The Little Mosquito


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Little Mosquito
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.Vr;ivemlic1-, 19,/6 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 275 ~O,QQ§§§COCQC§QCCCCCC§CCCCCCC~CCCCGO§CCCCC~C~~~ READING TIME FOR LITTLE FOLKS I Just a Pin ' LITA found a pin on the floor. She picked it up and stuck it on the _paper cover of her book. "What will you do with that pin?" Nora asked. "I may need it sometime," Lita answered. Big Sister was dressing·for a party. She put on a pretty blue dress. There was 11 big blue ribbon to be pinned on the breast. "0 Lita," Big Sister called, "please run to the store and get me some pins. Here is a centavo." "How many pins do you need,· Sistert" Lita asked. "Only one. Please run." "I have one, Sister. Here it is." And Lita got the pin from the cover of her book. "Oh, that is good of you." Sister was very glad. 3. She has a cat and a dog. True, False 4. She likes to watch the moon. True, False 5. She enjoys watcJ:iing the stars. True, False Grade Four • The sun was overhead. The wind seemed to car· ry a breath of fire. The terrible blaze of the sun burned the grass on thP. dry and cracked ground. The field ani--~ The~Little Mosquito "L O?K at that fine thing, Mother," a httle mosquito said pointing to a spider web. "That is a web. Do. not go near it." "It is very beautiful, Mother. It must · be fun to swing in it." . "Come along," the mother ordered, "there is a man from whom you can get your lunch." Mother Mosquito flew away but Little Mosquito stayed behind. "I shall play a while," he said. · He flew into the web. His legs were stuck in the fine thread. He began to swing. His head was stuck, too. He found that his whole body was stuck. He wanted to get out of the web, but he could not. "You may have this centavo, Lita, anyway, I wanted to spend it for pins." mals panted under the small trees that stood here and there. No man would dare leave the house. 1. What time of day was it? (morning, noon, evening). 2. The wind was (warm, cool, hot). 3. The grass on the field was (fresti, green, dry). 4. People stayed in the (field, shade, house). 5. The animals rested in the (sun, house, shade). Turn to page 283 for the answers.