconuts. Philip. Agric., v. 11: 191-200. ESPINO, R. B. AND s. M. CRUZ. 1923. Absorption of complete culture solutions by abaca roots with reference to growth of branch roots. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 111-119. ESPINO, R. B. AND B. 0. VIADO. 1925. A preliminary study of the salt and fertilizer needs of the young abaca plant. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 127-133. ESPINO, R. B. A.ND J. B. JULIANO. 1924. Absorption of culture solutions by coco-palm roots. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 25: 51-73. ESPINO, R. B. 1928. Growth and development of young rice plants as influenced by the food in the seed. Philip. Agric., v. 16: 597-602. ESPINO, R. B. 1928. Report on recuperative growth within a year of some plants injured by typhoon. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 89-93. EsPIN'O, R. B. AND F. T. PANTALEON. 1931. Influence of light upon growth and development of plants with special reference to the comparative effects of the morning light and of the afternoon light. Philip. Agric., v. 19: 563-579. ESPINO, R. B. AND R. P. EsTIOKO. 1931. A critical study of the nutritive values of nitrate nitrogen for young rice plants. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 27-42. ESPINO, R. B. AND E. PALISOC. 1931. Tolerance of young rice plants to relatively large amounts of magnesium sulfate contained in complete culture solution. Philip. Agric. v. 20: 269-286. ESPINO, R. B. AND F. T. PANTALEON .. 1934. Harmful effef'ts upon rice and maize plants of rice straw when added to clay loam soil in pots. Philip. Agric., v. 22: 534-556. ESPINO, R. B. 1934. A quarter century of research activity in the Department of Plant Physiology. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 403-415. ESPINO, R. B. AND V. A. B-ORJA. 1934. Effects upon sugar cane plants of different ages of temporarily withholding the supply of water fram the culture. Sugar News, v. 15: 715-722. FANDINO, J. 1928. A study on the growth of coconut. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 361-366. FERRER, L. G. AND R. B. ESPINO. 1923. A study of the germination of abaca seeds. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 101-109. F'RANCISOO, G. M. 1917. A series of crop rotations with and without legumes. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 6: 55-65. GARCIA, M. B. 1931. Weeds in rice paddies: Germination of seeds and resistance of the young plants to submergence in water. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 217-231. GATES, F. C. 1914. The pioneer vegetation of Taal volcano. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9C: 391-434. GATES, F. C. 1914. Swamp vegetation in hot springs areas at Los Banos, Laguna, P. I. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9C: 495-514. GAVARRA, P. AND R. B. ESPIN'O. 1923. Foliar transpiring power of different varieties of abaca grown at the College of Agriculture. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 135-140. 420 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GINES, F. 1930. Relative effects of differenet iron salts upon growth and development of young rice plants. Philip. Agric., v. 19: 43-52. GoNZALEZ, B. M. 1914. The changes occurring in the ripening coconut. Philip Agric. & For., v. 3: 25-31. GoNZALEZ, B. M. 1914. The macapuno coconut. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 31.-32. GoNZALEZ, L. G. 1923. The smudging of mango trees and its effects. Philip. Agric., v. 1 12: 15-27. GoNZALEZ, L. G. 1931. A study of the respiration of chico, Achras zapota Linn. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 341-348. GoNZALEZ, L. G. 1933. Influence of smudging on the respiration and catalase activity of the mango, Mangifera indica Linn. Philip. Agric., v. 21: 533-540. GoNzALEZ, L. G. 1934. Outstanding results of agronomic and horticultural research. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 380-399. GosEOO, F. 1927. Some factors affecting the growth of alfalfa in the Philippines. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 15: 622. GoTERA, E. 1930. The effect of the season upon the production .of rice. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 19: 193. GuANZON, G. A. 1934. The Division of Sugar Technology in the service of the Philippine sugar industry. Philippine Agric., v. 23: 350-360. GUEVARRA, C. C. 1922. The effects of salt added to the soil in pots upon the growth of roselle plant and production of fiber. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 10: 443. GUTIERREZ, S. C. 1929. Comparative nutritive values of water obtained from different sources with the determination of the nutritive deficiencies of Molawin Creek water for young rice plant. Philip. Agric., v. 18: 39-64. HERBERT, D. A. 1922. The parasitism of Olax imbricata. Philip. Agric., v. 11: 17-18. HERBERT, D. A. 1922. Anaesthesia in plants. Philip. Agric., v. 11: 141149. HERBERT, D. A. 1923. The gas in the coconut. Philip Agric., v. 11 : 177-179. HERBERT, D. A. 1924. Plant life on Mount Maquiling. Philip. Agric., v. 13: 183-197. HERBERT, D. A. AND A. L. PACIS. 1925. The odor of Amorphophalus campanulatus. Philip. Agric., v. 13: 349-350. HERNAIS, P. AND R. B. ESPINO. 1923. Soil moisture requirements of young abaca plants. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 121-126. HERNANDEZ, N. M. 1919. The effect of natural fertilization on the production of tobacco. Philip. Agric., v. 7: 308-313. IMATONG, S. B. 1924. The effect of distancing on tobacco leaf. Philip. Agric., v. 13: 289-299. ISIDORO, F. R. 1934. A study of the immediate effects of detasseling upon Calauan Yellow Flint corn. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 226-237. JIMENEZ, A. L. 1924. The effect of manganese compounds on the growth and yield of rice as shown by pot cultures. Philip. Agric., v. 13: 299306. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 421 JULIANO, J. B. 1932. The cause of sterility in Spondias purpurea Linn. Philip. Agric., v. 21: 15-24. LAPARAN, A. L. 1916. Growth of legumes as influenced by lime. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4: 181-184. LA2JO, F. D. 1932. Decomposition of certain green manures as affected by certain fertilizing materials. Abstract in P~ilip. Auric., v. 21: 281. LE.TAN<>, A. L. 1914. The value of ipil-ipil as a soil renovator. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 17-20. LEUs, F. P. 1930. Relation of age of farm crops seeds to production. Abstract in Philip. Auric., v. 19: 411-412. LIBATIQUE, P. P. 1931. Comparative development of roots of rice plants grown in pots containing ammonium sulfate fertilizer of different amounts. Philip. Auric., v. 20: 121-137. MACASAET, E. 1932. Comparative study on the nutritive values of phosphates, sulfates, nitrates, chlorides and carbonates of essential metals as indicated by the growth and developmnt of young rice plants .. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 20: 552-553. MACASAET, V. 1918. Philippine corn culture with special reference to source of seed and distancing. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 6: 187-194. MACEDA, F. 1933. A study of coconut seedlings in relation to shape of the nuts. Philip. Auric., v. 22: 430-441. MADRID, P. Z. 1933. The effect of different soil media on the rate of growth of cacao ( Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings. Philip. Auric., v. 22: 172-188. MALABAYABAS, A. P. 1934. Effects on the growth and development of sugar cane plant of bagasse when added to soil in pots. Philip. Agric., v. 22': 778-803. MARIANO, C. 0. 1934. Effects of fertilizers on the growth and development of young lanzon plants. Philip. Auric., v. 23: 613-638. MARIANO, S. J. 1920. The relation of external characters of corn to yield. Philip. Auric., v. 8: 345-356. MARQUEZ, F. D. 1918. Cross breeding of corn. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 6: 116. McLEAN, F. T. 1919. Opportunities for research in plant p_hysiology in the Philippines. Philip. Auric., v. 8: 27-31. McLEAN, F. T. 1920. Field studies of the carbon dioxide absorption of coconut leaves. Annals of Botany, v. 34: 367-389. MicLEAN, F. T. 1921. The permeability of Citrus leaves to water. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 19: 747-752. MIDRANA, S. T. 1930. Some factors affecting the growth of alfalfa in the Philippines. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 19: 254.. MENDl'OLA, N. B. 1914. Hybridization of corn. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 3: 165-174. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1918. An inhibitor in rice. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 7: 65. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1922. Effect of different rates of transpiration on the dry weight and ash content of the tobacc_o plant. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 20: 639-655. 422 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDOZA, E. A. 1929. Propagation of Citrus plants by stem cuttings. Philip. Agric., v. 18: 397-410. MENOR, P. C. 1927. The effect of climate upon the production of corn. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 16: 109. MERCADO, T. AND J. A. SERRANO. 1930. The effect of ammonium sulfate upon the growt_h, height and tillering of young sugar cane seedlings. Philip. Agric., v. 18: 571-579. MIRAF.LOR.ES, J. C. 1915. Adaptability of certain Philippine plants to propagation by cutting and marcottage. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4: 142-150. Pl. 1. MIRASOL, J. J. 1915. Chemical changes during the ripening of sugar cane. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4: 101-108. MIRASOL, J. J. 1918. Spacing experiments with sugar cane. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 7: 127-136. MONTELLANO, P. L. 1916. A study of the effects of commercial fertilizers on corn. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4:217-230. NAVARRO, A. F. 1912. The growth of maize on cogon soil. Philip. Agric. & FM., v. 2: 11-18. NECESITO, M. 1934. The effect of spacing and rate of seeding on the yield and amount of starch of arrowroot. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 23: 639-640. PAGUIRIGAN, D. B. 1916. The production of cigar wrapper tobacco under shade in the Philippines. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 5: 39-49. PALAD, F. T. 1926. The effect of certain chemical solution on haustorium formation of Loranthus philippinensis. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 15: 386-387. PAL.Arox, G. C. 1916. Fertilizer tests with tobacco varieties on cogon soils. Ph:.ilip. Agric. & For., v. 5: 50-59. PALisoc, E. 1928. Comparative nutritive values of different salts of ammonium. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 37-43. PANTALEON, F. T. 1928. Effects upon rice plants of changing the moisture content of soil. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 173-185. PANGANIBAN, F. C. 1924. The effects of etherization on germination of tropical seeds. Philip. Auric., v. 13: 93-98. PAULICAN, C. R. 1934. A study of the effects of commercial fertilizers on garden crops. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 23: 238-240. PEGINA, J. 1928. The effect of borders in farm crops experiments. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 17: 383. PERALTA, F. DE. 1919. A study of the relation of climate conditions to the vegetative growth and seed production of rice. Philip. Agric., v: 7: 159-17!l. PERALTA, F. DE. 1922. The control of soil moisture by means of autoirrigators. Philip. Agric., v.10: 467-477. PERALTA, F. DE AND R. P. ESTIOKO. 1923. A tentative study of the effect of root ·excretion of common paddy weeds upon crop production of lowland rice. Philip. Agric., v. 11: 205-216. PERALTA, F. DE. 1927. Influence upon the development of young rice plants of sodium chloride added to a complete solution. Philip. Agric., v. 15: 471-479. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 423 PERALTA, F. DE. 1931. Effects on yield of grain and straw of rice if weeds are left to decay in the soil. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 423-429. QUISUMBING, F. AND G. 0. OCFEMIA. 1914. Some chemical and bacteriological effects of clearing land by burning. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 3: 76-78. QUISUMBING, E. 1924. Marsilea crenata Pres!., a noxious weed, its eradication and control in rice fields. Philip. Auric., v. 13: 209-212. REYES, F. M. 1927. Time of opening and closing of flowers on the Colleg-:! Campus. Abstract in Philip. Auric., v. 15: 507-508. REYES, R. A. 1924. A study of the relation of different amounts of water supply to growth, straw, and seed production of rice. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 13: 55. REYES, T. P. 1922. The effects of fertilizers added to soil on the growth of roselle plants and production of fiber. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v.10: 350. RoDRIOO, P. A. 1924. The effect of spacing on tillering and production of three varieties of rice. Philip. Auric., v. 13: 5-28. RoDRIGO, P. A. 1929. Yielding power of peanuts from cuttings of different ages. Philip. Auric., v. 17: 519-526. IOO.:rALES, P. S. 1921. Distribution of abaca in Cavite Province as related to soil and climate. Philip. Auric., v. 9: 219-239. !OOQUE, D. 0. 1924. The growth and yield of sweet potato started from different cuttings. Abstract in Philip. Auric., v. 13: 143. RoXAs, M. L. 1911. The effect of some stimulants upon rice. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 1: 89-97. RoxAS, M. L. 1914. Lipase in the germinating coconut. Philip. Agric. & For., 3: 33-39. SABLAN, E. V. 1915. The influence of compost covers on the conservation of soil moisture. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4: 51-57. SAGUN, J. 1926. The effect of carbon bisulfide upon the viability of leguminous seeds. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 15: 454. SALINAS, B. 1932. Comparative effects upon young rice plants of different nitrate salts in complete culture solutions. Philip. Auric., v. 21: 127-139. SAMONTE, C. S. 1918. Oil yield of different strains of sesamum as af - fected by the season of the year and method of culture. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 6: 292-299. SARAO, F. B. 1918. Value of Philippine composts. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 6: 128-134. SARMIENTO, R. 0. 1916. Local growth of rubber and guttapercha plants. Phil. Auric. & For., v. 5: 159-163. SILAYAN, H. S. 1917. Culture and fertilization as affecting the soil content of peanuts. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 6: 84-97. SoRIANO, M. F. 1934. Influence of amount of fertilizer in soil on growth of rice plant. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 295-316. T!GLAO, S. 1929. The relation of rainfall to the production of corn. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 17: 466. TIRON, J.P. 1914. Hybridization of tobacco. Philip. Auric. & For., v. 3: 1-8. Pl. 1-4. 424 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TuLENTINO, A. 1924. A viability test for some tropical seeds. Philip. Agric., v. 13: 129-141. ' TRELEASE, SAM F. 1919. The growth of rice in soil cultures as related to proportions of fertilizer salts. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 16: 603-627. TRELEASE, S. F. AND F. T. McLEAN. 1919. Mount Maquiling as a station for botanical research. Philip. Agric., v. 8: 6-16. 'rRELEASE, s. F. AND P. PAULINO. 1920. The effect on the growth of rice of the addition of ammonium and nitrate salts 1'11 soil cultures. Philip. Agric., v. 8: 293-313. TRELEASE, S. F. AND M. C. JURADO. 1920. The growth of rice as related to concentrations and proportions of fertilizer salts added to soil cultures. Philip. Agric., v. 9: 67-86. TRELEASE, S. F. 1922. Foliar transpiring power of the coconut. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 20: 167-176. TRELEASE, S. F. 1922. Incipient drying and wilting as indicated by movement of coconut pinnae. American Journal of Botany, v. 9: 253-265. TRELEAsE, S. F. 1923. Night and day rates of elongation of banana leaves. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 23: 85-86. VENTURA, G. A. 1929. Studies on the germination of vegetable seeds. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 451-463. VIBAR, T. N. 1911. The influence of K.P.N. on the growth and production of maize. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 1: 175-187. VIBAR, T. N. 1912. Photosynthesis in Passiflora. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 2: 61. VrnAR, T. 1926. Effect of commercial fertilizers on upland and lowland rice. Philip. Agric., v. 15: 13-28. VILLA, F. 1929. Effect on young rice plants of adding aluminum salts to complete culture solutions. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 607-623. VILLEGAS, V. E. 1912. Some experiments on the growth of rice in water culture. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 2: 80-90. VILLEGAS, V. E. 1922. The toxicity of ipil-ipil (Leucaena glauca). Philip. Agric., v. 11: 151-152. VILLAMIL, A. 1916. Effect of girdling on parang and forest trees. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 5: 129-139. VISTA, T. I. 1915. Chemical changes in the ripening coconut. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 4: 109-115. YAP, G. 1920. A study of photosynthesis of sugar cane. Philip. Agric., v. 8: 269-276. YAP, S. G. 1922. The effect of season upon the culture of roselle. Abstract in Philip. Agric., v. 10: 405-406. ZAMORA, J. 1911. Fertilizers and the growth of rice. Philip. Agric. & For., v. 1: 152-154. PLANT MORPHOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By JOSE B. JULIANO Of the University of the Philippines Associate Member, Section of Systematic Botany Plant morphology in the Philippines as a branch of botany was practically unknown during the Spanish regime. It was true that in text books which were direct translations of French and German works and were used in private universities and colleges exclusively staffed by Spanish priests, a certain amount of morphological work of very general character was incorporated. Prior to 1900 we may say that practically no serious morphological work was done in the Islands. As is often the case, this period was nrainly dominated by taxonomic work, 1 a fact not to be wondered at since the rich flora of the Islands offered a most tempting field to systematists. During the Spanish-American war in 1898 and the insur - rection against the American regime, conditions were not conducive to productive work. However, in the early part of the American occupation, there were s.ome American botanists, who tried to inaugurate courses in cryptogamic and phanerogamic botany and morphology. With the establishment of public secondary and normal schools, and the University of the Philippines, formal courses in botany were made a reality. In those early days there were practically no trained Filipinos in morphology. Much credit is due those "pioneers," who with inadequate facilities, were able to inspire young Filipino students to become interested in this subject. These early foreign botanists were also instrumental in giving a great impetus to what may be called the biological side of botany as distinct from the purely taxonomic aspect of science. The history of plant morphology in the Island~ may be said to date from about the middle portion of the second decade 1 RoBINSON, C. B. 1905. The history of botany in the Philippine Islands. Jour. New York Bot. Gard. v. 7: 104-112. 426 426 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL of American occupation or even later.2 The establishment of the Department of Botany in the University of the Philippines, Manila, and of the College of Agriculture at Los Bafios, were events of no small importance, and the series of contributions on the morphology of phanerogamic plants which emanated from their laboratories bear witness to the value of their work. Histological studies of barks, leaves, fruits and seeds of Philippine medicinal phanerogamic plants have been the favorite theme, and in this province the influence of the Department of Botany, University of the Philippines at Manila, has been very great. The study of the organography of the flowers as well as the structures of the embryo sacs, fruits and seeds of seedpiants have been begun in a modest way. A critical study of the stony layer in seeds of gymnosperms has been undertaken. Recently, particular interest is being shown in the solution of the probable ca.uses of sterility and origin of polyembryony among fruit trees. Works on floral biology exclusively of important Philippine crop plants, as rice, sugar cane, and coconut, have also received attention to a considerable extent. The anatomical features of fibers of abaca, agaves, and dicotyledonous fiber plants have been studied also. In these phases of botanical inquiry, the College of Agriculture is the most productive: Cytology as a specialized branch of botany has attracted very little attention locally, although its importance has long been recognized. This apparent neglect is partly due to inadequate facilities available in our laboratories, and consequently not much has been done on this phase of botany in the Philippines. Cytological work done up to the present time has dealt with the sex chromosomes in Elodea., chromosome counts in Cocos and Saccharum spp., and on the behavior of the chromosomes in triploid Oenotheras. The morphology of the archegoniate plants, the mosses and ferns, and algae have been practically left untouched. Some 2 Copeland (1906) made some studies of the anatomy of the root and leaves of the coconut (Philippine Journal of Science, v. 1: 6-54) -palm growing in San Ramon, but the writer believes that the first true contribution to the morphology of our plants was done in 1916, when Espino made studies of the structures of the fibers of abaca. (The Philippine Agriculturist and Forester, v. 4: 200-230). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 427 work has been done on the fungi, but this has been for the most part taxonomic and on the economic side rather than from the side of pure morphology. It may be safely said that there is plenty of work still to be done for the science of plant morphology, including cytology, in the Philippines, as this has been barely touched here and there. The problems of the morphologist are endless and range from gross structures to cell structures throughout the plant kingdom. The importance of these problems can not be overestimated, for on such researches, more than on any others, taxonomy has to lean in its attempt to trace the evoluti9n of plants. The creditable showing of local morphologists for the last ten to fifteen years makes one hopeful that in years to come students of plant morphology and cytology in the Islands will not fall behind the record, however meager, they have made. A RESUME OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF PHILIPPINE MARINE INVERTEBRATA By HILARIO A. ROXAS Of the Bureau of Scienc6 Chairman, Section of Biological Survey "On a yellow carpet of calcareous polyps and sponges, groups of leatherlike stalks, finger-thick, lift themselves up like stems of vegetable growth; their upper ends thickly covered with polyps (Sarcophyton pulmo Esp.), which display their roses of tentacula wide open, and resplendent with the most beautifully varying colours, looking, in fact, like flowers in full bloom. Very large serpulites extend from their calcareous tubes, elegant red, blue, and yellow crowns of feelers, and, while little fishes of marvelously gorgeous colour dart about in this fairy garden, in their midst luxuriantly grow delicate, feathered plumulariae." These words of F. Jagor in his Travels in the Philippines, (1875, p. 245) give a true and vivid picture of our rich marine fauna that can be seen by anyone who takes 1 the trouble to visit the waters of our shores. Although many early naturalists have visited the Philippines and have made collections of land mammals, birds, reptiles, insects and terrestrial shells, study on our marine invertebrates did not start till towards the end of the 19th century. Hugh Cuming, for example, the eminent English naturalist who lived in the Philippines from October, 1836 to November, 1839, gathered all kinds of animals, excepting fishes and marine invertebrates. Our marine and terrestrial shells which have been the object of numerous trips and investigations of many early writers are treated elsewhere and will not be discussed in this short paper. Instead, a brief review of the work done in marine invertebrata outside the molluscs and the stony corals is made here to show how much has been done and how much is yet to be done on Philippine marine life. 428 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 429 In the year 1871, the British Government organized the "Challenger" Expedition to make scientific explorations of the physical, chemical, geological and biological conditions of the great ocean basins. The "Challenger" worked in the Philippines from October 20, 1874 to January 26, 1875, working at sixteen different stations. Besides obtaining numerous forms of diatoms, protozoa invertebrate and fishes on the surface and from shallow waters, the Challenger obtained over 860 deepsea invertebrates and fishes belonging to 385 species in the Philippines. Of these 177 species and 42 genera are new to sciE>nce and 127 species and 8 genera are not obtainable outside the Philippines. The collection of the Challenger was worked out by a number of famous European Zoologists, all authorities in their respective lines. (See appendix A). The "Challenger" collection, now in the BrHish Museum, is probably the largest collection of Philippine deep-sea forms. Its collection of littoral forms, however, is far from being complete. An extensive collection of Philippine animals was made by Dr. C. Semper, Prof. of Zoology in Wiirsburg from 1859 to 1864 in Manila, Bohol and Mindanao. The greatest bulk of this, however, was composed of marine and terrestrial shells. Sipunculoids and nudibranchs were also obtained and these were worked out by Emil Selenka (1883) and Rudolf Bergh (1897) respectively. D. Jose Montero y Vidal in his "El Archipelago Filipino" (1886, pp. 120-136) listed a number of marine crustacea, annelids, tunicates, bryozoa, echinoderms, coelenterates, sponges and infusorians in addition to numerous molluscs. His classification, however, was carried only up to genera and not always reliable. In 1887, D. Augusto G. de Linares wrote two articles on Philippine marine fauna in connection with the Exposicion de Filipinas in Madrid, the articles appearing iili "El Globo". Good descriptions and illustrations of Euplectella aspergillum, Farrea balaguerii, Semperella schultzei and Hyalonema lusita'Ylicum were given in one article and a detailed description of the arrangement of the spicules of Hexactinellida was given in the other. The few alcyonarians brought back to Europe by Muller, Jagor and Sanderson were deposited in the Berlin Museum and 430 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL formed a part of the materials worked out by Walter May (1898, pp. 44, 101, 169) in h1s revision of the Alcyonacea. Under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution, the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer "Albatross" made extensive collections of littoral, pelagic and bathypelagic marine forms in Philippine waters in 1907 to 1910. The "Albatro~s" expedition was very thorough and its collection fomns the bulk of Philippine marine animals in the U. S. National Museum. The materials were assigned to various authorities for study and the results are published from time to time in the various volumes of Bulletin 100 of the U. S. National Museum as contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. (See appendix B) In 1912, Dr. Murray Bartlett, then President of ·the University of the Philippines, entered into an agreement with the then Acting Director of the Bureau of Science, Dr. R. P. Strong, to send a joint expedition which would undertake a marine biological survey of the Philippine waters. The University of the Philippines sent Dr. L. E. Griffin and Dr. R. P. Cowles, while the Bureau of Science sent Mr. Alvin Seale. The party collected shore and reef animals in such places as the Tawi-Tawi group and Taytay, Palawan, Albay, Calapan and Port Galera, Mindoro. The members of this expedition settled at the latter place and established there a temporary station for four months, from March 11 to June 18, 1912. The fish collection was given to the division of fisheries of the Bureau of Science while the invertebrates were housed with the Department of Zoology of the University of the Philippines. The alcyonarians and jellyfishes of this collection were worked on by Light (19131915) and the crustacea by Cowles (1915). The greatest bulk of the alcyonarian collection was sent to Prof. Ktikenthal, then at the University of Breslau. Small portions were worked on by J. Moser (1919), H. Luttschw'.lger (1914-1922) and K. Kolonko (1926). After the death of Prof. Ktikenthal, the part of the collection belonging to the family Nephthyidae was sent to the Zoologisches Museum of Berlin and was entrusted to Prof. J. Moser. When the writer was sent to Europe for alcyonarian study he had the opportunity to examine all these specimens, the types of previously described Philippine species and types from other parts of the ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 431 world. The 1912 collection together with the materials gathered in recent years formed the basis of his two papers (Roxas, 1933) on Philippine Alcyonaria. The establishment of the Puerto Galer a (Mindoro) Marine Biological Station of the University of the Philippines in 1924 g'ave impetus to local workers to study our marine invertebrate fauna. To work on our marine invertebrata here in the Philippines is of course difficult because of the fact that most of the types, if not all, are in foreign museums and institutions, mainly in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D. C., British Museum, London and Zoologi~ches Museum, Berlin. In spite of the handicap, however, a number of contributions on marine invertebrates were made by Roxas (1928) on Echinoidea, by Roxas and Estampador (1930) on Stomatopoda by Sivickis and Domantay (1928) and by Domantay (1931, 1933, 1934) on Holothurians. Some Philippine marine polychaetes recently sent to the Naturhistoriches Museum at Vienna were worked on by Holy (1934). With this good start, more attention should now be given to the more practical aspect of marine zoology. The works of Seale (1908-1917) on the sponges and other marine products and those of Talavera (1930) and Talavera and Faustino (1931) should serve as good starting points for the exploitation of our marine invertebrate resources. APPENDIX A Contributions to t,he "Challenger Reports" in which Philippine Marine Invertebrates are Described Vol. I, ZOOLOGY (1880) Part !.-Brachiopoda. By THOMAS DAVIDSON. Part 2.-Pennatulida. By Professor ALBERT V. KOLLIKER. Part 3.--0stracoda. By G. STEWARDSON BRADY. Vol. II, ( 1881) Part 7 .-Certain Hydroid, Alcyonarian, and Madreporarian Corals. By Professor H. N. MOSELEY. Vol. III, (1881) Part 9.-Echinoidea. By ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. Part 10.-Pycnogonida. By P. P. C. HOEK, Assist. Zool. Lab. (Leyden). 432 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Vol. IV, (1882) Part 12.-Deep-Sea Medusae. By Professor ERNST HAECKEL. Part 13.-Holothurioidea. First Part.-The Elasipoda. By HJALMAR THEEL. Vol. V, (1882) Part 14.--0phiuroidea. By THIOODORE LYMAN. Vol. VI, (1882) Part 15.-Actiniaria. By Professor RICHARD HERTWIG. Part 17.-Tunicata. First Part.-Ascidiae Simpliccs. By Professor WILLIAM A. HERDMAN. Vol. VII, (1883) Part 19.-Pelagic Hemiptera. By F. BUCHANAN WHITE. Part 20.-Hydroida. First Part.-Plumularidae. By Professor G. J. ALLMAN. Vol. VIII, (1884) Part 23-Copepoda. By G. STEWARDSON BRADY. Part 24.-Calcarea. By N. POLEJAEFF of the University of Odessa. Vol. IX, (1884) Part 22.-Foraminifera. By HENRY BOWMAN BRADY. Vol. X, (1884) Part 26.-Nudibranchiata. By Dr. RUDOLF BERGH. Part 28.-Cirripedia. Anatomical Part. By P. P. C. Hon:, Memb. Roy. Acad. Sci. (Netherlands). Vol. XI, (1884) Part 31.-Keratosa. By N. POLEJAEFF. Part 32.-Crinoidea. First Part.-Stalked Crinoids. By P. H. CARPENTER. Part 33.-lsopoda. First Part.-Genus Serolis. By FRANK EVERS BEDDARD. Vol. XII, (1885) Part 34.-Annelida Polychaeta. By Professor W. C. M'INTOSH. Vol. XIII, (1885) Part 35.-Lamellibranchiata. By EDGAR A. SMITH. Part 36.--Gephyrea. By Professor EMIL SELENKA. ( Erlangen). Part 31.-Schizopoda. By Professor G. 0. SAP.S. Vol. XIV, (1886) Part 38.-Tunicata. Second Part.-Ascidiae Compositatae·. By WILLIAM A. HERDMAN. Part 39.-Holothurioidea. Second Part.-By HJALMAR THEEL. Vol. XVI, (1886) Part 45.-Stomatopoda. By Professor W. K. BROOKS. Vol. XVII, (1886) Part 48.-lsopoda. Second Part.-By FRANK EVERS BEDDARD. Part 49.-Brachyura. By EDWARD J. MIERS. Part 50.-Polyzoa. Second Part. Cyclostomata, Ctenostomata, and Pedicellinea. By GEORGE BUSK. Vol. XVIII, (1887) Part 40.-Radiolaria. By Professor ERNST HAECKEL. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 433 Vol. XIX, ( 1887) Part 54.-Nemertea. By Professor A. A. W. HUBRECHT. Part 55.-Cumacea. By Professor G. 0. SARS. Part 58.-Pteropoda. First Part. Gymnosomata. By PAUL PELSENEER. (Brussels). Vol. XX, (1887) Part 59.-Monaxonida. By STUART 0. RIDLEY and ARTHUR DENDY. Part 61.-Myzostomida (Supplement). By Professor L. von GRAFF. Part 62.-Cephalodiscus Dodecalophus. By Professor WILLIAM C. M'INT<>SH. C_ephalodiscus Dodecalophus. By SIDNEY F. HARMER. Appendix to Part LXII. Vol. XXIII, (1888) Part 72.-Heteropoda. By EDGAR A. SMITH. Vol. XXIV, (1888) Part 52.-Crustacea l\facrura. By C. SPENCE BATE. (One Vol. text and one Vol. plates). Vol. XXV, (1888) Part 63.-Tetra:ctinellida. By Professor W. J. SOLLAS. Vol. XXVI, (1888) Part 60.-Crinoidea. Second Part. Comatulae. By P. HERBERT CARPENTER. Part 73.-Actiniaria (Supplement). By Professor RICHARD HERTWIG. Vol. XXVII, (1888) Part 69.-Anomura. By Professor J. R. HENDERSON. Part 76.-Tunicata. Third Part. Pelagic Tunicates. By Professor WILLIAM A. HERDMAN. Vol. XXIX, (1888) Part 67.-Amphipoda. By Rev. THOMAS R. R. STEBBING. (Two Vols. text and one Vol. plates) . Vol. XXX, (1889) Part 51.-Asteroidea. By W. PERCY SLADEN. (One Vol. text and one Vol. plates.) Vol. XXXI, (1889) Part 64.-Alcyonaria. By Professor E. PERCEVAL WRIGHT and Professor TH. STUDER. Vol. XXXII, (1889) Part 80.-Antipatharia. By GEORGE BROOK. Part 81.-Alcyonaria (Supplement). By Professor TH. STUDER. APPENDIX B Contributions to Bulletin 100, of the U. S. National Museum in which Philippine Invertebrate& are Described Vol. I. (Excluding molluscs and corals) Part 3.--Scyphomedusae. By A. G. MAYER. Part 4.-Chaetognatha. By E. L. MICHAEL. Part 5.-Hydromedusae, siphonophores and ctenophores. By H. B. BIGEWW. 434 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Part 6.-The relationships of the general calcarina, Tinoporus, and baculogypsina as indicated by recent Philippine material. By J. A. CUSHMAN. Part 8.-Polychaetous annelids. By A. L. TREADWELL. Part 10.-Polyclad turbellarians. By T. KABURAKI. Vol. II. Part 1.--The Salpidae. By MAYNARD M. METCAEF. Part 2.-The Salpidae. By MAYNARD M. METCAEF. Part 3.-Pyrosoma. By MAYNARD M. METCAEF and HOYT s. HOPKINS. Part 4.-Silicious and Horny Sponges. By H. V. WILSON. Vol. III. Starfishes. By W. K. FISHER. Vol. IV. Foraminifera. By J. A. CUSHMAN. Vol. V. Ophiurans. By R. KOEHLER. Vol. VI. Part 2.-Additions to the Polychaetous annelids. By A. L. TREADWELL. Part 3.-Hydroida. By C. C. NUTTING. Part 4.-Echinoidea, Part 1. The Cidaridae. By T~. MORTENSEN. Part 5.-Four new species of polychaetous annelids. By A. L. Vol. IX. TREADWELL. Bryozoa. By F. CANU and R. S. BASSLER. APPENDIX C List of Work on Philippine Marine Invertebrates (Excluding molluscs and corals) BERGH, RUD. 1870. Semper Reisen Philippinen. Die Nudibranchien. COWLES, R. P. 1913. The Habits of Some Tropical Crustacea. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. SD :119-124. CoWLES, R. P. 1915. The habits of Some Tropical Crustacea, II. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. lOD: 11-18. CoWLF.S, R. P. 1915. Are Atya spinipes Newport and Atya armata Milne Edwards synonyms for Atya molluccensis de Haan? Philip. Jour. Sci. v.10D:147-153. DoMANTAY, J. S. 1931. Autotomy in Holothurians. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 1 :389-404. DoMANTAY, J. S. 1933. Littoral Holorhurioidea of Port Galera Bay and Adjacent Waters. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 3:41-101. DoMANTAY, J. S. 1933. Development of the Anchor and Anchor-plate types of Spicules of the Synaptid Polyplectana kefersteinii (Selenka) and Allied Species. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 52 :371-377. DoMANTAY, J. S. 1934. Four Additional Species of Littoral Holothurioidea of Port Galera Bay and Adjacent Waters. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 4: 109-118. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 435 FELICIANO, A. T. 1933. Studies on the Early Development of Arachnoides placenta (Linn.) U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 3:405-440. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1910. A Method of Using Magnesium Sulphate for the anesthetization of marine animals. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 5D:86-100. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1910. The Pearl Fishery of Bantayan. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 5D :149-151. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1911. The Structure of the pallial tentacles of Lima species. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 6D :327-329. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1912. The Anatomy of Aclesia freeri New Species. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 7D :65-90. HOLLY, MAXIMIJ,LIAN. 1934. Polychaeten von dem Philippinen I. Erste Mitth. Uber Polychaeten. Zool. Auz. v. 105: 147-150. KoLONKO, K. 1926. Beitrage zu einer Revision der Alcyonarien. Die Gattung Sinularia, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin. v. 12: 293-334. Kii"KENTHAL, W. 1906. Die Stammesgeschichte und die geographische Verbreitung der Alcyonaceen. Verhandl. d. deutsche Zool. Ges. 138. LIGHT, S. E. 1913. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria. Part I: The Philippine species of the genus Capnella. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. SD :435-452. LIGHT, S. F. 1914. Some Philippine Scyphomedusae, including two new genera, five new species, and one new variety. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 9D: 195-231. LIGHT, S. F. 1914. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria. Part II: LemnaIioides kiikenthali, a new genus and species of Alcyonaria fron1 the Philippines and a discussion of the systematic position of the new genus. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 9D: 233-245. LIGHT, S. F. 1914. Another Dangerous Jellyfish in Philippine Waters. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 9B :291-295. LIGHT, S. F. 1915. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria. Part III: Two new species of Lithophytum Forskal from the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. lOD:l-10. LIGHT, S. F. 1915. Notes on Philippine Alcyonaria. Part IV: Notes on Philippine Stolonifera and Xeniidae. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. lOD: 155-167 LIGHT, S. F. 1921. Further Notes on Philippine Scyphomedusan Jellyfishes. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 18 :25-45. LINARES, AUGUSTO G. 1887. Fauna Marina. Esponjas. La Regadera y sus afines. Exposicion de Filipinas. El Globo, p. 49-53. LINARES, AUGUSTO G. 1887. Fauna Marina. Desarrollo de las Esponjas y estructura del esqueleto de las hexactinilidos. Exposicion de Filipinas. El Globo, p. 55-64. LUTTSCHWAGER, J. 1914. Revision der Familie Alcyoniidae. Archiv Naturg. fur Abt. A. Heft. LUTTSCHWAGER, J. 1922. Alcyonarien von den Philippinen. I Die Gattung Alcyonium Linnaeus. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 20: 519-j540. LUTTSCHWAGER, J. 1926. Die Gattung Alcyonium. Linnaeus. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 12 Heft 2. 279-289. MAY, W. 1899. Systematik und Chorologie der Alcyonaceen. Jena. Zeitschr. f. Naturw. v. 33:1-180. 436 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MAYER, A. G. 1910. Medusae of the World, v. 3: Pub. No. 119 Carnegie, Wash. MAYER, A. G. 1915. Medusae of the Philippines and Torres Straits. Pub. No. 212 Carnegie Imtitution, Wash. p. 157-202. MONTERIO y VIDAL, JOSE. 1886. El Archipielago Filipino y las islas Marianas, Carolinas y Palaos, su historia, geografia y estadistica. Madrid. p. 120-136. MOSER, J. 1919. Beitrage zu einer Revision der Alcyonarien. 1 Die Gattugen Sarcaphyton Lesson und Lobophytum Marenzeller. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin. v. 9:219-293. ROXAS, H. A. 1928. Philippine Littoral Echinoida. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 36: 243-270. RoxAs, H. A. 1930. The Puerto Galera Marine Biological Laboratory of the University of the Philippines. Manila. ROXAS, H. A. 1932. Two New Species of Sarcophyton Less from the Philippines. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 2:73-81. ROXAS, H. A. 1933. Philippine Alcyonaria, The Families Cornularidae and Xeniidae. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 50:49-109. RoxAs, H. A. 1933. Philippine Alcyonaria, II. The Families Alcyonidae and Nephthyidae. Phili11. Jour. Sci. v. 50 :345-470. RoxAs, H. A. and ESTAMPADOR. 1930. Stomatopoda of the Philippines. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v. 1 :93-131. ROXAS, H. A. and NEMENZO, F. 1931. Regeneration Experiments on Cassiopea. U. P. Nat. Applied Sci. Bull. v.1:265~280. SEALE, ALVIN. 1909. The Fishery Resources of the Philippine Islands, I.I. Sponges and Sponge Fisheries. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 4A :57-64. SEALE, ALVIN. 1910. The Fishery Resources of the Philippine Islands, Part III, Pearls and Pearl Fisheries. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 5D: 87100. SEALE, ALVIN. 1911. The Fishery Resources of the Philippine Islands, Part IV. Miscellaneous Marine Products. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 6D: 283-320. SEALE, ALVIN. 1912. Notes on Philippine Edible Mollusks. Philip. Jour. . Sci. v. 7D :273-281. SEALE, ALVIN. 1916. Sea Products of Mindanao and Sulu, II: Pearls, Pearl Shell and Button Shells. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. llD :245-26-1. SEALE, ALVIN. 1917. Sea Products of Mindanao and Sulu, Ill: Sponges, Tortoise shell, corals and Trepang. Philip. Jo1ir. Sci. v.12D:191210. SELENKA, EMIL.-Semper Reisen Philippinen. Die Sipunculiden (1883). SIVICKIS, P. B. 1928. New Philippine Shipworms. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 3 7 : 285-298. SIVICKIS, P. B. and DoMANTAY, J. S. 1928. The Morphology of a Holothurian, Stichopus chloronotus Brandt. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 37: 299-332. TALAVERA, FLORENCIO. 1930. Pearl Fisheries of Sulu. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 43: 483-498. TALAVERA, F. and L. A FAUSTINO. 1931. Industrial Shells of the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 45-321-350. PROBLEMS IN PHILIPPINE FISHERIES INCLUDING ICHTHYOLOGY AND HERPETOLOGY By DEOGRACIAS V. VILLADOLID Of the Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of Fishery Records show that the Philippine Government became interested in fishery work in 1907, when the Bureau of Science engaged the services of a fishery expert from the United States. This interest gained momentum with the detail of the S. S. "Albatross" of the United States Bureau of Fisheries to do exploration work on the marine fauna of our waters (1907-10). The first concrete government policy relative to the program of work to be pursued in the development of our aquatic resources was promulgated by the Bureau of Science in consu!tation with Dr. Hugh M. Smith and other fishery experts of the staff of the S. S. "Albatross". This work was given further encouragement by the creation of a Division of Fisheries in 1921, and the enactment of Act No. 3307 in 1926 and Act No. 4003, in 1932. Act No. 3307 provided for the strengthening of the Division of Fisheries while Act No. 4003 set aside a sum not to exceed Pl00,000 a year from fees accruing under its provisions for the promotion of our :fishing industry. Finally in 1933, a division of Fish and Game Administration was created in the Department of Agriculture and Commerce and wa's vested with the power of carrying out the provisions of Act No. 4003 (Fisheries Act) in addition to the function performed by the Division of Fisheries of the Bureau of Science. FISHERIES Fishery refers to the business of catching, marketing, and preserving fish and other forms of aquatic life. As trustee of these aquatic resources it is incumbent upon us to see that the sources of this wealth be protected and conserved. To this end, we need information on the following: (1) ichthyology; (2) animal biology such as (a) embryology, (b) development, (c) spawning and brooding habits, (d) age and rate of growth, 4S7 438 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (e) sexual maturity, (f) feeding habits, (g) migratory habits and drift of the spawn; (3) statistics as to (a) catch per unit of effort or gear, (b) species, size-groups and percentage of young in the catch, ( c) fish population in a given bank; ( 4) methods of catching; ( 5) water pollutions; ( 6) and condition of waters as to oxygen content, pH, etc. Ichthyology.-Philippine ichthyology has not been neglected. To date no less than 1700 species of fish are known and recorded here and at least forty European, American, and Filipino ichthyologists and specialists contributed to the systematics of Philippine fishes. Fish and fisheries biology.-This is the phase of fishery work that should be given serious consideration in order to promote the development of our fishery industries. It is only within the last few years that contributions on this subject began to appear, most of them dealing only with fresh-water fish and fisheries contributed by the College. of Agriculture at Los Banos. Studies in embryology and development should be pursued in order that the critical periods or stages in the life history of the animals might be discovered. The time to protect the fish can therefore be ascertained. Periods of spawning and brooding are necessary guides: in the promulgation of closed seasons, regulations for purposes of protection, conservation, and rehabilitation of depleted fisheries. Age, rate of growth, and size at sexual ma;turity should give the bases for the standardization of mesh openings of n~ts or openings of other traps for the purpose of making possible the easy passage of young and immature individuals. Studies on feeding habits are necessary information in fish cultivation. These studies may also help in the determination of migratory habits. Migratory habits will furnish the information as to where and when to protect spawning as well as the larval fishes. Information on the drift of the spawn will indicate if the spawning ground or area will have to be protected. Another important problem connected with fishery work that has not received due attention in the Philippines is the gathering of statistics on catch per unit of effort or gear, percentage of young in the catch, size-groups present in the catch, and the passage of year classes. in pelagic fishes. These data ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 439 are important criteria in ascertaining whether or not a given fishery is under-going depletion. Such study was initiated in the Limnological Station of the College of Agriculture at Los Bafios five years ago. The depleting condition of the kanduli (Arius sw., Ariidae) fisheries of Laguna de Bay was ascertained by these observations. Methods of fishing.-In the last few years the Bureau of Science, the Fish and Game Administration and to a certain extent the College of Agriculture have been quite active in the s.tudy of fishing methods used in the different parts of the Philippines. This work should be continued but must be supplemented with the analytical examination of the composition of catches in order to make such studies useful. In this way it may be determined whether or not a fishing gear is destructive to a given fishery. Fishing banks.-Only preliminary surveys have so far been done with our fishing banks. The extent of these fishing areas, the nature of their bottom, their depths, currents, and distribution of fO{Jd supply and plankton organisms should be determined. This information is necessary to ascertain the type of gear suitable for each kind of fishing bank. It is also essential for the development of our fishery industries to map out both depleted and virgin fishing areas for such resources as conm1ercial fishes, sharks, sponges, corals, oysters, seaweeds, trepang, crabs, shrimps and others. In order to accomplish this end, we should be provided with a suitable fishing boat €quipped with fishing gears, and apparatus necessary for exploration work of this nature. Water pollutions.-This is important irt connection with fish culture and conservation of fish in rivers, ponds and iakes. The present laws to prevent industrial wastes and sewage disposals in reaching these bodies of water should be enforced. Laguna de Bay would perhaps produce a much larger bulk of fish than its present yield were it not for the highly polluted and disturbed condition of the Pasig River. If it were not for the absence of oxygen one meter or more below the surface many of our fresh-water lakes would accomodate an abundance of fish life. 440 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Aquiculture and fish introduction.-The most important problem of our highly developed bafigos pond industry is the conservation of the bafi.gos fry. Natural nurseries of bafigos fry should be protected and the catching of spawning individuals should be regulated. Our Government should continue to establish and maintain model fish farms especially in places where the people are newly becoming interested in aquiculture. The pond-raising of gourami, an imported fresh-water fish from Java should be encouraged. Marginal lowland rice paddies and abandoned "sacatal" should be turned in'to gourami fish-ponds. Studies on the cultivation of mullets, oysters, window shell oysters, sponges, crabs, shrimps, seaweeds and other aquatic resources should be undertaken. But fish introduction in the Philippines should be looked upon as an extremely delicate proposition. The carp introduction should .serve as a good example, although it is hoped that this fish will still prove to be a valuable food here. The introduction of the black bass seems to be a failure since it fails to thrive in the lowlands. The American catfish which was recently brought here should be given a trial in our swampy regions such as the Candaba swamps of Pampanga, Bayambang, Pangasinan, and similar situations. Preservation and utilization of fishery products.-One of our greatest needs is improvement in the native methods of fish preservation as well as the evolution of better ones. The establishment of fish preservation stations at Estancia, Iloilo and Catbalogan, Samar, is indeed in the right direction. More of such stations should be established at different fishing centers. There is also need for developing the industry of utilizing the fish by-products in the manufacture of fish meal, fertilizer, varnishes, liver oil or emulsions, pearl essence, etc. We should also improve the methods of refrigeration so that the supply of fresh fish may be continued during the entire year. Improvements should also be sought in preserving fish by smoking, salting, drying, pickling, marinating and fermenting. Canning fish and other aquatic products also deserves serious consideration here. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 441 HERPETOLOGY The work in Philippine herpetology is more or less extensive as far as its systematics are concerned. In the monographs * published by E. H. Taylor, he gives a complete list of collectors and workers responsible for the present knowledge in the systematics of Philippine herpetology. What is needed at present is to encourage investigations and studies on the biology of these animals so that those of economic value, either as food or predators of insect pests may be given due protection from the inroads of man. So far the only contributions on the biology and feeding habits of some Philippine frogs and lizards are papers by the writer and his students from the College of Agriculture. As to economic herpetology, the Bureau of Science has undertaken some preliminary experiments on the production of anti-venom injections from Philippine cobra. This valuable experiment should be continued and other species of snakes may be med. Recently, there had been great demand for skins of lizards, snakes, and crocodiles for the manufacture of articles of art and commerce. Steps should be taken to protect these animals from extermination. From time immemorial our sea turtles have supplied our commerce with articles for the manufacture of high quality of tortoise shell products. These animals should also be amply protected in order to conserve the supply. Frog legs are regarded as an excellent food in Filipino homes. Even our common frog, Rana vittigera, which is too small to yield good legs for the table are taken in large numbers for the marklet. The large frog, Rana mag'YUL, is not abundant enough to fill the demand. Recently (July 31, 1934) the Fish and Game Administration of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce brought here from the United States breeding stock of the Arn,erican bullfrog, Rana catesbiana for purposes of propagation in our country. * Amphibians and turtles of the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science Publication No. 15. Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1921; The snakes of the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science Publication No. 16. Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1922; The lizards of the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science Publication No. 17. Bureau of Printing, Manila, 1922. 442 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FISHERY LAWS AND REGULA TIO NS For lack of sufficient data on the biology of our food fishes and the absence of complete surveys of our fishing banks, our present regulations relative to the conservation of our fishery resources need revision from time to time as these data become available. ' The present systron in the administration of our municipal fisheries in which each municipality exercises direct control of municipal waters is cons.picuous for the absence of protective measures, or if regulations are promulgated, they are defective and monopolistic. In this way these public resources become the exclusive properties of a select few- who take advantage in dictating their own prices. The administration of the fisheries of Lake Taal and the Pansipit River in Batangas is a case in point. These fisheries which are worth at least Pl00,000 a year are sold to the highest bidder by the municipalities of Taal and Lemery every five years. Moreover municipal fishery ordinances are not uniform so that they are by no means effective in protecting or conserving fishes in waters touching two or more towns. Centralizing the control and administration would remedy this defect. The apparent lack of appreciation on the part of the public of the value of conservation constitutes the most serious obstacle to the enforcement of whatever good, constructive laws we have at present or that may be enacted in the future. This obstacle may be remedied by more extension work with the end in view of bringing about proper understanding between the Government and the fishermen. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHILIPPINE FISHERIES' The writer presents here a list of contributions so far made on Philippine fisheries with the hope that it may be of 8ome help to those who are interested in this field. Bibliography on Philippine ichthyology will appear in the checklist of Philippine fishes being prepared by Dr. H. A. Roxas. It is hoped that it will be published in the near future. Bibliography in Philippine herpetology is already available in E. H. Taylor's monographs on Philippine snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turties, ' Appendix to "Problems in Philippine Fisheries including ichthyology and herpetology" by Deogracias V. Villadolid. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 443 and amphibians, the citations of which are already given in the paper to which this is an appendix. Following is the list of contributions on Philippine fisheries: ADAMS, WALLACE, et AL. 1932. Cultivation of bafigos in the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 47: 1-38. Bureau of Science Popular Bulletin No. 12, p. 1-38. Bureau of Printing, Manila. ALDABA, V. C. 1931. Kanduli fisheries of Laguna de Bay. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 45:29-39. 1931. The dalag fishery of Laguna de Bay. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 45 :41-59. 1931. Fishing methods in Laguna de Bay. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 45: 1-28. 1932. Fishing methods in Manila Bay. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 47 :405-423. ALONTE, F. H. 1930. Biology of Vivipara angularw Muller, a common fresh-water snail in Laguna de Bay. The Philippine Agricultumt, v. 19 :307-325. (Thesis prepared in the College of Agriculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid). ARRIOLA, FELIX J. 1934. The spawning and feeding habits of biyangputi, Glossogobius giurus (Hamilt.on-Buchanan) in Laguna de Bay. (Thesis prepared in the College of Agriculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid. Unpublished). BIOOSEL, D. M. and N. J. SISON. 1932. Vitamin A in body and liver oils of some Philippine fishes. University of the PhilippinP.s Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 2: 7-13. BUNAG, DANIEL M. 1934. The biology of dulong, Mirogobius lacustris Herre (Gobiidae) in Laguna de Bay. (Thesis prepared in the College of Agriculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid. Unpublished). BUREAU OF SCIENCE ANNUAL REPORTS. 1907. Reports of the Director •Jn the activities of the Division of Fisheries, Bureau of Printing, Manila. CARPENTER, W. D. 1908. The milkfish or baii.gos; (chanos chanos forskal) its culture in the fish ponds about Manila Bay and the Gulf of Lingayen, Island of Luzon. Bu1·eau of Education Bulletin No. 28. Bureau of Printing, Manila. DAY, A. L. 1915. Difficulties encountered in the culture of the baii.gofl, or milkfish, in Zambales province. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. lOD: 307-315. GRIFFIN, L. E. 1910. The pearl fishery of Bantayan. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 50:149-151. HERRE, A. W. 1927. Fishery resources of the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science Popular Bulletin No. 3. Bureau of Printing, Manila. 1~27. The fisheries of Lake Taal (Bombon), Luzon, and Lake Naujan, Mindoro. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 34:287-306. 444 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1926. Rational methods for protection of useful aquatic animals of the Pacific. Proceedings, Third Pan-Paciffo Science Congress. Tokyo. 1925. Philippine fisheries, A summary of the fishery resources 'of the Philippine Islands, their present condition and their possibilities. The Mid-Pacific Magazine, v. 32: 217-230. Proceedings, Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, 1926: pp. 21 H2203. 1926. Philippine gobies. Proceedings, Third PanPacific Science Congress, Tokyo, pp. 2257-2266. 1927. Carps in the Philippines. Lingnan Science Journal, v. 5 :269-270. 1929. Javanese fresh-water fish ponds (includinggourami). Asia, v. 29: 210-213. 1929. The American cyprinodont in Philippine salt ponds. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 38: 121-127. 1923. The distribution of true fresh-water fishes in the Philippine Islands and its significance. Proceedings, PanPacific Science Congress. Australia, v. 2: 1561-1570. 1927. Facts about the Philippine fishing industry. Bureau of Commerce and lnd1UJtry Journal, v. 3:11-12. 1923. The Philippines as an ideal site for a biological station. Reprint, Scientific monthly, v. 17: 206-215. 1922. The culture of baiigos in the Philippine Islands. Bureau of Science Press Bulletin No. 108, p. 27. MANE, ANDRES M. 1929. A preliminary study of the life history and habits of kanduli, Ariu.s spp. in Laguna de Bay. The Philippine, v.18:81-117. (Thesis prepared in the College of Agriculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid). 1928. Philippine Fisheries. Bureau of Commeri:e and industry Journal, v.1:10-11. 1934. The spawning and feeding habits of ayuiigin, Therapon plumbeus (Kner), a common theraponid in Laguna de Bay. The Philippine In Press. MARTIN, CLARO. 1934. Smoking fish around Manila Bay. Philip. Jour. Sci., In Press. MONJE, ISABELO M. 1933. Composition of commercial catches of pukot (drag seines) , pante (gill nets), and baklad (fish corrals) in the Mayondon portion of Laguna de Bay. (Thesis prepared in the College of Agriculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid. Unpublished). MoNTILLA, JOSE. 1931. The ipon fisheries of northern Luzon. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 45:61-75. MONTALBAN, H. R. 1930. Investigations of fish preservation at Estancia, Panay, Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 42:309-335. 1930. An investigation of the comparative loss of weight of the brine cured, pickle, cured, and kench cured fish. Journal Pan-Pacific Research Institute, v. 5: 2-14. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 445 MONTALBAN, H. R. and C. MARTIN. 1930. Two Japanese fishing methods used by Japanese fishermen in Philippine waters. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 42: 465-480. NONO, ANDRES M. and A. M. MANE. 1931. Biology of cohol, Ampullaria luzonica Reeve, a common Philippine fresh-water snail. The Philippine Agriculturist, v .19: 675-695. (Thesis prepared in the Col- . l~ge of AiTiculture under the direction of Dr. D. V. Villadolid). OROsA, MARIA Y. 1931. (With introduction by Wallace Adams). Recipes for sea food. Bureau of Science Popular Bulletin No. 8. Bureau of Printing, Manila. SANTOS, E. DE ws. 1921. Industria Pesquera. Paper read in a conference of de la Real Academia de la historia de Madrid on February 2, 1921. SEALE, ALVIN. 1910. The successful transference of black bass to the Philippine Islands, with notes on the transporting of live fish long distances. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 5D :153-159. 1908. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands, I: Commercial fishes. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.3A:513-531. 1909. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands, II: Sponges and sponge fisheries. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.4A:5764. 1910. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands, III: Pearls and pearl fisheries. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.5D:87101. 1911. The fishery resources of the Philippine Islands, IV: Miscellaneous marine products. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6D: 283-320. 1914. Preservation of commercial fish and fishery products in the Tropics. PhiUp. Jour. Sci., v.9D:l-16. 191G. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, I: Fo;)d fishes and sharks. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. llD :235-241. 1916. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, II: Pearls, pearl shells, and button shells. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. llD: 245-264. 1917. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, III: Sponges, tortoise shell, corals, and trepang. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 12D: 191-212. TALAVERA, FLORENCIO. 1932. The fisheries of Lake Sampaloc, San Pablo, Laguna province, Luzon. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 48-411-427. 1930. Pearl fisheries of Sulu. Philip. Jour. Sci., v .43 :483-499. TALAVERA, F. and L. A. FAUSTINO. 1931. Industrial shells of the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 45: 321-350. 1933. Edible Mollusks of Manila. Bureau of Science Popular Bulletin No. 5. Bureau of Printing, Manila. TALAVERA, F. and H. R. MONTALBAN. 1932. Fishing appliances of Panay, Negros, and Cebu. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 48 :429-483. ·TAYLOR, E. H. 1919. lpon fisheries of Abra River. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.14:127-130. 446 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UMALI, A. F. 1932. Japanese beam trawl used in Philippine wate1"';. Philip. Jour. Sci., v.48:389-410. 1932. The cast net as a deep-water fishing appliance in Manila Bay. Philip. Jo11.r. Sci., v.51:555-565. 1934. Fishery industries of southwestern Samar. Philip. Jour. Sci., In Press. VILLAOOLID, DEOGRACIAS V. 1923. Study on the post-embryonic development of the alimentary canal of the dalag, Ophicephalus striatus Bloch, with notes on its feeding habits. (Master's thesis presented to the University of the Philippines. Unpublished). ---------. 1932. A preliminary study of the larval fishes found in the mouth of the Pansipit River, and in Balayan, Nasugbu, and Batangas Bays. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20 :511-516. 1932. Notes on the crustacean and molluscan fisheries of Lake Taal and the Pansipit River. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 645-646. 1932. Some aspects of the question of conservation of fishery resources of Laguna de Bay and Lake Taal. University of the Philippines Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 2: 293295. 1933. Some causes of depletion of certain fishery resources of Laguna de Bay. University of the Philippines Natural and Applied Science Bnlletin, v. 3 :251-256. 1932. Methods and gear used in fishing in Lake Taal and the Pansipit River. The Philippine Agricultnrist, v. 20: 571-579. 1934. The kanduli fisheries of the Philippine Islands: Their conservation and rehabilitation. Philip. Jour. Sci. In Press. VILLAOOLID, D. V. and F. G. DEL RosARIO. 1930. Some studies on the biology of tulla, Corbiculla manillensis (Philippi), a common food clam of Laguna de Bay and its tributaries. The Philippine Agi·iculturist, v. 19 : 355-382. VILLAOOLID, D. V. and M. D. SULIT. 1932. A list of plants used in connection with fishing activities in the Laguna de Bay regions and in Batangas province, Luzon. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21 :2535. VILLADOLID, D. V. and P. R. MANACOP. 1934. The Philippine Phallostethidae: A description of a new species and the biology of Gulaphallus mirabilis Herre. Philip. Jour. Sci. In Press. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAMMALOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By CANUTO G. MANUEL Of the Bureau of Science Associate Member, Section of Biological Survey Mammalogy is an undeveloped science in the Philippines. In spite of the work of such notable men as Cuming, Mearns, Whitehead, Steere, Hollister, and a few others, much still rerhains to be known along this line of study here. The work on Philippine mammalogy has been confined mainly to collecting and systematic classification. Aside from these, very little is known here of this field. A review of the work that has been done will help enlighten those who are interested in this branch of Phifippine Zoology. PHILIPPINE MAMMALOGY DURING THE SPANISH REGIME The history of Philippine mammalogy. may properly be linked with the early voyages to the Philippines. The first known record of Philippine mammals, however, was that of William Dampier who remarked about the marked abundance of wild hogs in the woods of Mindanao which he visited in 1686. A paper containing a list of Philippine animals was first published by Jacobo Petiver during the early part of the eighteenth century. The materials were supposed to be supplied by the Jesuit missionary, George Joseph Camel, who made what probably was one of the earliest, if not the earliest collection in the Philippines. Petiver's publication was followed by many others which dealt with the enumeration of the Philippine mammals collected and the descriptions of new forms. These publications were based mainly on the collections made by such European collectors as Friederich Eschscholtz (1823-1826), Fortune Eydoux and Paul Gervais (1830-1832), Hugh Cuming (1836-1840), F. Jagor (1859-1861L A. H. Everett and J. Whitehead. Prof. J. B. Steere as early as 1887, also collected animals in various parts of the Philippines. Studies based on his collections were 447 448 NATIONAL RESEARC!l COUNCIL published chiefly by A. Gunther, D. G. Elliot, N. Hollister, G. M. Allen, and by Steere himself. The Menage Expedition to the Philippines was able to make a .small collection. Of the collections made during this era, two were most notable; those of Hugh Cuming and of John Whitehead. European collectors and scientists were most active in the work on Philippine mammalogy during this period. With the change of sovereignty there was als-:> a change of intere8t in the science. PHILIPPINE MAMMALOGY DURING THE AMERICAN REGIME Shortly after American occupation of the Philippines, Major Edgar A. Mearns, an experienced mammalogis:t, started his collection of what undoubtedly is the largest single collection of Philippine mammals. The collection totalled more than one thousand specimens containing 93 species and subspecies, 54 of which were made the types of new species and subspecie8, and 8 as types of new genera. G. S. Miller, N. Hollister, and Mef\rns himself published the resul'.s of studies made from this collection. Mearns collected from a very large number of localities and islands, the most important of which was Mt. Apo. The most recent notable collection was brought 1together by Edward H. Taylor. Although approximating that of Mearns in size and number of species, his collection contained fewer new forms. Taylor himself published a monograph based largely on his collection. So far, this is the latest publication on Philippine mammals. Aside from these two major collections, there are also recorded minor individual collections such as those of: George C. Lewis, Dr. C. Fox, D. B. Mackie, L. M. McCormick, Dr. P. Bartsch, Wm. D. Carpenter, and Dr. J. C. Hardy. The Bureau of Science Collection mostly brought togPther by R. C. McGregor and A. Celestino consisted originally of about 98 specimens representing 26 species. THE PRESENT STATE OF PHILIPPINE MAMMALOGY The work that has been done on Philippine mammals is still very meager if one considers the extent of the territory ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 449 that is not yet intensively worked out. Most of the collections were confined to only a few places, and, even in well known localities such as Mt. Data and Mt. Apo, a more intensive and thorough collecting will doubtless yield still other new forms. Many of the small islands do not have even a single record of a mammal. The most fertile fields for collecting which will undoubtedly yield many new forms include the mountains along the eastern part of northern Luzon, in addition to several isolated islands. More careful and thorough collecting is needed before the answers to problems such as: the real mammalian distribution in the Philippines; fauna! relationship between islands and island groups; faunal relationship between the Philippines and the surrounding land masses; and many other problems whose solutions are not as yet known until our knowledge of Philippine mammalogy is adequate. PARTIAL LIST OF A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON PHILIPPINE MAMMALOGY ALLEN, GROVER M. 1922. Bats from Palawan, Philippine Islands. Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Mwhigan, No. 110, p. 1-5. BOURNS, FRANK s. and DEAN c. WORCESTER. 1894. Pr~liminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expedition to the Philippine Islands. Occ. P<;ipe1· Minn. Acad. Nat., Sci., v. 1: 1-64. BROOK, Sm VICTOR. 1877. On the deer of the Philippine Islands, with the description of a new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London,. p. 51-60, pis. 8-10. CABRERA, ANGEL. 1909. Un nuevo "Rhinolophus" filipino. Bol. Real Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., v. 9 :304-306. CAMEL, GOORGE JOSEPH. 1699. De Quadrupedibus Philippensibus. Trans. London, v. 21: 2197-2204. HOLLISTER, N. 1912. A List of Mammals of the Philippine Islands, exclusive of the Cetacea. Phil. Jour. Sci., v. 7D :1-64. MEARNS, EDGAR A. 1905. Description of new genera and species of mammals from the Philippine Islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. v. 28: 425-460. MEYER, A. B. 1898-99. Saugethiere von Celebes-und Philippinen-Archipel. Dresden Zool. Mus. Abh. No. 7, i-viii, 1-31. SANCHEZ, DOMINGO. 1898. Los mamiferos de Filipinas. Anales de la Soc. Espanola de Hist. Nat. II, v. 27:93-110. 450 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL STEERE, J. B. 1890. A List of the birds and mammals collected by the Steere Expedition to the Philippines with localities and brief preliminary descriptions of supposed new species. Ann Arbor, Michigan, p. 1-30. TAYLOR, EDWARD H. 1934. Philippine land mammals. Bur. of Printing, Manila. p. 1-548, pis. 25. THoMAS, OLDFIELD. 1898. On the mammals obtained by Mr. John Whitehead during his recent expedition to the Philippines. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, v.14: 377-412, pis. 30-36. ORNITHOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By CANUTO G. MANUEL Of the Bureau of Science Associate Member, Section of Biological Survey Ornithology has been defined as the science which deals with the study of birds. Like other branches of natural history, the intricate problems dealing with the studies of birrls are grouped into two phases, viz., systematic and economic. SYSTEMATIC ORNITHOLOGY: ITS HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT The history of Philippine ornithology may be traced back to the beginning of the eighteenth century when the collection of Philippine birds by the Moravian Jesuit, George Joseph Camel, supplied the materials for the earliest memoir on exotic birds that has come down to us. For nearly two centuries these islands had been nothing more than a veritable coll.,cting ground for foreign naturalists. Travellers, members of the clergy, and crews of mercantile vessels picked up birds here and there and took them to Europe where they were identified. The novelties of Philippine birds aroused the interest of great European museums which later sent exped~tion here. Specimens of Philippine birds are now prized possessions of those institutions, which, moreover, were responsible for the early literature on Philippine birds. Sonnerat, Kittlitz, Lindsay, Eydoux, Jacquinot, Jagor, Layard and many others were the early explorers collecting birds in this archipelago, while such names as Gray, Martens, Sharpe, Walden, Salvadori, Marquis of Tweeddale and Everett are linked with the literature on Philippine ornithology. The fame of the Philippines as a collecting ground crossed the Atlantic about the middle of the nineteenth century. In 1870 the first American collecting expedition was undertaken by Dr. Joseph B. Steere. This expedition was later responsible for the development here of an ornithological institution and for this reason the succeeding events will be described in a more detailed manner. Dr. Steere stayed here four years. Disregarding the obstacles he encountered during the first trip, 451 452 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Dr. Steere returned to the Philippines and was here with three assistants during the years 1887-1888. One of his assistants was Dean C. Worcester, then a student in zoology at the University of Michigan. It may be of interest to emphasize here that Steere's serond expedition had in some way an influence over the present political make-up of this country. When this party returned to the United States, Worcester and Bourns, the latter another assistant of Steere on his second trip, looked for means to enable them to come again to the Philippines, and in •the years 1890-1893, the two gentlemen were here on a private collecting party. It is not intended to show that the collection of birds here during the last half of the last century was done exclusively by Americans. European naturalists like Everett, Marche, Guillemard, Chadenberg, Platen, Schmacher, Whitehead, among many others, also collected birds here. The advent of American occupation marked a new era in Philippine ornithology. Based on Mr. Worcester's familiarity with Philippine conditions, he was appointed a member of the first commission. Under his direction, a section of ornithology was created in the organization of the new government. It was under tha Philippine Government Laboratories, later called the Bureau of Science. Mr. Worcester continued his contributions to Philippine ornithology in addition to his vast duties as member of the commission. Mr. Richard C. McGregor was in charge of the section. Inasmuch as all ornithological work in the Philippines since the American occupatio;n was done under the direction of Mr. McGregor, the description of the activities of his office would be tantamount to the enumeration of the activities in the science of Philippine ornithology. In spite of the other duties assigned to him and despite lack of assistance, Mr. McGregor made a tremendous contribution to the knowledge of Philippine birds, particularly along sytematic lines. He built the finest collection of Philippine birds now in existence. Mr. McGregor described birds from nearly all parts of the archipelago and made compilations of nearly all existing literature relating to Philippine ornithology. Jointly with Mr. Worcester, "A Handlist of the Birds of the Philippine Islands", was published in 1906. In 1909 the publication was enlarged ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 453 with corrections and agenda into, "A Manual of Philippine Birds" was continued primarily by Americans stationed here for other duties and by foreign collectors. Some of them w-:.:rtthose of Major Mearns of the U. S. Army, of Governors Forbes and Wood and of Marquis Hachisuka of Japan. Marquis Hachisuka's keen interest in Philippine ornithology was manifested by his publication of "Birds of the Philippine Islands," the first volume of which appeared in 1931-1932. ECONOMIC ORNITHOLOGY As in other zoological lines, studies along the field of economic ornithology, or "the study of birds from the standpoint ?f dollars and cents" follow those of systematic ornithology. About 20 years ago, the Bureau of Science attempted to popularize the value of birds in the destruction of insect pests. That aroused public sentiment so that the Philippine Agricultural Congress in session voted its appreciation of the work done in that institution. Lack of financial aid, however, did not permit that Bureau to carry out its program. Studies bearing on the relation of our wild birds to agriculture, horticulture, forestry and fisheries, are of paramount imporbnce. Studies along this line are therefore being carried out. How much of the program can be covered cannot now be ascertained. However, despite lack of adequate assistance the birds frequenting rice fields have. been studied. The economic value of two species of rice birds have been determined. It is generally accepted that the relation of birds depends mainly on the character of their food, and this is determined in several ways: (1) by field observation, (2) by experiments with newly captured birds, and, (3) by examination of stomach contents in the laboratory. The last is considered the method most satisfactory. During a period of nearly three years, about 5,000 stomachs have been examined and data are now available for determining the value of a few species of birds. Game.-There are no data on hand, but it cannot be denied that with the development of our highways, and the advent of the improved methods of transportation and contrivances for killing birds, the number killed for game has increased tremendously within recent years. In view of this, the distribution, abundance and habits of the game birds are 454 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL being studied in order to provide the sportsmen adequate sport without impairing the normal number of the birds. The steps taken by a group of local sportsmen who, about twenty years ago introduced a number of game birds here, l",hould be mentioned. At least three attempts are known to have been made in introducing game birds here from China. According to information, a number of pheasants, Chinese francolins, and Daurian quails were liberated in a few places near Manila, particularly in Balagbag, near Fort Wm. McKinley, Rizal Province. Observations made during the last two years indicated that the last two species are holding on, while no record is known of the pheasant. Edible birds' nests and guano.-The harvesting and commercial utilization of bird products which at present is confined to the edible nests of certain species of birds await a working ornithologist to improve and develop in order t-0 be a real source of income to the government. Large breeding grounds of sea birds had been noted by early ornithologists as occurring in Palawan and in several isolated southern islands. Exploitation of those areas may prove beneficial to the country through their guano deposits. Introduction of foreign bird.s.-There are a number of foreign non-game birds that have been introduced into the Philpines either intentionally or unintentionally principally through the traffic of caged-bird fanciers. The earliest known record of an intentional introduction was that of the crested myra, Aethiopsar cristatellus. The birds were introduced by Spanish authorities in about the year J 850 with the object of combating the locust plagues which devastated local crops. Partial studies made within the last fow years indicate that the species is fulfilling its mission and in addition to locust, it feeds on many other species of harmful insects. Two species which are obviously destructive have, in recent :vears, been observed to establish themselves in the Islands. The agency of the introduction of the mountain sparrow Pas.~er montanus is not known, while there is every reason to bPlieve that the Indian red munia, in the market known as strawberry finch, A manda,va amandava, was established here through the dealers of caged-birds. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 455 SUMMARY For about two centuries, ornithology in the Philippines was confined to the collecting of birds, mostly by European naturalists. Interests of American naturalists in Philippine birds commenced about the middle of the last century. With the appointment of an American ornithologist to the first Philippine commission, who had charge of all scientific work under the government, a section of ornithology was created. Early achievements of that section were largely along lines of systematic ornithology. When the systematic ornithology was thought to be on a solid foundation studies along the economic lines were begun. Investigations on the relation of birds to agriculture, horticulture, forestry and fisheries were started a few years ago. At present data on about 5000 stomachs of birds are available. In addition to the examination of stomach contents observations should be made to determine the habits of birds including those of game birds, birds building edible nests, sea birds depositing guano, and caged-birds imported from time to time. PARTIAL LIST OF A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OVER 350 TITLES RELATING TO PHILIPPINE ORNITHOLOGY ANONYMOUS. 1833. Memoires presente a l'Acad. Imp. Sc. de St. Petersburg, 2. BLASIUS, W. 1888. Die Vogel von Palawan. Ornis, 301-320. BOURNS, F. s. and D. c. WORCESTER. 1884. Preliminary notes on the birds and mammals collected by the Menage Scientific Expediti,m to the Philippine Islands. Minn. A cad. Nat. Sci. Occ. Papers, v. 1: 1-64. CAMEL, GEORGE JOSEPH. 1702-1703. De Avibus Philippensibus. Philosophical Transactions, 13. DILLWYN, L. L. 1851. On an underscribed species of Megapodius. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 118-120, pl. 39. EVERETT, A. H. 1889. Remarks on the Zoo-geographical relationships L'f the Island of Palawan and some adjacent Islands. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 220-228, pl. 23 (map). GUILLEMARD, F. H. H. 1885. Report on the collection of birds made during the voyage of the yacht "Marchesa." Part I. A provisional list of the birds inhabiting the Sulu Archipelago. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 247-275, pis. 17-18. HARTERT, E. 1891. Die bischer bekannten Vogel von Mindoro, nebst Bemerkungen uber einige Vogel von anderen Inseln der Philipinen Gruppe. Jonrn. fiir Orn., 199-206, 292-302. 456 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Ku'M'ER, Dr. 1883. Beitrag zur Ornis der Philippinen. Journ. fur Orn., 291-317. MARTENS, ED. V .. 1886. Zusamenstellung der bekanten philippinischen Vogel. Journ. fur Orn., 5-31. MOSELEY, E. L. 1891. Descriptions of two new species of fly-catche1·s from the island of Negros, Philippines. Ibid, 46-47, col. pl. 2. OUSTALET, E. 1880. Description de deux oiseaux des Iles Sooloo. Bull. Hedb. Assoc. Sci. France, 205-206. SHARPE, R. B. 1877. On the birds collected by Prof. J. B. Steere in the Philippine Archipelago. Trans. Linn. Soc. (2) Zool. pt. 6, 307-355. SHARPE, R. B. 1867-1871. Monograph of the Alcedinidae or family of Kingfishers. SoNNERAT, P. 1776. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee. STEERE, J. B. 1888. The Philippine Islands. Nature, 37-39. TwEEDDALE, MARQUIS. 1877-1879. Contributions to the Ornithology of the Philippines. (In 12 series) Proc. Zool. Soc. London. VIGORS, N. A. 1830. On a collection of birds from Manila, presented by H. H. Lindsay, Esq., with characters of new species. Pr..c. Zool. Soc. London, 96-98. WALDEN, VISOOUNT ARTHUR. 1875. A list of birds known to inhabit the Philippine Archipelago. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 9, pt. 2 125252, col. pls. 23-34. WALDEN, VISOOUNT ARTHUR and E. I. LAYARD. 1872. On birds recently observed or obtained in the island of Negros, Philippines. Ibid, 93-107, pls. 4-6. WHITEHEAD, J. 1890. Notes on the birds of Palawan. Ibid, 38-61, col. pl. 2. HISTORY OF PLANT BREEDING IN THE PHILIPPINES By JOSE M. CAPINPIN Of the Department of Agronomy Associate Member, Sections of Agronomy and Genetics INTRODUCTION As generally understood, plant breeding is cross-breeding plants or plant hybridization. The term implies "improvement" or "amelioration" of plants. In its modern and broader aspect, plant breeding would cover all the phenomena of plants, including structure, habits, yields and other physical chari:i.cteristic~ that are amenable to change and control by man. Therefore, in considering the achievement in plant breeding in the Philippines when it 'is a new phase in agricultural practice, H is well to remember that plant breeding as an agricultural practice should have a definite purpose in view in the production and development of new plant forms either by introduction of varieties, selection, crossing or any other means useful in improving the hereditary qualities of plants. Scientific plant breeding is not so simple a practice as is generally supposed. J.t may be considered as a plain but serious business to be conducted by carefully trained persons in a painstaking and methodical way. It is a line of work which demands special training based on a previous study of the underlying principle of genetics. Plant genetics as a biological science developed rapidly only since the rediscovery of Mendel's law in 1900. A knowledge of the fundamentals in genetics is essential if the student of crop or pla;:it breeding is to pursue his work in the most logical manner. A study of genetics, therefore, should precede the practice of the art of breeding. I. BEGINNING OF PLANT BREEDING IN THE PHILIPPINES The inclusion of a course in plant genetics known as Agronomy V (Plant Breeding) in the curriculum of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines at Los Banos, in the academic year 1912-1913 under the charge of the late Dean Charles Fuller Baker marked the beginning of plant breeding instruction as well as investigation in the Philippines (Mendiola, 1920, 1921). In 1916 the CoUege of Agriculture sent Doc457 458 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tor Mendiola as a pe~sionado of the Philippine Government to Cornell University to major in Plant Breeding. In 1918, upon Doctor Mendiola's return to the Philippines, he reorganized the courses of study in plant breeding and genetics. Two undergraduate courses, Elementary Genetics and Methods of Plant Breeding, and a graduate course, Elementary Biometry were then instituted. Although the courses were all elective, they proved to be popular among the students. At present the following courses on the fundamental principles and the practical applications of plant genetics are given in the College of Agriculture: For undergraduates, Principles of Breeding, Breeding Tropical Crops, and Advanced Sugar Cane Breeding. For graduate students, Advanced Genetics and Advanced Methods of Breeding Tropical Crops. II. PLANT BREEDING RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES The instruction in genetics served as an avenue to the wide field of research and investigations on the improvement of Philippine crops. At about the time the course in plant genetics was opened in the College of Agriculture two senior students were assigned plant breeding research subjects, one on hybridization of tobacco and another on hybridization of corn. The tobacco hybrids (Tirona, 1914), and the corn hybrids (Mendiola, 1914) constitute the first results of the applied science of plant breeding in the Philippines. As the genetics courses became more elaborate and comprehensive, investigations and experimental studies along the lines of variation, heredity, mutation, Mendelian phenomena, crop biometrics, and pure line selection of different crop plants in the Philippines proceeded steadily, although slowly. The slowness was due partly to the fact that only two government institutions, the College of Agriculture and the Bureau of Agriculture, were engaged in plant breeding studies and also that the research funds granted were inadequate either for the proper prosecution of genetic projects or for the training of personnel. But despite the infancy of plant breeding and genetic science in the Philippines, it may be said that what has so far been accomplished compares favorably with the achievements along similar lines in Java, India, and other tropical countries. The book entitled "A Manual of Plant Breeding for the Tropics", by Dr. N. B. Mendiola, which was published in 1926 by the ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 459 University of ithe Philippines, gives a condensed though comprehensive presentation· of what had been achieved in the Philippines along plant improvement from 1914 up to 1925. Very recently Doctor Mendiola proposed a new and operative method of plant improvement. The method is of outstanding significance as a milestone in the development of plant genetics for it is based largely on Philippine-grown materials (Mendiola, 1932, 1933). In line with the most recent advances in breeding the writer has just begun a long range investigation on the relation of cytology to plant improvement. This angle of genetic research is concerned with the relation of chromosomes to sterility, fertifity, vegetative luxuriance and other agronomic· features of various varieties, mutants and hybrids of crop plants. In the following paragraphs are recorded briefly the different crop breeding studies and investigations which have been completed in the Philippines. 1. RICE BREEDING Rice, being the staple crop of the Philippines, has received major attention in breeding and genetic studies. Along selection studies are those of Jacobson (1914), Gutierrez (1918), Goco (1918), Romero (1918), Mendiola (1920, 1932), Montemayor (1924)' and Rayos (1924). Correlation works on varieties were reported by Jacobson (1916), Peralta (1919), Vibar (1921), and Capinpin (1923). Variety tests were begun by Morada (1921). Pollination studies and artificial and natural crossing work were reported by Torres (1923, 1927; 1930), Rodrigo (1925), and Mendiola (1927). Some biological and genetic aspects of rice grains were observed by Jacobson (1914), Mendiola (1918, 1932), Unite (1921), Rodrigo (1926), and Reyes et al. (1933). The agronomic and plant breeding values of rice seedlings were investigated by Torres (1924) Rodrigo (1924) and Calvo (1927). A study on the improvement of rice by inbreeding and selection w11s conducted by Juachon (1933), and Juachon and Mercado (1933). 2. CORN BREEDING The most outstanding contributions on corn have been by Mendiola (1914) and Marquez (1918) on hybridization; by Goco (1921) and Mendiola (1932) on selection; by Mendiola (1920. 1921) on breeding for disease resistance; by Mariano (1920) on correlation of characters; by Isidro (1934) on effect of de460 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tasseling on yield; by Macasaet (1918) and Bautista (1918) on agronomic and breeding values of distancing and intercropping; and by Morada (1921) on variety testing. The evolutionary value of tlie ear of local corn was studied by Mendiola (1920). 3. SUGAR CANE BREEDING The Philippines probably ranks not far behind Java in the production of superior cane varieties by breeding and selection. Cane breeding in the Philippines was begun by Doctor Mendiola in 1918. Tlie perfection of a system of recording pedigrees of cane seedlings, the development of crossing and nursery technique, th'e efficient methods of rapid propagation, and the production and introduction of novel and superior seedling cane varieties have been possible through the initiative and guidance of Doctor Mendiola. Later, the Bureau of Agriculture (since divided into the bureaus of Plant Industry and Animal Industry), the Philippine Sugar Association, and some sugar centrals established cane breeding stations. The greater part of the per - sonnel conducting the work in these stations received their training in cane breeding in the College of Agriculture. The different cane seedling types which have been bred in the Phifipp1nes have been described by Mendiola (1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1924, 1928), Roxas (1919, 1928) and Unite (1932). The biology of cane flowering was investigated by Paglinawan (1925) and Mercado (1926, 1929). Variation and selection in .cane seedlings and hybrids were studied by Morales (1928) Florida ( 1929) and Legaspi ( 1932) . The genetic and plant breeding values of wi.ld types of other species of Saccharum were inveS1tigated by Perez (1933) and Creag (1933), A key for identifying canes was proposed by Mendiola (1922, 1930). The breeding from mosaic-free cane was first reported by Unite ~nd Capinpin (1926). The sugar cane bred in the College of Agriculture bears C. A. C. numbers; those bred by the Philippine Sugar Association, P. S. A. numbers and those produced by the Bureau of Agriculture, P. I. numbers. 4. TOBACCO BREEDING Tobacco is considered one of the money or cash crops of the Philippines. Along with the development of cultural practices in growing this plant, steps for its genetic improvement have also oeen instituted. The hybridization of tobacco conANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 461 ducted by Tirona (1914) led to a new aspect of the tobacco industry (Mendiola, 1915). Introduction and tests of cigar wrapper and cigarette types were performed by Paguirigan (1916), Leafio (1916) and Gutierrez (1928). Other experiments on tobacco hybrids have been reported by Gutierrez (1924) and David (1926). The correlated characters in the tobacco plant were studied by David (1925). To economize and simplify the technique of pollination, a study of the efficiency of different materials for bagging tobacco flowers was conducted by De la Cruz (1929). 5. FRUIT BREEDING In the study of methods for the improvement of fruits, hybridization and discovery of bud variation and mutation proved to be effective. The improvement of papaya through the isolation of hermaphroditic races was first reported by Baker (1914). The pineapple breeding conducted in the College of Agriculture may be considered a forward step in Philippine pomology. The native variety of pineapple was much improved by crossing with other forms of pine and exceptionally fine new pineapple seedling varieties were created by hybridizing the introduced varieties. Full accounts of pineapple breeding, probably the most outstanding in the tropics, are given in the papers of Mendiola (1924) Capinpin (1928) and Mendiola, Capinpin and Mercado (1934). On the lanzon, investigations on seedlessness through the occurrence of bud mutations or otherwise were conducted by Mendiola (1922). On the mabolo and p0melo similar studies were made by Capinpin (1933, 1934). Teratological forms and freaks and their inheritance have been reporfod on the banana by Capinpin (1926), Mendiola (1922, 1929) and Capinpin and Mercado (1931). 6. BREEDING OF PERMANENT CROPS Because of the slow growing nature of coconut and abaca they are not good materials for genetic research, hence very few studies for their improvement have been conducted. Certain phases, however, of breeding and selection in coconut were made by Aldaba (1921) and Maceda (1933); and in abaca by Mendiola (1923). A beginning has been made on keeping a performance record of individual coconut trees (Mendiola, 1926). The variability of tensile strength of commercial fibers of abaca were reported by Tirona (1932). 462 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 7. BREEDING OF SOME OIL-BEARING PLANTS The limited improvement by breeding in this class of plants has been attained by selection and seasonal tests en sesamum (Zulaybar, 1914), (Samonte (1919); and by variety tests of tafigan-tafigan (Carandang, 1921). 8. VEGETABLE BREEDING Acclimatization tests, selection and variability studies on cowpeas, beans, mungo, peas, soybeans and other garden crops have been reported by Constantino (1916), Galang (1916), San Miguel (1916), Dacanay (1916), Layosa (1918), Maceda (1919), Rodrigo (1928), and Caguicla (1933). Crossbreeding of varieties in eggplant (Bayla, 1918) and in cowpeas (Capinpin, 1933) are the only reported studies on hybridization. 9. BREEDING ROOT, STARCH AND FORAGE CROPS Of the root crops, the sweet potato breeding conducted by Mendiola (1921) constitutes another landmark in Philippine plant breeding. Cassava breeding was also initiated by the College of Agriculture. Variety tests and introduction of improved varieties are lines of work which have been accomplished in the improvement of cover crops (Mendiola, 1928) and on root crops by (Sison, 1921 and Roque, 1924). 10. BREEDING OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS Primarily ornamental plants have been used as materials for breeding to develop novel types, and secondarily to derive additional genetic facts from these groups of plants. Bud variation in Codiaeum by Mendiola and Magsino (1922); somatic segregation in hibiscus (Mendiola, .1931), hybridization of hibiscus (Mendiola, 1925); Mendelian inheritance and seminal variation in gardenias (Capinpin, 1925, 1927) ; inheritance of leaf lobes and sterility phenomena in hibiscus (Mendiola, 1926, 1927), are some investigations which revealed important genetical discoveries in these species. New types of seedling hibiscus were obtained by Mendiola and Capinpin (1923) and Mendiola and Unite (1924). Gladiolus hybrids have recently been produced by Capinpin and Dawis (1934). 11. BREEDING FOR DISEASE RESISTANCE According to a paper by Mendiola and Ocfemia (1916), the work of breeding disease-resistant crop plants in the Philippines was initiated in the College of Agriculture. Some results ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 463 have already been attained in breeding disease resistance in sugar cane as indicated by the studies of Mendiola (1923) and Unite and Capinpin (1926). 12. INTRODUCTION OF IMPROVED VARIETIES OF PLANTS The introduction of crop va'rieties which may prove superior to the existing types in a given locality is a phase of the plant breeding program which was adopted by the College of Agriculture in its earliest days, and by other government institutions engaged in plant investigations. Among the species which have been successfully introduced in the College of Agriculture are Kawisari ~ coffee (Mendiola, 1931), Java selected Hevea clons (Mendiola, 1931), oil palm (Mendiola, 1931), quinine (Mendiola, 1927), Ramai rice (Aragon, 1930) and improved chico seedling (Gonzalez, 1932). Some coffee varieties introduced in the College lost resistance to coffee rust (David, 1928); some hybrid and seedling types of Irish potato (Capinpin, 1933) aia not thrive well under conditions in Los Bafios. The two most promising species of Nephelium introduced from Java (Mendiola, 1934) constitute valuable additions to choice fruits in the Philippines. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS OF PLANT GENETICS IN THE PHILIPPINES B. RICE BREEDING C. CORN BREEDING D. SUGAR CANE BREEDING E. TOBACCO BREEDING F. FRUIT BREEDING G. BREEDING PERMANEN'l' CROPS H. BREEDING SOME OIL-BEARING PLANTS I. BREEDING VEGETABLES J. BREEDING ROOT, STARCH AND FORAGE CROPS K. BREEDING OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS L. BREEDING FOR DISEASE RESISTANCE M. INTRODUCTION OF IMPROVED VARIETIES A. FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS OF PLANT GENETICS IN THE PHILIPPINES MENDIOLA, N. B. 1920. Instruction in Practical Plant Breeding. The Philippine Agriculturist, 9: 15-17. 1921. Instruction and Investigation in Plant Breeding in the Philippines. The Philippine Agrir.ulturist, 10: 105-107. 1926. A Manual of Plant Breeding for the Tropics. xxviii + 365 p. 56 fig., University of the Philippines, Manila: Bureau of Printing. 464 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ----------1932. Somatic segregations observed in the College of Agriculture and their economic and genetic importance. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, 2: 269. 1933. A method of plant improvement based on the use of hidden heritable bud variations and those produced through injury. The Philippine Agriculturist, 22: 465-508. B. RICE BREEDING JAOOBSON, H. o. tural Reivew, 1914. Head-to-row test with 7: 346-351. rice. Philippine AgriculIbid., 9: 74-119. 1914. 1916. Xenia ( ?) in rice. Ibid., 7: 361. Correlative characters of the rice plant. GUTIERREZ, MARIANO E. 1918. Selection of some standard Ilocano and Tagalog rices. The Philippine Agriculturist, 6: 135-154. G<>oo, .ARsENIO A. 1918. Performances of selection of best local upland rices under fertilization. Ibid., 6: 155-167. MENDIOLA, NE.."dESIO B. 1918. An inhibitor in rice. Philippine Agricultural Review, 7: 65. RoMERO, LmN M. 1918. Elite culture and multiplication of some standard Ilocano and 'Tagalog lowland rice. The Philippine Agriculturist, 7: 149-183. PERALTA, FERNANDO DE. 1919. A study of the relation of climatic conditions to the vegetative growth and seed production of rice. Ibid., 7: 159-183. MENDIOLA, NEMESIO B. 1919. A review of the rice investigations at the College of Agriculture. Ibid., 8: 45-160. 1920. The improvement of rice by selection. The Philippine Farmer, 6: 77-78. VIBAR, TORIBI'O. 1921. Variation and correlation of characters among rice varieties with special reference to breeding. The Philippine Agriculturist, 10: 93-104. UNITE, JUAN 0. Comparative tests of rice seeds from the Principal and poorest culms in individual plants. Ibid., 10: 243-251. M~RADA, JULIAN A. 1921. Variety tests of upland rice. Ibid., 10: 256257. (Abstract). MENDIOLA, N. B. 1922. A study of the inheritance of berdedness of rice in natural hybrids. The Philippine Agricultural Review, 15: 28-43. CAPINPIN, JOSE M. 1923. Correlation within pure lines of rice. The Philippirie Agriculturist, 12: 3-14. ToRRES, J. P. 1923. Some notes on rice hybridization work. The Philippine Agricultural Review, 16: 46-48. 1924. Size of seedling tests with special reference to the rate of seeding and relative yields. Philippine Agriculturul Review, 17: 13-20. RoDRIGO, PEDRO A. 1924. The effect of spacing on tillering and production of three varieties of rice. The Philippine Agriculturist, 13: 5-28. MONTEMAYOR, ZOSIMO T. 1924. Mass selection in Philippine rice fields. Ibid., 13: 167-175. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 465 RAYOS, CATALINO S. 1924. Multiplication test of F, selected strains of upland rice. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 13: 126. (Abstract). RODRIGO, PEDRO A. 1925. Pollination and flower of rice. Ibid., v. 14: 155-172. RODRIGO, PEDRO A. 1926. A case of polyembryony in rice. Ibid., v. 14: 629-630. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1927. Natural crossing in rice and its relation to rice improvement. Proceedings of the Third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, v. 1: 1171-1179. TORRES, J. P. 1927. Some experiments in rice hybridization. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 20: 261-264. CALVO, DIONISIO. 1927. Tillering of rice. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 16: 89-104. TORRES, J. P. 1930. Progress report on rice hybridization at the Alabang Rice Experiment Station. Philippine Journal of Agriculture, v. 1: 287292. REYES, G. M., V. Bo&.TA AND J. P. TORRES. 1933. Observation in two forms of sterility in rice. The Philippine Journal of Agriculture, v. 16: 46-48. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1932. Farmers should select their seed. Community Assembly Lecture: Bureau of Education. JUACHON, P. 1933. Inbreeding experiment with Hambas rice variety. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 62. (Abstract), JUACHON, P. AND T. MERCADO. 1933. A report on a rice inbreeding experiment in the College of Agriculture. Ibid., v. 22: 234-253. C. CORN BREEDING MENDIOLA, N. B. 1914. Hybridization of corn. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 3: 165-171. MARQUEZ, F. D. 1918. Crossbreeding of corn. Ibid., v. 6: 116-123. MACASAET, V. 1918. Philippine corn culture with special reference to source of seed and distancing. Ibid., v. 6: 187-194 . . BAUTISTA, B. R. 1918. The production of grain and stalks by 'maize as affected by intercropping with legumes. Ibid., v. 7: 36-43. ESPINO, R. B. 1918. A review of the maize investigations at the College of Agriculture. Ibid., v. 8: 192-197. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1920. A review of "Philippine Downy Mildew of Maize." Ibid., v. 8: 331-334. 1920. On the evolution of the corn ear. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 13: 112-114. MARIANO, S. J. 1920. The relation of external characters of corn plant. Ibid., v. 8: 345-358. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1921. Regarding "Philippine Downy Mildew of Maize.'' Ibid., v. 9: 193-194. MORADA, E. K. 1921. Comparative test of thirty-two varieties of corn. Ibid., v. 9: 209-217. G<>oo, L. 1921. Pedigree selection with Native Yellow Flint corn. Ibid., v. 10: 289-298. 466 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDIOLA, N. B. 1932. Our farmers should select their corn seed. Community Assembly Lecture. September, 1932. ISIDRO, F. 1934. A study of the immediate effects of detasseling upon the yield of Calawan Yellow Flint corn planted ear-to-row and by the ordinary method. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 226-236. D. SUGAR CANE BREEDING MENDIOLA, N. B. 1919. Breeding New Sugar Cane Varieties in the College of Agriculture. Sugar Central and Planter's News, v. 1: 1-7. ROXAS, M. L. 1919. Sugar Cane investigations at the College of Agriculture. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 8: 179-189. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1919. Sugar cane breeding. College of Agriculture. Methodical way of breeding and selection of perfection of hybridization techniques. 1920. Breeding ne:w varieties at the College of Agriculture. Sugar News, v.1: (No. 13) 1-13. 1921. Sugar cane breeding in the College of Agriculture. Ibid., v. 10: 211-241. Pl. 1-12. 1922. Proposed identification key of cane varieties in the Philippines. Sugar Centra,l and Planter's News, v. 3: 16-18. 1924. Sugar cane breeding in the C-Ollege of Agriculture III. Experiment Station contribution No. 236. The Philip-' pine Agriculturist, v. 13: 115-128. PAGLINAWAN, S. B. 1925. A study of the flowering habits and flower characteristics of different varieties of sugar cane. Ibid., v. 14: 111-124. UNITE, J. 0. 1925. A study of the asexual inheritance of stooling habit of sugar cane seedlings. Ibid., v. 14: 239-346. Pl. 1. GRECIA, N. D. 1926. A field test of five different varieties of sugar cane at Hacienda Carmencita, Pampanga. Ibid., v.15: 443-454. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1926. Improvement of sugar cane. Chapter VI. A Manual of plant breeding for the tropics. (Book.) MERCADO, T. 1926. Study of the flowering habits and flower characteristics of three varieties of sugar cane. Ibid., v. 15: 181-204. Fig. 1. MERCADO, T. 1926. Sugar cane breeding in the College of Agriculture: Training sugar cane plants for convenient pollination work. Ibid., v.14: 539-540. Pl. 1. UNITE, J. 0., AND J. M. CAPINPIN_ 1926. Selection of mosaic free cuttings of sugar cane. Ibid., v.15: 67-73. MORALES, E. M. 1928. A study of (P. B. 119 X C. A. C. 87) F, hybrid and other sugar cane seedlings and their parents. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 16: 543-559. MERCADO, T. 1928. A report on the sexual inheritance of "many-eyed" character of sugar cane. The Philippine Agriculturist, v.17: 227-286. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1928. Sugar cane breeding work in the College of Agriculture during the past year. Reprint from Report of the committee on cane varieties, diseases and fertilizers. Sixth Convention of the Philippine Sugar Association. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 467 MENDIOLA, N. B. 1928. Important progress in sugar cane breeding in the Philippines. Experiment Station contribution No. 518. Cane. Bacolod Occidental Negros. Rox.As, M. L. ET AL. 1928. The selection of seedling canes followed by the breeding stations at Del Carmen and Canlubang. Report of the Committee on Cane Varieties, Diseases and Fertilizers. Sixth Annual Convention, Philippine Sugar Association, Manila pp. 22-27. 1928. Methods of breeding followed by the Philippine Sugar Association. Report of the Committee on Cane Varieties. Diseases and Fertilizers. Sixth Annual Convention, Philippine Sugar Association, Manila, pp. 28-40. MERCADO, 'T. 1929. Sugar cane breeding in the College of Agriculture: V. Isolation of live cane arrows and their use for hybridization. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 17: 527-536. FLORIDA, V. 1929. "Variability in important agronomical characters among sugar canes from parent varieties H-227, Louisiana striped, Cebu Purple, and Badila." Abstract by J. 0. CRUZ. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 17: 552. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1930. About Philippine New Guinea 24-A and Barbados 147 canes. Sugar News, v. 11: (No. 2). December, 1930. LEGASPI, T. T. 1932. "A comparative test of some promising College seedlings and two commercial varieties of sugar cane in the College of Agriculture. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 352-353. TENEBRO, M. T. (Abstract.) UNITE, J. 0. 1932. The present status of sugar cane breeding in the Philippines. Sugar News, v.13: 2-8. CREAG, G. Y. 1933. "A study of cross-compatibility between talahib (Saccharum spontaneum Linn subsp. indicum Hack), and other species of Saccharum. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 717. PIDLAOAN, N. (Abstract.) PEREZ, S. L. 1933. "A study of Saccharum spontancum Linn. •Suhsp. indicum Hack from the plant breeding standpoint." The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 639. TANGCO, S. P. (Abstract.) E. BREEDING OF TOBACCO TIRONA, J. P. 1914. Hybridization of tobacco. The Phuippine Agriculturist, v.3:1-7. Pl.1-4. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1915. A new asset of the tobacco industry in the Philippines, Ibid., v. 4: 69-80. CAGURANGA, A. B. 1916. Variability of tobacco in culture on the College Farm. Ibid., v. 5: 60-64. LEANo, BENEDICTQ CLAMOR. 1916. The possibilities of chewing tobacco and blended cigarettes in the Philippines. Ibid., v. 7: 314-321. PAGUIRIGAN, D. B. 1916. The production of cigar wrapper tobacco under shade in the Philippine. Ibid., v. 5: 39-49. GUTIERREZ, M. E. 1924. Progress report on five new hybrid varieties uf tobacco. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 17: 253-260. lMATONG, S. B. 1924. 'The effect of distancing on tobacco leaf. Ibid., v. 13: 289-292. Fig. 1-5. 468 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DAVID, P. A. 1925. The correlation between number of leaves and height of Nicotina tabacum. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 13: 345-348. 1925. A study of inheritance in tobacco crosses involving native and imported varieties. Ibid., v. 14: 3-25. 1926. Comparison of yields of third and fourth generations tobacco hybrids with yields of parents varieties. Ibid., v. 15: 33-36. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1926. Tobacco improvement. Chapter VIII. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics. (Book.) GUTIERREZ, M. E. 1928. Preliminary partial shade tests with wrapper tobacco in the Cotabato Valley. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 21: No. 14: 405-415. CRUZ DE LA, M. M. 1929. A study of the efficiency of different materi·als for bagging tobacco flowers. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 18: 139181. F. BREEDING OF FRUIT BAKER, C. F. 1914. Improvement of papaya. Ibid., v. 3 :15. MCWHORTER, FRANK P. 1922. Note on "Effect on banana fruit of premature appearance of the inflorescence." Ibid., v. 10: 441. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1922. Effect on banana fruit of premature appearance of the inflorescence. Ibid., v. 10: 299-300. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1922. Improvement of the lanzon (Lansiuni doniesticum Jack.) Ibid., v.11: 117-124. 1924. Pineapple Hybrids Produced in the College of Agriculture, read in the College Auditorium Before the Los Banos Biological Club, J ul_y 17, 1924. CAPINPIN, J. M. 1926. A case of teratological twining in banana. Ibid., v. 15: 167. Fig. 1-2. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1926. Fruit improvement. Chapter XII. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics. (Book.) CAPINPIN, J. M. 1928. Pineapple Breeding in the College of Agriculture Los Banos Biological Club, March, 1928. 1929. Worshipped banana and "Cambal" freaks. Economic and biological importance of freaks. Philippines Free, Saturday December 28, 1929. CAPINPIN, J. M. and T. MERCADO. character of banana bunches. 465-474. 1929. Asexual inheritance of twin The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 18: CAPINPIN, J. M. Education: CAPINPIN, J. M. lished.) 1933. How to improve our fruit varieties. Bureau of Community Assem. Lecture. 1934. Seedlessness in some Philippine fruits. (UnpubMENDIOLA, CAPINPIN, and MERCADO. 1934. Pineapple breeding in the College of Agriculture Los Banos Biological Club. July 26, 1933. G. BREEDING OF PERMANENT CROPS ALDABA, V. C. 1921. The pollination of coconut. The Philippine Agriculturist, v.10: 195-207. Pl. 1. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1923. On the improvement of abaca. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 16: 85-99. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 469 1926. Coconut breeding. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics (Book.) TIRONA, M. 1932. The variability of tensile strength of commercial abaca fibers of the same origin in the pseudostem. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 48: 243-256. MACEDA, F. S. 1933. A study of coconut seedlings in relation to shape of nut. The Philippine Agricnlturi.~t, v. 22: 430-441. H. BREEDING SOME OIL-BEARING PLANTS ZULAYBAR, E. Q. 1914. Improvement of sesamum. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 3: 51-64. CARANDANG, A. T. 1921. Cultural study of different varieties of tafigantafigan with determination of oil content. Ibid., v. 10: 303-304. (Abstract by J. R. PRONTO.) SAMONTE, C. S. 1928. Oil yield of different strains of sesamum as affected by the season of the year and method of culture. Ibid., v. 6: 292-299. I. BREEDING VEG ET ABLES C-ONSTANTINO, A. S. J. 1916. A study of cowpea culture with special reference to selection in the "New Era" variety. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 4: 185-194. DACANAY, J. G. 1916. Acclimatization of garden peas. Ibid., v. 5: 235248. GALANG, F. C. 1916. Color variation in seed crops of cultivated legumes. Ibid., v. 5: 79-101. SAN MIGUEL .ANTONIO L. 1916. Tests and selection of Mungo beans. Ibid., v. 5: 164-179. BAYLA, A. M. 1918. LAY()SA, P. M. 1918. MACEDA, F. M. 1919. RODRIGO, P. A. 1928. straw production turist, v. 17: 83-88. Hybridization of eggplants. Ibid., v. 7: 66-71. Field tests of soy beans. lb·id., v. 6: 276-291. Selection in soy beans. Ibid., v. 7: 92-98. Studies on the correlation between the seed and of some field legumes. The Philippine AgriculCAGUICLA, P. M. 1933. Selection of varieties and strains of mungo. (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 22: 23-42. CAPINPIN, J. M. 1934. Hybridization of cowpea. (Unpublished). J. BREEDING ROOT, STARCH AND FORAGE CROPS MENDI\>LA, N. B. 1921. Two years of sweet potato breeding. The Philippine Agriculturist, v.10: 177-189. Frontispiece Pl. 1-3. SISON, PEDRO L. 1921. Variety tests of cassava based on production. Ibid., v. 10: 255-256. (Abstract by J. M. CAPINPIN.) ROQUE, D. 0. 1924. The growth and yield of sweet potato from different cuttings. Ibid., v. 13: 143. (Abstract by FELIX M. ESGUERRA.) MENDI-OLA, N. B. 1926. Improvement of sweet potato and cassava. Chapter XI. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics (Book.) 1928. Some possibilities in breeding plants used for cover, green manure, and shade. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 17: 159-162. 470 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL K. BREEDING OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS MENDIOLA, N. B. and MAGSINO, J. A. 1922. A study of bud variation Codeaum variegatum. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 11: 19-22. MENDroLA, N. B. and J. M. CAPINPIN. 1923. Breeding ornamental hibiscus. Ibid., v.11: 217-230. Pl. 1-2. HERBERT, D. A. 1924. Plant life in Mount Maquiling: Ornamental and peculiar plants. Ibid., v. 13: 193-197. MENDIOLA, N. B. and J. 0. UNITE. 1924. Breeding ornamental hibiscus. Ibid., v.13: 45-47. Pl. 1. CAPINPIN, J. M. 1925. A study of Mendelian inheritance in natural hybrids of rosal (Gardenia florida, L.) Ibid., v. 14: 39-43. Pl. 1; fig. 1. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1925. How to produce new varieties of Gumamela (Hibiscus.) Cir. No. 7. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1926. Heritable characters of hibiscus: I. Presenee or absence of lobes on leaves of young plants. Ibid., v. 15: 327-34 7. Fig. 1-6. 1926. Ornamental plants. Chapter XIII. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics. (Book). 1927. Protandrously self-sterile flowers of hibiscus rendered fertile by surgical operation. Read before the Los Banos Biological Club. December 11, 1924. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 32: 65-74. CAPINPIN, J. M. 1927. An aberrant rosal (Gardenia florida L.) flower of seminal origin. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 15: 557-558. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1931. Somatic segregation in double Hibiscus and its inheritance. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 46: 627-638. CAPINPIN, J. M. and v. M. DAWIS. 1934. Hybridization of Gladiolus (Unpublished). L. BREEDING FOR DISEASE i;tESISTANCE MENDIOLA, N. B. and G. 0. OCFEMIA. 1926. The work .of breeding disease resistance crop plants at the College of Agriculture at Los Banos. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 15: 117-128. Fig. 1-7. UNITE, J. 0. and J. M. CAPINPIN. 1926. Selection of mosaic free cuttings of sugar cane. Ibid., v.15: 67-73. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1923. Sugar cane varieties resistant to mosaic. The Philippines Herald, Thursday, March 8, 1923. Manila Daily Bulletin, Thursday, March 8, 1923. MENDroLA, N. B. 1923. New canes immune to mosaic. Facts about Sugar, v. 16: 314. M. INTRODUCTION OF IMPROVED VARIETIES DAWIS, V. M. 1916. Acclimatization of Irish potato. (Abstract by P. E. ALCALA). The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 317-318. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1927. A Romance in plant introduction. The Makiling Echo, v. 7: 15-17. The Sunday Tribune, November 20, 1927. DAVID, P. A. 1928. Note: Introduced coffee lose resistance to Hemileia vastatrix Berkeley and Broome. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 27: 45-50. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 471 ARAGON, V. B. 1930. Ramai rice and its introduction and culture in the Central Luzon Agricultural School. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 18: 535-542. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1931. Species of oil palm which started a whole industry in Sumatra ready to be propagated in Los Banos School. The Philippines Herald, Nov. 14, 1931. 1931. The Kawisari B. coffee introduced in the College of Agriculture. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 101-112. Java selected Hevea clons successfully introduced in the College of Agriculture. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 375-378. GoNZALEZ, L. G. 1932. An improved seedling variety of chico (Achras zapota Linn. var. Ponderosa). The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 604-605. CAPINPIN, J. M. 1933. Acclimatization tests of some hybrid and seedling strains of table land varieties of Irish potato (Unpublished.) MENDIOLA, N. B. 1934. The introduction of Nepheliums in the College of Agriculture from Java. Read before the Los Banos Biological Club. Oct. 25. 1934. A HISTORICAL RESUME OF PHILIPPINE ENTOMOLOGY By LEOPOLDO B. UICHANCO Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Entomology On the island of Palawan, writes Antonio Pigafeta in The First "Voyage Around the World by Magellan (Hakluyt Society), there "are found certain trees the leaves of which, when they are free, are animated and walk. They are like the leaves of the mulberry tree, but not so long; they have the leaf-stalk short and pointed, and near the leaf-stalk they have on each side two feet. If they are touched, they escape; but, if cru~hed, they do not give out blood. I kept one for nine days in a box. When I opened it, the leaf went around the box. I believe those leaves live on nothing but air." Pigafeta's account of Palawan leaf-insects as he saw them in 1521 is apparently the first recognizable written record of Philippine insects. Aside, however, from this and perhaps similar random accounts by casual travellers, no entomological work was undertaken in the Philippines until the nineteenth century. The first entomological investigator in the Philippines appears to have been Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz, who, as physician and naturalist on the Russian ship Rurik, visited the Islands in 1816 (Essig, 1931, 617-622). More entomological collectors followed later, especially after 1830, the year of the opening of the port of Manila to the world's commerce, as then foreigners other than Spaniards became less subject to annoying restrictions. The results of the activities of these hitherto unwelcome aliens marked the opening and, in many cases, important fundamental chapters in Philippine entomology. One of these pioneer foreign explorers was Hugh Cuming, the famous English conchologist. He visited the Islands, first in 1831 and again in 1840, and· collected in the interior, not only of Luzon, but also of Mindanao and many of the smaller islands, which were then extremely difficult of access (Melvill, 1895). Although interested primarily in shells, Cuming amassed in addition a large quantity of Philippine insects. Some of the earliest known species of Philippine Hemiptera, 472 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 473 reported on by Dallas (1851) were described from Cuming's material that found its way to the British Museum. Likewise, his specimens, together with those obtained in later years by Carl Semper, formed a large part of the basis for the first catalogue of Philippine Coleoptera: by Baer (1886). One of Cuming's beetles which Baly (1858) named Promecotheca cumingi, in his honor, was to obtrude insistently on public attention a century after its discovery, as the notorious coconutleaf miner. Hemiptera InsuJarum Philippinarum (1870), by Carl Stal, the famous Swedish entomologist, who is generally considered as the father of modern hemipterology, and Die Schmetterlinge dqr philippineschen Inseln: Rhopalocera (1886-1892) ; Heterocera (1896-1902), by Georg Semper, a German zoologist, are both milestones in Philippine entomology for all future work on Hemiptera, Homoptera, and Lepidop.tera. The material used in the preparation of these publications was collected by Carl Semper, a brother of Georg, during his travels in different Philippine localities from 1859 to 1865. Carl Semper was unquestionably the most successful of all entomological explorers in nineteenth-century Philippines.; he must have gone into the work with exceptional vigor, combing for insect forms the least frequented wilderness even in the high mountains of Luzon, Palawan, Bohol, and Mindanao. His Hemiptera and Homoptera alone numbered 520 species, or nearly one-third of the total in this group that is known at the present date. Most of these species were then new to science. In the Philippines at present, Lepidoptera is the best known order, with about 1,825 recorded species, according to Schultze's (1928) estimate. When we consider that in Carl Semper's collection his brother recognized 1,519 species (612 butterflies; 907 moths), we can appreciate the characteristic German thoroughness with which this collector worked. A considerable number of these had, of course, been previously recorded from the Philippines as a result of activities of other collectors, notably the German savant Hans Herman Behr in 1848, the adventurous French lawyer-naturalist Pierre Joseph Michael Lorquin in 1856 and in 1862, and the German lepirlopterist Otto Staudinger. The last named sent collectors to the 474 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Philippines and on the material gathered, published, in 1899, his Lepidoptera von Palawan. Other groups of insects, likewise, received attention, as, for instance, on the part of the French Baron Edmond de SelysLongchamps, leading world authority of his time on dragonflies and damselflies, who published a paper on Odonates des Philippines (1891). The same Stal who studied Semper's Hemiptera also worked up his orthopteran material and publh;hed a paper, Orthoptera nova ex Insulis Philippinis (1877). The number of foreign collectors and the scientific reports that ensued gradually increased markedly. The Philippines was becoming better known entomologically in Europe and, to some extent, also in America. Resident workers during this period, however, appear to have been few and far between. Along faunistic lines, two publications of local production may be noted, namely, Ramon Jordana's Bosquejo geografico e historico-naitural del Archipielago Filipino (1885), which was published in Madrid, and the Dominican Father Casto de Elera's Catalogo sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas eonocida hasta el presente, 3 volumes (1895-1896), University of Santo Tomas Press, Manila. The latter work in particular repre".ents an enormous undertaking. Volume 2, "Articulados," lists over four thousand species, most of them being supported by specimens then extant in the Santo Tomas Museum. Bibliographical citations are conveniently complete. In this volume, insects occupy the first 525 pages; Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Arachnida, Crus:tacea, Rotifera, Annelida, etc., the remaining 71 pages of the text; while 72 additional pages are devoted to index. Unfortunately, in spite of the book's limiting title, a number of extra-Philippine forms were included, so that, although the localities are specified in each case, a somewhat confused i'lea of the Philippine fauna results. This work was awarded a diploma of merit in the Philippine regional exposition, which was held at that time in Manila. Both Jordana and Elera were general zoologists, and not entomologists. Toward the closing decades of the nineteenth century, resident collectors were beginning to appear, especially in the persons of Alexander Schadenberg, who was one of the German founders of Botica Boie, Regino Garcia and Father Francisco Sanchez, S.J., science professor at the Ateneo de Manila, and ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 475 his illustrious former pupils, Dr. Jose Rizal (during his exile at Dapitan), and the Guerrero brothers (Doctors Leon and Luis). None of them published on their materials, but they placed these in the hands of European specialists. Biological studies of insects, which are admittedly so essential in formulating control of injurious species and utilization of beneficial forms, were conspicuous by their almost total absence. Domingo Sanchez y Sanchez, an assistant zoOlogist in the Government Forestry Service, published a paper on a coffee longhorned borer, entitled M emoria sobre un .insecto enemigo del cafeto (1890). In the Boletin Oficial Agricola de Filipina.s, issued monthly by the Agronomical Service during the years 1894, 1895, and 1896, is a general article on insects that are injurious and insects that are beneficial to the farmer, another on the cultivation of the mulberry and silk culture, two articles on white grubs, three on locust control, one on possibility of commercial utilization of locust fat, one on peanuts and one on Ilocos cotton, in which incidental mention is made of insect pests. The writers, with one or two exceptions, showed only an amateurish acquaintance with insects. They all were obviously field agronomists who had to take in insect control as a very minor incident in their work. One exception was Francisco Alcarraz ( 1895), who, although not an entolJnologist, proved himself a careful and accurate observer of insects. His report on migratory locusts, their natural control by heavy rains ~nd wind, preference for the plains rather than higher mountain altitudes for oviposition, rate of march of migratory hoppers, relation of activity to sunshine, and similar characteristics, which, by the way, represented the earliest observation of this kind in the Philippines, has been confirmed by later workers. It might be pointed out at this juncture that locusts, above all other agricultural pests, have seriously engaged the attention of the Government since very early times. One cannot help but see, indeed, a striking revelation of the innate conservatism of human nature when he reads the startlingly modern note of the following paragraph in the "Ordinances of Good Government," which were originally promulgated by Governor-General Don Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera in 1642 and revised by Governor-General Don Fausto Cruzat y Gongora in 1696 (Blair and Robertson 5 : 211) : 476 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL "The Indians, both men and women, must be made to destroy the locusts that do so great harm to the crops throughout the Islands, especially the young, called locton, which are so destructive and can be killed easily, as they have no wings. Each person shall be charged during certain days or weeks to kill so many gantas of this destructive pest, under penalties that shall be imposed for neglect. Neglect by the alcaldes-mayor and corregidors in this law shall mean deposition from office, and .a change in their residencia." Another writer in the Boletin, Jose Sanchez ( 1894), noted the preference of the cockchafer Leucopholis irrorata Chevrolat, ·which he misidentified with an European species as M eloloidha vulga.ris, for soil rich in humus for oviposition. Incidentally, not a single insect species in the Boletin bears a correct determination, despite all the taxonomic work previously done on Philippine insects by renowned European specialists, so that the pests referred to can be recognized only by the native names given in the articles. The successful introduction of a starling, locally known as "martinez,'' Aetheopsar vrisf.(1.1tellus Linnaeus, from southern China between the years 1849 and 1852, "in order to control the locusts" (Blair and Robertson 51: 127) proved of value in later years, inasmuch as this bird immigrant has been effectively utilized in controlling army worm infestation. This introduction represents the earliest attempt at biological control of insects in the Philippines. The cochineal insect (introduced first in 1826 and again in 1861), mulberry, and silkworm were among other nineteentheentury importations of beneficial insects, which, however, met with failure. An illuminating account is given by Zuniga in his Estadismo, Vol. 1, pp. 29-30 (Blair and Robertson 50: 48-51, footnotes) of an attempt at silk culture, through the impetus given by the Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais in 1781: "As this tree grows as easily as a weed in this country, in a short time were seen around the [estate] house [in San Pedro Tunasan, Laguna] extensive and beautiful plantations cf these trees which could produce an abundant harvest of excellent silk. Silkworms were imported from China and it was seen that they multiplied readily. Not only on this estate, but ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 477 in all directions, the promotion of this industry was taken up \vith ardor. A considerable quantity of silk was made; but on selling it the owners found that they lost money in cultivating this article. When a calculation was made of what the land which the mulberry tree occupied could produce, it was found that even when it was planted with nothing more than camote it yielded them more than the silk did ; add to this the care of the worms and the cost of manufacture and it will be found that those who devote themselves to its culture must inevitably lose. The rector of San Jose [College, owner of the estate,] alone continued to manufacture the silk that was yielded from the mulberry trees which he had planted, although at last he had to abandon the project." Scientific work in economic entomology in the Philippines, as a: major activity, was in reality an afternnath of American occupation. The earlier varied projects of the United States army research staff included entomology, of which one of the most important results was the discovery that the malaria mosquito can breed only in clear running water, and not in ponds and marshes, as in Europe or America. This valuable finding, however, remained unnoticed in army files until after its rediscovery by researchers of the Rockefeller Foundation stationed in the Philippines. Through military efforts, likewise, the common species of American bu.mblebee, Bremus americanorum (Febricius), was introduced into the Mountain Province, Luzon, for the purpose of fertilizing the clover which was raised for the army horses and mules. However, this species ap1)arently did not become permanently established, although at least two indigenous forms of bumblebees are commonly caught on flowers in that locality. To Charles S. Banks belongs the distinction of being the first Government entomologist in the Philippines, with his appointment in 1902 to organize an entomological section in the Bureau of Government Laboratories (later the Bureau of Science). At about the same time, two other very enthusiastic workers were engaged, as a sideline to their regular duties in the Manila Observatory, in carrying out observations on various plant pests, largely Lepidoptera and parasitic Hymenoptera. These were Father William A. Stanton, S. J., assistant director of 478 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the Weaither Bureau, and Father Robert E. Brown, S. J. Their interesting notes were included in the monthly bulletins of the Weather Bureau in the years 1903, 1904, and 1905. With the opening of the College of Agriculture at Los Banos, in 1909, and the organization of an entomological section in the Bureau of Agriculture, Manila, in 1910, entomological work in the Philippines received its much needed reenforcement. More problems relative to insects received their proportionate share of attention, including life histories and other biological peculiarities of various major insect pests as a basis for control, host relationships, insecticide tests, relation of environmental factors to insect outbreaks, plant quarantine, and scores of others. Some lucky breaks led to the discovery of new facts or new methods in economic entomology, such, for instance, as Mitzmain's (1913) proving that surra is transmitted by the common horsefly, Tabanus striatus Febricius, Mackie's (1917) development of a process for fumigating cigars in partial vacuum to destroy beetles, and Ocfemia's (1934) results on the sugar cane leaf-hopper, Perkinsiella vastatrix Breddin, as a . specific vector of the Fiji disease in the Philippines. A review of the large number of entomological articles, mainly in The Philippine Journal of Science, The Philippine Agriculturist, and The Philippine Agricultural Review (since 1930 The Philippine Journal of Agriculture), from the pens of local workers cannot be undertaken with justice in a brief article of this nature. However, those interested may turn to the partial summaries given iri the papers by Otanes (1925), by Merino, Teodoro, and Otanes (1925), by Teodoro and Otanes (1925), by Uichanco (1929, 1934), and by Lopez (1929-1932), and to the general indices of the Philippine Journal of Science. Perhaps too much stress has been laid in the present paper on the systematic results of various investigators. However, it is plainly the first problem of an entomologist, in whichever ·branch he may be engaged, to acquire a fairly adequate knowledge of the local insect fauna as a setting for his work. To this end, Philippine economic entomologists have much to be graiteful for in the fruitful results of the activities of collectors, who, by the way, did not pass out with the nineteenth century. Although there have been scores of recent ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 479 collectors, Charles Fuller Baker, who was professor of agronomy and subsequently dean of the College of Agriculture from 1912 until his death in 1927, and his Cuban collector, Julian Valdez, whom he paid out of personal funds, did more than any other individual to augment our knowledge of Philippine insect fauna. With a total of 115 world authorities on various insect groups working on his material, whose reports were embodied in over 400 papers, the known number of insect species of the Philippines was increased to a hitherto unprecedented (·xtent. But of paramount importance is the fact that his inspiration as a teacher and example as a. tireless worker have exerted a profound influence on the training of the present corps of entomologists in the various government branches, nearly all of whom were his intellectual foster children. LITERATURE CITED ALcARRAZ, FRANCISOO. 1895. Invasion de las varias provincias de la isla de Luzon por la langosta del presente aiio. Boletin Ofidal Agricola de Filipina.~, v. 2 : 232-238. BAER, G. A. 1896. Catalogue des Coleopteres des Philippines. Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1886:97-200. BALY, JOSEPH S. 1858. Catalogue of the Hispidae in the collection of thea British Museum, pt. I. x + 172 p. Pl. 1-9. London. BLAIR, EMMA HELEN and JAMES ALExANDER ROBERTSON, editors and translators. 1903-1909. The Philippine Islands 1493-1898. Cleveland, Ohio: The Arthur H. Clark Company. 55 vol. DALLAS, W. S. 1851. List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum, pt. 1; ditto, pt. 2 (1852). London. ELERA, CASTO DE. 1895-1896. Catalogo sistematico de toda la fauna de Filipinas conocida hasta el presente y a la vez el de la coleccion zoologica del museo de PP. Dominicos del Colegio-Universidad de Santo Tomas de Manila. Manila: Imprenta del Colegio de Santo Tomas. 3 vol. EssIG, E. 0. 1931. A History of Entomology. vii + 1029 p., 263 fig. New York: The MacMillan Company. LoPEZ, A. W. 1929-1932. Philippine Sugar Association, Research Bureau, Annual Reports for 1929-1932. Manila. MACKIE, D. B. 1917. Some causes of failure of the Manila cigar on the United States market and a remedy. Philippine Agricultural Review, v.10:223-252, Fig. 1-15. MELVILL, J. C. 1895. An epitome of the life of the late Hugh Cuming. Journal of Conchology, v.8:59-68. MERINO, GoNZALO, NICANOR G. TEODORO and FAUSTINO Q. OTANES. 1925. The Philippine Plant Quarantine Service. Philippine Agriculturnl Review, v .18 :411-461. 480 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MITZMAIN, M. B. 1913. The mechanical transmission of surra by Tabanus striatus Fabricius. Philippine Journal of Science, Sec. B, v. 8 :2241-229. OCFEMIA, G. 0. 1934. An insect vector of the Fiji disease of sugar cane. American Journal of Botany, v.21:113-120. Pl. 1, 2 fig. OTANES, FAUSTINO Q. 1925. Insects: their relation to man and their control. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 18: 373-410. Pl. 70-78. Philippine Agriculturist, vol. 1 (1911) to vol. 23 (1935). Philippine Agricultural Review, vol. 1 (1908) to vol. 22 (1929). Manila. Philippine Journal of Agriculture, vol. 1 (1930) to vol. 5 (1934). Philippine Journal oj Science, vol. 1 (1906) to vol. 55, No. 2 (October, 1934). SANCHEZ, JOSE. 18~4. El bucan en las plantaci0nes de caii.a-dulce. Boletin Oficial Agricola de Filipinas, v. 1: 129-132. SCHULTZE, W. 1928. Insects of the Philippines. In Dickerson, Roy E. Distribution of Life in the Philippines, pp. 248-266. Monograph 21, Bureau of Science. SELYS-LoNGCHAMPS, EDMUND DE. 1891. Odonates des Philippines. An. Hist. Nat. Madrid, v. 20: SEMPER, GIDRG. 1886-1892. Die Schmetterlinge der philippinischen In· seln, v. 1: Rhopalocera. 380 p. Plates, A, and 1-49; text figs. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel's Verlag. SEMPER, GEORG. 1896-1902. Ditto, v. 2: Heterocera. 728 p. 36 plateR. Wiesbadden: C. W. Kreidel's Verlag. STAL, CARL. 1870. Hemiptera insularum Philippinarum. Ofversigt af kongl. Vetenskaps.-Akademiens Fohandlingar, Stockholm, 1870; 607-776. Pl. 7-9. STAL, CARL. 1877. Hemiptera nova ex insulis Philippinis. Ofversigt af kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Fohandlingar, Stockholm. TEODORO, NICANOR G. and F. Q. OTANES. 1925. Philippine literature index of plant pests and diseases, I. Philippine Agricultural Review, v .18 :592-602. UICHANCO, LEoPOLOO B. 1929. Department of Entomology. Philippine Agriculturist, v .18 :333-339. UICHANOO, LEOPOLDO B. 1934. A twenty-five year balance sheet for economic entomology. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23 :419-429. 2 fig. PHILIPPINE PALEONTOLOGY By LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO Assistant Director, Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Philippine paleontology is essentially a study of invertebrate paleontology as up to this time very few vertebrate fossil remains have ever been encountered. As a matter of fact outside of lone specimens of Stegodon teeth from Mindanao, Ele:tihas teeth from Pangasinan, shark's tooth from Mindoro, and some Mammalian teeth, probably of antelopes, from Pasig, Rizal, Philippine formations have so far yielded only invertebrate fossils. The first mention of Philippine fossils was made by Baron Wchthofen (1862) when he reported the finding of specimens of Foraminifera in Binangonan Peninsula, Rizal Province. Later Felix Karrer (1880) described some Foraminifera from the Zambales mountains. Still later Philippine fossil Foraminifera were described by Douville (1911) and by Yabe (1919, 1925, 1929). Radiolarians, corals, echinoderms, and mollusca have been described by Smith (1906, 1913), Dickerson, (1921, 1922), and others in a few publications, but the most important work and the one which l}lay be considered the foundation of Philippine paleontology was made by Karl Martin (1896) who on account of his work in the Dutch East Indies was able to recognize certain horizons in the Philippines by the presence of Vicarya callosa Jenkins and its associated fauna. On account of the fact that in the Tropics during the tertiary period the climatic changes were slight, the evolution that has taken place has proceeded much more slowly and the changes have not been as well marked as compared with those in the Temperate regions. Philippine geologic and paleontologic history must be read with this difficulty and much comparative material both recent and fossil must be accumulated in order that sub-specific differences may be recognized. Thorough familiarity with recent fauna is, therefore, absolutely necessary and students of Philippine stratigraphy, paleontology, and geologic history must begin with the study of the existing marine 481 482 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL fauna in and about the archipelago. Attention at this point may be called to Cushman's "Foraminifera of the Philippine and Adjacent Seas", Bartsch's studies on Philippine ·Mollusca, the writer's "Recent Madreporaria of the Philippine Islands" and his "Summary of Philippine Marine and Freshwater Mollusks." Attention must be called to the fact that guide fossils are extremely rare and reference of Philippine Tertiary formations to standard divisions will have to be made after a careful notation of the percentage of living species present and this percentage will be very different from those recognized in Europe or America but will approximate the figures set by Karl Martin in Java and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies. LITERATURE CITED DICKERSON, ROY E. 1921. A fauna of the Vigo group; its bearing on the evolution of marine molluscan faunas. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 18: 1-23, 2 pis. ----------. 1922. Review of the Philippine Paleontology. Philip. lour. Sci., v. 20:195-230, 16 pis. DOUVILLE, H. 1911. Les foraminiferes dans le Tertiare des Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6D :53-80, 4 pis. KARRER, FELIX. 1880. Foraminiferos de las margas terciarias de la isla de Luzon (Fi!ipinas). Bol. de la Com. del Mapa geol. de Espana, v. 7: 257-282, 2 pis. MARTIN, KARL. 1896. Ueber Tertiare Fossilien von den Philippinen. Samm. des geol. Reich-illuseums in Leiden, v. 5, 8° :52-69, 2 cuts. Translation, Becker, Geology of the Philippine lsfands, Annual Rep. U. S. Geo!. Survey 21 (1901) 492-644. See also Orbitoides von den Philippinen. Centralbl. f. Mineral Geol. u. Paleon. 1901 No. 11. RICHTHOFEN, FERDINAND VON. 1862. Vorkommen der Nummulitenformation in den Philippinen. Zeitschr. d. deutschen geol. Ges. v. 14, 8' : 357-360. SMITH, W. D. 1906. Preliminary geological reconnaissance of the Lobo'.) Mountains of Batangas Province. Philip. Journ. Sci., v.1:617-633, 4 pis. ---------. 1913. Contributions to the stratigraphy and fossil invertebrate fauna of the Philippine Islands. Philip. Journ. Sci., v. BA: 235-300, 20 pis. YABE, H. 1919. Notes on Lepidocyclina limestone from Cebu. Scien,;e reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, Second series (Geology) v. 37-51, 2 pis. YABE, H., and HANZAWA, S. 1925. Note on some Tertiary Foraminiferous Rocks from the Philippines. Ibid., v. 7: 97-109, 3 pis. YABE, H., and HANZAWA, S. 1929. Tertiary Foraminiferous Rocks of the Philippines, Sci. Report, Tohoku Imperial U'Y'Jiversit11, Second series (Geology) v. 11 :141-152. ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES By RICARDO E. GALANG Of the Bureau of Science Associate Member, Section of Biological S1trvey The term archaeology as applied to Philippine antiquities has reference primarily to the less perishable objects which were in use by the ancient Filipinos prior to and during the discovery and settlement of the islands. These objects occur over the greater portion of the islands and are principally of stone implements, burial jars and fragments of Chinese, Siamese and local pottery. In some parts of the islands, particularly in dry caves and cliffs, and in certain other protected places, wooden objects and like material have been recovered, usually in connection with burials. The tliree principal sources furnishing archaeological remains are burial places, sites of ancient villages of greater or less extent, and quarry sites where the natives obtained flints, soapstone and other material for implements and ornaments. Some of the so-called surface finds were probably articles lost by the natives, but the great majority of the finer objects found in cultivated fields were undoubtedly plowed from shallow graves in which the skeletons had wholly disintegrated. Real archaeological investigation and collection of archaeological objects have just been recently undertaken in the Philippines. In the beginning there was hardly any real archaeological investigation. Since the beginning of the seventeenth century foreign travellers have casually found some archaeological objects in some parts of the islands, particularly in Luzon, Bisayas and Mindanao. These. objects were collected and used as their private collection. It was Professor H. Otley Beyer, Head of the Department of Anthropology, University of the Philippines, and a few other American scientists who really made an investigation and a collection of archaeological objects. He undertook the Rizal archaeological survey from 1926 to 1930. He has collected many stone implements and fragments of Chinese and Siamese porcelain and stonewares dgting from the Sung, Yuan, Ming and Ching dynasties of China. Recently the National Museum of the Philippine Islands, with its limited funds 483 484 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL has made some archaeological investigations and collections of archaeological objects from the provinces of Sorsogon and Batangas. With sufficient funds to finance its undertaking and trained men to do archaeological work the N~tional Museum can carry out its plan of investigation and collection of archaeological objects extensively. LITERATURE CITED Guide to the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Published by the Museum. Page 20. THE TASK OF ETHNOGRAPHY IN THE PHILIPPINES By RICARDO E. GALANG Of the Bureau of Scumpe Associate Member, Section of Biological Survey The study of the races of man is always of great interest. This js especially true in' the Philippines, where the most distinct people live representing the greater part of the races of the globe, in some instances pure, in others mixed since very remote times. Here man presents himself with the greatest variety of characteristics conceivable, as has been noted by eminent ethnologists. Beginning with the N egrito and ending with the Chinese and European mestizos, all the races are represented in these islands. Our task is to impart a knowledge of the Philippine groups as we find them to-day throughout the Philippines. Formerly, owing to long estabfished practice, no Philippine groups were considered with any attention, except those that were already Christianized or civilized. It is true that some foreigners have already made some casual observations on some of the ethnic groups in the Philippines, yet their opinions are far from complete and many times conflicting. It should be the duty of ethnography to apply itself more faithfully to the neglected or uncivilized ethnic groups of the Philippines. Its aim must be to take up this conception of humanity not in a merely superficial way but to trace actually among the lower ethnic groups the processes which have rendered possible the transition to the higher aevelopments of to-day. We shall therefore bestow a thorough consideration upon the external surroundings of the various Ph1lippine groups, and endeavor to trace the historical developments of circumstances in which we find them to-day. The geographical conception of their surroundings, and the historical consideration of their development, will thus go hand in hand. It is only from the combination of the two that a just estimate can be formed. LITERATURE CITED 1. Report of the Philippine Commission to the President, 1900-Vol. III, page 331. 2. Ratzel, Friedrich-History of Mankind, Vol. I, page 3. 485 MEDICAL AND VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES: SOLVED AND UNSOLVED PROBLEMS By MARCOS TUBANGUI Of the Bureau o.f SC'ience Chairman, Section on Parasitology The investigation of parasitological problems in the Philippines started soon after the occupation of the Islands by the United States in 1898. Prior to that time, that is, during the Spanish regime, parasites were not seriously considered as health hazards even in the more enlightened countries of Europe so that it could hardly be expected that parasitology would have had its early local adherents. There are then two plausible reasons why parasitological research should have been encouraged during the early days of American Occupation. One of them is the fact that the change in sovereignty occurred during that period in the history of medicine when epoch-making discoveries were being made in different parts of the world on the relation of animal parasites to disease. Before that time medical thought was dominated by bacteriology which was considered as the science which deals exclusively with living organisms as pathogenic agents. Another reason was the belief that the Philippines, because of its tropical climate and its primitive sanitary system, would be a rich field for parasitological investigations. When, therefore, the Bureau of Government Laboratories, which was the precursor of the Bureau of Science, was organized in 1901 for the purpose, among other things, of conducting investigations into the nature, prevention and treatment of prevailing infectious diseases, workers in parasitology formed a conspicuous group among the members of the new institution. It can be said of those early scientists that they laid down the foundation for parasitological research in the Philippines. They did very creditable work and their publications show that they were aware of nearly all of the important problems that needed to be solved. If they did not accomplish more than they reported, it was perhaps because no one else could have done better with the knowledge and facilities then available. 486 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 487 SOLVED PROBLEMS Endamoebiasis histolytica.-This disease, which is due to infestation with Endamoeba histolytica, is even now often confused with bacillary dysentery. Due to its prevalence it was one of the first major problems to attract attention. Strong and Musgrave (1900) were the first to record its presence in the Islands and to distinguish it from bacillary dysentery. In 1904 and 1906 Musgrave and Clegg reported the cultivation in vitro of amoebae obtained from water and human faeces. These authors did not distinguish between the different types of amoebae and the conclusion to which they arrived that all amoebae are or may become pathogenic only served to add to the then already existing confusion regarding the identity of the amoeboid organisms found in the human intestine. Fortunately Walker (1911) and later Walker and Sellards (1913) reinvestigated the question of human endamoebiasis and their results helped to clear up the confusion. Quoting from Hegner and Taliaferro's Human Protozoology, "Walker (1911), besides conclusively demonstrating the existence of two species in man, definitely showed that the amoebae which Musgrave and Clegg cultured from faeces and which occur in the water supply of Manila were free-living amoebae, non-pathogenic to man, and furthermore that they could be cultured from faeces simply because their cysts had been ingested and had passed through the body unchanged. Walker and Sellards (1913) continued this work by carrying out a carefully planned series of infection experiments on human beings which showed how man acquired his infection and indicated the relation of man to U1e parasite~ (carriers of E. histolytica, etc.). In 1912 Vedder showed for the first time that the specific action of ipecac in amoebic dysentery is due to the alkaloid emetine. This was also a very important contribution, for it placed the treatment of human endamoebiasis on a strictly scientific basis. In 1924 Haughwout reported his observations on the differential diagnosis of tropical dysenteries based on the cytology of the stools. In 1923 Sellards and Leiva contributed to the pathology of the disease by observing the effect of stasis on the development of ulcers in the intestine of cats infected with E. hiJstolytica. Malaria.-A historical resume of malarial investigations in the Philippines has recently been published by Russell (1934), for which reason the disease need not be included in this paper. 488 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Schi-stosomiasis japonica.-This disease is caused by the blood fluke, Sckistosoma japonicum, the occurrence of which in the Philippine Islands was first reported by Wooley .(1907). In 1922 Mendoza-Guazon noted its prevalence in the islands of Samar and Leyte, where it constitutes a serious public health problem. For a long time the intermediate host of the parasite remained unknown, which probably explains why it had not received due attention from sanitarians. Recently Tubangui (1932) demonstrated that the intermediate host is a small, amphibious snail, Blanfordia quadrasi. With this knowledge it should now be possible to formulate concrete plans towards the control of the parasite. ilocana.-This is due to the presence in the human intestine of the fluke known as Euparyphium ilocanwn. It was discovered in the stools of a prisoner in Bilibid Prison and was named by Garrison (1908) as Fascioletta ilocana. As the name suggests and as confirmed by Hilario and Wharton (1917), the parasite is common among the inhabitants of Northwestern Luzon. In 1931 Tubangui encountered the fluke in wild rats in Manila, showing that it has a wider geographical distribution than was formerly believed. In 1933 Tubangui and Pasco worked out the life cycle and showed that the parasite utilizes two snail intermediary hosts. One of these snails is the ampullarid, Pila luzonica, commonly known as "cuhol" in Tagalog. This mollusk, which harbors the infective stage of the fluke, is often eaten raw or in an insufficiently cooked state by the people of Northwestern Luzon. This explains why the parasite is limited to a certain group of people. UNSOLVED PROBLEMS Of the many parasitological problems that remain to be solved, the following are considered among the most important. Trypanosomiasis evansi (surra) .-This disease affects horses, cattle and carabaos, but is especially fatal to the former. It is not known how long it has existed in the Philippines. The first authentic record of its occurrence is that by Smith and Kinyoun in 1901 when the epizootic appeared in and around Manila and killed large numbers of United States Army horses and mules as well as native ponies. It has since that time been the subject of inquiry by many investigators, but very little of practical value has been accomplished. The chemotherapeutic studies so well initiated by Strong and Teague (1910) should ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 489 be continued and improved upon until a drug is found or a method of treatment discovered that will really cure the disease. Equally important from the strictly scientific point of view are further studies on the transmission of the causative agent, Trypanosoma evansi, from one host to another. It has only been established thus far (Mitzmain, 1913) that the infection is conveyed in a purely mechanical manner by blood-sucking parasites, especially by the horse-fly, Tabanus striatus. Attempts to find a true intermediary host, that is, one in which the tcypanosome undergoes cyclical development, as in the case of the African trypanosomes in their relation to tsetse flies, have thus far failed. Keiser (1927) came to the conclusion that in equine trypanosomiasis, at least, the mode of transmission is purely mechanical, contending that if the infection were brought about by permanently infected insect vectors, the horse population of the Philippines would have been wiped out long ago. Only wellplanned experiments, however, could show that such is really the case. Human paragonimiasis.-The occurrence of the lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, in the Philippines was first recorded by Musgrave in 1907. This is a dangerous parasite, producing in man symptoms very similar to those of tuberculosis. It does not seem to be confined in its distribution to any particular region but it appears to be especially prevalent in the Bicol region, Samar and Leyte. Its life cycle has been worked out in Japan and elsewhere, but in the Philippines its intermediate hosts have not yet been determined. Fluke infestations in domesticated animals.-Cattle, carabaos and other ruminants in many parts of the Islands are often found infested with trematode worms, of which the following species are the most common : Fa.sciola hepatica, F. gigantica. Parampnistomum explanatum and Fischoederius elongatuB. The first two species are found in the liver and are commonly known as liver flukes, while the other two invade the rumen. These parasites are of economic importance due to the fact that animals infested with them, especially with the liver flukes, become cachectic and emaciated. In very severe infestations a large percentage of animals may die. Specific recommendations for the control of these worms are not available due to our lack of information regarding their intermediate hosts. 490 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Hookworm disease in man.