

Part of The Local Government Review

extracted text
EDITORIAL THANK Y O U by the Editor This nurnber completes a year of pioneering publication ,qr,rvice in the field of local government in the Philippines. It has been a serv{ce accompanie'd by courage, faith, a little pride, and (1, purpose. That we have acc01nplished something indi.cative of .a dynarnic pur:pose is shown by the early approval given to this ma: gazine by the Department of the Interior, by the Department of _ . ,,.,.., Finance, by the Director of ·1 Public Schools, by the Direc. tor of Private Schools, by the . ~· Director of Pitblic Libraries, · and by more than two thou.. .qand five hundred provincial, city, and municipal official;,; who have responded to the . urge of a publication service · · · such as this one that, in the words of His Ex.cellency, the President of the Philippines, "can distill practical knowledge and wisdom out of the experience of our local administrators and contribute substantially to good government and good citizenship.'" Thanks are due to ·all these authorities and officials. THE EDITOR We are grateful to Provinnow in the University of Wisconsin Graduate cial Governor Jose U. del GaSchool a~ pensionado of the R epublic of the ll of Cam · S p r Philippines on "Municipal Government Admi· . eg.o arines ii:r? r01 - nistration" 1.ncial Governor Emilio Naval of Bataan, Provincial Governor Perfecto Faupon of !locos Sur, Provincial Governor Cesar NepomucetJ,o and Provincial Secretary Ramon H. Villamin of Marinduque, Provincial Governor Gedeon Quija,no of Misamis Occidental, and Mayor Rienvenido Marquez of Padre Burgos, Quezon Province, for their financial support of this ventur~. The interest .riianifested by all the other Provincial Governors and all the Provincial and City Treasurer;,; in bringing home to their colleagues. and personnel the impor1-See Message of President Elpidio Quirino at page 3, Vol. 1, No. 1, L.G.R. 2-From the essay, "Study of Public Administration" by Woodrow Wilson, 2. Pol. Sci. Q. 197 ( 1887). 'age 590 P!';CEMBER, 1949 tance of this magazine in the discharge of their duties and functions has been gratifying indeed. The support that came spontaneously from nearly a~l municipal mayors and municipal treasurer, from a yood numb~r of Superintendents of Schools, Provincial Fiscals, City Attorneys, District Engineers, Provincial Auditors, Judges of Courts of First Instance, Municipal Judges, Justices of the Peace, District Health Officers, and Agricultural Supervisors, and from ?nany municipal councilors, municipal secretaries, and policemen speak well of the reception met by the 'The Local Government Review in the di.ffennt sections of the Philippines, for which we are certainly glad. It has been an inspiration to us to have received the patronage of the Archbishop of Cebu, of severai Mother Superiors, of ?nany principals of schools and directors of colleges, of some heads of libraries, of ce?"tain Consuls of foreign countries, and of hundreds of high school and collegiate students, businessmen and private citizeni;. Our hats off to all. It is satisfying to know that after all there are groups in our country who watch over the public service, who study and learn the .feasibility and wisdom of official doings, and who follow the development of public policy in relation to the governance of local affairs. We are confident that the continued support and patronage of all the foregoing subscribers will encourage us "to stra'ighten the paths of government, to make its business less unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization and to crown its duties with dutifulness.'" In pursuing these ends, we wi'.ll find strength in the fact that we have secured the cooperation of the American Society for Public Administration in the United States, in which we have been honored with membership, by granting us authority to reprint in the The Local Governmen L Review articles from its Public Administration Review which may advance public management in the Philippines. We assure our reading public that we are prepared to furnish them with adequate and current information about the local governments and their administration, to assist them in foreseeing problems and plarining .future programs, to protect the citizens against hasty or ill-considered actions, and to guide them secure means of ensuring compliance with established policy and official duties. THE OLD AND THE NEW It is done, all the year could do for us, Its mixture of shadow and sun, Its smile& and its tears, its hopes and its fears, Its labors and duties, all done. 'We stand face to face with the new year, DECEr.rnE!l? 1~4~ Nor know what it hides from our sight; God grant that it be kind to you, and to me, That it lead us in ways that are light The Old amd the New. Page 591
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