My hen


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

My hen
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Aucun, 1g.p TTIF YOU�G CITIZEN Fo ...... ,-,y-( ... � • . I, I ....... . - ! t \' • .._.. l,...,.l' ,.• • � • •• r�Y HEN By EDITH LA�HAM BOKELOH I love to watch my little hen, With all her chicks about her; And see them scamper when she clucks. . What would I do without her! A HEN LESSON I have a pet hen. I raised her on our farm. She was a baby chick at first. Now she is grown. I call her Biddy. She likes to eat rice and corn. She scratches in the ground for worms. Then she calls . her little chicks. Biddy is a good mother. She watches over her lit­ tle chicks. She keeps them warm at night. They sleep under her wings. She hides them from dan­ ger under her wings. SOME HEN QUESTIONS Choose the right word and write it on the blank. 1. What are the hen's babies called? --2. What do they eat? and 3. What does Mother Hen find in the ground? --4. With what is Mother Hen covered? --6. What does Mother Hen say? 7. What do hens lay? --8. When they are grown, what ·are baby chicks called? feathers . wtngs chicks eggs nee corn feet poultry 9. What is Mother Hen's mouth called?--10. With what does she scratch the ground? Her - · -11. Where do the little chicks hide? Under her ----12. ·where do they sleep? Under her --13. What do little chicks do? 14. What are many chickens to­ gether called? --worms chickens rooster bill wings cluck-cluck down scamper