

Part of The Local Government Review

extracted text
INDEX (REFERENCES ARE TO PAGES) Abra. history, 416. Absence, from province, 448-2. AcJditional compensation, substitute municipal treas\.lrer, 376; temporary designation, 630. Administration, police for~s. 256; program of, 495. Administrative cases, investigation, 499-53; force and effect of decisions rendered during Japcmese occupation, 530; proceedings for derelic, tions, 486-76; see also suspension. Administrative Code, sections 1 to 17, 616; section 2242, 170; section. 2243, .271. Administrative control, removal, 606 Administrative investigation, superio~ order, 605. Allowance, automobile, 452; subsistence 'and lodgini::. 185, 457; quarters for chief of fire departrnen·~. 457. for provincial auditor, 511, for division superintendent of schools, 318; students, 499·61; duration, 630; gasoline for municipal mayor, 455; overtime, 275; disability , 489-84; 498-38. Antonio, Sixto, biography, 497. t AJJpeats, filling of position pending corisideration of appeal, 404; from api:>ropriafion ordinance, 487-6~ see also ordinance. Appoiutments, 448-8; employes of library branches, ltlC. Appropriation, defintion, 282: benefit of few inhabitants, 630; appeals, 487-63; in specially organized provinces, 499-48; general welfare, 449-18; water transportation, 449-29; non-Christians, 47330. Assessment, schedule of values, 498-43; general revision of values, 498-44; extension of ,payment of tax. 498-45; remission, 498-47; C.A. 470 not applic-able to cities, 508. ' Assist&nt provincial treasurer, appointment, 44810: compensation, 448~ll. Assistant sanitary inspector, creation by municipalit:r. 310. Athletic meet, municipal aid, 599. Back pay, ruling of Auditor General, 185; temporary employes and laborers, 17; speech on backpay, 103; amortization, 261. B~ckwardnes, causes, 43. Backyards, cleaning, 502. Bt-trrio lieutenants,. badges, 340. Barrios, organization, 5. Beauty contests, 451. Bidding, purpose, 272; revision, 488-68. Bili of Rights, 79; for chilQren, 494. Billboards. rules and regulations, 410. Board of Tax Appeals, per diems of city councilors, 457. Bookkeeper, not chief of division, 403. Boundary, settlement. 509; modification, 355; roads, brjdges, and ferries, 499-58. Boys· Town, aid from sweepstakes, 501. Budgets, suspension, 167; municipal procedure, 209; for municipal districts, 261; reserve in elec-tric light plant and waterworks. 262; plantilla, 488-7; 499-56; salary increases, 262, 455; approp-rfation and item defined, 2'82; supervisory authority of Secretary of Finance, 408; effectivity o.f new positions and salary increases, 407; naticmal allotment for specific projects, 451; engineering fund, 453, salary percentage, 454, 487M; national aids, 454; approval of provinciar treasurer not necessary, 309; municipal treasv.i·er '$ revenue estimate, 310; overdraft, 487-66; tnansfers from municipal general fund, 354; filJina of position of suspended employe, 403. Caaastral costs, condonation, 261. Carniva1, petit, 451; see <!lso exposition and fair. Chief Executive, control and supervision and extent of executive power, 606; nature of power of suspension, 607. Chi1ciren, bill of rights, 494. Christmastide, 598. Cirt', leave privileges for temporary employes, 405; effectivity of new positions and salary increase, 407; displaying of signs, signboards and biJlboards, 410; Rizal Day, 495; program of adrriinistration, 495; fees on foodstuffs, 523 Citizenship Decalogue, 372-C. · Cit.{ Mayors, minutes of conference, see minutes. City Planning, see town planning. Civic anc;i Ethical Principles, 4, 372-D. Civil Service, examination questions for policernen, 47; hints for second grade civil service • a~ph ants, 114. · Civil Service Board of Appeals, norm of conduct o" public employes, 163. Cl:1:::sification, provinces, 9; Republic Act 130, 14; r..umicipalities, 81, 171; data, 93; municipalities raised in class, 321. Cle::i.n-up-week, prizes, etc., 18~. Cockpits, scope of regulatory power of council, 225. Commission on Elections, votes obtained by provincial 1 governors and board members, 51, city c:>uricilors elect, 58; list of rq.unicipal official! -Abra to . Albay, 59; Antique, Bataan, Batanes, Batangas, 188-191; Ba tang as, 242; Bohol. 