Letters from a Father to his son


Part of The Sugar Cane Planter

Letters from a Father to his son
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
2 THE SUGAR CANE PLANTER [DECEMBER, 1937 (A monthly feature of +he Sugar Cane Planter. Magazine) December 20, 1937. DEAR SON: The spirit of Christmas is in the air and the message of the angel, "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," rings. It is a pity that while we are enjoying our Christmas here, people in other parts of the world are fighting, killing each other and killing the peaceful men, women and children. The sick and the non-combatants are not spared from the hellish design of a nation to subdue another. Sometimes t;\is feeling-the knowledge that most men believe in might as right~makes a person cynical. It gives ohe the feeling that he must prepare to face life, to be strong to meet all the emergencies, to develop himself, for he can help others only after he finds that he is able to take care of himself. Take yourself for example. Y ou know that 1 am deeply interested in you. You know that 1 would rather give life up for your sake. Yet with all this spirit of sacrifice, 1 cannot help you as much as you1 can help yourself. 1 can help you financially, 1 can help you physically when you are near me, but you have to shape your O\Vn destiny and most of the helping must come from yourself, especially when you are alone. Thus you will find yourself deeply interested in your own self. This may be called selfishness. But it is not if you are developing yourself for service. When'you are strong, capable and wise, you can help others more. For you can help others better when you do not need help yourself. So, develop yourself, gain wisdom and gaiff understanding. Your happiness depends largély on how you have developed. We can see it in nations today. The Chinese people! who for centuries were peaceful and happy in their own way, find Christ:rnas this year, bleak and dreary. Their homes are gone, thefr love ones are -gone and they themselves may be lying in the hospital minus an arm ora Leg, or perhaps just waiting for the Grim Reaper to call the time for departure. Simply because the Chine-se people, believing in their own way of preserving peace, did not develop according to the rules set by modern nations. They did not prepare for war. lt is paradoxical when one thinks that the human rule is "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," and then we see actually that there is no peace because of greed, national vaunt and love of power. Let us hope for peace, let us serve mankind, but we must also be prepared and keep our powder dry so that we can guard the peace of our own people. Lovingly yours, FATHER. Please Patronize Our Advertisers