Be a Lincoln [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Be a Lincoln [short story]
Albert, Elena
Short stories, Philippine (English)
Philippine fiction (English)
Abraham Lincoln, 1809 – 1865.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A ten year old Mariana was being discouraged because she could not get the correct answer on the problem she’s solving. Her mother told her about Abraham Lincoln’s story, how Lincoln more than once did not succeed in being elected, but he was never discouraged so badly that he gave up.
52 THE YOUNG CITIZEN February, 1989 Be a Lincoln By ELENA ALBERT • ' 'I JUST can't get this problem, Mother," said ten-year-old Mariana. "I think I have done everything all right, but I just can't get the correct answer." Mother ~ooked up from her sewing and smiled. "Maybe you don't try hard enough, Mariana." "I t r y h a r d, Mother," Mariana replied. "I try ever so h a r d. But I don't know what happens before it is finished. I think I'll let it go." gro slaves free. He was president of the United States during the great Civil War in that country. He was . killed by a bad man." "Very well told," said Mother. "But that is only a part of the story, Mariana. When AbraShe closed h e r b o o k, p u t h e r things away, and was about to go out to play, when MothAbraham Lincoln Born Feb. 12, 1809 ham Lincoln was a c o m p a r a t i vely young man he wanted to be elected to the state legislature, but he was d e f e a t e d. Again he wanted to be elected to the United States congress, but he was defeated. He was a a candidate for the Senate, but again he lost. Although Lincoln more than er s a i d, "W a i t, dear. Don't get so discouraged. Do you know the story of Abraham Lincoln?" "Oh. yes! Miss Guzman told our class yesterday that he was one of the Americ~n presidents. He set the Ne•Teacher, P. Gomez Elementary, School, Manila. once did not succeed in being elected, he was never discouraged so badly that he gave up. He kept on trying and succeeded. He became one of the greatest men of his time. "Well, Mother, I think I'll try again," said Mariana, this time with a ·(Please tum to page 52.)