-lt has been shown by the numerous surveys in intestinal parasitism that have been conducted in the Philippines that the incidence of hookworms is quite high. The medical significance of the infestation, however, has not b~en definitely determined. The earlier workers observed that the parasites produce no ill effects on Filipinos and they attributed this either to the lightness of the infestations (Gomez, 1911) or to the fact that Filipinos are racially immune to hookworms (Schwartz and Tubangui, 1922). On the other hand Leach and his collaborators ( 1923) and Manalang (1925) reported the existence of typical hookworm disease in Cebu and it appears from their records that the parasites are a public health problem in that island. In view of the generally recognized importance of hookworms from both the medical and economic standpoints, this ill-defined status of the infestation should not be allowed to continue much longer. Further investigations should be carried out in order to determine accurately to what extent the parasites are a menace to the health and working capacity of the people. LITERATURE CITED GARRISON, P. E. 1908. A new intestinal trematode of man, Fascioletta ilocana. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 3: 385-394. GoMEZ, L. 1911. A clinical study of hookworm infection in the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 6: 239-250. HAUGHWOUT, F. G. 1924. Observations on .the interpretation of the microscopic picture in dysentery and other intestinal disorders. Far East. Assoc. Trop. Med. Trans. Fifth Cong. 1-34. HILARIO, J. S. and L. D. WHARTQN. 1917. Echinostoma ilocanum (Garrison). A report of five cases and a contribution to the anatomy of the fluke. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v.12: 203-214. KELSER, R. A. 1927. Transmission of surra among animals of the equine l species. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 34: 115-141. LEACH, C. N., B. ScHWAR'l"l: and F. D. LEACH with the cooperation of F. G. HAUGHWOUT. 1923. Hookworm disease: a clinical entity in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jau.r. Sci. v. 23: 105-121. MANALANG, C. 1925. A hookworm campaign in Cebu. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 27: 483-493. MENOOZA-GUAZON, M. P. 1922. Schistosomiasis in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 21: 535-568. MI'l"l:MAIN, M. B. 1913. The mechanical transmission of surra by Tabnnus striatus Fabricius. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 8: 223-230. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 491 MUSGRAVE, W. E. 1907. Paragonimiasis in the Philippine islands. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 2: 15-66. MUSG~VE, W. E. and M. T. CLEGG. 1904. Amebas: Their cultivation and etiologic significance. Publ. Bur. Govt. Lab. (Biol. Lab.) No. 18, Part I: 1-85. MUSGRAVE, W. E. and M. T. CLEGG. 1906. The cultivation and pathogenesis of amoebae. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 1: 909-950. RUSSELL, P. F. 1934. Malaria and Culicidae in the Philippine Islands: history and critical bibliography, 1898 to 1933. Dept. Agric. Com. Tech. Bull. v. 1: 1-115. SCHWARTZ, B. and M. A. TUBANGUI. 1922. The prevalence of hookworm and other intestinal nematodes in adult Filipinos. Journ. Parasit. v. 9: 83-92. SELLARDS, A. W. and L. LEIVA. 1923. The effect of stasis on the development of amoebic dysentery in the cat. Philip. Joi1r. Sci. v. 22: 39-42. STRONG, R. P. and W. E. MUSGRAVE. 1900. Preliminary note regarding the etiology of the dysenteries of Manila. Rept. Surgeon General U. S. Army for the year ended June SO, p. 251-273. STRONG, R. P. and 0. TEAGUE. 1910. The treatment of trypanosomiasis with especial reference to surra. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 5: 21-54. TUBANGUI, M. A. 1931. Trematode parasites of Philippine vertebrates, Iii: Two echinostome flukes from rats. Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 44: 273283. TUBANGUI, M. A. 1932. The molluscan intermediate host in the Philippines of .the Oriental blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada. ' Philip. Jour. Sci. v. 49: 295-304. TUBANGUI, M. A. and A. M. PASCO. 1933. The life history of the human intestinal fluke, Euparyphinm ilocanum (Garrison, 1908) Philip. Jo11r. "Sci. v. 51: 581-606. VEDDER, E. B. 1912. An experimental study of the action of ipecacuanha on amoebae. F<11r East. Assoc. Trop. Med. Trans. Second Cong. 87-91. WALKER, E. L. 1911. A comparative study of the amoebae in the Ma.nila water supply, in the intestinal tract of healthy persons and in amoebic dysentery. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 6: 259-280. WALKER, E. L. with the cooperation of A. W. SELLARDS. 1913. Experimental entamoebic dysentery. Philip. Jour. Sci. § B, v. 8: 253-332. I WOOLEY, P. G. 1906. The occurrence of Schistosoma japonicum vel cattoi in the Philippine Islands. Philip. Jo·ur. Sci. v. 1: 83-90. PHILIPPINE MYCOLOGY AND PHYTOP ATHOLOGY By NICANOR G. TEODORO Of the Bureau of Plant Industry Member, Section of Plant Phatology and Mycology The existence of fungi and the prevalence of plant diseases have long been known, but their respective science, "MYCOLOGY" and "PHYTOPATHOLOGY," are so modern as to require an introduction in a report of this kind. It therefore becomes necessary at the outset to supply this introduction to form a proper conception of these sciences and a background for knowing what may be reported here regairding the development of PHILIPPINE MYCOLOGY AND PHYTOPATHOLOGY. MYCOLOGY.-The study or investigation of fungi is called Mycology. The work on mycology naturally falls into four main divisions or lines of activities, namely: ( 1) Systematic mycology; (2) Industrial mycology; (3) Medical and Veterinary mycology; and ( 4) Agricultural mycology. Systematic mycology is concerned with the scientific naming of the species of fungi in accordance with the principles and rules adopted for the assignment of fungus names called nomenclature; and with the grouping of fungi in conformity with the principles of classification based upon the genetic relationships known as taxonomy. A large amount of systematic work must first be done before definite progress can be made in the more econcmic aspect of mycology. Industrial mycology deals with the conditions brought about by fungi, such as the decomposition or f erm.entation of milk, vinegar, bread, beer, "natal', manures; the molding of candies, cigars and leathers; and the deterioration of fibers, glass, etc. Parasitic fungi or fungi which are endowed with the power of producing disease in animals or plants are called pathogenic, and their study falls into two or three classes of mycology, according to the kinds of the infected hosts as follows: Medical 'mycology in the case of human beings, Veterinary mycology in animals, and Agricultural mycology in the case of plants. Collectively, these three classes may be grouped under one head "PATHOLOGICAL MYCOLOGY", which then deals with pa492 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 493 thogenic fungi and therefore aims at their exclusion and annihilation. PHYTOPATHOLOGY.-With the recognition of the existence of various other micro-organisms (such as bacteria and other microscopic parasites, example, nema.todes), affecting plants, together with the occurrence of various diseases for which no specific causes are known to have exhibited any mode of parasitic etiology and which are called "physiological" or "non-parasHic" diseases, including virus diseases, and the development of the methods and technique employed in parasitology and bacteriology, the scope of the science of plant diseases is no longer the science of fungus diseases (agricultural mycology) alone, but also of all abnormalities in plants. Thus~ the science, in its broader scope, becomes what is at present known as "PLANT PATHOLOGY" or "PHYTOPATHOLOGY"-the science of plant diseases and their control. INSTITUTION ENGAGED IN MYCOLOGICAL AND PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL WORK The Government institutions engaged in various mycological and phytopathological activities ·are the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, in Los Banos, Laguna, and the Bureaus of Plant Industry and Science, in Manila. The Department of Plant Pathology of the College of Agriculture does the teaching of and research work on the subjects. The Mycology Section of the Division of the National Museum of the Bureau of Science as well as the Plant Pathology Section of the Plant Sanitation Division of the Bureau of Plant Industry do research work too, but all the regulatory and extension work is done by the said division of Plaint Industry alone, so that the latter bureau is responsible for the protection of crops in the Philippine Islands against disease. The present epoch of the growth and development of mycological and phytopathological activities in the Philippines has its beginning from the inauguration of mycological work in the Bureau of Science in 1911, and from the first course of fungus diseases of plants offered in the College of Agriculture in the summer of 1913. The real instruction, however, was started in thaJt same institution in 1916, and five years later in 1920, <the erstwhile Bureau of Agriculture (now Bureau of Plant 494 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Industry) and the Bureau of Science inaugurated their cooperative phytopathological research work. Briefly, the activities of the Bureaus of Science and Plant Industry and the College of Agriculture along these lines are as follows: Systematic mycology. The work in systematic mycology includes mnnerous routine determinations of species of fungi, the collection of materials for the herbaria and for the work of specialists on certain classes of fungi, the distribution of named specimens to the herbarium, and the sending of Philippine fungi to mycologists and institutions in other countries for identification or for exchanges. Some work is also done in connection with the identification edible and poisonous forms of mushrooms. Industrial niycology. In the Bureau of Science, attempts have been made to do some routine work and researches on fungus spotting of crepe rubber, molding of leaf tobacco. in the camarins, molding of cigars in storage, deterioration of glass (optical glass and objectives), deterioration of abaca fibers, etc. Medical and Veterirllltry mycology. As in the case of industrial mycology, some routine work on medical mycology is also undertaken in the Bureau of Science with the close cooperation between the mycologist of that bureau and the medical men of the School of Hygiene and Public Health and of the College of Medicine and Surgery, University of the Philippines. Aside from some clinical observations or diagnoses made of animals afflicted with certain pathogenic fungi, very little investigation, if any, has been undertaken in the Philippines concerning research work in Veterinary mycology. AgricUltural mycology or PhytopatJwlogy. In the College of Agriculture, the Department of Plant Pathology undertakes two main activities, namely: Teaching, to give the students the fundamental principles of the subject, and research, to study the causes and control of agricultural or economic plants. In the Bureau of. Plant Industry the phytopathological activities are divided into routine, research, survey and extension. Routine work consists of the numerous determinations of plant disease specimens and advice regarding control measures, and of the examinations of diseased plant materials intercepted at the plant quarantine ports, particularly Manila. Research work consists of such studies or investigations, both in the laboratory ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 495 and in the field, as will facilitate the determination of the cause or causes and the controi or eradication of various diseases of agricultural and horticultural crops. Survey and extension work is done when the services of plant pathologists are required to investigate the various disease troubles occurring in the fields, orchards or gardens. When possible, the visitations are made, the conditions are carefully studied, and if necessary, control or preventive measures are recommended. Lectureg are delivered whenever occasions present themselves, and non-technica~ or rather popular papers are published to aid in the dissemination of knowledge regarding plant diseases. As a part of agricultural mycology activity an extensive study of both the edible and poisonous species of mushrooms is undertaken in the Bureau of Science. Forest Mycology. Teaching and investigations of pathogenic fungi affecting forest plants and the wood-destroying fungi are attempted in the School of Forestry. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF l\IYCOLOGICAL AND PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SCIENCES IN THE PHILIPPINES Owing to the limited space alloted to this article it is not possible to give a review of all the contributions. i;:1ince mycological and phytopathological work in this country was undertaken; however, an attempt is here made to mention only some of the outstanding contributions. The Bureau of Science at Manila has been collecting mycological materials since the development of the botanical work in 1902. This now constitutes the so-called Mycological Herbarium which forms a part of the National Herbarium of the s:lid bureau. Likewise, in the College of Agriculture at Los Banos, the fungus collection of the first Dean, Dr. E. B. Copeland, and of the late Dean, C. F. Baker, form the foundation of the mycological herbarium of the college. The collection in each herbarium forms a valuable nucleus for a working pathological herbarium which has been considerably advanced during the growth of the Department of Plant Pathology of the College of Agriculture at Los Baiios, and the maintenance of mycological work in the Bureau of Science in Manila. "The most imposing publications undertaking of the Garden," said Dr. CopelaiDd in his report to the Director of Plant Industry covering the activities of the National Economic Gar496 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL den for the year 1933, "is an Enumeraition of Philippine Fungi by Dr. Teodoro, filling for this group the same function as Merrill's Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants; * * *. This work of Dr. Teodoro comprises a systematic list of all fungi ever reported in the Philippines, a host index, and a bibliography. It will occupy between 350 and 400 pages in octavo book form when published." In view of the fact :that most plant diseases are due to fungi, this work will serve as an important foundation to phytopathology. Aside from the first technical publicaition on new species of edible Philippine fungi by Dr. Copeland (1905); a popular and somewhat exhaustive treatise on Philippine mushrooms is now almost completed and ready for publication by its author, Mr. Jose M. Mendoza, of the Bureau of Science. The studies of C. J. Humphrey and Simeona Leus-Pafo (1931 and 1932), of the same bureau, on the revision of the Genus Ganoderma are also important contributions to systematic mycology. As to contributions to Philippine mycosis or medical mycology, the only comprehensive one so far published in the Philippines is the work of Dr. Africa (1933) on otomycosis, a disease of the ear produced by the growth of a fungus (AspergiUus fumigatus Fres.) in the external auditory canal. Of cour&;, in medical reports or treatises there may be found mentioned cases of mycosis, as for instance in an article dealing with the common skin diseases among Filipinos by Dr. Gutierrez (1926) wherein he mentioned the BUNI (a form of ringworm) is due to a small fungus, which he did not name. Of the numerous contribut_ions of the College of Agriculture -to Philippine phytopathology, some of the outstanding ones are: (1) The discovery of the fungus identical to Phytopathora faberi Maubl. as the cause of the bud-rot of coconut in the Philippines, by Reinking (Reinking, 1919 and Welles, 1922) on bacterial diseases of plants; ( 3) the discovery Of a certain YirUS as the cause of the bunchy-top of abaca in the Philippines, and of the transmission of same by the aphid PenUilonia nigroneri·osa Coq., by Ocfemia (1926, 1927, 1930 and 1934); (4) the demonstration of the transmission of the Fiji disease of sugarcane by an insect vector, also by Ocfemia (1933) ; (5) the work of Victoria B. Mendiola (1930) on Fusarium disease of corn; (6) the discovery of a bacterial stem-rot of hybird seedlings of. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 497 sugar-cane and Philippine Kassoer in the Philippine Islands, caused by a new species of bacteria which Roldan (1931) named and described as Erwinia sacchari; and (7) the report of Celino (1934) on a serious seedling blight of Cinchona (quinine). At this juncture may be mentioned in passing, the important contributions of outsiders, such as the investigation of Doctor Weston, formerly of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (1920, 1921 and 1923) on the downy mildew of maize, undertaken at the College of Agriculture at Los Banos without expense to the Philippine Government; and the works of Dr. Stevens, Former Charles Fuller Baker Memorial Exchange Pro· fessor of Plant Pathology (1931 and 1932) on new or noteworthy Philippine fungi, and his co-authors (Stevens et al, 1931-1933) on fungi causing diseases of economic plants<. Since the cooperative phytopathological work of the Bureaus of Plant Industry and Science, and the recent concentration or centralization of phytopathological work of the Department in the former bureau, several important mycological and phytopathologica.l papers or articles have been published by the personnel. Among them may be cited (1) the work of Serrano (1927) on the deterioration of abaca (Manila hemp) fiber through mold action; (2) the report of .Clara (1930) on a bacterial leaf disease of tobacc~ caused by a new species of bacteria which he describes as Phytomonas polycolor; (3) the report of Calinisan, Agati and Aldaba (1931) on a new disease affecting the stem of abaca plant; ( 4) the studies of Reyes (1932) on entomogenous fungi affecting migratory locust and coconut leaf miner in the Philippines; ( 5) the investigation of Palo (1933) on a severe disease of mango seedlings in the nursery; and (6) the phytopathological surveys of the Trinidad Valley and Baguio made by Fajardo (1934) who has furnished the truck farmers of that region information which may help them solve their plant-disease problems. In addition to the aforementioned published contributions, a review of the records of phytopathological interceptions at plant quarantine ports filed at the office of the Plant Sanitation Division, Bureau of Plant Industry, in Manila, reveals the fact that, since 1920, when identification of disease organisms became possible due to the employment of plant pathologists in the Bureaus of Agriculture (now Plant Industry) and Science, 498 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL an enormous number of diseases have been intercepted in all the quarantine stations. Several of these diseases are new to the Philippines, and potentially serious agricultural enemies if not timely guarded against. The records further show that almost all importations of plants from countries that have first class inspection service, are affected by pla1I1t diseases. Finally, in order to give a complete survey of the published contributions to Philippine mycology and phytopathology in this country, I must briefly refer to the following literature: (1) THE PUBLISHED LISTS OF PHILIPPINE FUNGI BAKER, C. F. 1914. The lower fungi of the Philippine Islands. Leaflets of Philippine Botany, v. 6, Art.102 :2065-2190. BAKER, C. F. 1914. The lower fungi of the Philippine Islands. Leaflets of Philippine Botany, v. 7, Art. 113 :2417-2542. GRAFF, PAUL W. 1916. Bibliography and new species of Philippine fungi. Mycologia, v. 8 :253-288. REINKING, 0. A. 1919. Host index of diseases of economic plants in the Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 8 :38-54. REINKING, 0. A. 1919. Higher basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts, I. Philippine Journal of Science, v .15 :479-491. REINKING, 0. A. 1920. Higher basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts, II. Philippine Journal of Science, v.16:167-179. REINKING, 0. A. 1920. Higher basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts, III. Philippine Journal of Science, v .16 :527-537. REINKING, 0. A. 1920. Higher basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts, IV. Philippine Journal of Science, v.17:363-374. REINKING, 0. A. 1921. Higher basidiomycetes from the Philippines and their hosts, V. Philippine Journal of Science, v.19:91-114. RICKER, PERCY LEROY. 1906. A list of known Philippine fungi. Philippine Jonrnal of Science, v. 1: 227-294. Supplement. STEVENS, F. L. 1931. A record supplement to the list of the lower fungi of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 46 :479536. WELLS, COLIN G. 1922. A provisional list of the parasitic fungi of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 15: 149-202. YATES. 1919. Host index of Philippine fungi. Unpublished. (2) THE PUBLISHED BIBLIOGRAPHIC LISTS OF PHILIPPINE FUNGI BAKER, C. F. 1919. A contribution to the Philippine and Malayan technical bibliography. Philippine Agricnlturist, v. 8 :32-37. BAKER, C. F. 1922. Additions to Philippine and Malayan technical bibliography. Philippine Agriculturist, v .10 :363-366. TEODORO, NICANOR G. 1926. Philippine mycological and phytopathological literature index, I. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 19: 275-291. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 499 (3) THE PUBLISHED WORK ON PLANT DISEASES IN GENERAL BAKER, C. F. 1914. A review of some Philippine plant diseases. Phili'!>pine Agriculturist and Forester, v. 3 :157-164. BAKER, C. F. 1916. Additional notes on Philippine plant diseases. Philippine Agriculturist and Forester, v.5:73-78. LEE, HENRY ATHERTON. 1921. Observations on previously unreported ')r noteworthy plant diseases in the Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Review, v .14 :422-434. MENDIOLA, N. and R. B. ESPINO. 1916. Some phycomycetous diseases of cultivated plants in the Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist and. For ester, v. 5 : 65-72. OcFEMIA, GERARDO 0. 1924. Notes on some economic plant diseases new in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Agriculturist, v .13 :163-166. OcFEMIA, GERARDO O. 1931. Note~ on some economic plant diseases new in the Philippine Islands, II. Philippine .1.griculturist, v .19: 581589. REINKING, O. A. 1918. Philippine economic plant diseases. Philippine Journal of Science, v.13A:165-274. REYES, G. M. and F. B. SERRANO. 1924. The use of fungicides in the Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 17 :127-133. TEODORO, NICANOR G. 1925. Phytopathology: its fundamental principles. Philippine Agricultural Review, v .18 :325-372. WELLES, COLIN G. 1921. Two serious plant diseases new to the Philippines. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 10 :253-254. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS In conclusion, I must say that mycologists and phytopathologists, like other professionals, recognize that the highest duty in the profession is SERVICE, and that the chief aim in mycology is to determine the nature and kinds of certain fungi affecting their hosts, and that, likewise, in phytopathology the aim is to control or at least lessen losses from the havocs of plant diseases. The question then is, "How can we best serve to this end?" From the mycologist or phytopathologist point of view as an investigator the immediate answer is through RESEARCH, to make it possible to educate the people about the solutions to mycological and phytopathological problems. But to do this the mycologists or the phytopathologists are confronted at the outset with the first problem-that of FACILITIES. However, once these are provided, the mycologists and the phytopathologists are in a position to face the problems through the various methods of research to attain their aims. 500 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In our country the critical conditions brought about by such problems are,-(1) the deterioration of abaca fiber by certain micro-organisms requires research to find a gas that will act as a disinfectant and bleaching agent on the fiber without weakening it; (2) the deterioration of glass (optical glass and object attacked by fungi) offers a promising additional field of research in industrial mycology; (3) the important lines of investigation in medical mycology are fungus diseases of the skin, alimentary disturbances and food poisons due to fungi. "Although otomycosis occurs quite frequently in this country," said Dr. Africa ( 1933), "no serious attempt has so far been made here to determine its etiology. Aside from some casual mention of this affection by some of our otologists in connf'ction with their clinical observations, our local medical literature completely lacks reference about this subject. This is not surprising when we consider the fact that even the etiology of such an important group as our skin diseases of mycotic nature has also been likewise neglected." For this reason, it is imperative that medica1 and veterinary mycology should be given consideration; and ( 4) the frequent occurrence of the various diseases affecting our principal agricultural and horticultural crops demands that plant disease surveys in various parts of the islands be made, and continued from year to year, since it would give pathological workers a definite idea of the distribution of diseases. It would be of value to research pathologists in deciding where their work should lie, in determining the extent and character of their problems and in checking up the results of their campaigns. It would acquaint them with disease conditions throughout the country. A plant disease survey is "A WATCH SERVICE ON THE HEALTH OF PLANTS WHICH TENDS TO CONSERVE THE HEALTH OF FOOD CROPS JUST AS THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE CONSERVES THAT OF HUMAN BEINGS." There are many diseases of agricultural and horticultural crops in the Philippines that are the causes of enormous losses each year, but owing to the absence of sufficient scientific information on their nature, no practicable control measures are known. Moreover, a survey should be made in order that intelligent quarantine action may be taken. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 501 LITERATURE CITED AFRICA, C. M. 1933. Experimental induced otomycosis in monkeys. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v.3, No. 3:281-291. CALINISAN, M., J. AGATI and v. c. ALDABA. 1931. Preliminary notes on the stem-rot of abaca in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Agriculture, v. 2 :223-226. CELINO, M. S. 1934. Blight of cinchona seedlings. Philippine Agriculturist, v.23:111-123. CLARA, F. M. 1930. A new bacterial leaf disease of tobacco in the Philippines. Phytopathology, v.20:691-706. CoPELAND, EDWIN B. 1905. Fungi Esculentes Philippinenses. Annali!s Mycologici, v. 3 :25-29. FAJARDO, TRANQUILINO. 1934. Plant disease problems confronting truck farmers in Trinidad Valley and the vicinity of Baguio, Mt. -Prov. ince, P. I. Philippine Journal of Science, v.53:67-95. Government Laboratory Publication. 1905. No. 28: 141-156. GUTIERREZ, PERPETUO D. 1926. The common skin diseases among Filipinos. Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farnurcia, v .17 :214-217. HUMPHREY, C. J. and S. LEUS-PALO. 1931. A partial revision of the Ganoderma applanatum group, with particular reference to its oriental variants. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 45 :483-567. HUMPHREY, C. J. and S. LEUS-PALO. 1932. Studies and illustrations in the Polynoraceae, II. Fornes pachyphloeus Patouillard and Fom•is magnasporus Lloyd. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 47 :535-550. HUMPHREY, C. J. and S. LEUs-PAIJO. 1932. Studies and illustrations in the Polyporaceae, III. Supplementary notes on the Ganoderma applanatum group. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 49:159-178. MENDIOLA, V. B. 1930. The fusarium disease of corn. Philippine Agriculturist, v .19: 79-106. OCFEMIA, G. 0. 1926. Phytopathology, v.16:894. OCFEMIA, G. 0. 1927. Second progress report of bunchy-top of abaca, or Manila hemp. Phytopathology, v.17:255-257. 0CFEMIA, G. 0. 1930. Bunchy-top of abaca or Manila hemp I. A study of the cause of the disease and its method of transmission. American Journal of Botany, v.17, No. 1:1-18. OcFEMIA, G. 0. 1933. The transmission of the fiji disease of sugar cane by an insect vector. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 3 :277-280. OCFEMIA, G. O. and G. G. BUHAY. 1934. Bunchy-top of abaca, or Manila hemp, II. Further studies or. the transmission of the disease and a trial planting of abaca seedlings in a bunchy-top devastated field. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 22: 567-581. PALO, M. A. 1933. A Sclerotium seed rot and seedling stem rot of mango. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52 :237-258. REINKING, OTTo A. 1919. Phytophthora faberi Maubl. The cause o! coconut bud rot in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 14: 131-150. 502 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REYES, GAUDENCIO M. 1932. An unreported fungus disease of the Philippine migratory locust. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 49: 407416. RICKER, P. L. 1906. A list of known Philippine fungi. Philippine Journal of Science, v .1 (supplement) : 277-294. RoLDAN, E. E. 1931-1932. A bacterial stem-rot of hybrid cane seedlings hitherto unreported. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 2B: 24 7-258. SERRANO, FELICISIMO B. 1927. Deterioration of abaca (Manila hemp) fiber through mold action. Philippine Journal of Science, v.32:7597. STEVENS, F. L. 1931. New or noteworthy Philippine fungi. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 87-91. STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1931. Aecioid short cycle rusts of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1931. Diseases of cultivated ginger. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 171-176. STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1931. Two diseases caused by diplodia. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 20: 370-373. STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1931. Diseases of ornamentals in the Philippines. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v .1 :249-250. STEVENS, F. L. 1932. Two fungus invasions often following the coconut leaf miner, Promecotheca cummgii Baly. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 80-82. STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1932. Papaya leaf spot. Philippine Agriculturist, v.21:9-14. STEVENS, F. L. 1932. Additional Philippine Uredineae. University <•f the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 2 :441447. STEVENS, F. L. et AL. 1933. Philippine hemisphaeriaceae. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 3 :21-26. WELLS, C. G. 1922. Identification of bacteria pathogenic to plants previously reported from the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, v. 20 :279-285. WESTON, W. H. JR. 1920. Philippine downy mildew of maize. Journal of Agricultural Research, v.19: 97-122. WESTON, W. H. JR. 1921. Another conidial sclerospora of Philippine maize. Journal of Agricultural Research, v. 20: 669-684. THE DEVELOPMENT OF NUTRITION WORK IN THE PHILIPPINES By ISABELO CONCEPCION Of the Un,iversity of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Nutrition Although food plays a very important part in the orderly crmduct of our daily life and intimately affects human welfare, nutrition studies in the Philippines are still in a period of infancy. Nutritional work in the Philippine Islands may be divided into six categories :1 . General surveys on the state of nutrition and metabolism of the people. 2. General composition of Philippine foods and foodstuffs. 3. Relation of vitamins to beriberi. 4. Vitamin and mineral contents of common foodstuffs. 5 . Food preparation and preservation. 6. Dissemination of knowledge on nutrition. I. GENERAL SURVEYS ON THE STATE OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM OF THE PEOPLE In 1909, Professor Hans Aron of the Philippine Medical School computed the general composition and caloric values of the daily ration of the inmates of Bilibid Prison (Aron, 1909). In the same year he made a similar computation for the people of the town of Taytay, with additional data on the cost of their daily diets (Aron, 1909). These works may be considered the pioneer investigations on Filipino nutrition. Concepcion (1919) made the first study of urinary nitrogen by systematic chemical analysis of the urines of Filipino students and of the food intake of inmates of Bilibid Prison. Roxas and Collado (1922) a few years later made a study of the dietaries of students in the College of Agriculture at Los Baiios, and compared it with the diets of three families of Los Banos laborers. An interesting phase of nutrition work was contributed by Santos (1923) in his metabolism studies on Filipino stud~nts in the United States, giving indications that residence in a cold climate does not materially alter the metabolism of persons accustomed to tropical life. 603 504 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The investigations mentioned above have been extended and enlarged in recent times by contributions from the Colleges of Medicine and of Agriculture of the University of the Philippines. Standards of basal metabolism have been established for Filipinos by Fleming (1923) and by Sison and Ignacio (1927) on "hospital normals," and by Ocampo, Cordero, and Concepcion (1930) on presumably healthy Filipinos. Fleming's work is unique in that it includes a pioneer work on Filipino blood chemistry. Concepcion's paper entitled "Nutritional Requirements of the Filipinos" (1933) summarizes and correlates the existing knowledge on food requirements of Filipinos up to 1933. II. GENERAL COMPOSITION OF PHILIPPINE FOODS AND FOODSTUFFS All the work on foods mentioned above are only computations of constituents and calorific v:alues of daily rations based on percentage composition of similar foods made abroad. Actual analytical work on Philippine foodstuffs have been made by Agcaoili, Brill, Gibbs, Hocson, and del Rosario. The work was e:h.'iended and later compiled by Adriano and Santos (Adriano, 1925; Adriano and Santos, 1928). This compilation was revised by Hermano in 1932 in which form it is available in a special bulletin of the Bureau of Science. III. RELATION OF VITAMINS TO BERIBERI Although the field for vitamin studies is a wide one, most of the vitamin studies in this country have been concentrated on Vitamin B, due to the prevalence here of beriberi. The work of Chamberlain (1911) of the United States Army Medical Corps may be cited as the first important contribution on the subject. This work marked the beginning of a series of investigations intended to elucidate the etiology of beriberi. Notable among these contributions are those of M. Guerrero (1910) and J. Albert ( 1908), on the etiology of infantile beriberi; and of Vedder on the preparation of tikitiki extract and its application to the treatment of beriberi. On the experimental side may be mentioned the work of Andrews (1912) on the transmission of human beriberi to animals; and of Strong and Crowell (1912) on the production of beriberi in man by feeding of polished rice. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 505 IV. VITAMIN AND MINERAL CONTENTS OF COMMON PHILIPPINE FOODSTUFFS On the vitamin contents of Philippine foods, important contributions have been made by Embrey (1923), Gibson (1913), and in more recent ti'mes by Santos (1922), Hermano (1930), and Birosel (1932). On mineral constituents, Marafion and Adriano have made contributions. But more extensive investigations along this line have been done and are still going on in the Biochemical laboratory of the College of Medicine, University of the Philippines under the direction of Dr. Concepcion. V. FOOD PREPARATION AND PRESERVATION This line of work was begun in 1924 on a small scale in the Division of Organic Chemistry of the Bureau of Science. Realization of the importance of this line of activity led to a special legislative appropriation in 1925, for the "continuance of the work of developing and encouraging home canning and foo<l preservation as an industry in the Philippines." In 1926 a special Food Preservation Division was created under the direction of Miss Orosa, who intensified the work not only by giving classes in the Bureau of Science but by making demonstrations in the important provincial towns and giving valuable advice in dietetic matters to hospitals, puericulture centers, schools, etc. It may be mentioned that along the line of food preservation and canning, a good deal of work is also being undertaken by the Bureau of Plant Industry. The Division of Food Preservation has recently been fused with the Bureau of Science and its name changed to the Division of Home Economics. With this change the scope of its activities has been enlarged to include not only food preparation and preservation but also, home management, and improvement, and related arts. Pamphlets on food preservation, preparation of sea foods, rice bran, soy bean and other culinary matters have been issued as special bulletins of the Bureau of Science and have also appeared1 from time to time in the daily newspapers. VI. DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE This phase of the work is well taken care of for various sections of the population, by the Bureau of Education, Bureau of Health, Office of the Public Welfare Commissioner and by the Division of Home Economics. The only shortcoming of this 506 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL extensive propaganda is that it is undertaken mostly in the English language and therefore can reach only a relatively small part of the population, because while a limited amount of knowledge of conversational English is quite widespread, an intelligent reading knowledge appears to be quite limited. Publication of dietary and nutrition articles in dialect may help more in this great propaganda work. Nevertheless, on the whole, the country is now more nutrition-minded than it has ever been in the past. It must be mentioned before closing that the bulk of scientific work on diets and nutrition in this country has been borne by the researchers working quietly under the following governmental agencies :-the Division of Organic Chemistry, Bureau of Science, the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, and the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. Judging from the past accomplishments, the future of nutrition work may be considered bright. What is only needed is more encouragement to those who are devoting their time and energies to the subject. They should be given more generous support not only in the acquisition of more facilities and equipment but also in the maintenance of those ·already on hand. Furthermore, expectation of immediate utilitarian results should not be the main objective for which such support is to be given. LITERATURE CITED ADRIANO, F. ·T. 1925. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs: I. Philip. Agriculturist, v. 14: 347. -------and F. 0. SANTOS. 1928. The chemical composition of Philippine food materials. Public Welfare Commission r,ircular: M,anila, Philippine Bureau of Printing. ALBERT, J. 1908. A case of infantile beriberi with autopsy report. Philip, Jour. Sci., v. 3: 345. ANDREWS, V. L. 1912. Infantile beriberi. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 7:67. ARON, HANS. 1909. Diet and nutrition of the Filipino people. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 4B: 195. ABoN, HANS. 1909. The food of the people of Taytay from a physiological standpoint. Ibid., v. 4B: 225. BmosEL, D. M. 1932. Vitamin A in body and liver oil of some Philippine fishes, Univ. Philip. Natural and Applied Science Bull., v. 2:7. CHAMBERLAIN, W. P. 1911. The eradication of beri-beri from the Philippine (native) Scouts by means of simple change in their dietary. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 ;;07 Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6: 133. Reviewed in Revista Filipina de Jll'dicina y Farmacia, v. 6: 498, 1915. CONCEPCION, I. 1919. A study on the nutrition of the Filipinos. Rev;s1:i Filipina de Medicina y Fannacia, v. 10: 193. CoNCEPCION, I. 1933. Nutritional Requirements of Filipinos. Philip. Is. Med. Assoc., Jour., v. 13: 26. EMBREY, H. 1923. The antiscorbutic vitamin in some oriental fruits :ind vegetables. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 22:77. FLEMING, W. D. 1923. Blood Chemistry and Respiratory Metabofom1, Jour. Metabolic Research, v. 4: 105. GIBSON, R. B. 1913. The protective power of normal human milk against polyneuritis gallinarum (beriberi), Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 8: 469. GUERRERO, M. S. 1910. Anatomia patologica dcl beri-beri de los niii.o.5 de pecho. Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, v. 1: 1. - - - - - - - - - - and G. J. GAVIERES. 1911. Accion de la leche de mujeres beribericas sobre el corazon de la rana. Su valor diagn0t'tico en el beri-beri infantil. Ibid., v. 2: 691. HERMANO, A. J. 1930. Vitamin Content of Some Philippine Foods I. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 41: 387. O~MP<>, M., N. CoRDERO and I. CONCEPCION. 1930. The basal metabolism of the Filipinos . ./our. of Nutrition, v. 23: 237. RoxAsf M. L. and E. G. COLLADO. 1922. The modern conception of nutrition and some of our food problems. Philip. Agriculturist, v. l'{l: 447. SANTOS, F. 0. 1922. Some plant sources of vitamin B and C. American Jour. Physiol., v. 59: 310. SANTOS, F. O. 1923. Metabolism experiments with Filipino students in the U. S. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 23: 51. SISON, A. B. M. and i\L IGNACIO. 1927. Metabolism of Filipinos. Philip. Is. Med. Assoc. J.our., v. 7: 416. STRONG, R. P. and B. C. CROWELL. 1912. The etiology of beri-beri. Phili]>. J our. Sci., v. 7: 271. NATIONAL RESEARCl-I COUNCIL OF Tl-IE Pl-llLIPPINE ISLANDS Created on December 8, 1933 by the Philippine Legislature under Act No. 4120 and organized with the cooperation of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce on March 23, 1934 February, 1935 Bulletin No. 6 Separate from Report No. I Published by the NATIONAL RESEARCl-l COUNCIL OF Tl-IE Pl-llLIPPINE ISLANDS Science Building, 1-lerran St. Manila, P. I. VI. DIVISION OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY EARLY HISTORY OF PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURE By JOSE S. CAMUS Director 9f Plant hd<rnii·y anC: Sc~;·ciary of the Division of Ag;·icnlture ancl Forestry The P~.ilippines, blc:osed with a benign climate and rich natural resources, has e-•er been pre-eminently agricultural. It may be said that agriculture, the primitive and most important science of man and the most noble of oc.::upations, antedates Philippine civilization. It has been the greatest asset in the building up of the material prosperity the country now enjoys. AGRICULTURE DURING THE PRE-SPA)fNH REGIME Since time immemorial the natives have depended upon the products of the soil for their livelihood. Rice, millet, coconuts, banana, sugar cane, and other minor crops had long been under cultivation before the Spaniards came into the Islands. These agricultural products furnished the wherewithal for the simple needs of the inhabitants. The methods of soil tillage, planting, and cultivation then employed were naturally crude, the tools and implements used antiquated. The lands were parceled out among the people composing the barangay so that each of them had his own field to culti.vate. The Chief of the barangays practiced the tenantry sydem, the tillers of the soil being free m~m and their families. The natives were, by custom and tradition, very devoted indeed to the cultivation of the soil. When Spain came to rule the lslands, there was thus a fair basis oo which to build and further develop agriculture. DURING THE EARLY YEA:RS OF THE SPANISH REGIME Spain took great interest iR, and did much to foster, the development of Philippine Agriculture. To safeguard the interests of the natives, Spain decreed by a royal edict of April G, 1588, that public lands were not to be parce~ed out to the prejudice of the natives, and by a law of June 11, 1594, the right to p~ssion of previous land grnnts was vested in the State to correct the abuses of some of the early settlers. At various times, Spain, through her mfr,sionaries, introduced into the country scme very important animals and pbnts such as tobacco, cacao, coffee, etc., from other countries. Many - ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 509 of her introductions now figure among- the major products of the Islands. Actual work on crop improvement was started as early as 1612 when a royal decree was proclaimed ordering the people to plant wheat in the lowlands. A century and a half later, that is, in October, 1759, another decree was issued making it obligatory upon all the natives to plant every year some co<;onuts, cacao, areca palm and pepper. Again in February, 1768, a third decree was issued compelling all Filipinos to plant wheat, rice, corn, and vegetables in addition to useful trees, and to keep at least twelve hens, a rooster and a pig. And for good measure, in the way of encouraging agriculture, an edict was released at that time ordering that all rich natives should own 200 feet of land planted to coconut and another 200 feet of land planted to abaca. The poor were required to plant half this area. Then in 1777, the people were compelled by an order to cultivate and manufacture flax and cotton for exportation to Spain. THE GOLDEN ERA UNDER GOVERNOR JOSE BASCO Y VARGAS The golden age in the progress of Philippine agriculture during the Spanish regime can rightfully be placed in the last quarter of the 18th century when Jose Basco y Vargas became Governor of these Islands. To stimulate agriculture was the watch-word of his administration and his achievements along this line were unequalled, much less excelled, by any other colonial administrator. In a public pronouncement he made in 1779, a year after his arrival in the country, he said in part: "If agr!culture and industry are the real basis of commerce, it behooves the leaders to ascertain if there exist in this country, the potential basis of its interior and foreign commerce." In line with his principles he founded the "Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais" for the purpose of studying and promoting agriculture, and rural economics, compiling information on Philippine soils and their adaptability to plants, and of the best seasons and methods of cultivation. The proper control of plant pests and diseases wias given particular attention so as to stimulate the production of agricultural crops--wheat, rice, cacao, coconut, tobacco, cinnamon, indigo, mulberry trees, pepper, clover, and other economic plants. Thus was ushered in the beginning of fundamental research work to improve the production of different crops under the Spanish regime. In 510 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL 1780, a set of rules was promulgated governing the planting and manufacture of pepper. The famous Government tobacco monopoly which was established a year later (1781) to increase the revenue of the archipelago, made the farmers proficient in the culture and curing of this important crop. It was Governor Basco who in 1783 initiated the giving of cash prizes to those harvesting the largest crops of pepper, cotton, and indigo as a further inducement to agricultural development. From the year 1785 to the close of the 18th century other laws and regulations, calculated to increase agricultural production, were promulgated, such as those giving instructions for the planting of mulberry trees and the breeding of silk worms, the cultivation of cotton, inaigo, coffee, and tobacco, and the converting of cinnamon and nutmeg plants into commercial products. The rapid progress made in the development of Philippine agriculture at this period and the fame that had spread about the fertility of Philippine soil as well as the extent of her natural resources attracted foreign attention. The splendid work of Governor Basco was carried on by his successors so that at the close of the 18th century the basis for the further progress of agricultural development in the years succeeding was well laid down. PROGRESS MADE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY With this foundation well established and the people's interest in agriculture well manifested, progress followed a natural course. Despite political turmo~l in the Spanish Cortes in 1801, a royal decree was issued relative to the development of agriculture and industry in the Islands. And in 1804, the Government was askeCI to protect agriculture by declaring cotton, coffee, and indigo, the commercial value of which was very considerable, exempt from duties. Further instructions on the improved methods of culture and curing of tobacco were issued in 1813, and by a royal edict of 1814, greater freedom was conferred upon individual planters in the development of their holdings in the general interest of agriculture and cattle raising. An agricultural advisory board was created at Manila in 1821, and a royal decree authorizing the establishment of agricultural courses and of an acclimatization orchard was issued on April 10, 1822. In 1825, the reorganized "Sociedad Economica de ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 511 Filipinas" rendered its first "memoria" on abaca-growing to stimulate the development of this valuable crop, which has remained, until very recently, a complete Philippine monopoly. The second quarter of the century likewise witnessed a number of important steps taken in the interest of agricultural advancement. When in 1827, the interest in coffee growing was noted to be slackening somewhat, the "Sociedad Econornica" reprinted and dist:riibuted the pamphlet entitled "Memoria Sobre el Cultivo del Cafe en la Isla de Cuba." This effort of the Society revived the declining interest in coffee growing. In 1828, a decree. was issued for the first time providing for the importation of agricultural machinery in the Philippines. This step was significant 'in that the introduction of improved farm machinery contributed to the improvement of farm operations so essential in a speedy development of agriculture. Again, in an effort to stimulate the cultivation of cotton, a very important agricultural product, the culture of which antedates the Spanish era and on more than one occasion then considered to be the best in the world, the Government in 1836 tried to grow Pernambuco cotton seeds in Antique. Another step taken to give more impetus to the cotton industry was the opening of the port of Manila for the importation of foreign cotton on February 3, 1838. All kinds of inducements, as a matter of fact, were resorted to promote agriculture. The offering of prizes was revived. For instance, a prize of P8,000 was given to the planter of a coffee orchard of at least 60,000 square feet, 'P6,000 to the owner of a large cacao plantation, and similar prizes to successful growers of cinnamon. In addition, all laborers who had worked at least five years on an hacienda to the satisfaction of the owner were exempted from paying taxes. The first half of the century was climaxed by an important executive order issued on August 5, 1850, authorizing the establishment of Chinese colonies to help in developing agriculture. All Chinese arriving in the Philippines for the first time were exempted from taxes for one year. About this time, economic problems began to crop up, causing considerable contention between capital and labor and often leading to serious disturbances, especially in connection with the tobacco industry. To prevent troubles of this nature the Government issued an order in March, 1855, authorizing 512 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL provincial chiefs to make cash advances to planters of tobacco. In the same year the free exportation of rice was autliorized to augment the development of this industry. May 29, 1861 marked the beginning of the official teaching of agriculture in the Philippines. On this date, the first agricultural school was established in Manila on the site of the old Philippine Normal School founded by the "Sociedad Economica." The Botanical Garden of Manila was started as an important part of this school. In 1882, the Government tobacco monopoly was abolished because of scandalous abuses and graft perpetuated by many officials which created a wide-spread uprising on the part of the oppressed tobacco growers. Near the close of the century, agricultural experiment stations were established in many places. One large station was e~tablished at La Carlota, Negros, where the work was begun in 1884, and another at Magalang, Pampanga. Smaller stations were established in San Carlos, Cebu; Ilagan, Isabela; Vigan, Ilocos Sur; Daraga, Albay; and La Paz, Iloilo. In these stations interesting experiments were conducted, the most important of which were the introduction of new varieties of crops, the study of pests and diseases, useful and noxious insects, methods of combating locusts, the breeding of animals, improvements of plants, production of better varieties, soil fertility, irrigation and drainage. Sugar cane and tobacco were the two ma.ior crops studied extensively. An agricultural monthly known as "Boletin Oficial Agricola de Filipinas" published, from 1894 to 1896, reports on pioneer agricultural research work carried on in the experiment stations, the condition of the crops, market quotations, and a summary of all work in agriculture. It is the authoritative source of valuable information on early agricultural research work in this country. The work in the differ€nt experiment stations and all other acbivities for the promotion of agriculture were temporarily paralyzed during the trying days of the fhilippine revolution which finally culminated in the change from the Spanish to the present American sovereignty over these Islands. THE UNPARALLELED DEVELOPMENT OF PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURE UNDER THE AMERICAN R:e:GIME IS CURRENT HISTORY The rise of Philippine agriculture during the last three decades and more of American sovereignty, the general public ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 513 is certainly conscious of. It is current history. Many factors have contributed towards this unparalleled development of Phil. ippine agriculture. Foremost among these is the Government interest in the country's economic advancement; second, the adaptability of the vast natural resources of the Islands to agricultural industries and pursuits; and third, the readiness of the people to further the cause of agriculture owing to their inborn or traditional attachment to, and love of, the soil. The Government Bureau of Agriculture, established in 1901 and split in UJ30 into the Bureaus of Plant Industry and Animal Industry, has contributed a great deal to the cause of agricultural improvement in this country. Among other things, it has conducted in its various experiment stations painstaking researches on fundamental agricultural subjects, and through effective publicity, demonstration and extension work, has brought its findings to the people for practical utilization. The agricultural service has protected the country from the introduction and invasion of foreign plant pests and diseaS€s, and has minimized and controlled the interminable depredations of in8ect enemies such as locusts and leaf miners and numerous other plant pests and diseases. It has introduced into the Islands from various sources a large number of economic plants and created new plant varieties through breeding, many of which have proved to be material successes and now figure among our important major crops. It has successfully fought the most dangerous animal diseases such as rinderpest, anthrax, hog cholera, etc., introduced improved breeds of animals into the country and improved native stock through breeding. Agricultural education in the country was given due emphasis by the establishment in 1909 of the College of Agriculture at Los Bafios, Laguna, and in later years, of farm schools and agricultural high schools in many places in the country. Many other entities of the Government have had some share in the development of Philippine Agriculture. While the production of those staple crops for home consumption has kept pace with the increasing local demand, t!w last three decades of the development of Philippine agriculture has really been an epic drama of tropical crop production for export in which sugar cane, coconut, abaca and tobacco, figured the most prominently. The prosperity brought to the country 514 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL by these products of export, coupled with the ceaseless efforts of the Government to intensify public interest in agriculture and economics, has made the people more farm-conscious and agricultural-minded. Now there is an ever growing tendency not only on the part of the uniettered but also of the intelligentsia to go to the farm and com~ close to nature, which augurs well for the further development of Philippine Agriculture. REFERENCES 1. ARTIGAS y CUF..RYA, MANUEL. 1922. Bibliographical Notes on Philippine Agriculture, Prefaced by a Historical Sketch. The Philippine Agricultural Review, xv:3-27. 2. CAMUS, JOSE S. 1031. Government Agricultural Development Work in the Philippines. Bureau cf Plant Industry Contribution to Knowledge of Philippine Agriculture, pp. 172-195. 3. Annual Report of the Director of Agriculture. 1929. Unpublished. THE NEED FOR RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS By HILARION S. SILAYAN Of the Bureau of Plant Industry Chairman, Section of Agricultural Education and Extension GENERAL STATEMENTS The problems of economics of agriculture assume increasing importance as the country becomes developed and the problems of production, marketing, credit, transportation, taxation, tariff, currency, rural finance, and competition, begin to affect the object and profit of every agricultural enterprise. Economic problems as they are understood today under the prP-sent conditions were never a part of the consideration of agricultural ventures in the pioneer days. Land was abundant, people were few. There was little trade and the problem of the individual was centered on food and how to grow it. The farmer during the early days took to the forest, cleared the virgin land, cultivated it to have a place to live in and to raise enough food. He was not bothered with market, nor tariff, nor limitation. He bartered his excess products for other probducts of his neighbors to supply his necessities, which were simple and few. As communities grew and the population increased, with the concomitant augmentation of human wants and commodities, economic problems appeared. The beginnings of Philippine agriculture had been a pioneering work of this kind. Conditions were favorable particularly along the coasts and the banks of rivers. The farmer settled in virgin land, cleared it, planted corn or rice, hunted g.ame, and fished from the sea or river for other food supplies. He raised a few animals to provide part of his food and planted coconut, abaca, and fruit trees for his permanent crops. In a few years und~r favorable conditions the trees came into bearing and the farmer either sold out or moved to the next vacant space to increase his holdings. The well-to-do land owners began buying adjacent parcels and larger units of holdings were developed. This is the manner in which the extensive coconut &.nd abaca industries of the present time have been largely established. Similarly, the extensive rice paddies in the leYel 515 516 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL plains which now form the rice-growing regions were developed. Within large holdings, especially with Royal land grants, the system of development was virtually the same. Small units were loaned to individuals who cleared the virgin lots and brought the land under cultivation. No rents were exacted from the users until after several years when the land had been fully cleared and cultivated. It is only within the last decade and a half that agricultural development has been undertaken· as a purely commercial enterprise. Today these industries and the improvements on land represent a tremendous investment v1hich could never have been built if actual cash had been required for their developm~mt. They represent an accumulated labor income of several· generations. Although we have hardly graduated from the pioneering methods, and not many agricultural enterprises have been started on a purely commercial basis, agriculture is already facing economic problems of such magnitude and extent that now any agricultural venture is no longer just a mere problem of seeds, soil, climate, pests, diseases, and typhoons, but principally of economics. No man now dares go into an agricultural enterprise without considering whether it will pay, whether there is a market, where he can borrow capital, if there is available labor, etc. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS IN SCHOOLS It was the economically independent Filipinos who were first to voice protest against the unjust methods of exploitation of the natives and the natural resources of the Philippines by the Spanish rulers. It was the moneyed Filipinos who were first to feel discontent against the social order during the Spanish domination. The foundation of the progress made by Filipinos of the past in educational as well as political 1 accomplishments was the acquired economic independence of the individual. This economic independence gave birth to aspirations of a moral and intellectual order. However the study of economics and the pursuit of the different bl'lanches of economic calling did not form a part of education during the Spanish time and were the last to be given emphasis in our schools of the present regime. During the Spanish time "colleges and universities were founded in Manila which principally gave courses in grammaANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 517 tical, philosophical, theological and juridical studies," the result of which was the strengthening of a wrong mental attitude toward manual labor, holding it in contempt. It was considered menial and below the dignity of a gentleman to be directly u1gaged in economic pursuits involving manual labor. In an extensive report entitled "The Development of the Philippines" written by Henry Jackson Water, President of Kansas State Agricultural College, after a special investigation authorized by Act of the Legislature of the Philippine Islands i11 1914, which embodies recommendations regarding a development program for the government, agricultural instruction and development, uniting agricultural forces and courses of study, no mention was made of agricultural economics either as a course of study at the College of Agricul~ure or as an orgianized activity of the Bureau of Agriculture. In the College of Agriculture courses were started in 1918, principally to teach elementary principles of economics and farm accounting. Courses have been developed to embrace rural Economy. A number of studies in cost of production and tenancy conditions have been undertaken. No facilities have been given or developed for conducting research and survey in agricultural economics in the same manner that laboratories and field stations are provided at present for the studies of chemistry, agronomy, horticulture and animal husbandry. The University of the Philippines started giving courses on economic subjects in 1910 in the College of Liberal Arts, and with the establishment of the School of Business Administration in 1929, permanently gave due recognition to the economic aspect of national life. The establishment of vocational schools began with the American regime when demand for skillful artisans in different enterprises began to be felt. Vice Governor-General Gilmore, Secretary of Public Instruction, pioneered "to change the emphasis in education from non-productive academic training to vocational training in order that those who are educated at the expense of the government may be economically productive as well as politically efficient." The Philippine Legislature in 1927 gave specific recogniti~n to vocational training and provided funds for the promotion of agricultural and vocational schools. 518 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ECONOMICS IN THE GOVERNMENT The economic interest of the government and the meaf:ures established to promote economic development partook of the characteristies of the people of the governing power. The Spanish regime in the Philippines and the present American domination hid widely divergent policies and methods. of economic development. History tells us that during the Spanish time the social order and laws were inimical to the proper development of economic independence of the individual native. The education given in schools and the social institutions established developed a wrong attitude towards manual labor. Under the American regime, however, greater emphasis h1s been laid on economic development and the Filipinos, alert to the advantages of the more liberal government, acquired a great degree of economic development and consequently came to enjoy the advantages of acquired wealth. The Bureau of Agriculture in 1915 started a Rural Credit Section under the Demonstration and Extension Division for the endorsement of the rural credit law, Act No. 2508, passed by the Philippine Legtlsliature in 1915. In 1919, this Section was organized into the Rural Credit Division with activ!ities as follows: 1. Organizing, supervising and examining rural credit associations. 2. Helping farmers to obtain loans from banks. 3. Fighting usury. 4. Propaganda work on cooperative activities. The Division later included in its activity the enforcement of Act 2818, passed March 4, 1919, entitled the Rice and Corn Fund, designed to enable the farmers to extend areas planted to rice and corn, to buy work animals, implements, seeds, and to meet all other necess-ary expenses in producing these two staple crops. This Division in 1930 was named Rural Economics Division and later in 1931 labelled Agricultural Economics Division but remained fundamentally the same in the function of supervising rural credit cooperative associations 1and administering the Rice and Corn Fund. In 1932, this Division under the Bureau of Plant Industry was transferred to the Bureau of Commerce. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 519 The Bureau of Plant Industry as organized at the present time has no section of Agricultural Economics, yet the greatest problem of agriculture today is whether it can prosper under ihe prevailing conditions affecting cost of production, taxation, present market, prices, current rates of interest, present rural unrest, international relations, in other words, under the present pressure of economic conditions. There is no government institution which ca,rries on well organized research activitie.:> on the economic factors which determine the present economic conditions of agriculture except the College of Agriculture and other Colleges of the University of the Philippines, which undertake this work as· part of the curricula. CHANGING ATTITUDE We are indebted to the late Trinidad Pardo de Tavera for the very illuminating analysis of the results of economic development upon the Filipino people during the Spanish sovereignty. How a misgui~ed education produced a wrong attitude toward manual labor, and how such a delusion retarded the Filipino individually and as a nation in acquiring economic independence should serve as a lesson. Under the American regime we have become more enlightened towards the dignity of productive work. We have learned to appreciate the success of a man who has added wealth to the nation's stock. Spurred by the new attitude we have produced successful Filipino bankers, manufacturers, business men, financiers, insurance executives, who furnish strong assurance of the ability of the Filipinos to face the economic problems of the new order with the advent of an independent Filipino government. So ccmpletely have our economic ideas changed; so thorroughly has our obsolete attitude toward labor been overhauled; so firmly has our conviction been established of the need of economic independence during the last decade that leaders of thought and action from the President of the Senate to the chiefs of offices, from University Presidents to school teachers, from city editors to feature writers, hold the economic development of the country to be the keynote of thought, plianning and action. The Philippine Economic AssociatJion organized in 1933, and the National Research Council, in 1934, will be the great factors in directing our national economic thought. The 520 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL United States and the rest of the world watch with critical eyes our ability to oarry on an independent existence not by the religious fervor of our people, not by the diplomacy of our politicians, not by literary production, not by the intensity of sentimental feeling, but by our ability and statesmanship of high order to promote a sy1rnetrical economic structure which will make our people equal to the tasks in the world's intense economic struggle. THE NEED FOR AN ORGANIZED OFFICE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS The rising tide of agrarian troubles cannot be stopped by superficial remedies applied to seemingly obvious troubles. The root of the troubles should be searched for and permanent remedies applied to the fundamental causes of disturbance. There is a universal complaint against the heavy burden of the land tax. There is a continuous demand for readjustment of taxation. A scientific system should be inaugurated for equitable land t1 axation. Innumerable problems of credit, marketing, warehousing, distribution, limitation and hundreds of other adjustments in the economic structure brought about by complex, and very often, unforeseen causes require a thorough knowledge of fundamental facts. The establishment of colonies to solve problems of population, of the disposlition of public domain, of the development of a balance system of agricultural production-all necessitate a comprehensive knowledge of agricultural economics. Where shall the government look for the necessary knowledge and information? Only a well organized office that can undertake research and survey can accumulate and compile adequate data to be interpreted for the requirements of present and future trends of development. The lack of adequate scientific information under conditions obtaining in the agricultural districts in the Philippines in the following subjects of agricultural economics will illustrate the wide scope of the work: 1. Public Finance in Relation to Agriculture. 2. Agricultural Land Utilization. 3. Agricultural Credit. 4. Rural Population. 5. Rural Social Welfare Work. 6. Agricultural Income. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 521 7. Marketing of Farm Products. 8. Transportation in Relation to Agriculture. 9. Farm Family Living. 10. Rural Organization. 11. Farm Management. 12. Agricultural Insurance. 13. Agricultural Land Tenure. 14. Land Settlement and Colonization. A government office is greatly needed to give due attention to the problems in the fields stated above-to undertake research and survey, to secure and make the information available 1 in practical form that it may be useful in the daily problems of agriculture and their solution as well as in framing sound governmental policies. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON COST OF PRODUCTION RICE AFRICA, A. 1920. A preliminary survey of the comparative costs of different methods of harvesting rice. Philip. Farm. Jour., v. 8: 277-292. Anonymous. 1915. 'The cost of production of rice by Philippine methods. Philip. Farm. Jour., v. 4: 29-42. Anonymous. 1927. Lowering cost of rice production. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 16: 9-11. Anonymous. 1931. Cost of production per ha. of unirrigated lowland rice. Fortnightly News, 2-1, No. 20: 17. ARAGON, V. D. 1932. The cost of producing lowland rice in the Philippines. U. P. Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, v. 2: 417-21. ISIDRO, R. A. 1921. Comparative culture of upland and lowland rice with special reference to cost of production and distribution of income. Philip. Agric., v. 9: 213-33. PRONTO, JUAN. 1927. Tenancy on rice holdings in the municipality cf San Felipe, Zambales. Cited in Philippine Agricultnrist, v. 16: 37475. RAMOS, FLORENTINO. 1922. Comparative culture of upland and lowland rice with special reference to cost of production and distribution of income. Ibid., v.10: 443. RAYMUNDO, M. B. 1928. An experiment in the use of grain drill in reducing the cost of planting rice. Ibid., v. 16: 9-11. SACAY, F. M. 1927. The cost of producing rice. Phil. Agric., v.16: 235. SAOORA, NAZARIO. 1930. A Philippine study of the cost of producing rice in C. L. A. S. Philip. Farm. Jour., v. 3: 5, 7. 522 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SUGAR CANE Anonymous. 1914. Sugar manufacture. PhilipPine Agricultural Review, v. 47: 73-6. Anonymous. 1922. Some cane cuttings costs in Negros. Sugar news, v. 3: 493-94. Anonymous. 1930. Central and planter and systems on payment for cane. Ibid., v. 11: 601-608, 664-70. SACAY, F. M. 1927. A system of cost accounting for sugar cane farms. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention of the Philippine Sugar Association. Manila. 260-7. COCONUTS MADAMBA, V. V. 1927. A study of the cost of production of tobacco in Cagayan Valley. lbw., v. 20: 83-115. SALEEBY, N. M. 1910. Estimated costs of placing 500 ha. under cultivation up to production stage. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 3: 321. MAGUEY LAZARO, E. E. 1932. A study of the cost of production and distribution of income of Maguey in the provinces of !locos Norte and Sur. Thesis. C. A. Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 196-217. OUTSTANDING RESULTS OF AGRONOMIC RESEARCH By L. G. GONZALEZ Of the University of the Philippines Associate Member, Section of Horticulture and Plant Products In the twenty-five years of its exis:ence the Agronomy Department has contributed to Philippine scientific literature 615 papers. Of these 194 were prepared by members of the faculty, and the remaining 421 were theses of graduating students who niajored in the Department. These theses were planned by and the experiments performed under the direct supervision of members of the staff. Of the theses, 127 have been published, abstracts made of several and published, and the rest are awaiting publication. In addition to these contributions there are other researches under way in various stages of completion. In presenting the results of the agronomic and horticultural researches only the most outstanding ones will be discussed. They are treated by crop, arranged alphabetically. CACAO In a test of several cacao varieties, Forastero proved the best under local conditions. The trees planted under shade grew more vigorously and gave considerably higher yield than those planted in the open. Dapdap and mad'.re cacao were found to be good shade trees (David, 1929). Besides budding, grafting and inarching, the cacao plant can be propagated with reasonable ease by marcottage and by stem cuttings (Anioay, 1932). For raising cacao seedlings, a soil medium made up of equal parts of garden soil and compost was found advisable (Madrid, 1933). COCONUT AND OTHER OIL PLANTS Coconut. A varietal study of coconuts in Laguna and Tayabas provinces showed that there are eight fairly distinct varieties in these regions ( Desembrana, 1923) . 523 524 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In propagation studies it was found that fully ripe nuts for seed proved superior to nuts of any other age, the nuts to be planted whole, on the side, and to be transplanted whf'n 15 to 30 cm. high (Espino, 1923). It was found that round nuts were heavier, germinated earlier, produced more leaves and roots than oblong nuts (l.\faceda, 1933) . There was no consistent relationship between size and shape of nuts and percentage of germination (Bayog, 1929). One week of drought was not very detrimental to coconut seedlings but two weeks of dry weather retarded growth considerably. Round nuts were found to contain more meat than other shapes and were recommended for copra production. Other types of nuts had thick husks. The thickness of the shell of all types was variable (Lacson, 1921 ; N overo, 1922) . Studies on rate of growth of coconut trees showed that it varied according to the age of the tree and that it was directly related to yield (Almazan, 1922). Palms 10 to 30 years old still had the ability to incre:ise the number of leaves. The yield of green nuts increased as the age of the trees advanced (Almazan, 1922). A study of flower biology showed that July and August were the mos't favorable months for the production of inflorescences, and November and December the mosit unfavorable. The largest number of female flowers were produced by lthe inflorescences that appeared during April, May, June, and July. The months from September to January were unfavorable for the production of female flowers (Jimenez, 1926). The coconut is both close- and crosspollinated. Male flowers open at about six o'clock, and their anthers dehisce at about eight o'clock in the morning. The female flowers in the same cluster become receptive after two or three weeks from the time of the appearance of the inflorescence (Aldaba, 1921). A study of the growth of nut showed that at first the nut grows in length faster than in wid'th, then faster in width and then faster in length. There are three more or less distinct stages in the development of the nut: ( 1) the first stage l•asting up to the age of 4-5 months, the growth is mainly; in area of ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 525 the husk and shell; the cavity assumes almost maximum space during this period. (2) The second stage lasts till the nut is 6-8 months old; the meat appears and the husk and shell grow rapidly in thickness. (3) The third stage is from the time the nut is 8 months old until m3.turity. During this period the husk, shell, and meat change in color (Fandino, 1928). Different phases of copra production have been studied. lit appears that copra may be rrrepared in the shell of the nuts without the use of artificial heat, if the germination of th~ nuts is prevented. The copra produced in the shell had as much oil as the ordinary copra in the market and was superior to it in color, being almost white (Rocafort, 1922). Various types of copra driers are used in the Philippines. A study of their initial cost, efficiency and cost of operation was made in 1927. The Sariaya type was found to have an advantage over the Laguna and ordinary Tayabas types. Sun-dried copra keeps longer than the kiln-dried. It has the best quality and gives the most profit, if the weather is favorable, but it takes a longer time to make copra this way than by artificial drying. Taya.bas coconuts produce more copra than Laguna nuts of the same size (Cruz, 1930). In an experiment on the production of coir from coconut husk, it was found that the best retting solution was either 10 per cent sodium hydroxide or 10 per cent potassium hydroxide. Green husks produced more fiber than dry husks. Mafigipod produced the least fiber while the other varieties had about the same percentages. The fiber of one va!J'iety obtaiined from green husk was found to be the s1 ame in strength as that obtained from the dry (Flores, 1923). Peanut, sesamum, African oil palm, lumbang and a few others have been included in our research work on oil-bearing plants. COFFEE Beginning in 1915, a ~tudy of the variation in yield among coffee trees has been carried on. About 4,000 trees belonging to the Robusta, the Excelsa, and Liberica varieties were included in the study (David, 1932). The highest individual record for Robusta was 6,190 grams and the lowest, 369 grams; for Excelsa, maximum was 10,692 grams, minimum, 800 grams; and 526 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL for Liberica, maximum was 8,270 grams and minimum, 500 grams. The average yield of fresh berries in kilograms cf all trees studied was: Robusta, 1.7, Excelsa, 2.7, ·and Liberica, 2.2. Marketable beans obtained from the berries were found to be 25 per cent for Robusta, 15 per cent for Exceba and 11 per cent for Liberica (David and Natino, 1932). Coffee seedlings have been successfully shield budded, inarched, and cleft grafted and old trees have been top-worked by bark grafting (Romero, 1930). For grafting purposes terminal branches were found more desirable than lateral shoots as the latter had the tendency to extend laterally at the expense of upward growth. Stem cuttings were rooted eiasily, using hard wood and a 1.5 per cent solution of potassium permanganate as a stimulant (Reynoso, 1933). Other lines of coffee work investigated by the Department were the effecit of soil media· on growth of seedling, methods of shipping seedlings, control of coffee rust with Bordeaux mixture, and shade for coffee. CORN Of 30 corn varieties tested the Native Yellow Flint proved to be the heaviest yielder (Macasaet, 1918). The Lagkitan, a semiglutinous variety, proved to be suitable for boiling on cob at early milk stage. This variety may be used as a substitute for the sweet corn which does not grow well under our conditions. The season favorable for corn production was found to be when the rainfall was about 312.6 mm. for the whole season (Menor, 1927). The wet season crop was found to give more yield than the dry season and it also costs less to produce on the basis of yield. A planting distance of 1 m. by 80 cm. was found to be best for Native Yellow Flint, closer planting resulting in an increase in the total weight of stover at the expem;e of the ears, while wider planting resulted in a decrease in total weight of stover and ear (Macasaet, 1918). In different fertilizer experiments a combination of 200 kgm. tankage, 175 kgm. basic slag and 350 kgm. kainit gave the highest increase in yield, being 476 kgm. more husked corn to the hectare than the control. In another experiment using Ammo-Phos and Leunaphos a better increase in yield was obANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 527 tained from an application of 100 kgm. per hectare of Leunaphos; the increase in yield was 11.4 cavans more than the control (Andaya, 1932; Yatar, 1934). Experiments on storage of corn showed the advisability of first thoroughly drying the seeds and keeping them in air-tighit containers. If this could not be done it was found to be fairly satisfactory to store the dried grains with some gaseous disinfectants as carbon bisulfide, with naphthalene or with absence of oxygen in the seed container (Reyes, 1933). When ears were stored with hUtSks on, the husk afforded additional protection to the grains (Aragon, 1934). COTTON Preliminary tests of varie:ies showed that Acala and Cleveland Big Boll were the highest yielders of lint (Legaspi, 1934). Varieties Pima Egyptian, and Sea Island were found promising and are being observed further. In cultural studies it was found that the best distance for planting was 50 cm. by 70 cm. (Espinueva, 1934) ; that a 3-9-3 fertilizer mixture applied at the rate of 400 kgm. per Ha. increased the yield three times (Apellido, 1934), and that the best time for cotton planting in this locality is from October (M~mdoza, 1922). Selection studies made have shown great possibilities for improvement of the native varieties of cotton. The Ilocano Light Brown variety of cotton has been found to be a hybrid and is not a desirable v·ariety to grow where uniformity of the color of lint is desired (Abrenica, 1933). FIBERS Abaca. In variety tests in abaca in which over 50 kinds were grown under local conditions, varieties Bongolanon, Visaya, Sinaba, Libuton, Sugmod, Tangonon, Punucan and Maguindanao proved the most promising (Espino and s:tudents, 1923). As far as can be determined, the experimental germination of abaca seeds and the growing of seedling abacas for the production of new varieties were initiated in this Department (Mendiola, 1923). Under ordinary conditions the seeds do not germinate in 25 days but when they were soaked for 10 minutes in water at 50°-60°C. germination was considerably hastened. 528 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL The optimum soil moisture content for the abaca seedlings was found to be 70 per cent. The breaking strength of a sample of fiber was found to be directly proportional to its tensile strength. The breaking strength seems to be directly related to the thickness of the cell wall. The fiber cells frcmi the middle of the sheath were found to be larger than those from the edges of the same leaf sheath of the same variety. As a rule the fibers from the middle of the leaf sheath of the same variety were coarser and had greater tensile strength than those from the edges (Espino and students, 1923). Agaves and related fibers. A comparative study of maguey, Mauritius hemp, sisal and zapupe showed that leaves of Mauritius hemp were about three times ias heavy as maguey. Compared with maguey, Mauritius hemp produced very little fiber, although the two fibers were about the same length. Sisal had the coarsest fiber and maguey the finest. Mauritius hemp was found to be weak compared with the other species, although it had the greatest stretching power (Espino and Novero, 1923). FIELD . LEGUMES Soybean. In field test.s of different varieties, Ami gave the highest yield (Layosa, 1918). Other promising varieties are the Yue Yin September Yellows, Szechwan Bar District Red, Peiping Fenglein White Eyebrow, Peiping Brown, arid the American Black (A:riagon, 1934). Ammo-Phos fertilizer test showed that it did not pay to use it with soybean (Aragon, 1934). It was found that it would co&t P86.90 to produce a hectare of wet season soybean and P62.39 to produce the dry season crop (Rozul, 1932). Peanut. In field tests including Valencia, Kinorales, T,arlac, Lemery, Vigan Lupog, and Spanish Red Varieties, Valencia proved the highest yielder both in the wet and the dry sea;son cul-tures. Spanish White came next in the production of pods, but was third in the production of straw. Lamery came SElCond to Vialencia in production of straw, but fifth in production of pods (Battung, 1933). It was found that the oil content of peanut was increased following the application of fertilizers (Silayan, 1917). It cost ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 529 P86.57 and P77.22 to produce a hectare of wet and dry season cultures, respectively. Cowpea. Of all the varieties of cowpeas tried the New Era, the White, and the Brownish Red varieties gave the highest yield of seeds and vines in both the wet and dry season plantings ( Aala, 1933) . Mungo. In a study of mungo types there were found three main groups based on color of the seeds; namely, yellow, green and black. Strains Urdaneta Green, Lipa Yellow, and Rosales Yellow were the heaviest yielders of green materials, while Aliaga Black, Shiny Green, and Dull Green strains from Binafigonan Green were highest producers of seed. The best time for planting mungo was found to be the earlier part of the dry season. Application of ash increased seed production and hardened the body of the plant ( Caguicla, 1933). Sesamum. The yield was considerably increased by using selected seeds and growing them in plots. The bases for selection were strength of stem, resistance to disease, uniformity to type, resistance to drought, and productiveness. A higher yield was obtained in the dry season planting than in the wet season (Zulaybar, 1914). FORAGE AND PASTURE PLANTS Separate studies were made on the cultural requirements of the barit, Leersia hexandra Sw. (Ordoveza, 1928), Guatemala, Tripsacum laxum, dallis, Pa8palum · dilatatum Poil'et., cahumayhumay, Andropogon intermedius R. Br. (Paggao, 1934), manimanihan, Desmodium ca'[>'itatum Burm. f. (Arcedo, 1933), and lndigofera hendecaphilla Jacq. (Fajardo, 1932). Studies on Jaragua ·grass, Melinis minutiflora Beauv., showed that the plant is capable of yielding 11,581 kgm. fresh weight during the wet season and 1,223 kgm. during the dry season. Analysis of the Jaragua grass silage showed that it contained 63.6 per cent moisture, 1.11 per cent fat, 2.71 per cent ash, 2.26 per cent protein, 15.54 per cent crude fiber and 14.98 per cent carbohydrate. The fresh Jaragua grass was found to contain 81 calories per 100 grams sample (Obillo, 1934). RICE The results of the Department's variety tests on rice have showed that Binocaue, Quinastila, Kinanda, Pinursigue, Car530 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL reon, and Initiw are the best yielders of all the upland varieties studied and Iroy, Binalayan, Ramai, Elon-elon and Khao Bai Sri the heaviest yielders of all the lowland varieties tried (Morada, 1921; Aragon, 1933). Variety Ng Tani, introduced from Siam is very promising (Jayme, 1934). In selection work, 16 strains of Ramai rice were chosen from 318 strains for high yield. Their computed yields varied from 93.66 to 123.65 ca vans per hectare (Mejia, 1932; Bayan, 1934). Results of investigations pointed to the close relationship between rainfall and yield (Abesamis, 1922). The best result in germination was obtained froon seeds soaked in water for two days and planted two days later. A delay of more than three days in sowing decreased the percentage of germination considerably. Saturated soil proved more desirable than either the slightly wet soil or soil immersed in water (Hernandez, 1926). As the seedlings beoalme older, but not over six weeks, the number of tillers was increased. Beyond six weeks, however, there was a significant reduction in the tillering power of the plants. Planting the seedlings at a distance of 50 cm. by 50 cm. proved more desirable than planting farther apart (Calvo, 1927). When the seeds were planted direct to the field, planting them one grain to a hill proved more desirable than when a number of seeds were planted, as is usually done by the farmers. With the drill method, using a machine gave a better crop than .by the native method, (Marilao, 1922). In general, the broadcast lowland rice yielded less than the transplanted rice (Capili, 1932). Pruning the leaves at the early stage of growth of the seedlings seemed to be conducive to higher yield, espedally when the plants had the tendency to lodge (Andaya, 1926; Punzalan, 1923). It was also shown by studies that lowland culture gave higher yield than upland culture, although it costs more per unit area to raise lowland than upland rice (Isidro, 1920). Rice fields previously grown to cogon gave poor rice crops (Abrajano, 1922). Fertilizer tests on rice showed that under College conditions either of the following applications per hectare may be used to ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 531 secure increased yield in rice: 100 kgm. ammonium sulfate, 150 kgm. Corona Arroz, 150 kgm. Corona No. 1, 150 kgm. AmmoPhos, 150 kgm. Hoz, or a home-mixed fertilizer containing nitrogen and potash at the rate of 100 kgm. sulfate of ammonia and 20 kgm. sulfate of potash. The varieties used in the experiment were Ramai and Elon-elon (Benitez, 1933; Butac, 1933; Villanueva, 1933; Roque, 1933; Fontanilla, 1934; Asuncion, 1934; Antonio, 1934; Serquenia, 1934; Ocampo, 1934; Flores, 1934). A survey on the comparative cost of the different methods of harvesting rice reported the following expenses per ca van : Yatab method, Pl.80; Palot method, P2.01; Lingcao method, Pl.73; Batangas sickle method, 'Pl.88; and the Laguna sickle method, Pl.33 (Africa, 1920). The cost of producing rice in the Philippines was found to vary from Pl.56 to 'P2.44 per cavan (Aragon, 1933) . ROOT CROPS Variety tests of sweet potato gave the following as best yielders for roots and vines: Inincanto, Montevideo, Samar Big Yellow, Los Banos Red, and Los Banos White. The produc'iion ranged from 8 to 9 tons per hectare for the dry season culture. For planting, the tip cuttings gave faster growth and higher yield of roots than the base cuttings. In planting the cuttings they should be laid in a bent position (Munoz, 1914; Merino, 1914; Tenebro, 1933). With cassava, varieties Aipin Manteiga, Java seedling No. 1964, l\fandioca Creolinha, Java seedling No. 239, and Mandioca Tapicuru were found to be high yielders of starch (Sicam, 1933). The different varieties exhibited different demands as to amounts of fertilizer. For instance, Mandioca Basiorao required 150 kgm. per hectare of Ammo-Phos for highest yield; Aipin Valenca and Man"dioca Sao Pedro Preto, 200 kgm. (Gonzalez, T., 1934). In the production of gaplek, it was found that drying in the sun was the more economical. Drying in the sun cost 'P80.63 a ton and drying artificially, P118.20 (Ganay, 1933). Fairly complete information has been obtained experimentally on cost of production of roots and cost of manufacture of starch and by-products of cassava (Mendiola, 1931). 532 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RUBBER Observations under Los Banos conditions showed that Para rubber grows more rapidly during the wet than the dry season. But, there did not seem to be any correlation between the weekly rainfull and the weekly growth of Hevea. Diameter growth \Vas correlated with terminal growth. With Hevea there was a distinct periodicity in growth. Under dense shade its growth was poor, in partial shade, luxuriant, and in the open, only medium. A combination of fine clay loam and alluvial soil seemed most favorable to the growth of this plant (Sarmiento, 1916). Propagation by budding, particularly patch budding, was found successful (Aguanta, 1932). The stem cuttings did not root (Albino, 1928) . Of the 15 superior strains of Hevea clons introduced into this College from the Dutch E-ast Indies, 9 are living. These living clons are Ct. 3, Ct. 88, Tjirandji No. 1, AVros. 49, Avros. Ko. 80, Avros. No. 163, Avros. No. 152, B. D. No. 2, and B. D. No. 5 (Mendiola, 1931). SUGAR CANE Soaking sugar cane points in lime-magnesium sulfate mixture before planting was found to be the best treatment in increasing percentage and rate of germination. The composition of the mixture was 14 kgm. lime, 1.81 kgm. magnesium sulfate diluted to 200 gallons, and the duration of treatment, 48 hours. The treatment was fairly economical, costing about P3.00 to treat points for planting one hectare (Calma, 1933). Husked and unhusked cane points were compared in percentage of germination, and it was found that the unhusked points gave the better result (Cor:tez, 1934). The length of the seed pieces also contributed to the success of the planting, the longer the seed pieces, the higher the percentage of germination. It was also found that plants grown from long seed pieces grew larger than from short (Alhama, 1933). Likewise it was found that top seed pieces gave a higher percentage of germination than the cut-back (Calma, 1933). When seed pieces are to be shipped a long distance, it was found to be necessary to cut them a little longer to give allowance for rotting ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 533 in transit (Alhama, 1933). It was found that often the internodal part of the seed piece had a tendency to dry up to the next node. By experiment it was found that by disinfecting the ends of the points with a solution of mercuric bichloride and coating them with melted paraffin would minimize decay. Seed pieces planted horizontally in the ground at a depth of about 30 cm., proved to be better than any other method (Reyes, 1924). For rapid propagation, the combination of cut-back and splitting method proved the most efficient. In one investigation it was found that the tillering habits of canes grown by cutback! splitting, and combination of cut-back and splitting methods of propagation did not materially differ. The canes were ready for another cutting-back in 7-8 months, although in some varieties they may be ready for propagation in 6 months. In the combination method of splitting and cutting-back, approximately 1,830 suckers, cut-back seed pieces, and stumps could be produced in 1 year and 3 months from an average stool of cane (Reyes, 1934). The application of ammonium sulfate at the time of planting increased the degree of tillering (Sabino, 1934). Shallow tillage gave a higher tonnage of cane than the deep, but the deep produced higher Brix polarization and purity than 1~he shallow (Pedroso, 1931). The cane should be cultivated frequently, up to at least, eight times. It was found that within this range there was a corresponding increase in yield, but not beyond this frequency (Valdez, 1933). A planting distance of 66-2/3 by 100 cm. gave 1he highest degree of tillering (Toribio, 1928) . In intercropping ratoon canes with legumes it was found that Calopogonium muconoides was very effective in controlling weeds, but it had harmful effects on the canes. Soybean and peanut were found to increase the yield of the canes and saved two processes of cultivation, off-barring and hilling up when the canes are small (Valdez, 1933). There was no significant difference between the yield of sugar cane propagated by "lalas" and by cut-back seed pieces, except that it was found that more sugar was produced by the 534 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL "lalas" method than by the cut-back method (Nuestro, 1934). The detasseling did not give a significant effect on the cane and amount of sugar produced (Sabalburo, 1934). TOBACCO The earliest work on tobacco in the Department was in 1914 when trials were made in the growing of Turkish tobacco. In 1919, a number of cigarette and chewing tobaccos, as the White Burley, Judy's Pride, Gooch, Adcock, White Stem Orinoco, Improved Gold Leaf, and North Carolina Warne were successfully grown (Leaiio, 1919). Experiments were also conducted on the manufacture of cigarette and pipe tobacco, and the results show that there are great possibilities in the manufacture of these articles locally. Judicious use of fertilizers, green manuring, and crop rotation resulted in a significant increase in yield of tobacco leaves (Palafox, 1916; Ramos, 1930). Tobacco worms and the occurrence of diseases were reduced to the minimum when clean culture was practiced. Under local conditions it cost about P200 to raise one hectare of tobacco, yielding approximately 32 piculs (Cabauatan, 1934). AGRONOMIC LITERATURE AALA, F. 1934. Field tests of four varieties of Vigna sinensis (Linn.) Savi in the Philippines. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ABESAMIS, A. F. 1922. Effect of time and planting on growth and yield of lowland rice. Philip. Agric., v .10: 381-392. ABRAJANO, 0. F. 1923. Rice on cogon soil with and without treatment. Philip. Agric., v .12 :181-190. ABRENICA, I. V. 1934. A preliminary study of variability and selection within varieties of cotton in the Philippines. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agricultm·e from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). AFRICA, A. 1920. Comparative study of the different mdhods of harvesting rice. Philip. Agric., v. 8 :277-292. AGUANTA, B. M. 1932 A study of vegetative buds of Hevea brasiliensis (H. B. K.) Muell. Arg. from the standpoint of propagation. Philip. Agric., v. 21 : 505. (Abstract) . ALBINO, G. 1928. A prelirninary study of propagating Para rubber [Hevea brasiliensis (H. B. K.) Muell. Arg.] by cutting. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 535 ALBANO, S. F. 1915. The effect of fertilizers and stimulants upon the growth and production of Corchor'IUJ capsulari.s. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 3 :218-226. ALDABA, V. C. 1921. The pollination cif coconut. Philip. Agric., v .10: 195-207. ALHAMA, J. T. 1933. Size of seed pieces in relation to germination, growth, tillering, and yield of canes. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ALMAZAN, P. A. 1922. Growth of leaves of coconut trees in Los Banos and in Magdalena as influenced by age of tree and certain soil and climatic conditions. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ANDAYA, I. 1927. The effect of leaf cutting upon the production of rice. Philip. Agric., v.16:267. (Abstract). ANDAYA, E. V. 1932. Ash manure and ammo-phos as fertilizers for corn. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor Qf Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ANIOAY, D. 1934. Some preliminary studies on the propagation of cacao (Theobrema cacao L.) by stem cuttings and grafta,ge. Philip. Agric., v. 22: 813. ANTONIO, V. P. 1934. The effect upon the yield of Elon-elon rice of the application of different amounts of ammo-phos fertilizers. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). APELLIDO, N. A. 1934. The effect of 3-9-3 fertilizer mixture on the growth and yield of the cotton plant. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ARAGON, V. B. 1932. The cost of producing lowland rice in the Philippines. U. P. Nat. & Ap. Sci. Bull., v. 2:417-439. ARAGON, V. B. 1933. Test of fourteen high yielding varieties o.f rice in the Philippines. (Unpublished). ARAGON, V. B. 1934. Storing corn. (Unpublished). ARAGON, V. B. 1934. How to grow soybeans. The Stockman and Farmer, v.2:3-4; 24; 31. ARCEOO, P. Y. 1934. A comparative study of two kinds of manimaniha11 Alysicarpus nummularifolius (Burm. f.) as forage crops. Philip. Agric., v. 22: 698-699. (Abstract) . ASUNCION, V. 1934. The effect on the yield of Elon-elon rice of the application of Corona Arroz fertilizer. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). BALTAZAR, E. P. 1930. Twine and sack making as a possible home industry in the Philippine Islands. Philip. A'gric., v .19: 11-26. 536 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BATTUNG, A. T. 1933. Variety tests and cost of production of seven varieties of peanut. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). BAYAN, J. L. 1934. Test and multiplication of isolated strains of Ramai rice variety. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degr~e of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). BAYOG, M. 1929. A preliminary study of the growth of coconut seedlings in relation to the size and shape oi the nuts. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). BENITEZ, A. D. 1933. The effect of the application of different amounts of "Hoz" fertilizer on the yield of Ramai rice. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). BUTAC, F. L. 1933. The effect of the application of different amounts of ammonium sulfate fertilizer on the yield of Ramai rice. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). CABAUATAN, I. 1935. The cost of production of tobacco in the College of Agriculture. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). CAGUICLA, P. M. 1933. Selection of varieties and strains of mungo. Philip. Agric., v.22:23-42. CALMA, V. C. 1933. Studies on the germination, degree of tillering and vigor of plants of top and cut-back seed pieces of P.O.J. 2878 sugar cane. (Saccharum officinarum). Philip. Agric., v.21:585-612. CALVA, D. 1927. Tillering of rice. Philip. Agric., v .16:89-104. CAPILI, J. P. 1934. Comparison of yield from Ramai variety of rice broadcast and transplanted. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 286-294. CoRTEZ, M. S. 1934. Study of the germination of soaked, unsoaked, husked and unhusked, cane points and stand of the plant arising therefrom. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). CRUZ, E. C. 1930. A comparative study of the different methods of preparing copra. Philip. Agric., v .18: 543-566. DAVID, P. A. 1929. Preliminary comparative study of planting The"broma cacao Linn. in the open field and under shade. (Unpublished). DAVID, P. A. and F. NATINO. 1932. The variability of individual coffee trees at the College of Agriculture. (Unpublished). DAVID, P. A. 1932. Variation and yielding ability of coffee trees in the College of Agriculture. (Unpublished). DESEMBRANA, B. D. 1923. Comparative study of Cocos nucifera in Lagana and Tayabas provinces. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 537 ESPINO, R. B. 1923. On the germination of coconuts. Philip. Agric., v .11 :191-200. ESPINO, R. B. and F. ESGUERRA. 1923. Comparative study of fibers produced by six varieties of abaca when grown in Los Banos: I. Philip. Agric., v .12: 141-152. ESPINO, R. B. and J. REYEs. 1923. Comparative study of fibers produced by six varieties of abaca when grown in Los Banos: II. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 153-165. ESPINO, R. B. and T. NoVERO. 1923. Comparative study of forty-seven varieties of abaca under Los Banos conditions. Philip. Agric., v. 12: 165-170. ESPINUEVA, G. D. 1934. The effect of distancing and number of plants to a hill on the growth, fruiting characteristics and yield of Batangas cotton. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree .>f Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Un published) . FAJARDO, A. J. 1934. A study of peanut and Indigo/era hendecaphylla J acq. as forage crops. Philip. Agric., v. 23: 140-155. FANDINo, J. B. F. 1928. A study of the growth of coconut. Philip. Agric., v. 17: 361-366. FLORES, G. L. 1923. Comparative yield and tensile strength of coir obtained from different varieties of coconut in Laguna with reference to method of extraction. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). FLORES, A. P. 1934. The effect on the yield of Elon-elon rice of the application of different amounts of ammonium sulphate fertilizer. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). FONTANILLA, J. B. 1934. The effects upon the yield of Ramai rice cf the application of different amounts of home-mixed fertilizer containing nitrogen and potash. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). GANAY, M. A. 1933. A preliminary study of gaplek or dried peeled roots of cassava, its preparation, storage, and cost of production. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished.) GoNZALEZ. T. T. 1934, Ammo-phos as fertilizer of cassava. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). HERNANDEZ, B. 1926. Germination of rice seeds. Philip. Agric., v .14: 553-556. ISIDRO, R. A. 1920. Comparative culture of upland and lowland rice with special reference to cost of production and distribution of income. Philip. Agric., v. 8: 213-233. 538 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL JAYME, G. 1935. A commercial test of six foreign rice varieties. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Argiculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). JIMENEZ, M. D. 1926. Rate of yield of coconuts in Maajas, Los Banos, as influenced by certain climatic factors. [Thesis presented for ,graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agirculture.] (Unpublished). LACSON, P. S. 1921. Size and shape of coconut as indication of its meat content. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). LAYOSA, P. M. 1918. Field tests of soybeans. Philip. Agric. and Fol"., v. 6: 276-291. LEANO, B. C. 1919. The possibilities of chewing tobacco in the Philippines. Phil. Agric., v. 7: 317-321. LEGASPI, B. 1934. A test of some foreign cotton varieties. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). MACASAET, V. JR. 1918. Philippine corn culture with special reference to source of seed and distancing. Philip. Agric., and For., v. 6: 187-194. MACEDA, F. S. 1933. A study of coconut seedlings in relation to shape of nuts. Philip. Agric., v. 22: 430-441. MADRID, P. Z. 1933. The effect of different soil media on the rate :>f growth of cacao seedlings. Philip. Agric., v.22:172-188. MARILAO, V. 1922. Broadcasting and drilling upland rice by native method and by modern machinery. Philip. Agric., v .10 :304-305. (Abstract). MEJIA, G. G. 1932. Plant to the row test of strains of Ramai rice variety. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Argiculture.] (Unpublished). MENDKlLA, N. B. 1923. On the improvement of abaca. Philip. Agric. Rev., v .16 :85-99. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1931. Java selected Hevea clons successfully introduced in the College of Argiculture. Philip. Agric., v.20:375-387. MENDIOLA, N. B. 1931. Cassava growing and cassava starch manufacture. Philip. Agric., v. 20 :447-476. MENDOZA, F. M. 1922. The growth and yield of fiber cotton plant as influenced by the distance and time of planting. [Thesis presente-:i for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). MENOR, P. C. 1927. The effect of climate upon the production of corn. Philip. Agric., v .16 :109-110. (Abstract). MERINO, G. F. 1914. Field tests of sweet potatoes. Philip. Agric. and For., v.3:146-156. MORADA, J. A. 1921. Variety test of upland rice. Philip. Agric., v. 10: 256-257. (Abstract). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 539 Mm'loz, A. R. 1914. Identification and tests of varieties of sweet potato. Philip. Agric. and For., v.3:127-145. NoVERO, T. N. 1922. Volume and shape of coconut as indications of the meat contents. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished) . NUESTRO, I. N. 1934. 'The comparative yields of cane and sugar per hectare of "Lalas" and cut-back seed pieces of P.O.J. 2878. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). OBILLO, A. 0. 1934. A study of jaragua grass as a forage crop. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.l (Unpublished). OCAMPO, E. S. 1934. The effect of the application of different amounts of Corona No. 1 fertilizer upon yield of Elon-elon rice variety. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). OROOVEZA, R. C. 1928. The culture and cost of barit in Bay, Laguna. Philip. Agric., v .17 :137-148. PAGGAO, A. B. 1934. A comparative study of guatemala (Tripsacu-m laxum Nash), dallis (Paspalum dilatatwm Poiret), and cahumayhumay. (Andropogon intermedius R. Br. Var. Haenkei [Presl] Hack.) grasses as to yield and palatability for horses. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). PALAFOX, G. 1916. Fertilizer tests with tobacco varieties on College soils. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 5 :50-59. PEDROSO, A. L. 1931. The effect of shallow and deep cultivation upon the yield and growth of sugar cane. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). PUNZALAN, M. E. 1925. The effect of cutting lowland and upland rice and the quantity and quality of yield. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). RAMOS, J. C. 1930. On a one-year rotation of tobacco with corn and mongo. Philip. Agric., v .19 :441-444. REYES, M. A. 1924. The germination of the buds and development :if roots in sugar cane cuttings. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College uf Agriculture.] (Unpublished). REYEs, A. DE LOS. 1933. Storing corn on a large scale. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). REYES, P. DE LOS. 1934. A study of different methods of rapid propagation of important College seedling canes. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). 540 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REYNOSO, B. 0. 1933. A study of coffee propagation by cuttage. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). RocAFORT, A. L. 1922. A study of the possibilities of producing and keeping copra in good condition in coconut shell. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ROQUE, S. R. 1934. The relative effect upon the yield of Ramai rice of the application of different amounts of Corona No. 1 fertilizer. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). RoMERO, T. 1930. Multiplication of selected coffee trees in the College of Agriculture by grafting. Philip. Agric., v .19: 53-68. RozuL, J. B. 1932. The cost of production of soybeans of the College of Agriculture. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). SABALBUOO, B. C. 1934. The effect of removing- the arrow at differeat stages on tonnage, sugar content and the development .of "!alas" of sugar cane. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degr1>e of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). SABIO, S. A. 1934. The rate of propagating P.O.J. 2878 sugar cane first grown from "!alas" under College conditions. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). SARMIENTO, R. 0. 1916. Local growth of rubber and gutta percha plants. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 5:159-163. SERQUENIA, A. C. 1934. The effect upon the yield of Elon-elon rice ;;f the application of different amounts of Hoz fertilizer. (Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). SICAM, H. 1933. Comparative test of eighteen varieties of cassava in the College of Agriculture. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). SILAYAN, H. S. 1917. Culture and fertilization as affecting the oil content of peanuts. Philip. Agric. and For., v. 6 :84-94. TENEBRO, M. 1933. The effect upon, the yield of two different varieties of sweet potato (lpomoea batatas Linn.) Poir. of planting cuttings in three different positions. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Certificate in Agricultural Education from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ToRmIO, F. G. 1928. Some factors affecting the tillering of sugar caM. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 541 VALDEZ, L. J. 1933. A preliminary study of intercropping sugar cane with legume and different degrees of cultivation. [Thesis pr~­ sented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). VILLANUEVA, P. R. 1934. The effect of the application of different amounts of Ammo-Phos fertilizer upon the yield of Ramai rice. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). YATAR, P. Y. 1934. The effect of different rates of application of Leunaphos fertilizer on corn. [Thesis presented for graduation with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the College of Agriculture.] (Unpublished). ZULAYBAR, E. 1914. Improvement of sesamum. Philip. Agric. and For., v.3:51-64. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY INVESTIGATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES By VALENTE VILLEGAS Of the University of the Philippines Member, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands It is of historical record that when the Spaniards came to the Philippines they found here carabaos, swine and chickens (Morga, 1809). Horses, cattle and sheep were introduced during the Spanish regime (Morga, 1809). In Sulu and parts of Mindanao horses had been introduced by Malayan princes before the Spaniards came (Mackie, 1916). In reading the files of Boletin Oficial Agricola de Filipinas, a journal published from 1894 to 1896, inclusive, one gathers that much interest was shown by the government in improving the quality of the stock and promoting the animal industry of the country in other ways. Advice was given as to the proper methods of breeding and the best treatment of certain diseases of animals. The last three decades of American occupation comprise the period during which scientific investigations in animal husbandry in the Philippines have been carried out. In the early part the introduction of foreign breeds of animals was given special attention. New varieties of forage plants were also imported. For these, credit is largely due to the Bureau of Agriculture and since the division of the bul"eau to the Bureau of Animal Industry. In the year 1915, the first feeding experiment on swine was repor1ted by Professor Sam B. Durham, then in charge of animal husbandry work in the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines. Since then, experimental work in animal husbandry has continued uninterrupted and with increased zeal as the years passed. Bibliography on animal husbandry investigations reveals that most of the work on which reports were published was performed in the College of Agriculture. Observations in the introduction of foreign breeds of aJn.imals into the Philippines are interesting. In all instances, the breeds coming from temperate countries such as the United States and Australia did not live long in this country (Gonzalez, 1926). They became easy prey to diseases prevalent here, 542 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 543 or because of high humidity and temperature they gradually lost flesh, became weak and finally died. On the other hand, breeds from Oriental countries, although poorer in conf ormation than those from the colder regions, found themselves "at home" in our tropical climate. They were well adapted to local conditions; in fact, the Nellore cattle are better rustlers and more hardy than the native stock. To retain the blood of the imported stock, and at the same time to effect improvement in the animals with which they were mated, the Bureau of ,Agriculture, followed by the Bureau of Animal Industry, initiated a program of upgrading. From this work, significant results were obtained from the use of the Nellore, Ayrshire and Sussex breeds among cattle; from the Arabian, among horses; from the Berkshire among swine; and from the Rhode Island Red among chickens. The College of Agriculture planned and began a program of breed improvement on a different line. In this plan the blood of the imported breeds was used to advantage. New breeds are being formed by blending the desirable attributes of the foundation breeds. The Berkjala hog represents one result of these efforts in swine. Already it has gone through the process of selection and purification for nineteen years and now it is "better than the Berkshire or any other Occidental breed for the Philippines in ability to live, grow and propagate under our conditions, and better than the native in rate of growth, size, and response to domestication and rational feeding" ( Gonzalez, 1932). Similar work is being done with the Philamin, a new breed of cattle. In this breed "The aim is to blend into one breed the hardiness, good grazing qualities and resistance to disease of the N ellore; the docility, efficiency as work animals and prolificacy of the Philippine Native; and the rapid rate of maturity and excellent beef conformation of the Hereford". (Manresa, 1934). Still another method of animal improvement resorted to consists in the betterment of such breeds as are adapted to local conditions through breeding by selection. The Bureau of Animal Industry has recently introduced a dairy breed of cattle from India, the Scindi. At the College of Agriculture, the development of a strain of Cantonese fowls known as the Los Banos Cantonese chicken was made possible by selection with emphasis on egg production. When selection was started with them 544 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL the yearly production per bird was 29.8 eggs. In 1932-1933, the annual egg production ranged from 133 to 139 for each bird. "Miss Aggie" belonging to this breed laid 237 eggs one year. Preliminary to the carrying out of feeding experiments a survey of the feed supply of the country was made. In 1903, a report on the "Forage supply of Manila" was written (1908). Later, in February, 1908, the Director of Agriculture prepared a report on "Forage Investigations in the Philippine Islands" for the Secretary of War. On September 1, 1910 (1911) the Secretary of War appointed a Forage Board with representatives from the Civil Government and the United States Army, one of the duties of which was "to investigate and report whether native forage can be substituted for that now being used by the 'Army in the Philippines ... " The following year, Professor C. V. Piper, Agrostologist of the United States Department of Agriculture, made a study of the forage problems of the Islands and reported the results of his work under "Forage crops and forage conditions in the Philippines" appearing in Vol. IV, No. 8, of the Philippine Agricultural Review. The feeding value of a large number of forages, principally as regards their palatibility for horses, cattle and goats, have been studied (Taleon, 1934). Also, the preparation of sound, nutritious and palatable silage made out of corn and sugar cane tops have been shown to be feasible under Philippine conditions. The coefficient of digestibility of silage made from the Yellow Flint variety of corn was determined with native carabaos. In1tensive experimentation has been carried out with the grains, mainly for fattening pigs for the market and to increase egg proauction in chickens. Studies were made to find out the best combination of concentrates for efficient production. New materials were tested to determine their worth for feeding purposes with a view of increasing the supply of feeds as well as to find out substitutes for standard materials on the market. One noteworthy finding in animal nutrition in the Philippines is the usefulness of prawns ( Palo..emon l,ancei f rons Dana) , commonly known as shrimps, for animal feeding. Among the cereals tested are corn, palay and mungo. Other feeds tried out include copra meal, corn bran (tahup sa mais) and rice bran. Animal protein supplements like shrimps, fish meal, snails (Vivipara angularis Muller), meat scraps, tankage ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 545 and powdered buttermilk have also been tested by experimentation. Important results have also been obtained with cane mola11ses, cassava and cassava refuse meal for swine and poultry. Studies on the feed and water requirements have been made with horses, carabaos, cattle, sheep arid goats. The effects of certain combinations of minerals on swine and the salt consumption of carabaos and cattle have also been determined. Research work has not been limited to the breeding and feeding experiments already referred to. Of late, much attention has been given to the preparation of meat products such as ham, sausages and bacon. The preservation of eggs, the manufacture of dairy products and the tanning of leather have also been studied. Important contributions have been made on methods of weighing and selecting large farm animals; on the height, age, conformation, etc. of horses in Laguna and Batangas; on the feeding and management of calesa and race horses and on the perfoiiinance of the latter at the San Lazaro race course, Manila; on the fertilizing value of the solid excreta of horses; on the breeding habits of the horse, ox, carabao, sheep, goat and chicken; on the dentition of carabaos and cattle in relation to their age; on the duration of service and serviceable life of work cattle; on the inheritance of color among cattle; on the effect of oophorectomy in cattle on pregnancy, lactation and beef production; on the dairy qualities of native cows and goats; on the normal activity of the carabao and chicken; on crossing the zebu with carabao; on the chemical composition of milk of native carabaos and Indian buffaloes; on the efficacy of different methods of controlling intestinal parasrte~ in sheep and goats; on the growth and maturity of swine and chickens; on the improvement of the Philippine swine; on the relation of head characters to egg production in the Cantonese chickens; on the accuracy of weighing chickens; on the physical qualities, fertility and hatchability of hens' eggs; on the effect of artificial illumination on the growth of chicks; and on the construction of structures and equipment for farm animals. LITE RA. TURE CITED ANONYMOUS. 1908. Forage investigations in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 1: 71-82. ANONYMOUS. 1911. The forage problems in the Philippines. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 4: 392-393. 546 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GoNZALEZ, B. M. 1926. Experience in the Philippines with the introduction of pure breed animals to improve the common stock. Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, p. 1142-1148. GoNZALEZ, B. M. 1932. The animal improvement program of the College of Agriculture. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 21: 1-8. MACKIE, DAVID B. 1916. Philippine horses. The Journal of Heredity, v. 7: 373-382. MANRESA, MIGUEL. 1934. A quarter century of work on animal improvement. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 433-443. · M<>RGA, ANT<>Nro DE. 1809. Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas. 172 p. Mexico. En casa de Geronimo Balli. (Translation in BLAIR and ROBERTSON, v. 16: 25-209). TALEON, ALEJQ T. 1934. Contributions of the Department of Animal Husbandry to Philippine animal dietary. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 444-456. DEVELOPMENT OF FORESTRY IN THE PHILIPPINES By FLORENCIO TAMESIS Assistant Director, Bureau of Forestry Member, Section of Forestry Forestry as a science is a subject new to this country and consequently a brief history of its striving against odds will not be out of place. A.s early as 1865 during the Spanish regime an organization known as the "lnspeccion General de Montes" was created to take care of the administration of the public lands, forests, and mines of these Islands. Handicapped by lack of information, the service was not able to proceed as fast as desired. However, great efforts were made by the early officers in gathering and systematizing scientific information on the natural resources of the country. Among the outstanding men were M. Blanco, Fernandez-Villar, and Vidal-Soler who, with limited facilities, were able to gather valuable information and publish valuable works, particularly on systematic botany. Unfortunately, the big fire in Intramuros on September 27, 1897, destroyed the valuable natural collection, leaving nothing to guide the future but the fragmental information gathered later on and the basic laws and regulations. In 1900, shortly after the Military Government was established in the Islands, an office known as the "Forestry Bureau" was created, which later on was organized into the present Bureau of Forestry. The service started on a general principle of the old Spanish laws with adaptation of American forestry practice primarily to meet the native necessities and customs. Lack of knowledge of the forest wealth made it necessary to organize the service along two distincit lines, namely, administrative and investigative. These two general lines of work were carried on, the administrative attending to the various problems affecting revenue, land disposition, land reclamation, and utilization of forest products; while the investigative looked into the various technical and scientific forestry problems which presented ·themselves in the course of the development of the forest industry. The principal aim was and still is the perpe547 548 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL tuation of the forest resources and finding the best uses possible for the products. The preliminary research work carried out was mainly for the purpose of guiding the administration, exploitation and utilization of forest products and the land segregation for agricultural and industrial development. Among the first studies made were the reconnaissance of bodies of timber of economic importance primarily to determine the character of the forests for the exploitation of their products and the delimitation of public lands for disposition under the Public Land Act. These were and still are the practical researches or studies carried on by the Bureau since its organization; and the table on page gives the figures obtained from the compilation of the work accomplished up to the end of the year 1933. The outstanding contribution of the Bureau of Forestry to the world has been the resul't of scientific reconnaissance studies showing that the Dipterocarp forests of the Philippines were the predominant family type and that if a large basic lumber industry was to be developed, the woods of this family had to be used. Technological and practical studries were concentrated on this family andr the use of these woods was not only demonstrated locally for construction and other purposes, but the woods have been made known throughout the world and an export trade developed. Aside from the purely survey work done, studies were made on various specific forestry problems, which were published in bulletins of the Bureau, and scientific articles on forestry were published in forestry and other ~cientific journals. Among the most important of these are the following :1 The Forests .of the Philippines, Parts I & II, by H. N. Whitford. Commercial Woods of the Philippines: 'Their Preparation and Uses, by E. E. Schneider. Philippine Dipterocarpaceae, I & II, by F. W. Foxworthy. Minor Products of Philippine Forests-Bulletin No. 22 (in thr.;e volumes). This bulletin contains the materials in Bulletins 15 to 21 and also considerable additional material. Edited by William H. Brown. 1 For complete list of publications of the Bureau of Forestry, see appendix. ESTIMATED AREA AS OF THE YEAR 1932 • ESTIMATED VOLUME OF TYPES ?F FOREST STANDING TIMBER•• PER CENT I HECTARES I SQ. MILES ACRES CUBIC METEl<S I BoARD FEET I I I I Virgin or Original Lowland 10,731,955 i 41,436 I 26,519,040 I Dipteroca1·p ...................... 36.22 I 1,051,731,590 I 445,934,194,160 Seasomil Molave ........................... 1.33 I 394,0781 1,521 973,440 I 7,881,560 I 3,341, 781,440 > I z Seasonal I 8,275,638 I z Without Molave ................. 1.33 394,0781 1,521 973,440 3,508,870,512 c::: > Marshes (Mangrove) I (320,789) (1,239) (792,683) 1,924,734 816,087,216 t'"' Fresh Marsh, Nipa and Mangrove. 2.07 I 613,062 I 2,367 1,514,880 l:O t."'.l Mountain "C 1,925,944 I 0 Mid-Mountain .................... 6.50 7,436 4,759,04.0 PROTECTION F'OREST l:O l\'fossy ........................... 2.20 651,858 I 2,517 1,610,880 ,, ,, :'! I 26,270,150 I .... Second Growth Vegetation Forest I I ~ C-0 Pine ............................ 1. 77 525,403 2,0291 1,298,560 11,138,543,600 II>Broad leaved .................... 8.52 I 2,523,515 9,743 6,235,520 PRIOTECTION F'OREST ~ Bamboo ......................... .10 29,630 115 73,600 ,, ,, 01 Grass I Grass or Parang ................. 18. 71 I 5,543,899 i 21,4051 13,699,200 Cultivated ........................... 21.25 I 6,296,178 I 24,310 15,558,400 --- ----- - - - - - - - 100.00 I 29,629,600 I 114,400 73,216,000 I 1,096,083,672 I 464,739,476,1!28 550 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL On the collection of botanical maiterials and the building up of a botanical herbarium as well as in the preparation of Merrill's "Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants", the Bureau of Fores.fry personnel helped a great deal. Merrill credits the Islands with 191 families, 1,527 genera, and 8,359 species excluding ferns and fern allies. This work is a distinct contribution to the knowledge of flowering plants. In this work, particular mention was made of Mr. Hugh M. Curran, Professor of Tropical Forestry, Universi•ty of the Philippines, and one of the charter members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, for an explora.tory survey of the whole archipelago. His immense collection of botanical material, and information about it, are of great value. Besides the work on botanical collection, there were collected and identified about 16,000 specimens of woody plants, representing one of the biggest collections of tropical woods in the world. Numerous specimens of minor forest products have been assembled in the Forest Products Museum. The researches in the various phases of fores•try played no small part :in the development of the lumber and the subsidiary industries of the Philippines, which started from a million and attained in eighty-million peso trade within the short space of <thirty-three years. Among the most important studies which brought about this industrial development are the following; 1. Studies of important timber species-(a) Anatomical study of structures which made possible correct determination of species for the industries. (b) Mechanical and other physical tests on timber which made possible their safe and economical use. (c) Tests on resistance to decay, insects, and marine wood borers which made possible the selection of the right kind of wood for various uses requiring durability und~r various conditions. 2. Studies on mangrove swamps and tannin manufacture which led to the establishment of a cutch factory in Zamboanga, capitalizeJ at about P600,000.00. 3. Study on the anatomical structure of woods and on timber impregnation which resulted in the establishment of a commercial treating plant---creosoting and zinc-meta-arsenite treating plant. 4. Studies on other minor forest products, such as, rattan, almaciga, Benguet pine, and other products, which opened up new ·industrial possibilities. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-'35 551 5. The quest for suitable reforestation crops which resulted in the discovery of the possibility of growing Cinchona (quinine tree), wattle, mahogany and balsa and other exotic trees of economic importance in the Philippines. In spite, however, of the progress made in the forest industries, there are still many possibilities for their development which would result in a much greater trade. Forestry research, therefore, still rema;ins one of the most important problems, which deserves attention and serious consideration, and there are numerous other problems still unsolved, particularly of silviculture, management and utilization. Since 1907 when this work was started, over 266 projects have been developed and 165 papers published on various phases of forestry problems. At ·the present time, there are a number of projects in progress. With financial help, I firmly belfeve that more work could be accomplished, which would greatly redound to the improvement of the forest industries of the Islands, to the benefit of the government and :the people. APPENDIX A DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE BUREAU OF FORES'TRY MANILA LIST OF PUBLICATIONS BY THE BUREAU OF FORESTRY BULLETIN No. 1. 1903. Report on investigation in Java in the year 1902 by ELMER D. MERRILL. BULLETIN No. 2. 1906. 'The charcoal industry of the Philippine Islands by WM. M. MAULE. BULLETIN No. 3. 1906. A compilation of nc>tes on India rubber and .gutta-percha. BULLETIN No. 4. 1906. I. Mechanical tests, properties, and uses of thirty Philippine woods. II. Philippine sawmills, lumber market, and prices by RoLLAND GARDNER. BULLETIN No. 5. 1906. A preliminary working plan for the public forests tract of the Insular Lumber, Negros Occidental, P. I. by H. D. EVERET!' and H. N. WHITFQRD. BULLETIN No. 6. 1906. A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, P. I. by M. L. MERRITT and H. N. WHITFORD. BULLETIN No. 7. 1907. A preliminary check list of the principal commercial timbers of the Philippine Islands by H. N. WHITFORD. BULLETIN No. 8. 1908. The forests of Mindoro by MELVIN L. MERRITr. BULLETIN No. 9. 1909. A preliminary substitute for Lignumvitae by W. I. HUTCHINSON. 552 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BULLETIN No. 10. 1911. The forests of the Philippines. I. Forest types and products. II. The principal forest trees by H. N. WHITFQRD. BULLETIN No. 11. 1912. The uses of Philippine woods. BULLETIN No. 12. 1912. Volume tables for round timber. Compiled by WILLIAM KLEMME. BULLETIN No. 13. 1915. Ipil-ipil. A firewood and reforestation crop by D. M. MATHEWS. BULLETIN No. 14. 1916. Commercial woods of the Philippines; their preparation and uses by E. E. SCHNEIDER. BULLETIN No. 15. 1918. Philippine bamboos by Wn,LIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. BULLETIN No. 16. 1918. Philippine forest prc0 ducts as sources of paper pulp by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. BULLETIN No. 17. 1918. Philippine mangrove swamps by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. BULLETIN No. 18. 1919. Philippine palms and palm products by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ELMER D. MERRILL. BULLETIN No. 19. 1919. Philippine fiber plants by WILLIAM H. BROWN. BULLETIN No. 20. 1920. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and essential oils by AUGUSTUS P. WEST and WILLIAM H. BROWN. BULLETIN No. 21. 1920. Wild food plants of the Philippines by WILLIAM H. BROWN. BULLETIN No. 22. 1921. Minor products of Philippine forests. Three volumes. 'This Bulletin contains the materials in Bulletins 15-21, and also considerable additional material. Edited by WILLIAM H. BROWN. BULLETIN No. 23. 1923. A dictionary of names applied to trees of the first, second and third groups. Compiled by the Bureau of Forestry. BULLETIN No. 24. 1923. Commercial products from lumbang oil by A. P. WEST and F. L. SMITH. FOREST REGULATIONS. 1926. Published in English and Spanish. MISCELLANEOUS ANNUAL REPORTS for recent years. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON RUBBER CULTURE IN THE PHILIPPINES by FLORENCIO TAMESIS. LIST OF PUBLIC.A'TIONS 1907-1934 DENDROLOGY Herbarium of the Bureau of Forestry (Division of Forest Studies and Research). By D. R. MENDOZA. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 1: 55-56, January, 1934. (Historical). A dictionary of names applied to trees of the first, second, and third groups. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 23, 1926. (Survey or Practical) . ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 553 Some useful Philippine trees. By M. D. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, XI: 4: 215-225, October, 1932. (Survey or Practical). Two tree species occasionally found in mangrove swamps unreported. By C. MABESA. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 2: 113, April, 1934. (Survey or Practical). A preliminary check list of the principal commercial timbers of the Philippine Islands. By H. N. WHITFORD, Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 7, 1907. (Experimental or Laboratory). The forests of the Philippines. Part II. The principal forest trees. By H. N. WHITFORD, Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 10, 1911. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine mangrove swamps. By W. BR-OWN and A. F. FISCHER. Bulletin No. 16, 1918. (Experimental or Laboratory). The trees. By F. NANO. The Ranger, 1: 6:7, October 1921. A monograph of the genus Rhizophora. By F. SALvOZA. The Makiling Echo IX: 4: 45, October 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Leaflets of Philippine Dipterocarps. By F. SALVOZA. The Makilinfl Echo XI: 2: 73-116, April, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Leaf key to leguminous trees and shrubs in the Bureau of Forestry Plantations. F. SALVOZA. The Makiling Echo XI: 4:188-204, October, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Dendrology lectures. Supplement to Bulletin No. 10. By F. SALVOZA. 1931-1934. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Check list of Dr. Merrill's enumeration of Philippine flowering plants. 8,359 species, 1,527 genera and 191 families. By F. SALVOZA, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Check list of ferns and flowering plants of Makiling Region. By F. · SALVOZA, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). SILVICULTURE Annual Reports for nurseries and plantations for the years 1912-1913, 1913-1914, 1914-1915, 1916-1920, 1921-1925, 1926-1930, 1931-1933. (Historical). (19 annual reports.) lpil-ipil, a firewood and reforestation crop. of Forestry Bulletin No. 13 (1915). Girdled trees. By ANICETO VILLAMIL. Forester. v. V:4:121, Aug. 1916. By D. M. MATTHEWS. BurtJau (Experimental or Laboratory). Ph-ilippine Agriculturist und Silvicultural conditions of cut-over areas of Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co., Bataan. By P. DACANAY. The Makiling Echo, II: 3:22-25. 1923. (Survey or Practical). Seed collection. By H. CUZNER. The Makiling Echo, I: 1 and 2: 7-11, 1922. (Survey or Practical). A preliminary report on the reconnaissance work conducted in The Makiling National Botanic Garden. By C. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, I: 3 and 4: 6-8, 1922. (Survey or Practical). Silvicultural conditions of the cut-over areas of the Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Co. in Bataan. By P. DACANAY. The Makiling Echo, II: 3:22-28. July, 1923. (Survey or Practical). Trees for roadside planting. Compiled at the Forest School, U. P. The Makiling Echo, III: 2: 19-25, April, 1924. (Survey or Practical). 554 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL An efficient method of germinating lumbang. By E. TABAT. The Makiling Echo, IV: 4: 19-2.2, October, 1925. (Survey or Practical). Forestry Leaflet No. 1. Reforestation of cogon and blank areas. 1929. (Survey or Practical). Forestry Leaflet No. 2. The treatment, packing and shipment of forest tree seeds, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Planting instructions for principal timber trees. 1926. (Survey or Practical). Preliminary study of site classification of a portion of Mt. Makiling. Bureau of Forestry. Unpublished manuscript, 1928. By JUAN LJoPEZ. (Experimental or Laboratory). Exotic plants in the Division of Investigation, Bureau of Forestry, Agricultural College, Laguna. By A. V. SANTOS. Typewritten manascript, 1929. (Survey or Practical). A note on the llocos reforestation. By 'T. DELIZO. The Makiling Echo, 1: 23-24, October, 1926. (Survey or Practical). The Farm woodlot. By F. SALVOZA. The Makiling Echo, VI: 1: 23-24, January, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Reforestation in the Philippines. By P. DACANAY. Reprint from Proceedings of Fourth Pacific Science Congress, Java, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Reforestation in Ilocos Provinces. By E. PARAISO. The Makiling Echo, XI: 2 :20-25, April, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Reforestation work in Cebu. By J. ILUSTRISIMO. The Makiling Echo, X: 3: 27-37, July, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Fires and reforestation in Baguio District. By Srxro LARAYA. The Makiling Echo, X: 1: 8-14, January, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Reforestation of cogon and blank areas. By E. TABAT, The Makiling Echo, XII: 1: 56, January, 1933. (Survey or Practical). Road trees. By R. Acu:NA. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 1: 50, January, 1934. Abstract form. (Survey or Practical). Historic trees. By E. MADRID. Abstract form. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 1: 52, January, 1934. (Survey or Practical). Windbreak. By J. SEGUERRA. Unpublished, 1934. (Survey or Practical). Studies of cuttings extended to 104 known species. By Division of Investigation, 1910-1915. (Experimental). Studies of forest-grown seedlings pulled in forest and transplanted by the bare root method. By Division of Investigation, 1910-1915. , (Experimental or Laboratory). Thinning in Plantations. By Division of Investigation, 1915. ( Experimental or Laboratory). The Forest of the Philippines. Part I-Forest types and products. By H. N. WHITFORD, Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 10, 1911. (Experimental or Laboratory). The vegetation of the Lamao forest reserve. By H. N. WHITFORD. 1910. (Experimental or Laboratory). Behavior of malaruhat under dense stand of ipil-ipil. By P. DACANAY, 1921. (Experimental or Laboratory). Effect of germination of lumbang. By E. TABAT. The Makiling Echo, IV: 4: 19-22, 1925. (Experimental or Laboratory). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 555 Drawing of seedlil\g stages of important Philippine trees. Division of Investigation, 1929. (Experimental or Laboratory). A monograph of banaba. By M. D. SULIT, 1929. (Experimental). A Method of germinating bitaog. By V. PARRAS. (Unpublished) 1929. (Experimental or Laboratory). Vegetation of Philippine Mountains. By W. H. BR.OWN. 1919. (Experimental or Laboratory). Root development of Bagtican. By A. CENABRE. The Makiling Echo, IX: 214-24, April, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Some determinants of Philippine forest types. By R. F. WENDOVER. The Makiling Echo, VI: 3: 23-40, July, 1927. (Experimental or Laboratory). Germination test to determine the number of seeds per liter, kilogram, etc. 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). The value of mahogany as a reforestation crop in the Philippines. By SEVERO PONCE. The Makiling Echo, XII: 1:13-33, Janua~y, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Propagation of narra by cuttings. By P. SAN BUENAVENTURA. The 1l!rzkiling Echo, XI: 1: 8-22, January, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Comparative effects of duration of direct sunlight in the establishment of plantation of camagon. By N. LALO. The Makiling Echo, XII: 3: 142-162, July, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). The effect of different depths of sowing alupag. Typewritten manuscript. By V. CAGUIOA, 1933. (Experimental or/ Laboratory). Effect of density of sowing Benguet Pine. By V. DEFENSOR. Unpublished. (Experimental or Laboratory). 1934. Effect of storage of Cedrella odorata.. By R. ACUNA. Unpublished. (Experimental or Laboratory). 1934. Depth of sowing on the development of Benguet Pine. By E. MADRID. Unpublished. 1933-1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Hastening germination of pili seeds. By G. MIRAS. Unpublished. 19321934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Effect of different packing methods on per cent of survival. By J. S. ILUSTRISIMO. Typewritten manuscript. 1934. (Experimental (.;r Laboratory). Silviculture in the Philippines. By D. M. MATTHEWS. 1912. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The tree. By H. CuzNER. The Makiling Echo, II: 1: 2-8, February, 1923. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The problems of forest planting in P. I. By P. DACANAY. The Ranger, 1: 5 :4, September, 1921. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Some phases or silviculture and utilization in the practice of forestry in P. I. By P. SAN BUENAVENTURA. The Makiling Echo, X: 1: 26-31. January, 1931. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Notes on mahogany trees in the Philippines. By F. 0. CHINTE. The Makiling Echo, XI: 3: 162-163, July, 1932. (Experimental). Effects of soil inoculation on the germination of Benguet Pine. By S. OLIVEROS. The Makiling Echo, XI: 4: 205-214, October, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). 556 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FOREST MANAGEMENT Report on the examination of the Atimonan Forest Park. By A. P. RACELIS. (1929). Unpublished. (Historical). A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract of the Insular Lumber Co., Negros Occidental, P. I. By H. D. EVERETT and H. N. WHITFORD, Bulletin No. 5, 1906. (Survey or Practical). A preliminary working plan for the public forest tract of Mindoro, P. I. By N. L. MERRITT and H. N. WHITFORD, Bulletin No. 6,.1906. (Survey or Practical). The forest of Mindoro. By MELVIN L. MERRITT. Bulletin No. 8, 1908. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Mindoro, 1911. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Taha Bay, 1911. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Olutanga, 1911. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Dinas, 1912. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Basilan Islands, 1912. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Abulug, 1912. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Northern Laguna, 1912. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Caramoan Peninsula,. 1912. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Misamis, 1913. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Mindoro, 1914. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Calaraya, 1915. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Agusan, 1915. (Survey or Practical). Forest Survey of Central Tayabas, 1915-1916. (Survey or Practical). Volume table for round timber. Compiled by W. KLEME. Bulletin No. 12, 1912. (Experimental or Laboratory). Field notes; What to take and how to take them. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, IV: 1: 10-13, January, 1925; IV: 2: 14-16, April, 1925, IV: 1: 10-13, January, 1925. (Survey or Practical). Forest survey of Mit. Makiling, 1921-1928. (Survey or Practical). Forest survey of Mt. Banahao and San Cristobal, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Easy method of computing the cubic and board foot contents of a 5-meter Log. By J. SEGUERRA. The Makiling Echo, VII: 1: 28-29, January, 1928. (Survey or Practical). A method of converting girth into diameter. By J. SEGUERRA. The Makiling Echo, XII: 1: 34-36, January, 1933. (Survey or Practical). Forest survey of Mt. Makiling, 1930-1934. (Survey or Practical). The charcoal industry of the Philippines. By W. M. MAULE. Bulletin No. 2 (1906). (Experimental or Synthetical). Forest working plan for the Baguio working circle, Mt. Province. By J. OTEYZA. 1919. (Experimental). Increased diameter growth of Bagtikan after release from seed, nurse or wolf trees. By C. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, IX: 4: 6-16, October, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Method of calculating the number of trees for measurement in the Bureau of Forestry Plantation. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, X: 1: 20-25, January, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). A study of the distribution of balobo in diameter classes as to asymmetry of skewness, Pu ting Lu pa Block, M:t. Makiling National Botanic ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 557 Garden. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, X: 3: 12-21, July, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Merchantable volume for Benguet Pine. By J. VERSOZA. The Makiling Echo, X: 3: 22-26, July, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine log rules. By P. SAN BUENAVENTURA. The Makiling Echo, X: 4: 11-23, October, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Taper table for Benguet Pine. By J. VERSOZA. The Makiling Echo, X: 4: 24-36, October, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Possible profit from planted forest in marginal agricultural land 'in P. I. By H. M. CURRAN and A. P. RACELIS, The Makiling Echo, XIII: 2: 73-81, April, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Study of clear length of molave. By J. SEGUERRA. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 2: 88-103, April, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Construction and use of metric Biltmore Stick. By J. SEGuERRA. The Makiling Echo, XII: 3: 164-172, July 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Notes on cedar and calantas. By F. 0. CHINTE. The Makiling Echo, XI: 4: 228-230, October, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). General theory of compartment system, Forest District No. 5. The Mountain Echo, 1: 10; 11, Dec. 1919. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Try intensive forestry methods. By M. 0TEYZA. The Ranger, 1: 6: 5, October, 1921. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Sustained yield management for Philippine forests. By A. P. RAcELIS. The Makiling Echo, VI: 2: 2-8, April, 1927. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The use of arithmetical mean by the short method in forest valuation surveys. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, X: 4: 16-24, October, 1930. (Philosophical or Synthetical). An analysis of the theory of correlation problems as applied to forest research. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, XI: 1: 28-32, January, 1932. XII: 1: 5-13, January, 1933; XII: 4: 244-251, Octc-ber, 1933. (Philosophical or Synthetical). A proposed method of determining the area of a circular segment. By J. SF.GUERRA. The Makiling Echo, XII: 4: 226-240, October, 1933. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Use of statistical method in forest research. By A. P. RAcELIS. The Makiling Echo, XII: 2: 92-99, April, 1933; XII: 3: 131-141, July, 1933. (Philosophical or Synthetical). FOREST UTILIZATION Growth of the lumber industry in the Philippines. By F. TAMESIS. Philippine Commerce and lndustr-v. Journal, VI: 1: 6-7, January, 1930. (Historical). Standardization of export lumber. By C. S. HAFNER. The Makiling Echo, IX: 3: 64-65, July, 1930. (Historical). Some phases of utilization of public forests. By F. TAMESIS, Sundal} Tribune Ann. Edition, June 15, 1930. (Historical). The charcoal industry in the Philippine Islands. By WM. M. MAULE. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 2, 1906. (Survey or Practical). 558 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL A compilation of notes on India rubber and gutta-percha. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 3, 1906. (Survey or Practical). The collection of Manila copal (Almaciga). By S. BABAO. The Makiling Echo, IV: 2: 10-13, April 1925. (Survey or Practical). The wild fiber plants of the Philippines. By F. W. FOXWORTHY. The Makiling Echo, IV: 3: 3-13, July, 1925. (Survey or Practical). Edible birds' nests. By B. L. ROQUE. The Makiling Echo, VI: 1: 24-26, January, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Wood-using industries in the province of Laguna. By T. N. ROQUE. The Makiling Echo, VIII: 2: 3-27, April, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Philippine lumbering. By · A. F. FISCHER. Timberman, XXX: 5: 112, March, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Rubber culture in the Philippines. By F. TAMESIS. The Makiling Echo, V: 1: 18-28, January, 1926, V: 2: 13-27, April, 1926. (Survey or Practical). The buri forests along Rio Chico and their products. By L. AGUILAR. Bureau of Forestry, 1928. (Survey or Practical). Almaciga industry in Palawan. By A. G. EsPmITU. The Makiling Echo, IX: 1: 51, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Wood-using industries in Japan. By C. MABESA. The Makiling Echo, V: 1: 2-17, February, 1926. (Survey or Practical). Notes on rubber culture in the Philippine Islands. By F. TAMESIS. The Makiling Echo, V: 1: 18-28, Feb., 1926; Concluded V: 2: 20, April, 1926. (Survey or Practical). Lumber substitute and new uses of wood. By R. BUHAY. Sunday Tribune Magazine, June 29, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Foreign trade in lumber of the Philippine Islands, 1930. By S. OLIVEROS, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Some suggestions on the use of woods in the Baguio Mines. By L. J. REYES. The Makiling Echo, XII: 4: 241-243, October, 1933. (Survey or Practical). Additional data on medicinal plants in the Makiling National Park and vicinity. By M. D. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 1: 5-24, January, 1934. (Survey or Practical). Properties and uses of Philippine woods. By S. G. REYES and LUIS AGUILAR. The Makiling Echo, XIII: 3: 139-174, July, 1934. (Survey or Practical). Mechanical tests, properties and uses of thirty Philippine woods, I; Philippine sawmills, lumber market and prices, II. By ROLLAND GARDNER, Bulletin No. 4 (1906). (Experimental or Laboratory\. A Philippine substitute of Lignumvitae. By W. I. HUTCHINSON. Burean of Forestry Bulletin No. 9, 1903. (Experimental or Laboratory). The uses of Philippine woods. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 11 (1912). (Experimental or Laboratory). Study of grades of lumber sawn out from white lauan as basis for determining log grades. By Division of Investigation. (Experimental or Laboratory). 1915. ( ?) Commercial woods of the Philippines, their preparation and uses. By E. E. SCHNEIDER. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 14, 1916. (Experimental or Laboratory). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 559 Philippine bamboos. By W. BROWN and A. F. FISCHF..R. Bulletin No. 15, 1916. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine forest products as sources of paper pulp. By W. BROWN and A. F. FISCHER. Bulletin No. 16, 1918. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine palms and palm products. By W. BROWN and E. D. MERRILL. Bulletin No. 18, 1919. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine fiber plants. By W. BROWN. Bulletin No. 19, 1919. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine resins, gums, seed oils and essential oils. By A. P. WEST and W. BROWN. Bulletin No. 20, 1920. (Experimental or Laboratory). Wild food plants of the Philippines. By W. BROWN. Bulletin No. 21, 1920. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine mangrove swamps. By W. BROWN and A. F. FISCHER. Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 17, 1918. (Experimental or Laboratory). Minor products of the Philippine forests, Three volumes. By A. F. FISCHJo..'R and W. BROWN. Bulletin No. 22, 1921. (Experimental or Laboratory). Commercial products.from Iumbang oil. By A. P. WEST and F. L. SMITH. Bulletin No. 24, 1923. (Experimental or Laboratory). Moisture content of the barks of mangroves. By C. MABESA. The Makiling Echo, VII: 4: 2-7, October, 1928. (Experimental or Laboratory). Woods suitable for acid containers. By L. J. REYES. The Makiling Echo, VIl:4:26-28, October, 1928. (Experimental or Laboratory). Determination of strength values of commercial species in cooperation with Bureau of Science and Philippine Lumbermt!n. The Makiling Echo, I: 3-4, 1922. (Experimental or Laboratory). The manufacture of charcoal by the Japanese process. By C. RABAYA. The Makiling Echo, III :3 :20-28, July, 1924. (Experimental or Laboratory). Charcoal manufacture in the Philippine Islands. By I. ACHAOOSO. Manuscript, March, 1929. (Experimental or Laboratory). Apitong (Dipterocarp spp.) of Northern Negros. By L. J. REYES. The Makiling Echo, IX:1:37-39, January, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Characteristic figure in Philippine cabinet woods. By L. J. REYm. The Makiling Echo, IX :3 :66-71, July, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Shrinkage allowance of boards of almon and white lauan, taiigile and red lauan and apitong of commercial sizes kiln dry to any moisture content. By C. MABESA. The Makiling Echo, IX :3 :72-78, July, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Resin in the seed coats of Philippine chaulmoogra seeds. By IRENE DE SANTOS and A. P. WEST. The Makiling Echo, IX:1:51, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Lumbering waste and utilization in the Philippines. By J. VERSOZA. Typewritten manuscript, 1929. (Experimental or Laboratory). 560 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Philippine camphor. By A. P. WEST. Philippine Journal of Science, .January, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Analysis of Philippine lumbang oil. By A. 0. CRUZ and A. P. WEST. Philippine Journal of Science, 42:2:207-257, June, 1930. (Experimental or Laboratory). Tannin contents of barks of some forest trees. By C. MABESA. The Mnkiling Echo, X: 2: 40-42, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). A list of plants used in connection with fishing activities in the Laguna de Bay region and in Batangas province, Luzon. By D. VILLADOLID and M. D. SULIT. Philippine Agriculturist, 21: 25-35, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Weathering test of some lumber substitutes. By R. BUHAY. The Makiling Echo, XI :4 :226-228, October, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Chemical control or sap stain and mold in green lumber and logs. By R. BUHAY. The Makiling Echo, XII :2 :64-78, April,' 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Collection and care of Philippine orchids. By M. D. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, XIII:4:211-225, October, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Shrinkage of Philippine woods. By C. MABESA. The Makiling Echo, XIII:1:25-43, January, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Amorphophollus, its cultivation and preparation for human food in the province of Leyte. By J. FONTANOZA. The Makiling Echo, X:l:3234, January, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Secular trend of labor prices of five important commercial species in the Philippines. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, X:4:4-10, October, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Full utilization of kaong palm. By M. D. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, XI: 1: 23-27, January,, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Preliminary studies of the extraction of dipterocarp resin. By J. FONTANOZA. Bulletin Hardwood Supplement, October 31, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Benguet pine, valuable source of turpentine. Hardwood Supplement, October, 1931. tory). By J. FONTANCYLA. Bulletin (Experimental or LaboraPhilippine panao (Dipterocarp) resin. By S. SANTIAGO TANCHICO, A. P. WEST and J. FoNTANOZA. Philippine Journal of Science, 54:1:7582, May, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Analysis of sections of small and medium-sized Philippine bagtikan trees. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 47:2:281-288, February, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). The composition of Philippine woods, II. Annubing, balakat, malaikm.), balakat-gubat, bolongeta, and santol. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 47:3:343-350, March, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Philippine woods III, balobo, alupag, banai-banai, dulit, and pine. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 48:8:299-304, July, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 561 Composition of some Philippine hardwoods. IV. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 49:4:587-594, December, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Composition of some Philippine soft wood. V. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 52:2:209-221, October, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). The composition of Philippine woods. VI. By CURRAN, ET AL. Philippine Journal of Science, 53 :4 :489-496; April, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). The proportion of heartwood in some trees grown on the plantation. By R. BUHAY and A. ARANA. The Makiling Echo, XI:4:231-232, October, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). Studies of resources in woods here brings out vital information. By 0. W. PFLUEGER. The Ranger, 1:8:9, December, 1921. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Methods of preparing nami. By M. D. SULIT. Philippine Agriculturist, X:10:637-641, 1932. (Experimental or Laboratory). FOREST ECONOMICS General outline and lecture note on forest economics. Pamphlet, 1924. By P. DACANAY. (Historical). Narrative report on his trip to Java. By A. F. FISCHER. The Makilin!J Echo, IX :1 :6-16, January, 1930. (Historical). A narrative report of a trip to Europe. By A. F. FISCHER. The Makiling Echo, VI:4:2-8, October, 1927: VII:1:18-25, January, 1923. ( Historical) . Forestry education is mile-stone of progress. By A. P. RACELIS. Sunday Tribune. Forestry. Ann. Edition, June 15, 1930. (Historical). Forest service during Spanish regime. By NABLE C. JOSE. The Makiling Echo, VI: 2:17-20, April, 1925. (Historical). How to handle caiiigin cases. Caiiigin leaflets. Unpublished. By A. P. RACELIS, 1925. (Survey or Practical). A policy for the reforestation projects of the Bureau of Forestry. By P. DACANAY. The Makiling Echo, 1:3 & 4:9-17, December, 1922. (Survey or Practical). Bukidnon land classification. By A. CENABRE. The Makiling Echo. III: 2: 33, April, 1924. (Survey or Practical). The Makiling National Botanic Garden. By C. SULIT. Sunday Tribune Sp. Ann. Edition, June 15, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Kaiiigin menace. By J. R. GILLIS and C. