Editorials, The case of Filipino Internees.pdf


Part of The Manila Guardian

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March, 1950 THE MANILA GUARDIAN Independent ;\lonthly l\.1'agazine Founded in 193i F. BEN BRILLANTES Publisher MOISES T. GUERRERO Editor SAMUEL RODRIGUEZ Managing Editor MILAGROS A. ROMULO Business Manager & Secretary~Tren.surer Editorials HELEN PERIQUET Adve1tising Manager KAI 0. PETERSEN Circulation Manager Table of Contents The Philippine Constitution lly Manuel V. Moran The Philippinea: Show Window of Democracy By Myron C. Cowen The Case of Capt. Junsay by Arscnio H. Lacson Report on the Fight for Benefits The Voice of Liberty lw Gcuci·al Carlos I'. Romulu Elias and Salome by A. F. Paredc:-.: fhe Fifth Power Ly Ludwig· S. Adam.'> "The Ramparts We Watch" hy P. B. FABROS THE MANILA GUARDIAN Page IO 18 1 ~) EDITORIALS THE CASE OF FILIPINO INTERNEES From Washington comes the heartening news that the War Claims Commission has already taken steps to implement the provisions of Section 8 of the War Claims Act of 1948 directing that body to "inquire into and report to the President, for submission of such report to the Congress on or before March 31, 1949 (extended to March 31. 1950), with respect to war claims arising out of World War 11, other than claims which may be received and adjudicated under the preceeding sections of this Act." The case of Filipino civilian internees, who are excluded from the benefits provided for in the act, is very simple. In plain terms it is this: The ArnericaJt government, as a gesture of justice to its citizens. who for reasons of their own or for the inability of their government to evacuate them, fell into the. hand~ of the enemy and held prisoners for the duration, has decided to grant these citizens monetary benefits from former ertPmV assets now in the possession of the U.S. government. Filipino civilians who found themselves in the same prison camps or in Japanese torture chambers for no other reason than that they upheld American principles of demo· cracy at the darkest hours of the war, should also be given the same compensation from former enemy prooerty located in the Philippines. These Filipino civilians could have avoided interninent, torture and even death. But they chose these rather than betray a cause for which they pledged to fight to the bitter end. The Philippine Ex-Political Prisoners Association which is carrying on the drive for Filipino internees is fully con·· vinced that justice will be accorded to those who were Americans in their ideals and principles during the war but foreigners within the purview of the War Claims Act. It has faith in the War Claims Commission, in Congress, in the Pres· ident and in the American people Whose sense of justice is regarded as a byword in international relations. THE LIIlERA TION OF MANILA Five years ago last month Manila woke up from its nightmare of occupation into a day of freedom. It was the fulfilment of MacArthur's promise to reh1rn, a promise which had been the shibboleth of thousands and thousands of underground fighters. The story of the liberation of Manila will be told over and over again throughout the years to come as an epic of American military endeavor. With it will also go the story of brave Filipino guerrilla leaders who paved the way for the event. 'J'IH; :O.IAl'\ILA GliARDIAN Id l'UllLISHED IN 'l'HE CITY 01'" ;'IJ.\NILA. l'IHl.!1'1'INES \\Tl'll EDl'J'OIU.\L AND l\USINESS CH'flCES AT lwoc.: ,jQJ S.\:\l.\NILLO 111.nc., J.:SCOLT.\. F. IlEN BIULLANTES. l'UIH,ISJJJm: i\IOISl•:s T. GUEim1mo, 1':JHTOH: :'ltIL.\GHOS .\. HOJ\IUJ.0, HUSINESS :'llANAGN!t: 111':1.EN l'EIUQUET. ADVERTISING J\IAN.\GER: JC\l Cl. PE·n:RSEN cmcULA· TION ~IANAGEH. :'IL\C.\IUO SOl\IEH.\. :'ITANAGJ•;It, WASHINGTON llUIU:AU. (;(•.; B.\lrn llLIJG., 11-ASHlNGTON, D.C., JOSE B. U.\1.LJ·;STEROS, :'llANAGEJt, UONOUJl,U HUJU:.\U, HONOLULU. IIA\\".\ll. ENTElO-:U AS SECOND CLASS :il!ATTER AT THE MANILA l'OS'f tli"FIC'E ON NOVE:\IBEH 11. 1~1-1'!. ~lTHSCIUI"l'ION MUST HF. l'AID 1:--.1 .\DV.\Nl'f-: .\Nl:O .\DDHESSEIJ fl!RF.C'TLY ·ro TllF PllhLSllFJ: noo A YF.AR t'2.:;o SIX i\ION'l'H::: FORf.:ICN, DOUTILF. 'fHF. f.Q('_\L R,\TF:S POSTAGE INCLUDF.D
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