Young Writers, My Friend


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Young Writers, My Friend
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
'l'HE YOUNG CITIZEN BUREAU OF EDUCATION Division of Negros Oriental District of Bais Bais Elementa1·y School The Editor The Young Citizen 405, P. Faura, Manila Dear Mr. Editor. Bais. Sept. 28, 1936 You may publish the following facts in your news column. Every school in the municipality of Sais is a regular subscriber for The Young Citizen. Also. eve1y class in the Bais Central School is a regular subscriber for The Young Citizen. You can rest assured that the growing popularity of your magazine in ou; schoOI will al - ways be supported not only by the teach~rs, but also by che pupils. The primary classes are using the magazines as their regular supple· mentary readers. We have several bound copies of The Young Citizen in our library. and we are certainly very proud to have them. Nearly all my materials for opening exercises in my class are taken from Thi! Young Citizen. I can tell you that The Young Citizen is among the favorite magazines of the intermedi"te pupils during our, library classes. Dear Mr. De.Rama: Sincerely yours, PEDRO DE RAMA Librarian Thank you uery much for your very encouraging news. Suggestions for possible improvement of The Young Citizen will be appreciated. Hda. Sta. Florentina Ba is Central School Sept. 28. 1936 Dear Aunt Alma. With great pleasure I 'shall tell you about our library work in Bais Elementary School. We have Mondays for newspaper reading. We have lots of fun in reading newspapers. How w~ enjcy reading them! We have plenty of newspapers. We subscribe for the Manila Daily Bulletin. Tribune. Herald. Monday Mail. The Free Press, Na tu re Magazine. Young Citizens, Commonwealth The Young CitizM Advocate and Pathfinder. On Tuesdays we have encyclopedia work and extensive reading. We look up references in history and other subjects. On Wednesdays we have appreciation work. We read poems, cut clippings, and pictures that are r~­ lated to our lessons. On Thursdays we have dictionary work. We look up meanings of difficult words in our textbooks. We also look up their accents. spelling, and diacritical marks. On Fridays we have preparatory work. We have to prepare our lesYOUNG WRITERS MY FRIEND Remedios M. Cuevas 295 San Sebastian Elementary School Of all the friends I 0have, I hav< selected one whom I consider the best. She is also studying in this school. She is smaller. than I am. Her hair is bobbed and· her curls are natural. She is thin and pale, but her smiling fact make her at. tractive. We are often together. We were classmates in the fifth grade but.When we passed to six B. she was accelerated to Six A. I don't envy her. Instead I am thankful to our Lord that she was acceltrated, only I am _wor_r~ing very much that she might forget· me. No, she told me that a true friend would never forget. One Sunday, she went to our house and asked my mother to permit me to play the whole day in their house. But I won't go for I was too shy to face her mother. She forced me to go for she said we are like sisters. I love her because she is kind-hearted and she never tell~ anything that will hurt my feelings. sons for the following Monday. This library work is a new class activity in our school. We hope it would be successful: · Yours respectfully, Consuelo Changco Df!ar Consuelo, You should be congratulated for having a well-equipped library. I am sure you will learn to find information in reference books and de-velop a desire to read and read and read because of the carefully planned library lessons you take. Your school must be an up-to-dat2 one. And your librarian, ·your u:achers and principal deserve recognition. I w!°sh you and your school sueCPSS. Aunt Alma