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, I :1 & 2: September, 1922. (Survey or Practical). Forest resources are enormous. By A. F. FISCHER. Bulletin, July 29, 1921. (Survey or Practical). Conservation of public forests is the keynote of the bureau's policy. By F. FRANOO. The Makiling Echo, IX:4:46, October, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Forest administration in Germany. By A. V. SANTOS. The Makiling Echo, VI:2:14-37, April, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Report on Loreto district, Agusan. By M. GENOVE. The Makiling Echo, VI:2:41-43, July, 1927. (Survey or Practical). 562 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Work of the Bureau of Forestry. By JUAN DAPRIOZA. The Makiling Echo, IX:1:17-27, January, 1930. (Survey or Practical). Report of the Bureau of Forestry to Thompson Mission (1926). (Survey or Practical). The kaiiigin system and the settling of Mindanao. By R. F. WENDOVER. The Makiling Echo, VII:2:2-13, April, 1928. (Survey or Practical). Classification of public lands in the Philippines. By E. DE LA CRUZ. The Makiling Echo, VII:3:2-22, July, 1928. (Survey or Practical). Recommendation, Forester's Conference held at Manila on January 24 to February 8, 1929. The Makiling Echo, VIII:3:15-25, July, 1929. (Survey or Practical). The Fourth Pacific Science Congress. By P. DACANAY. The Makiling Echo, VIIl:4:12-31, October, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Work accomplished by the Bureau of Forestry under Act No. 3283, Philippines Herald, February 12, 1928. (Survey or Practical). Aims of forest service enumerated. By E. C. LEANO, Bulletin Anniversary Number, October 31, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Land classification and the lumber industry in the Philippines. By A. F. FISCHER. Reprint from the Proceedings of the Fourth Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Java, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Costs and returns of kaiiigin cultivation. By S. OLIVEROS. Makiling National Park. The Makiling Echo, Xl:3:135-153, July, 1932. (Experimental). Basic forest policy of the Philippines. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, IV :3: 22-29, July, 1925. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Wanted forest experiment stations. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, IV :4 :6-12, October, 1925. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Forest conservation. By A. F. FISCHER. The Makiling Echo, 1:1 & 2:3-7, February, 1932. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Conservation and its influence on the balance of nature. By A. F.' FISCHER. The Makiling Echo, IV:1:2-6, January, 1925. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Forest and forestry in the Philippines. By V. SAJOR. The Makiling Echo, VI :3 :2-22, July, 1927. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Pros and cons of diversified forestry. By V. SAJOR. The Makiling Echo, VII: 1 :2-14, January, 1926. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The problem of agricultural settlement and its solution. By E. DE LA CRUZ. The Makiling Echo, VII :4 :8-25, October, 1928. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Forest labor in the Philippines. By C. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, VIII: 1 :2-13, January, 1929. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The kaiiigin problem in the Philippines and a possible method of control. By 0. W. PFLUEGER. The Makiling Echo, VIIl:1:14-23, January, 1929. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Land classification in the Philippines. By G. ZAMUCO, 1928. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Forestry in the Philippines. By F. FRANCO. Government Employee 1: 2:15-16, 33-34, July 1930. (Philosophical or Synthetical). ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 363 Forestry problem. By J. DAPROZA. The Makiling Echo, X:l:2-3, January, 1931. Republished, Indian Forester, April, 1931. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The need for forest products laboratory and forest experiment stations. By C. SULIT. The Makiling Echo, X :3 :5-11, July, 1931. (Philosophical or Synthetical). Forestry problem under the Philippine Commonwealth. By J. DAPROZA. The Makiling Echo. XIII :3 :134-137, July, 1934. (Philosophical or Synthetical). FOREST PROTECTION Fires and reforestation in Baguio district. By S. LARAYA. The Makilin.'J Echo, X:1:15-19, January, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Woodborers and the lumber industry. By A. DE MESA. The Makilin9 Echo, X:1:15-19, January, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Notes on entomology. By H. E. WOODSWORTH. The Makiling Echo, 1:3 & 4 :2-5, December, 1922. (Experimental or Laboratory). The resistance of Western American timber against decay and anay in the Philippines. By J. F. NANO. The Makiling Echo, 1:3 & 4:18-19, December, 1922. (Experimental or Laboratory). Some tree destroyers belonging to mistletoe family. By M. D. SULIT. Phil. Agric., XIX :10 :665-673, M1arch, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). Control of termites in the preservation of buildings. By F. T. REYES. Bull. Hardwood Supplement, October 31, 1931. (Experimental or Laboratory). The giant teak moth borer. By A. DE MESA. The Makiling Echo, XII: 2:100-101, April, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). White thread blight infestation. By A. DE MESA. The Makiling Echo, XIl:4:259-260, October, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Relation of insects to man. By A. DE MF..SA. The Makiling Echo, VIII: 3 :3-10, July, 1929. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The common swallow as a friend of the forester. By L. REYES. The Makiling Echo, X:1:8-14, January, 1931. (Philosophical or Synthetical). RANGE AND WILD LIFE Fish and game of Rizal and Cavite. By V. DEFENSOR. The Makiling Echo, 111:2:15-18, April, 1924. (Survey or Practical). Problems of Philippine wild life. By J. PRINCIPE. The Makiling Ech1J, 11:2:15-18, April, 1924. (Survey or Practical). How foresters may cooperate with sportsmen in game propagation. By C. JOHNSON. The Makiling Echo, V1:4:16-23, October, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Grazing in the Philippines. By V. SAJOR. The Ma.kiling Echo; V:4:2-22, October, 1926; concluded VI:1:2-22, 1927. (Survey or Practical). Forest grazing. By V. SAJOR. Unpublished typewritten form. 1927. (Survey or Practical). 564 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Protection of game birds and fish is part of P. I. forest officers duty. Bulletin Anniversary No. October 31, 1929. (Survey or Practical). Grazing the public range. By F. FRANOO. Bulletin Hardwood Supplement, October 31, 1931. (Survey or Practical). Wild animal life conservation. By F. FRANOO. The Makiling Echo, XII: 2: 79-84, April, 1933. (Survey or Practical). Fishponds in the swamps. By A. DE MESA. The Makiling Echo, II :4: 21-26, October, 1923. (Experimental or Laboratory). FOREST INFLUENCES Geology and soils in relation to forestry. By R. F. WENDOVER. The Makiling Echo, Il:3:2-10, July, 1923; 11:4:2-19, October 1923; III:l & 2:10-17, 1923; III:4:34-38, October, 1924; IV:I:15-23, January, 1925. (Experimental or Laboratory). The problem of flood control. By P. DACANAY. La Vanguardia, November 12 and 25, 1922. (Philosophical or Synthetical). The geographical relation of soil erosion to land productivity. By H. CuzNER. The Makiling Echo, VIII: 1: 24-28, July, 1929. (Philo:>ophical or Synthetical). The natural vegetation as an index of the suitability of soil for agricul. tural use. By A. V. SANTOS. The Makiling Echo, V:3:2-9, July, 1926. (Philosophical or Synthetical). ENGINEERING Rafting and lumbering in Palawan. By A. P. RACELIS. The Makiling Echo, 1924. (Survey or Practical). Logging engineering. By V. CASTILLO. Unpublished. 1929. (Survey or Practical). The hydraulic ram. By Q. GELLIDON. The Makiling Echo, XIIl:2:82-87, April, 1934. (Survey or Practical). A graphical method of distributing horizontal and vertical error of closure in forest surveys. By J. SEGUERRA. The Makiling Echo, XIII:1:53-54, January, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). Slope reduction table, 1934. By A. P. RACELIS. (Experimental or Laboratory). Slope reduction table in per cent. By J. SEGUERRA, 1933. (Experimental or Laboratory). Conversion table for planimeter readings in different scales. By REGINO l><>ROIN. The Makiling Echo, XIII:2:116-118, April, 1934. (Experimental or Laboratory). APPENDIX B ABSTRACTS !>ONCE, SEVERO S. S. Mahogany as a reforestation crop. The Makilin:; Echo, 12(1) :13-33, 6 fig., 1933. Swietenia mahogani was first introduced successfully into the Philippines in 1913; S. macrophylla in 1907. Both, but particularly S. macrophylla have grown fairly rapidly. Diams. of over 40 cm. and heights of 20-23 m. have been attained by individual trees in 14-15 years; S. macrophylla in 9 years. W. M. SPARHAWK. Bio. Abs. 8(3) :745, March, 1934. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 565 R.ACELIS, ANTONIO P. An analysis of the theory of correlation problems as applied to forest research, II. The Makiling Echo, 12(1) :5-:i, 1 fig., 1933. CURRAN, H. M., F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Composition of some Philippine hardwoods, IV. Philiwine Journal of Scien,~e, 49(4) :587-593, 4 pl., 1932. Descriptions of the wood, chemical analyses, and measurements of trees of Dysoxylum turczninowii, Pygeum vulgare, Planchonia spectabilis, Terminalia comintana, Alphonsea arvorea, Albizzia lebbekoi,, Aglaia lozoniana, Pterospermum diversifolium, P. obliquium, and Pteroscarpus indicus. Bio. Abs., 7(9) :2225, November, 1933. BAENS, Luz, F. M. YENKO, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURR.AN. Composition of Philippine woods, III: balobo, alupag, banai-banai, dulit and pine. Philiwine Journal of Science, 48(3) :299-302, 2 pl., 1932. Analyses of the wood of alupag (Euphoria cineria), banai-banai (Radermachera pinnata), Benguet pine (Pinus insularis), balobo (Diplodiscus paniculatus), and dulit (Canarinm multipinatum). These woods have a fairly high content of a cellulose. Bio. Abs., 7(8) :1958, October, 1933. REYES, Luis J. Apitong (Dipterocarpus spp.) of Northern Negros. Tropical Woods, 22: 14-16, 1930. Apitong is the most abundant of all the structural woods of the Philippines. It is strong and durable, and is especially valued for flooring. Results of physical and mechanical tests are given. W. N. SPARHAWK. Bio. Abs., 7(4) :937, April, 1933. CURRAN, H. M. The Lands of Loba. Columbia Tropical Woods, 19:1138, 1929. A description of the forests and notes on about 150 species of trees collected on a million-acre tract between the Magdalena and Cauca Rivers, Department of Bolivar, Columbia. A list of common and botanical names and the results of physical and mechanical tests of samples of 20 spp. are appended. W. N. SPARHAWK. Bio. Abs., 7 (2) :435, February, 1933. YENKO, F. M., Luz BAENS, A. P. WEET and H. M, CURRAN. The Composition of Philippine Woods, II: Anubing, balakat, malaikmo, balakat-gu1-·at, bolongeta and santol. Philippine .Journal of Science, 47(3) :343-349, 3 pl., 1932. Chemical analyses are reported for Artocarpus cumingiana Tree., Ziziphus tnlanai Elco., Celtis philippinensis Blco., and Sandoricum koetjaptJ Merr. All contain a high percentage of a cellulose, \vhich is an indication that they may be suitable for the manufacture of rayon. Bio. Abs., 7(1)163, January, 1933. YENKO, F. M., Luz BAENS, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Analysis of sections of small and medium-sized Philippine bagtikan trees, Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merr. Philippine Journal of Science, 47(4) :525-533, 1932. The cellulose content is given. 14205. LALOG, NICANOR P. Comparative effects of the duration of direct sunlight on the establishment of plantation of camagon (Diospyro!J 566 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL discolor Willd.) The Makiling Echo, 12(3) :142-163, 1933. Camagon is widely distributed in the Philippines, but is nowhere abundant. It is cultivated for its edible fruit and for timber, which is adaptable for many uses. Nursery studies commenced with the sowing of seed at Los Banos in 1923; field plantations date from 1927. Rate of growth increased with length of exposure to direct sunlight up to about 7 hours a day; 5-7 hours appeared to be the optimum for successful establishment and growth; shade is necessary at least 1 year after planting. Five hours exposure is the optimum to induce early flowering and fruiting. The results indicate that camagon can be used successfully for reforestation. It has a high percentage of germination and is easy to raise in nurseries. Growth is rapid compared with other Philippine hardwoods; trees of 50-cm. diameter can be grown in 42 years. It can be planted under inferior spp., which can be cut or girdled after 1 to 2 years. It may be transplanted when 130 cm. high. W. N. SPARHAWK. Bio. Abs., June-July, 1934. Ranger SEGUERRA'S paper entitled "Fallacy of adding 25 per cent to the volume of squared timber as allowance for loss in squaring" which was published in The Makiling Echo, volume XI, No. 3, was reviewed by the Manila Daily Bulletin in its issue of August 4, 1932. Ranger MABESA's article on "Gnats" which was reviewed in The Makiling Echo, volume XII, No. 1, page 46, was published in the Manila Daily Bulletin on February 27, 1933. Ranger CHINTE's "Notes on mahogany trees in the Philippine Islands," published in The Makiling Echo, volume XI, No. 3, was reviewed in the Empire Journal of Forestry, volume 11, No. 2, 1932. The article of Professor A. P. RACELIS on "Forestry education in the Philippines", was published in the Journal of Forestry, volume XXXI, No. 4, April, 1933, pages 455-461. Ranger MAMER'!'::> D. SULIT's article on "Some tree destroyers belonging to the Mistletoe Familiy", was published in the Philippine Agriculturist for March, 1931. An editorial in The Makiling Echo for January, 1931, entitled, "Forestry Problems," written by Assistant Forester JUAN DAPROSA, '19, was republished in the Indian Forester, for April, 1931. Professor A. P. RACELIS, '12, has an article in the July, 1931 issue of the Natural and Applied Science Bulletin, on "A method of calculating the number of trees for measurement in the Bureau of Forestry Rubber Plantation." Professor P. DACANAY'S article entitled "The farmer and the Forests", was published in Ang Katarungan, XXX :13 :4-5, September 30, 1933, Cagayan, Misamis, and in the Manila Daily Bulletin, October 31, 1933. Professor A. P. RACELIS' article entitled "Sustained yield management in the Philippines" which was published in The Makiling Echo, volume VI, No. 2, page 2-8, April, 1927, was republished in full in the Indian Forester, volume LIV, No. 2, p. 118, February, 1928. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 T.67 Professor V. SA.TOR'S article on "Grazing in the Philippines", which was published in The llfakiling Echo, volume VI, No. 3, pp. 2-22, July, 1927, was published in abstract form in the School News Review, Bureau of Education (1927) and in the Commerce and Industry Journal (1927). Ranger M. D. SULIT'S article entitled, "Notes on Medicinal Plants", "Native Method of Preparing Nami (Dioscorea hispida)" and "Philippine Orchids", were published in abstract form and in full in the Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia, for February, 1934, Biological Abstracts, for 1932 and Philippine Touring Topics for 1934, respectively. PHILIPPINE HORTICULTURE, PAST AND PRESENT By L. G. GONZALEZ Of the University of the Philippines Associate Member, S'3ctions of Horticulture and Plant Products Four phases may be recognized in the development of horticulture in the Philippines: the period of plant introduction before the Spanish occupation; the period of plant introduction during the Spanish regime; the period of plant introduction and experimentation during the early part of the American occupation; and the improvement work through experiment and controlled or technical growing as at the present time. Of the earliest period, very little is known, althoug4 it is certain that when the Spaniards came, there was already a fair supply of fruits and vegetables in the Philippines (Buzeta, 1850; Blair and Robertson, 1907; Craig and Benitez, 1916). According to Merrill (1912) most of these plants had been introduced, perhaps some during the early colonial days and others at a much earlier date. During the Spanish regime, officials of the government, but chiefly the priests, introduced a large number of valuable horticultural plants, especially fruits and vegetables. Much was done to encourage the growing and multiplication of these plants. In addition to the issuance of royal decrees (Blair and Robertson, 1907) making it obligatory for farmers to plant their quota of these valuable crops; prizes were offered to farmers with the largest plantations, especially of coffee, cacao and spices (Artigas, 1922). But there was no fixed system of planting and there was no studied plan of plant introduction. It was quite haphazard, each interested priest or government official following his own ideas. And often they were the result of circumstances. Moreover, the plants introduced were not followed through. A hindering condition was the atmosphere prevailing, which was not conducive to cooperation by the Filipinos with either government or church. Consequ~ntly, though much was done in adding to fruit and vegetable production, nothing systematic was accomplished. 568 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 569 With the advent of American occupation, work along plant introduction and search for superior strains grown locally were emphasized. These endeavors were carried on principally by the Bureau of Agriculture (now divided into bureaus of Plant Industry and Aµimal Industry) and by the College of Agriculture and in a lesser degree, by the bureaus of Education, Science and Forestry. The Bureau of Education was first in encouraging vegetable gardening among school children (Foreman, 1908). Superior strains of seeds were obtained from reliable seed houses in the United States for planting. The establishment of home gardens was encouraged and prizes were offered for the best garden. The influence of this work which attracted a large number of contestants soon extended to parents and is now a permanent contribution by the Bureau of Education in the field of horticulture. Among the earliest projects of the Bureau of Agriculture was the gathering from various regions within and outside the Philippines of horticultural plants and introducing these selected materials in different parts of the Philippines. At first these materials were distributed free of charge or responsibility; later, the recipients were required to make certain observations which were turned over to the interested bureau for record. As the demand increased a nominal charge was made for the planting materials. This was done to conserve the materials, as only the interested would buy, and to supplement the funds for the purchase of more materials. The Bureau of Agriculture was very fortunate in securing in 1911 the services of Mr. P. J. Wester, horticulturist of fame and possessing a great deal of experience, thus making him the right man for developing the then almost virgin field of regulated, systematic Philippine horticulture. He proved equal to the situation. His success in the task assigned to him was marked, indeed,. wonderful. For some time he had almost complete monopoly of reports on horticultural subjects in the Philippines. These reports were comprehensive and proved very useful to farmers and others interested particularly in the practical side of horticulture. 1 ' For detailed information on the work of Bureau of Plant Industrv see special bulletin "Bureau of Plant Industry Contributions to Knowlerl.g'e of Philippine Agriculture" by Manuel L. Roxas, Jose S. Camus, and Eduardo R. Alvarado. 1931. 238 p. Bureau of Printing, Manila. 570 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL With the establishment of the College of Agriculture in 1909, courses were offered in fruit growing, vegetable raising, and in floriculture and landscape gardening. Important prin. ciples involved in the successful culture of horticultural plants were emphasized and the work was attacked more from the scientific standpoint, supplementing this with actual field observation. Most of the early planting materials came from the collection of the Bureau of Agriculture although a large number of valuable propagating materials wer<:! obtained by the College directly from various parts of the Phj}jppines and from other countries. The developing of the horticultural projects was considerably strengthened by the arrival in 1920 of Prof. J. E. Higgins, well trained in tropical horticulture, an experienced teacher, and a technician of high repute. Advances in horticultural studies were considerably accelerated and with the help of students majoring in the subject more researches along horticultural lines were performed and offered by students as theses for graduation from the College (Gonzalez, 1934). The work in the Bureau of Science in horticulture was confined for the most part to chemical and botanical studies of certain fruits and vegetables. The Bureau of Forestry was instrumental in making some introductions principally along lines of shade plants and ornamental trees and planting materials used for reforestation work. Much advancement in horticulture as has been made during the past thirty-five years, the foundation is barely laid. In fact it is only of late that the importance of the subject has begun to be appreciated by Filipinos. In countries earlier developed than the Philippines, fruits, vegetables, and flowers are considered major crops and until such a conception becomes more widespread in the Philippines, Philippine horticulture will not hold its proper place. To reach this stage a great deal of work and very painstaking studies will have to be made. The present problem is no longer the lack of propagating materials but rather the proper selection of strains and varieties for perpetuation of desirable, heritable characters and proper care of these plants from planting to disposal of the products. This would include miseellaneous orchard operations including tillage and soil management, propagation, fertilization, pruning, pollination problem, control of diseases and pests, proper presentaANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 571 tion of the fruits and other products and even the difficult subject of marketing. Such subjects as storage, preservation, manufacture and utilization of by-products should be included. It has not been found possible to incorporate all the literature in this necessarily brief article. A more complete bibliography on Philippine horticulture is in preparation. Literature on Philippine horticulture may be found largely in these journals: Boletin Ofici,al Agricola de Filipinas, 18941896, published by the Servicio Agricola de Filipinas; The Philippine Journal of Science, 1906-,the Bureau of Science, Manila; The Philippine Agricultural Review, 1908-1929, the Bureau of Agriculture, Manila; The Philippine Journal of Agriculture, 1930-,the Bureau of Plant Industry; the Philippine Agriculturist and Forester, later, The Philippine Agriculturist, 1909-,College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna; University of the Philippines Natural Q,nd Applieil Science Bulletin, 1930-,U. P. Manila; The M~ Idling Echo, 1919-,School of Forestry, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna; Philippine Public Schools, 1928-, the Bureau of Education, Manila; The Philippine Farmer, 19151918, the Bureau of Agriculture, Manila; The Fortnightly News, 1930-,the Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila; College of Agricultu'te Biweekly Bulletin, 1932-,U. P. Los Banos, Laguna. LITERATURE CITED ARTIGAS, M. C. 1922. Bibliographical notes on Philippine Agriculture, prefaced by a historical sketch. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v.15: 3-27. BLAIR, EMMA H., and JAMES A. RoBERTSON. 1907. The Philippine Islands. 55 vol. 'The Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, Ohio. BUZETA, MANUEL y FELIPE BRAVU. 1850. Diccionario Geografico Estadistico Historico de las Islas Filipinas. Vol. 1. 567 p. Madrid. CRAIG, A. and C. BENITEZ. 1916. The Philippine progress prior to 1898. 136 p. Philippine Education Co., ,Inc., Manila. F'oREMAN, N. H. 1908. School gardening in the province of La Union. The PhiliP'])ine Agricultural Review, v. 1: 95-99. GoNZALEZ, L. G. 1934. Outstanding results of agronomic and horticultural research. The Philippine Agriculturist, v. 23: 380-399. MERRILL, E. D. 1912. Notes on the Flora of Manila with special reference to the introduced element. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 7C: 145-208. A BRIEF SURVEY OF HORTICULTURAL WORK IN THE PHILIPPINES By F. G. GALANG Of the Bureau of Plant Industry Associate Member, Section of Horticulture Horticulture, especially the growing of spices, has played an important role in the history of our country. For in 1521, when Magellan sailed from Spain to look for spices, he disdiscovered the Philippine Islands. Horticulture, either in the form of growing fruit trees, vegetables, flowering plants, spices, beverages, or rubber and oil producing plants, is one of the branches of agriculture proper that will contribute much to the wealth of the archipelago. Here abound many fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. ; either exotic or native, that can very well be grown profitably. Between 1659 and 1785 a number of laws and regulations were promulgated for a greater production of some horticultural crops like coconuts, cacao, coffee, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and some useful fruit trees and vegetables. During the Spanish regime cash prizes were offered to thooe who could plant and harvest more pepper, coffee, cacao, mulberry and some agronomical crops in order to promote their cultivation. And in 182~ agricultural experiment stations and acclimatization orchards, were established, particularly in Albay, Cebu, Ilocos, Iloilo, Isabela, Negros and Pampanga. In these different stations and gardens, however, emphasis had been put on the investigaitions of agronomical crops like tobacco, sugar cane, abaca, rice, peanuts, mungo and indigo, and hardly any attention given to horticultural crops. In looking upon Philippine horticulture as it was before the American regime, the most striking feature, 'v'as undoubtedly the apparent neglect of its development. For horticulture, especially pomology, was then considered to be an industry of less importance than agronomy or animal husbandry, and even today the word horticulture itself is a misnomer to many and in fact it has often been subordinated to the other line of agricultureagronomy. In the Philipi:iines, fruit has, in the past, been looked upon as a luxury, an article that could be dispensed with. 572 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 573" the cultivation of plants by man, was not further advanced in the Philippines until lately. Good fruits of various kinds are now looked upon as a necessity, an aid to the proper utilization of the heavier food materials, and for invigorating the various organs of tlie body. Everyone now knows the value of vegetables, the medicinal plants, the beverages and the vitamin content of fruits. Besides, fruit trees are planted not only for their fruits or other products like tuba, vinegar, oil, etc., but also for their shade and their ornamental value. Vegetables, on the other hand, supply the major portion of our daily diet, and the medicinal plants, the drugs and other pharmaceutical preparations. But even with this potential value today the evident inattention to modern horticultural principles is still a common fault of the orchardists, the vegetable growers, the nursery men, etc. One who has given any study, even in a very superficial way, to the horticultural practice in the Philippines at present, must gain the impression at the very start that no considerable results can be attributed to it, in many cases the Filipino fruit or vegetable growers are not getting much from their yields. To the Spaniards, however, credit should be given for bringing into the Islands many of our fruits, vegetables, spices, beverages, and ornamental plants of today, as well as for the establishment of the mandarin orange industry in Batangas, the coffee industry in Batangas, Mt. Province and in Mindanao, and the growing of vegetables in many parts of the archipelago. A few years after the American occupation of the Philippines, the interest in the betterment of horticultural products was given a great impetus, as indicated by the increasing volume of inquiries and requests for seed and plant materials and the development of plantations. As regards the major activities of the Bureau of Agriculture (now Bureau of Plant Industry), since 1901 the horticultural development of this institution has had four stages, as follows: Vegetable growing up to 1910, flowering plants up to 1912, fruit and vegetable drive up to 1929, and frui..,, vegetable and ornamental plants up to date. There are but very few fruits and vegetables that are indigenous to the Philippines. Nearly all of them were irutroduced by the Spaniards or perhaps by the Hindus and Malayan traders during prehistoric times, and a few have been brought 574 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL here since the American occupation. The introduction of seeds and plants of new or improved varieties or strains became almost at once one of the most important works of the Bureau of Agriculture (now Bureau of Plant Industry), since 1901, and the Los Banos College of Agriculture since 1908. The Bureau of Education, the Bureau of Forestry, the Bureau of NonChristian Tribes, and the City of Manila have also contributed to further this work. This work has gradually gained ground until both institutions--the Bureau of Plant Industry and the Los Banos College of Agriculture--were unable to meet the demand of the farmers. As a result of this valuable piece of work there are now established in the Islands, although in a limited number, fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants of the improved varieties or strains, as for example, the Cayenne pineapple, the Hawaiian papaya, citrus fruits, avocados, vegetables, flowering plants, etc. Besides these introductions attempts have been made to domesticate some of our little known fruits and vegetables. Since 1922 there have been cultivated in one of the experiment stations of the then Bureau of Agriculture, 476 varie .. ties consisting of 22 species of citrus, 37 varieties or strains of sweet potatoes, 31 varieties or strains of cassava, 52 varieties or strains of yams, 15 varieties or strains of gabi, 22 pineapple varieties, 227 species of fruit trees consisting of 299 varieties, 110 varieties of bananas, 15 varieties of muskmelon, 11 varieties of watermelon; and a number of coffee, tomato, cabbage, pepper, and eggplant varieties; and many other things like talinum and basella. These have been valuable additions to the horticultural flora of the Philippines. Excepting the mandarin orange in Batangas, the lanzones in Laguna, the coconuts in Tayabas, Mindanao, Laguna, the Bicol regions, and elsewhere, the coffee in Batangas, Mindanao and Mt. Province, fruit growing in the Philippines can scarcely be said to have been handled in a business-like manner. For it is unfortunate that even the fruits that found their way here long ago, such as the lanzones, mangosteen, mandarin orange, etc., are not well disseminated in some parts of the Philippines where they can be grown equally well if not better than in their present locations. Lately, however, mango, citrus, and avocado orchards, banana and papaya plantations, and many ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 575 others have been set out. There is scarcely room for doubt that the establishment of cacao, coffee, citrus fruits, spices, medicinal plants, cashew and pili nuts, mango, and banana plantations and the like, and the growing of vegetables and root crops will contribute materially to the future economic life of the country. With the present knowledge of the asexual propagation of most of our fruit trees, such as budding, marcotting, grafting and inarching, that have been popularized during the American occupation, together with our present knowledge on the proper distancing, cover cropping, varietal adaptability, the control of the various pests and diseases, the use of proper stock plants, mulching and other orchard manageynents, the difficulties of our fruit industry have been partly solved. During the Spanish regime asexual propagation by marcotting and by cuttings were the only ones practiced on a limited scale on our chico, ciruelas, and the like. A number of contributions to horticultural science have been published both by the Los Bafios College of Agriculture and the Bureau of Plant Industry. Having reviewed the past and present horticultural situation in the Philippines let us turn to the statistics for the year 1932 alone to see the money drained from the Philippines, owing to the neglect of horticulture. During this period the following horticultural products were imported, which represen:t more than six per cent of the total importations of the Islands: Cacao, and manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I" 523,fl21 Coffee, raw and prepared . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,179,495 Cassava and potato starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,582 Fruits and nuts (fresh and canned) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,274,730 Fruit juice and ginger ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71,£•52 Flavoring extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,170 Gums and resins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95,271 India rubber and manufactures of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,217,329 Medicines, dyes and dyestuffs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206,427 Spices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65,856 Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135,:iOl Vegetables (fresh, dried, pickled, canned) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,067,272 Vegetable oils (castor, olive and palm oils) . . . . . . . . . . 105,095 Total !'10,133,501 The total horticultural export during the same period amounted to P31,910,331, but it was mostly of coconut products. 576 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL This export is more than eleven per cent of the total exports of the Islands, and is represented as follows : Coconuts (copra, cake, meal, desiccated, shredded Cacao ............................................ . Coffee ........................................... . Fruits and nuts (fresh and canned) ................ . Gums and resins ................................. . Lumbang, ilang-ilang and other oils ................ . Vegetables ........................................ . Vegetable lard and butter ........................ . 1'30,910,338 2,676 351 716,507 137,098 14,·138 2,899 126,024 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P31,910,331 The most important horticultural products of the Philippines in 1932, as per the Philippine Statistical Review, Vol. 1, First Quarter, 1934, No. 1, pp. 23-24, published by the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, are as follows: Coconuts (copra, oil, tuba) ....................... . Cacao ............................................ . Coffee .................... · ........ · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · Citrus fruits ...................................... . Castor beans ...................................... . Fruits and nuts ................................ · .. . Lumbang ......................................... . Root crops ....................................... . Rubber ........................................... . Vegetables (fresh and dried) ...................... . P33,485,500 910,530 635,f>80 904,!)70 32,290 23,364,140 292,940 6,427,780 18,llOO 2,685,880 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P68,757,610 Owing to the long distance to our principal markets, the perishable nature of most of the fruits cultivated in the Philippines, and strict quarantine regulations in other countries we can hope to export but a few kinds. However, with proper handling we should have but little trouble in placing oranges, lemons, cacao, coffee, pomelos, nuts, bananas, etc., in the principal markets. Canned and frozen mangoes and other fruits for example will undoubtedly find a ready sale in other countries and by developing this industry we may also partly solve our sugar limitation problem since every can of mango will carry so many spoonfuls of sugar. Besides, jams, jellies, marmalades, fruit sirup, wines, flavoring extracts prepared from our fruits are destined to be of primary importance. In these forms the Philippine fruits may find their way not only to our ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 577 nearby markets, but to those in America and Europe. At present most of the fruit preserves used in the tropics come from the Temperate Zone 'but there is no reason why the tropics should not at least send an equivalent amount of preserved tropical fruits in exchange. Fruits and vegetables are the two great horticultural products, but there is a third, spices, the production of which in some countries yields great profits, like ginger, pepper, cinnamon, etc. Another horticultural product to be considered is the cultivation of medicinal plants. LfTERATURE CITED AFRICA, C. M. 1933. Experimental induced otomycosis in monkeys. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied Science Bulleti>i, v. 3:281-291. CALINISAN, M., J. AGATI AND v. ALDABA. 1931. Preliminary notes on the stem-rot of abaca in the Philippines. CELINO, M. S. 1934. Blight of cinchona seedlings. Philippine Agricnlturist, v. 23: 111-213. GALANG, F. G. 1922, 1923 and 1924. Annual Reports, Lamao Horticultural Station, Lamao, Bataan. WESTER, P. J. 1922. The Present Status of Horticulture in the Philippines and its Outlook for the Futul"e. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 5:353-364. CAMUS, JOSE S. 1931. Government Agricultural Development Work in the Philippines, Bureau of Plant Industry Contribution to Knowledge of Philippine Agriculture, pp. 172-195. ARTIGAS y CUERVA, MANUEL. 1922. Bibliographical Notes on Philippine Agriculture. The Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 15 :3-27. PLANT PEST AND DISEASE CONTROL IN THE PHILIPPINES By GONZALO MERINO Of the Bureau of Plant Industry Chairman, Plant Pest and Disease Control Section Perhaps the first governmental move toward controlling plant pests was made in the year 1909 when Mr. D. B. Mackie, then Agricultural Inspector, was ordered by the Director of Agriculture to investigate and report the damage done by the rats which were, at the time, damaging rice in various parts of Luzon. Mr. Mackie .submitted his reports of his trips in the province:; of Laguna, Albay and Sors-0gon in June of 1909 (1910). It was in 1912 when the first locust Act, requiring obligatory labor in the control of locusts was enacted. From that time on, the newly created Pest Control Section of the Bureau of Agriculture was engaged in the campaign against the locust. About the same year, 1912, Mr. Jones, then entomologist of the Bureau of Science, was transferred to the Bureau of Agriculture. Mr. Jones became the Chief of the Section and Mr. Mackie the Assistant Chief. Investigations on the life histories and control measures of important pests were made. However, in view of the contjnuous locust infestations and the lack of personnel of the section, the activities were mostly confined ito locust inspection and extermination work. In 1916, when the locust infestations abated, the investigations on the control of other plant pests and some diseases were given more impetus. Some time was devoted to the control of coconut bud-rot in the province of Laguna and the work was later extended to other coconut regions of the Philippines. The eradication of the abaca bunchy-top in the province of Cavite and Laguna was also tackled. Not long after, Mr. D. Mackie became the chief of the Plant Pest Section because of the resignation of Mr. Jones. Mr. Mackie left the service in 1918. The former Bureau of Agriculture started its work in Plant Inspection about 1912. (Merino, Teodoro and Otanes). But this activity was confined to certifying plant materials ·exported to ithe United States. It was not until 1920 that the regular plant quarantine work was organized and functioned. Great care was 578 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 579 taken to guard against the introduction of certain injurious pests and diseases. Fruits from Mediterranean fruit fly infested countries were excluded. AdministraJtive Orders regarding the importation of seeds and other plant materials were promulgated. With the increased commercial intercourse with other countries, plant quarantine work has became more complicated. Plant quarantine does not deal with plant pests alone. It also includes within its scope any organism that may disturb a given biota. Plants or animals which are not proved to be hundred per cent beneficial should be looked upon with suspicion. Every means of conveyance must be suspected as a possible carrier of pests or diseases. As the prohibition of the bringing of animals (other than insects) that might produce negative benefit could not very well be included in the Plant Quarantine Act, it later became necessary to recommend the enactment of other laws to stop the importation of birds which might prove injurious to agriculture should they become established. Certain concerns were very insistent about importing mongoose for the purpose of "controlling" field rats. We have invariably disapproved such requests. The experience of some countries with this animal has been very disastrous. To insure greater protection, the Bureau of Plant Industry maintains plant inspection service in all ports of entry in the Philippines. Our examination of parcels in these ports, both in the Custom Houses and Post Offices, total more than one million parcels a year. Our interceptions of insects and plant diseases included some of the most injurious. Among them were the sugar cane borer from Hawaii, (Rhabdocnemis obscurus) the coffee berry borer from Java and Sumatra, (Stephanoderes hampei), the San Jose scale from the United States, the powdery mildew of sugar cane from Formosa (Sclerospora sacchari), the grain spot from America, (H elmintJwsporium oryzae) the Phoma citricarpa on citrus from China and many other dangerous pests and diseases. The notorious Mediterranean fruit fly in other countries. demanded our utmost vigilance. To prevent the introduction of exotic pests and diseases, importations of plant materials are either quarantined, disinfected, or fumigated. Plant materials exported are in580 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL spected, disinfected or fumigated, if necessary, before being certified. For these services, nominal charges are made and these fees make our plant quarantine unit almost self-supporting. PLANT PEST CONTROL DONE BY THE PEST CONTROL DIVISION (PLANT SANITATION) Locust Extermination Campaigns Perhaps no country in the world can claim as much resourcefulness as to the ways of controlling the locust than the Philippines. We have adopted, and are employing, means that are considered primitive and wasteful by some people, but other people disagree. They believe that such methods are the best and most effective. These methods consist in driving the hoppers into the pits, digging the locust eggs out, plowing the ground in which the eggs are found, etc. and catching the flyers by means of nets. Pathogenic fungus has been tried without success; trials with poisonous gases were made without results; the bounty system was tried with disastrous effect. An array of different insecticides were used as spray. The soap-keroseneemulsion, the resin-kerosene, the sodium arsenite, and the different kinds, grades and textures of soaps were used in experiments with more or less satisfactory results. We have found the powdered, common laundry soft soap to be the most economical and satisfactory. Gasoline blow torches were used with fail" results. Aeroplane scouting and dusting was resorted to, hopper-dozers in the form of nets were tried, and wood rollers to kill hoppers were also tried. Arsenical poisons in the form of dust, solution, and baits of different carriers were, and are now, adopted. These are considered the best and most practical means of controlling locusts. The bagasse as carrier, and molasses as attractant, proved to be the best bait and most practical single remedy for hoppel'ls (F. Vargas, 1933). Locust .4.cts Act 2472 evolved from Act 2121 and Executive Order No. 72. This Act, among other things provides for the cooperation of the different bureaus, duties of provincial and municipal officials and obligatory labor from male inhabitants from 16 to 60 years of age. Act. No. 3146.-This law provides for taxation of male inhabitants in lieu of the above Acts. Taxation may be extended ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 581 for several years regardless of the absence of infestations, until enough reserve funds to meet the exigencies of future locust invasions are had, if the Provincial Locust Board so decides. Act No. 3163.-This Act provided Pl00,000 for scouting and fighting locusts in the isolated and remote places. Later, to make the appropriation yearly, Act 3271 was enacted. Act 3223 was enacted to supplement the preceding one, making the unexpended balance of the sum provided not revertible. The effect of the activities due to the enforcement of the Act providing funds was gratifying. The results were the finding of permanent breeding grounds on the islands of Luzon, Mindoro and Bohol. The locusts found in the isolated areas were destroyed. The yearly ravages of Locusts in Luzon, Mindoro and Visa.yas were controlled. From 1924 to 1928 the infestations were greatly minimized. (Camus, 1931). In 1929 there were no known infestations. In the years 1930 and 1931 the infestations were sporadic and were easily put down. The scouting work was not extended to Mindanao because the appropriation was suspended. The island of Mindanao was suspected as a potential locust breeding ground. The present wide infc&tations in Mindanao, Visayas and Bicol regions, as a matter of fact, originated from some foci between Lanao and Bukidnon. From the time the annual appr-opriations were abolished, the locust campaigns have been fairly successful because of special appropriations. The results are proportionate to the moral and financial support given us. However, to be clear, permanent control must not be expected from such appropriations given us. Permanent control is tied up with the population proolem. Uncultivated areas must be reforested and agricultural lands must be settled and cultivated. Coconut-Lea/miner (PromecothP-ca cumingi) The leafminer outbreak of 1929 at San Pablo was the greatest and most extensive so far known. The infestation spread rapidly; within a year's time it spread to the provinces of Laguna, Tayabas and Batangas and over seven million trees were infested. Every conceivable means of control known here and abroad was resorted to by the Bureau personnel. Many more millions of trees were saved from attack. Because of our experience here successive infestations in other coconut regions were controlled in short order. 582 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Because of the leafminer infestation pest control was pro~ v ided with more inspectors. From then on insect pests were controlled on a greater scale. The leafminer control has shown the value of pest control work both by the use of mechanical and biological methods, the extensive use of parasites, in particular. (Roxas, 1930-1932). Control of Cane Grubs particularly those of Leucopholis irrorata. Not only has the division contributed to a considerable extent on the life history and habits of the grubs but it has also led in the actual control of the pests, particularly in N egros and in Batangas. It has been instrumental in properly emphasizing the use of parasites on the grubs, and also on other pests. This has helped induce _the Philippine Sugar Association to introduce wasp parasites from Australia which were liberated in Negros. Control of Rice Insects, particularly the Grass Armyworni ( Spodoptera mauritia) Rice bug ( Leptocorisa acuta) and rice borers, particularly Schoenobius incertellus and Scirpophaga innotata. The Division has popularized the use of calcium arsenate as a control for the armyworms. It has also evolved a field method by which the egg parasites of the rice borers and rice bugs may be liberated and continue their benefieial work. This is also employed for other insects. Tobacco Insects. The Division has popularized the use of calcium arsenate as a remedy against tobacco leaf eating insects, particularly Prodenia litura and Chloridea assulta. Satisfactory remedies have also been found for the cigarette beetle Lusioderma serricorne. One of these is the use of vacuum fumigation with hydrocyanic acid and other gases. (Mackie, 1917). The early work accomplished here has, as a matter cf fact, contributed to the development of the method in the United States and other countries, which is extensively used not only for the cigarette beetle but also for other insects affecting stored and other plant products. Insects of Fruit Trees. The Division has also given due attention to the control of insects affecting fruit trees, particularly those on mango, as the mango hoppers Idiocerus clypealis and Chunra niveosparsa and the twig borer Eu,clea capito. As to Citrus, the scale insects particularly Parlatoria ziziphus the bark borer, Agrilus occipitalis, and the green bug Rhynchochori.c; serrata, have received particular attention. Extensive work on ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 583 the control of Citrus insects has been done, especially in Batangas. Insects Affecting Truck Crops. Vegetable gardeners and truck crop growers have been benefited by the work of the Division, particularly as to the control of various caterpillars, especially Crocidolomia binotalis, Pieris Sp., Plutella rnaculipennis which are very destructive to cabbage and other cruciferous plants. Spraying has become a part of the operation of many vegetable growers as a result of the work, particularly in Pampanga, Trinidad (Benguet) and Nueva Vizcaya. Coconut Insects. Aside from the coconut leaf miner, the Division has also attended to the control of the black or rhinoceros beetle ( OnJctes rhinoceros), red beetle ( RhynchophOT'ltS f errugineus), slug caterpillars ( Thosea spp.), red scale ( Chrysomphalus aonidum), etc. Administrative orders have been promulgated in connection with the control of the black beetle and the red scale, based on the data that have been obtained on the biology of the insects. Abaca Insects. The banana root weevil ( Cosmopolites sordJi,dus) and plant lice, bagworms and slug caterpillars, particularly Thosea sfnensis, have received especial attention. The life history and habits and control of Thosea sinensis have been studied in Davao where it caused havoc to abaca and the actual control of this as well as other pests and diseases was done unaer the direction of the personnel of the Division. Indeed, there is no phase of economic entomological work, there is no crop, no plant product, etc., attacked by insect or other pests, in which the services of the Division have not been sought. In the control of insects affecting ornamental plants and shade trees and stored products the Division has rendered u~eful service. Complaints are often received about these. So also in the control of household insects, such as cockroaches, termites and ants, about which inquiries are often received and the information and help as to the control of these furnished. Control of Other Pests Rats. In the control of rats, the Division is often consulted and it has given or gives not only verbal or written information but its personnel have personally directed actual field campaigns, particularly in Camarines Sur, Tayabas, Negros and in Central Luzon. The use of white arsenic has become a well known control measure practised by farmers in 584 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL almost all sections of the Islands. Calcium cyanide has also been employed and planters, especially those in Negros, have become familiar with its use against rats. Miscellaneous Pests. Under this, wild hogs, sparrows ("mayas"), porcupines, squirrels, bats, snails, slugs, earthworms, crickets, Loranthus ("dapo") should be especially mentioned on the control of which, information and actual help have been furnished to the parties concerned. Even in connection with insects and other allied creatures that affect man and domestic animals, directly and indirectly, our help has been solicited. In addition to cockroaches, inquires about houseflies, mosquitoes, ticks, poisonous spiders, etc., have been received and the information furnished. Work on Beneficial Insects It is necessary also to call attention to what has been accomplished in connection with beneficial insects. In the study and actual control of the many insects that are harmful to man, directly and indirectly, valuable information has also been obtained as to their natural enemies, particularly the parasites and predators, that keep such harmful insects in check. A considerable number of these beneficial insects have been identified as a result. The information thus acquired has helped serve as a basis for the introduction of parasites from other countries to control local pests. The extensive utilization of parasites as a method of control has already been alluded to in connection with the control of the coconut leaf miner. This method has also been applied in connection with other pests, such as the slug caterpillars in Davao and more recently the caterpillars which have caused havoc to the pine trees at Baguio. Introduction of Parasites from Other Countries The Division has attempted to introduce certain parasites from other countries to control local pests. Some of the early introductions are Opius fletcheri, a hymenopterous parasite of the Melon fly, and Opius humilis, a parasite of the Mediterranean fruit fly, introduced here to control the mango fruit fly and other fruit flies. These introductions were made early in 1923. Subsequently the Division has cooperated with the College of Agriculture and the Philippine Sugar Association in connection with the introduction of other beneficial insects. Among these are Enca.rsia flavoscuteUum, to control the wooley ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 585 a phis ( Oregma lanigera) on sugar cane, two species of Campsomeris (C. ta:.smaniaensis a.nd C. radula) for the purpose of controlling cane root grubs. Other introductions are the following: Tachinid parasites (Ceromasia sphenophori) from Hawaii for controlling the sugar cane weevil borer here; Euplectrus platykypenae, also from Hawaii to control army worms; the lady bird beetles (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) from Hawaii and the Hemerobids (Sympherobius barberi) from California to control mealy bugs; and the parasite (Comperiella bifasciata) from Japan to control the red scale destructive to coconut and other plants. Recently (March, 1934) living specimens of the following were introduced : 1. Trichogramma minutum: an egg parasite particularly of lepidop~erous insects. 2. Apanteles glomeratus, a parasite of cabbage caterpillar. 3 . Chaetogaedi,a monticola, a parasite of cutworms and armyworms 4. Frontina a.rchippi'i·ora, a parasite of cutworms and armyworms 5. Archytis cirphis, also a parasite of cutworms and armyworms 6. Litomastix floridana parasitizing Plusia larva 7. llyposoter (cocoons) 8. Telenomt(,S nawai, a parasite of the eggs of armyworms. Along with these live specimens of toads (Bufo marinus) wer~ brought from Hawaii into the Islands for the purpose of controlling injurious insects, such as root grubs and their adults, crickets, injurious moths, etc. Lately (August, 1934) at our request Mr. D. T. Fullaway, Entomologist of the Hawaiian Board of Agriculture and Forestry, sent us specimens of Trich(lgramma japonicum, a parasite of rice borers, particularly Chilo si'tnplex. The Philippine Fruit Packing Corporation has also introduced the following from the Hawaiian Islands: Silvestrina. koebeli Felt, a coccidomyid predator on mealy bugs. Di01nu,s margipallus, a small coccinellid predator on the pineapple mealy bug. . l/yperaspis silvestri, another Coccinelid predator on mealy bugs. 586 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Cooperation is being established with workers oi other countries, so this parasite introduction work may be continued. We have also extended all available facilities at our disposal to investigators from other countries, who have come here for the purpose of getting local parasites. Beekeeping Several importations of Italian bees, each consisting of a few colonies, were made. We were able to maintain the colonies for a few years, but due to lack of funds, and to the pressure of pest control work the project was given up. However, the experience gained has served as a basis for future work and for furnishing information to other institutions, as well as to individuals, interested in raising Italian bees in the Philippines. In this connection some data have also been obtained on some of our local honey bees, particularly Apis indica. Colonies of these bees can be hived and raised for profit where nectarbearing flowers are plentiful. SOME HIGH LIGHTS OF THE ACTIVITIES ON PLANT DISEA8E CONTROL BY THE BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY The control of plant diseases as a definite organized activity of the Bureau was not established until 1920, when the training of four graduates of the College of Agriculture by Mr .. H. A. Lee, with the cooperation of the Bureau of Science, was first started. Among the early important diseases of plants that brought forth the great need for plant disease investigations and their control are the destructive coffee rust (Hemilei,a, t'astatrix), the coconut bud-rot, (Phytophthora faberi), bunchy-top (virus) ( Calinisan, 1931) of abaca and the black-rot or black pod (Phytophthora faberi) of cacao. The control of bud-rot was conducted as early as 1908 on account of its menace, threatening to wipe out the coconut industry. Then the bunchy-top disease totally destroyed some of the abaca plantations but at present the prospect of restoring them is very promising since the control of the aisease by eradication is well in hand 1and more recently some varieties, Sinibuyas, Kinalabao and Putian, seem to withstand the disease in Cavite. Abaca disease Since the destruction of the abaca plantations in Cavite and Laguna by bunchy-top, a general survey of this most imANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 587 port.ant disease was done in all principal abaca growing districts. Administrative Orders were issued to preclude the distribution of the disease to other ,non-infected regions. Destruction of the infected stools in Cavite and Laguna was resorted to as a preventive measure. After a lapse of several years of investigation it was confirmed that the disease is caused by a virus and is transmitted by a black aphid, (Pentalonia nigronervosa). The disease practically wiped out the abaca industry in Laguna and Cavite. The prospect of restoring the industry by the finding of resistant varieties is very promising. The bud-rot disease is now well under control by eradication while the control measure studies of the diseases on cacao are still under investigation. Immediately upon the establishment of the pathology cooperative work between the Bureaus of Agriculture and Science the control of a number of important diseases threatening the sugar industry had to be undertaken. The discovery of the introduction of powdery mildew (Sclerospora sacchari) of sugar cane from Formosa, Japan, and its eradication in Payatas; Fiji disease on the Calarnba Sugar Estate; (Lee, 1921) mosaic disease (virus), (Reyes, 1927) pineapple disease, (Thielaviopsis paradoxa), red-rot, ( Colletotrichum falcatum) (Serrano, an cl Marquez, 1926) of sugar cane; the control of tobacco disease8, Pythium debaryanwm, Phytomonas polycolor, Sclerotium sp. etc.,) (Clara, 1930) in the seed beds by seed disinfection and soil sterilization, and banana wilt, (Fusarium cuhense) were among the most important diseases that confronted the Plant Pathology staff of the Pest Control Division. On other crops, the control of fruit rots of pineapple, (Erwinia ananas, Thielaviopsis paradoxa), control of citrus canker, (Phytomonas citri) by eradication, "dapo" on citrus, (Loranthus philippensis) gurnmosis and bark rot diseases, regulation of the distribution of seedlings and spraying with fungicides, control of stern-rot, (Scleroti,um oryzae) (Reyes; 1929) of rice and important field diseases of tobacco such as Fusariurn wilt, (Fusarium oxysporum) and wild fire (Phytomonas anguatla, (Clara, 1925) have constantly taken the attention of the p€rsonnel. Various disease problems on truck crops, field crops, including ornamental plants, and numerous diseases on orchard trees are being encountered. Control measure services in the form of demonstration and advice have now become 588 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL an important established function of the Bureau of Plant Industry. For the improvement and development of this service the Bureau established its plant pathology la.boratory with essential facilities and research 'Staff. Some of the most recent important studies are on control of black-pod disease of cacao caused by PhytophtJwra faberi, die-back of caciao caused hy Gloeosporium sp., the stem-rot of rice caused by Sclerotiwn oryzeae, control of citrus blight (Phytophthora faberi), the blossom bligh:t of mango, and the control of the objectionable green spot of tobacco leaf wrappers particularly on Sumatra wrappers. A considerable number of control measure studies are also being conducted on truck crop diseases found on potatoes, potato blight (Phytophthora infestans, scab, Actinomyces scabies), various diseases on peanuts, legumes, cabbages, celery, cauliflower and other vegetable crops. The bacterial fruitlet brown rot. -It was found at a certain altitude that this disease was not as serious as in warm regions. Timely spraying of the fruits with Bordeaux mixture before the flowers opened has been found to be a very effective control. (Serrano, 1928). With these findings about this pineapple disease, we helped a new industry capitalized by many millions of pesos. CONCLUDING REMARKS Plant Pest and disease control work in the Philippines is still in its infancy. A considerable amount of work no doubt has already been accomplished, even exceeding expectations, considering the facilities at our command. However, more support -moral as well as financial-i's needed so as to improve the work and thus obtain more results in protecting our agricultural interests from the menace of plant pests and diseases. LITERA'.TURE CITED CALINISAN, M. R. 1931. Attempts to Re-establish Abaca plantations in Cavite previously wiped out by bunchy-top. Philip. Jour. Agric., v. 2: 209-220. CAMUS, J. S. 1931. Government Agricultural Development Work in the Philippines. Bureau of Plant Industry Contributions to Knowledge cf Philippine Agriculture, pp. 173 to 195. CLARA, F. M. 1925. Diseases of Tobacco in the Philippines. Philip. Agric. Review, v.18: 564. CLARA F. M. 1930. A new Bacterial Disease of Tobacco in the Philippines. Phytopath, v. 20: 691-707. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 589 LEE, ATHERTON H. 1921. The Seasons' Experiments on Fiji Disease Mosaic Disease a~d Smut of Sugar Cane. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 14: 402. MACKIE, D. B. 1910. Report on the control of rats. Philippine Agricultural Review, v. 3: 44-48. MACKIE, D. B. 1917. Some causes of-the failure of the Manila cigar in the United States. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 10: 223-252. MERINO, G., N. G. TIDDORO and F. Q. OTANES. 1925. The Philippine Quarantine Service. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 18: 411-461. REYES, GA,UDENCIO M. 1927. The Mosaic Disease of Sugar Cane. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 20: 187 REYES, GAUDENCIO M. 1929. A Preliminary Report on the stem-rot of Rice. Philip. Agric. Review, v. 22: 313. ROXAS, M. L. Annual Reports of the Director of Plant Industry for 1930, 1931 and 1932. SERRANO F. B. and SEVERO L. MARQUEZ. 1926. The Red-rot disease of Sugar cane and its control. Philip. Agric. Review, v.19: 203. SERRANO F. B. 1928. Bacterial Fruitlet Brown-rot of Pineapple in the Philippines. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 36: 271-305. VARGAS, J. B. Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce for 1933. SOILS SURVEYS CLASSIFICATION AND MAPPING IN THE PHILIPPINES By ROBERT L. PENDLETON Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Section of Soils and Fertilizo s It was early in its history that the Philippine Bureau of Agriculture commenced making soil surveys. Loaned from th·~ U. S. Bureau of Soils, Dorsey began a very important line of research for the Philippines when he surveyed and mapped the soils of the Batangas area, Luzon (1903). In audition to his Batangas survey, Dorsey spent some months travelling in the Philippines, and was able to record, although in the most general way, something of the character of the soils in the abaca regions, and in the neighborhood of a number of widely scattered parts in the Archipelago. Some little attention was also devoted to the soils and agricultural conditions in La Union Province. But Dorsey's successor Sanchez, also loaned from the U. S. Bureau of Soils, was given neither encouragement nor facilities. From Manila after two years with the Bureau of Agriculture, Sanchez wrote in 1905 in part as follows : "It has been definitely decided by the Philippine Bureau of Agriculture not to make any soil surveys nor carry on any soil investigations along the lines conducted by the Bureau of Soils. I, therefore, have de. cided to return to the United States on the expiration of my twoyear contract, January 1, 1906. I am sorry I failed to organize the soil survey work in this country, as I was expected to do on being sent out here; but I think you understand that I was not even given a chance to show what I could do. On the day previous to my arrival in these Islands, Prof. Scribner, the then Chief of this Bureau, had left for the United States, and a man unacquainted with the work of the Bureau of Soils, took his place. I explained to the new chief the nature of our work and the advantages to be derived from it, but failed to persuade him to allow me to carry on the work in these Islands. * * *" The tragedy for soil science and for agricultural research as a whole is that the soil survey was not continued, even in a very modest way. If this had been done, we would today have an invaluable mass of data for many lines of soil research and 590 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 591 for the very practical needs of soil fertility maintenance and improvement. As it is, we are still ccmpletely ignorant of even the important soil characteristics of vast and important tracts of agricultural and forestry lands of the Islands. While after this there was little real soil survey work to record for a long time, it is well here to mention briefly some of the mere important studies of Philippine soils. The Bureau of Science, with its generous support for scientific work, and its excellent laboratory equipment, made the next contributio:'l to the knowledge of the soils of the Philippines, when Walker (1910) presented his study of the sugar cane soils of the Island of N egros. While representing much good work, as we realize now too much' emphasis was placed upon conventional mechanical and chemical analyses, and the report did not give much assistance in solving the fertility problems nor materially aid in soil conservation in the most important sugar producing island of the Philippines. Under the Bureau of Public Works G. A. Graham in 1909 and 1910 made soil surveys of certain irrigation district projects. These unpublished surveys have apparently been lost or destroyed by fire, although Cox and Arguelles (1914) have preserved a portion of one map and some of the data. Desiring to determine the principal characteristics of the soils producing the main Philippine crops, Cox presented (1911) the results of the analyses, mostly chemical, by the Bureau of Science of 180 samples from widely scattered localities in the Islands. In Cox's study as a whole, he followed the very old but rE>latively fruitless method of attack upon soil classification and interpretation, namely, to attempt to characterize soils from the laboratory point of view, as contrasted with the modern and much more effective method of solving soil problems, by adequately studying the soil profile in the field. A subsequent paper by Cox and Arguelles (1914) presents in a similar way the results of mechanical and chemical analyses of the soils of various regions of Luzon. As in the previous paper, the vast mass of data are presented in the hope that they will assist in the development of a soil classification based upon crops. The climatic factors are given and their controlling effect upon the crops is recognized, although there had not been appreciated the relationships which exists between the climate _and the nature of the soils themselves. 592 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL In an endeavor to explain the variations in the flora on Mt. Makiling, Brown and Arguelles (1917) made a study of the soils of this mountain. After making many determinations of the chemical characteristics of the soil and of the water content of the soils, they concluded that it was the moisture content of the soil and not differences chemically that was the determining factor in the character of the flora. To try to obtain a better understanding of the conditions surrounding the production of abaca fiber in the Philippines, Sherman ( 1928) working at the Bureau of Science, studied the chemical and physical characteristics of samples of abaca soils from Davao and the Bicol provinces. An innovation in his work is the attempt to rate the soils studied, as to the amount of each of the several nutrients as compared with the amounts in what he terms "standard Philippine agricultural soils", although it is not clear what data were used in establishing the standards. These studies, like all others on soils, r~ported from the Bureau of Science, were primarily from the laboratory point of view. Such a viewpoint, while of distinct value, can never give the broad comprehensive understanding of the soils of a region that a field survey and the making of a soil survey map can give. The most profitable and illuminating soil studies are those in which the soil survey field work, comprising the detailed study of profiles and the making of a soil map, are followed by adequate sampling and the study of these samples by suitable physical, chemical, and biological methods in the laboratory, in order ~ interpret the soil profile and other field observations. In spite of the lack of interest in soil surveys and mapping on the part of the Insular Government, the writer, with the support of the late Dean Baker, was able in 1925 to interest private parties in having soil surveys made and the results published. Thus it was that soil survey maps and reports were made and published of the Silay-Saravia and La Carlota districts, Occidental Negros. (Pendleton, 1927, 1931). For the Philippine Sugar Association a reconnaissance soil survey was made of most of the agricultural lands of the province of Occidental Negros. For private parties other unpublished surveys have been made by Pendleton of tracts in Iloilo, Mindoro, Laguna, La Union and Ilocos Sur provinces. The Bureau of Forestry made possible a study of the soils of the Bokakeng Forest Management ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 593 Project, Baguio, (Pendleton and Aquino 1932); while for the Bureau of Education soil studies were mad'e of farm school lands at Munos and Trinidad. In connection with the instruction in soils at the College of Agriculture, thesis students under the supervision of the writer liave <Ione a vast amount of soil survey and mapping on a very intensive scale of the Campus and environs of the College. This material is still in manuscript, but hopes have been held out that it may be published. Recently the University gave formal approval for a measure of cooperation between the College of Agriculture and the Bureau of Plant Industry, to enable the writer to devote part time to the development of a soil survey for the study of at least some strategic agricultural regions of the Islands. It remains to be seen whether or not sufficient interest and support will be forthcoming to inaugurate and maintain even a modest soil survey organization, the results of which are so desperately needed in connection with questions of diversification of crops, land classification into forest and agricultural use, soil erosion control, etc. The support of the National Research Council is solicited for the encouragement of the proposed soil survey. LITERATURE CITED BR<>WN, WILLIAM H., and ANGEL s. ARGUELLES. 1917. The composition and moisture content of the soils in the types of vegetation at different elevation on Mt. Maquiling. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 12A: 221-234. Plates 3. Cox, ALVIN J. 1911. Philippine soils and. some of the factors which influence them. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 6A: 279-330. Plates 11. Cox, ALVIN J., and A. S. ARGUELLES. 1914. The soils of the Island of Luzon. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 9A: 1-50. Plates 7, 3 text figures, 1 map. DoRSEY, CLARENCE W. 1903. Soil conditions in the Philippines. Bureau of Agriculture, Manila. Bulletin No. 3. pp. 57. PENDLETON, RoBERT, L. 1927. Soil survey of the Silay-Saravia ar~, Occidental Negros. Sugar News, v. 8: 960-971. Colored map. PCNDLET01'.J, RoBERT L. 1931. A soil survey of the La Carlota area, Occidental N egros, Philippine Islands. Soil Research, v. 2: 30~-343 Colored map. PENDLETON, RoBERT L. and DIONISIO I.· AQUINO. 1932. Soils of the Bokakeng Forest Management Project, Baguio, Mt. Province. Philip. Agric., v. 20: 500-509. 594 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANCHEZ, A. M. 1905. Official letter to Prof. Milton Whitney, Chief, U. S. Bureau of Soils, Washington, D. C. SHERMAN, P. L. 1928. Abaca-soil conditions in two districts of the Philippine Islands and their relation to fiber production. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 37: 1-19. 2 plates. WALKER, H. S. 1910. The sugar industry in the Island of Negros. Bureau of Science, Manila. THE IMPORTANCE AND DEVELOPMENT. OF SOIL CHEMISTRY AND SOIL BIOLOGY AS RELATED TO AGRICULTURE IN THE PHILIPPINES By MARCOS M. ALICANTE Of the Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of AgricuTt1,i,ral Chemistry Soil is the foundation of agriculture, and in a country like the Philippines where agriculture is the basic industry of the people, a thorough knowledge of the soil conditions as related to crop production is a factor of vital importance. Under soil conditions there are two fundamental studies which are directly concerned, namely: the chemistry of the soil and the microbiological activities occurring in the soil. SOIL CHEMISTRY Soil chemistry deals with the reserve plant foods present; it is an index of the potential fertility of the soil. Possibly the first work along systematic study of the chemical composition of soil, in relation to soil fertility for higher crop production, was done at Rotharnsted Experiment Station in Harpenden, England. This is the oldest experiment station in the world. The results obtained from this station have been the ha.Sis of various investigations all over the world. In later years other European countries, including .the United ~.tates, have established similar experiment stations although modified to a certain extent to fit local conditions. The work on soil survey in the United States was formerly based on soil classification but in later years, due to the rapid decrease of the fertility of the soil because of continuous cropping, chemical analysis became the important program in soil survey. In view of this, Hopkins, (1910) Hilgards, (1906) and Lyon (1915), considered the foremost son men of the United States, wrote books advocating the maintenance of soil fertility by fertilization and proper management. Today as the result of intensive study on the chemical composition and physical condition of soil in agricultural lands, Hawaii and Java were able to produce the highest yield of sugar per unit area. It is admitted, however, other factors such 595 596 NATJ()NAL RESEARCH COUNCIL as improved var,ieties, control of diseases and pests, have contrjbuted also toward higher production. In Hawaii, the Sugar • I Planters A$sociation maintained, under the supervision of experts, an(~xperiment station at Honolulu for chemical and biological work on soil. (The work on soil in the Federal Station in Java is the biggest activity of the station). Dr. Arrhenius, t~ ~wedish chemist, has been engaged under contract by the Javanes Government to undertake the chemical soil survey in Java. As a result of this extensive work on· soil, Java today ranks the highest in sugar production per unit area. In the Philippines, however, the work on soil chemistry has been very limited. Probably the work of Herbert S. Walker (1910) on "The Sugar Industry in the Island of Negros", was the first investigation done in soil chemistry. Here the author mentioned and poor soils and attempted to correlate the chemical analyses with the actual yield per hectare. The works of Cox, and Arguelles, (1914) and of Brown ~nd Arguelles (1917) are also important contributions to our knowledge of the chemistry of Philippine soils. The work of Alicante on "The Abo-Abo Soil of Occidental Negros" (Alicante, 1928) contributed very important data especially in relation to sugar cane production. Abo-abo (ash-like material), a local name, is a special type of soil found in big areas in cetrain cane districts of Occidental Negros. Previously this soil was defective for sugar cane even with the application of commercial fertilizers. The results of the investigation however, showed that the soil was lacking in colloidal property, therefore it had poor retentive power for moisture. Also because of the nature of its stra.tification, underlaid by gravel and rocks, the capillary water has no chance to go up to the surface soil. This condition was modified by the application of filter-press mud, a by-product from the sugar central which contains high percentages of organic matter and lime. This material was found to increase the retentive power of abo-abo soil. Today this peculiar soil type is just as productive as other normal soils of Negros. The work of Tirona and Arguelles (1932) "The Soils of Renovated Abaca Fields in Davao a~d the Reported Inferior Growth of this Plant therein", published in the Philippine ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 597 Journal of Science, Vol. 52, No. 2, October, 1933, also to a certain extent correlated the chemical analysis of soil with crop production. The College of Agriculture of the University of the Philippines also has contributed some information toward the chemistry of some soils in the Philippines. Possibly the most intensive work on the chemistry of soil in relation to crop production has been conducted by the Chemistry Department of the Philippine Sugar Association. This department has conducted a chemical soil survey all over the cane districts in the Islands. This survey covered thousands of hectares. In connection with it fertilizer experiments were conducted in several places in each district. The results from such experiments were correlated with the chemical analyses of the soils and then given to the farmers for field application. It is safe to state that sugar cane production is the most highly de•.7eloped industry in the Islands as compared with other crops. SOIL BIOLOGY The science of soil microbiology is still in its infancy. Burill, Beijerink, Hellriegel, Wilfarth, Lipman, WinogradRky, .a.nd a few others were responsible for the development and application of this science to agriculture. With the discovery of soil microbiology, the soil investigators today have a better grasp of the soil conditions as affecting crop production. Soil biology is an index of soil productivity. In countries where scientific agriculture has been developed the study on the activities of the micro-organisms occurring in the soil has been found to be one of the most important investigations contributing to the success of the industry. By the action of the organisms the constituents in the oil, both of organic and inorganic origin, are trans! ormed into available forms for the consumption of the plant. It has been proved that by chemical action alone such transformation would require a much longer period. Besides, there are groups of organisms that actually enrich the soil because they have the power to fix the atmospheric nitrogen. It has been estimated that there are 75,000,000 kilos of atmospheric nitrogen re~ing on an acre of soil. Through the action of the micro-organisms such nitrogen can easily be made available for the use of the plant. 598 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Lipman, Waksman, (1932) Fred, (1916) Whiiting, (ln7) and many others have shown that the productivity of the soil is directly correlated with the activities of certain types of organisms inhabiting the soil. Th~ results of Dr. Arrhenius work on the biological survey of the sugar cane soils of Java are considered valuable contributions to the sugar industry of Java. It has been reported that the results of this investigation have been used extensively as a guide in the fertilization of sugar cane soils in JaV'a. At present we have very little information regarding the biological activities of our Philippine soils as related to crop production. The work of Alicante (1927) on the nitrifying power of some Philippine soils, is possibly the first one in which the activities of the nitrify1ng organisms were correlated with the crop producing power of the soil. Here it was shown that soils with high nitrate production were found bo be productive, while soils with low nitrate production are poor. The work on "The Abo-Abo Soil of Occidental Negros," showed a direct correlation between crop production a.nd biological activities in the SIOil. The work reported in the 1929 annual report (1929-1933) of the Philippine Sugar Association, conducted on a much larger scale, showed a correlation between bacterial activities and cane production. As agriculture, particularly in the Philippines, is becoming more complicated because of the necessity of reducing the coot of production, research on sdil conditions particularly in relation to the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, should be emphasized. LITERATURE CITED ALICANTE, MAROOS M. 1927. Nitrifying power of some Philippine soils. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 32 :1-27. ALICANTE, MAROOS M. 1928. The abo-abo soil of Occidental Negros. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 35: 391-401. ALICANTE, MAROOS M. 1929-1934. Annual Reports of the Philippine Sugar Association. ARRHENIUS, 0. The soils of Java. BROWN, WILLIAM H. and ANGEL S. ARGUELLES. 1917. The composition and moisture content of the soils and the types of vegetation at different elevations on Mount Maquiling. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 12A: 221-233. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 599 Cox, ALVIN J. and ANGEL s. ARGUELLES. 1914. The soils of the Island of Luzon. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 9A: 1-50. FRED, E. B. 1916. A laboratory manual of soil bacteriology. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders Company. 170 p. HILGARDS, E. W. 1906. Soils. HOPKINS, CYRIL G. 1910. Soil fertility and permanent agriculture. Boston, New York, Ginn and Company. 653 p. LYON, T. L., E. D. FIPPIN and H. D. BUCKMAN. 1923. Soils, their properties and management. New York, The Macmillan Company, 764 p. TIRONA, MARIANO and ANGEL s. ARGUELLES. 1933. The soils of renovated abaca fields in Davao and the reported inferior growth of this plant therein. The Philippine Journal of Science, v. 52: 79-87. WAKSMAN, SELMAN A. 1932. Principles of soil microbiology. Baltimore, The Williams and Wilkins Company. 894. p. WALKER, HERBERT S. 1910. The sugar industry in the Island of Negros, Philippine Islands Bureau of Science, Publication, No. 3. WHITING, A. L. 1917. Soil biology. VII. DIVISION OF ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH STATUS OF FARM MECHANIZATION IN THE PHILIPPINES By A. L. TEODORO Of the University of the Philippines Chairman, Farm Machinery Section Early attempts to introduce mechanical power for farm operations in the Philippines gave discouraging results. Miller* (1913), writing on power plowing in the Islands, made the statement that prior to the occupation of the Islanrls by the Americans in 1898, a set of cable plows and two or three traction engines, all of European make, were brought to the isla.nd of Negros for tests. The units were tried on sugar cane plantations. The result of the tests was so unsatisfactory U1at for a period of about seven years people made no further effort to use mechanical power on the farm. It was reported that Jn these tests, with a deep plowing of from 30 to 40 centimeters, the subsoil was brought to the surface, which gave a poor crop. The traction wheels were found to be narrow and the mechanical construction very cumbersome. In the agricultural districts, where working animals were either butchered for food or were killed by disease during and following the period of political unrest, the need for mechanical power was felt with increasing urgency. An Americanmade plowing engine and gang moldboard plows were imported by the Bureau of Agriculture in 1904 and were tried in the rice region of Central Luzon. Successful results were obtained on moist sandy loam soil, but the plow failed to work on dry clay soil. Light disk plows were also tried but were found to give results only on moist soil; when the units were tried on heavy clay soil, the results were unsatisfactory. The Bureau of Agriculture from 1905 to 1908 carried out investigations with the object in view of improving the design * Miller, Z. K. 1913. Power plowing in the Philippines. The Philippine Agricultural Review. Vol. VI., No. 2, p. 66-73. plates II-V. 600 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 601 of the plows so as to make them better adapted to Philippine conditions. Alterations were made on the arrangement of disk plow settings and stronger materials were used. W1ith these changes, the results in plowing were satisfactory on light, sandy, and moist soils, but they were still not very effective on heavy clay soil. In large sugar centrals, steam cable plowing was done to quite an extent because it worked well where the light tractor plow or the use of draft animals failed. These steam units are not now used. Many centrals have been pioneers in the use of large cultivators, harrows, and tractors of different makes. The fuels used were steam, kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, distillate, and alcohol-blends. Strangeley, sugar centrals which for many years depended on farm machinery extensively have reverted to the use of man and animal labor for moist of their tillage practices. The reason, apparently, is that some of the traction engines which used kerosene as fuel were not very successful because the engines and the plows were not strong enough to stand hard usage and were not economical. Studies were also made by the Bureau of Agriculture in 1909-1910 on the adaptability of small walking moldboard plows. With four bullocks as the motive power, 10-inch plows were found to be fairly satisfactory on moist soils. Several American-made light plows were found to do excellent work with one bullock. The practice usually followed was first to plow the ground to a depth that the animal could easily pull, then harrow it and finally to cross plow with deeper cut. The College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, was one of the government entities to make an early attempt to use modern implements on the farm. But many of the tillage machines were found to be either too heavy for the draft animals or too cumbersome to use. Few of the implements fully met the specific needs. No extensive studies have been undertaken to determine the suitability of foreign-made implements to Philippine conditions. From 1910 to date very few authentic studies have been published on tractors, gang moldboard plows, disk plows, harrows, harvesters, cultivators, or on threshing machines, hullers, 602 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL grinders, etc. Publications that might show definitely the relative merits and faults of farm mechanization are not available. Apparently, there have been no reliable and extensive tests on the use of modern mechanical equipment, of labor-saving devices on the farm, and on the relation between cost of crop production and the use of machines. Extensive experimental ·studies are necessary to establish the basic facts and principles of methods that will meet the mechanical requirement of present agricultural practices in the Philippines. CERAMICS IN THE PHILIPPINES AND ITS POSSIBILITIES By S. DEL MUNDO Of the Bureau of Science Secretary, Di'L•isiun of Engineering and Industrial Research In this article, an account of ceramics in the Phrilippines will be given and the possibilities of the industry discuEsed. Enamelling on metal and the manufacture of cement, gypsum, lime, and allied products will not be taken up as these industries do not really fall under the term ceramics, although they bear a close relationship to the true ceramic industries. EARTH AND CLAY PRODUCTS The manufacture of clay products has been carried on for a long time in groups of small establishments in thirty-six of the forty-eight provinces of the Islands. The products consist chiefly of primitive unglazed pottery ware, brick, tile, and pipes. Very little, if any, has been produced along the line of fine ceramics, although some of the manufactured ware reveals considerable skill on the part of the artisan, especially when the limited equipment and the crude implements of manufacture are taken into account. The manufacture of pottery is practiced as a household industry in much the same way as in the Aichi and Gifu Prefectures in Japan, and in Westerwald and Bqnzlau in Germany. The making of pots is done by women while the men attend to the obtaining of the raw material and the marketing of the product. The trade occupies the same place in the family economic system which hat making, embroidery, or hand weaving occupies in some towns, and the work is taken up and dropped according to the family convenience or needs. Whereas in the foreign places mentioned, the art of pottery-making has been fostered and has advanced beyond the rudimentary stage, in the Philippines the industry nas remained in the same primitive state in which it was in the beginning. Pottery as a hou~hold industry hag assumed respectable proportions in foreign countries and products of all kinds, from the finest porcelain to the crudest earthenware, are produced. In the Philippines the out603 604 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL put is limited to unglazed red ware made from a mixture of alluvial ferruginous clay of high plasticity and river sand, the latter being necessary to counteract shrinkage. The methods of manufacture in vogue in the Philippines nowadays, interesting as they may be, will not be described as they would in no way be materially different from the several accounts which have appeared in the publications of the Bureau of Science. Several cuts reproduced in this article have been obtained from the publications which are given below (Adams and Pratt, 1910; Crowe, 1912; Christie, 1914; Witt, 1918; Dar Juan and Reyes, 1924-1925). Primitive and undeveloped as the pottery industry may he in the Philippines, and limited as the output of the individual manufacturer may be, the industry is not at all insignificant. Its exitent as reported by the provincial treasurers to the Bureau of Science in 1925 (more recent data not available) amounted to P202,784. This figure is not complete as it does not show returns from several provinces. Neither does it include the production of potteries in the vicinity of Manila. In this region, the production is fairly large and consists of flower pots (paso), large jars '(ba:iiga), round-bottomed pots (palayok) for cooking rice, containers for sugar, rice, vinegar (tinajas or tapayan), conical-shaped receptacles (pilones) used in the manufacture of sugar. These products are readily sold on account of the proximity of the places of manufacture to populated centers. The census report of 1918 shows that even 14 years ago the annual production in the vicinity of Manila amountt:-d to P96,869. In spite of the use of imported household utensils such as aluminum, enamel, and metal-ware, which have to some extent displaced the products of local potteries in recent years, it would not be an exaggeraition to place the annual production of pottery and clay products in the Philippines at about half a million pesos. Adams and Pratt estimated this at P400,000 for 1909, while the census report for 1918 placed it at P434,227.88. According to 1918 Census, during the period from 1903 to 1918, the number of pottery establishments in the Philippines registered an increase of 60 per cent. A half million pesos derived from an industry which has remained undeveloped, should provide an incentive to help it forge ahead. Modern methods of manufacture will certainly ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-1935 605 give the pottery industry a greater impetus and make it more efficient. In the opinion of the writer, gradual develorment which would not involve large investments should start with the production of more glazed articles to replace the red unglazed ware of the market, and the introduction of a suitable type of furnace to obtain better burning. Improvement in the quality of the products would create a better appreciation of the ware by the consumer and the pottery industry could then command a better market. The manufacture of ceramic material for constructional work such as common and .sintered bricks, sand-lime brick, refractory silica ware, vitrified tiles, and sintered sewage pipes offers alluring incentives for exploitation. Suitable raw materials in workable quantities have been proven to exist. Experiments on these materials were undertaken by the Bureau of Science and the results have established their suitability for the purpose. (Cox, Reibling and Reyes, 1912; Witt, 1916)· The table of imports given below was obtained from the annual report of the Insular Collector of Customs. Imports Fire-brick .................. . Other brick ................. . Tiles ....................... . Sewage pipes and conducts .. Total ................... . 1931 f'133,256 15,147 177,823 142,478 P340,478 1930 P'187,213 37,482 159,359 37,621 P421,675 1932 Pl65,910 7,130 6,409 157,511 P336,960 These figures show that there is a market for the above mentioned products. The problem of fuel and means of transportation should be solved, in the opinion of the writer, before lthe class of goods described could be successfully exploited. The use of oil-fired furnaces and the development of a kiln suitable for firing with coconut shells shall reactive due consideration. In several countries of South America, coconuts and coconut shells have been used as fuel with favorable results. - The prospect of manufacturing white ware and porcelain does not seem to be so attractive. In the past only two serious attempts to make porcelain have been registered in the Philippines. A Japanese merchant, M. Tagawa, built and operated a kiln in Bocaue, Bulacan. A more serious effort was made by Enrique Zobel who built a plant and installed some 606 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL machinery on the Pasig River west of San Pedro Macati. Some fine specimens were produced in this factory. Both enterprises failed, and ·with their failure efforts to make porcelain and sintered ware of a better quality ceased. There are many deposits of white burning or light colored earths in the Philippines. Quartz of a grade suitable for the manufacture of fine ceramic ware is not wanting, but the known ~ources are located at a considerable distance from the clay deposits. What has been said of quartz applies equally well to feldspar and feldspathic materials. As far as the writer is aware, no promising source of feldspar' has been reported so far. Nature does not seem to have been as kind to the Philippines as it has been to such places as Tokitsu, Taj imi, and Seto in Japan, Meissen in Germany, and Karlsbad in Czechoslovakia, where all raw materials are centralized in one spot and where the cost of transportation and fuel are reasonably low. Porcelain and vitrified ware could be made out of Philippine raw materials, but it is doubtful if under existing conditions the local product could be manufactured at a cost which would enable it to compete with ware imported from countries which have the advantages of priority in the industry, of a centralized source of raw materials, of a cheap source of fuel and skilled labor, and of excellent means of transportation. GLASS A glass factory operated in Santa Ana some time ago was the forerunner to the present plant in San Juan. This plant turns out bottles for its chief product and operates mainly on "cullet" (broken glass). The operation of the factory is very intermittent and its production does not meet the demand. The total imports of glass and glassware for 1931 amounted to Pl,376,391 of which P465,l 73 corresponds to imports of empty bottles, jars and demijohns, and P263,287 to tableware. The manufacture ?f these articles could well be underlaken in the Philippines. Dar Juan and Elicaiio conducted experiment!! which demonstrated the feasibility of Philippine raw materials for glass making. When the relatively high cost of fuel and transportation, and the lack of skilled labor in the Philippines are considered, it would seem as though it would be inadvisable to exploit the industry with small plants similar to the one operating in San Juan. The cost of production of such a plant ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-1935 607 is too high to enable rthe product to compete successfully with the imported. A plant equipped with oil-fired day tanks of about two· tons glass capacity in conjunction with semi-automatic blowers of a type s:imilar to the Schiller machine would be more efficient and desirable. Such a plant would operate on fuel oil, which is cheap in the Philippines. It would be less dependent on skilled labor wl11ch is locally very expensive and scarcely available. The use of tanks instead of crucible pots for melting glass would lessen the hazard of breakage and the consequent outlay on crucible. A two ton day tank would cost approximately P6,000. Blowing machines and molds to operate with such a tank would require a similar outlay of capital. Such a plant should mw'.: the demand for bottles, fl.asks, tumblers, and small pressed ware. With the development of the ceramic industries in the Philippines, nearly two and a half milLion pesos worth of imports could be retained in the Islands and an excellent source of employment for the masses would be provided. At a time when all nations are striving to become self-sufficient, to give serious thought to the exploitation of the ceramic industries would not be amiss. LITERATURE CITED ADA.Ms, G. T. and W. E. PRATT. 1910. Philippine pottery. Pkilip. Jour. Sci., v. 5A:143-151. ANONYMOUS. 1918. Census of the Philippine Islands. v. 4:504. CHRISTIE, E. B. 19U. Notes on •the pottery industry in San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Pkilip. Jour. Sci., v. 9D:117-120. Cox, A. G., W. C. REIBLING and F. D. REYES. 1912. Sand-lime brick and artificial sand stones in the Philippines. Pkilip. Jour. Sci., v. 7A: 317-353. CROWE C. H. 1912. Philippine Pottery. Trans. Ger. Soc., v .14: 723-730. DAR JUAN, T. and F. D. REYES. 1924-1925. Clay Products. The Mineral Resources of tke Philippine Islands, p. 91-98. WITT, J. C. 1916. Philippine paving-brick materials: A preliminary report. Philip. Jour. Sci., v. 11A:203-219. WI'l"I', J. C. 1918. Methods of burning pottery in the vicinity of Manila and their influence on the quality of the product. Pkilip. Jour. Sci., v. 13A :59-63. TESTS AND STANDARDS By JOSE C. ESPINOSA Of the Bureau of Science Chairman, Section of Paper and Allied Products Section 1875 of Act No. 2711, known as the Administrative Code, provides, as one of the functions of the Bureau of Science, to "maintain laboratories respectively devoted to chemistry .... in which shall be conducted all government work appropriate to their several functions, whether required by the Bureau of Science itself or other Departments or Bureaus of the Insular Government.'' It has therefore been a general policy to perform various tests on supplies and materials purchased by the Philippine Govermenit such as food, drugs, building and road materials, paints and dils,. <textiles, etc., at the Bureau of Science, as a protective step in the buying and accepting of delivery of said supplies and materials. .Oftentimes the Bureau of Science is called upon to settle controversies between the government office and private individuals and firms regarding the delivery of goods, and it has been found necessary to draft certain sets of tests for the various articles purchased. These sets of tests cons1liitute the specifications for class or quality of materials required by the Government. The Federal Government Specifications, the U. S. Navy Specifications, and the Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials are followed as much :as poSS:ible except for some minor changes to suit them to local conditions. The largest industrial enterprises of the country, among which may be mentioned the cement industry, the lime industry, the sugar industry, the palint and oil industry, all owe their exis.tence to this particular activity of the Bureau. Thousands of tests on cement and concrete are made annually. Physical tests on steel, rope, asphalt, bricks, tiles, stones, cloth, paper, are also performed. Analyses are made of rocks, clays, minerals, soils and fertilizers, iron and steel, paints, pigments, oils, metals and alloys, crude chemicals, cellulose materials, waters, 608 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 609 for the government as well as for private individuals, and these analyses constitute the basis for the establishment of other industries. The Bureau of Science, in accordance with Article 2711, is the Custodian of the fundamental Standards of weight, the kilogram "L" and the fundamental standard of length, the meter No. 20, for the Philippine Islands. These standards have been compared by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Severs, France and have been declared by law the fundamental standards of the government. The standardization of weights and :measures thus becomes one of the regular functions of the Bureau. Comparisons of the secondary standards of weights and measures used by the Provinces and Municipalities are periodically made with the primary standards. This laboratory of tests and standards is really the nucleus of industrial research because here one makes an acquaintance with the constituents that go into the manufacture of industrial products. One gets a large amount of information regarding our local natural resources. Here is the rich hunting ground for any researcher. A large amount of research work is carried on in the U. S. Bureau of Standards in connection with routine work. It seems quite the logical thing to do since it is very difficult to separate routine from research or vice versa. Efficiency is always attained where these two activities go hand in hand. Btport of the ltational lttseardt touncil of tht :Philippine Islands PART Ill BIOGRAPHICAL DATA AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF THE MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS The biographical and bibliographical data on the life and works of the members of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands have been compiled in this part of the report with the cooperation of the staff of the Scientific Library of the Bureau of Science, for the purpose of making available as reference to research workers the numerous contributions of the scientists in the Philippines scattered in the different scientifie publications. The bibliography is classified under three headings : books, scientific contributions and general contributions. Treatises, manuals, monographs and brochures are classified under books; original scientific articles are grouped under scientific contributions, articles of general scientific interest which are not necessarily supported with experimental observations are printed under general contributions. The Council does not pretend that this bibliography is complete, but an effort will be made to supplement it in order to make it as complete as possible. The letters and figures given after the reference in periodicals represent the call numbers of the reference as classified in the Scientific Library of the Bureau of Science. 290628-1 611 BIOGRAPHICAL DATA AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF THE MEMBERS ABELLO, TOMAS P.-College of Liberal Arts, U. P.; 58 Arquiza, Ermita; Peiiaranda, Nueva Ecija. Physics. Peiiaranda, Nueva Ecija, Apr. 28, 98. B.S.M.E., U.P., 20; M.A., Harvard, 24-26; Ph.D., Chicago Univ., 28. Asso. Prof., Physics, U.P., 20-34. Am. Assn. for Advancement of Science; Sigma Xi; Sigma Pi Sigma; Philip. Scientific Society; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Absorption of ultra-sonic waves by hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Nati011al academy of science. Proceedings, v.13, no.10:699701. Qll.N27. 1928. Absorption of ultra-sonic waves by various gases. Physical review, v. 31, no. 6:1083-1091. QC1.P5. 1932. Contribution of physics to the progress of other sciences. University of the Philippi:nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:197-201. Q75. U5. ADAMS, WALLACE.-Fish and Game, Port Area, Manila; 1126-C Dewey Blvd. Taxidermy and Ichthyology. Washington, D. C., July 31, 81. Preparator and taxidermist, U.S. Nat. Museum, 02-07; Asst. Supt., Steinhart Aquarium, San Francisco, 23-29; Chief, Div. of Fisheries, Bu. of Science, Manila, 29; Chief, Div. of Fish and Game, Dept. of Agr. & Commerce, Manila, 34. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Cultivation of bangos in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 1-38. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of Science. Popular bulletin no. 12. Q75.P56. Ql.P56. 1933. The jewels of the sea. Philippine touring topics, v.1, no. 2:11-16. ADRIANO, FELIPE T.-Magnolia Dairy Products, San Miguel Brewery, Manila; 412 Vermont, Malate; Malolos, Bulacan. Chemistry.. Hagonoy, Bulacan, May 1, 99. B.Agr., U. P., 19; M.Sc., Un;v. of Wisconsin, 20; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 29. Sugar Chemist and Repres., Laguna, Batangas, Sugar Planters Assn., 20-21; Analyst (chemist), Coll. of Agr. 22-24; Asst. Prof., Chemistry, 24-28; Asso. Prof., 31-32, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Tobacco chemist, Bu. of PI. Industry, 32-33; Chief, Agric. chemistry and Soil Technology, Bu. of PI. Industry, 32-34; Chief of Div., Bu. of PI. Industry, 34; In charge, Industrial Exhibits, First Nat. Agric. and Commercial Exp·osition, 34; Technical Director, Magnolia Dairy Products, San M.iguel Brewery, Manila, 34. Los Baiios Biol. Club, Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. for the Advancement of 613 614 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ADRIANO, FELIPE T.-Continued. Res.; Beta Sigma Chi; Soc. of Chemical Ind. of London; The Franklin Inst. of Phil.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Traveling fellow of University of the Philippines to U. S. A. and Europe. BOOKS 1928. The chemical composition of Philippine food materials, by F. O. SANTOS and F. T. ADRIANO, ~anila, Bur. of print., 20p. TX551.S2. Foods and feeding stuffs. Laboratory manual of agricultural analysis. Department of Agricultural chemistry, College of agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos. Soils and fertilizers. Laboratory manual of agricultural analysis. Department of Agricultural chemistry, College of agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos. 1930. Manual for elementary quantitative chemical analysis. Manila, The Educational Supply, 269 p. QD101.A23. 1932. Fundamentals of glass blowing required in the construction, modification and repair of laboratory glass apparatus. Ilaya Press, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. A volumetric method for the determination of lactose by alkaline potassium· permanganate. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 213-220. Tables. Ql. P56. 1923. The concentration of the hydrogen ions and the liming of the mixed juice. Sugar News, v. 4:65-68. TP375.S4. 1925. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: ·57-91, 1929, v. 18: 119123. Sl 7. P53. 1927. The calcium oxide content of some Philippine foods. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14 :337-357. Sl 7. P53. 1929. The use of steam in Kjeldahl nitrogen determination. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 509-510. Illus. Sl 7. P53. Some preliminary studies on ether-extract determinatjon. Philippine agriculturist, v.18: 379-386. Sl 7. P53. 1931. The fertilizing constituents of fresh solid excreta voided by Philippine horses, by v ALENTE VILLEGAS, MAMERTA MANAHAN and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20:19-26. S17.P53. The phosphorus and calcium content of some Philippine food products. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20 :34-48. Tables. Sl 7. P53. 'The nutritive value of green, ripe and sport coconuts (buko, niyog and makapuno). Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 195-198. S17.P53. ·The relative efficiency of different chemical agents in bleaching buri fiber. Philippine agriculturist, v.20:477-485. S17.P53. The food value of Philippine mushrooms. Philippine magazine, v. 28, no. 7 :330-362. Ll. P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 611> ADRIANO, FELIPE T.-Continued. 1931. An inexpensive stand and heater for the modified Soxhlet's extractor. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :333-335. Q75. U5. 1932. The proximate chemical analysis of Philippine foods and feeding stuffs. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 530-534. Sl 7.P53. The proximate chemical analysis of some Philippine food products. Philippin,e agriculturist, v. 20 :580-59. Sl 7. P53. A rapid modified method of detecting and estimating hydrocyanic acid suitable for field tests. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3 :105-109. S17 .P51. The proximate chemical composition of Philippine feeds. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3:211-216. Tables. S17 .P51. Farm and home canning of Philippine fruits and vegetables. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 231-249. Sl 7. P51. The pectin content of some Philippine fruits. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 273-279. Table. Sl 7.P51. The composition and mixing of commercial fertilizers. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 289-309. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P51. The chemical composition of some Philippine feeds and feeding stuffs. Philippine poultry journal, v. 1 :6-7. SF481.P5. Notes on an improved device for adding the saturated alkali solution in the Kjeldahl method for nitrogen determination. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:27-32. Diagr., tables. Q75.U5. 1933. The chemical composition of Philippine mushrooms, by R. A. CRUZ, and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4:1-6. Tables, illus., plates. Sl 7.51. The value of Philippine fruits and vegetables for the preparation of fermented and unfermented pickles. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 13-30. Tables, illus., plates. S17.P51. Studies on the quick freezing of Philippine fruits and the utilization of the frozen packed products. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 41-57. Tables, illus., plates. Sl 7.P51. The chemical composition of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco leaves of the aromatic and nonaromatic types. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 87-95. Tables. S17.P51. Chemical changes occuring during the salting of chicken and duck eggs under different treatments. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 151-165. Illus. Sl 7.P51. Studies on the refining of Philippine honey, by S. OLIVEROS and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 201-214. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P51. Preparation of vinegar from Philippine fruits and other saccharine materials, by H. L. YLIZARDE and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 215-228. Tables. Sl 7.P51. Characteristics of Philippine vinegars, by J. BANZON and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 229-237. Tables. S17.P51. 616 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ADRIANO, FELIPE T.-Continued. 1933. Possibilities of developing the cassava industry in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 271-285. Tables S17 .P51. The natural color preservation of Philippine plant materials for museum or exhibition purposes. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3 :121-125. Q75. U5. The preparation of wines from Philippine fruit.a and other saccharine materials. University of the Philippines. Natural and . applied scien,ce bulletin, v. 3 :443-450. 'Tables. Q75. U5. The chemical analysis of some Philippine poultry and other feeds. Philippine poultry journal, v. 3, no. 2:4. SF481.P5. 1934. 'The cultivation, toxic constituent.a, uses, chemical analysis and extraction of derris. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5: 1-12. Tables. S17.P51. The Lane-Eynon volumetric method for the determination of lactose in milk. Philippine journal of science, v. 54: 83-89. Tables. Q1.P56. The value, methods of manufacture and chemical composition of fish and other kinds of meals for stock and poultry feeds. Stockman and farmer. v. 1, no. 4: 5-25. SF1.S8. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. The chemical composition of the Philippine feeds. Philippine Herald, April 8, 1933. (Poultry Supplement.) Notes on and the commercial possibilities of quick-freezing in the Philippines. (Delivered before the weekly meeting of the PanPacific Club, held at the School of Hygiene and Public Health, U. P. November 10, 1933.) Philippine Herald, Nov. 11, 1933. Something about the chicle and chewing gum. Farm and home. v. 2:11-13. S17.F2. The preparation of fermented pickles. Farm and home, v. 2:241255. Sl 7. F2 . ._ The preparation of toilet and laundry soaps from coconut oil. Farm and home, v. 2: 284-309. Sl 7.F2. The banana. Philippine magazine, v. 28:527-550. Ll.P5. The buri palm and the buntal hat. The Philippine magazine, v. 30:93-119. Ll.P5. The nutritive value of pinipig. The Philippine magazine, v. 30: 211, 192, 210. L1.P5. ContributiOns to some Philippine food industries. Swckman and farmer, v. 1, no. 2 :5-27. SFl. SS. Basi or sugar cane wine. Philippine magazine, v. 30:229-256. Ll.P5. 1929. The composition of commercial sugar from centrals, by Delfin · Suerte abstracted by F. T. Adriano. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 149-151. Sl 7. P53. 1932. The value of the papaya. Philippine magazine, v. 29 :299-325. Ll.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 617 ADRIANO, FELIPE T.-Continued. 1934. The preparation of Nata de pma. The PhiliP"P'iJne ;ournal of education, v.16:373-379. L69.P5. The Philippine carabao mango and its commercial utilization. Philippine magazine, v. 31, no.1:15-42. Ll.P5. The nutritive value and importance of the avocado. Philippine magazine, v. 31 no. 4:156-165. Ll.P5. Baking powders or leaving agents. Stockman and farmer, v.1, no. 5:20-21. SR1.S8. An improved method of manufacturing Nata de piiia. Stockman and farmer, v.1, no. 7:7-25. SF1.S8. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS AFABLE, VALENTIN.-Afable Coll. of Med., Espaiia and Paredes; Manila · Heights Hospital, Rizal. M.D., Chicago Coll. of Med. 17. Dir., Manila Heights Hosp. ; Pres., Afable Coll. of Med. and Hosp., Inc. Manila Med. Soc.; charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. 1926. Pulmonary tuberculosis among Filipino ex-service men of the United States Army and Navy. Nationp,l congress on tuberculosis proceedings, first, p. 191-213. RC307.N2. 1931. A case of situs inversus discovered in the operation room. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22, 5:174-177. R97.5:R4. AFRICA, CANDIDO M.-School of Hygiene and Public Health, U •. P.; 1380 Taft A venue, Manila; Lipa, Batangas. Parasitoloyy. Lipa, Batangas, Oct. 3, 95. M. D., College of Medicine, U. P., 26; D.T.M., London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 28-29 ; Harvard Medical School, 3 mos. 1929-1930; Tropen Institut, Hamburg, Germany 8 mos. 1929; Johns Hopkins University, 10 mos. 30-31. Instructor in Parasitology, U.P., 1920-25; Assistant Prof. Parasitology, U.P., 1925-32; Associate Prof. Parasitology & Head of the Department, U. P., 1932-34. Assn. of Tropical Med.; Am. Soc. of Parasitologists; Philip. Scientific Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Phi Kappa Phi; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to London and Hamburg; Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation; U.P. Fellow to Hardvard and Johns Hopkins Univ.; Bureau of Animal Industry, Wash., D. C. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Certain developmental stages of Ascaris lumbricoides ova in the liver tissue, by CARLOS MONSERRAT and c. M. AFRICA. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 22:459-465. Plate. Ql.P56. 1926. Is there ascaris nephritis? Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:209-215. R97.5:P57. 1927. Cysticercus cellulosae in man. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:209-215. R97.5:P57. Observations upon the experimental feeding of various species of mosquitoes on filariated blood; preliminary report. PkiliPpine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 330-336. Illus., tables. R97.5:P57. 618 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AFRICA, CANDIDO M.-Continued. · 1927. Notes on malaria. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1:4749, 59, 66. R97. 5: S2. Prevention against malaria. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1:93-96. R97.5:S2. Treatment of malaria. San Juan de Dios hos:pital. Bulletin, v.1:125-126, 137. R97 .5:S2. The fauna of the mount. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1 :125-126, 137. R97. 5 :S2. 1928. The hazards of ascariasis. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2 :36-38. R97. 5: S2. 1929. On two German heterophyidae with notes on the variability of certain structures. Zentralblatt fur bakteriologie, parasitenkunde und infektions-krankheiten, 1.Abt. v. 114 :81-86. QRl. C4. 1930. The excretory system of Cercarlaeum lintoni Miller 1926. Journal of parasitology, v. 17, pt. 1 :14-17. Figs. Also in Johns Hopkins University. School of hygien,e & public health. Collected papers, 1930-1931, v.12, No. XLV:14-17. CR111.J6. QL57.J8. Pleurogenes loosi, sp. nov. from the small intestine of water frogs (Rana esculenta). Zentra.lblatt fur bakteriologie, parasitenkunde und infektionskrankheiten, 1.Abt. v. 115 :448-451. Figs. QR1.C4. 1931. Studies on the activity of the infective larvae of the rat strongylid, Nippostrongylus muris. Journal of -parasitology, v.17: 196-206. QL757. JS. Treatment of experimental trichinosis in rabbits with neutroftavine. Society for experimental biology and medicine. Proceedings, v. 28:432-434. QP1.S7. 1932. Elucidation of the pulmonary phase of the life history of Ascaris lumbricoides in man. University of the Phili'P'J)ines. Natural and applied science bulletin. v. 2 :254-256. Q75. U5. Studies on experimental creeping eruption in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:89-101. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1933. An arthropod associated with a chronic dermatitis involving the face. Phili'P'J)ine journal of science, v. 50:205-209. Ql.P56. Experimentally induced otomycosis in monkeys. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3 :281291. Plate. Q75. U5. Mycozol as a fungicide, Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:204-208. Tables. R97 .5:P57. 1934. Three cases of poisonous insect bite involving Triatoma rubrof asciata. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 169-176. Plate. Q1.P56. On the parasitology of Schistosomiasis japonica, with notes on the imminence of its spread to new areas in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:247 (Abstract.) Bertiella corti, sp. nov., a new tapeworm of man in the Philippines. Pkili'P'J)ine journal of science, (In press.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 619 AFRICA, CANDIDO M . ..:....Continued. 1934. Experimental infection of Philippine cyclops with the coracidia of Diphyllobothrium manson11 Cobbold, 1882. Philippine journal of hygiene, (In press) A rat tapeworm (Raillietina garrisoni Tubangui, 1931). Transmissable to man with notes on Davainea madagascariensis. Garrison 1911. Philiwine journal of hygiene, (In press) AGUILAR, RAFAEL HIPOLITO.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 229 Alonso, Malate, Manila; Candaba, Pampanga. Industrial Chemistry. Candaba, Pamp. Mar. 10, 85. Univ. of Wisconsin, 07-09; 1st, 2nd, & part of 3rd year; Univ. of Chicago, Summer 08; Univ. of Michigan 09-10; 3rd & part of 4th year; Univ. of Ill. Summer 10. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 05; Ch. E., Univ. of Missouri. 11, Chemist, Ill. Steel Co., 11-12, Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill. 12-13 (Jolliet, Ill); Bu. of Sci., Manila, 15 to date; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council Philippine Islands. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. The oxygen-consuming power of natural waters, by GEORGE W. HEISE and R. H. AGUILAR. Philippine jou'T11al of science, v.11A:37-47. Tables. Ql.P51. The chemical purification of swimming pools, by GEORGE W. HEISE and R. H. AGUILAR. Philippine journal of science, v. 11A:105123. Tables, diagr. Also in Spanish Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3:542-550. R106.A8. Ql.P56. 1917. A comparison of linseed oil and lumbang oils as paint vehicles. Philippine journal of science, v. 12A :235-245. Tables, plate, diagr. Ql. P51. 1919. The lumbang-oil industry in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 14 :257-285. Q1.P56. 1923. Chemical characters of the waters of Angat and Montalban rivers. Philippine journal of science, v. 22 :43-55. Tables, map. Ql.P56. 1927. Concrete value of Philippine sand, gravel and crushed stone. Philippine journal of science, v. 32:421-505. Ql.P56. Composition and comparative service va~ue under Philippine conditions of some imported prepared paints. Philippine journal of science, v.33:177-197. Ql.P56. 1931. Manila water supplies, by LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO, R. H. AGUILAR, LouRDES OCAMPO, O'I"I'O ScHOBL, T. V. RosARIO-RAMIREZ, and F. W. McCAw. Philippine journal of science. v. 45:119-210. Plates, illus. maps, also in Philippine Islands Bureau of science, Popular bulletin 9. Q75.P56. Ql.P56. Artesian-well waters in Manila and neighboring municipalities, by R. H. AGUILAR and LoURDES OCAMPO. Philippine journal of science, v. 45:151-181. Tables. Ql.P56. Relative radioactivity of deep-well waters· in Manila and vicinity. Philippine journal of science, v. 45:183-199. Tables. Ql.P56. 1932. Deterioration of hypochlorites. Philippine journal of science, v. 47:25-243. Tables, charts. Ql.P56. 620 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ALBERT, JOSE Y MAYORALGO.-Coll. of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; 500 Zurbaran, Manila. Pediatrics. Manila, Apr. 3, 67. A.B., Ateneo de Manila, 82; L.M., Univ. of Madrid, Spain, 87; M.D., Univ. of Madrid, 89. Prof., Med. Jurisprudence & Pediatrics, U.P., 06; Prof. of Pediatrics, U.P., 07; Actg. Dean, Coll. of Med., U.P., 21; Chief of Clinics, U. P., 22; Prof. and Head, Dept., Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Fellow, Am. Med. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1914. Committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Report l>f the government committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands, January 31, 1914. Manila, Bur. of print., P. I. Bureau of science. Publication 1914 no. 6. Q75. P55. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. A case of infantile beriberi with autopsy report. PhilippiM journal of science, v. 3B:345-348. Ql.P52. 1910. Influencia de la practica obstetrica en la mortalidad infantil. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:145-147. R97.5:M2. La mortalidad infantil de Filipinas comparada con la mortalidad infantil de Europa y de los Estados Unidos. Manila m£dical society. Bulletin, v. 2: 286-291. Tables. R97.5: M2. 1914. Estudios etiologicos y clinicos acerca del beriberi infantil (I). Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2:555-575. Plates. R106.A8. Tratamiento del beriberi infantil por el extracto de tiquitiqui. Revista filipi,na de medicina y fannacia, v. 5 :703-708. Also in English, Philippine journal of science, 1915. v. lOB :81-85. Ql.P52. R97 .5: R4. 1916. La mortalidad ante-natal en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3 :415-418. Also in, Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 7: 152-155. R97.5: R4. R10'6.A8. Physico-mental development of Filipino children, by JosE ALBERT and TEODORO ARVISU. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 421-432. Tables. R106.A8. 1918. Study of 100 cases of typhoid fever among Filipino children, by JOSE ALBERT and TEODORO ARVISU. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 303-309. R106.A8. Clinical analysis of 101 cases of dysentery treated in the· children's ward of the Philippine general hospital in 1917, by JOSE ALBERT and JOAQUINA E. TIRONA. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipi,nas, v. 4: 310-321. Also in, Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.10: 351-361. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 621 ALBERT, JOSEY MAYORALGO-Continued. 1918. Morbidity and mortality statistics in the children's ward of the Philippine general hospital, by J. M. ALBERT and T. c. ARVISU. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y 1armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4 :334-337. R106.A8. 1919. Clinical analysis of 101 cases of dysentery treated in the children's ward of the Philippine general hospital in 1917, by J. M. ALBERT and G. E. TIRONA. Revista fil,ipina de medicina y farmaci"a, v.10:351-365. R97.5:R4. 1920. La forma pseudo-meningitica del beriberi infantil. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f arm.aceuticos de Filipinas, v. 8:338-340. Also in, Revista fil,ipina de medicina y farmacia, v.11:11-13. R97.5:R4. R106.A8. A report of three cases of scurvy, by J.M. ALBERT and G. TmoNA. Actas y comunicaciones de- la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4 : 341-343. R108.A8. Clinical analysis of one hundred cases of enterocolitis with especial reference to edema, dehydration, and putrid odor of stools, by J. M. ALBERT and F. E. HoRILLENO. Philippine journal of science, v. 17 :27-30. Tables. Ql.P56. Al consejo de higiene. Revista filipina de medici11a y fa'l"1TUU;'ia, v.11:225-230. ,R97 .5.R4. El control sanitario de la lepra. Revista. filipina de medicina 'ii farmacia, v.11:449-465. R97.5:R4. 1921. The experiment of leper segregation in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1:133-143. R97.5: P57. Philippines needs more doctors. (Editorial). Phili'/}pine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1:16Z. R97.5:P57. The responsibilities of the College of medicine and surgery of the University of the Philippines. Revista filipina de medicin,a y farmacia, v.12:331-332. R97.5:R4. 1927. Clinical features of a recent epidemic of bacillary dysentery, by J. M. ALBERTO and JAIME 0. QuIASON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:246-250. Table. R97.5:P57. 1928. Is infantile beriberi disappearing? Facts on infantile beriberi during the last thirteen years, by J. M. ALBERTO and A. N. OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:221-225. Tables. R97.5 :P57. Tuberculosis in children under five years old, by J. M. ALBERTO and M. ABAD. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :352-357. Tables. R97.5 :P57. 1930. Dispensary service at the Philippine general hospital. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:166-169. R97.5:P57. 1931. Cardiac beriberi in nursing infants. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11 :368-369. R97.5:P57. Studies on infantile beriberi on five hundred fourteen cases. Philippine journal of science, v.,45:297-319. Also in, Revista. fil,ipina de medicina y farmacia, 1932, v. 23:9-26. R97.5:R4. Ql.P56. 622 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ALBERT, JOSEY MAYORALGO.-Continued. 1932. El beriberi de forma y cardiaca en los niiios de pecho. Revistn filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23 :27-28. Also in German, Monatsschrift fur kinderheilkunde, v. 54 :80-81. In French, Nourrisson, v. 20:169-170. R97.5:R4. Acute suppurative meningitis in the neWborn; report of three cases, by J. M. ALBERT and F. N. QUINTOS.. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12:494-497. Table. R97.5: P57. 1933. Postgraduate training of physicians a pressing responsibility of the Philippine islands medical association. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:352-353. R97.5:P57. 1934. Report on some instructive cases of heavy ascariasis, by J. M. ALBERTO and P. H. PAULINO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:269-270. R97.5:P57. ALDABA, VICENTE.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 1413 Leveriza, Pasay; Los Baiios, Laguna. Fiber Technology. Malolos, Bulacan, June 12, 93. B.S.A., 15, M.S.A., 20, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; M. S., Bussey Inst. Harvard Univ., 24; D. S., 25; (Took Fiber Technology), Lomell Textile Sch., 25. Asst. in Agro., 15-17, Instr. in Agro., 20-22, Asst. Prof. of Agro., 25-29, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; In Charge, Abaca & Rubber l_>lant, Lais, Davao, 17-20; Ichthyologist, Bu. of Sci., 29-30; Chief, Fiber Research Section, Bu. of Plant Industry, 33; Actg. Agron., Bu. of Plant Industry, 33; Actg. Chief, Agron., Bu. of Plant Industry, 33. Am. Soc. of Bot.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Technical Agric.; A. A. A. S.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. Cultivation and tapping of castilloa rubber in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturiat, v. 7:274-307. Tables. S17 .P53. 1921. 'the cultivation of abaca and preparation of its fiber in Davao. Philippi'M agriculturist, v. 10: 273-228. Sl 7. P53. 1923. The fiber elements of some fiber agaves and mauritius hemp. Philippine agricultural review, v.16:120-129. Tables, plates. S17 .P5. 1926. Some technical considerations in the production of copra. College of agriculture. University of the Philippines. Experiment station circular, no. 11 :24-26. S301.E24. Tests for canton and abaca. Philippine agriculturist, v.15:117179. S17.P53. 1927. The structure and development of the cell-wall in plants. I. Bast fibers of Boehmeria and Linum. American. journal of botany, v.14:16-24. QK1.A45. 1930. The coconut leaf-miner infestation of Laguna, Batangas, and Tayabas. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 145-164. Sl 7. P51. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 623 ALDABA, VICENTE-Continued. 1931. A study of condition of coconut trees in the leaf-miner infested area. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2:51-67, 69~82. 'Tables, plates. S17.P51. Preliminary notes on the stem-rot of abaca in the Philippines, by M.ELANIO R. CALINISAN, JULIAN A. AGATI and VICENTE c. Au. DABA. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2:223-227. Plates, tr.hie. Sl 7. P51. Collecting rice cut-worms by raft. Philippine jc;urnal of agriculture, v. 2:229-232. Fig., plate. S17.P51. Fishing methods in Laguna de Bay. Philippine jq,urnal of science, v. 45:1-28. Plates, illus. Ql.P56. The kanduli fishery of Laguna de Bay. P/r.ilippine journal of science, v. 45:29-39. Ql.P56. The dalag fishery of Laguna de Bay. Philippine journal of science, v. 45:41-59. Plates, tables. Ql.P56. 1932. On the growth of coconut roots. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 59-64. Sl 7. P51. Fishing methods in Manila Bay. Philippine journal of science v. 47:405-423. Plates, diagrs., illus. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Jute in the Philippines. American chamber of commerce. Journal, v. 6, no. 3:9. HF41.A5. 1928. The "threat" against Manila hemp. Is the Philippines being forced out of the world's hemp market by the new competition from Borneo and Sumatra? by I. ELAYDA and V. C. ALDABA. Commerce and i1uiustry. Journal,, v. 4, no. 2:5, 10-li, no. 3:19, 21-22. HF41. CS. ALICANTE, MARCOS M.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; No. 23 Infante St. Addition, S. Juan, Rizal. Soil Technology. Maasin, Iloilo, Apr. 25, 95.· B. S., Oregon State College, 20; M. S., Univ. of III. 21; Ph. D., Univ. of III. 23; detailed for special work on sugar cane, Univ. of Louisiana; Univ. of Hawaii. Soil analyst, Cornwalis, Oregon, U. S., 6 mos., 20; soil analyst, Urbana, III., U. S. 21-23. Soc. of Am. Bacteriologists; Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. of Philip. Agric., Charter member, Nat. Res. Council, P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. The variability of the nodule bacteria of legumes outside the plant. Thesis (Ph. D.) University of Illinois, Soil science, v. 21, nos. 1 & 2 :27-114. Tables, plates. S591. S6. 1926. Soil micro-organisms and their relation to soil fertility. Sugar news, v.7:730-735. TP375.S4. 1927. The importance of organic matter in the soil. Sugar news, v. 8 :119-121. 'TP375. S4. Nitrifying power of some Philippine soils. Philippine journal of science, v. 32:1-27. Tables. Ql.P56. 1928. The abo-abo soil of Occidental Negros. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 391-403. Tables, illus., plate. Ql.P56. 624 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ALICANTE, MARCOS M.-Continued. · 1929. A proposed soil survey of sugar cane fields based on the principle recently advocated by Dr. Olaff Arrhenius of Java, by MANUEL M. ROXAS and MARCOS M. ALICANTE. Sugar News, v. 10: 731-746. Illus., diagrs., chart. TP375.S4. 29-30. The fertility value of soil at different depths to a total depth of four feet. Phili']YJ>ine sugar association. Annµ,al report, p. 134-137. Tables. SB215.P52. Nitrifying power of the different soil layers, each of 8-inch thirkness to a total depth of four feet. Phili']YJ>ine sugar association. Ann,ual report, p.128-134. Tables. SB215.P52. A survey of the chemistry of soils of Sara-Ajuy and Lopez Central districts. Philippine sug(J)T' association. Annual report, p. 134-137. Tables. SB215.P52. The correlation between lime treatment and hydrogenion concen• tration of soil in connection with the yields of sugar per hectare. Phili']YJ>ine sugar association. Annual report, p. 137-140 SB215.P52. The phosphoric acid and potash requirements of some sugar cane soils. Phili']YJ>ine sugar association. Annual report, p. 140-143. Tables. SB215. P52. 30-31. Geology of Negros. Philippine sugar association. Research bureau chemistry dept. Annual report, p. 207. S583.P5. The relation of the juice qualities to the mineral elements in bagasse ash. Phili']YJ>ine sugar association. Research bureau chemistry dept. Annual report, p. 209-212. S583.P5. The nutrients in bagasse ash and their solubility. Philippine sugar association. Research bureau chemistry dept.' Annual report, p.1212-216. S583.P5. Chemical survey of soils in the districts of Santos-Lopez Central, Central Danao, Ormoc Central and Tarlac Central. Philippine sugar association. Research bureau chemistry dept. Annual report, p. 216-226. S583. P5. 1932. Detailed soil survey of the districts of Isabela, Occ. Negros; BogMledellin, Cebu; Philippine Milling, Mindoro. Philippine sugar association. Annual report, p. 67-69. SB215.P52. Geology of sugar cane districts of Luzon. Philippine sugar association. Annual report, p. 69. SB215.P52. Percolation of water through soil and its relation to cane growth. Philippine sugar association. Ann,ual report, p. 69. SB215.P52. Percolation of water through soil as influenced by various treatments (lime, waste molasses, filter-press-mud). Philippine sugar association. Annual report, p. 69. SB215. P52. 32-33. Chemical survey of soils of the districts of Cebu sugar company, Cebu; Hind Sugar Co., Pangfisinan; Central Don Pedro, Batangas; and Central Calatagan, Batangas. Philippine sugar association. Annual report, p. 69-87. SB215.P52. The fertilizing value of granular ammonium sulphate as compared with the ordinary crystalline form. Philippine sugar association,. Annual report, p. 87-88. SB215. P52. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 62S ALICANTE, MARCOS M.-Continued. 32-33. The amount of moisture absorbed by centrifugal sugar in storage. Phi<lippine sugar association. Annual report, p. 89. SB21S.PS2. 1932. The concentration of plant nutrients in the different soil layers, of 8-inch thickness to a total depth of four feet. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:21S-216. Q7S. us. ALVIR, ANTONIO DELGADO.-Salacot Mining Co. 30, Escolta, P. 0. Box 489; No. 9 Verdum Place, Addition Hills, San Juan del Monte, Rizal. Mining Engineering. Bulacan, Bulacan, July 4, 98. A. B., U. P., 17; E. M. Colorado School of Mines, 20; M. S., Ph.D., Univ. of Chicago, 21, 30; Univ. of California, 1 year. Geologist, Bu. of Sci., Manila, 23-29; Prof. Leet., U. P., 2S-28; Mining Engineer, Salacot Exp. Co., Bulacan, 29-33; Super., Salacot Mining Co. Bulacan, 33; Member and Sec. Treas., Philip. Board of Exam. for Mining Engineers, Manila, 27-29. Kappa. Epsilon Pi; Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc., charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow of the Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. 34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. A geological study of the Angat-N ovaliches region. Philippine journal of sci6nce, v. 40 :3S9-419. Plates. Ql.PS6. 1930. Potable artesian water in Rizal province, Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 41 :7S-83. Map., tables, Ql.PS6. Antamokite, a new gold-silver telluride. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 137-139. Plate. Ql. PS6. Geology and under-ground-water resources of central Panay. Philippine journal of science, v. 42:443-463. Map., plates. Ql.PS6. ARGUELLES, ANGEL S.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 479 Burgos, Pasay. Batangas, Batangas. Agricultural Chemistry. Batangas, Batangas, Aug. lS, 88. B. S., Univ. of Ill., 09. Worked in various Bureaus of U. S. Dept. of Agr. particularly in Bul"eaus of Chemistry, Soils and Pl. Industry; Chief Div. of Soils and Fertilizers, Bu. of Sci.; Director, Bu of Sci., Manila, 34. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Soc. Agric. Technol.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Internat. Soc. of Sugar-cane Technologists. 1914. The soils of the islands of Luzon, by ALVIN J. Cox and A. S. ARGUELLES. Philippine journal of science, v. 9A :1-SO. Plates, map, illus. QI.PSI. 1916. Galvanized-iron roofing in the Philippines. Philippin,e journal of science, v. llA: 177-189. Illus., tables; also in Philippine engineering and architecture, 1921, v. l: 173-178. New Jerseyzinc co. Research bulletin, 1922. TS660.A6. TA4.P49. QI.PSI. 1917. The composition and moisture content of the soils in the types of vegetation at different elevations on Mount Maquiling, by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ANGEL s. ARGUELLES. Philippine journal of science, v. 12A: 221-233. Tables, plates, diagor. QI. PSI. 626 NA'DIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL I ARGUELLES, ANeEL S.-Continued. 1921. Accelerllting the development of technical industries in the Islands. Philippine engineering and a·rckitecture, v.1:145-146, in Spanish, p. 269-270. TA4.P49. The importance of a fertilizer law for the Philippines. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. 1: 253-254; also in Sugar news, v. 564-566. TP375.54. TA4.P49. Sources of fertilizer constituents in the Philippines. Sugar news, v.3:595-598. TP375.S4. 1923. Some technical phases of the coconut oil industry. National forum, v.2, no.7:25-35. AP8.N2. 1926. Fertilizers in sugar cane production. Sugar news, v. 7: 358-362. TP375.S4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1928. Use of fertilizers by Philippine farmers is increasing. Establishment of sugar centrals here accelerated the extensive application of fertilizers-increase in yield as high as 40 piculs a hectare. Commerce and industry. Journal, v. 4, no. 6:3, 10. HF41.C8. ARGUELLES, MANUEL Y MARASIGAN.--800-806 Raop, Ma~ila. Serology. Batangas, Batangas, Jan. 22, 91. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 14; Post-graduate courses in X-ray and Serology, Columbia Univ., 14, 19-20, Harvard Univ., 15-16, Mass. Inst. Technology1 l5, New York Univ., 21. Instr., Univ. Philip., 16-17; Resident Physician, Bu. of Health, 17-18; Bacteriologist, Bu. of Health, 21-28. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas (Pres. 32-33); Member, Board of Directors, Manila Med. Soc., 29-33; Far Eastern· Assn. of Tropical Medicine; Am. Soc. of Tropical Med.; Fellow, Am. Med. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to U. S .Univ. for X-Ray, 14-10; Bu. of Health Fellow to U. S. Uniy. for Serology, 19-21. BOOKS 1923. A simple manual for sanitary inspectors, prepared, by JOSE P. BANTUG, PBOCESO GABRIEL and MANUEL v. ARGUELLES under the direction of VICENTE DE JEsus. Manila, Bu. of print. Plates, diagrs. 1 plan. RA429.P52. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Further observations on the treatment of yaws with Castellani's mixture, by L. E. GUERRERO, E. DOMINGO and M. v. ARGUELLES. Philippine journal of science, v.15B:191-199. Plate; also in Spanish in Revista fiipina de medicina y farmacia, 1921. v. 12: 181-190. R97.5:R4. Ql.P52. 1922. Observations on remedies tried in treating cholera carriers. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2: 139141. Table. RA319. A31. 1923. Macroscopic Widal with a few drops of blood. Philippine !Blands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 298-300. Illus., table. R97. 5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 627 ARGUELES, MANUEL Y MARASIGAN-Continued. 1925. On the relation of agglutinins produced in the blood of vaccinaied Filipino mothers and in the blood of their unvaecinated nursing infants, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL, MANUEL ·v. ARGUELLF.S and HILARIO LARA. Philipine Islands healt,h service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 219-224; aiso in Philipine Islands medical association. Journal, 1927, v. 7: 7-12. Tables. R97.5: P57. RA319.A31. Standardized laboratory methods. Revista filipina de medicina 'II fa'T'TTIACin,, v.16:213-215; also in San Juan de Dios hogpital. Bulletin, 1928, v. 2 : 222-323. R97 .5: S2 R97 .5 : R4. The Kahn test in leprosy; a preliminary note. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 481-485; also in Philippine journal of science, 1926, v. 30: 275-286; abstract in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, 1926, v. 6: 276. R97. 5: P57. Ql.P56. RA319.A31. 1926 Notes on vaccination "per ·os". Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 13-17. RA319.A31. On the biology of vibrios isolated from various sources. (Abstracts.) Philippine Islands health service. Mont,hly bulletin, v. 6: 53-57. RA319.A31. 1927. Executive and legislative help for th~ national medical research council. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18 :401-402. R97.5: R4. The Kahn test; a resume. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 67-72, 104. R97.5: S2. Comparative value of the Kahn and Wassermann tests. Philippifl.6 Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 351-353. Tables. RA319.A31. Virulence of non-agglutinating vibrio and agglutinating vibrio, by M. v. ARGUELLES and JOSE EUGENIO.. Revittta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18: 134-136. R97.5: R4. Vibrio viability in various menstrua. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18: 137-140. Tables .. R97.5: R4. Fish meat infusion-As an enriching medium for vibrios. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18:318-321. Tables. R97.5: R4. Type determination of vibrios and a proposed new scheme of grouping the same. Revista filipina de medicinp, 11 farnw.cia, v. 18: 368-400. Tables, plates. R97.5: R!i. 1928. New phases in the epidemiology of tuberculosis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.19: 15-16. R97.5: R4. Diagnostico del colera por medios de laboratorio, by MANUEL ARGUELLES and EVERARDO CLETO. Revista filipina de medicina " farmacia, v.19: 78-80. Illus. R97.5: R4. Preventive vaccination in tuberculosis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19.: 170-172. R97.5: R4. 1931. Foreign research organization. Revista filipina de medicin,a. 'II farmacia, v. 22: 121-129. Table. R97.5: R4. 290628---2 628 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ARGUELES, MANUEL Y MARASIGAN-Continued. 1932. The medical practitioner and the antituberculosis campaign. Pkilippine Islands medical association. Journol, v.12 :122-125. R97.5: P57. The tuberculin test and reasons why the tuberculosis commission is using it. Pkilippine Islands medical association. JournaJ, v.12: 411-422. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Speech of the elect president of the Colegio medico-farmaceutico. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 58-60. R97.5: R4. 1933. Annual report of the board of directors of the C. M. F. F. for the year 1932. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 35-47. R97.5: R4. Our activities during the year 1932. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24:48-54. R97.5: R4. Hospital day. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 173-175. R97.5: R4. Introductory remark of president M. V. Arguelles. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 3.68-369. R97.5: R4. The Colegio medico-farmaceutico--its background. San Juan de Dios hospital. ·Bulletin, v. 7: 1-4. R97.5: S2. BEYER, OTLEY H.-Univ. Philip.; 212 Nebraska, Ermita. Anthropology and Ethnology. Edgewood, Iowa, July 13, 83. A. B., Univ. of Denver, U. S., 04; M. A., Univ. of Denver, 05. Collector of Panama-Pacific. Ex. Spec., 14; Instr. in Anthropology and Ethnology, U. P., 14-16; Asst. of Anthropology and Ethnol., U. P., 16-18; Asso. Prof., 19-22, Prof., 22-24, Prof. and Head of Dept. of Anthrop. and Sociol., 24 --, U. P.; U. P. Delegate to attend the Pan-Pacific Science Congiress in Java, 26; Philip. Delegate to Internat. Congress at Batavia, 20; 4th Pan-Pacific Sci. Congress, 29; Attache of the Wood-Forbes Philip. Mission, 21; Assisted in an Ind. Relations Survey of the Hawaiian Is., 25; Delegate of Philip. Gov't. at First Congress of Prehistorians in the Far East, Hawaii, 32 --. Am Historical Assn.; Philip. Acad.; Asso. member, Institute of Pacific Relations; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1926. A history of the Orient, by G. NYE STEIGER, H. OTLEY BEYER and CONRADO BENITEZ. Boston etc. Ginn and company. 'Illus., maps. RS511.S8. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1907. The Igorotes. Philippine education, v. 4, no. 4: 14-18. Illus. Ll. P5. 1911. An Ifugao burial ceremony. Philippine. ;ournal of science, v. 6 D: 227-252. Plates. Ql.P54. 1913. Origin myths among the mountain peoples of the Philippines. Philippine ;ournal of sci611ce, v. 8 D: 85-116. Plates. Ql.P54. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-3S 629 BEYER, OTLEY H.-Continued. 1917. Population of the Philippine Islands in 1916. (Poblacion de las Islas Filipinas en 1916. Prepared under the direction of H. OTLEY BEYER. Manila, Philippine education co., HA1826.B5. A revised estimate of the population of the Philippine Islands in 1916 (Calculo revisado de la poblacion de las Islas Filipinas en 1916). The Philippine review, v. 2, no. 4:10-70; no. 5:56-81. DS651.P58. 1918. The non-christian people of the Philippines. Philippine Islands. Census office. Census of the Philippine Islands, v. 2:907-952. HA1822.P5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. The Philippines before Magellan. Asia, v. 21: 861-866, 890, 892; 924-928, 966, 968, 970. Illus., maps. AP8.A8. BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY.--c/o Bu. of Sci., Manila; 1023 Taft Ave., Manila. Botany. Richmond, Va., Oct. 6, 84. B. S., Richmond Coll., 06; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 10. Ass't., U. S. Fisheries Lab., Beaufort N. C., 08; Ass't., Johns Hopkins, 08-09; Desert Lab., Carnegie Inst., 10; Instr., Mich. State Coll. and Sci. Ass't., Exp. Station, 10-11; PI. Physiologist, Bu. of Sci., P. I., 11-23; Asso. Plrof. of Bot., U. P., 15-19; Prof. and Chief, Dept. of Bot., 19-24; Director, Bu. of Sci., P. I., 24; Chief, Div. of Investigation, Bu. of Forestry, P. I., 19-20; Asso. Editor, Philip. Journ. Sci., 12-24; Editor-in-Chief, Philip. Journ. Sci., 24. Am. Bot. Soc.; Am. Ecol. Soc.; Am. Meteorological Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Johns Hopkins, 09-10; Bruce Fellow, 10. BOOKS 1918. Philippine bamboos, by WILLIAM BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 15. SD93.A5. Philippine forest products as sources of paper pulp, by WILLIAM BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 16. SD.93. AS. Philippine mangrove swamps, by WILLIAM BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 17. SD93.A5. 1919. Philippine palms and palm products, by WILLIAM BROWN and ELMER D. MERRILL. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 8. SD93.A5. , Philippine fiber plans. Manila, Bureau of Printing, Philippine Islands. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 9. SD93.A5. Vegetation of Philippine mountains; the relation between the environment and physical types at different altitudes. Manila, Bur. of .Printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Publication no. 13. Q75.PS5. 630 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY-Continued. 1920. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and essential oils, by AUGUSTUS P. WEST and WILLIAM H. BROWN. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 20. SD93. A5. Wild food plants of the Philippines. Manila, Bureau of printing, Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no~ 21. SD93.A5. Minor products of Philippine forests. Manila, Bureau of printing, Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 22. SD93. A5. 1925. Laboratory botany. Boston, New York, Ginn and Co. 168 p. illus. A textbook of general botany. Boston, New York, Ginn and Co. 484 p. 1932. General science for Philippine schools, by W. BROWN and VENANCIO ALDECOA. Ginn and Company. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. The nature of the embryo sac of Peperomia. Botanical gazette, v. 46:445-460. Plates. QK1.B5. 1909. The embryo sac of Habenaria. Botanical gazette, v.48:241-2:50. Figures. QK1.B5. Nuclear phenomena in Pyronema confluens. Johns Hopkins university. Circular, v. 6: 712-715. AS36.J6. 1910. The exchange of material between nucleus and cytoplasm in Peperomia sintenisii. Botanical gazette, v. 49 :189-194. Plate. QK1.B5. The development of the ascocarp of Leotia. Botanical gazette, v. 50:443-459. Figures. QK1.B5. Evaporation and plant habitats in Jamaica. Plant world, v. 13: 268-272. Table. QK1.P7. Nuclear phenomena in Lachnea scutellata. Science, v. 31:436-437. Ql.S2. 1911. Cell division in Lyngbya (preliminary notes). Botanical gazette, v. 51 :390-391. QKl. B5. The development of the ascocarp of Lachnea scutellata. Botanical gazette, v. 52 :275-305. Figures, piate. QK1.B5. The embryio sac of Epipactis, by w. BROWN and LESTER w. SHARP. Botanical gazette, v. 52 :439-452. Plate. QK1.B5. The plant life of Ellis, great, little and long lakes in North Carolina. U.S. National Museum. Contribution, v. 13, pt. 10: 323-341. QKl. U5. 1912. The mechanism of curvature in the pulvini of Mimosa pudica. Philippine journal of science, v. 7C:37-40. Ql.P53. The relation of Rafflesia manillana to its host. Philippine jaurnal of science, v. 7C:209-226. Ql.P53. The relation of evaporation to the water content of the soil at time of wilting. Plant world, v.15:121-134. Tables. QK1.P7. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 631 BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY-Continued. 1912. The relation between soil moisture content and the conditions of the aerial environment of plants at the time of wilting. (preliminary abstract). Johns Hopk:ins university. Circular, v. 31 :136-13S. AS36.J6. Relation of the daily march of transpiration to variations in the water content of foliage leaves, by BURTON EDWARD LMNGSTON and WILLIAM HENRY BROWN. Botanical gazette, v. 53:309-330. Tables. QK1.B5. 1913. The relation of the substratum to the growth of Elodea. Philippine journal of science, v. SC :1-20. Jl.P53. Factors influencing fungus succession on dung cultures. Philippine journal of science, v. SC:21-29. Ql.P53. The phenomenon of fatigue in the stigma of Martynia. Philippine journal of science, v. SC: 1-20. Jl.P53. 1914. Philippine dipterocarp forests, by W. BROWN and DONALD M. MATHEWS. Philippine journal of science, v. 9A:413-561. Illus. Q1.P51. 1917. The application of photo-chemical temperature coefficients to the velocity of carbon dioxide assimilation, by W. BROWN and GEORGE w. HIESE. Philippine journal of science, v. 12A:l-25. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P53. 'The composition and moisture content of the soils in the types of vegetation at different elevations on Mount Maquiling by w. BROWN and ANGEL s. ARGUELLES. Philippine journal of science, v. 12A: 221-233. Tables, plates, diagr. Ql.P51. The relation between light intensity and carbon dioxide assimilation, by w. BROWN and GEORGE w. HIESE. Philippine journal of science, v.12C:S5-97. Ql.P53. The revegetation of Volcano Island, Luzon, Philippine Islands, since the eruption of Taal volcano in 1911, by W. BROWN and ELMER D. MERRILL. Philippine journal of science, v.12C:17724S. Figures, plates 1 fold. Ql.53. The rate of growth of some trees on the Gedeh, Java, by W. BROWN and HARRY s. GATES. Philippine journal of science, v. 12C: 305-311. Table, diagr. Ql.P53. The rate of growth of Podocarpus imbricatus at the top of Mount Banahao, Luzon, Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of scienoe, v. 12C :31-7 329. Plates, tables. Ql.P53. 191S. The fungi cultivated by termites in the vicinity of Manila and Los Baiios. Philippine journal of science, v.13C:223-231. Figures. Ql.P53. The theory of limiting factors. Philippine journal of science, v. 13C: 345-351. Diagr. Ql.P53. Alternate shrinkage and elongation of growing sfems of Cestrum nocturnum, by W. BROWN and SAM F. TRELEASE. Philippine journal of science, v. 13C: 535-360. Tables. Ql.P53. 1921. Ornamental plants from Philippine forests. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22, v. 2: 1-46. SD93. AS. 632 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY-Continued. 1921. Natural dyes of the Philippines. Philippine Islands. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22 v.2:379-406. SD93.A5. Philippine plants used as soap substitutes or scouring materials. Philippine Islands. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no.22 v. 3: 47-59. SD93.A5. Official Philippine medicinal plants. Philippine Islands. Bureau ~f forestry. Bulletin, no. 22 v. 3: 61-75. Illus. SD93.A5. Poisonous Philippine plants. Philippine Islands. Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22 v. 3: 77-82. SD93.A5. 1921. Miscellaneous useful wild Philippine plants. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22, v. 3 :83-96. Figures. SD93.A5. 1925. Cycas chamberlainii, a new species, by WILLIAM BROWN and FAYMOND KIENHOLZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 26:47-51. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRmUTION 1930. The Philippine research institute. Mid-Pacific magazine, v. 39: ' 444. Illus. AP7.M6. BUENCAMINO, VICTOR.-Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila; 1026 Felix Huertas, Manila. Veterinary Medicine. Tondo, Manila, Feb. 15, 88. D. V. M., Cornell Univ., 11, Veterinarian, Bu. of Agr., 11-12; Asso. Prof., Univ. Philip., 12-20; Veterinarian for N & B Stables, Polo Club, S. P. C. A.; Asst. Dir. 30-32, Director, Bu. of Animal Industry; 32-34, Act. Dir., Bu. of · Commerce, 34; Actg. Under-Sec. of Agr. and Commerce, Aug. 20, 34. Philip. Vet. Med. Assn., 11-34; Phi Kappa Phi, 33; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1913. The College of veterinary science, University of the Philippines, by D. B. PALMER and V. BUENCAMINO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 6:368-370. S17 .P5. 1922. Our meat supply. Philippine agricultural review, v. 15:237-240. Tables. Sl 7.P5. 1.926. Livestock fair. Philippine agricultural review, v. 19;387. S17 .P5. 1931. What is wrong with our present system of food inspection? Bureau of animal industry gazette, v.1, no. 4:3-4. SF1.B9. Does it pay to improve your herd? Bureau of animal industry gazette, v.1, no. 7:21-2, 24. SF1.B9. Glanders and fact. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no. 9:5-6. SF1.B9. 1932. Is it a. monopoly? by c. x. BURGOS and VICTOR BUENCAMIMO. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no.10:19-20. SF1.B9. Amount and cost of salt for livestock, by VICTOR BUENCAMINO and P. S. SALES. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no.12:8-9. SF1.B9. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 633 BUENCAMINO, VICTOR-Continued. 1933. The why and wherefore of the tariff on eggs. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3:7-9. SF1.B9. Address of the president. Burea-u of animal industry gazette, v. 3:42-6. SF1.B9. Foot-and-mouth disease--its control and eradication in the Philippines. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3:155-58. SFl. B9. Our milk problem. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3: 172-3, 193. SFl. B9. To the faculty and students of the College of veterinary science (address). Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3:209-235. SF1.B9. Starting a dairy. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3 :248-51. SF1.B9. Memorandum on the foot-and-mouth disease. Bureau of animal dustry gazette, v. 3 :321-23. SF1.B9. Methods of preserving Philippine eggs, by VICTOR BUENCAMINO and others. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3 :447-9. SF1.B9. 1934. Men and money. Philippine journal of animal industry, v.1:1319. SF1.P5. CALDERON, FERNANDO.-Philip. Gen. Hosp., Manila, 613 Padre Faura, Ermita, Manila. Gynecology. Sta. Cruz de Malabon, Cavite, Aug. 14, 66. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 85; L. M., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 91. Prof. of Hist. of Med., C. M. S., U. P., 07; Vice-Dean & Prof. of Obstetrics, Chief of Dept. U. P., 14-; Prof. of Obstetrics and Dean, C. M. S., U. P., 16; Dean, C. M. S.; Prof. of Gynecology and Head of Dept. of Gynecology, U. P., 22; Director, Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, 27; Director, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Manila Med. Soc., and C. M. F.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1907. The causes and remedies of the infant mortality in Manila. Address delivered November 19, 1905, by DR. FERNANDO G. CALDERON. Manila, Imp. de El Renacimiento. RA610.C2. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. Obstetrics in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 3B :245-259. Plates. Ql.P52. 1909. Sixth international congress on tuberculosis held at Washington, D. C., September 21 to October 12, 1908. Philippine journal of science, v. 4B :311-319. Plate. Ql.P52. 1910. Clinical notes on 77 of abnormal labor occurring in the obstetric service of the Philippine medical school, by FERNANDO CALDERON and VICTOR SEVILLA. Ma:nila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:50-53. R97.5:M2. 634 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CALDERON, FERNANDO-Continued. 10-11. Prolapse of the ut.erus during labor with report of a case. Ma'llila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2 :98-99, also in Spanish in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2:329-331. R97.5: R4. R97 .5: M2. 1910. Obst.etrics in the city of Manila. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:135-140, also in Spanish in .Revista. de medicina y farmacia, v.1:69-76. R97.5:R4. R97.5:M2. Problems in supplying proper food to the poorer classes. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:216-221. R97.5:M2. Un caso interesante de embarazo. Revista de medicina y farmacia, v. 1 :7-12. R97.5 :R4. El problema de suministrar alimentaci6n· adecuada a los niiios · pobres y la instrucci6n a las madres. Revista de medict.71.a y f armacia, v. 1: 259-27 4. Illus. R97 .5: R4. 1911. Some observations on rupture of the uterus. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:113-116. R97.6:M. The taon (infantile beriberi) treated at La Gota de Leche. