What you will be tomorrow


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

What you will be tomorrow
Cruz, Quirico A.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Children are the future citizens of tomorrow, and also the hopes of our motherland. As the future citizens it is their duty to grow physically (in body), mentally (in mind), and morally (in character), in order to live up to what the country expects them to be. Remember that what you will be tomorrow depends on what you do today.
350 THE YOUNG CJTIZEN Jo.nual'y, 1937 WHAT YOU WILL BE TOMORROW You. children of today. are the future citizens of tomorrow. You are the hopes of your motherland. A country needs strong, healthy. and peaceful citizens. It is an unhappy country that has weak. sickly, and disorderly people. As future citizens of your country. what is your most important duty? Of course. it is your duty to see to it that you grow PHYSICALLY (in body). MENTALLY (in mind). and MORALLY (in character), in order to live up to what your country expects you to. be. The schools furnish plenty of opportunities which give training in GOOD CITIZENSHIP. Children, who are intelligent, will grasp these opportunities at once for they know that once these opportunities. are I By QUIRICO A. CRUZ gone they may never come again. Those children are the ones who succeed in life. Some of them become teachers; sorn~ become doctors; and others become leat;fers in different lines of work. What you will be tomorrow depends on what you do today. In schools and at _home you are taught the right things to do. However, mere knowledge of what to do is not enough. It must be accompanied with DOING. It is not enough to know that sleeping early is good for the health. One should form the habit of sleeping early. It is not enough to know that school regulations should be followed; that it is nice to oe obedient, helpful and honest. One ought to OBEY intelligently; should HELP willingly; must be HONEST in thoughts and in deeds, to make his KNOWLEDGE of these VIRT U E S worthwhile possessing. Otherwise such KNOWLEDGE would only be useless ideas which would soon be forgotten. We want USEFUL KNOWLEPGE. and for knowledge to· be useful it must be USED USED WISELY. Put then into practice the good things that you learn in school and at home. Use intelligently the knowledge that you acquire. Try to be some6ne whom your country can be proud of in the future. Be a strong, healthy and peaceful citizen. Remember that what you will be tomorrow depends on what you do today. i I I - -p-15,000 • zn Surprise GIFTS - 1 I I I Plavia Best Pomade MONEY-GIFTS in 20 cts.--10 cts. and 5 cts. placed inside the bottle. I _ _ _ WHILE YOU KEEP YOUR HAIR WELL · GROOMED For the Holidays! Pa/$ Hai-r Pomade Philippine Clipper Best Pomade Specify. "PALS" "CHIN A CLIPPER" "PLA VIA" or "P HI L I P P I N E CLIPP E. R" For Sale Everywhere