Stories on Conduct


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Stories on Conduct
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MET'HOD of deveioping ideals in children is t'!l present specific traits of character in story form. Teachers of character education find difficulty in finding appropriate stories for different traits. This phase of the teacher's problem is now solved with the coming out of Stories on Conduct by Prof. I. Panlasigui The stories are taken from real life situations of Filipino children. IN RE~LT ADOllHS THE DIRECTOlt OF EDUCATION MANILA. P. I, COMMONWEAL TH OF THE PHILIPPINt:'S DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BUREAU OF EDUCATION MANILA September 21, 1936 The Community Publishers, Ino. 405 Padre Faura, Manila Gentlemen; This is to advise you that fanlasigui' s Stories on Conduct has been approved as a supplementary reader in Grade v. A??•oval of this book will a,ppear in the forthcoming Aoademio Bulletin. 39047 The price is '1'1.60 net. This book i.• sold only by COMMUNITY PUBLISHERS, Inc. 405 Padre Faure Manila, Philippines