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2:144-147. R97.5:M2. Notas clinico-obstetricas: Edema dolorosa de la vulva. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2 :393-395. °R97.5:R4. N otas clinico-obst.etricas : Recien nacida a termino con aspecto de prematura. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2:395-397. R97.5:R4. 1912. Some considerations on pathology of the infant apropos of an autopsy. Man·ila medical society. Bulletin, v. 4 :156-160. R97.5:M2. Aborto y parto prematuro provocados, con un report de tres casos clinicos. Revista. de medicinp, y f armacia, v. 3: 55-60. R97.5:R4. Notas sobre la tuberculosis en Filipinas. Revista de medicina y farmacia, v.3:186-200. Tables. R97.5:R4. Breves reflexiones sobre patologia infantil, a proposito de una autopsia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3:437-443, also in Memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1 :410-415. Plate. R106.A8 R97.5:R4. 1913. Report preliminar de los 9 primeros casos de seccion cesarea abdominal practicados en Filipinas en el tratamiento de la placenta previa. Revista. de medicina y farmacia, v. 4:1-8. R97.5:R4. 1914. Some data concerning the medical geography of the Philippines. of science, v. 9B:l99-218. Ql.P52. Vaccinoterapia en la septicemia puerperal. ActaB, memoriaB y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2:337-347. R106.A8. 15-16. Caesarean section in the Philippine Islands. journal of science, v.10B:65-67, also in Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de filipinas, v. 3:351-361. R106.A8. Ql.P52. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 635 CALDERON, FERN ANDO-Continued. 1915. Tropical obstetrical problems. Philippine journal of science, v. lOB :371-383. Tables. Ql.P52. 1916. Algunas notas sobre la onfalorragia de los recien nacidos. Revista filipina de mediciria y farmacia, v. 7:651-657. R97.5:R4. 1919. Influence of influenza on menstruation, pregnancy and puerperium. American medical association journal, v. 73 :982-983. Table. R15.A5. Manuel S. Guerrero como cientifico. Philippine review, v. 14:457461. Tables. DS651.P58. Pelvimetry and cephalometry among Filipino women and newborn babies. Made on one thousand two hundred thirty-seven cases, by Honoria Acosta-Sison and Fernando Calderon. Philippine journal of science, v. 14:253-273. Tables, diagr. Ql. P56. 1920. La obstetricia en relaci6n con la mortalidad infantil. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 11: 110-120, also in English _in Philippine journal science, v.17:19-25. Ql.P56. R9'f.'5:R4. 1921. lnforme final del consejo de higiene sobre el control de enferm~ades venereas. Revista. filipina. de medicina, 'II f arma.cia, v. 12 : 2'83-285. R97 .5 : R4. 1924. Some remarks on the treatment of placenta previa. Philippine Islands medical a.ssociation. Journal, v. 4:256-263. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1925. Errors of diagnosis in gynecology. Philippine Isla.nds medical a.ssocia.tion. Journal, v. 5:107-110. R97.5:P57. Internal Alexander operation in uterine retroversion. Philippine Islands medical associatfon. Journal, v. 5:319-321. R97.5:. P57. 1928. Report of the committee on beriberi, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL, FERNANDO CALDmON, EDWARD B. VEDDER and others. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:422-438. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1930. Procidentio uteri and its surgical treatment. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:149-152. R97.5:P57. 1933. When and how should a woman be sterilized? Ph.tilippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:65-68. R97.5:P57. 1934. An effective method of correcting retroversion of the uterus. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:9-12. R97.5:R4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1913. Carta abierta: Respetuosamente dirigida al Hon. Francis Burton Harrison, gobernador-general de Filipinas, con motivo de su arribo a estas Islas. Revista. filipina. de medicina. y f armacia, v. 4:634-647. R97.5:R4. 1915. Notas folkloricas sobre el rio Pasig y la Laguna de Bay. Cultura, filipina., v. 5, no. 12:373-384. DS651. C9. 1917. Los medicos espaiioles en Filipinas. Philippine review, v. 2, no. 2:17-18. DS651.P58. 636 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CALDERON, FERNANDO-Continued. 1917. Special service. Philippine review, v. 2, no.12:109-116. 1920. Discurso pronunciado en Cebu con motivo de la entrega de diplomas a los graduados en el colegio de Revista. filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.11, no. 5:195-198. R97.5:R4. 1923. Hospitales provinciales. Revista filipina de medicina Y farmacia, v.14:83-91. Table. R97.5:R4. 1927. The establishment and opening of the new school of sanitation and public health. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:175-178. R97.5:P57. 1928. Discurso pronunciado en la velada necrologica en honor del Dr. Joaquin Quintos lparraguirre. Revista filipina de medicina. 11 farmacia, v.19, no. 2:42-43. R97.5:R4. Discurso inaugural pronunciada en Enero 28, 1928. Revi81Ja. fili- pina de medicina y farmacia, v.19, no. 3:65-67. R97.5:R4. Discurso en la velada necrologica en honor del Dr. Ariston. Bautista Lim. Revista filipina de medicina. y /armada., v. 19, no. 4:88-89. R97.5:lt4. 1929. Discurso en la toma posesi6n del cargo de presidente del colegio medico-farmaceutico. Revis ta filipinn, de medicina y f armacia, v. 20, no. 2:47-49. R97.5:R4. 1931. Por la disciplina. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11:422. RA319.A31. 1933. Advice to expectant mothers. Revista filipina de medicina. y fa~, v. 24, no. 5:177-179. R97.5:R4. 1934. Supersticiones medicas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 25, no. 6:243-248. R97.5:R4. CAMUS, JOSE S.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 44 C. Arellano, Malabon. Agronomy, Farming. Malabon, Rizal, Jan. 12, 92. B. Agr., Univ. Philip., 14. Sil Chemist, Behn, Meyer & Co.; Agric. Asst., 14, Agric. Insp., 16, Supervising Insp. of Rice and Corn Stations, 20, Agron., 21, Asst. Chief, Agric. Extension, 22, Actg. Chief, Div. of Agric. Extension, Insp.-at-large, 25, Bu. of Agr.; Asst. Dir., 27, Actg. Dir. 28, Actg. Chairman, Fiber Standardization Board, Bu. of Agr., Delegate for the Bu. of Agr. to the Panama Pacific Internat. Exposition, san Francisco, Calif., 15. Member Philip. Delegation to the Internat. Agric. Conference and Exposition in London, 21. Studied Agric. conditions in Ceylon, Egypt, France, Belgium, England. Member, Philip. Delegation to the Fourth Pan-Pacific Sci. Congress in Java, 29. Travelled extensively all over Sumatra, Straits Settlements, Siam and lndo-China to make a survey of the Agric. conditions. Asst. Dir, 30, Director, 1934, Bu. of Pl. Industry. Philip. Sci Soc. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Cassava. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3 :75. Table. S17.P53. 1915. Field tests of corn. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v.3:193-204. Sl7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 637 CAMUS, JOSE S.-Continued. 1920. Rice farming. Philippi,ne Islands. Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 118, p. 4. S301.A55. 1921. Rice in the Philippines. Philippine Islands. Bureau of agriculture. Bulletin no. 37. S301.A5. Col. front., tables, plutes; in Spanish in Boletin, no. 37 °(5301. A52) also in Philippine agricultural review, v.14:7-86. (S17.P5). 1922. Instructions for planting upland palay. Philippine Islands. Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 46, Rev. adp. 2. S301.A55. Instructions for planting lowland palay. Philippine Islands. Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 47. (Red.) p. 2. S301.A55. 1925. Corn culture, by SAM H. SHERARD, and revised by Silverio Apostol and Jose S. Camus. Philippine Islands. Bur. of plant industry. Circular no. 17, p. 9. S301.A55. 1927. Para rubber. Philippine agricultural review, 1926, v. 19:49-61. plates, also in Philippine Islands. Bureau of agriculture. Circular no.191. S301.A55, also in Spanish in Revista de la camara de comercio de las Islas Filipi,nas, v. 24, no. 281 :7-9, no. 282:15-20; no. 283:9. HF41.C24. 1929. The dry-season planting of rice in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22:195-204. Tables, chart. S17.P5. 1932. Bureau of plant industry contributions to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, 1931, under the direction of MANUEL L. RoXAS and JOSE s. CAMUS, comp. and ed. by EDUARDO R. ALVARADO and the editorial staff of the Publications section, Bur. of plant industry. Manila, Bur. of print., 238. Plates. S301.A94. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. Gleanings from the Pangasinan fair. The Philippine farmer, v. 5, no. 3:18. S17 .P55. 1924. Cooperative marketing as a factor in improving our agricultural conditions. Philippine. agricultural review, v.17:245-251. Sl7.P5. 1929. Agricultural survey of the Dutch East Indies and other oriental countries. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22 :291-312. Plates. S17.P5. Administrative order no. 58. An order governing the importation, bringing or introduction of domestic animals into the Philippine Islands. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22: 75-83. Sl7.P5. 1930. Our Bureau-Its aim. Fortnightly news, v. 1, no.2 :2. SB13. F7. A new leaf. Fortnightly news, v.1, no. 7-8:4. SB13.F7. 1931. Government agricultural development work in the Philippines. Bureau of plant industry contributions to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, p. 172-195. S301. A94. CARREON, MANUEL-Bu. of Educ., Manila; 272 Inverness, Manila; San Fernando, Pampanga. Psychology. San Fernando, Pamp., June 17, 99. B. A. (with honors), U. P., 17; B. A. (with Phi Beta Kappa honors), Univ. of Nebraska, 20; Columbia Univ., 21, post 638 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CARREON, ?,IANUEL-Continued. graduate studies; Univ. of Chicago, 22; M. A., Univ. of Minnesota, 21; Ph. D., Univ. of Minnesota, 23. Instr. and Asst. Principal, City Schools, Manila, 17-19; Instr., and Dir., Psychology Clinic, Philip. Normal Sch., Manila, Aug. 23-July 24; Professorial lect., Univ. Philip., Baguio, 24-26; Chief Measurement Research Dept. & Supt., Academic Div., Bu. of Educ. July, 24. Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci., charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Am., Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. BOOKS 1930. Objectives in general science for second year. 60 pp. Objectives in physics. 26 pp. 1931. Objectives in biology for third year. 45 pp. 1934. Teachers' manual to accompany health thru knowledge habits. 36pp. 1930. '1932. 1933. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS The individual mental examination of Filipino children (a report of illustrative case studies). Revista filipi'Tl.a de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 2-9. R97.5 :R4. The measurement of mental ability and educational achievement. Philippine social science review, v. 4: 114-117. H8.P5. Aims of our secondary education. Pkilippine social scie11ce review, v. 5: 108-114. H8.P5. CLARA, FELICIANO M.-Bu. of Plant Industry; City Y.M.C.A., Manila; Macabebe, Pampanga. Plant Pathology. Macabebe, Pamp., June 9, 98. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 20; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., N. Y., U.S., 32. Asst. Plant Insp., Bu. of Agr., Manila, 20-23; Plant Insp., 23-26; Asst. Plant Pathologist, 26-32, Bu. of Agr.; Plant Pathologist, Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila, 32. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Sigma Xi; Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci.; Am. Phytopathological Soc.; Pan-Pacific Science Club, charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Scholarship to Cornell Univ. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Diseases of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v.18:654-570. Also in Philippine Islands, Burea~ of agriculture. Circular, no.171. Plates. Sl 7.P5. S301.A55: 1927. Anthracnose disease of mango in the Philippines. Pkilippine agricultural review, v. 20: 271-273. Sl 7. P5. 1928. Control measures for the anthracnose disease of the mango. Pkilippine agricultural review, v. 21:81. S17.P5. A phytophthora . disease of santol seedlings. Philippine journal of science, v. 35 :411-427. Tables, plates, diagrs. Ql.P56. 1930. A new bacterial leaf disease of tobacco in the Philippines. Pkytopatkology, v. 20:691-706. Tables, illus. SB731.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 639 CLEMENTE, AMANDO-Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. Philip.; 235 Sandejas, Pasay. Chemistry. Pulilan, Bulacan, Oct. 25, 91. A. B., Univ. Philip., 14; M. S., U. P., 17; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 20. Asst. Chemist., Bu. of Sci., Manila, 20-26; Physicist, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 24-26, 28-29; From Student Asst. to Prof. and Head of Chemistry Dept., U. P., 10; Dean, Junior Coll., U. P., Cebu, 26-27. Am. Chemical Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Pi Sigma; Philip. Sci. Soc.; U. P. Fellow to U. S., 18-20; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. The stripping and the analysis of galvanized iron, by GEORGE W. HEISE and AMANDO CLEMENTE. Philippine journal Qf science. v. 11A:135-146. 'Tables. Ql.P51. The detinning and analysis of tin plate, by GEORGE W. HEISE and AMANDO CLEMENTE. Philt'ppine journal of science, v. llA: 191-199. Tables. Ql. P51. 1920. Corrosion of iron in sulphuric acid. Effect of chromium compounds, by GEORGE w. HEISE and AMANDO CLEMENTE. Philippine journal of science, v.16:439-447. Tables, d!agr. Ql.P56. 1930. The adsorptive power of Philippine wood charcoals. I. Adsorption of acids and bases from solutions, by ANTONIO G. SANTOS and AMANDO CLEMENTE. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :21-40. Tables, illus. Q75. U5. 1931. The electromotive force of coagulation of colloidal solutions, by AMANDO CLEMENTE and HWEI-PU TSAI. University of the Philippines. Nat'l{,ral and applied science bulletin, v.1 :319-332. Diagrs., tables. Q75.U5. 1932. The relation between surface-tension viscosity and dispersibility of certain oils. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 273. Abstract. Q75. U5. 1933. Some colloidal properties of coconut milk, by AMANDO CLEMENTE and MARIA VILLACORTE. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 7-10. Illus. Q75.U5. The relation between dispersibility, viscosity and surface tension, by EPIFANIO s. CABALFIN and AMANDO CLEMENTE. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3:365-381. Tables, diagrs. Q75. U5. 1934. Physical properties of some Philippine vegetable oils, by FLORENCIO A. MEDINA and AMANDO CLEMENTE. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4: 61-73. Q75.U5. CLEMENTE, LEOPOLDO S.-Dept. of Zoology, U. P.; 138 Andres Bonifacio, Caloocan; Rizal; Paombong, Bulacan. Zology. Paombong, Bulacan, Sept. 30, 96. B. Agr., Agri. College, U. P., 17; B. S. A., Agric. Coll., Univ. of Ill., U. S., 20; M. S., 21, Ph. D., 23, Univ. of Ill. Asst. in Agron., 17-18, Asst. Agron., 18-19, Agric. 640 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CLEMENTE, LEOPOLDO S.-Continued. College, U. P.; Instr. in Zoology, Jr. College, U. P., Cebu; 23-25; Asst. Prof., 25-34; Asst. Prof. & Actg. Head, Dept. of ZoOlogy, U. P., 34 --. Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. Philip. Parasitological Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Scholar in Genetics, Univ. of Ill.; Fellow in Genetics, Univ. of Ill. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. A study of Dioscorea with starch determinations and cooking tests. Pkilippi:ne agriculturist and forester, v. 6:230-246. Tables. Sl 7. P53. 1931. A genetic study of inbreeding and outbreeding in Berkshire swine. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 137-186. Tables. Abstract. Q75. US. 1932. Mutation studies on Philippine wild Drosophila. Pl..ilippi:ne journal of science, v. 47:221-233. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Studies on the duration of life among wild and mutant Drosophila. University of the Philippines. Natural and opplied science bulletin, v. 2:83-102. Tables, diagrs. Q75. U5. New eye mutations in Philippine wild Drosophila. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 250:251. Q75.U5. 1933. Inbreeding in man thru first cousin marriage. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 27-39. Q75,U5. 1934. Sexual dimorphism in the wing scales of Attacus atlas L. Universty of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4: 93-100. Tables, plates. Q75.U5. CONCEPCION, ISABELO.-College of Med., Univ. Philip.; 547 Herran; 589 Zamora, Pasay. Physiology and Biochemistry. Malate, Manila, July 8, 86. M. D., U. P., 12; Graduate student, Univ. of Chicago, Yale, Columbia, Harvard Med. Sch., Johns Hopkins and N. Y. Instr. in Physiology, 14, Asst Prof., 18, Asso. Prof., 22, Head, Dept. of Physiology, 26, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Physiology, Coll. of Med., 27, U. P. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow, abroad. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Observations on mango rash. Philippine journal of science, v. 9B:509-513. Ql.P52. Degeneraci6n nerviosa en las aves alimentadas con palay, by R. B. GIBSON and ISABELO CONCEPCION. Revista filipina de medi. cina y farmacia, v. 5: 511-515. R97.5:R4. 1916. The influence of fresh and autoclaved cows' milk on the development of neuritis in animals, by R. B. GIBSON and ISABELO CONCEPCION. Philippine journal of science, v. llB :119-133. Tables, di~grs., plates. Ql.P52. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 641 CONCEPCION, ISABELO-Continued. 1916. Blood pressure picture of the Filipinos. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 154-164. Tables, chart. Also in, Philippi71i8 journal of science, v.11B:135-149. Ql.P52. R106.A8. 1918. Analysis of normal Filipino ur.ine. Philippine journal of science, v. 13A :347-359. Tables. Ql.P51. A study on the nutrition of the Filipinos, by IsABELO CONCEPCION and ANTONIO MANALAK. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asam~ blea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4 :213223. Tables. Also in, Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v.10:193-204. R97.5:R4. Protective and curative properties of mongo extract (Phaseolus radiatus) in Polyneuritis gallinarum. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asaniblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 44 :322-324. Tables. Also in, Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.10:164-167. R97.5:R4. R106.A8. 1920. Xerophthalmia in fowls fed on polished rice and its clinical importance, by I. CoNCEPCION and L. E. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v.17:99-103. Ql.P51. 1922. The incidence of diabetes mellitus among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 57-63. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1923. Notes on the blood sugar content of Filipinos. Philippin~ Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3:285-291. Table!!· R97.5: P57. 1925. The most common Philippine fruits and vegetables suitable for dietetic treatment of diabetes. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5:17-20. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1926. The calcium content of blood in leprosy, by lSABELO CoNCEPCION and JUAN SALCEDO, JR. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:154-157. Tables. R97.5:P57 .. The effect of pulmonary tuberculosis on vital capacity. First National congress on tuberculosis proceedings, p. 305-309. Also in, Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 9193. Tables. R97.5:P57. RC307.N2. 1927. Chemical analysis of blood in forty-eight normal individuals, by I. CoNCEPCION and M. OCAMl'O. Philippine Islands medical association, v. 7:143-154. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1928. Infant mortality and nutrition of the mother. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v:.19:240-245. R97.5:R4. 1929. Are the Filipinos undernourished? A critique of Dr. A. B. M. SISON'S views on the nutrition of the Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:43-56. Table. R97. 5: P57. 1930. The basal metabolism of the Filipinos, by MARIANO OCAMPO, NARCISO CORDERO and lSABELO CONCEPCION, Journal of nutrition, v. 3: 237-244. Tables. QP141.J84. 642 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CONCEPCION, ISABELO-Continued. 1931. The economic aspect of nutrition of our masses. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11 :80-93. Tables. R97. 5:P57. The role of food in the prevention and treatment of disease. San Juan d.e Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5:250-264. Tables. R97.5 S2. A study of the nutritive value and cost of the "fiambrera" luncheon, by ISABELO CONCEPCION and D. D. SAMSON. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 257-263. Tables. Q75.U5. 1932. The greater significance of soy bean in the Filipino dietary. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:97-106. Tables. R97.5:P57. The normal Pelidisi index of Filipinos, by M. OCAMPO and I. CONCEPCION. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:164-170. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1933. Nutritional requirements of Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13:26-40. Tables. R97.5:57. Studies on tropical sunlight. Measurement of the ultraviolet component of sunlight of Manila by the oxalic acid uranyl sulfate method, by I. CONCEPCION and D. D. SAMSON. University of tke Philippines. Natural and applied sicence bulletin, v. 3: 335-351. Tables, illus. Q75.U5. 1934. Is it desirable, from the standpoint of nutrition, to increase Filipino sugar consumption? Pkilippin,e Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14:90-97. R97.5:P57. The physical growth of Filipinos. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 8:159-170. R97.5: S2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. A plea for the establishment of a government institute for the study of nutrition in the Philippines. (Editorial) Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:339-341. R97.5:P57. 1927. The Alas bill on nutrition. Philippin,e Islands medical association. Journal. v. 7: 349-395. R97.5: P57. 1928. Old and new viewpoints in human nutrition. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2 :185-190. R97.5 :S2. 1932. Research and .industrial development. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 513-515. R97.5: P57. COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM-Economic Garden, Los Banos, Laguna. Botany. Monroe, Wis., U. S., Sept. 30, 73. B. A., Stanford Univ., 95; Leipzig, 95-96; M. A., Ph. D., Halle, 96; Chicago, 00-01. Asst. Prof.; Univ. of Indiana, 97-98; Asst. Prof. and Prof., Uni~ of W. Va. 99-01; Prof., Dean, Los Baiios, U. P., 09-17; Univ. of Calif. 28-32. Technical Adviser, Dept. of Agric. and Commerce; Cha,rter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. · ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 643 COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM-Continued. BOOKS 1905. The Polypodiaceae of the Philippine Islands. II. New s.pecies of edible Philippine fungi. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of government laboratories. Publications, no. 28. Q75.P5. 1915. Coconut. London, Macmillan and co., 1914., Illus., plates. 2d. ed. rev. 1921. 3d. ed. rev. 1933. SB299.C6C71. SB299.C6C72. 1924. Rice. London, Macmillan and co., xiv, 352 p. Front., plates, tables. SB191. R5C78. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1906. On the water relations of the coconut palm (Coco• nucifera). Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 6-57. Tables, plates. Ql.P5. New Philippine ferns. Philippine journal of science, Supplement, v. 1 :143-167, 251-262. Illus., plates. Ql.P5. 1907. The comparative ecology of San Ramon Polypodiaceae. Philippine journal of science, v. 2C:l-76. Ql.P53. Pteridophyta halconenses: a list of the ferns and fern-allies collected by ELMER D. MERRILL on Mount Halcon, Mindoro. Philifrpine journal of science, v. 2C:ll9-151. Plates. Ql.P53. Notes on the Steere collection of Philippine ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 2C :405-407. Ql.P53. A revision of Tectaria with special regard to the Philippine species. Philippine journal of science, v. 2C:409-418. Ql.P53. 1908. Bud rot of the coconut. Philippine agricultural review, v. 1: 210220. Plate S17.P5. New interesting Philippine ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 c: 31-39; 1909, v. 4 c: 111-115; 1911, v. 6 c: 145-148; 1912, v. 7 C: 53-57; 1929, v. 40: 291-315. Plates. Ql.P53 .. Ferns of southern China. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 C: 277-284. Ql.P53. A revision of the Philippine species of Athyrium. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 C: 285-300. Ql.P53. Fern genera new to the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 C: 301-302. Ql.P53. New genera and species of Bornean ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 C: 343-351. Plates. Ql.P53. New species of Cyathea. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 C: 353-357. Ql.P53. 1909. The ferns of the Malay-Asiatic region. Part I. Philippine journal of science, v. 4C:l-65. Plates. Ql.P53. 1910. The ferns of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 45: 791-851. QK1.L4. Additions to the Bornean fern flora. Philippine journal of science, v. 5C:283-285. Ql.P53. 290628-3 644 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM-Continued. 1911. Physiology of the coconut, Philippine agriculturist, v. 1 :44-50. Tables. S17.P53. Papuan ferns collected by the Reverend Copeland King. Philippine journal of science, v. 6C :65-92. Ql.P53. Bornean ferns collected by C. J. BROOKS. Philippine journal of science, v. 6C:l33-143. Plates. Ql.P53. Cyatheae species novae orientales. Philippine journal of science, v. 6C:359-364. Ql.P53. Hawaiian ferns collected by M. L'ABBE U. FAURIE. Philippine journal of science, v. 6C :435-441. Ql.P53. Outline of a year's course in botany. Philippine Islands Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 4th ed., no. 24:1-19. L601.A3. Key to the families of vascular plants in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 4th ed., no. 24:21-34. L601.A3. 1912. The genus Thayeria. Philippinl journal of science, v. 7 C: 41-45 Plate. Ql.P53. The origin and relationships of Taenitis. Philippine journal of science, v. 7C :47-51. Plate. Ql.P53. New Sarawak ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 7C :59-65. Ql.P53. New papuan ferns. Pht"lippine journal of science, v. 7C :67-68; 1914, v. 9C:l-9 Ql.P53. 1913. Notes on· some Javan ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 8 C: 139-145. Plates. Ql.P53. On Phyllitis in Malaya and the supposed genera Diplora and Triphlebia. Philippine journal of science, v. 8 C: 147-155. Plates. Ql.P53. Daily growth movements of Lagerstroemia. Philippine journal of science, v. 8 C: 287-298. Illus. Ql.P53. 1914. Caution in use of fertilizers. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 64-67. S17.P53. 1915. 1916. Experiments on the coconut. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 121-126. S17.P53. New Sumatran ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 9C:227233. Ql.P53. Notes on Bornean ferns. Philippine journal of science, v.10 C: 145-151. Plate. Ql.P53. Miscellaneous new ferns. Philippine journal of science, v.11 C: 39-41. Ql.P53. The genus Loxogramme. Philippine journal of science, v. 11 C: 43-47. Plates. Ql.P53. Natural selection and the dispersal of species. Philippine journal of science, v.11C:147:.170. Ql.P53. ! 1916. Hawaiian ferns collected by J. F. RocK. Philippine journal of science, v. 11 C: 171-173. Ql.P53. Growth phenomena of Dioscorea. Philippine journal of science, v. 11 C: 227-241. Tables. Ql.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 645 COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM-Continued. 1917. Diseases and pests of sugar cane in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 5: 343-46. Sl 7.P53. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1931. 1932. 1933. New species and a new genus of Borneo ferns chiefly from the Kinabalu collections of Mrs. CLEMENS and Mr. TOPPING. Philippine journal of science, v. 12 C: 45-65. Ql.P53. The genus Christiopteris. Philippine journal of science, v. 12 C: 331-336. Ql.P53. Keys to the ferns of Borneo. The Sarawak museum journal, v. 2:287-424. DS646.36:A35. Filices aliquot novae orientales. Philippine journal of science, v. 30: 325-333. Plate. Ql.P56. Nomenclature of the abaca plant. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 141-153. Ql.P56. Davallodes and related genera. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 239-257. Plates. Ql.P56. The genus Calymmodon. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 259271. Plates. Ql.P56. Leptochilus and genera confused with it. Philippine journal of science, v. 37:333-416. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. The fern genus Plagiogyria. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 377-417. Plates. Ql.P56. Pteridophyta novae caledoniae. University of California. Publications 1in botany, v. 14:353-369. QK1.C2. New Pteridophytes of Sumatra. University of California. Publications in botany, v. 14 :371-378. QK1.C2. The oriental genera of Polypodiaceae. University of California. Publications in botany, v. 16 :45-128. QK1.C2. New or interesting ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 129-155. Plates. Ql.P56. New or interesting Oriental ferns. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 209-220. Ql.P56. Rarotonga ferns, collected by HAROLD E. and SUSAN THEW PARKS. Unfversity of California. Publications in botany, v. 12 :375-381. QK1.C2. Miscellaneous oriental Pteridophytes. University of California. Publication in botany, v.12:383-418. QK1.C2. Transpiration by chaparral and its effect upon the temperature of leaves. University of California. Publications in botany, v. 17: 1-21. QK1.C2. Brazilian ferns collected by Ynes Mexia. University of California. Publications in botany, v.17:23-50. QKi'.C2. Tr~chomanes. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 119-280. Plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. Manioc or cassava. Philippine agricultural review, v.1:139-156. Plates. S17.P5. Spanish agricultural work in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v. 1: 307-318. Tables. Sl 7.P5. 646 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL COPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM-Continued. 1911. Maniok varieties. Philippi,ne agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 22. S17.P53. Root crops. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 26. S17.P53. Abaca. Philippi,ne agriculturist, v. 1 :64-73. Sl 7.P53. The coffee industry in the Island of Luzon. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 145-152. Sl 7.P53. 1914. Advice to coconut planters. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 114-116. Tables. S17.P53. The College of agriculture. Philippi,ne craftsman v. 2: 609-619. Illus. TT161.P5. 1915. Java and the Philippines. Philippi,ne agriculturist and forester, v. 4: 1-28. S17.P53. 1916. The work of the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist and forester v. 5: 1-36. S17.P53. 1933. An obituary: EDGAR MADISON LEDYARD. Philippi,ne agriculturist, v. 22: 87-90. Port. S17.P53. CRUZ, CORNELIO CASTOR-Geol. & Geog. Dept., U. P., Manila; 619 Kansas Ave., ManHa. Geography. Arayat, Pampanga, Mar. 31, 96. A. B., 16, B .. S. Chem., 21, M. S., 23, Univ. Philip.; Ph. D., Univ. Chicago, 28. Asst. Instr., 23-29, Asst. Prof. of Geol., 29-, U. P. Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. Chicago, 25-28. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1923. The composition of cashew-nut oil, by A. P. WEST and C. C. CRUZ. Philippi,ne journal of science, v. 23: 337-344. Tables. Ql.P56. 1928-29. Commercial relations of the Philippine Islands with other regions. Reprinted for private circulation from abstract of thesis, The University of Chicago, Science series, v. 7: 251-257. HF3811.C9. 1931. The Mountain Province: a geographic study of its assets, possibilities, and handicaps. University of the Philippi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 343-378. Illus., tables, maps, plates. Q75.U5. 1932. The Philippine load index and its relation to American shipping in the East Asian trade region. University of the Philippi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 192-197. Tables. Q75.U5. 1933. Gullying and denudation menace of the Philippines, by J. M. FELICIANO and C. C. CRUZ. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 383-387. Q75.U5. CURRAN, HUGH McCALLUM.-Agric. Coll. Laguna, Philip. Is.; New York, U. S. Forestry. New York, N. Y., Nov. 16, 75. B. S., N. C. State Coll., 98; Cornell Univ., 00. U. S. Forest Service, 13-15; Commercial Forest Explor. and Management, W. I. and S. Am., ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 647 CURRAN, HUGH McCALLUM-Continued. 15-20; Forester, State Dept. Agr., N. C., 21-29; Prof., Tropical Forestry, Agric., Coll., Laguna; Forester, Bu. of Forestry, P. I., 29. Collaborator, Forest Research, Yale, 20. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1902. Cecil. County. Maryland Geological survey. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, p. 322. Illus., maps, diagr. and atlas. QE122. C4A5. 1907. Calvert County. Maryland. Geological survey, 1896. The Johns Hopkins press, p. 227. Illus., plates, diagrs., atlas and maps. QE122. C2A5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Analysis of sections of small and medium-sized Philippine bagtikan trees, Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 281-287. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Composition of some Philippine hardwoods, IV, by H. M. CURRAN, F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 587-593. Ql.P56. 1933. The composition of some Philippine soft woods, V, by A. P. WEST, F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 209-213. Plates. Ql.P56. 1934. The composition of Philippine woods. VI, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 489-495. Ql.P56. CUZNER, HAROLD.-School of Forestry, Univ. Philip.; Beckington, Sommerset, England. Forestry. Beckingto:11:, Batt., 280 Sommerset, England, Mar. 19. B. S. F., Univ. of Minnesota. Govt. service 27 yrs.; Forester in charge of the Sch. of Forestry, Univ. Philip.; Prof. of Silviculture and Physiography, Univ. Philip. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. The castor-oil plant (Ricinus comimunis L.) The Philippine agricultural review, v.1: 373-377. S17.P5. 1909. How to transplant a tree. Philippine agricultural review, v. 2: 309-310. S17.P5. 1910. Corn growing in the Philippines. f'hilippine agricultural review, v. 3: 303-309. Sl 7.P5. 1921. What is agricultural engineering? Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 130. S17.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Seed collection. Makiling echo, v. 1, nos. 1 and 2 :7-11. SD1.M2. '1923. The tree. Makiling ec.ho, v. 2, no. 1: 2-8. SD1.M2. 648 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DACANAY, PLACIDO-Agric. Coll., Laguna. Forestry. Bacnotan, La Union, Oct. 5, 93. Ranger's Cert., Sch. of Forestry, U. P., 14; B. S. F., Univ. of Montana, 20; M. F., Yale Univ., 21. Ranger, Bu. of Forestry, May 1, 14-Dec. 5, 18; Asst. in Silviculture, Sch. of Forestry, U. P., 16; Forester, 21-25; Asst. Prof., 22, Leet. in Silviculture, Forest School, U. P., 25; Chief, Div. of Forest Management, 25; Member, Philip. Govt. Delegation to the Fourth Pan Pacific Sci. Congress, Batavia, Java, 29; Deputy Game Warden, 32; Chief, Div. of Forest Investigation at Los Baiios, Laguna, Oct. 32; Asst. Prof. of Forest Management & Actg., Collecting & Disbursing Officer, Forest Sch., U. P. Act., 32; Member; Board ofl· Athletic Control, U. P., 32; Supt. of the Makiling Nat. Park, 33; Chief, Div. of Forest Studies & Research, Bu. of Forestry, 33; Asst. Prof. of Forest Policy & History, Forest Sch., U. P., 34. Pres., Los Baiios Biol. Club, 34; Sec. of Am. Foresters; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Fellow to Univ. of Montana and Yale, 18-20. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. A policy for the :reforestation project of the Bureau of forestry. Makiling echo, v.1, nos. 35 and 4:9-17. SD1.M2. 1923. Silvicultural conditions on the cut over areas of the CadwalladerGibson lumber company in Bataan. Makiling echo, v. 2, no. 3: 22-28. SD1.M2. 1929. Reforestation in the Philippines. Pacific science congress proceedings, fourth, Java, v. 4 :459-470. Map. AS4.P25. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. The farmer and the forests. Progr~ssive agriculture. 1922. Forest destruction and community. Progressive agriculture. Value of forest to the farmer. La Vanguardia and Progressive agriculture. DAR JUAN, TIMOTEO.-Manila Railroad Co. or Bu. of Sci.; 728 San Marcelino, Malate. Chemistry. Polo, Bulacan, Aug. 22, 84. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 02; B. S., Liceo de Manila, 03; Ph. C., 05; Lie. Ph., 11, Phar. D., 14, Univ. Sto. Tomas; Chicago Research Student. Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 10-20; Instr., Univ. Philip., 12-14; Chief, Div. Inorg. and Phy. Chem., Bu. of Sci., 20-25; Chief Chemist, M. R. R. Co., 25-34. Colegio Medico Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Sigma Xi; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Industrial Fellow, Manila Railroad Co., Standardization of Materials and Supplies and Control Work. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS - 1911. Acerca de la manera de comportarse la trimetilamina con agentes oxidantes. Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 2: 191196. R97.5: R4. 1915. Salt industry and resources of the Philippine Islands, by ALVIN J. Cox and T. DAR JUAN. Philippine journal of science, v.10A:375-401. Graph, tables, map, illus., plates. Ql.P51. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 649 DAR JUAN, TIMOTEO-Continued. 1916. Fabricaci6n del azucar de caii.a, by L. W. THURLOW. Tr. by TIMOTEO DAR JUAN. 27P. TP379.P5T5. 1919. Philippine raw materials for glass making, by T. DAR JUAN and V. ELICANO. Philippine journal of science, v.14: 465-479. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. DOMINGO, ELIAS S.-Insula~ Psychopatic Hosp., Mandaluyong, Rizal; 502 Ave. Rizal. Psychiatry. Paco, Manila, July 4, 90. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 13. Asst. Resident Physician, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 13-17; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Med., U. P., 19; Resident Physician, San Lazaro Hosp., 19; Chief Alienist, Insular Psychopatic Hosp., 30. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Manila Medical Soc.; Nat. Committee of Mental Hygiene; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Fellow to u. s., 17-19. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1914. La fiebre tifoidea en los niii.os. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la asemblea regfonal de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 404-413. R106.A8. Report de un caso de meningitis cerebro-espinal curado con el suero de Flexner. Revista . filipina de medicina y f armacia, ·V. 5:562-564. R97.5:R4. 1916. Report of cases of purpura haemorrhagica. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceu,. ticos de Filipinas, v 3: 139-147. R106.A8. 1918. Further observations on the treatment of yaws with Castellani's mixture, by L. E. GUERRERO, ELIAS DOMINGO and M. v. Arguelles. Philippine journal of science, v.13B:191-199. Plate, ,tables, also in, Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1921, v. 12:181190. Illus. R97.5:R4. Ql.P52. 1920. Protozoologic and clinical studies on the treatment of protowal dysentery with benzyl benzoate, II. Treatment of' a case of acute balantidiosis; recovery; death from other causes; failure to find the parasites in the bowel lumen and gut wall at autopsy, by FRANK G. HAUGHWOUT and ELIAS DOMINGO with a preliminary note on the anatomical findings at autopsy, by W ALFRIDO DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v.16: 633-646. Ql.P56. 1921. The case of the insane. Philippine Islands Health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1 :51-55. RA319.A31. 1931. Prepsychotic manifestations in dementia praecoz (Schizophrenia). Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 425-428. R97.5: P57. 1933. Coleg'io medico-farmaceutico de Filipinas: Committee on mental hygiene. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 53-54. R97.5: R4. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1925. Proposed insular asylum. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 175-179. Plans. RA319.A31. 650 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL EDUQUE, JOSE.-College of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; 1357 Herran, Paco, Manila. Surgery. Capiz, Capiz, Nov. 19, 84. M. D., U. P., 09. Instr. in Surgery, U. P., Asst. Prof. of Surgery, 15, Asso. Prof. of Surgery, 17, Prof. of Surgery, 20, Actg. Chief, Dept. of Surgery, 20, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Surgery, 24, U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Impresiones de viaje sobre las clinicas extranjeras del v1eJo y nuevo continentes, especialmente en lo que se refiere al diagn6stico, patologia y cirugia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6: 1-18. R97.5: R4. 1916. Hydrocele. Surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, v. 23: 362. RGI. S9. 1918. Calculo vesical en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicacionea de la asamblea regional de medicos 'Y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4:227-236. R106.A8. 1920. A case of pollakiuria immediately relieved by external liberation of the pelvic and iliac portions of the ureter. Philippine journal of science, v.17:79-83. Plates. Ql.P56. 1921. - Comparative study of several contributing factors to post-operative fistulas in vesical lithiasis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1: 48-53. R97.5: P57. An unusual case of hydrops renun cysticum, by JOSE EDUQUE and J. ESTRADA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1:218-222. Illus. R97.5:P57. 1924. Report of a· case of diverticulum of the bladder, post-operative result. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 215218. R97.5: P57. 1925. A case of natural enterostomy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 191-194. R97.5: P57. Dangers of nonoperative treatment in hypertrophy of the prostate. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 263268. R97.5: P57. 1926. An unexpected case of renal tuberculosis. Philippine Islands m,edical association. Journal, v. 6: 211-214. Illus. R97.5: P57. Perineal versus supra-pubic prostatectomy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 287-290. R97.5: P57. 1934. Incidence of post-operative leakage in suprapubic cystolithotomy, by JOSE EDUQUE and ANDRES T. ZAVALLA. Philt"ppine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14: 227-230. R97.5: P57. ELICANO, VICTORIANO.-Consolidated Mines Inc., 181 David; 1618 Domingo Int.; Masinloc, Zambales. Mining Enginering. Masinloc, Zambales, Mar. 5, 87. A. B., Ateneo de Mallila, 65; B. S., Missouri Sch. of Mines, 09. Surveyor and Bldg. Insp., Naval Reservation, Olongapo, 09-10; Mining Eng., Fernandez Hermanos, 11-12; Assayer, Keystone Mining Co., 13-16; Metallurgist, Manila Iron & Steel Co., 20-21; Chief, Div. of Mines, Bu. of Sci., 23; Asst. Dir., ANNUAL REPORT, 1934>-35 651 ELICA:&O, VICTORIANO-Continued. Bu. of Sci., 24; Prof. of Geology, Mapua Institute of Technology, 31; Delegate to the Fourth Pacific Sci. Congress, Batavia, Java, 29. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917-1918. Philippine gold mining. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 15-22. TN114.A4. Iron and other metallic minerals. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 23-27. TN114.A4. 1919. Philippine raw materials for glass making, by T. DAR JUAN and V. ELICANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 465_-479. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. 1919-1920. Iron smelting in the Philippines, by VICTORIANO ELICANO and OTHERS. Mineral resources in the Philippine Islands, p. 4054. TN114.A4. 1921-1923. Gold, silver, and platinum. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 10-23. TN114.A4. 1926. Metallogenetic epoch of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 1: 574-576. AS4.P25. Phosphate resources of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2: 1740-45. AS4.P25. Chromite deposits in the Philippines. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedngs, third, Tokyo, v. 2: 1753-54. AS4.P25. 1929. Mines and mining industry in the Philippines, by VICTORIANO ELICANO and LEOPOLDO FAUSTINO. Proceedings of the world engineering congress, Tokyo, v. 37, pt. 5: 707-712. TA5.W94. 1932. Geologic reconnaissance of the Pilar and Sara-Ajuy central· regions, Panay Island. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 226. Q75.U5. Geology and underground water resources of San Roque, Cavite, by R. ABARQUEZ and V. ELicANO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 226. Q75.U5. A preliminary report on the geology and underground water resources of the Isthmian region of Tayabas Province, by VICTORIANO ELICANO and R. ABARQUE'L. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:233. Abstract. Q75.U5. A contribution to the geology of the gold deposits in the Angat mineral district. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 276-278. Q75.U5. 1933. The outlook of gold refining in the Philippine Islands, by E. OSTREA and V. ELICANO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 389-398. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Statistics of mineral production in the Philippine Islands in 1916. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 10. TN114.A4. 652 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ELICA:&O, VICTORIANO-Continued. 1917-1918. Review of Philippine mining activities. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 8-10. TN114.A4. Mining legislation in the Philippines. Mineral 1'esources of the Philippine Islands, p. 57-60. TN114.A4. 1920. The mining industry in the Philippines. Yearbook of the Philippines, p. 189-195. HF343.P5M23. 1921-1923. The mineral resources of the Philippine Islands for the year 1921-23. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 5-7; 1924-25, 7-9. TN114.A4. 1924-25. Other metallic minerals. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 82. TN114.A4. Administration and disposal of mineral lands in the Philippines. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 139-144. TN114. A4. Proposed amendments to existing legislation. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 145. TN114.A4. ESPINO, RAFAEL B.-College of Agr., Laguna. Plant Physiology. Samal, Bataan, Oct. 24, 90. B. Agr., U. P., 10-17; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 19. Student Asst. to Prof., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 12-34. Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci., Am. Soc. of Botany; Philip. Soc. Tech. Agric; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P .. Fellow to Chicago and Johns Hopkins Univ. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Abaca fiber. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 4: 200-216. S17.P53. 1916. Some phycomycetous diseases of cultivated plants in the Philippines, by NEMESIO MENDIOLA and RAFAEL B. ESPINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 5: 65-71. Sl 7.P53. 1919. Mineral nutrition of plants. Plant world, v. 22: 53-54. QK1.P7. A review of the coconut investigations at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 161-178. Sl 7.P53. A review of the maize investigations at the college of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 191-197. S17.P53. 19~0. Cotton. Philippine agricultural review, v.13: 186-210. Graph. S17.P5. A preliminary study on the mineral nutrition of young cotton plants. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 335-343. Tables. Sl 7. P53. Some aspects of the salt requirements of young rice plants. Philippine journal of science, v. 16: 455-525. Tables, illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1922. Mineral salt requirement of rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 313-319. Sl 7.P53. 1923. On the germination of coconuts. Philippine agriculturist, v.11: 191-200. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 653 ESPINO, RAFAEL B.-Continued. 1923. A study on the germination of abaca seeds, by L. G. FERRER and R. B. ESPINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 101-109. Tables. S17.P53. Absorption of complete culture solutions by abaca roots with reference to growth of branch roots, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and S. M. CRUZ. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 111-119. Sl 7.P52. Soil moisture requirements of young abaca plants, by P. HERNAIS and R. B. ESPINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 121-126. Tables. Sl 7.P53. A preliminary study of the salt and fertilizer needs of the young abaca plant, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and B. 0. VIADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 127-133. Sl 7.P53. Foliar transpiring power of different varieties of abaca grown at the College of agriculture, by PERPETUO GAVARRA and R. B. ESPINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 135-140. Tables, diagrs. S17.P53. Comparative study of fibers produced by six varieties of abaca when grown in Los Banos, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and FELIX ESGUERRA. Philippine agriculturist, v.12: 141-151. S17.P56. Comparative study of fibers produced by six varieties of abaca when grown in Los Banos, II, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and JOSE CHICO REYES. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 153-164. Sl 7.P53. Comparisons of forty-seven varieties of abaca grown under Los Banos conditions, by R. B. ESPINO and TEOFILO NOVERO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 165-170. Sl 7.P53. Mauritius hemp, (Furcroea gigantea) with reference to its inferiority to abaca, maguey, and sisal, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and T. NoVERO. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 108-119. Tables, plates, diagr. Sl 7.P5. Character and usefulness of fibers from petioles of buri palm with measurements of the tensile strength of the fibers, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and G. C. ZABALLA. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 287-298. Plates. S17.P5. 1924. Absorption of culture soi'utions by coco-palm roots. Philippine journal of science, v. 25: 51-73. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. The abaca industry of the Philippine Islands. World agriculture, v. 4: 300. Sl.W9. 1925. Tentative score card for judging coconut plantation. Annual report of the Dean. College of agriculture, 1924-1925 p. 112114. S301.C6. 1928. Growth and development of young rice plants as influenced by the food in the seed. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 597-601. Illus. table. Sl 7.P53. Report on recuperative growths within a year of some plants injured by a typhoon. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17 :89-93. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1929. Department of pla:nt physiology. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 359-365. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 654 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ESPINO, RAFAEL B.-Continued. 1931. Influence of light upon growth and development of plants with special reference to the comparative effects of the morning light and of the afternoon light, by R. B. ESPINO and F. PANTALEON. Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 563-579. Tables, illus. S17.P53. A critical study of the nutritive values of nitrate nitrogen for young rice plants, by R. B. ESPINO and ROMAN P. ESTIOKO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20:27-42. Illus., tables. S17.P53. Tolerance of young rice plants to relatively large amounts of magnesium suolfate contained in complete culture solution, by RAFAEL B. ESPINO and ELEUTERIO PALISOC. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 269-286. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. 1934. A quarter century of research activity in the department of plant physiology. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 403-415. Sl 7.P53. Harmful effects upon young rice and maize plants or rice straw when added to clay loam soil in pots, by R. B. ESPINO and F. T. PANTALEON. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 534-556. Sl7.P53. ESPINOSA, JOSE C.-Bu. of Sci.; 1 Foch Ave., S. Juan, Rizal. Chemistry. Iloilo, Iloilo, Nov. 22, 97. A. B., Silliman Inst., 19; B. S. in Chemical Engineering, Mass. Inst. of Technology, 22. Chemist, Bacolod Mill Co., 22-23; Chemist, Bu. of Sci., Manila, 23-24; Chemist, Binalbagan Estate Inc., Occ. Negros, 24-25; Chemist, Bu of Sci., 25-34; Chemist, Div. of Industrial Engineering, Dept. of Agr. & Com. Am. Chem. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Comparative strength properties of the principal Philippine commercial woods. Philippine journal of science, v. 33 :381-395. Plate, tables. Ql.P56. 1928. Strength properties in relation to specific gravity of Philippine woods. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 55-71. Tables, charts. Ql.P56. ' 1930. Bending and compressive strengths of the common Philippine bamboo. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 121-135. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1932. The nail-holding power of the principal Philippine commercial woods. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 425-431. Graph, tables, plates. Ql.P56. FAJARDO, TRANQUILINO.-Bu. of Plant Industry; City Y. M. C. A. or Baguio Expt. Station; Binalonan, Pangasinan. Plant Pathology. Binalonan, Pang., July 6, 99. Asso. in Agr., Idaho Tech. Inst., Pocatello, Idaho, 22; B. S., M. S., Univ. of Idaho, 24; Ph. D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 30. Instr. in Botany and Plant· Pathology, Oregon Agric. Coll., 28-29; Plant Pathologist, Bu. of Sci., 29-33; Bu. of Plant Industry, 33. Wisconsin Academy of Sci.; Phi Sigma Xi; Am. Phytopathological Soc. ; Arn. Assn. for the Advancement of ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 655 FAJARDO, TRANQUILINO-Continued. Sci.; Philip. Soc. fOll' the Advancement of Rl.4'\'IJ' Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Phili1~. Govt. Pensionado to Univ. of Wisconsin, 25-27. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Root rot of wheat caused by a species of Helminthosporium. R'!ad before the Northwest Scientific society. Abstract in Northwest science, v. 1: 20-21. 1928. Progress on experimental work with the transmission of bean mosaic. Read before the Am. Assn. Adv. of Science meeting at Nashville, Tennessee, Dec. 1927. Abstract in Phytopathology, v. 18: 29. SB731.P5. 1930. Studies on the mosaic disease of the bean (Phaseolus vu.lgaris L.). Phytopathology, v. 20 :4469-494. Illus., tables. SB731.P5. Studies on the properties of the bean-mosaic virus. Phytopatkology, v. 20: 883-888. Tables. SB731.P5. 1932. The mosaic disease of sincamas, Pachyrrhizus erosus (Linnaeus) Urban, by TRANQUILINO FA.TARDO and JOAQUIN MARANON. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 129-142. Plates. Abstract in University of tke Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 204-205. Q75.U5. Ql.P56. 1933. Sclerotium stem rot of delphinium and other ornamental plants in Trinidad valley and vicinity of Baguio, Mt. Province, P. I. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 447-456. Ql.P56. 1932-1933. The root-knot nematode, Heterodera radicicola (Greef) Mul.Jer, of tomato and other plants in the Philippine Islands, by T. G. FAJARDO and M. A. PALO. PhiliP'Pine journal of science, v. 51: 457-480. Tables, illus., Plates. Abstract in University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 205207. Q75.U5. Ql.P56. 1934. Two destructive leaf diseases of celery in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5, pt. 2: 31-45. S17.P51. A serious leaf spot of Chinese celery cabbage "W ongbok" in Trinidad valley, Mt. Prov. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5, pt. 3. (In press.) S17.P51. Plant-disease problems confronting truck farmers in Trinidad valley and the vicinity of Baguio, Mt. Province, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 67-91. Ql.P56. The mite disease of tomato, tobacco, potato and other plants in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science. (In press). FAUSTINO, LEOPOLDO A.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 403 Aviles, Manila; Calamba, Laguna. Geology and Mines. Calamba, Laguna, Nov. 15, 92. B. E., 17, E. M., 20, M. S. E. M., 22, Ohio State Univ.; M.A., 22, Ph. D., 24, Leland Stanford Univ. Asst., Mining Dept., Ohio State Univ., 17; Leet. in Metallurgy, Coll. of Engin., Univ. Philip.; Asst., U. S. Geol. Survey, Washington, D. C., 21-24; Official Delegate to the Fourth Pacific Sci. Congress, Java, 29; Prof. Leet. in Geog., 656 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FAUSTINO, LEO.:.>LDO A.-Continued. Univ. Philillf, 26-30; Member, Board of Examiners for Mining Engineers, ~R-30, 34; Actg. Dir., Nat. Museum, Manila, 30; Tech. Dir. of Exh.'bits, Philip. Participation, and Special Repres. of the Sec. of Agr., and Nat. Resources in the Internat. Colonial and Overseas Exposition of Paris, 31; Prof. of Geo!., Univ. of Santo Tomas, 32; Assayer, Asst. Geo!., Asst. Chief, Div. of Geo!. and Mines, Chief Geologist, Bu. of Sci.; Chief, Nat. Museum Div., Bu. of Sci.; Manila, 18-33; Chief, Div. of Mineral Resources, Dept., of. Agr. and Commerce; Asst. Dir., Bu. of Sci., 34. Sigma Xi; Paleontological Soc. of America, Am. Malacological Union; Conchological Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1928. The natural resources of the Philippine Islands. Manila, Oriental commercial company, 144p. Illus., tables., map. HC451.F2. Summary of Philippine marine and fresh-water mollusks. Manila, Bur. of print. Philippi,ne Islands Bureau of science. Monograph, no. 25. Q75.P55. 1931. Manila water supplies, by L.A. FAUSTINO, R.H. AGUILAR, LOURDES OCAMPO, OTTO SCHOBL, T. v. ROSARIO-RAMIREZ and F. W.McCAW. ' Illus. maps. Philippi,ne Islands Bureau of science, Popular bulletin, no. 9. Also in Philippi,ne journal of science, v. 45: 119-210. Ql.P56. Q75.P56. 1933. Edible mollusks of Manila, by FLORENCIO TALAVERA and LEO- POLDO A. FAUSTINO. Philippine journal of science, v. 50: 1-48. Plates. Also in Philippi,ne Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 5. Q75.P56. Ql.P56. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917-1918. Coal mining in the Philippines. Mineral resources of the Philippi,ne Islands, p. 28-37. TN114.A4. Non-metallic minerais. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 38-46. TN114.A4. 1921, 1922, and 1923. Coal. Mineral resoftrces of the Philippine Islands, p. 31-40. Petroleum and residual bitumens. p. 41-46. TN114.A4. 1924-1925. Geographic and physiographic description of the Philippine Islands. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 26-40. TN114.A4. General geology and geologic history of the Philippine Islands. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 41-43. Map., tables. TN114.A4. 1924-1925. Asbestos. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 83. TN114.A4. Asphalt and related bitumens. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 84-86. TN114.A4. Coal. Mineral resources of the Philippi,ne Islands, p. 99-105. Tables. TN114.A4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-3S 657 FAUSTINO, LEOPOLDO A.-Continued. 1924-1925. Lime. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 108111. TN114.A4. Petroleum. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 116119. TN114.A4. Stone, building and ornamentals. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p.135-136. TN114.A4. Sulphur. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p.137. TN114.A4. 1926. Stratigraphy of the coal measures of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v.2: 15351539. Tables. AS4.P25. The mesozoic formations of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2 :1705. Abstract. AS4. P25. The sulphur resources of the Philippine Islands; Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2:1744-1748. AS4. P25. The petroleum resources of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2:1745-1748. AS4. P25. The coal resources of the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2:1748-1752. AS4.P25. Boundary of the Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in the Philippine Islands. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2: 1779. AS4.P25. History of the strand line of the Philippine Islands during the pleistocene and post-pleistocene time. Pan-Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Tokyo, v. 2:1807-1811. AS4.P25. 1927. Recent Madre-poraria of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Monograph. 22 Plates. Q75.P55. Philippine coal resources and their exhaustion. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 1-33. Charts, tables, map. Ql.P56. Notes on Cebu coals. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 375-379. Ql.P56. The Negros earthquake of 1925, by L.A. FAUSTINO and S. MASO. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 143-151. Plate, map. Also in Sugar news, 1928, v. 9: 320-323. TP375.S4. 1.P56. 1928. Correlation of the tertiary formations of the Philippines with those of Europe, Asia, and America. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 119-125. Table. Ql.P56. 1929. Living coral reefs of the Philippine Islands. Pacific science congress proceedings, fourth, Java, v.1: 128-129. AS4.P25. Drilling on limestone reefs in Cebu, Philippine Islands. Pacific science congress proceedings, third, Batavia, v. 1: 129-130. AS4. P25. Mayon volcano and its eruptions. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 1-47. Illus., tables, plates. Ql.P56. 658 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FAUSTINO, LEOPOLDO A.-Continued. 1929. Mines and mining industry in the Pihlippines, by VICTORIANO ELICANO and LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO. world engineering congress, Tokyo, Proceedings, v. 37, pt. 5: 707-712. TA5.W94. 1930. Summary of Philippine land shells. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 85-198. Ql.P56. Notes on Mayon volcano. Philip]Yine journal of science, v. 43: 501-505. Illus. Ql.P56. 1931. Two new madreporarian corals from California. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 285-289. Plate. Ql.P56. Coral reefs of the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 291-307. Table, plates, diagrs. Ql.P56. Industrial shells of the Philippines, by FLORENCIO TALAVEP.A and LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 321-350. Plates. Ql.P56. 1932. Notes on the Philippine black corals. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 197-201. Plates. Ql.P56. The development of karst topography in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 203-209. Plates. Ql.P56. Recent and fossil shells from the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 543-549. Plates. Ql.P56. 1933. Two shells from the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 575-578. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Mineral production of the Philippine Islands in 1917 and 1918. Mineral resources of the Philip]Yine Islands, 1917-1918, p. 11-12. TN114.A4. Statistics of mineral P,roduction in the Philippine Islands in 1917 and 1918. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, 19171918, p. 14-18. TN114.A4. 1923. List of mineral land concessions granted and in force to December 31, 1923. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, 1921, 1922, and 1923, p. 58-63. TN114.A4. 1925. Philippine mining from American occupation to the present. Mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, 1924, p. 52-60. TN114.A4. 1928. Recent eruptions of Mayon volcano. Philippine education magazine, v. 25: 149-150, 178. !Hus. Ll.P5. - 1934. The division of mines: its relation to the public. Philippine journal of commerce, v. 10, no. 6: 7-8, 27. HF41.C8. Mining taxation in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of commerce, v.10, no. 7: 13-26. HF41.C8. What mining share shall I buy. Philippine mining news, v. 2, no. 4: 50-52. TN1.P54. FELICIANO, JOSE MARIA.-Geology Dept., U. P.; 569 Vito Cruz; San Fernando, Pampanga. Geology. San Fernando, Pampanga, Oct. 22, 87. G. Phar., Univ. Philip., 16; A. B., B. S., 17, M. S., 21, Univ. Philip.; Phar. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 21; Ph.D., Univ. Chicago, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 659 FELICIANO, JOSE MARIA-Continued. 23. From Graduate Asst. to Instr. in Chemistry, U. P., 16-21; Asst. Prof. and Actg. Head, Geology Dept., U. P., 24-26; Asso. Prof. and Head, Geology Dept., U. P., 28-30; Head, Dept. of Geology and Geog., U. P., 30; Official Delegate of P. I. Govt. & U. P. to the Third Pan Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, 2'6. Philip. Pharm. Assn.; Sigma Xi; Fellow, Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Kappa Ipsilon Pi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Sigma Pi Sigma; Am. Geog. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Asso., Second Congress for Prehistoric Research in the Far East. U. P. Fellow to Chicago and Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 21-24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. "Macabuhay" Tinospora reticulata Fam. Memopermaceoe. Philippne pharmaceutical convention, Proceedings, First p. 65-71. RS3.P5. 1922. Extraction of copra cake with solvents, by A. P. WEST and J. M. FELICIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 509-517. Tables. Ql.P56. 1924-1925. Mineral waters. The mineral resources of the Philippine Islands, p. 112-115. TN114.A4. 1926. A study of thermal springs in the Philippines. Third Pan-Pacific science congress, Tokyo, Proceedings 804-811 Tables. AS4. P25. 1929. Concretions in water-laid tuff in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 359-365. Table, plates. Ql.P56. 1930. The geology of southern Cebu, by EscoLASTico DUTERTE and JOSE M. FELICIANO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 41-62. Plates, map. abstract. Q75.U5. 1933. Gullying and denudation menace of the Philippines, by J. M. FELICIANO and C. C. CRUZ. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 383-387. Q75.U5. 1934. The relation of concretions to coal seams. Journal of geology, v. 32: 230-239. QE1.J7. FELICIANO, RAMON.-Universal Drug Store; San Fernando, Pampanga. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Concepcion, Tarlac, Aug. 29, 91. Ph. C., 16, A. B., B. S., 17, U. P.; M. S., Columbia Univ., 19. Jr. Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 21-28; Consulting Chem., Santos-Ocampo Laboratories. Prof. of Organic chemistry, National University; Member, Board of Exam. for Chem. Engineers; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Young Fellow to Columbia Univ., 17-18; Bu. of Sci. Fellow to Columbia Univ., 18-21. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918-1919. Extraccion y estudio quimico del jugo concreto extraido del tronco de Ia Acacia farnes'iana, Wild (Aroma, Esp.-Filip.) Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 490-496; also in Revista fi,li2sos2s--4 . 660 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FELICIANO, RAMON-Continued. pina de medicina y farmacia, v. 10: 464-471. R97.5: R4. R106. AS. 1922. Philippine rice, by A.H. WELLS, F. AGCAOILI, and R. T. FELICIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 353-361. Tables. Ql.P56. 1926. Illicit beverages. Philippine journal of science, v. 29: 464-473. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1928. An .investigation to determine a satisfactory standard for beriberi-preventing rices, by EDWARD B. VEDDER and R. T. FELICIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 351-389. Tables, piates, diagrs. Ql.P56. FISCHER, ARTHUR FREDERICK.-Bu. of Forestry, Manila; 1128 A. Mabini, Malate. Forestry. Chicago, Ill., U. S., Feb. 6, 88. C. E., Ohio Northern Univ., 09; M. F., Yale Univ. Forest School, 11. Actg. State Forester, Worster, Ohio, 10; Asst. Prof., Los Bafios, 12; Prof., Trop. Forestry, Forest School, U. P ., 17; Dean, Forest School, U. P., 17; Chief, Dir. Investigat., Bu. of Forestry. Soc. of Am. Foresters ; Am. Assn. for the AdvancJ!ment of Sci. ; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1918. Philippine bamboos; by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ·ARTHUR F. FISCH.ER. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin. no. 15. SD93.A5. Philippine forest products as sources of paper pulp, by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Philippine Islands Bureau of fores try. Bulletin, no. 16. SD93.A5. Philippine mangrove swamps, by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 17. SD93.A5. 1920-21. Minor products of the Philippine forests, by WILLIAM H. BROWN and ARTHUR F. FISCHER. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22. 3v. SD93.A5. · 1928. Manual of procedure of the Philippine Bureau of forestry for use in the field and in stations. Philippine Islands Bureau of forsstry. Circular no. 1. SD93.A55. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. The economic value of forests. Philippine review, v. 1, no. 9: 57-62. Illus. DS651.P58. 1919. Dirigible for forest service. Mountain echo, July, v. 1, no. 5. 1922. Forest ·conservation. The Makiling echo, v.1: 3-7. SD1.M2. Forest resources of the Philippines and the work of reforestation. National forum, v. 1, no. 3: 35-40. AP8.N2. 1925. Conservation. The Makili:ng echo, v. 4: 2-6. SD1.M2. 1926. Exploitation of Philippine forests. Pan-American union. Bulletin, v. 60: 39-47. Illus. F1403.B95. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 661 FISCHER, ARTHUR FREDERICK-Continued. 1929-30. The forest school. Philipinpe agriculturist, v. 18: 275-278. Illus. Sl 7.P53. Also in Makiling echo, v. 9: 12-18. SDl. M2. FRONDA, FRANCISCO M.-Agric. Coll., Laguna, U. P., Manila. Poultry. Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, Dec. 21, 96. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 19; M. S., Cornell Univ., 20; Wisconsin, Summer, 20, Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 22. Graduate Asst., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 19-22; Instr., 22, Asst. Prof., ColI. of Agr., U. P. Poultry Sci. Assn. (U. S.); World's Poultry Sci. Assn.; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Los Banos Biol. Club; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to U. S., 19-22. BOOKS 1925-26. Mammoth incubators in the Philippines. College of agriculture, Los Banos. Dept. of animal husbandry. Contribution no. 71. SF11.P506. 1928. Poultry raising; a textbook for students and a guide for all who raise poultry. Manila, Oriental commercial company, 269p. Illus. SF487.F9. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. A study of the effects of animal and plant- proteins in rations for laying hens. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7:235-252. Tables, illus. S17.P53. Capons as brooders. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 254. S17.P53. 1920. Poultry conditions in the Philippines. The journal of American association of instructors and investigators in poultry husbandry, v. 7: 9-10; also in College of agriculture, Los Banos. Dept. of animal husbandry. Contribution, no. 22. SF11.P5C6. 1921. A comparative study of the body temperature of the different species and some representative breeds of poultry. Poultry science, v. 1: 19-26; also in College of agriculture, Los Banos. Dept. of animal husbandry. Contribution no. 25. SF11.P5.C6. The relative growth-promoting value of the protein of coconut oil meal, and of combinations of it with protein from various other feeding stuffs, by L. A. MEYNARD and F. M. FRONDA. Cornell memoir, v. 50: 617-633. 1923. The protein efficiency of combinations of cornmeal and certain other feeding stuffs, notably rice bran, by L.A. MAYNARD, F. M. FRONDA and T. C. CHEN. Journal of biological chemistry, v. 55:145+. QP501.J8. Can the body temperature of a hen be used as a clue to her egg~laying capacity? Poultry science, v. 3: 34-38; also in College of agriculture, Los Banos. Dept. of animal husbandry. Contribution, no. 38. SF11.P5C6. SF481.P85. A suPVey of poultry disease in Los Banos. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 191-202. Sl 7.P53. 662 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FRONDA, FRANCISCO M.-Continued. 1924. Studies on Philippine poultry feeds, I: Availability and palatability, by NICASIO A. TUASON and F. M. FRONDA. Philippine agriculturist, v.12: 459-464. Tables. S17.P53. Double-yolked eggs. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 99-100. Plate. S17.P53. 1924. Cantonese, a new breed of poultry. Journal of heredity, v. 15, no. 9: 371-376. Illus. SF487.P5F8. 1925. Some observations on the body temperature of poultry. The Cornell veterinarian, v. 15: 8-20. SF60l.C8. Duck,like posture among hens. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 441-444. S17.P53. 1926. Studies on the fertility of the hen's egg. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 349-360. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1927. Developing the cantonese chicken by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and B. M. GONZALEZ. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 481-485. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P53. A short cut method for determining, approximately, profits and losses in a poultry project. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 589593. Tables. S17.P53. 1928. Effects of sunlight on the hatching quality of eggs. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 477-493. Tables. S17.P53. The seasonal distribution of egg production: the normal egg production curve. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 25-36. Tables, diagrs. Sl 7.P53. 1929. Accuracy in the weighing of experimental chickens. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 511-518. Tables. S17.P53. The nagoya, a new immigrant from Japan by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and B. M. GoNZALE'L. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 559-563. Illus. Sl 7.P53. The effects of dried shrimps and fish meal as supplements in rations for egg production. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 312. Tables, diagrs. Sl 7.P53. The college trapnest, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and P. s. PAJE. Philippine agriculturist, v.18: 183-187. Illus. S17.P53. 1930. The development of improved live stock in the tropics. Lingnan science journal, v. 9: 215-232. S19.L7. Observations on the activities of fowls in the laying house, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and P. s. PAJE. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 157-177. Tables, diagr. Sl 7.P53. Factors in the cost of egg production, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and PEDRO S. PAJE. Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 337-338. S17.P53. 1931. Poultry-keeping in the Philippines. The feathered world, (London): Oct. 23: 525-526. SF481.F3. Preliminary studies on the possibilities of green duck production, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and GAUDENCIO B. CRUZ. Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 591-600. Tables, diagr. illus. S17.P53. The present egg fever. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 85-86. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 663 FRONDA, FRANCISCO M.-Continued. 1931. The relation of some head characters and egg production among Cantonese fowls, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and FELIX s. GAMO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 261-268. Table. S17.P53. A review: "Judging poultry for production." Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 551-552. S17.P53. A review: Poultry husbandry. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 643-644. Sl 7.P53. A review: The formation of the hen's egg. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 486-488. S17.P53. 1932. Comparative studies of possible mash mixtures for layers on the farm. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 264. Abstract. Q75.U5. A study of the results of the first Philippine egg laying contest. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 596-603. Tables. S17.P53. Comparative studies of the values of different mash mixtures for egg production. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 96-105. Tables. S17.P53. To what extent can head measurements of hens be used in selection, by F. M. FRONDA and c. A. BADELLES. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 421-431. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. Effects on batchability of holding eggs in a low temperature, by FRANCISCO M. FRONDA and PASCUAL N. ANDRES. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 473-480. Tables. S17.P53. 1933. A study of the results of the second Philippine egg laying contest. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 148-156. Tables. 817. P53. A review: "Hatchery management." Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 716-717. S17.P53. 1934. Protein supplements in poultry rations: II. Comparative effects of shrimp meal, meat scraps, tankage, and fish meal as supplements in rations for laying hens, by ALFREDO A. FRANCISCO, GREGORIO S. CHAN, and F. M. FRONDA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 685-697. Tables. S17.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. A guide for beginners in chicken raising. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 317-336. Tables, illus., plate. Sl 7.P53. The turkey industry of Afigono, Rizal. Philip1Jine agriculturist, v.14: 283-288. Illus. S17.P53. 1928. What do you know about the chick? GTaphic, Dec. 29. AP8.G7. 1929. The truth about the cock egg. Graphic, March 2, p. 40. AP8.G7. What are the chances? Light on the mortality rate among chicks. GTaphic, March 23: 40. AP8.G7. Interesting facts and peculiar sidelights on the chicken business in Uncle Sam's far away land and some evidence of "Growing Pains." The poultry item, v. 31: no. 3. The Philippine poultry industry. The U. S. egg and poultry magazine, v. 35: 24-27, 70, 72. 664 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FRONDA, FRANCISCO M.-Continued. 1930. The Los Banos Cantonese fowl. Philippine magazine, v. 26: 715728. Ll.P5. 1931. The poultry industry of Cebu. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 388-401. Illus., tables, maps. Sl 7.P53. Select your breeding stock now to have a better flock next year. Philippine poultry journal, v. 1, no. 4: 5-11. SF481.P5. 1932. The Nagoya chicken. The Philippine magazine, v. 28: 516, 517, 525. Ll.P5. 1933. The society for the advancement of research. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 451-454. Sl 7.P53. GARCIA, ARTURO.-College of Med., U. P.; 619 Colorado St., Ermita; Iba, Zambales. Anatomy. Iba, Zambales, Jan. 28, 87. B. A., San Juan de Letran, 03; B. A., Pomona Coll., Calif., Univ. of Colorado, 08, Univ. of Min., Tulane Univ. of Louisiana. Sub. Dist. Health Officer, Bu. of Health, Zambales Province, 10-14; Resident Physician, Santo} Hosp., 11; Instr., Asso. Prof., U. P., 14-20; Prof. and Dept. Head, Coll. of Med., U. P., 20-34; Member, Board of Regents, U. P., 24-30. Boulder Country Med. Soc.; Colorado State Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Philip. Is. of F. E. A. T. M.; Sigma Xi; Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Phi Kappa Phi; Philip Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Minnesota and Tulane Univ. of Louisiana, 16-17. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Congenital bilateral absence of kidneys in a 140 millimeter pig embryo. Philippine journal of science, v. llB: 191-199. Figs. plate. Ql.P52. 1921. Length and position of the vermiform appendix in Filipinos, by ARTURO GARCIA and JUAN SOLLOZA. Philippine journal of science, v.18: 707-715. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. 1931. Tuberculosis, the present-day problem in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 44-73. Tables. R97 .5 : P57. 1933. Normal weights of visceral organs in adult Filipinos, by W. DE LEON, P. I. DE JESUS and ARTURO GARCIA. Philippine journal of science, v. 52, no. 2: 111-118. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Department of anatomy. University of the PhHippines. Rockefeller foundation. Division of medical education. Methods and problems of medical education, 17th. ser. p. 179-194. R735. R6. , 1932. The first Philippine science convention. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 126-129. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 665 GARCIA, FAUSTINO Y LUNA.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip; 915 San Marcelino St., Manila; Baliwag, Bulacan. Pharmacology. Baliwag, Bulacan, Feb. 18, 89. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 15; Pharmakologischen Institut der Universitat Munchen, 27-28; Faculte de Medicine, Paris, 28; School of Medicine, Western Reserve Univ., 28. Asst. in Pharmacology, Coll. of Med., U. P., 15-16; Resident Physician; Southern Is. Hosp., Cebu, 16; Instr., 17-18, Asst. Prof., 19-24, Asso. Prof., 24-30, Coll. of Med., U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn; Am. Med. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Europe and U. S., 27-29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. An experimental study on the use of apomorphine to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory passages, by D. DE LA PAZ and FAUSTINO GARCIA. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 131-138. Illus. Also in Philippine journal of science, 1916; v. 11 B: 51-61. Ql.P52. R106.A8. 1917. Common intestinal parasites. Philippine journal of science, v. 12 B : 25-32. Tables. Ql.P52. 1918. On the application in the Philippine Islands of biologic standardization of digitalis and its allies. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 461-466. Tables. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9: 393-397. R97.5: R4. Rl06.A8. 1921. Deterioration of the fluid extract of ergot. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1 : 8-10. Table. R97.5 : P57. 1922. Pharmacodynamics of Datura alba, by F. GARCIA and R. GUEVARA. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 599-609. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1924. A study on the toxicity of tikitiki extract by parenteral administration, by FAUSTINO GARCIA and ROMULO GUEVARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4 : 125-132. Tables. R97.5 : P57. 1925. Chemical and pharmacodynamic investigation on Strophanthus letei MerriH, by A.H. WELLS and FAUSTINO GARCIA. Philippine journal of science, v. 26 : 9-19. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1927. Preliminary report on the treatment of yaws of sodium and potassium tartrobismuthate, by P. GUTIERREZ and FAUSTINO GARCIA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18: 50-53. Tables. R97.5: R4. Standardization of digitalis, by F. GARCIA, ROMULO GUEVARA and JOSE E. JIMENEZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7 : 41-51. Tables. R97.5 : P57. 666 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GARCIA, FAUSTINO Y LUNA-Continued. 1928. Sur L' Action Hynoptique de L' Acide Hexylethylbarbiturique. Note de D. BROUN et FAUSTINO GARCIA, presentee par N. TIFFE· NEAU. Comptes rendus de la societe de biologie, v. 99 : 1852. QR1.S6. Mobilizierung von Quecksilber aus schwerloslichen Depots durch Halogensalze. Archiv fur experimentelle pathologie und pharmarkologie, v.134 no. 3/4: 42. Untersuchungen Uber quantitative, pharmakologische Differenzierung der Solanazeenalkaloide. Archiv fur experimentelle pathologie und pharmakologie, v. 134 no. 3/4: 149. 1929. The toxicity and vermicidal properties of the dilactone of acetone diacetic acid and beta angelica lactone in cat Dilactone and beta angelica lactone as anthelmintics, by W. F. von OEHINGEN and F. GARCIA. Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, v. 36:355-362. RS187.J8. 1931. Chemical and pharmacological studies of plumierid, by F. GARCIA and A. C. SANTOS. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3: 378-382; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 254-265. Tables. R97.5: R4. RS1.P48. 1932. The therapeutic use of datura cigarettes in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23 : 353-361. R97.5 : R4. 1933. The cathartic effects in man of the leaves of Wikstroemia ovata Meyer (Salago Leaves). Philippine journal of science, v. 51 485-494. Tables. Ql.P56. GARCIA, GUMERSIND0.-1101 Lepanto, Sampaloc, Manila. Medi'cine. Kabankalan, Occ. Negros,'95. AB., U. P., 18; M. D., Univ. Philip., 20. Surgeon, Mary Chiles Hospital; Practising Surgeon. Pres., Manila Med. Soc.; Pres., Philip. Is. Med. Assn., 34; Pres., Board of Medical Examiners, 33 --. Charter'Member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Manila Med. Soc. 1 1927. A fatal case of bromoform poisoning, by PABLO ANZURES and GUMERSINDO GARCIA. Revista filipina de medicina 'Y farmacia, v. 18 : 32-33. R97.5 : R4. GOMEZ, ANGEL K.-Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 973 Pennsylvania, Manila. Veterinary Medicine. Manila, Aug. 2, 91. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 14. Cornell Univ., 16-18. Instr., Asst. Prof., Asso. Prof., Prof. and Asst. Dean, Coll. of Med.; Univ. Philip. Sigma Xi; Am. Vet. Med. Assn.; Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Los Baiios Biol. Club; Philip. Soc. of Parasitologists; Phi Kappa Phi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Cornell Univ., 16-18. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. An infectious disease of guinea pigs. American veterinary medical association. Journal, v. 53: 511-522. SF601.A5. 1924. Autopsies. Philippine agriculturist, v.12: 359-60. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 667 GOMEZ, ANGEL K.-Continued. 1924. Note: Cause of foot-and-mouth disease discovered. Philippine agriC'ltlturist, v. 13 : 214. Sl 7.P53. 1925. An outbreak of fowl cholera. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14 : 413420. S17.P53. 1926. Int.ensity and distribution of infectious diseases of animals in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14 : 523-537. Tables. S17.P53. A note on limberneck. Philippine agricultural review, v.14 : 64344. S15.P5. Caecal diverticulum in a turkey. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15 : 29-32. Illus. Sl 7 .P53. Prolapse of the int.estine in a dog. Veterinary medicine, v. 21 : 559. SF601.V495. 1928. Pathologic11-I lesions caused by an undescribed cooperia in a carabao. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 169-170. Plate. S17.P53. 1929. A carcinoma in a cantonese hen, by ANGEL K. GOMEZ and A. C. GONZAGA. Philippine agriculturist, v.18 : 133-138. Illus. S17.P53. 1930. An avian disease new to the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 505-511. Hlus., diagrs. Sl 7.P53. Epizootic lymphangitis and glanders among' Philippine ponies with special reference to the occurrence of mixed infections, by ANGEL K. GOMEZ and z. DE JESUS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19 : 273281. Tables, illus. S17.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS History of veterinary medicine. The Veterinarian, March, p. 2124. 1923. The veterinary problem of Mindanao. The Tribune, November, p. 22. 1931. Practical instructions for the prevention and control of poultry diseases. Philippine farm journal, v. 3: 6. S17.P518. A statistical analysis of clinical cases in Manila. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1: 3-7. SF1.B9. 1933. The campaign against animal diseases. The Manila times, Dec. 23. Veterinary medicine as a career. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3: 213-214. SF1.B9. 1933-1934. The most common infectious diseases of poultry and their prevention. The Bureau of Animal industry gazette, v. 3: 411414, SF1.B9; also in Agricultural life, v.1:15-17. S17.A24. GOMEZ, LIBORIO.-College of Med., Univ. Philip.; 807 Georgia, Malate, Manila. Bacteriology and Pathology. Sto. Tomas, Pampanga, July 23, 87. M. D., Rush Medical Coll., 08; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago. Prof. of Path. and Bact., 23, Actg. Head, 23, Head, 20, Dept. of Path & Bact., Coll. of Med., U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. 668 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GOMEZ, LIBORIO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Intestinal parasites prevalent in the Philippines and their effect on the health of individuals and of the community. Nom-deplume. "Germinal" 1909. Manila. Ateneo. Parasitos intestinales en Filipinas, p. 81-132. QL757.M2. Diagn6stico bacteriol6gico del c6lera morbo asiatico. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 1 : 139-142. R97.5 : R4. The prevalence of intestinal parasites in Rizal and Cavite provinces and in Cagayan valley, by R. S. RISSLER and LIBORIO GOMEZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 5B: 267-275. Tables. Q1.P52. 1911. A clinical study of hookworm infection in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 6B: 239-249. Tables. Ql.P52. 1912. Sero-logia de la sifilis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3 : 1-21. Tables, diagrs. R97.5 : R4. An epidemic of bacillary dysentery in Baguio, by M. A. BARBER and LIBORIO GOMEZ. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 4: 138-139. R97.5: M2. 1912-1913. La biolog1a de las aguas potables de las Islas Filipinas. Memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional _de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 480-487. Tables. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y /armada, v. 4: 73-81. R97.5: R4. Rl06.A8. 1920. Diphtheria in the Philippine Islands, by L. GOMEZ, A. M. KAPAUAN and C. GAVINO. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 37-46. Tables. Ql.P56. 1922. The Schick reaction in Filipinos, by L. GoMEZ, R. NAVARRO and A. M. KAPAUAN. Philipine journal of science, v. 20: 323-330. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Early lesions and the development and incidence of leprosy in the children of lepers, by LIBORIO GOMEZ, JOSE A VELLANA BASA and CATALINO NICOLAS. Philippine journal of science, v. 21: 233-256. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1923. The question of the initial lesion of leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 227-229. R97.5: P57. Diphtheria carriers and their significance in the Philippines, by LIBORIO GOMEZ and REGINO NAVARRO. Philippine journal of science, v. 22: 559-566. Table. Ql.P56. 1931. Peculiaridade!t de las lesiones tuberculosis en Filipinas y su significaci6n en la resistencia y curso de la enfermedad. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5 : 187-191. R97.5 : S2. 1932. Chronic nephritis, discovered at autopsy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 256-258. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1933. Recent advances in our knowledge of cancer Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 417-426. R97.5: P57. El diagn6stico de laboratorio: Su valor y sus limitaciones, by L. GOMEZ and F. IRA CONCEPCION. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 7: 335-340. R97.5: S2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 669 GOMEZ, LIBORIO-Continued. 1934. Clinical pathological conferences, by ANTONIO G. SISON and LIBORIO GoMEz. Philippine Islands Medical association. Journal, v.14:65-70; 151-156; 194-199. R97.5:P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Mohammedan medical practice in Cotabato province. Philippine journal of science, v. 12 B :261-279. Illus., tables, plate. Ql. P52. 1923. Leprosy and its treatment. National forum, v. 1, no. 7: 35-39. AP8.N2. 1926. Impressions on medical education. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 300-304. R97.5: P57. GONZAGA, LUIS.-Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. Philip.; 174 Paz, Paco; Jaro, Iloilo. Chemistry. Jaro, Iloilo. A. B., 18, B. S., 20, M. S., 23, Univ. Philip.; ;Leipzig, Germany, 23-24; Berlin, Germany, 27. Asst. Instr., 20-21, Instr., 21-29, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry, 30 --, Univ. Philip. Philip. Sci. Seo.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Effect of composition on the complete hydrogenation of some Philippine oils with nickel cata·lyst, by A. P. WEST and LUIS GONZAGA. Philippine journa{ of science, v. 23:277-293. Tables, illus. plates. Ql.P56. 1932. The rOle of combined oxygen in the efficiency of vegetable oils as motor fuel. University of the Philippines. Natural and Applied science bulletin, v. 2: 119-124. Q75.U5. GONZALEZ, BIENVENIDO MARIA.-Coll. of Agr., Los Banos, Laguna; Apalit, Pampanga. Ani"mal Husbandry. Apalit, Pampanga, Mar. 22, 93. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 13; M. S., Univ. of Wisconsin, 15; Sc. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 23. Member, Board of Regents, Univ. Philip., 18-21; Prof. of Animal Husbandry, Coll. oiAgr., 20; Dean, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 27; Director, Pampanga Sugar Central Development Co., 27; Ed .. "The Philippine Agricultur\st." 29. Pres., Philip. Soc. Tech. Agr., 31; Philip. Soc. Adv. of Research; Pres., Los Banos Biol. Club, 23-25; Member, Philip. Sci. Soc.; Vice-Chairman, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Member, Board of Directors, National Development Company. Fellow to Europe, Australia, Java, Japan. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. The changes occurring in the ripening coconut., Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 25-31. Tables. S17.P53. The macapuno coconut. The Ph.ilippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3:31-32. S17.P53. 1919. Foot-and-mouth disease at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 77-78. S17.P53. The gestation of the carabao. Journal of heredity, v.10: 374-375. S494.J8. 670 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GONZALEZ, BIENVENIDO MARIA-Continued. 1920. Range cattle management in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9:59-65. S17.P53. 1922. Hog cholera at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 347-349. S17.P53. 1923. Improving Philippine swine: I, by B. M. GONZALEZ and F. P. LAGO. Philippine agriculutrist, v.12: 251-256. S17.P53. Experimental studies on the duration of life. VII: The influence upon duration of life of certain mutant genes of Drosophila meloni>gaster. Papers from the department of biometry and vital stati.stics. School of hygiene and public health, Johns Hopkins university. No. 87. Also in. Collected papers of the School of hygiene and public health, Johns Hopkins university, 1923-1924. v. 5, no. 84. American naturalist, v. 57 :289-325. QH1.A4. Rlll.J6. 1925. Conversion tables for common Philippine weights and measures including metric and English equivalents; collected and ·computed, by B. M. GONZALEZ and A. T. TAI.EON. University of the Philippines. College of agriculture, Los Banos. Experiment station, Circular no. 6. S301.E24. 1926. Experience in the Philippines with the introduction of pure breed animals to improve the common stock. Proceedings of third Pan-Pacific science congress, November, Tokyo, Japan. AS4. P25. Weighing large farm animals on a portable scale. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15 :149-157. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. Observations on the duration of service and serviceable life of work cattle. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 251-256. Tables. S17.P53~ 1927. Developing the cantonese chicken, by F. M. FRONDA and B. M. GONZALEZ. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 481-485. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P53. In retrospect. Philippine agriculturist, v. ·16: 121-124. Illus. S17.P53. 1928. Published contributions of the College of agriculture. V-X. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 617-623; 1929, v.17:637-642; 1930, v.19: 119-124; 1931, v.19: 719-723; 1932, v. 20:678-685; 1933, v. 21: 707-715. S17.P53. "Bighead" of horses a heritable disease, by B. M. GONZALEZ and V. VILLEGAS. Journal of heredity, v.19: 159-167. S494.J8. 1929. The nagoya, a new immigrant from Japan, by F. M. FRONDA and B. M. GONZALEZ. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 559-563. Illus. S17.P53. 1930. Studies on the inheritance of coat colors in crosses involving Philippine native with Hereford and Nellore cattle-preliminary report, by MIGUEL MANRESA, B. M. GONZALEZ, F. B. SARAO and J. P. ESGUERRA. Philippine agriculturist, v.18: 521-533. Tables. S17.P53. 1933. On research. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 1-12. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 671 GONZALEZ, BIENVENIDO MARIA-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. The conference of the Bureau of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v.1: 61-62. S17.P53. 1918. The care and treatment of domestic animals. The citizen, August 29. DS651.C5. The College of agriculture as a factor in the campaign for greater production. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 6: 101-103. Sl 7. P53. The College of agriculture alumni association. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7:96-97 S17.P53. Why the College of agriculture enlisted wholesale in the national guard, by B. M. GONZALEZ and F. M. FRONDA. The cable news American, October 22. 1920. La ganaderia en Filipinas. Anuario del V. congreso agricola de Filipinas, 156-162. S301.C71. The agricultural congress. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 328-329. S17.P53. Practical work in animal husbandry. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9: 33. Plates. S17.P53. 1923. Here and there among agricultural colleges in Europe. The Phil. ippine agriculturist, v.12: 57-62. S17.P53. 1924. Selecting farm animals by a new method. Journal of heredity, v.15: 261-262. S494.J8. Hog raising for beginners. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 445452. Illus., table. Sl 7.P53. 1925. Our beef supply. (Editorial.) The Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 131-134. Sl 7.P53. Note: a recent trip to Darwin, Australia. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 247-249. S17.P53. 1926. Fences for farm animals, by B. M. GONZALEZ and J.P. ESGUERRA. P.hilippine agriculturist, v. 14: 479c490. Sl 7.P53. Por que degenera nuestro ganado vacuno. La Vanguardia, Feb. 10. 1927. Education and agricultural promotion in Japan: I-V. Philippine agricultu1-ist, v. 15 :517-522, 571-577; 1927, v. 16 :3-8, 67-71, 281-295. S17.P53. 1929. The first twenty years of the College of ·agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 241-266. Illus. Sl7.P53. 1930. Considerations on the prospects of the Philippine sugar industry. Sugar news, v.11: 529-531. TP375.S4. Professional education in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 1-2. Sl 7.P53. 1931. Overproduction. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 1-2. S17.P53. Progressive poultrymen. Philippine poultry journal, v. 1, no. 4: 4. SF481.P5. 1932. The animal improvement program of the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 1-8. S17.P53. 672 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GONZALEZ, BIENVENIDO MARIA-Continued. 1932. Iwahig penal colony: the largest farm in the Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 147-150. Sl 7.P53. Note: An educational pioneer. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 194. S17.P53. Mongrels or standard breeds, which? Philippine poultry journal, V; 2, no. 2: 11-12. SF481.P5. What of our agriculture. Farm and home, v.1: 28. S17.F2. 1934. The national research council of the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 1-3. Sl 7.P53. GUERRERO, LEON MA.-Univ. Sto. Tomas, Manila; 118 Cortada, Ermita. Botany. Ermita, Manila, Jan. 21, 53. A. B., Ateneo de Manila; M. Ph., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 76; Sc. D. (Honorary degree), Univ. Sto. Tomas. Pharmacist, Military Pharmacy of Zamboanga, 81, Hospital de la Marina en Cafiacao, Cavite and San Juan de Dios, Cavite, 82, Botica de Minondo, 83-96; Prof. of Plant Histology, Univ. Sto. Tomas, 87; Chemist, Real Audencia de Manila, 88; Prof. and Pres., Liceo de Manila, 00-07; Sec., Board of Philip. Exposition World Fair, St. Louis, 04; Repres., First Philip. Assembly, 07; Prof., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 09-14, 17--; Pres., Board of Philip. Exposition, San Francisco, Calif., Panama Pacific Exposition, 14; Pres., First Board of Philip. Pharm. Examiners; Sub-Dir., Philip. Census, 18; Botanist, Bu. of Sci., 16-33; Chief, Div. of Bot., Bu. of Sci., 26-33. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Pharm. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council f. I. BOOK 1910. Discurso leido el dia 2 de julio en la apertura anua·l de los estudios de la U niversidad pontifica de Sto. Tomas de Manila. Edici6n oficial. Manila, Estab. tipog. del Colegio de Sto. Tomas. QK100.P5G9. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1903. Medicinal plants of the Philippine Islands. P. I. Louisiana purchase exposition board. Official handbook of the Philippines, pt. 1: 359-404. DS655.P5. 1918. Medicinal plants. Census of the Philippine Islands, v. 3: 747-787. HA1822.P5. 1918-1919. Notas preliminares sobre las materias colorantes vegetales de Filipinas facilitadas por la Oficina de ciencias a petici6n de la "VI Asamblea regional de medicos y farrnaceuticos de Filipinas. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de FilipitnaB, v. 4 :476-482; also i11 Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 10: 156-163. R97. 5: R4. R106.A8. 1921. Medicinal uses of Philippine plants. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 22, v.3: 149-246. SD93.A5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 673 GUERRERO, LEON MA.-Continued. 1930. Drogas vegetables de Filipinas. Identificaci6n de las que mas se venden ordinariamente por los herboristas de rdanila y provincias. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2: 205-208, 241-244, 277-281. RS1.P48. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. El ejerc1c10 de profesiones y el ideal de lucro. Cultura filipina, v. 4: 1124-1129. DS651.C9. 1928. La profesi6n farmaceutica. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v.1, no.1: 4-7. RS1.P54. GUERRERO, LUIS E.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 156 Isaac Peral, Ermita, Manila. Medicine. Manila, Dec. 1, 74. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 93; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 01. Asst. Prof., Tropical Med., Head, Dept. of Tropical Med. and Parasitology, Head, Dept. of Med., Coll. of Med., U. P.; Prof. of Clinical Pediatrics, Head, Dept. of Pediatrics, Coll. of Med., Sto. Tomas Univ. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Med. Soc.; Royal Soc. of Tropical Med. of London; Pres. of P. I. Med. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Algunas consideraciones sobre la etiologia y el tratamiento del beriberi infantil. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 2: 452-464. R97.5: R4. 1912. La etiologia del beri-beri. Memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 74-129; Tables, chart. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3, no. 3: 89. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. La "framboesia tr6pica" y el "606", by L. E. GUERRERO, I. 0RTIGAS and E. REYES. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 3: 255-282. R97.5: R4. 1913. El diagn6stico del embarazo por la reacci6n de Abderhalden. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 680-686. R97. 5: R4. 1914. La influencia de la malaria sobre la natalidad y la mortalidad total e infantil en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v.' 2: 461-486. Tables, charts. Rl06.A8. 1916-1917. Poisoning by lllicium religiosum Siebold, by L. E. GUERRERO, D. DE LA PAZ and A. L. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v. llB: 203-213. Tables; also in Spanish in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8:311-323. R97.5:R4. Ql.P52. 1918. La fiebre tifoidea en Filipinas, by LUIS E. GUERRERO and PROCESO GABRIEL. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4:123-141; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9: 311-315, 353-369. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 674 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GUERRERO, LUIS E.-Continued. 1918-1919. Protective and curative properties of mongo extract (Phaseolus radiatus)- in Polyneuritis gallinarum, by ISABELO CONCEPCION and LUIS GUERRERO. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 322-324. Tables. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.10: 164-167. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 1918-1921. Further observations on the treatment of yaws with Castellani's mixture, by L. E. GUERRERO, E. DOMINGO and M. v. ARGUELLES. Philippine journal of science, v. 13B: 191-197. Plates. Also in Spanish in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 12:181-190. R97.5:R4. Ql.P52. 1920. Venom of the Philippine cobra (Alupong) Naja naja Philippinensis, by c. MONSERRAT, 0. SCHOBL, and L. E. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 59-64. Ql.P56. Xeropthalmia in fowls fed on polished rice and its clinical importance, by L. E. GUERRERO and I. CONCEPCION. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 99-103. Ql.P54. 1921. Treatment of ulcus tropicum. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1: 4-8. R97.5: P57. 1923-1925. The present status of the anti-leprosy campaign in the Philippine Islands. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fifth biennial congress, p. 392-405. Tables. Also in Unitas, v. 4: 303-308 .. LH7.U5. RC960.F24. 1923. On the treatment of laws by sodium potassium tartaro-bismuthate, by L. E. GUERRERO, RICARDO FERNANDEZ and IRENE ROSAL. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fifth congress, p. 578-582. Illus. RC960.F24. 1924. Niyogniyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) as an anthihelminthic, by L. E. GUERRERO, A. B. M. SISON, A. MAKALINTAL, P. VILLASENOR, I. ROSAL and A. OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 83-87. R97.5: P57. 1925-1927. Topographical distribution of leprosy in the Philippines. Far eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions of the sixth congress, v. 2: 653-686. Tables; also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 69-90. Tables. R97. 5: P57. RC960.F24. 1930. Preliminary report on the treatme~t of typhoid fever by Agostinelli's method, by LUIS E. GUERRERO and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 370-375. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1934. Cellular counts in the spinal fluid in epidemic encephalitis and tuberculous meningitus, by LUIS E. GUERRERO and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal. 'v. 14, no. 3: 83-90. Tables. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Our leprosy problem. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 64-65. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 675 GUERRERO, LUIS E.-Continued. 1924. An appeal for the Filipinization of medicine, by Luis E. GUERRERO and AGERICO B .. M. SISON. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 566-570. RA319.A31. HERMANO, ARISTON J.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 3603 Taft Ave. Extension, Pasay, Rizal; Jaro, Iloilo, P. I. Chemistry of Nutrition. Jaro, Feb. 22, 96. Ph. C., Univ. Calif., 19; B. Sc., Univ. Nebraska, 21; Sc. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 26; Univ. Michigan, 24; George Wash. Univ., 25. Mfg. Chemist, 17-19, Analyt. Chemist, Langley Michael Co., San Francisco; Tech. Phar., U. S. Veterar.. Hosp., Minnesota, 21-23; Prof. Leet., Univ. Philip., 27-34; Leet., Centro Escolar Univ., 27-34; Prof., Nat. Univ., 28-29; Prof., Philip. Women's Univ., one semester. Am. Chem. Soc.; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Pharm. Assn.; Philip. Public Health Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. A consideration of certain reactions of starch with special reference to enzyme hydrolysis, by :AluSTON J. HERMA.NO and 0. S. RASK. Reprinted from Cereal chemistry, . v. 3: 361-392. Tables. QD321.H5. 1930. The vitamin contents of Philippine foods. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 387-401. Charts. Ql.P56. 1932. Biological study on the nutritive value of rice protein from different varieties. University of tJu Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 234. Abstract. Q75.U5. 1933. Chemicai and biological analysis of tikitiki extracts, by ARISTON J. HERMANO and FE ANIDO. Philippim journal of science, v. 50: 189-197. Diagrs. Ql.P56. 1934. The vitamin content of Philippine ' foods, Ill. Vitamin B in various fruits and vegetables, by A. J. HERMANO and GAVINO SEPULVEDA, JR. Philippine journal of science, v. 54:61-73. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. GENERAL CON'IRIBUTIONS 1932. Food values. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin no. 16. Tables, Q75.P56. HERNANDO, EUGENIO BARONA.-Bu. of Health; 211 San Antonio, Paco, Manila. Medicine, Epidemiology. Burgos, Spain, Sept. 6, 77. A. B., Inst. Burgos, 92; M. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 08; C. P. H., Johns Hopkins Univ., 23. Second Lieut., Spanish .Army, Spain, 96-98; 1st Lieut., Spanish Army, Philip., 99; Prof. of Math., Liceo de Manila, 01-08; 2nd .Lieut. & Medical Inspector, Philip. Constabulary, 08; Dist. Health Officer, Bulacan, 15-16, Samar 16, Bulacan, 16-18; Chief, Div. of Prov. Sanitation, Manila, 18-21; Chief, Div. of Mindanao & Suiu, 21-22; Chief, Div. of Metropolitan Sanitation, Manila, 23-33; Chairman, Board of Food Inspection, 23-33, Manila; 290628-5 676 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL HERNANDO, EUGENIO BARONA-Continued. Chief, Div. of Epidemiology, 33-34, Manila; Prof. of Biometrics, Univ. Philip., 27-34. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Am. Public Health Assn.; P. I. Public Health Assn; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I., Rockefeller Foundation Fellow to Johns Hopkins Univ. 22-23. BOOKS 1919. Management of comunicable diseases. Manila, Bur. of print., (Health bulletin of the Philippine health service, no. 21). RA319.A4. 1922. Instructions for the preparation of monthly health reports, provincial form no. 67. Manila, Bur. of print., 33p. Philippine Islands health service. Circular no. T-64.) RA319.A46. 1925. Sanitary inspector's guide in their daily inspection, by EUGENIO B. HERNANDO and HILARIO LARA. Manila, Bur. of print., (Health bulletin of the Philippine health service, no. 30). RA319.A4. 1932. Definitions, standards of purity laws, rules and regulations in connection with the food inspection. Manila, Bureau of printing. TX527.P5A91. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1911. Un caso de intolerancia de la antipirina. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 625-635. R97.5: R4. 1915. Inspecci6n bromatol6gica en pri>vincias. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6: 284-323. R97.5: R4. 1919. La influenza en Filipinas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 10: 283-305. Tables. R97.5: R4. 1920. La tuberculosis en Filipinas: ensayo de un programa para combatirla. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 11: 385-402. Table. R9J.5:R4. 1924. Como se entiende la sanitaci6n en los Estados Unidos de la America del Norte. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 15: 2-11. Illus. R97.5: R4. lmportancia de las estadisticas vitales en connecci6n con la administraci6n sanitaria. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 15: 56"63. R97.5: R4. 1926. Health index and epidemic index. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 87-97. Tables, graphs. RA319. A31. The epidemiology and prevention of cholera asiatica in the Capital. of the Philippines, by HILARIO B. LARA and EUGENIO HERNANDO. Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific science congress Tokyo, v. 2: 2519. AS4.P25. Studies of the prevalence and control of typhoid fever in Manila, by HILARIO LARA and EUGENIO HERNANDO. Proceedings of the third Pan-Pacific science congress, Tokyo, v. 2: 2520-2521. AS4.P25. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 677 HERNANDO, EUGENIO BARONA-Continued. 1927. Inspecci6n de los alimentos en los mercados publicos. Transactions of the Second General assembly of health officers in Baguio, Philippine Islands. p. 151-171. RA319.B2. Progresos de la sanitaci6n en Filipinas y especialmente en la ciudad de Manila desde tiempos remotos hasta nuestros dias; discurso inaugural en la Asamblea anual de lt1- Asociaci6n medica de Filipinas. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal v. 7: 455-573. Tables, diagrs. R97.5: P57. Purificaci6n del agua. Philippine Islands Health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 691-700. Table. RA319.A31. 1928. Life tables for the native resident population of the city of Manila for the year 1920. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 161185, also in spanish Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 19: 193-207. R97.5: R4. Ql.P56. 1929. Housing conditions in Manila. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 257-298. Tables. RA319.A31. 1930. Sanitary disposal of refuse and the care of domestic animals. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :13-18. RA319.A31. 1931. The control of cholera in the city of Manila throughout the different epochs. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 49-81. Tables, diagrs. RA319.A31. 1932. Report of the committee on algae in the city of Manila. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin; v.12: 250-260. RA319.A31. 1933. The carriers of water borne diseases in the city of Manila. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 13: 199-209. RA319.A31. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1913. Mis impresiones de viaje, desde el punto de vista medico-profesional. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 383-394. R97.5: R4. 1930. Campana contra el colera en la ciudad de Manila. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 273-275. R97.5: R4. 1933. The fight against tuberculosis. Health messenger, v. 2, no.12: 138. RC306.H4. HYDE, EDWARD R.-Coll. of Engin., Univ. Philip.; 714 Tennessee, Manila. Engineering. Boston, Mass., June 28, 83. B. S., Mass. Inst_ of Technology, 06. Asst. Pl. Eng., Fore River Ship Bldg. Co., Mass., 06-11; Resident Eng. for the Mass. Highway Commission, 11-13; Bu. of Public Works, Manila, 16-18; Capt. of Engineers of the U. S. Army, lS-19; Bu. of Public Works, Manila, 19-21; Prof. and Dean, Coll. of Engin., Univ. Philip., 21. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. i.; Philip. Sci. Soc. JESUS, PABLO I. DE.-Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, Univ. Philip.; 805 Georgia, Malate; Malabon, RizaI. Medicine, Bacteriology. Malabon, Rizal, Aug. 19, 01. A. A., Univ. Philip., 22; M. D., U. P., 678 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL JESUS, PABLO I. DE-Continued. 27; Dr. P. H., Mass. Inst. of Technol., 30. Physician-Bacteriologist, San Lazaro Hosp., Philip. Health Service, Apr. 5, 27 to July 31, 27; Instr., Coll. of Med., U. P., 27-30; Instr., Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, 30-31; Actg. Sec. of Sch., Apr. 30, 34, U. P.; Actg. Head of Dept., 31 --. Manila Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Delta Omega Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Parasitolog.ists; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Public Health Engin. & Industrial Hygiene; Philip. Health Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation and Univ. of the Philip. to U. S. and Europe, 28-30. scmNTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS ' 1930. The effect of fatigue and excitement upon formation of immune bodies, by HILARIO LARA and P. I. DE JESUS. Philippine jour" nal of science, v. 42: 497-505. Plates, tables. Ql.P56. The nature and administration of an ideal school medical service. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 366369. B97.5: P57. 1931. F.ield studies on public health in the United States and Porto Rico. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 199-208. R97.5: P57. Public health in Europe. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 261-271. R97.5: 57. 1932. Chemical factors in mosquito ecology. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 245-246. Abstract. Q75.U5. Hydrodynamics of mosquito breeding-places. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 251. Q75.U5. Laboratory survey of the Metropolitan water system. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 383-399. Tables. Q75.U5. 1933. Medical service in indµstry. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 289-307. R97.5: P57. Studies on the weights of visceral organs in Filipinos. Philippine journal of science, v. 52:97-98. Ql.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in Filipino children, by P. I. DE JESUS, w. DE LEON, and P. ANZURES. Philippine journal of science, v. 52:99-109. Q1.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in adult Filipinos, by W. DE LEON, ARTURO GARCIA and P. I. DE JESUS. Philippine journal of science, v. 52:111-118. Ql.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in Filipinos in relation to length and body weight, by P. I. DE JESUS, w. DE LEON, and J. M. RAMOS. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 119-130. Ql. P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 679 LANTIN, PEDRO T.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 999 Calif., Ermita; Lipa, Batangas. Tropical Medicine. Lipa, Batangas, Nov. 26, 87. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 16; D. T. M., Post Graduate Sch. of Tropical Med., U. P., 18. Asst. in Med., Philip. Gen. Hosp., 16-18; Instr., Coll. of Med., U. P., 19-22; Senior Res., Philip. Gen. Hosp., 19-22; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Med., U. P., 25. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Vice-Pres., P. I. Med. Assn., 33-34; Councilor, Manila Med. Soc., 33-34; Chairman, Committee on Venereal Disease Control, 33-34; Chairman, Sec. of Clinical and Expt. Med.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council, P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Preliminary report on various methods of serum application in bacillary dysentery. Philippine journal of science, v.13 B: 261-269. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P52. Serum theraphy of bacillary dysentery. Actas y comunicaciones de la Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 154-157; also in Revista filipina de medicina 11 fa.rmacia, 1919, v. 10: 329-333. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 1919. A case of acute mania associated with Plasmodium vivaz infection, by FRANK G. HAUGBWOUT, PEDRO T. LANTIN, and RICARDO FERNANDEZ. Philippine journal of science, v.15: 563569. Diagr. Ql.P56. A comparative study of different methods of treatment of typhoid fever. Philippine journa.l of science, v.14: 19-53. Tables, charts. Ql.P56. Protozoological and clinical studies on the treatment of protozoa} dysentery with benzyl benzoate, by P. T. LANTIN, F. G. HAUGBWOUT and M. ASUZANO. Archives of internal medicine, v. 24: 383-397. Rll.A6. 1920. Clinical studies on encephalitis lethargica, by PE;I>RO T. LANTIN and WENCESLAO VITUG. Philippine journal of science, v.17, no. 1: 97-98. Ql.P56. 1921. Endocarditis due to Streptococcus viridans; report of three cases with brief discussion of its diagnosis, by ANTONIO G. SISON, ARISTON BAUTISTA and PEDRO T. LANTIN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1: 185-191. R97.5: R4. Various methods of serum application in bacillary dysentery. Philippine journal of science, v. 19: 629-643. Diagrs. table. Ql.P56. 1925. Neosalvarsan in the treatment of amcebic dysentery. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5:269-275. Table. R97.5: P57. 1928. Bilateral cervical ribs: report of two cases, by JosE CASTILLO and PEDRO LANTIN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 4-6. R97.5: P57. 680 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LANTIN, PEDRO T.-Continued. 1928. Yatren 105 in ammbic dysentery. Philippine Islanis medical association. Journal, v. 8: 178-181. Table. R97.5: P57. 1929. Complications and fatality of typhoid fever among Filipinos, by P. T. LANTIN and P. IGNACIO. American journal of the medical sciences, v. 178: 32-48. Rll.A5. 1930. Analysis of 918 cases of bacillary dysentery treated with specific serum. American journal of the medical sciences, v. 180: 635650. Rll.A5. 1933. Prognostic value of blood culture in typhoid fever at various periods of disease. American journal of the medical sciences, v.185: 768-772. Rll.A5. Preliminary report on the treatment of typhoid fever by partial exsanguination and blood transfusion, by PEDRO T. LANTIN and F. GUERRERO. Philippine Islands medical association .. Journal, v.13: 411-416. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS Reopening the redlight districts in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 458-480. R97.5:P57. LARA, CASIMIRO B.-Culion Leper Colony, Palawan. Medicine. Magsingal, I. Sur. M. D., Univ. Philip., 19. Asst. Resident & Asst. in Med., Philip. Gen. Hosp., Manila, 19-22; Supervising Physician, Culion, Palawan, 22-24; Chief Physician, Culion Leper Colony, 24-26. Culion Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Far Eastern Assn.; Internat. Leprosy Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Am. Med. Assn.; Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. Fellow, Mayo Foundation, 24-26. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Cases of nontraumatic myelitis and their probable etiology. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal v. 1: 58-62. Table. R97.5: P57. 1923. Observations on clinical aspects .of leprosy treatment at Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 241-247. R97.5: P57. The ominous significance of leucopenia with either absolute or relative lymphocytosis in severe infections; report of cases, by ANTONIO G. SISON and CASIMIRO B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.3:291-298. R97.5:P57. 1924. A plea for the early recognition of leprosy; with notes on diagnosis and methods, by H. WINDSOR WADE, and CASIMmo B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 132-140. R97.5: P57. Complaints of patients under antileprosy treatment; I. Nature and frequency in cases receiving chaulmoogra ethyl ester preparations, by H. W. WADE, C. B. LARA and C. NICOLAS. Philippine journal of science, v. 25:661-691. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 681 LARA, CASIMIRO B.-Continued. 1926. Chief causes of death among lepers at the Culion leper colony, by CASIMmO B. LARA, BONIFACIO DE VERA, JOSE G. SAMSON and FROILAN C. EuBANiA.S. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 289-306. Tables. Also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 410-421. RA319.A31. R97.5: P57. Leper segregation, and the present leprosy situation in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 3-10. RA319.A31. 1927. Studies on negative lepers, III: The problem of relapses, by CASIMIRO B. LARA and H. W. WADE. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 115-122. R97.5:P57. Value of present methods of treating leprosy, by CASIMmo B. LARA and H. W. WADE. Lancet, v.1: 597-599. R31.L2. 1928. Evaluation of the results of treatment of leprosy with the chaulmoogra derivatives. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 56-64; 263-272. Tables. R97.5: P57. On the value of present methods of treating leprosy, by H. W. WADE and C. B. LARA. Philippine ·Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 87-89. RA319.A31. The carbon dioxide combining capacity of the plasma in lepra reaction, and the effects of the administration of sodium bicarbonate and other drugs, by ELISA ROXAS-PINEDA, CATALINO NICOLAS and CASIMmO B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 207-216. Tables. R97.5: P57. Blood calcium in leprosy, by MARIANO C. CRUZ, CASIMIRO B. LARA and E. M. PARAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:216-221. Tables. R97.5:P57. Results of trials of sodium hydnocarpate and Bruschettini vaccine in leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 261-263. R97.5: P57. 1929. Persistence of nasal lesions in leprosy, by JOSE G. SAMSON and CASIMmo B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 201-209. R97.5: 57. Efficacy of ethyl chaulmoograte, ethyl hydnocarpate, and the ethyl esters of the total fatty acids of Hydnocarpus wightiana oil by, BONIFACIO DE VERA and CASIMmO B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association., Journal, v. 9: 307-317. Tables. R97.5: P57. Efficacy of the plancha, or infiltration, method of treatment in early cases of leprosy. by CASIMIRO B. LARA and c. NICOLAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 321-326. Tables. R97.5: P57. The plancha, or infiltration, method of treating leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 336-343. Illus. R97.5: P57. 682 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LARA, CASIMIRO B.-Continued. 1930. Clinical trial of ethyl Di-N-Heptyl acetate in leprosy, by CASIMIRO B. LARA and G. FERNANDEZ. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, eighth congress, held in Bangkok, Dec. RC960.F24. Some observations on sixteen hundred cases of apparent (clinical) recovery from leprosy, by CASIMIRO B. LARA and B. DE VERA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, eighth congress, held in Bangkok, Dec. RC960.F24. Vitamin B ;value of tikitiki extract tomato, juice, and yeast by CASIMIRO B. LARA and MANUEL NICOLAS. Philippine IslandtJ medical association. Journal, v. 10: 263-272. R97.5: P57. Treatment of leprous lesions of the nasal mucosa, by J. G. SAMSON, C. B. LARA and M. C. CRUZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10 :291-299. Table. R97.5 :P57. Progress of leprosy treatment at the Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 469-480. R97.5: P57. 1932. The paroling and follow-up of quiescent cases of leprosy, and associated prol>lems. Philippine Islands Health t1ervice. Leprosy advisory board. Transactions, p. 85-96. Also in, Philippine Islands medical ast1ociation. Journal, v.12:476-485. R97.5: P57. RC154.7: P5. Observations on readmitted cases with special reference to predisposing cases of relapse in leprosy I-II. Philippine Islands Health service. Leprosy advisory Transactions p. 97-126. Tables. RC154.7:P5. ROie of iodine in iodized oil derivatives used as antileprotic drugs; trial of plain and iodized olive oil ethyl esters, by CASIMIRO B. LARA and J. G. SAMSON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 485-493. Tables. R97.5: P57. Observations on readmitted cases, with special reference to predisposing causes of relaps~ in leprosy: I. Factors already operating prior to parole. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 537-558. Tables. R97.5: P57. Observations bearing o:n the question of whether or not the chaulmoogra-group drugs have any special action in leprosy, by CASIMIRO B. LARA and M. LAGROSA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 599-603. Tables. R97.5: P57 1933. Correspondence: Hyperesthesia. International jouT11al of leprosy, v. 1 : 496-498. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1934. · Editorial on specialists: A necessary platitude. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:191-193. R97.5:P57. Editorial :-Redistribution of medical services: A suggestion and an appeal. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:234-235. R97.5:P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 683 LARA, HILARIO.-School of Hygiene & Pub. Health, U. P.; 66 Mabolo, Pasay, Rizal. Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. Anabu, Imus, Cavite, Jan. 15, 94. M. D., U. P., 19; d. P. H., 23, Dr. P. H., 24, Johns Hopkins Univ. Instr., Sch. of Nursing, Philip. Gen. Hosp.; Asst. Surgeon, Philip. Health Service, 20; Surgeon & D. H. 0., Philip. Health Service, 20-22; Visiting Physician, San Fernando Union Mission Hosp., 21-22; Special detail-Malaria, Philip. Health Service, 22; Senior Surgeon and diagnostician, 22-24; Asst. Dir. of Health and Sec., Retirement & Pension Board, Philip. Health Service; Asso. Prof. & Head of Dept. of Hygiene & Preventive Med., U. P .• 25-28; Philip. Delegate, Pan-Pacific Sci. Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 26; Special detail to direct and conduct epidemiological investigation of cholera epidemic, Philip. Health Service, 25-26; Asso. Prof. of Hygiene & Preventive Med. & Head of Dept. of Hygiene & Parasitology, U. P., 28-31; Sec., Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health, U. P., 27-31; 1st Lieut., Med. Corps Reserve, U. S. Army, 25-31; U. S. Army, Capt. Med. Corps. Reserve, 31; Prof. of Hygiene & Prev. Med. & Head, Dept. of Hygiene & Parasitology, Sch. of Hygiene & Pub. Health, U. P., 30-31; Head, of Epidemiology, Statistics & Pub. Health Administration, Sch. of Hygiene & Pub. Health, 31 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Delta Omega; Philip. Soc. of Parasitologists; Ubiquiteers; President, Philip. Sci. Soc.; Far Eastern Soc. of Trop. Med.; Sigma Xi; Philip. Public Health Assn.; Charter member,. Nat. Res. Council ,,P. I. Fellow, Am. Geog. Soc. Fellow, International Health Board, Rockefeller Foundation, 22-24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Epidemiological importance of diphtheria carriers, by JAMES A. DouLL and HILARIO LARA. American ;ournal of hygiene, v. 5: 508-529. Tables. RA421.A53. 1925-1927. On the relation of agglutinins produced in the blood of vaccinated Filipino mothers and in the blood of their unvaccinated nursing infants, by LEONCIO LOPEZ-RIZAL, MANUEL v. ARGiiELLES and HILARIO LARA. Philippine. Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5 :219-224; also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:7-12. R97.5:P57. RA319.A31. 1926. Manila's dysentery and typhoid toll: a general consideration. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6 : 121-127. Tables. R97.5 : P57. The community healthmeter, by HILARIO LARA and C. A. 0RTIGAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6 : 261-267. Diagr., table. R97.5:P57. Incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis among industrial workers in Manila, by HILARIO LARA, R. MACASAET, R. VILLAFRANCIA, M. ICASIANO and R. PASTOR. Proceedings of the first national congress in tuberculosis, p. 153-159. Tables. RC307.N2. 684 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LARA, HILARIO-Continued. 1926. The epidemiology and prevention of cholera asiatica in the capital of the Philippines, by HILARIO LARA and E. HERNANDO. Third Pan-Pacific science congress, Tokyo, Ja'/)an. Proceedings, v. 3: 2519. (Abstract.) AS4.P25. Studies of the prevalence and control to typhoid fever in Manila, by HILARIO LARA and EUGENIO HERNANDO. Third Pan-Pacific science congress, Tokyo, Japan. Proceedings, v. 2 :2520-2521. AS4.P25. 1927. Interesting features of rural outbreak of cholera due to infected drinking water. American journal of hygiene, v. 7 : 606-613. Illus. RA421.A53. 1928. Birth statistics in the city of Manila, by HILARIO LARA and JoSE GUIDOTE. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 : 1-4. Tables. R97.5 : P57. The rate of growth of the Christian population of the Philippines, by HILARIO LARA and c. ORTIGAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:411-418. Figures, tables. R97.5: P57. 1929. Effect of splenectomy upon the production of antibodies in dogs, by HILARIO LARA and CARMELO REYES. Philippine journa;l of science, v. 40: 353-358. Plates, tables. Ql.P56. 1930. Effect of fatigue and excitement upon formation of immune bodies, by HILARIO LARA and P. I. DE JESUS. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 497-505. Plate, tables. Ql.P56. 1931. Flooding as a method of controlling extensiye areas of fly-breeding, by HILARIO LARA, M. MA. AYCARDO and ASUZANO. American journal of public health, v. 21: 43-~9. RA421.A4. 1932. The epidemicity of measles in Manila, Philippine Islands, in relation to meteorological conditions. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2 : 43-60, 191192. Tables, diagr. Q75.U5. LEON, WALFRIDO DE.-Dept. of Laboratories, Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 609 Kansas, Ermita, Manila; Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Pathology and Bacteriology. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Feb. 12, 91. A. B., U. P., 12; M. D., U. P., 17; D. T. M., U. P., 19. Asst. in Obstetrics, 17, Instr. in Path. & Bact., 18, Asst. Prof. of Path. & Bact., 21, Asso. Prof. of Path. & Bact., 25, Prof. of Path. & Bact., 30, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Sanitary Bact. & Immunology, Sch. of Hygiene & Pub. Health, 32, U. P.; Chief, Dept. of Laboratories, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Manila Med. Soc.; Am. Assn. of Clinical Pathologists; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. On the ingestion of erythrocytes by Pentatrichomonas sp., found in a case of dysentery, by FRANK G. HAUGHWOUT and WALFRIDO DE LEON •. Philippine journal of science, v.14:207-219. Plate. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 685 LEON, WALFRIDO DE-Continued. 1919. Balantidium haughwouti, new species, parasitic in the intestinal tract of ampullaria species, a morphological study. Ph,ilippi:ne journal of science, v.15:389-409. Plate. Ql.P56. 1920. Protozoologic and clinical studies on the treatment of protozoal dysentery with benzyl benzoate. II. Treatment of a case of balantidiosis; recovery; death from other causes; failure to find the parasites in the bowel lumen and gut wall at autopsy, by FRANK G. HAUGHWOUT, and ELIAS DoMINGO with a preliminary note on the anatomical findings at autopsy by W .ALFR.IDO DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v.16:633-646. Ql.P56. Pathological findings in three cases of encephalitis lethargica. Philippine journal of science, v.17:125-131. Ql.P56. 1921. Report of a case of meningitis, arthritis, and epididymitis due to mixed Pfeiffer bacillus and pneumococcus infection. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1 :195-198. R97. 5 :P57. 1923. Investigations concerning yaws, by ANDREW WATSON SELLARDS, ERNEST w. GooDPASTURE and w ALFRIDO DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v. 22 :219-220. Ql.P56. The effect of treatment on the Wassermann reaction in ways, by ERNEST W. GooDPASTURE and W.ALFR.IDO DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v. 22 :221-2'31. Tables. Ql.P56. 1925. Hepatic cirrhosis in the Philippines, by ANTONIO G. SISON, AGERICO B. M. SISON and WALFRIDO DE LEON. Philippine Islands medical a.ssociation. Journal, v.5:37-40. R97.5:P57. Echinococcus cyst of the human lung, by W ALFRIDO DE LEON and LAMBERTO LEIVA. Philippine journal of science, v. 27 :351-369. Tables, diagrs. Ql. P56. 1927. Malignancy among the Filipinos; Far Eastern associatim of tropical medicine. Transactions, seventh. congress, v. 1 :91-98. Tables. RC960. F24. 1929. Experimental transplantation of Hodgin's disease in monkeys, by W.ALFR.100 DE LEON and CARMELO REYES. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9 :9-11. R97. 5 :P57. 1931. The attempted cultivation of Mycobacterium leprae, WADE W. OLIVER, w ALFRIDO DE LEON and ALFREDO Pio DE RoDA.. Philippine journal of science, v. 46:611-625. Plates. Ql.P56. 1932. Aschheim-Zondek hormone test for pregnancy: modified technic to suit local conditions; a preliminary report, by JOSEY. NAVARRO and W. DE LEON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:197-204. ·Illus. R97.5:P57. The incidence of cancer in relation to blood groupings. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:253. Abstract. Q75. US. 1933. The need of provincial or regional public health laboratories. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13 :213-215. R97.5:P57. Malignancy among Filipinos: II. Incidence based on autopsy materials collected in twenty years (1907-1927). Ph.ili-ppine Islands medical associatim. Jour'flP],, v. 13 :375-380. R97. 5 :P57. 686 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LEON, W ALFRIDO DE-Continued. 1933. Studies on the weights of visceral organs in Filipinos, by,P. I. DE JESUS and W. DE LEoN. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 97-98. Ql.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in Filipino children, by P. I. DE JESUS, P. ANZURF.S, and W. DE LEON. Pkilippine journal of science, v. 52 :99-109. Ql.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in adult Filipinos. Philippine journal of science, v. 52:111-118. Ql.P56. Normal weights of visceral organs in Filipinos in relation to length and body weight, by P. I. DE JESUS, J. M. RAMOS and w. DE LEoN. Philippine journal of science, v.52:119-130.' Ql.P56. LOPEZ RIZAL, LEONCIO.-,.Bu. of Health; 643 Magdalena, Trozo; Calamba, Laguna. Tropical Medicine. Calamba, Laguna, May 5, 85. M. D., U. S. T., 09. Member, Intestinal Parasite Research Committee, Med. Sch., U. P., 09; Asst. Resi., Tropical Med., Philip. Gen. Hosp., 10-11; Asst. Resi., Pediatrics Dept., Philip. Gen. Hosp., 11-12; Physician, Anti-T. B. Soc., 12; Investigator, Infant Mortality Committee, Bu. of Health; Health Officer, Bu. of Health, 14-34, Chief, Div. of Administration, Bu. of Health. Dir., Colegio Med. Farm. de Filipinas, 29-33; Pres., Far Eastern Assn. of Tropical Med., 34; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Philip. Public Health Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Fellow to U. S., 19-20. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Fly survey in the city of Manila. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1 :161-166. Tables. RA319.A31. The prophylaxis and cure of infantile beriberi by administration of tiki-tiki extract, by SALVADOR VIVENCIO DEL ROSARIO and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. Far Eastern association of tropical -medicine. Transactions, fourth congress, v. 1: 211-223. Tables, graphs. RC960.F24. 1921-1922. Some epidemiological features of cholera in the Philippines, by SALVADOR v. DEL ROSARIO and LEONCIO LoPEZ RIZAL. Far Easte,rn association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fourth congress, v.1:406-420; also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2: 3-13. RA319.A31. RC960.F24. 1921. Some facts about vaccination in the Philippines, by SALVADOR VIVENCIO DEL ROSARIO and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fourth congress, v. 1 : 52'5-534. Tables. RC960.F24. Contact infection, the main factor in the causation of typhoid fever in Manila, by SALVADOR VIVENCIO DEL ROSARIO and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fourth congress, v. 2: 298-307. Tables. RC960.F24. 1922. Some epidemiological problems of cholera in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2':171-176. Table. RA319.A31. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 687 LOPEZ RIZAL, LEONCIO-Continued. 1922. Typhoid investigation, epidemiological report on typhoid of 1922. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2:303356. Tables, diagr., graphs. RA319.A31. 1923. Vaccination and smallpox in the Philippine Islands. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fifth congress, p. 538-562. Tables. RC960.F2'4. 1925. A study of the determination of spleen index in Filipino school children, by JACOBO FA.JARDO, LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine, sixth congress, v. 2 :249-269. Tables, charts. RC960.F24. Some observations on the effects of anti-typhoid inoculations in the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sizth congress, v. 2 : 363-376. Tables, charts. RC960.F24. Some experiments on the potency of different kinds of vaccine virus used in the Philippines, by LEONCIO PoPEZ RIZAL and PEDRO JoVEN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5 : 214-225. Illus., tables. R97.5 : P57. 1926. A brief study on some of the various phases of the tuberculosiB question in the Philippines, by LEoNCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 91-108. Tables, graphs. RC307.N2. Some factors in the causation of tuberculosis in the Philippines. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 125139. RC307.N2. Incidence of tuberculosis in occupational groups in the city of Manila, by LEoNCIO LOPEZ RIZAL, J. GUIDOTE and J. P. BANTUG. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 147151. Tables. RC307.N2. Further studies on the index line in malarial splenomagaly, by RmINo G. PADUA and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 77-83. Tables. R97.5: P57. A few notes on simple goiter in certain parts of the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO PADUA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6 : 113-121. Charts. R97.5 : P57. Brief report of filaria survey in the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Philippine Islands medical as-. sociation. Journal, v. 6 : 298-300. Tables. R97.5 : P57. Field experiment in control of yaws, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, P. GUTIERREZ and S. FERNANDEZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 30 : 431-441. Ql.P56. A clinical modification of yaws observed in patients living in mountainous districts, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and ANDREW WATSON SELLARDS. Philippine journal of science, v. 30 : 497-505. Table, plates. Ql.P56. 1927. Notas sobre el cancer en Manila, por J. GUJDOTE y L. LOPEZ RIZAL. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18 :167-168. Tables. R97.5: R4. 688 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LOPEZ RIZAL, LEONCIO-Continued. 1927. Non-agglutinating vibrio and its probable significance. Revista fiilipina de medicina 'II farmacia, v. 18 : 253-261. Tables. R97.5: R4. Las epidemias de c6lera en Filipinas, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL and P. GABRIEL. Revista filipina de medicitna y farmacia, v.18:278289. Tables. R97.5:R4. On the relation of agglutinins produced in the blood of vaccinated Filipino mothers and in the blood of their unvaccinated nursing infants, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, M. V. ARGUELLES and H. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7 : 7-12. Tables. Also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, 1925, v. 5:219-224. RA319.A31. R97.5:P57. 1928. Report of the committee on beriberi, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, F. CALDERON and E. B. VEDDER and others. Phili'PJ)ine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 : 422-438. Tables. R97.5 : P57. Preliminary report on an unidentified disease called lapnus, ·by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL, MARIANO L. YLAGAN and FLORENCIO Fnum Revista filipina de medicina 'II farmacia, v. 19 : 108-116. Illus. R97.5 : R2. 1929. Notes on dysenteries in Manila, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, R. B. DE LEoN and A. EJ'mCITO. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20 : 62-71. Tables. R97.5 : R4. Vaccinattion and smallpox in the Philippine Islands. Revista filipina de medicina y /armacia, v. 20 : 189-209. Tables. R97.5: R4. Los problemas sanitarios que resultan de la abundancia de algas en el agua. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20:276285. R97.5: R4. 1930. Fundamentals in the prevention and control of communicable diseases as they occur in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 465-471. RA319.A31. 1931. Some problems of public health in the Philippine Islands. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22:5-9. R97.5: R4. Something on tuberculosis, by PROCESO GABRIEL and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5: 33-34. R97.5: S2. 1932. Causas de muerte entre residentes blancos en Manila. Revista filipina de medicina y farma.cia, v. 23:513-518. Tables. R97. 5: R4. A report on the multiple pressure technique in anti-smallpox vaccination, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, J. P. BANTUG, G. E. ROQUE and J. SIAN. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12 : 481-491. Tables. RA319.A31. 1933. Epidemic sore throat in the City of Manila, by L. LoPEZ RIZAL, J. SIAN and A. ALOMIA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 83-88. R97.5: R4. An epidemic of human anthrax in Bangar, La Union, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and ANGEL ALOllrUA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 305-319. R97.5: R4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 689 LOPEZ RIZAL, LEONCIO-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. lmpresiones de mi viaje a Singapore. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 14: 346-351. R97.5: R4. 1933. Informe del comite de publicaci6n. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 59-60. R97.5: R4. LUCE, ROBERT FRANCIS.-Coast & Geodetic Survey, Manila; 827 M. H. Del Pilar, Manila. Geodesy. Mehose, Mass., U. S., Apr. 14, 84. Ph. B., Yale Univ., 10; Mass. Inst. of Technology. Director, Bu. of Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila, 34. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers; Soc. of Am. Military Engineers; Yale Engineering Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. MANALANG, CRISTOBAL.-San Lazaro Hospital, Manila; 3539 Taft Ave. Ext. Psy; Nagcarlang,. Laguna. Pathology and Bacteriology. Nagcarlang, Laguna, July 10, 91. 'M. D., Sch. of Med., Marquette Univ., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 14; D. T. M., Univ. Philip., 17. Asst. in Path. 15; Instr. in Path. and Bact., 17; Asst. Prof. of Path. and Bact., 19, Univ. Philip.; Pathologist, Zamboanga Gen. Hosp.; Chief Pathologist, Culion Leper Colony; Delegate from the Philip. to PanPacific Sci. Congress, Australia; Delegate, U. S. to the Internat. Congress of Tropical Med. and Hygiene, Cairo, Egypt. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Awarded Univ. Philip. Alumni Assn. Medal, 33. ' SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Degeneration of peripheral nerves. Philippine ;ournal of science, v.12 B: 169-179. Tables, plates. Ql.P52. 1920. Fungous developmental growth forms of bacillus influenzae, by CRISTOBAL MANALANG and w. H. WADE. Journal of ezperimental medicine, v. 31 : 95. Rll.J76. 1923. Hookworm campaign in Cebu Province. Proceedings of the Pan-Pacific science congress. Australia, v. 2: 1431. AS4.P25. 1924. Ancylostoma braziliense as a human parasite in the Philippines. Journal of parasitology, v. 11: 90. QL757.J8. The second Pan-Pacific science congress held at Melbourne and Sydney; report of Philippine health service delegate. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4:3-12. RA319. A31. Ankylostomiasis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 421-424, 449-457; 1926, v. 6: 192-196, 226-228, 228-229. Illus., tables. R97.5: P57. 1925. Studies on ankylostomiasis in the Philippines. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sizth congress, v. 1 :351-368. Tables. RC960.F24. Hookworm infestation among Japanese immigrants and residents. Far eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sizth congress, v. 1: 369-377. Tables. RC960.F24. 690 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MANALANG, CRISTOBAL-Continued. 1925. On the origin of a new species of Ankylostoma infesting man in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly lmlletin, v. 5 :45-48. Illus., tables. RA319.A31. Intestinal parasites with special reference to hookworm infestation and tetrachloride treatment. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5 : 49-55. Tables. RA319.A31. The isolation of hookworm larva from the soil as an aid in sanitation work. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 297-300. RA319.A31. Agglutinin formation following the use of Castellani's glycerovaccine. Philippine journal of science, v. 26: 317-320. Tables. Ql.P56. A hookworm campaign in Cebu. Philippine journal of scie7tce, v. 27: 483-493. Tables. Ql.P56. 1926. Ankylostomiasis: comparative efficiency of carbon tetrachloride, chenopodium and thymol in" treatment of hookworm, infection. Journal of tropical medicine, v. 29: 101-103. RC960.J8. Sixth congress of the Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 521-528. RA319.A31. Ankylostomiasis: III. Hookworm counts and classification among hospital patients. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 192-196. R97.5: P57. 1927. Critical tests of hookworm remedies on man. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 7: 57-60. RC960.A54. Provincial post-mortems. Far "Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, seventh congress, v. 1: 746-748. Tables. RC960.F24. Malaria control in the Philippines. Far· Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, seventh congress, v. 2: 705711. RC960.F24. Ancylostomiasis: relation between number of ova per gram of formed stool and number of female worms harbored by the host. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 34-45. Tables. Ql. P5. Malaria inquiry and control in Mindanao and Sulu. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 281-298. Tables, graphs. RA319.A31. Notes on malaria deaths. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 485-497. RA319.A31. Comparative efficiency of carbon tetrachloride, chenopodium, .and thymol. Philippine Islands health service. M"1nthly bulletin, v. 7: 721-722. RA319.A31. Notes on Paris green as larvicide. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 725-727. Table. RA319.A31. Effect of carbon tetrachloride, chenopodium, and thymol on the ova of expelled h~okworms. Philippine journal of science, v. 32: 507-511. Tables. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 691 MANALANG, CRISTOBAL-Continued. 1927. Observations on the development of ascaris ova. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 249-255. Ql.P56. 1928. Mosquito survey and public health laboratory facilities in Cavite. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 451452. RA319.A31. The disappearance of malarial parasites in the peripheral blood following the administration of plasmochin compound, by CRISTOBAL MANALANG and SALUD s. BERNARDO. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8:644-648. RA319.A31. Trichuriasis: relation between the number of ova per gram of formed stool and the number of female worms harbored by the host. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 11-22. Ql.P56. Ascariasis: relation between the number of ova per gram of formed stool and the number of female worms harbored by the host. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 23-29. Tables. Ql.P56. Notes on malaria transmission. Philippine journal of science, v. 37: 123-131. Plates. Ql.P56. Malaria surveys and control. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19: 117-120. R97.5: R4. 1929. Summary report for 1928 of the central laboratory, Division of malaria control, Philippine health service. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 14-16. Tables. RA319.A31. The buccopharyngeal armature of Philippine anophelines. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 431-435. Plates. Ql.P56. Report of a case of Rhinosporidiosis. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 437-441. Plates. Ql.P56. 1930. Malaria studies. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 437-439. R97.5: P57. Notes on Phlebotomus nicnic Banks. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 169-173. Table, plate. Ql.P56. A new species of the genus Phlebotomus rondani. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 175-179. Table, plate. Ql.P56. Coccidiosis in anopheles mosquitoes. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 279-281. Plates. QI. P56. Phlebotomus manganus, a new sand fly from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 283-289. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. Phlebotom'U8 nitchensi; a new Philippine species. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 291-297. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. Phlebotomus heiseri a new species. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 299-305. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. The preservation of malarial oocysts and sporozoites. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 481-487. Ql.P56. Morphology and classification of the Philippine variety of Anopheles aconitus Donits, 1902, and Anopheles minimus Theobald. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 247-261. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 290628--6 692 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MANALANG, CRISTOBAL-Continued. 1931. Significance of pathologic findings in biopsy materials from lepers. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 43-47. Also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 639-640; v.12: 541-544. RA319.A31. R97.5: R4. Transmission of leprosy. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 48-49. Also in Philippine Islands health.service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 639-640, 1932, v. 12: 363-370. RA319.A31. R97. 5: R4. Malaria transmission in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 241-249, 367-381, v. 46: 47-59, 247-255, 363-369, 371-375. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. Three new sand flies from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 355-365. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. 1932. Does the amount of malaria depend on the number of transmitting mosquitoes? Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 83100. Tables. R97.5: R4. Significance of pathologic findings in biopsy materials from lepers, pts. III-IV, Philippine Islands health service. Leprosy advisory board. Transai:tions of the open meeting, p. 35-62. RC 154.7: PS. Epidemiology of leprosy. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.12: 5-6, 465. RA319.A31. Significance of leprolin reaction in the natural and experimental transmission of leprosy. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 308-310. RA319.A31. Leprosy--etiology, transmission and the causes of slow progress in its prevention. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 378-386. RA319.A31. MARA:NON, JOAQUIN.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 552 Pennsylvania, Ermita, Manila; Mandurriao, Iloilo. Plant BiochemfJstry. Mandurriao, Iloilo, Oct. 22, 91. Ph. G., Univ. Philip., 14, B. S., 16; M. S., 21, Sc. D., 23, Univ. of Michigan. Asst. in Pharmacy, 15-17, Instr. in Pharm. Chem., 17-19, Asst. Prof. in Pharm. Chem., 24, Asst. Prof. in Bot., 24-27, Asso. Prof. in Bot., 27, U. P.; Pl. Chemist, 25, Bu. of Sci. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Bot. Soc. of America; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Phi Sigma; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Michigan, 19-23. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. The physico-chemical valoration to tikitiki extract, by MARIANO V. DEL ROSARIO and JOAQUIN MARANON. Philippine j'1Urnal of science, v. 15: 221-223. Ql.P56. 1924. A biochemical study of resistance to mildew in Oenothera. Philippine journal of science, v. 24: 369-441. Tables. Ql.P56. 1927. The bitter principle of makabuhay, Tinospora rumphii Boerlage. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 357-361. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 693 MARA:&ON, JOAQUIN-Continued. 1928. Total alkaloids of Datura fastuosa Linn. and Datura alba Nees from the Philippines. Phi'/tippine journal of science, v. 37: 251-60. Ql.P56. 1929. An alkaloidal constituent of Artabotrys suaveolens Blume. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 259-267. Plates. Ql.P56. 1932. The poisonous constituent of Coriaria intermedia Matsumura. Phllippine journal of science, v. 47: 359-367. Plates. Ql.P56. Rubber content of Philippine plants, by JOAQUIN MARANON and PACITA CABATO. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 525-533. Ql.P56. The mosaic disease of sincamas, Pachyrrhizus erosus (Linnaeus) Urban, by T. G. FAJARDO and JOAQUIN MARANON. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 129-142. Plates. Also in University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 204-205. Q75.U5. Ql.P56. Nitrogen distribution in the leaves of Philippine camphor trees. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 461-568. Tables. Ql.P56. Morphological and chemical studies on the seeds of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (Linneaus) Merrill, by JOAQUIN MARANON and JOSE K. SANTOS. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 563-580. Tables, plates. Also in University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:215. Q75.U5. Ql. P56. The nitrogen distribution in the leaves of Philippine camphor trees. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 218. Q75.U5. McGREGOR, RICHARD C.-Div. of Publications, Sta. Potenciana Bldg., Dept. of Agr. and Commerce. Ornithology. Sydney, Australia, Feb. 24, 71. A. B., Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 98. Recorder and Deck officer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Wash., D. C., 99-01; Chief, Div., Gen. Zool. and Ornithology, Bu. of Sci., P. I.; Asso. Editor, Philip. Journal of Sci., 19 --; Leet., Standford Univ., 27 --; Chief, Div. of Publications, Dept. of Agr. and Commerce, 34; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Ornith. Union; Cooper Ornith. Club; Nat. Assn. Audubon Societies; Soc. Mammal; Wilson Ornith. Club; Wash. Bio. Soc.; Austral. Ornith. Union. BOOKS 1901. A list of the land birds of Santa Cruz Country, California. Santa Clara, Cal., The Club. Cooper ornithological club of California. Pacific coast avifauna, no. 2. QL671.C62. 1903. On birds from Luzon, Mindoro, Masbate, Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Cagayan, Sulu, and Palawan. Manila, Bureau of printing. Bulletin of the Philippine museum. I. QL671.P5. 1904. Birds from Benguet Province, Luzon, and from the island of Lubango, Mindoro, Cuyo, and Cagayancillo. Manila, Bureau of printing. Bulletin of the, Philippine museum no. 3. QL671. P5. 694 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL McGREGOR, RICHARD C.-Continued. 1904. The birds ·of Calayan and Fuga, Babuyan group. Manila, Bureau of printing. Bulletin of the Philippine museum no. 4. QL671. P5. 1905. Birds from the islands of Romblon, Sibuyan, and Cresta de Gallo. II. Further notes on birds from Ticao, Cuyo, Culion, Calayan, Lubang, and Luzon. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of government laboratories. Publication no. 25. Q75.P5. Birds from Mindoro and small adjacent islands. Notes on three rare Luzon birds. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of Government laboratories. Publication No. 34. Q75.P5. 1906. A hand-list of the birds of the Philippine Islands, by R. C. McGREGOR, and D. C. WORCESTER. Manila, Bureau of printing P. I. Bureau of government laboratories. Publication No. 36. Q75.P5. 1909. A manual of Philippine birds. Manila, Bur. of print., Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Publication no. 2, pt. 1-2. QL691. P5M2. 1915. Birds in their economic relation to man. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Press bulletin no. 32. Q75:P57. 1920. Index to the genera of birds. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Publication no. 14. Q75.P5. 1922. Philippine birds for boys and girls, by R. C. McGREGOR and E. J. MARSHALL. Manila, Bur. of print. QL691.P5M292. 1928. Distribution of life in the Philippines, by ROY E. DICKERSON in collaboration with ELMER D. MERRILL, RICHARD c. MCGREGOR, w. SCHULTZE, EDWARD H. TAYLOR, and ALBERT W. c. T. HERRE. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Monograph, no. 21. 322 p. Front. illus., tables, maps, plate. Q75.P55. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1899. List of fishes collected at the Revillagigedo Archipelago and neighboring islands, by DAVID STARR JORDAN and R. C. McGREGOR. Washington, Gov't. Print. off., pp. 271-284. Plates. SH11.A2. 1906. Notes on birds collected in Mindoro and in small adjacent islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 697-704. Ql.P5. Notes on four birds from Luzon and on a species of doubtful occurrence in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 765-766. Ql.P5. Notes on a collection of birds from Banton. Philippine jO'Urnal of science, v. 1: 768-770. Ql.P5. Notes on a collection of birds from the Island Qf Tablas. Philippine journal of science, v. l: 771-777. Plates. Ql.P5. Notes on a collection of birds from Palawan Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 903-908. Ql.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 695 McGREGOR, RICHARD C.-Continued. 1907. Notes on a collection of birds from the island of Basilan with descriptions of three new species. Philippine journal of science, v. 2A: 279-291. Ql.P51. The occurrence of Blyth's wattled lapwing and the Scaup duck in the Philippine Islands. Pkilippine journal of science, v.2A: 295. Ql.P51. Note on a bird unrecorded from Mindanao. Philippine journal of science, v.2A: 296. Ql.P56. Notes on specimens of the monkey-eating eagle (Pithecophaga jeff eryi Grant from Mindanao and Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 2A: 297. Ql.P51. Some features of the Philippine ornis with notes on the vegetation in relation to the avifauna. Philippine journal of science, v. 16: 361-537. Plates. Ql.P56. Notes on birds collected in Cebu. Philippine journal of science, v. 2A: 298-309. Tables. Ql.P51. Birds observed in Bantayan Island, province of Cebu. Philippine journal of science, v. 2A: 310-314. Ql.P51. The birds of Bohol. Philippine journal of science, v. 2A: 315335. Plate. Ql.P51. The birds of Batan, Camiguin, Y'ami, and Babuyan Claro, islands north of Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 2 A: 337-351. Tables, plates. Ql.P51. 1908-1909. Philippine ornithological literature. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 A: 285-292; v. 4 A: 79-86; 1910, v. 5 D: 203-209. Ql.P51. 1909. A collection of birds from northern Mindanao. Philippine journal of science, v. 4 A: 67-77. Ql.P51. 