332. Cl•Jnpensation, vice-mayor and councilors, 488-74; in line of duty, 499-63; additional. 630. C011duits, construction, 449-24. Conference of Provincial Governors and City Mayor~ . see minutes. Constitution of the Philippines, 358; declaration of principles, 144; conservation of natural resources, I 206, Con~titutional convention, interpretation of deliberation, 607 Constitutional iaw, separation of powers. 605; allocation of power, 605; powers of the chief exect1.tive, 606. Co:wention, see minutes. Conveyance, real property, 448-1; 499-55. Convocation, mayors, 449-25, 500-68. Cooperative marketing associations, active parti-· c.:ipation of municipal officials, 593. Court~. accommodation, 449-16. r'q1z. Eugenio E., ramie culture, 568. Cu~nco, Miguel, message, 205. D.:lhl, Robert A., science of public administration, t.72.<ttion of authority, 185, 509. DE.parfment Order, dates of occupation and liberation, 56; classification of mU.ncHpalities, 81, 171; leasing of market stalls, 563. Departments, interdependence, 605. DiS~ibility, see allowance. Disbursements, school purposes, 487-65; emergency, 498-33. Dh~cretionary funds, disbursement, 11; expenses churgeable, 12, 237 Disei'lses, poultry, 239. Division superintendent of schools, quarters allO\\"ance, 318. Ilf)nation, government :funds, 453; provincial property, 455; trophy, 185. I ----~-------~-- 637 - Draft animals, 449-17. Dres~making, 353. / Editorial, compensation for provincial officials, 75; neglected factors in municipal administration, 142; more gubernatorial powers, 207; where local governments'stan·d today, 304; thank you, 590. Etf.iciency, 286. Election, expenses, 262; meetings and parades, 281. Emi 1tnt domain, 449-23, 499-54, 500-67. E!i1ployes, positions iri cooperative marketing asscciations, 594; suspension and filling of position, 403; filling of position pending consideration of appeal, 404; leave of temporary, substitute and emergency employees, 405; leave of temporary teachers, 406; purchase of real estate, 499· 51; plantilla, 499-56. ' Engineering fund, employment of paymaster and 1 inspector-checker, 453. Equipment and supplies, see requisition. Excess condemnation, 489-81. Executive Determinations, 261, 309, 353, 403, 504, 599. Executive Orders, civic and ethical principles, 4: increase of salary of policemen, 16; budgets and' pJantillas, 167; admi\}istration and suspension of local police forces, 256; approval or disapproval of rr.ayor's executive order, 488-77. Experience, 40. Exoosition and fair, proceeds, 317; provincial, 455i nnmicipalt' participation, 455: petit carnival, 451. Expropriation proceedings, data required, 509; see al;:;o eminent domain and excess condemnation. Fa~hion schools, 353. Faypon, P erfecto, message, 447. Fees. foodstuffs, 523; tuition and matriculation, 237. 486, 498-34; market, 504. Fer.ry. letting, 487. Fiestas sanitary measures, 235. Filipin~ thoughts, living in harmony with neighbors, 322; dwell together, 322; ancient Filipino culture, 433; faith in a fort, 458; why the Cebuans became Christians, 458; ancient justice in the Visayas, 475; beginning of Manila's last royal dynasty, 475; gratitude of an ancient Manila king. 620; defend liberty, 620. Fire department, quarters of chief, 457; administration, 486-55; secondary regul.,.tions, 487-56; fighting ap·paratus, 487-57; fire preventive regulations, 181. Fire:a.rms, officials entitled, 600. Fiscal year, effect on section 2'309, Adm. Code, 594. Fish sauce, 163. Fisheries, income from, 505. Fishuies Act, 214, 265, 311, 379, 513. Fishery, 'awards' of privileges, 628; disputed juti~diction, 488-69; letting, 488-70. Fishin&. close season, 455. Fishpond, license tax on occupation, 593. Flag, Quezon's Flag Day message, 323. Foreign governments, buildings owned by, 601. Fvnst lands, charges on, 454; rentals. 