Ten Commandments for Modern Parents.pdf


Part of The Local Government Review

extracted text
The LOCAL GOVERNMENT·REVIEW A71proved by the Secretary of Finance, the Director of Public Schools. the Director of Private Schools, t he Director of Public Libraries and the Department of the Interior. """"""""""'"""'"""'""""""""" "'""'""""'"""""""''"ll""""'""""'"'"""" "'m"''"'""'""'""""'"""'"""""'"""'"';u111mu11111mtu1111mm11m111tn11110111111111 u111 """""""""""""""""""""""'"'""""""""'"'"""'"""" "'' "'""""""""'""'""'""'",,;"'"'""""""""""1111<1111u1111111n111rnu111111m11111H11u111111111111111m11111u:im1111mu11m11u1111m1u11111t:m11rnu1111111mu1111um111111H1111111111u111111m11111111u1o1111111111111"""""""'""'"""""""""""i;""""""""""'~ VOL. I NO. 12 DECEMBER, 1949 ONE PESO "'""""'""""""'""'"""""'"""'""""'""""""""""""'"""'""""""""""'""""""""""''""'"""""""""""'"""'""""""""""'"""" "'""""'""""""""'""'"""'"""" """"""'"""'""""""""''"""'""""""""'"'"""1"'1 1111111 ""'"'"'"'""""'"""""""""""""""""'""""'"""""'"'"""'"'"""'"'""'"""""'""'""'""''"""'""""'""""'""'""""""'"""""'""'""""""""'"""""'"""""""""'"""'"""""'"'"'""'"""""""""'""'""""""""'"'"""'"'"'"" PETRA 0. RIVERA JUAN F. RIVERA G. L.CANLOBO Business Mana,qer Editor Advertisinq Manaqer GOVERNORS. MAYORS. TREASURERS, A f!D!TnRS. F!SCA LS D/VIS[()N SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. DISTRICT FNf:TNf:ERS. DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICERS, A.ND AGRICULTUR.4L SUPERVISORS - Contributing ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~::::~:~~"'"': ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR MODERN PARENTS 1. Give your children the support of love and confidence. with apnrecia·· tion of the individuality of each. This will provide for them a firm foundation of faith in you, in themselves and in life. 2. Plan for good times with your children and try always to realize how things seem to a child. This will create a pleasant home atmosphere and a nattern for happy family life. 3 . Give your chilclren a share in thP. tasks, plans anrl creative activiti"" of the home. Through taking rP."nonsibilities in accordance with their strength they will grow in character and increase in resourcefulness. 4. Look for good which vou can praise more than for faults which you "1ust condemn. Children genero1mly encoural:!ed try to improve still, more, but those too much condemned lose heart and expect little good of themselves. 5. Value curioHitv in your children and sitmulate in them thP love of all thiniss true and beautiful. By rewarding their inquiries and developing their appreciations you inspire them to a larger growth. 6. Teach your children to convert obstacles into opportunities. Strength develops by firm purpose and by creative conquest of difficulty. 7. Develop in yourself such qualities as you want your children to have. Honesty, considerateness, courage - such virtues come mainly by example and contagion. You want vital growth not mere conformity. 8. Share with your children in. the fellowship of the church. This will give them the sustaining strength of, a community of faith and love which extends across the ages and embraces all peoples . . 9. Lead your children into faith in God through discipleship to Jesus Christ that they may be worker,; with God in overcoming evil and promoting the good. This will be aided by thought-sharing religious interpretation and worship in the Home, and by living in the great purposes of the kingdom of God. (Mrs.) TRINIDAD F. LEGARDA · . Chcdrman, Home Day THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVIEW is published monthly by Mrs. Petra 0. Rivera with Atty. J.uan F. Rivera, Chief of the Provincial Divis.ion of the Department of the Interior, as the Editor. Entered as second class mail matter at the Mamla Po•t Office on January 24, 1949. SUBSCRIPTION RATES .PER ANNUM-Regular !'12; Svecial !'10 for the national anr1 loral governments, schools and libraries, and for government employe. es. and students; F oreign countries-double dornestic rates. BUSINESS OFFICE :-Corner 50 Laon,L;ian and 83 Demetrio Tuazon Avenue, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City. . PRI NTED BY BUSTAn1A.NTE PRESS, 22 Espai'ia Extension, Quezon City DECEJ.li)3ER, 1940 ?age 589
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