Folding a flapping bird


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Folding a flapping bird
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
AuousT, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 293 WORK AND PLAY SECTION FOLDING A FLAPPING BIRD By DAVID BERGAMINI* THE FIRST STEP in folding a paper bird that flaps its wings is to take a square piece of paper which is stiff (but not too stiff) and fold it from corner A to corner B. Then unfold it so as to l-eave a crease. Do the same from corner C to corner D (Figur-e I, page 294), and also unfold it so as to leave a crease. There will now be t\vo cre11ses in the paper, as shown in Figure 1 by the dotted lines. Next, fold the paper across the middle from E to F and from G to H (Figure 2). Unfold each so as to I.e ave a crease. Your paper should now have creases as shown by the dotted lines in Fig­ ure 3 on page 294. · Then fold one corner over so that one side of it runs along the crease from corner C to corner D (Figure 4). Repe·a t this all the way around the square, folding it in all eight times. (Count the folds as you make them.) Each time bend back the fold so that there are only creases. Your paper should now be creased as indicated by the dotted lines in Figure 5. Now take hold at angles D and C (Figure 5) and push in toward one another as shown in Figure 6. N e�t, pull up the two -ends together so the paper looks like Figure 7. Then fold down *Student, Brent School, Baguio, Mountain Prov­ mce. angles A and B (Figure 5) in the same way. At _this point your paper 'looks some­ what like a four-pointed star (Figure 8). Now push the four points upwar9-; the four angles should go inward, and the center should be pushed down, so that the paper is just four flaps sticking out from the center. Looking at your paper from · the side, it should appear like Figure 9. The next step is to fold the four fta ps down, thus making a flat -piece of paper. When you fold the flaps down, be sure that there are two flaps on each side. Your paper should then look lik-e Fig­ ure 10. Then fold fta p A u p o v e r t h. e body; do the same with the flap like it on the other side, as shown in Figme 11. The next step is . to take two of the flaps (marked C and D in Figure 11) and bring them up together. Now fold down again flap A and the flap like it on. the other side. Then your pa.per will look like Figure 12. The rest of the process is quite simple. First you must bend upward the flap marked "wing" . in Figure 12. Then bend the flap. on the other side in the same way. The paper should be folded exactly in the middle, so instead of ·a diamond-shaped paper, you have a triangle. Then bend both wings down (Please turn to page 303.) .. 294 THE YOUNG CITIZEN AUGUST, 1941 The figures on this page show all the steps described for folding a flapping bird. ' ' \:: A�7 \ AUGUST, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN SINGING CLUB THE FLAPPING .BIRD wings. All you have to do (Continued from page 299) (Continued from page 293) to make it move is to hold ing list to fill vacancies again at the lower dotted the part marked "lower which will occur from time line, as shown in Figure 13. neck" and pull its tail. This to time. So she chose 45 Now take the head and will make the wings go of the best singers, and fold it down into itself, as down. Let go ·the tail and made a waiting list of ten shown in Figure 1 4. The the wings will go up. The more. last step is to pull the tail bird may require a little We meet two times each down so that it slants out- loosening up before it flaps �eek-Tuesday night and ward as shown in Figure satisfactorily. Friday night-from 7:30 15. This is quite an amusing to 9:00 o'clock. Our teacher The flapping bird is now toy and is a good example has a nu�ber of High folded, but you must know of paper-folding. It is not School Chorus Books and how to make it flap its so difficult to make. as it we learn to sing well many sounds when you first read songs from these: Each LEARNING TO SKATE these instrw:�tions. group practices their part (Continued from page 299) separately, and then we all arm in arm. . ARRANGING NUMBERS sing together. We have We go to· the ·skating S 0 f a r T H E YOUNG now. learned about twelve pavilion e a c h Saturday CITIZEN has r.e�eived three very good songs. As soon evening, and enjoy skating different correct solutions as we have enough . songs very much. Sometimes w.e to its Arranging Numbers l�arned, we are gomg to have a skating party, and Puzzle published in the give a concert. . then we all have a very July number. One of the At each meetmg of our happy time. solutions had the numbers ·club we always have a few Skating is good exercise arranged thus: v . isitors who like to hear us and affords a very happ ; 8. 1 6 smg. �orne of these . a�e pastime. I think all boys 3 5 7 �ood . smger�, a�d �hey JOin and girls should learn to 4 9 2 m With us I � smgmg .some skate. It is much .easier to f h 1 Little J osefa Pascua, age o t e se ect�ons. . . learn than I thought before We all enJoy our smgmgitried it. 10, of the P.uzol Barrio club very much, and hope School, Pinili, Ilocos Northat other schools will fol- t . H d'd te, sent in the first correct · wen agam. ow we I . low our example · ' t 1 W 1 h d d solutiOn. Others who have · enJOY I . e sp as e , an . · . ----------dived, and swam just as long sen� m correct solutiOns: DAY AT ASIN as we wished. About four N01me Gutlay, Corazon (Continued from page 299) o'clock we began to dress Cera, and Federico Quinto, had eaten until it was im- and get ready to go home. all in Grade VI-3 of the possible to take another On the road home we Mangaldan Elementary mouthful, we sat down to talked and laughed and School, Pangasinan; Fili­ rest a little while. sang songs. Everybody pina G. Bumagat, Grade After about an hour of agreed that our day at Asin V, of the Burgos Elemenresting, into the water we had been a great success. tary School, Ilocos Norte.