599. F1·et>dom of speech and press, 460, 607. l'w;d,s, rice purchase, 317; permanent public imrro't ement, 309, 487-61; road and bridge, 449-28, 29; subsidy from road and public works, 498:a~ transfer, 309, 455, 498-42; gasoline and motor vehicle, 309; donation, 453. General Auditing Office, rulings of, 12, 185, 237, 275, 317, 375, 457, 501, 630. Ccnnal welfare, rules, 499-48; appropriation for purposes not specified by law, 449-18. Government administration, 31. Health, world health day, 385. Heraldry, introduction to, 400. High Schools, policy, 262; municipal, 317. HiRtorical documents, general orders Nos. 43. 187; Maura Law, 328, 389, 483; proclamation of Philippine independence, 350. ' lfolicJays, wages during,' '"502. Horoscope, January, 71; February, 139; March, 203; April, 251; May, 299; June, 347: July, 395; Aug\ISt, 443; September, 491; October, 583; November, 585; and' December, 635. llocos Sur, exposition and fair, 67; history, 450. Imol'O\'ements, survey:, 500-65 InsPection, provincial governOr, 511; municipal mayer, 512. Inve~tment, fixed deposits, 449-21. Irrigation, power pumps, 600. Jefferson, Thomas, desirable government, 493. Jitneys, operation, 403. Labor, message, 298. Lai.:erna, Jose L., sources of local revenues, 420. Leave. 405. Legarda, Trinidad F., commandments for modern parents, 589. Legisl-.tive power, delegation, 461. Lit.e:-ty and the police, 238. Libraties, establishment, 179, 599; requiremeri.ts. and ~ldq25~. LicE:nse taxes, method of collection, 353; sawmills or manufacturers of lumbers, 510; exce~ding rate, 488-71. Lieutt-nant governor, salary, 449-19. Li~gad, Jose B.. message, 255. Loans, 449-20, 499-62; municipal funds, 498,..32; from toll collections, 498-36. Local autonomy, protection of .. 20, history, 31; au· thority to levy taxes (C.A. 472) 94, 149; instruc· tion::; on enforcement, 222, 277. Local governments, supervisory power over, 607. Local Government Review, approval of' Sec . . of . Finance, 284, of Dir. of Public Schools, back page Jtm.e number, '{>f Sec. o{ the Interior, back page July number, of Dir. of Pvt Schools, 182; purpost., 2; message of President of the Philippines, 3; review of magazine, 346. Local Officials, Perfecto Payfon, 68; Jose R. Collantt.~. 69; Dominador Chipeco, 111; Andres Agcaoili, 113; Dorotea Belmonte, 121; Jacinto Borja, 153; Manuel Yia. 159; Nicasio Marin, 184; Roman de Dios, 199; Balbino Kabigting, 219; Ladislao Palma, 227; Filemon Samaco, 236; Guillermo de los Reyes. 402; Jorge Labayo, 402; Ramon E~tanislao, 424; Manuel H. P. de la Serna, 427; Anntolio Ynclino, 459; Perfecto P Lingao, 459: F..icardo D. Miranda, 474; Roman ·L. Perez, 548; Eonifacio C.- Gaitan, 548; Pedro Belderol, 556; Dama so V. Abeleda, 556. Lough·Uow, Henry, "The Psalm of Life," 446. Luna, Antonio, 357, 532. Mabini, Apolinario, 113, 357. ~fah·jong, 592. Mant.:al of Instructions to Treasurers, 11. Markets, establishment, 428; letting, 487-67; fees, 504 . ·Maura Law, 328, 389, 438, 483, 536. M"JltOr. official rank, 309. Mee1.h:gs, see sessions. Me.mbe-rs of Provincial Board, possession of fire~irms, 600; performance of ministerial duty, 451. Me.ssages, President of the Philippines, 3; Sec. of the Int , 74; congratula'tory, 78, 201; Sec. of Fi· , mn1ce, · 143; Provincial governor of Cebu, 205, • of Pampanga, 255; undersecretall'y of the Interior, . 351; provincial governor of Ilocos Sur, 447. Ministerial duty, 451. :ri..·li.m.1te!' of Conference Or Governors and City Mayors, 63, 129, 192, 245, 2.93, 3.41, 392, 439, 469, coo . 557, 626. 