Mailbag of the Little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Mailbag of the Little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
125 ·;~KAILBAG OFTHE LITTLE A~OITlE For all correspondence with "THE LrTrLE APOSTLE." send your letters to The Littl,e Apostle, Box 1393, 1'fanila. I have received many JetterS this month. Of course space forbids me to publish ar.d answer them all. Ar.d as Our Lord gave preference to little children, rn do I give. to a letter which came from a good little Tot. I do not change a word or a letter: Dear Father Vandewalle. I do not know how to write a letter. Teacher says I must not make condrachions in writing, but I do not know how to write the words, Eoeverything is left out. The big girls speak of gometry, sicology, in,·itation, condolence, busy frindlie letters, but I do not know what all this means. I am al"·ays punished for my leeeons. My name is Angela. T<-day is my feast for it is the Holy Angel Guardians. I like the sthories and the pictures in the "Little Apostle." I want to become a little Apostle, for I love God and His priests very much. I am Yery small. I am trying to learn Ingles, but she is Yery hard to me. I am ashamed to put my dress and name to this. I am praying Bail Mary for the miseioners in the Mountain Province. I do not like Gographie nor rithmetic, but I like my catchism more than all, for it teaches me about God, the Church and the dear Angel ever atmy side. Many centavos are going to the Little Apostle. As you see, dear readers, the . heart of little Angela is better than the mind, but let Angela study a few years more and she may perhaps write later nice stories for the Little Arostle. The example of Miss Ceferina Witte who sent P 5.CO of her pocket money to the Missions, has found a worthy imitator. Miss Crispine Stacy aleo sacrificed P5.CO of her pocket money. She is a student at the college of the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres, of Tuguegarao. When eleven more shall imitated thib example, I will publish their pictures all together as twehe Apostles, provided the next eleven who offer a certain amount for the Missions, send also their picture. The papers publish pictures of boxers, and even murderers. Why should the pictures of charitable children not be published ? They may excite otherS to do some.good. Miss Emma Smith from U.S. sent a gift of U0.00 for the mission of the Little Fl(Jwer of Bokod. Besides she sent a box of cloth for the naked of Father Claerhoudt's tlock and writes: "We were seYeral to contribute to this gift. Please permit me to say, Father. that nearly all of us who have contributed to this little charity are working girls, many of us with home obligations, so the amount must necessarily be small." 126 Just think of it: the amount of 1'80 was collected among nearly all working girls, some with home obligations. They could have used their poor salary on a thousand useful objects, but no: they remembered there were some 300,000 pagan people, not in their country, but in the Philippines, thousands of miles away. They had never seen the Igorotei;, but they liked them for God and the salvation of these poor ignorant people, and they spared even out of their mouth to do something for the benefit of souls. Does such an action please God? Does it appeal to you, dear· readers, for imitation? At least when you die, it will appeal. Thus do it NOW. It was what little Paz Campos and Lourdes Loring from the Assumption College, Iloilo, did, when they wrote: I enclose f'2.CO for the converi;i.on of your lit~le Igorotes. I also enclose 1'1.00 from one of my friends Lourdes Loring. I receive '"'fhe Little Apostle" every month and I like the stories for children especially the story of little Ines. I am in the 5th grade and Lourdes in the fourth. I hope you will have many lgorotes converted and that you pray for us that we may pass our examination. But listen Miss Paz, the next time you send any gift, do not send money in the envelope. Just send a Money Order. I tell you: this last two months, many letters (at least twenty) sent to me or the Little Apostle never arrived: the worst-of it was that they contained money. In Belgium you may see in all rail• road stations ·in big letters the following advice : beware of pickpockets. To you all who send in sub!criptions etc. I say: BEW ARE OF PICKLETTERS. And as a last advice, I repeat what I asked in the last number: dear children, sacrifice five minutes of your time to write a letter to a friend or to speak with a relative asking his or her subscription to "The Little Apostle." It is commonly said that a catholic paper or magazine can not prosper in the Philippines. Make that a terrible lie and you will deserve the gratitude of God, of the conYerted pagans, of their Missionaries and of. .. Yours respectfully in J. C. Rev. O. Vandewalle. P. 0. B. 1393. Manila. ~ CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVJm Blessed Little Flower's fund for the Bokod Mission. Previousb· Receh-ed: - - - - - - - P 128.00 Fi-om Miss C£>f. Witte - - - - - - - " 2.00 Total PIS0.90 Miss Crispina Stacy, Tu1mega1·ao - - P 5.00 St. Paul's Institute, Manila. for Dalupirip - - " 20.50 3 Statues and clothes for the same. Assumption, for a catechist In llayaoyao - - " 30.00 Miss Paz Campos, Ass. College, Iloilo - " 2.00 Miss Lourdes L01•hur - - - - - - - - " 1.00 Miss R. Llzares, for Rev. !<'. BeuI"ms and Rev. F. De Brabandere - " 20.CO Anonymous for RPl'. F. De Brabande1-e " 5.00 Rev. F. Sindler. Tubungan - - - - - " 9.00 lllr. Wm. Cassin. Chicago,·- - - - - - " 8.00 Anonymous, U. S. - - -- - - - - - - " 8.00 Total Pl~S.50 All the Misslonarlesofthe P1-ovlncerecommend their benefactol's at each mass. We gratefully acknowlPdge the receipt of canceled stamps, for the beneOt of the Missions, from: Raldome1-o Berdan, Manila. ElisallPth Camantlles, ltogon, Benguet. Rev. P. Andres MarquPz. Batangas. Eutlqulano E. C. Sacay. Tubnran, Cebu. Bibiana Acosta., Tagudln, llocosSur . • Josefa Prudencio. Paslg, Rizal. lrinea Prudencio, " Sil vestra Prudencio " Rufo Velarde, Intramuros, Manila. 2. Clemente Aradillos, 107 Legaspi, Intramuros, ~lanila. Buenaventura Espina, Gra.l. Luna 73. Intramu1-os. Manila. · Montserrat Gamboa, Jaro, Iloilo.