Safety First


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Safety First
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
388 THE YOUNG ClTIZEN October, 1940 HEALTH AND SAFETY SECTION HOW TO STOP A CASE OF HICCUPS ONE of the earliest annoyances of man is hiccups. Infants are subject to hiccups· befor,e they are born, but this style of hiccups is of little concern to anybody. Hiccups becomes personally annoying after birth. Hiccups (spell it hiccough if you wish, but pronounce it hiccup just the same) is defined by· the doctor as "a spasmodic inspiration with closure of the glottis." It is easier just to think of hiccups as practically the opposite of the act of coughing. The muscle in charge is the diaphragm, which is the large muscle below the heart and lungs, and above the ~bdominal organs. When the diaphragm contracts . spasmodically-that is, in a jerky way-air is taken into the body through a constricted (tightened, cramped, or squeezed) opening, and you have hiccups and make the usual sound characteristic of that annoyance. As far as doctors have been able to discover, hiccups is completely useless. Sometimes it lasts a week or longer and causes serious exhaustion. The ordinary hiccups, however, which most of us have occasionally, is usually caused by some slight irritation of the abdominal organs. The diaphragm may be irritated. by hot food ·or drink. A stomach distended by food or gas may press against the diaphragm and cause it to kick back with hiccups. Alcoholic drinks are irritating, and often cause hiccups. There are a number of simple ways of controlling or stopping a case of hiccups. (Pleau turn to page 397.) SAFETY FIRST By MRS. PAZ]. EUGENIO* COMPLETE each of the following numbered sentences by choosing the best of the.three given reasons. I. We practice fire drills at school---. (a) to train pupils in marching (b) so that pupils will know how to act during a fire ( c) to train pupils in going in and out of the rooms 2. Movie theaters arn provided with exits---. (a) for decorative purposes 0 (b) providing fresh air to theater patrons · ( c) so that people can pass out promptly in case of fire 3. Automobiles have horns in order--. (a) . to frighten people (b) to make a noise in the street ( c) to warn people of their approach 4. Dogs should wear muzzles---. (a) so that they will not bite passers-by (b) so that they will not be caught by the police ( c) so that owners can identify them 5. A person should not take a lighted candle inside of a mosquito net because---. (a) it might set fire to the house (b) it might make the air too warm ( c) it might waken the children who are sleeping *Teacher, Cecilio Apostol Elementary School, Manila.