The Young Citizen pantry - Vegetables


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Young Citizen pantry - Vegetables
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
AucusT, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN II THE II -� _II PQNTRY � VEGETABLES (Continued from the June number) 297 Canned Corn silk, and trim off the stem. salt pork; 4 tablespoonfuls Canned corn may be used and top neatly. Boil fiftee·n of molasses; one-half tea­ satisfactorily in most dish- or twenty minutes, accord- spoonful of mustard; one­ es that call for green corn. ing to the age of the corn. half teaspoonful of salt; If, before cooking it, the Drain, sprinkle· the corn one-fourth teaspoonful of contents of the can be turn- with salt, and serve upon a soda; water." ed into a fine colander, and hot napkin over a platter. Soak the beans overcold water poured ·over it Fold the cornGrs of .the nap- night. Drain and cover to wash off the liquor in kin over the corn. with fresh cold water, 'addwhich it was preserv�d, the ·Canned Peas ing salt and soda. Cook to taste will . be cleaner and Drain and leave the peas the boili . ng_ point. !hen alsweeter. Like all other can� in cold water for ten min- low to simmer until tender ned goods, corn should be utes, put on in salted boil- (not soft). Drain. Mix one . opened and �oured out ing water, cook fifteen cup of cold water, m�stard, upon �n open �Is? for so�B minutes. Then drop in a �nd molasses, and stl� well hours before �t IS used m lump of white sugar and mto . the ?eans. : Put mto a ord . er to get nd of the un- cook five minutes longer. �akmg �Ish which has been desirable flavor . and smell. Then drain. Add butter, hned With a layer of pork. Corn Frztters · pepper, and salt and serve. Place the balance of �he One can of corn, two · L. B pork on top and cover With . tma eans h B k . eggs, seasonmg to taste, two . ot -water. a e m a coYtablespoonfuls of milk or . After shelling,· cook the ered pan for five hours in a cream. 'Beat the eggs well; lima . beans .. about half . an slow oven. Then uncover· add the corn a little at a ho�r m bOiling wa . ter wtth the pan and bake one hour time beating it very hard. a little salt. Dram them more. salt �o taste; add one ta.ble: dry. Then stir in � lump of Baked Squash spoonful of butter; stir in butter half the size of an Needed ingredients: one milk and thickening enough egg. Add salt and pepper squash; 2 tablespoonfuls of to hold it together for fry:.. to taste, and serve. butter; one egg; one-fourth ing. Boston Baked Beans of a cup of milk; breadBoiled Corn Needed ingredients: one ,crumbs, salt and pepper. Husk the corn, clearing pound of dried navy beans; I Boil a n d m a s h the the ear of every strand of three-fourths of a pound of ,squash, stir in the butter, THE YOYNG CITIZEN AUGUST, 19-P and egg, beaten light, milk, 1\'Iake a brown gravy and salt and pepper. Add grated and pepper to taste. Fill pour over them. Serve them cheese and a few dried a buttered baking pan \Vith .hot. I bread - crumbs moistened this, strew bread-crumbs Buttered Parsnips with milk. Then add the over the top, and bake to a Boil the parsnips until top layer of the flowerettes nice brown. tender and scrape. Slice and sprinkle salt, pepFried Egg-Plant lengthwise and fry quickly �er, . and cheese. Bake unN d d · d' t in a little butter heated in td slightly brown and then ee e mgre 1en s: one large egg-plant; one egg; a . frying-�an and seasoned serve. one cup of milk; one-half With a httle pepper an� Stewed C?arrots cup of flour; pepper and salt. Sh�ke and turn until Scrape and boil the carsalt; lard for frying. �he parsmps are well coated rots whole three-quarters of Slice the egg-plant-about and hot through. Pour the an hour. Then drain and half an �nc'h thick, peeling butter over them, and serve. cut into cubes half an inch the slices. Lay them in salt Creamed"Celery square. Cover the dice4 and water for an hour, plac- . Cut the celery into pieces carrots in a sauce-pan with ing a plate o_n them to keep an inch long. Cook tender a weak soup-�tock. Cook them down. Wipe each in boiling, salted water. t?em twenty mmutes or un­ slice dry, and dip into bat- Drain this off ami . cover td tender. Add then two ter m'ade of egg, milk, flour, with a cupful ' of hot con- tablespoonfuls of milk, a pepper and salt. Fry in densed milk which . has �ablespoonful of butter cut boiling lard. Drain off the been diluted. Let it simmer up in one cup of flour, salt grease, and serve. five minutes, and then and pepper to taste. Let -it Stuffed Sweet Pepper serve. �immer five minutes, and then serve. Make an incision in one Young Turnips 'd f h d h Savory Pechay s1 e o eac pepper, an Peel and quarter t e extract the seeds through turnips. Cook them half of Select the tenderest . stal�s this with a small piece of a an hour or until tender hut pechay and lay aside m stick. Stuff the peppers not bro ken, in boiling s �lted cold water. �u� the outer, · h d h' k . . . coarser stalks m mch-and-aWlt groun tongue, c 1c - water. Dram, stdl Without h If 1- h S · h I · d b k' d 1 ·· a engt s. tew m a cupen, am, or vea , m1xe rea mg, an p ace m a f 1 f k d · h · h b ·1 d · d • d' h S · kl . h u o stoc seasone w1t w1t 01 e nee an sea- 1s . pnn e w1t pepper h If f 1 f · . . . a a teaspoon u o omonsoned w1th salt, a l1ttle •and salt, then butter plentl- . . 1 d . . . d 1 . 1 b If 11 d T . JUice, sa t, an pepper. omon-Juice, an a 1tt e ut- u y, an serve. urmps C k d f h oo , covere , or an our, ter. Sew up the peppers must be served hot, or they 1 1 D . d · · d s ow y. ram an press m . With a few stitches, pack are not goo . a colander. Return the stock them into a baking dish, Cauliflower to the fire and when it pour in enough weak soup- Cook the cauliflower. boils, put t he tender stalks, stock .to keep them from Then drain well and re- also cut into sh'ort lengths, burning, cover and bake ·move the flowerettes. Tear into it. Cook· gently until them in a moderate oven for' the rest to pieces with a. tender, thicken with a an hour:. Then remove the fork, lay it in a deep dish, 1 spoonful of flour or starch, strings and place on a dish. ;and sprinkle over it a little, boil up, and serve.