Chats with the editor


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Chats with the editor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
80 First, a chat with our teachers in the Philippinesthat group • of men and women who are moulding the future citizens of ·the nation : We are making a sincere effort to provide for you, fellow teachers, a valuable aid by means of The Young Citizen. Your edit.or was for years a teacher and a supervisor both in the Philippines and the United States, and consequently realizes the splendid help which teachers can secure from the pages of The Young Citizen. The purpose of our magazine is to provide entertaining and educational reading . matter, games, devices, et cetera which will encourage boys and girls to read and enjoy reading, and to do things which will help to make them alert and active. We believe that this purpose will be found very helpful to teachers in their work. The Bureau of Education has approved The Young Citizen not only for the upper grades (4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th) of the Elementary Schools, but the approval of the Bureau includes primary grades (2nd and 3rd) in which grades pupils are able to read easy material. Primary teachers will find in our magazine ample material for grades one, two, and three, which material, we THE YOUNG CITIZEN are confident, pupils ~ill be able :to read and enjoy. These articles, prepared by experts actually at work in the field, are selected, graded, a n d edited with extreme care. From experience we know that there are many teachers of ability in the public schools of the Philippines-principals and assistant principals of high sC'hools .and elementary schools, primary teachers, intermediate teachers, h i g h school teachers, teachers of special subjects such as domestic science, gardening, woodworking, health education, music, and so forth. The list of capable teachers in the Islands is no doubt a lengthy one. M.any such instructorsoutstanding in their particular fields of education-are quite able to write interesting and worthwhile articles for publication ·in The Young Citizen. And not only will such articles bring pecuniary reward to those who write · them, but they will be a great help to other teachers. We receive numerous arti. cles of merit for publication in The Young Citizen, and a number of teachers are adding at least something to their income by writing for us interesting stories .and articles in elementary science, good citizenship, hea1th edu- · cation, and primary educaFebruary, 1939 tion. But we know there are many outstanding teachers who have, as yet, not sent us any articles for publication. ·Let us hear from these teachers. We would like to buy many more articles for The Young Citizen. Why don't you try your hand at writing something for our magazine? You may be ablEl to write an article which is very acceptable to us. By placing a contribution in The Young Citizen, you will be sending it to all parts of the Philippines, so .that your fell ow teachers, as well as the boys and girls of other schools, may enjoy and profit by your efforts. · Of course, we gladly pay teachers and others for articles which we can use. Read our ·advertisement on the front inside cover of this number of The Young Citizen. Then prepare and send us something worthwhile in your particular field of teaching. And now, a mom.ent's chat · with the boys and girls : We wish to hear from you, too, with good compositions for The What-AreYou-Doing? Club. We receive many such articles from boys and girls, but we would like to receive many more. Don't forget that each month we give two prizes for the two best compositions.The Editor.