Enlarge your vocabulary [exercise]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Enlarge your vocabulary [exercise]
Santos, Margarita
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Reading exercise.
J<mucu·y , 1.937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 335 .ENLARGE YOUR VOCABULARY By MISS MARGARITA SANTOS * SHOPPING Anita-Paz, let us go shopping downtown. I should like to buy some Christmas presents for Father, Mother, and Baby Lita. Paz-Let us go·to the Nippon Bazar. I have read in today's Tribune that there is a bargain sale. There are dolls of all sizes and fans in all colors. Would you not like to buy a fan for Mother and a doll· for Baby? (The girls enter the bazar) Anita-Will you show me some of your fans? How much is this one? Seller-Eighty centavos. The design is very artistic. Paz-Is that the fixed price? Can't you reduce it? Prices are going down these days. · Seller-You may have it for seventy centavos. ·Anita-I shall get this green one. It looks dul'.able. Paz-I shall get the red one. This shape is in vogue now. Please wrap them neatly. Seller-Thank you. Come again. I. Can you answer these questions? Reread the dialog if necessary. 1. Where did the girls go shopping? 2. Why did t~ey go to the Nippon Bazar? 3. What words tell that there are many dolls and fans at that store? 4. Do you know of any store where prices are fixed? 5. Why did Anita get the green fan? 6. Why did Paz get the red one? II. Fill the blanks with the correct words and say the sentences aloud. (durable, •Teacher, Emilio .Jacinto Elementary School. in vogue, shopping, fixed, downtown bar. ' gam sale). 1. On Saturday, Mother and ·I will go ---- downtown. 2. There are many dry-goods store 3. Prices are ---- at the Philippine Education. 4. Leather shoes are more ---- than canvas shoes. 5. Jusi dress is---- now. 6. There is a------ at the Osaka Bazar .. · III. With your friends, read this dialog. Read as if you were the characters. Then play it without reading. CHILDREN'S GIFTS FROM GOD A little child-went out one day To gather flowers sweet and gay; He saw a butterfly in glee Frolicking with the honey bee. May they be mine, 0 . Lord, 0 tellThese flowers all, so beautiful? That I might play so merrily With playmates, butterfly and bee. Back to his mother runrring, he Told of the flowers sweet ·and gay; Where God seemed kinder since the day When yet a babe in Mother's see. -Zaca:ri.as A. Crispin