Catching Eels


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Catching Eels
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Catching Eels Hy JJIOSCORO I'. SIBAYA'i ( 16 n:.\RS OLD) Anol ·T cig!"lt o\:lork one nigh( my hrothcr and I set oH for the ri\'Cr, i1hout 500 mctc..·r~ ·11\\'ay, to l·atd1 <:cl!•. \Yr took with us five hooks,. t~vn /,r,/ro~. several piCl'CS of WO!HI . for rluh~, and a con-tnincr full of l·offc_c to keep us awn kc. \.\'e car-dully baited our hot)k!> with frogs and thr-cw into the water our lines on which,~ bated hooksr. \.\'e waited patiently and quietly, .and did nor talk to each other. If we became sleepy, we drank rnffce. V\Tc sat thus for four or five hours. Then I felt a· strong pull on one. of my lines. \.\'ith the help of my hrothcr I eau(rht a very fine ~cl.' I pull~~1 it up .• .\ blow . '~·ith rny duh dispatchcd it. 't' his eel \vas large and fat--- nc:lrly a meter in length. VVc caught .rithcr eels that· nigl1t. We earric<l the eels home and mack "dried cd"-1i1111p11 .r1'i!Jrtl in lloc·anofrom the <"•Itch. THE YOUNG CITIZEN . CLUB A Tribute to the Y. M. C. A. Boys Club lly IVENClcSLAO RA~IOS ( 12 .YEARS 01.D) I in "Manila and am a member of the .Y.l\1.C.A. Boy< Cluh. Every Saturday I go to the city brand1 of the. Y and play, sing, and swim. ,And dt>R.'t I have· a good tirnel Sometimes- I listen to a speaker who tells us to be IFe11cnlnr1 Rn11111s good to our parents .and to other hnys. · 1 nm .rlni.n.~ mY bc:o;t to be guod . I attend the community pro.~ram every Saturday·. evening-. I enjoy that too. I get all of these things frl:e--I do .not have to pa\: one ecntav1~. Jlnrr1111i11r1 sr;fomat to the Boys Club. Earning a Pair of Shoes .l•J5 I!r RO~IULO V. ~IARTIN (7 YEARS ow) I ASKED father to make a shoe shine .box for me. '\vhcn tl.1c box was finished, mother gave me mmicy to btL)' s'hoe polishblack, tan, red, and white. ~r hen evcrythi:;g ·was ready, I asked father to let m~ clean his shoes first for pr,atticc. Then some of the ncighho1:s let me shii1c their shoes. I did the best I "'uld, and rci.:civcd cightce1. 1 t:entavos. }fow happy I was! I continued my shoe shinin!{ business during~thc two months of vaLation. Finallv decided tn count m.y money· and sec ho-r mul'.h I had saved. Do you know how muc[1 ?. V cry murh. Three pesos and sixt)'· two centavos ! l\ly own money! From this money bought me a new pair_ of high top shoes, and I still htjd enough left for my pen· cils, paper, and notebooks. nnd some candy besides.