Parts of your body [quiz]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Parts of your body [quiz]
Domine, Faustino
Questions and answers.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A quiz about parts of the body.
February, 1989 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 69 Parts of Your Body By FAUSTINO DOMINE• What part (or parts) of your body is : 1. The name of things used in building a house? (Write the answer in the blank.) 2. The name of the ripened fruits of a cereal secured hundreds of years ago from the American Indians and grown extensively · in the Philippines?------"-----3. A word which sounds like a pronoun which you often use? 4. The name of a part of a tree? --5. The name of the leader of a group? 6. A word which tells how cats drink? 7. The name of a length of twelve inches? 8. A name which sounds like the name cf a swift-running rodent with long ears? 9. The name of a growth on one's foot caused by ill-fitting shoes ? - - - - - - 10. The name of weapons of offense and defense?-------------• 11. A name which sounds the same as the name of a male deer? -------12. A name which sounds the s.ame as the name of a painter's tablet on which to mix paints? - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13. A name which sounds the same as an adjective which describes a conceited person? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14. The name of a weapon used for whipping an offender in some states or coun• Principal, Pototan Academy, Pototan, Iloilo. Geography CrossWord Puzzle By ELISEO L. CARBONELL •. HORIZONTALS : 1. A valley in Italy . . 2. The chief commercial center in the Philippines. 3. A C'hartered city in the Visayan islands. 4. The summer capital of the Philippines. 5. A city in Japan. 6. A famous city in Italy. 7. A large country of South America. 8. A river of northern Asia. (Answers on page 79) • Principal, Calumbaga Elementary School, Bauang, La Union. tries? 15. The name of something which many persons chew? (An&wers on 77.) PARTS OF YOUR BODY (Answers to questions) 1. nails 2. eats 3. eye (I) 4. t r u n k 5. head 6. lap 7. foot 8. hair (hare) 9. corn 10. arms 11. heart (hart) 12. palate- (palette) 13. vein (vain) 14. lash 15. gum