Little Pick-Ups


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Little Pick-Ups
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Novrmlun·, 19:J6 nIE YOUNG CITIZEN 287 r~~N~~~~~~~~;~~~F~;·:1~;;~F;;;~~~~·-~~· _ -·-• ·~ This page is devoted to the Study of Interesting Insects; Plants, Animals, and Fishes ~~~~~~~~Ul~:Gh-;;,.~~~~~s-~-.-....,....,.-..,...,,.m.,,.,....,.._._..,....,_.,,,..,..,..~, The Veiltail Moo1· TelescOJ)e (Black goldfi.<ih) The Goldfish is the best known fish today amon~ the aquarists or fish collectors. China is its ancec;tral home. Th.:- Chinese began cultivating it a hundred years ago. golden breeding. Then later, the Japanese took up And now, Japan became the lead· er in this industry. Many strange species or varieties have been developed by means of selective breeding. In one of the illustrations. you can see the Telescope Goldfish. This specie:; is actually a near-sighted fish. Anothl::r ~pecies which was beautifully developed is the Fringtail. This goldfish has a tail fin twice as long as the fish itself. A near-sighted goldfish called Telescope goldfish. LITTLE PICK-UPS b!,I gi.lmo One of the most curious spzcies that the Japanese developed is the Japanes~ Lionhead. This goldfish has a head like the head of a lion. They believ:? that this is the highest develoJ?ed goldfish. Not all goldfish are gold .colored. Almost all the colors of the rainbow may be seen among the goldfish. One specie which is different! y colored from the rest is the Veiltail Moor Telescope. It is black. The Japanese Lionhead THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND COMMUNICATIONS MANU,A SWORN STATEMENT (Rl!tlUil"Lod by Ad 25801 Thi! ur.d<'rsi•mcd Community PubliNhe1·s, Iiic .. owne1· or 11ubliKh<'r of 'l'hj• Yo1u1g Citizl'n, J>Ublillhl!d monthly in .Mu.;~1!~ ~~:~p1~:,1. ... he~-~~~- ~::!~~9 bthen r!~1~wi~0r:t11~:.n~~r~r Oll"n<'r:11hiJ>, managr111n1t, ci1·culation, elc., as 1>equfred" by Act 2580 of the Philippine Lr.1di;lnture: Editor: Jo~e E. Romero Munagini:i: Edito1·: L. V. Reyes Publisher: Community Publishers, Inc. Business Manager: Alfredo de"a Owm!rs 01· stockholders holding one per cent or mo1·~ of inlA!1"<'9l, stock,., bonds, 01· olht•r securities: Bondholders, mortgagees: None. !Signatu1·e) CommUnity Publishers, .Inc. (Owner 01· Publishu-J By Alfredo de Lora Subscribed and sworn to before mf this 18th day of September. 1936, the 1k:Clarnnt cJi:hlbitinit hi,. ceduln No. F2045,i8-I. fSenll (Sgcl.) C. M. Picache Notnry Public ISiKnature of orfi<"e1· administerinK oath)