A Little boy’s resolution [poem]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A Little boy’s resolution [poem]
Borja, Encarnacion
Philippine poetry.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A poem about Bobby’s promises on Christmas Day.
Janua1·y, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 343 A Little Boy's Resolution By ENCARNACION BORJA • Mammy. is Sta. Claus coming tonight? And bring me toys and a tree so bright? Will he remember me this time And come to me when the bells will chime? Yes, Bobby dear, if you will be, A good. good little boy Then will he come and bring the tree The shining Christmas Joy. So. say your prayers and go to sleep And don't ever try to peep Out of the windows, for if you do Sta. Claus will not come to you. And when you wake up in the morn And you see your Christmas tree Will you remember Christ was born Bringing all joys for you and me. Then one by one write down the things A good little boy sh?uld do At home, in school, in church and play Be, Bobby. good, polite and gay. When Bobby woke up it was Christmas Day The sun was bright. the flowers gay And in his room .. he did really see The shining Christmas tree. Then he took his pen. on the paper he wrote The very best of Christmas thoughts, Dear Sta. Claus and Mother. hear Bobby has promised to be a dear. Before going to bed and when I arise I'll say my prayers, too • Teacher, Washington Elementary School, Manila. To be so honest. true, and wise To be a . loving boy to you. I will clean myself and comb my hair, And dress myself with perfect care will obey my mother dear Her heeding words I'll hear. I'll not forget to greet my friends My teachers. everyone I'll try co wear a happy smile I will be gay till work is done. I'll keep to my seat with eyes on my book And never on others' papers I'll look. I'll not pull Lita's hair. cake her candy from her From now on. I'll be to everyone-fair. I'll read my books and recite my poems I'll say my cables and learn my rhymes !'.II join the rest and softly sing And patiently wait for the bell ~o ring. won't pout and shout and be a cross little boy. won't kick and roll when they keep my toy. I'll be very good and be mammy's dear MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL. AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR.