The New Year fairy [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The New Year fairy [short story]
Aunt Julia
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
New Year Fairy believes that young adults always waste their time on worthless activities. When her day came, her birthday and New Year day, she and Father Time watched and observed different kind of young adults. When New Year Fairy seems so sure that there is no good things about them she suddenly got happy when things changed in the end. And finally believed that Father Time is always right about everything.
330 THE YOUNG CITIZEN ./101u11 r 11, /.'1.;7 (Little New Year Fairy slumps herself on the forked branch of a poinsettia. Her chin rests on her clasped hands. She hears the shouts of children and the clanging of tin cans. Father Time approaches her.) Father Time-You look worried, Little New Year Fairy. It is not meet that you should wear a sorrowful mien at your birthday. Get up and scamper. The children of the world are all rejoicing on your day. New Year Fairy__..:.(Without looking up) Yes, Father, they greet me with all kinds of noises. They do not know how I want them to celebrate my birthday. Let us watch them. You will see why I should be sad and wonied. (Enters an old woman dragging her feet LITTLE STORIES FOR By Aunt THE N'EW which seem heavy with fatigue. She is carrying a sewing basket. She setl:1 her b:-sk'3t on a small table and sits on a wooden stooi. Enters a girl with a gaudy make-up. She is brushing her hair and setting her waves.) Girl-Faster, Mother, it is almost eleven o'clock. I do not want to be late from the party. Mother-Yes, Dear,· just a few more stitches . Girl-I hear the sweet strains of a guitar. How merry they all are! (Looking out of the window. The mother starts to get up to take a peep at the noisy throng in the streets.) Girl-(Stopping her) 0 Mother, please finish my dress. Coine, help me try it on . (The girl pulls her mother out). New Year Fairy-( Looking up at F1.thC'r Time with a meaningful glance) That is how a girl thinks she should celebrate Nevv Year-by having a new dress even tho'..lgl' her mother has to kill herself in getting it. . ' . P." January, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 331 LITTLE PEOPLE Julia YEAR FAIRY (A Playlet) (Sighs audibly.) Father Time-That is the way with girls when they are not properly brought up. New Year Fairy-Here come some boys. Let us see what they think of my day. (Enter four boys throwing firecrackers.) First Boy-Look! there is a Chinese peddler. ~is junk basket is a good target. Second Boy-Yes, I have a baby bomb for him. (Boys rush out shouting) New Year Fairy-See them, · Father? That is just what they do whenever my birthday comes. And all through the year they waste their time on worthless activities. Father · Time--They need proper guidance by some kind spirit. New Year Fairy-(Pointing to a house in the distance.) What brilliant lights! And such gay dance music! Let us take a peep into it. (Boys and girls dancing the "Mahinhin") Father Time-They are not bad, little Fairy. They only need inspiration and guidance. New Year Fairy-No, but they are thoughtless . . Look yonder. Do you see those. old parents preparing the midnight lunch? The young people amuse themselves never thinking of helping the aged and the weak. Father Time-They are not hopeless. The Spirit Folks can help you. (He taps the floor with his cane.) (The dancer's enter and present another native dance. The Spirit of Love enters. She glides gently about the dancers, and scatters around little blossoms of pink caderui de amor. 'l'he Spirit of Service comes in and beckons to the dancers as she skips about.) (The dancers stop.) · First Girl-I .feel-like going home. I remember· now . my ri{other. is still working alone. I shall eat lunch with her. She tnust be ·very lonely: Second Girt ......... I,".t'oa, am going. My little brother is sick iri· 'bed. I shall amuse him with stories of adventure he likes. Third Girl (The Hostess)-Are you all going? What shall I do with the food I intended t0 serve you? . A Boy, Let us give them away. Our neighbqrs' homes are dark. They do not have enough food even for their regular meals. Hostess-Fine idea! Come and help me take something to our poor neighbors. All-Good! (All go out singing.) New Year Fairy-( Smiling . happily.) Father, now I am happy. I hope they will try to do something for others throughout the year. Spirit of Love--! shall make it my business to keep their hearts aglow with the fire of love. Spirit of Service-And I will lead them on along the path of duty and service. Father Time-I have faith in the youth of the world. I know they will always strive to make every year better than the last. With you, Spirit of Love and Spirit of Service, they can never go astray. New Year Fairy-You are always right, Father.