'Municipal affairs, 319, 377. Municipal aid, athletic meet, 599. Municipal autonomy, see local autonomy. Municipal contract, pecuniary interest, 399. Municipal corporation, power of municipal councH, 126; legality of municipal proceedings, 165; scOpe of regulatory power, 225. Municipal councilors, badges, 340; actual and necessary expenses, 237. 501, 502, 599; per diems, 600: compensation, 488-74. Municipal councils, rural, 96; powers, 126, manda.'.. h>ry powerS, 170; flying sessions, 218; scope of rP.gulatory power, 225; discretionary powers, 271; cnr!·plexion, 404; modification · of travel expense .iaw. 275. Munic!pal dis.tricts, .budget procedure, 261; organi?ation, 489-82; taxation, 489-83. Municipal employ es, subsistence allowance, 457. Municipal funds, use, 630; deposits, 487-59, 60. Municipal Law, 621. Mtrnkipal library, e'stablishment, 599. Municipal mayor, badges, 340; discretionary fu'nd, 231; right to pension, 457; gasoline allowance, 455; convocation, 5'00-68. Munic5pal police, salary for service outside munir.ipality, 630; municipal police l~w annotations, 44; powers and duties, 109; arrests and seizures, 177, 229 . Municipai treasurer, residence, 404; salary as deput:1, 488-73. Mu.nicipalities, organization, 5, 488; new 321; classifiC'~1tion, 81, 171; data for reclassification, 93; vis!tation, S09; Republic Act No. 130, 14. N'1.tional Anthem, history, 373. National '?'Oads, traffic, speed of motor vehicl~s. 456 Nepotism, Construed, 417. · Noll Me Tangere, "Filosofo Tasio," 603. Nurseries, policy on establishment, 518. · OffiC'es and officers, suspension of subordinate, filHng of position, 403, 404; bookkeeper not considered chief of division, 403; municipal special agent, 262; rural policemen, 451; paymaster and inspector-checker, 453; meat inspector tr'ainees, 261; division superintendent of schools, 313: substitute municipal treasurer, 376; de jure officer's salary, 501. Official holidays, wa)es during, 502. Opinions of Secretary of Justice, 17, 179, 218, 273, 408, 530, 592. Orctinance, requisites, 461; revocation, 165; power of provincial board, 165; appeals, 183, 488-78; control of poultry diseases, 239; pre-election· ?T'eetings and parades, 281; preservation of natur~l.1 beauty of scenery, 410; constructions owned by foreign' governments, 601; appropriation, 487-63. Ol3rnefi<J, Sergio, a government of law, 285. Overd.1·afts, 487-66 . .. Ov£.rtime, subsistence, 457. Palma, Ladislao, functions of provincial auditor. 411. Parade, see streets. Park, minimum area, 451. Patrol service, 486-52. Peanut industry, 425. PeHsion, appointive mayor, 457. Per diems, members of board of tax appeals, 457; com~cilors, 237, 600; vice-mayor, 237; municipal officers and employes, 275; payment of straight per diem, 376. Perse\ erance, 132. Philippine Apparition~ 519. Philippine Constitution, 358. Piftlippine Flag, 373 . Phmppine National Anthem, 372.:.B, regulations. 388. . Philippines, Japanese occupation, 56; liberation, 56. Pir.-ture, municipal officials, 503. Pi.lar, Marcelo H. del, 113. Pl~ntilla, see budgets; effectivity of new positions and salary increases, 407. Plants, medicinal, 524. Police Department, creation, 486-46; salary, 16; abnlition of position, 486-46; rqanual of police, 48G-47; civil service examinations, 47, 173; municipal police law annotations, 177; appropriation for additional policemen, 220; administration, 256; rural policemen, 451; uniform for chieE of police, . 237; supplementary police regr1.laticns, 486-48; police uniforms, insignia, 48651; police arms, 486-50; specification of police Equipment, 486-51; patrol service, 486-52. Po!itical law, see municipal corporation. President of the Philippines, judicial review of official acts, 605; supervisory power over local governments, extent, 607; duty to preserve and cieff'nd the Constitution, 607. Principal cler\t, signing• of promotional appointmc:nt, 457; salary and traveling expenses as acting municipal treasurer, 376. Prisoners, cost of subsistence and transportation, 238; confinement of municipal and provincial prisoners, 498.,.40, 41. Procession, 