

Part of The Local Government Review

extracted text
1--------lI 0 R Q SC 0 PE- ---,-----UJe'l.e 'l{ou BMn Jn ~ecem6.e'£ DECEMBER 1 A restless discontentment with location and associations must be overcome before your talent of self-expression and leadership can make itself felt. You should be more tolerant of people. DECEMBER 2 Dwelling at too great length on things of trivial importance keeps you from handling big problems that your analytical mind qualifies you to master. Your mind is technical and could do well in engineering. DECEMBER 3 You are one whom the emotions ar~ apt to affect more thaii you know unles::; you have studied all that can happen in this department of life and pick your way. Be on guard against deceptions. DECEMBER 4 M-:iny f'harp changes come to one born on this date but they are ever for the best, though you insist upon doubting. By systematic reading you can better prepare your mind for changes in work and location. · DECEMBER 5 You are adventu1·ous but have a tendency to go to the extreme. At times you are very sarcastic, which creates much animosity toward you. Encourage the efforts of others and indication• point to much happiness in later life. DECEMBER 6 Memory is an outstanding qualification of one born of this date and it should be applied to some commercial use such as librarian or teacher. To make a Success of life you must learn to forget grievances. DECEMBER 7 Unhappy adventures await the explosive emotional nature that too quickly comes to conclusion. Stop, analyze and look before you leap. Take up art stud~· or writing that will slow down your im~ pulsive expression. DECEMBER 8 The field of politics an<l club secretarial work finds a place for one born of this date, who is a great friend maker and gifted with strong thinking and force to express himself. You will always attempt too nu,ch. DECEMBER, 1949 DECEMBER 9 Born of this date is a fiery temperament that will interfere with good judgment unless it is curbed. You are apt to be over·confident and your aggressive ness misunderstood. Better to keep out of politics. DECEMBER 10 If born on this date you will develop within you inclinations to live your life for yourself alone. Your powers will prove constructive when identified with someone besi4es yourself. DECEMBER 11 The child born of this date develops physical power ahead of mental capacity, though better qualified to work with head than hands. Avoid secret agree·· ments and shun speculation. DECEMBER 12 The deep and earnest thinker born of this date is liable to get so wrapped in personal interests t hat he will be readily misunderstood. Your inclination tu work within yourself calls for plenty of out-door exercise. DECEMBER 13 Born of t his date you are possessed of a rare intuition which if followed closely will lead to outstanding success. Suggestions are that your inclinations seem to fit for a professional life. DECEMBER 14 Ambition to get ahead inclines one to hurry an<l slight the work of the moment. Live today for today and make today's accomplishments count. Be careful not to crowd others in your ambition to succeed. DECEMBER 15 Eagerness to produce results and ambition for advancement can lead you to take on a larger burden of labor than either your physical or mental capacity Will carry. Too much ambition is a dangerous thing. DECEMBER 16 Born of this date is a careful student and a patient teacher with a great love of research that can do well in the study of psychology. Welfare or public service work has a place for such good talent. Page 635 DECEMBER 17 It is easy for one born of this date to go to extremes in most everything. You have a magnifying mind that usually thinks conditions worse than they are. Religious association will be most helpful. DECEMBER 18 The dav is unfavorable for speculation or any deal in'volvin'g risks. It is essential that you be cautious in all matters that have to do with your personal life. You have a keen intelligence. DKCEMBER 19 Put a finish to the work at hand as training for an impulsive mind that chooses to rove. Consider the time element as important ii1 all success and a void all clerical work. DECEMBER 20 You at·e very serious-minded, which will help you with your work. Your best efforts wil come from your dealinl? with materia 1nedica, law, or criticl l writings. Avoid friends you do not trust. DECEMBERt21 A l!reat friend is born this day with abundant energy and a quiet way of gaining the help of others. Your care in handling details and ability to get alon.r with people fit you for business management. DECEMBER 22 There is courage and conviction with a strong determination to see things through to a successful conclusion. Impatience to see results causes unhappiness. This person should be very good. 'DECEMBER 23 Born of this date you are readily influenced by both comment and environ - ment and are not an individualist. YoH are better at the carrying out of orde1·s than dictating them and are well fitted for accounting work. DECEMBER 24 Here is a struggle to follow ideals above the commonplace and some query whether it is worth while. Your best. services can be rendered your fellowman in church or in public service work with happiness. - Page 636 ·DECEMBER 25· You are highly sensitive and your interest in things continues long after they are forgotten by others. You love the out-of-doors and are keen for physical activities. Avoid homely women. - DECEMBER 26 Given to an undervaluation of your own ability you should seek the association of those who understand. Your retiring nature can be overcome by active work in some fraternal body. DECEMBER 27 The keen, close-observing and •ttentive mind born of this date will l?O far in the bankinl!" world if there can be rlev.:loped a sufficient patience that will let the elements of success mature. DECEMBER 28 Peculiar circumstances hover around the child of this date, who is methodical · and industrious. A great fried in time of trouble. This sympathy should Le given to public welfa1·e work. DECEMBER 29 Born of this date are not given to detail work because they do not reach below the surface of situations. The love for travel should be subdued until proper patience and persistence develop. DECEMBER 30 . Here is an alert mind tHat is f!Uick to see through propositions and pecple with a sound appreciation of real value, . A hani-ainff by nature who should he identified with a purchasing department. DECEMBER 31 One born of this date is inclined to take the events of the world too seriously and should find association with lighthearted people who insist upon getting more out of the world than they put into it. "On:e fact stands out in bold relief in the history of. men's attempts for bet~~r­ ·ment. That is that when co1npulsion is used, only resent1nent is aroused, ·and the end is not ga,ined. Only th»&ugh ·iiw .. ral suasion <ind appeal ·to men~s reason can a nwvement succeed." -SAMU,EL GOMPERS. # DECEMBER, 194~
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