Absent on the first day of school [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Absent on the first day of school [short story]
New Year.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Bernardo was absent on the first day of school, because of eating too much on New Year’s Eve. Bernardo and Adriano did serenade on New Year’s Eve, and they were served suman, bibingka, puto, and chocolate. Adriano ate only twice, while Bernardo ate five or six times during the night.
January, J,9.17 AMONG THE BOY SCOUTS (Ctn1tin11ed f1·om page 0 141) tically. be may become an expert. Many Scouts have found their professions and vocations o n I y through the Merit Badge Plan. A promising physician is doubtless interested in the First Aid, Safety. and Personal Health merit badges. Radio, Architectur~. Art. Automobiling. Salesmanship. Woodwork:they all occupy places in the Scout's Merit Badge Library. There was once a country boy who was interested in Soil Management. He decided co take the examination for chis Merit Badge. He bought a pamphlet and studied it for days. Then he presented himself before the Expert Examiner in Soil Management. He was a man who thoroughly knew his business. The boy had his pamphlet with him but the man put it aside. lnSt€ad. be took the boy to a private room. All around the room were shelves. and in the shelves were bottles and cans. The man led the boy and both of them inspected each bottle. In each one was a sample of a kind of soil. All sorts of soils found in their community and the adjoining ones were there. classified and arranged. The boy was much interested. He inspzcted every container with eagerness and delight. He asked the man to teach him bow to collect soils and the method of recognizing each kind. The man gladly helped him. The boy set to work at once. They owned a small shed in their farm. He 'used it for his "laboratory. " Pretty soon. he had shelve.; around the shed. Gradually, he had bottles on those shelves. He visited ;very place of their community and collected various soils. He b~cam~ an "amateur expert." But char boy did not stop. He w~nc to other communities and brought his collecting paraphernalia along. Wherever he went. be bunt· cd for new specimens. He became a real exper.t . . People began to recTHE- YOUNG CITIZEN 349 ABSENT ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL "You all look fine. children, .. Miss Santos said· smilihg as she looked around. But where is Bernardo?" "He is sick, Miss Santos, .. Moises said. "Sick? What is the matter with him?" "He ate too much on New Year's Eve." explained Adriano. "We ~enc around serenading," he added, "and our relatives and neighbors served us suman. bibingka. puro. and chocolate ... "Well. those are good things to ear." remarked Miss Santos. " Yes. Miss Santos, but he stuffed 0gnize him. The government realized his value. In no rime. be was offered a position in the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. He has become one of the leading agriculturists in the country. He has succeeded. All these. be owes to the Merit Badge Plan. This is but one of the many ex~mples wherein we find that Scouting is a great determini.ng factor in himself every rime he was offered some cakes. I ate only twice during the night. Bernard<;> ate five or six times.'' "He bad to be given castor oil early on New Year's Day," Moises put in. " ( am sorry for him. Children. char case is a lesson for you. Food is good and we need it, but you must know when to stop eating. Your stomach tells you when you have bad enough. but you do not listen to it. Eat as much as you need_ but not until you are uncomfortable. No matter how delicious the food. eat only to satisfy your hunger ... our lives. If others can succeed. why .can we not too? MONTHLY ROLL OF HONOR Based on Scout Advancement. December, 1936 Troop 225, Pampanga 130 points Troop 184, Cavite 122 points Troop 185, Cavite 116 points (Certified correct by Mr. Teodoro R. Castro. Record Clerk.)