Keeping the School Clean


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Keeping the School Clean
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Not)etnber, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN ~~;:c;.~~-~--~, 1~ A Police Officer By RESTITUTO CARPIO • (What u;ould you do if you.UJert:' a police officer and your son ha.:1 i.;iolated a traffic regulation right under your very nose? Keep this · thought in mind as you read this s.tory through. Be able to ansUJer the questions at the end u;ithoul goin{i back to the story.) It was about eleven of a Saturday morning when I went down ~o the Divisoria Market to buy vegetables. fish. and meat for lunch. I called a carretela and told the coch~ro to take the street I pointed to him. He objected saying, "I cannot: this is a one-way street. "Never mind," I raid him: "I'm responsible." "You had better call another carretela." he said as he laid his hand; on my purchases to rake them ou-.:. adding iri the same cone of voice, "I might if the traffic officer on that corner is not very strict: his word is almost law: he has pardoned no one yet. No. sir. i won't." "But I'm his son," I boasted. "Then you're responsible, Sir?" "Most assuredly," I answered. We had nor gone verY far, however, when I heard the shrill sound of a whistle. The cop came up to us, motioned the cochero to the curb, and said softly. ''Your license. please." "Very well." the officer said. "come along with me just the same.'' The trio went to the municipal court, and when the judge had heard of the case, he was surprised. But the police officer paid the fin~. QUESTIONS I. Why did che policeman p.ay rhe fine~ 2. Why do you think the judge was surprised? 3. Do you know of a person who made use of the official position of his friends or relatives for his convenience? Relate the story without mentioning names. 291 Ke.epfng the School Clean (A Civic Duty) By Cesario Llobrera Ir was a rainy day. The soil was very muddy. Four boys decided to play outside of the school building. They enjoyed · playins: in the rain. They were Mariano. Celestino, Felix. and Alfredo, all sixth grad•: boys. They went around tht! grounds, looking for a good plact to play handball. · At last one of them suggested. "let us play. at the back part of the building.·· "Thar is a fine place. The wall of the building is wide and smooth. Besides. ~here is not much standing water," added Alfredo. So the four classmates went co the back yard and played the game. They did not know thac the bal!. as it bounced on the ground, carried wich it mud. After two mi· r.utes of play, the wall of the building was full of mud that looked like brown bubbles. The boys diJ not know that they were destroy· ing the beauty of the building becJuse they were very much interest· ed in their game. They continued playing. Soon the rain stopped and the children went out to the schoolground. A group of them was composed of Nitmesio. Candido, Eleuterio, and Aniceto. They were sev · enth grade pupils. They saw th2 sixth grade boys finishing their game. Led by Candido, rhe seventh (Contin11ed on vane !!99) "Ir was I. Father," I broke in, "who asked him to take this way, because it is the shortest one home." •Teacher of Character Education. 4. Someone has said, "I love my friend. but I love justice more. What does this mean? November, 1936 THE YOUNG CITIZEN WHY NENE WAS THANKFUL ful. (Continued from page 276) "Charing! But you will have need it for her special Thanksgiv- sl"uffed turkey and chicken stew ing dishes." and salad and fruits! That must "What will you have for din- be a wonderful dinner. alchough ner?" Charing asked. I do not know how the dishei; "We shall have fried camotes .. t~ste." stuffed baii.gos, and lumpia. Moth- "Wonderful? I wish I could eat er got big camotes from bet plot. dinner with you." Charing's tone I shall pare and slice t~em and my was wistful. mother will fry the. shces. .. "That must be delicious!" ex- . W,hy not, do stay~ Charing," claimed Charing. cmd Nene held ·her friend by the "We cannot stuff anything else arm. but baiigos," Nene continued. "But "I can't. ·1 was brought homo? I like its stuffing of onions and to- co eat that old turkey with the rest ma toes." of the family: I have to be going." "It would be like a picnic, · Charing kissed Nene lightly on the Charing remarked. cheek and turned sadly homeward. "You remember the big coconut Nene watched her friend walk palm we had near the gate? That slowly away. was blown down last week. Moth- "So rich people's food does noc er got the bud and she will, make taste good, after all," Nene murit into lumpia. They say it is very mured. "I know I must be lhankgood." Nene's eyes brightened a!. ful for nothing is so good as fried she spoke.. camotes and stuffed bai;gos and "Yes, Nene. even my mother lu.mpia. Lumpia! Nene's mouth says so," Charing agreed. "I see watered at the thought of her fayou will have a real holiday din-. \•orite dish. which she could have ner." Charing's voice was mourn- only once in many, many months. KEEPING THE SCHOOL (Continued ffflm 1491) grade boys ran to the players. 299 Candido shouted, "stop playing." "Don't you see what you have done?", asked Aniceto. pointing to tho dirty wall. Nemesio did his part by grabbing the ball from Mariano. Mariano was about. to serve. The boys who played; in the rain W£re reported and shortly after~ ward, they were seen scrubbing the wall themselves. Felix said, "We should have fin~ ished that game had it not been for rhose four boys.'' Celestino answered, "As for me, not playing at all is better than scrubbing this wall. We really made it very ugly to look at." They realiZ.d after all, that the school should be kept clean. By keeping the school clean, they were doing an important civic duty. ''Poor Charing!'' she thought :ts she stooped to gather the fuel. 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