The Halloween Party


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Halloween Party
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October, 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 373 READING TIME FOR YOUNG FOLKS THE HALLOWEEN PARTY By ANGEL V. CAMPOY• IT WAS RECESS time and Mr. Oracion was very much surprised to find none of his boys at play. He had told them to have free play at recess because he had some work to finish, but when he came out of the building he saw none of them. He was surprised·. It was unusual for them to be quiet at recess, so he went to find out what they were doing. He found the boys sitting on benches under some acacia trees making masks out of pieces of cardboard. '~What's the matter, boys? Why didn't you play?" he asked. "We're making masks, sir. You know tomorrow night is Halloween,n one of the boys replied. "So it is,11 Mr. Leon asked. "I'll paint the face of the ~evil on mine. See these horns!" Pedro answered. "Mine is a witch's face," Jose interrupted. "I'll scare somebody with it." "What shall we do tomorrow· night?" Lucas asked. "Last year," Jose told the boys," I frightened a little girl with my mask. She ran so fast she stumbled and fell into a ditch. Let's fr i g ht en some g i r 1 s tomorrow night. It's great fun!" "Last ye a r I stole oranges from Mr. Valencia's orange trees,n Marcos interrupted. "There is lots of ripe fruit on his santol trees now. Let's steal some tomorrow night." Oracion said. "I almost forgot that tomorrow night is Halloween. Well, make your masks, Planning for the Party "Last year some of us had lots of fun going to folks' houses, . knocking boys, but take care don't scatter pieces of cardboard on the lawn." Then Mr. Oracion went back into the building. "Here is mine all done but coloring," Martin said as he held up his mask. "How will you paint yours, Pedro?" *Formerly Head Teacher, Maslog School, Sibulan, Oriental N egros. Primary on doors and windows, and then running. We took carabao carts away, and did all the mischief we could." "I think I know something better than any of that, boys," said Antonio. "You remember that Mrs. Canlas told us in our character education lesson that it is wrong to steal even whe~ you do it in fun. I can't see much fun in frightening little girls and doing all the mischief pos374 THE YOUNG CITIZEN October, 1940 sible. If you will all promise to go with me, I'll tell you a much better plan." . "Let's hear it," all the boys shouted. "All right. This is my plan. You know Carlos can't go with us on account of that broken leg from his bicycle accident. So let's give him a surprise party-a Halloween party." "That's fine," Luis said. "Let's arrange the details right now." "Here's what We'll do," Antonio continued. "You know Halloween this year comes on Saturday night, so we'll each have some money. Suppose that each of us buys a Halloween present for Carlos. Then we'll give it to him tomorrow night ·at· his Halloween surprise . party." "What shall we buy?" asked one of the boys. 1 "Anything you like," answered Antonio." "Candies, apples, mangoes, toys, books, cakes. We'll put them all in that big basket I made and tomorrow night we'll all wear our masks. Pedro will be dressed like a witch, so he will give the basket. of presents to Carlos." "That's fine," the boys agreed. "Where shall we . meet tomorrow night?" someone asked. "We can all meet at my house," said Antonio. "I'll have mother prepare some sandwiches and other things, so we'll take our refreshments with us. Mother will think up a lot of games for us to play, too. She's good at that." "There are some excellent games outlined in the August number of THE YOUNG CITIZEN. And say! There was a wonderful's ring trick in THE YOUNG CITIZEN. I've practiced it until I can do it a hundred per cent every time." "Okay," the boys all answered. The next evening they all gathered at Antonio's home. His mother had a lot of -refreshments prepared, ·and a list of games for them to play. Armed with the big basket of presents for Carlos, the basket of refreshments, ·and the list of games, the boys all started for the home of Carlos_. Each boy wore a mask and some fantastic clothing. Of course there was a witch-he carried the basket of presents--and there was a devil, and a cowboy, and a "beautiful" seii'orita, and other characters. Carlos was on the porch of his home when he saw the boys coming. He couldn't tell who they were on account of the masks. Carlos thought the boys were just going by his house. How he wished he could go with them! When they arrived at his house, they all' started up the stairs. There was a "witch" in front, carrying a big basket. "Happy Halloween, Carlos! Happy Halloween!" the boys shouted as they · came up. The "witch" went right to Carlos, and handed him the big basketful of ·presents. "Here's a letter, Carlos," said the "old witch." Carlos took it and read: To Carlos we give, With great delig'lzt, A Halloween basket This Halloween night. Presently they all sat down to eat their refreshments. "This is certainly lots better than . frightening little girls," said Jose. "Let's do this every year," said Antonio. "Agreed," shouted all the boys. So the Halloween party was a great success, and I think that there will be such a party every Halloween night, at least with that group of boys.