Jose and the soldiers [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Jose and the soldiers [short story]
Marquez, Elisa
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jose wanted to be one of the military men someday, whom he admired much, he wanted to grow straight and strong so he could join them in the parade.
172 THE YOUNG CITIZEN July, 19J7 READING TIME FOR YOUNG FOLKS Jose and the Soldiers Miss ELISA MARQUEZ * ' ' w HAT fine looking soldiers those are!" commented Jose as he looked attentively at the rows of military men on parade. "Someday I shall be like any of them." Because of his admiration for the straight soldiers, he held his father's hand in a tight grip. "Anything you like, Jose?" asked Mr. Castro, Jose's father. "Aren't soldiers really interesting'! I want to be a soldier some day. I like to grow straight and strong. Then I shall also join a parade," came from Jose. •Teacher, San Miguel Elementary School, Manila. "I am glad to know of your plan. But sonny, if you really want to grow .straight and strong when you grow big, you must try to be straight and strong right now. Try to be like an 'exclamation point' which is always straight. In sitting, walking, or standing, think always of these soldiers whom you no\\' admire much," explained Mr. Castro. "Oh, father, you shall help me be 01w of them. When you think that I am not in the correct position, score one against me in a card I shall make." Just then the last group of soldiers passed by. Father and son went home happily. To carry out his plan, Jose at once made a score card where his father and he could mark his position.