The What-are-you-doing? Club


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The What-are-you-doing? Club
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
The Editor of The Young Citizen has organized a new club. Any boy or girl who reads The Young Citizen may become a member of this club, even though not a subscriber. Each of the writers of the best compositions will receive a prize.
February, 1939 How I Made My Shop Project Prize Composition By REMIGIO TANCHINGCO (12 years old) After I had decided upon the project which I would make in the sc'hool shop, I made a project plan which was approved by my teacher. I bought a piece of wood for four centavos. I planed the wood so that it was very smooth. When the wood was ready for sawing, I placed the pattern on it. Then I sawed· the wood according to the pattern. It did not take long to finish the sawing. In order to make the sides smooth, I used a file. Then I sandpapered it so as to make it smoother yet. After that I sandpapered it a second time, and then my project was ready for assembling. The assembling was not difficult. I nailed it together with small nails; I used a light weight hammer. ·After I had finished my project, I inspected it carefully. Then I asked my teacher to examine it. He looked it over carefully, and sail:} it was all right. I had made a neat looking and useful cigarette stand. THE YOUNG CITIZEN CLUD ~ \!> Raising Vegetables in My Garden Prize Composition By SIRINIO QUENI~~O (12 years old) First, I planted seeds in the seed boxes. After planting the seeds, I watered the soil, and loosely covered the boxes with a little dry grass. In a few days the seeds began to grow. After a while the young. plants were .ready for transplanting in the garden plots. Late in the afternoon I set out the seedlings, a'nd watered each one after it was set out. The following morning I went to my garden very early, I covered the tender plants so they would not be burned by the sun. In the evening l took the covers off, and watered my plants .. I did this for five d.ays. Then I removed the ~overs and laid them aside. Eac·h afternoon I cultivated and watered my plants. I pulled up any weeds that appeared, and I cleaned and swept the :paths. By and by the fruits and vegetables in my garden were ready to be harvested. I ·gathered them, and took them to the market, where I sold them. 79 Selected Compositions My Experience as a Baker In April, during the school vacation, I had a ~hance to work in my uncle's bakery. My uncle's -bakery was one of the most popular in that town, so we had to work all day and even late at night. I had never been .a baker before, so the other workers had to teach me. They watched me carefully to see that· I did not make any mistakes. I worked in this bakery during my entire vacation. -Silverino P. Villa (14 years old). My Vacation Trip The news came to us that the vokano in Albay was about to have an eruption, so some of us started for the place. At ten o'clock in the evening we reaC'hed the former town of Daraga. We found a · place to stay, and remained for two days near the volcano. We took many kodak pictures of the ·volcano and places nearby. After two days, we retur~­ ~d home. I enjoyed my vacation trip very much.-Juan Ramos (13 11ears old).