The Message this month


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Message this month
Panlasigui, I.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Message from The Young Citizen towards their readers.
78 THE YOUNG CITIZEN qhe MJrSSAG1r this M()l\JTll THE HAPPY CHILD! Children like to be happy ! . . Fathers and mothers like their children to be happy! Everybody · Ilkes children to be happy! February, 1999 So fathers, mothers,. teachers-everybody-tries to make children happy. How? Vv ell, sometimes father and mother let their child just do as he pleases. · They give him everything he wants. And the child does as he pleases. If he does · not like to go school, he stays at home. If he does not like the food, he makes his father or mother give him some other food. If he wants some candy, he must have candy, or else' he cries or he does not want to do anything for father or mother. Do you think this child is happy? I do not think he is. He _only makes his father and mother very unhappy. And certainly ·a child should not make his parents unhappy. He should make them happy, especially when his parents are getting old. · Now ! Who is the happy child? Well, read again what you have already read above and you wili see the unhappy child. Would you like to be just like him? Of course, you do not want that. Then try to do just the opposite things and I am sure you will be the happy child. The happy child, then, is the one who loves his parents.· And !~ because he loves them he does not want to do anything that makes them unhappy. · · -DR. I. PANLASIGUl