My dog [poem]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

My dog [poem]
Bangs, John Kendricks
Philippine poetry (Filipino)
Children's poetry, Filipino.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.July, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN MEMORIZE A POEM A MONTH Do you have a dog? What does your dog do for you? If you have no dog you must have seen your neighbors' pet dogs, how they follow their masters and lick their hands. In many ways they show their love for their masters. When you see how faithful dogs are, don't you wish you had a little dog all your own? Here is a poem that tells about a child's wish. Read it through. What is the child's wish? Read the first stanza again. Describe the dog that he wants to have. Read the words that tell about the dog he is My Dog John Kendricks Bangs I have no dog, but it must be 181 cll'eaming of. What will the dog's eyes show? Somewhere there's one belongs to meA little dog with wagging tail, Read the second stanza. What does .And dark brown eyes that never fail the boy expect the dog to do at night? To look at me the long day through \Vith love unspeakable and true. Read the poem silently again. Which words should be given emphasis if i.t I almost think I see him wait, would be read aloud? Now read it It may be by a garden gate aloud showing with your voice which With eyes alert, and glad delight ,.,,·ords are important. Read it over and To bid me welcome home at night ever until you have learned it well Just waiting patiently, that he enough to recite it. May be on hand to welcome me.