A hint to provincial governors and municipal mayors.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

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when absent from the municipality upon occasfon of any meeting of mayors convoked by the provincial board or when absent therefrom upon any other business the performance of which is required of him by express provisfon of law or competent administrative authority or if the genera,J funds· of the municipality permit w~en he is absent from his office because of illness con_ tracted through no fault of his own, provided the absence in the latter case does not exceed thirty days during the year, which fact ·must be attested by an affidavit of the interested party and by :i medical certificate or, if there be no physician in the locaiity, by a health officer's certificate; and if during suc.111 authorized or justified abs~mce the vicemayor or a counci.Jor t emporarily ctJs-' charges the local duties of mavor. the officer r 2nder'ng snch service may re-" ceive compensaiJion· in an amount to be :ru:xed by the rouncil, with the approval' of the provfocial · gove~nor, which amount shall not be in exiees·s of the salary of mayor for the same period: ProvW:ed, That per diems for attendance of the ses·sions of the counc'i<l shall not be paid to an officer rendering such service. IW!hen ab<sent from thier permanent stations on offidal business' other than attendance at the sessfon of the council, vice-mayor and councilors shall be allowed their actual expenses of travel with the approval of the provincial governor. [2657-2133; 3356-1; 3931-1 C. A. 233-3.J \To be contiruued) - - - . 000--AURORA A. QUEZON - Sacrifice yourselves in the interest of the needy. Don't expect reward from those· to whom you extend aid. The satisfaction of having done your duty is enough recompense. DECEMBER, 1949 A HINT TO PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS When Mayor La Guardia of New York City was asked by reporters· whether he would be a candidate for PreRident of the U.S. in 1940, he replied: "It is a bad thing for a man holding one office to think about obtaining another office, It impairs his usefulness. It is like necking in a closed car on a moonlight night, after a good dinner and champagne. Don't start it." Could he be drafted? "Don't be silly. Nobody was ever drafted for any office any time, anywhere."-From. Time. MARCELO H. DEL PILAR - The education of the women stimulates and elevates that of the men ... because of their influence in the family as daughter, sister, wife or mother . . . They are not only a balm to the hardships of life but also an element that influences and guides men along the path of virtue, perversity or cowardice. Oable Address: LAS Office Address : 322-324 Zurbaran St. LAICO AUTO SUPPLY DIRECT IMPORTERS ESTAJB.LISHED SINCE 1932 AUTO SPARE PARTS Tel. 2-90-48 JOSE A. LAICO Manager & Prop. Res.: 1106 iFelix· Huertas =====·Sta. Cruz, Manila= JIMENEZ AUTO REPAIR SHOP !For customers satisfaction, come and try our active ·service. 2232 Oro1uieta and 703 Tayuman (!Branch) AGUSTIN JIMENEZ Proprietor Page 625
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