The Stranger in the school [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Stranger in the school [short story]
Panlasigui, I.
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
At the day of enrolment, Mr. Mendoza with his son Juan went to the school. Because of lack of knowledge about the place, as they are both new to the town of San Nicolas they asked a group of boys for the direction of their Principal’s office. Unfortunately, Tomas directed them to the wrong place, and Mr. Mendoza discovered that he was fooled by the boys.
Janua1·y, 19J7 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 345 The Stranger in the School The elementary school in the town of S:in Nicolas was about to be opened. The principal teacher and his assistants were busy enrolling the children. Somt' of the children came alone: others were accompanied by their parents. The teachers were also busy in their own classrooms, deaning them and making them ready for the opening of the school. Several boys and girls, who were waiting for their turn to be enrolled. were playing in the school yard. Mr. Mendoza who had just moved into the town wanted to have Juan, his son. enroll' in the elementary school. Of course, being new in the town, he and his son were not very familiar with the place. However, Mr. Mendoza took Juan, his boy. to school to be enrolled. When they entered the school gate, Mr. Mendoza saw several boys and girls. He went to a group of boys who were playing and asked them information. · "Good morning, boys." Mr. Mendoza greeted. The boy~ stopped By I. PANLASIGUI playing: looked at him but did not return his greeting. Mr. Mendoza. however, asked them, "Where is the office of the Principal?" "He is in the small building behind this big one," Tomas directed him. ""Thank you,"· answered Mr. Mendoza: and he and Juan went to the place. "Why did you tdl that to the stranger?" asked Luis of Tomas when Mr. Mendoza and his son have gone. "Oh. he ~ill find i:hc place," said Tomas. "But you did not give him the correct place," said Jayme. "He should know the phce. Everybody in town kriows the place." "Yes, but he is a stranger." By this time Mr. Mendoza and Juan reached the place and qe saw that it is the shop of the trade school. Mr. Mendoza discovered chat he was fooled by the boys. As. he turned a.round tQ look for the place, he was met by Luis who took him and Juan to the Principal's c:iffice. · QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Did Tomas give correct direction to Mr. Mendoza? 2. Why did .not Mr. Mendoza know where to find the office of the Principal? 3. Which of the boys has the right attitude toward strangers? 4. How should we treat strangers in our school? In our town? 5. If you were Mr. Mendoza, how would you feel when you found that Tomas fooled y~u? SIMILAR SITUATIONS FOR FURTI:-IER STUDY 1. Jose was late to school because he helped a stranger find a ho~se of a friend. 2. During recess Juanita took Nena, her new classmate, around the place and Introduced her to her friends, who tried to make Nena feel at home. 3. In a school program one could hardly hear what was going on because the boys and girls were very noisy. JOKES A lesson in phonicsTeacher--give m; a word . containing sh. Juan-shellfish. Teacher-Use it in a sentence. Juan-My brother is liery shellfish. A lesson in genderTeacher-what is the masculine. gender of cow. Cel ia--carabao. Teacher- Use accompany in a sentence. Pilar- My father accompany his automobile in going to his work.