460. PrC1cl<•mation, Filipino Youth Day, 302:. World Health Day, 385. Pr(;hibition, control of judicial or quasi-judicial functions, 605; scope, • 606. Pronur. ciamentos, 44, 113, 154, 218, 270, 308, 357, ' 417, 456, 512. PrQtectionism.' decalogue, 397. Prcvinces, classification, 9; Rep. Act 130, 14; raised in class, 3~1; dates of occupation ·and liberation, 56. Pro,·incial affairs, 448, 498. Provincial Auditor, functions, 411; quarters allowaucE>, 511. Provincial Board, ministerial duty, 448-13, 451; minutes, 449-14; power over municipal ordin.n!'lces, 16&_; appeal from decisions, 183; special sessicns, 454; exportation of lumber, 506; member as acting provincial governor, 506. Provincial circulars, organization · of new municip:::Jities and barrios, 5; how to appeal from dec.isions of provincial boards on municipal ordi· n.mces, 183; instructions on enforcement of munidpal autonomy law, 222, 277; sanita-ry measures during fiestas, 235; control of poultry di· st:ases, 2'39; pre-eledion meetings and paf&des, 281; playing or singing of Philippine National AntJ1em, 388; subscriptions to the Local Government Review, 284. P:..\.w!ncial Governor, discretionary fund, 12; conference of provincial governors, 63; acting, 506, 601; visitation of municipalities, 5q9; inspections of municipalities, 511; absence, illness, suspension or other incapacity, 499-57; quarters, 448-9; terr,porary, 499-57. Provincial officials, schedule of safaries, 485 Pre:".-incial Treasurer, assignment of room;, 13; <n P.N.B. agent, 448-12. Provrncial treasury, sub, 498-37. Put.lie administration, science of, 572. Pur.Iic Land Act, secs. 1-15, 632. Publlc libraries, establishment, 179. Publi<' market stalls, Co Chiong v. Mayor of Mani;a, et al., 542; leasing', 563. ~ublic meeting, permit, 460. -1\3~Public projects, naming, 507. Publk works, municipal, 505; naming, 507. Pu<~r!culture center, tr3.nsfer of funds, 455. Punctuality, 43. (~1,.;arlers, see allowance. Quezon. Manuel L., 43, 44, 141, 154', 323, 398, 418. QuE.Z()n, Maria A., message to labor, 298, 625. Quirino, Elpidio, 3, 26, 70, 97, 136, 145. RR.ilway, construction, 449-24. Rainfall, distribution, 531. Red tape, causes. 234. Re!und. tuition fee and rentals, 501. Regulations, fire hazards, 181; playing or singing of Fhilippine National Anthem, 388. Refiahilitation Finance Corporation, how to secure loan~, 476. Reinstiltement, 375. Rentuls, forest lands, 599. Reports, non-resident person, 486-53. Re·i:>vQlic Acts, municipal budget procedure, 209; elni.entary schools appropriations, 210; scale of sa1aries of provineial officials, 263; 485; condonc:tion of unpaid interests, 356; pecuniary inte-rPst, 399; distribution of f.ines and surcharges tor violations of forest laws and regulations, 39!>: preference in the lease of public market stall~. 429; maximum limit of s3laries of municipal officials, 623. Requisition, 174, 503. RE:·serve, electric light plant and waterworks, 262. Resien2tion, effect on retirement, 523 Resolutions, Rizal Mayor's League, 128; joint convention of provincial board of Camarines Sur and municipal mayors, 129; Cebu municipal hoarC:., 1 244; see also minutes. Retirement, approval, 355, 473, 489-85; 498-39; 594; effect on resignation, sis. Revc1;.ves, sources and apportionment, 421. Rice planting festival, approPriation, 502. Riv2ra, Juan F., municipal autonomy and government administration , 31; municipal police law ar._nofated, 44, 177. Rivua, Petra 0., fourteen centuries of Filipino thoughts, 322. Ri7.aL Jose, backwardness, 43; pronunciamentos, 44: character and personality, 73; work and unity, 206; hymn to labor, 253; to the Filipino youth, 301; epigrams, 315; appeals to the old, 503; on V1sayan and Tagalog, 503; life decision, 604. Roads, use, traffic and speed of motor vehicles, 455. Roct':.efeller, John D., "I believe," 254. Ronse,=elt, Franklin D., five freedoms, 518. R•.1s:ario, Casimiro del, distribution of