The Month of November


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Month of November
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
296 HEALTH YOUR TOE NAILS THE YOUNG CITIZEN THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER November, 1931; The word November was de- appeared before Bellerophon. Sh~ rived from a Latin word which gave him a golden bridle with meant nine because November WJ'j which to bridle the wonderful t:he ninth month in the old Roman winged horse Pegasus. Pegasus was When Manuel had to be absent calendar. perfectly white and as swift as the for two weeks from his classes be- Jllpiter, the ruler of gods and wind. He came down to the earth cause of a swollen foot, everybody men, was honored by the Romans only to drink at a Certain spring. was surprised. with a festival on the thirteenth of Bellerophon hid near the spring "Why did he develop a sor~ foot?" the pupils asked, "when h..? is always clean and never walks barefooted~·· Manuel had been one of the A- I children because he always observed health rules he has learned at school. His hair was always smoothly combed, his ears and neck free from traces of dirt. his clothes neat and clean. He had never gone out without his heavy shoes on. November. Jupiter was fatherly to and watched for Pegasus. When men but when angered, his punish- the horse stooped to drink. Belleroment was terrible. · The following phon sprang upon him and bridled story shows how swift and sure his him. Minerva's bridle at once mad!! p1.<nishment was. In a city in Ancient Greece there was once a horrible monster with the head of a lion, the. body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon. This animal breathed out firP. which was very poisonous. It was called the Chimaera. At a meeting of heroes in a Grecian King's court, Bellerophon, a brave soldier. was assign~J the task of killing the Chimaera. the: horse gentle. Riding on Pl!gasus through the air. Bellerophon found himself in a few seconds over the home of the Chimaera. Swooping upon it. Bellerophon easily slew the monster. But there was one thing about While thinking of a plan as t.J His success made Be11erophon proud. Soaring toward the sky. he frlt like a god and decided to join the gods at Olympus. His prid~ angered Jupiter. The ruler of the gods then sent a gadfly to sting Pegasus. The horse reared up and threw Bellerophon on the earth b~­ low. the care of the feet that ManUel had how he would accomplish his task, overlooked. He washed them morn- l'vlinerva, the goddess of wisdom, ing and evening. He cut his toenails once a week. But he did not cut the nail of his big toe as carefully as he should. He trimmed the upper part but he neglected the corners. He found out that he had an ingrowing nail only after infcction had set in. In practicing heahh rules, one forget to cut their toe nails. They must pay attention to the seeming- realize the importance of the feet ly small matters as well as to th.? cnly when they are prevented from important. Many boys and girls walking because of an infected nail wash their faces and hands but not or a painful corn. Can you ever their feet. They trim and polish enjoy. anything in life-food, game. their finger nails. but they often luxuries-with a sore toe?