1910. Birds collected in the Islands of Polillo, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 D:103-114. Table. Gl.P54. Birds from Pauai and Mount Pulog, subprovince of Benguet, Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 D: 135-138. Ql. P54. Additional notes on birds from Northern Mindanao, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 D: 197. Ql.P54. Notes on the· migration of the tic-wee buzzard in the Philippine Islands. PhiliP'Pine journal of science, v. 5 D: 199-201. Plate. Q1.P54. Birds from the coast of Northern Luzon and from the islands of Sabtan and Dalupiri. Philippine journal of science, v. 5, D: 219-221. Ql.P54. 1911. Notes on a collection of birds from Northern Negros. PhiliP'Pinfr journal of science, v. 6 D: 39-46. Tables. Ql.J54. Record of a Puffinus new to Philippine waters and description of a new species of Micranous. Philippine journal of science. v. 6D: 183-184. Ql.P54. 696 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL McGREGOR, RICHARD C.-Continued. 1912. Bamboo for paper pulp in Bataan province, Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 7 A: 121-125. Map. Ql.P51. 1913. New or noteworthy Philippine birds. Philippine journal of science, v. 11D:269-277, v.13D: 1-19; 1916, v.18: 75-83; 1921, v.19: 691· 705; 1927, v. 32 :513-527. Tables, plates. Ql.P54. ·1914. Description of a new species of Prionochilus from the highlands of Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 9 D: 531-533. Plate. Ql.P54. 1921. Birds of Antique province, Panay, PhHippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 18: 537-555. Maps. Ql.P56. 1924. Birds of !locos Norte province, Luzon. Philippine journal of science, v. 25: 111-121. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Philippine doves and pigeons. PhilipPine education magazine, v. 23 : 20-21, 52-54. Illus. Ll.P5. 1926. Philippine rails, gallinules, coots, and similar birds. Philippine education magazine, v. 23 : 86-87, 108-110. Illus. Ll.P5. Philippine sea birds. Philippine education magazine, v. 23 : 144145. Illus. Ll.P5. Philippine pheasants and similar birds. Philippine education magazine, v. 23 : 632-633, 669. Illus. Ll.P5. 1927. Philippine fully-webbed swimming birds. Philippine education magazine, v. 23 : 482-483, 518-519. Illus. Ll.P5. Philippine hawks and eagles. Philippine education magazine, v. 23: 540-541. Illus. Ll.P5. Philippine goatsuckers and swifts. Philippine education magazine, v. 24 : 14-15, 37-38, 40. Illus. Ll.P5. Philippine cuckoos, barbets, woodpeckers, and broadbills. Philippine education magazine, v. 24 : 70-71, 94-96. Illus. Ll.P5. MENDIOLA, NE'.MESIO BLANCO.-Agric. Coll. Laguna. Agronomy. Angono, Rizal, Dec. 19, 90. B. S. Agr., U. P., 14; M. S. Agr., U. P., 16; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., U. S., 18. Instr., 18, Asst. Prof., 19-21, Asso. Prof., 21-29, Actg. Head, Dept. of Agro., Prof. & Head, Dept. of Agro., 28, Coll of Agr., U. P.; Editor-in-Chief, Philip. Agric., 15-16, Univ. Philip. Annual, 17; Consulting P. I. Breeder, Bu. of Agr., 19; Dir., First, Second and Third Nat. Rural Life Institute, 32; Actg. Dean, Coll. of Agr., July 33 to Sept., 33. Pres., U. P. Alumni Assn., 30-31, Philip. Soc. for the Advancement of Res., 30-32; Los Baiios Biol. Club, 25-26; Member, Graduate Committee, Coll. of Agr., 30; Corresponding Sec., Phi Kappa Phi (Philip. Chapter), 33. Los Baiios Biol. Club; Philip. Sugar Assn.; Internal. Soc. of Sugar-Cane Technologists; Am. Genetic Assn.; Philip. Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Phi Kappa Phi; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council. U. P. Fellow to Cornell Univ., 16-18; Fellow, International Education Board, 26-27. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 697 MENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANCO-Continued. BOOK 1921. Methods of breeding tropicaI crops. Los Baiios, Laguna, College of agricuture. 260 p. plates, tables. SB123.M54. 1926. A manual of plant breeding for the tropics. SB12'3.M5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Composition and uses of banana stems and leaves. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 80. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Hybridization of corn. Philippine agriculturist, v. 3: 165-171, 174-177. Tables. Sl7.P53. 1916. Some Phycomycetous diseases of cultivated plants in the Philippines, by NEMESIO MENDIOLA and RAFAEL B. ESPINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 5 : 65-71. Sl 7.P53. 1917. A study of Philippine bast fibers. Philippine agriculturist, v. 6: 6-39. Tables, plates. Sl 7 .P53. 1918. An inhibitor in rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 65. Sl7.P53. 1919. Variation and selection within clonal lines of Lemna minor. Genetics, v. 4 : 151-182. QH406.M5. A review of the rice investigations at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 145-160. Sl7.P53. Breeding new sugar cane varieties in the College of agriculture. Sugar central and planters' news, v. 1 : 1-7. TP375.S4. 1920. On the evolution of the corn ear. Philippine agricultural review, v.13: 112-114. Plates. Sl7.P53. Instruction in practical plant breeding. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9: 15-16. Plates. Sl7.P53. Breeding new varieties at the College of agriculture. Sugar news, v. 1, no. 13: 1-10. Illus. TP375.S4. 1921. Instruction and investigation in plant breeding in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10 : 105-107. Plates. Sl7.P53. Two years of sweet potato breeding. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10 : 177-189. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P53. Sugar cane breeding in the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 211-218; 1924, v. 13: 115-128. Plates. Sl7. P53. 1922. A study of the inheritance of beardedness of rice in natural hybirds. Philippine agricultural review, v. 15: 28-43. Tables, plates. Sl7.P5. Effect on banana fruit of premature appearance of the inflorescence. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10 : 299-300. Plate. Sl7.P53. A study of bud variation in Codiaeum variegatum, by N. B. MENDIOLA and J. R. MAGSINO. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 11: 19-22. Sl7.P53. Improvement of the lanzon (Lansium domesticum Jack). Philippine agriculturist, v. 11: 117-123. Sl 7.P53. 698 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANCO-Continued. 1922. Effect of different rates of transpiration on the dry weight and ash content of the tobacco pl3nt. Philippine journal of science, v. 20 : 639-655. Tables. Ql.P56. Proposed identification key of cane varieties in the· Philippines. Sugar central and planters' news, v. 3 : 16-18. TP375.S4. 1923. Breeding of ornamental hibiscus, by N. B. MENDIOLA and J. CAPINPIN. The Philippine agriculturist, v.11: 217-230. Reviewed in the Makiling Echo, v. 2: 42-43. SD1.M23. S17.P53. Methods of plant breeding in general. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 30-45. S17.P5. On the improvement of abaca (Musa textilis Nee). Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 85-99. Tables. S17.P5. 1924. Breeding ornamental hibiscus, II. Artificial and natural selection for dwarf, medium and tall seedlings, by N. B. MENDIOLA and J. 0. UNITE. Experiment station contribution no. 224. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 45-47. Sl 7.P53. Experimental errors and the interpretation of experimental results. University of the Philippines. College of Agriculture. Circular, no. 3. 301.E24. 1925. How to produce new varieties of gumamela: (Hibiscus). University of the Philippines. College of agriculture. Circular, no. 7, 4 p. S301.E24. 1926. The work of breeding disease resistant crop plants at the College of agriculture, by N. B. MENDIOLA and G. 0. OcFEMIA. Philippine agriculturist, v.15:117-128. Illus. S17.P53. Heritable characters of hibiscus: I. Presence or absence of lobes on leaves. of young plants. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 32'7347. Tables, illus. S17.P53. Natural crossing in rice and its relation to rice improvement. Pan-Pacific science congress. Proceedings, third, Tokyo, Japan, v.1:1171-1179. AS4.P25. 1927. Imperfect hermaphroditism in flowers -of hibiscus, removed by surgical operation. Philippine journal of science, v. 32: 65-74. Plates. Ql.P56. Some recent information about sugar-cane breeding in Java. Experiment station contribution no. 465. Proceedings of the 19.27 meeting of the Philippine sugar association. 1928. A report on an agricultural investigation trip to Java, Federated Malay States, and Borneo. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 3-23. Illus. S17.P53. Some possibilities in breeding plants used for cover, green manure, and shade. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 159-161. Sl 7.P53. Important progress in sugar-cane breeding in the Philippines. Cane 15-18. Published by the Provincial carnival association. Bacolod, Occidental Negros, P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 699 MENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANCO-Continued. 1928. Sugar-cane breeding work in the College of agriculture during the past year. Reprint from report of the committee on cane variety disease and fertilizers, Sixth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association. 1929. Orchid exhibits in the 1929 exposition of the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 415-421. Plates. S17.P53. 1930. About Philippine New Guinea 24-A and barbados 147 canes. Sugar news, v. 11 :719-26. TP375.S4. 1931. Java spider orchid (Aranchnis ftosiieris Reichb. f.) in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 605-607. Illus. Sl 7. P53. The Kawisari B. coffee introduced in the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 101-111. Table, illus. Sl 7.P53. Java selected Hevea clons successfully introduced in the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 375-387. Illus. tables. Sl 7.P53. Cassava growing and cassava starch manufacture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 447-476. Tables, illus. S17.P53. Somatic segregation in double hibiscus and its inlleritance. Philippine journal of science, v. 46:627-637. Table, illus., plates. Ql.P56. The society for the advancement of research. P'l'oceedings of the society for the advancenient of research, v. 1, no. 1. The method of sugar cane breeding followed in the College of agriculture at Los Baiios. Sugar news, v. 12: 589-591. TP375. S4. 1932. Dendrobium profusum Schlechter. Philippine agriculturist, v. 2'0: 642-644. Illus. Sl 7.P53. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Hambas variety), by AURELIO 0. CRUZ, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and NEMESIO B. MENDIOLA.. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 487-495. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. Somatic segregations observed in the College of agriculture and their economic and genetic importance. University of the Philippines: Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 269. Q75.U5. 1933. A method of plant improvement based on the use of hidden heritable but variations and those produced through injury. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 465-508. Tables, illus. S17.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Concerted action by the alumni. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 98. S17.P53. 1929. A report on a short visit to Java. Philippine agriculturist, v.18: 199-207. S17.P53. 700 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANCO-Continued. 1929. Department of agronomy. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 301-311, Illus. S17.P53. 1933. The College of agriculture. University of the Philippines, its support, and its service to the country. 11 mimeographed sheets. S539.P5M4. 1934. Cassava growing. Stockman and farmer, v. 2, no. 1: 3-4, 23-24. SF1.S8. What to see on the campus and experimental grounds of the College of agriculture. Agricultural life, v. 1, nos. 8-9: 9-11. S17.A24. MERINO, GONZALO Y FLORDELIZA.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 751 Vito Cruz; Puerto Princesa, Palawan. Economic Entomology. Cuyo, Palawan, Jan. 16, 89. B. Agr., U. P., 14; B. S., Univ. of Calif., 25; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 26; Ph. D., Ohio State Univ., 33. Municipal Teacher, Puerto Princesa, 07-08; Insular Teacher and Capt. or Reservation, Aborlan, Palawan, 14-15; Inspector, Chief of Pest Control, Bu. of Agr., 16-29; Chief, Plant Sanitation Div., Bu. of Plant Industry, 29 --. Philip. Sci. Agriculturists; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Gamma Sigma Delta; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Pensionado, to University of California. Special detail by Dept. of Agr. and Nat. Res. to Ohio. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Field tests of sweet potatoes. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 146-156. Tables. Sl 7 .P53. 1919. Bud-rot.· Philippine agricultural review, v. 12, no. 3: 91-96. Plates. Sl 7.P5. 1920. The importance of plant quarantine service in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v.13:117-125. Maps. S17.P5. 1925. The Philippine plant quarantine service, by GONZALO MERINO, N. G. TEODORO and F. OTANES. Philippine agricultural review, v.18:411-461. Plates, tables. S17.P5. MIRANDA, LUIS G.-San Miguel Brewery, Manila; 40 Uli-Uli St., San Miguel, Manila. Chemistry. W. C., Manila, Feb., 8, 04. B. A., Ateneo de Manila, 21; B. S., U. P., 28. Asst. Chemist, Univ. Sto. Tomas, 22-25; Asst. Instr., Univ. Philip., 25-26; Chemist, Magnolia Plant, 26-30; Plant Manager, Magnolia Plant, 21-33; Asst. Prod. Manager, San Miguel Brewery, 33 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Beta Sigma Chi; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, San Miguel Brewery, 30-31. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Value of milk in the daily diet. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 296. Abstract. Q75.U5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 701 MIRANDA, LUIS G.-Continued. 1933. Studies on· the quick freezing of Philippine fruits and the utilization of the frozen pack products, by F. T. ADRIANO, A. VALENZUELA, and L. G. MmANDA. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4 :41-57. Tables, illus., plates. Sl 7.P51. MONTALBAN, HERACLIO R.-Fish & Game Administration, 25th St., Port Area, Manila; 407 Vermont, Malate; Iloilo, Iloilo. I chtyology. Iloilo, Iloilo, Oct. 22, 95. A. B;, Stanford Univ., 21; M. A., Stanford Univ., 23; Univ. of Washington, June-October, 24. Teacher, Bu. of Educ., 21-22; Asst. Scientist, Bu.· of Sci., 22; Ichthyologist, Bu. · of Sci., 25-27; Asst. Chief, Bu. of Sci., 27; Scientist, Fish & Game Adm., 33. Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Pensionado, Bu. of Sci., 25-33. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Pomacentridae of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Monograph no. 24. Plates. Q75.P55. The Philippine species of Kuhliidae, by ALBERT W. HERRE and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 199-209. Plate. Ql.P56. · Philippine sparoid and rudder fishes, by ALBERT W. HERRE and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 397-439. 'Plates. Ql.P56. The Philippine butterfly fishes and their allies, by ALBERT W. HERRE and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 1-113. Plates. Ql.P56. 1928. The Philippine Siganids, by ALBERT W. HERRE and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 151-185. Plates. Ql.P56. The goatfishes, or MuUidae, of the Philippines, by ALBERT W. HERRE and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 95-137. Plates. Ql.P56. 1930. An investigation of the comparative loss of weight of the brine cured, pickle cured, and kench cured fish. Journal of the PanPacific research institution, v. 5, no. 3 :2-14. Tables, charts. AS763.P24. A chaetodont new to the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 283-285. Plate. Ql.P56. Investigations on fish preservation at Estancia, Panay, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 309-335. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Two Japanese fishing methods used by Japanese fishermen in Philippine waters, by HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN and CLARO MARTIN. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 465-480. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1932. Cultivation of baiigos in the Philippines, by WALLACE ADAMS, HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN and CLARO MARTIN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 1-38. Plates, illus. Ql.P56. 702 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MONTALBAN, HERACLIO R.-Continued. Fishing appliances of Panay, Negros, and Cebu, by FLORENCIO TALAVERA and HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 429-483. Illus., diagrs., plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1925. The status and possibilities of Philippine fisheries. Pan-Pacific magazine, Nov., 1924. Also in American chamber of commerce journal, 1925, v. 5, no. 5:7-8. HF41.A5. 1928. Twelve days on a Japanese fishing motor boat. Commerce, March and April. HF41.C68. Cultivation of ba:figos in the Philippines, by WALLACE ADAMS, HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN and CLARO MARTIN. Philippime Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin no. 12. Plates, illus. Q75. P56. MUNDO Y VILLANUEVA, SALVADOR DEL.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 1119 Pennsylvania, Manila; Boac, Marinduque. Chemistry. Boac, Marinduque, Oct. 28, 02. B. S., U. P., 25; Ph. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 34; Techniche Hochschule, Berlin, 32. Asst. Instr., U. P., 24-25; Chemist, Cebu Portland Cement Co., 25; Chemist, Central Chemical Co., 25-30; Chemist, Bu. of Sci., Z6 --; Asst. Prof., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 27 -Philip. Sci. Soc.; Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Pensionado to Japan and Germany, 31-32. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1927. Notes on the analysis of phenol (Carbolic acid). Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 363-373. Ql.P56. 1929. An inexpensive meth.od for improving the appearance of buntal fiber or of articles made of such material. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 515-517. Ql.P56. 1930. The occlusion of lead and copper in nonferrous alloys by metastannic and metantimonic acids. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 403-407. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1932. Ceramics possibilities in the Philippines. American chamber of commerce journal, v. 12, no. 10: 5, 12. Illus. HF41.A5. NA:&AGAS, JUAN CANCIO.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip; 719 Florida, Malate; Lucban, Tayabas. Anatomy. Lucban, Tayabas, Oct. 20, 91. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 15; Instr., 17-19, Asst. Prof., 19-22, Univ. Philip; Asst. Prof., Univ. of Minnesotta, 23; Asso. Prof., 22-27; Prof., 27, Univ. Philip.; Actg. Sec., Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip., 21-25. Manila Med. Soc.; Am. Assn. of Anatomists; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Sigma Xi; Nat. Geographic Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Johns Hopkins Med. Sch., 20-21; Harvard Med. Sch., 22; Univ. of Minnesota Med. Sch., 23; Univ. of Michigan Med. Sch., 23. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 703 NA:NAGAS, JUAN CANCIO-Continued. BOOKS 1918. Outline of laboratory exercises in neurology. For the Department of anatomy, University of the Philippines. Tip.-Lit. Pedro de Guzman, 422 Rizal Ave., Manila, P. I. 1922. The science of anatomy and the anatomical laboratories of America. Office of the Philippine educational agent, Bureau of insular affairs, Wash. D. C. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Importancia de la embriologia en medicina., Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9: 488-496. Tables. Also in Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 191-197. R106.A8. R97.5: R4. 1921. Two cases of monoventricular heart with atresia and transposition of some of the roots of the great vessels. Anatomical records, v. 20:255-274. Plates. QM1.A57. , On the potency of foramen ovale in Filipino newborn children. Anatomical record, v. 21, no. 4. QM1.A57. Experimental studies on hydrocephalus. (Conducted in the Johns Hopkins medical school.) The Johns Hopkins hospital bull., v. 32, no. 370. Rll.J7. Position and size of the kidneys among Filipinos. Tables, charts, illus. Philippine journal of science, v. 18:695-703. Ql.P56. 1922. Anatomical studies on the motor cortex of Macacus rhesus. Journal of comparative neurology, v. 35: 67-96. Illus. QL921.J8. 1923. Cooperation necessary between medical associations and the government in the Philippines on legislation pertaining to medical and public-health matters. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 131-135. R97.5: P57. 1925. A comparative study of the growth of the body dimensions of anencephalic human fetuses with normal fetal growth as determined by graphic analysis and empirical formulae. (Conducted in the Institute of anatomy, University of Minnesota). American journal of anatomy, v. 35 :455-494. QM1.A5. Hydrocephalus artificially produced and its importance to research. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 251-262. Illus., table, graph. R97.5 :P57. 1926. Vital capacity, build and constitution of Filipinos and the morbid relationship of these factors to pulmonary tuberculosis. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first p. 279-304. Tables, plate. Also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:189-209. Charts. R97.5:P57. RC307.N2. 1927. Vital capacity and physical standards of students of the University of the Philippines, by JUAN NANAGAS and LEON C. SANTIAGO. Philippine journal of science, v. 32: 325-359. Charts, tables. Ql.P56. 704 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MA:RAGAS, JUAN CANCIO-Continued. 1929. A study on the cranial capacity of Filipinos. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 83-119. Tables, plates, illus., charts. Ql.P56. Mental capability of the Filipinos not at all questioned in the craniological studies being followed in the University of the Philippines. Unitas, v. 8: 101-105. LH7.U5. 1930. The physical potentiality of the Filipino race from the standpoint of body development. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:407-424. Tables. R97.5:P57. Contribution to the craniology of the Filipinos. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 347-409. Tables, charts, plate. Ql.P56. 1932. Evaluation of the developmental phase of the physique of our new generation. Philippine Islands medical association.. Journal, v.12: 359-367. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1933. Contributions to the study of the internal secreting glands in Filipinos, I. Topography and size of the thymus. Philipyi'ne journal of science, v. 51 :281-318. Tables, illus., plate. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Aiming toward the development of a more vigorous and sturdier race. University alumnus, y. 6: 21-24. LH7.U58. OBEAR, GEORGE BARROWS.-P. 0. Box 2297; Lynn. Mass. Physics. Lynn, Mass., July 27, 79. Sc. B., M. I. T., Sc. M., A. M., Ph. D., Brown Univ. Taught Physics, Math., Elect. Engin. in High Sch., Coll. and Univ., for 30 yrs.; Head and Prof., Physics Dept., Univ. Philip., 25-34. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Sigma Xi; Sigma Pi Sigma; Formerly member of Optical Soc. of America, Am. Physical Soc.; Royal Soc. of Ants (Great Britain); Societe Francis de Physique; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, A. A. A. S. OCFEMIA, GERARDO 0.-Agric. Coll., Los Baiios, Laguna. Plant Pathology. Guinobatan, Albay, Apr. 23, 91. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 15; M. S. A., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 20; Ph.D., Wisconsin, 23. Asst., Agronomy, 15-17, Plant Physiology, 17-18, Plant Pathology, 18-19, U. P.; Instr., Plant Pathology, 20-24, Asst. Prof., 24-32, Asso. Prof. 32, Head of Dept., 33, Coll. of Agr. Am. Phytopathological Soc. of Am. Bacteriologists; Sigma Xi; Bot. Soc. of America; Los Baiios Biol. Club; Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Phi Kappa Phi; Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P.. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Wisconsin, 20-23. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Some chemical and bacteriological effects of clearing grass land by burning, by FRANCISCO QUISUMBING and GERARDO OcFEMIA. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 76-78. S17.P53. 1916. Field production of yautias, gabis and dasheens. Philippine agricult!irist, v. 5: 223-234. Sl 7.P53. 1922. The sesame spot disease of rice. Phytopathology, v.12: 34. SB731.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 705 OCFEMIA, GERARDO 0.-Continued. 1923. Helminthosporium disease of rice. Phytopathology, v. 13: 53. SB731.P5. 1924. The helminthosporium disease of rice occurring in the southern United States and in the Philippines. American journal of botany, v. 11: 385-408. QK1.A45. The relation of soil temperature to germination of certain Philippine upland and lowland varieties of rice and infection by the helminthosporium disease. American journal of botany, v. 11: 437-460. QK1.A45. Notes on some economic plant diseases new in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 163-166; 1931, v. 19: 581-589. S17.P53. 1925. Note: Hastening the growth of plants by artificial light. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 455. Sl 7.P53. The cause of the anthracnose of avocado, mango, and upo in the Philippine Islands, by J. 0. OcFEMIA and J. A. AzATI. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 199-216. Plates. S17.P53. The occurrence of the white rust. of crucifers and its associat.ed · downy mildew in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 289-296. Plates. Sl 7.P53. The phytophthora disease of eggplant in the Philippine falands. Philippine agriculturist, v.14:317-328. Diagrs., plates. S17. P53. 1926. The work of breeding disease resistant crop plants at the College of agriculture at Los Baiios, by N. B. MENDIOLA and G. O. OcFEMIA. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 117-128. Illus. S17. P53. The relation of certain Philippine commercial varieties of bananas to the wilt disease due to Fusarium cubense Efs, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and M. A. PALO. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 243-244. S17.P53. Fiji disease of sugar cane. Supplementary reports of the committee on cane varieties, diseases, and fertilizers for the fourth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association held in Manila, Sept. 6-10. TP375.P53. Progress report on bunchytop of abaca or Manila hemp. Phytopathology, v.16:894. SB731.P5. 1927. Phytophora blight of citrus, by G. 0. OcFEMIA and E. F. ROLDAN. American journal of botany, v. 14: 1-5. QK1.A45. Notes on leaf scald of sugar cane. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association held in Manila, p. 113-115. TP375.P52. Macrophoma musae (Cke.) Berl. and Volgl. and Phoma musae Carpenter. Philippine agriculturist, v.15 : 467-469. Illus. S17. P53. Second progress report on bunchy-top of abaca, or Manila hemp. Phytopathology, v.17:256-257. SB731.P5. 1928. The root-knot of abaca, or Manila hemp, by G. 0. OCFEMI~ and M. R. CALINISAN. Phytopathology, v.18: 861-867. SB731.P5. 706 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OCFEMJA, GERARDO 0.-Continued. 1930. Bunchy-top of abaca or Manila hemp: I. A study of the cause of the disease and its method of transmission. College of agriculture. Los Banos. Dept. of plant pathology. Contribution, no. 72, 1930. Plates. Also in American journal of botany, v.17: 1-18. QK1.A45. Frank Lincoln Stevens: first Charles Fuller Baker memorial professor of the University of the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v.19:199-202. Front. (port.) S17.P53. 1931. Notes on some economic plant diseases new in the Philippine Islands: II. The Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 581-589. S17. P53. Save the abaca industry from ruin by bunchy-top. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 167-169. Sl 7.P53. The bunchy-top of abaca and its control. Philippine agriculturist, v. 2'0: 328-340. Sl 7 .P5'3. The diseases of sugar cane occurring at the College of agriculture at Los Banos and in the immediate neighborhood. Sugar news, v. 12: 595-599. TP375.S4. 1932. The fusarium associated with some field cases of heart rot of abaca, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and V. B. MENDIOLA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 296-308. Sl 7 .P53. An interesting reaction of a sugar-cane variety to grass mosaic. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 414-419. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. 1933. A brown bark ,rot of cacao trunk, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and M. S. CELINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 665-673. Illus., plate. S17.P53. Distribution of mosaic and Fiji diseases in sugar cane stalks; effects of these maladies on the germination of the eyes and transmission of the viruses by pin pricks, by G. 0. OcFEMIA, E. A. HURTADO and c. c. HERNANDEZ. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 385-407. S17.P53. The transmission of the fiji disease of sugar cane by an insect vector. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 277-280. Q75.U5. 1934. Bunchy-top of abaca, or Manila hemp: II. Further studies on the transmission of the disease and a trial planting of abaca on a bunchy-top devastated field, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and G. G. BuHAY. Philippine agricultural, v. 22 :567-581. Sl 7.P53. An insect vector of the Fiji disease of sugar cane. American journal of botany, v. 21: 113-120. QK1.A45. Our work on plant diseases. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23:467475. S17.P53. GENmAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Department of plant pathology. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 353-357. Illus. S17.P53. 1931. Note: Baker ~emorial Professor Stevens. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20:76-77. S17.P53. · ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 707 OCFEMIA, GER:ARDO 0.-Continued. 1932. Professor and Mrs. Lewis Ralph Jones honor the College of agriculture at Los Banos with a visit. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 549-551. S17.P53. OTANES, FAUSTINO Q.-Bu. Plant Industry, Manila; 10 Eden, Sta. Ana, Manila; Lupao, Nueva Ecija, Entomology. Bakal, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Feb. 15, 94. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr. U. P., 18; M. S., Univ. of Ill., 22. Municipal Teacher, Umingan, Pangasinan, 10-12; Asst., Bot. & Entomology, Agric. Coll., U. P., 12-19. Sigma Xi; Entomological Soc. of Am., Philip. Soc. of Technical Agriculturists ; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. of Parasitologists; Hexapoecia, Univ. of Ill.; Entomological Soc. of Florida; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado to U. · S. 19-22. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. The relation of experimental work to extension and demonstration. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 5: 180. S17.P53. 1918. The bean fly. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 2-27. Tables, illus. S17.P53. 1923. Soap as an effective contact insecticide for the Philippine migratory locust. Philippine agricultural review, v. 16: 281-286. S17.P5. 1924. Some observations on root grubs (Leucopholis irrorata Chevr.) in the Philippines and suggestions for their control. Philippine agricultural review, v.17: 109-119. Plates. S17.P5. 1925. A guide for sending insect pest specimens to the Bureau of agriculture for identification. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18 :75-76. Also in Philippine Islands, Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 156. S301.A55. S17.P5. The rice stem borer (Schoenobius incertellus Walker). Philippine agricultural review, v.18:81-82. Also in Philippine Islands, Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 159. S301.55. S17.P5. Insects: their relation to man and their control. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 373-410. Plates. S17.P5. Rice cutworms. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 551-554. Sl7.P5. The "Toy-Beetle" (Leucopholis irrorata Chevr.) in the Philippines, a ·serious pest. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 55-57. S17.P5. Philippine literature index of plant pests and disease, I, by NICANOR G. TEODORO and F. Q. OTANES. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 593-602. S17.P5. 1926. Honey bees and how to raise them. Philippine agricultural review, v.19:149-173. Plates. (Philippine Islands, Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 199.) S301.A55. Sl 7 .P5. 1927. Notes on the mango twig borer. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 249-250. Plates. S17.P5. 290628--7 708 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OTANES, FAUSTINO G.-Continued. 1927. Notes on the "diamond back-moth" (Putella maculipennis Curtis), by F. Q. OTANES and P. SISON. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 251-254. Plate. S17.P5. "Ulalo" or root grubs injurious to cane in the Philippines with special reference to that of the "Toy Beetle". Compilation of committee reports, Fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association. TP375.P52. Some important discoveries about migratory locust in other countries and their application in the Philippines. Philippi,ne agricultural review, v. 20: 477-485. S17.P5. 1928. Coffee pests. Philippine a.gricultural review, v. 21: 384-387. S17.P5. Rice borers. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 159. S301.A55. Rice bugs. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 160. S301.A55. 1931. Notes on cane grubs in Batangas and Occidental Negros. Philippine ;ournal of agriculture, v. 2: 129-161. Tables, plates. S17.P51. 1932. Notes on a venomous spider in the Philippines. Philippine ;ournal of agriculture, v. 3: 83-89. Plates. Sl 7 .P51. Observations on beetle collecting as a measure against cane grubs. Sugar news, v. 13: 16-22. TP375.S4. ,ft. venomous spider in the Philippines. University of the Philippi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 252-253. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1918. The control of insects. The citizen, November 21. DS651.C5. 1925. The Philippine plant quarantine service, by GoNZALO MERINO, NICANOR G. TEODORO and FAUSTINO Q. OTANES. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 411-461. Plates, tables. Sl 7.P5. 1934. Insects: Friends and enemies. The stockman and farmer, March. SF1.S8. The locust problem: How swarms are formed and some basic fact about locust control. The stockman and farmer, March. SF1.S8. PAGUIRIGAN, DOMINGO B.-Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila; 2229 Azcarraga, Int. 10, Manila; Lilio, Laguna. Agronomy. Ilagan, lsabela, Jan. 12, 95. B. S. A., U. P., 16; M. S., Connecticut Agric. Coll., 20; Byssey Inst. of Applied Biol., Harvard Univ., 20-21. Asst., Plant Physiology, Coll. of Agr., U. P., 14-16; Technical Attacbe, Tobacco Survey Commission, Manila, 16; Tech. Asst., Bu. of Agr., Isabela & Cebu, 16-18; Supervising Agent, Bu. of Internal Revenue, Manila, 18~19; Station Supt., Bu. of Agr., 19-22; Agron., Cagayan Valley, Bu. of Agr., 22-30; Agron., Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila, 31-32; Actg. Chief, Tobacco Res. Sec., Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila, ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 709 PAGUIRIGAN, DOMINGO B.-Continued. 33 --. Connecticut Horticultural Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado, Bu. of Agr., visiting Cuba and Dutch East Indies to survey industry, 19-22. BOOKS 1919. Tobacco growing in the Philippines. Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Bulletin no. 34. S301.A5. 1925. Raise first-class tobacco. Philipf,ine Islands Bureau of agriculture poster, 55 x 70 cm. Bureau of printing. Tobacco growing in the Cagayan Valley. Philippine Islands B11r reau of agriculture. Circular no. 137. 31p. S301.A55. 1927. Wrapper tobacco, by D. B. PAGUIRIGAN and M. E. GUTIERREZ and others.· Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands B11r reau of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 41. S301.A5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1916. The production of cigar wrapper tobacco under shade in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 5: 39-49. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1919. Cost of tobacco production in Isabela province. The Philippi:ne farmer, v. 5: 57-68. 192'3. Tobacco growing in Sumatra. Philippine agricultural review, v. 16: 3-11. Tables, diagr. Sl 7.P5. The manufacture of Havana cigars. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 12-21. Plates, tables. S17.P5. Tobacco growing in Cuba. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 174-196. Tables, plates, map. S17.P5. 1924. A preliminary report on the effect of distances of planting wrapper tobacco, by D. B. PAGUIRIGAN and N. HERNANDEZ. Philippine agricultural re.view, v. 17: 237-243. S17.P5. 1925. Descriptive list with cultural directions of tobacco varieties grown and distributed by the Bureau of Agriculture. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 186. 7p. S301.A55. 1927. A study of the cost of production of tobacco in the Cagayan valley, by D. B. PAGUIRIGAN and u. v. MADAMBA. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 83-115. Plates, tables. Sl 7.P5. Acclimating and standardizing tobacco at the Isabela station. Tobacco, v. 84, no.18:17-20. TS2220.T6. 1932. Experiments on cigarette tobacco production during the 1931-1932 season, by DOMINGO B. PAGUIRIGAN and JOSE c. RAMOS. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 189-209. Tables. S17.P51. 1933. Experiments in Virginia cigarette tobacco production during the 1932-1933 season, by D. B. PAGUIRIGAN and J. c. RAMOS. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4:119-128. Tables, illus., plates. S17.P51. 1934. Present Philippine standard varieties of tobacco. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5: 71-86. S17.P51. 710 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PAGUIRIGAN, DOMINGO B.--Continued. 1934. Agronomic requirements of different types of tobacco raised in the Philippines. Agricultural life, v.1, No. 3:5-7, 36; no. 4: 13-18. Sl 7.A24. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS Philippine tobacco. Economic resources and development of the Philippine Islands. Published by the Publicity Dept., Philippine Commercial Agencies, p. 16-21, New York City, U. S. A. Statistical method in plant breeding. Bureau of agriaulture unnumbered circular. 23p. 1920. Past and present status of the Philippine tobacco industry. Philippine agricultural review, v.13: 57-62. S17.P5. Bright future for Philippine tobacco. Trans-Pacific, v. 2, no.3: 59-62. Illus. HC10.T7. 1922. El pasado y el presente de la industria tabacalera de Filipinas. El Tabaco, aiio 28, Feb. Havana, Cuba. 1924. The situation of the Philippine tobacco industry and the program of the Bureau of agriculture for solving the problems. In 4 installments, Sinceridad, Tuguegarao, Cagayan, August 28, September 11 and 18. 1925. The Ilagan tobacco experiment station. Philippine agricultural review, v.18:183-186. S17.P5. 1927. Notes on the manufactures of tobacco in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural revi.ew, v. 20 :5-81. Illus., plates, charts. S17.P5. A guide to visitors to the Ilagan tobacco experiment station of the Bureau of agriculture. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20, 1:169-174. S17.P5. Wrapper leaf tobacco can be produced from native varieties. Commerce and industry jonrla, v. 3, no. 6:4,14. Illus. HF41. cs. 1928. Some facts about the production of cigars wrapper tobacco in Philippines. Bureau of agriculture, Radio lectures on agricultural topics, v. 4: 157-160. S301.A9P52. 1930. Experiments on cigarette tobacco production in the Cagayan Valley, 1925-1929. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 5-36. Tables, illus., plates. Sl 7 .P51. 1931. Diversification in the tobacco industry. Forthnightly news, v. 2, no.1:26-30, 34. SB13.F7. Philippine tobacco problems and their solutions. Bureau of Plant Industry contributions to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, Manila, Bur. print., 1932, p. 16-18. S301.A94. The "Batek" industry. The Philippines Herald, Saturday, April 25. . Raising for better leaf for cigaretted promoted. Philippines Herald, Saturday April 25, p. 4, 10. Wrapper tobacco now successfully grown here. The Philippines Herald, Saturday April 25, p. 3, 9. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 711 PAGUIRIGAN, DOMINGO B.-Continued. 1932. Cigar wrapper tobacco production now established. Bureau of Plant Industry contributions to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, 1931. Manila, Bur. print., p. 22-2'7. S301.A94. 1933. Cigar wrapper culture. Farm and Home, v. 2, no. 4:108, 126127. S17.F2. The Philippine tobacco industry. Farm and Home, v. 2, no.11: 290-291. S17.F2. PAZ, DANIEL DE LA.-College of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; 881 Florida, Manila. Pharmacology. Mariquina, Rizal, Jan. 3, 87. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 10. Instr. in Pharmacology, U. P., 12; Asst. Prof. of Pharmacology, 16; Asso. Prof. of Pharmacology, 19; Sec. of Faculty, C. M. S., 19; Prof. & Chief, Dept. of Pharmacology, U. P., 20; Asso. Editor, Philip. Journ. of Sci. Charter member, Nat .. Res. Council P. I.; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Phi Kappa Phi. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1912. Preliminary report on a study in human nutrition, by A. O. SHAKLEE and DANIEL DE, LA PAZ. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 4: 148-154. R97.5.M2. 1916. A~ experimental study on the use of apomorphine to remove foreign bodies from the respiratory passages, by DANIEL DE LA PAZ and FAUSTINO GAROIA. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos 'Y I armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3:131-138. Plates, illus. Also in Philippine journal of science, v.11 B:5161. Ql.P52. R106.A8. Poisoning by Illicium Siebold, by LUIS E. GUERRERO, D. DE LA PAZ and ALFREDO L. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v. 11 B :203-213. Tables. Also in Spanish in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1917. v. 8: 311-323. R97.5: R2. Ql. P52. 1918. Does the irritant action of emetine hydrochloride extend to the kidney? by D. DE LA PAZ and R. MONTENEGRO. Philippine journal of science, v.13 B:49-52. Tables. Ql.P52. PENDLETON, ROBERT L.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Army & Navy Club, Manila. Soil Technology. Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S., June 25, 90. B. S., Univ. of Calif., 14; Ph. D., Univ. of Calif., 17. Asst. in Soil Survey, Univ. of Calif., 14-15; Instr. in Soils, Allahabad Agric. Inst., 17-18; Asst. Dir., Agric. Dept., Gwalior State, India, 18-23; Prof., Soil Technology, U. P., 33. Am. Chemical Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Indian Bot. Soc.; Sigma Xi; Alpha Zeta; Am. Geog. Soc.; Am. Soil Survey Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Univ. of Calif. Fellow in Soil Chemistry, 16-17. BOOKS 1932. The properties of sugar cane soils of Java, by C. H. van Harreveld-Lako. Translated from the Dutch: "De eigenschappen van de suikerrietgronden op Java", by ROBERT L. PENDLETON. Leipzig, P. Noordhoff & company. Tables. S597.H2. '112 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PENDLETON, ROBERT L.-Continued. 1933. Tropical soil forming processes and the development of tropical soils with special reference to Java and Sumatra, by Prof. Dr. E. C. Ju. Mohr. Tr. from the Dutch: "De grond van Java en° Sumatra" 1930, by ROBERT L. PENDLETON. Peiping, National geological survey of China. Illus., tables. S591.M6. Soil survey of the Tatung area, Shansi province, China. Peiping, the geological survey of China. Soil bulletin, no. 5, 42p. Plates, tables, fold. col. map. S599.C5P3. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Establishment and status of a sugar experiment station and some points to be considered in laying out a study of Philippine sugar soils. Sugar news, v. 5: 531-537. TP375.S4. 1925. Nitrogenous fertilizers for sugar cane and the residuai effects on the soil or' sodium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. Sugar news, v. 6: 8-17, 81-86. TP375.S4. Airplane control of insects, particularly of locusts in the Philippine Islands. Sugar news, v. 6: 186-193. Illus. TP375.S4. The drainage of cane lands in the Philippines. Sugar news, v. 6: 621-631, 720-728. Illus., diagrs. TP375.S4. 1926. The subsidizing of research ability. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 323-325. Illus. Sl 7.P53. The limitations of the chemical analysis of soils and the taking of soil samples. Sugar news, v. 7: 72-85. TP375.S4. What is a soil survey? Sugar news, v. 7: 526-536. TP375.S4. 1929. Formosan agriculture in 1928. International sugar ;ournal, v. 31: 124-128. TP375.16. Soil science in the Philippines: its past, present and future. Sugar news, v. 10: 614-616. TP375.S4. 1930. Random observations of a soil technologist. Sugar news, v. 11: 292-300. TP375.S4. 1931. Bagasse analysis_, by R. H. KING and ROBERT L. PENDLETON. Sugar news, v.12:161'-165. Illus., tables. TP375.C4. 1932. Soils of the Bokakeng forest management project, Baguio, Mountain Province, by ROBERT L. PENDLETON and DIONISIO I. AQUINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 500-510. Illus., tables, chart. S17.P53. 1934. Our contribution to the knowledge of tropical soils. Philip'/)ine agriculturist, v. 23:479-485. S17.P53. QUISUMBING, EDUARDO.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 235 Sandejas, Pasay. Systematic Botany. Santa Cruz, Laguna, Nov. 24, 95. B. Agr., 18, M. S.; 21, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 23. Instr., 20-24, Asst. Prof. of Botany, 24-26, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Research Asso., Univ. Calif., 26-28; Actg. Chief, Nat. Museum Div., Bu. of Sci., Feb. 1, 34. Bot. Soc. of Am.; Sigma Xi; 'Vice-Pres., Philip. Sci. Soc.; Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member and Chairman, Div. of Biol. Sci., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. Chicago, 20-23; Fellow, Nat. Res. Council U. S. to Univ. Calif., 26-28. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 713 QUISUMBING, EDUARDO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. Studies of Philippine bananas. Philippine agricultural revieu·, v.12, no. 3: 9-90. Plates. S17.P5. 1923. General characters of some Philippine weed seeds. Philippine agricultural review, v. 16 :298-351. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P5. 1924. Marsilea crenata Presl., obnoxious weed: its eradication and control in rice fields. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13 :209-212. Plates. Sl 7.P53. 1925. Stony layer in seeds of gymnosperms. Botanical gazette, v. 79 2:121-195. Plates. QK1.B5. Continuity of protoplasm in endosperm cells of diospyros. Botanical gazette, v. 80 :439-449. Plates. QK1.B5. On Alangium longiflorum Merr. (malatapai): A promising wild tree of Mount Maquiling. Philippine agriculturist, v.13: 441442. Plate. S17.P53. 1926. Branching in coconut. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 3-11. S17. P53. 1927. Development of ovule embryo sac of Cocos nucifera, by EDUARDO QUISUMBING and JOSE B. JULIANO. Botanical gazette, v. 84: 279-293. Illus. QK1.B5. The occurrence of laticiferous vessels in the mature bark of Hevea brasiliensis. Berkeley, Cal., University of California press. University of California. Publication in botany, v. 13, no. 15: 319-332. Plates. QK1.C2. 1928. New Philippine plants, by EDUARDO QUISUMBING and ELMER D. MERRILL. Philippine journal of science, v. 37: 133-213. Plates. Q.l.P56. 1929. Stony layer in seeds of gymnosperms. University of Chicago abstract of theses. Science series, v. 1. QK643.G99Q8. 1930. New or interesting Philippine plants: I. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 315-371. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. Philippine Piperacea~. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 1246. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1931. Aerides quinquevulnerum. A teralogical case. Orchid review, v. 39: 131. QKl.06. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids, by OAKES AMES and EDUARDO QUISUMBING. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 369-383; 1932, v. 47: 197-220; 1932, v. 49: 483-504. P.lates, illus. Ql.P56. C Morphology of the male flower of Cocos nucifera Linnaeus, by JOSE B. JULIANO and EDUARDO QUISUMBING. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 449-458. Plates. Ql.P56. Water glass as a medium for permanently mounting dissections of herbarium material. Torreya, v. 31: 45-47. QK1.J63. 1932. Begonia wadei Merr. & Quis. Addisonia, v.17: 57-58. New or noteworthy Philippine orqhids: · II. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 197-220. Ql.P56. 1714 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL QUISUMBING, EDU ARDD-Continued. 1932. Teratology of Philippine orchids. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 137-141. Plates. Ql.P56. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids: III. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 483-504. Ql.P56. The distribution of Philippine orchids. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 187-191. Q75:U5. The evolution of the receptacle in Piperaceae. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 209. Q75.U5. 1933. The identity of Anota violacea and Rhynchostylis retusa. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 271-277. (Read before the Philippine science convention, March, 1932.) Ql.P56. New or noteworthy Philippine orchids: IV. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 443-473. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1918. Some hints o:Q the care of orchids. 6 typewritten sheets. (In Philippine national weekly. SB409.Q8. Weeds and our farmers. 7 typewritten sheets. (ln Philippine national weekly, July 31.) SB611.Q8. 1926. A brief survey of conditions affecting agriculture in the Bicol region, by EDUARDO QUISUMBING and INOCENCIO ELAYDA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 457-471. Illus. Sl 7.P53. QUISUMBING, EMILIO.-Filipinas Bldg., Manila; 1020 San Andres, St., Malate. Civil Engineering. Manila, Apr. 28, 85. A. B., San Juan de Letran, 00; C. E., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, 04-08. Chief, Irrigation Div., Bu. of Public Works, 24-26. Philip. Inst. of Engineers and Architects; Philip. Assn. of Civil Engineers; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Irrigation in Java. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. l: 5-15. Illus. TA4.P49. Sewage disposal. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. 1: 110-111. Plan. TA4.P49. El uso de los pozos septicos. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. 1: 158-163. Map. TA4.P49. RAYMUNDO, MARIANO B.-Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila; 25 Ortega, San Juan, Rizal. Agro.nomy. Morong, Rizal, Dec. 10, 90. B. S. A., Univ. Wisconsin, 17. Instr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 17-18; Ass. Prof., 22-28; Seed Farm Manager, Bu. of Plant Industry, 31-32; Chief, Plant Propagation, Bu. of Pl. Industry, 33 --- Los Baiios Biol. Club; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 715 RAYMUNDO, MARIANO B.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1912. The duck and egg business of Pateros. Philippine agriculturist, v. 2: 56-59. Sl 7.P53. 1927. Lowering cost of rice production. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 9-11. Sl 7.P53. 1928. An experiment in the use of a grain drill in reducing the cost of planting rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 471-476. Table. illus. S17.P53. REYES, CARMELO M.-College of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; 923 Indiana, Manila. Surgery and Gynecology. Lipa, Batangas, July 16, 85. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 10; LL B., U. P. Ass. Prof. of Surgery and Gynecology, 22, Asso. Prof. of Sur. & Gynecology, 24, Prof. of Surgery and Gynecology, 27, U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Cliarter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1913. Noma in the Philippine Islands with report of a case ending in recovery. Philippine journal of science, v. 8 B: 397-401. Plates. Q1.P52. Observaciones sobre las complicaciones hepaticas de la disenteria amebica. Revista filipina de medicina y /armacia, v. 4: 597· 601. R97.5: R4. 1914. Enfermedades quirurgicas de los niiios en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 387-403. R106.A8. 1916. La frecuencia de la retroversi6n en las mujeres filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y /armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 203-212. R106.A8. 1921. The conservative treatment in compression fracture of the lumbar vertebrae with report of a case. Philippine Islarvds medical association. Journal, v.1: 223. R97.5: P57. 1924. An analysis of clinicopathological findings in 1065 surgical and gynecological cases. PhiUppine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 327-334. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1925. Appendicitis among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 75-83. Tables. R97.5: P57. Anterior thoracotomy for chondro sarcoma of the rib with case report. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 268-269. R97.5: P57. A case of osteosarcoma of the tibia in a girl thirteen years old, with probable late metastasis in the left lung and pleura. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 293-295. R97.5: P57. '716 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REYES, CARMELO M.-Continued. 1925. A case of bilateral subclavian aneurism. Philippine Islands ~dical association. Journal, v. 5: 321-323. R97.5: P57. La sobreposicion de la aponeurosis del oblicuo mayor en las apendechmias. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 16: 3334. R97 .5: R4. The conservation of human resources in the Philippines. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.16: 197-200. R97.5: R4. 1928. Goiter and tumors of the thyroid among the Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:155-169. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1929. Experimental transplantation of Hodgkin's disease in monkeys, by w. DE LEON and CARMELO REYES. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 9-11. R97.5: P57. 1934. Surgical conferences at the Philippine General Hospital. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14: 70-75, 113117, 156-159, 200-204. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Lightening the white man's burden. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 27-41. R97.5: P57. La raza y el porvenir de la medicina en FHipinas. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 28-29, 66. R97.5: S2. 1928. Medical impression from abroad. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 97-116. R97.5: P57. Discurso pronunciado por el Dr. Carmelo Reyes en la velada necrologica en honor del Dr. Ariston Bautista Lim-Abril 3, 1928. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 111-115. R97. 5: S2. 1929. A Filipino dialect should be made the national or official language of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 423-427. RA319.A31. 1933. Health education for health leaders. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13: 257-259. R97.5: P57. REYES, FRANCISCO D.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 2008 Juan Luna, Manila. Industrial Chemistry. Manila, Dec. 12, 84. P. I. Nautical School; Mass. Inst. of Technology, 08. Factory Supt., Sugar Central Hinigaran, 26-28; Planters Chemist, Maao Central, Bago, Occidental Negros, 28-29. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Physical and chemical properties of Portland cement, by W. C. REIBLING and F. D. Reyes. Philippine journal of science, 1910, v. 5A: 367-417; v. 6A: 207-251. Illus., plates, tables fold. diagrs. Ql.P56. 1912. Sand-lime brick and artificial sand stones in the Philippines, by ALVIN J. Cox, w. c. REIBLING, and F. D. REYES. Philippine journal of science, v. 7 A: 317-355. Tables, map, plates. QI. P51. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 717 REYES, FRANCISCO D.-Continued. 1914. The efficiency by portland cement raw materials from Naga, Cebu, by w. c. REIBLING and F. D. REYES. Phuippine journal of science, v. 9 A: 127-149. Tables, plates. Ql.P51. 1917. The effect of calcium sulphate on cement, by J. C. WITT and F. D. REYEs. Philippine journal of science, v. 12 A: 133-143; second paper, 1919, v. 14: 221-233. Tables. Ql.P51. 1918. The solubility of Portland cement and relation to theories of hydration, by J. C. WITT and F. D. REYES. Philippine journal of science, v. 13 A: 147-163. Tables, chart. Ql.P51. 1919. The manufacture of high-grade lime. PhUippine Islands Bureau of science. Press bulletin no. 94. 4 typewritten sheets. Q75. P57. 1927. Government coal purchase under specifications, by F·. D. REYEs and T. DAR JUAN. Philippine Islands Bur. of science. Popular bulletin. no. 4. Q75.P56. 1928. The lime industry of the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 139-153. Plates. Ql.P56. 1929. Cogon and rice straw as a raw material for paper manufacture, by FRANCISCO D. REYES and A. 0. CRUZ. Philippine journal of science, v.38: 367-376. Tables. Ql.P56. REYES, HERMENEGILDO B.-Industrial Engin. Div., Bu. of Sci.; 888 Herran, Manila. Electrical Engineering. Malolos, Bulacan, Mar. 31, 98. A. B. (Magna cum laude), Ateneo de Manila, 14; M. E. (with certificate in E. E.), Cornell Univ., 18; M. M. E., Cornell Univ., 19. Asst. in Heat Power, Sibley Coll., Cornell Univ., 17; Asst., Testing Dept., Gen. Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., 19; Instr., Machine Design, Electrical Engin., Sibley Coll., Cornell Univ., 18; Asst. Electrical Designer, Station Construction Dept., Philip. Electric Co.; from Instr. to Prof. and Head, Dept. of Electrical Engin., U. P., 20-28. Elec. Eng., Pacific Commercial Co.; Temporary Chief Eng., Philip. Engin. Co., 25; Chief Engineer, Philip. Engin. Co., 26-28. Tau Beta Pi; Eta Kappa Nu; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Am. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers; Am. Inst. of Electrical Engineers; Pres., Philip. Assn. of Mechanical and Electrical Eng. REYES, LUIS.-Bureau of Forestry; 1996 Juan Luna; Manila. Wood Technology. Manila, June 21, 90. B. S., Coll. of Forestry, Syracuse Univ., New York, 21. Ranger, Forester, Chief, Div. of Forest Products, Wood Technologist, Bu. of Forestry, 15 --; Prof. Leet. in Wood Tech. and Forest Products, Sch. of Forestry, U. P. Internat. Soc. of Wood Anatomists; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1923. Woods of the Philippine dipterocarps. Philippine journal of science, v. 22:291-344. Plates (1 fold.) Ql.P56. 718 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROSARIO, MARIANO VIVENCIO DEL.-Univ. of the Philip.; 707.lndiana, Manila. Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Manila, Dec. 7, 69. A. B., Letran Coll., 84; Lie. Pharm., Univ. of Sto. Tomas, 90; Phar. D., Univ. of Madrid, 93; S. M., Univ. of Chicago, 09; Univ. of Marburg, Germany, 14; M. D.; Univ. Sto. Tomas, 16. Asst. Pharmacist, Cholera Hosp., 88-89; Lab. Asst., Univ: Sto. Tomas, 89; Dir., of Lab., U. S. T ., 90 ; Prof. of Physics, Liceo de Manila, 00 ; Asst. Chemist, Municipal Lab., Manila, 00-02; Prof., Biol. Chemistry, U.S. T., 09; Asst. Prof., Philip. Med. Sch., 06; Asso. Prof., U. P., 16; Delegate to U. S. Pharm. Convention, 30. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Scholarship (Matricula de Honor), Univ. of Madrid, 90; Scholarship, Univ. of Chicago, 04-08. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1907. Commercial utilization of some Philippine oil-bearing seeds: Preliminary paper, by GEORGE F. RICHMOND and MARIANO VIVENCIO DEL ROSARIO. Philippine journal of science, v. 2 A: 439-449. Tables. Ql.P51. 1910. On the determination of aldehydes in distilled liquors. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 A: 29-32. Tables. Ql.P'!>l. 1919. The physico-chemical valoration of tikitiki extract, by M. V. DEL ROSARIO and J. MARANON. Philippine journal of science, v. 15: 221-223. Table. Q1.P56. 1921. "El antileprol" o el aceite de chaulmoogra en la lepra. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.12: 103-105. R97.5: R4. 1922. Commercial acetylsalicylic acid, by M. V. DEL ROSARIO and PATROCINIO VALENZUELA. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 15-22. Tables. Ql.P56. 1927. El estudio de la farmacia en las universidades europeas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18: 118-133. R97.5: R4. 1928. Some adulterants of aspirine, by M. V. DEL ROSARIO and SALUD GARCIA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.19: 188-192. Also in Spanish in Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v.1: 143-146. RS1.P48. R97.5: R4. 1929. Some new materials for the pharmacopoeia. Philippine pharmaceutical association journal, v. 1: 231-241, 262. RS.P48. 1931. Remarks, suggestions and recommendations. Revista Boie, v. 13, no.2: 15, 17, 19, 20-23. R97.5: R45. Notas para Ia farmacopea filipina. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 112-120. R97.5: R4. 1932. An algebraic chemical equation. University of, the Philippines. Natural and applied scieyr,ce bulletin, v. 2: 125-133. Q75.U5. RO TEA, SANTIAGO.-Bu. of Animal Industry; 412 Vito Cruz; J aro, Iloilo. Animal Products. Biiiang, Laguna, 90. D. V. M., U. P., 17. Vet., Bu. of Agr., 17-30; Special courses in the Inst. of Meat PackinA-, Univ. of Chicago, 30-31; Dept. of Dairy Industry (Iowa State College), 31; Swift & Co.; Libby, McNill & Libby, Wilson & ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 719 ROTEA, SANTIAGO-Continued. Co.; Foell Packing Co., 31; Practice Course; Chief, Meat Inspection, Bu. of Animal Industry, 32-34; Sect. Chief, Animal Products Div., Bu. of Animal Industry, 32-34. Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Am. Vet. Med. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado, Meat Packing, 30-31. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1933. Methods of preserving PhHippine eggs, by v. BUENCAMINO, CARLOS x. BURGOS and SANTIAGO YATCO RoTEA. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3: 447-449. SF1.B9. ROXAS, BALDOMERO.--College of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; Corner, Cortabitarte & Mabini Sts., Manila. Obstetrics. Lipa, Batangas, Feb. 27, 68. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 85; M. D., Central Univ. of Madrid, 97. Asst. Prof. of Obstetrics, C. M. S., 07, Asso. Prof. of Obstetrics, C. M. S., 11, Prof. of Obstetrics, 17, Prof. and Chief, Dept. of Obstetrics, 19, U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Un caso interesante de secci6n cesarea clasica por pelvis osteomalacica Panhisterectomia. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 1-8. R97.5: R4. Sobre el tratamiento de las infecciones puerperales por el drenage del utero. Revista filipina de medicina y farmaci.a, v. 2: 701708. R97.5: R4. On the treatment of puerperal fever by drainage of the uterus. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 3: 168-171. R97.5: M2. 1912. Placentas previas en las mujeres FHipinas. Memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 303-311. Table. R106.A8. 1914. Una teoria sobre la variabilidad de la inserci6n placentaria del cordon umbilical. Inserci6n velamentosa. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de l,a, segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 373-386. Illus. R106.A8. 1915. Dos caso_s de embarazo abdominal a termino con feto vivo. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6: 687-699. Illus. R97. 5: R4. . 1921. Gigli's operation: report of a case, by BALDOMERO ROXAS and ANTONIO VILLARAMA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1: 114-117. R97.5: P57. 1924. Rupture of the urinary bladder during puerperium; report of a case, by BALDOMERO ROXAS and GUILLERMO RUSTIA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 6-8. R97.5: P57. Primary ectopic intraligamentous pregnancy with a living baby; report of a case, by BALDO.MERO ROXAS and ANTONIO VILLARAMA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 50-54. R97.5: P57. 720 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROXAS, BALDOMERO-Continued. 1926. The puerperal state and tuberculosis, by BALDOMERO ROXAS, H. ACOSTA-SISON and A. BAENS. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, First. p. 317-327. RC307.N2. The actual practice of obstetrics in the Philippine Islands, by BALDOMERO ROXAS and ANTONIO VILLARAMA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:1-27-130. R97.5:P57. 1931. Preliminary report on the sedimentation reaction of erythrocytes among normal and puerperal Filipino women, by BALDOMERO ROXAS and A. BAENS. Philippine Islands medical association., v.11: 393-396. R97.5: P57. ROXAS, HILARIO.-Fish & Game Adm. Bldg., Port Area, Manila; 558 Vermont, Manila; Mariquina, Rizal. Zoology. Mariquina, Rizal, Oct. 29, 96. B. S., U. P., 22; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 26. Asst. Instr., U. P., 20-22; Instr., U. P., Cebu, 22-23; Asst. Prof., U. P., Manila, 26-29; Asso. Prof., U. P ., 30-33. Am. Soc. of Zoologists; Am. Soc. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Biol. Club, Chicago; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I: Fellow of the John Simon Gyggenheim Foundation, 30-31; Fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 23-26; Fellow, Univ. of the Philip., 23-26; Fellow of the Nat. Res. Council, U. S., 1927. BOOKS 1930. The Puerto Galera marine biological laboratory of the University of the Philippines (a report to the President of the University, together with a checklist of animals of the Puerto Galera region). Manila, University of the Philippines. Plates. GH321.R8. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Gonad cross-transplantation in Sebright and Leghorn fowls. Journal of experimental zoology, v.46: 63-119. Plates. QL1.J8. Gonad cross-transplantation in Sebright and Leghorns. Proceedings of the society for experimental biology and medicine, v. 23: 789-793. QP1.S7. 1927. Pericyma cruegeri (Butler): its Ufe history and economic importance (Noctuidae, Lepidoptera). College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16:229233. Plates. Sl 7.P53. 1928. Philippine littoral echinoida. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 243-270. Plates. Ql.P56. 1929. Sex studies on Philippine frogs and toads. Male intersexuality in Rana vittigera Wiegmann. Philippine of science, v. 38: 201-211. Ql.P56. 1930. Reproductive org'ans as seats of internal secretions. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4:59-63. R97.5:S2. Stomatopoda of the Philippines, by H. A. ROXAS and EULOGIO EsTAMPADOR. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 93-131. Plates. Q75.U5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 721 ROXAS, HILARIO-Continued. 1931. Regeneration experiments on Cassiopea, by H. A. ROXAS and FRANCISCO NEMENZO. University of the PhUi'JYPi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1:265-280. Tables, plates. Q75.U5. 1932. Two new species of Sarcophyton Less from the Philippines. University of the Philippines. Natural and appl-ied science bulletin, v. 2: 73-81. Plate. Q75.U5. 1933. Philippine alcyonaria. Philippine journal of science, v. 50: 49110, 345-470. Plates. Ql.P56. Ovariotomy in the Cantonese fowl. University of the Philitypi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 399-402. Plate. Q75.U5. ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Dept. of Agr. and Commerce, Bu. of Sci.; 692 San Andres, Manila; Lipa, Batangas. Agriculture and Agricultural Chemistry. Lipa, Batangas, July 1', 88. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 05; B. S. A., Univ. Philip., 11; M. S., Univ. Philip., 13; Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 16. Instr. in Chem., 14-19, Ass. Prof., 19-24, Prof. of Chem., 24-27, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Ass. Dir. of Research, Philip. Sugar Assn., 28-29; Director, Bu. of Plant Industry, 28-34; UnderSec. of Agr. and Commerce, 34; Commissioner of Research, 34. Internat. Assn. of Sugar Technologists; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Sugar Technologists' Assn.; Technical Agriculturist Assn.; Sigma Xi; Charter member and Chairman, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. The pandan industry in Majayjay. Philippine agriculturist and foreater, v. 1: 11-12. Sl 7.P53. The cultivation of coconut. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 57-60. Sl 7.P53. The effect of some stimulants upon rice. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 89-97. Tables. Sl 7.P53. The coffee industry in the island of Luzon, by E. B. COPELAND and MANUEL L. ROXAS. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 145-159. Sl 7.P53. 1914. Lipase in the germinating coconut. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 33-39. Sl 7.P53. 1916. Reaction between amino acids and carbohydrates as a probablt! cause of humin formation. Journal of biological chemistry, v. 1. 27: 71-93. QP501.J8. 1919. Sugar cane investigations at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8: 179-189. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Proposed sugar course at the Los Baiios Agricultural college. Sugar news, v.1, no. 5:13-16. TP375.S4. Rapid method of determining the amount of lime needed for clarification. Sugar news, v. 1, no. 10: 13-14, 29. TP375.S4. Apparatus for the rapid determination of lime needed for clarification. Sugar news, v.1, no.12: 9-11. !Hus. TP375.S4. 1920. The sugar chemistry course at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9: 25-27. Plates, illus. Sl 7.P53. 722 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Continued. 1920. A comprehensive plan of investigation in sugar cane agronomy and chemistry. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9: 35-39. S17.P53. Plan for the investigation of sugar cane problems. Sugar news, v. 1: 1-7. Table. TP375.S4. Select your cane points for seed. Sugar news, v. 1: 16-17. TP375. S4. 1921. Chemistry and agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 41-42. S17.P53. Europe's youngest republic establishes a sugar station. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 43-44. Sl 7.P53. Starch and Cassava, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and RAMON B. MANIO. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 73-74. S17.P53. Industrial alcohol from cassava, by MANUELL. ROXAS and RAMON V. MANIO. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 75-84. Tables. S17. P53. Methods of distribution of sugar in cane sugar factories. Sugar news, v. 2: 130-134. Tables. TP375.S4. The Philippine sugar industry and the College of agriculture. Sugar news, v. 2: 491-497. Tables, illus. TP375.S4. 1922. The modern conception of nutrition and some of our food problems. Philippitne agriculturist, v.10: 447-465. Tables. S17. P53. Distribution of vitamins in investigated food materials. Philippine agriculturist, v. 11: 91-94. Sl 7 .P53. A preliminary critical study of the Filipino diet, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and ESTEBAN COLLADO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 171-185. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1923. Report of the committee on experiment stations. Compilation of committee reports for the first annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p: 38-42. TP375.P52. Classification in raw sugar factories, by MAN~ L. ROXAS and ANGEL A. AFRICA. Compilation of committee reports for the first annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 43-50. Abs. in P,hilippine agriculturist, v.13: 263-64 (S17.P53); also in International sugar journal, 1923, v. 26:486-91. (TP375.16) TP375.P52. The clerget method, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and GIL 0. OPIANA. Compilation of committee reports for the first annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p: 137-141. TP375.P52. 1924. Report of the Committee on experiment stations, by MANUEL L. ROXAS, G. H. PRITCHETT, NEMESIO B. MENDIOLA and R. L. PENDLETON. Compilation of committee reports for the second annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 1-11. TP375.P52. Clarification in raw sugar factories, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and A. A. AFRICA. Philippine agriculturist, v.13: 263-264. 817. P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 723 ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Continued. 1925. Cane varieties. Compilation of committee reports for the second annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 62-69. Report of the committee on cane varieties with author as chairman. TP375.P52. A field test of thirty-five sugar cane varieties. Sugar news, v. 6: 198-224. TP375.S4. Further notes on Uba cane in Pampanga province. Sugar news, v. 6: 454-455. TP375.S4. Palm sugar manufacture. Sugar news, v. 6: 574-582. Tables. TP375.S4. 1926. Cane varieties, diseases and fertilzers, by M. L. RoXAS, ROBERT L. PENDLETON, ANGEL s. ARGUELLES and ANDRES P. GOSECO. Compilation of committee reports of the fourth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 25-36. Fold. tab. TP375.P52. Cane varieties. Proceedings of the fourth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 26-38, 42-53. TP375.P53. Report of the committee on cane varieties, diseases, and fertilizers. Compilation of committee reports for the fourth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association, Sept. 6-10. TP375. P52. - Some suggestions on hacienda ·accounting. Compilation of committee reports for the fourth annual convention of the PhHippine sugar association, p. 92-94. TP375.P52. The interpretation of results of field tests in relation to the variation in yields of the different replicated plots and the law of errors. Sugar news, v. 7: 208-13. TP375.S4. The 1925--1926 field experiments at the Del Carmen district, Pampanga. Sugar news, v. 7: 387-399. TP375.S4. The 1925-1926 field experiments at the Del Carmen district, Pampanga. Sugar news, v. 7 :478-486. TP375.S4. The 1925-1926 field experiments at the Del Carmen district, Pampanga. Sugar news, v. 7: 544-574. TP375.S4. My impressions on the sugar industry of Negros. Sug":r neu·a, v. 7: 632-648. Illus., charts. TP375.S4. 1927. Monthly rainfall distribution in relation to yields. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 11-13. TP375.P52. 1926-27 field test of promising sugar cane varieties of the Pampanga sugar mills district. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 37-80. TP375.P52. Cane varieties, and fertilizers. Proceedings of the fiftk annual convention, Pkilippine sugar association, p. 39-55, 75-88. TP375. P53. 290628--8 724 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Continued. 1927. Cane varieties, diseases and fertilizers, by MANUEL L. RoXAS and OTHERS. Proceedings of the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 52-55. TP375.P53. The 1926-27 field test of H-109 vs. the native canes of the Laguna districts. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 105-108. TP375.P52. Field test with ammonium sulphate during 1926-27 at the Calamba sugar estate district. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 130-140. TP375.P52. Tests with different fertilizers on loam soil at the Hacienda of Natividad Roxas in Lipa, Batangas. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 141-142. TP375.P52. Some useful hacienda accounting and blank forms. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annuaI convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 252-259. TP375.P52. The effect of "buiiga" on sugar cane. Sugar news, v. 8: 96-100. TP375.S4. Increases in yields in the Del Carmen district, Pampanga. Sugar news, v. 8: 122-126. TP375.S4. P. S. A. Experimental work on Luzon. Sugar news, v. 8: 375-382. TP375.S4. A great loss. Sugar news, v. 8: 592-594. TP375.S4. Sugar experiment stations for the Philippines. Sugar news, v. 8: 791-794. TP375.S4. 1928. Report on the experimental work in Luzon. Compilation of committee reports for the sixth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 12-24. TP375.P52. Cane varieties, diseases and fertilizers. Proceedings of the sixth annual cdnvention, Philippine sugar association, p. 32-43. See statements of author as chairman of committee on cane varieties. TP375.P53. Report of the committee on cane varieties, diseases and fertilizers for the sixth annual convention, Philippine sugar association, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and OTHERS. 128 p. TP375.P53. 1927-1928 fertilizer constituent tests at Western Pampanga, by MANUEL L. ROXAS, RAMON ADVINCULA and JUAN 0. UNITE. Report of committee on cane varieties, diseases and fetilizers for the sixth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association, Manila, p. 90-93. Abs. in Chem. abs., v. 23: 662 (QDl. C15). TP375.P53. Liming tests in Luzon. Report of committee on cane varieties, diseases and fertilizers for the sixth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association, Manila, p. 114-118. TP375.P53. 1928. Varieties of sugar cane for Luzon: Variedades de caiia dulce para Luzon. Sugar news, v. 9: 221-228. TP375.S4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 725 ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Continued. 1928. Increasing sugar yields per hectare by application of ammonium sulphate, at Laguna-Batangas district. Sugar news, v.9: 450459. Illus., tables. TP375.S4. 1927-1928 fertilizer constituents tests at the Laguna-Batangas district. Sugar news, v. 9: 539-547. TP375.S4. Comparison of Luzon white and Cebu (Negros) purple under different conditions at the Laguna-Cavite districts. Sugar news, v. 9: 633-36. TP375.S4. Comparisons of (Cane variety) H-109 with Luzon white under different conditions in the Laguna-Cavite districts. Sugar news, v. 9: 829-833. TP375.S4. 1929. The manufacture of sugar from nipa sap. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 185-229. Ql.P56. Technical problems in sugar cane production. Proceedings of the seventh annual convention, Philippine sugar association, p. 32-46. TP375.P53. See statements of author as chairman of third conference, Inter. soc. of sugar cane technologist, Sourabaya, Java, of which this is a report. TP375 .. P53. A proposed soil survey of sugar cane fields. Sugar news, v. 10, no. 10: 731-746. TP375.S4. The use of a lime-magnesium solution for soaking cane points, by MANUELL. ROXAS and NICOLAS D. GRECIA. Sugar news, v. 10: 815-820'. Diagr., chart, tables. TP375.S4. The influence of spacing on the yields of cane and sugar per hectare under Luzon conditions, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and NICOLAS D. GRECIA. Sugar news, v. 10: 826-851. Diagrs., chart, tables. TP375.S4. 1930. Studies on the development of the sugar-cane plant in the Philippines, root and shoot development of M-1900, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and MANUEL VILLANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 367-401. Illus., plates, tables, charts (part fold). Ql. P56. Is the cane called New Guinea 24-A in the Philippines, Barbados 147? Sugar news, v. 11: 60-65. TP375.S4. What amount of nitrogen per hectare should be applied on the standard varieties of cane under Luzon conditions? by MANUEL L. ROXAS, MARCIANO A. REYES and MANUEL VILLANO. Sugar news, v. 11: 114-128. Tables. TP375.S4. The present status of staple-crop production in the Philippines. Why do we still have to import large quantities of foodstuffs, which we are producing here? Phi/,ippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 233-245. Map (fold.), tables. S17.P51. 1931. Aeginetia indica on sugar cane. Sugar news, v. 12: 89-91. TP375. S4. 1932. A scientific approach to the problems of our national economy. Philippine social science review, v. 4, no. 1: 37-40. H8.P5. 726 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ROXAS, MANUEL L.-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Significance of the Philippine althletes' victory. National forum, v. 2, no. 1: 22-23. AP8.N2. 1924. Present status of Philippine sugar industry. World agriculture, v. 4, DO. 1. Sl.W9. 1926. The future palm sugar. Sugar, v. 28: 516-518. TP375.S94. Causas principales de la mala produccion por unidad de terreno y capital. La Vanguardia, Feb. 10. 1930. Fighting the coconut leaf-miner. Clippings from The Tribune, Jan. 31. SB608.C58R8. Prompt adoption of national economic policy is necessary. There is need of a general inventory of Philippine Islands natural resources and a plan for their sound and profitable development. Commerce and industry, v. 6, no. 2: 3-4, 7. HF41.C8. 1931. Present economic depression shows need for diversifying industries. No nation in the world has subsisted exclusively on agriculture; cry of the day is for greater diversification of products and establishment of more industries. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 7: 3-4, 8, 13, 17. HF41.C8. Cotton industry can be developed in the Philippines. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 8: 3-4. HF41.C8. 1933. The Manila trading center and exchange. Philippine journal of commerce, v. 9, no. 10: 7. HF41.C8. RUSSELL, PAUL FARR.--49th St., New York City; P. 0. Box 125, Manila. Tropical Medicine. Boston, Mass., Aug. 12, 94. A. B., Boston Univ., 16; M. D., Cornell Univ., 21; M. P.H., Harvard Univ., 29. Am. Med. Assn.; Am. Public Health Assn.; Am. Soc. Parasitology; Am. Soc. Tropical Med.; Nat. Malaria Committee; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Royal Soc. of Trop. Med. & Hygiene; Far Eastern Assn. Trop .. Med.; Philip. Soc. Parasitologists; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1934. Malaria and culicid2 in the Philippine Islands : history and critical bibliography, 1898-1933. Dept. Agriculture and Commerce, Philippine Islands. Technical bulletin no. 1. 109 p. RC164.R5R93. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS Final report on the survey of hookworm infection, general sanitary conditions and organized health work in the Straits Settlements, by M. E. BARNF.S and P. E. RUSSELL. Publication no. 1. Straits Settlements rural sanitation campaign, Singapore, S. S. A programme for the control of malaria in Ceylon. Sessional paper IX Government record office Colombo, Ceylon. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 727 RUSSELL, PAUL FARR-Continued. 1921. Two cases of human actinomycosis. Proc. N. Y. Pat.Jiological Soc., v. 21: 143~154. RB1.N6. 1925. Identification of the larvm of the three common anopheline mosquitoes of the Southern United States. American journal of hygiene, v. 2: 149-174. RA421.A53. 1927. Automatic distribution of Paris green for malaria control. Journal of parasitology, v. 19 :215-224. QL757.J8. Ascariasis or roundworm infection. Malayan medical journal, v. 2:109-111. R97.M24. 1928. Plasmodium tenue (Stephens). A review of the literature and a case report. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 8: 449-479. RC960.A54. Nematodes in man in the Straits Settlements. Preliminary report. Malayan medical journal, v. 3, no. 3: 113-123. R97.M24. 1929. The Straits Settlements rural sanitation campaign. Malayan medical journal, v. 4, no. 3. R97.M24. 1931. Anopheles mosquitoes and avian malaria. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 11: 145-146. RC960.A54. Plasmochin simplex, a prophylactic drug in avian malaria, preliminary report. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 11: 279-284. Diagrs., chart. RC960.A54. A method for feeding blood meals to mosquitoes-male and female. American journal of tropical medicine, v.11: 355-358. RC960. A54. Dental instruments for mosquito dissection. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 11: 359. RC960.A54. Malaria, an account of its cause, cure and prevention, by PAUL F. RUSSELL, prepared especially for the use of students and teachers in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands. Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 10. Front, (port) illus. Q75.P56. Preventive medicine in retrospect. (Lecture 1-4.) Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 127-145, 177-198, 297-318, 345-360. R97.5: P5. Spleen survey of the eastern shore of Bataan province, Luzon,. by R. L. HOLT and PAUL F. RUSSELL. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 211-219. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, I. Prophylactic plasmochin in inoculated avian malaria. Philippine journal of science, v. 56: 305-345. Tables, diagrs., illus. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, II. Prophylactic plasmochin versus prophylactic quinine in inoculated avian malaria. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 347-361. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. Daytime resting places of anopheles mosquitoes in the Philippines. P.hilippine journal of science, v. 46: 639-649. Tables, Hlus., plates. Ql.P56. 728 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RUSSELL, PAUL FARR-Continued. 1931. Avian malaria studies, III. The experimental epidemiology of avian malaria; introductory paper. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 651-679. Tables, charts, illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1932. Malaria prophylaxis with chinoplasmin: A field experiment, by P. F. RUSSELL and R. E. HOLT. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 12 :369-3'19. RC960.A54. 1932. Physical examination of the employees of a government bureau in Manila, Philippine Islands, by PAUL RUSSELL and RUFUS L. HOLT. Military surgeon, v. 71: 322-329. Tables. RD1.A86. Preventive medicine. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 25-30. R97.5: P57. The control of Anopheles minimus mosquito larva! in the Philippines by stranding and flushing. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 439-447. Illus., table, plates. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, IV. Haemoproteus and plasmochin in birds of Luzon, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:263-268. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, V. Plasmodium capistrani sp. nov., an avian malaria parasite in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:268-289. Ql.P56. Charcoal as a diluent for Paris green in the destruction of anopheles larva! larvicide studies, by PAUL F. RUSSELL and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 291-297. Table, plates. Ql.P56. Paris green partially absorbed on charcoal as a larvicide for anopheles mosquitoes larvicide studies, II, by AUGUSTUS P. WEST and PAUL F. RUSSELL. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 545-561. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. Some studies in the iarvicidal effects of arsenicals other than Paris green against anopheles larva! larvicide studies, III, by PAUL F. RUSSELL and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 97-103. Tables. Ql.P56. Experiments with various toxic substances partially absorbed on charcoal as an anopheles larvicide. Larvicide studies, IV, by A. P. WEST and P. F. RUSSELL. Philippine journal of science, v. 49:211-215. Ql.P56. Anopheles minimus larva! from wells in Laguna province, Philippine Islands, by P. F. RUSSELL and D. SANTIAGO, Philippine journal of science, v. 49:219-223. Ql.P56. Malaria and anopheles reconnaissance in the Philippines, by RUFUS L. HOLT and PAUL F. RUSSELL. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 305-371. Tables, maps, (1 fold), plates. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, VII. Plasmochin as a prophylactic drug in sporozoite infections of avian malaria, by P. F. RUSSELL and A. M. NONO. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 595-625. Ql.P56. Avian malaria studies, VIII. The bleeding time in canaries: normal and in malaria. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 627-649. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 729 RUSSELL, PAUL FARR-Continued. 1932. The effect on culex Jarvie of Paris green diluted with charcoal (:) and notes on the feeding habits of Culez quinquef asciatus. Larvicide studies, V, by P. F. RUSSELL and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 651-675. Ql.P56. Daytime resting places of anopheles mosquitoes in the Philippines (Second report). Proc. Entomol. Soc., Washington, v. 34, no. 8: 129-138. QL461.E663. 1933. Malaria in the Philippine Islands. American journal of tropical medicine, v.13: 167-178. Tables .. RC960.A54. A malaria primer for the Philippines. The Health Messenger, v. 3, no. 4: 40-42. RC306.H4. Lectures on malaria prophylaxis and mosquito control. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13:277-Z88; 339351; 381-391. R97.5:P57. Terminology used for anopheles of the Funestus-Minimus subgroup in recent papers, by RUSSELL and others. Philippine journal of science, v. 51 :553. Ql.P56. The value of animal barriers in malaria control. Science, v. 78, no. 2014: 101-102. Ql.S2. 1934. F'light range of the Funestus-Minimus subgroup of Anopheles in the Philippines. First experiment with stained mosquitoes, by P. F. RUSSELL and D. SANTIAGO. American journal of tropical medicine, v.14: 139-157. RC960.A54. A neglected early reference to the malaria vector in the Philipippines. American Journal of Tropical Medicine, v.14: 339342. RC960.A54. Plasmochin, plasmochin with quinine salts and atabrine in malaria therapy. Archives internal medicine, v. 53 :309-320. Rll.A6. The treatment of malaria. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14:182-190. R97.5:P57. A mosquito net fpr use in the Philippine Islands. Experimental studies and canvass of materials, by P. F. RUSSELL and H. M. NONO. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 107-136. Plates, tables. Ql.P56. An automatic distributing machine for Paris green mixtures, by P. F. RUSSELL and L. s. EATON. Philippine Journal of science, v. 53 :497-503. Ql.P56. Malaria and anopheles reconnaissance in the Philippines, II. Philippine journal of science, v. 54 :43-59. Ql.P56. The control of malaria in the Philippines. The Philippine machinery journal, v. 5, no. 4:19-22, 42-43. TJ1.P5. An earth-lined trap for anopheline mosquitoes, by P. F. RUSSELL and D. SANTIAGO. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash.; v. 36, no.1:1-15. QL461.E663. SAN AGUSTIN, GREGORIO Y MANALAC.-Bu. of Animal Industry, Pandacan, Manila; San Roque, Cavite. Veterinary Medicine. San Roque, Cavite, Apr. 25,1 94. D. V. M., Col. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 16; 730 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SAN AGUSTIN, GREGORIO Y MANALAC-Continued. Wisconsin and Ill. and Cornell Universities, 18-21. Pres., Univ. of Wisconsin Cosmopolitan Club, 19; Gen. Mger., Los Baiios Prov. Fair, Laguna, 24; Pres., Coll. Cooperative Store, 28-29, 31-33; Instr., Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 16-18; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 21-25. Anthrax Eradication; Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Phi Kappa Phi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Los Baiios Biol. Club; Pan-Pacific Sci. Club; Am. Vet. Med. Assn.; Am. Soc. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Wisconsin, Univ. of Ill., and Cornell Univ., 18-21. BOOK 1932. Animal husbandry; a textbook designed for Philippine schools, by GREGORIO SAN AGUSTIN and PEDRO MONTELLANO. Manila, Oriental commercial company. Illus., tables. SF75.S2. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Unidentified dietary essentials in the ration of domestic animals. Philippine agricultural rieview, v. 15 :252-262. Sl 7.P5. 1926. Preliminary observation on intraperitoneal injection of blood in dogs as compared with the intravenous injection. 1929. The College of veterinary science. Philippine agriculturist, v.18:267-273. Illus. S17.P53. 1932. Paraplegia induced by osteeporosis. Journal of the American veterinary medical association, v. 80 n. s. 33. no. 1: 100-103. SF601.A5. 1934. Artificial insemination and its possible application to our work in animal improvement. The Philippine Journal of Animal Jn. dustry, v. 4, no.1 :61. SF1.P5. Maceration and bleaching of bones for anatomical specimens. The Philippine journal of animal industry, v. 1. no 2: 99-102. SFl. P5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. The course in veterinary science and the prospect of the profession in the Philippine Islands. Philippines farm journal, v. 1, no. 5 :7-18. Sl 7.P518. 1931. The need of proper meat inspection in the Philippine Islands. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no.2 :6-10. SF1.B9. 1933. Veterinary science in relation to animal production. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3, no. 2: 92-5. SF1.B9. How the College of veterinary science service the public. Bureau of animal industry gazette, (June) p. 210-12. SF1.B9. SANTOS, ALFREDO C.-School of Pharmacy, Univ. Philip.; 1534 Syson, Paco; Sto. Tomas, Pampanga. pharmaceutical Chemdstry. Santo Tomas, Pampanga; Aug. 15, 00. A. B., San Juan de Letran, 18; Ph. C., Sch. of Pharmacy, Univ. Philip., 21; B. S., Univ. Philip. 25; Phar. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 25; Pharmacentisches Institute, Marburg, Germany, 27-28; Dr. Phil., Abt. des chem. Institute der ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 731 SANTOS, ALFREDO C.--Continued. Universitat Muenster, Germany, 29. Asst. Prof., Sch. of Pharmacy, U. P., 29; Instr., Coll. of Med. U. P., 24; Asst. Prof. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Coll. of Med., Univ. of Sto. Tomas, 25; Instr., Coll. of Pharmacy, Nat. Univ., 25-27. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft, 31-32; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, 32; First Vice Pres., Philip. Pharm. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Phytochemical study of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poir. A preliminary report, by ALFREDO SANTOS and PATROCINIO VALENZUELA. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :86-89. RS1.P48. 1930-1931. Alkaloid from Anona reticulata Linnaeus. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 561-564; also in Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3: 6-9. RS1.P48. Ql.P56. 1930. The actual status of the fermentation problem. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2:170-181. RS1.P48. 1931. The isolation of anonaine from Anona squamosa Linnaeus, by FELICIANA R. REYES and ALFREDO c. SANTOS. Philippine journal of science, v. 44 :409-410. Tables. Ql.P56. On the alkaloids of Archangelisia ftava (L.) Merr. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3 :79~90; also in University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1:153-161. Q75.U5. RS1.P48. Alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Pres!.) Merrill. On phaeanthine. (First communication). Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 243-253; v. 23: 160-165. Tables, diagrs.; also in Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 3:308-321. RS1.P48. R97.5:R4. Chemical and pharmaceutical studies of plumierid, by FAUSTINO GARCIA and ALFREDO c. SANTOS. Revista filipl'IUJ, de medicina y farmacia, v. 22 :254-265; also in Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1: 378-382, 424-435. RS1.P48. R97.5: R4. 1932. On the alkaloids of Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Pres!.) Merrill; II, on phaeanthine. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4 :118-121. Illus. RS1.P48. The alkaloids of Argemone mexicana, by ALFREDO C. SANTOS and PACIFICA ADKILEN. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4: 258-260. RS1.P48. Alkaloids on Mahonia philippinensis Takeda, by ESPERANZA R. CASTRO, ALFREDO c. SANTOS and PATROCINIO VALENZUELA. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4, no.12: 4 75479; also in University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:401-405. Q75.U5. RS1.P48. The structure of phaeanthine. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:221-224. Q75.U5. 732 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANTOS, ALFREDO C.-Continued. 1931. Uber artabotrysalkaloide, I. Mitteil. Zur kenntnis des artabotrins und des suaveolins, ein neues alkaloid, by ALFREDO C. SANTOS and FELICIANA R. REYES. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 407-415. Q75.U5. 1933. Ambaline, a new alkaloid from Pycnarrhena manillensis Vidal, by GUILLERMO Q. QUIBILAN and ALFREDO c. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3:353-364. Tables. Q75.U5. 1934. The alkaloid of Eurycles amboinensis, by Luz B. OLIVEROS and ALFREDO C. SANTOS. Unwersity of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4, no.1 :41-42. Q75.U5. SANTOS, FRANCISCO 0.-Coll. of Agr., Laguna. Biochemistry, Chemistry of Nutrition. Calumpit, Bulacan, June 2, 92. A. B., P. P., 14; M. S., 19; Ph. D., Yale Univ., 22; Minnesota, one summer, 20; Columbia Univ., one summer, 21; Cornell Univ., one quarter, 21. Student Asst. in Chemistry, U. P., 13-14; Asst. Instr. in Math., U. P., 15-19; Biochemist, Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., 22; Asst. Prof., Asso. Prof., Prof., Agric. Chem., U. P., 22 --. Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Los Banos Biol. Club; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Traveling Fellow abroad, 19-22. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. A biochemical study of copra meal. Philippine journal of science, v.16:181-189. Tables. Ql.P56. 1922. Some plant sources of vitamins B and C. American journal of physiology, v. 59 :310-334. QP1.A5. The influence of meat upon physical efficiency, by F. 0. SANTOS, S. H. BASSITT, and EVELYN HOLT. American journal of physiology, v. 60 :574-577. QP1.A5. 1923. Metabolism experiments with Filipino students in the United States. Philippine journal of science, v. 23: 51-66. Ql.P56. 1925. Vitamin B in tikitiki extract prepared by the Philippine Bureau of science, by FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS and E. G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14:243-245. Table, chart. S17.P53. The nutritive value of Philippine cereals: I. The vitamin B content of glutinous rice, dead rice, and adlay, by F. 0. SANTOS and E.G. COLLADO. The Philippine agriculturist, v. 14, no. 8:473-477. S17.P53. 1926. The A, B, C of Filipino nutrition. Philippine Islands health health service. Monthly bulletin v. 5:661-66. RA319.A31. The vitamin B content of some Philippine fruits and vegetables, II. The Philippine journal of science, v. 30: 307-322. Ql.P56. 1927. The anti-beriberi vitamin content of sweet potato leaves and shoots, by F. 0. SANTOS and E. G. CoLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 513-520. Plates. Sl 7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 733 SANTOS, FRANCISCO 0.-Continued. 1927. The most common antiberiberi vitamin containing foods in the Philippines and the role of home garden in the campaign against beriberi. San Juan de Dios h-Ospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 151-156, 176. Illus. R97.5: S2. The nutritive value of cane sugar. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1:225-226. R97.5:S2. 1928. The chemical composition of Philippine food materials, by FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS and F. T. ADRIANO. Manila, Bur. of print. Tables. TX551.S2. 1931. The ·nutritive value of balut: I. Studies on calcium, by F. O. SANTOS and NAZARIO PIDLAOAN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 659-664. Tables. S17.P53. Amount of nutrients in Philippine food materials, by F. 0. SANTOS and S. J. AscALON. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20:402-409. Tables. S17.P53. 1932. The nutritive value of Philippine cereals: II. Gariiigan Tapucoy, by FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 632-636. Diagrs., tables. S17.P53. The food of the male inmates of bilibid prison, by F. 0. SANTOS and N. PIDLAOAN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:493-502. R97.5:P57. The amino-acid content of kandule (Arius spp.), by N. L. GALVES and F. O. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:1-6. Tables. Q75.U5 Some probable effects of one-sided diets, by FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS and E. G. COLLADO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:163-164. Table. Q75.U5. A study of the Filipino athletes entered in the 1930 Far Eastern Olympic games, by E.G. COLLADO and F. 0. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 341-355. Tables. Q75.U5. 1933. Digestibility with diastase in vitro of Philippine bananas, by F. 0. SANTOS, E. M. CAGUICLA, w. s. FIGUEROA and F. SEVILLENO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 305-308. Q75.P5. 1934. Agricultural chemistry in the service of the state. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23 :337-349. Sl 7.P53. The food of inmates of correctional institutions for women, by F. 0. SANTOS and N. PIDLAOAN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.14: 252-258. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The need of funds for research. The Philippine agriculturist, v.14:459-551. S17.P53. The status of nutrition among students in the College of agriculture, by FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS and E. G. COLLADO. Phi"lippine agriculturist, v. 14:625-628. S17.P53. 734 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANTOS, FRANCISCO 0.-Continued. 1928. The Japanese imperial government institute for nutrition." Philippine agriculturist, v. 17 :215-221. Sl 7.P53. 1929. Department of agricultural chemistry. Philippine agriculturist, v.18:281-290. Illus. S17.P53. Are Filipinos undernourished? Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:235-239. R97.5:P57. 1930. Some neglected problems in Filipino nutrition. The Filipino nurse, v. 4, no. 2 :20-23. RT1.F4. Problems in Filipino nutrition. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:121-129. R97.5:P57. 1931. Obituary: Victor Sulit. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 233. S17.P53. 1932. What shall we eat? Welfare advocate, v. 6, no. 1:9-10,15-16, and 24; v. 6, no. 2: 5, 20. HV800. P5A7. Nutritive values of some Philippine food materials. Welfare advocate, v. 6, no. 3: 3-4; 20-21. HV800.P5A7. Problems on Filipino nutrition. Welfare advocate, v. 6, no. 3: 5-6, 19; nos. 5 & 6: 20-21. HV800.P5A7. SANTOS, JOSE K.-Dept. of Bot., U. P.; 402 Vermont, Malate, Manila; A~ayat, Pampanga. Cytology, Pharmacognosy. B. A., Liceo de Manila; Ph. C., U. P., 16; B. S., with honors, Univ. of Chicago, 21; M. S., Univ. of Chicago, 22; Ph. D., Magna cum laude, Univ. of Chicago, 23; Instr., Botany, 18-24, Asst. Prof., 24-27 Actg. Head, Dept. of Botany, 25-30, Asso. Prof. Botany, Head, Dept. of Botany, 30 -- U. P., U. P. Collaborator, Philip. Journal of Sci. 24, Nat. and Applied Sci. Bull. 31, Cytologia (Internat. Cytology, Japan 29 --) . Pres., First Philip. Sci. Convention, 32; Am. Pharm. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. Fellow, Univ. of Philip. to Univ. of Chicago, 20-23; Exchange Prof. of Botany from the Univ. of the Philip. to the University of Michigan, 34 --. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Differentiation among chromosomes in elodea. Botanical gazette, v. 75, no. 1: 42-59. QK1.B5. 1925. A pharmacognostical study of Chenopodium ambrosioides Linnaeus from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 28: 529-54 7. Plates. Ql.P56. 1926. Histological study of the bark Alstonia scholaris R. Brown from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 31: 415-429. Plates. Q1.P56. 1927. A pharmacognostical study on Datura alba Nees and Datura fastuosa Linnaeus from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 32 :275-296. Plates. Ql.P56. ~928. Stem and leaf structure of Tinospora rumphii Boerlage and Tinospora reticulata Miers. Philippine journal of science, v. 35: 187-208. Plates. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 735 SANTOS, JOSE K.-Oontinued. 1928. A cytological study of Cocos nucifera Linnaeus. Philippine journal of science, v. 37: 417-437. Plates. Ql.P56. 1929. Histological and microchemical studies on the bark and leaf of Artaootrys suaveolens Blume from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 38: 269-282. Plates. Ql.P56. 1930. Leaf and bark structure of some cinnamon trees with special reference to the Philippine species. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 305-365. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. A critical morphological study of Thalassia hemvrichi (Ehrenb) aschers from the Philippines. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :1-19. Q75.U5. Pharmacognosy of Philippine drugs. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2:148-162. Illus. RS1.P48. 1930-31-32. Philippine drugs. Philippine pharmttceutical association. Journal, v. 2: 211-212'c, 245-249a, 282-287, v. 3: 124-129, 189-194, v. 4 :316-327, 324-333. Illus. RS1.P48. 1931. Anomalous stem structure in Archangelisia flava and Anamirta cocculus from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 385-407. Ql.P56. Leaf and seed structure of a Philippine Coriaria. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 257-268. Plates. Ql.P56. A contribution on the life history of Dendrobium anosmum Lindley, by MARIA D. PASTRANA and JOSE K. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 133144. Plates. Q75.U5. Anatomical study on the culm of five Philippine bamboos, by GREGORIO T. VELASQUEZ and JOSE K. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 281-318. Tables, illus., plates. Q75.U5. 1932. The laticiferous vessels and other anatomical structures of Excoecarict agallocha. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 295-404. Plates. Ql.P56. Morphological and chemical studies on the seeds of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (Linnaeus) Merrill, by JOAQUIN MARANON and JOSE K. SANTOS. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 563-580. Tables, plates. Q1.P56. On the microsporogenesis of Saccharum spontaneum Linnaeus with special reference to its chromosome number. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 211. Q75.U5. Morphological and chemical studies on the seeds of Erythrina variegata var. orientalis (Linn.) Merrill, by JOAQUIN MAR.ANON and JosE K. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 215. Also in Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 563-80. Ql.P56. Q75.U5. 1933. Morphology of the flower and mature grain of Philippine rice. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 475-497. Plates. Ql. P56. 736 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANTOS, JOSE K.-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1931. Scientific contributions of the department of botany. University of tke Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 405-413. Plates Q75.U5. SCHWARTZ, SEYMOUR C.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; 1114 Gral. Luna, Maniia; Balbao, Canal Zone (Panama). Tropical Medicine. Sendai, Japan, Sept. 30, 86. B. S., Syracuse Univ., 13; M. D., Coll. of Med., Syracuse Univ., 14; Army Med. Sch., Washington, D. C., 20; Sch. of Hygiene & Public Health, Johns Hopkins Univ., 20. Instr. in Pathology, Syracuse Univ., Coll. of Med., 14-16; Instr. in Immunology, Army Med. Sch., 27-31. Am. Med. Assn.; Asso. of Military Surgeons; Am. Public Health Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SELGA, MIGUEL.-Weather Bu.; Barcelona, Spain. Tstronomy. Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 25, 79. Ph. D., Saragosa, Spain; D. D., Woodstock Coll. Md., Georgetown Univ.; Later entered Flagstaff, Arizona, Lich Observatory, Univ. of Calif. 14-15. Sec., Weather Bureau, Manila; Asst. Dir., Dir., Weather Bu., 26. Am. Astronomical Soc. of Chicago; Astronomical Soc. of the Pacific, San Francisco; Societe Astronomique de France, Paris; Sociedad Astronomica de Espana, Barcelona; The Franklin Inst.; Societe Scientifique de Bruxelles, Belgium; Charter member and Chairman, Div. Phys. Math. Sci., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1928. The evaporation of Manila. Manila, Bur. of print. Tables, diagr. QC915.S4. The intensity of rainfall at Manila. Manila, Bur. of print., Tables, diagrs. QC295.S4. The intensity of rainfall in the main cities of the Philippines. Manila, Bur. of print. Tables, diagrs. QC925.5: S44. The publications of the observatory of Manila. Manila, Bur. of print. Tables. Z6681.S4. The sunshine of Manila. Manila, Bur. of print., tables, diagrs. QC911.S4. Astronomical and meteorological conditions of the eclipse of the sun, May 9, 1929, in the Philippines. Manila, Bur. of print. Tables, fold. map. QC544.S4. 1929. Hail in the Philippines. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus. QC929. H1S4. 1930. Preliminary report on the weather at Tagaytay. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus., map, charts, plates. QC990.P56.S4. 1932. Weather observations from ships. Manila, Bur. of print. 69p. QC990.F2S4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 737 SELGA, MIGUEL.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. Rainfall in the sugar districts. Sugar news, v. 1, no. 1: 28-29. Tables. TP375.S4. 1923. The time service in the Philippines. Proc. of the Pan-Pacific science congress. Australia, v.1: 519-532. AS4.P25. 1930. Meteorites in the Philippines. Publications of the Manila observatory, v. 1, no. 9: 1-52. Plate. QC875.M26. 1931. Historical notes on the cultivation of wheat in the Philippines. 1932. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 239-245. S17.P53. Father Francisco Ignacio Alzina, an agricultural observer of the seventeenth century. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 367-369. S17.P53. Meteorology and commercial aviation in the Philippines. sity of the Philippines. Natural and applied science v. 2: 285-289. Q75.U5. Univerbulletin, 1933. Two years of meteorological observations at Height's place. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 241-244. Q75.U5. Report on the temperature and rainfall of Tagaytay, Cavite. University of the Phili]Ypines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 245-249. Table. Q75.U5. SILAYAN, HILARION SILVESTRE.-Bu. of Pl. Industry, Manila; Rizal Ave. Hills Subdivision Malabon, Rizal; Gapan, Nueva Ecija. Agricultural extension. Binangonan, Rizal, Oct. 21, "94. B. S. Agr., Col., of Agr., Univ. Philip., 17; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 25. Farm Manager, Rice Plantation Chico, Calif., 20-22; Agric. for the Govt. Irrigation Systems, Bu. of Public Works, Philip. Is., 25-29; Agric. f-0r seed Farms Bu. of Agr., 29; Chief, Agric. Extension Div., Bu. of Pl. Industry, 30. Member, Committee on Investigation of Govt. Irrigation Systems, 29; Sec. and Exec. Officer, First Nat. Hort. Exposition, 31; Organizer and Sec. of the Nat. Rice Growers Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Culture and fertilization as affecting the oil content of peanuts. PhiliJYPine agriculturist, v. 6: 84-97. Tables, plan. Sl 7.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Diversification in the rice growing industry. Special no. of Fortnightly news, no.1: 13-20; 47. SB13.F7. 1932. Diversification in the rice growing industry. Philippines farm journal, v. 5, no. 3: 7-8. Sl 7.P518. 738 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SINGIAN, GREGORIO.-Singian Clinica, 277 Gral. Solano; San Juan de Dios Hospital, Manila; 450 Lamayan, Manila; Sto. Tomas, Pampanga. Surgery. Sto. Tomas, Pampanga, May 9, 72. A. B., San Juan de Letran, 89; L. M. (Meritissimus), Univ. Sto. Tomas, 96. Prof., Coll. of Med., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 00--; Asst. Head, Head, Dept. of Surgery, Univ. Sto. Tomas; Director, San Juan de Dios Hospital. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Calculos renales redondeados. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 1: 12-15. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1911. Anaesthesia medular. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 133-137. R97.5: R4. Una nueva tecnica de cura radical de hernia inguinal. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 375-385. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1912. Hipertrofia prostatica. Memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 294-298. R106.A8. 1925. Discurso inaugural. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v.16: 2. R97.5: R4. 1927. Analgesia espinal. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 16, 113-115. Also in Philippine Islands medical association. journal, 1928, v. 8: 45-49. R97.5: P57. R97.5: 52. 1929. Tratamiento de los calculos vesicales por la cistomia suprapibiana. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 139-142. Illus. R97.5: S2. 1930. The problem of tuberculosis in the Philippines. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 108-109. R97.5: S2. The abuse of laxatives. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 136-137. R95.5.S2. 1934. The present cancer situation in the Philippines. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 8: 187-194. R97.5: S2. SISON, AGERICO B. M.-Kneedler Bldg. Room 206, Carriedo; 1501 V. Esguerra, Singalong Sub., Manila. Medicine. Lingayen, Pang., Dec. 1, 98. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 16; M. D., U. P., 21. Interne, 21, Asst. Resident, 22, Senior Resident, 22-25; Asst. Visiting Physician, 25 --, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Manila Med. Soc.; Phi Kappa Phi; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Far Eastern Assn. of Tropical Med.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Delegate, Sixth Congress of the Far Eastern Assn. of Tropical Med. in Japan, 25. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Gall bladder perforation in typhoid fever;' report of one case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 125-127. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 739 SISON, AGERICO B. M.-Continued. 1924. Niyogniyogan (Quisqualis indwa L.) as an anthelminthic, by LUIS E. GUERRERO with the collaboration of A. B. M. SISON, A. MAKALINTAL, and A. OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 83-87. R97.5: P57. Causes of death in the medical wards of the Philippine general hospital; a comparative study. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 87-89. Tables. R97.5: P~7. Preliminary report on the effects of pancreatic extract, prepared by the Bureau of science, on diabetic patients, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and REGINO NAVARRO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 178-182. R97.5: P57. Treatment of epidemic encephalitis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 306-311. R97.5: P57. 1925. Comparative study of the different methods of treatment in epidemic encephalities. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2: 513-525. RC960.F24. Spectacular effect of ether anaesthesia on myoclonic encephalities, by ARISTON BAUTISTA and AGERICO B. M. SISON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 21-23. R97.5: P57. Hepatic cirrhosis in the Philippines, by ANTONIO G. SISON, AGERICO B. M. SISON and WALFRIOO DE LEoN. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 37-40. R97.5: P57. A clinical study of epidemic encephalitis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 110-114. R97.5: P57. 1926. Sodium citrate as a hemostatic, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 11-15. P97.5 :P57. Coleman diet in typhoid fever, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and MODESTA IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 84-94. Tables. R97.5: P57. An unusual case of colibacilemia, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and PILAR V. CRUZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 294-298. Table. R97.5: P57. 1927. Observations on basal metabolism among Filipinos, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and MODESTA IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 416-419. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1928. Muscular dystrophies. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 1-12. Illus. R97.5:S2. 1929. The Wolff and Junghans reaction in achylia gastrica, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and J. LINAN. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 20-22. R97.5: S2. Sodium cacodylate in rheumatic arthritis. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 65-67. R97.5: S2. Review of some reflexes that are of value to the clinician. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 177-180. R97.5: S2. 290628-9 740 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SISON, AGERICO B. M.-Continued. 1932. Nephritis in Filipinos: a clinical analysis based ·on 659 cases, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and MODESTA IGNACIO-MAKALINTAL. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 66-73. R97. 5: P57. 1933. Ophthalmic migraine of allergic origin. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13: 250-256. R97 .5: P57. 1934. The nerve of expression. Philippine Islands Medical association Journal, v. 14: 97-101. Illus. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. An appeal for the Filipinization of medicine, by LUIS GUERRERO and AGERICO B. M. SISON. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 566-570. RA319.A31. 1927. A brief history of the San Juan de Dios hospial of Manila. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 8-10, 23. R97.5.S2. Our raison d'etre. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 11-12. R97.5: S2. For a government institute of metabolism. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 45-46. R97 .5: S2. 1928. Las plazas en el cuerpo de medicos residentes de! hospital de San Juan de Dios seran provistas mediante concurso con efectividad desde el dia primero de Enero de 1928. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 59-60. R97.5: S2. Doctor Ariston Bautista Lim. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 109-110. Port. R97.5: 82. 1929. Are Filipinos undernourished? Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 5-9, 153-170. Also in San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v .. 3: 97-104. R97.5: 82. R97.5: P57. SISON, ANTONIO G.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip.; 1002 Taft Ave., Manila. Tropical Medicine. Dagupan, Pang., Feb. 11, 83. A. B., San Juan de Letran; A. M., Pomona Coll., Calif., 04; M. D., Univ. of Penn., 08. Temp. Instr., Clinical Med., 09; Instr., 11, Asst. Prof., 13, Asso. Prof., 17, Prof. of Clinical Med., 20, U. P.; U. P. and Nat. Res. Council P. I. Delegate, 9th Congress Far Eastern Assn. Trop. Med. at Nanking, 34. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Charter member and chairman, Div. Med. Sci., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Leukanaemia; report of a case, by ANTONIO G. SISON and AGERICO B. M. SISON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 113-116. R97.5: P57. 1924. Study of anatomico-clinical diagnosis based on 2,282 autopsy and clinical records of medical cases, by ANTONIO G. SISON and AGERICO B. M. SISON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 251-256. Tables. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 741 SISON, ANTONIO G.-Continued. 1925, Splenic anemia among the Filipinos, by A. G. SISON, A. B. M. SISON, M. IGNACIO and R. NAVARRO. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions of the sixth congress, v. 2: 271-275. RC960.F24. 1927. Study on the advantages of practical teaching in clinical medicine, by ANTONIO G. SISON and AGERICO B. M. SISON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 217-221. R97.5: P57. 1934. Clinical pathological conferences, by ANTONIO G. SISON and LIBORIO GOMEZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14: 65-70, 110-117, 151-156, 194-199. R97.5: P57. SUMULONG, MANUEL.-Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P.; 12 ·Tomas Claudio, Paco, Manila. Anatomy. Antipolo, Rizal, Oct. 15, 89. D. V. M., Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 17; M. S., Univ. of Michigan, 20; Univ. of Columbia, N. Y., 20-21. Vet., Bu. of Agr., Laguna, May-June, 17; Instr., Asst. Prof., Asso. Prof., U. P., 17-34. Sigma Xi; Soc. for the Advacement of Res. in P. "I.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Univ. Philip., Govt. Fellow to Univ. of Michingan & Columbia Univ., 19-21. SCIENTIFIC CON'mmUTIONS 1922. The anatomy of a double pig. Philippine agriculturist, v.11, no.1. S17.P53. 1923. A study of the growth of the hoofs of native horses. Philippine agriculturist, v.11: 235-240. S17.P53. A description of a four-legged chick. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12. S17.P53. 1925. Effects of castration on immature guinea pigs. Pkilippine ;ournal of science, v. 27: 325-349. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. Structural characteristics of double-yolked eggs and the relation of the membranes ~f twin embryos resulting from a doubleyolked egg. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 28: 549-557. Plate. Ql.P56. 1926. Effect of castration upon puUingi power and endurance in guinea pigs. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 29: 327-339. Tables. Ql.P56. Congenital absence of both hind legs in an adult pig. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 31: 147-156. Plates. Ql.P56. Some observations on the characteristic features of the skeleton of the carabao. Philippine agricultural review, v. 19, no. 4. Plates. Sl 7.P5. 1930. Congenital eye, nose and skull defects in a horse. Philippine ;ournal ·of science, v. 42: 489-495. Plate. Ql.P56. A case of complete congenital absence of both hind limbs below the os coxae. Sarawak museum ;ournal, v. 4, pt. I, no. 12. SF607.G9. 742 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SUMULONG, MANUEL-Continued. 1931. Thyroid gland of the carabao. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 313-321. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. The skeleton of the timarau. Philippine jowrnal of science, v. 46: 141-158. Table, illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1933. Dystokia in Equine due to hydrocephalus. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3, no. 7 :278-279. SF1.B9. Is "Spina Bifida" heriditable defect in sheep. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3, no. 10: 359-361. SF1.B9. 1934. Observations on the bones of native horses affected with osteomalacia. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 141-155. Tables, Tables, plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. An explanation of the significance of vaccination in an outbreak of rinderpest. Philippines farm journal, October. S17.P518. TAMESIS, FLORENCIO.-Bu. of Forestry, Manila; 549 Mayhaligue, Sta. Cruz, Manila; Unisan, Tayabas. Forestry. Unisan, Tayabas, Nov. 7, 88. Ranger Course, School of Forestry, U. P., 11-12; B. S. F., Univ. of Washington, 19-22; M. S. F., Univ. of Washington, 22-23. Student Asst., Field, Bu. of Forestry; Ranger, Field, Los Banos & Manila,.12-19; Forester-at-large, Bu. of Forestry, 23-24; Chief, Div. of Sawmill & Utilization, 26-27; Asst. Dir., 27 --, Bu. of Forestry. Internat. Forestry Soc.; Plant Quarantine Board; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Growth of the lumber industry in the Philippines. Value of lumber trade of Islands increased from P'5,000,000 to P'70,000,000 in last twenty years. Commerce and industry journal, v. 6, no. 1: 6-7. HF41.C8. 1933. The need for industrial diversification. Philippine journal of commerce, v. 9, no. 1: 5~6. HF41.C8. TAN, VIDAL A.-Dept. of Math., Univ. Philip.; 550 Pennsylvania Ave. Mathematics. Bacolor, Pampanga, Apr. 28, 93. A. B., Univ. Philip., 13; C. E. M. A., Cornell Univ., 18; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 25. Instructor in Math., 18-22, Prof. of Math., 22-34, Univ. Philip. Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P., Fellow to Cornell Univ., 15-18, to Univ. of Chicago, 23-25. TEODORO, ANASTACIO.-Agric. Coll., Laguna. Agricultural Engineering. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Apr. 15, 97. B. Agr., U. P., 18; M. S., Cornell Univ., 21; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 28; Stanford Univ., 19; Univ. of Wisconsin, 19-20; Iowa State Coll., 21. Instr., 21-25, Asst. Prof., 25-32, Asso. Prof., 32, Actg. Head, Agri. Engin. Dept., 28-33, Agric. Coll. U. P.; Head, Agric. Engin. Dept., U. P., 33; Consulting Agric. Eng., Bu. of Agr., 23-28. Phi Kappa Phi; Am. Soc. of Agrie. Eng.; Soc. of Automotive Eng.; Am. Assn. for the AdvanceANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 743 TEODORO, ANASTACIO-Continued. ment of Sci.; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Los Bafios Biol. Club; Philip. Soc. of Technical Agriculturists. Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci., Research Fellow, Iowa State Coll., 21; Philip. Govt. Fellow to U. S., 19-21, 26-28. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. A preliminary study of the transverse strength of structural bamboo. Agricultural engineering, v. 2: 266-267. S671.A27: Plows and plowing: 1-111. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 37-38, 135-142, 297-301. Illus., tables, diagr., plate. S17.P53. 1928. Primary power for the Philippines: I. Effect of variable compression ratio on the performance of tractor engine using alcohol; II. A comparative study of alcohol, gasoline, and kerosene as fuels for tractor engines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 187-221, 295-327. Illus., diagrs., tables (part. fold.), S17.P53. 1929. Department of agricultural engineering. Philippiu agriculturist, v.18: 295-300. Illus. S17.P53. 1931. A survey of irrigation practices in the rice industry of Calauan, Laguna, by A. S. TEODORO and E. BATACLAN. ·Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 93-100. Table. S17.P53. Effect of viriable compression ratio on the performance of tractor engine using alcohol. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :187-221. Tables, charts. Q75.U5. 1932. Tractor engine tests using gasanol, gastarla, pure kerosene, and mixtures of pure kerosene and crude oil as fuels, by ANASTACIO L. TEODORO and J. BANZON. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 370413. Illus., charts, tables. Sl 7.P53. 1933. Characteristics of power curves of some tractor engine fuels. Philippine machinery journal, v. 4, no. 6: 19-21, 39-44. TJ1.P5. Alcohol as a possible source of motor fuel. Sugar news, v.14, no. 28: 81-83. Tables. TP376.S4. 1934. Effects of pre-heating on the operation of a high compression tractor engine using alcohol and an alcohol-gasoline blends as fuel. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 625-652. Tables, diagr. S17.P53. AgriculturaI engineering investigations in the past twenty-five years. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23:363-367. S17.P53. TEODORO, NICANOR G.-Economic Garden, Los Bafios, Laguna; Sta. Cruz, Laguna. Plant Pathology. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Jan. 10, 90 . . B. Agr., Agric. Coll., Univ. of Philip., 15; M. S., Ph. D., Wisconsin Univ., 20-23. Municipal Teacher, Sta. Cruz, Laguna, 06-11; Graduate Asst. in Botany & Agronomy, Coll. of Agr., U. P., 15-16; Instr. Teachers' course in Biology, Nat. Univ., 24-25; Asst. Agric. Inspector, 17; Agric. Asst., 18, Asst. Plant Pathologist, 23, Supervising 744 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TEODORO, NICANOR G.-Continued. Field Inspector, 24, Actg. Chief, Plant Pests Control Div., 24-27, Chief, Plant Disease Section, 27-32, Bu of Pl. Industry; Resident Plant Pathologist & Ornamental Horticulturists, Economic Garden, Los Banos, 32 --. Am. Phytopathological Soc.; Bot. Soc. of America; Soc. of Am. Bacteriologists; Am. Horticultural Soc.; Crop Protection Institute; Internat. Crop Protection Board; Inst. of Agr. at Rome (Correspondent); Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancebent of Sci., 34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. A preliminary study of Philippine bananas. Philippine journal of science, v. 10: 379-421. Plates Ql.P53. 1923. A study of a macrosporium. Philippine agricultural review, v. 16: 233-280. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P5. 1924. Coconut stem bleeding disease. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no. 153, 2 p. S301.A55. La, guerra contra las plagas y enfermedades agricolas. In Re. vista de la camara de comercio de las Islas Filipinas, afio xxi, 251. 1925. A guide for exterminating diseased plants and for sending specimens of same to the Bureau of agriculture for identification. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 73-74. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 155. S301.A55. S17.P5. Aeginetia indica in cane plantation. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18 :77-78. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 157. S301.A55. Sl7.P5. Quarantine procedure to guide importers and exporters of plant materials. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 182. S301.A55. Plant pests and diseases: their nature and methods of control in general. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 188. S301.A55. Phytopathology: its fundamental principles. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18 :325-371. Illus., plates. Sl 7.P5. The Philippine plant quarantine service, by GONZALO MERINO, NICANOR G. TEODORO and FAUSTINO Q. OTANES. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 411-461. Plates, tables. Sl 7.P5. The plant pest and disease control service of the Philippine · Bureau of Philippine agricultural review, v. 18, 463-549. S17.P5. Coconut diseases and their control. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 585-92. Sl 7.P5. Philippine literature index of plant pest a·nd diseases, I, by NICANOR G. TEODORO and F. Q. OTANES. Philippine agricultural review, v.18:593-602. Sl7.P5. 1926. Rubber tree diseases and their control. Philippine agricultural revieu1, v. 19: 63-73. S17.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 745 TEODORO, NJCANOR G.-Continued. 1926. Rice diseases and their control, by NICANOR GREGORIO TEODORO and J. R. BOGAYONG. Philippine agricultural review, v.19: 237-241. Plates. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 183. S301.A55. Sl 7 .P5. Abaca heart-rot and bunchy-top diseases and their control, by NI CAN OR GREGORIO TEODORO and F. B. SERRANO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 19: 243-247. Plates. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 190. S301.A55. S17.P5. Coffee diseases and their control, by N. G. TEODORO and E. T. GOMEZ. Philippine agricultural review, v. 19 :249-57. Sl 7.P5. Philippine mycological and phytopathological literature index, I. Philippine agricultural review, v.19: 275·291. S17.P5. 1927. Citrus diseases and their control. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 208. S301.A55. Solving the abaca disease problem, an accurate knowledge of conditions favoring heart rot and root rot will aid in their extermination, by NICANOR G. TEODORO and F. B. SERRANO. Cord age magazine, no. 6 :46. Illus. TSl 784.C7. 1932. A preliminary study on an entomogenous fungus attackingo the leaf-miner bettle (Promecotheca cumingi Baly) and other insect pests. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 260-261. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. National defense against the introduction of foreign plant enemies. El Debate, Aug. 10. 1933. Notes on some tillage implements in Cuba. Philippine machinery journal, v. 4, no. 5 :29-35. TJ1.P5. TOPACIO, TEODULO.-Bu. of Animal Industry, Vet. Res. Lab., Pandacan, Manila; 138 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal. Veterinary Bacteriology and Pathology. Imus, Cavite, Mar. 30, 87. B. Sc., Univ. of Nebraska, 09; D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 15; M. Sc., Washington State Coll., 28; Post-graduate cert. in Bact. and Path. Univ. of Penn., 30; D. Sc., Sch. of Hygiene, Johns Hopkins, 31. Dist. Veterinarian 15-18; Supervising Vet., 10-12, 15-27; In charge, Vet. Res. Lab., 25-27; Actg. Chief Path., Vet. Res. Div., Bu. of Animal Industry, 32; Chief, Vet. Res. Div., Bu. of Animal Industry, 33. Am. Vet. Med. Assn. Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Am. Soc. of Bacteriologists,; Sigma Kappa Phi.; Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. Parasitologists; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. The manufacture of anti-rinderpest serum in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agricultural review, v. 15:229-236. Table. S17.P5. 746 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TOPACIO, TEODULO-Continued. 1926. The use of goat virus in simultaneous inoculation against rinderpest (preliminary report) Philippine agricultiairal review, v. 19: 297-309. Tables, charts. Sl 7. P5. 1928. An improved vaccine for immunization against rinderpest by R. A. KELSER with the collaboration of STANTON YOUNGBERG and TEODULO TOPACIO. Philippine journal of science, v. 36:373-395. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. 1931. Incidence of tuberculosis in native swine and cattle. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no. 12: 8-9. SF1.B9. An atypical case of hemorrhagic septicemia in the carabao. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 277-280. S17.P51. 1932. A prophylactic vaccine against hemorrhagic septicemia (Barbone). Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 251-271. Plates. Sl 7. P51. The behavior of rabbit virus III in tissue cultures, by TEODULO TOPACIO and ROSCOE R. HYDE. American Journal of hygiene, v. 25:99-124. Plates. RA421.A53. Glanders with special reference to bone lesions. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3:281-287. Plates. S17.P51. 1933. A simple technic for isolating single trypanosomes. Philippine journal of science, v. 51 :631-635. The electric charge of rinderpest virus. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 637-643. Ql.P56. 1934. Cultivation of avian-pest virus (Newcastle disease) in tissue culture. Philippine journal of science, v. 53:245-252. Table. Ql.P56. TORRES, JUAN PLATON.-Economic Garden, Los Banos, Laguna; City Y. M. C. A., Manila; Sto. Tomas, Batangas. Plant Breeding. Sto. Tomas, Batangas, Dec. 27, 96. B. Agr., Univ. of Philip., 19; M. S., Agr., Cornell Univ., 24; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 26. Asst. in Economics, Univ. of the Philip., 19-20; Asst. in Agro., Bu. of Plant Industry, 20-23; Agric. Asst., 24-27 Asst. Agron., 28; Asst. P. I. Breeder, 29; Asst. Hort. 29-34; Asst. Agronomist, 34 --. Asst. Agron., Incharge of Plant Breeding Investigation, 27, In charge, Alabang Rice Station, 20-23, Bu. of Pl. Ind. Philip. Soc. Tech. Agriculturists; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Am. Breeders Assn.; Am. Soc. of Agro.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, N. Y., 23-26. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Some notes on rice hybridization work. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 46-48. Plates. S17.P5. 1924. Size of seedling tests with special reference to the rate of seedling and relative yields. Philippine agricultural review, v. 17: 13-20. Tables. S17.P5. 1927. Some experience in rice hybridization. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 261-264. S17.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 747 TORRES, JUAN PLATON-Continued. 1927. How to use the triangular system of fertilizer experiments. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 275-280. Dia~s., tables. Sl7. P5. 1929. The production of seedling cane varieties. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Miscellaneous papers on Sugar cane and fertilizer. P. 32-41. Some facts about fertilizers. Philippine Islands Bureau of Agriculture. Miscellaneous papers on Sugar cane and Fertilizers, p. 116-120. 1930. Fertilizers experiments on lowland rice, by Victoriano Borja and Juan P. Torres. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 2'47-271. Tables. Sl 7.P51. Progress report on hybridization at Alabang rice experiment station. Philippine journal of agrieulture, v. 1: 287-292. Tables. S17.P51. 1932. Progress report on citrus hybridization. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 217-229. Tables. S17.P51. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1927. Plant improvement by breeding and selection. Radio lectures on Agricultural topics, v. 2: 17-22. S301.A9.P52. TUBANGUI, MARCOS.-Bu. of Sci.; 3 Somme, San Juan, Addition, Rizal. Parasitology. Porac, PamJ>l!.nga, Apr. 25, 93. D. V. M., Univ. of Philip., 13-18; M. S., Cornell Univ., 19-20, Univ. of Ill., 20. Field Veterinarian, Bu. of Agr., 18-19; Instr., Parasitology, Asst. Prof., 21-30, Univ. Philip.; Parasitologist, Bu. of Sci., 30. Soc. of Sigma Xi; Am. Assn. for the advancement of Sci.; Am. Soc. of Parasitologists; Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Univ. Philip. abroad, 19-21. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Parasitological studies by the use of collodion sacs implanted intraperitoneally, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI, GREGORIO SAN AGUITIN and FRANCISCO M. FRONDA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 11: 153158. Sl 7.P53. Uncommon intestinal parasites of man in the Philippine Islands, by BENJAMIN SCHWARTZ and MARCOS A. TUBANGUI. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 611-618. Table. Ql.P56. Two new intestinal trematodes from the dog in China. United States National museum. Proceedings Washington, v. 60, art. 20, 12 p. Qll. U33. 1924. Two larval parasites from the Philippine palm civet (Paradozurus philippinensis). Philippine journal of science, v. 24: 749-755. Illus. Ql.P56. 1925. Metazoan parasites of Philippine domesticated animals. Philippine journal of science, v. 28: 11-37. 11lus., plates. Ql.P56. 748 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TUBANGUI, MARCOS-Continued. 1926. Worm parasites of Philippine chickens. Philippine agricutural review, v. 19: 327-367. Plates. Sl 7.P5. The hookworm campaign carried on among the students of the Los Banos colleges during the collegiate year, 1924-1925, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI and SIXTO A. FRANCISCO. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 306-310. Tables. RA319.A31. 1928. Larval trematodes from Philippine snails. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 37-54. Plates. Ql.P56. Trematode parasites of Philippine vertebrates. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 351-371. Plates. Ql.P56. 1930. Studies on the_ treatment of equine surra in the Philippines, I. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 609-620. Sl 7.P53. Two tapeworm parasites from the carabao, with special reference to a new species of Avitellina, by MARCOS A. TuBANGUI and ESTEFANO C. FARIN AS. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 421-429. Plates. S17.P51. The presence in human stools of the eggs of a trematode parasitic in fish, by MARCOS A. TuBANGUI and SIXTO A. FRANCISCO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 31-33. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1931. Eimeria bukidnonensis, a new coccodium from cattle, and other coccidial parasites of domesticated animals. Philippine journal of science, v. 44: 253-271. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. The resistance and the' blood sugar of animals infected with Trypanosoma evansi, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI and LOPE M. YUTuc. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 93-107. Diagrs. Ql.P56. Worm parasites of the brown rat (Mus norvegicus) in the Philippine Islands, with special reference to those forms that may be transmitted to human beings. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 537-591. Illus., tables. Ql.P56. 1932. Trematode parasites of Philippine vertebrates, V. Flukes from birds. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 369-404. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Observations on the life histories of Euparyphium murium (Froielich, 1802), (Trematoda). Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 497-513. Plates. Ql.P56. Observations on the possible transmission of surra by the land leech Haemadipsa zeylanica. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 115-127. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. The molluscan intermediate host in the Philippines of the Oriental blood fluke Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 259-304. Tables, Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1933. Notes on Acanthocephala in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 50: 115-128. Plates. Ql.P56. Nematodes in the collections of the Philippine Bureau of science, I. Oxyuroidea, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI and RITA VILLAMIL. Philippine journal of science, v. 15: 607-612. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 749 UICHANCO, LEOPOLDO B.-Agric. Coll., Laguna. Zoology, Entomology. Calamba, Laguna, Apr. 23, 94. B. S. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P. 15; M. S., U~P:, 18; M. S., Harvard Univ. 20; Sc. D., Harvard Univ., 22. Asst. Entom., 15-19, Instr. 19-22, Asst. Prof., Asso. Prof., 22-29, Coll. of Agr., U. P. Soc. for Advancement of Research; Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Phi Kappa Phi; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Entomological Soc. of America. Fellow, Univ. of the Philip. abroad, 19-23. BOOKS 1932. Laboratory manual for new civic biology, by G. W. HUNTER and LEOPOLDO B. UICHANCO. New York, American book company. Illus. New civic biology, by G. w. HUNTER and LEOPOLDO B. UICHANCO. New York, American book company. Illus. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Some tests of tomatoes. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 4: 59-68. Sl 7.P53. 1919. A biological and systematic study of Philippine plant galls. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 527-554. Plates. Ql.P56. General facts in the biology of Philippine mound-building termites. Philippine journal of science, v. 15: 59-65. Plates. Ql.P56. 1921. The rice bug, Leptocorisa acuta Theunburg, in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v. 14: 87-125. Tables, plates. S17.P5. New records and species of Psyllidae from the Philippine Islands, with descriptions of some preadult stages and habits. Philippine journal of sCience, v. 18: 259-288. Plates 1-5. Ql.P56. Musculature and mechanism of movement of the tarsi in aphids. Psyche, v. 28: 63-68. Plates 1-4. QL461.P9. Reproduction in the Aphididae with a consideration of the modifying influence of environmental factors. Psyche, v. 28 :95-109. QL461.P9. notes on parthenogenetic Macrosiphum tanaceti (Aphididae, Homoptera). Psyche, v. 29: 66-78. 1922. Biological Linnea us QL461.P9. 1924. Studies on the embryogeny and postnatal development of the Aphididae with special reference to the history of the "symbiotic organ," or "mycetom." Philippine journal of science, v. 24: 143-247. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1926. Note on Baker's on "some Lophopidae". Philtppine agriculturist, v.15:169. S17.P53. Factors influencing periodicity in the abundance of certain forms of terrestrial insect life in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 403-408. Sl 7.P53. 750 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UICHANCO, LEOPOLDO B.-Continued. 1926. A preliminary report on insects affecting sugar cane in the Philippines. Philippine sugar association Proceetlffil..t, third annual convention, p. 37-40. TP375.P53. Notes on sugar cane pests (1925-1926). Philippi,ne sugar association Proceedings, fourth annual convention, suppl. rpt. comm. varieties, diseases and fertilizers. TP375.P53. 1927. The gray borer of the sugar cane, Laspeyresia schistaceana Sn. ( Olethreutidae, Lepidoptera). Compi,lation of committee reports fifth annual convention Philippi,ne sugar association, Ma·nila, p. 116-118. TP375.P53. Insects in relation to the introduced cultivated element of the Philippine flora. Pan-Pacific Science Congres Proceedings, third Nov. 1926. Tokyo, Japan. AS4.P25. 1929. A summary of insects affecting rice in the Philippines. PanPacific science congress Proceedings, fourth, Batavia. AS4. P25. 1930. Biological notes on adult Leucopholis irrorata, Chevrolat, with a consideration of beetle collecting campaigns as a method of control against white grubs. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19, no. 3. Tables, charts. S17.P53. A report on an entomological survey of Negros sugar-cane fields. Sugar news, v. 11 :243-254. TP375.S4. 1931. Coal tar-kerosene emulsion and its uses as an insecticide. Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 501-505. S17.P5. Water and oil treatment against soil-inhabiting termites and ants. Philippine Agriculturist, v.19:601-603. S17.P53. Methods of computing the number of days covered by an event in periods of two months or over. Philippine agricuturist, v. 20:49-51. Table. S17:P53. Notes on the life history and habits of the common white grub of sugar cane, Leucopholis irrorata, Chevrolat. Sugar news, v. 12: 592-594. TP375.S4. 1932. A simple device for fumigating woodwork of buildings with carborn bisulphide. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20 :593-595. Sl 7. P53. A handy duster for the small garden. Philippi,ne agriculturist, v. 20 :647-649. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1933. Effect of various methods of storing corn on the degree of damage due to weevils, by L. B. UICHANCO and S. R. CAPCO. Philippi,ne agriculturist (in press). GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. A lesson from Japan. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 4: 121-122. Sl 7.P53. A memorable day. Philippine agriculturist, v. 4: 179-180. 817. P53. 1918. The Philippine agriculturist as an official publication of the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 6: 1. S17.P53. Red cross drive. Philippine agriculturist, v. 6: 275. S17.P53; ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 751 UICHANCO, LEOPOLDO B.-Continued. 1918. Professor Gonzalez new member of the board of regents. PhilipP.*e.agriculturist, v. 7: 63. Sl 7.P53. The :future of agricultural graduates in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 93-94. S17.P53. 1925. A neglected phase of insect control work in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 55-56. S17.P53. 1928. How Luzon and Negros may help each other in the control of sugar-cane pests. Cane, v. 46: 52. A conspectus of injurious and beneficial insects of the Philippines, with special reference to Luzon and N egros. Report of the committee on varieties, diseases and fertilizers. Philippine sugar association annual convention, sixth, Manila, p. 65-80. TP375.P53. 1929. Miss Yule and Philippine technical literature. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 1. Sl 7.P53. Department of entomology. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 333339. Photo., illus. Sl 7.P53. A brief history of Philippine entomology. In Dammerman, K. W. The agricultural zoology of the Malay Archipelago, p. 3-5. 1930. Bringing the mountain to Mohammed. Phil,ippine agriculturist, v. 18: 463-464. S17.P53. Newspaper science. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 77-78. Sl 7. P53. Man, coconuts, and the leaf miner. Phuippine magazine, v. 26: 631; 654; 656; 658-659. Ll.P5. 1931. Historical notes on the cultivation of wheat in the PhHippines, by MIGUEL SELGA, trans. by LEOPRLDO UICHANCO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 239-245. Sl 7 .P53. Frederick A. G. Muir. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 293-294. Sl7.P53. Malthus and the leaf miner. Philippine magazine, v. 27: 642; 644; 651 ; 652-653. Ll.P5. The rice planter (a poem). Philippine magazine, v. 27: 711. S17. P53. 1932. Et tu, brute. Phuippine agriculturist, v.19: 263-264. S17.P53. Note: An educational pioneer. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 194195. S17.P53. 1933. Science and scientist. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22 :455-458. S17.P53. Collegiate education in agriculture in the Philippines. University of the Philippines twenty-fifth anniversary publication. (In press). 1934. A twenty-five year balance sheet for economic entomology. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 419-429. Sl 7.P53. VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO.-Nat. Res. Council P. I., Bu. of Sci.; School of Pharmacy, Univ. Philip.; 312 Nebraska, Ermita. Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Sta. Ana, Manila, May 5, 95. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 15; Ph. G., 18, B. S., 19, Univ. Philip.; Phar. D., Univ. 752 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VALENZUELA, P ATROCINIO-Continued. Sto. Tomas, 21; Ph. D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 26. Instr. in Pharmacy, 20; As$t. P.rof. of Pharmacy, 24; Asso. Prof., 26; S41b. of Pharmacy, U. P.; Asso. Editor, U. P. Nat. and Appl. Sci. Bull.; Editor (English) Journal of the Philip. Pharm. Assn.; Collaborator, Revista Filipina de Medicina y Farmacia; Editor, Univ. Alumnus; Vice-Pres .. Internat. Faculty of Sci. (London); Sec., Sch. of Pharmacy, U. P.; Sec., Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, 31; Sec. Treas., U. P. Alumni Assn.; Faculty Alumni Sec., U. P.; Sec.-Treas., Philip. Sci. Soc. 31 --; Charter member and Executive Sec., and Treasurer, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Am. Res. Assn.; Sigma Xi, Gamma Alpha, Rho Chi; Phi Kappa Phi. U. P. Fellow to Univ. Wisconsin, 25-26. Honorary Fellow, Univ. Wisconsin, 25. Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. BOOK 1926. Zingiber Officinale Roscoe. A Monograph. Thesis submitted to the Graduate School, University of Wisconsin .. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Isolation of the active principles of Talumpunay (Datura alba Nees, Solanaceae) and its fluidextract. Proceedings of the first Pharmaceutical convention, p. 55-56. RS3.P5. 1922. Commercial acetylsalicylic acid, by MARIANO V. DEL ROSARIO and PATROCINIO v ALENZUELA. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 15-22. Tables. · Ql.P56. 1926. Philippine ginger. American pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 15, nos. 8 and 9. Illus. RS1.A54. · Ulcera-gastrica. Boletino sociedad de cirugia de Chile, v. 5: 130132. Thermal and photochemical decomposition of caryophyllene nitrosite, by P. VALENZUELA and F. DANIELS. Philippine journal of science, v. 34:187-197. Illus., tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. Phytochemical study of Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poir. A preliminary report, by ALFREDO SANTOS and PATROCINIO v ALENZUELA. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1 :86-89. RS1.P48. A compound C,.H,.O from the mother liquid of caryophylline nitrosite. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v.1: 103-105. RS1.P48. On the possible biogenesis of zingerone. Revista fiilipina de medicina y farmacia, v.19:282-284. Diagrs. R97.5:R4. Phytochemical notes. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19:310-314. R97.5:R4. Jamaica ginger. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19, no.11: 310-314. R97.5: R4. 1929. Review of previous investigations, and preliminary report on the chemistry of Quisqualis indica Linnaeus, by TRINIDAD BARCELON and PATROCINIO VALENZUELA. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1: 268-275. Table. RS1.P48. AN;NUAL REPORT, 1934-35 753 VALENZUELA, P ATROCINIO-Continued. 1929. Papain and the dried juice of Garica papaya Linnaeus from Silang, Cavite, by Luz OLIVEROS and PATROCINIO v ALENZUELA. Philippine pharmaceutical association Journal, v. 1 :307-315. Tables. RS1.P48. The pharmacopoeia at work. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21:108-111. R97.5:R4. The first pharmacopoeia. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 21 :214-215. R97.5 :R4. Lansium domesticum Correa: I, a study of the chemistry of the rind and the pharmacodynamics of the resin obtained therefrom, by P. v ALENZUELA, R. GUEVARA and s. GARCIA. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1, no. 1. Illus., tables, plates. Q75.U5. 1932. Alkaloids of Mahonisa philippinensis Takeda, by ESPERANZA R. CASTRO, ALFREDO c. SANTOS and p ATROCINIO v ALENZUELA. Phil.ippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 4: 475-479. RSl. P48. Alkaloids of Mahonia philippinensis Takeda, by ESPERANZA R. CASTRO, ALFREDO c. SANTOS, and p ATROCINIO v ALENZUELA. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:402-405. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Undeveloped phases of pharmaceutical education in the Philippines. Revista Boie, v. 8 :30-35. R97.5 :R45. 1927. The publication of a Philippine pharmacopoeia. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:181-188. R97.5.P57. 1928. The publication of a Philippine pharmacopoeia. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:181-188. R97.5:P57. General Antonio Luna y N ovicio-A pharmacist, 1868-1899. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1: 101-103. RSl. P48. A biographical sketch of Jose Rodriguez Carracido. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19 :83-84. R97.5 :R4. The Filipino pharmacists and the pharmaceutical association in the Philippines. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 19: 208-209. Also in Philippine pharmaceutical association journal, v. 1: 22-23, 32. RS1.P48. R97.5: R4. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera and Mariano V. del Rosario. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20: 148-150. Port. R97. 5:R4. 1930. The pharmaceutical career of Manuel S. Zamora y Paterno (18701929). Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2: 60-67. RS1.P48. El progreso de la medicina y la farmacia en Filipinas antes del siglo xx, por J. P. BANTUG, J. s. NAVARRO, PATROCINIO VALENZUELA.. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23:270-280. R97.5.R4. 754 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VELARDE, HERMINIO.-Arias Bldg., Carriedo, Manila; 495 Tennessee, Malate, Manila; Jaen, Nueva Ecija. Opthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology. Jaen, Nueva Ecija, Mar. 11, 90. M. D., U. P., 13. Asso. Prof., Opthalmology, Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, Coll. of Med., U. P.; Visiting Occulist and Aurist, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Pres., Philip. Is. Med. Assn., 31; Pres., Manila Med. Soc., 30; VicePres., Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas, 29; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Fellow, Am. Med. Assn. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Two cases of conjunctivities vernalis in the Phrnppine general hospital. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 238-244. Rl06.A8. Foreign bodies in the eye, ear, nose, throat and esophagus. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 249-261. Rl06.A8. 1918-1919. Six cases of glioma retinae. Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceutreos de filipinas, p. 237-242. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.10: 373-80. R97.5: R4. Rl06.A8. 1918. Report of eighty-five cases of mastoid cases, by H. VELARDE and G. FARRALES. Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 276-281. Table. Rl06.A8. 1920. Corneal parcentesis. Philippine journal of science v.17: 71-77. Tables. Ql.P56. 1922. Relative frequency of eye, ear, nose and throat disease among the Filipinos. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la quinto Asamblea de medicos yofarmaceuticos de Filipinas. Rl06.A8. Iridectomy in the treatment of glaucoma, with report of fourteen clinical cases. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2 :167-169. R97.5:P57. 1924. Fibroma of nasopharynx, with report of five cases. Philippine IslaruJ,s medical association. Journal, v. 4:312-316. R97.5:P57. 1925. A preliminary report on the control of trachoma in the Philippine Islands, by H. VELARDE, R. VILLAFRANCIA and S. LUNA-0ROSA. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 159166. Tables. . RA319.A31. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. The need of better cooperation and understanding between the private practitioners and the government physicians. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21:172-174. R97.5:R4. 1931. Closing remarks. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 284. R97.5: P57. 1932. The modern trend of health administration. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 1-10. Diagrs. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 755 VIBAR, TORIBIO.-P. 0. Box 3062; F. Roxas and Bugallon San Juan; Camalig, Albay. Agricultural Education. Camalig, Albay, Apr. 10, 88. B. Agr., 12, B. S. A., 20, M. S. A., 21, U. P.; Ph.D., Univ. of Ill., 23. Asst. Prof. of Agro. and Sec. of Coll. of Agr., U. P., 18-28; Agric. Supervisor, Bu. of Educ., 28 --; Chief, Div. of Agr. and Experiment Stations, Bu. of Pl. Industry, 32-33; Chief, Agron., Bu. of Pl. Industry, 33-34; Editor, Agric. Life, 34 --. Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. The management of garden soil. Philinnne agriculturist and forester, v. 1 :79-81. Sl 7.P53. The influence of K-P-N on the growth and production of corn. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 175-187. Tables. S17.P53. 1912. Photosynthesis in Passiflora. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 2:61. Table. S17.P53. 1921. Variation and correlation of characters among rice varieties with special reference to breeding. Philippine agriculturist, v.10 :93104. S17.P5S. 1925. Urbanizing rural life. Philippine agriculturist, v.14:387-389. S17.P53. 1926. Storing farm crop seeds. Proceedings of the third Pa11rPaci,fio science congress. AS4.P25. The village school: a powerful potential factor in rural improvement. Philippine agricultrilst, v.14:585-587. S17.P53. Effect of commercial fertilizers on lowland and upland rice. Philippine agriculturist, v.15:13-28. Tables. S17.P53. Our agricultural policy should center on the food supply. Philippine agriculturilst, v.15:59-62. S17.P53. The relation of temperature and moisture to disease-free corn. Philippine journal of science, v. 31: 169-215. Tables, plate, diagrs. Ql.P56. 1929. Storing farm crop seeds, by T. VmAR and P. A. Rooo100. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22:135-146. Tables. Sl 7.P5. 1931. Corn in the Philippines. Philippine journal, of agriculture, v. 2:369-393. Tables, plates. S17.P51. 1932. Arrowroot (Marantha arudinacea L.) ; its possibilities in the Philippines, by T. VIBAR and z. MONTEMAYOR. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3 :65-71. Tables, plates. Sl7.P51. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. The College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v.1 :4-6. S17.P53. The value of a vegetable garden. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1 :9-10. Sl 7.P53. The establishment of a vegetable garden. Philippine agriculturist, v. 1 :38-39. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 290628--10 756 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VIBAR, TORIBIO-Continued. 1911. Our need of plant doctors. Philippine agriculturist, v. 1: 51-52. S17.P53. 1919. Organizing our available food forces for good production. The citizen, (Oct.). DS651.C5. 1920. An insular board of agriculture should be organized in the Philippines. The citizen, (July 20). DS651.C5. 1921. What is wrong with our present system of agricultural education? The citizen, (May 6). DS651.C5. An agricultural factor of unlimited possibilities. The citizen, (May 21). DS651.C5. Type of students from the College of agriculture who have been highly successful farmers. The citizen, (May 28). DS651.C5. VILLADOLID, DEOGRACIAS.-Fish & Game Adm., Dept. of Agr. & Comm.; 715 Kansas St., Manila. Zoology, ltchiology. Nasugbu, Batangas, Mar. 22, 96. B. Agr., 19, B. S. Agr., 22, M. S. A., 23, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Ph. D., Leland Standford, 27. Asst. in Zoology, Instr., 27-28, Asst. Prof., 28-34, Coll. of Agr. Univ. Philip; Technical Asst., Fish & Game Adm., 34. Sigma Xi; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; The Philip. Sci. Soc.; Am. of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists; Los Banos Biol. Club; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow at Leland Standford Univ., 24-27. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The rediscovery of lnopsetta ischyra, a rare species of flounder. Annals, Carnegie Museum, v. 17: 3-4. The occurrence of Naobranchia occidentalis on the Pacific coast of the United States. Journal of Washington academy of sciences, v.17: 9. Qll.W35. 1928. The flatfishes (Heterosomata) of the Pacific Coast of the United States. (Doctorate thesis). Stanford University bulletin, v. 2, fifth series, no. 47. 1930. Studies on the development and feeding habits of Polypedates leucomystax (Gravenhorst), with a consideration of the ecology of the more common frogs of Los Banos and vicinity, by D. v. VILLADOLID and N. DEL ROSARIO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 475-502. Tables, plate. Sl 7.P53. Some studies on the biology of tuHa ( Corbicula manillensis Philippi), a common food clam of Laguna de Bay and its tributaries, by D. v. VILLADOLID and F. G. DEL ROSARIO. Philippine agriculturist, v.19, 27. Illus, chart, tables. S17.P53. 1932. A preliminary study of the larval fishes found in the mouth of the Pansipit river, and in Balayan, Nasugbu and Batangas bays. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 511-516. S17.P53. Methods and gear used in fishing in Lake Taal and the Pansipit river. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 571-579. !Hus. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 757 VILLADOLID, DEOGRACIAS-Continued. 1932. Notes on the crustacean and molluscan fisheries of lake Taal and the Pansipit river. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 645-646. S17. P53. A list of plants used in connection with fishing activities in the Laguna de Bay regions and in Batangas province, Luzon. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 25-35. Sl 7 .P53. Some aspects of the question of conservation of fishery resources of Laguna de Bay and Lake Taal. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 293-295. Q75.U5. 1933. Some causes of depletion of certain fishery resources of Laguna de Bay. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 251-256. Q75. US. Kanduli fisheries of Laguna de Bay, Luz<Jn, Philippine IslandsTheir rehabilitation and conservation. (In press, Philippine journal of science). Notes on the food habits of six common lizards found in Los Bafios and vicinity, Laguna, Luzon, Philippine Islands. (In press, Philippine journal of science). VILLEGAS, V ALENTE.