rainfall, 531. Roxas. Manuel A., local autonomy, 123 Roxas. Nicanor, ,message, 351. ·• Rural Councils, see municipal councils. Sa1arit::, scale for provincial officials, 263, 485; percentage, 454, 487-64; increases, 455; in municipal capitals, 449-22; 500-64; during suspension, 500-71; de jure officer, 501; scale for municipal officfals in special provinces, 505; percentage for 5th class municipalities, 506; warrants or checks fo.r advance salaries, 375; principal clerk as acting municipal treasurer of another municipality, 376; wage during official holidays, 502; rasiing of maximum salary of non-elective officer, 488; r<'it1stated officer, 448-6; maximum limit of municipal salaries, 623. Santillan Castrence, Pura, let us know Rizal, 602. Sci'.(lc:lS, unauthorized use, 595; appropriation for elementary classes, 210; policy as to high schools, 2G2: sites, 307, 451, 601; maintenance by municiP~tlities of high schools, 317; naming of, 454, in· termediate, secondary and professional, 466-44. SecH~tary of Finance, policy in municipal financial administration, 407; message, 143. Sccrefa.ry of the Interior, message, 74; special po· we1· to investigate, 500-72. Separation of powers, 605. Sessions, outside of capital, 504; successive dates, ·275; "flying," 218. Signs and signboards, rules and regulations, 410. Site, high School, 307, 451, 601; park and plaza, 451 Sl~.ughterhouse, 467-67. Soliven, Benito, glorious past of Malayans, 533. Spe<lter, expenses to welcome, 503. ' Special agent, municipal, 262. Svecial organized provinces, appropiration, 499· •1$; rules for general welfare, 499-49 S i)' 1 . ·tmanship, lack of, 132. · St~nley Bessie A., sti.ccess, 445. Steizte, Charles, wanted; a man, 303. Streets, use, 336; closing, 507; regulations, 461; app1 «val of ordinance, 489-80. Studn:·ts, allowance, 499-61; tuition fee refund, 501; rental of textbooks, 501. Suits, defense of, 499-59. Su1wtvision, nature, 607. Sw·.pI·:es, see requisition. Supreme Court Decision s. local autonomy, 20; pow~r of municipal council, _ 126; legality of municipal proceedings, 165; Scope of regulatory po· wer of municipal councils, 225; public meetings, 460; delegation of police power, 460; Carmen PI<-.nas v. Com. Civ. Serv., 605. Sunbarge, exchanging treasury certificates, 376. Suspension, provincial officers, 448-5; 500-69; municipal officers, 500-70; payment of salary, 500'll. Sweepstakes allotment, boys' town, 501 Ta:~.1tion, authority to le\ry (C.A. 472)- English, 9·!. Spanish .. 149; admission tickets on cinematt :~r.;.phs or cockpits, 273; carts and sledges, 499t>Q; sawmills or manufacturers of lumber, ' 510; exer;iption, 353; documentary stamp, residence, justice of the peace fees, 454; motor vehicles. 504; dressmaking or fashion schools, 353; iuethocl 0£ collection, 353; operation of fishpond. 593; 'nv.rket fees, 504. Teachers, salary adjustment, 213; leave; 405. Teleplione lines, 449-24. Temperature, monthly and annual, 366. Ten points worth remembering, 510. Textbooks, rental, 501. Theory' vs. Experience, 40. Tobacco industry, 287. Tokutino, Arturo M., teachings of the heroes, 549. Toll bridge, private, 599. Tolls, ferries, 500-66; ra"'5, 496-35. Town planning, school sites, 307; plaza, 451. Trips. vice-mayor and councilors, 237, 501. 502; pzjJJcipal clerk as acting municipal treasurer, 3 7tl, see also absence from province. Tuition fee, refund, 501; charging of, 486-44. Turtle -islands, ,43. United Nations, food and industrial organization, 325. transportation, appropriation, 449-29. Yeti-th. youth day, 302; to the Philippine youth, 301. V,1r.:arcy, "elective provincial office, 448-3. Vcgc~tables, culture of, 596. Vic~· mayors, firearms for, 600; station and traveling expenses, 237; compensation, 488-74. ViJJ.nnor, Ignacio, 113. Vi<:itation of municipalities, 509. \l!or·~s and Phrases, ·judicial" and "ministerial", 605. - 640 -
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