

Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
118 Frnm Solarw, Nuei·a Yizcaya. Father Waffelaert writes: the frontside of my poor church has been considerably damaged by the typhoon of October 3d., but I hope to be able to have it repaired before long. JI. From Bitgabag, Nue1:a Vizcaya. Father Degryse is doing his utmost best to complete a new chapel in the hamlet of Tuao. This chapel, when completed, will mark a very consoling progress towards the religious revival of his people. He writes : The immigrants from Santa Lucia have built a chapel with iron roof in one week. It was inaugurated on the feast of St. Lucia. Miss Matilde Lumauig, a high school student and member of the sodallty of the children of Mary passed away. Until her last moment she prayed, together with her three sisters. Before she died she told her mother, brothers and sisters not to cry, for God called her, she said, and she felt happy to go to Him. All the children of Mary attended mass for her and offered one Holy Communion. JI. From Bokod, Benguet. Father Claerhoudt, while retained at Bisale by the stormy weather writes: I am here in Bisale in the house of Ama Francisco. Outside the rain falls by torrents. The day before yesterday I left Kabayan, after having traveled around for more than a week, from Libong to Gossaran. Last Thuri:day in Daclan, I had the pleasure of baptizing Ygme Lamsis, ex-president of Bokod. Useless to say that our good catholics rejoice in this event. Next Monday I will go back to Liboong, because the Mambunung (pagan priest) of that place, wants absolutely to be baptized. Lately he had a serious row with his wife. Just think of it: she opposed hisconver<>ion. JI. From Dupax, Nt1eva Vizcaya. Father Dewit asked 10 subscriptions to the "Little Apostle." · That is an example for the whole province. JI. From Baguio. Five lfugaos stabbed an Ilocano boy, took away the lower jaw and cut open his feet to tap off his blood: all this to celebrate one of their st..1perstit}ous feasts. Only the Christian education of this poor people, will stop them in the observance of such barbarous customs. JI. Actually a great fear reigns in nearly the whole lfugao subprovince. Lately several have been murdered. The relatives of the once murdered are on the look out for a blocdy revenge and rarely do people dare go to visit other towns or even to pass near. When will this stop? When christianity shall have taught them to forgive their old inveterated hatred for past murders.