-Agric. Coll., Laguna. Zoology, Animal Husbandry. Los Bafios, Laguna, May 31, 93. B. Agr., Univ. of Philip., 13; Ph. D., Iowa State Coll., 21. Asst. Agri., Bu. of Agr., Manila & La Carlota, Occ. Negros; Agric. Asst., Agric. Insp., Agric. Repres., Pacific Internat. Exposition, Panama, San Francisco, Calif., U. S. 15; Instr. in Animal Husbandry, Instr. in Agro., Asst. Prof. of Animal Husbandry, Asso. Prof. of Animal Husbandry, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Asst. Head, Dept. of Animal Husbandry. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Los Bafios, Biol. Club; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado to U. S. A., 19-22. BOOKS 1923. Principles and practices involved in the breeding, feeding, and management of purebred draft horses in the United States. Iowa state College of agriculture and mechanic arts, 222 p. Fold. table. SF291.V7. 1932. Carabao husbandry. Manila, Oriental commercial company. Illus., tables, diagrs. SF213.V7. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS '1911. Silkworm culture. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 119, 121-123. Sl 7.P53. 1912. Some experiments on the growth of rice in water-culture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 2: 86-90. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1921. Raising live stock in the Philippines. Iowa Agriculturist, v. 22: 127-130. 758 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VILLEGAS, VALENTE-Continued. 1922. The toxicity of ipil-ipil (Leucae"!a glauca). The Philippine agriculturist, v. 11: 151-152. Sl 7.P53. 1923. The nutritive value of the proteins of coconut meal, soybeans, rice bran and corn, by H. H. MITCHELL and v ALENTE VILLEGAS. Journal of dairy science, v. 6, no. 3. QP551.M6. 1925. Horse breeding in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 217-233. Plate, tables, illus. S17.P53. · 1926. A study of the frequency of calving of cows under Philippine conditions. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 541-547. Fold. tables. S17.P53. A preliminary study of the dairy qualities of goats, by V. VILLEGAS and A. D. PABW. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 415-422. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P53. 1927. Observations on range cattle at the Hacienda Del Rosario, Cainta, Rizal, by V. VILLEGAS and F. B. SARAO. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 391-396. Table. S17.P53. 1928. Types and sources of work animals for the sugar planter. Compilation of Committee reports for the si.:i:th annual convention of the Philippine sugar association,, Sept. TP375.P52. Cattle raising under PhHippine conditions. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 571-586. mus., diagrs. S17.P53. "Bighead" of horses a heritable disease, by B. M. GoNZALEZ and VALENTE VILLEGAS. Journal of heredity, v.19:159-167. lllus. S494.J8. 1929. The trend of sexual and reproductive seasons among horses, cattle, water ·buffaloes, sheep and goats under Los Banos conditions: A preliminary report. Phil~ppine agriculturist, v. 17: 477-485. Fo1d. tables, chart. Sl 7 .P53. ·zacate and water consumption of Philippine horses. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 599-605. Tables. S17.P53. Department of animal husbandry. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 313-326. Illus. Sl 7.P53. Determination of age of water buffaloes by the eruption of temporary and permanent incisors. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 371-378. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P53. 1930. A note on the capacity and other measurements of the alimentary tract of an Indian buffalo cow, by MIGUEL MANRESA and VALENTE VILLEGAS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 605-607. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Observations on the breeding activities of carabaos. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 3-9. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Forage, water, and salt consumption of native carabaos. Philippine agriculturist, v.19: 229-2315. Tables. Sl7.P53. 1931. The fertilizing constituents of fresh solid excreta voided by Philippine horses, by v. VILLEGAS, M. MANAHAN and F. T. ADRIANO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 19-26. Tables. Sl7.P53. The Nellore breed. Philippine magazine, v. 27: 506-7, 533. LI.PS. The production of work animals for the Philippine sugar cane plantations. Sugar news, v. 12: 600-609. TP375.S4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 759 VILLEGAS, VALENTE-Continued. 1932. Observations on the activity of Philippne carabaos, by V. VILLEGAS and A. T. TALEON. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 361-370. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Goat raising. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 36-52. Illus., diagrs. Sl 7.P53. Observations on the breeding habits and other activities of carabaos. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 270-71. Q75. U5. 1933. The Herefords imported by the Philippine government in 1920. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 251-532. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. The digestibility by the carabao of flint corn silage, by A. T. TALEON, VALENTE VILLEGAS and MAMERTA MANAHAN-YLAGAN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 13-22. Tables. Sl 7.~53. 1934. The training of cattle and carabaos for work. (In press.) GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. The Indian buffalo in the Philippines, by V. VILLEGAS and F. B. SARAO. Philippine magruine, v. 27: 226-27. Ll.P5. WADE, WINDSOR H.--Culion Leper-Colony, Palawan. Medidne, Leprosy. U. S., Nov. 23, 86. M. D;, Med. Coll., Tulane Univ., 12. Fae. of Med. McGill Univ., Oft-09; Demonstrator of' Histology, McGill Univ., Montreal, 08-9; Demonstrator of Pathology & Bact., New Orleans, Tufane Univ;, 09•18; Resident Pathologist, Charity Hosp., New Orleamr, 13-15'; Ihstr., Path. & Bact., Tulane, Univ. 12-15; Pathologist, Culion Leper Colany, P. H. Service, 22-31; Med. Dir., Leonard Wood Memorial, Culion, 31. Am. Med. Assn.; Paris- Med. Soc; ; Am. Assn. of Pathofogisti! & Bacteriologists ; Am. Soc. of Trop. Med.; Far Eastern Assn. of Trop. Med.; Am. Assn. far the Advancement of Sei.; fnternat. ieprosy Assn,; Am. Academy 6f Tropieal Med.; Charter member; Nat. Res, Council P. I. Onec year tour of Leprosy Institutions. under· the- Leonard Wood Memorial-Japan, China, French Indo-China, Malaya; Siam, et.c., 31-32. WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Bu. of Sci., Manilac; 1129 Dakota, Manila. Organic ChemiBtry. Baltimore, U. S., Feb. 6, 78. A. B., Johns Hopkins Univ., 01; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 05. Research Chemist, Glasser's Consulting Lab. Balt., 05-06; Chemist, Balt. Copper Smelting Co., 07-08; Research Chemist, Johns Hopkins, 09-10; Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 10-12; Prof., Univ. Philip., 28 --. Am. Chemical Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow by courtesy, Johns Hopkins, 10. BOOKS 1920. Textbook of experiment organic chemistry. World BOCJk Co. Philippine resins, gums, seed oils, and es-sential oils, by A. P. WEST and W. H. BROWN. Manila, Bureau of printing. (Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin, no. 20). SD93.A5. 760 NATIONAL RESEARCH_ COUNCIL WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Continued. 1920. Minor products of Philippine ;forests, by A. P. WEST and W. H. BROWN. Manila, Bureau of printing. Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 22. SD93.A5. 1923. Commercial products from lumbang oil, by A. P. WEST and F. L. SMITH. Manila Bureau of printing. (Philippine Islands Bureau of forestry. Bulletin no. 24). SD93.A5. 1930. What science has done and what it can do for o;ir coconut industry. First National congress of coconut planters, Manila. HD9250.C7W5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1905. Temperature coefficients of conductivity in aqueous and the solutions and on the effect of temperature on dissociation, by A. P. WEST and H. C. JONES. American chemical journal, v. 34 :357422. QD1.A5. 1910. Conductivity dissociation and temperature coefficients of conductivity at 35 °' 50 °' and 65 °' by A. p. WEST and H. c. JONES. American chemical journal, v. 44:508-543. QD1.A5. 1913. Analysis and composition of red lead. Philippine journal of science, v. SA: 429-437. Tables. Ql.P51. 1914. Burning tests of Philippine portland cement raw materials, by A. P. WEST and ALVIN J. Cox. Philippine journal of science, v. 9A: 79-103. Tables, plates, illus. Ql.P51. 1921. The composition, solubility, and oxidation of lumbang oil, by A. P. WEST and Z. MONTES. Philippine journal of science, v. 18:619-635. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1922. Extraction of copra cake with solvents, by A. P. WEST and J. M. FELICIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 20 :509-517. Tables. Ql.P56. 1923. The composition of pili-nut oil, by A. P. WEST and S. BALCE. Philippine journal of science, v. 23; 269-276. Tables. Q1P56. Effect of composition on the complete hydrogenation of some Philippine oils with nickel catalyst, by A. P. WEST and L. GONZAGA. Philippine journal of science, v. 23 :277-293. Tables, illus., plate. Ql.P56. The composition of cashew-nut oil, by A. P. WEST and C. C. CRuz. Philippine journal of science, v. 23 :337-344. Tables. Ql.P56. 1924. Oxidation of lumbang and linseed oils and of the principal compounds in lumbang oil, by A. P. WEST and A. I. DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v. 24:123-141. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1926. Esters of chaulmoogric acid ( capryl, ally!, phenyl, ortho cresol, meta cresol, para cresol), by P. P. HERRERA-BATTEKE and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 31 :161-168. Ql.P56. Notes on Muelen's cataylytic method for the determination on nitrogen in organic compounds, by FREDERICK L. SMITH 2d. and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 31 :265275. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 761 WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Continued. 1926. Salts of linolenic hexabromide from lumbang oil, by GERARDO A. IMPERIAL and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 31 :441-449. Tables. Ql.P56. 1927. An odoriferous oil and two new linolic tetrabromides from Philippine lumbang oil, by SIMEONA SANTIAGO and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 32 :41-52. Table. Ql.P56. Reduction of linolenic and linolic bromides and rebromination of the free acids, by F. L. SMITH, 2d. and AUGUTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 32:297-313. Illus., table, diagrs. Ql.P56. Salts of alpha linolic tetrabromide (sodium, potassium, zinc, barium, calcium, and strontium) from Philippine lumbang oil, by ADELAIDA T. 0RETA and AUGUSTUS P. WF.ST. Philippine journal of science, v. 33:169-176. Table. Ql.P56. Chaulmoogryl amino benzoic acids and chaulmoogra anilides, by SIMEONA SANTIAGO and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 33 :265-269. Ql.P56. Salts of linolenic hexabromide (Calcium, magnessium, strontium, and nickel) from Philippine lumbang oil, by PEDRO R. ALMORADIE and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 267. Table. Ql.Pl56. Salts of alpha linolic tetrabromide (cadmium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, and manganese) from Philippine lumbang oil, by CEFERINO M. JOVELLANOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 33:349-359. Table. Ql.P56. Esters of alpha linolic acid tetrabromide (methyl, propyl, isopropyl and allyl) from lumbang oil, by !RENE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 34:199-203. Ql.P56. 1928. Chaulmoogryl derivatives of lactates and salicylates, by SIMEONA SANTIAGO and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal science, v. 35:405-409. Ql.P56. Esters of alpha linolic acid hexabromide (isobutyl, amyl, n-propyl and isopropyl) from Philippine lumbang oil, by M. L.A. VICENTE and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 73. Ql. P56. 1929. Chaulmoogryl substituted phenols and chaulmoogryl hydroxy ethyl benzoate, by IRENE DE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 38 :293-298. Ql.P56. Chaulmoogryl aminophenols and chaulmoogryl benzylamine, by IRENE DE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philipine journal of science, v. 38 :445-449. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine bagasse, by ABELARDO VALENZUELA and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 40 :275281. Tables. Pl.P56. Resins in the seed coats of Philippine chaulmoogra seeds (Hydnocarpus alcalde)' by IRENE DE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 40 :485-491. Table, plate. Ql.P56. 762 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Continued. 1929. Chaulmoogryl brom and chlor phenols, by PURA SANTILLAN and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 493497. Ql.P56. 1930. Water-white coconut oil and coconut flour, by Aurelio 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 51-58. Tables. Ql.P56. Philippine camphor, by A. P. WEST and H. TAGUIBAO. Philippine journal of science, v. 41 :103-119. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Thiochaulmoogra compounds thiochaulmoogramide, anilide, and toluides, by IRENE DE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 41 :373-379. Ql.P56. Philippine eucalyptus oil, by A. P. WEST and H. TAGUIBAO. Philippine journal of science, v. 42 :1-11. Tables, plates. Q1.P56. Analysis of Philippine lumbang oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 42:251-257. Tables. Ql.P56. Naphthol esters of chaulmoogric acid and chaulmoogryl naphthylamines, by IRENE DE SANTOS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 34: 409-413. Ql.P66. 1931. Philippine turpentine frem Pi:mu inaularis (Endlicher), by IRENE DE SANTOS, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and J. FONTANOZA:. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 233-239; Tables, plates. Q1.P56. Philippine rosin from Pinua iuuU.&ria (Endlicher), by IREN11 DI: SANTOS, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and J~ FONTANOZA:. Plvilippine journal of science, v. 40:383.391-. Tables, plate~ Ql.P56. Philippine pi.Deneedle oil from. Pim&a Wularia (Endlicher), by IR!JNE: Dll SANTOS, Aumrsros P; WEST and P. D. ESGUBBJlA. Phililppi1116· joiwna.l of scieftc., v. 46: 1~7. Tables. plates. Ql.P56. Composition af Philippine kapok..lll!eti oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. PlriUppine journal of science, v. 46:131139. Tables, plate. Ql:.P56. Composition of Philippine peanut oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. Wmr. Philippine journal. of science, v. 46:199207. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1932. The composition of Philippine woods, II, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of s.cience, v. 47 :281. Ql.P56. Analysis of sections of small and medium-sized Philippine bagtikan trees, Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47 :281-287. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. Permanganate-hide-power graph for tannin analysis of wood barks. Results by the modified hide-powder method, obtained from the permanganate determination, by Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 467-479. Charts. Ql.P56. Crystallized and distilled rosin from Philippine pine trees (Pinus insularis Endlicher), by SllrlEONA s. TANCHICO, AUGUSTUS P. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 763 WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Continued. WEST and P. D. ESGUERRA. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 481-485. Table, plate. Ql.P56. 1932. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Hambas variety), by AURELIO 0. CRUZ, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and NEMESIO B. MENDIOLA. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 487-495. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. An aldehyde rosin oil from Philippine pine trees (Pinus insularis Endlicher), by SIMEONA s. TANCHICO and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 48 :1-3. Table. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety), by AURELIO 0. CRUZ, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and VICENTE B. ARAGON. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:5-12. Tables. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine talisay oil from the seeds of Terminalia catappa Linnaeus, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 48 :13-19. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine soy beans and soy-bean oil, by AURELIO o. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Phili'fJ'Pi:ne journal of science, v. 48 :77-88. Tables. Ql.P56. Cbarceal as a diluent for Paris green in the destruction of anopheles larvae larvicide studies, by PAUL F. RusSBLL and AUGUSTUS- P. Wi!:sT. Philippi116' journal of ircience, v. 48:Z91-297. Table-, plates. q1.P&6. Composition of Philippine woods~ III, by L. BAENS, F. M. YENKO, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, \I. 48:-299-303'; Q1;1'9'6; Paris- green partially- adsorbed on charcoal as a laTVicide far anol!heJeS- mosquitoes· tarvicide studies, If, by A. p, WES'!' and P. F. Rusm:r.. PhiTippine journGl' uf scie1&Ce, v; 4fr:545--56'1. Tables, plate. Q1'.P56. SOme- stvdies in tfut larvicida-1 efFects · af arsenfoals other· t&an Paris green-against anopheles larvae. Lanfuide studies; III; by PAUL F. RUSS!IL and· AUGUSTUS· P. WES'r. Philippia ia:arnal of scieme, v. 49:97-103. Tables. Ql.P56. · Experiments with various toxic substances partially adsorbed on charcoal as an anopheles laTVicide. Larvicide studies, IV, by A. P. WEST and F. Russm.L. Philippine journal of scUmce, v. 49: 211-217. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine woods, IV, by H. M. CURRAN, F. M. YENKO, L. BAENS and.A. P. WBST. Philippine journal. of science, v. 49:587-93. Ql.P56. The effect on culex larvae of Paris green diluted with charcoal and notes on the feeding habits of larvae of CullY.l; quinquef ascia.tuB, by P. F. RuSSllLL and. A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 49:651-675. Ql.P56. Rice bran and rice oil, by A. CRUZ and A. P. WEST. University of -the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2 :2182~0. Q75.U5. The composition of Philippine woods, by F. YENKO and A. P. WEST. University of the Philippines. Natural and aP'J)lied science, v. 2:236. Q75.U5. · 764 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL WEST, AUGUSTUS P.-Continued. 1933. Philippine rice mill products with particular reference to the nutritive value and preservation of rice bran, by A. P. WEST and A. 0. CRUZ. Philippine journal of science, v.52:1-78. Ql.P56. The composition of some Philippine soft woods, V, by A. P. WEST, F. M. YENKO, L. BAENS and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 209-213. Plates. Q1.P56. Colobot essential oil. (From Citrus hystrix DC. Var. Torosa), by S. S. TANCHICO and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 52 :263-269. Ql.P56. 1934. Composition of Philippine woods, VI, by H. M. CURRAN, F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and A. P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 53 :489-495. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine woods, VII, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science. (In press). Philippine panau (Dipterocarp) resin, by S. S. TANCHICO, A. P. WEST and J. FoNTANOZ.A. Philippine journal of science. (In press). Tanning content of Philippine barks and woods, by Luz BAENS, F. M. YENKO, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science. (In press). YEAGER, CLARK HARVEY.-Bu. of Health; 2847 Herran; Plymouth, Pa. Parasitology and Bacteriology, Hygiene and Sanitation. Plymouth, Pa., Nov. 16, 86. M. D., Penn., 11; C. P. H., Dr. P. H., Johns Hopkins, 27; Interne, Reading Gen. Hosp. Pa., 11-12; St. Christopher Hosp., Phil., 12-13; Pathologist, Nesbit Wetside Hosp., Pa., 14-17; Field Director, Research in Bacterial Migration, Rockefeller Foundation, P. I., 19; Prof. Leet., Post-grad. Sch. Hygiene and Pub. Health, Philip., 28; Major, M. C., 17-19. Am. Soc. Parasitologists; P. I. Soc. Parasit.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Treatment of hookworm infection with moderate doses of carbon tetrachloride and oil of chenopodium, by C. H. YEAGER and J. B. KmK. Royal society of tropical medicine and hy9iene. Transactions, v. 19: 240-248. RC960.R8. Employment of carbon tetrachloride followed immediately by magnesium sulphate in treatment of uncinariasis by C. H. YEAGER and J. B. KmK. Royal society of tropical medicine and h'ygiene. Transactions, v.19: 249-255. RC960.R8. 1929. Practical bored-hole latrine construction. Malayan med'~cal journal, v. 4:45-55. R97.M24. Well pollution and safe sites for bored-hole latrines. Malayan medical journal, v. 4:118-125. R97.M24. 1931. Bored-hole latrine equipment and construction. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 681-7 49. Chart, plates, illus. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 765 YLANAN, REGINO R.-Rizal Memorial Field, Manila; 1036 Pennsylvania. Physical Education. Bogo, Cebu, Sept. 7, 89. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 18; B. P. E., Internat. Coll. of Physical Education, Springfield, Mass., 20. Physical Dir., Philip., 20-27; Nat. Physical Dir., Philip. Insular Govt. Manila, 27. Am. Physical Education Assn.; Oriental Physical Educational Assn.; Philip. Is. Physical Educ. Assn.; Charter member, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Relation of physical exercise to growth and development. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2 :223-226. Illus. R97.5:R57. 1931. Statistics of the duration of life and the cause of death among athletes who represented the Philippines in the Far eastern games. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22:446-453. Tables. R97.5:R4. BIOGRAPHICAL DATA AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE WORKS OF ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ABAD, LEOPOLDO.-Bureau of Science; 734 Pennsylvania, Pagsanjan, Laguna. Mining Engineering. Pagsanjan, Laguna, Nov. 23, 93. B. S., Univ. of Nevada, 22; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 24. Mining Engineer, Bu. of Sci., 29--. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado to U S, 20-24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1932. Mining activities in the Baguio mineral district. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 227. Q75.U5. ABAD, MOISES B.-College of Medicine, U. P.; 2464 Isagani; Amaya, Tanza, Cavite. Pediatrics. Tanza, Cavite, Nov. 25, 96. B. A., U. P. 19; M. D., U. P., 25. Instructor in Pediatrics, U. P. and Senior Resident, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 29-34. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1928. Tuberculosis in children under five years old, by JOSE ALBERT and MOISES ABAD. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 3752-357. Tables. R97.5: P57. ABAD, TIRSO B.-American Red Cross; Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija. Dentistry. Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija, Sept. 24, 93. D. S., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 12; D. D. S., Liceo de Manila, 13. Dental Surgeon, Sorsogon, 13-18, in Manila, 21-22; Dental Surgeon, Am. Red Crdss; Faculty Member, Manila College of Dentistry; Capt., Dental Corps Reserve, U. S. Army., Pres., Sanitary Div. of Romblon, Romblon. Member, Exam. Board for the Dental Corps. Reserve; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 766 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ABADILLA, QUIRICO A.-Bureau of Science; 304 Vermont; Catanauan, Tayabas. Geology. Catanauan, Tayabas, Oct. 18, 93. A. B., San Juan de Letran, 14; E. M., Colorado Sch. of Mines, 20. -Geologist, Cia Mexicana de Petroleo "El Aguila" S. A., 20-25; District Geologist, Lago Petroleum Cor., Venezuela, 25-28; Geologist, Bu. of Sci., 29-30; Geologist, Standard Oil Co., Peru, 30-31, Brazil, 31-33, Bu. of Sci., 33 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1931. Geological reconnaisance of northwestern Capiz province, Panay, Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 393414. Plates. Ql.P56. ABRIOL, RUFINO.-Kneedler Bldg., Manila; 805 Taft Ave. Surgery. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 13. Actg. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. P. H. S.; Private Practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I., Fellow, Am. Med. Assn. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Amoobic abscess of the liver among Filipinos. Philippine journal of science, v. 12B: 121-147. Tables. Ql.P56. 1922. Correlation. of death· rates from certain diseases with certain economic. and housing factors in the Phili1rnine Islands. Philippi'M journal of &Cie'lfCe, v. 21 : 305-32L Illus.,. t.ables. Ql.P56. ABUEL, JOSE.-PhiliJT. Gen. Hasp.; HJ ITavid; Regina Bldg;, Escolta; 3984 Taft Ave. Ext. Pasay, Rizal. Medicine and gurgery. Born in Lucban, Tayabas. M. D., Univ. Philip. 18. Asst. Resi., 19-23, Senior Resident in Surgery, 23-27, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Instr., Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip., 23-27. Manila Med: _Soc.; Philip. Is. Fed. Assn.; Fellow of the Am. M'ed. Assn·.; Life member· of the Am. Med. Assn. in Vienna; Asso. Nat. Res. Council P. L Fellow in Surgery, Rockefeller Foundation to U. S. U. P. Fellow, to Masonic Hos¢tal for criJTPled children, Vienna, Austria, 26"27. SCIENTIFIC CONTBmUTIONS 1925. Some observations on carcinoma of the breast. Philippine Island& medical association. Journal, v. 5: 85-87. R97.5: P57. 1930. Uber den weg der von Nervi pelvici geleiteten zentripetelen Erregungen im Ruckenmark. Zeitschrift fur die Gesamte ezperimentelle medizin, v. 70: 500-503. ACOSTA SISON, HONORIA.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1002 Taft Ave., Manila. Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Pediatrics. Calasiao, Pang., Dec. 30, 88. M. D., Univ. of Pa., 09. Instr. in Obstetrics, 12-14, Asst. Prof. of Obst., 14-24, Asso. Prof. of Obst., 24-27, Actg. Head, Dept. of Obst., 28-34, Leet. in Pre-Natal Care, S. of P. H. N., Coll. of Med., 28, Asso. Prof. of Obst., 34 --. U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Assc.., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Institute of Pacific Relations; Pi Gamma Mu; Phi Kappa Phi. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 767 ACOSTA SISON, HONORIA-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. The antepartum and postpartum care of the parturient woman. Manila medical society. Bulletin. v. 2: 141-145. R97.5: M2. 1911. Frecuencia de las placentas previas en Manila; en un report de 22 casos. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 197206. 1 fold. table. R97.5: R4. Incidence of placenta previa in Manila with report of 22 cases. Manila medical soci.ety. Bulletin, v. 3: 154-158. Tables (1 fold). R97.5: M2. 1912. Incarcerated gravid uteru~, preliminary report <Pf a case. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 4: 131-132. R97.5: M2. Elephantiasis glabra congenitus with report of a case. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 4: 196-198. R97.5: M2. 1914. Pelvimetry and cephalometry among Filipinas. Phili'JYPine journal of sci.ence, v. 9B:493-497. Tables. Also in Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 363-367. R106.A8. Ql.P.62. 1919. Pelvimetry and cephalometry among Filipino women and newborn babies. Made on one thousand two hundred thirty-seven cases. Phili'JYPine journal of science, v.14: 253-273. Tables, diagr. Ql.P56. 1921. Hymen atresia with report of one case. Phili:ppine Islands medical associll.t:Um. J<YU.rnal, v. l! 112-U.4. R97.5: P57. 1928. :Manual extradion of the placenta; its morbidity and mortality and its effect on placenta accreta. Philippi,ne Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 117-121. R97.5: P57. 192'. Acute complete inversio uteri; report of a case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 97-99. R97.5: P57. 1926. Maternal mortality among filipinos. Philippine Islands medical uaociation. JC111h"nfJJ,, v. 6: .321-330. Tables, graphs. R97.5: P57. The puerperal state and tuberculosis, by B. ROXAS, H. AcosTAS1soN and A. BAENS. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first. p. 317-327. RC307.N2. 1927. Obstetrical forceps for use in right anterior or left posterior occipital presentations. Phili'JYPine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 250-254. Illus. R97.5: P57. Some facts a Filipino wife or prospective mother should know. San Juan de Dios Hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 16-17, 23. R97.5: S2. 1928. Must motherhood among Filipinos be a perilous ordeal. San Juan de Dios Hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 148-152. R97.5: S2. Some observations on European clinics. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 116-128. R97.5: P57. Neuritis in Filipino parturients. Philippine Islands medical association. , Journal, v. 8: 230-234. Graphs. R97.5: P57. 768 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ACOSTA SISON, HONORIA-Continued. 1928. Clinical significance of the velamentous insertion of the cord when coincident with vasa previa, by HONORIA ACOSTA-SISON and VICTORIA DATOC. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 273-276. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1929. Relation between the state of nutrition of the mother and the birth weight of the fetus: a preliminary study. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 174-176. Table. R97. 5: P57. Laparotrachelotomy versus classical caesarean section during labor. Philippine Islands me.dical association. Journal, v. 9: 209211. R97.5: P57. Coexisting cyst and pregnancy: a study of twenty-four cases. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 284-288. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1930. The status of eclampsia in the Philippines, by H. AcosTA-SISON and A. BAENS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 105-120. Charts, tables. R97.5: P57. A case of ovarian hemorrhage simulating ectopic pregnancy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 248-231. R97.5: P57. A short talk for young girls. San Juan de Dias Hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 66-69. R97 .5: S2. What causes internal rotation? Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 430-435. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1932. Ignaz semmelweis, the precursor of listerism in obstetrics. Philipine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 107-112. R97.5: P57. Relationship of nutrition of the mother and that of the fetus. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 173174. R97.5: P57. i933. Determination of the urea concentration factor as a test of kidney efficiency in a puerperal woman; preliminary report, by H. ACOSTA-SISON, F. BARICAN, and J. F. LEIVA. Philippine. Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 196-197. R97. 5: P57. AG A TI, JULIAN A.-Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila; 1032-A Misericordia St., Sta. Cruz, Manila. Agronomy. Ballesteros, Cagayan, June 19, 97. B. Agr., 21, B. S. A., 23, Coll. of Agr., U. P. Postgraduate courses in Plant Pathology, Mycology, & Plant Physiology, Cornell Univ., 26-28. Asst. in Plant Pathology, Coll. of Agr., 26. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Banana stem and fruit rot. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 411422. Table. Sl 7.P53. 1925. The anthracnose of abaca, or Manila hemp. Philippine agriculturist, v.13: 337-344. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 769 AGATI, JULIAN A.-Continued. 1925. The cause of the anthracnose of avocado, mango, and upo in the Philippine Islands, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and J. A. AGATI. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 199-216. Plates. Sl 7.P53. 1931. Studies on the root-rot of the sugar-cane seedlings in the nursery. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 1-26. Tables, plates. Sl 7 .P51. Preliminary notes on the stem-rot of abaca in the Philippines, by MELANIO R. CALINISAN, JULIAN A. AGATI and VICENTE c. ALDABA. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 223-227. Plates, table. Sl 7.P51. Controlling the Aeginitia indica in cane fields, by JOSE P. TAN and JULIAN A. AGATI. Sugar news, v. 12, no. 6: 1-8. TP375. S4. The effect of atlacide on reginetia indica, by JULIAN A. AGATI and JOSE P. TAN. Under the direction of Dr. MANUEL S. ROXAS. Sugar news, v. i2: 82-89. Tables. TP375.S4. AGCAOILI, FRANCISCO.-Bu. of Science; 38 Callejon 7 Pasay, Rizal; Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Chemistry. Piddig, Ilocos Norte, Mar. 30, 81. A. B., Univ. of Calif., 07 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1908. On the detection and determination of coconut oil, by H. D. GIBBS and F. AGCAOILI. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 A: 371375. Tables. Ql.P51. 1910. Lard from wild and domestic Philippine hogs and the changes in the constants produced by feeding copra cake, by H. D. GIBBS and F. AGCAOILI. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 A: 33-43. Tables. Ql.P51. 1912. Soya-bean curd, an important oriental food product, by H. D. GIBBS and F. AGCAOILI. Philippine journal of science, v. 7A: 47-53. Tables, plate. Ql.P51. Some Filipino foods, by H. D. GIBBS and F. AGCAOILI with the cooperation of G. R. SHILLING. Philippine journal of science, v. 7 A: 383-401. Tables, plates. Ql.P51. Philippine citrus-fruits: Their commercial possibilities and a chemical study of a few of the most important varieties. Philippine journal of science, v. 7 A: 403-415. Tables, plates. Ql.P51. 1913. The composition of various milks and their adaptability for infant feeding. Philippine journal of science, v. 8 A: 141-149. Tables, plate. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1914, v. 5: 12-24. R97.5: R4. Ql.P51. 1914. Drug inspection in the Philippine Islands, by H. D. GIBBS and FRANCISCO AGCAOILI. Actas, memorias y ~omunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 633-639. R106.A8. 770 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AGCAOILI, FRANCISCO-Continued. 1916. A discussion of the vegetables of the Philippine Islands. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 579-580. R106.A8. Philippine beeswax, by HARVER c. BRILL and FRANCISCO AGCAOILI. Philippine journal of science, v. llA: 15-18. Tables. Ql. P56. Some vegetables grown in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. llA: 91-100. Table. Ql.P56. 1917. Some limitations of the Kjeldahl method, by HARVEY C. BRILL and FRANCISCO AGCAOILI. Philippine journal of science, v. 12A: 261-265. Tables. Ql.P51. 1918. Considerations on a proper diet. Census of the Philippine Is. lands, v. 3: 917-927. Tables. HA1822.P5. Estudio bio-quimico de la zimasa alcoh6lica de los zumos azucarados Filipinos conocidos vulgarmente con el nombre de tuba. Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 497-511. Table. R106.A8. 1922. Philippine rice, by A. H. WELLS, F. AGCAOILI, and R. T. FELICIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 353-3iil. Tables. Ql.P56. 1927. Philippine citrus fruits, .by A.H. WELLS, F. AGCAOILI, and MARIA Y. OROSA. Philippine journal of science, v. 28: 453-527. Tables (fold.), plates. Ql.P56. 19!8. Composition of Philippine pineapples, by A.H. WELLS, F. AGCAOILI, H. TAGUIBAO, and A. v ALENZUELA. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 157-184. Plates. Ql.P56. 1929. SeguidiHas bean. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 513-514. Tables. Ql.P56. AGIDLA.R, EUSEBIO D.-Philip. Health Service, Manila. Public Hemth. Born in :92. M. D., Chicago Coll. of Med. and Surg.; Chief, Div. of Hosp., Philip. Health Service. Pres., P. I. M.A., 32; Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Epidemic encephalitis in Zamboanga, by EUSEBIO D. AGUILAR and PEDRO A. RODRIGUEZ. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 305-311. Tables. RA319.A31. 1925. The role of the hospitals in a public health campaign. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5:305-306. RA319.A31. 1929. The development of nursing in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health serv~e. Monthly bulletin, v. 9:91-95. RA3l9.A31. Pharmacy versus medicine--clearing a mix-up. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 223-228. RA319.A31. 1930. Resume of public health progress in the Philippines during 1929. PhN,ippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :5976. RA319.A31. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 771 AGUILAR, EUSEBIO D.-Continued. 1930. Cooperation between private practitioners and the health service. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10:190113. RA319.A31. What we expect of private physicians. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:183-189. R97.5:P57. The Philippine health service and the public. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:423-425. R97.5:P57. Medical service in the Philippines. Philippine Islands ?Mdical association. Journal, v. 9: 426-436. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1932. Advice to gr.:iduates in medicine. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 380-381. R97.5: P57. The pharmacist and physician. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 622-624. R97.5: P57. Scientific nursing vs. quackerism; an address. Revista jilipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 120-121. R97 .5: R4. 1933. Quacks and quackery. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armaci.a, v. 24: 163-138. R97.5: R4. The physician and the community welfare. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 7-17. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Need of the spiritual background. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 219-225. RA319.A31. The national hospital day in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10:383-385. RA319.A31. 1931. Why we should understand our hospitals. Philippine Islands health serv-iice. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :420-421. RA319.A31. 1933. Hospitals in the Philippines. Government employee, v. 4: 675678. Illus. JQ1349.P4G7. ALAS, ANTONIO DE LAS.-Taal, Batangas. Law. Taal, Batangas, Oct. 14, 89. LI. B., Univ. of Indiana, 08; LI. M., Yale Univ., 09. Employee, Exec. Bu., 10-18; Asst. Chief, Exec. Bureau, 1819; Chief, Executive Bureau, 19-20; Under-Sec. of the Int., 20-21; Actg. Sec. of the Int. and Actg. Sec. of Justice, 22; Repres. from Batangas, 22; Speaker pro-tempore, House of Repres., 23, 30. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRmUTIONS 1927. An Act creating a division of nutrition and diet in the office of the public welfare commissioner and for other purposes. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 401-402. R97.5:P57. ALBERT, ALEJANDRO.-Dept. of Public Instruction; 343 Zurbaran, Sta. Cruz. Education, Pharmacy. Manila, Sept. 1, 69. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 84; Licentiate in Purmacy, Univ. Sto. Tomas, 90. Auxiliary Pharmacist, Spanish Army (Cuerpo de Sanidad, Secci6n 29062S--ll 772 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ALBERT, ALEJANDRO-Continued. de Farmacia); Colonel, Filipino Army, Med. Corps, Pharmacy Section; Congress Delegate for Zam bales, Filipino Govt.; Prof. of Chem., Liceo de Manila, 00-17; Honorary Commissioner to St. Louis Exposition, 04; Pres., Pharmaceutical Examining Board, 06; Pres., Liceo de Manila, 07-13; Founder, Manila College of Pharmacy, 03; Asst. Dir. Bu. of Education, 17, Under-Sec. of Public Instr., 17 --; Asst. Dir. of Census, 18; Acting Pres., Univ. Philip., 21. Colegio Med.-Farm. de Filipinas, Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. The nurse as an important factor in health education. Revista filipina de medicina 'JI farmacia, v. 23: 118-119. R97.5: R4. ALBERTO, SEVERIN0.-166 Manga Ave.; Manila. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Manila, Jan. 12, 81. A. B., Colegio de San Juan de Letran, 95; Licentiate in Med., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 03; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 06. Prof. and Head, Dept. of Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat, Santo Tomas Univ.; Private Practitioner. Colegio Medico-Farm. de Filipnias; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Dos casos de infecci6n ocular por la linfa vacuna. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.1: 219-224. R97.5: R4. 1912. Tracoma, su profilaxia. Memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 267-272. R106.A8. 1914. Resultado del tratamiento mixto del tracoma. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 312-315. R106.A8. ALCANTARA, VIVENCIO C.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 600 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal; Iloilo, Iloilo. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Iloilo, Jan. 4, 95. M. D., U. P., 20. Instructor in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, U. P., and Senior Resident, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 25-27, 29, Non-Resident Instr. in E. E, N. T., U. P., 29-34. Private Practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Am. Med. Assn.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. Govt. Pensionado to U. S. and Europe especializing in Pecora! Endoscopy, 27-29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Some clinical observations on carcinoma of the maxillary antrum. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 7-8. R97. 5: P57. 1924. Retrobulbar cellulitis; report of three cases. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 8-10. R97.5: P57, 1926. Tuberculosis of the larynx and some aspects in its prevention, by A. R. UBALDO and V. C. ALCANTARA. National congress cm tuberculosis. Proceedings, first. p. 341-345. RC307.N2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 773 ALCANTARA, VIVENCIO C.-Continued. 1927. A case of labyrinthectomy, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and VIVENCIO C. ALCANTARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 97-99. R97.5: P57. Peroral endoscopy. San Juan de Dios Hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 209-210, 241. R97 .5: S2. 1932. Foreign bodies in the esophagus, by V. C. ALCANTARA and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 31-35. R97.5: P57. ALDECOA, ELADIO R.-1740 Rizal Avenue, Manila. Dental Surgery. San Jose, Camarines Sur, May 8, 88. D. D. S., U. P., 20; D. M. D., U. P., 25; Certificate of Post-Graduate Instruction, Northwestern Univ. Dental School; Sec. of Faculty, Prof. in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, U. P., 21-29; Dean, Prof. & Founder, Coll. of Oral & Dental Surgery, 32-34. Sec., Nat. Dental Assn.; Pres., N.D.A., 27-28, 29-30, 34; Pres., Post-Graduate Dental Study Club, 32-34; Member, Board of Directors, Philip. Odontological Soc.; Am. Dental Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow of Internat. Coll. Dentists (F. I. C. D.), 29; U. P. Fellow to Northwestern University Dental School to specialize in Dental Prosthesis and Pyorhea alveolaris, 26. Fellow to Internat. Coll. of Dentists, April 5, 29. Honorary Title (F. I. C. D.) conferred by the Board of Regents of the Internat. Coll. of Dentists. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1924. Replanting teeth. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 99-100. R97.5: P57. ALINCASTRE, CECILIO.-Ma-ao Central, Occidental Negros. Sugar Engineering. Malolos, Bulacan, Apr. 2, 92. A. B., 15, B. S. in Chemistry, M. S. in Chemistry, 20, Univ. Philip.; B. S. in M. E., Mass. Inst. of Technology, 22; M. S. in Sugar Engin., Louisiana State Univ., 23, Asst. Instr., 17-18, Instr. 18-24, Asst. Prof., 25-29, Univ. Philip.; Chemist, Ma-ao Sugar Planter, 29-31; Supt. of Fab., Ma-ao Sugar Central, 31 --; Chemist, Myrtle Grove Co., Plaguemine La, 22-23; Rock County Sugar Co., Janesville, Wis., 23; Gen. Supt., Lopez Sugar Central Mill, Co., Occ. Negros, 27-29. Am. Chemical Soc., Wash. Assn.; Am. ·Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, N. Y.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow to Mass. Institute of Technology & Louisiana State Univ. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Part of chemistry in the industries. Philippine citizen. 1917. The possible maximum, vitamine content of some Philippine vegetables, by HARVEY c. BRILL and CECILIO ALINCASTRE. Philippine Journal of science, v. 12 A: 127-132. Tables. Ql.P51. 1925. A brief survey of the cane sugar industry in Lousiana, and the territory of Hawaii. Sugar news, v. 6: 137-145. Diagrs. TP375.S4. 774 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ALINCASTRE, CECILIO-Continued. 1925. How planters judge factory efficiency. Sugar news, v. 6: 400-401. TP375.S4. l!J26. A study of cane burning before cutting. :Sugar news, v. 7: 272285. Tables. TP375.S4. 1928. 1930. 1933. Cane burning before cutting. Sugar, v. 30: 268-269. TP375.S94. Some observations on the Dorr clarifier, by CECILIO ALINCASTRE and DELFIN SUERTE. Sugar news, v. 11: 450-452. Table, graph. TP375.S4. Air removing device. Sugar news, v. 14: 138. Illus. TP375.S4. A study of sugar distribution methods. Sugar news, v. 14: 546549. TP375.S4. ALO&A, GREGORIO.-Philip. Constabulary & Bu. of Civil Service; 727 Kansas Ave., Malate; Imus, Cavite, Apr. 24, 90. Dental Surgery. Imus, Cavite, Apr. 24, 90. R. N., School of Nursing, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 13; D. D. S., Philip. Dental Coll., Manila, 17; Clerk, Bu. of Lands, 08-10; Supervising Nurse, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 13-16; Chief, Sanitation, Manila Hotel, Manila, 16-17; Dental Surgeon, 18-19, Camp Claudio, Philip. Nat. Guard; Prof., Philip. Dental Coll. & Centro Escolar Univ., 27-32; Capt. & Dental Surgeon, Philip. Constabulary, Manila, 19 --; Member of Dental Examiners, 33 --; Chairman, Technical Committee to inspect Dental schools, 33 --, Dept. of Public Instruction. Vice-President & Member, Board of Dir., Nat. Dental Assn.; Member, Board of Dir. Philip. Soc. of Stomatologists; Pres., Cavite Dental Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado to the Army Medical Center, Wash. Carlisle, Pa. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS The relation of oral sepsis to general health. Read at the Dental conventions. Importance of early recognition of oral sepsis as direct factors in the development of many systemic infections. Read at Dental conventions. Clinicians have regarded from time to time the systemic diseases with focal lesions, the teeth -are usually considered the focus. Read at Dental conventions. Observation of different cases before and after treatment in constabulary dental clinic with the view of showing the relation of oral sepsis to general health. Read at Dental conventions. Pyorrhea Alveolaris (Periodontaclasia). Read at Dental conventions. Etiological factors and symptomatology. Read at Dental conventions. Different types of pyorrhea. Read at Dental conventions. The effect of periodontal disease upon the bone of the jaw and tissues. Read at Dental conventions. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 775 ALORA, GREGORIO-Continued. The aid of x-ray in diagnosis. Read at Dental conventions. The effect of pyorrhea on the system. Read at Dental convention. Treatment. Read before the Dental conventions. The influence of the constabulary dental surgeon to the community. Read before the Dental conventions. · Relation of· P. C. dental surgeon to private practitioner. Read at Dental conventions. Function of the dental surgeon to the organization in general. Read at Dental conventions. Laws governing the creation of post of· dental surgeon. Read at Dental conventions. ANGELES, ESTANISLAO.-College of Engin., U. P.; 1525 Economia, Sampaloc; San Simon, Pampanga. Electrical Engineering. San Simon, Pampanga, May 6, 95. A. B., 17, B. S. M. E., 21, M.S.M.E., 23, U. P. Mech. Electrician, 22; Instr. in Elect. Engin., 23-24, Asst. Prof. of Elect. Eng., 26-28. Philip. Assn. of Mech. and Elect. Engin.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANGELES, SIXTO DE LOS.-Metropolitan Theatre Bldg., Room 39, Manila; Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip.; 11 J. Ruiz, San Juan, Rizal. Legal Medicine. San Mateo, Rizal, Aug. 6, 75. A. B., San Juan de Letran, 90; Cultural & Pre-Law, Sto. Tomas, 92; L. M., Sto. Tomas, 98. Pres., Board of Health, 01-03; Repres., Philip. Assembly, 12-14; Regent, Univ. Philip. 12-14; Pres., Anti- T. B. Soc., 13-14. Colegio ~edico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Philip. Is. Med. Soc.; Society of Medical Jurisprudence, N. Y.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1919. Estudios sobre antropologia criminal en las Islas Filipinas. Manila, Bur. of print. HV6039.A5. 1934. Legal medicine Forensic medicine. Pobre's Press, 1100 p. Illus. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Contribuci6n al estudio del beriberi. CuUura filipina, v. 1: 103118. DS651.C9. 1912. Edema voluminoso del cuello uterino como complicaci6n del trabajo del parto. M emorias y comunicaciones de la primera asatr.blea regwnal de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 369-375. R106.A8. 1915. Sexolo~:y in the public schools. Lecture given May 28, 1915 at the cJosing exercises of the annual teachers' vacation assembly, Manila. Philippine education, v. 12: 14-15, 50. Ll.P5. Comments on the present status of medical expert testimony in the Philippines. Philippine law journal, v. 1 No. 9. 1918. Estudios sobre antropologia criminal en las Filipinas. (Primera serie). Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 364-400. Tables, plates. R106.A8. 776 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ANGELES, SIXTO DE LOS-Continued. 1920. A case of human synophthalmia. Philippine journal of science, v. 16: 99-107. Plates. Ql.P56. 1921. The legal status of medical laboratories. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1: 1-4. R97.5:P57. Ethical aspect of medical advertisements. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1: 89-93. R97.5:P57. Physicians as expert witnesses. Philippine Islands association. Journal, v.1: 181-185. R97.5: P57. El problema de la prostituci6n en Filipinas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.12: 97-103. R97.5: R4. 1922. Legal medicine and other collateral subjects as taught in medical colleges of various universities in the United States and in Europe, and in the College of medicine and surgery of the University of the Philippines. Philippine Islands association. Journal, v. 2: 232-236. R97.5:P57. 1923. Medical economics and ethics. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 81-84, 137-142, 199-203, 248--260, 311316. R97.5: P57. Labeling, sale, and advertising of patent and proprietary medicines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 261-262. R97.5: P57. 1924. Legislative regulation of the practice of medicine. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 365-373. R97.5: P57. Medico-legal report on a case of violent death after injection of salvarsan. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 416-421. R97.5: P57. 1925. Parole of prisoners. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 94-95. R97.5: P57. The medico-legal significance of ruptures of the heart, by PABLO ANZURES and SIXTO DE LOS ANGELES. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 141-144. R97.5: P57. The organization and activities of the department of legal medicine, University of the Philippines. Philppine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 314-317, 348--352; 1926, v. 6: 28--36, 177-182, 315-319. R97.5: P57. 1926. Traumatic rupture of the lungs without external injury its medico-legal aspect, by ANASTACIA VILLEGAS an1l SIXTO DE LOS ANGELES. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 15-16. R97.5: P57. Are physicians permitted to lie? Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 333-338. R97.5: P57. 1926-27. Professional secrecy and its peculiar features in medical practice. A questionable policy of the law. Archives of criminologie and forensic medicine, v. 1: 737-750, 1075-1084. R97.A5. 1928. La profesi6n medica y la comunidad. Revista fili]>ina de medic-ina y farmacia, v. 19: 285-292. R97.5: R4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 777 ANGELES, SIXTO DE LOS-Continued. 1931. Identificaci6n parcial de los supuestos restos del malogrado general Gregorio H. del Pilar, muerto en combate abierto con las tropas americanas en Diciembre, 1899, en el sitio "Paso de Tirad," jurisdicci6n de la provincia de Ilocos Sur, Islas Filipinas. Revista boie, v.13, no. 1: 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, no. 2: 87, 89, 91, 93, 95-99, no. 3: 73, 75, 77, 79-81, 83-85. R97.5: R45. 1932. Aspecto practico de la educaci6n medica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 76-85. R97 .5: R4. Etica medica. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 223-229; also in Repista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 169-175, R97.5: R4. R97.5: P57. College of medicine, University of the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 305-309. R97.5: P57. ANZURES, PABLO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 621 Economia, Sampaloc; Manila. Legal Medicine. Sampaloc, Manila, Aug. 17, 94. A. B., Univ. Philip., 17; M. D., Univ. Philip., 21. Instr. in Legal Medicine, U. P., 24 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Asso.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. The medico-legal significance of ruptures of the heart, by PABLO ANZURES and SIXTO DE LOS ANGELES. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 141-144. R97.5: P57. Complete, traumatic, transverse ruptures cf the intestines without marked external injuries. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 328--331. R97.5: P57. Some remarks on medical consultation. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 16: 35-40. R97.5: R4. 1927. An analytical study of cases of suicide. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 235-242. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1927. A fatal case of bromoform poisoning, by PABLO ANZURES and GuMERSINDO GARCIA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18: 32-33. R97.5: R4. 1932. A case of parricide by poisoning. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 444-446. R97.5: P57. AQUINO, DIONISIO I.-Agric. Coll., Laguna. Soil Technology. San Jacinto, Pangasinan, May 8, 98. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 21; B. S. A., Univ. Phiilp. 23, M. S., Iowa State Coll., 27; Ph. D., Iowa State Coll., 30. Asst. in Agro., 24-26; Instr., Soils, 30, of Agro., 31, Coll. of Agr., U. P. U. P. Research Fellow at the Iowa State Coll; Special Fellow of the U. P. to U. S. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Bacterial activity in soils variously treated, by P. E. BROWN and DIONISIO I. AQUINO. Pr.oceedings of the Iowa academy of science, v. 36: 87-91. Qll.16. 778 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL AQUINO, DIONISIO !.-Continued. 1930. A few facts on the microbiological transformation of sulphur in soils. Sugar news, v. 11: 739-741. TP375.S4. 1931. Studies on sulfur oxidation. Iowa state journal of science, v. 6: 65-87. A non-symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organism of the genus azotobacter in some Philippine s~ils. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 187194. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1932. Soils of the Bokakeng forest management project, Baguio, Mountain Province, by ROBERT L. PENDLETON and DIONISIO I. AQUINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 500-510. Illus., tables, chart. S17.P53. A microbiological study of forest and non-forest soils at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 83-95. Sl 7. P53. Nitrification studies of certain Philippine soils, by DIONISIO I. AQUINO and VEDASTO I. JAVIER. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 309-317. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Studies on the sulfur oxidizing bacteria. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 309-337. Tables, plates. Q75.U5. 1933. A study of the occurrence of azotobacter flora in some Philippine soils, by DIONISIO I. AQUINO and LEONISA J. VILLEGAS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 695-706. Illus., tables. S17.P53. Observations on the composition of cellulose in certain Philippine forest soils, by 'D. I. AQUINO and D. P. TABIJE. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 311-321. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. ARAGON, VICENTE B.-Agricultural College, Laguna. Agronomy. Aliaga, N. Ecija, Apr. 5, 95. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P. 32. Ag'ric. Asst., Bu. of Agor., 18-24; Farm Manager, Bu. of Educ., Manila, 24-29; Instr. in Agro., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 29 --. Los Banos Biol. Club.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Ramai rice and its introduction and culture in the Luzon agricultural school. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 535-542. Illus. S17.P53. 1932. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety), by AURELIO 0. CRUZ, AUGUSTUS P. WEST, and VICENTE B. ARAGON. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 5-12. Tables. Ql.P56. The cost of producing lowland rice in the Philippines. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 213, 417-439. Q75.U5. 1933. Commercial varieties of rice in the Philippines. Philippine magazine, v. 29: 492-493. Ll.P5. Corn culture. Community assembly lecture no. 65. A further study of nitrification in the Philippine soil. (Abstract). Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 442-443. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 779 ARAGON, VICENTE B.-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1934. How to grow peanuts. The stockman and farmer, v. 1, no. 4: 3-4. SF1.S8. Increase your rice yield. The stockman and farmer, v. 1, no. 2: 11. SF1.S8. ARENAS, PROCESO R.--686 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz, Manila; San Roque, Naic, Cavite. Medicine. San Roque, Naic, Cavite, July 2, 97. private Practitioner. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. AVELLANA, JOSE B.-Santol Sanatorium, Caloocan, Rizal. Medicine. Born on Feb. 24, 91. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 08; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 13. Medical Res. and Chief, "Sanitario", Mt. Province, 14-16; Dir. of Hosp., and Chief Interne, Mt. Prov. Hosp., 1617. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. AYUYAO, CONRADO D.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; Magalang Pampanga. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Magalang, Pampanga, Nov. 26, 90. M. D., Univ. Philip., 22. Instr., in Opthalmology, Otology, and Rhino-laryngology, Univ. Philip., 27-29, 30-31; Asst. in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, 29, Instr. in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 32 --, U. P. ManHa Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Tertiary manifestations of yaws in the larynx. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 331-336. R97.5: P57. 1926. Observations on tuberculosis of the larynx at the public dispensary of the Philippine general hospital, Manila. National cq~ gress on tuberculosis proceedings. First, p. 335-339. Table. RC307.N2. 1927. Removal of safetypin in the msophagus; a case report. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 202-204. Illus. R97.5:S2. 1927. Eye, ear, nose and Throat household nursing. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 52-55, 63-64, 97-102, 127-134, 179-185, 195, 227-231, 237, 1928, v. 2: 39-40, 71-73, 116-119, 155-157, 191-194, 226-230, 1929, v. 3: 43-47, 83-87. R97.5: S2. Tertiary manifestations of yaws in the nose and throat in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 411-416. R97.5: P57. 1928. A case of laringectomy-recovery, by .AIUSTEO R. UBALDO and CONRADO D. AYUYAO. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 47-50, 73. Illus. R97.5: S2. Micropthalmos; a case report. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 10-12. Illus. R97.5: P57. Intraorbital annaesthesia in enucleation of the eyeball. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:173-178. R97. 5:P57. 780 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL A YUYAO, CONRADO D.-Continued. 1928. Retropharyngeal abscess; clinical consideration and treatment, by C. D. AYUYAO and E. Y. DIZON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :383-385. R97.5 :P57. 1929. Vision; Its errors. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 162166. R97.5: S2. Colds. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3:199-202, 209. R97.5:S2. The hygiene of the eyes. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3:237-239. R97.5:S2. Sympathetic ophthalmia: report of a case, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:127-128. R97.5:P57. Vitreous opacities in cataract cases, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and CONRADO D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 239-245. R97.5: P57. 1930. Acetic acid in the treatment of trachoma. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:129-131. R97.5:P57. Blindness-Its causes and prevention. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 110-114. R97.5: S2. Foreign bodies in the upper digestive and respiratory tract. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 180-187, 221-226; 1931, v. 5:28-30. Illus. R97.5:S2. 1931. Further observations on vitreous opacity in cataract, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11 :231-233. R97.5 :P57. 1932. Foreign bodies in the esophagus, by V. C. ALCANTARA and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12:31-35. R97.5:P57. Cataract among Filipinos, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:160-163. R97.5:P57. Errors of refraction among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 424-430. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1933. Corneal lesion in beriberi. Philippine Islands- medical association. Journal, v. 13: 158-161. R97.5:P57. BACH, JOHN.-Coast and Geodetic Survey, Manila; 1022 Pennsylvania, Manila. Geodesy. Kristiansand, Feb. 10, 77. C. E., Technical School, Frondheim, Norway. Surveyor, Argentina Govt., 96-01; Surveyor & Cartographer, U. S. Coast Survey, P. I., 02 --. Asso. Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Economic map of the Philippine Islands. Bach-Miller. 1930. Philippine maps from the time of Magellan. The Military engineer, v. 22: 351-359. Illus., fold. maps. UG1.M6. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 781 BALCE, SOFRONIO Y BARBIN.-Chem. Dept., U. P.; Indan, Camarines Norte. Chemistry. Indan, Camarines Norte, Mar. 11, 00. A. B., 20, B. S., 22, M. S., 24, U. P. Student Asst. in Chem., U. P., 19; Asst. in Chem., 22-23, Instr., 24-26, Asst. Prof. of Chem., 28 --, U. P. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Amer. Assn. for the Advancement of Science. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1923. The composition of pili nut oil, by A. P. WEST and SOFRONIO BALCE. Philippine journal of science, v. 23: 269-276. Tables. Ql. P56. BALMACEDA, CORNELI0.-183 P. Villanueva, R. Pasay; Sarrat, Ilocos Norte. Commerce. A. B., Univ. Philip., 16; M. B. A., Harvard Univ., 22. Prof. Leet., Coll. of Law, Univ. Manila, Jose Rizal College; Head, English Department, National University; Asst. Dir., Dir., Bureau of Commerce, Manila. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Three decades of Philippine foreign commerce (1899-1928). Growth of overseas trade of islands has been phenomenal ; serves as index of economic progress here in last 30 years. Commerce and industry journal, v. 4, no. 9: 3-4, 6, 12, 16-17. Diagr. HF41.C8. 1929. Necessary changes in the tariff law of the Philippines, by SALVADOR ARANETA and CORNELIO BALMACEDA. Commerce and industry journal, v. 3, no. 9: 3-5, 13, 16. HF41.C8. 1930. Developing our European markets. Commerce and industry journal, v. 6, no. 2: 6-7. Illus. HF41.C8. - Marketing problems of coconut growers. Commerce and industry journal, v. 6, no. 3: 6-9. Illus. HF41.C8. Greater economic development for our small towns. We should make them the foundation stones of our national economic progress. Commerce and industry journal, v. 6, no. 4: 6-7. HF41.C8. 1931. The Philippines and the Far East. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 5: 3-4, 13, 16-17, 20, 22. Charts. HF41.C8. An inquiry into the causes and remedies of business crises. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 6: 3-5, 18, 24. Charts. HF41.C8. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Filipino merchant builds retail store in Manila's "Chinatown". Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 2: 5, 16. Port. HF41. CB. Rises from obscure life of a cigar maker to one of foremost Filipino industrialist; Toribio Teodoro, owner and manager of "Ang 782 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BALMACEDA, CORNELIO-Continued. Tibay" slipper and shoe factory, says poverty and lack of school education are not serious handicaps to business success. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 3: ·5-6, 17. HF41.C8. BALTAZAR, EULALIO P.-Agric. Coll.~ Laguna. AgroMmy. San Fernando, La Union, Feb. 12, 97. B. S. A., Coll.' of Agr., Univ. Philip., 22; M. S. A., Univ. Philip.; Ph. D., Univ. of Texas, 33. Student Asst.· in Plant Physiology I., Coll. of Agr., 19-20; Research Student Asst. in Fiber & Oils, 20-21, Student Asst. in Agro. & Hort., 21-22, Graduate Asst., 22-25, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip.; Teacher, Biol. & Phys., Bu. of Educ., 25-28; Instr. in Agro., Coll. of Agric., Univ. Philip., 28 --. A. A. S. S.; Univ. of Texas Science Club; Sigma Xi; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Special Fellow to Univ. Texas, 31-33. BOOK 1919. Naimbag a Damag, San Fernando, La Union. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Man's efficiency. Philippine collegian, University of the Philippines, Manila. LH7.P51. 1925. Some factors that determine the teachers' efficiency. La Union teachers, v. 2, no. 4. Agriculture in relation to human life. La Union teachers, v. 2, no.5. 1927. Man's will power. La Union teacher, v. 3, no. 8. 1930. Twine and sack making as a possible home industry in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturists, v. 19: 11-26. Table, illus. Sl 7.P53. 1931. The prospects of cotton production in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturists, v. 20: 349-351. Sl 7.P53. 1932. Antiquated, slow and tedious methods of weaving. Commerce, v. 3, no. 13. HF41.C68. BALUYOT, SOTERO.-San Fernando, Pampanga. Electric Engineering. San Fernando, Pampanga, Jan. 3, 89. B. S. C. E., Univ. of Iowa, 14. Asst. Eng., Bu. of Public Works, 11; District Eng. for Isabela, Antique, Ilocos Norte, Bulacan and Pangasinan, and Special Engineer on the San Jose-Sta. Fe Road, 12-19; Engineer for the Pampanga Sugar Dev. Co., Inc., 20; Gov. of Pampanga, 25-31; Senator from the Third Senatorial District. Philip. Inst. of Engineers and Architects; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BANKS, CHARLES S.-1411 Leveriza, Pasay, Rizal. BOOKS 1903. Preliminary bulletin on insects of the cacao. Prepared especially for the benefit of farmers, Manila, Bureau of printing, 1904 Philippine Islands. Bureau of government laboratories. Publication, no. 11. Q75.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 783 BANKS, CHARLES S.-Continued. 1904. Texas fever in the Philippine Islands and the Far East, by JAMES W. JOBLING and PAUL G. WOOLLE. The Australian tick (Boophilus australis Fuller) in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands. Bureau of government laboratories. Publications, no. 14. Illus. Q75.P5. 1906. The principal insects attacking the coconut palm, parts I and II. New Philippine insects. Philippine journal of science, v.1: 143238. Plates. Ql.P5. Problems in economic entomology in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 1, II: 1067-1074. Ql.P5. 1911. A manual of Philippine silk culture. Philippine Islands. Bureau of science. Publication, no. 4. Q75.P5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1903. A preliminary report on insects of the cacao, prepared especially for the benefit of farmers. Report of the Philippine commission, part 2:597-620. SB931.B21. 1906. The principal insects injurious to the coconut palm, I-II. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 143-167, 211-228. Plates. Ql.P5. New Philippine insects. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 229238. Plates. Ql.P5. A new genus and species of Culicidae. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 779-783. Plate. Ql.P5. A change of name in Coccidae. Philippine journal of science, v.1: 787. Ql.P5. A list of Philippine Culicidae with descriptions of some new species. Philippine journal of science, v. 1: 977-1005. Ql.P5. 1907. Experiments in malarial transmission by means of Myzomyia ludlowii Theob. Philippine journal of science, v. 2B: 513-535. Plates, may (1 fold.) Ql.P52. 1908. Locust. Philippine agricultural review, v. 1 :208-209. Sl 7.P5. Biology of Philippine Culicidae. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 A: 235-258. Plates. Ql.P51. A mosquito which breeds in salt and fresh water. Philippine journal of science, v. 3 B: 335-341. Plates, fold. maps. Ql.P52. 1909. Four new culicidae from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 4 A: 545-551. Ql.P51. Rhynchota palawanica, 1-Heteroptera. Philippine journal of science, v. 4 A: 553-593. fl, v. 5 D: 33-55. Plates. Ql.P51. 1910. Community measures against mosquitoes. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2 :316-319. R97.5: M2. The polyscopic cell. A new microscopical accessory. Philippine journal of science, v. 5 D:79-83 Plates. Ql.P54. A new accessory for dissection work. Philtppine journal of science, v. 5 D:131-133. Plate. Q1.P54. Silk culture in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v. 3:186-189. Plates. S17.P5. 784 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BANKS, CHARLES S.-Continued. 1914. A new Philippine malaria mosquito. Ph~lippine journal of science, v. 9 D: 405-407. Ql.P54. 1919. Iontha ida, a new Philippine noctuid. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 71-75. Plates. Ql.P56. Phlebotomus nicnic, a new species, the first Philippine record for this genus. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 163-165. Plate. Ql.P56. , The bloodsucking insects of the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 169-189. Ql.P56. The swarming of anopheline mosquitoes. Philippine journal of science, v. 15 :283-288. Ql.P56. Two Philippine leaf-mining buprestids one being new. Philippine journal of science, v. 15 :289-299. Ql.P56. 1921. A Philippine nemestrinid (Diptera). Phil1"ppine journal of science, v. 19 :517-521. Plate. Ql.P56. 1922. Locust. Sugar news, v. 3 :297-301. Illus. TP375.S4. 1923. A method of illustrating insect wings. Philippine journal of science, v. 22: 407-411 .. Plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1910. Mosquitoes and their extermination. Manila municipal board. 6 p. (In English and Tagalog). RC116.M25. BANTUG, JOSE P.-1460 Pennsylvania Ave. Public Health Education. Born in 84. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 10. Chief, Sect. of Public Health Education and Publicity; Senior Insp., Bu. of Health. Manila Medical Society; Calegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1923. Philippine Islands health service. A simple manual for sanitary inspectors, prepared by JOSE P. BANTUG, PROCESO GABRIEL and MANUEL v. ARGUELLES under the direction of VICENTE DE JESUS, director of health. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus., 6 plates, diagrs., 1 plan. RA429.P52. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. La disenteria desde el punto de vista sanitaria. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 5:47-52. Table. R97.5:R4. 1915. Rizal el apostol de la sanidad publica en Filipinas. Rem8ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6:28-30. R97.5:R4. 1921. Resume of sanitary progress in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1: 199-201. RA319. A31. 1924. The present state of antileprosy work in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 545550. RA319.A31. 1925. The health officer and the public. Revista filipina de medicina JI farmacia, v.16:83-84. R97.5:R4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 785 BANTUG, JOSE P.-Continued. 1926. Incidence of tuberculosis in occupational groups in the city of Manila, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, J. GUIDOTE, and J. P. BANTUG. National congress on tuberculosis proceedings. First, p. 147-151. Tables. RC307.N2. Progress in public health work in Occidental Negros. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 461-463. RA319. A31. 1927. History of smallpox and vaccination in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 192-199. Tables. Also in Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 18: 206-216. R97.5: R4. RA319.A31. 1928. Public health activities in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8:223-230. RA319.A31. Overhauling and the prolongation of life. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 393-399. RA319.A31. Health propaganda. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8:402-405. RA319.A31. Sanitation among laborers. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8 :473-475. RA319.A31. In memoriam: Dr. Salvador Vivencio del Rosario. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 511-513; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19: 295-296. R97.5: R4. RA319.A31. The problem of early leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :391-392. R97.5 :P57. 1929. Importance of health education. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 219-221. RA319.A31. Unsolved problems in public health. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 353-355. RA319.A31. Tuberculosis, Its prevention and cure. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 399-403. RA319.A31. History and progress of public health work in the Philippine Islands, by JACOBO FAJARDO and JOSE P. BANTUG. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9:465-498. Tables, fold. chart. RA319.A31. Rizal como porta-estandarte cientifico en Mindanao. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20:377-379. R97.5:R4. 1930. Periodic medical examination as a means of lengthening life's span. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10: 459-464. RA319.A31. Sanitary maxims. (Tagalog version, by JULIAN BALMACEDA). Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10: 472476. RA319.A31. Apuntes bibliograficos medico-farmaceuticos de autores filipinos, por J. P. BANTUG y BASILIO HERNANDEZ. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 70-93. R97.5: R4. Rizal's contribution to science. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 143-148. R97.5: R4. 786 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BANTUG, JOSE P.-Continued. 1931. Pulmonary tuberculosis. The Philippines greatest scourage. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11:123131. RA319.A31. Rizal co mo hygienista. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 22:200-201. R97.5:R4. 1932. Ethics of the medical and pharmaceutical professions, l-III. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletim, v. 12 :47-50, 80-83, 173-177. RA319.A31. Instituciones de beneficencia y caridad en Filipinas durante el regimen colonial espaii.ol. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12 :212-219. RA319.A31. A report on the multiple pressure technique in anti-smallpox vaccination, by LEONCIO LOPETL RIZAL, JOSE P. BANTUG, G. E. ROQUE and Josl!l SIAN. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.12:481-491. Tables. RA319.A31. Rizal as a pioneer in public-health work. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:337-338. R97.5:P57. Progreso de la enseii.anza de la cirugia en la Universidad de Sto. Tomas y el hospital de San Juan de Dios. San Juan de Dios hospital. ' Bulletin, v. 6 :379-401. R97.5 :S2. El progreso de lia medicina y la farmacia en Filipinas antes del siglo xx, por J. P. BANTUG, J. s. NAVARRO, PATROCINIO VALENZUELA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 270-280. R97.5: R4. Importance of periodic health examination for teachers. Unitas. v. 11: 56-60. LH7.U5. 1933. Medical practice in the future. The government employee, v. 4, no. 6. JQ1349.P4G7. BANUELOS, TRINIDAD.-San Lazaro Hospital; 308 Alvarez, Sta. Cruz. Bacteriology. Born in 93. M. D., Univ. Philip., 17. Bacteriologist and Resident Physician, San Lazaro Hosp. Lab. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Fermentation as affecting the quality of Philippine abaca. Philippine journal of science, v. 37:41-67. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1930. Typhoid and dysentery survey for the last semester of 1928. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.9:440-442. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1931. Clorox as a water purifier. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 191-195. Tables. RA319.A31. BARRERA, BENJAMIN.-College of Medicine, U. P.; 341 San Marcelino; Concepcion, Tarlac. Pathology and Bacteriology. Concepcion, Tarlac, Apr. 10, 02. M. D., Univ. Philip., 27. Instr. in Path. and Bact., Coll. of Med., U. P., 28 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 787 BARTOLOME, VICENTE C.-P. 0. Box 722, Manila; 33 El Hogar Filipino Bldg., 120 A. Luna; Pasig, Rizal. Agriculture. Tanay, Rizal, Oct. 27, 91. B. Agr., U. P., 14.; Asst. Manager & Chief Fiber Inspector, Bu. of Plant Industry. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. The efficiency of leguminous plants in increasing the nitrogen content of the soil. Philippine agriculturist, v. 3: 9-14. Tables. S17.P53. 1926. The kapok industry in Java. Philippimi agricultural review, v. 19: 191-199. S17.P5. BASACA, MARIANO.-Bureau of Science; 2242 J. Luna; Cabuyao, Laguna. Bacteriology. Cabuyao, Laguna, July 15, 93. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 13; M. D., Santo Tomas Univ., 18; Post-graduate courses at Johns Hopkins Univ., 24-25, Harvard Med. Sch., 25-26. Asst. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 29 --; Asst. Leet. of Bact., Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, 27 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc. of Parasitologists; Colegio MedicoFarm. de Filipinas. Govt. Pensionado to Johns Hopkins, Harvard Med., 24-25. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1924. Contribution to the serology of leprosy, by OTTO SCHOBL and M. BASACA. Philippine journal of science, v. 25: 1-9. Tables. Ql.P56. BELLOSILLO, GERVASIO CLORES.-Bu. of Sci.; 732 Colorado St., Manila; Pontevedra, Capiz. Entomology. Pontevedra, Capiz, June 19, 98. A. B., Linfield Coll.; McMinnville, Oregon, 28; M. A., Univ. of Calif. School Teacher, Pontevedra Int. Sch., 22-24; Lab. Asst., Bu. of Sci., 34. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BELMONTE, DEMETRIO.-Bureau of Public Welfare; 75 San Juan de Letran, Manila. Maternal and Child Hygiene. Born in 94. M. D., U. S. T, 19. Medical officer, Div. of Maternal and Child Hygiene, Bu. of Health. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The care of the Culion non-leprous children in Manila by the office of the public welfare commissioner and the Philippine health service, by SAMUEL TIETZE and DEMETRIO BELMONTE. Revista fUipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18: 82-90. Fold. tables. R97.5:R4. 1929. Activities in maternity and child welfare work in the province of Cebu. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 56-61. R97.5: P57. 1930. Preliminary report of the nutrition clinic in the Santa Ana eleentary school, Manila, by ALBERTO TUPAS, D. BELMONTE and c. CABRERA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 333-346. Tables (fold.). R97.5: P57. 290628---12 788 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BELMONTE, DEMETRIO-Continued. 1932. Preliminary studies by the office of the public welfare commissioner on the different brands of tiki-tiki extract. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 273-281. Fold. tables. R97.5: P57. BENITEZ, CONRADO.-School of Business Administration, Univ. Philip.; San Juan del Monte; Pagsanjan, Laguna: Economics. Pagsanjan, Laguna, 99. LI. B, Univ. Philip., 16; Ph. B., 10, M. A., 11, Univ. of Chicago. Former Alumni Regent; Former Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, U. P.; Law Practitioner; Philip. Delegate to the Institute of Pacific Relations, Honolulu, 27; Dir., Sch. of Business Administration, Univ. Philip. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1926. A history of the Orient, by G. NYE STEIGER, H. OTLEY BEYER and CONRADO BENITEZ. Boston etc. Ginn and company. Front, illus., maps (part col.) ports. DS511.S8. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Los filipinos fuera de Filipinas. Cultura filipina, v. 5: 243-267. DS651.C9. 1916. Economic legislation in the Philippines. Philippine review, v. 1, no. 3: 38-42; no. 5: 49-52. DS651.P58. 1917. The Physical upbuilding of the Filipinos. Philippine review, v. 2, no. 12: 28-31. DS651.P58. BERNARDO, GABRIEL A.-Univ. Philip.; 6-B Syson, Paco; Malolos, Bulacan. Library Science. Malolos, Bulacan, Mar. 14, 91. A. B., 16, B. S. L. S., 21, M. A., 23, U. P.; C. L. S., Univ. Wisconsin, 20; Cert. in Adv. L. S., Berlin, 30. Leet. on Lib. Sci., 20, Asst. Librarian and Cataloguer (with rank of Instr.), 2'1, Librarian and Head of Dept. of Lib. Sci. (with rank of Asst. Prof.), 22 --, U. P. Pi Gamma Mu; Am. Sociological Soc.; N. E. A .. French Lib. Assn.; Am. Lib. Assn.; Internat. Fed. of Lib. Assns.; Official Delegate and Member, Internat. Lib. Committee; Philip. Lib. Assn.; Philip. Bibliographic Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council. U. P. Fellow to Berlin, 29-30. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1918. Is librarianship a profession? The citizen, v.1. no. 4; 11. DS651. C5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION A plea for library training in the Philippines. The citizen, v. 1, no. 5: 8. DS651.C5. BIROSEL, DIONISIO M.-Dept. of Chemistry, U. P.; 270 Aurora St., Pasay; Santa, Ilocos Sur. Chemistry. Santa, Ilocos Sur, Aug. 13, 97. A. B., College of the Pacific, 22; M. S., Univ. of Southern Calif; ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 789 BIROSEL, DIONISIO M.-Continued. 23; Leland Standford Junior Univ., 25; M. A., Columbia Univ., 25; Ph. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 26. Instr. in Chem., 30-31, Asst. Prof. of Chem., 32 --, U. P. Sigma Xi; Amer. Chem. Soc.; Fellow, Amer. Assn. for Advancement of Sci.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1932. The chemistry of lumbang oil. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:2'20-221. Q75.U5. EISSINGER, GEORGE HENRY.-P. 0. Box 1493, 316 Regina Bldg., Isaac Peral. Agriculture. San Francisco, California, U. S., Oct. 14, 89. B. S. Agr., Cornell Univ., 12. "Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Bot. Soc. of America; Am. Chemical Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Distribution of sugar cane roots in the soil on the islands of Luzon, by H. ATHERTON LEE and GEORGE H. BISSINGER. Sugar news, v. 9 :!i27-536. Illus., tables. TP375.S4. 1930. Some general principles in the use of fertilizer. Sugar news, v. 11 :577-581. TP375.S4. BORJA, VICTORIANO.-Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila; 562 Camarines St., Manila; Muntinlupa, Rizal. Agronomy. Muntinlupa, Rizal, Nov. 2, 85. B. S. A., Univ. Philip., 34. Agric., Univ. of Wisconsin, 05-08; Agron., Bu. of Agr., 21-26; Insp. at large, Plant Industry, 26-32; Agronomist, Plant Industry, 32 --. Detailed as Tech. Asst. at P. I. Exposition, S. Francisco, Calif. from July to Dec., 15. Soc. of Technical Agriculturists of the Philip.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. P. I. Govt. pensionado to U. S. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. The effects of tobacco dust and lime on barit. Philippine agricultural review, v.17: 10-12. Tables. S17.P5. 1930. Fertilizer experiments on lowland rice, by VICTORINO BORJA and JUAN P. TORRES. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1 :247-271. Tables. S17.P51. 1931. A descriptive list of standard varieties of rice. Fortnightly news, v. 1: 3-5. SB13.F7. 1932. Mango investigations in Muntinlupa, Rizal, by VICTORINO BORJ'A and BASILIO R. BAUTISTA. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3:111-143. Tables. S17.P51. Observations on two cases of sterility in rice, by G. M. REYES, J. P. TORRES and V. BORJ'A. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 99-115. Sl 7.P51. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. The rice industry and its improvement. Commerce, v.1:6~7. HF41.C68. 790 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL BUENDIA, JULIAN.-Bu. of Public Works; Saryaya, Tayabas. Irrigation Engineering. Saryaya, Tayabas, Jan. 28, 97. A. B., 18, B. S. C. E., 21, U. P.; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 20. Instr. in Math., U. P., 21-23; Asst. Civil Engineer, Bu. of Public Works, 23-24; Civil Eng., Bu. of Public Works, 24 --. Philip. Soc. of Civil Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. P. I. Govt. Pensionado to Univ. of Calif., 25-28. BULATAO, EMILIO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1531 Calixto Dyco; San Carlos, Pangasinan. Physiology. San Carlos, Pangasinan, May 26, 92. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 15. Asst. Prof. of Physiol., 19-25; Asso. Prof. of Physiol., U. P., 25-29; Prof. of Physiology, Coll. of Med., U. P., 30 ~-. Sigma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Am. Physiol. Soc.; Phi. Kappa Phi. Rockefeller Fellow to Harvard Med. Sch .• Univ. of London, 22-24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Blood pressure picture of the Filipino, by IsABELO CONCEPCION and EMILIO BULATAO. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 154-164. Tables, chart. R106.A8. 1933. A table of body weights in relation to standing height and age for Filipinos, by NARCISO CORDERO, EMILIO BULATAO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 327-333. Tables. R97.5: P57. BU:RI, BENJAMIN D.-Bureau of Science; Pamitan, Capiz. Bacteriology. Pamitan, Capiz, May 15, 89. B. A., San Juan de Letran, 08; M. D., Jakein Univ., Tokyo, Japan, 15. Asst. Physician, Komagome, 1517, Hosp. for Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan, 17; Interne, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 17-18;. Asst. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BURKE, WILLIAM JOSEPH BUTLER.-Univ. Sto. Tomas; 48 Aviles, San Miguel. Clinical Medicine. M. D., Univ. of Dublin, Ireland, 02. Prof. of Clinical Medicine, U. S. T. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Ass. Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Una nota sobre el signo de Kernig. Revista fil,ipina de medicina y farmacia, v.1:77-79. R975.5: R4. 1923. Spinal percussion in the diagnosis of certain intrathoracic diseases. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 78-81. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 14: 75-82. R97.5:R4. R97.5:P57. A psychological aspect of nursing. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 14: 325-331. R975.5; R4. l!J26. The psychoneuroses problem. Unitas, v. 4: 600-613, 693-708. LH7.U5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 791 BURKE, WILLIAM JOSEPH BUTLER-Continued. 1933. The estimation of the heart and the aorta by clinical methods. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 7: 259-266. Illus. R97. 5: S2. CALINISAN, MELANIO R.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 1033 D-Georgia, Malate; Mendez, Cavite. Agronomy. B. Agr., 28, Coll., of Agr. Univ. Philip. Asst. Plant Pathologist, Coll., of Agr., U. P., 28; Asst. Agron., Bu. of Plant Industry, 28 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council, P. I.; Technical Staff, Bu. of Plant Industry. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. The root-knot of abaca or Manila hemp, by G. 0. OCFEMIA and MELANIO R. CALINISAN. Phytopathology, v.18: 861. Illus. SB731.P5. 1931. Some facts about abaca bunchy-top. Bureau of plant industry. Contribution to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, p. 134-5. S301.A94. The occurrence of bunchy-top and root-knot in abaca. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2:121-127. Tables, plates. S17.P51. Attempts to reestablish abaca plantations in Cavite, previously wiped out by bunchy-top. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 209-221. Plates, diagrs., tables. SI 7.P51. Preliminary notes on the stem-rot of abaca in the Philippines, by MELANIO R. CALINISAN, JULIAN A. AGATI and VICENTE c. ALDABA.. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 223-227. Plates, table. S17.P51. CALMA, VALERIANO C.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Bacolor, Pamp. Plant Pathology and Agronomy. Bacolor, Pamp., Dec. 15, 04. B. Agr., 26, B. S. A., 28, U. P.; M. S., Louisiana State Univ., 29; Ph. D., Iowa State Coll., 31. Instr. in Agro., U. P., 32 --. Sigma Xi; Gamma Sigma Delta; Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1933. The comparative merits of top and cut-back seed-pieces of sugar cane (Saccharum ojficinarum). Sugar news, v. 14, no. 3: 131137. Tables. TP375.S4. Studies on germination, degree of tillering and vigor of plants of top and cut-back seed pieces of P. 0. J. 2878 sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum). Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 585-612. Illus., diagrs., tables. S17.P53. CA:&IZARES, MIGUEL D.-805 Florida, Manila; Malolos, Bulacan. Anatomy. Malolos, Bulacan, Feb. 22, 93. M. D:, U. S. T., 15. Instr., in Anatomy, U. P., 18-19; Asso. Prof. of Anat., Coll. of Med., U. P.; Private Practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio MedicoFarmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 792 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CAPINPIN, JOSE M.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Los Banos, Laguna. Plant Breeding. Morong, Rizal, Oct. 26, 97. B. Agr., 20, B. S. A., 22, M. S. 4., 23, Coll. of Agr., U. 'P.; M. A., 29, Ph. D., 31, Princeton Univ. Graduate Asst., 20-2'6, Instr., 26-28, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Instr., Coll. of Agr. 31 --. Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Bot. Soc. of America; Genetics Soc. of America; Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado Princeton Univ., Princeton, 28.; Travelling Fellow to Great Britain, Europe, and Federated Malay States, 31. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Variety test of cassava based on production, by P. SISON and Jose M. CAPINPIN. (Abstract.) Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 255256. S17.P53. 1922. Breeding ornamental hibiscus, with N. B. MENDIOLA and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 11 :217-230. Sl 7.P53. 1923. Correlation within pure lines of rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12:3-14. Tables. S17.P53. 1924. A study of Mendelian inheritance in natural hybrids of rosal (Gardenia ftorida L.). The Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 3943. S17.P53. 1926. Selection of mosaic free cuttings of sugar cane, by J. 0. UNITE and J. M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v.15:67-73. Tables. S17.P53. A case of teratological twining in banana. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15 :167. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1927. A bibliographical index of the College of agriculture contribubutions on agricultural crops, by JOSE M. CAPINPIN and VICTORIA B. MENDIOLA. Philippine agriculturist, v.15:493-505. Sl7.P53. An aberrant rosal (Gardenia ftorida L.) flower of seminal origin. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 557-558. Plate. Sl 7.P53. 1930. A sexual inheritance of twin character of banana bunches, by T. MERCADO and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 465-474. Tables, illus. S17.P53. Chromosome behavior of triploid oenotheras. Nature, v. 126:469470. Ql.N2. Brazilin stain on smear preparations of oenothera pollen mother cells. Science, v. 72: 370-371. Ql.S2. Meiotic behavior of triploid oenotheras. The American naturalist, v. 64:565-570. QH1.A4. 1933. How to improve our fruit varieties. Community assembly lecture no. 76: Bureau of education. Selection of varieties and strains of mungo, by PURIFICACION CAGUICLA and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 23-42. S17.P53. A report on a rice inbreeding experiment in the College of agriculture, by TORIBIO MERCADO, PEDRO JUACHON and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22 :234-253. Sl 7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 793 CAPINPIN, JOSE M.-Continued. 1933. Studies on the genetics and cytology on triploid oenotheras. Cytology, v. 4: 355-426. Illus., tables, diagrs. QH431.C2. The relation of the degree of polination to the production of covered and exposed tips of corn ear, by MARCELINO B. PLURAD and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. In press. A study of variability and possibility of isolating apostol rice strains with strong rachillae, by VICTORIANO GAGOLINANA and JOSE M. CAPINPIN. The Philippine agriculturist. In press. CATAMBAY, ALEJANDRO B.-Agricultural College, Laguna. Agricultural Engeneering. Tanay, Rizal, March 13, 03. B. Agr., Coll., of Agr. U. P., 24; B. S. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 25; M. S., Univ. of Calif., 27. Asst. Instr., 24-25, Instr. 28-31, Asst. Prof., 31 --, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip. Am. Soc. of Agric. Engineerings; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Comparative wear of certain metals and alloys used in plows and disk barrows. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 487-497. Plates, illus. Sl 7 .P53. 1931. Plows and plowing: IV. Cost of plowing with different plowing outfits. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 410-422. Sl 7 .P53. 1932. Effects of the rate of seeding upon the yield of upland rice, by ALEJANDRO B. CATAMBAY and SANTIAG-0 R. CAPCO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 650-658. Illus., tables, diagrs. Sl 7.P53. Cost of harvesting with a plow. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 277-280. Illus., tables. Sl 7 .P53. 1933. Cost of production of lowland rice in the College of agriculture, by ALEJANDRO B. CATAMBAY and JULIAN C. JuG-O. Philippi?U agriculturist, v. 22: 127-147. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Cost of producing sugar cane in the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 258-273. S17.P53. CELINO, MARTIN S.-Agric. Coll. Laguna; San Pablo, Laguna. Plant Pathology. San Pablo, Laguna, Nov. 10, 04. B. S. Agr., U. P., 29. Asst. in Plant Path., 29 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Note: A fungous disease of the coconut leaf miner (Promecotheca cumingii Baly) Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 253. Sl 7.P53. 1931. Two diseases cause by liplodia, by F. L. STEVENS and M. S. CELINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 370-374. Illus., plates. S17.P53. 1932. Papaya leaf spot, by F. L. STEVENS and M. S. CELINO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 9-14. Illus., diagrs. Sl 7.P53. CELIS, JESUS P.-University of Sto. Tomas; 515 Raon, Manila. Physiology. Manila, Jan. 18, 97. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 14; M. D. 794 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CELIS, JESUS P.-Continued. Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip., 21; Interne, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 21; Instr. in Physiol., Univ. Philip., 21-22; Asst. Resi. Surgeon, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 22-23; Asst. in Surgery, Univ. Philip., 2'2-24; Jr. Resi. Surgeon, Philip. Gen. Hosp. 23-24; Instr. in Zool., Phys., Pharmacology, U. S. T. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Faculty Club, U. S. T.; Medical Reserve Corps, U. S.; Philip. Federation of Priv. Med. Practitioners. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow of U. S. T. to Univ. of Minnesota, Chicago, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, 30. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. El diagn6stico precoz de la acidosis y su tratamiento. Revista fil,ipina de medicina y farmacia, v.15: 292-298. R97.5: R4. A severe case of cerebral hemorrhage from industrial accident. Philippi,ne Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 227-228. R97.5: P57. 1925. The early diagnosis and treatment of acidosis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 87-92. R97.5: P57. Observations on the intestinal movements: during the syndromecomplex of chill. Unitas, v. 4: 512-517. Illus., graphs. LH7. U5. 1926. Ileostomy in "Acute abdomen," with report of cases. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 130-133. R97.5: P57. 1928. Some aspects in the mechanism of body equilibrium. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 172-174. Illus. R97.5: S2. The transmission of human constitution. Unitas, v. 7: 321-340. Graphs. LH7.U5. Vasomotor reactions to depressor reflex in peripheral and aplanchnic areas. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 375-380. Tables, figures. R97.5: P57. 19~1. The effect of oxygen inhalation and variations in cardiac rate on the conducting mechanism of the heart. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5: 241-246. Illus. R97.5: S2. 1933. Observaciones sobre algunos puntos an6malos en la etica profesional medica y sus remedios. Medico-dental digest, v. 3: 313-316. 1934. The inheritance of human characters. Government employee, v. 5, No. 2: 46-47, 66-71; Medical progress, 1934 v. 4: 149-151, 154156, 158-160. JQ1349.P4G7. Rejuvenescence in man. Unitas, v. 12: 551-557. LH7.U5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Popular notion about cathartics. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 177-178, 195. R97.5: S2. CENDE:&A, SILVERIO M.-Coll. of Agr., Laguna. Entomology. Mangaldan, Pang., Aug. 29, 99. B. Agr., 21, B. S. A., 23, Univ. Philip.; M. S., 32, Ph. D., 34, Univ. of Calif. Asst. in Entomology, 21-28; Instr. in Entomology, 28. Entomological Soc. of America; ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 795 CENDE:RA, SILVERIO M.-Continued. Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Sigma Xi; Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Southern Calif. Entomological Soc.; Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council, P. I. Fellow, Univ. Philip. to the Univ. Calif., 31-34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. The banana weevil Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 367-376. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P53. CHAPMAN, JAMES WITTENMYER-Silliman Institute, Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Biology. Peebles, Ohio, U. S., Oct. 28, 80. A. B., 07, A. M., 08, Sc. D., 13, Park Coll., Harvard Univ. Instr. in Chem., Park Coll., Parkville Mo. 07-08; Instr. in Zool., Tufts Coll., Medford Mass., 09-10; City Entom., Boston, Mass., 10-13; Eton., U. S. Dept; Agr. Wash. D. C. and Boston, Mass., 13-16. Cambridge Entom. Club, Boston, Mass.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. Fellow, Am. Entomological Soc.; Nat. Geographic Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1911. The leopard moth and other insects injurious to shade tree in the vicinity of Boston. Harvard University, Bussey institution, 51 p. Plates, tables. SB945.L5C4. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. The introduction of a European scolytid (The smaller elm barkbeetle, Scolytus multistriatus) into Massachusetts. Psyche, v. 17: 63-68. QL461.P9. 1912. Studies on the wilt disease or flacherie of the gypsy moth, by R. W. GLAZER and J. W. CHAPMAN. Science, v. 36: 219-24. Ql.S2. 1913. The wilt disease of the gypsy moth caterpillars, by R. W. GLAZER and J. W. CHAPMAN. Journal of economic entomology, v. 6: 479-48'1. SB599.J8. 1915. A preliminary list of insects which have wilt, with a comparative study of their polyhedra, by J. W. CHAPlllAN and R. W. GLAZER. Journal of economic entomology, v. 8: 140-148. SB599.J8. 1916. The nature of polyhedral bodies found in insects, by R. W. GLAZER and J. W. CHAPlllAN. Biological bulletin, v. 30: 367-383. QH301.M2. Further studies on wilt of gypsy moth caterpillars, by J. W. CHAPMAN and R. W. GLAZER. Journal of economic entomology, v. 9: 149-169. SB599.J8. 1922. The mating of diacamma, by W. M. WHEELER and J. W. CHAPMAN. Psyche, v. 29: 203-211. QL461.P9. 1925. The ants of the Philippine Islands. Part I, by W. M. WHEELER and J. W. CHAPMAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 28: 47-71. Ql.P56. 796 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CHIOCO, JUAN 0.-Canlubang, Laguna. Sugar Technology. Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija, Aug. 15, 95. Oregon State Coll., U. S., two years; B. S., Univ. of Ill., 18; M. S., Louisiana State Univ., 19. Sugar Chemist, Tally Ho Sugar Factory, one milling season, 19, Central Teresa Sugar Co., Cuba, one milling season, 20; Technologist, Calamba Sugar Estate, 21-22; Manager & Chief Chemist, Ca-ba-Lag Planters' Assn. P. I., 23 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 1929. The present status of the sugar industry in Luzon. Sugar news, v. 10: 631-635. Illus. TP375.S4. 1931. Some salient points in the sugar cane prices acts of Australia. Sugar news, v. 12: 18-21. TP375.S4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. A filipino's impressions of Java. Sugar news, v. 10: 537-544. Illus. TP375.S4. CHIYUTO, SULPICIO A.-San Lazaro Hospital; 637 Batangas, Manila . . Leprosy. Born in 91. M. D., U. S. T., 13. Chief, Section of Leprosy Control, Bureau of Health. Manila Med., Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Modern public health administration. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6: 472-484. RA319.A31. 1930. Problems of the negative lepers. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10: 321-328. RA319.A31. The Culion reservation. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :572-579. RA319.A31. 1931. Plan for the negative colony at Culion. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 142-149. RA319.A31. Observation on seven hundred and fifty-eight quiescent or arrested cases of leprosy released from isolation, by SULPICIO CHIYUTO and FELIX VELASCO. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 587-599. Tables. RA319.A31. 1932. Leprolin test. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 300-307. Tables. RA319.A31. Molluscum contagiosum. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 23: 370-371. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1933. Early leprotic changes in children and their bearing on the transmission and evolution of the disease. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 13: 5-48. Tables, plates; Also in San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 7: 294. R97.5: S2. RA319.A31. CLARK, LOREN TOMPKINS.-Bu. of Public Works; 5235 Virginia Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Physics. La Salle, N. Y ., 90. A. B., Southern California, 18; Calif. Inst. Tech., 27-28. Instr. in Math. and Physics, Calif. College, 11-17; Asst. Prof. Physics, Southern Calif., 17 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 797 COLLADO, ESTEBAN G.-College of Agr., Los Banos; Cagayan. Agricultural Chemistry. Ballesteros, Cagayan, July 31, 91. B. Agr., 19, B. S. A., 22, M. S. A., 23, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip. Instr., Coll. of Agr., 19 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. A preliminary critical study of the Filipino diet, by MANUEL L. ROXAS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. Philippine lslqnds medical association. Journal, v. 2: 171-185. R97.5: P57. 1925. Vitamin B in tikitiki extract prepared by the Philippine Bureau of science, by F. 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 243-248. Sl 7.P53. 1926. The nutritive value of the Philippine cereals: I. The vitamin content of glutinous rice, dead rice, and adlay, by F. 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 473477. Sl 7.P53. The status of nutrition among students in the College of agriculture, by F. 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 625-628. Sl 7.P53. Studies on the nutritive properties of seaweeds. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 129-148. Table, illus., charts. Sl 7.P53. 1927. The anti-beriberi vitamin content of sweet potato leaves and shoots, by F. 0. SANTOS and E. G. COLLADO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 513-520. Plates. Sl 7.P53. 1932. The nutritive value of Philippine cereals: 11-Gariiigan tapucoy, by F. 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO· Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 632-636. Diagrs., tables. Sl 7.P53. Some probable effect of one sided diet, by F. 0. SANTOS and ESTEBAN G. COLLADO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 163-164. Q75.U5. A study of the diet of the Filipino athletes entered in the 1930 Far Eastern Olympic games, by E. G. COLLADO and F. 0. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 341-355. Tables. Q75.U5. CORCUERA, AURELIO LEYNES.-Dept. of Physics, U. P.; 314 G. Tuason. Physics. Manila, Nov. 18, 89. B. A., 12, B. S., 14, C. E., Univ. Philip. Asst. Instr., 14-16, Asst. Prof. 22, Asso. Prof. 29 --, Univ. Philip.; Actg. Head, Physics., U. P., 34. Am. Physical Soc.; Am. Asso. for the Advancement of Science; Am. Assn. of Physics Teachers; Philip. Sci. Soc.; The Philip. Acad. of Soc. Sci.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. ,Chicago, 19-21. CORDERO, NARCISO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 808 Escaldo, Manila. Physiology. Pagsanjan, Laguna, 97. M. D., U. P., 20. Instr. in Physiol., U. P., 20-25; Asst. Prof. of Physiol., Coll. of Med., U. P., 25 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Sigma Xi. Rockefeller Foundation Fellow to Univ. of Chicago, 25-28. 798 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CORDERO, NARCISO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. An analysis of the present status of experimental research in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9 :95-106. R97.5 :P57. 1930. Note on measurements of height and weight of Igorots. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 159-161. Graphs. R97.5:P57. The basal metaboism of Filipinos, by MARIANO OCAMPO, NARCISO CORDERO and ISABELO CONCEPCION. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10 :357-366. Tables (fold). R97.5 :P57. A vital capacity standard for use among Filipino men, by NARCISO CORDERO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 387-389. Table (fold). R97.5: P57. The basal metabolism of the Filipinos, by MARIANO OCAMPO, NARCISO CORDERO, and ISABELO CONCEPCI6N. Journal of nutrition, v. 3:237-244. Tables. QP141.J84. 1931. Vital-capacity studies among Filipinos, vital capacity standards for men from 15 to 30 years of age, by NARCISO CORDERO. and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippi"ne journal of science, v. 44:325-337. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. 1933. A table of body weight in relation to age and standing height for Filipino women. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v."3: 11-20. Tables, graphs. Q75. U5. A table of body weights and standing height and age for Filipinos, by NARCISO CORDERO, EMILIO BULATAO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:327-333. Tables. R97.5:P57. CRUZ, AURELIO 0.-Bureau of Science; 699 Dian, Singalong Sub-div.; Magalang, Pampanga. Chemistry. Magalang, Pampanga, Oct. 15, 96. A. B., Univ. Philip., 20; Pharm. Chem., Univ. Philip., 21. Jr. Chem., Philip. Health Service, 21-27; Junior Chem., Bu. of Sci., 27 Asst. Chem., Bu. of Sci., 30 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. A comparative analytical study of various oils in the chaulmoogra group, by GRANVILLE A. PERKINS and AURELIO 0. CRUZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 23 :543-571. Tables, plate. Q1.P56. 1929. Cogon and rice straw as raw material for paper manufacture, by F. D. REYES and A. 0. CRUZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 38:367-376. Tables. Ql.P56. 1930. Water-white coconut oil and coconut flour, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 41: 51-58. Tables. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 799 CRUZ, AURELIO 0.-Continued. 1930. Analysis of Philippine lumbang oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 42 :251-257. Tables. Ql.P56. 1931. Composition of Philippine kapok-seed oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WES~. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 131-139, 199-207. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1932. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Bambas variety), by AURELIO o. CRUZ and NEMESIO B. MENDIOLA. Philippine journal of science, v. 47 :487-495. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine talisay oil from the seeds of Terminalia catappa Linnaeus, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:13-19. Tables. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine soy beans and soy-bean oil, by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:77-88. Tables. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine rice oil (Ramai variety), by AURELIO 0. CRUZ and VICENTE B. ARAGON. Philippine journal of science, v. 48:5-12. Tables. Ql.P56. Rice bran and rice oil, by A. CRUZ and A. P. WEST. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 218-220. Q75.U5. CRUZ, MARIANO C.-Culion Leper Colony; 608 Evangelista, Sta. Cruz; Taal, Batangas. Medicine. Taal, Batangas, July 2, 99. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 16; M. D., U. P., 22. Asst. Physician, 22-24, Senior Physician, 25 --, Culion Leper Colony, Bu. of Health .. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONntIBUTIONS 1928. Blood calcium in leprosy, by MARIANO c. CRUZ, CASIMIRO B. LARA and E. M. PARAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :216-221. Tables. R97.5 :P57. Ultraviolet rays as adjuvant in the treatment of leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :134, 312-314. R97.5:P57. 1930. Treatment of leprous lesions of the nasal mucosa, by J. G. SAMSON, C. B. LARA and M. C. CRUZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 291-299. Fold. table. R97. 5:P57. 1931. Petriarterial sympathectomy in trophic ulcers of leprosy: Preliminary report, by M. C. CRUZ, J. J. ABRIOL and J. G. SAMSON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 474-476. R97.5:P57. CUAJUNCO, FIDEL.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 620 Colorado; Maragondon, Cavite. Anatomy, Maragondon, Cavite, Aug. 5, 90. M. D., Univ. Philip., 18. Instr. in Anat., U. P., 23-28; Asst. Prof. of Anatomy, 800 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CUAJUNCO, FIDE~ontinued. Univ. Philip., 28 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. ls. Med. Assn.; Arner. Assn. of Anatomists. Rockefeller Foundation Fellow to Johns Hopkins Univ., 25-27. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Embryology of the neuromuscular spindle. Contribution to embryology no. 99 reprinted from v.19 of contributions as to embryology, Carnegie institute of Washington. Publication, no. 380 :45-72. Plates. QL951.C3. 1932. The plurisegmental innervation of neuromuscular spindles. Journal of comparative neurology, v. 54: 205-235. Plates. QL921. JS. CUYUGAN, GERVASIO SANTOS.-Tayabas Provincial Hospital, Lucena, Tayabas. Medicine.. San Fernando, Pampanga, June 19, 87. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 10, Univ. of Chicago, 06; Northwestern Univ., 07. Junior Medical Inspector, Manila, 10-11, Romblon & Mindoro, Bu. of Health, 12-13; Instr. in Surgery, Univ. of the Philip., 11-12, 13-19. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philippine Govt. Fellow to Univ. of Ill., 04-10. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Hospital ethics and etiquette. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6:203-206. RA319.A31. 1927. Government hospital principles .of ethics. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7:532-534. RA319.A31. 1933. Intravenous therapy with mercurochrome. One per cent fresh solution in distHled water, by G. SANTOS CUYUGAN and P. N. VILLASENOR. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.13:49-55. RA319.A31. DAVID, PEDRO A.-Agricultural College, Laguna; San Fernando, Pampanga. Agronomy. S1.m Fernando, Pampanga, Jan. 18, 88. B. Agr., 19, B. S. A, 19, M. S. A., 24, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip; Univ. of Wisconsin, 28; Ph.D., Iowa State Coll., 31. Teacher, Bu. of Educ. Pampanga, 09-11; Teacher, Bu. of Educ., 13-15; Grad. Asst., 19-21, Instr., 21-28, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 31 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Phytopathological Soc.; Am. Soc. of Agro.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Wisconsin & Iowa State Coll., 28-31; Pensionado to Coll. of Agr., 11-13, 15-19. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. The tobacco seedbed. Philippine agricultural review, v. 12: 31-65. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P5. 1922. Comparative culture of upland and lowland rice with special reference to cost of production and distribution of income. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 443-444. Sl 7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 801 DAVID, PEDRO A.-Continued. 1924. Correlation between number of leaves and height of Nicotiana tabacum. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 345-348. Tables. Sl 7. P53. 1925. A study of inheritance in tobacco crosses involving native and imported varieties. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14 :3-35. Sl 7. P53. 1926. Comparison of yields of third and fourth generations tobacco hybrids with yields of parent varieties. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15 :33-36. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Important field diseases of tobacco in the experiment station at Los Banos, and in Northern Luzon, Philippine Islands, by PEDRO A. DAVID and EMILIANO F. ROLDAN. PhiUppine agriculturist, v.15:287-301. Illus. S17.P53. 1928. Introduced coffees lose resistance to the rust fungus Hemileia vastatrix Bekerly and Broome. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 45-46. Fold. tables. Sl 7.P53. Practical directions for coffee planting. Philippine agriculturist, v.17:65-82. S17.P53. 1931. A study of crosses between trebi and three smooth-awned varieties of barely. Iowa state college Journal of science, v. 5 :285-314. 1934. Soap making on the farm. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22 :557-566. Also in Experiment station circular, no. 25. S201.E24. S17. P53. Some practical contributions of the agronomy department to the Philippine crop production. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 373-379. S17.P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Tobacco seed bed methods. Manila daily bulletin, January 19, v. 52, no. 15. 1926. The coffee industry in the Philippines-Its decline and partial recovery. The American chamber of commerce. Journal, v. 6: 17-18. HF41.A5. 1933. What we should know about coffee growing. The stockman and farmer, v. 1, no. 1: 4-5, 26, 29, 32. SF1.S8. 1934. Plant catch crops. The stockman and farmer, v.1, no.10: 6-7, 33. SF1.S8. DAVID, TOMAS.-Coll. of Vet. Sci., Pandacan, Manila; San Fernando, Pampanga. Veterinary Medicine. San Fernando, Pampanga, Sept. 18, 01. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 27. Instr., Coll. of Vet. Sci. 27. Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Member, Committee on Resolution; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1933. Preliminary study on leucocyte count to lactation. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3: 270-276. SF1.B9. 802 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DEPPERMANN, CHARLES EDW ARD.-406 Padre Faura, Ermita, Seismology, Astronomy. New York, U. S., Mar. 30, 89. A. B., St. Andrews on Hudson Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 14; M. A., Woodstock College, 21; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 25; Post graduate course in Astronomy, Univ. of Calif., 26. Chief, Seismological Div., 26-28, Chief, Astronomical Div., 28-32, Asst. Director, 32 --, Weather Bu., Manila. Am. Physical Soc.; Am. Geographical Union; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Some studies of the stark-effect. Astropliysical journal, v. 63, no. 1: 33-47. Latitude of the Manila observatory. Manila observatory publication, v. 1, no. 1. lOp. Tables. QC375.M26. Determination of longitude of Manila observatory, by wireless. Manila observatory publication, v.1, no. 4: 1-16. QC875.M26. Tests of the 19 "Merz Reflector" of Manila observatory. Manila observatory publication, v. 1, no. 6: 3-14. QC875.M26. Variable star observations. Manila observatory publication, v. 1, no. 10: 1-12. QC875.M26. 1929. Initial studies in atmospheric electricity at the Manila observatory, October 1927-December 1928. Manila, Bur. of print., Charts. 17 p. QC961.D4. 1931. Variable star observations, list no. 2. Manila observatory publication, v. 2, no. 3: 1-21. QC875.M26. Air-potential registration at Manila observatory, Oct. 1927 to December 1930. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, v. 34: 231. Atmospheric potential gradient results at Cebu during solar eclipse, May 9, 1929. Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, v. 34: 257. 1932. Thunderstorm problems in atmospheric electricity (Abstract) Terrestrial magnetism and atmospheric electricity, v. 35: 179. 1934. The climate of the Philippines. Manila harbor board. Port of Manila, p. 25-26. HE560.M3M2. DOMANTAY, JOSE.-Dept. of Zoology, U. P.; 197 Dimasalang, Sampaloc; Malasiqui, Pangasinan. Zoology. Malasiqui, Pangasinan; Nov. 5, 91. A. A., 21, Ph. B., 23, B. S, 25, M. S., 28, Univ. Philip. Clerk, Bu. of Agr., 19; Clerk Record, Univ. Philip., 22; Student Asst., 22-23, Asst. Instr., 29-27, Instr. in Zool., 27-34, Univ. Philip.; Instr., Ateneo de Manila, 25 --. U. P. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Parasitologists; Philip. Acad. of Social Sci.; Torch Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. The morphology of a holothurian, Stichopus chloronotus Brandt, by P. B. SIVIKIS and JOSE s. DOMANTAY. Philippine journal of science, v. 37: 299-322. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 803 DOMANTAY, JOSE-Continued 1931. Autonomy in hooturians. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 389-404. Q75.U5. 1933. Development of anchor and anchor plate types of spicules of the Synaptid polyplectana Kejersteini (Selenka) and allied species. Philippine journal of science, v. 52: 371-379. Ql.P56. Littoral holothuriodea of port Galera bay and adjacent waters. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 41-101. Q75.U5. 1934. Four additional species of Littoral holothuroidea of port Galera Bay and adjacent waters. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4: 109-115. Q75.U5. DUNHAM, GEORGE C.-Malacaiiang Palace; 607 Wright; Mitchell, South Dakota. Public Health. Mitchell, Dakota, July 27, 87. M. A., George Wash. Univ., Wash., 23; M. D. Univ. of Oregon, 14; D. T. M. and H., Johns Hopkins Univ. and Univ. of London, 22. Interne, St. Vincent Hosp., Portland, Oregon; Head, Evacuation Hosp., No. 24, 17; Chief, Preventive Sect., War Dept., Wash. D. C.; Head, Med. Field Service Sch;, Penn.; Health Adviser to the Gov.-Gen. of the Philippines, 31 --; Author of two Med. Books. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1931. Military preventive medicine. 2d. ed. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, medical field service school. The army medical bulletin, no. 23. Illus., tables, diagr. UH223.A18. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1933. The future of public health work in the Philippine islands. Philippine islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 17-21. R97. 5: P57. EATON, LEON SCHULTZ.-College of Engin., U. P.; 1376 Gral Luna; Daguscahanda, Pa., U. S. Mechanical Engineering. Daguscahanda, Pa., U. S., 84. M. E., Cornell Univ., 11. Prof. and Actg. Head, Dept. of Mech. Engin., U. P., 27-28, 29-30; Prof. and Head, Dept. of Mech. Engin., 31 --. Am. Soc. of Mech. Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. EJERCITO Y LIZA, ANTONIO.-Bu. of Public Health; Pagsanjan, Laguna. Malariology. B. A., Univ. Philip., 18; M. D. Med. Insp. and Asst. Chief, Malaria Div., Bu. of Health. Asso., Nat. Res. Council. P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The anticholera campaign of 1926 in Mindoro. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 397-426. Tables, maps, graphs. RA319.A31. 290628-13 804 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL EJERCITO Y LIZA, ANTONIO-Continued. 1927. Agglutinins in the blood of persons vaccinated with antidysenteric vaccine, by A. EJERCITO, J. DE LF.oN, and A. PASCUAL. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8: 221-224. R97.5: R4. 1928. Plasmochin and quinine on the propylaxis and on the prevention of relapse of maiaria. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 128-134. Tables. RA319.A31. Malaria surveys and controls in Mindanao and Sulu. PhilipPine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin. v. 8: 537-588. Sketch maps, tables. RA319.A31. 1929. Notes on dysenteries in Manila, by LEONCIO LoPEZ RIZAL, ROBERTO B. DE LEON and ANTONIO EJERCITO. Revista fi,lipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2'0: 62-71. Tables (2 fold). R97.5:R4. Plasmochin and quinine in the prophylaxis and the prevention of malaria relapses. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 229-234. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1930. Important accomplishments and programme for studies on malaria of the Division of malaria control, Philippine health service. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 517-522. RA319.A31. 1931. Malaria in Cardona-look, Rizal, during 1928 and 1929. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 13-19. Tables. RA319.A31. Survey work at the barrio of Lagundi, Morong, and inspection at Cardona, Rizal. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 151-152. RA319.A31. Report on the malaria survey of the proposed negative barrio at Makiling Pa tag ( Cogonal Grande), Culion Island, by ANTONIO EJERCITO and ALBERTO G. LAUREL. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 467-479. Tables, plates, map. RA319.A31. 1933. Malaria reconnoissance of Cuyambay, Tanay, Rizal. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 13: 56-57. RA319. A31. ELAYDA, INOCENCIO.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Iba, Zambales. Agricultural Extension. Iba, Zambales, July 28, 79. B. S. A., M. S. A., Univ. Philip. Instr. in Agro. and Farm Foreman, 13-17, Asst. Prof. of Agro., 17-19, Asso. Prof. of Agro., 19-20, Prof. of Agro. and Farm Management, 20-22, U. P.; Chief of Extension work, Dept. of Coll. of Agr., 22-24; Dir., of Ext. Work, Coll. of Agr., 2433. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ELEAZAR, RAMON V.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Sto. Tomas; Lucban, Tayabas. Obstetrics and Anatomy. Lucban, Tayabas, Sept. 19, 97. M. D., U. P., 22. Asst. in Obstetrics and Asst. Resident, Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip., 23-34; Prof. of Anatomy, Coll. of Med., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 34 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 805 ELICA~O, TRANQUILINO.-Bu. of Public Welfare; 1067 Arlegui, Manila. Maternal and Child Hygiene. Born in 92. M. D., Univ. Philip., 19. Chief, Div. of Maternal and Child Hygiene. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The incidence of undernourished children among tuberculosis families, by T. ELICANO and NATIVIDAD YULO. National congress on tuberculosis proceedings, First: 311-316. Tables. RC307. N2. The relation of public and semi-public child welfare activities to private physicians. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 419-424. Illus., tables (lfold). R97.5: P57. 1932. More time for the study of obstetrics. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 447-449. R97.5: P57. ELMER, ADOLPH DANIEL EDW ARD.-501 Dakota, Ermita, Manila. Botany. Vandyne, Wisconsin, U. S., June 14, 70. B. S., Washington Agric. Coll., Pullman, 00; M. A., Leland Standford Jr. Univ. Carried on botanical explorations along the Pacific Coast States, in the Philip., & in British North Borneo. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1929. Plantae el merianae borneensis. University of California press, 1929. (University of California publications in botany, v. 15: 1-316.) QK1.C2. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1906. Philippine Rubiaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 1: 1-41 QK1.L4. A fascicle of Benguet figs. Leaflets on Philippine botany, v. 1, art 2: 42-62. QK1.L4. Additional new species of Rubiaceae. Leaflets on Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 3: 63-73. QK1.L4. Pandans of east Leyte. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 4: 74-77. QK1.L4. Manual of the PhHippine Compositae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v.1, art. 7: 83-186. QK1.L4. A fascicle of east Leyte figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 8: 187-205. QK1.L4. 1907. Freycinetia from Lucban. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v.1, art. 11: 212-219. QK1.L4. Some new Leguminosae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 12: 220-232. QK1.L4. A fascicle of Tayabas figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 14: 236-261. QK1.L4. 1908. A century of new plants. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 1, art. 16: 272-359. QK1.L4. 806 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ELMER, ADOLPH DANIEL EDWARD-Continued. 1908. Some interesting Lauraceae. Leafiets of Philippine bontay, v. 2, art. 17: 37 5-384. QK1.L4. Six undescribed species of Macaranga. Leafiets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 20: 427-434. QK1.L4. Six new Myrsinaceae. Leafiets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 22 : 440-444. QK1.L4. Synopsis of Rubus. Leafiets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 23: 455-462. QK1.L4. Three score of new plants. Leafiets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 24: 463-525. QK1.L4. The genus Itea. Leafiets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 25: 527529. QK1.L4. A fascicle of South Negros figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v.2, art. 26: 531-551. QK1.L4. Gesneraceae from the Cuernos mts. Leaflets of Philippine Botany, v. 2, art. 27: 553-567. QK1.L4. 1909. A score of new plants. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 29: 573-594. QK1.L4. Synopsis of Fagraea. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 30: 595-601. QK1.L4. Synopsis of Artocarpus. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 32: 609-626. QK1.L4. The genus of Hydrocotyle. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 33: 627-629. QK1.L4. A new Grewia. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 34: 631632. QK1.L4. 1910. Myrsinaceae from Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 38: 659-675. QK1.L4. A decade of new plants. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 39: 677-688. QK1.L4. A new genus and new species of Leguminosae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 40: 689-701.QK1.L4. Lauraceae from Mt. Apo and Mt. Giting-Giting. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 41: 703-728. QK1.L4. The genus Solanum from Mount Apo. The leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 42:729-734. QK1.L4. New species of Begonia. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 2, art. 43: 735-740. QK1.L4. ' Three new Cyperaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 46: 853-855. QK1.L4. Note on Fagraea. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 4 7: 857-860. QK1.L4. The Callicarpae of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 48: 861-866. QK1.L4. Sapotaceae from Sibuyan Islands. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 49: §67-87 4. QK1.L4. Uriticaceae from the vicinity of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 50: 875-901. QK1.L4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 807 ELMER, ADOLPH DANIEL EDWARD-Continued. 1910. Euphorbiacea,e collected on Sibuyan Islands. Leaflets of Philip. pine botany, v. 3, art. 51: 903-931. QK1.L4. The oaks of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 52: 933-946. QK1.L4. New and interesting Gesneraceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 53: 947-970. QK1.L4. 1911. New and noteworthy Rubiaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 54: 971-1046. QK1.L4. Garcinia from Sibuyan Islands. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 55: 1047-1055. QK1.L4. Notes on Myristicaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 56: 1057-1066. QK1.L4. Loranthus in the vinicity of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 57: 1067-1076. QK1.L4. The genus Canarium of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 58: 1077-1088. QK1.L4. The Ericaceae of Mount Apo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 3, art. 59: 1089-1107. QK1.L4. New Melastomataceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 66: 1191-1230. QK1.L4. A fascicle of Davao figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 67: 1231-1270. QK1.L4. Euphorbiaceae collected on Palawan Islands. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 68: 1271-1306. QK1.L4. A fascicle of Sibuyan figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 69: 1307-1325. QK1.L4. 1912. Palawan Rubiaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 70: 1327-1362. QK1.L4. A fascicle of Palawan figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 71: 1363-1397. QK1.L4. Notes and descriptions of Eugenia. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 72: 1400-1444. QK1.L4. New Apocynaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 73: 1445-1467. QK1.L4. , Four new Dipterocarpaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 74: 1469-1474. QK1.L4. Two score of new plants. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 4, art. 75: 1475-1520. QK1.L4. 1913. Two new species of Rubus. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 80: 1617-1619. QK1.L4. Philippine Gyrinopsis. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 82: 1629-1632. QK1.L4. Philippine Pygeum. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 81: 1621-1628. QK1.L4. Philippine Polyosma. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 83: 1633-1639. QK1.L4. Philippine Trichospermum. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 84: 1641-1644. QK1.L4. 808 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ELMER, ADOLPH DANIEL EDWARD-Continued. 1913. Philippine Curculigo. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 85: 1645-1649. QK1.L4. Philippine Linociera. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 86: 1651-1657. QK1.L4. Philippine Balanophora. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 87: 1659-1662. QK1.L4. Philippine Hex. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 88: 16631669. QK1.L4. A few new Polygalaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 89: 1671-1678. QK1.L4. Palawan Acanthaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 91: 1685-1704. QK1.L4. New Anonaceae. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 92: 17051750. QK1.L4. Four score of new plants. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 93: 1751-1853. QK1.L4. Rubiaceae from Mount Urdaneta. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 5, art. 94:1855-1905. QK1.L4. Loranthus from Mount Urdaneta. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 6, art. 98: 1959-1971. QK1.L4. Seven oaks from Mount Urdaneta. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 6, art. 100: 1981-1986. QK1.L4. 1914. A fascicle of North Agusan figs. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 7, art. 112: 2359-2415. QK1.L4. 1915. Two hundred twenty-six new species, I-II. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 7, art. 114: 2543-2700; v. 8, art. 115: 2719-2883. QKl. L4. Notes and descriptions of Zingiberaceae. Leaflets of Philippi118 botany, v. 8, art. 116: 2885-2919. QK1.L4. 1919. Zingiberaceae of the Sorsogon peninsula. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 8, art. 119: 2963-2995. QK1.L4. New woody plants from Mount Maquiling. Leaflets of Philippine botany, v. 8, art. 121: 3069-3105. QK1.L4. ERA:&A, GERVASI0.-203 Regina Bldg., Escolta; 58 San Luis, Pasay, Rizal. Dental Surgery. Bustos, Bulacan, June 19, 88. D. D. S., Philip. Dental Coll., 16. Prof., Philip. Dental Coll., 19-20; Dir., Dept. Head, Prof., Coll. of Dentistry, E. I., P. I., 29-30. Philip. Dental Alumni Assn.; Sociedad Dental de Filipinas; National Dental Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ESTAMPADOR, EULOGIO.-The Northern Luzon Jr. College, Vigan, Ilocos Sur. Zoology. Janiuay, Iloilo, Mar. 11, 94. A. B., Silliman Inst., 18; M. S., Univ. Philip., 30. Teacher, Iloilo High School 1920; Teacher, Cebu High School, 22-24; Cebu Normal Sch., 24-27; Instr., Philip. Univ. 27 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 809 l:STAMPADOR, EULOGIO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1930. Stomatopoda of the Philippines, by HILARIO A. ROXAS and EULOGIO EsTAMPADOR. University of the Philippi,nes. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 93-131. Plates. Q75.U5. ESTRADA, SANTIAGO U.-Bu. of Prisons, Manila. Surgery. B. A., 19, M. D., 25, Univ. Philip. Chief, Sanitation Div.; Bu. of Prisons, Manila; Physician, Pangasinan Provincial Hospital. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Medical service in Bilibid. Philippine prisons review, v. 8: 10-14. HV7239.P5. 1927. The physical care of the prisoner. Philippi,ne prisons review, v. 3, no. 5: 23. HV7239.P5. Prostitution and venereal infections in the city of Manila. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1: 159-163, 192. Tables. Also in Philippine prisons review, v. 3, no. 8: 18-22. HV7239. P5. R97 .5: S2. 1928. Surgical possibilities in pulmonary tuberculosis. Revista fil,ipi,na de medicina y farmacia, v.19: 152-155. R97.5: R4. 1929. Sur_gical diseases . of the lungs. San Juan de Dios hospi,tal. Bulletin, v. 3:16-19. R97.5:S2. 1932. Terapeutica quirurgica de la tuberculosis pulmonar, por SANTIAGO U. ESTRADA y ENRIQUE F. RUIZ. Revista filipi,na de medicina y f armacia, v. 23: 314-324. R97 .5: R4. ESTRADA, JANUARIO.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 1105 Taft Ave., Manila. Zamboanga, Mindanao. Surgery. Zamboanga, Mindanao, Sept. 19, 90. M. D., Univ. Philip., 18. Instr. in Surgery, U. P., 20-27; Detailed to Philip. Senate as Accompanying Physician of Pres. Quezon outside P. I.; Asst. Prof. of Surgery, U. P., 27 --; Resident Physician, Philip. Gen. Hosp. Manila Med Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1921. An unusual case of hydrops renum cysticum, by J. EDUQUE and J. ESTRADA. Philippi,ne Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1 :218-222. Illus. R97.5 :P57. EUBANAS, FROILAN.-Bu. of Health; 1468 Abreu St., San Miguel; Pagbilao, Tayabas. Nutrition. Pagbilao, Tayabas, Oct. 5, 95. A. B., Univ., Philip. 16; M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 21; C. P. H,, School of Hygiene and Public Health, U. P., 23. Jr. Physician,· 22-24, Bu. of Health, Culion Leper Colony; Sr. Physician, S. La810 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL EUBANAS, FROILAN-Continued. zaro Hosp., 25-28; Cebu Leper Dept., 28-29; Asst. Surgeon, Bu. of Health, 29-32; Chief, Section of Nutrition, Bu. of Health, 33-. Capt., Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. · Army, Manila 30; Sec., Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 33 --. Culion Med. Soc.; Manila Med. Soc.; Cebu Med. Soc.; Far Eastern Assn. Trop. Med.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Treatment of Ieprosy by antimony, by JOSE N. RODRIGUEZ and FROILAN EUBANAS. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3: 104-106, 220-222. Also in Philippine journal of science, v. 23: 375-394. Ql.P56. RA319.A31. 1924. Chief causes of death among lepers at Culion colony, by CAsmmo B. LARA, BONIFACIO DE VERA, JOSE G. SAMSON and FROILAN C. EUBANAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:289-360. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1926. Mercurochrome soluble-220 in malaria. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:215-218. R97.5: P57. 1927. Notes on the treatment of leprosy with certain gold preparations, by FROILAN c. EUBANAS and BONIFACIO DE VERA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 319-323. Tables. R97.5:P57. Observations on five cases of leprosy treated with javanin. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7 :407-410. Tables. R97.5 :P57. 1'929. Plantar and palmar manifestation in leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:358-360. R97.5:P57. 1930. Chemotheraphy of leprosy by the use of chaulmoogra oil and its derivatives and other synthetic preparations. Philippine islands medical association. Jonrnal, v.10:203-210. Table. R97.5: P57. Progress in antileprosy treatment at Cebu treatment station: second progress report. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:452-457. R97.5:P57. The progress of chemotherapeutic investigations in leprosy. PhfJl.. ippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10:300-308. Table. R97.5:P57. 1931. Cocaine-adrenalin in leprous neuritis. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :359-363. RA319.A31. Notes on symptoms leading to leprous cachexia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.22:43-48. R97.5:R4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. First progress report ending December 31, 1928, in the Cebu leper detention camp, P.H. S. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8:689-700. Tables. RA319.A31. 1930. Physical examination of medical officers and employees, Philippine health service (first paper), by R. VILLAFRANCA and F. EUBAANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 811 EUBANAS, FROILAN-Continued. NAS. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :275-284. RA319.A31. 1933. In behalf of better nutrition. The health messenger, v. 2, no. 9:104105. RC306.H4. Nutrition in modern public health. The ~hilippines Hehald, Des., 18. FABELLA, JOSE.-P. 0. Box 1474; Pagsanjan, Laguna. Public Health. Pagsanjan Laguna, Oct. 26, 88. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., Univ. of Chicago, 12; Post-graduate courses at the Charite Kranhenhaus, Berlin, Germany; New York Post Graduate Med. Sch., 20. Resident Physician at the Milwaukee Children's Free Hospital, Wis., 12-13; Sec., Philip. Is. Anti-Tuberculosis Soc., and also Sec. of the Public Welfare Board, 16; Prof. Leet., Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, U. P.; Public Welfare Commissioner; Dir., Bu. of Public Welfare; Commissfoner of Health. Tuberculosis Commission; P. I. Anti-Tuberculosis Soc.; P. I. Anti-Leprosy Soc.; Associated Charities and Gota de Leche; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. BOOK 1926. Memorandum on child welfare activities in the Philippine Islands for the second Oriental conference of the league of Red Cross societies, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 15-25, 1926. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus. HV709.F2. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Algunas observaciones sobre el tratamiento de la tuberculosis pulmonar en el Sanatorio de San Juan del Monte, por Jost FABELLA y ANTONIO HERNANDEZ. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y f annaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 149-153. R106.A8. La influencia de la tuberculosis de los padres sobre los niiios. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la t.ercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 433-437. Table. R106.A8. 1925. Maternity and child hygiene work in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5:357-359. RA3l9.A31. 1927. The present status of maternity and child welfare work in the Philippine Islands. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, seventh congress, v. 1: 858-862. RC960. F24. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. House furnishing and decorations. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 19-22. RA319.A31. 1933. The contribution of the social worker in health work. The government employee, v. 4:673-674. Illus. JQ1349.P4G7. 812 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FAJARDO, JACOBO.-Bureau of Health, San Lazaro; 1227 Lealtad, Manila; Bacolor, Pampangl). Public Health. Bacolor, Pampanga, July 25, 76. A. B., San Juan de Letran Coll., 91; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 05. Pres., Municipal Board of Public Health, Arayat, Pampanga, 02-09; Delegate to the Philip. Assembly, 09; District Health Officer, Oriental Negros and Pangasinan, 12-14; Chief Health Officer in Mindanao, 14-31; Chief of the Div. of Prov. Sanitation, 21-24; Dir., Bu. of Health, 24, --; Philip. Delegate at the annual convention of the Amer. Pub. Health Assn., in Minneapolis, and at the convention of the Southern Is. Med. Assn. at Miami, Florida, 29. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. El problema sanitario en Mindanao y Sulu. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 295-302. R106.A8. 1925. A study of the determination of spleen index in Filipino school children, by JACOBO FAJARDO, LEONCIO LoPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicime. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2 :249-269. !fables, chart. RC960.F24. 1928. A survey of the progress of public health work in the Philippines during the last four years. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 621-633. RA319.A31. 1929. History and progress of public health work in the Philippine Islands, by JACOBO FAJA.~DO and JOSE P. BANTUG. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9 :465-498. Tables, fold. chart. RA319.A31. 1930. Lo que esperamos de una sociedad medica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21:165-168. R97.5:R4. 1931. A resume of leprosy work in the Philippine Islands. Appendix: leprosy bibliography in the Philippine Islands. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 23-42. R97.5: R4. 1932. Transactions of the scientific meeting under the auspices of the leprosy advisory board, October 26 and 27, 1932. Philippine Islands health service. Leprosy advisory board Transactions, p. 7-11. Introductory remarks. RC154.7:P5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The nursing profession and the government. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6:45-47. RA319.A31. 1927. House bill no. 373 presented by Representative Aquino granting freedom to lepers under certain conditions. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 465-470. RA319.A31. 1929. School teachers and sanitation. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly, bulletin, v. 9: 182-189. RA319.A31. 1930. Institutions for the care of the destitute and the sick in the Philippines during the Spanish regime. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :378-382. RA319.A31. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 813 FAJARDO, JACOBO-Continued. 1931. A resume of public health events in 1930. Philippine Islands health service. Montly bulletin, v. 11 :5-6. RA319.A31. Philippine Islands health service. Appointments and resignations of sanitary inspectors appointed under section 1008 of the administrative code as amended by section 2 of act no. 3115. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 641645. RA319.A31. 1932. A balanced menu for a week. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.12:395-399., 501-502. RA319.A31. FARINAS, ESTEFANO.-Bu. of Animal Industry; 771 San Sebastian, Manila; Magsingal, Ilocos Sur. Veterinary Medicine. Magsingal, Ilocos Sur; Aug. 3, 98. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 25. Teacher, Vigan, Seminary Coll., 25-26, La Union High School, San Fernando, 26; Veterinarian, Bu. of Animal Ind., 26-34; Asst. Chief of Div., Bu. of Animal Ind., 34. The Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Anti-rinderpest vaccine. What it is and how it is made and tested. · Radio lectures on agricultural tropics. Series Ill, p. 59-63. S301.A9P52. A new avian disease in the Philippines. Radio lectures on agricultural tropics. Series IV, p. 145-149. S301.A9P52. 1930. Oesophagostomiasis of cattle in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 381-391. Table, illus., plate. Sl 7.P51. Two tapeworm parasites from the cabarao, with special reference to a new species of avitellina, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI and ESTEFANO C. FARINAS. Philippine journal of agriculture, v.1:421429. Plates. Sl 7.P51. Avian pest, a disease of birds hitherto unknown in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 311-365. Tables, plates. Sl 7.P51. 1931. Avian pest. The bureau of animal industry gazette, v.1, no. 6~ 3-4, 13-14. SF1.B9. Fowl pox and its control. The bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no. 5 :7-8. SF1.B9. Report on the animal1 disease situation in Mindoro. The bureau of animal industry gazette, v.1, no. 7:15-17. SF1.B9. 1932. Avian diphtheria. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 8: 18-20. SF1.B9. Crocodiles and fact. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 5 :6-9. SF1.B9. Hemorrhagic septicemia in the Philippines. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 7: 3-8. SF1.B9. The last anthrax outbreak in La Union. The Bureau of animal i"'ndustry gazette, v. 2, no. 3 :3-7. SF1.B9. The poultry eyeworm. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 10: 13-15. SF1.B9. 814 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FARIN AS, ESTEF ANO-Continued. 1932. A quick cure for scaly legs. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 7: 11-12. SF1.B9. An unknown poultry disease. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 2, no. 7: 10-14. SF1.B9 1933. Twenty-six years of foot-and-mouth diseases. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3, no. 8-9: 17 4-178. SF1.B9. Report of emergency foot-and-mouth disease committee (Chairman, Dr. G. San Agustin, Members, Drs. Ferriols, T. Topacio, A. K. Gomez, and E. C. Farinas). Bureau of anWna.l industry gazette, v. 3, no. 3 :324, 326-340, 342. SF1.B9. A review of the problems encountered by the Bureau in foot-andmouth disease control. The Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 3, no. 8-9 :294-300, 343. SF1.B9. The control of liver rot. Bureau of animal industry leaflet no. 5. Issued Oct. 27. Revised April 2, 1934, p. 1-2. SF15.P5A46. FELICIANO, AMADO T.-Dept. of Zoology, U. P.; 905 San Marcelino, Malate; San Fernando, Pampanga. Zoology. Bamban, Tarlac, Sept. 9, 97. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 23; M. S., Univ. Philip. 32. Teacher, Tarlac High School, 23-24; Asst. Instr., Univ. Philip., 24-27; Instr., Univ. Philip., 27 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Japan, Formosa, U. S. & some European countries, 34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1932. Studies on the early development of Arachnoides placenta (Linnaeus) University of the Philippines. Natural and appliJed science bulletin, v. 2 :256. Q75.U5. FELIZARDO, GENARO BASA.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 615 Galicia, Sampaloc; Cavite, Cavite. Dental Surgery. Cavite, Cavite, June 14, 03. D. S., Univ. of the Philip., 25. Externe, X-Ray Dept., Philip. Gen. Hosp., July to Oct., 25; Dentist, Am. Red Cross, 26; Dentist, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 26; Leet., Coll. of Dentistry, Centro Escolar Univ., 2829; Instr., School of Dentistry, U. P. until closed; Actg. Dean, Manila Coll. of Dentistry (Night Dept.), 29-34. Sec. of the Convention of the Nat. Dental Assn.; Philip. Soc. of Stomatologists; Philip. Public Health Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. FELIZARDO, MANUEL 1.-Div. of Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Bu. of Public Works; Manila. Mechanical Engineering. Manila, 01. B. S. M. E., (With Highest Honors), Univ. Philip., 22. Asst. Mech. Eng. in the construction of Pier 7; Actg. Supervising Eng. of the Div. of Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Bu. of Public Works; Member, Board of Exam. for Mech. Engineers, 27. Am. Soc. of Mech. Eng.; Philip. Assn. of Mech. and Electrical Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 815 FERNANDO, ANTONIO S.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 817 Taft Ave., Manila; Bulacan, Bulacan. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Bulacan, Bulacan, June 13, 93. A. B., 16, M: D., 19, U. P. Instr., 23-25, Asst. Prof., 25 --, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Amer. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Clinical notes on ear, nose, and throat cases in the dispensary of the Philippine general hospital. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 125-129. Tables. R97.5: P57. The effect of milk injections in ocular inflammations, by ANTONIO s. FERNANDO and FELISA NICOLAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2:217-223. R97.5:P57. 1923. Ocular manifestation in leprosy as observed at Culion, Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 230-236. Illus. R97.5:P57. 1924. Laryngeal symptoms in beriberi. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 24 :41-43. Ql.P56. 1925. The first case of laryngectomy in the Philippine general hospital, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and ANTONIO s. FERNANDO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 323-328. Illus., table. R97.5:P57. Tropical oto-laryngology with special reference to the Philippine Islands, by ANTONIO s. FERNANDO and FELISA NICOLAS-FERNANDO. Journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, v. 28 :202-207. RC960.J8. 1927. Errors of refraction among Filipinos: a preliminary report. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 337-341. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1933. Subdural abscess of otitic origin; report of an operated case that recovered, by ANTONIO s. FERNANDO and c. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:73-76. R97.5:P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Our present problems in the treatment of tuberculosis of the larynx. Nationa,l congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 329-334. RC307.N2. 1927. The Philippine Islands medical association completes its twentyfourth year. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:342-350. Table. R97.5:P57. 1928. The Philippine Islal)ds medical association: its opportunities for service. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:509-515. R97.5:P57. Activities of the Philippine Islands medical association. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 214-216. R97.5: S2. 816 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FERNANDO, ANTONIO S.-Continued. 1930. Excerpts from the proceedings of the eight-first annual session of the American medical association held at Detroit, Michigan, June 23-27, 1930. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:393-401. R97.5:P57. Resolution on the proposed lease of Alabang serum laboratories to the Philippine research institute. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:401-404. R97.5:P57. 1931. Physicians in the Philippines: a general survey during 1930-1931. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11 :319-329. Tables. R97.5 :P57. 1932. Report of the editor of the journal of the Philippine Islands medical association for the year 1932. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:635-637. R97.5:P57. FERNANDEZ, JOSE A.-Insular Psychopatic Hosp.; Bu. of Health, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Psychiatry. Columbia Univ., 6 mos., 23; Certificate in Psychiatry, Harvard Univ., 24; Johns Hopkins, 2 mos., 25; N. Y. Psychiatric Inst., 6 mos., 25; M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 20; Resi., San Lazaro Hosp. 29-30; Asst. Alienist, Ins. Psy. Hosp., Mandaluyong, Rizal, 26. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; N. Y. Neurological & Psychiatric Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Fellow to Columbia Univ.; Harvard; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Psychiatrict Inst. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Preliminary report on aseptic meningitis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18: 91-100. Tables. R97.5: R4. 1928. Hyoscine in psychiatry. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 165-171. R97.5: S2. 1932. Florendo Natividad alias Flor Intrencherado. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 627-634. R97.5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Habit training for children. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18: 290-302. R97 .5: R4. 1932. Some of our mental hygiene problems. Philippine Islands health service. Mon'. hly bulletin, v. 12: 583-589; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 473-478. R97.5: R4. RA319. A31. FERNANDEZ Y ASIS, RICARDO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1242 Pennsylvania, Malate; Balincagin, Pang. Physical Therapy. Balincagin, Pang., Feb. 7, 76. Asst. Prof. of Phys. Therapy, U. P., 15-19; Prof. Leet. on Phys. Therapy, U. P., 19-22; Asso. Prof. of Phys. Therapy, Univ. Philip., 27, 34 --; Repres. at the Int. Congress of Roentgenology at Stockholm, Sweden, 28. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farm. de Filipinas; Am. Radium Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. pensionado to ................ , 27. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 817 FERNANDEZ Y A.SIS, RICARDO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1912. Forunculu del labio y estafilococia. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 273-277. Illus. R106.A8. 1913. A prop6sito del empleo de los rayos X extremadamentes poco penetrantes en radiografia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 447-463. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1914. Contribuci6n al diagn6stico radiol6gico y al tratamiento medicoquirurgico de los abscesos del higado. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 277-296; also in Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 5: 353-373. Illus. R97 .5: R4. R106.A8. Diagn6stico precoz de la tuberculosis pulmonar, por JUAN MICIANO y R. FERNANDEZ. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 61-94. Table. R106.A8. 1916. Algunos casos mas de absceso hepatico tratados por la emetina. Actas, memorias y comunicac.iones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos 'de Filipinas, v. 3: 229-233. R106.A8. 1917. Autom6vil radiol6gico de campafia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8: 324-331. R97.5: R4. 1918. Manifestaciones a distancia de las infecciones dentarias. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9 :435-449. Actas, memorias ti comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 142-153. R106.A8. 97.5: R4. 1919. A case of acute mania associated with plasmodium vivax infection, by FRANK G. HAUGHWOUT, PEDRO T. LANTIN and RICARDO FER~ NANDEZ. Philippine journal of science, v. 15: 563-569. Diagr. Ql.P56. 1920. Remote manifestations of focal dental infections, with case reports. Philippine journal of science, v. 16: 89-98. Ql.P56. 1921. EI coraz6n en los nifios beribericos. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 12: 137-147. Table, illus. R97.5: R4. Radium in uterine conditions. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1: 157-160. R97.5: P57. Right diaphragmatic hernia. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1: 12-22, 67. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1922. Radium therapy in eye, nose, and throat work. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 116-120. Illus. R97. 5: P57. 1923. On the treatment of yaws by sodium-potassium tartaro-bismuthate, by LUIS E. GUERRERO, RICARDO FERNANDEZ and IRENE ROZAL. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine.. Transactions, fifth congress, p. 578-582. Illus. RC960.F24. 818 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL FERNANDEZ Y ASIS, RICARDO-Continued. 1924. Diverticum of the bladder and vesical lithiasis, report of a case, by R. FERNANDEZ and M. N. TUASON. Philivpine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 145-148. Illu.>. R97.5: P57. 1926. La sanorisina en el tratamiento de la tuberculoR;s pulmonar. Resultados inmediatos obtenidos en el Sanatorio de Santo!, por CARMELO PENAFLOR, RICARDO FERNANDEZ, RICARDO MOLINA, JOSE AVELLANA BASA, JUAN E. SOLLOSA y ANGEL' TRINIDAD .. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 509-518. Graphs., tables. RC307.N2. 1932. Radium therapy in carcinomata of the tongue. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 507-512. R97.5: P57. FERRIOLS, VICENTE.-Bureau of Animal Industry; 549 Maria Clara, Sampaloc. Veterinary Medicine. Olongapo, Zambales. D. V. M., Coll. of Agr. and Mechanical Arts, Ames, Iowa, 12. Veterinarian, Bu. of Agr., 12-16; Asst. Chief Veterinarian, 16-27; Chief, Animal Disease Control Div., 27 --. Am. Veterinary Med. Assn.; Philip. Veterinary Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1930. A brief resume of rinderpest control work in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1: 393-409. Table. Sl 7. P51. FRANCISCO, JOSE R.-Heacock Bldg., 120 Escolta, Manila; 256 Balina tawak, Caloocan, Rizal. Dentistry. Binondo, Manila, Nov. 15, 94. D. S. S., Coll. of Physicians & Surgeons, Northwestern Univ., 16; Philip. Nautical Sch., 2 years. Membe~. Board of Dental Examiners, Dept. of Public Instruction, 24-25; Member of Board of Dental Surgery, Dept. of Public Instruction, 27; First Lieut. Dental Surgeon, Philip. Nat. Guard, 18; Dean, Manila Coll. of Dentistry, 29. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Leet. & Post Graduate Foundation of the Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 25. FRANCISCO, SIXTO A.-Bu. of Health, Manila; 147 V. Mapa St., Sta. Mesa, Manila; Batangas, Batangas. Tropical Medicine. Batangas, Batangas, Apr. 18, 91. Liken Medical Coll., Tokyo, Japan & Imperial Univ., 11-12; Chicago Univ., 13; M. D., Coll. of Med., U~iv. of Ill., 17. Coll. Physician, Coll. of Agr., U. P., 19-33; Prof. Leet. in Physiology, Coll. of Agric. 20-21; Dir., U. P. Infirmary, ·Los Banos, 30-33; Chief, T. B. Control Section, Bu. of Health, 33. VicePres., Philip. Is. Med. Assn., 23; Miembro Titular, Colegio MedicoFarmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso. Editor, Revista-Medica, 33; Pres., Laguna Med. Soc., 33; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The hookworm campaign carried on among the students of the Los Banos colleges during the collegiate year 1924-1925, by MARCOS TUBANGUI and SIXTO A. FRANCISCO. Philippine Islands ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 819 FRANCISCO, SIXTO A.-Continued. medical association. Journal, v. 6: 306-310. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1930. The presence in human stools. of the egss of a trematode parasitic in fish, by MARCOS A. TUBANGUI and SIXTO A. FRANCISCO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 31-33. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1931. The relation of athletics to health and to incidence and mortality from tuberculosis among students and alumni of the Los Banos associated colleges and schools. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 411-438. Tables. R97.5: R4. 1932. Extra-uterine pregnancy: lithopedion of fifteen years duration successfully removed by surgical operation, by SIXTO A. FRANCISCO, ANICETO v. ASCALON and RICARDO A. RAYMUNDO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 113-121. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1933. Observations on the prevention and control of tuberculosis in foreign countries. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 235-249. Table. R97.5: P57. FRANCO, CECILIO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 755 Florida, Manila; San Luis, Pampanga. Surgery and Gynecology. M. D., Univ. Philip., 18. Instr. in Surgery and Gynecology, Coll. of. Med., U. P., Attending Surgeon, Philip. Gen. Hosp.; Surgeon, U. P. Infirmary; Attending Physician and Surgeon, Maternity and Children's Hosp. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. FRANCO, FELIX.-Fish & Game Administration, Port Area; Mexico, Pampanga. Forestry. Mexico, Pampanga, Oct. 12, 92. B. S. F., Montana State Univ., 21; M. F., Cornell Univ., 22. Dist. Forester, Baguio, Manila, Naga, 22-27; Asst. Chief, Div. of Forest Management, Bu. of Forestry, 28-30; Chief, Div. of Forest Fauna and Grazing, 31-32; Asst. Chief, Fish & Game Administration, 33-35. Sig'ma Xi; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado to Montana and Cornell Univ., 19-22. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Lumbering in Bataan. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1: 132-136. S17.P53. Rice growing in Pampanga. Philippin·e agriculturist, v. 1: 7-8. S17.P53. 1930. Forestry in the Philippines. The government employee, v. 1, no. 2: 15-16, 33-34. Port. JQ1349.P4G7. 1933. Wild animal life conservation. Makiling Echo, v.12, no. 2: 79-84. SD1.M2. GABRIEL, PROCESO.-Univ. of Santo Tomas; 731 Calero, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Medicine. Sta. Cruz, Manila, July 3, 77. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 95; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 03. · Municipal Physician, 290628-14 820 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GABRIEL, PROCESO-Continued. Bu. of Health, Manila, 03-15; Asst. Surgeon, Philip. Health Service, 15-24. Member, Infant Mortality Committee; Chairman, Leprosy Committee; Member, Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso:, Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Mortalidad del distrito de Tondo. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.1: 274-284. Tables. R97.5: R4. Parasitos intestinales en Filipinas y su infiuencia en la salud privada y publica. Lema: Medico por la Universidad de Sto. Tomas. In Manila. Ateneo. Parasitos y SU infiuencia en la salud privada y publica. 132 p. QL757.M2. 1911. Contribuci6n al tratamiento del ta6n o beriberi infantil. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 441-452. R97.5: R4. 1912. Higiene escolar. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 456-467. R106.A8. 