Oh, the New Year [music score]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Oh, the New Year [music score]
de la Paz, Lulu
Alfonso, I.
Philippines. Sheet music.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Janua111, 1.937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 351 Oh, the New ·Year l;yric by Lulu de 111 Paz .7teusic h;y I. Alfonso limpo. de Al1vch4 I ~ 1 ' FJ-Y-·tll· I boeird . a - hoy . ~ 'J I ~L f r,t )! pauptr , an~ +ht r -r ± r F I 1 ' r r 1 r r 1 r 1 Jt' > , 1 New ' 1 z. I 4£[.1 , #I t:ll r f I r J I J I·· kinQ.s - +ht Nt\V YEar Ye.ar COl\l \Vi+h all '1t h11e.· . . bnnos To all ti i 1hk.' tt h Nt" 'ft.ar.far•-w•ll rnl peiu • ptr ano T t 1n~s ap·py ap -PY \'v .. .. " I 4' I • +o tht ,D;P old Hap·py, hap-py Ntw Ytar ~IES·)td a hun-drr.d fold . UMPH. UMPHY AND (Continued from page 340) This tickled the children. and from then on the pigs were referred to as Umph. Umphy, and Umpher. "Now let's feed Umpher," urged Biddy. She held him and Billy held the bottle, but U m p he r wiggled, squirmed and squealed until the children were nearly ready to give up. "The babiest of our babies seems to be the hardest to manage," complained Biddy. "He is simply not hungry," declared Billy. "But I could never put him to bed without his ~upper unless he did something very. very naughty." Biddy explained. "Oh, no. let's never put our pig children to bed without supper. When they are naughty let's make them sit still in a chair for an hour, hut never make them go without supper." protested Billy. "Very well." said Biddy. "you take Umpher now and make him sit in a chair for an hour. Then. perhaps he will take his supper more politely." "You do it. T he mother al ways does the punishing. unless you are very. very, awful. awful bad." "Maybe little Umpher would rather have his supper in a pan." suggested their mother. "let's try." Umpher only blew bubbles in the milk when Billy held his mouth to it. then laid down on the ground <!nd looked abused. "Bring a spoon,'' Billy commanded. "this pig must eat if he is ever going to amount to much." Although Umpher protested loudly, Billy held his mouth open while Biddy poured the milk down his throat spoonful by spoonful. "Let's make a bed. Such little things must get to bed early." "You may have the big box in the wood shed until they are bigger," offered the father. "Get soml of that new hay from the loft for them to sleep on." "Hay ? But, daddy. they should have a blanket and a pillow," objected Biddy. " My dolls will not mind dividing with -such sweet little pigs. Mother. couldn't they have an old pillow?" The little girl looked so much in earnest her mother could not refuse. and the father started whistling a little tune. The children placed the blanket in the box. leaving one end to cover their pets. They arranged the pillow carefully . . First they placed Umph all comfortable with his head (Please t urn to ])age 355)