Young writers


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Young writers
Philippine poetry.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Random letters and poems for Aunt Alma, written by different readers of The Young Citizen.
348 YOUNG WRITERS MY AMBITION When I grow up to be a man. will be a special d~tective. I will offer my services to those in need. If the police fails to solve a mystery case. I will try to help in capturing the culprit and I will not stop until he is behind prison bars. I will also try to study the types of faces so that I can remtmber the men I meet in my adventure in the underworld. To be a detective. I will develop my body. for I must be strong. I will also develop a keen mind and sharp eyes. To be a de· tective has been my childhood ambition. I hope to fulfill my ambition to help my family. my country. and my God. Hernando de Guzman Gr-ade VII-A 1 Burgos Elementary Schoo' A POEM DUTY TO COUNTRY Thou shalt strive for the happiness of thy country. The kingdom of reason. of justice. and of labor. For if thy country be happy. thou together with thy parents. Likewise will be happy. There's a magical tie to the land of our home. Which the heart cannot break. though the footsteps may roam. 0 saviours of thy country, Your glory shall not vanish. Whose bodies bear Brave scars and wear. Their wou·nds as honor's sign. Is yours. what gift divine. I give my head, my heart to God and my country. one country. one language. one flag. · Felix Rocabela Grade Six Bais Elementary School 4 3 6 P. Paredes. Sampaloc Manila. P. I. Sept. 4. 1936 Dear Godfather. The fountain pen which you sent me as a gift was the thing I wanted most. I jumped with joy when I received it. THE YOUNG CITIZEN Bais Elem. S.:hool Bais. Neg. Or. Oct. 20. 19>6 Dear Aunt Alma. I am elewn years old. I am in the sixth grade in· Bais Elementary School. I am very eager to send you a letter. When I read the "Young Citizen." I become so much absorbed in the stories. that I even forget my lessons: I al ways read every issue of the "Young Citizen .. " Please publish this letter in the "Young Citizen." Your friend. Sofia Zosa Dear Sofia . The rime you spend in reading " The Young Citizen" is not wasted. 1·ou can use the articles and stories in connection with your. outside reading actiuitie6 and character and health education. Reading magazines is a uery useful habit. Aunt Alma January, 1937 Intramuros Interme.diate School Manila. P. I. November 11. · 1936 Dear Aunt Alma. It gives me great ple.asure to tell you that I am one of the subscribers for "The Young Citizen." Your magazine contains good stories for young people like me. It is full of worthwhile information and funny jokes. I wish to let you know that I am studying-in the Intramuros Intermediate School. I am in the sev: enth grade. I hope many pupils would subscribe for "The Young Citizen." Sincerely yours. Rodolfo Karaans Dear Rodolfo: ft is uery thoughtful of you to realize the good the "Young Citizen" is giuing to children. Try to encourage your classmates to subscribe for it. Let them inuest their money in something that would make them more cultured. Thank you. Aunt Alma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I lost my pen in August and missed it very much. I wanted to buy one. for I need it very badly. but I had no money. Then came my fortune and that is the fountain pen which you gave me. I wonder how you know what I wanted. Please accept my thanks both for the gift you gave me and for your kind thoughts. Lovingly yours. Jesus Patajo A NOISE IN THE NIGHT One night. it was raining very hard. I was very sleepy and so I was not able to finish my home work. I went co bed worrying. T lay awake thinking how I could accomplish my work. When I was ?.bout to fall asleep, I heard a strange noise. It seemed to be coming from the kitchen. I was very much afraid. I trembled all over. I could neither move nor talk. Suddenly. I saw a shadow across the floor. I was ready .to scream. When m father woke me up. he asked me what was happening because he also heard the noise. ! tried to speak but I could not. I just pointed to thz kitchen. He tumed on the li.ght an<I saw nothing. Then when I gaineq courage. I told him. what I heard and saw. After telling him all. I lost all my fright and I was abk to sleep. Esperanza de/ Vafle Grade VII-A 1 Burgos Elementary School