

Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

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Cockroach is another annoying and dangerous enemy in the house because of its filthy habits. They eat almost any kind of food and usually they pollute more than they actually eat. Cockroaches will not stay in a place where they can get nothing that they like to eat. Therefore, one of the best ways to get rid of them is simply to keep all food closely covered, and all garbage and other waste covered in such a way that cockroaches cannot get to it.
190 THE YOUNG CITIZEN July, 1187 COCKROACHES Last month you read about the fly. one of the most common of household pests that breed. grow and live in our houses and premises at our c.wn expense. Today. we shall tell you about the cockroach, another annoying and dangerous enemy in the house because of its filthy habits. They eat almost any kind of food and usually they pollute ~ore than they actually eat. They may eat or damage leather, clothing (particularly when starched), the bindings of books, or other articles. They eat ulso garbage and other decaying material. These insects have been blamed for the transmission of such diseases as diphtheria, dy- · sentcry. and typhoid. The presence of cockroaches in a place, as in a box or food cupboard or on shelves. -~auses a peculiar. strong offensive odor. This odor can be removed only by using hot water, soap. and some kind of scouring material as ashes. When cockroaches walk over dishes they leave this bedbug. This allows it to squeeze into good hiding places by day. Cockroaches hunt their food at night and unless their hiding places are disturbed they are not seen by day. For this reason, housekeepers often think they ·have no cockroaches about the house when really thHe :m: many. Cockroaches will not stay in a place where they can get nothing that they like to eat. Therefore, one of the best ways to get rid of them is simply to keep all food closely covered. and all garbage and other waste covered in such a way that cockroaches cannot get to it. Care should be taken that small particles of food are not left on th~ floor or the tables. ;:.nd that food left in dishes is covered. The odor of thr food will attract cockroaches. There are powders that sometimes are used to get rid of cockroaches but they are expensive: same disgusting odor on the dishes. Food there arc poisons that sometimes arc used. but srrved in these dishes will have the odor to such an extent that it is distasteful. The odor comes from a fluid secretion from the mouth of the cockroach. from a secretion from glands on the ahdomen and from the body waste of the insect. The contaminated dishes should be washed with hot water and soap and the spoiled food should no longer b.:.' eaten. The body of the cockroach is flat like the ti1cse may be dangerous to use because the cockroaches may carry the poison to the food. Perhaps the cheapest and best way to get rid of ;ind keep them away always is to be sure that there is nothing around the house and yard that they may t;'il for food. A thoroughly clean heuse and yard will not have cockroaches long. They cannot live where there is nothing to eat.