Sworn Statement Required by Act No. 2580.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Department of P ublic Works and Communications BUREAU OF POSTS MANILA SWORN STATEMENT (Required by Act No. 2580) The undet'signed, PETRA · 0. RIVERA m:.naging editor, business manager, owner, puhlisher, of THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT RtWIEW published monthly in English at 83 D. Tuazon Ave. Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Q. C. after having been duly sworn jn accordance with law. hereby submits the following statement of ownership, management, circulation, etc., which i:3 required by Act No. 2580, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 201: N A M E POST-OFFICE ADDRESS Editor : JUAN F. RIVERA 83 D. Tuazon Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Q.C. Managing Editor: PETRA 0 . RIVERA 83 D. Tuazon Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Q.C:. Business Managcer: PETRA O. RIVERA 83 D. Tuazon Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Q.C. Bublisher : PETRA 0 . RIVERA 83 D. Tuazon Cor. 50 Laon-Laan, Q.f:. Printer : BUSTAMANTE PRESS 22 Espana Extension Quezon City Office of Publication: 83 J\. Tuazon Ave .. Cui-. 50 Laon-Laan, Quezon City. If publication is owned by a corporation, stockholders owning one per cent or more of the total amount of stocks : N 0 N E N 0 N E Bondholders, mortgagees, or other security hoWers owning one per cent or mol'e of total amount of security: N 0 N E N 0 N E In case of daily publication, •average num bet' of copies printed and circulated of each issue during the preceding month of . . ....... . ..... . .. . ... ... . , 19 ...... : 1. Sent to paid subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. ... .. ........ N 0 N E 2. Sent to others than paid subscribers ········· ····· ·· ....... ... N 0 N E Total .... ... .. .. ... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N 0 N E In case of publication other than daily, total number of copies printed a.nd circulated of the last issue dated November 1949. 1. Sent to paid subscribers ..... . . .... . .•.... . .. . .... . ....... .• . . .. . · · 1,666 1,334 3,000 2. Sent to others than paid subscribers . . ... . .. .. . ......•.. . .....•... . .. Total ...... . ..... . ........... ... . . .. . .. . .. . •. . .. . .............. . . (Sgd.) PETRA 0 . RIVERA OWNER AND PUBLISHER Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Decemlier, 1949, at Manila the affiant exhibiting her Residence Certificateo. A-264701 issued at Manila, on Jan. 12, 1940. Doc. No. 750 Page No. 22 Book No. X Series of 948 Page 634 , (Sgd.) EMILIANO ANONAS Notary Public My commission expires on Dec. 31, 1949 DECEMB_ER, 1949
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