Personalities in News.pdf


Part of The Manila Guardian

extracted text
PERSONALITIES IN NEWS ..... 11.P. FERN,t NJJO LOPEZ did a yeoman's job of Philippines a rfairs during the brief absence of President Quirir:o. His ma in concentration 1ircsently is the reorganization and sti-camlining of government enterprise:> 1 u·eparatory to full-scale industrialization of the country. DAVI[) L!T ... TENTHAT_,, chairman of the U.S. Atomic En-~r­ gy Commission resigned his important post last month. Exact reasons for the action of the atomic authority was not revealed. At the t ime of his resignation, the United States was faced with th•~ decision to emhark on the JH"oi.luction of th2 mnch-ballyhoocd hydrogen bomb, reportedly under pmrlnction in Soviet Russia. A/GER HISS for a while occupied the news limelight in the United States during his now-famous perjur,y trial, in connection with his espionage activitk~s. He was sentenced to fh·e years· imprisonment by th<:? federal ccurt in New York fot• denying under oath having transmitted government secrets a Soviet spy ring through one Whitaker Chambers. NORTH ATLANTIC NA. TIO/VS sign('d rec-wtl~· a joint defense pact in formal cet·emonies in Wash inKIOn. Jm11orta11t figures durini:t the signing oi the agrcl'mcnt were (left to rij!ht) Ambassado1 ll1•nl'i Bonnet nf l"rnncc, Secrctury !lf State Dean Adwsf•n of the United ::itatcs, ond Sir Oliv1.•r F1·;.111ks of Gt·cat Britain. Unrler the treaty th~ Kol'th Atlantic nations we1 ·e to l'eceive $1,000,· 000,000 worth in U.S. a rms and equipment. OtlH!l' :>ignutol'ics WCl'e Italy, Uenmark, Belgium, Nethe1 'b!1ds, l.uxt·mbourf! a nd Norway.
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