1913. La peste en Manila; algunas consideraciones desde el punto de vista sanitaria. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 740-744. R97.5:-R4. Tetanus umbilical. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 155-158. R97.5: R4. 1914. Philippine Islands committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Report of the government committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands, January 31, 1914. Manila, Bur. of print. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Publication, no. 6. RA610.P5. Sanitation in Manila and in the provinces. In Philippine Islands committee for the investigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Infant mortality in the Philippine Islands, p. 400-438. RA610P5. Umbilical tetanus. In Philippine Islands committee for the inc vestigation of excessive infant mortality in the Philippine Islands. Infant mortality in the Philippine Islands, p. 571-573. RA610.P5. Portadores del vibri6n colerico: Su importancia en la sanitaci6n. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asambleu regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 502-507. Tables. R106.A8. Temperatura y humedad y su relaci6n con la mortalidad inf~ntil en Manila. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 487-501. Tables, fold. chart. R106.A8. 1918. Disenteria y parasitos intestinales, por PROCESO GABRIEL y M. LLORA. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9: 1-4. R97. 5: R4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 821 GABRIEL, PROCESO-Continued. 1918. 1923. 1925. 1931. La fiebre tifoidea en Filipinas, por LUIS E. GUERRERO Y PROCESO GABRIEL. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 123~ 141; also in Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 9: 311-315, 353-369. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. Observaciones sobre el c6lera de 1916, por PRocEso GABRIEL y BONIFACIO MENCIAS. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 361-363; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8: 497-499. R97.5:R4. R106.A8. Control de la fiebre tifoidea en la ciudad de Manila. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 2-11. Tables. R97.5: R4. La segregaci6n de los leprosos. Unitas, v.4: 217-226. LH7.U5. Something on leprosy. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 49-57. Illus., photo. R97.5: R4. Something on tuberculosis. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5: 33-34. R97.5: S2. GENER.AL CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Establishment of emergency camps following great disasters. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2: 113115. RA319.A31. 1923. Philippine Islands health service. A simple manual for sanitary inspectors, prepared, by JOSE P. BANTUG, PROCESO GABRIEL and MANUEL v. ARGUELLES under the direction of VICENTE DE JESUS, director of health. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus., plates, diagrs., plan. RA429.P52. 1927. Las epidemias de c6lera en Filipinas, por L. LOPEZ RIZAL y P. GABRIEL. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18: 278-289. Table. R97.5: R4. 1933. Spanish military hospitals in Manila. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 168-172. R97.5: R4. GALANG, FRANCISCO G.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 192 Vision, Sampaloc; San Simon, Pampanga. Horticulture. San Simon, Pamp., July 27, 88. B. Agr., U. P., 14. Asst. Agric. Insp., Bu. of Agr.; Station Supt., Asst. Horticulturist, Supervising Insp. of Horticultural Stations, Chief, Hort. Sect.; Chief of Experiment Stations, Bu. of Agr.; Chief, Hort. Section, Bu. of Plant Industry. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Color variation in seed crops of cultivated legumes. Philippine agriculturist, v. 5: 79-101. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1927. Top-working of unproductive trees. Philippine agricultural review, v.20: 281-287. Illus. S17.P5. 1928. Observations on the tea industry of Java and In do-China. Philippine agricultural review, v. 21: 443-448. Plates. Sl 7.P5. 822 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GALANG, FRANCISCO G.-Continued. 1931. Experiments on cassava at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan. Philippine journal . of agriculture, v. 2: 179-188. Tables. Sl 7.P51. Experimental tapping of para rubber at the Halcon rubber experiment station, Baco, Mindoro. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 315-339. Plates, tables. Sl 7.P51. 1932. Sweet potato experiments at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 91-104. Tables. S17.P5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. Yam culture. Philippine agricultural review, v.13: 63-72. Plates, tables. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular, no.115. S301.A55. Sl7.P5. 1922. Some varieties of citrus fruits for· the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v. 15: 44-48. Plates. Sl 7.P5. 1924. Experiments on vegetative propagation of tropical fruits at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and ANIANO R. ELAYDA. Phi"lippine agricultural review, v. 17: 203-205. Sl 7.P5. 1925. A preliminary report on the acclimation of pop corn at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and P. L. PAULINO. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 291295. Tables. S17.P5. A preliminary report on spacing of corn at Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and P. L. PAULINO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 213-282. Tables, plates. S17.P5. A progress report on forage crops investigations at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and P. L. PAULINO. Philippine agricultural review, v.18: 3-31. Tables, plates, illus. Sl 7.P5. A progress report of the corn variety test at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and P. L. PAULINO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 18: 9-105. Tables, plates, diagrs. Sl 7 .P5. A progress report on the peanut variety test at the Lamao experiment station, Lamao, Bataan, by F. G. GALANG and P. L. PAULINO. P.hilippine agricultural review, v.18: 261-272. Tables, plates. Si 7.P5. 1926. A report on the rubber industry in Mindanao. Philippine agricultural review, v.19: 3-47. Tables. S17.P5. 1927. Para rubber in Bataan. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 461-468. Tables. Sl 7.P5. 1928. Coffee culture. Philippine agricultural review, v. 21 :345-397. Plates, tables. Sl 7.P5. Para rubber in Mindoro. Philippine agricultural review, v. 21: 141-160. Plates, tables. Sl 7 .P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 828 GALANG, FRANCISCO G.-Continued. 1928. The rubber industry in the middle east. Philippine Islands Bu. reau of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 42. S301.A5. 1929. Cultural directions for cacao. Philippine farm journal, v. 1, no. 6: 19, 27. S17.P518. The forage and other filed crops projects of the Division of plant investigations of the Bureau of agriculture, by M. MANAS Y CRUZ and F. G. GALANG. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22: 183-185. Sl 7.P5. The rice, sugar cane, tobacco, and corn project of the Division of plant investigations of the Bureau of agriculture, by M. MANAS Y CRUZ and F. G. GALANG. Philippine agric't(,ltural review, v. 22: 43-70. S17.P5. 1932. Yields of para rubber in Bataan. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3 :145-153. Tables. Sl 7.P51. GALANG, RICARDO E.-Bu. of Science; 976 C. Pennsylvania, Malate; Apalit, Pampanga. Anthropology. Apalit, Pampanga, Sept. 26, 94. B. A., Univ. Philip., 17; Ph. B., 20, M. A., 23, Univ. Philip. Museum Asst., Philip. Lib. & Museum, 23; Leet., Univ. Philip., 24-27; Curator Philip. Lib. & Museum, 23-29; Curator, Nat. Museum, 2931; Curator, Bu. of Sci., 31 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GALLARDO, MARCELINO MENDOZA.-Dumaguete, Oriental Negros. Medicine. San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Apr. 26, 88. Ph. C., Northwestern Sch. of Pharmacy, 09; M. D., Univ. of Ill., 10. District Health Officer, Oriental Negros, 11-12; Colony Physician, Iwahig, 13; Dir. of Hosp., Sulu, 15-17; Asst., Def. H. 0., Zamboanga, 18. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. · The disposal of human feces in the Philippines and a new inexpensive sanitary water closet applicable in provinces designed, by M. M. GALLARDO asissted by C. M. ALCAzAR. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 543-554. Illus. R106.A8. 1917. A contribution on the cooperative technique of appendectomy. Rei•ista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 8: 85-90. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1932. The logical strategy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis .. San Juan de Dias hospital. Bulletin, v. 6: 315-321. R97.5: S2. Treatment of peritonitis. Revista filipina de medicina y farma,..cia, v. 23: 166-168. R97.5: R4. 1933. May it be possible to trace the etiology of cancer to some nutri:... tional disorder? Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 580-581. R97.5: R4. Preliminary observations in the direct treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 89-93. R97.5: R4. 824 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GALLARDO, MARCELINO MENDOZA-Continued. 1934. The treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. San Juan de Dws hospital. Bulletin, v. 8: 217-239. R97.5: S2. Tumor a manifestation of extraordinary cellular activity caused by nutritional disorder. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 25: 56. R97.5: R4. The way to national economic emancipation. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 25: 102. R97.5: R4. GALVEZ, NICOLAS L.-Coll. of Agr., Los Banos, Laguna; Bay, Laguna. Agricultural Chemistry. Bay, Laguna, May 5, 03. B. S., Univ. of Minnesota, 25; Ph. D., Univ. of Gottigen, Germany, 34. Asst. Chemist, Sugar Mills, Pampanga, 25-26; Instr. Coll. of Agr., U. P., 26-34. Los Banos Biol. Club; Verein der Freunde und Forderes der Landw.; Institute ander Universitat Gottigen; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. On Special detail, Univ. of Gottigen by Univ. of the Philip., 32-34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Chemical studies on coconut products: II. Utilization of the coconut, by N. GALVEZ, R. MORENO and V. G. LAVA. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 163-168. Table. S17.P53. 1930. The use of the antimony electrode in the control of cane juice defecation and for measuring the hydrogen ion concentration of soils. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 219-227. Chart, tables. S17.P53. 1932. The amino-acid content of kandule (Arius spp.), by N. L. GALVEZ and F. 0. SANTOS. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 1-6. Tables. Q75.U5. GAN, TOMAS.-Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health; 1545 Sande, Tondo, Manila. Hygiene. Tondo, Manila, July 24, 04. M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 31. Instr. in Hygiene, Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health, U. P., 31 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Public Health Assn; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. The need of knowledge of natural science in the study of medicine. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 289-292. Q75.U5. 1933. Evolution of public health in the Philippines. Philippine Jsl,ands medical association. Journal, v.13: 81-88. R97.5: P57. GANA, VICENTE Q.-918 Indiana; Binan, Laguna. Chemistry.· Binan, Laguna, Oct. 31, 80. A. B., San Juan de Letran 01; B. S., Leeds Univ., England, 06. Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 06-14; Organizer of Philip. Tannery, Inc. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 825 GANA, VICENTE Q.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1909. The economic possibilities of the mangrove swamps of the Philippines, by RAYMUNDO F. BACON and VICENTE Q. GANA. Phil.ippine journal of science, v. 4 A: 205-210. Tables. Ql.P51. 1913. Clima y aguas de Silang. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 4: 523-527. R97.5: R4. 1914. Water supplies in the Philippine Islands, by ALVIN J. Cox, GEORGE W. HEISE and V. Q. GANA. Philippine journal of science, v. 9 A: 273-411. Ql.P51. 1915. The leather industry of the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 10 A: 349-373. Tables, plates. Ql.P51. 1916. Some Philippine tanbarks. Philippine journal of science, v. llA: 261-265 Tables. Ql.P51. GARCIA, EUSEBIO Y.-Sch. of Hygiene & Public Health; 118 Sta. Monica, Ermita; Biiian, Laguna. Medicine. Biiian, Laguna, Oct. 29, 05. A. A., Univ. Philip., 27; M. D., Univ. Philip., 32; C. P. H., Univ. Philip., 33. Asst. Lecturer, H. & P. H., U. P., 33-34; Instr., H. & P. H., Univ. Philip., 34 --. Manila Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Bailon de la Rama Scholarship in Hygiene & Public Health, Univ. Philip. 1933. A rat tapeworm, Reilheteria garrison transmissible to man, by E. Y. GARCIA and C. M. AFRICA. American journal of pharmacy. (In press). Read in P. I. M. A. convention last December. 1934. On the parasitology of Schistosomiasis japonica with notes on the imminence of its spread to new areas in the Philippine Islands, by E. Y. GARCIA and C. M. AFRICA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14, no. 6. Read in monthly meeting. of Mal}ila medical society, March 1934. R97.5: P57. GARCIA, ONOFRE.-Bureau of Science; 240-(85) Porvenir, Pasay; Bacnotan, La Union. Bacteriology. Bacnotan, La Union, Sept. 21, 88. B. A., San Juan de Letran, 11; M. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 17; Post Graduate courses at Univ. of Chicago, 19-21, Univ. of Ill., 21-22. Asst. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 29 ·--; Asst. Prof. of Bact. and Parasit., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 26 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Bacteriological examination of stools of food handlers in Manila, by 0. GARCIA and A. VASQUEZ-COLET. Philippine journal of science, v. 24: 735-741. Tables. Ql.P56. 826 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GARCIA, ONOFRE-Continued. 1925. Results of blood cultures during the recent typhoid investigation in Manila, by G. R. LACY and ONOFRE P. GARCIA. Philip'Jline Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 83-85. R97.5: P57. 1927. An inquiry as to the pathogenicity of blastocystis hominis. PhiZip'Jline Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 251-254. R97.5: P57. A pleomorphic and gas-forming bipolar bacilus isolated from the lymph glands of slaughtered cattle. Philip'Jline journal of science, v. 33: 331-347. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1928. Notes on the serological relationship of the choleralike vibrios isolated from human beings and from waters in Manila. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 187-198. Tables. Ql.P56. 1929. The relation of the Wassermann and the Kahn reactions with re. gard to treponema antigen. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 79-87. Tables. Ql.P56. 1930. Carbohydrate and seroTogical determinations of the bipolar gasforming and non-gas-forming organisms isolated from lymph glands of slaughtered cattle. Philippine journal of science, v. 43: 565-575. Tables. Ql.P56. Serologic reciprocity between yaws and syphilis, by OTTO ScHOBL and ONOFRE GARCIA. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 203217. Diagrs. Ql.P56. 1933. Serologic study of cerebrospinal fluids in Philippine monkeys inoculated with yaws, syphilis, or both. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 50: 199-203. Tables. Ql.P56. GAVINO, CATALINO.-San Lazaro Hospital, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. Diphtheria in the Philippine Islands, by LIBORIO GoMEZ, AMANDO M. KAPAUAN, and CATALINO GAVINO. Philip'Jline journal of science, v. 17: 37-46. Tables. Ql.P56. 1924. Casos de fiebre tifoidea registrados en el hospital de San Lazaro, Manila, Islas Filipinas. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.15: 30-42. Tables. R97.5: R4. Result obtained from the various treatments of leprosy at San Lazaro hospital, 1920-1924, by CATALINO GAVINO and SAMUEL TIETZE. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 551-559. Also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 50-61. Tables. R97.5: P57. RA319.A31. 1927. Cholera cases admitted in San Lazaro hospital from September 1, to November 30, 1925. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 3-7. Tables. R97.5: P57. GAZA Y HERNANDEZ, CLARO.-San Miguel Brewery, Manila; 39 San Luis, Pasay, Rizal; 48 Rivera St., Malabon, Rizal. Chemistry. Malabon, Rizal, Aug. 13, 02. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 21; Univ. Philip., 21-22; Ph. D., Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 29. UniverANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 827 GAZA Y HERNANDEZ, CLARO-Continued. sitats Chemische Gesellschaft, Zurich, Switzerland; Schwerizerische Chemische Gasellschaft, Switzerland; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1929. Uber die katalytische hydrierung von phenol-und naphtolathern mit platin und wasserstoff. Zurich, Diss.- druckerei A. -G Gehr. Leeman & c., Inaug.-diss. (Ph. D.)- Universitat Zurich. QD 341.P5G2. GERKEN, EDNA.-Republican City, Nebraska. Health Education. Blue Rapids, Kansas, Feb. 15, 89. A. B., Washburn Coll., Kansas, 14; C. P. H., Mass. Institute of Tech., 26. Research Asst., Health Education, Mass. Inst. of Tech.; Instr. in Health Education, Y. M. C. A. Coll., Springfield, Mass.; Health Specialist, Bu. of Education, Manila, 29-34. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GEMIL Y GANA, MIGUELA.-Sacred Heart Hospital; 374 Looban, St., Manila; Biiian, Laguna. Obstetrics. Biiian, Laguna, May 8, 34. M. D., Univ. Philip., 18; Certificate, Graduate Sch. of Med. Penn., 23; Touch Course, N. Y. Lying-in Hosp., 21. Physician, Mary Chiles Hosp., 18-21; Am. Red Cross, 19-21; Misericordia Hosp., 2633; The Sacred Heart Hosp. 33 --. Preston Retreat, Phil., 2122; Philadelphia Hosp. for Mental Dis. 23-24; Dir., Sacred Heart Hosp., 34. Manila Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GONZAGA, ARCADIO C.-Vet. Coll., Pandacan; 506 Echague; Tanauan, Batangas. Veterinary Medicine. Tanauan, Batangas, Jan. 12, 02. D. V. M., Coll. of Vet. Sci., Univ. Philip., 26; Ph. D., Cornell Univ., 33. Instr., Univ. Philip., 28 --. Am. Veterinary Medical Assn.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Phil. zeta; Asso., Nat. Res. C:ouncil P. I. U. P. Fellow to the Univ. of Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y., 31-33. 1929. A carcinoma in a cantonese hen, by A. K. GOMEZ and A. C. GONZAGA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 133-138. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1930. The normal temperature, pulse and respiration rates of Philippine horses. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 237-242. Sl 7.P53. 1933. The ketones of the blood and urine of the cow and ewe in health and disease, by J. SAMPSON, A. c. GONZAGA, and c. E. HAYDEN. The Cornell veterinarian, v. 23: 185. SF601.C8. 1394. Studies on sugar and calcium partition in the blood of normal and diseased animals. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 4, no. 1: 1-40. Q75.U5. GONZALES, LEON G.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Baliwag, Bulacan. Plant Physiology. Baliwag, Bulacan,. Nov. 28, 97. A. B., U. P., 20; B. S. A., U. P., 22; M. S., U. P., 23; Ph.D., Cornell Univ., 27. Instr. in Agro., 27-32, Asst. Prof. of Agro., 32 --, U. P. Sigma Xi; 828 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GONZALES, LEON G.-Continued. Los Banos Biol. Club; Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Res. Council; Am. Soc. of Plant Physiologists; Am. Soc. for Horticultural Science; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Cornell Univ., 24-27. SCIENTIJ'IC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Some methods of a sexual propagation of the avocado. PhiliJ>pine agriculturist, v. 13: 423-440. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1931. A study of the respiration of tl:ie chico, Achras zapota Linn. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 341-348. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. 1932. Influence of smudging on the respiration and catalase activity of the mango, Mangifera indica Linn. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 264-266. Q75.U5. An improved seedling variety of chico (Achras zapota Linn. var. Ponderosa). Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 604-605. Illus. Sl7.P53. 1933. Influence of smudging on the respiration and catalase activity of the mango Mangifera indica Linn. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 533-540. Illus., tables. Sl 7 .P53. GONZALES, LEON MA.-Division of Statistics, Dept. of Agr. and Commerce; 511 Perez. Statistics. B. A., 16, B. S. _C., 18, Univ. Philip. Chief, Editorial Section, Bu. of Commerce; Prof., Univ. of Manila; Chief, Statistics Div., Dept. of Agr. and Commerce. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. The role of the Bureau of commerce and industry in the industrial and commercial development of the Philippines. National forum, v. l, no. 5: 21-30. AP8.N2. 1931. A glimpse of business conditions abroad. Commerce and industry journal, v. 7, no. 2: 9, 17. HF41.C8. GONZALES, RODOLFO.-San Juan de Dios Hospital; Bacolod, Occ. Negros. Veterinary Medicine. Born in Bacolod, Occ. Negros. D. V. M., U. P., M. D., University Sto. Tomas 21. Physician San Juan de Dios Hospital; Prof., Univ. Sto. Tomas. Asso., Nat. Research Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1926. Rabies in animals and its relation to man. Unitas, v. 5: 204208. LH7.U5. 1931. Blood viscosity: its relation to blood-pressure and coagulation time in disease among filipinos. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5: 305-317. Illus., tables. R97.5: S2. 1932. Annual report of surgical cases admitted in San Juan de Dios hospital duringi the year 1931. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6: 189-196. Tables. R97.5: S2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 829 GONZALES, RODOLFO-Continued. ' 1932. George Washington-The man. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6: 100-102. R97.5:S2. Rabies in animals and its dangers to man. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6: 107-114. R97.5: S2. The surgical risk of diabetic patients. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6: 304-311. R97.5: S2. 1933. Activities of the Department of physiotherapy, S. Juan de Dios hospital, with special emphasis on the treatment of neurosyphylis by artificial fever. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 7: 63-86. Tables, diagrs. R97 .5: S2. GONZALES, SALUSTIANO S.-Bu. of Plant Industry, Manila; 24 East Riverside Road, San Francisco del Monte, P. I.; San Pablo, Laguna. Agronomy. Sampaloc, Manila, June 8, 03. B. Agr., 25, B. S. A., 27, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip. Asst. Entom., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 25-28; Asst. Agronomist, Bu. of Plant Industry, 2'8 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. The sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius, Fabr.) Philippine agriculturist, v.14: 257-281. Plates, fold. tables. Sl 7.P53. 1932. Further studies of the biology of the migratory locust (Pachytylus migratorioides Reiche and Fairm), Locustidae orthoptera. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 3: 1-38. Tables, plates. S17.P51. 1931. The squash beetle Orthaulaca similis. Philippine Islands Bureau of Plant Industry. Contribution to knowledge of Philippine agriculture, p. 122-123. S301.A94. GORDON, ALEXANDER.-La Carlota Sugar Central, Occ. Negros; Ynchausti & Co., Manila. Engineering. Calamba, Laguna, Jan. 4, 02. B. Agr., 23, B. S. A., 24, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip.; M. Sc. A., 25, Ph. D., 27, Corne! Univ. Asst. in Rural Engin. Coll. of Agr., U. P., 23-24; Instr., Agric. Engin., Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 27-31; Asst. Prof. of Agric. Engin., 28-31, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip; Agriculturist & Chief, Dept. of Agr. & Expts., La Carlota Sugar Central 31 --. Fellow, Am. Assn. for Advancement of Sci.; Am. Soc. of Agric. Engineers; Philip. Soc. of Sugar Technologists; Chairman, Agric. Section, 32; Vice-President 32-33; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. P. I. Pensionado to Cornell Univ., 24-27. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. A gravity gate, or a simple self-closing gate. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 117-123. Illus. diagrs. Sl 7.P53. 1929. Studies on cement mortars and concrete: I-Effect of common salt on the tensile strength of cement mortars, by ALExANDER GoRDON and ISABELO SONZA. PhiUppine agriculturist, v. 18: 1318. Diagr., tables. S17.P53. 830 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GORDON, ALEXANDER-Continued. 1929. Twenty years of athletics in the College of agriculture, 1909-1929. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18 :345-352. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P53. A summary of studies on the depth of irrigation water for lowland rice in western Laguna. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 579-592. Fold.· Tables, plate. S17.P53. Surveying per area with a surveyor's staff. Philippine agriculturist, v.18, no. 4:201-205. S17.P53. 1932. The use of cyanogas in the control of rats. Sugar news, v. 13 :811-812. TP375.S4. 1933. Locust damage on sugar cane. Sugar news, v.14:323-327. TP375.S4. Agricultural research. Sugar news, v. 14 :499. TP375.S4. 1934. An interpretation of results of fertilizer tests on sugar cane. Sugar news, v. 15:147-153. TP375.S4~ Notes on sugar cane agriculture. Agricultural life, v. 1, no. 3 :8. S17.A24. GUANZON, GETULIO A.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Dumaran, Palawan. Sugar Technology. Dumaran, Palawan, July 18, 99. B. S. A,. U. P., 25; M. S., Louisiana State, 30; Ph. D., Minnesota Univ., 32. Asst. in Sugar Tech., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 26-28; Instr. in Sugar Tech., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 28 --. Am. Soc. of Agron.; Los Banos Biological Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Louisiana State, 30; to Minnesota, 30-32. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The possibilities of cassava production in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v.16:433-440. Tables. S17.P53. GUERRERO, ALFRED0.-117 A. Mabini, Manila. Medicine. Ermita, Manila, June 28, 86. M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas. Professor, Manila College of Pharmacy .. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Nueva tecnica de histeropexia abdominal. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de filipinas, v. 3:222-228. R106.A8. Poisoning by lllicium religiosum Siebold, by LUIS E. GUERRERO, D. DE LA PAZ and ALFREDO L. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v. 11 B :203-213. Tables. Also in Spanish Revista Filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8:311-323. R97.5:R4 QLP52. Tres casos raros de fiebres eruptivas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3:441-443. R106.A8. GUEVARA, ROMULO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1320 Mangahan, Sta. Cruz; Mariquina, Rizal. Pharmacology. Mariquina, Rizal, Feb. 17, 94. M. D., U. P., 18. Instr. in Pharm., U. P., 19-21; Asst. Prof. 0£ ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 831 GUEVARA, ROMULO-Continued. Pharm., U. P., 21-30; Asso. Prof. of Pharm., U. P., 30 --. PhHip. Is. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; Manila M.ed. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Pharmacodynamics of Datura alba, by FAUSTINO GARCIA and RoMULO GUEVARA. PhiUppine journal of science, v. 20 :599-609. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. 1924. A study on the toxicity of tikitiki extract by parental administration, by FAUSTINO GARCIA and ROMULO GUEVARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 125-132. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1927. Standardization of digitalis, by FAUSTINO GARCIA, ROMULO Gmr VARA and Jos:E E. JIMENEZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:41-51. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1930. Lansium domesticum Correa: I. A study of the chemistry of the rind and the pharmacodynamics 'of the resin obtained therefrom, by PATROCINIO v ALENZUELA, RoMULO GUEVARA and SALUD GARCIA. University of the PhiUppines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :71-90. Illus., tables, plates. Q75.U5. Notes on the fluidextract of ergot. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 2: 50-53. Tables. RS1.P48. GUIDOTE, JOSE.-Bureau of Health, Manila; 515 Perez, Paco, Manila. Medicine. Manila, Dec. 5, 91. M. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 14; C. P.H., Johns Hopkins Univ., 24. District Health Officer, Palawan, 14-16, Bulacan, Leyte, 16-20; Rizal, 20-23, Bu. of Health. Colegio MedicoFarmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat, Res. Council P. I. P. I. Govt. pensionado to Johns Hopkins Univ., 23-24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. Un caso de monstruosidad. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.11:369-371. Illus. R97.5:R4. 1926. Incidence of tuberculosis in occupational groups in the city of'4 Manila, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, J. GUIDOTE and J. P. BANTUG. Na-• tional congress on tuberculosis proceedings, first, p. 147-151. Tables. RC307.N2. 1927. Notas sobre el cancer en Manila, por J. GUIDOTE Y L. LOPEZ RIZAL. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 18 :167-168. Tables. R97.5 :R4. 1928. Malaria death rate. Revis ta filipina ~e medicina y f armacia v.19:121-123. Tables. R97.5:R4. Birth statistics in the city of Manila, by HILARIO LARA and JOSE GUIDOTE. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal. v.8:1-4. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1932. The p:r;esent trend of tuberculosis in the Philippines. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia v. 23:3-8. Tables, diagrs. R97.5:R4. 832 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GUIDOTE, JOSE-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS I927. Remarks on form no. 70 of the Philippine health service. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 619-627. RA3I9.A31. GUTIERREZ, EUSEBIO.-Bureau of Science; 1174 Dart, Paco; Gapan, Nueva Ecija. Chemistry. Gapan, Nueva Ecija, Dec. I6, 93. Pharm. Chem., U. P., I8; B. S. Ch., U. P., I9. Asst., Sch. of Pharm., U. P. I8-I9; Physical Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GUTIERREZ, MARIANO.-Bu. of Plant Ind.; 498 Vermont, Malate; Laoag, Hocos Norte. Agronomy. Laoag, I. N., March 25, 92. B. S. A., U. P., I7. Asst. Agron., 24-28; Plantation Asst., Wrapper Tobacco Project, 28-30; Chief, Agro. Section, Bu. of Pl. Ind., 30 Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS I9I8. The technical agriculturist as a government official in the Department of Mindanao and Sulu-His mission and opportunities. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7:106-I07. SI7.P53. I924. Progress report on five new hybrid varieties of tobacco. Philippzine agricultural review, v. I 7 :253-260. Plates. SI 7.P5. I928. Preliminary partial shade tests with wrapper tobacco in the Cotabato valley. Philippine agricultural review, v. 2I :405-4I6. Tables, diagrs. SI 7 .P5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS I9I8. Selection of some standard Ilocano and Tagalog lowland rices. Philippine agriculturist, v. 6:I36-I52. Tables, illus. SI7.P53. I924. The raising of wrapper tobacco in the Cotabato valley, Mindanao. Philippine agricultural review, v. I7:227-236. Tables. SI7.P5. I927. Wrapper tobacco, by DOMINGO PAGUIRIGAN, MARIANO E. GUTIERREZ and OTHERS. Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Bulletin, no. 41. S301.A5. Wrapper tobacco production at the Pikit and Sarunayan tobacco experiment stations and its relation to the Philippine tobacco problem. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20: 117-133. SI7.P5. GUTIERREZ, PERPETDO.-College of Medicine, U. P.; 502 Rizal Ave.; Florida Blanca, Pamp. Dermatology and Syphylology. Fforida Blanca, Apr. 8, 89. M. D., Northwestern Univ., Chicago, Il. Instr. in Med., U. P., 16-I8; Asst. Prof. of Med., U. P., 18-24; Asso. Prof. of Med., 24 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 833: GUTIERREZ, PERPETUO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. ·Typhoid fever in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 9B :367-378. Tables. Ql.P52. 1921. Campana antivenerea. Revwta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v.12:373-383. R97.5:R4. 1923. The importance of the tertiary manifestations of yaws. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, fifth congress, p. 567-577. Tables. RC960.F24. 1924. La fiebre tifoidea en Filipinas. Revista filipina de medicima y farmacia, v. 4:729-740. Tables. R97.5:R4. 1926. An analysis of 76,532 · cases admitted to the Philippine general hospital, by PERFECTO DIONISIO GUTIERREZ and AUREO FRANCISCO GUTIERREZ. Philippine Islands medilCal association. Journal, v. 6:359-372. R97.5:P57. The duality of yaws and syphylis, by PERFECTO D. GUTIERREZ and PEDRO N. VILLASENOR. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:5-11. R97.5:P57. 1927. Preliminary report on the treatment of yaws by sodium and potassium tartrobismuthate, by P ~ GUTIERREZ and FAUSTINO GARCIA. Revwta filipi7uL de medicina y farmacia, v.18:50-53. Tables. R97.5:R4. On yaws (Framboesia). Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7:628-639. Tables. RA319.A31. 1928. Mongolian blue spot among Filipinos, by PERPmuo DIONISIO GUTIERREZ and JOSE HIZON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:380-383. R97.5:P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Massacre of innocents must stop. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1 :8-10. RA319.A31. 1922. Report of the commission for the suppression of yaws in Paraiiaque. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2 :35-60, 7~-84. Illus., tables. RA319.A31. 1923. A suggestion for intensive yaws campaign. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3:483-484. RA319.A31. 1926. The common skin diseases amo>lg Filipinos. Revista fiUpina de medicina y farmacia, v. 17: 214-217. Also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, 1927, v. 7: 523-526. RA319. A31. R97.5: R4. HENARES, HILARION G.-Isabela Sugar Company, Isabela, Occidental Negros. Sugar Engineering. Bacolod, Occidental Negros, Oct. 21, 95. B. S. C. E., Univ. Philip., 18; B. S. M. E., Univ. Ill., 21; Post Graduate in Sugar Engineering, Univ. of Louisiana, 21-22. Instr. in Physics, La Salle Coll., 18-19; Burgos Institute, 18-19; Efficiency NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL HENARES, HILARION G.-Continued. Engineer, S. E., Brouser & C. San Francisco, U. S., Summer, 20; Testing & Mechanics, Fulton Iron Works, San Luis, Missouri, 22; Supt. of Fabrication, Isabela Sugar C. Inc. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Harrison Fellow to Univ. Philip., 18-19. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. The effect of diseased cane on the Java ratio, by HILARION G. HEN ARES and CATALINO G. AURELIO. Sugar news, v. 10: 328334. Tables, illus. TP375.S4. HERRERA, PILAR.-Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. Philip. Chemistry. Ph. D., Columbia Univ., 22. Asst. Instr. in Chemistry, 16-18, Asst. Prof. of Chemistry, 24 --, Univ. Philip. Sig'lna Xi; Kappa Mu Sigma; Am. Chem. Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Travelling Fellow abroad, 18-22. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Synthesis of dairyl thiophenes and diaryl selenophenes, by M. T. BOGERT and PILAR P. HERRERA. Journal American chemical soci"ety, v. 45: 238. QD1.A63. Researches on selenium organic compounds, by MARSTON T. BoGERT and PILAR P. HERRERA. Journal American chemical society, v. 45 : 238. QD1.A63. 1926. Esters of chaulmoogric acid ( capryl, allyl, phenyl, ortho cresol, meta cresol, para cresol), by PILAR P. HERRERA and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 31: 161-168. Ql.P56. 1927. Anilides and toluides of chaulmoogric acid. Philippine journal of science, v. 32: Ql.P56. HESTER, EVETT DORREL.-Malacafiang Palace; Capron, Ill. Economics. Capron, Ill., May 25, 93. B. A., Northwestern Univ., Evanston. Teacher in Econ. & Physics, Cebu; Principal, Cagayan, Misamis, San Fernando, La Union; Asso. Prof. of Econ., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 19; Prof. of Econ., U. P., 20-25; Actg. Dean, Coll. of Agr., 25; Asst. Am. Commercial attache to Spain, 25-29; Am. Trade Commissioner, P. I., 3(). Trade Adviser to the Gov.-Gen. of the Philippine Islands. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. The course in farm accounting at the Collegtl of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 9 : 29-32. Sl 7.P53. 1921. Tenancy on coconut holdings in the municipality of Looc, Province of Romblon, by EVETT D. HESTER and GERONIMO M. MINANO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 145-168. Fold. tables. Sl 7.P53. 1923-24. Current economics of tropical production, III. The Philippine Islands as a market for American rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 355-358. Sl 7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 836 HESTER, EVETT DORREL-Continued. 1924. Relation of the College of agriculture to lower schools. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 481-513. Illus., tables (2 fold.) Sl 7. P53. "The higher education of the future." Philippi,ne agriculturist, v. 13 : 261-262. Sl 7.P53. 1930. Business conditions in the provinces. Commerce and indl.l.strr journal, v. 6, 11: 8, 11. HF41.C8. Philippine business conditions. 8, 2p. mimeographed. HF5349. P5H5. HILARIO, JOSE S.-Univ. Sto. Tomas; 912 M. H. del Pilar, Manila. Pathology. Born in 86. M. D., Univ. Philip., 11. Prof. of Path., and Head of Dept. of Path., U. S. T.; Prof. of Derm. and Syphil., U. S. T. Manila Med. Soc.; Councilor, P. I. M. A.; Colegio MedicoFarmaceutico de Filipinas; Jour. Club, San Juan de Dios Hosp., Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. HIZON, PRIMO H.-549 P. Paterno, Manila. Pharmacy. Mexico, Pampanga, Feb. 9, 72. Licentiate in Pharmacy, Univ. Santo Tomas, 92. Prof. in Quantitative Chemistry, 06-25. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Algunas consideraciones sobre la preparaci6n de recetas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 385-392. R97.5: R4. 1912. Necesidad de una farmacopea filipina. Memorias y comunicaciones de la primer a Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de filipinas, v. 1: 29-37. R106.A8. 1931. Tiki-tiki extract in the treatment of adult beriberi. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22, 7: 215-221. R97.5: R4. HOBBS, KENNETH L.-Afable Coll. of Med., Manila. Anatomy. Linden Md., Jan. 3, 08. A. B., George Wash., 29; Minnesota, 30; Stanford, 31-32; Puget Sound Biol. Sta., 28; Hopkins Marine Sta., 29. Asst., Dept. of Bot., George Wash., 27-29; Asst. Comp. Anat., Minnesota, 30; Stanford, 32; Prof. of Anatomy and Head of the Dept., Afable Med. College, 32 --. Soc. Mammal; Ecol. Soc; Soc. lchthyol. & Herp.; Wash. Biol. Soc.; Vivarium Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. HOCSON, FELIX.-School of Pharmacy, U. P.; 1616 Maytubig, Malate. Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Sta. Cruz, Manila, May 2, 84. Ph. C., Univ. Michigan, 09; Pharm. D., Sto. Tomas, Manila, 16; D. D. S., Philip. Dental Coll., 23. Instr. in Pharmacology, 10; Asst. Prof. of Pharmacy, 14; Asst. Prof. & Actg. Dir., Sch. of Pharmacy, 16, Univ. Philip.; Asso. Prof., 17, Prof. & Chief, Dept. of Pharmacy, 19, Actg. Head, Dept. of Pharm. Chemistry, & Actg., Dir., School of Pharmacy, 27, Sch. of Pharmacy, Univ. Philip. Colegio Medico29os2s---11i 836 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL HOCSON, FELIX-Continued. Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Manila Medical Soc.; Philip. Pharmaceutical Assn.; Philip. Stomatologists; Nat. Dental Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Rice as food: investigation of the nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism on a diet consisting principally of rice and other vegetable foodstuffs, by HANS ARON and FELIX HocsoN. Philippine journal of science v. 6B : 361-381. Tables. Ql.P52. 1916. Estudio de los alimentos comunmente usados en las Islas Fiiipinas. · Revista filipina de medicina y farrnacia, v. 1: 487-499. Ta~les. R97.5: R4. IGNACIO, PATRICIO.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; Binalbagan, Kawit, Cavite. Medicine. Naic, Cavite, Mar. 16, 97. B. A., U. P, 20; M. D., U. P., 24. Instr. in Med., U. P., 28 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Sodium citrate as a hemostatic, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Isl,ands '111.edical association. Journal, v. 6 : 11-15. R97.5 : P57. 1927. Clinical mimicry in malaria, by WENCESLAO VITUG and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Isl,ands medical association. Journal, v. 7 : 275-282. R97.5 : P(i7. Pericarditis with effusion; a case report. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1 : 116-118, 124. R97.5 : S2. 1928. Plasmochin in malaria. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2 : 21-24, 31. R97.5 : S2. The popular conception of "pasma" and "taon". San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 141-144. R97.5: S2. 1930. Causes C'f errors in clinical diagnosis on patients in the medical department, Philippine general hospital, who died in 1927 and 1928. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 153-157. R97.5: P57. Preliminary report on the treatment of typhoid fever by Agostineli's method, by LUIS GUERRERO and PATRICIO IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 370-375. Fold. ables. R97.5: P57. 1933. Diagnostic value of the different examinations of the pleural and peritoneal fluids in the Philippines, by ANTONIO G. SISON, P. IGNACIO and A. ADORABLE. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13 : 22-25. Tables. R97.5 : P57. IRA CONCEPCION, FELIX.-Manila Coll. of Pharmacy & Dentistry; 154 Villalobos, Quiapo, Manila; 2003 Rizal Ave. Clinical Pathology. Meykawayan, Bulacan, June 11, 97. A. B., Ateneo de Manila 15; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 20. Resident Physician, San Juan de Dios Hosp., 20-27; Actg. Prof. of Chemical Pathology, Univ. Sto. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 837 IRA CONCEPCION, FELIX-Continued. Tomas, 2'7-33; Prof. of Bacteriology, Philip. Dental Coll., 32-33; Instr. in Bacteriology, Parasitology, Manila Coll. of Pharmacy, 22-23. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Journal Club; S. Juan de Dios Hosp.; Private Federation of Medical Practitioners; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Estudio sobre la fiebre tifoidea, by Jos'E S. HILARIO and FELIX IRA CoNCEPCI6N. Revista fiUpina de medicina y farmacia, v.16:244-247. Table. R97.5:R4. 1927. Reconocimiento, prevenci6n y tratamiento de la malaria. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1:50-51. R97.5:S2. 1930. La cirugia ginecol6gica de los anexos. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4:168-171. Illus. R97.5:S2. 1932. Experiencias de once anos como pat6logo clinico. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6:45-50. R97.5:S2. JACINTO, NICANOR.-Univ. Sto. Tomas; 1029 Plaza Leon XIII, Tondo. Surgery. Born in 86. M. D., U. S. T., 11. Asso. Prof. of Surg., U.S. T. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Med-Farm. de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1912. Contribuci6n al tratamiento de la placenta previa. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3: 569-579. Tables. R97.5:R4. JESUS, ZACARIAS DE.-Veterinary Research Lab., Pandacan, Manila; 208 Martin Ocampo, Manila; l\filagors, Masbate. Veterinary Parasitology. Milagros, Masbate, Sept. 6, 97. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 24. Lab. Asst. in Parasitology, Coll. of Veterinary Sci., Univ. Philip., 21-24; Instr. Bu. of Educ., Baguio, 24-25; Instr., 25-30, Asst. Prof., Univ. Philip., 30 --; Veterinary Parasitologist, Bu. of Animal Industry, June 33 --. Philip. Soc. of Parasitology; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. The germicidal properties of the mixture of kerosene and coconut oil. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 521-529. Read before the Los Banos Biological club. Sl 7.P53. 1930. Epizootic lymphangitis and glanders among· Philippine ponies with special reference to the occurrence of mixed infections, by A. K. GOMEZ and Z. DE JESUS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19 : 273-281. Tables, illus. S17.P53. 1931. A bacteriological analysis of the Los Banos colleges water supply with special reference to its potability. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 507-518. Tables diagrs. S17.P53. 838 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL JESUS, ZACARIAS DE-Continued. 1932. Studies on cysticercosis in Philippine swine. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science, bulletin, v. 2: 61-72. Read before the Philippine veterinary medical association. Q75. U5. 1933. 'fhe resistance of the eggs and larvae of swine kidney worm, Stephanurus dentatus Diesing, with special reference to the control of stephanuriasis. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 677694. Read before the Los Banos Biological Club and the Philippine veterinary medical association. Sl 7 .P53. 1934. Experiments on the control of the common water leech, Hirudinaria manillensis. The Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 53: 4763. Read before the Philippine science convention. Ql.P56. Haemorrhagic filariasis in cattle caused by a new species of Parafilaria: A new disease of cattle. Philippine journal of acience. (In press) . GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Notes ~n an examination of Philippine swine for trichinae. Bureau. of animal industry gazette, v. 2, No. 2 : 11-12. . SF1.B9. 1933. Some important poultry parasites. Bureau of animal industTy gazette. Radio talk over station KZRM Radio Manila. SF1.B9. The repellent and killing effects of gordura grass on the larvae of the cattle tick, Boophilus austratis. Philippine journal of animal industry. (In press.) Read before the Philippine veterinary medical association. JIMENEZ, JOSE.-Farmacia San Fernando. Pharmacy. A. B., 20; Ph. C., 21; Univ. Philip.; Phar. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 25. Asst. in Chem., Univ. Philip., 21; Instr. in Pharmacology, U. P., 21-23; Vice-Pres., Colegio Medico-Farm. de Filipinas, 34 --; Prof. of Materia Medica, Afable Med. Coll.; Treas., Philip. Pharm. Assn., 31-32; Member Board of Pharm. Examiners & lnsp., 30-34; Chairman, Board of Phann. Examiners, 34 --; Manager and Proprietor, Farmacia San Fernando. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Standardization of digitalis, by FAUSTINO GARCIA, RollrlULO Gmr VARA and JOSE E. JIMENEZ. Philippine Islands medical airsociation. Journal, v. 7 : 41-51. Tables. R97.5 : P57. 1928. A note on the oil of Philippine chenopodium. Philippine phaT7TUJ,ceutical association. Journal, v. 1 : 59-62. Table. RS1.P48. 1929. The isolation of the active principle and the pharmacodynamics of Eurycles amboinensis (L.) Lindl. Philippine pharmaceutical aSBociation. Journal, v. 1 : 185-192. Tables, illus. RS1.P48. J-OSON, Y PABLO TORIBIO.-Insular Psychopathic Hosp., Mandaluyong, Rizal. Pirychiatry. Gapan; Nueva Ecija, Apr. 27, 95. B. A., Univ. Philip., 15; M. D., Univ. Philip., 20. Resident Physician, BayomANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 839 JOSON, Y PABLO TORIBIO-Continued. bong Hosp., 2'0-21; Chief, Bayombong Hosp. & District Health Officer, Philip. Health Service, 21-23; Dist. Health Officer, Philip. Health Service, 23-26; Asst. Alienist, Insular Psychopathic Hosp., 28. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow to Harvard Med. Sch. & other Schools in America & Europe, 26-28. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Prophylaxis and treatment of simple goiter in Pefiaranda and Papaya, Nueva Ecija. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.17. R97.5 : R4. 1929. Practical aspects of psychiatry. Read before the Colegio medico y farmaceutico de Filipinas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20 : 184-188. R97.5 : R4. 1931. Preliminary report on typhoid-paratyphoid vaccine treatment of dementia precox. Philippine Islands medical association. journal, v. 11: 405-411. Read before the Philippine Islands medical association. R97 .5: P57. 1g32. On the prevention of mental diseases. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23 : 467-472. Also in Philippine Islands health service Monthly bulletin, 1932, v. 12: 371-377. Read before the Colegio medico y farmaceutico. R97.5 : R4. 1933. Morbid mental trends of the major psychoses among Filipinos. PMlippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13: 557-561. Read before the Philippine Islands medical association. R97. 5: P57. JULIANO, JOSE.-Agricultural College, Laguna. SCIENTIFIO CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Additional cyanophoric plants of the Makiling region. Philippine agricult•.1,rist, v. 11 : 231-232. Sl 7.P53. 1924. Absorption of culture solutions by coco-palm roots, by R. B. EsPINO .'lnd JOSE B. JULIANO. Philippine journal of science, v. 25: 51-73. Ql.P56. 1926. Origin, development, and nature of the stony layer of the coconut (Cocos nucifera Linnaeus). Philippine journal of science, v. 30: 187-200. Plates. Ql.P56. 1927. Development of ovule embryo sac of Cocqs nucifera, by EDUARDO QursuHBING and JOSE B. JULIANO. College of agriculture, Loe Banos Experiment station. Contribution, No. 459. Illus. Botanical gazette, v. 84: 279-293. QK1.B5. 1931. Floral morphology of Lyonothamnus fioribundus. Botanical gazette, v. 91 : 426-440. QK1.B5. Morphology of the male flower of Cocos nucif era Linnaeus, by JOSE B. JULIANO and EDUARDO QUISUMBING. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 449-458. Plates. Ql.P56. Morphologicai study of the flower of Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) Presl. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20 : 177-186. Plates. S17.P53. 840 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL JULIANO, JOSE-Continued. 1932. The cause of sterility in Spondias purpurea, Linn. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 15-24. Plates. Sl 7 .P53. Floral morphology of the mango (Mangifera indica Linn.) with special reference to the pico variety from the Philippines, by J. B. JULIANO and N. S. CUEVAS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 449-467. S17.P53. 1933. Additional cyanophiric plants of the Makiling region: IV. Phuippine agriculturist, v. 22 : 254-257. Sl 7.P53. Floral morphology of Musa errens (Blanco) Teodoro var. botoan Teodoro, by JOSE B. JULIANO and PROCESO E. ALCALA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22 : 91-116. Plate. Sl 7.P53. 1934. Studies on the morphology of Meliaceae: I. Sandoricum koetjape (Burm. f.) Merrill. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23 : 11-35. Sl 7.P53. Studies on the morphology of the Meliaceae: II. Sterility in santo, Sandoricum koetjape (Burm. f.) Merrill. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23 (September number). Sl 7 .P53. The anatomy and morphology of the buiiga, Aeginetia indica Linneaus. Philippine iournal of science. (In press.) Ql.P56. Origin of embryos in the strawberry mango. Philippine journal of science, (August number) v. 54, no. 8. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1931. The passing of the big bagtican. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20 : 237-238. S17.P53. KALAW, TEODORO.-National Library; 880 Santo!; Lipa, Batangas. Law. Lipa Batangas, Mar. 31, 84. A. B., Liceo de Manila; LI. B., Escuela de Derecho de Manila, 05. Repres. from Batangas, 10-13; Appointed Secretary of the Interior, 21-22; Director of the National Library, 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1933. Our campaign for independence from Taft to Harrison (19011921), by RAFAEL PALMA with annotation by TEODORO M. KALAw. Manila, Bur. of Print. Pub. also in Spanish. DS685.P2. 1930. Ang pinagtatalunang akta ng katipunan, ni Jose P. Santos. Ed. por Teodoro M. Kalaw. National library, Manila. Documentos de la biblioteca nacional de Filipinas, no. 2. Bur. of print., DS675.N2. Epistolario Rizalino. Ed. por Teodoro M. Kalaw. Documentos de la Biblioteca nacional de Filipinas, no. 1. National library, Manila, Bur. of Print., front (port.) fascims., ports. DS675. R6N2. 1932. Cartas sobre la revoluci6n, 1897-1900, por Mariano Ponce. Ed. por Teodoro M. Kalaw. Publicaciones de la biblioteca nacional de Filipinas, no. 9. Manila, Bur. of print. port, fascim. DS679.P7. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 841 KALA W, TEODORO-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. La constituci6n de Malolos. CuUura filipina, v. 1 : 501-519. DS651.C9. 1913. Como puede mejorarse nuestra legislaci6n. Cultura filipina, v. 3, no. 4: 386-411. DS651.C9. 1914. El plan constitucional de la revoluci6n filipina. Cultura filipina, v. 5, no. 1: 1-25. DS651.C9. 1915. La herencia moral de los Filipinos. Cultura filipina, v. 5, no. 6 : 410-448. DS651.C9. 1916. El ejemplo de Mabini ante la juventud Filipina. Philippine review, v.1, no. 5: 37-40. DS651.P58. Nuestra educaci6n del dominio propio. PhUiP'JJine review, v. 1, no. 1: 32-37. DS651.P58. 1917. The lawyer we need. Philippine review, v. 2, no. 9: 76-80. DS 651.P58. 1919. Los escritos de Mabini. Philippine review, v. 4 : 277-287. DS651.P58. 1921. Mabini and Jacinto. Philippine review, v. 6 : 531-537. DS651.P58. 1923. What code of morals our women should have? National forum, v. 2, no. 7: 36-47. AP8.N2. 1924. Philippine Islands. Independence commission. Philippine information pamphlets. Manila, DS651.P54. 1930. Gregorio H. del Pilar (el heroe de Tirad). Documentos de la biblioteca nacional de Filipinas. Port., plate. DS676.8: P6K2. LABAYEN, SEGUNDO D.-Binalbagan Estate Inc., Binalbagan, Occ. Negros. Sugar Chemistry. Talisay, Occ. Negros, Nov. 29, 90. Asst. Chemist, Raceland Central, 16; Oaklaron Refinery, July & Aug., 17; Meeker Refinery, Oct., Nov., Dec., 17; Chief Chemist, Alto Cedro Central Jan.-Apr. 22; Sugar Boiler, Nov. 22-Apr. 23; Supt., Fabrication, Binalbagan Estate Inc., Jan. 24 to Aug, 34, Am. Chemical Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. The chemical composition of Philippine sweet potatoes. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3: 79-80. Table. S17.P53. 1915. Sugar manufacture at the Calamba sugar estate. PhilippiM agriculturist and forester,'v. 4: 92-98. S17.P53. 1928. The Pulupandan control laboratory. Sugar news, v. 9 : 641-648. TP375.S4 Some suggestions to improve the refining quality of the raw sugar. Sugar news, v. 9 : 464-467. Illus. TP375.S4. 1934. Test of Hyflo-super-cel at Binalbagan Central. Sugar news, May, TP375.S4. 842 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LADAO, JOAQUIN.-208-210 Kneedler Bldg., Manila; 609 Colorado, Ermita; San Marcelino, Zambales. Dental Surgery. San Marcelino Zambales, July 17, 88. D. D. S., Chicago Coll. of Dental Surgery, 14. Dir., Philip. Dental Coll., 15-19; Dean, Coll .. of Dentistry, Nat. Univ., Manila, 23 --. Sociedad Dental de Filipinas; Pres., 1st Nat. Dental Convention, 17; Pres., Nat. Dental Assn. of P. I. 28-31; VicePres., Philip. Soc. of Stomatologists; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. LAUREL Y GARCIA, ALBERTO.-Bureau of Health; 5 Calle Paris, Tanauan, Batangas. Bacterwlogy, Entomology. Tanauan, Batangas, Nov. 21, 01. B. Sc., Univ. Chicago, 28. Field Dir., 28-29; Field Dir. & Gr. Bacteriologist, 29-31; Field Dir. & Entomologist 31 --, Bu. of Health. Am. Public Health Assn.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. of Philip. Parasitologists; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Report on the malaria survey of the proposed negative barrio at Malaking Patag (Cogonal Grande), Culion Island, by ANTONIO EJERCITO and ALBERTO G. LAUREL. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 467-479. Tables, plates, map. RA319.A31. 1932. Notes on abnormalities of some anopheles larval. PhJilippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12, no. 12. RA319. A31. Preliminary report on larva and adult densities or stream-breeding anophelines, by C. M. URBANO and A. G. LAUREL. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 555-576. Illus., diagrs. Tables. RA319.A31. 1934. Feeding activities of some Philippi'ne anopheles. Revista filipi114 de medicina y farmacia, v. 25, 7. Read before the Philippine Islands medical association, Dec. 1932. R97.5 :R4. SCIENTIFIO CONTRmUTIONS 1930. Identification of ingested blood in the stomachs of anopheline mosquitoes by means of the precipitin test. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10: ·153-166. Tables. RA 319.A31. Precipitin test on anopheline blood meal. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 537-538. Also in Revista fil,ipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 367-388. Tables, diagrs. R97.5: R4. RA319.A31. 1931. Precipitiu test on anopheline blood meal. Revista fil,ipi:na de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 367-388. Tables, diagrs. R97.5: R4. LAVA, VICENTE G.-181 David, Manila; 74 Wilson St., San Juan, Rizal. Chemistry. Bulacan, Bulacan, Dec. 24, 94. B. S., U. P., 16; Ph. D., Univ. of Columbia, 23. Physical chemist, Bu. of Sci., 23-25; Asso. Prof., U. P., 25-29; Chemist, N. Y. City Appraiser's Lab., U. S. Treas. Dept., 31-34; Res. Asso., N, Y. City, 31-34; Consulting chem., Consolidated Mines Inc. Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Am. Chem. Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 843 LAV A, VICENTE G.-Continued. Philip. Govt. Traveling Fellow, 20-23; Grasselli Fellow, Oberlin Coll., 29-30. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. The possible use of Philippine coals for liquid fuel. Philippine journal of science, v. 28 : 193-204. Tables. Ql.P56. 1926. Calibration of the Bausch and Lomb saccharimeter of the University of the Philippines sugar mill, by V. G. LAVA and J. A. RIVERA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15 :409-414. Tables, diagrs. S17.P53. 1927. Chemical studies on coconut products: I. The critical moldingmoisture content of copra, and some methods of preserving it. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16 : 461-469. Tables, chart. S17.P63. 1928. The application of the method of least squares to the determination of the relationship between cane yields and stools per hectare. Sugar news, v. 9: 460-463. Chart, (fold.) table, illus., TP376.S4. The behavior of the antimony electrode in buffered and unbuffered solutions, by V. G. LAVA and E. D. HEMEDES. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 337-349. Charts, tables. S17.P52. Chemical studies on coconut products: II. Utilization of the coconut, by N. GALVEZ, R. MORENO and V. G. LAVA. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 163-168. Tables. S17.P53. Methods of determining pH with especiaI reference to the quinhydrone electrode, by V. G. LAVA and A. S. HIZON. Sugar news, v. 9 : 16-26. Illus., diagrs. TP376.S4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1927. The relation between employer and employee. Philippi,ne a,griculturist, v. 16: 337-340. S17.P63. LEIVA, LAMBER/f0.---8 Havana, Sta. Ana, Manila. Tropical Medicine. M. D., Univ. Philip., 17; D. T. M., Harvard Medicine, 21. Asst. in Parasitology, 17, Instr. in Parasitology, 19, Asst. Prof. of Parasitology, 21, Asso. Prof. in Parasitology, U. P.; Prof. of Parasitology, Afable Coll. of Med., 34; Editor, Journal Philip Is. Med. Ass., 2S-31. Cambridge Entomological Club, Mass.; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Federation of Private Med. Practitioners; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Calif., Havana, Woods Hale Biol. Lab., 19-21. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Mosquitoes around Manila and vicinity: A health problem. (Abstract.) Philippine journal of science, v. 13B: 339. Ql.P52. 1919. Endam<eba gingivalis Gros. 1849., emend v. Prowazek, 1904. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 10 : 472-480. R97.6 : R4. 1921. Observations on Chilomasti.x intestinalis kuczinski. Journal of parasitology, Urbana, Illinois, v. 8, no. 2: 49. QL757.J8. 844 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LEIVA, LAMBERTO-Continued. 1922. The cultivation of Leishmania infantum and Leptomonas ctenocephali on the triple-N medium. Philippine journal of science, v. 20: 179-183. Tables. Ql.P56. Protozoology, with special reference to its place in the medical curriculum. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2 : 129-13Z. R97.5 : P57. 1923. The effect of stasis on the development of amcebic dysentery in the cat, by ANDREW w ATSON SELLARDS and LAMBERTO LEIVA. Philippine journal of science, v. 22 : 39-42. Table. Ql.P56. Investigations concerning the treatment of amcebic dysentery, by ANDREW WATSON SELLARDS and LAMBERTO LEIVA. Philippine journal of science, v. 22: 1-37. Tables. Q1.P56. 1924. The common whipworm (Trichuris trichiuria) as a health hazard. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4 : 223-226. Table. R97.5 : P67. The experimental therapy of amcebic -Oysentery, by A. W. SELLARDS and L. LEIVA. Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, v. 22, no. 6. RSI.JS. 1925. Echinococcus cyst of the human lung, by W ALFRIDO DE LEON and LAMDF.RTO LEIVA. Philippine journal of science, v. 27 : 351-369. Plates., diagrs., Ql.P56. 1926. Crawford Williamson Long, the discoverer of ana?sthesia. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 163-164. R97.5: P57. 1932. Bactericidal action of DI-Hydranol in human cholera carriers. American journal of tropical medicine, v. 12: 509. RC960.A54. 1934. A fatal case of nondysenteric amcebiasis. Philippme journal of science, v. 53 : 159. Ql.P56. LEON, ANTONIO I. DE.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Manila. Chemistry. Manila, July 31, 94. A. B., 18, B. S. Chem., 20, M. S., 22, U. P.; Ph. D., Univ. of Minnesota, 30. Instr. in Chem., U. P., 21-24; , Asst. Prof. of Chem., U. P., 31 --; U. P. Repres. to Amer. Assn. of Coll. of Pharm., at St. Louis, Missouri, 27. Amer. Chem. Soc.; Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Philippine, Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Minnesota, 25-29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1924. Oxidation of lumbang and linseed oils and of the principal compounds in lumbang oil, by A. P. WEST and ANTONIO I. DE LEON. Philippine journal of science, v. 24: 123-141. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. LERMA, JOSE N.-619, Escolta, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1924. Orthodontia. Revista boie, v. 6, no. 6: 15-18. Illus. R97.5: R45. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 845 LIMSON, MARCIANO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1063 Singalong; Guagua, Pamp. Anatomy. Guagua, Pamp., Jan. 11, 93. M. D., Univ. Philip, 20. Instr. in Anat., U. P., 21-24; Asst. Prof. of Anatomy, Univ. Philip., 24 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; PhHip. Is. Med. Assn. Rockefeller Fellow to Univ. of Minnesota, 28-30. LLAMAS, ROSENDO, R.-Kneedler Bldg.; 524 San Marcelino. Obstetrics. Born in 87. M. D., Univ. Philip., 10. Private Practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Colegio Med.-Farm. de Filipinas. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. A case of tetanus from "fuentes." Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 3 : 6-7. R97.5 : M2. 1929. Contribution to the treatment of the cord without ligature. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3:215-222. Illus. R97.5:S2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1927. Vulgarizaci6n de la obstetricia moderna. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1 : 89-92, 167-176. Illus. R97.5 : S2'. LO,CSIN, CARLOS L.-Victorias Milling Co., Victorias, Occ. Negros. Sugar Chemistry. Silay, Occ. Negros, Jan. 5, 92. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 08; Surveyor, 09; B. S. A., Cornell Univ. 12. Chemist, Association de Hacenderos de Silay, 20-32; Chemist, Asociaci6n de Hacenderos de Victorias, 21-26; Chemist, Victorias Milling Co., 22-32. Philip. Sugar Assn.; Philip Soc. of Sugar Technologists; Hawaiian Sugar Technologists Assn.; Internat. Soc. of Sugar Cane Technologists; Internat. Soc. of Soil Sci.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Locsin comments on distribution of sugar to planters. Sugar news, v. 2:421-423. TP375.S4. The new era in Negros. Sugar news, v. 2 : 466-469. Map, illus. TP375.S4. La nueva era en Negros. Sugar news, v. 2: 586-587. TP375.S4. 1922. The compounding of fertilizers on the plantation. Sugar news, v. 3: 108-109. TP375.S4. 1923. The cane situation from the planters standpoint. Sugar news, v. 4 : 582-584. TP375.S4. Cultivation of sugar cane in western Negros. Sugar news, v. 4 : 521-524, 693-662; v. 5 : 18-21. TP376.S4. Deterioration of burnt cane. Sugar news, v. 4: 239. TP375.S4. 1924. Phosphoric acid and potash in cane juices. Sugar news, v. 5: 394402. TP376.S4. Profit or loss. Sugar news, v. 5: 463-465. TP375.S4. 192'6. Graph for estimating cane costs. Sugar news, v. 7 : 626-631. Illus., graph, tables. TP375.S4. 846 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LOCSIN, CARLOS L.-Continued. 1928. Effect of the variation in pressure on the analysis of the first expressed cane juice. Sugar news, v. 9 : 735-736. Tables. TP375.S4. 1929. Cane variety test. Sugar news, v. 10: 726-730. Tables, illus., diagrs. TP375.S4. 1930. Central and planter and systems on payment for cane. Sugar news, v.11 : 601-608. Tables. TP375.S4. The use of husked vs. cane points for planting. Sugar news, v. 11: 594-600. Tables, illus. TP375.S4. LUCAS, PABLO.-Bureau of Printing; 1330 Herran, Manila; Polo, Bulacan. Printing. Polo, Bulacan, June 30, 89. Graduate of the United Typothetae Sch. of Printing, Indianapolis, 20. Apprentice Printer, Govt. Bu. of Printing, 03-06; Supt. of work, Bu. of Printing, 17-19; Dir., Bu. of Printing, 22-. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. P. I. Govt. Pensionado abroad to specialize in Typography and Gen. Printing Management, 19-21. LIDSTRO, FERNANDO D.-Maridagao Rubber Station, Pikit, Cotabato. Agronomy. Lipa, Batangas, May 30, 91. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 15. Instr., Agronomy, Coll. of Agr., U. P., 20; Technical Asst. Bu. of Non-Christian Tribes, 20-27; Asst. Agronomist Bu. of Plant Industry, 27-31. Philip. Soc. of Technical Agric.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTION 1915. A study of native coffee plantation. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 4 : 153-161. Sl 7.P53. MABBUN, PABLO.-Agric. College, Laguna; Cagayan. Rural Economics. Born in Cagayan. B. S. A., U. P. Instr. in Rural Engineering, 25 Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to U. S. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Progress of tobacco cooperative marketing in Cagayan. Philippine agriculturist, v.16 : 341-350. Tables. S17.P53. 1928. Our farm labor supply. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17 : 287-299. Tables. S17.P53. Is there a solution? Philippine agricultiurist, v. 16 : 535-542. S17.P53. 1929. Department of rural economics. Philitypine agriculturist, v. 18 : 367-370. Table. Sl 7.P53. The working of some rural cooperative credit associations in Cagayan and Isabela. Philippine agriculturist, v.18 : 447-460. Tables. S17.P53. 1930. Marketing coconut products in Tayabas and Laguna. Philippine agriculturist, v.19 : 283-298. Tables. S17.P53. A study of the marketing of copra in Lucena, Tayabas. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 621-633. Tables. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 847 MABBUN, PABLO-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTION 1927. Study of tobacco growers association, inc., of Tuguegarao, Cag'ayan. Commerce and industry journal, v. 3, no. 7: 9, 11, 13-14; also in Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 19-33. S17.P53. HF41.C8. MABESA, CALIXTO.-Bureau of Forestry; Hiligaran, Occ. Negros. Wood Technology. Hiligaran, Occ. Negros, May 8, 92. Ranger, U. P., 15; B. S. F., 23, M. F., 24, Syracuse Univ., N. Y. Ranger, 15-20, Temporary Forester, 25, Forester, 25-; Bu. of Forestry; Asst. Prof., Wood Technology, Sch. of Forestry, U. P., 34-; Asst. Chief, Div. of Delimitation and Improvement, Bu. of Forestry, 34-. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado to Syracuse Univ., N. Y., 23-25. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Wood using industries of Japan. Makiling echo, v. 5, no.1:2-18. Tables. SD1.M2. 1928. Moisture content of the barks of mangroves. Makiling echo, v. 7, no. 4:2-7. Tables. SDl.M?. 1933. Shrinkage in Philippine woods. Univeristy of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 257-276. Tables, graphs. . Q75. U5. 1934. Two tree species occa:;tionally found in the mangrove swamps not previously reported. Makiling echo, v. 13, no. 2: 113. SD1.M2. MACASAET, RAMON.-346 G. Tuason, Manila. Public Health. Manila, 96. A. B., Ateneo de Manila; M. D., Univ. Philip., 20. Dir., St. Theresita's Hosp.; General Practitioner; Prof. Leet., Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health, U. P. Philip. Fed. Priv. Med. Practitioners; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Effect of Citrus limonio Osbeck (imported American lemon), C. aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle (Dayap), and C. mitis Blanco (Calamansi) in water treatment, by RAMON MACASAET and A. PIO DE RODA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 223-232. Tables. R97.5: P57. MANAS Y CRUZ, MARIANO.-Bu. of Plant Industry; Bulacan, Bulacan. Farming. Bulacan, Bulacan, Oct. 12', 83. B. S. A., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 08. Foreman and Instr. in Farm Work, Coll. of Agr., 11. Agric. Coordination Committee;. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. I SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Report on field and nursery cultures for the fiscal year 1911. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 1 : 105-118, 125-132. Illus. S17.P53. 848 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MANAS Y CRUZ, MARIANO-Continued. 1929. The forage and other field crops projects of the Division of plant investigations of the Bureau of agriculture, by M. MANAS Y CRUZ and F. G. GALANG. Philippine agricultura.l review, v. 22:183-185. S17.P5. The rice, sugar cane, tobacco, and corn projects of the Division of plant investigations of the Bureau of agriculture, by M. MANAS Y CRUZ and F. G. GALANG. Philippine agricultural review, v. 22' : 43~70. Sl 7.P5. MANDANAS, ANICETO Y.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip.; 18 Gregorio del Pilar, Manila; Taal, Batangas. Surgery. Taal, Batangas, Apr. 17, 88. M. D., Univ. of Ill., 16. Capt., Philip. Nat. Guard, 17-18; Asst. Prof. of Surgery, Univ. Philip. 17 --; Asso. Prof. of Surgery, Afable Med. Coll., 33 --. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Federation of Private Med. Practitioner; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Observations on the local treatment of burns with the use of dusting powders and exposure to air. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6 : 161-162. R97.5 : P57. Observation on the treatment of septicemia. (In preparation). Indications for different methods of shortening of the round ligaments. (In preparation). Study of third degree prolapse among the Filipino women as observed in the Philippine general hospital. (In preparation). Treatment of burns by the use of some Philippine medicinal ::;ilants. (In progress). MANE, ANDRES M.-Agricultural College, Laguna. Agricultural Zoology. Calamba, Laguna, Nov. 30, 34. B. Agr., 29, B. S. A., 32, Coll. of Agri., U. P. Graduate Asst. in Agric. Zoology, Coll. of Agr., 29 --. Los Banos Biological Club; Soc. for the Advancement of Research.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. A preliminary study of the life history and habits of Kanduli (arius spp.) in Laguna de Bay. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 81-87. Charts plates (1 fold.) tables. Sl 7.P53. 1931. Biology of cohol (Ampularia luzonica Reeve) a common Philippine fesh water snail, by ANDRES M. NONO and ANDRES M. MANE. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19 :675-695. Tables, diagrs., plate. S17.Pfi3. 1934. Spawning and feeding habits of ayungin (Mesopristes datura) Plumbea (Kner), a common theraponid fish in Laguna. (In press). Read before Biological Club meeting. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 849 MA~OSA, MANUEL.-Bureau of Health, Manila. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Build without trouble. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1 :136-137. RA319.A31. 1924. Memorandum for Mayor Halsema, through the director of health, regarding last report on improvements of sewage conditions at Baguio. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4:159-166. RA319.A31. 1926. Toilet facilities of railroad stations. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6:98-104. RA319.A31. El sistema antipolo y su aspecto sanitario. Revista filipina de medicina 11 farmacia, v. 17:48-57. Figures, tables. R97.5:R4. 1927. The antipolo system. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1: 32-39, 64, 78, 81. Illus., table. R97.5:S2. Engineering help and your cooperation. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 102-106. RA319.A31. Sanitary engineering in small towns in the province. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7 :7-18. Diagrs. Also in Unitas, 1927, v. 346-357. LH7.U5. RA319.A31. Housing conditions in relation to tuberculosis in the Philippines. Unitas, v. 6:296-301. LH7.U5. Pozos septicos. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7:129-144. Illus. RA319.A31. Sewage disposal of the city of Manila, by SANTIAGO ARTIAGA and MANUEL M.ANosA. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7:125-128; also in Unitas, v. 6: 26; and in Revista filipina de medicina 11 farmacia, v. 18: 239-261. R97.5.R4. LH7.U5. RA319.A31. 1928. The problem of ventilation in the tropics with particular reference to the climatic conditions of Manila. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 1-7; also in San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 51-56, 60, 102-108; also in Revista fili.pina de medicina y f armacia, 1929, v. 20: 39-46. R97 .5: R4. R97.5: S2. RA319.A31. 1929. Los malos olores de Manila y de sus alrededores. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20: 228-233. R97.5:R4. 1930. El arte de plomeria en el Jap6n y Filipinas. Philippine Islanda health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 336-341. RA319.A81. The repair of homes and privies. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 10 :23-29. RA319.A31. MANRESA, MIGUEL.-Coll. of Agr., Laguna. Animal Husbandry. Romblon, Romblon, May 8, 90. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 21; Ph. D., Univ. of Wisconsin, 28. Insular teacher, Bu. of Educ., 11, 13-15; Veterinarian, Bu. of Agr., Manila, 21; Instr., 21-25, 28-29; Asst. 850 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MANRESA, MIGUEL-Continued. Prof. Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 29--, Los Banos Biol. Club; Am. Soc. of Animal Production; Am. Genetic Assn.; Am. Assn. for the advancement of Science; Philip. Sigma; Nat. Bio. Soc.; Genetic Soc. of Am.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. fellow to Wisconsin, 25-28; Limjap fellow to Coll. of Vet. Sci., U. P., 16-21; Student pensionado, Bu. of Educ. to Philip. Sch. of Arts and Trades, 11-13. SCIENTIFIC CONT&IBUTIONS 1923. Hypersensitiveness of Philippine dogs to strychnine. Philippine journal of science, v. 22:56·7-580. Tables. Ql.P56. Rules for the purpose of preventing the introduction of communicable diseases of animals. Philippine agriculturist, v. 11 :251253. S17.P53. 1924. Note on Dioscorea hispida Dennst as a cure for myiasis. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13 :213-214. Sl 7.P53. 1925. Angioma cavernosum hypertorphicum in carabao bull: a case report. Philippine agriculturist, v.13:451-453. Plate. S17. P53. 1928. A study of the inheritance of resistance and susceptibility: of rabbits to infectious abortion. American society of animal production. Proceedings.. (January.) 1930. A note on the capacity and other measurements of the alimentary tract of' an Indian buffalo cow, by MIGUEL MANRESA and v ALENTE VILLEGAS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 605-607. Tables. S17.P53. Studies on the inheritance of coat colors in crosses involving Philippine native with Hereford and Nellore cattle; preliminary report, by MIGUEL MANRESA, B. M. GoNZALEZ, F. B. S.\RAO and J. P. ESGUl:Rli. Philippine agriculturiat, v.18:521-533. S17. P53. 1931. The relation between animal husbandry and veterinary science. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no.10: 3-5, 7. SF1.B9. Physiology of reproduction in the ox: changes in the generative organs in open and pregnant heifers and cows. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1 :2232'48. Tables. Q75.U5. 1932. Inheritance of resistance and susceptibility to infectious abortion. Journal of infectious diseases, v. 51, no. 1: 30-71. RC111.J8. Oopherectomy: The effect on pregnancy, lactation and beef production. Bureau of animal industry gazette; also in Philippine veterinary medical association. Proceedings, 14th annual convention. Feb. 5-6. 1933. Physiology of reproduction in the rabbit: Age of sexual maturity, breeding season, duration of normal pregnancy, ovulation. Philippine journal of science, v. 51 :323-330. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 851 MANRESA, MIGUEL-Continued. 1933. The rate of animal improvement in breeding with mass selection as affected by varying number factors, by M. MANRESA, D. CLEMENTE and S. R. CRUZ. Read at the 15th Annual meeting of the Philippine veterinary medical association. Feb. 1933. Abstract in Bureau of animal industry gazette. Feb. SF1.B9. A book review: Poultry breeding, by MORLEY A. JULL and MIGUEL MANRESA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22:298-299. S17. P53. 1934. The Los Bafios Biological club. Ten years of active research. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22, no. 9: 607-624. Sl 7.P53. GENEaAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. A general survey of the live stock industry in the province of of Romblon. Philippine agriculturist, v. 12: 211-216. Tables. S177.P53. 1924. Impaction of the crop caused by candles. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13 :49-54. S17.P53. 1929. A _book review: Poultry raising, by F. M. FRONDA and M. MANRESA. Manila Oriental commercial company, Inc. 1928. 269 pp. appendix and 61 illus. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 414. S17.P53. 1930. Ranching in Bukidnon. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19 :203-218. Tables. S17.P53. 1931. Review of Rhode Island bulletin 228 (July 1931), by Nelson F. Waters entitled inheritance of body-weight in domestic fowl. Philippine poultry journal, v. 1, no. 4. Age determination by the eruption of the incisor teeth in the ox, by M. MANRESA, F. B. SARAO, C. TuASON, T. PEPITO and E. AGUDO. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19:519-529. S17.P53. 1932. Physiology of reproduction in the rabbit: Age of asexual maturity, breeding season, duration of normal pregnancy, ovulation. (Abstract.) The farmer magazine, v. 8 :8. The effect on the fcetus and milk and beef production of the r&moval and transplantation of the ovaries of large mammals. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 151-161, 266. Graphs, tables. Q75.U5. How Belgium reconstructed her poultry industry. Philippine poultry journal, v. 2: 7. SF481.P5. Mongrels or standard breeds, Which? Philippine poultry journal, v. 2:14. SF481.P5. 1933. Beef production in the Philippines. The stockman and farmer, v. 1: 12-13, 22. SF1.S8. Cattle breeding in Jamaica and Trinidad, a digest of Prof. John Hammond's report. The stockman and farmer, v.1, no. 6: 1213, 29. SF1.S8. 2ll062F--16 852 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MANUEL, CANUTO GUEVARA.-Fish & Game Administration, P. O. Box 3223, Manila; 2147 A. Luna, Pasay, Rizal. Ornithology. Pasay, Rizal, Jan. 19, 02. B. Agr., Coll. of Agric., U. P., 24; B. S. A., Univ. Philip., 25; M. Sc., 29; D. Sc., 32; Univ of Michigan, Student Ass., 22-24; Graduate Asst., 24-28; Asst. Curator, Univ. of Michigan, 28-29; Research Asst.. Wisconsin Biol. Surv., 29-32. Michigan, Acad. of Sci.; Wilson Ornithological Club; Am. Assn. for the Advanc~ ment of Sci.; Am. Ornithologists Union; Sigma Xi; Assn. of lcthyologists & Herpetologists; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Hinsdale Fellow, Museum of Zoology, Univ. of Michigan, 29-30. BOOKS 1929. Larine succession on Saginaw Bay, Michigan. Wilson bulletin. 1930. Birds predators of the common tern. Auk. QL671.A9. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. A study of the meat supply of the city of Manila. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14 :93-110. Tables, illus. Sl 7.P53. 1930. Observations on the Philippine weaver, Munia jagori Martens. I: Breeding and associational habits. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 427-439. Tables, charts, illus. Sl 7.P53. 1934. Observations on the Philippine weaver. II: Foods and feeding habits. Philippine journal of science. Ql.P56. MARAMBA, FELIX.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 74 M. Santos, Pasay; Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. Agricultural Engineering. Sta. Barbara, Pang., Jan. 7, 97. B. S. A., U. P., 21; M. S., Iowa State Coll., 22. Mngr., Bicol Farm., 22; Asst. Prof. of Agric. Engine., U. P., 27-28; Agron., Bu. of Pl. Ind., 28 --. Am. Soc. of Agric. Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Research Fellow, Iowa State Coll., 21-22. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. The possibilities for growing fruit trees by the Negros cane planter as a side crop, by F.ELIX MARAMBA and ANIANO ELAYDA. Sugar news, v.12:176-182, 184. TP375.S4. Results of a five-year sugar-cane variety test at La Carlota experiment station, Occidental Negros, by ANSELMO LABRADOR and FELIX MARAMBA.. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 163-177. Tables. S17.P51. MARQUEZ, FRANCISCO D.-Bureau of Plant Industry; 34 A. Luna Bambang, Rizal. Agronomy. Taal, Batangas, Oct. 4, 93. B. A., U. P., 15. Graduate Asst. in Agronomy, U. P., 15-17; Asst. Chief, Agric. Extension Division, Bu. of Plant Industry, 26 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Pan-Pacific Club of Manila; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Cross-breeding of corn. Philippine agriculturist, v. 6:116-123. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1924. Comparative test of six Philippine corn varieties. Philippine agricultural review, v.17:195-201. Tables, plates. S17.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 853 MARTIN, CLARO.-Fish & Game Adm.; 1528 San Jorge, Paco, Manila; 49 Zulueta, Malolos. Jchtyology. Malolos, Bulacan, Aug. 10, 34. B. Sc., Univ. Philip. 27. Asst. Ichthyologist, Div. of Fisheries, Bu. of Sci. 28-32. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I., Govt. Pensionado on Fish Canning & Preservation, 31. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Two Japanese fishing methods used by Japanese fishermen in Philippine waters, by HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN and CLARO MARTIN. Philippine journal of science, v. 42: 465-480. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1932. Cultivation of bafigos in the Philippines, by WALLACE ADAMS, HERACLIO R. MONTALBAN and CLARO MARTIN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 1-38. Plates, illus. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of Science. Popular bulletin, no. 12. Ql.P56. MARTINEZ Y AGCAOILI, ANGEL.-Coll. of Engin.; Nat. Univ.; 347 San Marcelino, Manila; 1403 Estrada St. Manila; Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Civil Engineering. Vintar, I. N., P. I. A. B., Univ. Philip; 16; B. S. C. E., Coll. of Engin., Univ. Philip. 19; Graduate Student, Univ. Calif. 20. Asst. Desg. Eng., 21-24, Proj. Eng., 24Z7, Dist. Eng. 27-28, Bu. of Public Works; Civil Eng. & Contractor, Pedro Siochi and Co. Inc. Manila, 28 --; Dean, Nat. Univ., Manila, 28 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. MARTINEZ, RUFINO.-Bu. of Sci., Manila; P. 0. Box 2836, Manila; Pleasant Hill, Mandaluyong, Rizal. Engineering. La Paz, Iloilo, July 26, 87. B. S. in C. E., Purdue Univ. 18; M. S. in M. E., Univ. of Calif., 20. Draftsman, Bldg. Insp., Bu. of Educ., 09-16; Supt. of Const., Bu. of Public Works, 18; Supt. Yangco Drydock & Shipways, Navotas, Rizal, 21-33; Chief Power Eng., Bu. of Sci. 33. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. MENDOZA, JOSE MIGUEL.-Bu. of Science, Manila; 381 Sykia St., Sta. Ana, Manila; Binalonan, Pangasinan. Mycology. Lingayen, Pangasinan, May 8, 93. Instr., Central Luzon Agric. Sch., Bu. of Educ., 23-26; Asst. Icthyologist, Bu. of Sci., 27-28; Asst. Mycologist, Bu. of Sci., 25----; Research Asst. in Bot., Univ. of Ill. Asso. Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Sigma Xi; Bot. Soc. of Am.; Philip. Sci. Soc. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. The family Capnodiaceae. Bernice B. Bishop Museum, v. 19: 5269. 1929. Bafigos culture in the Philippine Islands, by ALBERT W. HERRE and JosE MENDOZA. Philippine journal of science, v. 38:451-509. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. 1930. Fungi from the British Guiana. Annales mycologici, v. 26 :264268. 1932. The Philippine species of Parasterina. University of the Philr ippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:210-211. Q75.U5. 854 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDOZA, JOSE MIGUEL-Continued. 1932. Two new species of sooty molds from the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 289-293. Plates. Ql.P56. New or noteworthy Philippine fungi, 1-11. Philippine journal of science, v. 47 :289-293; v. 49: 185-196. Plates. QLP56. The Philippine species of Parasterina. Philippine journal of science, v. 49 :443-459. Plates. Ql.P56. 1934. New Philippine phalloid Anthurus brownii. Philippine journal of science, v. 53 :207-2'11. Ql.P56. Lepiota americana. An immigrant edible mushroom. Philippine journal of science, v. 53 :224-228. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1933. The achievements of the Bureau of science in the year 1933. Philippines Herald, Dec. 30. Five popular article on mushroom published in the Philippines Herald. 1934. Know your mushroom; a popular article on Philippine poisonous and Jldible. Philippines Herald, June 4. MENDOZA-GUAZON, MARIA PAZ.-Talundun, Pandacan, Manila. Pathology and Bacteriology. Pandacan, May 10, 84. M. D. Univ. Philip., 12;· D. T. M., U. P., 16. Instr. in Path., U. P., 16-18; Asst. Prof. of Path., U. P., 18-22; Asso. Prof. of Path., U. P., 22·27; Prof. of Path. and Bact., U. P., 27-34; Leet. in Bact., Sch. of Hygiene and Pub. Health Nursing; P. I. Repres. at Pan-Pacific Women's Conference in Honolulu, 28. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Colegio Med.-Farm. de Filipinas; Asso .. Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Chicago, 19-22. BOOKS 1928. The development and progress of the Filipino women. Manila, Bur. of print. Illus. (1 fold.) DS664.M5. 1930. Notas de viaje. Front. (map), illus. G463.M5. 1931. My ideal Filipino girl. The author. HQ1229.M5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Algunas notas sobre "baiiguiigut". Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8:437-442. R97.5:R4. Study of the anatomicopathologic lesions in one thousand Filipino children under five years of age. Philippine journal of science, v. 12B :51-51-84. Tables. Ql.P52. 1920. Some observations on the pathological anatomy on of the 1918 epidemic of influenza in Manila. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.11:14-17. R97.5:R4. 1922. The probable endemicity of Schistosomum japonicum in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2 :1-6. Illus., tables. R97.5P57. Ruptures of the gastrointestinal tract. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2': 63-66. R97 .5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 855 MENDOZA-GUAZON, MARIA PAZ-Continued. 1922. Schistosmiasis in the Philippine Islands. Philippine journal of science, v. 21 :535-567. Tables. Ql.P56. 1923. Calculi among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3 :169-193. Tables. R9'7.5 :P57. Congenital mesentric aperture causing volvulus. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3:67-69. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1925. Aneurism of the heart. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5:137-141. Illus. R97.5:57. An unidentified disease in Japan. Philippine Islands medical aasociation. Journal, v. 5: 122-124. R97.5: P57. Tumors among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5:184-186; 1927, v. 7:292-303. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1926, v.17:122-127, 138-145. Illus. R97.5 :R4. R97.5 :P57. 1926. Is there ascaris nephritis? by CANDIDO AFRICA and MARIA PAZ MENDOZA-GUAZON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:49-54. R97.5:P57. La educaci6n de las masas. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.17:31. R97.5:R4. 1927. Sanitary problems in the Philippines. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.18:350-354; also in San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, 1928, v. 2:27-31. R97.5:S2. R97.5:R4. 1928. Some notes on bacillary dysentery. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:277-287. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1929. Functions of the liver in hemolysis, acute atrophy and obliteration of the common bile duct. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20:370-376. R97.5:R4. Studies on tumors among Filipinos: III, hypernephroma. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9:199-201. R97. 5:P57. 1930. The crusaders against diseases. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21 :307-310. R97.5 :R4. Functions of the liver in hemolysis, acute yellow atrophy, and obliteration of the common bile duct. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:1-10. Table, (fold). R97.5: P57. Red plague menacing every home. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.21:24-28. R97.5:R4. The treatment of itching, acne vulgaris and pruritus vulvae, with calamansi juice (Citrus mitis Blanco). Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 233-235. R97.5 :P57. 1932. The department of health in Cuba. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12:385-387. R97.5:P57. Organizaci6n del departamento de sanidad y beneficencia de la republica de Cuba. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12 :370-379. R97.5 :P57. 1933. Mental hygiene. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal v.13:96-97. R97.5:P57. 856 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MENDOZA-GUAZON, MARIA PAZ-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1933. Guide to the study of pathology. Manila, University of the Philippines, pt. I. RB123.M5. MESA, ALEJANDRO DE.-Bureau of Forestry; Guagua, Pampanga. Forestry. Born in Guagua, Pampanga. Forest. Supt., Bu. of Forestry, 20-27; Forester, Bu. of Forestry, 28 --. Instr., 22-27, Asst. Prof., 30-34, Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip.; Plant Quarantine Inspector, Bu. of Forestry, 34 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Fishponds in the swamp. Makiling echo, v. 2, no. 4: 21-28, 1924, v. 3, no. 1:17-23. SD1.M2. 1924. Mangrove swamps of the Philippine. Daily papers in Manila. 1929. Relation of insect to man. Makiling echo, v. 8, no. 3. SD1.M2. 1931. Wood borers and the lumber industry. Makiling echo, v.10. SD1.M2. 1933. White thread blight infestation. Makiling echo, v. 12, no. 4: 259-260. SD1.M2. A giant teak moth borer Dupmitus ceramicus Walk. Order Lepidoptera. Makiling echo, v. 12, no. 2: 100-101. Illus. SD1.M2. 1934. Insect pests of Benguet pines in Baguio. Makiling echo, v.13, no. 3. SD1.M2. llURASOL, JOSE J.-North Negros Sugar Central Co., Manapla, Negros Occidental; Silay, Occ. Negros. Sugar Chemistry. Born in Silay, Occ., Negros. B. S. A., 15, M. S., 17, U. P. Instr., Cebu Jr. College, Cebu Sugar Chemist, North Negros Sugar Central Co., Negros Occidental. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Chemical changes during the ripening of sugar cane. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 4: 101-108. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1918. Spacing experiment with sugar cane. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 127-133. Tables. Also in Sugar news, 1919, v.1, no. 2: 20-26, 29. Tables. TP375.S4. Sl 7.P53. 1919. Fertiliz-er experiments with sugar cane. Sugar news, v. 1, no. 10: 1-7, 29. Also in Philippine journal of science, 1918, v. 13A: 135-145. Tables. Ql.P51. TP375.S4. 1933. Quantity tests with ammonium phosphate fertilizer at the North Negros sugar co., inc. Sugar news, v. 14, no. 1: 15-22. Tables. TP375.S4. Varieties and variety tests at the North Negros sugar co., inc. Sugar news, v. 14, no. 4: 173-180, 184. Tables. TP375.S4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 857 MOLINA, RICARD0.-571 Peiiafrancia, Manila. Internal Medicine. San Miguel, Manila, Oct. 9, 88. M. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 09. Instr. in Anatomy, U. P., 15-18; Head, Dept. of Anatomy, Univ. of Sto. Tomas, 18-30; Prof. of Tuberculosis, Sto. Tomas Univ., 26-30. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Preliminary report in the parathyroid glands of the Filipino babies. Actas y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos de Filipinas, v. 4: 325-333. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farnw,cia, 1919, v. 10: 229-237. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 1921. Las glandulas endocrinas o de secreci6n interna. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 12: 221-236, 261-276. R97.5: R4. 1923. Fracasos profesionales. Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v.14: 12-17. R97.5: R4. 1926. Un caso de inversion total uterina post-partum. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 17: 26-30. R97.5: R4. La sanocrisina en el tratamiento de Ia tuberculosis pulmonar. Resultados inmediatos obtenidos en el Sanatorio de Santo!, por CARMELO PENAFLOR, RICARDO FERNANDEZ, RICARDO MOLINA, JOSE AVELLANA BASA, JUAN E. SOLLUSA y ANGEL TRINIDAD. Ntttional congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 609-518. Graphs, tables. RC307.N2. El pron6stico en la tuberculosis pulmonar, por RICARDO D. MOLINA y VICENTE MA. CAVANNA. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 403-474. RC307.N2. 1928. La Iucha antituberculosa. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19: 166-169. R97.5: R4. 1930. El Dr. Maraiion y SU servicio de patologia medica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 225-233. R97.5: R4. MONDO~EDO, MARIANO.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Gamu, Isabela. Animal Husbandr'Ji. Gamu, Isabela, Aug. 15, 87. B. S. A., Iowa State Coll., 20; D. V. M., U. P., 26. Instr. in Animal Husbandry, U. P., 20-21; Asst. Prof. of Animal Husbandry, U. P., 21 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Comparative study of corn, cassava, sweet potatoes and pongapong as feeds for swine, by MARIANO MoNDONEDO and FIDEL ALONTE. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 113-119. Sl 7.P53. 1924. Curing ham and bacon for home use. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 271-276. Sl 7.P53. 1927. A comparative study of corn and cassava as feeds for hogs, by MARIANO MONDONEDO and PATERNO v. BAYAN. Philippine agriculturist, v.15: 523-531. Tables. S17.P53. 858 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MONDO~EDO, MARIANO-Continued. 1928. A comparative study of corn and cassava as feeds for hogs: II. Ground com vs. raw chopped cassava. Philippine agriculturist, v.17: 105-107. Tables. S17.P53. 1932. Curing fork and making sausage for home use. Philippine agri-culturist, v. 21: 151-164. Sl 7 .P53. The formation of the Berkjala bread of swine. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 267-268. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRmUTIONS 1915-16. Poultry raising in the Philippines. Philippine craftsman, v. 4: 217-224. Illus. TT161.P5. 1927. Note: the 1927 livestock fair. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 105107. Sl 7.P53. MONSERRAT, CARLOS.-College of Medicine, U. P.; 719 Paz, Paco. Bacteriology. Lingayen, Pang., June 11, 92. M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 15; Post-graduate course, U. P., 16. Asst. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 18; Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci. 19; Asst. Prof., Path. & Bact., 27, Univ. Philip. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation, 28-29; Fellow, Johns Hopkins Univ. to Europe, 29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Substitution of human blood cells by monkey's red corpuscles in performing the complement fixation test for syphilis, by 0'1"1'0 ScHOBL and CARLOS MONSERRAT. Philippine ;ournal of science, v. 12B: 249-253. Tables. Ql.P52. 1918. Comparative study on natural hemolysins in inactivated human and monkey's serum. Philippine journal of science, v.13B: 159163. Tables. Ql.P52. Consideraciones sobre la reacci6n de Wassermann: Empleo del amboceptor hemolitico antimono. Actas y comunicaciones de lt.i cuarta Asamblea regional "de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: ·161-178. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1919, v.10: 1-20. Tables, charts. R97.5: R4. R106. AS. 1920. Venom of the Philippine cobra (Alupong) Najanaja philippinensis, by c. MONSERRAT, o. SCHOBL and L. E. GUERRERO. Philippine journal of science, v.17: 59-64. Ql.P56. 1921. Estudio sobre el veneno del alupong (Najanaja philippinensis). Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 12: 29-51. Tables. R97.5: R4. 1922. Report on the organisms from two sporadic cases of cerebrospinal meningitis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.2: 15-20. Table. R97.5: P57. 1923. Bacteriological and pathological study of a case of anthrax septicemia with gastro-intestinal lesions. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 193-198. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 859 MONSERRAT, CARLOS-Continued. 1923. Certain developmental stages of Ascaris lumbricoides ova in the liver tissue, by C. MONSERRAT. and C. AFRICA. Philippine journal of science, v. 22: 459-465. Plate. Q1.P56. 1924. Paratyphoid case in a Filipino. (Pathological and bacteriological study.) Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4, no. 5. R97.5: P57. Parathyroid fever in a Filipino. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 188-194. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1927. Primary malignant tumors of the lung, their incidence in the Philippines, and their most common clinical manifestation, by ANTONIO G. SISON and CARLOS c. MONSERRAT. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 422-438. Illus. R97.5:P57. 1930. Algo concerniente al problema de la sifilis en Manila. Ventajas del tratamiento controlado--metodo sifilometrico del Prof. Vernes. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21: 267-272. R97.5: R4. Types of pneumococcus in the Philippine preliminary report. Philippine Islands medical association.. Journal, v. 10, no. 10. R97.5: P57. 1931. Bacteriological and pathological study of meningitis in the Philippines, based on ten thousand autopsies. Philippine Island.a medical association. Joumal, v.11: 233-241. Tables. R97.5: P57. Comparative serologic study of Vernes, Wassermann, and Kahn reactions in experimental treponematoses. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 241-246. Tables. Ql.P56. The Kahn test in clinical syphilis. Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 225-239. Tables. Ql.P56. El procedimiento de Vernes comparado con las reacciones de Wassermann y de floculaci6n en el diagn6stico y tratamiento de la sifilis. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 5: 95105. R97.5: S2. Typhoid meningitis in a child: report of a case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 10-15. R97.5: P57. 1932. Pseudomycetoma in the Philippines, with report of one case. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 469-481. Plates. Ql.P56. Pulmonary nocardiosis; report of a case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 11-24. Illus., tables. R97.5: P57. 1933. The effect of neosalvarsan treatment on the late serologic positive Vernes, Wassermann and Kahn reactions in the Philippine monkeys inoculated with yaws or both yaws and syphilis. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 435-445. Ql.P56. 1934. Does chaulmoogra treatment influence the shifting of serologic findings in lepers as obtained by the Wassermann, Kahn and Vernes reaction? Philippine journal of science, v. 54: 343-362. Ql.P56. 860 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MONTILLA, JOSE R.-Fish and Game Administration, Port Area, Philip. Is.; P. 0. Box 3223; Luna, La Union. Ichthyology. San Fernando, La Union, Aug., 00. B. S. in Fisheries, Univ. Wash., 24. Ichthyologist, Bu. of Sci., Manila, 25 --. Assa., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. The ipon fisheries of Northern Luzon. Philippi,ne journal of science, v. 45 :61-74. Ql.P56. 1934. A second record of a solenostomid from the Philippines. Philippi,ne journal of science, v. 53: 391-392. Ql.P56. MORETA, RAFAEL MA. DE.--309 Filipinas Bldg., 417 Isaac Peral, Manila. Medicine. Born in 91. M. D., U. S. T., 12. Physician, Med. Dept., Manila Electric Co.; Private practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Assa., Nat. Res. Council P. I. NAVARRO, REGINO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 509 Fortuna, Pasay; Bacolor, Pampanga. Pathology and Bacteriology. Bacolor, Pamp. Sept. 7, 93. A. B., U. P., 18; M. D., Univ. of Ill., 19. Instr. In Path. and Bact., U. P., 23-25; Asst. Prof. of Path. and Bact., U. P., 25 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Assa., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIJ:NTil'IC CON'l'RIBUTIONB 1922. The Schick reaction in Filipinos, by LIBORIO GOMEZ, REGINO NAVARRO, and AHANDO M. KAPUNAN. Philippi,ne journal of science, v. 20:323-330. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. 1923. Diphtheria carriers and their significance in the Philippines, by LIBORIO GOMEZ and REGINO NAVARRO. Ph1ilippi,ne journal of science, v. 22: 559-566. Table. Ql.P56. 1924. Preliminary report on the effects of pancreatic extract, prepared by the Bureau of science on diabetic patients, by AGERICO B. M. SISON and REGINO NAVARRO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:178-182. R97.5:P57. 1925. Splenic anemia among Filipinos, by ANTONIO G. SISON, AGERICO B. M. SISON, MODESTA IGNACIO and REGINO J. NAVARRO. Far Eastern association of tropi,cal medicine. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2: 271-275. Also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, 1926, v. 6: 330-332. R97.5: P57. RC960. F24. 1926. A serological estimate of the efficacy of neosalvarsan in the treatment of yaws in a field dispensary. Philippine journal of science, v. 30: 445-452. Tables. Ql.P56. 1928. A bacteriologic study of blood in typhoid, by R. J. NAVARRO and T. SANTOS. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 19-20, R97.5:S2. NEMENZO, FRANCISCO P.-Junior College, U. P. Cebu; 697 Jones Avenue, Cebu. Zoology. Pinamungajan, Cebu, Oct. 4, 04. A. A., Cebu Jr. College, U. P., 26; B. S., 29, M. S., 34, U. P. Asst. Instr., Univ. of the Philip., 26-28; 30--. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 861 NEMENZO, FRANCISCO P.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Regenation experiments on cassiopea, by H. A. ROXAS and FRANCISCO P. NEMENZO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v.1: 265-275. Q75.U5. NOLASCO, JOSE 0.-Culion Leper Colony. Pathology. Manila, July 22, 99. A. A., U. P., 21; M. D., U. P., 26. Instr., Coll. of Medicine, Univ. Philip.; Asst. Chief Pathologist, Bu. of Health, Culion Leper Colony, 28 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Culion Med. Soc.; Sec. Treas. 29, Vice-Pres. 34; Culion Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Pulmonary tuberculosis in Filipino children under five years of age: Incidence of primary localization. National congress of tuberculosi.s. Proceedings, first, p. 361-371. RC307.N2. 1927. Chorionepithelioma without primary tumor in the uterus. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 323-329. Illus. R97.5:P57. 1929. Histopathology of leprosy under local infiltration. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 347-357. R97.5: P57. 1930. Histopathology of leprosy under local infiltration: II. The nature of the yellowish globules in treated lesions. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 273-276. (Read before the annual meeting of the Philippine Islands medical association, Dec. 1929.) R97.5:P57. Local effects of infiltration with buffered and nonbutfered solutions of sodium hydnocarpate and alepol. Phi~ippne Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:277-281. Table. R97.5:P57. 1931. Local effects of infiltration with iodized ethyl esters of Hydnocarpus wightiana oil in nonlepers. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11:220-225. Illus. R97.6 :P57. 1932. Lymphatic absorption of only antileprotie drugs, given intradermally and subcutaneously; a demonstration. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:147-159. Illus. R97.5:P57. Mycobacterium leprae in deep organs in "Quiescent" and "Arrested" cases of leprosy. Philippine Islands health service. Leprosy acJ,vi.sory board. Transactions, p. 12-23. Tables. RC154. P5. 1933. Lymphatic adsorption of iodized ethyl esters of wightiana oil by intramuscular injection. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13: 552. Read before the annual meeting, Philippine Islands medical association, Dec. 1932. R97.5:P67. OCAMPO Y ZAMORA, MARIANO.-Coll. of Medicine, U. P.; 309 Palma, Quiapo, Manila. Biochemistry. Quiapo, Mar. 25, 01. A. B. (Cum laude), Ateneo de Manila, 19; B. S., U. P., 23; M. S., U. P., 32. Asst. in Chemistry, U. P., 23-24; Instr. in Biochemistry, Coll. of 862 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OCAMPO Y ZAMORA, MARIANO-Continued. Med., U. P., 24 --; Leet., Nat. Univ., 31-34; Prof., Centro Escolar Univ., 33-34; Prof., Coll. of Dentistry, Educ. Inst., Manila, 34 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Phi Kappa Phi; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Chemical analysis of blood in forty-eight normal individuals, by I. CONCEPCION and M. OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7:143-154. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1930. The basal metabolism of Filipir.os, by MARIANO OCAMPO, NARCISO CORDERO and ISABELO CONCEPCION. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 357-366. Fold. tables. Also in Journal of nutrition, v. 3: 237-244. QP141.J84. R97.5:P57. A vital capacity standard for use among Filipino men, by NARCISO CORDERO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 387-389. Fold. tables. R97.5: P57. 1931. A table of body weight in relation to age and height for Filipino men, by NARCISO CORDERO, MARIANO OCAMPO and EMILIO BuLATAO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 163-171. Read at the twenty-eighth annual session of the Philippine Islands medical association. 1930. Q76.U6. Vital capacity among Filipinos, by NARCISO CORDERO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine journal of science, v. 44:325-335. Read at the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Philippine Islands medical association. 1929. Ql.P56. Vital-capacity studies among FHipinos, vital capacity standards for men from 15 to 30 years of age, by NARCISO CORDERO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine journal of science, v. 44:325-337. Tables, illus. Ql.P56. 1932. The normal pelidisi index of the Filipinos, by M. OCAMPO and I. CONCEPCION. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 33-42. Tables. Also in Phili~ pine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 164-170. Tables. R.97.5:P57. Q75.U5. The separation and quantitative determination of the proteins of carabao's milk as compared with those of Filipino mother's milk in the early period of lactation. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 246-247, 357-382. Tables. Q75.U5. 1933. A table of body weight in relation to age and height for Filipino women, by NARCISO CORDERO, EMILIO BULATAO and MARIANO OCAMPO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3: 11-14. Read at the thirtieth annual session of the Philippine Islands medical association, 1932. Q75. U5. Analysis of the inorganic and organic nitrogenous constituents of normal urine of Filipino students, by MARIANO OCAMPO and VICENTE LIMSON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14: 119-140. Fold. tables. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 863 OCAMPO Y ZAMORA, MARIANO-Continued. 1933. A table of body weights in relation to standing height and age for Filipinos, by NARCISO CORDERO, EMILIO BULATAO and MARIANO OCAMPO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 13: 327-333. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1934. Studies in Olympic Athletics: Preliminary report, by WENCESLAO PASCUAL, JUAN SALCEDO, PASTOR SAPINOSA, JUAN STA. CRUZ, MARIANO OCAMPO and EMILIO BULATAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 14: 302-304. R97.5: P57. OLIVEROS, SALVADOR B.-Bureau of Plant Industry; 727 Colorado, Malate; Silang, Cavite. Chemistry. Silang, Cavite, Oct. 17, 09. B. S. S. T., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 33. Distillery foreman & Special Analyst, Central Azucarera de Tarlac, Oct. 31-32; Laboratory helper, Bu. of Plant Industry, 33; Asst. Agronomist, Bu. of Plant Industry, 33. Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1933. On the partial removal of certain alkalies by seolite from, and the effect upon the crystallization of sucrose and the viscosity of, final molasses, by R. H. KING and SALVADOR B. OLIVEROS. Sugar news, v.14:436-441. TP375.S4. Studies on the refining of Philippine honey, by F. T. ADRIANO and SALVADOR B. OLIVEROS. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 201-212. S17.P5l. Improved method of nata manufacture, by F. T. ADRIANO and SALVADOR B. OLIVEROS. Stockman and farmer, v. 1 :25. SF1.S8. Preparation of nata de pifia, by F. T. ADRIANO, S. B. OLIVEROS and E. R. VILLANUEVA. Philippine journal of education, v.16: 373-379. L69.P5. 1934. Baking powders or leavening agents, by F. T. ADRIANO and SALVADOR B. OLIVEROS. Stockman and farmer, v. 1 :20. SF1.S8. ONGSIAKO, RAMON J.-725 Tabora, Tondo, Manila. Ophthalmology, Otology, Laryngology, Rhinology. Born in 87. M. D., Univ. Philip., 09. Private Practitioner. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Med.-Farm. de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. Tratamiento de la otosclerosis por la anakinesia del oido. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medi.cos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2:326-331. R106.A8. OROSA, MARIA Y.-Bureau of Science; 1320 Pennsylvania, Manila. Chemistry. Taal, Batangas, Nov. 29, 93. Pharm. Chem., Univ. of Washington, 18; B. S. (Phar.), 20, M. S., Univ. of Washington, 21. Asst. State Chemist, State of Wash., 18-20; Chief, Home Economics Div., Bu. of Sci. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 864 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OROSA, MARIA Y.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Administration of the provincial hospitals by the Philippine health service. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:48-50. R97.5:P57. 1926. Philippine citrus fruits, by A. H. WELLS, F. AGCAOILI and MARIA Y. OROSA. Philippine journal of science, v. 28:453-527. Fold. tables, ·plates. Ql.P56. 1926. Preservation of Philippine foods. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin. Q75.P56. Philippine Islands conservation problem. Clippings from Manila daily bulletin, Monday, May 31. TX603.07. 1931. Recipes for sea food, with an introduction by WAI.LACE ADAMS. Manila, Bur. of print. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 8, Q75.P56. TX747.07. 1932. Soy beans as a component of a balanced diet and how to prepare them. Manila, Bu. of print., table. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 13, Q75.UP56. TX803.S707. The possibilities of darak (Rice bran) in the diet of the Filipinos. University of the Phil1ippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2 :256-257. Q75.U5. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Rice bran: a health food and how to cook it. Manila, Bur. of print. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 15. Q75.P56. TX'767.R407. Roselle recipes Manila, Bur. of print. Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, 14, no. 14. Q75.P56. Soy beans as food. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2 :257. Q75.U5. OROSA, SIXTO Y.-Occ. Negros Prov. Hosp.; Bacolod, Occ. Negros. Surgery. Born in 91. M. D., Univ. Philip., 14. Chief, Occ. Negros Prov. Hosp. Occ. Negros Med. Assn.; Colegio Med.-Farm. de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOK 1923. The Sulu Archipelago and its people. Yonkers-on-Hudson, N. Y., World book company. DS688.S907. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. A case of typhoid fever treated with emetine. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6:623-628. Graph. R97.6:R4. 1916. A personal experience with the use of hyocine and morphine in labor. Revista filipina de medicUna y farmacia, v. 7:8-10. R97.6:R4. 1917. A case of dermatitis venenata. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.8:227-228. Illus. R97.5:R4. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 865 OROSA, SIXTO Y.-Continued. 1917. The "Poasa" and "Halilaya Poasa." Philippine review, v. 2, no. 11 :83-84. DS651.P58. Agusan, Lanao and Jolo. Philippine review, v. 2:52-53. DS651. P58. The calendar and fiestas as observed by the Mohammedan Sulu. Philippine review, v. 2: no. 9 :73-75. DS651.P58. Who is Hadji Butu? Philippine review, v. 2, no. 3:19-22. Illus. DS651.P58. A case of typhoid fever with generalized eruptions. Revi.sta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 8: 389-395. Illus., graph. R97.5:R4. The horror of infant mortality. Revi.sta filipina de medicina 71 farmacia, v. 8:443-448. R97.5 :R4. The Sulu public hospital. Revi.sta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 8 :176-178. R97.5 :R4. 1918. A case of hydropericardium and the value of auto serotherapy. Reviista Filipina de medicina 11 farmacia, v. 9 :450-453. Illus. R97.5:R4. On fatal case of ascariasis and six cases with severe symptoms. Revi.sta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9 :188-194. R97.5 :R4. Seven cases of puerperal infection treated in the Sulu public hospital, by SIXTO Y. 0ROSA and SEVERINA LUNA. Revista filipina de medici">na y farmacia, v. 9:146-149. Table. R97.5:R4. Twenty-nine cases of clinical bacillary dysentery treated in the Sulu public hospital. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9:58-64. Table. R97.5:R4. The Indanan farm school. Philippine review, v. 3:30-33. Illus. DS651.P58. 1920. Dr. Gervasio de Ocampo, the Philippine Osler. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.11:264-267. R97.5:R4. Grippe grips Jolo. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 11 :145-154. R97.5 :R4. 1921. Some experiences in the Sulu public hospital (1918-1920). Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1: 198-200. R97. 5: P57. Health activities in the province of Sulu, 1915-1920, inclusive. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 1 :202-206. Tables. RA319.A31. 1924. A brief survey of the hospital service in the Philippines since 1901 up to the present. Revi.sta filipfrna de medicina y f armacia, v. 15 :85-96. Illus., tables, plan. R97.5 :R4. The new hospital act (3168). Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:385-387. R97.5:P57. Some difficulties in the way of extending hospital service in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:334-341. Tables. R97.5:P57. 866 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OROSA, SIXTO Y.-Continued. 1924. A few of the many difficulties encountered in the efforts of the Philippine health service to extend the blessings of hospital service in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service .. Monthly bulletin, v. 4:503-510. Tables. RA319.A31. Rizal was inspired of Good. The national forum, v. 2, no. 7:68-69. AP8.N2. Should the red light district be reopened? Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4:445-449. RA319.A31. "The Sulu Archipelago and its people". Philippine republic, v. 1, no.11:10-12; no.12:10-11,17. 11lus. DS651.P55. The nursing profession in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4:251-254; 1928, v. 8 :179182. RA319.A31. 1926. The spirit of research. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5: 61. RA319.A31. The treatment of yaws by intravenous injections of tartar emetic. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.16:226-229. R97.5: R4. Hospital and dispensary administration plans and purposes. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5 :301-304. RA319.A31. Why tuberculosis persists. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 5:24-27. RA319.A31. 1928. The first _case of rhinosporidiosis reported in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 654. Also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, 1929. v. 9:11. R97.5:P57. RA319.A31. 1929. A case of acute intestinal obstruction treated medically. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin v. 9:146-147. Also in San Juan de Dias hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 181. R97.5: S2. RA319.A31. A case of appendicitis and intestinal obstruction due to ascariasis, by Srxro Y. OaosA, SANTIAGO OCHOA and JOSE VARELA. Philirppine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9 :32-0-326. RA319.A31. 1930. A case of complete absence of vagina, by SIXTO Y. OaoSA, JOSE VARELA and SANTIAGO OCHOA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10:521-522. R97.5.P57. A case of empyema treated by aspiration and injection, by SIXTO y OROSA, SANTIAGO OCHOA and JOSE VARELA. Revista filitpina de medicina y farmacia, v.21:106-107. Tables. R97.5:R4. Irreducible herminia with rupture of the intestines, by S. Y. OROSA, JOSE VARELA and S. OCHOA. Re-vista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 21:141-142. R97.5:R4. General observations on over 4,000 cases admitted in the provincial hospital at Bacolod, Negros Occidental, from March 4, 1926 to June 30, 1930 inclusive. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4:191-212. R97.5:S2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 867 ORO SA, SIX TO Y .-Continued. 1931. The Occidental Negros provincial hospital, administrative phase. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :552554. Table. RA319.031. Two cases of acute cryptogenic peritonitis. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :140-141. RA319.A31. 1932. The duties and responsibilities of the medical profession. PhiUppine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:310-312. R97.5:P57. Vicissitudes in the life of a medical practitioner. P.hilippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:216-222. R97.5:P57. The development of hospital under an independent Philippines. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 6:73-81. Tables R97.5:S2. The problems and responsibHities of the medical profession. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 391394. RA319.A31. ORTIGAS, CRISOSTOMO.-Dept. of Mech. Engin., U. P.; 712 Kansas Ave.; Janiway, Iloilo. Mechanical Engineering. B. S. M. E., U. P. Instr. in Math., U. P., 24-25; Instr. in Hygiene, U. P., 25-26; Asst. Prof. of Mech. Engin., U. P. Z7 --. Phi Kappa Phi; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The community healthmeter, by HILARIO LARA and C. A. 0RTIGAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:261-267. R97.5:P57. 1928. The rate of growth of the christian population of the Philippines, by HILARIO LARA and C. 0RTIGAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:411-418. Figures, tables. R97.5:P57. PADUA, REGINO G.-Bureau of H<!alth; 841 Leveriza, Pasay; San Juan, La Union. Hygiene and Public Health. Born in 92. M. D., Univ. Philip., 17, D. T. M., 18, U. P. Prof. Leet., Sch. of Hygiene and Public Health; College of Pharmacy, N. U.; Asst. Dir., Bu. 'of Health. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso; Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. The relative infrequency of carcinoma of the prostate in the Philippines (With a report of a case.) Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regiona!l de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 253-265. Tables. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, 1919, v. 10: 251-265. Tables. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 1919. Cystolithiasis among Filipinos in association with dietetic deficiency. Philippine journal of science, v.14:481-499. Tables (1 fold.), illus. Ql.P56. 290628-17 868 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PADUA, REGINO G.-Continued. 1922. Observations on some of the more recent work regarding the chemotherapeutics of chaulmoogra oil derivatives. Philippine Iiilands health service. Monthly bulletin, v, 2: 105-112. Tables. RA319.A31. Results of the investigations on the dysentery situation in the province of Leyte. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 2 :409-421. RA319.A31. 1923. Epidemiological aspect of malaria in certain parts of the Philippines. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 14 :248-262. Tables. R97.5 :R4. On the incidence of splenic enlargements in a malarious district of the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 3: 1-6. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1924. The dysentery problem in the Philippines; epidemiology of a recent outbreak. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4:39-48. Tables. R97.5:P57. The public health service and the dental program for children. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 15: 264-267. Table. R97.5:R4. 1925. The need for accurate morbidity and mortality statistics. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 301-304. R97. 5:P57. Preliminary analytic study on the measure of the force of mortality during the last decade in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 4-16. Tables, charts. R97.5:P57. A study of tlie determination of spleen index in Filipino school children, by JACOBO FAJARDO, LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2: 249-269. Tables, charts. RC960.F24. Some observations on the effects of anti-typhoid inoculations in the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2:363-376. Tables, charts. RC960.F24. 1926. A brief study on some of the various phases of the tuberculosis question in the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 91-108. Tables, graphs. RC307.N2. A few notes on simple goiter in certain parts of the Philippines, by LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL and REGINO G. PADUA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6 :113-121. Charts. R97.5:P57. Further studies on the index line in malaria splenomagaly, by REGINO G. PADUA and LEONCIO LOPEZ RIZAL. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6:77-83. Tables. R97.5:P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 869 PADUA, REGINO G.-Continued. 1927. A preliminary study on the variations of the infant mortality and its relation to the crude death-rates in the rural districts of the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 7: 471-476. Tables. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1928, v. 19: 258-266. R97.5: R4. RA319. A31. 1928. A brief analytical study of the intra-annual variation of the birthdeath ratio, or vital index, in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8:339-352. Tables, charts. R97.5 :P57. Certain sidelights of malaria. Revis ta filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19: 124-135. Tables, charts.; Also in Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, 1928, v. 8:225-230, R97.5:P57. R97.5:R4. 1932. A study of the incidence of illegitimate births among Filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 430-439. Tables. R97 .5: P57. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Findings on the malaria investigations within /the four selected zones in Laguna province. Philippine Isla,Jds health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3: 47-66. Tables. RAsl9.A31. Findings on malaria investigations in the I~ahig penal colony. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3: 249265. Tables, map (fold.) RA319.A31. Results of the investigation on the dysentery situation in the province of Leyte. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3: 409-421. Table. RA319.A31. 1926. The health officers' first g'eneral assembly. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6:299-305. Table. RA319. A31. 1929. The actual dysentery problem. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9:213-218. RA319.A31. Flies as transmitters of diseases. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 176-181. RA319.A31. The Philippine health service-its organization and function. Philippine Islands health service. Monthl11 bulletin, v. 9: 404407. RA319.A31. The typhoid question in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 229-236. RA319.A31. 1930. Domestic and institutional sanitation. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.10: 117-123. RA319.A31. How to escape the plague. The government employee, v.1, no. 3: 33-35. JQ1349.P4G7. How to maintain health. The government employee, v. 1, no. 4: 29-30. JQ1349.P4G7. 870 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PADUA, REGINO G.-Continued. 1931. Carriers and their significance. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11:196-201. RA319.A31. How to maintain health. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11:317-322'. RA319.A31. Infantile and adult beriberi. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 370-375. RA319.A31. Personal hygiene. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :250-256. RA319.A31. Water pollution and purification. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11 :243-249. RA319.A31. What does every university student urgently need? Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 480-492. RA319.A31. 1932. On the unusual prevalence of typhoid fever during 1921 in the city of Baguio and its vicinity. Philippine Islands heatlh service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12: 141-172. Tables. RA319.A31. PAEZ, JOSE N.-Manila Railroad Co.; 920 Wright, Malate, Manila; Malabon, Rizal. Civil Engineering. B. A., Liceo de Manila, 05; C. E., Swis Fed. Tech. Univ. of Turich; M. C. E., Cornell Univ. Eng., Aktien~sellschaft Lauchhammer, Berlin Co.; Jr. Asst. Eng. of Sorsogon, Pamp., Bu. of Public Works, 13; Civil Eng., Palawan; Dist. Eng., Ilocos Norte; Designing Eng., Central Office of the Bu. of Public Works.; Dir., Bu. of Public Works, 19; Gen. Mngr. of the Manila Railroad Co., 22; Vice-Pres. & Pres., Nat. Coal Co., 21-23; Pres., Board of Directors, Manila Hotel Co., 22-26; Pres., Cornell Alumni Assn., of Philip., 19-26; Member, Board of Directors, Metropolitan Water District, 19-23; Member, Public 'Utility Commission, 19-23; Member, Board of Directors, Cebu Portland Cement Co., 22. Philip. Inst. of Engineers and Architects; Monroe Educ. Board; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. The development of Philippine railroad. Clipping from The tribune, April 7. HF3341.P2. PAGENHART, EDWIN HERBERT.-Intendencia Bldg., 1325 General Luna. Civil Engineering. Wessington Spring, S. Dakota, U. S., Mar. 21, 84. Univ. of Minnesota, 2i Yrs. Aid, Hydrographic and Geodetic Eng., U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, 04-34; Dir., Coast Surveys, Manila. Am. Soc. of Civil Engineers, Washington Soc. of Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. PALO, MACARIO.-Bureau of Plant Industry; 648 A. Roxas, Singalong Subdivision; Lemery, Batangas. Plant Pathology. Lemery, Batangas, June 20, 98. Asst. Instr. Coll., of Agric. 24-29; Junior Mycologist, Bu. of Sci., 29-33; Asst. Plant Pathologist, Bu. of Plant Industry, 33 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, I934-35 871 PALO, MACARIO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. The relation of certain Philippine commercial varieties of bananas to the wilt disease due to Fusarium cubense Efs, by G. O. OeFEMIA and M. A. PALO. Philippine agriculturist, v. I5: 2'43-244. SI7.P53. Rhizoctonia disease of rice : I. A study of the disease and of the influence of certain conditions upon the viability of the sclerotial bodies of the causal fungus. Philippine agriculturist, v. I5 :36I-375. Tables, illus. SI 7.P53. I928. A fusarium causing bulb rot of onion in the Philippines. P,hilippine agriculturist, v. I 7: 301-3I6. Illus., plates. Sl 7.P53. I929. A study of certain chemical treatments in relation to seed borne diseases of Calauan Yellow flint Maize, by V. C. CALMA, L. G. PADERNA and M. A. PALO. Philippine agriculturist, v. I 7: 499507. Abstract in Review of applied mycology, 1929, v. 8: 499-500. SI7.P53. I932. Anthracnose and important insect pests of the mango in the Philippines with a report on blossom spraying experiments. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 209-235. Tables, plates. QI. P56. Control of the blossomblight of the mango, by F. B. SERRANO and M. A. PALO. Front. (col. plate). Philippine Islands Bureau <>f science. Popular bulletin, no. I 7. Plates. Q75.P56. Studies on the root-knot nematode, Heterodera radicicola Greef Muller of tomato and other plants in the Philippines, by T. G. FAJARDO and M. A. PALO. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 205-207. Q75.U5. I933. Sclerotium seed rot and seedling stem rot of mango. Philippine journal of sC1ience, v. 52 :237-258. Tables, diagrs. plates. Q1.P56. Blossom-blight of mangos in the Philippines, by F. B. SERRANO and M. A. PALO. Philippine journal of science, v. 50:211-277. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. I934. A serious leaf-spot of Chinese cabbage (Wongbok) and other cruciferous plants in Trinidad valley, Mountain province, by T. G. FAJARDO and M. A. PALO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5. SI7.P51. Two destructive leaf diseases of celery in the Philippines, by M. A. PALO and T. G. FAJARDO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5: 3I-44. SI 7.P51. PANLASIGUI, ISIDORO.-University of the Philippines; 442' Taft Avenue. Psychology. Vigan, I. S., Apr. 2, 91. A. B., Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa, I8; M. A., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 27; Ph. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 28. Instr., I9-24; Asst. Prof. 24 --; Head, Dept. of Psychology, 30 --. Pres., Pi Gamma Mu, U. P. 33-34; Phi Kappa Phi; Nat. Soc. for the Study of Education; Philip. 872 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL P ANLASIGUI, ISIDORO-Continued. Sci. Soc.; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Science; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1929. Educational psychology. Manila, Educational supply. 1930. Elementary statistics. Manila, Educational supply. 1933. The motivation of learning. Manila, University of the Philippines Press. The Philippine national literature Book I. The Philippine national literature Book II. The Philippine national literature Book III. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. A study on the entrance examination, type A, University of the Philippines. Philippine socal science review, v. 3: 177-190. H8.P5. 1932. The future language in the Philippines. Philippine social science review, v. 4, no. 25-33. H8.P5. 1933. Objectives of character education. Philippine social science review, v. 5: 128-136. H8.P5. 1934. The teacher and his profession. Philippine education, Manila. PAN GANIBAN, CRISANTO.-Bureau of Sci.; Ibaan, Batangas. Bacteriology. Ibaan, Batangas, Dec. 5, 86. D. V. M., U. P., 16. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1917. Experimental cholera carriers and immunity, by OTTO ScHOBL and C. S. PANGANIBAN. Philippine journal of science, v.12 B: 4349. Tables. Ql.P52. 1918. Preservation of cholera stool specimens for delayed bacteriologic examination, by c. s. PANGANIBAN and OTTO ScHOBL. Philippine journal of science, v. 13: 275-280. Tables. Ql.P52. 1919. Experience with methylene blue-eosin lactose agar in searching for bacillus dysenteriae in stools, by C. S. PANGANIBAN and 0. SCHOBL. Philippine journal of science, v. 14: 235-273. Table. Ql.P56. PARAS, ERNESTO M.-687 Peiiafrancia, Paco, Manila; Culion, Palawan. Chemistry. Boac, Marinduque, Dec. 16, 95. Ph. C., School of Pharmacy, U. P., 21. Jr. Chemist, Bu. of Sci., 21-22,; Jr. Chemist, Culion Leper Colony, Bu. of Health, 23 --. Honorary member, Culion Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Bu. of Health Fellow to Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, 27-28. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Blood-chemistry studies in leprosy, nonprotein nitrogenous, substances, sugar, and chloride. Philippine journal of science, v. 30: 219-234. Tables. Ql.P56. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 873 PARAS, ERNESTO M.-Continued. 1926. Blood chemistry studies in leprosy. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 6:157; Also in PhiliP']>ine journal of science, 1927 v. 33: 155-167. Ql.P56. RA319.A31. 1927. Blood-chemistry studies in leprosy. Philippine journal of science, v. 33: 155-167. (Read at Culion medical society.) Ql.P56. 1928. Blood calcium in leprosy, by MARIANO c. CRUZ, CASIMIRO B. LARA and E. M. PARAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 216-221. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1930. Plasma Iipoids in leprosy, by E. M. PARAS, M. LAGROSA and J. IGNACIO. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, eight congress, v. 2:631-648. Read at a meeting of the Far Eastern association of tropical medicine held at Bangkok, Dec. 1930. RC960.F24. 1931. Blood plasma Iipoids in leprosy. PhiliP']>ine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 1-9. Tables, charts. R97.5: P57. PARDO, LEOPOLDO.-Mandaluyong, Rizal; Univ. Santo Tomas. Psychiatry. A. B., Letran, 17; M. D., Univ. Santo Tomas, 22. Asst. Prof., Univ. Santo Tomas, 30 --; Asst Alienist Bu. of Health, 22 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Pensionado in Neuro-Psychiatry to Harvard Med. Sch. 27-29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Disenteria bacillar en el hospital de San Lazaro. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.19: 32. R97.5: R4. 1929. A contribution to the study of psychoses occuring in the course of syphilitic infections. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 20: 318-323. R97.5: R4. Syphilitic psychosis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 20: 318. R97.5: R4. 1930. The disease concept in psychiatry. Philirppine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 511-513. R97:5: P57. 1932. Psychiatry aspects of criminal responsibility. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.12:262-266. RA319.A3l. 1933. Factors in psychosis. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 24: 4-5. R97.5: R4. PASCUAL, WENCESLAO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; Malabon, Rizal. Physiology and Biochemistry. Navotas, Rizal, Sept. 28, 98. M. D., Univ. Philip., 22. Instr. in Physiol., U. P., 22-29; Asst. Prof. of Physiol. and Biochem., U. P., 29 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. Govt. Pensionado to Harvard Med. Sch., 26-28. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Industrial fatigue. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 168-171. R97.5: P57. 874 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PASCUAL, WENCESLAO-Continued. 1926. Further observations on the blood grouping of filipinos. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 157-160. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1930. Cardiovascular rating as a means of detecting ill health, by JUAN SALCEDO, Jr. and WENCESLAO PASCUAL. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 238-244. Tables, diagrs. R97.5: P57. 1931. Filipino physiological constants: I. Pulse rates, by WENCESLAO PASCUAL and JUAN SALCEDO, Jr. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 226-230, pt. II, v. 12: 205-209; pt. Ill, p. 494. Tables, graph. R97.5: P57. 1933. Physiological effects of tropical sunlight: I. Transient polycythemia following insolation. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 3, no.3 :295-303. Illus., tables. Q75.U5. PAULINO, PEREGRINO H.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; San Pablo, Laguna, Tayabas. Pediatrics. San Pablo, Laguna, May 16, 97. M. D., U. S. T., 22. Asst. in Pediatrics, U. P. & Asso. Res., Philip. Gen. Hosp., 28 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. PERALTA, FERNANDO DE.-Agricultural College, Laguna. Plant Physiology and Ecology. Claveria, Cagayan, May 30, 93. B. Agr., 19; B. S. A., 22, M. S. A., 23; Coll of Agr., Univ. Philip.; Ph. D., Nebraska Univ. 34. Graduate Asst., Coll., of Agric., Univ. Philip., 19-23; Instr., Coll., of Agric. 23-32. Phi. Sigma; Sigma Xi; Ecological Soc. of America; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow to Nebraska Univ., 32-34. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. A study of the relation of climatic conditions to the vegetable growth and seed production of rice. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7:159-183. Diagrs., tables. S17.P53. 1922. The control of soil moisture by means of auto-irrigators. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 467-477. Tables, plate, graph. S17. P53. 1923. A tentative study of the effect of root excretion of common paddy weeds upon crop production of low land rice. Philippine agriculturist, v~ 11,no. 7. S17.P53. 1927. Influence upon the development of young rice plants of sodium chloride added to a complete solution. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 471-479. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1928. Third list of cyanophoric plants of Maquiling region. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 333-335. S17.P53. 1931. Effects on the yield of grain and straw of rice if weeds are left to decay in the soil. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 423-429. Tables. S17.P53. Principles of plant competition as illustrated by sudan grass. (In press. ecological monograph. Ph. D. Thesis.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 875 PEREZ, CIRILO.-Bureau of Science; 52 Wilson St., S. Juan, Rizal; Sta. Maria, Bulacan. Library Science. ,Sta. Maria, Bulacan, July 8, 92. A. B., Univ. Philip., 18; G. L. S., Univ. of Wisconsin, 20; B. L. S., Univ. Philip., 21. Teacher, Bu. of Educ., 11-12; Asst. Librarian, Bu. of Sci., 20-24; Librarian and Chief, Administrative Div., Bureau of Sci., 29-33; Chief, Sci. Lib., Dept. of Agr. & Commerce, 33-34. Asso. Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado to Wisconsin, 18-20. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Miss Mary Polk pioneer librarian in the Philippines. Clippings from Manila daily bulletin, Monday, May 30. Z720.P7P4. A Ust of publication on oriental art on file in the library of the Bureau of science. Z5931.P4. PEREZ, FRANCISCO.-Univ. Philip.; 1103 Washington, Sampaloc; Polo, Bulacan. Mathematics. Polo, Bulacan, Jan. 29, 000. B. A., 20, B. Ph., 22, U. P.; M. A., U. P. 24; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 29. Instr. in Mat., U. P., 22-24; Asst. Prof. of Math., U. P., 26, 30 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Chicogo, 27-29. 1930. On a certain function of Hermitian matrices with quaternion: ic-valued elements. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 1: 63-70. Q75.U5. 1932. A generalization of determinants of m-dimensional matrices. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 135-148. Q75. U5. PEREZ, GILBERT.-Bu. of Education; Corner of Magallanes and Real. Biology and Plant Pathology. Idaho, Florida, Feb. 8, 85. B. S., 07, Ph. D., 33, Bucknell Univ. Industrial Supervisor of Bohol, 11-17; Div. Supt. of Tayabas, 1"7-26; Chief, Ind. Div., Manila, 26-28; Supt. of Vocational Education, Manila, 27 --. Royal Belgian Numismatique Soc; Am. Numismatic Assn.; Vice-Pres., Philip. Numismatic Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Am. Philosophical Soc. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Dapdap molds. Philippine craftsman, v. 4: 345-346. Illus. TT161.P5. A plan for sanitary outhouses for barrio and central schools. Philippine craftsman, v. 4: 239-241. Illus. TT161.P5. Problems in improving school grounds. Philippine craftsman, v. 3: 503-509. Illus., ports. TT161.P5. Some factors affecting profits in Philippine basketry: Philippine craftsman, v. 4: 386-390. TT161.P5. 1916. The cultivation of wild plants as a source of supply for materials used in industrial classes. Philippine craftsman, v. 4: 616-619. TT161.P5. 1933. Activity concepts in academic industrial classes. Philippine journal of education, v. 15: 403-404, 431. L69.P5. 876 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL POLICARPO PARDO, CATALINA.-lnsular Psychopathic Hospital; Mandaluyong, Rizal. Psychiatry. Navotas, Rizal, Oct. 12, 97. A. B., Univ. Philip., 20; M. D., Univ. Philip., 23. House Physician, Mary Johnston, 23-24; Resi., San Lazaro Hosp., 25-28; Asst. Alienist, Phycho. Hosp., 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Manila Medical Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas. Philip. Govt. Fellow in Psychiatry to the Boston Psychapatric Hospital & Harvard Medical 28-29. PIO DE RODA, ALFREDO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 1599 Dapitan, Sampaloc; lndang, Cavite. Bacteri-Ology. lndang, Cavite, Sept. 5, 98. A. A., 23, M. D., 28, U. P.; Certificate of Attendance, Tradeau Sch. of Tuberculosis, Sarawac Lake, N. Y., 32. Instr. in Sanitary Bacteriology and Immunology, U. P., 28-31, 33 --. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Rockefeller Foundation Fellow to Tnideau Sch. of Tuberculosis, N. Y., 31-32. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Further studies on chlorine in the purification of water. Philipippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 326-333. Tables (fold). R97.5:P57. Effect of Citrus limonia Osbeck (Imported American lemon), C. aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle (Dayap), and C. mitis Blanco (Calamansi) in water treatment, by RAMON M. MACASAET and A. PIO DE RODA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal v.10: 223·232. R97.5: P57. 1931. The attempted cultivation of Mycobacterium leprae, by WADE W. OLIVER, w ALFRIDO DE LEON and ALFREDO PIO DE RODA. Philippine journal of science, v. 46 :611-625. Plates. Ql.P56. POTENCIANO, CONRAD0.-249 Solana; Biiian, Laguna. Medicine. Biiian, Laguna, Nov. 23, 88. A. B., San Juan de Letran; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Sohre los extractos fluidos. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 53-63. R97.5: R4. Contribuci6n al estudio del alcohol. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 2: 509-524. Table. R97.5: R4. 1912. Estudio comparativo de la quassina, de la quassina y de la Samderina, de la Samderina indica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3: 495-509. Tables. Also in Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regoinal de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 550-562. R106.A8. R97.5: R4. 1914. Contribuci6n al estudio farmacol6gico del "Bacong" (Crinum asiaticum, Linn. y del "Asimao" (Harrisonia perforata, Brown). Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 645-664.; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1914, v. 5:125139. R97.5: R4. R106.A8. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 877 POTENCIANO, CONRADO-Continued. 1928. Contribuci6n al estudio farmacol6gico de nuestras plantas medicinales. Philippine pharmaceutical association. Journal, v. 1: 106-111. RS1.P48. PUNSALAN, JOSE V.-San Lazaro Hospital, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. Cholera epidemic in Bantayan, by L. LOPEZ RIZAL, JOSE S!AN and JOSE V. PUNSALAN. Philippine Islands health service. Mont/Uy bulletin, v. 11 p. 533-551. Tables, diagrs. RA319.A31. QUESADA, EUGENIO C.-National University; P. 0. Box 2918, Manila; Paete, Laguna. Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Paete, Laguna, Dec. 25, 89. Ph. G., School of Pharmacy, U. P., 14; B. S. Pharmacy, Univ. Philip., 15; Phar. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 24. Pharmacist in charge, Phil. Gen. Hosp., Manila, 17-31; Instr. in Chemistry, Nat. Academy, Manila 19-22; Dean, Coll. of Pharmacy, Nat. Univ., 22 --. Am. Pharmaceutical Assn.; Philip. Pharmaceutical Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. QUISUMBING, FRANCISC0.-1168 Pennsylvania, Malate; Los Banos, Laguna. Chemistry. Sta. Cruz, Laguna, Dec. 1, 92. B. Agr., 14, M. S., 18, Univ. Philip. Asst. in Chem., U. P., 14-18; Instr. in Chem. 21, Asst. Prof. of Chem., 21-23, Univ. Philip. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow of B. R. M. to U. S., 18-20. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1914. The cultivated root-producing aroids; yautiag'abis, dasheens, alocasias, and cyrtospermums. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3 :85-110. Tables. Sl 7.P53. Some chemical and bacteriological effects of clearing grass land by burning, by FRANCISCO QUISUMBING and GERARDO OCFEMIA. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 3 :76-78. Sl 7.P53. 1915. Camphor in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 3: 190192. Sl 7.P53. 1920. Determination of glucose and starch by the alkaline potassium permanganate method. Philippine journal of science, v. 16:581601. Tables, diagrs. QLP56. 1921. Conditions affecting the quantitative determination of reducing sugars by Fehling solution. Elimination of certain errors involved in current methods, by F. A. QUISUMBING and A. W. THOMAS. Journal of the American chemical society, v. 43, no. 7. QD1.A63. Industrial alcohol as a motor fuel. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. l: 317-319. TA4.P49. Ihvestigation of conditions affecting the quantitative determination of reducing sugars by Fehling solution and the elimination of certain errors involved in the current methods, by F. A. QUISUMBING and A. W. THOMAS. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10 :69-71. Table. Sl 7.P53. 878 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL QUISUMBING, FRANCISCO-Continued. 1921. Philippine contributions on agricultural, biological and industrial chemistry. Philippine agriculturist, v.10:113-123. Sl7.P53. QUISUMBING, MANUEL Y ARGii'ELLES.-25 A. Flores; San Pablo, Laguna. Medicine. St.a. Cruz, Laguna, Aug. 25, 91. M. D., Sto. Tomas Univ., 13. Private Practitioner. Ex-Corresponsal Member, Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1915. Casos de hemorragia en los recien nacidos. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 6:494-495. R97.5:R4. 1916. Fiebre tifoidea en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 81-100. Tables, chart. R106.A8. 1918. Un caso de megacolon congoenito. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 9:259-2'63. Illus. R97.5:R4. Casos de fiebre para tifoidea B en Lipa, Bat.angas. Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 9: 51-57. R97 .5: R4. 1925. Report sobre dos casos de parkinsonismo letargico. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 114-121. R97.5: P57. 1926. Nuevos casos de empyema trat.ados por el drenaje sifonado combinados con la auto-vaccinoterapia. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.17:104-112. Illus. R97.5:R4. Trat.amiento del empyema en los niiios por el drenaje sifoniado de Kenyon. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 17: 70-76. R97.5: R4. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Un caso de osteomielitis aguda de origen pyogeno. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 1 :211-215. Illus. R97.5 :S2. 1933. Operaci6n cesarea en caso de Hidra.mnios agudo. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 7: 106-109. R97.5:S2. RACELIS, ANTONIO.-School of Forestry, Agric. Coll., Laguna; 843 Lepanto, Sampaloc, Manila. Forest Management. Lucban, Tayabas, May 10, 87. Ranger's Certificate, Forestry School, U. P., 12; B. S. F., U. P., 15; M. S. F., Univ. of Michigan, U. S., 17. Ranger, 12-15, Actg. Dist. Forester, 18-19, Dist. Forester, 23-25, Asst. Chief, Div. of Forest Management, 25-26, Acting Chief, Div. of Forest Management, 26, Bu. of Forestry; Instr. in Forest Utilization 18-19, Asst. Prof. of Forest Engin. 19-29; Asso. Prof. of Forest Engin. 29-34; Asso. Prof. of Forest Management, 34; Head of the Dept. of Forest Management, 34, Univ. Philip. Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. of Am. Foresters, Washington; Asso., Nat Res. Council P. I. Pensionado of Bu. of Forestry to U. P., School of Forestry, 10-15. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 879 RACELIS, ANTONIO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. The use of arithmetical mean by the short method in forest valuation survey. Makiling echo, v. 9, no. 4: 16-24. SD1.M2. 1931. A method of calculating the number of trees for measurement in the Bureau of forestry rubber plantation. University of the Philippines. Natural and applWd science bulletin, v. 1: 251-256. Plates. Q75.U5. The use of radio chart in presenting forest statistical data. Makiling echo, v.10, no. 2:5-7. SD1.M2. 1933. An analysis of the theory of correlation problem as applied to forest research. Makiling echo, v. 12, no. 4: 244-251. SD1.M2. Use of statistical methods in forest research. Makiling echo, v. 12, no. 2:92-99. SD1.M2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Rafting and loading timber in Balabac, Palawan. Makiling echo, v. 3, no. 3. SD1.M2. 1925. What to take and how to take them. Makiling echo, v. 4, no. 1: 10; no. 2: 14-17. SD1.M2. Basic forest policy for the Philippines. Makiling echo, v. 4, no. 3: 22-29. SD1.M2. 1926. Forest experiment stations in the Philippines. Makiling echo, v. 4, no.4: 6-13. SD1.M2. 1927. Sustained yield management for Philippine forests. Makiling echo, v. 6, no. 2 :2-8. SD1.M2. 1930. Philippine forestry literature. Makiling echo, v. 9, nos. 1-4, 1931, v. 10, nos. 1-4, 1932, v. 11, nos. 1-3: 169-71, 1933, v. 12, no. 1: 5-13. SD1.M2. 1931. Secular trend of lumber prices of fire important commercial species in the Philippines. Makiling echo, v. 10, no. 4; 4-10. SD1.M2. 1933. A new hypsometer. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science, bulletin, v. 3: 111-120. Illus., plates, table. Q75.U5. 1934. Possible profit from planted forest on marginal agricultural lands in the Philippines. Makiling echo, v. 13. SD1.M2. REYES, GAUDENCIO M.-Bu. of Plant Industry; 37 Mindoro, Paco; Antipolo, Rizal. Plant Pathologist. B. Agr., U. P., 20. From Plant lnsp. to Asst. Pathologist, Bu. of Agr. 26-29; Asst. Mycologist, Bu. of Sci., 29-33; Asst. Pathologist, Bu. of Plant Ind., 33 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Soc. of Technical Agriculturists; Philip. Phytopathological Soc.; Pan-Pacific Sci. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 880 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL REYES, GAUDENCIO M.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1919. Storage-rots caused Diplodia. Philippine agriculturist, v. 8 :235260. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1921. Fiji disease of sugar cane, by MARIANO G. MEDALLA and GAUDENCIO M. REYES. Philippine farmer, v. 7, no. 1:3 & 5. S17.P55. 1922. The dissemination of cane smut, by H. ATHERTON LEE, GAUDENCIO M. REYES and FELICIANO CLARA. Sugar news, v. 3, no. 9: 414419. TP375.S4. 192'4. On the occurrence of maize rust in the Philippines. Philippine agricultural review, v.17:3-9. Plates. S17.P5. The use of fungicides in the Philippines, by GAUDENCIO M. REYES and F. B. SERRANO. Philippine agricultural review, v.17:127133. Sl 7.P5. 1927. Sugar cane diseases and their control, by N. G. TEODORO and G. M. REYES. Manila. 19 mimeograph sheets. SB608.S9T3. The mosaic disease of sugar cane. Philippine agricultural review, v. 20 :187-228. Plates. Sl 7.P5. 1932. Artificial infection of the coconut leaf miner with Beauveria globulifera (Speg.) Pie. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bullet-in, v. 2:213-214. Q75.U5. Artificial infection of the coconut leaf miner with Beauveria globulifera (Spegazzini) Picard. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 419-441. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. An unreported fungus disease of the Philippine locust. Philippine journal of science, v. 49 :407-418. Plates, table. Ql.P56. Studies on an unreported fungus disease of the Philippine migratory locust. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2:262-263. Q75.U5. 1933. Observations on two forms of sterility in rice, by G. M. REYES, V. BORJA and J. P. TORRES. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 99-118. Sl 7.P51. The black smut, or bunt, of rice (Oryza sativa Linnaeus) in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 4: 241-270. Abstract in Proceeding of the second Philippine science con-vention, Manila, 1933, v. 2: 14-15. Sl 7.P51. 1934. Germination of the pollen rice. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5: 21-29. Sl 7.P51. Banana black-tip disease in the Philippines. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 5:117-119. S17.P51. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The stem rot (Sclerotial disease) of irrigated rice. Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 227. (English, tagaiog and Ilocano). S801.A55. 1929. A preliminary report on the stem-rot of rice. Philippine agricultura review, v. 22 :313-331. Tables, plates. diagrs. Sl 7.P5. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 881 ROA, EMETERIO.-Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd., Insular Life Bldg. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. A number of new generating functions with applications to statistics. Thesis (D. S.)-Michigan univeristy. 110 p. QA342. R6. ROBLES, MANUEL M.-Bu. of Animal Industry; 269 Labores, Pandacan, Manila. Veterinary Medicine. Isabela, Occ. N egros, Mar. 8, 01. D. V. M., Univ. Philip., 24. Instr. Univ. Philip. 24-27; Veterinarian, Isabela Planters Assn., 27-29; Veterinarian, Bu. of Animal Industry, 29 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Vet. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Notes on rural veterinary practice in Occidental Negros. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1 :431-443. Plate. Sl 7.P51. A preliminary report on dried rinderpest vaccine, by MANUEL M. ROBLES and J. D. GENEROSO. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 1 :367-379. Tables, diagrs. Sl 7.P51. 1931. Experiments on the virulence of rinderpest blood. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 307-314. Sl 7.P51. 1934. Dried rinderpest vaccine. Philippine journal of animal industry, v. 1 :33-43. (Read before the sixteenth annual meting of the Philippine Islands medical association held at Pandacan, Manila, Feb. 5 & 6, 1934.) SF1.P5. RODRIGUEZ, EULOGIO B.-National Library, Manila; 1079 Singalong, Manila; Orani, Bataan. Library Science. Orani, Bataan, Sept. 10, 93. A. B., U. P.; M. A., Univ. Wisconsin, 20; LL. B., Nat. Univ., Washington, 22. Asst. Acting Dir., Philip. Press Bu., 20-22; Legislative researcher, detailed to Dept. of Justice, Philip. Lib. & Museum, 23-26; Chief, Filipiniana Div., 25-28, Acting Dir., 28-29, Asst. Dir., 28 --, Nat. Library; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Philip. Govt. Pensionado, 18-20, to the Univ. of Wisconsin to specialize in library science and legislative research and reference work. BOOKS 1923. The hero of the Filipinos; the story of Jose Rizal, poet, patriot and martyr, by CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL and E. B. RODRIGUEZ. New York and London, The Century Co. DS675.R6R9. 1926. What should be the national language of the Filipinos. Manila, Philippine education co., inc. 1931. The first book printed on the Philippine-De Molvccis Insvlis, Manila, General printing press. 1933. The development of Philippine literature. Manila, General printing press. 882 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RODRIGUEZ, EULOGIO B.-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. A list of the works of the diceased eminent filipino scientists. 26 typewritten sheets. Z6661.P5R6. 1926. La vida y la carrera del intrepido General Luna; breve bibliografia de obras escritas por y acerca del bravo caudillo de la revoluci6n. Clippings from La Vanguardia, October 30. Z8527. 3: R6. 1927. Don Manuel Artiga~ y Cuerva. 7 typewritten sheets. Z270.A7R6. 1928. Libraries in the Philippines. The library journal, v. 53 :839-843. Z671.L6. Names under which the Philippines has been known at different times in history. Philippine education magazine, v. 25:206-207, 232', 234. Ll.P5. The Philippine national hymn. Philippine education magazine, v. 25 :257-259, 282-283. Illus. Ll.P5. 1929. Las calles historicas de Manila que recuerdan tiempos de Espana. Clippings from La Vanguardia, 25 Julio. DS689.M2R6. 1931. First recorded occurrence of malaria in the Philippines. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, V. 11: 94-95. RA319.A31. The gifts of Spain to the Philippines. Unitas, v. 10 p. 221-238. LH7. U5. 1932. Libraries in the Philippines. The library journal, v. 57 :414-416. Z671.L6. RODRIGUEZ, FILEMON.-Dept. of Public Works; 805 Nebraska, Malate; Makalelon, Tayabas. Civil Engineering. Makalelon, Tayabas, Dec. 25, 03. B. S. C. E., U. P., 26. Jr. Civil Engineer, Bu. of Public Works, 26; Asst. Civil Eng., 26-29; Asst. Chief, Operation and Maintenance Section, Irrigation Div., Bu. of Public Works, 29-30; Tech. Asst., Dept. of Public Works, 33 --. Junior member, Am. Soc. of Civil Eng.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Govt. Pensionado to U. S., 30-31. RODRIGUEZ, JOSE NATALIO.-Bu. of Health; P. 0. Box 288, Cebu, San Marcelino, Zambales. Tropical Medicine. San Marcelino, Zam bales, Dec. 1, 96. M. D., Univ. Philip., 20; C. P. H., Johns Hopkins Graduate School, 32. Resi. Philip. Gen. Hosp., 21-22; Actg., Chief Physician, Culion Leper Colony, 24-26. Cebu Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Am. Med. Assn.; International Leprosy Assn. (Councilor); Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow to Johns Hopkins, Leonard Wood Memorial, 31-32. Fellow to India, 26-27. BOOK 1927. A description of leprosy, its etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment for health officers and others concerned in antileprosy work, prepared under the auspices of the Culion medical board, by H. w. WADE and J. N. RODRIGUEZ. Manila, Bur. of print. Plates. RC154.7: P5W2. ANNUAL REPORT, .1934-35 883 RODRIGUEZ, JOSE NATALIO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. A rare case of multiple neurofibromatosis (Von Recklinghausen's disease). Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 1-4. R97.5: P57. 1923. Treatment of leprosy by antimony, by JosE N. RODRIGUEZ and FROILAN EUBANAS. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 3: 104-106; also in Philippine journal of science v. 23: 575-594, Ql.P56. RA319.A31. 1924. Fourth progress report of leprosy treatment at the Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 4: 560-565. RA319.A31. 1925. The disturbances of cutaneous sensibility in leprosy. Philippine journal of science, v. 27: 455-481. Diagrs. Ql.P56. Progress of leprosy treatment work at Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 40-46. R97. 5: P57. Results of the treatment work at Culion leper colony, Philippines. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, sixth congress, v. 2: 699-722. RC960.F24. 1926. Brief review of the medical work at Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 42-49. R97. 5: P57. Studies on early leprosy in children of lepers. Philippine journal of science, v. 31: 115-145. Tables, plates, diag. Ql.P56. 1928. Leper situation in India. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly Bulletin, v. 8: 22-23. RA319.A31. Diagnostic problems of leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 385-390. R97.5: P57. Leprosy campaign in the Philippines the, Cebu experiment. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 702-793. RA319.A31. Leprosy work in the province of Cebu. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 8: 183-187. RA319.A31. 1929. Preliminary survey on negative lepers in the first sanitary division, Cebu. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 9: 389-396. RA319.A31. 1930. The early symptoms of leprosy. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 447-451. R97.5: P57. Pellagra in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 217-221. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1931. Leprosy in Cebu. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 459-481. Tables. Ql.P56. The histamine test as an aid in the diagnosis of early leprosy, by JOSE RODRIGUEZ and FIDEL c. PLANTILLA. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11: 236-240. Also in Philippine journal of science, v. 46: 123-127. Ql.P56. RA319.A31. 290628--18 884 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RODRIGUEZ, JOSE NATALIO-Continued. 1931. Care and management of children of lepers. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.11: 484-486. R97.5: P57. 1932. Studies on early leprosy in children of lepers. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 245-258. Ql.P56. 1933. Gram-positive forms of mycobacterium leprae from leprotic lesions bacteriologically negative for acid-fast organisms: a preliminary report, by J. N. RODRIGUEZ, E. MABALAY and J. c. TOLENTINO. Philippine journal of Science, v. 51: 617-629. Ql.P56. Results of a special skin-disease survey among the pupils of four schools in the city of Cebu, Cebu, by J. N. RoDRIGUEZ, F. C. PLANTILLA, R. PONCE and c. B. JIMINO. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 13: 271-281. RA319.A31. 