Bless, O God, our fatherland [poem]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Bless, O God, our fatherland [poem]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
AuGuST, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN A POEM FOR THIS MONTH BLESS, 0 GOD, OUR FATHERLAND To THEE, our God, we ply For. mercy and for grace; 0 hear our lowly cry, Arid hide not Thou Thy face. 0 God, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our Father­ land, Arise, 0 Lord of Hosts!. Be jealous for Thy name, And drive from out our coasts The sins that put to shame. 0 God, stretch forth Thy mighty hand, And guard and bless our Father­ land. The powers ordained by Thee With heavenly wisdom bless. May they Thy servants be, And rule in righteousness. 0 God, stretch forth Thy mighty haQd, And guard and bless our Father­ land. Though weak and most unworthy still, +- Thy people, Lord, are we; . � And for our God we will � None other have but Thee. �� 0 God, stretch forth Thy mighty 1 hand, Q.. And guard and bless our Father��-� land. � -Selected.