1934. Results of the chaulmoogra treatment in very early cases of leprosy. Leprosy review, v. 5: 102-107. RC154.L65. Leprosy in Cebu: II, by J. N. RODRIGUEZ and F. C. PLANTILLA. Philippine journal of science, v. 53: 1-46. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Solving the leprosy problem in the Philippines. Red Cross courier v. 8: 17-19. 1931. Some pertinent facts about Cebu and its leprosy problem. Leprosy review, v. 2: 96-99. RC154.L65. Instructions to patients with incipient leprosy at the Cebu skin dispensary. Leprosy review, v. 2: 100-101. RC154.L65. 1932. Comments on the epidemiology of leprosy. Philippine Islands health service. Leprosy advisory board. Transactions, p. 6368. RC154.7: P5. ROLDAN, EMILIANO.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Baliwag, Bulacan. Plant Pathology. Baliwag, Bulacan, Jan. 19, 95. B. Agr., 19, B. S. A., 22, M. S. A., 23, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; M.A., Univ. of Ill., 30. Instr. in Plant Path., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 24-27, 30 --. Phi Kappa Epsilon; Philip. Sci. Soc; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Bot. Soc. of Am.; Los Banos Biol. Club. U. P. Fellow to Univ. of Ill., 27-29. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Solanaceous wilt in the Philippine Islands, by COLIN G. WELLES and EMILIANO F. ROLDAN. Philippine agriculturist, v.10: 393398. Plates. S17.P53. 1925. The soft rot of pineapple in the Philippines and other countries. Philippine agriculturist, v. 13: 397-406. Plates. Sl 7.P53. Notes on soft rot of radish. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 185188. Plate. S17.P53. 1926. Bacterial wilt of marigold, or amarilla. Philippine agriculturist v. 15: 37-40. Illus. Sl 7.P53. 1930. The occurrence of pythium rootrot disease of maize and sugar cane in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 327. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 885 ROLDAN, EMILIANO-Continued. 1931. A bacterial stem-rot of hybrid cane seedlings hitherto unreported. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 247-260. Plates, tables. Sl 7. P53. Diseases of ornamentals in the Philippines, by F. L. STEVENS and E. F. ROLDAN. University of the Philippines .. Natural and applied science, v. 1: 249-250. Plates. Q75.U5. The non-infectious twisted or tangled top disease and pokkahboeng of sugar cane in the Philippine Islands. Sugar news, v. 12: 726-728. Also in College of agriculture, Los Banos. Department of plant pathology. Contribution, no. 89. SB621.C6. TP375.S4. 1932. Pokkah-boeng, a disease of sugar cane found on Java cane variety in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 20: 526-529. Illus. Sl 7.P53. Pythium root-rot disease of corn in the Philippine Islands. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 165-176. Illus., tables. Sl 7.P53. 1933. Four new diseases of Philippine economic plants caused by species of the family Pythiaceae. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 541-546. Illus. S17.P53. ROMULO, CARLOS P.-306 Vermont, Malate; Camiling, Tarlac. Journalism. Camiling, .Tarlac, Jan. 14, 99. B. A., Univ. Philip., 18; M. A., Columbia Univ., 21. Asst. Prof. of English, Univ. Philip., Asso. Prof. and Actg. Head of the Dept. of English, 24, Prof. Leet. of English, U. P., 28; First Editor of the Tribune, 25; Editor-inChief of the T. V. T. Publications, 30; Publisher of the D-M-H-M Newspapers. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. The tragedy of our Anglo-Saxon. National forum, v. 2, no. 6: 5864. AP8.N2. ROSARIO, CASIMIRO DEL.-Dept. of Physics, U. P.; 104 Nebraska, Ermita; Bantayan, Cebu. Physics. Bantayan, Cebu, June 13, 96. B. S. C. E., Univ. Philip., 18; M. S., Yale Univ., 24; Ph. D., Univ. Penn., 32. Instr. in Physics, Univ. Philip, 20-22; Asst. Prof. of Physics, 33 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso. Member, Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Sigma Xi; Am. Physical Soc.; Optical Soc. of Am. Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci. U. P. Fellow abroad, 2225; Sterling Fellowship. RUIZ, MARIANO V.-Bu. of Sci.; 709 Tennessee, Ellinwood Dorm.; Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Chemistry. Laoag, Ilocos Norte, Feb. 2, 01. Armour Inst. of Tech., Chicago, 21-32; Univ. of Chicago, 22-23; B. S., Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, 29. Tech. Asst., Luzon Sugar Co., 30-31; Asst. Chemist, Phoenix Chem. Lab., Chicago, 29-32; Gen. Manager, Lu-vi-min Mg. Co., & Inc. Laoag, Ilocos Norte 32-34 --. Philip. Lambda Upsilon; Am. Inst. of Chemical Engineers; Am. Chem. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow to study the Sewerage and Water System of Chicago, 28-29. 886 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL RUSTIA, GUILLERMO.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; 919 Taft. Ave.; Baliwag, Bulacan. Obstetrics. Baliwag, Bulacan, Feb. 20, 89. M. D., U. S. T., 13. Instr. in Obstetrics, U. P., 17-23; Non-Resi. Instr. in Obst., U. P., 23-26; Asst. Prof. in Obst., 26 --; Asst. Prof. of Obstetrics, U. P. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1916. Eclampsia gravidica (report de 34 casos). Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 3: 366-373. Table. R106.A6. 1918. Secci6n cesarea. (Report de 27 casos.) Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 287-299. R106.A8. 1919. Secci6n cesarea. Revista filipina de midicina y farmacia, v. 10: 238-250. R97.5: R4. 1920. Autoinfection, so-called, during the puerperium. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 119-123. Ql.P56. 1921. Acute dilatation of postpartum uterus report of a case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1: 160-162. R97. 5: P57. 1922. Hemolytic streptococci; their role in puerperal infection. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 121-125. R97. 5: P57. Induced abortion from the medico-legal point of view, by MARIANO TOLENTINO and GUILLERMO RUSTIA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2: 66-70. R97.5: P57. 1924. Rupture of the urinary bladder during puerperium; report of a case, by BALDOMERO ROXAS and GUILLERMO RUSTIA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 6-8. R97.5: P57. 1932. Abdominal pregnancy at twenty months, with report of a case. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 74-76. Illus. R97.5: P57. RUSTIA-SISON, FILIBERTO.-Arias Bldg. Manila; 1926 Leveriza, Malate, Manila; Baliuag, Bulacan. Dentistry. Baliuag, Bulacan, Jan. 3, 95. A. B., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 18; D. D. S., Philip. Dental Coll., 20. In charge, X-Ray Dept., Coll. of Dentistry, Nat. Univ., Manila; Private Practitioner. Am. Dental Assn., Nat. Dental Assn. of the Philip. Is. Sociedad Dental de Filipinas, 25; Philip. Soc. of Stornatologists, 32; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SACAY, FRANCISCO M.-Agricultural College, Laguna. Agricultural Education. Meycauayan, Bulacan, July 24, 04. B. Agr., 25, B. S. A. 27, Coll. of Agr., U. P.; M. S., 30, Ph. D., 31, Cornell Univ. Instr., Coll. of Agr., 31 --. Am. Farm Econ. Asso.; Nat. Educ. Assn.; Soc. for the Advancement of Research; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Fellow, Univ. Philip. to U. S., 28-31. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 887 SACAY, FRANCISCO M.-Continued. BOOKS 1927. A system of cost accounting for sugar cane farms. Compilation of committee reports for the fifth annual convention of the Philippine sugar association, Manila, p. 260-273. TP375.P52. 1928. A simple farm record for the farmer. College of agriculture, Los Banos, experiment station. Circular no. 16. 25 p. S301.E24. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1925. Some alleged Philippine poison plants, by MOISES M. KALAW and FRANCISCO M. SACAY. Philippine agriculturist, v. 14: 421-427, S17.P53. 1927. The cost of producing rice, 1926-1927. Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 235-251. Charts, tables. Sl 7.P53. 1928. An age of insects not of man: Some notes on teh fourth International congress of entomologists. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 381-384. Sl 7.P53. 1932. Agricultural education among Negroes in Southern United States: I-II. Philippine agriculturist, v. 21: 287-295, 363-369. Illus. S17.P53. 1933. A preliminary study of pupils in vocational agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 165-171. Tables. S17.P53. 1934. A study of teachers of agriculture in the Philippines. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 98-110. S17.P53. The accomplishments of the department of agricultural education. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23: 368-370. Sl 7 .P53. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Are we going to have "canned" education in the future? Philippine free press, October 26. 1930. Trend of Philippine agriculture. Philippine farm journal, November. S17.P518. Research and education and the future of Philippine agriculture. Philippine magazine, Dec. Ll.P5. A program of agricultural education: A general outline. Philippines herald, October 25. Specialized versus diversified farming for the Philippine. Farm economics, August. 1931. A study of the cost of harvesting crops with combines in New York. Farm economics, July. 1932. An analysis of the needs and problems of rural life. Philippines herald, September 3. Rural life and rural improvement. The Philippines herald, July 26. 1933. The need for a national program of agricultural readjustments. Philippine magazine, March. Ll.P5. 1934. The place of agricultural education in our agricultural readjustment. Agricultural life, v. 1, no. 1: 17-21. Sl 7.A24. 888 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SAJOR, VALENTIN.-School of Forestry, U. P.; 1203 Constancia corner Dapitan, Manila; Agric. Coll., Laguna. Forestry. Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, Oct. 18, 93. B. S. F., Univ. of Idaho, 26; M. F., Yale Univ., 27. Ranger-Scaler, Bu. of Forestry, 17-18; 2nd Lt. Inf. Philip. Nat. Guard, 18-19; Officer in charge, Bu. of Forestry, 24; Typ. Instr., U. P., 28; Dist. Forester, 28-30, Bu. of For.; Asst. Chief, Div. of Licenses, 30-33, Div. of Forestry & Range, 33-34; Asst. Prof., Range Management, U. P., 34 --, Forester in the Bu. of Forestry. Soc. of Am. Forester Washington; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Los Banos Biol. Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Forestry Student Govt. Scholar to U. P., 15-17. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Grazing in the Philippine. Makiling echo, v. 5, no. 4:2-22, 1927, v. 6, no. 1 :2-22. Tables. SD1.M2. 1934. "Range or grazing reconnaissance." Makiling echo, v. 13, no. 3: 196-197. SD1.M2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Forests and forestry in the Philippines. Makiling echo, v. 6, no. 3 :2-17. SD1.M2. 1928. Pros and cons of diversified forestry. Makiling echo, v. 7, no. 1: 2-14. SD1.M2. SAL VOZA, FELIPE.-Sch. of Forestry, Agric. Coll., Laguna. Dendrology. Polillo, Tayabas, Apr. 30, 92. Ranger, School of Forestry, U. P., 18; Sc. B. (Cum laude), N. Y., State Coll., For., 28; Sc. M., Bussey Inst. Harvard, 20; Sc. D., Bussey Inst., Harvard, 30. Principal Teacher, Infanta Int. Sch., Tayabas, 15-16; Ranger 18-20; Officer in charge, Catanduanes, Dist. 6, N aga; Bu. of Forestry, Ranger, Instr. Bu. of Forestry, Div. Inv., Los Banos, 20-26, 30 --. Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Shieldon Fellow in Bot. to Harvard Univ. 29-30; U. P. Fellow to Harvard Univ., 26-30. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Leaflet of Philippine dipterocarps. Makiling echo, v. 11, no. 2: 73-116. SD1.M2. Leaf key to leguminous trees and shrubs in the forestry plantation. The Makiling echo, v. 11, no. 4: 188-204. SD1.M2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The farm woodlot. Makiling echo, v. 6, no. 1: 23-32. SD1.M2. 1930. The memorial tree custom would enrich Philippines, in Manila daily bulletin (Phil. Hardw. suppl. Oct. 31). 1933. On the life of trees, in Narra chips (The makiling' literary club) 1934: 24-27 (read before the Y. M. C. A. Delegations, school of forestry). 1934. Labor organization in the Philippine forests. Philippine touring t-Opics, v. 1, no. 9 :13-17 & 71-72. DS651.P584. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 889 SAMSON, JOSE G.-Culion, Palawan; Baliwag, Bulacan. Medicine (Leprosy). Baliuag, Bulacan, Oct. 8, 95. A. B., Lib. Arts, U. P., 15; M. D., Coll. of Med., U. P., 20. Asst. Resident, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 20-22; Senior Physician, 22-30, Supervising Physician, 30 --, Culion Leper Colony. Manila Med. Soc.; Culion Med. Soc.; P. I. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Research Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1923. Preliminary report on creosote as an adjuvant in leprosy treatment, by JOSE G. SAMSON and GAVINO LIMKAKO. Philippine journal of science, v. 23: 515-529. Tables, diagrs. Ql.P56. 1924. Chief causes of death among lepers at the Culion leper colony, by CASIMIRO B. LARA, BONIFACIO DE VERA, JOSE G. SAMSON and FROILAN C. EUBANAS. Philippine Island& medical association. Journal, v. 4: 289-306.; also in Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, 1926, v. 6: 410-421, RA319.A31. R97.5: P57. 1929. Persistence of nasal lesions in leprosy, by JosE G. SAMSON and CASIMIRO B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 201-209. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1930. Treatment of the leprous lesions of the nasal mucosa. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, eighth congress, Bangkok, p. 602-611. Read before the Far Eastern association of tropical medicine at Bangkok, Siam, 1930. RC960.F24. Treatment of leprous lesions of the nasal mucosa, by J. G. SAMSON, C. B. LARA and M. C. CRUZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 291-299. Fold. table. R97.5: P57. 1931. Periatorial sympathectomy in tropic ulcers of leprosy: Preliminary report, by M. c. CRUZ, J. I. ABUEL and J. G. SAMSON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 474-476. R97.5: P57. 1932. Role of iodine in iodized oil derivatives used as antileprotic drugs; trial of plan and iodized olive oil ethyl esters, by C. B. LARA and J. G. SAMSON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12: 485-493. Tables (fold.). R97.5: P57. SANDOVAL, DOMICIANO J.-919 Indiana, Malate, Manila. Dental Sur. gery. Jaro, Iloilo. A. B., Sto. Tomas Univ., 01; D. D. S., Washington Univ., lL Dentist, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 16-19; Instr. U. P., 17; Leet. 19; Asst. Prof. & Actg. Director, School of Dentistry, 19; Asso. Prof. & Director, 24; Full Prof. & Director, 27; School of Dentistry. Pres., The Philip. Soc. of Stomatologists 34; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Causes of poor dentition in children. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v.1:4-15. R97.5:S2. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. Dentistry play an important role in the public sanitation. The American dental legion, August. 890 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SANDOVAL, DOMICIANO J.'-Continued. 1920. Ligeras consideraciones acerca de los cuatro aiios de curso en la enseiianza odontol6gica en Filipinas. Sociedad denta'1 de Filipinas. STA. CRUZ, JUAN.-Coll. of Med., Univ. Philip.; 323 Lavezares, Binondo. Pathology. Binondo, Manila, Dec. 11, 94. A. B., 17, M. D., 22, Univ. Philip. Resident Pathologist, Philip. Gen. Hosp., 22; Instr. in Path., 23-26, Asst. Prof. of Path., 26 --, Univ. Philip; Consulting Pathologist, St. Luke's Hosp., 26 --. Am. Med. Assn.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Soc. of Parasitologists of the Philip. Is.; Philip. Dept. Reserve Lyceium; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Autopsy incidence and pathological lesions of typhoid fever in the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 4: 209-214. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1925. A case of common ventricular opening for the aorta and pulmonary artery. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 295-300. Illus. R97.5: P57. Report of a rare case of cellular type of glioma of the brain. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 187-191. Illus. R97.5: P57. 1927. Cysticercus cellulosae in man, by CANDIDO M. AFRICA and JUAN Z. STA. CRUZ. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 209-215. R97.5: P57. The pathological incidence of lobar pneumonia in the Philippines. Philippine Islands medical a.ssociation journal, v. 7: 162-169. R97.5: P57. SANTOS, FELIX V.-Dept. of Zoology, Univ. Philip.; 1440 Enriquez, Paco; Manila. Zoology. Tondo, Manila, Jan. 30, 96. B. S., U. P., 24; Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 30. Asst. in Zool., 22'-26, Instr. in Zool., 26-30, 31 --, U. P. Sigma Xi; Fellow, Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Research Council P. I. SANTOS, JOSE V. DE LOS.-U. P. Infirmary; City Y. M. C. A.; Gapan, Nueva Ecija. Medicine. Gapan, Nueva Ecija, May 1, 98. A. B., U. P., 20; M. D., U. P., 25. Director, U. P. Infirmary, 33 --. Sigma Xi; Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Manila Med. Soc.; Fellow, Douglas Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I.; Smith Foundation for Med. Res. Fellow, Nat. Res. Council, (U. S. A. & Canada) to Germany. SANVICTORES, JOSE.-Maiaybalay, Bukidnon. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. A brief survey of the work of the graduates of the College of agriculture in the Bureau of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v. 7: 99-100. S17.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 891 SANVICTORES, JOSE-Continued. 1923. Our non-christian problem. National forum, v. 1, no. 9: 37-46. AP8.N2. SAPINOSO, PASTOR.-Coll. of Med., U. P.; Imus, Cavite. Pathology and Bacteriology. Imus, Cavite, July 26, 96. B. S., Oklahoma State Univ., 20; M. D., Oklahoma State Univ., 22. Instr. Path. and Bact., 28 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SARAO, FELIX.-Agric. Coll., Laguna; Imus, Cavite. Agronomy. Imus, Cavite, Oct. 12, 90. B. S. A., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 17; M. S., Univ. of Wisconsin, 22. Instr. in Animal Husbandry, Coll. of Agr., U. P., 23-. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Vaiue of Philippine composts. Philippine agriculturist and forester, v. 6: 128-134. Tables. S17.P53. 1927. Observations on range cattle at the Hacienda del Rosario, Cainta, Rizal, by v ALENTE VILLEGAS and FELIX B. SARAO. Philippine agriculturist, v.16: 391-396. Tables. S17.P53. 1929. The cost of producing milk at the College of agriculture. Philippine agriculturist, v.18: 427-438. Tables. S17.P53. 1930. Silage for diary and work animals in the Philippines, by FELIX B. SARAO and JOSE P. ESGUERRA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 19: 421-425. Illus. Sl 7.P53. Studies on the inheritance of coat colors in crosses involving Philippine native with Hereford and Nellore cattle preliminary report of MIGUEL MANRESA, B. M. GoNZALEZ, F. B. SARAO and J. P. ESGUERRA. Philippine agriculturist, v. 18: 521-533. Tables. Sl7.P53. 1932. Silage for farm animals in the Philippines. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science, bulletin, v. 2: 266. Q75.U5. SARINAS, FAUSTINO.-Bu. of Health; Daraga, Albay. Medicine. Kawit, Cavite, Dec. 12, 87. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 08; M. D., Univ. of Maryland, 14. Chief, Albay Provincial Hospital. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCHULTEN, RODULF CARL.-Bu. of Sci.; 625 Dakota. Organic Chemistry. Dresden, Germany, June 15, 99. Ph. D., Univ. Erlangen, Germany 24. Partner, Dr. C. Schulten & Co., 24; Chemist, Theodor Teichgreber A. G. Vorm. Hasche & Woge, 25-26; Chemist, Botica Boie, 26-29 ; Bu. of Science, 29 --. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat Res. Council P. I. SERRANO, FELICISIMO B.-Bureau of Science; City Y. M. C. A. Mycology. Taal, Batangas, Oct. 27, 97. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 19-20. Asst. Path., Bu. of Agr., Manila, 20-28; Asst. Path., Philip. Sugar Central's Agency, 23-28; Plant Path., Philip. Packing Corp., 892 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SERRANO, FELICISIMO B.-Continued. 28-31; Mycologist, Bu. of Sci., 31 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. BOOKS 1932. Control of the blossom-blight of the mango, by F. B. SERRANO and M. A. PALO. Manila, Bur. of print. Front. col. plates; Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin, no. 17, Q75.P56. SB608.M27S42. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. Banana wilt in the Philippines, by ATHERTON LEE and FELICISIMO B. SERRANO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 13: 128-129. Sl7.P5. 1921. A simple method of estimating recovery. Sugar news, v. 2: 429430. TP375.S4. 1923. Banana wilt and the Manila hemp plant, by H. ATHERTON LEE and F. B. SERRANO. Philippine agricultural review, v.16: 104-107. Tables. Sl 7.P5. 1924. The use of fungicides in the Philippines, by GAUDENCIO M. REYES and F. B. SERRANO. Philippine agricultural review, v. 17: 127133. Sl 7.P5. 1925. Banana diseases in the Philippines. Philip'/)ine agricultural review, v. 18: 578-582. Plates.; Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 176. S301.A55. S17.P5. 1926. Abaca heart-rot and bunchy-top diseases and their control, by N. G. TEODORO and F. B. SERRANO. P.hilippine agricultural review, v. 19: 243-247. Plates.: Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 190. S301.A55. Sl 7 .P5. The red-rot disease of sugar cane and its control, by F. B. SERRA.""10 and S. L. MARQUEZ. Philippine agricultural review, v. 19: 263265. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of agriculture. Circular no. 194, S301.A55. Sl 7.P5. 1927. Deterioration of abaca (Manila hemp) fiber through mold action. Philippine journal of science, v. 32: 75-101. Tables, plates, diagrs. Q1.P56. 1928. Bacterial fruitlet brown-rot of pineapple in the Philippines. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 271-305. Tables, diagrs., plates. Ql.P56. 1933. Blossom-blight of mangoes in the Philippines, by F. B. SERRANO and M. A. PALO. Philippine journal of science, v. 50: 211-277. Tables, plates. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Solving the abaca disease problem; an accurate knowledge of conditions favoring' heart rot and root rot will aid in their extermination, by N. G. TEODORO and F. B. SERRANO. Cord age magazine, no. 6: 46. Illus. TS1784.C7. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 893 SEVILLA, NICOLAS S.-Bureau of Animal Industry; Pandacan, Manila; Tugatog, Malabon, Rizal. Veterinary Medicine. Catmon, Malabon, Rizal, Nov. 28, 99. D. V. M., U. P., 23. Instr., Coll. of Lib. Arts, U. P. Veterinary Student Medical Assn.; Clinical Club; Philip. Veterinary Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Provincial Pensionado, Rizal Province, to study Veterinary Med., U. P., 19-23. BOOK 1930. Simple remedies for common poultry diseases in the Philippines. Bureau of animal industry. Bulletin no. 5, 18 p. SF15.P5A4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. How the veterinarians serve the public. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. 1, no. 1: 1. SF1.B9. Cysticeros is in the city slaughterhouse. Bureau of animal industry gazette, v. l, no. 8: 13-14. SF1.B9. 1933. The control of foot-and-mouth disease in Polo and Caloocan. Bureau of aniimal industry gazette, v. 3, nos. 8 & 9: 315-317. SF1.B9. SEVILLA, VICTOR.-1537 Azcarraga, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1910. Clinical notes on 77 of abnormal labor occurring in the obstetric service of the Philippine medical school, by FERNANDO CALDERON and VICTOR SEVILLA. Manila medical society. Bulletin, v. 2: 50-53. R97 .5 : M2. 1914. Frecuencia de las afecciones inflamatorias de los senos accesorios de la nariz en Filipinas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2 :316.-32'3. R106.A8. SHERMAN, PENOYER LEE.-P. 0. Box 2192', Manila; San Francisco del Monte, Rizal. Chemical Engineering. Chicago, Illinois, U. S., Nov. 4, 67. Ph. D., Univ. of Munich, Germany, 95. Instr. in Inorganic Chemistry, Univ. of Michigan, 95-98; Forester, Bu. of Forestry, Manila, 00-01; Chemist in Charge, Bu. of Govt. Laboratories, Manila, 01-03; Research Chemist, Bu. of Sci., Manila, 25-28; Research Chemist, Blue Bar Coconut Co.; Consulting Chemist, Philip. Refining Co., K. D. Cattle Ranch, Bukidnon, The El Dorado Oil Works. Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft; Am. Chemical Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Parke, Davis & Co. Fellow to Univ. of Michigan, 95-96. BOOKS 1903. The gutta percha and rubber of the Philippine Islands. Philippine Islands Bureau of government laboratories. Publications no. 7. Chemical laboratory. Q75.P5. 894 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SHERMAN, PENOYER LEE~Continued. 1903. The gutta percha and rubber of the Philippine Islands. SB291. S5. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. Coconut oil-The cream of the tropics. Philippine education magazine, v. 23: 542-543, 583-584. Illus. Ll.P5. 1928. The tensile strength of abaca fibers in relation to their acidity. Philippine journal of science, v. 37: 21-40. Tables. Ql.P56. 1920. Fermentation as affecting the quality of Philippine abaca, by TRINIDAD BANUELOS and PENOYER L. SHERMAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 37 :41-67. Tables, plate. Ql.P56. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1904. The gutta percha and rubber of the Philippine Islands. Far Eastern review, v. 1, no. 4: 23-32; no. 5: 23-31, 37; no. 6: 29-32. Tl.F2. 1926. Measures to be taken to restore abaca and coconut plantations devastated by typhoons, 3 typewritten sheets. Philippine Islands Bureau of science, Press bulletin no. 111. Q75.P57. 1927. Rubber or why the world rides in air. Philippine education magazine, v. 23 :478-479, 519-521. Illus. Ll.P5. SINGSON ENCARNACION, VICENTE.-No. 9 Plaza Moraga; 573 Legarda St.; No. 1 Salud St., Pasay, Rizal. Finance. Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Aug. 5, 75. Attended Sto. Tomas and Liceo de Manila. Provincial Fiscal, Vigan, Ilocos Sur, 01-06; Member, Honorary Commission, St. Louis Exposition, U. S., 04; Assemblyman, 07-13, Govt. Manila; Member, Philip. Commission, 13-16; Member, Philip. Ind. Mission to U. S., 18-19; Member, Philip. Senate, 16-22; President & Member, Board of Directors of several commercial firms, 22-32; Sec. of the Dept. of Agr. & Commerce, 34; Actg. Sec. of the Dept. of Finance, 33-34; Member to Special Financial Mission to U. S. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SULIT, CARLOS.-Bu. of Forestry, Manila; 41 Basco, Intramuros; Agric. Coll., Laguna. Forestry. Ranger, School of Forestry, Univ. Philip. 15; M. F., Yale Forest School, U. S., 25. Ranger, Supervisor, Forester, Chief, Bu. of Forestry, 15-34; Asso. Prof. of Forest Management in U. P., Collecting & Disbursing Officer. Los Banos Biol. Club; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Soc. of Am. Foresters; Asso., Nat Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Yale Univ., 23-25. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. A preliminary report on the reconnaissance work conducted in the Makiling national botanic garden. Makiling echo, v. 1, nos. 3 & 4: 6-8. SD1.M2. 1923. The port Lebak reconnaissance. Makiling echo, v. 2, no. 3: 28-30. SD1.M2. 1930. Increased growth of bagtikan after removal of wolf trees. Makiling echo, v. 9, no. 4 :6-15. SD1.M2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 895 SULIT, CARLOS-Continued. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. The caiiigin menace, by JAMES R. GILLIS and CARLOS SULIT. Makiling echo, v.1, nos. 1 & 2:11-17. SD1.M2. TALAVERA, FLORENCIO.-Fish and Game Administration, Port Area; 1029 Dart, Paco; Sicaba, Cadiz, Occ. Negros. Fishery. La Paz, Iloilo, Feb. 23, 95. A. B., Stanford Univ., 21; M. A., Stanford Univ., 23. Teacher, Iloilo, 24-26; Asst. Scientist, Fish & Game Adm. II Sigma Xi.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1930. Pearl fisheries of Sulu. Philippine journal of science, v. 43 :483499. Plates, map. Ql.PS6. 1931. Industrial shells of the Philippines, by FLORENCIO TALAVERA and LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO. Philippine journal of science, v. 45: 321-350. Plates. Ql.P56. 1932. The fisheries of lake Sampaloc, San Pablo, Laguna province, Luzon. Philippi:ne journal of science, v. 48: 411-427. Illus., plates. Ql.P56. Fishing appliances of Panay, Negros and Cebu, by FLORENCIO TALAVERA and HERACLIO R. MONTALVAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 48 :429-483. Illus., diagrs., plates. Q1.P56. 1933. Edible mollusks of Manila, by FLORENCIO TALAVERA and LEoPOLDO FAUSTINO. Philippine journal of science, v. 50: 1-48. Illus., plates. Also in Philippine Islands Bureau of science. Popular bulletin no. 5. Q75.P56. Ql.P56. TAMBUATCO, DOMING0.-525 F. B. Harrison, Pasay, Rizal; Cabuyao, Laguna. Medicine. Cabuyao, Laguna, Jan. 9, 82. B. A., Liceo de Manila, 12; M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat, Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. General survey upon tuberculosis patients. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 3: 13-15. R97.5: S2. 1930. Sterility. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 4: 126-128. R97.5.S2. 1932. Hospital progress in the country. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 12 :220-221. RA319.A31. Cultural traits in connection with the crises of Ufe in pre-Spanish Philippines. Philippine social science review, v. 4, no. 1: 12-16 H8.P5. 1933. "Is appendicitis preventable". The government employee, v. 4, no. 6: 682. JQ1349.P4G7. TANCO, ARTURO.-Philippine Engineering Co., Pilar Bldg., Manila; 9 Salazar, San Juan, Rizal. Engineering. San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, May 7, 01. B. S. M. E., 23, B. S. E. E., 24, U. P. Apprentice Engineer, Bacolod-Murcia Central, 24-25; Asst. Engineer, Talisay-Silay 896 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TANCO, ARTURO-Continued. Sugar Central, 25-26; Asst. Engineer, Philip. Engineering Co., 26-28; Chief Engineer, Philip. Engineering Co., 28 --; Actg. Manager, Philip. Engineering Co., 30-31; Member, Board of Examiners for Electrical Engineers, 30 --. Rizal Center Fraternity; Philip. Assn. of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. TANGCO, MARCELO.-Coll. of Lib. Arts, U. P.; 149 Solis St., Tondo, Manila. Anthropology. Manila, Jan. 16, 93. A. B., 16, H. S. T. C., B. S. E., 18, U. P.; M. A., Harvard Univ., 22. Instr. in Anth., Zl, 24-27, U. P.; Asst. Prof. of Anth. and Entomology, 27 --. Alpha Epsilon Sigma; Nat. Geog. Soc.; Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat Res. Council P. I. TREPP, ANDREAS.-Santol Sanatorium, Manila. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. The work of Santo! institution. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.11 :432. RA319.A31. 1932. The modern treatment of tuberculosis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:53-65. R97.5:P57. Social problem of tuberculosis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.12:559-564. R97.5:P57. TIONGSON, JUAN L.-Coll. of Engin., U. P.; Malolos, Bulacan, P. I. Engineering. Malolos, Bulacan, Jan. 24, 97. B. S. M. E., 21, B. S. M. E., 23, Coll. of Engin., U. P.; M. E., Cornell Univ. 28. Instr., 21-26; Asst. Prof., 26-32; Asso. Prof. 32 --, Actg. Head, 34, Coll. of Engin., U. P. In Various plants of the Westing-House Electric Manufacturing Co. of the U. S. to gain experience. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Pensionado to Cornell Univ. to specialize in Electric Power Engin. & Electrical Communication Engin., 26-28. TRINIDAD, ANGEL B.-Philippine Islands Anti-tuberculosis Society; 1667 Lico, Manila; San Fernando, Pampanga. Medicine. San Fernando, Pampanga, Oct. 2, 93. M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., Chicago, 21. Resident Physician, Hahneman Hosp., Chicago, 21; Resident Physician & Actg. Medical Dir., Santo! T. B. Sanatorium, 22-27; Executive Sec. & Managing Dir., P. I. Anti-tuberculosis Soc. 27 --; Chairman, Board of Examiners for Nurses, 24-34; Member, Board of Trustees, 33; Gen. Manager, Nat. Charity Sweepstake, 34 --; Sec. Treas. & member, Board of Dir., Community Health Social Center, 33 --. P. I. Medical Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico de Filipinas; Nat. Tuberculosis Assn. of America; Nat. Conference of Tuberculosis Secretaries; Board of Directors of the Community-Health-Social Center, Community Welfare Council; Am. Med. Assn.; Delegate to the Nat. Conference in Tuberculosis & to the Internat. Union Against Tuberculosis in N. Y., 31; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. · ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 897 TRINIDAD, ANGEL B.-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1926. La sanacrosina en el tratamiento de la tuberculosis pulmonar. Resultados inmediatos obtenidos en el Sanatorio de Santol, por CARMELO PENAFLOR, RICARDO FERNANDEZ, RICARDO MOLINA, JOSE AVELLANA BASA, JUAN E. SOLLOSA y ANGEL TRINIDAD. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 509-518. Graphs, tables. RC307.N2. The sanatorium treatment of tuberculosis with special reference to the Santol tuberculosis sanatorium, by JOSE AVELLANA BASA, JUAN SOLLOSA and ANGEL TRINIDAD. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 475-483. RC307.N2. 1928. Heliotherapy as a adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8 :169-173. Table; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 19: 2-5. R97.5:R4. R97.5:P57. 1931. Tuberculosis in the Philippines. Hospi,tal social service, xxiii, p. 161-164. RC317.P5T8. TUP AS, ALBERTO.-Philippine Gen. Hosp.; 413 Pennsylvania, Manila; Barotac Viejo, Iloilo. Pediatrics. Barotac Viejo, lloilo, Nov. 21, 91. M. D., U. P., 18. Instr. in Pediatrics, U. P., 21-24; Asst. Prof. of Pediatrics, U. P., 24-27; Physician and Asst. of Pediatrics, U. P., 34 --. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Observations on cases of infantile beriberi admitted to the Philippine general hospital during the year 1920. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.1:108-110. R97.5:P57. A report of two cases of scurvey in breast-fed infants. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 1 :23-24. R97.5 :P57. 1922. Acerca del beriberi de forma pseudomeningitica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 13 :26-29. R97.5 :R4. 1930. Preliminary report of the nutrition clinic in the Santa Ana elementary school, Manila, by ALBERTO TUPAS, D. BELMONTE and C. CABRERA. Philippine Islands medwal association. Journal, v.10:333-346. Tables (fold.) R97.5:P57. 1931. Students illness causing exemption from the departments of military science and tactics and physical education in Manila colleges, U. P. from June 1929 to October 1931. Re-vista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22:439-445. Tables. R97.5:R4. 1932. University health service. Philippine Islands medical associati01t. Journal, v. 12 :313-327. R97.5 :P57. UBALDO, ARISTEO.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 614, San Marcelino, Manila; Calamba, Laguna. Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Calamba, Laguna, Sept. 3, 84. B. A., Ateneo de Manila; M. D., U. S. T. Instr. in Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, u: P., 12-14; Asst. Prof. in E. E. N. T., U. P., 898 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UBALDO, ARISTEO-Continued. 17-19; Prof. and Head, Dept. of E. E. N. T., U. P., 20-34. Manila Med. Soc.; Colegio Med-Farm. de Filipinas.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1911. Algunas lesiones inflamatorias de la laringe, su aspecto anatomopatol6gico y su relaci6n con la tuberculosis pulmonar. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 229-234. R97.5: R4. 1912. Report preliminar sobre 200 casos de tonsHectomias. Memorias y comunicaciones de la primera Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 1: 286-291. R106.A8. 1913. La operaci6n de kroenlein en los tumores intraorbitarios. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 4: 245-250. Illus. R97.5: R4. 1914. Ambliopias despues del embarazo. Abscesos peritonsilares-infecciones cr6nicas de saco !agrimal. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la segunda Asamblea regional de medicos y farmaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 2: 308-311. R106.A8. 1918. Ambliopias despues del embarazo. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y f armaceu.. ticos de Filipinas, v. 4; 262-283; also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, 1919, v. 10: 21-22, R97 .5: R4. R106.A8. Amigdalitis agudas y supuradas. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la cuarta Asamblea regional de medicos y I armaceuticos de Filipinas, v. 4: 249-252; also in Revis ta filipin:a, de medicina y farmacia, 1919, v.10: 460-464, R97.5: R4. R106.A8. 1920. Clinical forms of panophthalmitis observed in the Philippine general hospital. Philippine journal of science, v. 17: 65-69. Q1.P56. 1923. Operaci6n de catarata segun tecnica de Barranquer. Revista filipina de medicina Y. farmacia, v.14: 186-190. Illus. R97. 5: R4. 1925. The first case of laryngectomy in the Philippines general hospital, by ARISTIJO R. UBALDO and ANTONIO s. FERNANDO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 323-328~ Illus., table. R97.5: P57. 1926. Tuberculosis of the larynx and some aspects in its prevention, by A. R. UBALDO and V. C. ALCANTARA. National congress on tuberculosis. Proceedings, first, p. 341-345. RC307.N2. 1927. A case of labyrinthectomy, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and VIVENCIO C. ALCANTARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 97-99. R97.5: P57. 1928. A case of laryngectomy, recovery, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and CONRADO D. AYUYAO. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 47-50, 73. Hlus. R97.5: S2. 1929. Sympathetic ophthalmia: report of a case, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 127-128. R97.5: P57. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 899 UBALDO, ARISTEO.-Continued. 1929. Vitreous opacities in cataract cases, by ARISTEO R. UBALDO and CONRADO D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 239-245. R97.5: P57 1931. Further observations on vitreous opacity in cataract, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 231-233. R97.5: P57. Notes on cancer: observations in the department of eye, ear, nose and throat, Philippine general hospital during the last five years. Importance of its early detection. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 22: 197-199. Table. R97.5: R4. 1932. Cataract among Filipinos, by A. R. UBALDO and C. D. AYUYAO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 160-163. R97. 5: P57. UMALI, AGUSTIN.-Fish & Game Administration, Port Area, Manila; Nebraska Hall, Ermita; Odiogan, Romblon. Ichthyology. Odiogan, Romblon, Jan. 15, 06. B. S., Univ. Philip., 28 .. Asst. Ichthyologist, Bu. of Science, 19 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. l. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. The Japanese beam trawl used in Philippine waters. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 389-410. Ql.P56. 1933. The cast net as a deepwater fishing appliance in Manila bay. Philippine journal of science, v. 51: 555-566. Plates, illus. Ql. P56. 1934. The fishery industries of Southwestern Samar. Philippine journal of science, v. 54: 365-388. Ql.P56. UNITE, JUAN 0.-Bu. of Plant Industry; Ballesteros, Cagayan. Agronomy. Ballesteros, Cagayan, Nov. 24, 97. B. S. Agr., U. P., 21; M. S. A., U. P., 2'5. Asst. in Agro., Coll. of Agr., U. P., 21-25; Tech. Asst., Philip. Sugar Assn., 25-26; Asst. in Agro., Coll of Agr., 26-27; Asst. Sugar Cane Breeder, Philip. Sugar Assn., 27-30. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Comparative tests of rice seeds from the principal and poorest culms in individual plants. Philippine agriculturist, v. 10: 244251. Tables. Sl 7.P53. 1926. Selection of mosaic free cuttings of sugar cane, by J. 0. UNITE and J. M. CAPINPIN. Philippine agriculturist, v. 15: 67-73. Tables. Sl 7 .P53. UNSON, FLORENCIO.-Manila Railroad Co.; Caloocan, Rizal. Civil Engineering. Born on Feb. 3, 04. B. S. C. E., Purdue Univ., 17. Shop Supt., Manila Railroad Co. Technical and Mechanical Engineers; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. 290628---19 900 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL UNSON, MIGUEL.-1201 California, Manila; Molo, Iioiio. Finance. Molo, Iloilo, Sept. 2, 77. A. B., Santo Tomas Univ., 95. Prov. Sec. and Bookkeeper, Iioilo, 06; Prov. Treas. of I,sabela, Tar lac, Sorsogon, and Pampanga; Asst. Insular Treas., 16; Under-Sec. of Finance, Manila, 17; Secretary of Finance, Manila, 28-33. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. URBINO, CORNELIO M.-San Lazaro Hosp. Manila; Malaria Field Lab., San Jose de! Monte, Bulacan; Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. Entomology. Pozorrubio, Pang., Dec. 27, 99. B. Agr., Coll. of Agr., Univ. Philip., 27. Entom., Malaria Section, Bu. of Health, 27; Entom. in charg'e, Malaria Field Lab., Bu. of Health, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, 29 --. Philip. Parasitology Club; Philip. Public Health Assn., Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1927. The sugarcane leafhopper. Perkinsiella vastatrix Breddin (Delphacidae, Homoptera). Philippine agriculturist, v. 16: 397-432. Plates, fold. tables, chart. Sl 7.P53. 1930. Morphological classification of the Philippine Anopheles ludlowii 1903, Anopheles subpictus (Rossii) Christophers 1924 and Anopheles vagus Donitz 1903, with some biological notes. 1932. Far Eastern association of tropical medicine. Transactions, eighth congress p. 248-251. Table. Also in Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v.1 22:151-173, tables, fold. plates. R97.5: R4. RC960.F24. 1932. Preliminary report on •larva and adult densities of streambreeding anophelines, by C. M. URBINO and A. G. LAUREL. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v.12: 555-576. Illus., diagrs., tables. RA319.A31. VALDES, BASILIO.-Philippine Constabulary; 163 San Rafael, Manila. Surgery. Manila, July 10, 92. M. D., U. S. T., 16. Instr., Coll. of Med., U. P., 16; Asst. to Capt. Cotte; 16-17; Capt. first Asst. to Col. Keller, Am. Red Cross, 17-18; Military Hosp., Arc-En-Barrois Haute Marne, France, Chief Surgeon, 18-19; Asst. Prof., Coll. of Med., U. S. T., 20; First Lieut., 21, Captain, 22, Major and Surgeon, 25, Lieut. Colonel, Chief Surgeon, 26, Medical Div., Phil. Constabulary; Brigadier-General, Phil. Constabulary; P. I. Board of Medical Examiner, 27. Colegio Medico-Farmaceutico; P. I. Medical Assn.; Manila Medical Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1920. El herido de guerra. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 11: 39-54. R97.5: R4. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. The nursing profession. Revis ta filipina de medicina y f armacia, v.12: 279-282. R97.5: R4. 1926. Tuberculosis among the constabulary soldiers. National congress on tuberculosis. Precedings, first, p. 185-190. RC307.N2. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 901 VALDEZ, BASILIO-Continued. 1928. Basal metabolism; its clinical importance. San Juan de Dios hospital. Bulletin, v. 2: 179-182. R97.5: S2. Problems of the board of medical examiners. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 418-421. R97.5: P57. 1930. Rejuvenecimiento por el metodo del Dr. Voronoff. Revista filipina de medicina y f armacia, v. 21: 234-239. R97 .5: R4. 1932. Problemas sobre nuestra educaci6n medica. Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 23: 95-97. R97.5: R4. The importance of medical ethics. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 12: 259-263. R97.5: P57. 1933. Our relations to the public and to the medical profession. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.13:68-72. R97. 5: P57. VALENZUELA, ABELARDO.-Bu. of Animal Industry; 1042 Rizal Ave. Manila; Polo, Bulacan. Chemistry. Polo, Bulacan, Dec. 9, 01. B. S. Chem., Univ. Philip. 23. Jr. Chemist, Bu. of Sci., Manila, 23-24; Chemist, Bu. of Sci. 24-29; Chemist, Philip. Food Products, 29-30; Asst. Chemist, Bu. of Plant Industry, 32-33; Chemist, Bu. of Animal Industry, 33 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. Composition and nutritive value of Philippine food fishes. Philippine journal of science, v. 36: 235-242. Tables. Ql.P56. 1929. Composition of Philippine bagasse, by ABELARDO VALENZUELA and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 40: 275281. Ql.P56. Composition of Philippine coffee. Tables. TX560.C6V2. 1930. Composition of some Philippine fruits vegetables, and forage plants, by ABELARDO VALENZUELA and P. J. WESTER. P.hilippine journal of science, v. 41: 85-102. Plates, tables. Ql.P56. VARGAS, JORGE G.-Dept. of Agr. and Commerce; Kawilihan, Mandaluyon; Bago, Occ. Negros. Law. Bago, Occ. Negros, Aug. 24, 90. A. B., U. P., 11; LI. B., U. P., 14. Dir. of Lands, 22-28; Under-Sec. of Agr. and Nat. Resources, Z8-33; Sec., First and Second Independence Missions to U. S., 18, 22; Dir. of following companiesManila Railroad, 23-24, Manila Hotel, 23-24, Philip. Nat. Bank, 23, Binalbagan Estate Sugar Central, 21 --; Under-Sec., Dept. of Agr. and Commerce, 34 --. First Vice-Pres., Philip. Amateur Athletic Federation; Head, Philip, Delegation to the 9th Far Eastern Championship Games, Tokyo, 30. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1931. The campaign against the coconut leaf miner (Promecotheca cumingi Baly), 1930-1931, a report on the administration of the campaign submitted to the secretary of agriculture and natural resources. Philippine journal of agriculture, v. 2: 189-207. Plates, diagr. Sl 7.P51. 902 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VARGAS, JORGE G.-Continued. 1933. Mining and stock brokers. Government employees, v. 4: 737. Port. JQ1349.P4G7. VASQUEZ, ANTONIO.-Coll. of Med, U. P.; 815 Wright, Malate, Manila. Surgery. Manila, July 21, 95. A. A., Oxford Univ.; M. D., London Univ.; C.R. C. P., England. Instr. in Surgery, U. P., 12-18; Asst. Prof. of Surgery, U. P., 18-27; Asso. Prof. of Surgery, U. P., 27-34. Royal College of Surgeons, Eng.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. VASQUEZ-COLET, ANA.-Bu. of Science; 1504 Taft Ave. Ext., Manila; Sto. Tomas, Jaen, Nueva Ecija. Bacteriology. Sto. Tomas, Jaen, Nueva Ecija, Sept. 1, 92. M. D., Univ. Philip., 17. Prof. of Bact. and Parasitology, Centro Escolar de Senoritas, 27-29; Asst. Bacteriologist, Bu. of Sci., 29 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. VELASCO, FELIX I.-San Lazaro Hospital; 1024 Misericordia, Manila; Asingan, Pangasinan. Obstetrics and Dermatology. Asingan, Pangasinan, 93. M. D., U. P., Physician in charge, Leper Dept., San Lazaro Hosp. Manila Med. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1929. Treatment of the chief types of cutaneous lesions in leprosy by the plancha or infiltration method, by F. I. VELASCO, J. M. ALONSO, G. LIMKOKO, G. FERNANDEZ and F. T. DEL ROSARIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 327-335. Illus., tables. R97.5: P57. 1931. Observation on seven hundred and fifty-eight quiescent or arrested cases of leprosy released from isolation, by SuLPICIO CHIYUTO and FELIX VELASCO. Philippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, v. 11: 587-599. Tables. RA319.A31. VELMONTE, JOSE E.-Agric. Coll., Laguna, San Enrique, Occidental Negros. Rural Economics. San Enrique, Occ. Negros, Sept. 2"6, 99. A. B., 20, B. S. C. (Cum laude), 22, Univ. Philip. Junior Research Agent, Bu. of Commerce & Industry, 19-22; Asst. Prof. of Economics & in Charge, Dept. of Rural Economics, Coll. of Agr., U. P. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Philip. Economic Assn.; Los Baiios Biol Club; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Yangco Pensionado, 20-21. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1928. American and foreign capital acquisitions of the Philippine public domain. Philippine agriculturist, v.16:603. S17.P53. Philippine farmers' tax guide. Philippine agriculturist, v. 17: 351-359. Sl 7.P53. 1934. Cotton as a secondary crop in sugar regions, by J. E. VELMONTE and E. BALTAZAR. Sugar news, v.15: 487-495. TP375.S4. Living conditions in farm homes in Mendez Nuiiez and Amadeo, Cavite, etc., by J. E. VELMONTE, J. 0. SuMAQUI and P. H. VIRAY. Philippine agriculturist, v. 22: 745-776. Sl7.P53. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 902-a VELMONTE, JOSE E.-Continued. 1931. Helping farmers in their credit problems. Read before the rural life institute at Los Banos. Tenancy and rural improvement. Read before the rural life institute at Los Banos. 1934. Some aspects of Philippine rural economy. Philippine agriculturist, v. 23 :459-463. Sl 7.P53. VERA, BONIFACIO DE.-Culion Leper Colony, Culion, Pala wan; Bolinao, Pangasinan. Dermatology and Pediatrics. Bolinao, Pangasinan, 94. M. D., U. P., 19. Dermatologist and Pediatrician, Culion Leper Colony. Culion Medical Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1924. Chief causes of death among lepers at the Culion leper colony, by CASIMIRO B. LARA, BONIFACIO DE VERA, JOSE G. SAMSON and FROILAN C. EUBANAS. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 289-306.; Also in P.hilippine Islands health service. Monthly bulletin, 1926, v. 6 :410-421. RA319.A31. R97.5:P57. 1925. The effect on leprosy of certain oils not in the chaulmoogra group. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 5: 374-378. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1927. A brief report on the progress of the treatment work in the Culion leper colony up to March, 1927. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 361-366. Tables. R97.5: P57. Notes on the treatment of leprosy with certain gold preparations, by FROILAN c. EUBANAS and BONIFACIO DE VERA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 319-322. Tables. R97.5:P57. 1929. Efficacy of ethyl chaulmoograte ethyl hydnocarpate, and the ethyl esters of the total fatty acids o/ Hydnocarpus wightiana oil, by B. DE ,VERA and C. B. LARA. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 9: 307-317. Tables. R97 .5: P57. Observations on Kahn-positive lepers treated with neosolvarsan and subsequently with the mixed ethyl esters of Hydnocarpus wightiana oil. Philippine Islands medical assoiation. Journal, v. 9: 318-320. R97.5: P57. 1930. Morbidity and mortality among the nonleper children in the Culion leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v.10: 457-469. R97.5: P57. Rate of growth of breast-fed and artificially fed infants born of leper parents at the Culion -leper colony. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 10: 281-290. Table, charts. R97.5: P57. VILLA, VICTORIN0.-1740 Avenida Rizal, Manila; Matalom, Leyte. Dentistry. Matalom, Leyte Nov. 1, 98. D. D. S., Sch. of Dentistry, U. P. 24; M. S., Northwestern Univ. Dental Scho., 31. Instr., Univ. 902-b NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL VILLA, VICTORINO-Continued. Philip., 25-31; Asst. Prof., Univ. Philip., 31-32; Instr. Educ. Institute of the P. I., 32-33. Nat. Dental Assn.; Am. Dental Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. Univ. Philip. Fellow to Northwestern Univ. Dental School, 30-31. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Roentenographic, anatomic and microscopic study of the structure of the maxillary and mandibular bone. Northwestern University bulletin, Dental school research, v. 32, no. 34. VILLALON, AUGUSTO PIO.-Southern Is. Hosp., Cebu. Cebu. Medicine. Marikina, Rizal, May 5, 86. M. D., Univ. Philip. Dist. Health Officer, Bu. of Health, Laguna, 11; Physician, St. Lukes Hosp., 11.13; Pres., Sanitary Div. & in charge of Gynecology & Obstetrics Dept., VILLALON, AUGUSTO PIO-Continued. Bu. of Health, 17; Actg. Dist. Health Officer & Chief, South. Is. Hosp. Cebu, 17; Chief, South. Is. Hosp. & School of Nursing, 18 --; Dir., Maternity House & School of Midwifery, 22-32; Cebu, Special Rep. Office of the Public Welfare Commissioner, Puericulture Center-Public Welfare, 26-33; Med. Examiner, Hawaiian Sugar Planters Assn., Cebu, 17; Div. Surgeon, Philip. Railway Co., 30 --; Company Physician, Philip. Long Distance Telephone Co. Cebu, 26 --; Company Physician, Hao Hin & Co., 30 --; Company Physician, Insular Navigation, 30 --. Fellow, Am. Med. Assn.; Manila Med. Soc.; Cebu Med. Soc.; Cebu Assn. of Med & Allied Sciences; Philip. Public Health Assn., Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1912. Resultados tardios de las histeropexias abdominales: cesarea despues de una histeropexia. Revista fiJ.ipina de medicina y farmacia, v. 3: 718-721. R97.5: R4. VIRATA, ENRIQUE T.-Coll. of Lib. Arts, U. P.; Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite. Mathematics. Imus, Cavite, July 15, 99. B. A., U. P., 19; S. B., Harvard Univ., 24; M. A., Harvard Univ., 25; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 26. Instr. in Math., U. P., 20-21, 26-27; Asst. Prof. of Math., U. P., 27-28; Actg. Sec., Coll. of Lib. Arts, 28-30; Sec., Coll. of Lib. Arts., U. P., 30; Asst. Prof. of Math., U. P., 30. Sigma Xi; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. U. P. Fellow to Harvard Univ., 22-24, to Johns Hopkins, 24-26. VITUG, WENCESLAO.-Philip. Gen. Hosp.; 557 Pennsylvania, Manila; Lubao, Pamp. Medicine. Lubao, Pamp., Sept. 28, 92. B. A., U. P., 15; M. D., U. P., 18. Instr. in Med., U. P., 20-23; Non-resident Instr. in Med., U. P ., 23-25; Asst. Prof. of Medicine, U. P., 25-34. Manila Med. Soc.; Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Fellow, Am. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 902-c VITUG, WENCESLAO-Continued. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1922. Etiological and clinical studies on meningitis. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 2 :8-13. R97.5 :P57. 1926. Some clinical aspects of acute cardiac beriberi in adults. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 6: 380-392. Charts. R97.5: P57. 1927. Clinical mimicry in malaria, by W. VITUG and P. IGNACIO. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 7: 275-282. R97. 5: P57. 1928. Statistical studies on pneumonia, by W. VITUG and J. HIZON. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 8: 461-469. Tables. R97.5: P57. 1931. Incipient pulmonary tuberculosis: A clinical study. Philippine Islands medical association. Journal, v. 11: 16-23. Tables. R97. 5: P57. WILLIAMS, ALPHEUS DANIEL.-e/o B. P. W. Manila; Manila Polo Club. Engineering. Aug. 11, 87. B. S. & C. E., Va. Poly. Inst., 06. Asst. Eng., Manila & Prov., Bu. of Pub. Works, 08-11; Dist. Eng. Baguio, Bu. of Pub. Works, 11-18; Chief, Inorganic Eng., Manila, Bu. of Pub. Works, 18-24; Dir. and Consulting Eng., M. W. Dir.~ Bu. of Public Works, 24 --. Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1921. Irrigation work in the Philippines. Philippine engineering and architecture, v. 1 :245-252. Illus. TA4.P49. 1922. Approved program for the construction of irrigation systems. National forum, v. l, no. 6: 33-38. Table. AP8.N2. 1924. Progress of irrigation in the Philippines; insular irrigation projects. The Far Eastern review, v. 20: 20-23. Illus. TC914. P5P9. 1928. Increasing agricultural production in the Philippines. Dry season farming and planting of diversified crops should be urged upon farmers-meetings will be held in all towns and barrios. Commerce and industry journal, v. 4, no. 12: 11, 15. HF41.C8 1930. Public works in the Philippines. Government employee, v. 1, no. 1: 6-7, 16; no. 2: 24-28, 35-36. Port., diagr. JQ1349.P4G7. YCASIANO, FRANCISCO.-Manila Railroad Co. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1918. Practical operation of a producer-gas power plant, by F. R. YcASIANO and F. V. VALENCIA. Philippine journal of science, v. 13A :99-133. Illus., tables. Ql.P51. A recalculation of certain data on steaming tests of Philippine coals. Philippine journal of science, v. 13A :341-346. Tables. Ql.P51. . 902-d NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL YENKO, FLAVIANO M.-Bureau of Science; 32 Paco Roma, Sta. Ana, Manila. Organic Chemistry,. Manila, Nov. 18, 05. A. B., Ateneo de Manila, 26; B. S., Mass. Institute of Technology., 29 --. Philip. Sci. Soc.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. Composition of Philippine woods, Bolobo, alupang, banai-banai, dulit and pine, by Luz BAENS, F. M. YENKO, AUGUSTUS P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 48: 299-303. Ql.P56. Composition of some Philippine hardwoods, by H. M. CURRAN, F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS and AUGUSTUS P. WEST. Philippine journal of science, v. 49: 587-593. Ql.P56. Analysis of sections of small and medium-sized Philippine bagtikan trees, Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merrill, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 343-349. Ql.P56. Pt. II. The composition of Philippine woods. Anubing, balakat, malaikmo, balakat-gubat bolongeta and santol, by F. M. YENKO, Luz BAENS, A. P. WEST and H. M. CURRAN. Philippine journal of science, v. 47: 343-349. Ql.P56. The composition of Philippine woods, by F. M. YENKO and A. P. WEST. University of the Philippines. Natural and applied science bulletin, v. 2: 236. Abstract. Q75.U5. YUSON, RESTITUT0.-657 P. Florentino, Manila; Gapan Nueva Ecija. Radiology. Gapan, Nueva Ecija, May 19, 04. A. B., M. D., Univ. Sto. Tomas, 27. Radiologist, St. Paul's Hosp., St. Luke's Hosp., and - Hosp. Espanol Santiago. Philip. Is. Med. Assn.; Asso., Nat. Res. Council P. I. GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1932. "La radiologia como factor imprescindible en el tratamiento quirurg'ico de la tuberculosis". Revista filipina de medicina y farmacia. v. 23: 251-256. R97.5: R4. Btport of tht 1}\ational Btstarch €oundl of tht fhilippint Islands (For the period from March 23, 1934, to February 28, 1!)35) PART IV LABORATORIES AND SOME OF THE SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR RESEARCH The Bureau of Science of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, a well-known scientific institution in the Far East, has well-equipped biologi~l and chemical laboratories in addition to laboratory facilities for work on physical tests, on standards, metallurgical analysis, fire assaying, mineral and other determinations. Furthermore, the Bureau of Science offers to research workers the facilities of its famous scientific library, and the use of its botanical, zoological, and geological collections. The different scientific departments of the University of the Philippines, including those located on the Agricultural College campus at Los Bafios, Laguna; and the Bureaus of Plant Industry, Animal Industry, Forestry and the Weather Bureau, also of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, are all equipped with facilities for research. As for medical sciences, the laboratories at San Lazaro Hospital, and the Cebu and Culion Leprosaria of the Bureau of Health, Department of Public Instruction, have facilities for research workers devoted to studies on malaria, leprosy, and tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. In research along medical ,sciences, the Philippine General Hospital, the San Juan de Dios Hospital and some of the other public and private hospitals are equipped with laboratories and facilities for medical research. The Bureau of Public Works of the Department of Public Works and Communications, and the College of Engineering of the University of the 903 904 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNOIL Philippines, are branches of the Philippine Government having equipment useful for research in engineering. As part of the survey that the Council is making in order to promote effective cooperation in research at home and abroad, an inquiry was made of the existence of special research equipment that are in the possession of the laboratories of the members and associates of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. Although the return of the replies to the questionnaire is not complete at this writing, the list below and the illustrations herein published show some of the available facilities found in the different laboratories in the Philippine Islands. This partial inventory of special equipment for different types of research would be also of interest to foreign research workers visiting in the Philippine Islands to undertake scientific ·investigations under tropical conditions. The equipment are given under the name of the member or associate. AFRICA, CANDIOO.-School of Hygiene and Public Health Laboratcry, University of the Philippines. Dark Filer Illumination Apparatus for observations of siprochaeter, etc. Camera lucida for drawing objects under the microscope Clickers for rapid counting Warm stoge Miniature electric incubators adaptable for microscopes Electric incubator adaptable for varying temperature Promi Projection apparatus for studying movements of protozoa ALVIR, ANTONIO DELGADO.-Salacot Mining Comp<11ny Laboratory, 30 Escolta. Flotation cell (Kraut) BUENCAMINO, VICTOR.-Veterinary Hospital, 1026 Felix Huertas. Veterinary Hospital with full equipment for the treatment of small and large animals; small biological laboratory for the manufacture of anthrax serum and spoke vaccine. Dairy Industry. CARREON, MANUEL. L.-Bureau of Education. Form board and maze puzzle Stanford-Binet intelligence scale (Philippine revision). Mechanical aptitude test CLE!MENTE, LEOPOLDO.-Department of Zoology Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Frigidaire for breeding flies Cages for mice, rats, etc. Aquaria for fishes, and other aquatic animals ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-1935 905 CRUZ, CoRNELIO CASTO&.-Department of Geol-Ogy Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Drawing table with glass top and illuminator ELICANO, VICTORIANO, AND LAVA, VICENTE.--Consolidated Mines Laboratory, 181 Davi.d. Furnace for gold and other assays Assay Balance, high-grade analytical balances, technical balance ESPINOSA, JOSE C.-Divi8ion of Tests and Standards Laboratory, Bureau, of Science. Equipment for the testing of paper FELICIANO, JOSE MARIA.-Department of Geology Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Petrographic microscope FRONDA, FRANCISOO.-Department of Animal Husbandry Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Los Banos. Incubators for hatching eggs, battery brooder and battery laying cages GARCIA, ARTURO.-Department of Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. Equipment for ordinary anatomical research GARCIA, FAUSTINO.-Department of Pharmacology Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Equipment for pharmacodyna.mic study of drugs JESUS, PABLO I. DE.-School of Hygiene and Public Health Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Laboratory equipment and supplies for chemical examination of water Weston illuminometer for measuring light intensity Basal metabolism apparatus Different apparatus for measuring humidity, air movement, and turbidity of water Different types of apparatus for malaria control in the School Laboratory and in the School Experimental Malaria Statfon at Calauan, Laguna LARA, HILARIO.-School of Hygiene and Public Health Laboratory, University of the Philippines. Calculators for statistical analysis and computation Mechanical sorter for analysis of data Statistical tables for analysis Health units for study and investigation of health phenomena MARANON, JOAQUIN.-Bureau of Science Laboratory. Micro-Keldahl apparatus for nitrogen determination Van Slyke apparatus for amino nitrogen Micro-chemi~al balance apparatus for micro-determination of carbon and hydrogen Gas-volumetric determination of nitrogen (micro-Dumas method) Micro-analytical determination of methoxyl and ethoxyl 906 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL MIRANDA, Lu1s.-San Miguel Brewery Laboratory. All of our equipment in the San Miguel plants are specially adapted for research work along the manufacturing lines of the San Miguel and could be used by the Government after due approval of the General Manager. NANAGAS, JUAN CANCIO.-Depwrtment of Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, Urniversity of the Philippines. Complete instruments for craniometry Anthropometric instruments Topographic tracing stage and ocular for the study of exact position of the body structures Fixing, staining and mounting equipment for human tissue Embalming and injecting equipment OcFEMIA, GERARDO.-Depwrtment of Plant Pathology Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Los Banos. Insect-proof chambers for use in insect-transmission experiments of bunchy-top of abaca, Fiji disease of sugar cane and ether virus diseases PAGUIRIGAN, DoMINOO B.-Tobacco Resewrch Section Laboratory, Bureau of Plant Industry. High-powered binocular microscope Flue-curing barn with heating capacity from 38° to 66°C. Paper bursting strength tester Paper measuring caliper QUISUMBING, EDUARDO.-Division of Botany Laboratory, Bureau of Science. Herbarium fully equipped for research in systematic botany, and mycology (systematic and applied) Botanical laboratory for morphological and cytological research ROTlllA, SANTIAGO YATOO.-Division of Animal Products Laboratory, Bureau of Animal Industry. Refrigerator (separate rooms for meat product.s and milk products) and a 15 h.p. boiler Meat Section1 small animal killing floor 1 smoke house, drier 1 set equipment for canning corned beef 1 set sausage equipment 2 hand sealing machines 2 experimental retorts and two petroleum stoves Milk Section1 pasteurizer, 1 viscolizer, 1 cooler, 1 cream separator, 1 small butter churn, 1 small cheese vat, and 1 set Babcock tester SANTOS, ALFREDO C.-School of Pharmacy Laboratory, ·university of the Philippines. Equipment of various types for organic micro-analysis ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-1935 SANTOS, FRANCISOO 0. Equipment for: (a) Biochemical laboratory (b) Analytical laboratory ( c) Sugar laboratory 907 TEODORO, ANASTACIO L.-Department of Agricultural Engineering Laboratory, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines. Henry Froude-Hydraulic Dynamometer (For accurate determination of brake horse power of any kind of engine up to 300 h.p.) VALENZUELA, PATROCINro.--School of Pharmacy Laboratory, Universit.y of the Philippines. Lloyd's Extractor and Concentrator, capacity 20 kilos Machines for grinding drugs (large scale). Copper stills. Shaking machine Apparatus for phytochemical investigations w ADE, WINDSOR.-Leonard wood Memorial Laboratory, Culion. Usual pathological apparatus ROSARIO, MARIANO V. DEL.Equipment for different types of chemical assays of drugs and pharmaceutical preparations ALDECOA, ELADIO R.--College of Oral and Dental Surgery Laboratory, Manila. Microscopes; ultra-violet apparatus; X-ray apparatus ALINCASTRE,. CECILIO.-Ma-ao Central Laboratory, Occidental Negros. Ordinary sugar laboratory apparatus, including those for grain classificaticm, filtrability comparison, sedimenlt test, and colloid or dye value of sugar AQUINO, DIONISIO.-Department of Soil Tech'IU>logy, College of Agriculture, Los Banos. Laboratory for soil analysis Burgess-Parr turbidimeter Colorimeter, Duboscq. Bausch & Lamb. Bouyouco's stirring apparatus (for soils work) Studen pH indicator for hydrogen ion concentration determination, etc. CAPINPIN, JosE.-Department of Botany Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Los Banos. (Rotary); Sensitive Balance. CELIS, JESUS P.-Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Laboratory, University of Sto. Tomas. A time-marker and electric shock distributor from Storage battery, interrupted at definite intervals by a Metronome-Mercury-key. OlNCEPCION, FELIX !RA.-San Juan de Dios Hospital Clinical Laboratory. Equipment for the study of alkali reserve; ultra-opaque microscope; refractometer; equipment for amino-acids Microtomes, vacuum apparatus, animal cages, etc. 908 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DOMANTAY, JOSE Y SISON.-Department of Zoology Laborato'T"IJ, University of the Philippines. Sets of aquaria for breeding purposes JESUS, ZACARIAS DE.-Vefierinary Research LaboratO'T"IJ, Pandacan. Ext.ensive lot with spacious sheds for experimental large and small animals HIZON, PRIMO Y HIFOLITO.-Hizon LaboratO'T"I/. Strong iron pressure chamber used for the preservation of tobacco HOCSQN, FELIX.-School of Phalrmacy Laborato'T"IJ, University of the Philippines. Sets for the determination of specific gravity by different methods MESA, ALEJANDRO DE.-School of Forest'T"I/ Laborat-01"1/, Los Banos. Insectary for breeding insects and other entomological equipment NOLASCO, JosE 0.-Bureau of Health LaboratO'T"I/, Culion Leper Colony. Equipment for pathological and bact.eriological research OCAMPO, MARIANO.-Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. Metabolimeter; tissue respiration apparatus; blood and urine analysis outfit. PARAS, ERNESTO M.-Bttreau of Hea.lth Laborato'T"I/, Culion Leper Colony. Van Slyke Manometric Blood Gas Apparatus; Van Slyke Deaminiz· ing Apparatus; Bausch-Lamb Calorimeter. REYES, GAUDENCIO.-Division of Plant Pathology, Bureau of Pl,ant lndust'T"IJ. Root study boxes which can be tilt.ed to make roots grow to glass sides by geographic response. Glass sides faeilitat.e observation of the incidence and progress of fungous attacks, securing of necessary soil and root samples, root inoculations, insect attack, effects of chemicals, moisture, and t.emperature relations, etc. Larger boxes would be better for studies involving more prolonged growth and observation RoBLES, MANUEL M.-Bureau of Animal Industry Laboratory, Manila. Equipment for manufacture of tissue vaccines and production of sera from large animals (cattle and carabaos) IiODRIGUEZ, JOSE NATALIO.-Leprosy Treatment Stations LaboratO'T"IJ, Bureau of Health, Cebu. Ordinary bacteriological laboratory, including equipment for making skin sections. Portable outfit for determining basal metaibolism Laboratory equipment for blood chemistry RUIZ, MARIANO V.-Bureau of Science LaboratO'T"I/. Factory and laboratory (1) complete outfit for soap manufactures or oven-tank 750 gallons capacity, soda tank, mold,, etc. (2) Complete outfit for ink, pomade, polisher, cosmetics, paste and mucilage, double effect distilling apparatus, etc. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-1935 909 RusTIA-SISON, FELIXm;)RTO.-Private Clinical Laboratory, Arias 2 X-ray apparatus; complete dental equipment TroNGSON, JUAN L.-Department of Electrical Engineering La~oratory, Unii,ersity of the Philippines. One Ph h.p. Garden tractor One 2 h,p. kerosene engine One 15 h.p. tractor One thresher URBINO, Co&NELIO M.-Malaria Field Laboratory, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. Microphotographic apparatus Nitrogen distilling apparatus V ALEN2UELA, ABELAROO.-Bue.rau of Animal Industry, Dairy Prnducta Laboratory. Dairy equipment such as pas'teuri:zer, viscolizer, cooler, cream separator, churner, etc. Canning equipment, such as vacuum sealer, closing machines, autoclaves, corn beef stuffer, etc. VELMONTE, JOSE E.-Department of Rural Economics, College of Agriculture, Los Banos. Calculating machine, adding machine ILLUSTRATIONS (Photographs taken by do Photographers of the Division of Publication, Department of Agriculture and Commerce.) PLATE 1 FIG. 1.-Animal House on the roof of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines. FIG. 2.-Statistical and Epidemiological Laboratory of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines. PLATE 2 FIG. 3.-Different types of apparatus for measuring turbidity: lT. S. Geological Survey turbidity scale, including color scale also, 6 X 12 X 24 cm. Silica turbidity standards (scaled), 7 bottles of 7 X 23 cm. Jackson turibidimeter, 3.5 X 31 cm. and 16 X ::!8 cm. Pm. 4.-Dust sampler, Palmer water spray type 17 X 24 X 49 cm. PLATE 3 Fm. 5.-A cabinet with (1) Kahn shaking machine, and an ordinary shaker on top and Hyrac vacuum apparatus below with 6 racks copper, Prop. No. C. M. 3840; (2) Apparatus shaking, Electric Ser. No. 200 for bottles or test tubes 110 V. D. C.-Prop. No. S. H. P. H. 5134; and (3) Pump, vacuum, Cenco Magavae for 110 V. D. C. No. 1793. Prop. No. 4459. FIG. 6.-Centrifuge, 110 V. D. C. electric with Rheostat and Electric connections, Prop. No. 4483. 910 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL PLATE 4 I'm. 7.-(1) Sterilizer, Arnold Rectangular, 141h X 271h X 161h" high double doors stand and burners, Prop. No. 4541. (2) Sterilizer, Hot Air, Prop. No. 4679. (3) Sterilizer, Hot Air, Inside 12" X 24" Prop, No. 1610. (4) Sterilizer, Hot Air Asbestos Wall, Prop. No. rn21. PLATE 5 }'IG. 8.-Paris green screener, 34 X 80 X 117 cm. FIG. 9.-Benedict--Roth basal metabolism apparatus. 19 X 46 X 80 cm. 36 X 43 X 6 cm. PLATE 6 FIG. 10.-0ther Apparatus Available in the Biostatistical and Epidemiological Laboratory. Fm. 11.-Mechanical Devices for Statistical Work:-Counting Sarter, Punching, and Verifying Machines. PLATE 7 FIG. 12.-Kjeldahl distilling apparatus, wall type, for six distillations, 24 X 90 X 75 cm. Water bath for eight evaporating dishes. 35 cm. X 65 X 35. FIG. 13.-Chemical Hygiene Laboratory, Department of Sanitary Engineering, Industrial Physiology and Chemistry. Laboratory room measures 9.2 X 20 X 4.5 meters. Picture shows reagent5, distilling sets, nessler tu.bes, analytical balances, tortion balances, dessicators, part of La Motte roulette comparator, etc. PLATE 8 FIG. 14.-A general view of the Urban Health Demonstration Unit. Fm. 15.-Children's Corner at the Urban Health Demonstration Unit. PLATE 9 Fm. 16.-Vacuum Machine. FIG. 17 .-Sharple's Super centrifuge. PLATE 10 FJG. 18.-Compressed air machine. Fm. 19.-High-Low Temperature Incwbartor with ventilation system. PLATE 11 Fm. 20.-Incubator and Water Bath with a cabinet of m:croscope. Fm. 21.-Different instruments used in ventilation: barometer, anaeroid, P. Faura type, 6 X 16 cm. Anemometer, 4.5 X 10 cm. Ventilation indicator, 16 X 36 X 22 cm. Sling psychrometer, 2.5 X 3 X 43 cm. Holdane's carbon dioxide apparatus, 9 X 20 X 33 cm. Stationary hygrometer, wall type, 7 X 12 X 43 cm.; Katathermometer (not taken), 3 X 26 cm. ANNUAL l~EPORT, 193-!-1935 !HI PLATE 12 FIG. 22.-Grinding mill for drugs in large quantities. PLATE 13 FIG. 23.-Lloyd's Extractor and concentrator, eapacity 20 kilograms. FIG. 24.-Half mic-1·0 Molecular weight apparatus of Sucharda and Bnb1·anski. PLA'JE 14 FIG. 25.-Apparatus for the determination of carbon and Hydrogen hy Pregl. F1G. 26.-Apparatus for the determination of Halogen by Pregl. PLATE 15 FIG. 27.-Determination of Nitrogen by Micro Dumas. FIG. 28.-Determination of Methoxyl groups by Zeisel Pregl. PLATE 16 FIG. 29.-Micro-balance. PLA.!'E 17 FIG. 30.-Frigidaire: Length, 54 cm.; Width, 25. cm.; Height, 64 cm. FIG. 31.-Animal House of the Departm~nt of Zoology: Length, ~.20 meters; Width, 2.65 meters; Height, 3.25 meters. PLATE 18 F'IG. 32.-Animal Cages: Length, 118 cm.; Width, 22 cm.; Height, G7 cm. FIG. 33.-Aquarium: Length, 195 cm.; Width, 27 cm.; Height, 33 m. PLATE 19 F!G. 34.-1. la), (b), (c) Camera lucida 2. (a) and ( b) , Stage micrometer 3. (a) and (b) Micro stage incubator 220 volts. 4. Incubator, electric, for micro stage. 5. Darkfield Illuminations Outfit. 6. Pro~tion Apparatus (for slides) 7. Incubator, Freas, Electric, 110 R. D. C. PLATE 20 I"IG. 35.-Display shelf containing different" apparatus used ·in malaria work: Doffers 15 X 23 X 16 mm. Measuring cups, two sizes, 9 X 19 cm., 4 X 8 cm. Larva cups, 13 X 26 Bed net, folded, 8 X 33 X 50 cm. Hand blomer, 15 X 50 X 25 cm. Knapsack blomer, 15 X 35 X 39 cm. Model of mosquito head, 20 )< 35 X 47 (Property of the Rockefeller Foundation I 912 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Dissecting set, small pieces, including needle, lancet, etc. Binocular lens, 4 X 11 X 20 cm. Dissecting microscope, 13 X 20 X 12 cm. Water thermometer, 3 X 3 X 20 cm. Drugs--quinine, plasmochin, atabrine, etc. The containing shelf measures 5-0 X 280 X 80 cm. FIG. 36.-Slue Curing Barn for Tobacco. PLATE 21 FIG. 37.-Another view of the Slue Curing for Tobacco. FIG. 38.-lnterior view of the Slue Curing Barn for Tobacco. PLATE 22 FIG. 39.-Thickness gage and Tearing tester. FIG. 40.-Sizing tester and Recording thermo-hydrometer. PLATE ·23 FIG. 41.-Mullen Tester fo1· bursting strength. Scopper tensile strength machine for quick testing. PLATE 24 FIG. 42.-Scopper tensile strength machine. FIG. 43.-Scopper folding tester. FIG. 44.- ( 1) Cheese Presser (2) Cheese Vat PLATE 25 (3) Churn Home Butter (4) De La Val Cream separator-Hand operated FIG. 45.---J ennfen Pasteurizer. Bristol recorder thermometer Sanitary centrifugal milk pump Junior Viscolizer Besoeb De Luxe jr. cooler PLATE 26 Fms. 46 and 47.-Laboratory of Consolidated Mines, Inc. Showing furnace for gold, etc., assays. Equipped with assay balance, high grade analytical balance, technical and rough balances and other ordinary laboratory apparatus. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 PLATE 1 PLATE 3 .. W'lt(• lll "'" ~ ""'d"••~ .... .... ~ .... "· ... ~"" " ....-i"wr ..._._Olf.,. .. .,,._w "'°-~'lf'!t~lt ·~·~on« t>l••"'!,:;1' ~""flll'H~· Fig. 10 Fig. 11 PLATE 6 Fig. 12 Fig. 13 PLATE 7 Fig-. 11 Fig. 15 PLATE 8 00 ...... 0 .-; Fig. 20 Fig. 21 PLATE 11 Fig. 25 Fig. 26 PLATE 14 Fig. 27 Fig. 28 PLATE 15 FIG. 29 PLATE 16 Fig. 32 PLATE 18 'tjl O> .... <'.) l'a1 -~ E< j "" ll. ® Fig. 35 Fig. 36 PLATE 20 _,,.,. Fig. 39 Fig. 40 PLATE 22 Fig. 44 Fig. 45 PLATE 25 Fig. 46 Fig. 47 PLATE 26 APPENDIX A CHAR'TER ME~BERS OF THE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS TOMAS ABELL<>, Assistant Professor of Physics, College of Liberal Arts, University of the Philippines, Manila. WALLACE ADAMS, Chief, Division of Fish and Game, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. FELIPE 'T. ADRIANO, Technical Director, Magnolia Dairy Products, San Miguel Brewery, Manila. VALENTIN AFABLE, President, Afable Medical College, Manila. CANDIDO M. AFRICA, Associate Professor of Parasitology and Head of the Department, School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines, Manila. RAFAEL H. AGUILAR, Chemist, Bureau of Science, Manila. JOSE M. ALBERT, Professor of Pediatrics and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, and Chief of Clinics, Philippine General !lospital. VICENTE ALDABA, Chief, Fiber Reseo.rch Section, Bureau of Plant Industr!l, Manila. MAROOS M. ALICANTE, Soil Technologist, Bureau of Science. ANTONIO D. ALvm, Superintendent, Salacot Mining Company, 30 Escolfa. ANGEL S. ARGUELLES, Director, Bureau of Science, and Chairman, Division of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. MANUEL V. ARGUELLES, Proprietor and Director, Laboratorio Arguelles, Professor of Bacteriology, National University and Educational Institute of the Philippine Islands. H. 0. BEYER, Professor of Anthropology nnd Sociology and Head of the Department, University of the Philippines, Manila. WILLIAM H. BROWN, Botanist and Former Director of the Bureau of Science, Manila. VICTOR BUENCAMINO, Director, Bureau of Animal Industry, and Acting Under-Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. Chairman, Division of Government, Foreign and Educational Relations, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. FERNANDO CALDERON, Director, Philippine General Hospital, and Dean, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. JOSE S. CAMUS, Director, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. MANUEL CARREON, Chief, Measuremenfr.Research Department, and Superintendent, Academic Di·t'ision, Bureau of Educa.tion, Manila. FELICIANO CLARA, Head, Pathology Section, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. AMANDO CLEMENTE, Professor of Chemistry and Head of the Department, University of the Philippines, Manila. 965 966 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL LEOPOLDO S. CLEMENTE, Assistant Professor of Zoology and Head of the Department, University of the Philippines, Manila. ISABELO CONCEPCION, Professor of Physiology and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. EDWIN CoPELAND, Technical Adviser, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. CoRNELIO C. CRUZ, Assistant Professor of Geography, University of the Philippines, Manila. HUGH MCCALLUM CURRAN, Professor of Forestry, School of Forestry, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. IIAR<>LD CuzNER, Professor of Silviculture and Physiography, School of Forestry, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. PLACIDO DACANAY, Chief, Di1:·ision of Forest Studies and Research, Bureau of Forestry, Manila; .4ssociate Professor of Forest Policy and History, School of Forestry, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. ELIAS S. !><>MINGO, Chief Alienist, Ins1dar Psychopathic Hospital, Bureau of Health, Mandaluyong, Rizal. JOSE EDUQUE, Professor of Su:rgery and Head of the Department, College Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. VICTORIANO ELICANO, Mining Engineer, Consolidated Mines, Inc., 181 David, Manila. RAFAEL B. ESPINO, Professor of Plant Physiology and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. JOSE C. ESPINOSA, Chemist, Bureau of Science, Manila. TRANQUILINO G. FAJARDO, Plant Pathologist, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. LEOPOLDO A. FAUSTINO, Assistant Director, Bureau of Science, Manil'l; Chief, Division of Mineral Resources, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. JOSE M. FELICIANO, Associate Professor of Geology and Geography and Head of the Department, University of the Philippines, Manila. RAMON FELICIANO, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Universal Drug Store and Professor of Chemistry, National University, Manila. ARTHUR F. FISCHER, Director, Bureau of Forestry, Manila, and Dean, School of Forestry, and Chairman, Division of Agriculture and Forestry, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. FRANCISCO M. FRONDA, Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry, and Secretary of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. ARTURO GARCIA, Professor of Anatomy and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. FAUSTINO GARCIA, Professor of Pharrnacology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. GUMERSINOO GARCIA, Practising Surgeon, 1101 Lepanto, Sampaloc, Manila, and Chairman, Board of Medical Examiners. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 967 ANGEL K. GoMEZ, Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, and Assistant Dean, College of Veterinary Science, University of the Philippines, Pandacan. LIBORIO GoMEZ, Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. LUIS GoNZAGA, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Manila. BIENVENIDO M. GoNZALEZ, Professor of Animal Husbandry, and Dean, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, and Vice-Chairman, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. LmN MA. GUERRERO, Botanist, Professor of Plant Histology, University of Sto. Tomas, Manila. LUIS GUERRERO, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. ARISTON HERMANO, Chemist, Bureau of Science, Manila. EUGENIO HERNANDO, Chief, Division of Epidemiology, Bureau of Health, Manila. EDWARD R. HYDE, Dea?IA of the College of Engineering, University of thd Philippines, Manila. PABW I. DEl JESUS, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines, Manila. TIMOTEO DAR JUAN, Chief Chemist, Manila Railroad Company; Chemist, Burewu of Science, Manila. PEDlW T. LANTIN, Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. CASIMIRO LARA, Chief Physician, Cu.lion Leper Colony, Culion, Palawan. HILARIO LARA, Secretary, School of Hygiene and Public Health; Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, and Head, Department of Epidemiology, Statistics and Public Health Administration, University of the Philippines, Manila. WALFRIDO DE LEON, Professor of Sanitary Bacteriology and Immunology, and Head of the Department, School of Hygiene and Public Health; Chief, Dq>artment of Laboro,tories, Philippine General Hospital, Manib. LEJONCIO LoPEZ-RIZAL, Chief, Division of Administration, Bureau of Health, Manila. R. F. LUCE, Former Director, Bureau of Coast and GeodetU, Survey, Manila. CRISTOBAL MANALANG, Chief Pathologist, Culion Leper Colony, Culion, Palawan. JOAQUIN MARANON, Plant Chemist, Bureau of Science, Manila and As11ociate Professor of Botany, University of the Philippines, Manila. RICHARD C. McGREGOR, Chief, Division of Publications, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. NEMESIO B. MENDIOLA, Professor of Agronomy and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. 968 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL GoNZALO MERINU, Chief, Plant Sanitation Division, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. Luis. MIRANDA, Assistant Production Manager, San Miguel Brewery, Manila. HERACLI-0 MONTALBAN, Ichthyologist, Fish and Game Administration, B>,treau of Science, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. SALVADOR DEL MUNDO, Chemist, Bureau of Science, Manila. JUAN NANAGAS, Professor of Anatomy, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. GEORGE B. O'BEAR, Former Head of the Department of Physics, University o.f the Philippines, Manila. GERARDO 0. OCFEMIA, Associate Professor of Plant Pathology, and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. FAUSTINO Q. 0TANES, Assistant Chief, Plant Sanitation Division, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila., DoMINGO B. PAGUIRIGAN, Acting Chief, Tobacco Research Section, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. DANIEL DE LA PAZ, Professor of Pharmacology, and Head of the Department, and Secretary, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines. RoBERT L. PENDLETON, Professor of Soil Technology, and Head of the Department of Soils, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Baiios, Laguna. EDUARDO QUISUMBING, Acting Chief, National Museum Division, Bureau of Science, and Curator, Philippine National Herbarium, Manila, Chairman, Division of Biological Sciences of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. EMILIO QUISUMBING, Consulting Engineer, Filipinas Building, Manila. MARIANO B. RAYMUNDO, Seed Farm Manager, and Chief of Plant Propagation, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. CARMELO M. REYES, Professor of Surgery and Gynecology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. FRANCISOO D. REYES, Chief, Division of Tests and Standards, Bureau of Science, Manila. HERMENEGILDO B. REYES, Former Chief, Industrial Engineering Division, Department of Agriculture and Commerce and Bureau of Science, and Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineerinp, University of the Philippines, Manila, and Chairman, Division oj Engineering and Industrial Research, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. LUIS J. REYEs, Professor of Wood Technology and Forest Utilization, School of Forestry, University of the Philippines, Los Baiios, Laguna. MARIANO V. DEL ROSARIO, Director, School of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines, Manila. SANTIAGO Y. RoTEA, Chief, Animal Products Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila. BALDOMERO RoxAs, Professor of Obstetrics, and Head of the Department, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 969 HILARIO A. RoXAs, Acting Chief, Fish and Game Administration, Bureau of Science, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila, and Chairman, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. MANUEL L. ROXAS, Former Commissioner of Research, and Under-Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila. PAUL F. RUSSELL, Field Director, International Health Division, the Rockefeller Foundation. GREGORIO SAN AGUSTIN, Dean, College of Veterinary Science, University of the Philippines, Pandacan and Assistant Director, Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila. ALFREDO C. SANTOS, Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Acting Secretary, School of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines, Manila. FRANCISCO 0. SANTOS, Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. JOSE K. SANTOS, Professor of Botany, and Head of the Department, Uni. versity of the Philippines, Manila. S. C. SCHWARTZ, Major, Medical Corps, U. S. Army, and President, U. S. Army Medical Department Research Board, Bureau of Science, Manila. MIGUEL SELGA, Director, Weather Bureau, Manila, and Chairman, Division of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. HILARION S. SILAYAN, Chief, Agricultural Extension Division, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. GREGORIO SINGIAN, Professor of Surgery, and Hea.d of the Department, Universitry of Santo Tomas; Director, San Juan de Dios Hospital, and Director, Singian Clinica, Manila. AGERIOO B. M. SISON, Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, and Professor of Legal Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. ANTONIO G. SISON, Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, and Chairman, Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. MANUEL D. SUMULONG, A_ssociate Professor of Veterinary Anatomy, College of Veterinary Science, University of the Philippines, Manila. FLORENCIO TAMESIS, Assistant Director, Bureau of Forestry, Manila. VIDAL A. TAN, Professor of Mathematics, and Head of the Department, University of the Philippines, Manila. ANASTACIO TEODORO, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering, and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. NICANOR G. TEODORO, Plant Pathologist, Economic Garden, Los Banos, Laguna. TEODULO TOPACIO, Chief, Veterinary Research Council, Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila. 970 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL JUAN P. ToRRES, Assistant Plant Breeder, Economic Garden, Los Bamos, Laguna. MAROOS TUBANGUI, Acting Chief, Division of Biological Products, Bureau of Science, Manila. LEOPOWO B. UICHANOO, Professor of Entomology, a.nd Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the ·Philippines, Los. Banos, Laguna. PATROCINIO VALENZUELA, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of the Philippines, Manila, and Executive Secretary and Treasurer, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. HERMINIO VELARDE, Associate Professor of Opthalmology, and Otorhinolaryngology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila. ToRIBIO N. VIBAR, Editor, Agricultural Life, Manila, and Former Chief, Division of Agronomy, Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila. DEOGRACIAS VILLADOLID, Technical Assistant, Fish and Game Administration, Bureau of Science, Department of Agriculture and Comimerce, Manila. VALENTE VILLEGAS, Associate of Animal Husbandry Professor and Head of the Department, College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna. WINDSOR H. WADE, Medical Director, Leonard Wood Memorial, Culion Leper Colony, Palawan. AUGUSTUS P. WEST, CMef, Division of Chemical Research, Bureau of Science, Manila. CLARK H. YEAGER, Professorial Lecturer on Hygiene and Sanitation, School of Hygiene and Public Health, University of the Philippines, Manila. REGINO R. YLANAN, National Physical Director, Philippine Amateur Athletic Association, Manila. APPENDIX B ADDRESS DELIVERED BY HONORABLE MANUEL L. QUEZON, PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINE SENATE, AT THE SECOND PHILIPPINE SCIENCE CONVENTION, MANILA, FEBRUARY, 17, 1933 Ladies and Gentlemen of the Philippine Science Convention: Allow me to thank you for the privilege you have conferred on me to address a few words to you this morning. Nothing is more encouraging, nothing more promising of a future full of hope for our people than the organization of the Philippine Scientific Society. To me a great scientist is a sort of superman and I crave for my country no greater glory than to have men whose names may be placed in the list of great scientists. It is not only the mind, but the character of a scientist that draws this admiration from me. Pasteur said: "The cultivation of science in its highest expression is perhaps more necessary to the moral condition than to the material prosperity of a nation." No higher, no purer, no more unselfish motive can a man have than the scientist in his search for truth. His ideal is service and his compelling urge, love; love of truth, love of goodness, love of beauty, love of nature, love of man, and though he may not know it, or even deny it, love of Him who is the fountain of truth, of goodness, of nature and of men. The scientist, like the true and faithful lover, forgets self, and has only in mind the object of his love. The ego is not there. To add to the store of human knowledge for the progress, the betterment and happiness of men, the scientist will closet himself in his laboratory, traverse the confines of the earth, open up its bowels, fathom the depth of the seas, climb the highest mountains or soar into the very heavens. Hunger, thirst, privations of all kinds, hardships of all sorts, the most horrible sufferings, death itself, will not deter him from the pursuit of his end. No 971 972 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL military hero in the annals of war is braver than Peary, Amundsen or Admiral Byrd, and no martyr of a cause more sublime than Walter Reed and Lazear Carrol, to mention only a few. To be then a successful scientist, one must forget himself, devote his time and energy,-nay, his whole life,-to that department of science which he has chosen as his calling. He who engages in scientific work primarily for the purpose of making a living, for the dollars and cents his work may bring, will never be other than a pseudo-scientist. The test of the man who has in him the make-up necessary for a successful scientist is seen in the young fellow who, having saved the company for which he was working P300,000.00 in three years through research work, did not ask nor did he get any increase in his salary of P6,000.00 a year. I do not want to be understood as saying that the scientist should not be given his proper reward. As a matter of fact, in the Standardizrution Bill I wanted to put the employees of this government engaged solely in research work, in a class by themselves with a comparatively higher salary. All I want to say is that material reward should have no part in the aims of the .scientist, but rather the joy that his own works give him and the satisfaction of a service well rendered. Up until the beginning of this century many a man devoted to natural sciences and physics was a materialist. They thought that everything was matter and they tried to explain life in, and around us, as nothing more than the result of action and reaction of matter following certain laws. Fortunately, the latest discoveries regarding the composition of the human organism and the laws of nature, are proving to modern scientists that there is a force beyond and superior to matter. After the discovery of the electron by Dr. Millikan, which supplanted the theory that ithe atom is the smallest particle or element of matter and after Dr. Einstein, to the astonishment of the world, enunciated his theory of the law of relativity, modern science has repudiated materialism and determinism. Dr. Eddington does not believe that "men are only a bit of star gone wrong" and Dr. Colton says "life is more than atoms and cosmic marvels." So, as science goes deeper and deeper into the secrets of nature and the mysteries of the complicated meANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 973 chanism of the human body, it finds that there must be a "creative force back of phenomena," and "destiny of man's spirit." Modern science, then, is contributing greatly to the knowledge of God and man's spirit. As Dr. Colton puts it: "consciously or unconsciously, research has set itself to prove that the universe is more than a fortuitous concourse of a.toms-it has a soul." John Landon-Davies states it as his opinion in his book "Man and his Universe" that to find God has always been the endeavor of research. Let me quote again from Dr. Colton: Research is not, then, an isolated effort. It extends beyond human experience, and beyond this relatively minor earth. But in another sense, and one of much more interest to us, personally, research business itself. Men engaging in it are not separated 'n any degree from their fellowmen in ideals of goodness, truth and "mutual aid". We are toiling all of us, in the interests of a Greater Good: a union of all who love in the service of all who suffer. In these last words you have a most inspiring motto for your Society: "A union of all who love in the service of all who suffer." This is, of course. the true character of a scientific society. It may be Philippine, Japanese, Chinese, English, but it is always international in its scope and general purpose. Your immediate concern however, is or should be to build up a body of Filipino men and women devoted to scientific research, for the purpose of solving our own problems of health, sanitation, agriculture, industry, and others. Ladies and gentlemen, some fourteen years ago we began sending abroad some mature men for advanced work and research. I am happy to see that due to this, in a large measure, we now have a scientifically trained personnel, schooled and devoted to the cause of science, sufficiently well equipped to solve our own problems. In this connection, leaders of the Legislature are seriously considering the suggestion made by one of the Department Secretaries some years ago regarding the creation of a National Research Council similar to the ones they have in the United States, Australia, Japan and other countries. We feel that the time has come for the government to utilize to full advantage our 974 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL scientific men and women, make them come out of their shell, so to speak, and advise us on ma-tters pertaining to their respective fields. In conclusion, allow me to congratulate you, members of the Philippine Scientific Society, for the work you are doing and I wish to assure you of my cooperation and support. Your field of service is wide and far-reaching, I know the country depends on you. APPENDIX C A MEMORIAL TO HIS EXCELLENCY GOVERNORGENERAL FRANK MURPHY His Excellency Governor-General Frank Murphy Malacafiang Palace, Manila Dear Sir: September 12, 1933 The scientists of the Philippines have for some time felt the need of an organization which could render to the Government and the people of the Philippine Islands effective service particularly for the solution of national problems requiring the light of science. For that purpose the undersigned were appointed by the Council and past presidents of the Philippine Scientific Society to present to you a memorial on the proposed creation of a National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. We represent more than 200 technical men and scientists, many of whom, by their researches and activities, have already shown value of their work to the country. We also represent all the scientific and technical societies in the country. We all realize that efforts to solve national scientific problems heretofore put forth have been sporadic, disconnected and desultory. We have all along felt the need of an all-embracing national organization capable of securing from its different branches the most reliable, the best possible expression of opinion bearing on important national questions demanding the services of science. Recognizing that at this critical period of our development, it is the duty of the scientists to organize themselves into a unit so that they shall be in a position not only to help the Government, particularly on legislation requiring the light of science and technology, but also to shape the policies for national development in production, the improvement of public health and the promotion of the general welfare of the country, both in so far as the problems of today are concerned and also as to those which would lay down a solid and sound foundation for national 975 976 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL defense and give the proper direction to the development of the country as a biological entity. The importance of science to the life of the nation lies particularly in the fact that it can advise because of its knowledge of immutable biological and physical laws, desirable future actions that the nation should not fail to take if it really desires to insure the welfare of the majority. The nation is now faced with national problems requiring urgent and immediat.e solution, such as the reduction of morbidity and mortality brought about by faulty diet and by diseases whose etiology, prevention and cure are not yet well understood; nutrition problems which call for accurate knowledge of food requirements under tropical conditions, as well as of the nutritive properties of common foodstuffs about which, so far, we have inadequate information; the successful prevention and control of communicable diseases that will depend upon accurate understanding of their causes, their sources of infection and their modes of spread; the improvement of our physical wellbeing so as to make us a sturdier and more vigorous people; the study of Philippine medicinal plants so as to make possible the publication of a National Pharmacopoeia; the diversification of production to solve our ever becoming more serious unemployment problem and to prevent the impending catastrophe, which like Damocles' sword hangs over the head of our agricultural industries, because of the one-sided development brought about by a free trade arrangement with the mother country. The problem of diversification also calls for more productive varieties of plants better adapt.ed to our diversified conditions, as well as a more exact knowledge of fertilizer requirements of the Philippine soils, that would compensate for our higher wages as compared with those of our neighboring countries, which are our competitors. The Philippine Islands are yearly paying a heavy toll in darn.ages caused to crops by regular outbreaks of destructive insect pests and plant diseases, and the Philippine Government is yearly spending large sums of money for their eradication and control. A scientific study of the Jife history and metliods of control of these insects by biological methods would go a long way towards finding permanent and inexpensive methods of control which would save our crops from untold damage, thus saving the Government the necessity of ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 977 adopting emergency measures and appropriating large sums of money for their eradication. We are equally confronted with engineering and chemical problems concerned with the lowering of the cost of production that would enable us to industrialize the country to produce articles of food, shelter and clothing that would stand competition against products imported from the outside. Finally we should not lose sight of the question of our national defense, which we must certainly study, as well as other equally important problems concerning our forests, our mines, our fishery and the very earth we are every day treading upon and such research work as will reveal to us the beautiful things that nature has lavished on the Philippine nation. Everybody recognizes the great importance of improving the means and raising the standard of living of the average Filipino so that he may enjoy a higher measure of happiness and comfort, such a's he has a right to expect of a Christian nation under a democratic form of government. For the solution of these momentous national questions, the searchlight of science is essential. The popularization of science and the diffusion of scientific information which finds application to every-day life would be another service that could be rendered by the Council. The scientists of the Philippines whom we represent, realizhg the responsibilities devolving on them to help the people, the Legislature, and the Government of the Philippine Islands to the best of their ability, have therefore decided to form an organization that will place them in a position in and by which they can give such help most effectively. Hence, they have thought of forming a National Research Council similar to those now in operation in America, England, France, Australia, Canada, Japan and others, which countries, when in the most critical periods of their respective histories, founded such scientific organizations and have since then maintained them because of their proved usefulness. The scientists of the Philippines stand ready to bear any sacrifice in the service of the people, but they recognize their limitations and ask the Legislature, through you and the other leaders, to make it possible for them to form this organization. For this reason they ask that legislation giving them a charter be enacted. They also ask for 978 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL a nominal support in the form of an annual appropriation amounting to twenty thousand pesos to give life ito the organ!zation at the start, a support which, considering the scope of the work outlined, would barely defray the preliminary expenses of the organization. The plan of the Council after it has been chaa-tered is to use the money requested to start a research information bureau for the coordination of all activities that are now going on. The Council soon after would seek to interest commercial and industrial concerns in its work and would solicit from them their financial support, on a strictly busincils basis. Commercial and industrial concerns and companies have many problems to solve. Instead of installing their own laboratories, they would find it to their advantage to contribute to research laboratories in existence, particularly in the Government bureaus and university departments, the work to be undertaken by members of the Council, without additional compensation but all expenses for materials and special equipment to be paid from the funds contributed by said industrial and commercial concerns. This scheme is considered feasible inasmuch as some of the research work going on in our colleges and universities as well as in Government laboratories could be brought into closer contact with the problems of the industries and the members of the Council would be only too glad that their work should be thus closely related with the development of local industries. The Council could then give a long need'ed orientation to the researches now being undertaken by the different laboratories and bring them in closer coordination with the development of local industries and their requirements. The same amount of money that the Government is now spending in scientific research work in the different Government laboratories, including those in the colleges and universities, would thus be most effectively utilized for the solution of the problems actually confronting the industries. The Council therefore would try to have some of the present laboratory facilities of the Government utilized in the solution of the problems of these industries, so that the latter would find that for the small amount that they might give in support of the work of the Council undertaken in their behalf, they would get a great deal more than otherwise for the money they put in, while ANNUAL REPORT, 1934.-35 979 on the other hand the Council would make it possible for scientists engaged in teaching and other routinary matters in goverment laboratories a chance to render additional service to the economic development of the country. Another way in which the Council could serve, promoting the cause of science and technical development in the Philippines would be by taking over useful and promising inventions of local inventors; securing patents for them; and granting contracts for the exploitation of the patents on royalty bases, giving the inventor his due share. Such a step would go a long way in promoting invention locally. The Research Council rather than interfere with the proper functions of the different technical and scientific bureaus of the Government, by creating an understanding and a definition of problems form a high level-and it could do so inasmuch as the Council would be composed of the most experienced scientific minds in the Islands and would refer all questions to competent committees composed of men versed in their particular lineswould supplement and make more useful the Government work. Recommendations for the solution of any national scientific problems affecting the different activities of the country would thus always be on a plane higher than the position that might be taken by any single governmental entity. Finally, in presenting to you the cause of science and technology, the undersigned would call attention to the role that science and invention have played in the development of other countries, particularly citing the example of Java and Japan, where organization for resea.rch and invention are complete and have a well recognized influence in their industrial and agricultural development. The example of Japan is especially w0rth mentioning. Japan, who but a few years ago was considered by Occidentals as a mere imitator, has through her research laboratories swiftly passed from that stage of being a mere imitator to a position of leadership among the industrial nations of the world, so that Japanese products now of all and every kind compare and compete favorably with simi1ar products of the most advanced countreis in the world. The Imperial Government of Japan is most liberal in its support of its scientific institutions, and the RE:)search Council of Japan is a recognized entity the world over. 980 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL May we therefore request your whole-hearted support to the plan for the creation of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, and ask that if you shall find, as we hope you will, our move in the right direction, you please give your approval for the enactment of legislation that will give the scientists of the Philippines the opportunity that they are seeking, to serve the country to the best of their ability. Very respectfully ( Sgd.) MANUEL L. ROXAS President ( Sgd.) H. LARA Past President and Council Member (Sgd.) EDUARDO QUISUMBING Vice-President (Sgd.) ARTURO GARCIA Council Member ( Sgd.) PA TROCINIO VALENZUELA Secretary-Treasurer APPENDIX D NINTH PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE l Third Session S H. No. 3276 [No. 4120] AN ACT CREATING A NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS FOR THE PROMOTION OF RESEARCH WORK ALONG SCIENTIFIC LINES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philin>ines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same: SECTION 1. One hundred and fifty prominent scientists and technical men of the Philippine Islands to be selected by the Governor-General with the advice and consent of the Senate, as charter members; and their associates and successors duly chosen are hereby incorporated, constituted, and declared to be a body corporate by the name of National Research Council of the Philippine Islands. SEC. 2. The purposes of this corporation are: ( 1) In general, to stimulate research in the mathematical, physical, and biological sciences, and in the application of these sciences to engineering, agriculture, medicine, and other useful arts, with the object of increasing knowledge, starting studies of problems of the national defense, and of contributing in other ways to the public welfare. (2) To survey the larger possibilities of science, to formulate comprehensive projects of research, and to develop effective means of utilizing the scientic and technical resources of the country for dealing with these projects. (3) To promote cooperation in research, at home and abroad, in order to secure concentration of effort, minimize duplication, and stimulate progress; but in all cooperative undertakings to give encouragement to individual initiative as fundamentally important to the advancement of science. 981 982 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ( 4) To gather and collate scientific and technical information at home and abroad, in cooperation with governmental and other agencies and to such information available to duly accredited persons. SEC. 3. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall, aside from the charter members mentioned in section one hereof, consist of members duly elected by the incorporators thereof in accordance with its constitution and bylaws and the said corporation shall have power to make its own organization, including its constitution, by-laws, and rules and regulations; to fill all vacancies created by death, resignation or otherwise; to provide for the election of members, division into classes, and for all other matters needful or usual in such institution. SEC. 4. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall hold an annual meeting at such place and at such time in the Philippine Islands as may be designated, and the Council shall, whenever called upon by any Department of the Government, investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art, the actual expense of such investigations, examinations, experiments, and reports to be paid from appropriations which may be made for the purpose, but the Council shall receive no extra compensation whatever for any services rendered to the Government of the Philippine Islands. SEC. 5. The said National Research Council of the Philippine Islands is hereby authorized and empowered to receive bequests and donations and hold the same in trust, to be applied by the said Council in aid of scientific investigations according to the will of the donors. SEC. 6. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall, in carrying out its aims and functions, and its purposes and powers provided in this Act, be exempt from the payment of all internal-revenue taxes, fees, assessments and other charges of the Government. SEC. 7. From and after the passage of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person within the jurisdiction of the Philippine Islands to falsely and fraudulently hold himself out as, or ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 983 represent himself to be, a member of, or an agent for, the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands, for the purpose of soliciting, collecting, or receiving money or material; and any person who violates the provisions of this section. shall be guilty of estafa and shall be dealt with accordingly. SEC. 8. To help the said National Research Council of the Philippine Islands in carrying out its work as provided in this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce is hereby authorized and empowered to turn over to the said National Research Council such sums of money and 'extend such aid as the said Secretary may from time to time consider necessary, the money to come out .of any available balance of the lump sum items of the appropriation authorized for the Department of Agriculture and Commerce or out of the money appropriated by Act Numbered Thirty-nine hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An Act to appropriate the sum of six hundred and eighty thousand pesos to be disbursed by the Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the promotion of new, and the improvement of existing industries, and for other purposes" : Provided, That in no case shall the sum to be allotted for the purposes of this Act exceed twenty thousand pesos. SEC. 9. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall submit regularly an annual report to the Philippine Legislature and to the Governor-General, containing an accurate account of its work and activities during the corresponding fiscal year. SEC. 10. This Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved, December 8, 1933. APPENDIX "E" CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ARTICLE I-Purposes In accordance with the provisions of section 2 of Act No. 4120, the purposes of the National Research Council are: (1) In general, to stimulate research in the mathematical, physical, and biolQgical sciences, and in the application of these sciences to engineering, agriculture, medicine, and other useful arts, with the object of increasing knowledge, starting studies of problems of the national defense, and of contributing in other ways to the public welfare. (2) To survey the larger possibilities of science, to formulate comprehensive projects of research, and to develop effective means of utilizing the scientific and technical resources of the country for dealing with these projects. (3) To promote cooperation in research, at home and abroad, in order to secure concentration of effort, minimize duplication, and stimulate progress; but in all cooperative undertakings to give encouragement to individual initiative as fundamentally important to the advancement of science. ( 4) To gather and collate scientific and technical information at home and abroad, in cooperation with governmental and other agencies and to render such information available to duly accredited persons. ARTICLE II-Membership SECTION 1. The members of the National Research Council shall not exceed one hundred and fifty ( 150). SEC. 2. The members appointed by the Governor-General and confirmed by the Philippine Senate in accordance with section 1 of Act No. 4120 shall be considered charter members. SEC. 3. Members other than charter members shall be elected by the council. SEC. 4. Membership in the Council shall be limited to citizens of the Philippine Islands or of the United States. This, however, shall not be construed as applying to membership in sections acting under the Council, whose members are not necessarily members of the Council; provided that members of such sections who are not citizens of the Philippine Islands or of the United States shall in no case form a majority of any such Sections. SEC. 5. Membership in the Council may be lost by death, resignation, or separation for cause. SEC. 6. Any member intending to leave the Philippine Islands for a period of more than one year shall make it known to the Council in writing whether or not he intends to return to the Philippine Islands. Any member absenting himself from the Philippine Islands for a period uf more than one year without having so signified his intentions of returning 984 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 985 shall be considered automatically as having resigned and his membership may be filled by the Council. SEC. 7. Any member may be separated for cause upon written complaint by ten or more members after due investigation and hearing, and upon the unanimous vote of the members of the Executive Board. ARTICLE III-Divisions SECTION 1. The Council shall be organized in divisions as follows: I. DiYision of Gove~·nment, foreign, and educational relations. II. Division of physical and mathematical sciences. III. Division of medical sciences. IV. Division of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences. V. Division of biological sciences. VI. Division of agriculture and forestry. VII. Division of engineering and industrial research. SEC. 2. 'The number of divisions and the grouping of subjects in Article III, section 1, may be modified by the Executive Board of the National Research Council. SEC. 3. The divisions of the Council, with the approval of the Executive Board, may establish sections any of which may include membe1:s chosen outside the membership of the Council. ARTICLE IV-Administration SECTION 1. The affairs of each division shall be administered by a chairman and an executive committee which will be composed of the chairmen of sections. The chairman of each division shall be ex officio member of the sections under the division. SEC. 2. The affairs of the National Research Council shall be administered by an Executive Board which shall consist of three members at la~ge and the chairmen of divisions. The chairman of the Executive Board and of divisions of the National Research Council shall continue respectively as members of the Executive Board and corresponding Divisions for one year beyond the expiration of their office as chairmen. SEC. 3. The Executive Board of the National Research Council shall, for all legal purposes, constitute the Board of Directors with all the duties, powers and prerogatives of a Board of Directors, not otherwise provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws. SEC. 4. 'The officers of the National Research Council shall consist of a chairman, a vice-chairman, an executive secretary, and a treasurer, who shall serve also as officers of the Executive Board of the Council. The offices of the executive secretary and the treasurer may be held by the same person. SEC. 5. The chairman of the National Research Council, or, in case of his absence or inability to act, the vice-chairman, shall be the chief executive officer of the Council ; shall preside over the meetings of the Council and of the Executive Board; shall refer investigations required by the Government of the Philippine Islands and other entities to the proper sections. 986 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SEC. 6. The officers of the National Research Council and chairmen of divisions shall hold office for one year or until their successors are legally elected and qualified. A vacancy·· in the office of executive secretary and treasurer may, however, be filled by appointment by the chairman of the Board until the next meeting of the Board. SEC. 7. The executive secretary shall take charge of all correspondence and the minutes of the meeting of the Council. It shall be his duty also to give notice to the members of the place and time of all meetings, of all nominations, and of all proposed amendments to the constitution. SEC. 8. The treasurer shall attend to all receipts and disbursements of the Council. He shall be the custodian of the funds and property of the Council and shall present a general report of the financial status of the Council at the annual meeting. SEC. 9. The Executive Board shall have the power to appoint fellows, associates and collaborators, fix their duties and their emoluments. SEC. 10. Other duties of the officers of the Council and the duties of the divisions shall be fixed by the Executive Board . .ARTICLE V-Nominations and Appointments SECTION 1. The Government bureaus or offices and the educational, scientific and technical institutions or societies to be represented in the National Research Council, shall be determined by the Executive Board. SEC. 2. Representatives of the government bureaus or offices shall be nominated by the Secretary of the Department concerned at the request of the Executive Board and appointed by the chairman of the Executive Board to membership in the sections of the Council. SEC. 3. Representatives of educational, scientific, and technical institutions or societies shall be nominated by the institutions or societies at the request of the Executive Board, and appointed by the chairman of the Board to membership in the sections of the Council. SEC. 4. Membership in the sections shall be for a term of three years, except when appointed to fill unexpired terms, provided that the members first appointed shall be for periods of one, two or three years. SEC. 5. The government representatives shall serve for the period of their appointment, provided that if they retire from the government office which they represent, they shall cease to be members of the sections and their successors shall be appointed for the unexpired term. ARTICLE VI-Elections SECTION 1. New members shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Council upon nomination by the Executive Board. Election shall be by secret vote. No member shall be elected who has received ten negative votes. SEC. 2. Members of the Executive Board shall be elected by secret ballot at the annual meeting by members of the Council. A plurality of the votes cast for the respective membership in the Executive Board shall elect. The chairmen of each division shall be elected from not less ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 987 than two nominees to be selected and submitted by the divisions concerned. The three members at large shall be elected from nominees made at the annual meeting. No cumulative voting will b~ allowed. SEC. 3. The officers of the National Research Council shall be elected by the Executive Board as soon as the elected members may iJe convened and not later than ten days after the date of the annual meeting. SEC. 4. Membership in the divisions shall be determined by the Executive Board. ARTICLE VII-Meetings SECTION 1. The annual meeting of the Council shall be held in February in the City of Manile, on a date to be determined by the Board. SEC. 2. Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Executive Board or upon the request in writing of at least ten (10) members of the Council. SEC. 3. Notice of Council meetings shall be sent to all members at least ten days before the meeting, provided that for special meetings its purpose be included with the notice. SEC. 4. Fifty members present in any meeting of the Council shall constitute a quorum. No proxies will be allowed. SEC. 5. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business, provided that at least five days notice of the meeting shall have been given. SEC. 6. At the annual meeting the order of business shall be as follows: (1) Call to order by the chairman. (2) Roll call. (3) Approval of the minutes of the last meeting. (4) Chairman's address. (5) Report of the Executive Board. (6) Unfinished business. (7) Miscellaneous. ( 8) Election of officers. (9) New business. (10) Election of new members. (11) Adjournment. ARTICLE VIII-Publications and Reports SECTION 1. The Executive Board of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall submit regularly an annual report to the Philippine Legislature and the Governor-General, through the Department of Agriculture and Commerce, containing an accurate account of its work and activities during the corresponding fiscal year. SEC. 2. The report of the treasurer and the auditor appointed by the chairman of the council shall be incorporated in the annual report of the Executive Board. SEC. 3. Publications of the National Research Council may include papers, bulletins, reports, memoirs, which may appear in the proceedings 988 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL or memoirs of the National Research Council, in the publications of other societies in scientific and technical journals, or in a separate series of the National Research Council. ARTICLE IX-Amendments SECTION 1. This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended, repealed or altered, in whole or in part, by a two-thirds vote of the members present, at any regular meeting of the Council, or at any special meeting where such action has been announced in the call and notice of such meeting. SEC. 2. Proposed amendment, repeal or alteration must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. The Board may amend the proposition or recommend approval or disapproval thereof within thirty days from its receipt. The proposal together with the recommendation of the Executive Board must be sent to all the members of the Council at least twenty days before the date of the meeting at which it is to be considered. APPENDIX "F" NINTH PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE ~ First Session f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. 876 Introduced by Representative Gallego EXPLANATORY NOTE The present bill has for its object the creation of a National Research Council in the Philippine Islands for the promotion and encouragement of research work along scientific lines. Research work in the Philippine Islands is found in a unique situation for tlie simple reason that there is no institution either governmental or private which gives special attention to this line of activity. Added to this, there is no special incentive for those workers who, by peculiar inclination, undertake upon their own initiative, investigations which are not required of them. Such workers do not receive any encouragement at all, either in the form of public recognition, or in the form of extra renumeration. In more progressive countries, such workers performing accomplishments outside of the ordinary requirements of an employee are remunerated either by conferring on them certain special honors such as professorships or memberships in honorary societies, or in the knighthood. In other instances, special funds are available, so that they can be given proper facilities for carrying out the work of their special preference. They receive extra remuneration to enable them to devote their whole time and efforts to their work without being bothered with worries about financial difficulties and about providing for old age and for the members of their family. On the other hand, in the Philippine Islands, it is of common observation that scientists who have undertaken investigations, not ordinarily required of them by reason of their office are rated officially or socially among his colleagues in the same position ;:is other so-called scientists who practice their science in a half-baked way, have not done any investigation of their own and in reality constitute a drag upon general progress. Such conditions discourage hard work and encourage laziness among scientists. This attitude should be modified as much as possible by wise and progressive governments. Our medical societies point out such defects and in so doing, they comply with their duty to the public. It may be argued that some discoveries were made accidentally by the men usually working under very unfavorable circumstances and unsupported by any institution. Such cases are very few and at the present time, the most progressive countries will not rely upon such accidental discoveries for the promotion of progress. They create institutions which systematically encourage the development of initiative and of original ideas and support them by special grants. Of course, they exercise great 989 990 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL care in the selection of the subject of research, so that the financial support is not misplaced and that properly trained individuals are selected. In all beginnings this point must be specially stressed and much more specially in the Philippine Islands where there is a strong current of destructive criticism from persons who, not understanding the width and depth of research, pose as know alls and preter.d to pass on the merits or demerits of it. The result is, instead of making our men and pushing them on to world recognition, we unmake them and destroy their self confidence and, in so doing destroy our own individuality as a race and nation. In view of the fact that the object of the present bill will fill a long felt necessity of our country in its forward steps toward scientific culture and progress, it is confidently hoped, that it will meet with the approval of the Legislature. NINTH PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE } First Session. (Sgd.) MANUEL V. GALLEGO, Representative, 1st District, Nueva Ecija. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. 876. Introduced by Representative Gallego AN ACT CREATING A NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS FOR THE PROMOTION OF RESEARCH WORK ALONG SCIENTIFIC LINES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same: SECTION 1. A Research Council for the Philippine Islands is hereby created which shall consist of ten members to be appointed by the Secretary of Public Instruction with the advice and consent of the Philippine Senate. The members of said board shall hold office for a period of five years or until their successors are duly appointed. SEC. 2. The duties of the Council shall be: (a) To promote the undertaking of research work along different sciences by Filipinos. (b) To supervise and coordinate all research works under the auspices of the Philippine Government or under the auspices of private individuals or institutions which may in any way obtain help from the. Council, or which may request the Council for coordination. (c) To formulate schemes of research on problems, the solutions of which, are of immediate benefit to the country. (d) To select and train the appropriate personnel of :r;:esearch workers and scientific assistants. ANNUAL REPORT, 1984--35 991 (e) To obtain the necessary moral and material support from the government or from private sources for those persons who are engaged in certain line of research work. (f) To suggest, discuss, criticise, and otherwise help individuals who are already undertaking research works in the Philippine Islands. (g) To select scientific workers on the ground of preeminent accomplishments in the field of research so that they may be able to work or continue their research abroad. SEC. 3. The Council is hereby authorized: (a) To appoint research workers, scientific assistants and the necessary personnel to enable it to carry out its work, and fix their corresponding compensation. (b) To receive, purchase, acquire, dispose property or money as a corporate body. (c) To expend any appropriation set aside by the government or any other fund placed under its disposal. (d) To require the services of any individual serving under the Philippine Government with the permission of the corresponding department heads. The research workers so selected may receive additional compensation out of any fund placed at the disposal of the Council. (e) To make and issue such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary from time to time not inconsistent with the provision of this Act, to carry out its purposes. SEC. 4. The amount of sixty thousand pesos (P60,000.00) not otherwise appropriated is hereby set aside for carrying out the purposes of this Act. SEC. 5. This Act shall take effect on its approval. Approved. APPENDIX "G" EXPLANATORY NOTE OF H. No. 3276 * NINTH PHILIPPINE LEGISLATURE 1 Third Session S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H. No. 3276 Introduced by Representatives Gallego and Farol EXPLANATORY NOTE The organization of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands should be authorized and fostered by the Philippine Legislature as a timely measure of national preparedness. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands will be a cooperative organization of the scientific men of the Philippines. Its purpose shall be to bring into cooperation existing governmental, educational, industrial, and other research organizations, with the object of encouraging the investigation of natural phenomena, the increased use of scientific research in the development of Philippine industries, the employment of scientific methods in laying out the foundations for national defense, and such other applications of science as will promote the national security and welfare. Its membership, however, shall be limited largely to scientific and technical men. Its ordinary membership will largely be composed of the members of the Council and the past presidents of the Philippine Scientific Society, representatives of scientific societies, representatives of certain other research o:qganizations and institutions, representatives of government scientific bureaus, representatives of the educational institutions conducting research and instruction in science, and a limited number of members at large. The National Research Council of the United States of America was a potent organization during the World War. Its accomplishments in terms of service and results to the country in organizing research and securing cooperation of military and civilian agencies in the solution of military problems during the World War is a matter of historical record. 'The President of the United States in 1918 recognizing the tremendous importance of the National Research Council to the country, by executive order perpetuated its existence and to-day it is an effective organization. It now devotes its energies to the promotion and support of scientific research in general and maintains close cooperative relations with Government scientific bureaus and private entities and their activities. It has helped the Government. Its reports have been accepted, its recommenda*Act No. 4120 published as Appendix D to this report constitutes the House Bill No. 3276. 992 ANNUAL REPORT, 1934-35 993 tions have been adopted, and the Government has shaped its course in general matters of importance in the light of the counsel which it received from the National Research Council. We are to-day confronted with multitudinous problems of national importance and none of these problems could be solved by one man or one institution. Concerted efforts, combined forces and effective measures are necessary. The organization of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands patterned more or less after that of the National Research Council of America is very timely and propitious. The Council as is proposed will not maintain scientific laboratories. It will primarily be an Ol'ganization which whila clearly recognizing the indispensable value of individual investigations, will particularly exert efforts to bring together scattered work and workers, and to assist in coordinating, in some measure, scientific attack in any and all lines of scientific activity in the Philippines, especially, those problems which depend for successful solution on the cooperation of several or many workers and laborawries, either within the realm of a single science or representing different realms in which various parts of a single problem may lie. The duties of the National Research Council of the Philippine Islands will be as follows: 1. The National Research Council of the Philippine Islands shall act as an official and scientific adviser of the Government on national problems as production, health, education, etc. 2. In general, to stimulate research in the mathematical, physical, and biological sciences, and in the application of these sciences to industry, agriculture, medicine, and other useful arts, with the object of increasing knowledge, of strengthening the national defense and contributing in other ways to the public welfare. 3. To survey the larger possibilities of science, to formulate comprehensive projects of research, and to develop effective means of utilizing the scientific and technical resources of the country for dealing with these projects. 4. To promote cooperation in research with the object of securing concentration of effort, minimizing duplication, stimulating progress and obtaining increased efficiency; but with careful avoidance of any hampering control or interference with individual freedom and initiative, as fundamentally important to the advancement of science. 5. To serve as a means of bringing Filipinos, Americans and foreign investigations into active cooperation with those of the civil branches of the Government. 6. ·To direct the attention of scientific and technical investigators to the immediate importance of industrial problems and to aid in the solution of these problems by organizing specific researches. 7. To gather and collect scientific and technical information, at home and abroad, in cooperation with the ,government and other agencies and to render such information available to duly accredited persons. 8. To prepare a national inventory of equipment for research, of the men enga~d in it, and of the lines of investigations pursued in 994 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL government bureaus, educational institutions, research foundations, and industrial research laboratories. 9. To prepare reports by special sections suggesting important research problems and favorable opportunities for research in various departments of science. 10. To cooperate with educational institutions, by supporting their efforts to secure larger funds and more favorable conditions for the pursuit of research and for the training of students in the methods and spirit of investigation. 11. To cooperate with research foundations and other agencies desiring to secure a more effective use of funds available for investigation. The administrative work of the Council will be carried on by a small group of officers and an Executive Board, which will act for the Board in the interval between its stated meetings. 'The Council itself will be composed of seven major division representing respectively, government, foreign, and educational relations; physical and mathematical sciences; medical sciences including veterinary and dental sciences; chemical and pharmaceutical sciences; biological sciences; agriculture and forestry; and engineering and industrial research. With these divisions are associated various technical sections, each with its special field of subject or attention. The Council will also maintain a Research Information Service to assist in the compilation and organization of scientific information and to respond to inquiries concerning sources of scientific material. (Sgd.) MANUEL V. GALLEGO, Representative, 1st District, Nueva Ecija (Sgd.) MEYNARDO M. FAROL, Representative, 2nd District, Batangas ERRATA We deeply regret the many errors that occur in this publication. They are largely due to the necessity of printing the work at intense speed. We hope, however, that no errors of fact have crept in, and we offer below some corrections which may serve to clarify the t~xt. Bulletin 2, page 12, line 9, for Section of Botany read Section of Systematic Botany 59, " 29, Clathrocystia read Clathrocystis " 30, Monfrey read Henfrey Bulletin 3, page 82, paragraph 4, line 6, for House Bill No. 3276 ;·eud Honse Bill No. 3276 * " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 83, after line 10 read Act Numbered 4120, appendix D, creating a National Research Council in the Philippine Islands for the promotion of research work along scientific lines was approved on December 8, 1933 91, line 1, for Castro read Casto 96, paragraph 5, line 6, for imporant read important 100, " 4, for 1587 read 1578 117, line 30, after Manila, 1857 read ( 2a edici6n) 119, 5, for 1951 read 1915 120, 9, after 1815 read (2a edici6n) 122, 32, .for Manila read Madrid 123, after line 25, read Sta. Maria 124, line 20, for ( 1) Sistematico read ( 1) Catalogo sistematico 143, paragraph 6, iine 4, for start up read start 149, line 15, for (1822) read (1722) 152, paragraph 4, line 10, for Diedo read Diego 153, line 12, for 1840 read 1849 Bulletin 4, page 227, paragraph 2, line 4, for epiric read empiric " " " 3, 2, for upreme read supreme " " " " " " " " " 237, " 5, " 5, .for anthelmentics read anth~lmintics. 247, 3, " 4, .for adaption read adoption 249, " 3, " 7, for fellowhips read fellowships 260, line 32, for M. Pascual read W. Pascual 267, under Sanitation, line 9, for 882 read 1882 271, line 11, for Psychophatic read Psychopathic 272, 284, 284, 287, " 25, for Bay read Baby 4, for Provincial read Provisional 3, for Wililams read Williams 13, for Ortigas read Artigas 14, for rabite read rat-bite 996 ERRATA Bulletin 4, page 288, lines 5, 6, for Tavtay read Taytay 302, line 12, _for clinics-pathological read 307, 308, gical paragraph 4, line 324, line 4, .for 334, paragraph 2, (1914) clinico-patholo4, .for Ubardo read Ubaldo 7, for understook read undertook II 645 read (1914) v.2:645 Bulletin 5, page 387, paragraph 2, line 5, .for dragons read dragoons 1, line 3, for along 1·ead alone " " ,, ,, ,, " ,, " " ,, 407, 429, 429, 429, 430, 433, 439, ,, 449, 449, 453, 457, 459, 479, 492, 3, "4, 5, for fish- and arrow read fishand arrow-poisoning 5, 4, .for Hemano read Hermano 1, " 12, for out read on 2, 6, .for out read on 3, 4, for molluscs read mollusks 1, 1, for out read on line 44, for molluscs read mollusks paragraph 3, line 2, fo1· done with read made of ,, " line 4, .for 4, " 3, 4, for sewage disposals in read 2, 2, sewage from 5, _for answers to read answers can be found to 9, for are not as yet read cannot be 1, 2, after Birds" read and 2, 1, for along read in 2, 6, for principle read principles 3, 2, _for along read among 1, 3, .for and read with Patology read Pathology Bulletin 6, page 511, paragraph 2, line 15, for and on more read and which " ,, ,, was on more 523, after line 1, read IN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES 548, paragraph 3, line 7 after page read 549 line 13, for page gives read page 549 gives 573, paragraph 1, before line 1 read It is astonishing that holticulture, the most advanced stage in 596, " 1, line 8, for Javanes read Javanese " 3, " 5, for cetrain read certain " 597, " 5, " 6, for oil read soil 601, " 2, " 7, for Stranglay read Strangely Bulletin 7, page 621, lines 34 and 40, .for J. M. Alberto read J. M. Albert " " " 622, line 14, for J. M. Alberto read J. M. Albert " " 626, " 7, for TP375.54 read TP375.S4 " " 634, " 17, for R97.5:M read R97.5:M2 " 648, 20, for Nos. 35 and read Nos. 3 and " " 663, 22, for batchability read hatchability " " 689, " 32, for ancylostoma read ankylostoma " 690, " 33, for ancylostomiasis read ankylostomiasis Bulletin 7, " " " " " " " " " ,, ,, ERRATA ~197 page 695, line 31, for GI. P54 read Ql. P54 721, 38, fo1· v .1.27: read v. 27: " 722, " 32, for classification read clarification 726, 41, for P. E. Russell read P. F. Russell 728, " 6, for R. E. Holt read R. L. Holt 730, " 39, for service read serves " 733, " 36, for Q75. P5 read Q75. U5 " 738, 23, for R97 .5:52 read R97 .5:S2 743, " 23, for viriable read variable 750, 11, for TP375. P53 read TP375. P52 " 763, 36, for F. Russell read P. F. Russell 765, " 35, for 375-357 read 352-357 " 769, lines 16 and 17, for Manuel S. Roxas read Manuel L. " " ,, " 790, 798, line 803, " 807, " 817, " 827, ,, 828, 839, " Roxas 37 43, for R975. 5: R4 read R97. 5: R4 9, for metaboism read metabolism 2, for autonomy in hooturians read autotomy in holothurians 14, for vinicity read vicinity 28, for 97.5:R4 read R97.5:R4 28, for Phil. Zeta 1·ead Phi Zeta 33, aff,er Negros read Surgery and 26, for JULIANO, Jose--Agricultural College, Laguna, read JULIANO, JOSE BUENCAMINO.-Agric. College, Los Banos, Laguna. Morphology. San Miguel, Bulacan, Feb. 10, 00. B. S. A., 23, M. Sc., 25, Univ. Philip.; Ph.D., Leland Stanford Junior Univ., 30 ____ _ Fellow Am. Assn. for the Advancement of Sci.; Botanical Soc. of America; The Soc. for the Advancement of Res.; Los Banos Biol. Club; Sigma Xi; The Am. Genetics Assn.; British Ecological Soc.; Ecological Soc. of Am.; Asso., National Res. Council P. I. Univ. of Philip. Pensionado to Leland Stanford Junior Univ., 28-30. Bulletin 7, page 840, lines 8 and 17, for cyanophiric read cyanophoric; fm· santo read santol " " " " ,, " " " " 841, line 27, after Nov. 29, 90 read B.Agr., U.P., 15; M. Sc., Audobon Sugar School, 17. 851, 15, for Sl 77. P53 read Sl 7. P53 853, " 32, after May 8, 93 read B.S., Oregon Agric. Coll. 21; M.S., Univ. Ill., 23 854, " 38, for 51-51-84 read 51-84 855, " 10, for R97.5:57 read R97.5:P57 856, " 6, after Pampanga read B.S., 27, M.S., 28, Cornell Univ. 863, " 7, for Sapinosa read Sapinoso 870, " 20, for Swis and Turich read Swiss and Zurich 998 ERRATA Bulletin 7, page 891, line 36, for Rodulf read Rudolf ,, 901, 31, for Vargas, Jorge G. read Vargas, Jorge B. ,, ,, ,, 902-d, line 6, for Bolobo, alupang read Balobo, alupag Bulletin 8, page 911, line 22, for Height, 33m read Height, 33 cm. ,, 969, lines 2 and 3, for Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila and Chairman, Nat ion al Research Council of the Philippine Islands read Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Manila 969, after line 5, read and Chairman, National Research Council of the Philippine Islands INDEX OF AUTHORS ANNUAL REPORT OF NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, 1935 (The first number indicates the bulletin, the second number, the page) A BELLO, TOMAS P ., 3-218 ACOSTA-SISON, HONORIA, 4-300 ADRIANO, F. T., 5-380 ALDECOA, ELADIO R., 4-354 ALICANTE, MARCOS M., 6---595 r\RGUELLES, M. V., -1-331 BANTUG, J. P ., 4-227 IlUENCAMINO, VICTOR, 3-134 CAMUS, JOSE S., 6---508 CAPINPIN, JOSE M., 5--457 CLEMENTE, AMANDO, 5--363 CONCEPCION, ISABELO, 4-257 5--503 COPELAND, E. B., 2-35 " 3--129 ESPINO, RAFAEL B., 5-414 ESPINOSA, JOSE C., 6---608 F'AROL, MEYNARDO M., 8-992 FAUSTINO, LEOPOLDO A., 5--481 FELICIANO, JOSE M., 3-224 FELIZAROO, GENARQ, 4-356 FERNANDO, ANTONIO S., 4-303 FEP.RIOLS, VICENTE, 4-334 GALANG, F. G., 6---572 GALANG, RICARDO E., 5-483 " . 5--485 GALLEGO, MANUEL V., 8-989 8-992 GARCIA, ARTURO, 3--139 8-975 GoMEZ, A. K., 4-340 GDNZALEZ, L. G., 6---523 6---568 JULIANO, JOSE B., 5-425 LARA, H., 8-975 LARA, HILARIO, 4-265 LoPEZ RIZAL, LEONCIO, 3-146 :VIANUEL, CANUTO G., 5--447 5-451 999 :\1ARANON, JOAQUIN, 5--376 MERINO, GoNZALO, 6---578 MUNDO, S. DEL, 6---603 NAKAGAS, JUAN C., 4-247 PAGENHART, E. H., 3-220 PAZ, DANIEL DE LA, 4-317 PENDLETON, ROBERT L., 2-41 6---590 QUEZON, MANUEL L., 8-971 QUISUMBING, EDUARDO, 8-975 REYES, CARMELO, 4-291 REYES, FRANCISCO D., 5-401 RoDRIGUEZ, EULOGIO B., 3-84 RoSARIO, M. V. DEL, 5-359 RoXAS, HILARIO A., 5--428 ROXAS, MANUEL L., ix 8-975 SANDOVAL, DOMICIANO J., 4-349 SANTOS, F. 0., 5-394 SILAYAN, HILARION S., 6---515 SISON, AGERICO B. M., 4-326 SISON, ANTONIO G., 4-326 TAMESIS, FLORENCIO, 6---547 TAN, VIDAL A., 3-192 TEODORO, A. L., 6--600 TEODORO, NICANOR G., 5-492 TOPACIO, TEODUI..O, 4-261 4-344 TUBANGUI, MAROOS, 4-314 " 5-486 UICHANCO, LEOP-OLDO B., 3-205 5-472 VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO, 3-77 5-404 8-975 VILLADOLID, DEOGRACIAS V., 5--437 VILLEGAS, VALENTE, 6---542 WEST, AUGUSTUS P., 5--371 SUBJECT INDEX ANNUAL REPORT OF NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, 1935 (The first number indicates the bulleti1i, the second ntimber, the page) Activities of National Resea1·ch Council, 2-21 Address of President Quezon, Second Philippine Science Conventiou, 8-971 Agricultural economics, 6-515 Agriculture, early history, &-508 Agronomic research, 6-523 American regime, scientific and technical organizations, 3-161 Anatomy, development of science c.f, 4-247 Animal husbandry, 6-542 Animal pests and diseases, 4-34-i Animal production, ~6 Archaeology, 5---483 Bacteriology, 4-261 Bibliography of works of membet·s and associates of National Research Council, 7 Bibliography, Philippine Scientiii.e publications, pre-American, 3-117 Biographical data and bibliography of the works of members of the National Research Council: ABELLO, TOMAS P., 7-613 ADAMS, WALLACE, 7-613 ADRIAN<>, FELIPE T., 7-613 AFABLE, VALENTIN, 7-617 AFRICA, CANDIDO M., 7-617 AGUILAR, RAFAEL HIPOLI'OO, 7-i'a9 ALBERTY MAYORALGO, JOSE, 7-620 ALDABA, VICENTE, 7-622 ALICANTE, MARCOS M-, 7-623 ALVIR, AN1'0NIO DELGADO, 7-625 ARGUELLES, ANGEL S., 7-625 ARGUELLES Y MARASIGAN, MANUEL 7-626 BEYER, OTLEY H., 7-628 BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY, 7-629 BUENCAMINO, VICTOR, 7-632 1000 CALDERON, FERNANDO, 7-633 CAMUS, JOSE S., 7-636 CARREON, MANUEL, 7-637 CLARA, FELICIANO M., 7-638 CLEMENTE, AMANOO, 7-639 CJ.EMENTE, LEOPOLDO s., 7-639 CoNCEPCION", ISABELO, 7-640 CoPELAND, EDWIN BINGHAM, 7-642 CRUZ, C<>RNELIO CASTOR, 7-646 CURRAN, HUGH MCCALLUM, 7-646 CUZNER, HAR:>LD, 7-647 DACANAY, PLACIDO, 7-648 DAR JUAN, TIMOTEO, 7-648 DOMINGO, ELIAS S., 7-649 EDUQUE, JOSE, 7-650 ELICANO, VIC1'0RIANO, 7-650 ESPINO, RAFAEL B., 7-652 ESPINOSA, JOSE C., 7-654 FA.TARD<>, TRANQUILINO, 7-654 FAUSTINO, LEOP-OLOO A., 7-65!i FELICIANO, JOSE MARIA, 7-658 FELICIANO, RAMON, 7-659 FISCHER, ARTHUR FREDERICK, 7660 FP.ONDA, FRAKCISOO M., 7-661 GARCIA, ARTURO, 7-664 GARCIA Y LUNA, li'AUSTINO, 7-1365 GARCIA, GUMERSINDO, 7-666 GoMEZ, ANGEL K., 7-666 GoMEZ, LIBORIO, 7-667 GONZAGA, LUIS, 7-669 GoNZALEZ, BIENVENIOO MARIA, 7669 GUERRERO, LEON MA., 7-6.72 GUERRERO, LUIS E., 7-673 HERMANO, ARISTON J., 7-675 HERNANDO, EUGENIO BARON, 7-675 HYDE, EDWARD R., 7-677 JESUS, PABW I. DE, 7-677 LANTIN, PEDRO T., 7-679 LARA, CASIMIBO B., 7-680 LARA, HILARIO, 7-683 SUBJECT INDEX 1001 LF.ON, W ALFRIDO DE, 7-684 L<lPEZ RIZAL, LEoNCJO, 7-686 LUCE, ROBERT FRANCIS, 7-689 MANALANG, CRISTOBAL, 7-689 MARANuN, JOAQUIN, 7-692 McGREGOR, RICHARD C., 7-693 MENDIOLA, NEMESIO BLANOO, 7696 MERINO y FI,ORDELIZA, GoNZAW, 7-700 MIRANDA, LUIS G., 7-700 MONTALBAN, HERACLIO R., 7-701 MUNDO Y VILLANUEVA, SALVADOR DEL, 7-702 NANAGAS, JUAN CANCIO, 7-702 0BEAR, GEORGE BARROWS, 7-704 OcFEMIA, GERARDO 0., 7-704 0TANES, FAUSTINO Q., 7-707 PAGUIRIGAN, DoMINGO B., 7-708 PAZ, DANIEL DE LA, 7-711 PENDLETON, RoBERT L., 7-711 QUISUMBING, EDUARDO, 7-712 QUISUMBING, EMILIO, 7-714 RAYMUNDO, MARIANO B., 7-714 REYES, CARMELO M., 7-715 REYES, FRANCISCO D., 7-716 REYES, HERMENEGILDO B., 7-717 REYES, LUIS, 7 -71 7 ROSARIO, MARIANO VIVENCIO DEL, 7-718 ROTEA, SANTIAGO, 7-718 ROXAS, BALDOMERO, 7-719 ROY.AS, HILARIO, 7-720 ROXAS, MANUEL L., 7-721 RUSSELL, PAUL FARR, 7-726 SAN AGUSTIN y MANALAC, GREGORIO, 7-729 SANTOS, ALFREDO C., 7-730 SANTOS, FRANCIS{)() 0., 7-732 SANTOS, JOSE K., 7-734 SCHWARTZ, SEYMOUR C., 7-736 SELGA, MIGUEL, 7-736 SILAYAN, HILARION SILVESTRE, 7737 SINGIAN, GREGORIO, 7-738 SISON, AGERIOO B. M., 7-738 SISON, ANTONI-0 G., 7-740 SUMULONG, MANUEL, 7-741 TAMESIS, FLORENCIO, 7-742 TAN, VIDAL A., 7-742 Tl'lGOORO, ANASTACIO, 7-742 TIDDORO, NICANOR G., 7-743 TOPACIO, TEODULO, 7-745 TORRES, JUAN PLATON, 7-746 TUBAN"GUI, MARCOS, 7-747 UICHANCO, LEOPOLDO B., 7-749 VALENZUELA, PATROCINIO, 7-751 VELARDE, HERMINIO, 7-754 VIVAR, TORIBIO, 7-755 VILLADOLID, DEOGRACIAS, 7-75<l VII,LEGAS, VALENTE, 7-757 WADE, WINDSOR H., 7-759 WEST, AUGUSTUS P., 7-759 YEAGER, CLARK HARVEY, 7-764 YLANAN, REGINO R., 7-765 Biographical data and bibliography of the works of associates of the National Research Council: AnAD, LEOPOLDO, 7-765 ABAD, MOISES B., 7-765 ABAD, TIRSO B., 7-765 ABADILLA, QUIRIOO A., 7-766 ABRIOL, RUFINO, 7-766 ABUEL, JOSE, 7-766 ACOSTA-SISON, HONORIA, 7-766 AGATI, JULIAN A., 7-768 AGCAOILI, FRANCISOO, 7-769 AGUILAR, EUSEBIO D., 7-770 ALAS, A!\TONIO DE LAS, 7-771 ALBERT, ALEJANDRO, 7-771 ALBERTO, SEVERINO, 7-772 ALCANTARA, VIVENCIO C., 7-772 ALDEC')A, ELADIO R., 7-773 ALINCASTRE, CECILIO, 7-773 ALONA, GREGORIO, 7-774 A;o.;GELES, ESTANISLA:O, 7-775 ANGELES, SIXTO DE LOS, 7-775 ANZURES, PABLO, 7-777 AQUINO, DIONISIO !., 7-777 ARAGON, VICENTE B., 7-778 ARENAS, fROCESO R., 7-779 AVELLANA, JOSE B., 7-779 AYUYAO, CoNRAOO D., 7-779 BACH, JOHN, 7-780 BALCE Y BARBIN, SOFRONIO, 7-781 BALMACEDA, CoRNELIO, 7-781 BALTAZAR, EULALIO P., 7-782 BALUYOT, SoTERO, 7-782 BANKS, CHARLES S., 7-782 1002 SUBJECT INDEX BA:--;TUG, JOSE P., 7-784 BANUELOS, TR!:-;'IDAD, 7-786 BARRERA, BENJAMIN, 7-786 BARTOL~ME, VICENTE C., 7-787 BASACA, MARIANO, 7-787 BELLOSILIO, GERVASIO CLORES, 7787 BELMONTE, DEMETRIO, 7-787 BENITEZ, CONRADO, 7-788 BERNARDO, GABRIEL, 7-788 BIROSEL. DIONISIO M., 7-788 EISSINGER, GEORGE HE:-.!RY, 7-78tl BOJ?JA, VICTORIANO, 7-789 BUENDIA, JULIAN, 7-790 BULATAO, EMILIO, 7-790 BUX!, BEXJAMIN D., 7-790 BURKE, WILLIAM JOSEPH BUTLl:.R, 7-790 CALINISAN, MELANIO R., 7-791 CALMA, VALERIANO C., 7-791 CANIZARES, MIGUEL D., 7-791 CAPINPIN, JOSE M., 7-792 CATAMBAY, ALEJANDRO B., 7-793 CELINO, MARTIN S., 7-793 CELIS, JESUS P., 7-793 CENDENA, SILVERIO M., 7-794 CHAPMAN, JAMES WITTENMYER, 7-795 Cmoco, JUAN 0., 7-796 CHIYUTO, SULPICIO A., 7-796 CLARK, LoREN ToMPKINS, 7-796 C0LLADO, ESTEBAN G., 7-797 CORCUERA, AURELIO LEYNES, 7-797 CORDERO, NARCISO, 7-797 CRUZ, AURELIO 0., 7-798 CRUZ, MARIANO C., 7-799 CUANJUNCO, FIDEL, 7-799 DAVID, PEDR<> A., 7-800 DAVID, ToMAS, 7-801 DEPPERMANN, CHARLES EDWARD, 7-802 DOMANTAY, JOSE, 7-802 DUNHAM GEJORGE C., 7-803 EATON, LEJON SCHULTZ, 7-803 EJERCITO Y LIZA, ANTONIO, 7-803 ELA YDA, INXENCI<>, 7-804 ELEAZAR, RAMON V., 7-804 ELICANO, TRANQUILINO, 7-805 ELMER, ADOLPH DANIEL EDWARD, 7-805 ERANA, GERVASIO, 7-808 ESTAMPADOR, EULOGIO, 7-808 ESTRADA, SANTIAGO U., 7-809 ESTRADA, JANUARID, 7-809 EnBANAS, FROILAN, 7-809 FARELLA, JOSE, 7-811 FAJARDO, JACOBO, 7-812 FARINAS, ESTEFANO, 7-813 FELICIANO, AMADO T., 7-814 FELIZARDO, GENARO BASA, 7-81-1 FELIZARDO, MANUEL I., 7-814 FERNANDO, ANTONIO S., 7-815 FERNANDEZ, JOSE A., 7-816 FERNANDEZ Y ASIS, RICARDO, 7-81.6 FERRIOLS, VICENTE, 7-818 FRANCISCO, JOSE R., 7-818 FRANCISCO, SIXTO A., 7-818 FRANCO, CECILIO, 7-819 FRANCO, FELIX, 7-819 GABRIEL, PROCESO, 7-819 GALANG, FRANCISCO G., 7-821 GALANG, RICARDO E., 7-823 GALLARDO, MARCELINO MENDOZA, 7-823 GALVEZ, NICOLAS L., 7-824 GAN, TOMAS, 7-824 GANA, VICENTE Q., 7-824 GARCIA, EUSEBIO Y., 7-825 GARCIA, ONOFRE, 7-825 GAVINO, CATALINO, 7-826 GAZA Y HERNANDEZ, CLARO, 7-826 GERKEN, EDNA, 7-827 GEMIL y GANA, MIGUELA, 7-827 GoNZAGA, ARCADIO C., 7-827 G::)NZALES, LEON G., 7-827 GoNZALES, LEJON MA., 7-828 GoNZALES, RODOLFO, 7-828 GONZALES, SALUSTIANO S., 7-82!:1 GoRDON, ALEXANDER, 7-829 GUANZON, GETULIO A., 7-830 GUERRERO, ALFREDO, 7-830 GUEVARA, RoMULO, 7-830 GuIOOTE, JosE, 7-831 GUTIERREZ, EUSEBIO, 7-832 GUTIERREZ, MARIANO, 7-832 GUTIERREZ, PERPETUO, 7-832 HENARES, HILARION G., 7-833 HERRERA, PILAR, 7-834 HESTER, EVETT DORREL, 7-834 HILARIO, JOSE S., 7-835 SUBJECT INDEX 1002 HIZON, PRIMO H., 7-835 HOBBS, KENNETH L., 7-835 HOCSON, FELIX, 7-835 IGNACIO, PATRIC!U, 7-836 CoNCEPCION, FELIX, 7-836 JACINTO, NICANOR, 7-837 JESUS, ZACARIAS DE, 7-837 JIMENEZ, JOSE, 7-838 JOSON y PABLO, ToRIBIO, 7-838 JULIANO, JOSE B., 7-839 KALAW, TOOOORO, 7-840 LABAYEN, SEGUNDO D., 7-841 LADAO, JOAQUIN, 7-842 LAUREL Y GARCIA, ALBERTO, 7-842 LAVA, VICENTE G., 7-842 LEIVA, LAMBERT(), 7-843 LEON, ANTONIO I. DE, 7-844 LERMA, JOSE N., 7-844 LIMSON, MARCIANO, 7-845 LLAMAS, ROSENDO R., 7-845 LocsIN, CARLOS L., 7-845 LUCAS, PABLO, 7-846 LUISTRO, FERNANDO D., 7-846 MABBUN, PABLO, 7-846 MABESA, CALIXTQ, 7-847 MACASAET, RAMON, 7-847 MANAS Y CRUZ, MARIANO, 7-847 MANDANAS, ANICETO Y., 7-848 MANE, ANDRES M., 7-848 MANOSA, MANUEL, 7-849 :MANRESA, MIGUEL, 7-849 MANUEL, CANUTO GUEVARA, 7-852 MARAMBA, FELIX, 7-852 "'IARQUEZ, FRANCISCO D., 7-852 MARTIN, CLARIO, 7-853 MARTINEZ Y AGCAOILI, ANGEL, 7853 MARTINEZ, RUFINO, 7-853 MENDOZA, JOSE MIGUEL, 7-853 MENOOZA-GUA:WN, MARIA PAZ, 7854 MESA, ALEJANDRO DE, 7-856 MIRASOL, JOSE J., 7-856 :MOLINA, RICARDO, 7-857 MONOONEDO, MARIANO, 7-857 MONSERRAT, CARLOS, 7-858 MONTILLA, JOSE R., 7-860 MORETA, RAFAEL MA. DE, 7-860 NAVARRO, REGINO, 7-860 NEMENZO, FRANCIS()() P., 7-860 NOLASCO, JOSE 0., 7-861 OCAMPO Y ZAMORA, MARIANO, 7861 OLIVEROS, SALVADOR B., 7-863 0NGSIAKO, RAMON J., 7-863 0ROSA, MARIA Y., 7-863 0ROSA, SIXTO Y., 7-864 0RTIGAS, CRISOSTOMO, 7-867 PADUA, REGINO G., 7-867 PAEZ, JOSE N., 7-870 PAGENHART, EDWIN HERBERT, 7870 PALO, MACARIO, 7-870 P ANLASIGUI, ISIDORO, 7-871 PANGANIBAN, CRISANTO, 7-872 PARAS, ERNESTO M., 7-872 PARDO, LEOPOLDO, 7-873 PASCUAL, WENCESLAO, 7-873 PAULINO, PEREGRINO H., 7-874 PERALTA, FERNANDO DE, 7-874 PEREZ, CIRILO, 7-875 PEREZ, FRANCISCO, 7-875 PEREZ, GILBERT, 7-875 POLICARPIO PARDO, CATALINA, 7876 Pm DE RODA, ALFREDO, 7-876 POTENCIANO, C-0NRADO, 7-876 PUNSALAN, JOSE V., 7-877 QUESADA, EUGENIO C., 7-877 QUISUMBING, FRANCISCO, 7-877 QUISUMBING Y ARGUELLES, MANUEL, 7-878 RACELIS, ANTONIO, 7-878 REYES, GAUDENCIO M., 7-879 ROA, EMETERIO, 7-881 ROllLES, MANUEL, M., 7-881 RODRIGUEZ, EULOGIO B., 7-881 RODRIGUEZ, FILEMON, 7-882 RODRIGUEZ, JOSE NATALIO, 7-882 ROLDAN, EMILIANO, 7-884 ROMULO, CARLOS P ., 7-885 ROSARIO, CASIMIRO DEL, 7-885 Rurz, MARIANO v., 7-885 RUSTIA, GUILLERMO, 7-886 RUSTIA-SISON, FILIBERTO, 7-886 SACAY, FRANCISCO M., 7-886 SAJOR, v AI.ENTIN, 7-888 SALVOZA, FELIPE, 7-888 SAMSON, JOSE, G., 7-889 SANDOVAL, DoMICIANO J., 7-889 1004 SUBJECT INDEX STA. CRUZ, JUAX, 7-890 SANTOS, FELIX V., 7-890 SANTOS, JOSE V. DE LOS, 7-890 SANTJS CUYUGAN, GERVASIO, 7-800 SANVIC1'0RES, JOSE, 7-890 SAPINOSO, PASTOR, 7-891 SARAO, FELIX, 7-891 SARINAS, FAUSTINO, 7-891 SCHULTEN, RUDOLF CARL, 7-891 SERRANO, FELICISIMO B., 7-891 SEVILLA, NIOOLAS S., 7-893 SEVILLA, VICTOR, 7-893 SHERMAN, PENOYER LEE, 7-893 SINGSON ENCARNACDN, VICENTE, 7-894 SULIT, CARLOS, 7-894 TALAVERA, FLORENCIO, 7-895 TAMBUATCO, DOMINGO, 7-895 TA'\"00, ARTURO, 7-895 TANGCO, l\!ARCELO, 7-896 TREPP, ANDREAS, 7-896 TIONGSDN, JUAN L., 7-896 TRINIDAD, ANGEL B., 7-896 TUPAS, ALBERTO, 7-897 UBALDO, ARISTFXI, 7-897 UMALI, AGUSTIN, 7-899 UNITE, JUAI\ 0., 7-899 UNSON, FLORENCIO, 7-899 UNSON, MIGUEL, 7-900 URBINO, CORNELIO M., 7-900 VALDES, BASILIO, 7-900 VALENZUELA, ABELARDO, 7-901 VARGAS, JORGE B., 7-901 VASQUEZ, ANTONIO, 7-902 VASQUEZ-COLET, ANA, 7-902 VELASCO, FELIX I., 7-902 VELMONTE, JOSE E., 7-902 VERA, BoNIFACIO DE, 7-902-a VILLA, VICTORINO, 7-902-a VILLALON, AUGUSTO Pro, 7-902-b VmATA, ENRIQUE T., 7-902-b VITUG, WENCESLAO, 7-902-b WILLIAMS, ALPHEUS DANIEL, 7902-c. YCASIANO, FRANCISCO, 7-902-c YENKO, FLAVIANO M., 7-902-d YUSON, RESTITUTO, 7-902-d Biological products, 4-314 By-laws of National Research Coul!cil, 8-984 Ceramics, 6--603 Charter members of National 1-~c­ search Council, 8--965 Chemistry, agricultural, 5--380 Chemistry, biological, 5--394 general and physical, 3363 Chemistry, organic, 5-371 pre-American, 5--359 Congresses, scientific, 3-193 Constitution of National Research Council, 8-984 Coai:tal surveys, 3-220 Dentistry, clinical, 4-356 history, 4-349 problems, 4-354 Ecology, 5--414 Elicaiio Fellowship, 2-32 Entomology, 5--472 Ethnography, 5--485 Farm mechanization, 6--600 Finances of · National Resea1·ch Council, 2-66 Financial statement of Natio!1al Research Council, 2-69 'Fisheries, 5-437 Foreign research councils, funds of, 2-70 Forestry, 6--547 Forestry, publications of bureau of. 6-551 Geological survey, 3-224 Government promotion of science, 3-134 Gynecology, 4-300 Herpetology, 5--437 Horticulture, research in the university, 6---568 Horticulture, 6--572 Hospitals, 3-183 Hygiene, 4-265 Ichthyology, 5--437 Immunology, 4-261 Industries, 5--401 Laboratories, private, 4-331 Laboratories and equipment, 8--~•03 Laboratory equipment, illustrations, 8-913 SUBJECT INDEX 1005 Laboratory equipment illustration'> index, 8-909 Legislation regarding creation of Xational Research Council, e;;.planatory note, 8--992 Legislative act creating National nesearch Council, 8--981 Legislative act creating National Research Council and explanatory note, 8--989 2\Iammalogy, 5--447 Marine invertebrata, 5--428 :\Iedicine, beginnings in Philippine Islands, 4-227 }!edicine, preventive, 4-265 " progress in diagnosis, 4326 I1·lemorial to Governor-General Frank Murphy, 8--975 Mycology, 5--492 Nutrition, 5--503 Ophthalmology, 4-303 Organization of National Research Council, 2-1 Ornithology, 5--451 Otorhinolaryngology, 4-303 Paleontology, 5--481 Parasitology, medical and veterinary, 5--486 Fharmaceutical research, 5--404 Pharmacology, 4-317 Philippine~ in world of science, ;J205 Physics, 3-218 Physiology, experimental, 4-257 Phytochemical research, 5-376 Phytopathology, 5--492 Pioneers in Philippine science of American regime, 3-129 Plant breeding, 5--457 Plant morphology, 5--425 " pest and disease control, o578 Plant physiology, 5--414 Public health, 4-265 Recommendations and suggestio:is to National Research Council, 2 - 71 Research council, history of movements to establish, 3--77 Research projects, 2-48 Rice, 2-35 Science, pre-American era, 3-8-'i Rcientific and technical organizations, 3-146 Scientific publications, pre-American, bibliography, 3-117 Scientific relations, foreign, 3-Ul2 Soil chemistry and biology, 6-595 Soil survey, 6-590 Soils, 2--41 Spanish regime, scientific and technical organizations, 3-147 Surgery, 4-291 Tests and standards, 6---608 Universities, scientific research, '.~-139 Veterinary medicine, 4-340 Veterinary science, early history, 4 -334